The Skripal Case 5 Years On: BS then, BS now
Kit Knightly

Today marks five years – five long years – since the “attack” on Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, England.
For those of you who may have had the details become obscure in three years of Covid fog, here is the “official story”:
- Sergei Skripal, a Russian military intelligence officer, was found guilty of spying for the UK in 2006, and sentenced to 13 years in prison.
- In 2010 he was released and traded to the United Kingdom as part of a spy swap. Having settled in the UK Sergei lived a quiet and comfortable life of retirement, allegedly.
- Eight years later, in early 2018, with a Presidential election looming and just weeks before Russia was due to host the FIFA World Cup, Vladimir Putin decided to assassinate him for as yet obscure reasons.
- The GRU, Russia’s military intelligence unit, dispatched two of their elite covert operatives, who proceeded to fly direct from Moscow under aliases they had allegedly already employed and using Russian passports.
- These alleged assassins carried with them two perfume bottles full of “Novichok”, allegedly one of the deadliest nerve agents ever devised. This would be enough to kill around 800,000 people.
- On arriving in the UK these highly-trained covert agents book a hotel with a CCTV camera on the front door, and the next day, March 3, they travel to Salisbury by train, allegedly to recon the area, then return to London. They are apparently observed by CCTV camera’s the entire time.
- The following day, March 4, they again travel to Salisbury, this time the master assassins walk to Skripal’s house and somehow “smear” the liquid Novichok on the handle of his front door.
- No eye-witness, photograph or piece of CCTV footage has ever been made publicly available to show either of these two men anywhere in the area of Sergei Skripal’s house.
- The whereabouts of the opened bottle of poison have never been established.
- Having applied the poison, the two highly trained assassins do two things before returning to London. 1) They drop their second, unopened, bottle of novichok (presumably enough to kill approx 400,000 people) in a charity donation bin, rather than destroying it or taking it back to Russia. 2) They stop by an antiques store to browse.
- The two assassins leave the country that afternoon, flying direct to Moscow, without knowing if their alleged target is dead, and again making no effort to conceal their origins.
- Despite both handling the poison, and somehow carrying enough of it back to contaminate their hotel room, neither of the men – nor any of the staff, train passengers or passersby who come into contact with them – ever become sick, even though only 1mg of Novichok is an allegedly lethal dose.
- Later that afternoon, Sergei and Yulia Skripal are found “almost unconscious”on a park bench in Salisbury town centre. It is claimed this was due to contact with the Novichok smeared on Sergei’s door handle, though reports originally stated neither he nor his daughter had returned to the house, and the timing seems to make it unlikely they did
- The person who found them was the most senior nurse in the British Army (likely in the area as part of Toxic Dagger, the British Military’s landmark chemical weapons training exercise which began Feb 20th and ran on until March 12th).
- The nurse and her family administer “emergency aid” to the two alleged poisoning victims. Neither she nor anyone else on the scene, nor any of the first responders, ever experience any symptoms of nerve agent poisoning. Neither do any of the other people the Skripal’s came into contact with that day.
- DS Nick Bailey, a CID officer is in contact with the Skripals or their home at this time and subsequently becomes ill. It has never been stated how exactly he was exposed. It was initially reported he was a first responder to the scene, but that story was changed and it was later claimed he visited the Skripal hpouse. Despite the alleged lethality of novichok in even very minute doses, Bailey is fit to return home after 18 days.
- Porton Down, the British government’s chemical weapons research centre, is brought in to help identify what chemical – if any – the Skripals/Bailey were exposed to.
- Within a month they release a statement claiming the poison was “a novichok like agent”, but that they could not pinpoint its origin. How they were able to test for a (at the time) theoretical chemical without having a sample to test against, has never been explained.
- Porton Down is 8 minutes away from Salisbury by car.
- Nearly four months later, in late June of 2018, Charlie Rowley finds the unopened perfume bottle a full of novichok (whether he bought it from a charity shop or found it in a bin is unclear, both stories have been reported). Upon using the perfume Rowley’s partner, Dawn Sturgess, falls ill. Later that day Rowley also falls ill. Sturgess dies in hospital two weeks later. But Rowley survives. Making him the fourth person in this narrative to survive exposure to an agent lethal in doses as small as 1mg.
- Sergei Skripal and Julia both recovered and allegedly chose to live secluded lives. Sergei has not appeared in public at all since allegedly being found on that park bench. Yulia made one brief press statement. Their current whereabouts are totally unknown. Their family in Russia have apparently been denied all access to them. DS Bailey was initially also keen to maintain his privacy but has subsequently given at least one interview some while after the event.
This is the UK government’s “official version” of what happened. Unvarnished and unsatirised. None of it is disputed, exaggerated or speculative.
It is the perfect example of a modern propaganda narrative. Convoluted, contradictory, and physically impossible.
It twines together familiar cliches.
The disputed and ever-evolving timeline, the timely bystander who happens to be a military officer, and the luckily timed “exercise” just prior.
These are all items on the “false flag” checklist since at least 9/11, if not before.
There are further details that render the story a true farce, and an obvious psy-op.
Reports that Skripal’s house was purchased for him by MI6 mean the idea there wasn’t constant surveillance of it absurd. If the “assassins” ever went to that house, there would be film of it.
The UK government issued censorship orders (“D notices”) for any mention of Pablo Miller, an MI6 agent, Skripal’s handler and neighbor.
Early reports that the Skripals were suffering from a fentanyl overdose were redacted after the fact.
In the years since the Skripal “attack” rolled out “Novichok” has been allegedly used again, this time on Alexei Navalny.
He didn’t die either. Completing the chemical’s transformation from an entirely hypothetical nerve agent, through the “deadliest neurotoxin” ever invented, to a “poison” that never, ever works.
Interestingly, the “novichok” poisoning actually foreshadowed Covid in a few weird ways.
There is the agent that is oddly efficiently identified by a lab, despite having no reference with which to identify it.
There is the chemical that we are told is SUPER DANGEROUS, and requires MAXIMUM PROTECTION…and yet people on the ground mill about without protecting themselves, and the deaths and illnesses never stack up with predictions.
There’s the well-timed exercise preceding the attack by only a few days.
There is the corporate media and pundits repeating buzz phrases like a hypnotist working a trick, or some religious mantra. Repeat after me, “there is no plausible alternative explanation”
But more interesting than that, is what comes next.
After all, now that Russia has shown they are willing to play along with globalist narratives, it may be time to “resolve” the Skripal issue.
Don’t be surprised if “new evidence” is leaked – by either side or both – in the near future. Or some agreement is made, or Sergei comes out of hiding.
