Letter to a Mainstream Straddler
Live Not by Half-Lies
Margaret Anna Alice

I get it. You don’t want to be called a “conspiracy theorist.”
You don’t want to be tarred an “anti-vaxxer.” A “science-denier.” A “far right-wing extremist.”
You’ve got your reputation to protect. Your credibility. Your grant funding.
So you water down the truth. You tiptoe around it. You don’t go there.
And the philanthropaths, the tyrants, the Big Liars, the demociders, and their enablers continue to profit. Continue to conspire. Continue to torture. Continue to slaughter.
They tell you right to your face what they’re doing.
But if you turn around and quote them, you’re the crazy one.
If you ask why a child, teen, athlete, or other healthy adult suddenly had a heart attack, got turbo cancer, or died, you’re the “truly disgusting” one.
If you provide scientific evidence that a warp-sped experimental injection being peddled by a trillion-dollar industry in collusion with governments, federal agencies, the media, and Big Tech is dangerous, you—not the corporations raking in billions—are the grifter.
If you ask what’s causing the sudden deaths and injuries that began surging in 2021 in hopes of preventing future such tragedies, you’re “morally reprehensible” (and yet “mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths … may be necessary”).

If you point out that we should maybe think twice about pushing a product estimated to have killed thirteen million human beings and counting, you are the “major killing force globally” and guilty of “undermin[ing] public confidence” in said product.
If you call genocide genocide, you are the enemy, the misinformation spreader, the anti–semite.
If you dare point out Never Again is already happening, you get inquisitioned—even though Holocaust survivors and their relatives agree.
If you call out governments for practicing totalitarianism and enacting policies that cause lethal collateral damage, you’re the granny-killer.
If you challenge people to face the livid, electrifying grief of those who have lost loved ones to financially incentivized hospicide, you are making them uncomfortable.
You know you’re living in a world of lies when the mob is more enraged at the whistleblowers revealing the deceptions, corruption, and murder than they are at the lying liars, corrupt corrupters, and murdering murderers themselves—indeed, they trip over themselves racing to defend their narcissistic abusers.
As Edward Snowden says:
When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals!”
But guess what?
Once they start calling you all those hideous names, you realize they’re nothing more than magician’s smoke.
You gradually start to give fewer and fewer f*cks.
You know you’ve hit zero when you feel the exhilarating liberation that comes from shouting the unfettered truth.
That’s the words-can-never-hurt-you stage.
You become untouchable.
You start collecting libels like Purple Hearts.
The more scars you can count, the more evidence of your efficacy, your threat to the hegemony.
That’s when you can truly LIVE. And by truth, not by lies.
If enough of us stand up and do that, we can hold the perpetrators accountable. We can present the unadulterated evidence of their crimes. And we can find justice … or die trying—like the members of the White Rose, whose piercing words still ring out nearly a century later:
“We will not keep silent. We are your guilty conscience.”
I’m going to tell you a secret.
Stick it out long enough, and that tarnished reputation turns into burnished gold.
Because when you are slandered by the propagandists, that means you are the good guy, even though the menticided public believes the opposite.
In Upside-Down World, persisting in seeing things right-side up—despite the incessant, relentless, never-ending gaslighting—means you have valiantly guarded your most precious possessions: your integrity and your sanity.
As e.e. cummings writes:
To be nobody but
yourself in a world
which is doing its best day and night to make you like
everybody else means to fight the hardest battle
which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.”
Most gratifying of all, you will find fellow members of your karass, and together you will set about fulfilling your wampeter.
Once you are living in alignment with your values, you will feel the deepest joy fathomable.
And when the COVID criminals have been found guilty, when the spells dissolve, the people will gradually awaken from their coma and recognize you for the hero you are.
Or not. Most will be too ashamed to admit they’ve been conned. To realize they shielded fascist tyrants and attacked those trying to rescue them.
Few find that courageous humility within themselves to acknowledge their complicity in totalitarianism.
And so they will swathe themselves in soothing denial and lash out at anyone who tries to puncture it.
But you will keep trying, anyway. Because that’s what truth-tellers do. That’s what people who care about saving lives do. That’s what people of integrity do, whether or not anyone ever recognizes it.
You know in your heart what is true, and you speak it. And no one one can ever shut you up again.
Even if they kill you.
Your bravery will outlive you.
