AUDIO: James Roguski on the WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty”

Independent researcher and journalist James Roguski talks with Jesse Zurawell about the World Health Organization’s planned “pandemic treaty” and how we can prevent it. You can read more of James’ work – including his battle with censorship – via his substack.

TNT Radio is a 24/7 internet radio station, available here. You can also listen to back-episodes of Perspective here and follow host Jesse Zurawell on Telegram here.


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Mar 12, 2023 6:07 PM

Am a fan of James Roguski.

colin buchanan
colin buchanan
Mar 11, 2023 9:58 AM

Anyway, some good news from Russia! The first official recognition that MRNA vaccines are dangerous bioweapons!


Mar 10, 2023 12:22 PM

“Science says…. ” two years of concentrated fear porn plus confinement and pressure to submit to unproven treatments and bizarre behavioural rituals didn’t have any impact on mental health:

How exceedingly convenient with court cases looming – and how contrary to every other report into mental health in recent years which has concluded that there’s an epidemic of it caused by [insert whatever} and we should all seek help forthwith.

In fact, the report doesn’t even really say that – it’s a classic case of where “science” says something more nuanced but the media can be relied upon to spin it into something more simplified that does the required job.

les online
les online
Mar 9, 2023 10:34 PM

WHO report on salt intake gives a peek at what enforcement of a WHO ‘treaty’ on public health would look like…
The WHO target is the reduction of sodium (salt) intake by 30% by 2025…“Massive effort needed to reduce salt intake and protect lives.”

It starts with little nudges to get you to change little things you do daily, then, slowly, slowly rationing is implemented, then enforced, out of concern for Your Health…


(Quote): ‘Unrefined salt is a vital substance that is a wonderful source of minerals. It helps support the thyroid and adrenal glands.My clinical experience has shown that it is impossible to have an optimally functioning immune system when there is a salt deficient state. Adding the right kind of salt to your diet can help.’

Little Oliver asked “Can i have more salt, please Sir ?” “More ?! More ?! Dont you know little billy gates vat goo is salt free to protect your health !?”

I use Himalaya Pink Salt myself (Strangly, it tastes ‘sweet’ if use too much on my foods)

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 9, 2023 10:49 PM
Reply to  les online

WHO wants to “protect lives,” but doesn’t want people to actually live.

Fuck ’em. Nobody needs these people playing nanny.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 10, 2023 1:35 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Stop being a nanny then. Who needs a nanny? Private Hospitals needed more young girls to entre the Medical Schools adverse to our dwindling female factory and retailing opportunities. My sister from her own second beginning moved onto our local Social Services and has our family unity no less dwindled in the Home Town, eventually while continuing to study (before computers and cell phones), moved to a far end of our Country. And while still working in Social Services moved into medical training to become a valued Doctoring Ward NHS Nurse.
She never worked in the surrounding Counties or in the capital City of London.

les online
les online
Mar 9, 2023 11:05 PM
Reply to  les online

When Silence IS Consent:


Government by Silent Majority requires kicking the heads in of the Vocal Minority…(anon).

Mar 9, 2023 6:42 PM

In the US we need National Initiative voting as we have in our states. In Switzerland, a given number of petition signatures secures a national vote on the initiative drafted. The People could thus pull in the reins on gov’t policy and authority.

For instance:

1) the banning of WHO or any international public-private-partnership from having authority over decision making within the US.

2) the banning of any public-private-partnership agencies operating under umbrella of being a government agency of any kind. (This would socialize or abandon the CDC, the FED, USAID, USPS, the railways and AMTRAK, and a whole plethora of agencies that we don’t even know are funded/steered by the private sector.)

2) the defunding of the US WAR MACHINE by 90%: Defense, State, all Spy agencies, HS and any FBI, State or local Police that in anyway work complicitly with military or State Dept. (This would close all US foreign bases, bring all troops back home and stop US imperialism on behalf of US capitalism.)

BTW, i have 45 more policies the US 97% (the “donor” class is $300k+ which in 2023 is the top 3%) should be voting on to halt the insanity of US policy, linked below.


Mar 9, 2023 4:45 PM

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Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 9, 2023 2:40 PM

Why the World Health Organization needs to be put out of business, permanently. >
Amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations: An Annotated Guide
FEBRUARY 1, 2023
Amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations: An Annotated Guide ⋆ Brownstone Institute

It might be helpful for civilians of various countries to READ and UNDERSTAND their foundational Constitutions…

The Original
The Original
Mar 9, 2023 10:51 AM

A dodgy international treaty on health care protocols? Why would they do that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlBbEAhfbnI

Mar 9, 2023 9:12 AM

The Hancock saga rumbles on:

The point of interest here is how the Cabinet Office realised that the lab leak theory depended in main on the same evidence that incriminated Porton Down for the Skripals.

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 9, 2023 10:26 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Matt Hancock WAS the result of a lab leak

Mar 9, 2023 11:45 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Some serious public humiliation is needed here…

Mar 9, 2023 1:15 PM
Reply to  wardropper

He needs executing

Mar 9, 2023 2:20 PM
Reply to  Jaguarpig

But don’t stop at him

Mar 9, 2023 5:53 PM
Reply to  Jaguarpig

Well I did say ‘serious’…
I wholeheartedly agree.