Whatever happens, or whatever “new facts come to light”, it won’t ever be definitive of course. That’s important. It will just be kindling to keep the partisan fires burning.
Or, hell, maybe Russia will cop to it as part of some deal. Who knows anymore?
The Skripal “poisoning” was obviously bullshit when it happened, it is obviously bullshit now, and anything they choose to add will almost certainly be just more bullshit.
We have covered the Skripal Case in detail over the years, you can read those archives here. We also recommend Rob Slane’s work over at the blogmire, and Tim Norman’s piece published on Propaganda in Focus.
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I had an advantage over the average person when considering the Skripal story. I was a biochemist with experince of analysing chemical samples. The British government story was lies from the start.
When a sample was given to the OPCW for analysis the summary report included two important facts. The OPCW staff did not collect the sample themselves (something outside their own rules) and they stated the sample was of extremely high purity.
When a chemical sample is collected, an analyst is hoping to get enough of a target chemical to make an analysis. If the sample includes 20% of the target chemical then you are very lucky. The only place you can find the 95% plus purity reported by the OPCW is in a laboratory. That is where the sample came from. Its called Porton Down and it used to be the centre of Britain’s chemical warfare operations. The Skripal case shows it is still that.
Never in the field of human propaganda so much bullshit was swallowed by so many and questioned by so few
Is anyone aware of when Skripal got his house and moved into the area?
Is this the key?
What did Gina Haspel, the Director the CIA, actually say to Trump
after the Skripal’s poisoning/kidnapping?
According to the NYT Haspel showed Trump pictures of dead ducks and sickened children,
none of which actually happened. A cover story for what she really said?
Trump expelled nearly three times as many Russian diplomats/agents as Britain itself did.
60 vs 23.
Trump was proving himself and distancing himself from Putin.
But the expulsion of Russians is not what the Director of the CIA would value most, certainly.
CIA power over Trump would be much more desirable.
CIA to Trump: “We have solid proof that Putin attacked the Skripals in order to help you.
He was trying to eliminate or intimidate Christopher Steele’s dossier sources. Putin did this
for your benefit.”
There were published articles drawing a link between Skripal and Christopher Steele.
They both lived in Salisbury.
So why didn’t the CIA publicly and loudly play this card? Because power over Trump is better. The CIA preferred the *threat* of releasing their “proof” over making an empty public claim.
They had something on Trump that they could lean on him with in the future.
Der Gift, that keeps on giving . . .
Thanks for this. I’ve periodically searched their names in the interim and there has been essentially ZERO media interest in following up this story. Journalists have been remarkably incurious about the “they’ve been sent to a farm in the countryside to run and play” ending to what was briefly a huge global media frenzy.
If they are dead rather than gamboling about in New Zealand meadows — as seems quite likely — the whole thing was a sort of North Korea style operation along the lines of surfacing in a submarine off the beach and kidnapping tourists. At least in the North Korean case they have some good reasons to have a paranoid siege mentality. Our own world leaders don’t have any good reason to dream up these kinds of nutty operations. That they do so anyway is so frightening.
As mentioned in my earlier comment, the notion that Skripal père et fille were benevolently rewarded by their handlers, secretly transported to an undisclosed location with a new identity, and “turned loose” to live happily ever after– presumably with ongoing financial support– doesn’t bear scrutiny.
I’m not a devotee of the espionage genre, but this speculation assumes that the post-operation Skripals would be trusted to behave themselves and scrupulously avoid any compromising behavior. I doubt that state-security agencies rely on “the honor system”– which, in any case, would not preclude some third party from recognizing them and exploiting the discovery.
Ironically, if the relocated and disguised Skripals were discovered, it’s only the conventional, corporate mass-media who might be “trusted” to ignore the reports. But it’s preposterous to think that their superiors and handlers would not implement a tidier final solution to a potential security risk, and instead would spare the Skripals out of some professional, ethical sense of decency. 🤔
It would appear that the whole “Postmodern” denial of objective “reality” and the associated denial of the “validity of science” has now completely captured not only Academia, but the Western intelligence services as well. Luckily for oligarchy we now have multiple generations of young people who wouldn’t recognize “rational thought” if they stepped in it, and who will no doubt applaud this progressive move into forms of more “intersectional” and “woke” – propaganda operations.
I served in the Royal Engineers throughout the ’70s and this whole episode went against EVERYTHING I’d ever been taught about Nerve Agents during my periodical NBC training.
I called BULLSHITE then and I call BULLSHITE now.
Been in the back of my mind. Skripal knew Steele, of the Steele Dossier fame. Steele also lived in Salisbury. Was there a working relationship or connection?
If MI6 believed that there was any chance that Skripal’s daughter could convince Skripal to return to Russia then the credibility and usefulness of the Steele Dossier could be endangered.
Time to have Skripal serve his MI6 masters one last time?
Here is an article written shortly after Skripal was hidden away by British intelligence.
The former Russian double agent authorities believe was poisoned with a nerve agent in the U.K. reportedly has links to the former British intelligence officer who authored the infamous Donald Trump–Russia dossier that has overshadowed the U.S. president throughout his time in office.
Sergei Skripal, who, along with his daughter, Yulia, was discovered unconscious Sunday at a Salisbury shopping center in England, had a close relationship with an unnamed security consultant who worked for Christopher Steele’s Orbis Business Intelligence, The Telegraph reported Wednesday.
Steele has found himself under intense scrutiny ever since his 35-page dossier, which details Trump’s links to Russia and accusations of possible collusion to win the White House in 2016, was disclosed. The dossier has yet to be completely verified but has dogged Trump and only intensified accusations of deeper ties to Russia, which the president has not explained.
I don’t agree that it’s a psy-op. It’s not nearly sophisticated enough for that. They would clearly have preferred no publicity at all for this, but they couldn’t suppress the story completely.
As with covid, it’s a crude mixture of cock-up and conspiracy. With our hapless military “elite” behaving true to form as Col Blimp’s army.
lol, if this was well planned in advance they wouldn’t have had the military’s top nurse on hand would they? They’d have picked a minion. Having the top nurse on hand would make even the most innocent suspicious.
With that said the obvious “novibollocks” is surely hard for anyone to swallow. I remain convinced that this was nothing more than a crude way of pointing fingers at Russia. Fentanyl still remains the most plausible poison agent in my book.
And as for the press, they don’t have to comply with D notices if they really don’t want to.
I don’t think anybody will ever know what really happened. As with the Kennedy assassination there will always be theories. Some good, some stupid. Maybe one day long after we are all dead the files will be released and our descendants will know they ugly truth. But then again, maybe they won’t.
