Western Oligarchy
Simon Elmer

One of the obstacles to understanding the managed and apparently deliberate destruction of the small and medium-sized businesses that in the UK have decreased in number by half a million since 2020 and the removal of our national sovereignty on the justification of saving us from, by turns, a health crisis, an environmental crisis, an energy crisis or a cost-of-living crisis, is the question of how anyone can benefit from doing so. It’s always difficult to look into the future and predict what is going to happen, but we can look back on and try to learn from the recent past.
If we want to know where this impoverishment and disenfranchisement of the British people is leading and who will benefit, we could do worse than look at what happened to Russia in the 1990s.
When Mikhail Gorbachev became General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in March 1985, he immediately began his programme of perestroika (‘restructuring’) the economic and political policy of the USSR. Five years later, in September 1990, under the policy reform called glasnost (‘openness’), the Soviet Parliament granted Gorbachev, now the newly elected President of the USSR, emergency powers of privatisation. This included the authority to transform state-owned enterprises into joint-stock companies with shares offered on stock exchanges. After Gorbachev’s resignation and the formal dissolution of the USSR in December 1991, the first Russian President, Boris Yeltsin, initiated a programme of privatisation that sought to compress twenty years of Western neoliberalism into a few years in a country whose population had no experience of how finance capitalism works.
Two years later, more than 85 per cent of Russian small businesses and more than 82,000 Russian state-owned companies, about one-third of the total in existence, had been privatised.
One of the first initiatives was Voucher Privatisation, which between 1992 and 1994 distributed 144 million vouchers that could be converted into stock shares in more than 100,000 state-owned companies among 98 per cent of the Russian population, in principle giving each citizen a share of the national wealth. However, the Russian worker, impoverished and increasingly unemployed by the rapid dismantling of the Soviet economy, had little understanding of shareholder capitalism, and these vouchers were almost entirely bought up for a few rubles by Russian bureaucrats, who had a clearer idea of the state of the Russian economy, state-owned company directors, who had a better grasp of the value of Russian resources, and the mafia, who after years of trading Western commodities on the Soviet black market had a better idea of the future value of these shares.
By the end of June 1994, ownership of 70 per cent of Russia’s large and medium-sized companies and about 90 per cent of its small businesses had been transferred into private hands.
In 1995, with the Government facing a fiscal deficit and in return for funding his re-election campaign, Yeltsin initiated the Loans for Shares scheme, through which state industrial assets in petroleum, gas, coal, iron and steel were auctioned for loans by commercial banks. Since these loans were never returned, largely because they were used to pay off the interest on existing Government debt, and because the auctions were rigged by political insiders, the state assets were effectively sold for a fraction of their value. Yukos Oil, for example, worth around $5 billion, was sold for $310 million; Sibneft, the third-largest producer of oil in Russia and worth $3 billion, was sold for $100 million; and Norilsk Nickel, which produced a quarter of the world’s nickel, sold for $170 million, half as much as a competing bid.
This scheme created a new class of oligarchs (from the Ancient Greek oligarkhía, ‘rule by the few’), industrialists and bankers who now controlled not just the Russian economy but also its Government. Conscious, however, that future governments might reverse Yeltsin’s carpet-sale of the nation’s wealth, the oligarchs, instead of investing in these industries, immediately set about stripping their assets to increase their equity. The vast wealth they accumulated from doing so was invested abroad, largely in Swiss banks, but also into UK property through the largest money-laundering service in the world, the City of London, through which more than £100 billion of ‘dirty money’ continues to pass every year, the bulk of it from Russia and the Ukraine.
This flight of capital out of the country left the Government unable to collect taxes, leading to it defaulting on debt repayments and ultimately to the Russian financial crisis of 1998. When foreign investors began to pull out of the market, selling Russian currency and assets, the Central Bank of Russia, which had only been founded in July 1990, had to spend its foreign reserves to defend Russia’s currency, expending approximately $27 billion of its US dollar reserves. This led to the most cataclysmic peacetime economic collapse of an industrial country in history. By 1999, the gross domestic product of Russia had fallen by more than 40 per cent, and the increase in retail prices by 2,520 per cent in 1992 had wiped out what personal savings the Russian people had accumulated. A decline in meat consumption was mirrored by a huge increase in crime, corruption and mortality, the latter of which reached the highest in history of an industrial country not at war. Unemployment in a country where it had previously been unknown reached 13 per cent. Inflation peaked at 85.7 per cent. Government debt reached 135 per cent of GDP, and Russia, consequently, became the largest borrower from the International Monetary Fund, with loans totalling $20 billion in the 1990s. Little of this served its ostensible purpose, however. A quarter of this sum, some $4.8 billion, was stolen upon its arrival in Russia on the eve of the financial crisis, and disappeared into an anonymous account registered in the offshore tax jurisdiction of Jersey.
If all this sounds familiar, Yeltsin’s reforms were based on the Washington Consensus, ten principles of economic neoliberalisation first implemented in Augusto Pinochet’s Chile and by the Argentinian Junta in the 1970s, and imposed by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the US Treasury as a condition of receiving loans. These include redirecting public spending from funding state services to investment in pro-growth services like education and healthcare; eliminating restrictions on import trade and foreign investment; abolishing regulations on safety, health and polluting the environment that impede the market; and above all privatising state industries.
As a result of these reforms, on October 1998, the Government of Russia, despite being the largest exporter of natural gas and oil reserves in the world, had to appeal for international humanitarian aid. It was a long way but only a short time since the Soviet Union had been one of two world superpowers, and a lesson in how quickly the wealth and national assets of a country can be stripped when its population is exposed naked to the predations of finance capitalism.
Although it has ‘recovered’ to the extent that today — particularly following the rise in energy prices consequent upon the sanctions — Russia is in the top ten largest economies in the world by nominal GDP, per capita it drops to 53rd. A decade ago, the gap between rich and poor in Russia was the largest of any country in the world, with 35 per cent of the wealth of a country of 144 million people owned by just 110 billionaires, with much of that wealth stored in offshore financial jurisdictions. In 2021, the 500 richest Russians, each with a net worth of more than £100 million and making up just 0.001 per cent of the total population, still controlled 40 per cent of the country’s entire household wealth — more than the poorest 99.8 per cent, 114.6 million people, combined. This is what finance capitalism does to a nation and a people without the political and institutional means to protect themselves.
Today, across the neoliberal democracies of the West, national governments in thrall to the new forms of global governance formed on the justification of addressing multiple manufactured ‘crises’ are implementing equivalent programmes of managed economic collapse devised by the same international institutions of global macro-economic management.
Instead of Perestroika, Glasnost, Voucher Privatisation and Loans for Shares, these programmes of economic and political ‘reform’ are called Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development Goals, Universal Basic Income and Central Bank Digital Currency. And although these are being implemented not on the collapse of a centralised command economy like that of the Soviet Union but in neoliberal economies facing the second Global Financial Crisis in twelve years, the aim of these programmes is the same: impoverishment of national populations, bankruptcy of independent businesses, expropriation of national land and resources, instalment of puppet governments to present a facade of democracy to technocratic rule, and an economic and political power-grab by a financial ruling class.
The removal of our rights, driving down of our standard of living, reduction in our food and energy consumption, spiralling inflation and the economic sanctions and programmes enforcing these, are all designed to transfer our national and personal assets into the hands of this global elite. Just as happened in Russia in the 1990s, the Bank of England has increased its quantitative easing programme to bail out the UK economy, recently spending £19.3 billion buying up Government bonds to prop up the failing pound, with the commitment to spend £65 billion if necessary. With the number of company insolvencies in 2022 the highest in 13 years, small businesses driven into bankruptcy by two years of government-enforced lockdown and rocketing energy prices have had their market share bought up by corporate monopolies. Inflation was predicted by the Bank of England to reach 13 per cent in early 2023, with some estimates predicting a high of 18 per cent. And the duties and authority of the UK state continue to be outsourced by our Government to international companies, who are being empowered by new legislation to set the limits of our previously inalienable rights and freedoms. Finally, our new globalist Prime Minister has been elected not by UK voters or even by his own parliamentary party, but by the international financiers and technocrats who, just as they do in Russia and the Ukraine, now dictate not only our economic policies but also our politics.