Your words will remain like candles, lighting the path for future truth-droppers. And you will be at peace, in life and beyond.
Margaret Anna examines propaganda, neuropsychology, culture, linguistic programming, and mass control in her aim to awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Visit her blog to read more of her work or buy her a coffee.
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🙄 Actually if they threaten to kill me I’m switching sides. 😉
Margaret Anna Alice.gotta commit to memory…well written and inspiring!
I have been writing about all this for a while on my blogsite meanderingsofacommonman.com I am a proud conspiracy theorist which in my mind means that I have no faith in any official narrative our government puts out there. I remember a doc, I forgot his name, but at the time he said “what’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and reality? Usually about 6 weeks.” It taken a lot longer for people to wake up than I thought, but it is happening, hopefully not to late. While it’s nice when some vindication comes around, it’s to late to get my job back, my life back, my future back. I’m just thankful God has my back, because my country sure doesn’t.
Haven’t believed the media OR Government for years! 90% of the time I assume the OPPOSITE of what they say is the truth until proven otherwise.
Ah, written by an individual with a fine command of the English language. Obviously not one of my fellow Americans. (Many years ago, we spoke English in the United States. We don’t do that anymore)
So absolutely true. Very wise words Margaret. The truth will eventually burn it’s detractors much like the water that melted the wicked witch of the west.
”The truth will out,” quoth the Bard, true then and true today, and no amount of artificial gandaspew will stop it.
Not through me.Amen.
Sheer eloquence.
Beautifully written.
And all TRUE.
Very good!
Science has devolved into Scientism more closely related to religions and their ‘heretics’ than to science.
Very wells said. Bravo! Thank you!
Exactly right!
Powerful and accurate TRUTH TELLING.
“You shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall set you free” (Jesus Christ quote)
Y O U are an excellent writer/communicator!!
K E E P I T G O I N G 🌞
The med.industry defines a “very rare” harm as 0.1-0.01%. If 1.3 billion jabs killed 13 million, they are within this definition. I can’t access the paper, only Steve Kirsh’s summary. That summary is wrong in stating that most of the victims were old and frail. As the jab was rolled out to lower age groups down to infants, they too dropped dead from unprecedented harms.
Extrapolating from Denis Rancourts estimates we get a figure of about 30 million deaths. I don’t have an estimate of those maimed and disabled. Not good enough for Kill Gates. He understandably pulled his investment from the clot shot industry.
Unless my math is wrong, 13 million deaths from 1.3 billion jabs is 1%. That’s statistically significant.
I am with you. Nicely said.
Beautifully and eloquently stated. Spot on!!
Psyop Science = Psyence.
Excellent piece.
The Crisis in Scientific Publication: Peer Review, Authorship, Responsibility, and the Future of Science
…“peer review no longer maintains standards in academic publishing, but rather covers up the gaming of citation and authorship that undermines these standards.”
“It is also important to remember that editors of some leading journals are aware of this and have been for a long time:
Horton again: “(M)edical journals have devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry.” Yes, we know this now, thanks to The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine, reviewed here previously. This is also covered extensively using different but complementary sources by Stuart Macdonald, who is particularly attuned to the history of sketchy practices in scholarly publishing.”
Watched a great interview with Dowd and Carlson. He truly is a good man as he does not seek profit from his stance. They had a good laugh about our silly government is sunny South Africa. The ANC are such morons they buggered up the administrating the ‘vax’ so we were save by their incompetence. 😂 Most of the country is either not ‘vaxxed’ or the dose was expired or the wrong temperature.
There was a gruesome photograph of a 14 year old in your country that was horribly maimed by a clot shot administered at the end of 2022.
I don’t really believe in karma,
but when it happens it’s kinda funny
{don’t think I got that 2nd link to work, but the first has all the details
Unfortunately the Kens & Karens have named their terms:
They won’t ever “admit” they eff’d up unless they die,
which of course means that they never personally need to admit that they were in the wrong
(which by extension means that at least subconsciously, they know it)
“And as for him who lacks the courage to defend even his own soul: Let him not brag of his progressive views, boast of his status as an academician or a recognized artist, a distinguished citizen or general. Let him say to himself plainly: I am cattle, I am a coward, I seek only warmth and to eat my fill.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, ‘Live Not by Lies’ written before he was arrested on 12th February, 1974.