If you want to brush up on the subject, checkout my book ‘The Novichok Chronicles, The Skripal and Navalny Hoaxes compared’
the skripal incident kept the cold war image of “nasty” Russia alive in the uk sun/star/mirror readers psyches, at a time it was waning
skripal was a uk asset, who was either oblidging or convenient to take one for the team, most likley skint and bored and need the $
Most uk farmers who witnessed first hand the foot and mouth blood sacrifice have had some real experience of porton down operatives and minions, a farmer i know caught one infecting his animals while his farm was contiguous, wheres your captive bolt when you need it?
We farmers talk to each other
The skripal incident shows how long ago the actual or possible shit show we are now witnessing (ukr) has been on the table
It may yet form some of the material required to attempt to force our offspring into the apparently possible next “white northern european” death cull/meatgrinder
And to assure those left at home that they will be safe some “nice” lads from the near east have been trained as sleepers by “blackguard” serving uk troops in turkey, sent over as “migrants”, who are currently resting themselves in b&bs nationwide waiting for the “call”
in a nutshell
There are no more white hats here than there are in yanxville
Funs barely begun, or should i say Begum?
When washed up foreign traitors like Litvinenko and Skripal and Navalny have outlived their usefulness, they may still have some residual value as sacrificial pawns and symbolic victims with starring roles in an MI6 propaganda extravaganza.
These are often quite elaborate, no expense spared productions, with a cast of hundreds if not thousands, with worldwide distribution. Crisis actors, military units, emergency services are all available to add to the experience.
Britain is clearly the world leader in this field, though it has faced some pretty stiff competition from a certain small Middle Eastern nation of late. Dodgy dossiers are a particular speciality. Britain is able to offer a professional, friendly service to all valued customers at highly competitive rates. All work is guaranteed, and testimonials are available from many satisfied customers..
The Skripal psy-op goes to show that the Russkies are bloody hopeless … I mean, for Pete’s sake they are alleged to have concocted the most deadly toxin known, and it turns out to be a ‘squib’. Perhaps the friendly folks at MI5/6 could show them a thing or three about creating lethal concoctions … After all, they have had plenty practice on their test-dummies in Africa and Asia.
Not much of a psy-op though was it? So obvious to anyone with half a brain that the official line was bollocks.
This takes me back to all of the rubbish comments speculating on the fate of the Skripals after the incident. The speculations necessarily assumed various precursors, i.e. whether one or both Skripals were active intelligence agents or assets for the UK, Russia, or both, etc.
I won’t go into all of the permutations, but one persistent claim was that the Skripals weren’t killed off– rather, they were obligingly given new identities and resettled in some remote but congenial location. IIRC, “New Zealand” was often mentioned. A harsher variation is that they were, and presumably are, being permanently confined in a UK intelligence facility or “safe house”-type residence.
I think they were indeed disposed of not long after the original burst of attention and publicity. Even if one or both were UK security operatives, it’s fatuous to think that a government and its state-security apparatus would accommodate the troublesome pair as a gesture of appreciation and loyalty for a job well done. 🤔
This is highly likely.
A Boris Johnson spy game that’s what it was.
Except that he was not Prime Minister at the time. Theresa May was then Prime Minister.
As with any scenario the first, and most important question, to answer is ‘why?’. The only conclusion I could draw when this story first broke is that it was maybe an accident turned into an incident or it was just manufactured for propaganda reasons. If silence was the aim there would be no need to go to all this rigmarole to achieve it.
Its never been explained what Skirpal was doing in Russia when he was busted for ‘spying for the UK’. It would make sense, for example, if he was concerned with the same kind of work that Porton Down is (in)famous for. Otherwise there would be no need to keep him and his daughter on a stipend in Salisbury of all places. (I just put the whole exercise down to ‘security theater’…)
Or maybe SIS just ran out of budget, after all March is the end of HMG budget year? Always follow the money!
“Coronal mass ejection”. That’s the latest big scare. Some kinda super sun spot. I was too frightened to read any more. You see the word “coronal” give me a bad turn. It sounded kinda familiar but I just can’t place it.
Doesn’t scare me. Might sell a few newspapers though. Which is no doubt the intention.
A massive Carrington level solar flare has the potential to end civilization. Electricity grids can collapse since transformers are vulnerable to them. Quebec had no power for 9 hours in 1989 and the North American grid came close to collapse.
Yes, true. Another Carrington like event would be devastating, but apparently it’s going to be increasingly likely going forward in time. Ben Davidson over at Suspicious Observers youtube channel says that the magnetosphere is weakening at an accelerating rate,which means more cosmic rays will get through and we can expect more extreme weather events another Carrington like event that will take out the electric grid. He also talks about the 12,000 year disaster cycle having to do with the galactic current sheet. Bottom line: tough times for the human race are ahead. Humanity really needs to come together and defeat the banking cartel, so we can get ready for what’s coming with the disaster cycle, possibly by late 30s to mid 40s.
Stalin’s anniversary — black swan thinking.
Or not thinking at all.
For all its trumpeted sexual revolution, Soviet women had to make do without tampons, unless they could afford imported ones.
Guardianistas ought to be able to understand that.
” The Skripal “poisoning” was obviously bullshit when it happened, it is obviously bullshit now….”
I would tend to think that the Kremlin is not too far off in agreement with this statement.
Russia has decided to play this escapade as a bullshit meter. The ones to bring it up again will be the ones that orchestrated it and the ones that are indeed full of ….. you guessed it.
Sure enough this Theresa May-esk charade will be brought up soon enough, in an attempt to misdirect and assert that Russia is an evil empire. That Mr.Putin is a murderous thug.
In the meantime it’s been filed away in the BS file along with numerous other stories, to be played out when the time is right.
HOW COULD WE TELL IT WAS BULLSHIT IMMEDIATELY? Because the Westminster Sloth told us the whole story, from A to Z without taking a breath, and the MAYBOT went along with it, because that’s what compromised people have to do. Did it ever become common knowledge that while they were clamping down on drugs, Weed was getting a break? Nothing to do with the MAYBOT’S husband.
GW Pharmaceuticals has been given the green light by European regulators to produce a cannabis-based medication to ‘treat severe forms of childhood epilepsy in the UK and Europe’.
Theresa May’s husband Philip May’s company, Capital Group, owns 22% stake in GW, which is one of the biggest cultivators of cannabis in the world. Capital Group also has interests in BAE systems and Lockheed Martin.