Let me clarify what I mean and don’t mean by this comparison, in an effort to head off some of the more foolish rebuttals from the union-jack waving champions of NATO.
I am not saying that post-Soviet Russia is a mirror of the UK in 2023.
The differences between the historical circumstances and the economies of the two countries are too great. What I’m arguing is that the managed destruction of the Russian economy after the dissolution of the Soviet Union is an image of where we are heading and why we are being driven to such an end. The Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs weren’t only motivated by the wealth they could take out of their countries and into offshore tax jurisdictions managed by financial advisers in the City of London; they were, and are, interested in the political power that wealth gave them. And just as they chose Vladimir Putin to be the successor to the shambling Boris Yeltsin, so too our oligarchs have chosen Rishi Sunak as the successor to the shambling Boris Johnson.
Yet, while Putin has managed to curb some of the power of the Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs over the economy and politics of his country, increased GDP, cut inflation, reduced the national debt, increased foreign exchange reserves, incomes, pensions and the value of the ruble, we can expect no such miracles from Sunak, who is so deep in the pockets of their Western equivalents that the top of his head can barely be seen as he hops up and down on his latest soap box.
The UK hasn’t been a democratic state since at least March 2020, when the country was placed in a de facto State of Emergency and thousands of regulations stripping us of our rights and freedoms were made by ministerial decree without oversight or approval by our elected representatives in Parliament. But in the wake of those restrictions having largely been lifted in March 2022 — while still being imposed by private and public companies, including airlines and the National Health Service, as a condition of access, service or employment — Sunak’s unilateral decision to impose the programmes and technologies of UK biosecurity and Agenda 2030 outside of any democratic process is the brazen admission that we are now ruled by international technocracies of global governance run by corporate CEOs, international bankers and government-appointed technocrats. And although today we call them ‘philanthropists’, ‘entrepreneurs’ and ‘global investors’, the actions of these unelected globalists are every bit as criminal as those of the Russian and Ukrainian oligarchy in the 1990s, except that they’re acting on a far greater stage and with far more damaging consequences for their, by turns, outraged or applauding but always deceived audience.
The economic and cultural sanctions placed on Russia and the immense financial and military investment in the Ukraine by this global government since March 2022 are instrumental to the financial war these Western globalists are waging against Russia’s oligarchs; but contrary to the rhetoric of our politicians and actors, they are doing so not to defend the human rights of Ukrainians and a puppet government installed by a US-engineered coup in 2014 for precisely this reason, but rather to emulate, replace and surpass that oligarchy in wealth, political influence and above all control over the immense natural resources of Russia and, more immediately, those of the Ukraine.
The recent announcement by President Volodymyr Zelensky that, following the €100 billion in military, financial and humanitarian aid the West handed over to his Government in 2022, the US asset-managers BlackRock, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs will ‘coordinate’ its investment in the Ukraine and its vast natural resources — not only in grain, oil and gas but also in minerals and the lithium that is the primary component in electric batteries — should demonstrate to all but the most fervent blue-and-yellow-flag-waving zealots what interest the West has in this manufactured geopolitical, military and energy crisis. In preparation for the neoliberalisation of the Ukraine, Zelenskyy has already banned opposition political parties, worker’s unions and independent media platforms, passed laws to privatise state-owned businesses, banks and assets, promised to deregulate and cut corporate taxes for businesses, issued hit lists on journalists critical of his Government’s policies, and called on NATO to launch preemptive nuclear strikes on Russia.
If we want an image of where we are being led by this globalist coup — which is being implemented on the spurious justifications of protecting our health from a deadly new virus, defending Europe from ‘Mad Vlad’ Putin, and saving the planet from man-made global warming — the economic inequality, financial corruption and political disenfranchisement of the Russian people and, closer in time, the puppet Government of the Ukraine and its dance-contestant President, is a good place to look. This is an image of our future.
Simon Elmer is the author of two new volumes of articles on the UK biosecurity state, Virtue and Terror and The New Normal, which are available in hardback, paperback and as an ebook. This article is an extract from the Introduction to Volume 1. Please click on these links for the contents page, introduction and purchase options. On 11 March, to mark the third anniversary since the World Health Organization declared the ‘pandemic’, he will be holding a book launch at the Star & Garter, 62 Poland Street, London W1F 7NX, upstairs in the William Blake room from 6-8pm. Entry is free, with book signings, a reading and Q&A.
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I think the Russian comparison is valid and we should expect much the same treatment that the Russians received when it comes time. The banksters (IMF, WorldBank, BIS, Soros et al) have a proven track record of destroying or stealing wealth and enslaving countries and their people throughout our modern history. This time their planned “Great Reset” will effectively merge corporation/state/religion into their dream of an AI hybrid control grid.
And only if we let them!
In solidarity with you all.
“And just as they chose Vladimir Putin to be the successor to the shambling Boris Yeltsin, so too our oligarchs have chosen Rishi Sunak as the successor to the shambling Boris Johnson”.
I think this statement implies some confusion.
Boris Yeltsin was perhaps not hand picked but was definitely tolerated by Mr.Gorbachev for many years and for good reason. Mr.Yeltsin was not an idiot. Faced with the tasks at hand Mr.Gorbachev knew he needed someone like Boris. It was not going to be easy and they knew it.
Similarly when Boris was set up with certain bogus financial dealings, they broke him. His weapon was Mr.Putin.
He chose well if you’re on the side of nationalism.
Mr.Sunak and Mr.Johnson could hardly be categorized as placed in power to achieve the same goals for their nation. Quite the opposite. Their nation is not relevant. Whats relevant is the theft of the Russian people and thats why we have the Ukrainian conflict.
The real questions people need to ask is who is behind this and what is their agenda.
I tend to think Mr.Putin has purged many from the ‘side” that according to your narrative chose Sunak and Johnson.
We know who these people are. They are the bankers. It’s been the same since George III and the breakaway of the US ‘colonies’. For years they’ve hidden behind a plethora of think tanks, useful idiots and divide & rule. With the threat of block-chain and a wild west financial system they can no longer contain and control, they are in panic mode and no longer able to hide in the shadows.
The 1990s rape of Russia was conducted by the Bill Clinton admin., a Harvard group, and of course George Soros, whose specialty is fragile populations without firm institutions, such as newly independent Russia was. Grinning Soros is seen “helping” Yeltsin, sitting at meeting tables. “Clinton administration officials spoke of “stuffing shit down Boris throat,” gleefully taking pleasure in ordering him to wreck his country’s economy,“…presiding over a “man-made famine.”“…In 1993 Yeltsin faced a coup from Communists, so he sent tanks to bomb his own government buildings, there were deaths. Bill Clinton & Al Gore praised Yeltsin for the bombing. In 1996, Yeltsin’s re-election prospects were dim, so US stepped in and helped him win. Time Mag. cover w. Yeltsin waving American flag, “Yanks to the Rescue,” 1996, republished in 2001…https://archive.org/details/TimeUSMeddlingOnRussia…Article from Sept. 1, 2006 references 1999 testimony to US House, “The Rape of Russia,” by Anne Williamson, her testimony before the Committee on Banking and Financial Services of the U.S. House of Representatives, presented Sept. 21, 1999. https://home.solari.com/anne-williamson-testimony/…..June 1, 1998 article, “The Harvard boys do Russia,” by Janine Wedel: Soros reference: “In 1995, in Chubais-organized insider auctions of prime national properties, known as loans-for-shares, the Harvard Management Company (H.M.C.), which invests the university’s endowment, and billionaire speculator George Soros were the only foreign entities allowed to participate. H.M.C. and Soros became significant shareholders in Novolipetsk, Russia’s second-largest steel mill, and Sidanko Oil, whose reserves exceed those of Mobil. H.M.C. and Soros also invested in Russia’s high-yielding, I.M.F.-subsidized domestic bond market. Even more dubious, according to Williamson, was Soros’s July 1997 purchase of 24 percent of Sviazinvest, the telecommunications giant, in partnership with Uneximbank’s Vladimir Potanin. It was later learned that shortly before this purchase Soros had tided over Yeltsin’s government with a backdoor loan of hundreds of millions of dollars while the government was awaiting proceeds of a Eurobond issue; the loan now appears to have been used by Uneximbank to purchase Norilsk Nickel in August 1997.”…https://www.thefreelibrary.com/The+Harvard+boys+do+Russia.-a020769077.