Mar 9, 2023 12:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

just more gaslighting to put him in a slightly better light – the guy is beyond redemption – as are the architects of all this insanity and evil….so sick of all these liars, traitors, shills, cowards, morons, and psychopaths

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 9, 2023 7:55 AM

The “pandemic treaty” is just another ring of razor wire around the concentration camp. But we were already trapped by 2020. The Scamdemic was rolled out using existing policies and social conditioning. The policies and social conditioning started over a century ago. The prison is being built and implemented by a collectivist ideology (a.k.a. Wellsian “socialism”). It’s three main foundational supports are the notions of Vaccination, Mental Illness and Public Health. The enemy of this collectivist ideology is the individual; i.e. you and me. They are therefore abolishing privacy, free-will, independent and contrary thought, etc. And by the way, they don’t give a fuck about “health” – however it’s defined.

G.K. Chesterton – Eugenics and Other Evils (1922)

We now pass from mere individual men who obviously cannot be trusted, even if they are individual medical men, with such despotism over their neighbours; and we come to consider whether the Eugenists have at all clearly traced any more imaginable public authority, any apparatus of great experts or great examinations to which such risks of tyranny could be trusted. They are not very precise about this either; indeed, the great difficulty I have throughout in considering what are the Eugenist’s proposals is that they do not seem to know themselves. Some philosophic attitude which I cannot myself connect with human reason seems to make them actually proud of the dimness of their definitions and the uncompleteness of their plans. The Eugenic optimism seems to partake generally of the nature of that dazzled and confused confidence, so common in private theatricals, that it will be all right on the night. They have all the ancient despotism, but none of the ancient dogmatism. If they are ready to reproduce the secrecies and cruelties of the Inquisition, at least we cannot accuse them of offending us with any of that close and complicated thought, that arid and exact logic which narrowed the minds of the Middle Ages; they have discovered how to combine the hardening of the heart with a sympathetic softening of the head. Nevertheless, there is one large, though vague, idea of the Eugenists, which is an idea, and which we reach when we reach this problem of a more general supervision.

It was best presented perhaps by the distinguished doctor who wrote the article on these matters in that composite book which Mr. Wells edited, and called “The Great State.” He said the doctor should no longer be a mere plasterer of paltry maladies, but should be, in his own words, “the health adviser of the community.” . . .

The Great State
H.G. Wells et al (1912)
Prefatory Note
It is interesting to note certain juxtapositions; this is not a socialist volume, and the constructive spirit has long since passed beyond the purely socialist range. Neither Sir Ray Lankester, nor Mr. Haynes nor Mr. Fry would dream of calling himself a socialist; the former two would quite readily admit they were individualists. That old and largely fallacious antagonism of socialist and individualist is indeed dissolving out of contemporary thought altogether.

Health and Healing in the Great State
By C. J. Bond, F.R.C.S.
Chapter V. (pp. 143-80)
The enormous importance of the problem makes it a matter of vital concern that the ingoing information and the outgoing energy of a National Health Service should be co-ordinated in one central brain in one department under the control of a Minister of Health, and this Minister must combine in himself, or be able to obtain at first-hand, medical knowledge and a knowledge of biological Sociology; the Health Department will be the most fundamental of all the departments of State. It will be called upon to advise other departments concerning the biological principles upon which education and labour must be founded, upon which the activities of the soldier, sailor, and other public servants must be guided; and upon which the control and reformation of the mentally deficient, the pauper, and the criminal must be carried out.

Mar 9, 2023 9:04 AM

Doctors as ‘Health advisers’ ?
That would eat into their business plans and their extraordinary incomes.
It’s been called THE MEDICAL MAFIA by some, and rightly so:

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 9, 2023 10:38 AM
Reply to  Johnny

As noted in the comments to that article, the monopolisation of power around both medicine and “health” started long before Rockefeller et al. Debbie writes:

Sorry… this goes back a long and very long time in this country. The first midwives were persecuted as wiches and burned if something went wrong in a delivery. If a child were born with a birthmark, it was the midwives fault and ‘She’ was considered a witch. Don’t get me wrong… I am not a woman’s acctivast but there was money to be made and the ‘Doctor’ came about.

Additionally, there were major power grabs with the medicalisation of divergent and disturbed mentality; and these occurred around the middle of the 19th century. And further power grabs with the push toward mandatory vaccination.

With regard to the notion of “health”, Chesterton goes on to point out that it’s not possible for there to be a “health expert”. This is because “health” effectively means everything and it is an oxymoron to be an “everything expert”. Alternatively, the definition of “health” is subjective; and it is therefore a subjective opinion as to whether a given person is an “expert”.