The approval is the first of its kind for the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
However, Epidiolex has NOT BEEN approved for use by the NHS over concerns around its effectiveness.. but will be available privately, which could drive up the price of the medication for THOSE in need. Serious questions were raised about whether May’s husband had used his political connections to stave off competition in the UK from other pharmaceutical companies by keeping the ban on cannabis medication in place until GW was able to produce its own medication, and then seek approval for the product by the EMA, completely unhindered by a competing product.
But this was all swept under the carpet I suppose if she agreed to the Skripal/Russian devil narrative?
Yep – always follow the money – it never fails
if you like fairy stories this is a good one
The Boston Unbombingwhere clothes get shredded without injury
or people are injured without bleeding
It does not mention the exercise or most of the malarkey about the alleged bombers
or you might want to walk past security carrying a huge rucksack.
Without being worried about being challenged and spoiling your big day.
Almost as if you knew you did not have a bomb.
don’t mention Libya or the malarkey about the alleged bomber and his father.
the best analysis of the boston marathon “bombing” can be found here:
Everything Dave McGowan wrote is worth reading. RIP mate.
Right here I have a post marked Pending
aka Posting Pergatory
Tick tock tick tock
Why am I not flagged as trustworthy?
You have to pay for your blue check mark.
It happens to everyone. Try not to take it personally.
A strong “tell” in the whole Skripal episode was the nearby
Toxic Dagger, a training exercise.
It is a repeated pattern, if something really goes south (American phrase meaning cockup)
with the plot then they can fall back on laying the blame on a training exercise gone wrong.
September 8, 2001: Bioterrorism Exercise Is Held at a New York Airport.
If they needed to call off/postpone the September 11th false flag then what would they do about all the explosives planted in the towers? They could claim they accidentally used some anthrax in the bioterrorism exercise that had not been fully neutralized and they needed to fully evacuate the towers until they completed a full inspection/cleansing.
As you may remember, about that time they **did** “mistakenly” ship poorly neutralized active anthrax all about.
“For over a decade, the U.S. military shipped a deadly biological agent around the globe. But the Pentagon can’t find a single ‘root cause’ for this monumental goof.”
The latter used the “incompetence” excuse to explain the “goof”. People fall for that one too.
When Mossad was caught
by an alert bystander planting a bomb under a car in Tel Aviv, it was
later announced that it had all been a “training exercise gone awry”.
(the above link now returns “forbidden” to me, so you can use the following archive (for now!))
Just say, “training exercise”, if your plot faces exposure.
When bomb parts (not yet assembled) mailed to the US embassy
in Tunisia were discovered by Fedex workers at Charles de Gaulle
airport the ready explanation was…you guessed it…”training
exercise gone awry”.
The “training exercise” BS has always been a dead giveaway.
The July 1944 bomb plot in Germany used a cover story of an army training exercise to deal with civil unrest.
The CIA/ army plot to overthrow Erdogan in Turkey was disguised as an army anti terrorist training exercise.
The Manchester Arena bombing (by Abedi, an MI6 asset who was brought out of Libya on a Royal Navy warship) was preceded by a terrorist exercise at a nearby shopping centre with crisis actors.
9/11 was the same story.
There are many others.
Pentagon can’t find a single ‘root cause’..
Up to 2016, it could not find (account for) $21 trillion it received. It has never passed an audit. Audits are for little people.
Leading up through 2008 past you were investing in it is the obvious explanation.
It’s both amusing and aggravating– is there a German compound word for this?– that officials have standard deflections to neutralize the rare confrontational questions about the government’s (especially the DOD) obscene levels of expenditure, rumored unexplained losses, and concomitant failure to audit them.
To paraphrase the standard answer, the flak-catching spokesperson usually says something like, “Oh, people misunderstand reports about trillions of dollars ‘missing’ and/or ‘unaccounted for’. It’s not that the funds are really missing or lost; it’s just that the Pentagon is such an incredibly complex organization comprised of a Gordian Knot of funding streams that it’s technically difficult to conduct systematic, comprehensive audits.”
In effect, they blow off concern about billions of dollars gone astray by suggesting that audits are merely a formality– a matter of crossing “t”s, dotting “i”s, and tidying up the till. Oh, of course audits need to be completed in the fullness of time– but the absence of audits and accountability is not a crisis or a scandal. It’s just a matter of coming up with improved auditing procedures by and by; trust us, nothing’s really lost, stolen, or strayed.
All the well-spent funds are around here somewhere– we just need to eventually put our hands on them. No big deal!
In short: “We’re lost– but we’re making good time!” 😡💰💰
We live in a fake world with fake puppets in charge and it’s all about money, aka US dollar. Here’s a nice ‘fake’:
Novichok, the deadly nerve agent, that has yet to kill anyone in two famous “attacks”.
The Skripals were discovered by the daughter of the surgeon general of the UK, who just happened to be strolling about. Said daughter gets a commendation.
Place Novichok on a shelf with the “Covid virus” that is as deadly as seasonal flu or common cold.
Here’s some links
This is Rob Slane’s excellent article in the Blogmire three years ago summarising the nonsense of the official narrative.
In a nutshell. Obviously Theresa was not expecting Trump to win and knew Exactly What Christopher Steele & Pablo Miller had done, against Trump, who was subsequently ‘fired’ & Angry. Which is why some loyal members of the CIA returned the ‘favour’ to British deep state Secret Service Actors… while Hillary was constantly screaming ‘Russiagate’. Which is why the boss of UK Military ‘intelligence’ simply , HAD TO RESIGN… from GCHQ, mega-pronto!
Nobody is going to discuss this, officially, rather like pipelines, absent any Legal pressure
Lifting D’ Notices…
Robert Hannigan (GCHQ Boss 2016) has stated that Edward Snowden did not have anything to do with the ongoing debate on surveillance powers and privacy that was taking place prior to Snowden leaking documents… (nothing to do with Assange, either).
And of course, Wikileaks is Russian Disinformation &&& need I continue ? I’m sure you know enough about Promis, Prism, Pegasus & Palentir to make a mockery of Hannigan and levitate Wikileaks Vault 7 Marble Programming to the arena of Public Debate and legal proceedings >>> which no deep state actor wants. Which is why no charges have been brought against Assange … talk about Obfuscation in the land of make believe. 😉
Greetings sincerely,
I would add this Nugget, because when I read about it in 2017, i had ingested hot coffee, which ended up coming out of my nose, causing me to choke and blaspheme.
I had a cynical head on, and duly formed the notion that this (OPCW/Putin Love fest) would be undone, in and around a ‘war game’, one involving Chemical Weapons, at some point in the future.
The event in question?