Now all the truths are coming out about what Matt Hancock, the UK health secretary, did in March / April 2020 discharging elderly people back into care homes from hospitals (no matter what they were in there for) without testing them for covid thereby ensuring lots of elderly people caught whatever it was that was going around, were put on ‘end of life care’ aka midazolam and died. The purpose of this emptying of hospital wards was for the influx of covid patients they were expecting but there wasn’t an influx – the hospitals were relatively quiet and people were dying elsewhere. They were also dying because DNRs were being put on elderly and disabled people. What I can’t understand about this, apart from the basic evil of it all, is that we were told about what they were doing at the time in the mainstream media. It was presented as an obvious thing that had to be done. People were told to stay at home even if they had covid till their lips turned blue and only then could they go (unaccompanied) to the emergency rooms. Only one person I’ve mentioned this to remembers it (and she’s pretty much awake now to what’s been going on). Did people blank everything that was going on back in 2020 because the people doing it really didn’t hide it?
Thousands miles away when American idiots said care homes, I thought ok our UK Elderly will be looked after, pensioners and relatives etc. You cannot be serious not knowing what dnr is between a family member and nursing staff members.
You must be Bloody kidding Me!
An American thinks Private Care Home facilities! From x thousands of miles away I found out about ours up and down so so. Rest is up to relatives, community etc.
Covid was a psyop.
And it remains
Beautiful…..thank you for sharing this.
As each day goes by there are more incidents of people, who got the experimental injections, getting blood clots. This is now becoming a reality for the public.
Everyone knows someone who has had this happen to them.
Stay close to The Truth…..that is the only REALITY that will save us. Peace to Everyone.
The underlying issue of what this article talks about is as follows. Why are people today such a bunch of unprincipled fucks? Willing to turn a blind eye not only to unspeakable atrocities our world does to some barefooted, bearded shepherds in mountains on the other side of the world, but also to an assault on our own society, our people, our kids, ourselves?
Even if you acknowledge that to a certain extent, the above is done in good faith, meaning that people are acting as useful idiots, actually being so thick as to believe that they’re doing the right thing, exporting democracy and saving the lives of weaker members of society, adherence to actual principles, courage to stand up against evil, willingness to do what’s right regardless of the consequences – all that is essentially non-existent. Despite the fact that the general sense is that we live in a time where the contrary is the case.
What is it that would make people embrace real spiritual values, rather than live to consume heaps and heaps of shit?
You correct Kurt. Are you protesting against Trudeau every day and did you ride with the convoy in when that shit Trudeau basically called you hard working truckers traitors and un-Canadian.
If you did then kudos to you, if you didn’t then…
If I were protesting against Turdo, I’d be implicitly acknowledging that this person has authority over me. The fuck doesn’t. I have nothing to protest against. The Turd has no jurisdiction over me.
I’m a free creature, brought to this world by my mother and father to live my life free as a bird, which I do. The Turd or anybody else doesn’t even to begin to enter into any of that.
I only laterally worry about Turdo because I see how he’s fucking with people who foolishly stand under him, allow themselves to be subjugated thereby, elect him as their slaver, etc. I gently try to explain to them that it would be in their best interest to step out of the cage of their prison mentality, for the door is wide open. I’m thinking that it’s your case too.
That’s about it as far as le Trou d’eau is concerned.
Hope this clears it up for ya …
Stop voting for warmongers.
‘Why are people today such a bunch of unprincipled fucks?’
Do you know the difference between a (man’s) $10 haircut and $200 haircut? $190.
Spare yourself the $200,000 Yale, Harvard education. Just buy the sweatshirt. Here’s their bottom line education, re: covid, BDS, and a slew of other things: When it comes between doing the right thing in your life and doing the smart thing, do the smart thing every time.
Class dismissed.
I’m in a very angry phase.And am absolutely frustrated.
Going along in my day and and I have to endure the most monstrous stupidity…I hear them talking on the radio..’A person with a uterus”—you mean a Woman??? you fuccking idiots on the CBC.
An old friend- on his own substack page- says to boycot a grocery store in Paris “because it has ties to Russia”and calls them “war profiteers.” Oh god forbid!Warprofiteers! Geeze-did you miss out on the US-selling natural gas at 4X the amount Russia sold its gas to EU.Or that $100 billion is filtering in to Ukraine from the US-stolen from it’s citizens and into the pocket of penis-playing pianist Zelensky?