The Anne Williamson testimony of September 1, 2006 tells it like it was. Most of the players have left the building… There will be no arrests or prosecutions…
My observation is that civil populations really don’t give a shit about anything but what’s for dinner… Your post is excellent. Thank you.
Great comment. Thank you. Let me add that a pitiful 2 upvotes is one of the reasons I despise the voting system. We’re already a couple days past this article’s appearance; and very few readers seem inclined to check out “Yesterday’s News.”
I hope you’ll post this again, so more people can see it. But then it kind of rocks the “They’re all in it together!” boat.
yep, nobody ever seems to care what they said yesterday… anomy.
Soros is now aiming for Modi run India. One little problem: Modi is quite popular at home and will win next year’s national election easily – no serious opposition available plus a good enough economy that can make stuff.
Gates has been eyeing India for two decades, simultaneously exhibiting his large endowment as a lure.
Al Gore the CO2 snakeoil salesman has little infuence in the sub continent.
And just as they chose Vladimir Putin to be the successor to the shambling Boris Yeltsin, so too our oligarchs have chosen Rishi Sunak as the successor to the shambling Boris Johnson.
This is not a valid comparison. The two political systems are entirely different.
Oligarchy, the government and exploitation of the working majority by a small group of idle rulers, has been a (natural?) feature of human, and other, societies throughout history. In its most extreme form, in ant and bee colonies, the ‘queen’ has evolved to be physically different from the others, who serve their queen much as the cells which make up any living being are totally subordinate to that being. With humans what evolves is just the ideology which hangs over the whole of society. Individual members are born equal, but mostly develop whatever outlook is required to maintain the hierarchical status quo. Since hereditary rulers went out of fashion in most countries a century or so ago an idea we call “democracy” has emerged under which it is claimed that the majority has an important say it how it is governed and is content for a few to run the system of government so that the rest can get on with their own private lives without having to worry about how everything works. However, what “democracy” actually entails is a highly organised criminal fraternity which farms and governs the vast majority through overarching control over the ideas which permeate the cultural environment, by way of religion and the mass media. So-called democracies distinguish themselves from autocracies and dictatorships by running “general elections” every few years, in which a carefully vetted number of candidates stand for election who represent different facets of *the same* deeply established status quo, over which they have little control in any case. By fanning fear and hatred of some common external enemy, they keep the masses content and willing to lay down their lives to support the tiny elite which rules over them. As populations grow, and technology advances, every so often the unpredictable emergent behaviour of society as a whole breaks down, convulses and settles back down into some slightly new system, often with a few advantageous crumbs, such as improved rights and welfare provisions, thrown down to keep the masses content for a while. As regards positive suggestions for bringing on the next societal convulsion, I get the distinct feeling that is already manifested as the current strike wave, which should be supported at every opportunity. At the same time our rulers’ attempts to criminalise resistance must also be actively opposed. On top of that, the death throes of US imperialism currently seem intent on taking us all out with them by leading us all into WW3 which, if it happens, will open “great opportunities” for setting new directions for the lucky(?) few in the dark smoking radioactive ruins that remain.
“And although these are being implemented not on the collapse of a centralised command economy like that of the Soviet Union but in neoliberal economies facing the second Global Financial Crisis in twelve years, the aim of these programmes is the same: impoverishment of national populations, bankruptcy of independent businesses, expropriation of national land and resources, instalment of puppet governments to present a facade of democracy to technocratic rule, and an economic and political power-grab by a financial ruling class.”
This is a well written synopsis of the current global situation. This is not only happening in Ukraine and the UK but in the US and much of the West as well. The plutocratic vultures and vampires are about to pull the plug on a collapsing corrupt system they themselves are destroying. In the wake of their controlled demolition (some parts are actually beyond the plutocrats’ control)they plan to reconfigure the world in their demented megalomaniacal image. Agenda 2030, The Great Reset are all part of a much wider more nefarious plan/agenda, what many call The New World Order, which will install a cabal of unelected unaccountable psychopaths who will rule over us. They will use advanced technologies to surveil, monitor, control (reward and punish) us and augment humanity to the point we’re merged with machines/computers (cyborgs) turned into chimeras and hybrids fashioned by creatures with a god complex far beyond the imaginations of any science fiction novel, TV program or film; even though the elites use predictive programming in books film and TV to prepare us for what they have in store for us.
As far as Ukraine and Russia are concerned, follow the money, discover what is so valuable the vultures want to seize and control https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/world/story/are-ukraines-vast-natural-resources-a-real-reason-behind-russias-invasion, https://factsanddetails.com/russia/Economics_Business_Agriculture/sub9_7e/entry-5176.html.
We are at a critical juncture in the battle to save this planet from the ravages of truly psychopathic creatures, time is of the essence, will we rouse from our induced stupor in time to do the work to save ourselves from these demons?!
For those who seem unaware of how global “systems” are structured, refer to the organizational chart as included in this article. >
What Is the Global Public-Private Partnership
What Is the Global Public-Private Partnership (iaindavis.com)
Click The Image To Expand
One should go on to read the entire article, as it defines the relationships of nearly all financial mechanisms currently in use… The article is a masterpiece.
Were the Eastern European even given a choice?
Beware little men and thin women…
Lol. Care to elaborate?
coked dwarf and a smack pony?
I wonder if the banksters give us heroes of a particular kind in order to make fun of us. Churchill indulged in anal sex in Sandhurst. Zelensky dressed up in high heels and played the piano with his pecker. And all the time they destroy one country after another. Liberia, Niger, Somalia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, East Timor, the Congo and so many others. Russia having just recovered from the 1990’s is being prepared for slaughter. The Red Cross is prodding me for contributions for the famine in the horn of Africa. I can’t suggest the Creepy Joe and the EU heads of state divert some of the billions flowing into Ukraine.
People must realize that the financial economy (sic) is a complete crock of shit. It does not exist. It’s an abstraction. What exists is the real physical economy. And real physical economy ultimately governs what happens, not all sorts of abstracts concepts slapped onto it, usually with the intention to take advantage of the real economy’s participants.
In essence, there is nothing wrong with money as a yardstick for putting value on shit and facilitating transactions. There is everything wrong, however, with elevating money to the status of what matters, as opposed to being a simple transactional tool. Creating a whole fucking abstract concept – financial economics – that revolves around money, i.e. something that does not physically exist, and placing it in the center of human endeavor is batshit fucking crazy to say the least. No wonder the world is in deep shit!
Stop thinking of economics in terms of dollars, pounds, euros, franks, crowns and think about it in terms of the shit that gets made, the energy that is needed to do that, the labor, the transport, stuff like that. Where it all comes from, how it relates, whether there’s enough of it, how it’s distributed in time and space. Stuff like that.
If anything is used to fuck with the world, it’s this very thing.
They changed what you might call the classical economy (real) to neo-classical economy in and round 19/20 C.That’s when the real – land and all of nature was subsumed (disappeared) under capital. Additionally like the mythology of astrophysics, etc. (and virology, etc.) the entire enterprise was one huge abstract mathematical equation based on endless growth (never accounting for the real economy)…and then the magic of computer modeling.
Technology rules.
Get ready for the joke of the century:
Indeed it is John. All you have to do is tune into the BBC.
Fuck the BBC.
Meanwhile in a town near you……
It’s like advertising a new washing product, isn’t it?
indeed, washing the planet clean of humans… unilever on steroids?
other posters advising of the stealth IHR “pandemic treaty” and its possible roll out May 2023 (?) along with job titles as posted above dated Jan 2023 and anticipating:
“what is expected to be the UKs largest vaccination program”
plus mention of “covid related products” all seems either wacko or ominous dependent on your perspective…
to merge this with the current “show n tell” of “yes vaccines really do fuck you up” is like tobacco advertising on badly synthesised ergot products…
So, baffle us into submission is it? or are we simply being shown how “reality” is more flexible since the colliders were ramped up a notch.
some of that mild ergot might be cool ; )
had to come of the fly agaric, lol, overheating.
seriously, that is grim shit you posted, with a permanent contract too!
quantitative easing programme to bail out the UK economy
It only bails out the financial economy as always, not the productive economy.