Now, with that Info, and the ever increasing Chemical Weapons sites in Ukraine helped along by America, my Nostradamus cynical head wonders why no mention in the BBC’s Court Of Public Opinion piece suggesting the Official Conspiracy Theory that Putin ordered the assassination with Chemical Weapons, in full knowledge there would be a Chemical War Game going on, strikes me as, well ‘intriguing’?
I’m vague on this, but I was under the impression under International Law, the accused in this case Russia, is allowed to see the evidence, in this case the ‘Chemical Weapon’ it’s meant to have used, which the UK has so far failed to supply.
Add in Douma, and there’s OPCW issues all over the place.
If the evidence is inconvenient, higher-ups simply order a rewrite of the report. That happened a few times in Syria.
You forgot the most important fact of them all – the UK government murdered the Skripals’ cat for no reason whatsoever other than “safety,”
Brilliant presentation.
Ok … now what?
In five year there’ll be a million pages available public record for some chickens ya dumb cunt. One of them will wash up on a beach in California named wilson with any luck, fingers crossed.
Kiddies don’t pick things ie: sample glass bottles out of public litter bins, especially with a top on.
Ok, thx
That’s Now What you illerate cronie. Where did you grow up on a pussy farm.
You tell me, I haven’t the faintest clue neither do you.
Remember your pills *every* day!
I dont need reality advice from on-line dickheads.
*Every* day, pal, *every* day!
All will be revealed when the Skripals WattsApp logs are released…_
Every 2-3 months since they vanished I have bizarrely always asked myself the question: “just exactly where the fuck are the Skripals?” MI6 did a great job hiding the bodies.
You tube is fem domestically since early’20 I’ve measabily reduced personally owning to the political environment of my favourite movies and films, as mere entertainment. Musically I still enjoy it, but I can no longer option:ie the channel without adverts known as Red. Links in my view are recommendations which is all good for those who choose this medium platforming and interesting. Just as casually looking at a universal tooled box magazine.
Hopefully very soon it will no longer be a needed pop up thumbs up universal verbally addition in human discourse.
Another blatant scam from the criminals running the UK was 7/7. The UK’s mini 9/11.
The British Government is just a bunch of arrogant liars who think they’re so clever that people will keep falling for their bullshit, because they know how to run criminal hypnotic mind control methods on unknowing people like NLP. And they did get away with so much for a long time. But they got way too arrogant after 7/7 and now with the scamdemic they have been exposed for what they are to a massive number of people – lying scamming criminal con artists who deserve ZERO trust or respect. Fucking wankers.
7/7 Ripple Effect 3 – London Tube Bombings (
Updated version, not personally watched this one but the other has plenty of useful info if you don’t know anything about the real story of 7/7. Also search for the videos from Tom Secker and Keelan Balderson about 7/7 as they did a deep dive into this.
Saw the original. References to ‘Dune’ and its messianic hero at the end from what I recall (“the sleeper must awaken”)
I recall (not from the documentary) that there were a few guys who were literally shot dead (by armed police) on the day in the area (not just the Brazilian electrician later on). The 4 suspects? I don’t think much was ever made of that aspect to the story
Allegedly the shootings happened at canary wharf
“Allegedly” being the key word.
Sorry but most people do fall for their spiel and even for some that say they don’t in the end most of them toe the line.
Yes, I’m afraid that the fact is that most people – including yourself – do not know the full facts surrounding any news event.
In this space of uncertainty a large number of sometimes rather stupid theories can be born.
Piccadilly Line train number 331: Car 166 was the one holding the bomb.
Numerology doesn’t gain much traction here.
Most people seem to agree that a global cabal is using every means and tool at their disposal to enslave them all, but they draw the line that they might use numbers to mock them/reveal their method.
Fwiw numerology is a key system that allows them to show their power over the uneducated, uninformed fools
I think the numerology angle is an interesting one and often marks a ‘signature’ by the perpetrators that those in the ‘know’ will recognise.
There is an interesting expose on that by William Ramsay and the occult numbers used in 911. The floors that the flights impacted on 77 & 93 as well as the flight numbers 175, 11 (particular occult high number) flight 77 (that number again) and 93 again.
These are all recognisable numbers to those who under occultists.
He has some interesting stuff and a website – ‘William Ramsay Investigates’.
He goes into detail on how 93, 11, 77 & 175 are all found I think in Crowley’s Thelema (although I may need to watch that again) but they are all prominent numbers that someone versed in that level of the occult would straight away recognise as being an ‘occultic event’. Very interesting stuff. He alludes to the whole event being an occult ritual.
Mucho expletivo. Hmm, I’m not fond of them either, but you flatter them with comments like this.
Most of them couldn’t even run a bath, much less a sophisticated scam operation.
And by the way, what was “scam” about the Skripal event? Sure, the official line is bollocks, but I struggle to see how this was any sort of “scam”.
I largely believe the “official” line on 7/7 and on 9/11. I would agree that these secretive agencies do a lot of damage, but these people don’t shit in their own houses.
It’s not the case mucho that mainstream media = lies, and alternative media = truth
You have to apply some degree of scepticism to everything that you read. Even here.
Just showed your shill hand in the end Mr. Petty
Weapons of Mass Distraction. I Wanna Tell you a Story. #Narrative #Pivot #TalkingPoint #Taboo #ROOM101 #GeePhizer #PhizerGee #PHIVEGEE #OMGPHIVEGEE.#AADHAAR #PEACE . One mans “FAKE Binary” is another’s “Belief Nihilism”
Taking Rorty’s point Here and applying it to the “Truth Nihilism” favoured now by many commentators and writers on those platforms who I agree with largely but do not share their character assessments or indeed appraisal of Truth Claims in some instances.
On The Lab Leak Hypothesis, for instance, My Friend David Malone who is also a business partner of mine, and the writer of the now dormant GolemXIV Blog, made the Wuhan Lab Leak Documentary for Channel 4. I have absolutely no doubt that Davids’s Documentary is his authentic unvarnished exposition of his investigation at the time, We discussed it whilst editing was in progress and the stories of how many cuts were required by the Legal Eagals to get what was left in the frame after the Juicier bits were relegated to the cutting room floor. The cutting room floor is a sort of metaphor for a “D Notice” detruitus , Meets Advertising commercial realities case study. The program was certainly not brought to you by Phizer.
David was asked back in the day by Channel 4 to make the Documentary that became the Great Global Warming Swindle, David and I are on separate sides of the scientific debate on AGW, we do not, I think at least I do not, consider each other to be Gatekeeperss for the Catechism of either pole in the debate and
can discuss it civilly such as here for instance. 54.36 7.6 Righteous Intolerance, Political Discourse, Burning the deniers, Binary Climate Mc Carthyism.