He was so smart when we grew up and taught me so many things. And now he is a dunce. Over the years time has chipped away at all these sacred cows and it hard to bare. And nobody cares or it’s like they are barely alive-when you bring this stiff to their attention.And then I panic. As I’ve got nowhere to turn-at least from the past-it’s unrecognizable in content and connections.Friends want to have us over for dinner for a birthday-they were afraid of us-they did not want to be around us for two years.Good friends. And, I lost friends.And it was painful.It’s still painful because it’s still going on.It’s not Covid:Now It’s Ukraine and Gender shit.But I can’t hold a grudge because -where does it end? So, it’s either Tequilla, Mushrooms,cigaretts, anti depressants or meditation-which is really Hard.But supposedly it changes the personality structure.
I don’t want to sound pathetic, but we’re living through a historic moment of truth. People literally have to decide whether they make a deal with the Devil or whether they’ll stay pure, true to the intrinsic greater good.
Most people have already signed a pact with the Devil or have their brains too dulled by all the propositions the Devil keeps making and therefore have no clue as to what’s going on.
Anybody who has resisted the untold crap foisted on humanity, has been asking question, pondering issues deserved utmost praise, for they represent the Good in humanity. These are the people who will prevail, while the rest who sell their soul, whether willingly because of fucking greed or less willingly because of fear and stupidity, will sooner or later perish or be trans-mutated into androids or the borg of whatever.
thank’s Kurt.
Losing foolish friends is a tragedy in youth, a joy in age.
Beautiful. Thankyou.
This is how I feel today.Today.In the broadest sense:
“When you were young and your heart
Was an open book
You used to say live and let live
(You know you did)
(You know you did)
(You know you did)
But if this ever changin’ world
In which we’re livin’
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die”
Good sign or bad sign ? A green member of the NSW parliament has decided to run as a marijuana candidate in the upcoming state election in a few weeks time..If elected, will he remain true ?
Is it possible that not all philanthropists are philanthropaths ?
Ms Rockefeller’s Cannabis Farm (13 June 2021):
Regenerative agriculture, Australia needs LOTS of it…
Maybe Jesus (whoever he was) was on the money:
‘And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.’
For ‘Christ’ insert Leader, Oligarch or Scientist.
He tipped the tables of the shysters. Most people help prop the tables up.
We bow to a God of our own making, our own choosing, a god with imagined authority over an imagined being. And to this we bow and lay prostrate in person.
Your words bounce off the ears of the insane….
“Your words bounce of the ears of the insane.”
So, insane people never hear the words?
Trying to understand what you mean. But anyone who says “we bow to a God of our own making” is talking about a pagan, someone who literally makes a god from matter.
So, I guess you’re talking about pagans AND the insane?
If not, if you’re just trying to bash people who believe in something bigger than themselves – and given how life began just 500 million years after the primordial earth cooled, literally tens of billions of years before the first proteins could have possibly arranged themselves into living organisms by random chance – then it sounds like you’re bowing to a god….who looks very much like that fellow you see in the mirror when you shave.
Funny how atheists are the biggest, most rock-solid believers of all, not a smidgen of doubt in a universe packed with mysteries and miracles that defy all probability and mathematical chance. A rock solid belief in randomness is, indeed, FAITH!
“Even if they kill you, your bravery will outlive you.”
I can’t give a shit. If society gets so weird my life is broadly threatened, I’ll let them enjoy the stinking world they created for themselves.
Standing up is the right thing to do & shit but really at the end of the day you have one life and one life only. Live it to the best of your abilities and opportunities. Quit shit that’s dragging you down.
Yep and the MSM has tons of it all ready to dump on a gullible public.
In the sciences, people quickly come to regard as their own personal property that which they have learned and had passed on to them at the universities and academies. If however, someone else now comes along with new ideas that contradict the Credo (that has been recited for years and passed on in turn to others) and in fact even threaten to overturn it, then all passions are raised against this threat and no method is left untried to suppress it. People resist it in every way possible: pretending not to have heard about it; speaking disparagingly of it, as if it were not even worth the effort of looking into the matter. And so a new truth can have a long wait before finally being accepted.
