Penis Enlargement and Hair Loss Cures

Todd Hayen

I don’t know about you, but I am flooded with emails that are touting some miracle cure for the two male issues pointed out in the title above and a multiplicity of other such “miracles.”

The title suggests things men might be more interested in (ya think?) but women are not forgotten in such ubiquitous appeals: “Miracle Weight Loss Program,” “Breast Enlargement with no Surgery,” “Skin Product to Make You 30 Years Younger” (sorry ladies, the things that attract a majority of you are just as much surface concerns as small phalluses and bald heads are for men.)

When I was a naive youngster I often would “look” at what these claims had to say (not necessarily the ones in the title, but similar ones). It didn’t take long for me to come to the conclusion they were “Snake Oil Salesmen” in nature. Now, in my advanced years, I may still, much to my ultimate dismay, check out something like, “No More Kidney Stones!” or “Eat this Miracle Food and Say Goodbye to High Blood Pressure.”

In fact, now that I know what I know as a wise old man, I have a bit of renewed faith in these sorts of claims made off the beaten path of Big Pharma. But there are still a lot of Snake Oil Salesmen out there. What to do? I don’t rightly know.

However, today the tables are turned. The Snake Oil Salesmen are the Faucis, the Walenskis, and the Bourlas, et al. What to do? I still don’t rightly know.

But I’ll take a stab at it. First off, look at how sensational the claims are. Nothing is 100% effective, or 100% safe. If we are being sold a product that claims anything of the sort, we can be pretty sure there is something shady going on. Hmmm. So does that mean that referring to the Covid vaccine as “safe and effective” a sensational claim? Is, “get vaccinated and you won’t get Covid” sensational? I think so, do you? The old adage, “it’s too good to be true” is pretty accurate. And that isn’t good because it is very sad to realize that.

In my long life this adage has rung true more often then I would like to remember. It just seems to be one of those things you can’t shake. I remember studying The Science of Mind (NOT Scientology!). In that study we often said, “it’s so good it must be true.” Believe it or not (there’s that pesky word “believe” again!) I DO believe this!

But I won’t get into that here. Maybe another time, it is complicated.

I will say in an attempt to explain, however, that an experience can be “so good it must be true.” When someone trying to deceive you makes sensational claims, more than likely being too good is a problem. “Someone trying to deceive you,” is the operative phrase here.

Let’s get back to enlarging body parts and if there really are products out there that can do what they claim and why most people are not convinced. I had a patient once who told me he had horrible experiences with kidney stones (something he and I shared). He told me once that he tried “one of the cockamamie cures” touted on the Internet. He didn’t even have to buy anything. It had something to do with eating a watermelon, or two, and a full half-gallon of Coca Cola, all the while laying in a tub of water so he could urinate at will (really?). He said it was a miracle. His stones “went away” (presumably dissolved and flushed out into the bathwater) and they never came back.

Now, I didn’t read this testimonial. I heard it directly from someone who had done it, and succeeded. Should I try it? I must admit I have not, for various reasons, floating in a bath of urine being one of them. Am I convinced it would work? Not entirely, but I don’t dismiss it completely.

How many other things like this do we all hear day in and day out? With the quickly collapsing modern, mainstream, medical establishment, it certainly seems more likely most “unaccepted medical cures” out there were actively denigrated by Big Pharma, the AMA, and their cadre of zombie doctors. Look at what they did to Ivermectin.

I will say this: I will never, ever, again take the word of Big Medicine over the word of just about anyone else out there. That doesn’t mean I believe EVERYTHING advertised is on the up and up, but damn, I sure as hell will not unconditionally say no to something just because Big Medicine said “stay away.”

When my first wife was dying of cancer twenty years ago, I was faced with a system that offered really no solutions. We were told she had six months to live, IF she followed the standard of care with chemotherapy and radiation (there was no surgical option). We couldn’t accept this prognosis and started looking for alternatives. We found a lot. But my wife was a bit more conservative than I was and opted to go with the standard treatment (albeit from a progressive doctor) with a few alternatives mixed in that didn’t “interfere” with the conventional approach.

She did beat the odds and lived another four years after her diagnosis. Who knows what the result would have been if she cut out all the chemicals and radiation. Most of the alternative approaches indicated the efficacy of that treatment would be diminished if the patient continued on those conventional, and toxic, treatments.

So during this time I really got into Rife treatment, and a handful of other “alternative cancer treatments” on par with “enlarge your ‘you know what’,” and eating watermelon in the tub. Well, I can’t be too harsh; I am still a firm believer in Rife and his amazing work. I think he was bullied as much as Burzynski was by the AMA and whatever other medical authority that was out there at the time.

This is not a casual problem. Millions die every year due to the accepted cancer standard of care. Is there anything in the alternative world that could give a better outcome? There are certainly many that claim they do. Considering what we know now you would be crazy not to believe at least a tad of what we hear—and it has been out there for quite some time, only ignored, vilified, or worse.

But there is one big reason why a lot of these things that create hope for people suffering when the conventional approach only offered hopelessness are not embraced by the masses. They don’t seem to work the majority of time. Maybe they work better than the mainstream media tell you. But it stands to reason if they DID work the majority of the time, or close to the majority of the time, the people trying them out would have a big enough voice to let the world know. Ha ha ha. Now I know better than to say something as false as that statement.

We know what is happening with the Covid vaccines, we know thousands have been saved by alternative treatments. But the world, as a majority mass, has been silent. I do believe these treatments work most of the time (Rife being one I would personally stand by) if done according to instructions, believed in, and consistently applied.

Although logic tells us there are indeed a lot of charlatans out there pushing products like the Snake Oil Salesmen of long ago pushed. Are people not as naïve as they used to be with matters like this (or at least they didn’t seem to be before Covid)? Do they demand a bit more before making a decision to use some “off the grid” miracle cure or treatment? Maybe at one point after the Victorian era they were, but now their reluctance to try “different things” is probably due to successful mainstream brainwashing—only the conventional medical establishment knows what works and doesn’t work. Right.

But now, when the mainstream medical industry starts to sell the serpent elixir themselves, and are pushing it without a lot of evidence behind its efficacy and safety, and everyone is lining up for their jab, then you start to really wonder—and worry.

I guess the mainstream medical machine all learned from the best Snake Oil Salesmen out there, the best that money could buy. Guess who they are.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Mar 10, 2023 9:02 PM

I have never heard of this Rife character, but until viruses are fundamentally demonstrated to exist by actual adherence to the scientific method, I would stay well away from the rabbit hole of associating cancer with alleged viruses. The never-ending inventions of genetic associations without any actionable causality ever discovered is bad enough.