You and your partner are easily explainable as independant Docodramatists. Whatever the program was is irrelevant to the vast majority of viewing Public.
Btw can you kindly explain what the Globe Web means to you, it’s my understand it’s availability is one of the modern Sciences wonders. One of Those is the interconnecting speed computers translatable via global security systems that is in fact., bilingually linguistic on that point.
Finally personally, patiently sorry but I’am trying to understand why it’s necessary to index McCarthyism as a influence regarding The British Isles & European Continent Globally.
Hello, Clive “GlobeWeb” is not something I have heard referred to. I know about IPFD and the distributed web .
David Malone is a Shareholder in one of my businesses we do not co-produce documentaries it is David who is the Independent Documentary maker,
Dangerous Knowledge (2007)High Anxieties: The Mathematics of Chaos (2008)The Secret Life of Waves (2011)Heart vs Mind: What Makes Us Human? (2012)Metamorphosis: The Science of Change (2013)Why are we here? (2016), in 4 episodes:Meaning Seeking BeingsThe Reality of IdeasThe Animal WithinThe Moral CompassMy point about Davids Lab Leak documentary is that it was his Authentic independent film, the current spin around the Lab Leak or the purpose of the Hersh Limited Hangout ( by Off Guardians’ recent view), and the Skripal story
BS then BS now, is not that I disagree or agree with either view only that some sort of starting point needs to be arrived at to discuss alternative courses of action.
Rip Van Winkel wakes up in #room101 and interogates chatgpt. #Covidstroika #BraveNewWorld #1984 #SHIFT!)(¤ #SAMIZDAT
Thanks for the reply.
Orwell [’49] Brother ’84 was non- commercialised British public Generation X. Monarchy.
So are our actual factual 1950-1990’s Youth as We grow up go out mature continue with our own lives. You will note We are more than well aquinated with multicultural and languages as European intercontinentals.
Do I remember right that Salisbury was locked down? 2 years before covid lock downs?
A test run for the real thing?
Just a thought…
As per Russian Embassy March 3, 2023:
“Over time, especially against the backdrop of the Russophobic hysteria provoked in the West last year, it is obvious that the events of 2018 were just a ‘trial balloon’ in a systematic information and psychological campaign aimed at demonizing Russia.”
Is it likely that contradictions and even discrepancies are built into the narratives to bait conspiracy theorists, to get them to spread the narratives ?
Is it likely that doubt is thus encouraged as a means of getting the narratives widely spread…(There must be someting to it, if the msm arent reporting it” ?)
Doubt is Their Product: How Industrys Assault on Science Threatens Your Health
Some other strands to the story (from memory):
An Aeroflot guy with large debts who was found dead a week later in London barely got a mention in the press
Yulia had an FSB boyfriend and was planning to get married. I think that was the purpose of her trip
Yulia Skripal rang her cousin, whilst under protection. There’s a recording of the conversation
Dawn Burgess may have been a commenter on RT at the time (evidence a bit flimsy for that one)
The comment by one of the GRU guys in their interview to RT that they’d travelled all the way to Salisbury to witness the wonderful Cathedral spire, didn’t really ring true.
The Syria chemical attacks were soon after. So the Skripal affair may have been a psyop prelude to that
There was no love lost between Mr Putin and Mr Skripal
I think Vlad would have bigger fish to fry than an old, irrelevant, washed up ex traitor who had already been charged, convicted and served his sentence.
And I don’t see why they shouldn’t travel to Salisbury to see the cathedral. I have, and it’s worth doing. One side of the cathedral has a lot of statues of saints on it. The acoustics are such that the music inside makes it seem like the statues are singing. There’s a similar acoustic effect at the pyramid Temple of Chichen Itza.
Maybe the name is code? Skripal = Scrap All.
Skripel (скрипел) means ‘creaked’ in Russian.
Papers never lie
Papers say that Skripal was poisoned
Skripal was poisoned.
Papers never lie.
Papers say novichok is so deadly you only have to look at it and you die.
Nobody dies from novichok except the woman who thought it was perfume.
Papers never lie?
Media (and Governments) always tell lies.
They will tell a lie even when the truth would be acceptable. Like the chemical dependent.
All these myths- have the same feel -like you are watching an episode of Forensic Files-large gaps in information-frustratingly banal responses from gov officials and opaque media coverage.
Room 101, where the truth goes for incineration.
“People and events presented by the media as Good are always in reality bad; and people or events presented by the media as bad are usually (but not always) Good – and when bad people or events are not presented as Good, then they are condemned as bad for the wrong reasons.
Also, if genuinely Good things happen to be presented as Good by the Mass Media; then it will invariably be the case that they also are said to be Good for the wrong reasons.
Thus, the major output of the modern international Mass Media consists of only four categories:
Good presented as bad
Bad presented as Good
(That is to say simple inversion)
Good presented as Good for a bad reason
Bad presented as bad for a bad reason
(That is to say explanatory inversion)
These four categories, which can be summarized as either simple or explanatory inversion, account for all sustained and high impact modern major Mass Media stories without any exceptions.
Bruce Charlton , addicted to distraction.
Several Hamas people.
Ditto ALL leaders, everywhere.
Corparasites, the lot of them.
Sorry, off t.
Would you save Fauci’s life?
Surely we should all fully accept the official account of this incident?
After all, you have to be able to believe six impossible things before breakfast nowadays. If you want to get on and keep your job, and keep your Twitter account, you have to believe that a man in a frock is a woman, that non stop gay sex and child trannies are the most beautiful and important things in the whole universe, drag queen story hour is great for kids, all white people are evil and should be exterminated, and we must all be vaccinated and boosted at least 37 times to save us from the deadly covid virus. Anyone who thinks differently is obviously a complete scoundrel who should be drummed out of the Brownies and blackballed from the golf club.
There – that’s six things. Not difficult, really, is it?.
And we have had plenty of practice in believing impossible official narratives.
Compared to them, the whole Skripal narrative isn’t all that bad.
Really, Skripal is small beer compared to some of the official stories that some people (obviously deluded conspiracy theorists misled by Russian bots and Chinese disinformation) dismiss as completely ludicrous,.
I believe it all, personally. I’m in the market for any dodgy dossiers on offer.
Litvinenko/ Skripal/ 9-11/ 7-7/ Iraqi WMD/ Iranian WMD/ Iraq Incubator Babies/ Covid/ David Kelly/ Gaddafi’s Viagra Gangs/ White Helmets/ Moderate Rebels/ Russiagate/ Steele Dossier/Syrian Gas Attacks/ Bucha/ Uighur genocide, to name but a few.