The only thing in the middle of a road is a dead skunk. All my life I’ve heard how you have to be practical, know how to pick your battles, blah, blah, blah, and compromise your way through life, until you’re dead before you’re dead, and stinking to high heaven from all the corruption you’re carrying. Most individuals’ social ethic seems little more than etiquette of going along to get along, summed up by Upton Sinclair’s observation of the practical improbability of persuading people of a position contrary to their bought and paid for conscience. How many have been wage slaves so long that eventual disposal as useless eaters comes easily, like soma to assuage the last gasps of one’s soul?
“next to of course god america i
love you land of the pilgrims’ and so forth oh
say can you see by the dawn’s early my
country ’tis of centuries come and go
and are no more what of it we should worry
in every language even deafanddumb
thy sons acclaim your glorious name by gorry
by jingo by gee by gosh by gum
why talk of beauty what could be more beaut–
iful than these heroic happy dead
who rushed like lions to the roaring slaughter
they did not stop to think they died instead
then shall the voice of liberty be mute?”
He spoke. And drank rapidly a glass of water.
-e.e. cummings
Graud whore for neoliberalism, having undergone a Damascene revelation that there truly is such a thing as society after all (as long as it plays into the overlord appetite), Simon Jenkins frets:
“Whatever the merits of the Hancock leaks, this much is clear: Britain needs to speed up its Covid inquiry”
No problem at all Simon. Here. I’ll deliver your covid enquiry:
“Not enough was done! Lockdown should have been made permanent! Masks should have been welded to faces! Vaccines should have been siphoned into the public water supply! Everyone should have been ordered under their bed and chained up there! It was criminally irresponsible that this didn’t happen!”
More power to your wampeter.
These NWO freaks will not stop until you own nothing, not even the clothes you stand up in. Treat all official western spook narratives like reflections in a mirror.
See you on the barricades.
Media crap working in serial formation:
This may be more sinister than a mere psy-op:
“The controversial concept of purposely deflecting the sun’s rays to cool down an overheating Earth should be further studied, according to a group of scientists headed by James Hansen, the renowned former Nasa climate researcher.
An open letter from more than 60 scientists across the US, Canada and Europe warns that it is “increasingly unlikely” the world will remain below 2C of heating beyond pre-industrial times, due to a failure to slash greenhouse gas emissions, requiring a “rigorous, rapid scientific assessment” of previously outlandish proposals for solar geoengineering to provide rapid cooling.”
Do scientists normally write “open letters”? Or would it be rash of me to propose a blatant media pantomime whose purpose is for the overlords to announce what they are planning next?
And perhaps like The Simpsons’ Mr Burns (in an episode which may have been more than a bit of flamboyant entertainment), the psychopath ruling contingent actually plan to dim the suns rays thereby cutting off nourishment to a vast number of organisms including of course the “useless eaters”.
They are already doiing it.
They have tried to make an enemy of our life-giving Sun (the Light of the world) for some years now. Skin cancer has been demonized as the parasites push toxic skin creams, hats, protective clothing, sunglasses, vitamin D, etc. They promote foods and drugs which do make some people sensitive to light.
Keeping us all in the dark – physically and metaphorically.
We know that climate change is all lies, and I do not believe the parasites have the power to dim our mighty Sun. Their plan is to try and make Nature the enemy. This is just more distraction and fear porn.
At Starbucks no doubt., yes pet. Bit intimidating Anna, I’ve never meet a walking Web library before. Wait a minute, White Rose, yes Mam I have at Wombwell.
Your Wellcome.
Think on no pc ’18 ..Well. first a Single person is two, mum and dad. My Mom liked Tea, being a British Boy I liked a cup of Coffee. No reasoning I can think of, just did. A Person grows up, growing I loved Italian people and always wanted to.learn the language. My Dad loved Italians as well, we were both terrible at speaking the language but it appeared to Italians it didn’t matter..even when we travelled to Italy.
That’s all I have right now. Well?
Maybe the first ‘lab leak’ stories was Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein’s Monster”.Maybe having seen the movie is why so many accept the ‘lab leak’ story ?
Maybe the first ‘gain of function’ was when our great ancestress Eve took a bite of That Apple ?That’s if gullibility, and defiance, are gain of function traits…(of course, it wouldnt have happened if God hadnt invented private proptery, namely That Exclusive Apple Tree (TEAT)…
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-02-27. $400m royalties paid by Moderna for mRNA to agency formerly led by Fauci. What Did They Get Right? (blog, gab, tweet).