Civil populations seem a bit out of touch with the actual workings of financial institutions, and the grim realities of deceasing Gross National Product. Me thinks they’ve been intentionally dumbed down…
Stop examining for an umpteenth time from an umpteenth angle where we’re being led. I can tell that right now, once and for all. We’re being led into a dystopian shithole. The reasons are many, but the most important one is that over the last circa century, the world has been having a wild fucking party, apres nous le deluge style, living beyond our means like there was no fucking tomorrow. Oh yes, the cocksuckers who are now leading us to the slaughterhouse have been instrumental in keeping the party going, you can yap about that till the cows come how, but that’s largely irrelevant. What’s relevant is that the way of life as we know it is fucked, mostly because of physical constraints and the way humanity has fucked itself into a corner using various clever ways through which people thought they can cheat physical laws. They fucking can’t.
Now, I’m a person who likes to look for solutions, ways out.
The first thing everybody needs to do is acknowledge that the world is fucked, that the party is over. If you cling to the image of an abundant, prosperous life – funded by some underprivileged slave on the other side of the world who is slaving away at gunpoint for your luxury, of which you’re blissfully unaware or which you choose to ignore – you’re out of luck.
It’s very likely that people will have to make do – sooner or later, probably sooner – with what’s available locally. Outsourcing the production of luxury to other parts of the world will no longer be possible, due to both energy-related and societal and political reasons.
The sooner you come to terms with that, the sooner you realize that clinging to your fucking job is ridiculous, the sooner you re-imagine yourself in the world that’s likely come, the sooner you’ll be liberated from fear to assert your rights.
Your principal right is not to stand under some government, bank, whatever motherfucker is out there to subjugate you. The world’s institutions are out-and-out corrupt and must be considered beyond repair and jettisoned, abandoned. Fuck them. Fuck them all. Don’t participate. Exit. Think big and imagine a different world without them.
Be a free, independent individual, not a cog in the Borg.
I said that when Blair came to power everything seemed to turn into one big party and it couldn’t last . It lasted longer than I thought but the out come will be the same .
Bread and circuses doesn’t even begin to describe it
The “big party” I’m referring to goes much further beyond that.
In broad strokes, the big party is the whole industrial era during which people, particularly the variety occupying the global northwest, have injudiciously embarked on a path of burning everything in sight to afford themselves unprecedented and – if you look at it from a long-term viewpoint – undeserved luxury.
Alas, the source of all this fun that Mother Nature has accumulated over ages and ages is finite and we’re probably not too far from burning much of it.
I understand that the party has been going on for so long, generation after generation, that it seems to be integral part of existence, something people are entitled to, but I’m afraid not.
Civilization simply can’t keep going by burning everything in sight, at an exponential rate on top of it.
In this regard, Blair or any of them other motherfuckers, including, without limitation, notre proper Juste un True ‘dEau, is an inconsequential piece of shit who has nothing to do with the aforesaid.
Stop blaming the victims, we aren’t the ones stacking money or running arms factories. A year’s rent for a cottage in the 15th Century was 6 chickens at Easter, and 6 days work over harvest time. Happiness levels are higher in shanty towns than in cities. There has been no party for those living in the northern hemisphere for quite some time.
Who’s blaming anybody?
I’m simply describing reality and sketching the likely outcome of the predicaments the world is currently facing.
What good is it ever to put the blame on anybody?
I’m interested in solutions, not crying over spilled milk … errr … burned oil …
That’s it. Those still lamenting the mess are clinging to, which is to say wanting, pleading with, and consenting to the system. At some point you have to choose between that, and saying NO, I do not accept this system and I’m creating a life less of it.
That’s why I have no time for those incessantly lamenting what’s going on. They are behind me now. Now is the time for ACCEPTANCE and CREATION.
Or as John Michael Greer quips, Kurt: “Collapse early, and avoid the rush.” A little joke; but absolutely dead right. Get ready for seriously Interesting Times, already begun.
Funny, I premonitorily, preemptively removed myself from (urban) civilization in 2015.
Humanity has been moving toward this paradigm since it evolved. When there is no possible answer to the question “How did it happen?” (i.e., when all other possibilities have been exhausted, the one remaining must be the correct one)…then it’s time to haul out Evolution.
Not just physical but societal Evolution – which is one of the absolutes of existence. It won’t – and can’t – end till the larger than life lady sings. And her aria only begins when the last human lies down in the last grave and waves “Bye bye!” to God.
Duel-Citizen Oligarchs – Neither East Nor West
Press conference on the situation in Ukraine
President Vladimir Putin of Russia takes questions from the Russian media on March 3, 2014, following Russian military action in Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.
Released: March 4, 2014
For example, Mr Kolomoisky was appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. This is a unique crook. He even managed to cheat our oligarch Roman Abramovich two or three years ago. Scammed him, as our intellectuals like to say. They signed some deal, Abramovich transferred several billion dollars, while this guy never delivered and pocketed the money. When I asked him [Abramovich]: “Why did you do it?” he said: “I never thought this was possible.” I do not know, by the way, if he ever got his money back and if the deal was closed. But this really did happen a couple of years ago. And now this crook is appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. No wonder the people are dissatisfied. They were dissatisfied and will remain so if those who refer to themselves the legitimate authorities continue in the same fashion.
March 14, 2022
It was a flight heard around the world — or at least on the feeds of people who follow flight tracker accounts. On Sunday evening, a private plane belonging to Israeli-Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich was spotted landing in Tel Aviv from Moscow.
Abramovich, who was described by the oligarchs researcher as “Putin’s wallet” and one of his moneymen charged with buying assets in Western countries, is no stranger to sanctions. . . . The researcher said that Abramovich and others are Putin’s “cash handlers where [he] has almost complete control,” and he “uses them to access Western systems.”
Spill chucker strokes again!
I really don’t think that Putin needs ‘cash-handlers’ or front-men to purchase Western-assets. Our politicians and business gurus are so effing greedy, they would take money from Pol Pots hand, without batting an eyelid.
In Australia, business and building ‘developers’ are encouraged to sell land and property to foreign investors, not domiciled in Australia, and the Govt. and TPTB pooh-pooh and act so concerned at the exorbitant cost-of-housing and assorted goods.
Kolomoisky was appointed Gov. of Dnepropetrovsk in 2014 effectively by US which had–with UN backing–violently overthrown Ukr’s elected government. US neocon Victoria Nuland said, “Yats is the guy,” meaning US choice for new Ukr PM was Yatsenyuk, per Feb. 2014 BBC article. Yatsenyuk immediately called biggest Ukraine oligarchs to his office and handed them whichever governor posts they wanted. The thousands who stood freezing in Maidan Square for months at first believed they had “won,” but in 2015 Ukr. oligarchs still controlled 85% of Ukr economy. Ukr has been a US colony since 1990. Being a US colony will cause you worse misery than you ever imagined….https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957..
Hello susan mullen: Interesting transcript. Victoria Nuland has facilitated infiltration of foreign power structures, time and time again. She never gets called out or busted for international espionage. She must be made of Teflon or some other hybrid plastic…
An interesting take on the decline of small businesses si the way Linux — open source software — has been taken over by Oligarch AI Corporations, with Google and MicroSoft in the lead:
“Who Writes Linux and Open Source Software?
A recent analysis of GitHub open source code projects revealed that the top contributors were all companies, including Amazon Web Services, Intel, Red Hat, Google, and Microsoft. The results showed that Microsoft and Google were tied for the top spot, with Red Hat close behind in third place.
While individual contributors were once the driving force behind open source, companies are now the main contributors to open source projects, with company employees responsible for much of the code. ”
The problem with all this modern commentary on what is wrong, where its going, who is responsible, etc., is that human history has already well documented the answers. We don’t need any more fucking examples to look at. We need action. I mean, come on, what the hell MORE do we need to know other than how the hell we’re going to fight back.
We are so steeped in knowledge-stockpiling it for what?.Man, I have never been so primed in geopolitical particulars.How do we start the “Let’s roll” part?
Raise 250 million dollars and organize a global revolution.
Whip the money men out of The Temple!
End the reign of Maggie Snatcher, Tony B.Liar and their Gospel of Intensely Relaxed about Becoming Filthy Rich!