I think you would be much better served looking at something like Thomas Seyfried’s work regarding Cancer as a Metabolic Disease (title of his book). Start with his article by the same name: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3941741/

Mar 6, 2023 3:08 AM

I think the way it works is something like this.

You have survived the trauma of education, skipped the last two years of the physics class, and got the job you wanted on your third attempt, after improving your interview techniques and had already done the programming IQ tests twice before.

Even I thought F’ck Me – They have offered me the job. I was only 19. I had passed my car driving test, but only had a BSA650 motorcycle…

The management said, sure you can go to the meetings on that, but we will not pay you 39p a mile…So I bought a car for £35 – same as what I paid for my motorbike. My Dad helped me fix it, as it didn’t last too long with a hole in petrol tank.

New petrol tank £15. Car back on the road fully registeded and legal £50 Labour Free.

My Dad waved me goodbye, as I drove my car, where I was told to go by my employer – on overtime and expenses

Manchester to Bracknell 3 hr 30 min (195.5 mi)

400 miles to return At £0.39 per mile – that was £156 (3 times the cost of my car) + 7 hours overtime x1.5 unsocial hours, whilst staying in eg the Holiday Inn – though we hardly ever got a free bar and most of us didn’t yet have a girlfriend (though we claimed we did)

Working at ICL was tremendous fun – especially when we did have girlfriends and could organise our shifts around our social events with our management’s approval.

We the workers on the floor – drew up the shift rotas and pinned them on the board.

We were just building and testing computers. It was no big deal. If we don’t get it thoroughly tested and working, then we are going to go bust. The customer will tolerate some minor problems – but if they stick their data in one end – they would like to see some improvements – at the other end…, so they don’t go bust.

The line printers were very busy mostly containing bills.


Mar 5, 2023 5:17 PM

Enjoy your writing. Can’t agree more with most of what you write. Turning off the lights helps while employing more than one body part, if you know what I mean. There is more than what meets the eye (when the lights are turned off, that is). Sorry.

My son went to the same pediatrician until he graduated from high school. It was comedic for all of the reasons you would think. On his final pre college physical visit his hormones were fully kicked in and he looked like Fabio. The nurses audibly gasped when he checked in. (I went with for a consult of sorts. Otherwise, he could drive himself). He had no clue…… Lost my train of thought and not sure how this fits in……… Leaving it in because it is funny. His 6’1″ thick muscular stature that did not leave him “wanting” might be the reason I brought it up.

Three years earlier, when my daughter started college she moved over to the internist my wife and I used. An old Asian guy who spoke English with a strong accent. Best doctor we ever had. All within 6 months the three of us developed kidney stones. My wife and I were in our mid 40s and my daughter was in her early 20s. No rhyme or reason to kidney stones and age according to Dr. Leong. It is not always diagnosed properly in younger people. When I was 12 years old I had a kidney stone that went undiagnosed. Incredible pain that was exactly like the pain from the stone I experience later. The doctor knew instantly when my daughter was afflicted. They did the imaging just to be sure. Some people get them. Some people don’t. Often people don’t even know they are passing them.

Mar 5, 2023 3:34 PM

Rothschilds’ rag finds health services collapsing everywhere –


Excess daeths are everywhere and “collapsing health care” is their cover story – so of course health care has to be collapsing everywhere. Next up… the globalist/technocratic solution to “collapsing health care”.

Mar 5, 2023 9:53 AM

These Hancock “leaks” are being used to push a Covid Inquiry. The purpose of such an inquiry is simply to propagandise the official narrative as this makes explicit:


The main narrative upheld…. admissions of some minor errors made with the best of intentions… a few underlings thrown under the bus…. the illusion that something has been done through a “raft of recommendations”… endless condemnation of “conspiracy theories” and “fake news”…. it’s the same old card they want to play when a narrative is starting to get into trouble..

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 5, 2023 2:54 PM
Reply to  Edwige

That link is a masterpiece of subjectless pronouncements,

“A war of words played out …. those debates melted into the background…. the second season of Lockdown Wars has been thrust on us….” etc as the hapless beleaguered writer attempts to cope with strange impersonal forces. Especially such nefarious factors as anti-lockdown sentiment being a “case of ideology trumping evidence”.

As for the rest, lots of impressive sounding waffle about the need for nuance and careful contextualisation etc. And once again I suspect that this article has been generated from a software gish galloper.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 5, 2023 8:45 AM

Hey let’s fuck up three year olds:

On “educational” new book, “My Shadow is Pink”,

“The book, which is sold as appropriate for three-year-olds, explores the world of a boy who feels uncomfortable with male stereotypes. In it the father tells his son: “Your shadow is pink, I see now it’s true, it’s not just your shadow, it’s your innermost you.”” (Telegraph)

Of course male stereotyping is the most pressing question for a three year old.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 5, 2023 8:59 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The true significance of this book has got less to do with nefarious undermining of children’s growth than with deliberate stirring up. It’s a two pronged move. The “progressives” are encouraged from one side whilst the “reactionaries” are stirred up from the other.

Mar 7, 2023 11:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s what they want. The lively debate. Makes it real.

Mar 5, 2023 6:36 AM

I bought Sea Monkeys-in the early seventies-when I was eleven.I saved up and bought by mail order.They were these tiny little nothings:the first con.

Mar 5, 2023 7:54 AM
Reply to  Hele

Did you get your x-ray glasses as well Hele?
Mine still work.
I can see through the thick fog of obfuscation and bullshit.

Mar 5, 2023 10:10 PM
Reply to  Hele

I get the “Sharper Image” (SI) catalog in the mail, although I don’t think I’ve ever bought anything from them. In case it’s only a US merchant, it might help to know that SI sells supposedly cutting-edge, state-of-the-art gizmos for personal and household use– i.e. overpriced crap marketed to yuppies, to use a shopworn term.

While leafing through the catalogs on the way to the trash receptacle, I’ve noticed that over the past couple of years they sell a lot of products involving gizmos loaded with “special” LED lights; some claim to reduce or eliminate muscle and joint pain, or improve problem complexions, etc. 

SI, and some company who runs TV ads, also sell LED-based “hair (re)growth” products. The TV ad version looks like a baseball cap lined, or studded, with LED lights; the claim is that these specially designed and calibrated LEDs stimulate hair growth.