The following article takes misinformation to new heights. Or maybe this is standard mainstream stuff.
Is sudden cardiac arrest in young new? Telangana records 4 cases in ten days (newsmeter.in)
Under the section ‘Covid 19 and heart problems’ it says: ‘Covid-19 can cause myocarditis’.
Then there’s a section titled ‘No evidence that Covid 19 vaccine causes death’.
Surely even Guardian readers are aware that the vaccines cause myocarditis, even if they repeat frequently that it’s a very rare side effect.
Don’t comply with obedience to a system run by evil elites.
You can’t convince those who have been following. They’ll come or not. Turn your back on this dystopian madness.
Their authority comes from your obedience.
Wow, many thanks for this absolutely smashing article. Hits one between the eyes…
I’ll be sending it to all those who’ve deeply insulted me for my truth-telling, and to those fellow ‘knowers’ who’ve also persisted with truth-telling, and who’ll just LOVE the sentiment of the phrase “Stick it out long enough, and that tarnished reputation turns into burnished gold”.
Hope to see more from this author on Off-G.
Thank you for your warm words and for enthusiastically sharing, Lulu. I am delighted to welcome you as a new reader.
You would right not seeing believing in an overall picture. Is it because your a woman. I ask because my Art says all I witness is a Political medium of Scientific female expressionism through the dramatist protracted period. Which we are currently experiencing. Imo
At which point is open to interpretation a Single Person may find themselves. I have freely given up a picture of myself in this web opportunity omitting a posture of a vogue student.
“We will know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false” William Casey Director of CIA
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” Eric Arthur Blair aka George Orwell
We are indeed living in times of universal deceit, where everything is based upon lies, distortion and deceit, so those of us who live by TRUTH, speak it and share are in fact revolutionaries of the highest order. Stay strong!
Eric is Swiss Arthur is the Round table it’s ok Eric is only a champion in any Language. E. Blair animal shelter aka farm.
BRICS multipolar savior Lula of Brazil: “The vaccine is a guarantee of life. That’s why I took my fifth vaccine today. And if there is a sixth, I will take the sixth. If there is a seventh, I will take the seventh.”
Please do, Lula.
Exactly! Lulas are ten a penny and easily replaced. Truth remains pure gold.
Get back to us when you’re 93, Lool.
That “guarantee of life” sounds really interesting.
I thought only religious people claimed such things, but of course they are thinking about their spiritual life, rather than your kind.
aye the executive saline shot
Wasn’t you conned with the whole Trump then Ron DeSantis nonsense Margaret ..?
Eff no.
Written by you….
Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis
Dear Governor DeSantis,
I’m not a big fan of politicians. I probably only need one hand to count the ones who appear to possess a whit of integrity, rationality, and moral courage—off the top of my head, Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Johnson, Ron
1 Paul, Brian Peckford, and you.
I wont bother with the Trump one as you’ve forgotten you wrote that . !!!!
Thank you for providing the link, Woowoo, as anyone who bothers to read the full context will recognize that I am giving credit where credit is due and citing specific instances in which DeSantis did not fall into lockstep COVID tyranny while critiquing him for locking down and calling on him to veto HB 7021.
Your efforts are amusing but baseless, particularly in regards to the megalomaniacal Democidal Father of Operation Warp Speed, whom I have never and will never support.
Keep playing your little partisan games if you wish, but those of us who are awake understand that is how the globalist puppeteers divide and distract us from the matters of genuine import.
As I write in my first essay, A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer:
To quote Russell Blake:
Russell’s full post is well worth a read.
Thank you for providing the link, Woowoo, as anyone who bothers to read the full context will recognize that I am giving credit where credit is due and citing specific instances in which DeSantis did not fall into lockstep COVID tyranny while critiquing him for locking down and calling on him to veto HB 7021.
Your efforts are amusing but baseless, particularly in regards to the megalomaniacal democidal Father of Operation Warp Speed, whom I have never and will never support.
Keep playing your little partisan games if you wish, but those of us who are awake understand that is how the globalist puppeteers divide and distract us from the matters of genuine import.
[Note: This is the first part of a comment I tried to post earlier but which appears to be stuck in limbo. I am trying it without the links in case that is the issue. Hopefully, admin will approve my pending comment so people can read the missing portion.]
Governments are Global Corporations sometimes we have wait for others catch up.