Anyway, we live in a post truth age, so all versions of reality are equally valid.
As Karl Rove said, we now create our own reality.
As soon as you accept that 2+2-=5, you’ll be happy.
Reading between the lines and inverting the Narrative,these all work wonderfully well
As described by Bruce Charlton.
“People and events presented by the media as Good are always in reality bad; and people or events presented by the media as bad are usually (but not always) Good – and when bad people or events are not presented as Good, then they are condemned as bad for the wrong reasons.
Also, if genuinely Good things happen to be presented as Good by the Mass Media; then it will invariably be the case that they also are said to be Good for the wrong reasons.
Thus, the major output of the modern international Mass Media consists of only four categories:
Good presented as bad
Bad presented as Good
(That is to say simple inversion)
Good presented as Good for a bad reason
Bad presented as bad for a bad reason
(That is to say explanatory inversion)
These four categories, which can be summarized as either simple or explanatory inversion, account for all sustained and high impact modern major Mass Media stories without any exceptions.
That leave the Taboo the truly buried, the room 101 stuff, a variation on the idea (was it voltaire?) “Find out who you can’t criticise” and theres your perp. Whats not being mentioned FIVE GEE.
“People and events presented by the media as Good are always in reality bad; and people or events presented by the media as bad are usually (but not always) Good – and when bad people or events are not presented as Good, then they are condemned as bad for the wrong reasons.
Also, if genuinely Good things happen to be presented as Good by the Mass Media; then it will invariably be the case that they also are said to be Good for the wrong reasons.
Thus, the major output of the modern international Mass Media consists of only four categories:
Good presented as bad
Bad presented as Good
(That is to say simple inversion)
Good presented as Good for a bad reason
Bad presented as bad for a bad reason
(That is to say explanatory inversion)
These four categories, which can be summarized as either simple or explanatory inversion, account for all sustained and high impact modern major Mass Media stories without any exceptions.
So much for what is being talked about, in 1984 world, room101,is where the truth is sent for incineration.
So what’s in the pile phivegee
“drag queen story hour is great for kids”
Drag queens are fun and every school should have one, according to Whitmer’s Attorney-General Dana Nessel:
I used to be the bland type who would say “LGBT rights is a good thing” now I’m against it really. Do what you want behind closed doors but keep away from kids, kids who by the way we have to brainwash into not finding any of this weird.
No, K., you have to queue up for your rainbow coloured dildo like everybody else.
The LGBT Agenda goes through several distinct stages in a thin-end-of-the-wedge, give-us-an-inch-and-we’ll-take-a-mile process.
“We’re not doing any harm, just leave us alone to do our own thing without bothering you.”
Most people are willing to go along with this, and it leads on to the next stage.
Acceptance And Accommodation.
Homosexuals demand endless changes in legislation and public policy to accommodate their wishes. Civil partnerships, then gay weddings. The right to adopt children. Seemingly minor things like Parent1/ Parent 2, replacing Mother/ Father on official forms. Openly gay activists being appointed to official positions purely on the basis of their sexuality. This is a steady process of pressure over a period of years. No concession is ever enough. Each one leads to further extreme demands.
Homosexuality is actively celebrated. Huge gay processions and parades lavishly funded with public money. Homosexual life styles presented as at least equal to, or superior to other relationships, and targeted at very young children, at primary school level and younger. Drag queen story hour. Known sex offenders given access to young children. All organisations, businesses, official bodies and public figures required enthusiastically to subscribe to this agenda.
Punishment/ Enforcement.
Everyone, including non homosexuals who have no particular interest in the issue, are required to celebrate and enthusiastically endorse this new reality. Anyone who objects or expresses any reservations is vilified as bigoted and homophobic, and faces threats of physical violence, actual violence, loss of job, or worse. Police refuse to take any action against offenders – .they actively participate in gay parades and drag queen story hour. Legislation is passed making these changes official policy. Parents who object are threatened with injunctions/ arrest/ police harassment. London firemen who decline to attend a gay parade disciplined and fined. A housing officer who makes a casual remark in private and in his own time expressing disagreement with gay weddings is dismissed from his job. Bakers who decline to make gay wedding cakes are prosecuted and threatened with loss of livelihood. Homosexual activists are appointed to senior positions and allowed to actively promote their own agenda, targeting all areas of public policy and particularly targeting young children, to establish a position of complete dominance.
Further Development/ Weird Offshoots.
The homosexual agenda is only an initial stage on the path to endless degeneracy and perversion. Transgenderism is actively and officially promoted, often in violent conflict with homosexuals, and again targeted at young children. Children as young as 4 are legally and officially encouraged and permitted to change sex without their parents’ knowledge. The active promotion and acceptance of paedophilia, incest and bestiality. These things go through the same process of tolerance/ acceptance/ celebration etc.
Sodom and Gomorrah would look pretty tame by comparison. .
I would have no problem with homosexuals provided they don’t bother other people. But I think active persecution of homosexuals, bad as that is, would be preferable to what we have now. If it is an either/ or choice, which it shouldn’t be.
Any official “narrative” should be renamed “Coach and Horses” because it will invariably be so full of holes that the proverbial can be comfortably driven through.
I can imagine the whole thing is possibly the exercise. With final planning performed during the publicly announced exercise the weeks before and then the finale, a live action, real time simulation. The event then used to remove the Skripals from view (perhaps it was discovered that they continued to work for UK intel) and a great opportunity to blame Russia for what they would likely have done anyway had that been the case (let’s not make angels out of murderers).
That might explain why there are quite a few holes in the narrative. I’m sure it would have been a very complex scenario to manage and execute without something going wrong.
I can imagine those things, but I’m confused by the two Russian men who the attacks are attributed to by the UK. If it was a false flag, what were they doing? We don’t believe they were just tourists? I believe it was confirmed they were travelling on aliases. Were they just conveniently hanging around enough to be able to be implicated in a false flag?
Then the two unfortunate souls, one lost, who somehow became part of the narrative much later. Why did that happen? The large and faithful congregation, who unquestioningly accept official tales as absolute truth, were convinced. So why bother to continue the sham and risk further plot holes being exposed, which is exactly what seemed to happen?
We plebs may speculate but the grand schemes will remain mysterious and obscured.
The whole story is obviously completely true.
It’s just that the some of the KGB’s Finest have let things slip a bit and need some retraining on Spy School Module 101. Perhaps they’ve just been watching too many Johnny English or Clouseau films instead of James Bond ones.