Perhaps some satisfied customer will reply to object to my cynicism and insist that these miracle LED hair-growing devices work like a charm. But this entire line of LED-based healthcare gizmos seems obviously bogus. BTW, I haven’t seen those TV ads recently, so maybe by now the products have fallen into disrepute and the Miracle Hair-Growing LED cap manufacturers have been litigated out of existence.

Mar 6, 2023 4:09 AM
Reply to  Hele

Pet rocks were a fad too. Recently, we had planking.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 5, 2023 5:45 AM

I thought from the title that this article was about how hair loss cures can result in penis enlargement.  😀 

“we know thousands have been saved by alternative treatments.” Alternative treatments for what, a virus which has never been proven to exist, a “disease” which is actually just a whole host of symptoms now defined as something unique?

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 5, 2023 11:41 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Good point. There ARE diseases, even if there are no external viruses a person “catches” there are still things that “get you” and kill you…or mess you up. Most “miracle cures” are for cancer, some for high blood pressure, some for “general” organ health. Granted, I would say most of them don’t work…”don’t work”?? Maybe the user just believes really strongly that they will and THAT cures them…just like maybe with IVM, or other “Covid” treatments…the whole thing is a big mess…

Mar 5, 2023 5:33 AM

Seneca on baldness:
‘I don’t consider myself bald, I’m just taller than my hair’
A wit on penis size:
‘It’s a foot long but I don’t use it as a rule’

Mar 5, 2023 12:55 AM

Hair loss and penis enlargement?

I have a counter-offer:
Try head loss and guillotines…

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 5, 2023 2:58 AM
Reply to  wardropper

And cigar-cutters

Mar 5, 2023 7:37 AM
Reply to  wardropper

The title suggests that some want a cure for penis enlargement.

wally jasper
wally jasper
Mar 5, 2023 12:41 AM

FWIW, I haven’t had a drink of Coke since I was a kid in the 50s and 60s. Horrible stuff. But I once came across an article that said it was good for removing rust. I had a metal appliance that was rusted so I gave it a try: I soaked the thing in Coke overnight and in the morning simply wiped all the rust off. It worked! So, with regard to kidney stones, I could imagine it dissolving the stones in the kidneys, the same way it dissolved the rust. But, like the jabs, drinking Coke may do more harm than good.

Mar 5, 2023 3:43 AM
Reply to  wally jasper

I like Coke.
I’ve built up a tolerance for it over 76 years…

Mar 4, 2023 11:59 PM

The toughest part of my life, was when I was young…and I didn’t have a friend, she kind of said, more gestured – come here

Mar 4, 2023 11:33 PM
Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 5, 2023 12:50 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Yes. Part of the Lew Rockwell article references this post on Expose’. >

Deaths in Singapore hit record 60-year highs after the rollout of covid injections (expose-news.com)

Excerpt: “In Singapore, the mass covid injection campaign began on 30 December 2020. The year of the vaccine, 2021, was already the highest death rate since records began 61 years earlier. Now 2022 has broken that record and is the highest death rate in 62 years.”

So let’s inject our food stocks with the same industrial waste…

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 4, 2023 10:12 PM

Well, I’m in the unusual position of not having any particular beef with the medical profession, but nevertheless minimising my intake of drugs.

I’ve not had any covid jabs. Not even had any covid. (So far as I know).

Now, I wrote to my doctor and he was quite happy with my choice. In fact, I even went to see him in the summer of 2021, and he assured me that the letters and texts would stop. And they have. Good man.

Mar 4, 2023 10:12 PM

Lammy gushing on meeting Bill Gates:

A barn door and Right Said Fred’s reply hits it.

Mar 5, 2023 5:14 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Right Said Fred’s LOL

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 4, 2023 10:06 PM

Spot on analysis, Todd! Yes there are ‘alternatives’ that work; but you have to do a lot of searching and sifting to sort the wheat from the chaff. Start early. It takes time. Don’t just start when you’re in the post-diagnosis panic stage.

As one good start, I can tell you that mega-dose vitamin C is a wonderful wide-acting helper; only thing I used – or needed to use – to tell the covid bollocks to piss off; but DO notice that key word; ‘mega’.

See here for oodles more of really high-quality information, on C and many other genuine, benign and effective alternatives:


Mar 5, 2023 3:36 AM

Two problems with Vitamin C (as well as most other non-medical ingredients): 1) the big food conglomerates already own most vitamin producing companies – which they can “tweak” as they see fit;

and 2) in the US we have the Durbin-Braun Premarket Approval Proposal (not yet enacted) which would effectively ban the sale of vitamins (Big Pharma is wanting to use these vitamins as bases for new medicines – so they must be banned. They tried it with B6, but so far it hasn’t worked).

And, of course, if Durbin-Braun becomes law in the US, expect similar legislation elsewhere.

Mar 4, 2023 9:57 PM

Stop consuming Stevia Sweeteners. Tribes in Papua used Stevia as Birth Control for Centuries. But Regular Use causes Infertility Sterility & Erectile Disfunction. Also the Toxic Endocrine Disruptors in Our Food & Skin Products Contributes significantly to the Problem.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 4, 2023 9:46 PM

The fact that people are so easily ensnared by the quick-fix miracle cure is what makes government and pharmaceuticals company propaganda so effective.

The only way to get out of this rut is to stop lusting after miracles and start looking within, taking responsibility.

On the other hand, once government and Big Pharma and Big Everything no longer hold power over us with false promises, they will come down on us like a ton of bricks to maintain their power.

Mar 4, 2023 9:39 PM

I instantly liked Edward Slavsquat Riley Waggerman – I assume American – when I saw his video interview from his flat in Moscow.

His sense of humour and appearance, and his subtle projection skills I really liked -ex RT tea boy whatever…He actually seemed quite normal as if he was an English 30 year old kid, not working for the CIA, just ended up in Moscow after being fired by RT.

I like people like that…He is extrovert / yet shy and friendly – convincing and would have no problem doing a live presentation in front of a large number of people with TV cameras

So Why exactly is he slagging off the old man on the block – just Retired age about 60… THE Saker???

Over the Clotshot???

That’s a bit cruel. Everyone has been brainwashed over the last 3 years.

Sure, I massively disagreed re Clotshot …but he probably believed the propaganda and got jabbed…and it is that that caused him to retire. He used to be really fit.