From WikiPedia:
“The cleansing of the Temple narrative tells of Jesus expelling the merchants and the money changers from the Temple, and is recounted in all four canonical gospels of the New Testament. The scene is a common motif in Christian art.
In this account, Jesus and his disciples travel to Jerusalem for Passover, where Jesus expels the merchants and consumers from the temple, accusing them of turning it into “a den of thieves” (in the Synoptic Gospels) and “a house of trade” (in Gospel of John) through their commercial activities.”
— Matthew 21:12–17, Mark 11:15–19, and Luke 19:45–48 and John 2:13–16
Sadly Jesus is fiction created by first century bankers. Powerful forces through the centuries ensured the growth and spread of materialist nature hostile Christianity which along with Islam and Marxism have got us into the mess we are in today.
Great comment.
The problem as always as it has been since time and memorial is the elite .
Too much is never enough
Too many people still want the system. If they can just get a bit more wealth and comfort, it’ll be alright. Not too bad.
I spit on such people.
The UK went through voucher capitalism in the 1980s. The philosophy of the Chicago School — the economic theorists who formulated these policies (traceable back to Hayek) regarded any public assets as wrong and forced utilities, transportation and housing into private ownership. The predictable result was a relatively short term boom followed by a long term impoverishment of the population as a whole. What was surprising to me at the time is that the government diktat — the forced sale of public housing, for example — was something that couldn’t be carried out in the US (where I moved to in the 80s) — the government just didn’t have the power. The one serious attempt to ‘deregulate’ — financialize — a regulated monopoly in our state was an unmitigated disaster (it still cost taxpayers and users plenty, though).
The market reforms were overdue in the USSR and were actually in progress before the breakup. This breakup weakened government and allowed predators and opportunists to get hold of what were really national assets, invariably for far below their actual value (this also happened in the UK). The carpetbaggers overplayed their hand, though, because somehow Russia was able to shake the worst of this off starting at the end of the 90s, I believe by the application of an appropriate tax regime. The oligarchs either had to flee with their loot or make an accommodation with the Russian government, with most of the ones that fled being helped by the City of London to ‘manage’ their wealth.
Capital would love to get its claws on unprotected assets. Its not so easy these days with countries having fallen for the IMF’s ‘reforms’ in the past realizing that they had been taken for a ride. Russia and China are off the table for now, but capital is ever hopeful. Ukraine is fast becoming a wholly owned subsidiary which like countries like the UK will start to resemble Central America at its worst — a crust of obscenely rich people (the “international” set, of course), a smallish middle class dedicated to catering to their needs and protecting their interests and a vast mass of peasants who are left pretty much to fend for themselves provided they don’t make too much trouble. This is the fate of all countries that are captured by capital — even the US isn’t immune, it’s just a lot bigger so took longer for its institutions to be ‘captured’.
“because somehow Russia was able to shake the worst of this off”
“Somehow” Russia remembered the achievements of its Communist past, lifting millions out of poverty and illiteracy and technological backwardness.
“Somehow” Russia threw up a Putin, one of those very rare individuals that Plato describes as “a philosopher king” in “The Republic”. A man who has the intelligence to diagnose social illness, and the operative skill to remove parasites. .
Britain once threw up a “Somehow”: Socialist prime minister Clement Attlee, “a modest little man with plenty of achievements to be modest about”.
The U$A once threw up “Somehow”: FDR and his socialist New Deal.
Trouble is, one philosopher king is not enough: from the brillian exception there comes the problem of decline to the mediocre norm. In the USSR communism declined inevitably from Stalin to Gorbachev: British socialism declined remorselessly from Attlee to Starmer. The U$ Left declined from FDR to Biden. Societies have their “somehow” moment where they “shine as a light to the nations” but in the end, the iron law of large numbers returns us to the mediocre average.
Thus, there is no solution but only temporary respite, for the problem of rule by the mediocre — or by the downright bad — unless we improve the norm.
I guess this might be why Plato, in extreme old age, shifted his attention from The Republic with its philosopher king (or Committee of Philosopher Kings) to The Laws: an attempt to build The Good into a more permanent structure of society. Unfortunately Plato died, and his published mss of The Laws is a mere heap of notes.
Exactly so, Nick. Except that Dobbin Woodentop – aka Starmer – isn’t, and never was, a socialist. He’s the ‘spare’ tory prime minister in waiting, for when the other wing of the uniparty in Paedominster gets so hopeless that people vote for a change – from one wing of the uniparty to the other: The only choice they’re ever allowed. Small changes in the superficial dressing of the policies, but otherwise only what the English-raj class want, as always.
Maybe one day we’ll get some genuine democracy in Britain. Wouldn’t that be a first!
The days of genuine, if ever so mild, socialist PMs in Britain, starting with Clem Attlee, ended with the rise of the Bitch of Grantham in ’79. Dobbin runs the ex-Labour party strictly as a faintly-pink tory-lite clone. That’s why he’ll be allowed to be the raj’s Prime Ministerette, somewhere down the queue.
“Dobbin Woodentop – aka Starmer – isn’t, and never was, a socialist. He’s the ‘spare’ tory prime minister in waiting, for when the other wing of the uniparty in Paedominster gets so hopeless that people vote for a change”
That’s it! “Dobbin Woodentop” Explains why there is no Leadership right across the EU$A. They’re all Woodentops — Olaf Woodentop, Emmanuel Woodentop, Volodymer Woodentop — a box full of replaceable puppets.
The only ones who even talk like a human are the Italian woman, who talks like a woman and the Hungarian, who has a sense of humour.
All very reminiscent of the UK in the mid to late 19th century. Here’s what the certain and redoubtable Mr Engels had to say:
”And they still crowd one another as though as though they had nothing in common, nothing to do with one another, and their only agreement is a tacit one, that each keep his own side of the pavement, so as not to delay the opposing streams of the crowd, while it .while it occurs to no man to honour another without so much as a glance. The brutal indifference, the feeling of isolation of each in his private interest becomes the more repellent and offensive, the more these individuals are crowded together, within a limited space. And, however much one may be aware of this isolation of the individual, this narrow self-seeking is the fundamental of our society everywhere, it is never so shamelessly barefaced, so self-conscious as just here in the crowding of the great city (London or Manchester). This dissolution of mankind into monads, upon each one who has a separate principle and a separate purpose, the world of atoms carried out to its most utmost extreme. Here it comes, too, that the social war, the war of each against all, is here declared … everywhere people regard each other only as useful objects; each exploit the other, and the end of it all is, that the stronger treads the weaker under foot, and that the powerful few, the capitalists, seize everything for themselves, whilst to the weak many, the poor, scarcely a bare existence remains.”
The Condition of the Working Class England – 1844.
That could also be John Stuart Mill talking. That’s what the few have in store for the many. Hardly new.
Just in case you thought this “story” was in any way true:
“Moving at pace, they hailed another taxi and travelled more than 200 miles from Liverpool to Harwich around 3.30am on Friday, 6 January”
Probably just a coincidence……
(Bonus tip: in some places, friday is the SIXTH day of the week)
And what do YOU think the “story” is ? They killed a baby. Not EVERYTHING is bunkum, not even when your dumb numerology tells you it is.
They did what?
Where do you get your information?
Oh, wait…..
I guess “oh, wait…..” indicates you’ve made an assumption ?
I try to always deal in facts which is why I made the statement I did. I’m closer to the investigation than most.
From the article:
“Unemployment in a country where it had previously been unknown reached 13 per cent. Inflation peaked at 85.7 per cent. Government debt reached 135 per cent of GDP, and Russia, consequently, became the largest borrower from the International Monetary Fund, with loans totalling $20 billion in the 1990s. Little of this served its ostensible purpose, however. A quarter of this sum, some $4.8 billion, was stolen upon its arrival in Russia on the eve of the financial crisis, and disappeared into an anonymous account registered in the offshore tax jurisdiction of Jersey.”
See: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/longterm/russiagov/stories/audit070199.htm
The same operating system has been implemented in nearly every country in the world. Viva le corporation! It’s not oligarchy. It’s banking and finance operatives who are employed by oligarchy. They need to be fired…
Excellent article.
An analogy and a microcosm?
Thank you Mr. Elmer. A thoughtful and accurate look at the “Big Picture.”