And come to think of it, the KGB Deadly Poisons Department could do with a bit of a shake up.
They don’t seem to be doing too well of late.
After all, the Borgias managed to bump off umpteen cardinals, bishops and nobles in the 1500s using boring old arsenic and strychnine.
Maybe that’s the answer – stick to the tried and tested methods and forget all this new fangled stuff.
Personally, if I was Putin, I’d sue whoever sold me this Novichok stuff, or at least demand my money back. As poisons go, it’s positively platonic. A single drop is supposed to wipe out half of London, but it couldn’t hurt a fly.
Maybe he got it on e bay or something.
Yes, the whole episode was a mixture of high-farce and over-ripe bullshit. Only fools and children would swallow this crap. To think that we pay good money to fund these James Bond wannabees.
Sadly many of our fools are just grown up children with the ability to use social media to start whisper campaigns against any people unwilling to follow the narrative
Good questions all.
Were they just conveniently hanging around enough to be able to be implicated in a false flag?
No ones knows for sure, but one of the ideas floated on the internet was that Skripal (may have) contacted them to see about redefecting. According to this theory, he was lonely in England and wanted to go back to Russia. If you accept this view, it explains why he and his daughter haven’t been seen since the incident: MI6 was enraged at this attempt at betrayal and ultimately had them both killed.
Alternatively, his handlers (like the infamous Pablo Miller) might have told Skripal to merely pretend to want to defect, so as to lure these two guys into the country under false pretenses. That would explain why they were never seen near his residence: they expected to meet him elsewhere, in a neutral location.
We may never know for sure. All we can say with certainty is that there a pieces of puzzle kept hidden from us — by both sides.
‘The Devil finds work for idle hands’
Just like the MIC, spy agencies have to justify their existence and the disgustingly huge ‘welfare payments’ supplied by the taxpayers.
Make shit up.
Scare the Sheeple.
Sit back and count the profits.
First of all – Massive Respect for Kit Knightly…
I would just like to point out, and I have probably a transcript deep in the archives..that on the afternoon it started (and I had no pre-knowledge – whilst I do know some press photographers – if they knew – what was about to happen – they didn’t tell me – and some of them are really good)
So I wrote about it almost live on Craig Murray’s blog – and got almost live responses.
I could tell, by all the photographers and the fire engines, and the local plod (who I do not blame – I like the local police near Stonehenge – never caused me a problem..we dressed as if we were coming back from the beach – clean up and the car – and smile as if you are in the B52’s – no Bournemouth Beach – Not Studland Bay (nudist), and certainly not Stonehenge Free Festival…
They were all there for the shoot – all pre-planned..and the story – headlines in the morning..
Craig Murray (bless his heart) went with my version of events, and initially wrote it much better. I did not mind that he deleted what I wrote, and banned me from his blog.
I am not a famous person, and never wanted to be.
Craig Murray has spent 6 months in jail defending and promoting his views.
So far as I am aware, he has never been charged with any crime, nor broken any laws. Just because I disagree with some of his political views, does not mean that I dislike him, nor Julian Assange.
think they are both telling the truth as best they are allowed to do
It doesn’t mean, I have to believe them. They might be legit brainwashed
But neither told the truth about 9/11, whilst the Saker Did, 10 years after me.
Tony I wouldn’t confess to be involved mate. Expect a knock on the door for your archives…it’ll only be a knock-chuck I guarantee that, no-one’s going near your door handle.
Blimey! You do know about the Doomsday book.
Good gracious Tony, B2’s at least you put up..Roam around..etc etc ..I Love that song.
You left off the dead ducks, and, we should mention, sickened children.
The NYT bragged up Gina Haspel, the Director the CIA. The NYT
explained how Haspel had convinced Trump to evict 60 Russian diplomats.
According to the NYT Haspel showed Trump the pictures of the dead ducks
at the pond where the Haspels had stopped to feed the ducks.
Haspel also showed Trump pictures of Salisbury children hospitalized from
exposure to the toxin.
But all this was out of sync with the British version. No dead ducks,
no hospitalized children.
The NYT’s attempt at backtracked was a clown show.
Other countries didn’t evict large numbers of diplomats.
Most just went through the motion of evicting a couple of them
just to support the narrative.
But their lack of enthusiasm for the official British narrative
was very telling. Russia had attacked Britain with a WMD, sending
operatives to Salisbury with enough toxin to kill thousands upon thousands.
And their reaction was to evict two diplomats !?!
One for Belgium, one from Croatia, *three* (wow) from the Czech Republic.
Two for Denmark.
One for Finland.
France and Germany, four each.
One for Ireland.
Two for Italy.
…you get the idea
The Skripals, after leaving the restaurant, took bread to a pond to feed the
ducks. The Skripals shared their bread with children so that they could
participate in feeding the ducks. One of the children was even seen taking
a bite of the bread himself.
The Skripals were so contaminated, the CIA told Trump, that ducks died and
children were sickened.
One thing the above article left out was that the high ranking nurse’s *daughter*
is credited with being the first to check on the Skripals at the park bench.
For this she was later given a medal (and cash reward?). Presumably, this
all figured well on her approaching college application.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-04. 1:1000 risk myocarditis not rare. Lipid Nanoparticles Damage Fertility. Mobilise specific response Twitter (blog, gab, tweet).
But what was the purpose of this charade?
Painting the Russians as the bad guys, presumably. This was three years after fat neocon bitch Nuland set the Ukraine ball rolling.
Fat neocon Jewish bitch. We know who controls US foreign policy – it’s a given. See John Mearsheimer – The Israel Lobby.
No, no, G., that’s quite wrong. 75% of the Biden administration are Mennonites. They control Hollywood and Wall St. as well, these Mennonites. The US is completely controlled by Mennonites.
protestants, quakers, mormons, all the divided and divisive sects of Christianity were founded by members of a certain middle eastern tribe
Okay so this is “conspiracy theory” territory
but it’s possible that Sergei Skripal, via the mysterious Pablo Miller, was the source behind the Steele Dossier
(PM authored it & Skripal’s information helped lend it credibility)
Interestingly, HRC had mentioned “Novichok” long before it became a household word:
Of course this might have nothing to do with the Skripal case;
apparently all one needs to manufacture a Novichok-like agent is a fertiliser factory,
which I assume is well within the Clinton’s means
and it seems they have no shortage of people who expired after contact with them…
Yes! I remember reading that Miller had helped put together the Steele dossier. A very suspicious character, to say the least.
The OPCW the previous yr had just stated that Russia was now free of Chemical Weapons?