Give the bloke a break. It was the Saker’s blog I was following in 2014 with the events in Ukraine…

Everyone makes mistakes, especially under intense propaganda. It does not mean that they are necessarily supporting or promoting a radical different political or religious point of view that you don’t agree with.


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 8, 2023 9:44 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

He was also co-ordinating a cowardly ‘target the UK’ blame game because he was too much of a coward to call out the USA for what it was. He used nameless bloggers from unidentified geographies to write lying filth about the UK, utterly racist in both intent and output. Luckily his blog wasn’t mainstream, so it didn’t really matter. But it tells you a lot about the man.

Apparently big bully USA is a cowardly, cowering crybaby in front of the might of the UK’s Royal Family and City of London. Seriously??

Matthew Ehret is exactly the same, writing claptrap for political expediency.

The UK is a weak, servile yapdog for the USA and if we really were in charge, Sterling would be the world’s reserve currency, we would have control over our own nuclear weapons, we would have an independent foreign policy and the USA’s opinion about our membership or otherwise of the EU would be irrelevant.

Oh, and neither major party would need to have a ”XXXX Friends of Israel’ pressure group either.

Mar 4, 2023 9:20 PM

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars is a massively instructive document but it has nothing to do with ‘relieving karmic debt’.

Mar 4, 2023 8:47 PM

I don’t go to the doctor since the age of 50, cos he took my blood pressure, and told me, I was about to drop dead, unless I took his pills…I only went to the doctor, cos I had been diving in polluted water, and had an ear infection. Otherwise I felt fine, just p1ssed off that my hearing had gone to mono, and I like stereo.

So I took his pills, and had difficulties getting it up, and my toenails, went a really nasty colour..

I went back and showed him, what his drugs had done to me…He said, that’s nothing to do with the drugs I have prescribed. He then prescribed me more drugs.

After 3 months, I was on so many drugs, that the Chemist / Pharmacy – said to me…Here fill out this form, send it to the NHS, and you can have as many drugs as your doctor prescribes for one annual payment.

So, I was about to fill out the form, but instead bought a blood pressure monitor. It still works 20 years later…I showed him the results 20 years ago…

Flushed the drugs down the bog. Got better, and not seen him since.

In the UK, Doctors get paid to prescribe drugs, that most people do not need. I admit that some drugs for some medical conditions are essential and do save lives…

Some Doctors are absolutely brilliant.

However, even on official US/UK Statistics, Doctors were the Third Main Cause of Death pre Covid

Now almost certainly Doctors are Number 1 cause of Death

“UFO Doctor Doctor – 1979”



Mar 4, 2023 8:00 PM

Todd Hayen. I am nearly 70 years old, and judging by the smell, mine still works. Being a sad bastard, I have actually bought one of these digital microscopes from China for about £10 inc delivery… Neither of us have been jabbed.

She might be 65, but she still looks sweet 16 to me, and later this year she will get her pension

Every Wednesday morning…She has fruit and live natural yoghurt (it prevents thrush), whilst I have one piece of thick bacon, and 2 soft boiled eggs, 2 cups of coffee, and go back to bed.

Usually works

Not dead yet.


Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 5, 2023 12:07 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

She might be 65, but she still looks sweet 16 to me”

That’s a beautiful sentiment Tony. Was beautiful to read. Thank you. Enjoy your breakfasts.

The truly sad bastard is whoever here felt the need to down vote your comment in this instance. Good grief.

Cheers Chap.

Mar 4, 2023 7:37 PM

Katherine Watt:
Available informational packages that can be used to understand global biofascism through regulatory, statutory and executive order lenses.

NUTSHELL: US Government since 1969 has incrementally transferred/hidden the joint DOD+HHS Chemical and Biological Warfare Program (50 USC 32) in the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 201) and Food Drug and Cosmetics Act (21 USC 9), such that federally-funded, federally-directed public health programs and products are actually bioterrorism programs and biological and chemical weapon attacks.

The government’s purpose is to commit mass murder/depopulate the world, without public knowledge and without legal consequence, and enslave survivors for wealth and power centralization through digitized ‘vaccine’ passports and digital currencies, without public knowledge and without public resistance.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 4, 2023 7:05 PM

“Wish our an Ancestors had access to this, my how lucky we are, rejoice.”

I’m sure our ancestors said the same thing of their ancestors.:-)

Human values
Human values
Mar 4, 2023 6:14 PM

”Look at what they did to Ivermectin.”

They’ve been sending Ivermectin to poor countries and they advertise it as safe and effective.

It’s just another snake oil to kill humans.


Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Mar 4, 2023 6:45 PM
Reply to  Human values

Anything in excessive amounts can kill, stupidity is a good example of that.

Ivermectin is fine as it is in small doses. When you amp it up to levels that are not recommended, then yes it does kill people. Very much like they have done not that long ago in the UK to try and discredit it as a treatment for Sars-CoV-2. They cranked up the levels and they killed people, yes they did actually do that.

Ropes and trees will be our friends one day.

Mar 4, 2023 10:03 PM

Hang ‘Em High!

Human values
Human values
Mar 5, 2023 12:54 AM

I can see you are fine with killing people.

Where does your information about Ivermectin come from?

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Mar 5, 2023 1:30 AM
Reply to  Human values

I can see you are fine with killing people.

Your interpretation of my words is wrong.

I would like to see the threat reinstated because I’m fine with people pissing their pants. Fucking hilarious.

As to the other stuff, you’d have to go hunting, I think it’s been part buried, still looking.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 5, 2023 4:38 AM

A pain renacting admission of a sadistic pleasurable or merely being illiterate act a fantasy.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 5, 2023 4:50 AM
Reply to  Human values

It is a study of a self belief exposing illiteracy on pain relief of an other, whom of course is the result of two people.
For me the conclusion has been clear, and coming to a close.

Mar 5, 2023 7:51 AM

Another way to claim IVM was useless was to dispense it late, after pneumonia started. They also did that for HCQ.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 8, 2023 9:47 AM
Reply to  Human values

THey thought it so terrible that big pharma set about creating Ivermectin mimics that they could patent and charge 50 times as much for.

They know full well how efficacious it is, but they can’t make money from it.

They are in the money game, not the healthy living game.

Mar 4, 2023 5:29 PM

Hard to understand why anyone would have any surgery at all that wasn’t absolutely necessary. Even the ops to correct eyesight make me shudder. Who want to see a surgically enhanced penis and/or breasts anyway?!

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 4, 2023 9:58 PM
Reply to  Thom

I have been told anecdotally that there are many people wanting “sex-change” operations.