I repeat, as always, that our survival depends upon Reinstituting Natural Wealth Distribution. (as good a label as any) We must begin to talk about it as a means of building a consensus– as well as the thieving means by which the present unnatural, unjust wealth concentration occurred.
forget the WE … MSM will block it. Google will block it, government rule of law will block it and call everyone involved a traitor. The corporate mafia will block it. MSM will block it and cancel everyone who raises a hand to force the government to recover the national wealth lost to the corporate bandits and their oligarch owners.
The first thing is to accurately identify the corporations and their owners (the Oligarchs by name., age, address, bank accounts, historical profile, and actual net worth). Those who have benefited from the wealth confiscation plan must be exposed.. their offshore accounts and their investments in domestic and foreign enterprises identified. Ways must be found to pressure and defend the lives of the prosecutors who we must depend on to take the actions necessary to recover those lost assets.
To remedy this situation every taxpayer needs to be sworn in as a deputy prosecutor with personal immunity so each person with accurate knowledge can file charges in court against the beneficiaries and pundits of the wealth confiscation plan.
Names & Faces of 150 Bilderbergers who controlled COVID Pandemic response
February 21, 2023
Names & Faces of 150 Bilderbergers who controlled COVID Pandemic response – The Expose (expose-news.com)
Thanks, that’s a good start.
“I’ve got a little list / And they’ll none of them be missed” — The Mikado.
Unlike the Bilderbergers ‘they’ live amongst us.The UNAgenda2030 is being rolled out Global to Local.List of Councils who have declared a Climate Emergency, and have all set their carbon neutrality/net-zero date to 2030.https://www.climateemergency.uk/blog/list-of-councils/
For more up to date information on which authorities have declared a climate emergency please visit the Climate Action Plan Explorer (built by mySociety in partnership with Climate Emergency UK). You can view the local authorities who have declared a climate emergency and their carbon neutrality/net-zero dates https://cape.mysociety.org/councils/
You only need look at your local elected councilors allowances you know the ones who rolled out the Scamdemic & Climate emergency.
One example from OMBC
Finance and Low Carbon Cllr C Gloster £3,045 Allowance.
Joint Deputy Opposition Leader and Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance and Low Carbon Cllr C Gloster £6,091
Plus Cllr H Gloster his wife’s allowance £10,151 & £3,045
TOTAL £43,OOO Approx.
PLUS Basic Allowance All Elected Members £10,151
Nice work if you can get it..
Global Citizens and The Global Community. All rights come with responsibilities ..Global to Local
“A community is a social unit (a group of living things) with commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity.”
The “Common Good” arises through imposed consensus by the non appointed leaders or rulers:
New definition: “the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common”.
Beware of those who talk about.
The word community has been hijacked to mean a controlled and subjugated mass of uninformed, unproductive, reliant and disempowered repeaters whose only function is as a virtue signalling compliant hive mind.
This is excerpted from the closing comments of the ARCHONS OF COMMUNITY page. >
Here is a mission statement which can be used to counter “change agents” and deal with demonization of your group.
“We are an unaffiliated group of local residents concerned about the lack of democratic process in local government planning and policy.
We will remain unaffiliated as individuals acting collectively and within the law towards a truly inclusive democratic process where all voices are heard.
We are not affiliated with any group or organization whatsoever.This does not mean that we do or do not endorse other groups.
We do not agree with arriving at a “Consensus” through being steered into
predetermined outcomes by trained facilitators either working for the council or public/private partnerships.We deem this to be against the public interest and an affront to democracy.” [End quote]
When they mention “public/private partnerships.” they must become more specific. Specific to the extent that they will not allow ANY corporate businesses into their communities, whatsoever.
As I’ve been saying for nearly 45 years. It’s the corporate system, folks. CORPORATE system… Get rid of the “system”.
Or simply hang the fuckers
As they did in China. That was a Great Leap Forward.
Nowadays the CCP does not hang many Plutocrats, but the Party still cuts them down to size when they try to become the Government. Unlike in U$UK where Prime Minister B.Liar is rewarded with directorships in House of Rothschild, and POTU$A Bill Macbeth and his Lady, marry into Rothschild bank Goldman Sachs.
They bandied all this stuff around in the French Revolution under the banner of more equality and freedom for all. But it was the conmen and shysters, murderers and liars that ran the French Revolution from the very start. Same old same old.
The English, American, French, Russian and Chinese revolutions were financed by the central banksters.
Have some sympathy. There’s no-one to give them a raise. So they have to give themselves a raise.
So, if you both know these revolutions have been financed by bankers and in a sense you are right, how come you are unreluctantly enjoying their harvest (everything from welfare State to science and technology, practically our civilisation)? Don’t tell me you ignore these advances couldn’t have happened were it not for the events you mention.
Here is another question: Could it be possible that, as Nietzsche would have said, your opinion of bankers are what they are because you’re not one of them?
Another question: Do you believe the progress made since these revolutions could have been possible if the bankers were not what they are, greedy, selfish and all that?
What do you mean by “progress”?
Eventually, ie following ’sufficient’ events, the dam will burst and the blood will flow.
The blood of the oligarchs.
They cannot hide from every broken human.
They cannot come up with enough excuses to justify the deaths, suffering and losses.
They cannot run far enough.
They will become the victims of their own folly.
It’s how the Universe (one song) works.
“I only eat vegan animals.”…(a local carnivore)
Sharks are said to not like human flesh…Imagine if they were vegan…
So it’s not Meme Monday !
Best Covid Lab Leak Memes:
These are good.
From your first Link [ my italics for the censored adjective]:
“With the war against Russia not going so well for the US-NATO empire, the People’s Republic of China not being so cooperative when it comes punishing the Russians with sanctions, and our psychopatic Neocon overlords still looking for a little WW3 action (as debt fueled western economies start to implode…), it looks like its now (sort of) OK to talk about a
US-fundedChinese biolab leak being responsible for COVID:”So Isabel Oakeshott rats on Matt Hancock from the point of view of a “lockdown critic”.
We all know how this is going to play out. Re-igniting the “intense debate” over whether lockdown was good or bad. Lots of tooing and froing. But in the midst of this no doubt interminable “controversy”, there will be lots of “reminders” (i.e. regurgitations) of covid porn.
“Remember that horrible time when corpses were pouring from the skies?”
Umm …. actually no.
“Shut up you anti-scientific covid denying anti-vaxxer! How dare you insult the memory of all those who died horribly!” etc.
Hancock is clearly the fall-guy. He had a grope in his office in full view of the security cameras which gave him his excuse to get the fuck off the frontline.
He “cried” bs tears on morning TV then waltzed off to the Ozzie jungle to pocket £400k, big himself up and come across as a nice guy.
Most of us here will not be surprised at any of the revelations (if you can call them such) but for many it will be a distraction from something more important whilst continuing to reinforce the narrative. And all the while they’re stalling in what will apparently be a public enquiry into the “pandemic”.
It’ll be interesting to see if there’s any proper grilling of the interviewees.
I couldn’t care less about Half Cock but you have to ask why this is being leaked now.
He is probably just an expendable sacrificial lamb or scapegoat to divert attention from the rest of the Establishment.
Oakshit was happy to ghost write a puff piece book for Half Cock.
I don’t know what her agenda is and I don’t care that much.
It could even be she’s just part of Team Bojo, trying to ease his way back into power.
Risk is public while profit is privatized. Recession returns property back to its supposed rightful owners. The game was always rigged for the lucky folks on the other end of colonialism – now it’s just coming for whatever remnants of small and medium sized businesses are left in the west.
Pulp bassist Steve Mackey has died of “an undisclosed illness”. They’d tell us … but then they’d have to kill us.
The New Yorker (and isn’t that a hoot considering the headline!):
Let there not be light anymore! And do you think the wealthy inhabitants of the high castle will be first to switch off? Do you think they will switch off at all? Stupid question really.
The scum have rolled out a new lighting system which among other things, causes cancer. Weaponised light. I don’t know how far they can go with this stuff, before people notice, but people are so irritatingly brainwashed, I suspect if they turned street lighting into strobe lights 100x brighter than the sun, they would celebrate it and happily normalise it.