Mar 5, 2023 12:49 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

If only they knew that what they really needed was a brain transplant…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 5, 2023 5:39 AM
Reply to  Thom

I had left eye Lasik at 46 in the USA. 2000. It was/is incredible. I never wore glasses it was only with working in advanced engineering by 60 sometimes I’d where spectacles.
With Lasik I patiently waited untill the time was right for myself.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 4, 2023 5:27 PM

Remember what the successful con man P.T. Barnum said, “There’s a sucker born every minute” and “No man ever went broke over estimating the ignorance of the American public.”
The plutocrats whose hubris and psychopathy know no bounds are on full display now that their COVID con is unravelling. Sadly most of those who were tricked and frightened by the coordinated pandemic porn campaign are still too engrossed in the BS to admit they were duped and bamboozled. They lined up for the shots and boosters and they gleefully demonized anyone who tried to tell them the emperor was naked. The scam is still going on albeit not as pervasive as before. The elites don’t have to push it as actively they have already conditioned the masses so when they roll out another con the sheep will go for it hook, line and sinker.

Mar 4, 2023 10:15 PM

SPARS Virus is a scheduled Plandemic for 2025 to 2028. Whereas all of the Insane “Health” Measures were Voluntary during the Operation Covid Psy-OP; The forthcoming “Health” Measures from WHO Treaty will be Enforced by Foreign Troops in each Country. Only Essential Workers, Arrest of Online Dissent, Limited Outside time & Distance, Curfews, Limited Consumption, Mandatory Masks, Limited Occupation Quantity, CDC Quarantine Cells, FEMA Concentration Camps for Indoctrination & Disposal, Forced Inoculation of Genetically Modified mRNA, ect….

Mar 4, 2023 4:54 PM

The cure for baldness and/or a small penis?

Accepting the hand fate/nature/God deals you….

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 4, 2023 9:58 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I prefer to accept the blessings. But that’s just me.

Mar 4, 2023 10:16 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Only the Bald have Large Penis’

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 5, 2023 6:40 AM
Reply to  Spooner

In Public
Doesn’t hold true when Knuckle is shaved., and the Mouth resembles an open closing hairy Vagina.
A Man who covers His Eyes has nothing to say.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 8, 2023 9:50 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Baldness doesn’t need curing – some women like bald men, just as some women like men with beards. If you’re that worried, just wear a wig.

The only thing you have to be careful of as a bald man is putting a hat on your head in winter and/or when it’s raining.

Mar 4, 2023 4:13 PM

Hair loss and penis size may soon be the least of modern man’s worries.

They’re going to start giving mRNA vaccines to factory farm animals. Why they’re going to remains a mystery.

Anyway, here’s an article about it. Perhaps most have already seen similar articles. (Note: I don’t entirely trust Mike Adams; but I have read other articles mentioning this.)

The US Meat Supply May Soon be Widely Contaminated with mRNA Proteins From Biotech “Vaccines” – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 4, 2023 10:00 PM
Reply to  Howard

Is there any point in my repeating that this makes no difference? No, I thought not. Carry on.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 4, 2023 10:02 PM
Reply to  Howard

(2) While I am totally unconcerned about this, I am rather more concerned about the contamination of blood by the spike protein. Hopefully I won’t ever need a blood transfusion.

Mar 5, 2023 3:43 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Unless you’re a vegan you may need to eat meat or dairy before you need a blood transfusion.

Granted it’s a far more complex situation than simply giving factory farm animals the jab. But one has to wonder what the purpose is.

Maybe it’s just that people don’t want the jabs now that they see they don’t work – so instead of losing money on unused batches they’re sticking them to the animals.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 8, 2023 9:52 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

I read somewhere that one US State has now banned vaccinated individuals from giving blood!

The resistance is becoming more organised….

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 8, 2023 9:51 AM
Reply to  Howard

If you want to poison non-compliant useless eaters, then put the clot shots into animals, slaughter them and get the useless eaters to eat the vaccine instead.

That’s what they will be thinking.

Whether the oral route of clotshot delivery will achieve the desired results, I don’t know.

But I wouldn’t risk it if I were you….source your food direct from organic farms.

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Mar 4, 2023 3:52 PM

The mRNA experiment really is a fair crack at their holy grail of products.

Maintenance Medicine.

Never cures anyone of anything as long as you keep taking it. Not that they’re interested in curing anyone of anything.

Oh and you forgot Bill Gates, one of the biggest cunts of all.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 4, 2023 10:00 PM

Well I’ve not taken any.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 5, 2023 6:56 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

One of your blessings then not having to. Are you retired?

dom irritant
dom irritant
Mar 5, 2023 6:09 PM

‘never cures anyone of anything as long as you keep taking it. not that they’re interested in curing anyone of anything ‘
and there you have it one of their most effective petrochemical business models to keep us complacent be it valium, opiates, cocaine (over priced wank in a bag) alcohol, pot etc etc

Mar 4, 2023 3:10 PM

Cancer patients & other terminally ill, are a market that is open to considerable exploitation, as their options can be stark, or presented as such.. Hmmm

What if there were a way to expand it?

Interestingly, the mRNA-altering therapies were initially concocted to alter DNA in order to counter incurable things like cancer.
But they never got past the animal trials.
Companies such as Moderna & Novavax fiddling around for over a decade, at considerable cost, producing nothing of value
(I wonder if they tried terminal illness trials, since that offers a window through some ethical issues.. guess there’s no need now, they’ve created their market)

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 4, 2023 4:14 PM
Reply to  antitermite

Heh, heh. They never got past the animal trials, because all the animals died. We are the trial now…

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 4, 2023 10:04 PM

And we’re not all dead. Something’s not right them. I haven’t had any, but most of my family have. They’re all still here, even my 5x jabbed 80 yo parents. No ill-effects for them.

Look, vax harms are real. Even my mother accepts this. But not everybody is harmed by these things. Okay, you can say give it time. Fine. We’ll see.

Mar 5, 2023 4:29 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

More than one in a thousand are either killed or seriously injured by the clot shot. I have spoken to someone seriously, almost fatally, injured by the prick.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 8, 2023 10:41 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

John – the reality of almost all prescribed medications is that a very small percentage are harmed. Even aspirin and the birth control pill are as dangerous as ‘normal’ vaccines. Which is not very dangerous at all and absolutely not dangerous in any way to the vast majority.

The thing with the ‘Covid19 vaccine’ is that the frequency of harm is far, far higher than anything ever prescribed before. Ever.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 4, 2023 5:30 PM
Reply to  antitermite

True, the animals in the trials kept dying so the Big Pharma miscreants found a way to recoup their effort and money “repurposing” cancer drugs for COVID!

Mar 5, 2023 8:03 AM
Reply to  antitermite

The rest of the jab – various synthetic and non-organic stuff – is far more dangrous than fetal cells.

Mar 5, 2023 8:05 AM
Reply to  antitermite

Alternatively, it was water or the flu jab.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 4, 2023 2:45 PM

The hijacking of the American medical system by vested interests has been discussed in countless articles over the years. Myriad linkages and persons of interest are well detailed in this presentation. >
The Dark Truth of America’s Federation of State Medical Boards – Video –
Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
September 28, 2022
Video: The Dark Truth of America’s Federation of State Medical Boards – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Folk medicine, shamanism, herbal and naturally derived medical practices that boast thousands of years of empirical success, have all been trashed by medical monopolies.

Would you like to recover? Or are your portfolio holdings more important?

Mar 4, 2023 9:23 PM

It’s pretty hilarious to me the amount of people that proudly thumb their nose at so called ‘primitive’ medicine such as you described while championing the ‘wonders of modern medicine’. As Huxley put it, “Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left.”

Mar 5, 2023 8:10 AM

A good example is the treatment of pregnancy. Home delivery and midwives are generally banned. Yet, most mothers find the “scientific’ experience traumatic.

Mar 4, 2023 2:19 PM

the world, as a majority mass

I’d like to say for the record that I don’t give a fuck about the “world, as a majority mass”. Likewise, I don’t give a fuck about what some asshole in “the office where they run everything from” has established as the proper penis length, breast size, body weight, this or that, the other fucking thing. Beats me why anybody would worry about any of that.

Don’t you have your own life to live? Ever thought of being yourself, I mean actually being whatever you truly are? As opposed to forever squeezing yourself into the mold prescribed by the aforementioned assholes? Where efforts to that end go as far as the truly phantasmagorical installation of plastic shit into your body to achieve the correct tit/dick size? How much more fucking batshit crazy can it get, eh?

Be an individual, not an inconsequential piece of the “majority mass”.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 4, 2023 10:06 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Can you make your point without the expletives? Just a question, don’t get your knickers in a twist.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 4, 2023 2:18 PM

comment image

Mar 4, 2023 9:24 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Some estimates actually put medical care as the leading cause of death in the U.S. I wonder why the CDC doesn’t list it?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 5, 2023 2:06 AM
Reply to  Joe

If you factor in administering the Convid “Vaxx,” the numbers are now probably off the charts.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 4, 2023 10:07 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Life is fatal.

Mar 4, 2023 1:31 PM

Big Pharma doesn’t sell Snake Oil so much as it sells the need for Snake Oil. This of course they do through their subsidiary, the Medical Establishment.

Perfect example is blood pressure. Instead of out and out telling you their product will cure high blood pressure, they get doctors and lab technicians to tell you you have high blood pressure when you thought you were fine – kind of like the asymptomatic Covid scam.

The gold standard for generations – 120/80 – is now officially listed as “elevated.” Better get started on a regime of blood pressure medicine before your 120/80 gives you a stroke!

Same with statins. Now an LDL of 100 is too much; needs to be lowered to 70 (a study of 65 subjects proved that). Better take a stronger dose of statin before your 100 LDL gives you a heart attack.

(And we wonder why people fell for the “vaccine” nonsense!)

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 4, 2023 2:29 PM
Reply to  Howard

Ah, the “vaccine”…something that no one needs, that doesn’t work, for something that doesn’t exist.

Mar 4, 2023 12:37 PM

comment image

Mar 5, 2023 3:42 AM
Reply to  Violet

My favourite.

Mar 4, 2023 12:35 PM

Their will never be a cure for baldness yet I’ve seen more than 1 advert for something called numan that has Minoxidil and Finasteride a drug that doesn’t work and for those few it has “an effect on” slightly thicker hair, less falling out, but their will be zero regrowth and has to be taken for life and causes impotence. I’m bald and I won’t be wasting me time on these obviously dodgy products. They’re as bad as the Rona jabs

Mar 4, 2023 12:17 PM

comment image

4th time lucky.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 4, 2023 12:34 PM
Reply to  switchedON

Is that poster genuine or a mock up? I can no longer tell.

Mar 5, 2023 3:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Sounds like something a green fanatic would do. They are always thinking of penis sizes when discussing the size of cars

Mar 5, 2023 4:54 PM
Reply to  Riri

from what i can gather, more like penis envy ; ) lol

school run moms drive these more than anyone around here.

Mar 5, 2023 9:51 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Maybe the question on that poster should’ve been, “Do you drive a stick?” 😉

Mar 4, 2023 11:44 AM

A if not the leading cause of death, Big pHARMa Medicine has enlarged itself by monopolizing a market of snake oil cures worse than disease, and that’s the bald truth.

Mar 4, 2023 11:32 AM

‘ Look at what they did to Ivermectin.’


Given that the author seems to be capable to have an open mind, I am surprised that he doesn’t question the diagnosis of covid in the first place.

Same applies to cancer and many other diseases that we, through the AMA, are meant to believe as singular entities (with singular treatments) as if we are talking about broken carburateurs, wind screens, fuel engines, ie machines instead of humans.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 4, 2023 12:04 PM
Reply to  Willem

I do question the diagnosis of Covid…I can only write one article at a time! And you are right on with your comment…thank you…

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 4, 2023 10:09 PM
Reply to  Willem

I am quite sure that no novel disease called cv-19 exists, because no SARS-CoV-2 exists, and the rt-PCT “test” is an absurd fraud. It is obviously the seasonal flu rebranded. However many MD’s who weren’t total sociopaths (definitely a tiny minority) claimed that Ivermectin was effective at overcoming cv-1984. Since it was really the flu, then that was what ivermectin appears to help with. However, for people who don’t buy into the flu virus theory, this just raised the question of what really does cause the flu. Terrain theory suggests that the symptoms are just the body’s way of clearing out toxins. Regardless, the evidence does strongly indicate that ivermectin is often effective in reducing symptoms of respiratory ailments regardless of what causes them, perhaps at the risk of leaving the causitive toxins in place. If people could or would avoid a build-up of toxins in their bodies, ivermectin would be useless, but the vast majority cannot and would not.