“Blue light” of LED streetlights linked to breast and prostate cancer
The “blue light” emitted by street lights including LEDs, and commercial outdoor lighting such as advertising, is linked to a significant increase in the risk of breast and prostate cancer, innovative new research has concluded.
A study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) and involving the University of Exeter found that participants living in large cities with heavy exposure to blue lights at night had double the risk of prostate cancer and 1.5 times higher risk of breast cancer. This was compared to populations with less exposure to blue light.
Older lighting schemes emit a glow within the “orange” spectrum, but new modern lighting creates a bright “blue” light emission. The researchers found the bluer the light emission that people in large cities were exposed to, the higher the risk of cancer. The study also found that people who lived in homes with darker rooms, by using window shutters for example, had lower risk than those who did not.
Featured news – “Blue light” of LED streetlights linked to breast and prostate cancer – University of Exeter
True. I was aware of this over a decade ago. LED lighting also induces pulsed electromagnetic radiation into the grid and household wiring. Let’s ignore the 10,000 health related studies that pin the tail on the donkey…
Thanks for the info. Sounds dodgy to me but filed away for future confirmation.
By coincidence I was wondering whether Blue LED Light — from my bad habit of viewing and posting on screen — had accelerated my deteriorating sight due to Senile Cataract. Blue light stimulates cross links in acrylic gel, and may well do the same to the collagen in the lens of the eye.
If you believe any narrative punted at you by the NWO or their rogues gov’ts, the EU, the UN, the banksters, the corporations, big pharma, then i have a lovely patch of ground for sale in Guyana for you.
It comes with a few out buildings, but more importantly, a large supply of kool-aid, left behind by previous owners.
I guess after the next plandemic and sheep dip, every city centre will resemble Jonestown.
greed is not good. it certainly doesn’t create a sound foundation for a functional economy. the laws are mine not thine becomes tyranny, again, and again, and again.
“If it were possible to construct huge gasometers and to draw together and compress within them the whole of the atmosphere, it would have been done long ago, and we should have been compelled to work for them in order to get money to buy air to breathe. And if that seemingly impossible thing were accomplished tomorrow, you would see thousands of people dying for want of air – or of the money to buy it – even as now thousands are dying for want of the other necessities of life. You would see people going about gasping for breath, and telling each other that the likes of them could not expect to have air to breathe unless the had the money to pay for it. Most of you here, for instance, would think and say so. Even as you think at present that it’s right for so few people to own the Earth, the Minerals and the Water, which are all just as necessary as is the air. In exactly the same spirit as you now say: “It’s Their Land,” “It’s Their Water,” “It’s Their Coal,” “It’s Their Iron,” so you would say “It’s Their Air,” “These are their gasometers, and what right have the likes of us to expect them to allow us to breathe for nothing?” And even while he is doing this the air monopolist will be preaching sermons on the Brotherhood of Man; he will be dispensing advice on “Christian Duty” in the Sunday magazines; he will give utterance to numerous more or less moral maxims for the guidance of the young. And meantime, all around, people will be dying for want of some of the air that he will have bottled up in his gasometers. And when you are all dragging out a miserable existence, gasping for breath or dying for want of air, if one of your number suggests smashing a hole in the side of one of the gasometers, you will all fall upon him in the name of law and order, and after doing your best to tear him limb from limb, you’ll drag him, covered with blood, in triumph to the nearest Police Station and deliver him up to “justice” in the hope of being given a few half-pounds of air for your trouble.”
– Robert Tressell, The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
GoodReads: “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists is a novel by Robert Tressell first published in 1914 after his death in 1911″
Sounds even more relevant than when it was written, more than a century ago. Like the books by two great Christian Socialists: GKC and Hilaire Belloc.
ps: Corvus Corinus aka, the North Western Crow; a bird noted for intelligence.
Western Oligarchy article that’s doesn’t name names, only the likes of Gorbachev. 😂
From Catte’s article to this.
Scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
This is something one would read by a clueless poster on a U.K column forum and that used to attract some of the biggest doughnuts going.
Western Oligarchy that mentions no one.
Does bore us about Russia trash though.
Something an Military Intelligent network would put out as a form of news.
Just like U.K column and now OFFG seems to be going that way.
Seems to be? They run James Corbett videos on the regular. This place is strictly light relief.
This article has a number of good points concerning Russia. However one very critical point is missing. Namely, the West has tried for almost a millennium to dismantle Russia and in the early 2000s nearly succeeded when the Central Bankers emissary, Mikhail Khordokovsky, was attempting to pass control of Russia’s one remaining asset, oil, to the Rothschilds. Putin thwarted them.
Moreover in comparison to the early 2000s, the Russian people’s living standards and life expectancy has been raised considerably.
All under the stewardship of Putin.
Simon Elmer wasn’t talking about that period…
He started from the time prior to Perestroika up to the present which includes the 2000s.
In addition, the attempts by the West, the latest manifestation of the City of London’s manoeuvres, to dismember Russia is an ongoing process as Putin, Lavorov et al are well aware.
Sorry, but this is not neo-liberalism. This is Communism. And the Soviet Union never fell. Putin is a Stalinist, ex-KGB agent who wants to see the West in tatters. Pro-Kremlin alt-media needs to wake up.
Hush, Gary, everyone at the OffGuardian Cool Kids Table will be at Comrade Simon’s book-signing next week And look at all the disapproving down-votes you’re getting from the commies who browse this place for noticing that Commisar Elmer has less of a problem with Stalin than he does with Rishi Sunak. Let the dead bury the dead, man. Once a Guardian reader always an apologist for communist tyranny
Hush Alex. We commies have always been in control.Every US president was a commie – because all governments everywhere are commies. The pure air of capitalism only lives on in misty mountain regions in the writings of Ayn Rand. But I’m sure that you and Gary can manage to rebel – in a thoroughly individualistic sense of course (since revolution must be a collectivist nightmare) – and bring the blessed magic of that pure capitalism through on the winged beauty of sheer autonomous entrepreneurship that delivers a pristine market system with no contaminating collectivity at all.
Communism and capitalism are joined at the hip.
Some people call it finance capitalism, others call it Globocap, Mr Global, Globalism, The New World Order but in every case they are capitalists. They control “Communist” China, they control the “left” and the “right” and both left and right wing ideologies, they control central banks everywhere. They control the Media. They control the duopoly, they control the Democrats and the Republicans, conservatives and liberals. You don’t live in a sovereign country. A democratic republic is, in reality, a con game. To achieve their ends they’ll use “democratic” forms or straight up tyranny, they don’t care. Winston Churchill called them the “Cabal”. L. Fletcher Prouty called them the “Power Elite”. The historian Carrol Quigley called them the “Network” (created by Cecil Rhodes). They are capitalists, in fact the richest of capitalists, but I wouldn’t say they care about capitalism. They want total control of the inhabited world and all of us in it. They win in part, because they have convinced people to fight each other instead of them, our real enemy.
The real power of this people is not the money, but deeper insight and strategic overview. They play the game with artificially stoking the two extremes of the same (!) thinking: the Hegelian, and in the end te symbiosis of master and slave in the same game. Their power is, that they are nor the one nor the other, they are not part of the game they play. They are above or beyond like gods, playing the Hegelian game.
They bought us off, They gave us The Vote…(anon)
Propagandists dont believe their own bullshit.
If you’re hankering for a job as one you’ll need to use subtlety, and intelligence,
not regurgitate propagandist’s bullshit.
The amount of down votes showcases what kind of mentality hangs out at this site. You’re swimming against the stream here Gary. You won’t alter the delusion and indoctrination.
So you’re a mate of Gaaaary, eh ? Baaaa !
Just seems like a lot of pro Russian stuff on this site. Putin the hero etc
You know, legend to the contrary, it is possible to be critical of both Putin and NATO at the same time. That’s actually Off-Guardian’s usual editorial stance (James Corbett’s too). If it’s constant, one-sided Russia and China-bashing you want — well, you’ve got the whole MSM for that.
I don’t think so. Indoctrination / dogmatism abhor exchange of ideas and debates and if there is something I’ve seen on this site fortunately it’s precisely that commenters don’t flee good solid discussions.
So, Gary and Alex are welcome to elaborate on their opinion, it so they wish; I’m sure there will be more than one who will take up the gauntlet.