Mar 5, 2023 8:19 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

The action of HCQ and IVM seem to be more basic. They cure other diseases too. The medical industry wishes it could bury them.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 4, 2023 11:06 AM

One interesting lesson to learn about the medical profession in general is that they are, in fact, a mafia.

If they don’t get to control the sales and distribution of this, that or the other, it is ‘quackery’, ‘old wives tales’ etc etc.

But the day they get their hands on those products, procedures, apparently they have become ‘scientific’.

Acupuncture is a classic example in the UK. When I was growing up in the 1970s and as a young man in the early 1980s, acupuncture was ‘alternative medicine’, not considered scientific by the ‘mainstream’ medical establishment.

Miraculously now, it is part of the NHS. Assuming the NHS continues to survive, which is something the US predators have been trying to destroy ever since its inception in 1948.

Doctors are like football players in the main: anything the opposition does is ‘bad’, ‘cheating’, ‘wrong’ etc. Anything we do is ‘professional’.

So I advise everyone to start from the assumption that the Western medical establishment is not trustworthy per se and you shouldn’t look to them as the first port of call when judging whether something works or not.

I’m not saying they are all evil, snakeoil salesfolk, what I am saying is that it’s not just over Covid that they have broken the rules.

There’s quite a long track record of doctors being more interested in status, money and influence than in actually making human beings healthy.

If your priority is being healthy, rather than being treated, you should look to very different quarters than medical doctors when seeking advice about how to achieve that.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 4, 2023 5:58 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The esteemed Danish scientist, Dr Peter Gotzsche, here likens Big Pharma to ‘organized crime’:

“Dr Peter Gotzsche on Big Pharma as organized crime & Cochrane’s moral collapse”, at:


(N.B., I forgot to check, before typing the above link, whether the ‘prefix’ (not sure what its technical term is) for this item is ‘https’ or ‘www’. Hope I’ve got it right!)

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 4, 2023 10:48 PM

The link below this one is the one that works! I used the wrong ‘prefix’ when typing the one above.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Mar 4, 2023 6:02 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

You very correctly commented that the Medical Establishment is like the Mafia…

The esteemed Danish scientist, Dr Peter Gotzsche, agrees with you (as will every properly-informed, wised-up person), for he here likens Big Pharma to ‘organized crime’:

“Dr Peter Gotzsche on Big Pharma as organized crime & Cochrane’s moral collapse”, at:


Mar 4, 2023 7:39 PM

In other words the Kosher Nostra.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 4, 2023 10:26 AM

Sorry to hear about your wife, Todd. Glad you had that extra time with her.

There would be no snake oil salesmen if there were no customers.

And it doesn’t need to be a physical product.

Until recently I thought the worst of the bunch were TV evangelists “Stealing money from the sick and the old” as Bono aptly puts it.

Since the recent reign of terror I’ve broadened the net to include anyone in “official” positions.

War, as we know, is deceit.

But how the most recent one has been sold to the West is unbelievable.

I mean, full credit for how it’s been spun but jeez…………………..

Have a look at this piece in the Mail today about the Russian foreign minister saying it’s the West to blame for the war and then have a look at the comments.


Mar 4, 2023 12:40 PM

The daily fail has an audience of very old and/or easily bewildered window lockers. Not the brightest bunch. You can find articles about people killing kids on the daily fail and fond at least one comment saying something to the effect of “this is awful” and it will attract thumbs down.

Mar 4, 2023 10:23 AM

I know who is killing me, and it ain’t the illuminati.

Mar 4, 2023 9:25 AM

I guess the mainstream medical machine all learned from the best Snake Oil Salesmen out there, the best that money could buy. Guess who they are.??

Please put me out of my misery with suspense dear Todd.
who are they..?

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 4, 2023 12:12 PM
Reply to  fertility

You are funny….Big Pharma of course…and The Rockefeller Medical Industry….

A Reliable Source
A Reliable Source
Mar 4, 2023 12:43 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

John D Rockefeller, the original snake oil salesman. So now we know what a con man does if he strikes it rich…..

Mar 4, 2023 8:05 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

This is only partly true, i.e., I believe, some time in the 1940’s, the Sackler family became heavily involved in said industry via the implementation of multifarious invasive and insidious mechanisms and measures that are still with us to this day. A few examples of said machinations would include:

*flooding doctors offices with hard-selling pharma reps; pushing drugs 
* liberally doling out expensive junkets, product samples, lavish dinners, etc. to doctors 
* massive advertising in medical journals 
* Monopolization of ownership of medical journals 
* Political lobbying and bribery 
* Concealment of clinical trials data, and outright lying about laboratory results

RGB-Y3 out!!

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Mar 4, 2023 8:56 AM

Snake oil appeals to the insufficiently perspicacious.

Lucius Licinius
Lucius Licinius
Mar 4, 2023 11:31 AM

As does the pole shift theory.

Mar 4, 2023 8:50 AM

comment image

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 4, 2023 2:35 PM
Reply to  solemn

Bingo!!! The entire populace could be “saved” if the medical establishment would fess up and list large-scale corporate food products as hazardous waste… It’s the poisoned FOOD, ya dumb asses…

Mar 4, 2023 3:45 PM

Which is why they’ve created social conditions making it all but impossible to entirely avoid processed corporate food. But then, given what they’re doing to the soil, the air, the water, “fresh” food is almost as bad.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 4, 2023 4:06 PM
Reply to  Howard

Chicago Mercantile Exchange – Wikipedia
This is where the future is traded for a new excuse…  Too many vegetables I guess…

Mar 4, 2023 3:56 PM
Reply to  solemn

I had to laugh at that one, mum’s been in the hospital recently and i had to bring in sandwiches, biscuits and other goodies as she wouldn’t eat the crap they served

The Fourth Protocol
The Fourth Protocol
Mar 4, 2023 8:47 AM

This alt news site is posting end-of-the-world fear articles weekly, constantly demoralizing you, never giving good advice, promoting schism and nihilism, then I’d say that’s a good indication of a controlled op.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Mar 4, 2023 9:36 AM

Of course, mainstream media never post fear articles, do they?  😀 

Mar 4, 2023 11:15 AM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

Please explain the difference between mainstream and alt news site.. 💉 

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 4, 2023 2:00 PM
Reply to  switchedON

Mainstream are mostly lies, manipulations, deceit, untruths. Alt media is mostly truth, attempts to get at the truth, etc. Of course this isn’t always true, but it is the impetus behind them both.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Mar 4, 2023 7:24 PM
Reply to  switchedON

Mainstream fails to fact-check the so-called fact-checkers.