If so, what are you suggesting be done (i.e., about Putin wanting the West in tatters). Whose side does that make you on?
Capitalism vs. communism was the biggest fake binary of them all.
Look at so-called revolutionary movements and who, invariably, do you find funding them?
Off topic but everything that is going on now on websites and news about Trans and Drag Queens and white and black,Is purposely done from the rich down to confuse and anger.
You’re right, Annie; they want us talking about shocking nothings.
They are happy for rowing over trans (the really important stuff is kept out of rows altogether) – but they are also serious about it. See Baphomet.
To some extent, it is a distraction. But it’s also true that sterilization is part of the globalist agenda, so there’s that.
That was a key part of it. The hyperinflation. Pensioners seeing their lifetime savings wiped out.
Inflation in the UK is not far off these days. Some shop items have more than tripled in price in the past year or so.
So maybe there are some parallels between the two post-Empire countries
Bitcoin fixes this
Britcoin is coming in 2025. Guess it’s just a fourtunate coincidence that the name allows such a pun….
Bitcoin can’t fix shortages caused by supply-chain disruption (destruction?).
Nor shortages of essential raw materials caused by – actual effing shortages of essential raw materials…
No amount of footling with imaginary entities is going to have any effect on those shortages. As the supermarkets like to put it: WIGIG – when it’s gone, it’s gone.
Bitcoin that, genius! 😆
Until your mobile phone is lost, stolen, hacked, stops working, or the electricity grid goes down as it did in Texas and Germany, or somebody decides to cancel you by cancelling your money.
When they told everyone LOL
prices would be greatly reduced, when they leave the e.u..
Gotta love oligarchy alt media for shilling Brexit..
the prices also went up several time during the Brexit psyop.
Now explain rising prices in Germany (still in the EU) and the US (never in the EU).
It’s all Putin’s fault.
He signed a decree raising prices in the US and Germany.
Whereas rising prices in Britain are caused exclusively by Brexit.
If we had stayed in the EU, all our petrol and electricity would be completely free, and food would be so cheap that everybody would be living on caviar and champagne every day.
Some tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists think it has something to do with money printing, raising the US money supply by 38% in 2 years, $5.9 trillion, £850 billion in Britain and 2.5 trillion euros in the EU. But these people are simply delusional and nobody should pay any attention to them.
Recommend Dmitri Orlov
He knows the crash in Russia and then lived in US. There he recognized and analyzed the signs hew knew very well. Recommend also his book ‘5 stages of collapse’.
Relevant not only for US or UK …
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-01. Pfizer notes miscarriages, recategorizes them ‘recovered’ or ‘resolved’. 30% display Serious heart issues (blog, gab, tweet).
Paul, interesting legal rebuttal of the 15-minute enclosures!
The rule of law doesn’t apply to oligarchs – notice all those anti-convid cases that went nowhere?
Nothing changes from generation to generation…
Don’t know what you mean. In the 50s a man w a high school education could support a wife and a houseful of kids, and still have time to enjoy their company. Educated people were still paying attention to keeping politics under control. College at State Universities was easily affordable– and we were all talking about reducing the workweek to 30 hours.
And much, much more.
Corrupted rulers…from generation to generation.
The way we were.
That’s right, Penny. In the ’50s, we – especially we of the Pampered Twenty Percent – were still drawing down, as if there was no tomorrow, the accumulated natural riches of the Earth, which – at that time – were still relatively plentiful. And there were less of us, especially the hyper-greedy PTP, gobbling them up. Things – for the PTP – were cheap and easy, just as you describe.
But since then our numbers have ballooned – as they do in any classic population overshoot event like the one hom-sap are now in – and that tomorrow is here: The draw-down of the riches has got close to the bottom of the barrel – as it does towards the end of the growth-phase of any population overshoot episode.
We – hom-sap – are now at the crisis point of planetary ecological overshoot. We dominate in numbers and in sheer mass and weight every single ecological system everywhere on Earth – possibly excepting Antarctica – we and our domestic animals. We’ve squeezed all our wild fellow creatures in “Earth’s beauty-dress/ Her life-robe” (h/t Ted Hughes) down to small percentages of their proper numbers; mostly single figures! Extinctions have accelerated.
We are – right now – lurching into the acute phase of the crisis, when our numbers begin to crash again – spontaneously, whatever we may do or not do; this will be showing up unmistakably in global statistics some time in the near future, if currently-plunging human fertility rates are anything to go by.
Then, once our numbers have fallen far enough, the other creatures of life’s kindred – those which survive extinction – can begin to recover, along with the returning natural riches; those that are actually recoverable, that is.
Fossil-hydrocarbons, though, won’t be amongst those recovering riches (even if the aboitic oil hypothesis is true, because its too damned slow by multi-millenia). We – the survivors – shall by then be getting by on MUCH less energy, as we always did in the millennia before our current time.
The best concise exposition that I know of at present, of these fundamental realities, is to be found in this conversation between Nate Hagens and Emeritus Professor of systems-ecology William Rees. Readers here should really get these stark facts clearly in mind before pontificating about our wonderfully-plentiful hitech future (not!):
I look forward to the usual harvest of downvotes from the delusionals here amongst the btls; keep on making me goster, suckers…! 😆
or just order everyone with over a million dollars to hand over the excess and then we use the money to do good things for the rest of us like UBI and weed rations.
But there is neither East nor West
The future is already here. Vast transfers of wealth upwards through money printing. Money supply increased by 38% in the US in 2 years, $5-9 trillion. £850 billion in the UK. 2.5 trillion euros in the EU. Draconian censorship. Blanket surveillance. Shredding of civil liberties. Cancelling of unpersons. Kangaroo courts in the pocket of politicians. Politicians in the pocket of gangster oligarchs, foreign and domestic. Peddling utter nonsense, degeneracy and filth to the masses that becomes unquestionable established orthodoxy. Global warming, covid, myriad hoaxes and false flags, child trannies and paedophilia, rapists in women’s prisons, drag queen story hour in primary schools.
They seem to be deliberately pushing the envelope in what they can get people to accept, endorse, enthusiastically promote and celebrate. A man in a frock is a woman if he says he is. There is nothing so wonderful, splendid and sublime in the entire universe as gay sex. Young children should be able to cut their d***s off and cut their t**s off without telling their parents. People who don’t want to get vaccinated should be put in concentration camps. White people are evil and should all be exterminated. Weapons are the way to peace.
2+2=5 is no longer enough. Ingsoc appears quite benign, moderate and undemanding by comparison.
They no longer even bother to go through the motions of electing leaders any more. Sunak, Truss, May, V.D. Leyen. Any stuffed shirt or empty suit will do..
White People
White people, more than any other, made all this possible. They still are the bankster’s closest allies. They have the highest clot shot rates. What the world needs is a broad alliance against the banksters. Remember what white people did to other white people in Dresden.
“They have the highest clot shot rates.”
Evidence for that statement please….
You mean ‘white’ people, who regard real White people as just more tohu and bohu.
So that’s our answer! Just get rid of all the white people and all will be utopia. Sounds about the same as just get rid of all the dissenters and all will be fine once we all toe the banksters line. Let’s build the camps now and get started on the purge that will save the world!
The blame game is for suckers, period. It’s been used since the beginning of time, and by God it works every single fucking time.
I say good enough. Every last bit of this madness could end today – if the people en masse say “Nah, we don’t want to play your game any longer. We’ll try some other way. You just run along and count your money while we live our lives as if you didn’t exist. Oh: and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”
Of course, herds of elephants will fly before the people dare take a stand against “the System.” So I say good enough. It’s what humanity wants, it’s what it’ll get.
You’re right, although I would add that people today have become timid in ways that were unknown until the media decided to teach them how to spend their entire lives in fear.
There are occasional hopeful signs. I just read an article in globalresearch about conscription.
It seems that in the US 60% of the soldiers were drafted for WWII. The article speculates that even the Pearl Harbor incident didn’t fool everyone – that many Americans knew the Japanese were goaded into the attack; and after the horrors of WWI were not willing to fight and die in another fiasco.
So much for America’s “good war.”
“Change the system but don’t inconvenience me in any way” springs to mind.
That’s why Americans love their elections: it makes it look like everything changes every two or four years. Everything, that is, except their “good life.”