Mar 4, 2023 7:45 PM
Reply to  switchedON

Well, its a bit like a comedian and an alternative comedian, one is not funny.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 4, 2023 11:04 AM

It’s the replacement for the pub.

We can all get together and have a bit of a moan.

Nobody ever actually solved a problem in a pub..

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 4, 2023 4:39 PM

Dead on, strawman!

Mar 4, 2023 5:03 PM

More has been solved in pubs than online blogs.
that is why they changed pub life and also made sure pubs clubs where the last to open during covid and some of the first to close.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 4, 2023 5:43 PM
Reply to  switchedON

Every problem known to man has been solved in pubs.

World correcting solutions normally last until your alarm clock goes off.

Mar 4, 2023 11:41 AM

I don’t believe that the folks at OffG are mandating their articles … Therefore, I’m sure your’re at liberty to go elsewhere.
I place a lot a tremendous amount of value on the articles contained within OffG, because of the quality of both the articles and most of the respondents. I personally cannot thank the writers at OffG enough for the tremendous effort they put into this site. The content leaves most of my general MSM, printed and electronic media for dead.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 4, 2023 2:03 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Thank you. Speaking for myself, I may not get it right all of the time, but my heart is in it for sure. I do care, very much, and I do whatever I can to present an opinion that is in alignment with the truth. As I said, I don’t always get it “right” but my intention is in the right place. I would assume that every other writer here shares some or all of this sentiment. OffG is amazing.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 4, 2023 4:07 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I will specifically write an article about that if you are interested. I think most of the drama around the “virus” is due to placebo/nocebo effect…”belief”….the major bane of medical science, and probably where the majority of healing actually lies. Materialists hate manifestation through thought…

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 4, 2023 5:45 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Yes, we are conditioned daily to think in strictly materialistic terms so natural immunity which is an inner process of spiritually driven responses to the foods we eat, the thoughts we think which trigger emotional and biological responses which enhance or diminish the indwelling life force itself don’t sell; so the plutocrats will never embrace this truth or push herbs and practices that help the natural process do its work.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 4, 2023 8:27 PM

It’s called iatrogenic injury (harm from doctors nurses treatments, medicines and machines).

Mar 5, 2023 8:37 AM

The terms used to dismiss alternative medicine include anecdotal claim, self-confirmation bias, psychosomatic illness, placebo effect and spontaneous remission. The establisment never applies these terms to its official treatments. 

The terms used to conceal ignorance, dogma, recklessness, failure, blunder and greed include nocebo, idiopathic, iatrogenic, cryptogenic, nosocomial, immuno-compromised, contra-indicated, late-stage and adverse effect. 

les online
les online
Mar 4, 2023 9:20 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Isnt there still far too much chatter about the ‘covid’ psyop…
It’s in the past, a rearview mirror issue…Certainly it should be given a good kicking every time it pops up (as lableak etc stories), but attentions should be focussed on the threats on the road ahead –
CBDC, 5g, digital ID, etc, all of which will be packaged as seatbelts for our safety & protection to enable us to survive the engineered collission rushing towards us…

How to convince The Normies the protections being offered are sugar coated poisons prisons ? The Normies will think you’re loony, you’re a fearmonger…

The ‘covid’ spyop was a success…What was proven, what was learned ? That all of us, in variant degrees, have a fear of germs, fears of contagion, behave irrationally when our fear buttons are pushed…
The fears we have are too good a bloody weapon for our rulers to not exploit again…And they will be exploited again, and again…

The MSM has always been the major instrument for fearmongering (“Bad News Sells !”)…Much of the alt media also indulges in Doom & Gloom; scan the headlines…

How to warn enlighten The Normies – without frightening them ?
How to stop them embracing their imprisonment because they believed “things could have been worse” ?
(Which is the reason why most allowed themselves to be jabbed, isnt it ?)

Mar 5, 2023 2:46 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Salts of salvation, feed the blood and all will be well.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Mar 4, 2023 10:57 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I’m with ya on that one Todd

Mar 4, 2023 12:01 PM

Forget the articles, the real controlled op is in the comments.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 4, 2023 4:07 PM
Reply to  nylon


Mar 4, 2023 4:31 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Few people read the articles, the most jump straight to the comments section.
That’s how relevant you are.

Mar 4, 2023 4:45 PM
Reply to  nylon

I don’t

Mar 4, 2023 7:14 PM
Reply to  sok

Neither do I.
I base my claim on this:

First,because many confess to it ( on this and other sites)

Second,by direct observation. Take for example the radio interviews by Zurawell ,which are usually one hour long. Let’s say that they get published at 12.00,if you check by 12.30 you can already find some comments below. Do your maths.

Third, there are articles and studies on the subject, some dating as far back as 2008.

Fourth, there is a book about it:

“Reading the comments: Likers,Haters and Manipulators at the Bottom of the Web” by Joseph M. Reagle.

Finally, if controlled opposition exist they would be very naive not to take the above into consideration.

Mar 4, 2023 7:59 PM
Reply to  nylon

Not sure how the time synch works,I’m in London as OffG is .
My point was that the time between the publcation of the artcles and the first comments does not allow for a proper reading of the text. Sometimes I got the impression that the comment was ready to be published asap, some of them were even longer than the article.

Mar 5, 2023 2:50 AM
Reply to  nylon

It’s March 5th 1:48pm here. I read the articles, but sometimes read comments to stuff just to check, can often get a good bead, it all depends on whether it’s a ‘trusted source’.

Mar 4, 2023 3:51 PM

“schism and nihilism,” “end-of-the-world fear,” “demoralizing”: it’s called Truth In Advertising. It’s what humanity has managed to make of the world we all inhabit.

Simply pointing it out is not indicative of being controlled by TPTB. If anything, it’s being controlled by reality.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 4, 2023 8:29 AM

To understand the nature of the covid con all you have to do is imagine one of those old stupid snake oil advertising campaigns only with the advertisers in a position of vast accumulated power so they own the entire media and can spin out a fear campaign – which is essentially the same as hair loss or shrinking Willie but this time supposedly resulting in death. And also imagine the salesmen with control over governments so that they can write it into law that you must take their cattle urine or else you lose your job. And naturally the entire public purse falls in your lap.

It’s win win win all the way. Not only do you get to be mega rich but you get to be celebrated saints.