C.J. Bond in “The Great State” describes why UK doctors accepted the notion of a centralised, all-controlling “Health Department”. They did so because it secured their incomes. Likewise, the working class needed sanitation, decent housing, occasional medical treatment; and they therefore didn’t see a problem behind the agenda of the Public Health concept. That agenda is collectivism (a.k.a. fascism) in sheep’s clothing. Bond writes (p.166):

In the same way the interests of the community must also be safeguarded against undue regimentation in matters of health. False assumption of authority in administrative matters on the part of the Profession must be prevented by Free Trade in the National Health Service, by free choice of doctor on the part of the individual citizen or social groups, and by freedom on the part of the public to decline any special or improved form of treatment, subject always to the important condition that such refusal does not endanger public safety or run counter to the interests of the community.

subject always to the important condition that such refusal does not endanger public safety or run counter to the interests of the community.

Emphasis added.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 9, 2023 8:59 PM

Yes ok but it’s common knowledge the differences of local regional County terms of public nursing medical doctors and Hospitals., are dependent on that individuals abilities needs and means to receive any form of medical treatments. Centralised medical institutions in the British Isles around 1830’s had to deal with over 40% illiteracy let alone the worry over our own personal Health.
This is a common mistake by popularist reviewers.
Furthermore, and because of our rise in learning reading,.by the death of our Monarch in 1901, that figure was lowered to virtual zero in our regional Public Schools, socialising Public regional environments, communities.
Further, note worthy, both public Men and Women were reading our Newspapers. regionally Nationally European., intercontinental.
In the British Isles we tended to Treat the individual condition, in dwellings boarding houses streets villages Towns City suburbs and Centrally. This word, Rally is important. Women Ladies in City Districts would lead to better health overall Health for Children at Home.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 9, 2023 9:19 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

The point that Chesterton is making, and I’m echoing, is that “health” is a meaningless term. It could mean everything; it could be subjective; or it could be replaced with another meaningless term such as “goodness”. It is impossible to have a “health expert” just as it’s impossible to have a “goodness expert”. Likewise for a “Department of Goodness”; or a “World Goodness Organization”.

The reason that they chose “health” as a term is that it sounds good and they can arbitrarily change the operative meaning whenever they chose. The medical profession was bought off because for a long time they equated “health” with medicine. The fact that it was that equivalence which ushered in the Scamdemic doesn’t seem to trouble them. Now they’re complaining that One Health is no longer about medicine and that Tedros isn’t even a doctor!

Mar 9, 2023 10:49 AM

there is some small comic irony that the event they staged jan 2020 onwards was intended to supress an anticipated, acknowledged “awakening” of the human consciousness, but in reality has sharpened millions if not billions who were unaware previously to the level of oppression we are all subjected to.

all must eventually play out, tho i suspect the road will become more tiring before we reach journeys end

to illustrate i attach two diagrams illustrating how Jan 2020 was witness to the tightest astronomical (sidereal aspects, not tropical) conjunctions of the outer planets seen in recorded human history, previous conjunctions having spawned redshields “fiat” currency and the time before that the emergence of the templars following excavations of solomons temple

the whole of the work these images are gleaned from were the work of Nick Anthony Fiorenza a leading light in Sidereal (astronomical) astrology, this work, like himself has been wiped clean, no trace on wayback, just those like myself who have them saved

heres a snippet:

All of this, the Societal Reset, delineates our entry into the new decade, “The Great Transformation.” Some of the above may sound intense and may create challenges for humanity to face and surmount, but keep in mind that we are amid our old world paradigm’s deconstruction, and this makes room for and provides the impetus for a new world paradigm to emerge.

Fiorenza wrote at length of the troubles humanity would likely face, but wrote with optimism, however he was conveniently despatched early on in “covid” and all but a few fragments of his work have been truly scrubbed..

It would not be the first time in history that those who watched the stars were enemies of the “state”..

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Mar 9, 2023 11:31 AM

Maybe its about time to not give a fxxk about them and start our own society, without own economy, currency, retirement and health care system?
What would it take to do this ?

Mar 9, 2023 11:58 AM
Reply to  eman

Among other things, it would require the passive acquiescence of the globalists.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 9, 2023 10:34 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Thought Investing in reversal opportunities while owning nothing of any sequential value additional metrics.
It’s how I seamlessly refined sequential shift mechanisms in mechanical engineering and computerised dynamics.
The only recognition the Public may perceive is it’s resulting overall improving performances. Categorised as a metric denomination principles over establishment fractured mechanical dictums.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 9, 2023 12:10 PM
Reply to  eman

There will be no “opting out”. Any wish to opt out will taken as a sign of “mental illness”. Children will be removed from the care of “mentally ill” parents. And any attempt to organise will be viewed as “anti-science aggression”.

Dec 14, 2022
“Anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally.”
– @PeterHotez, Professor and Dean @BCM_TropMed, on the devastating impact of #misinformation and disinformation.
[Video – 52 secs]

Somebody Attempting to “Opt Out”

Melbourne police captured on CCTV taking down disability pensioner
Apr 3, 2018
ABC News (Australia)
Dramatic video has emerged of several cases in which Victoria police have allegedly gone too far, with people bashed and brutalised during arrests. Now Victoria Police’s internal investigation of complaints is being questioned. Read more about this ABC News/The Age investigation here:

Mar 9, 2023 5:57 PM

They knew they were crossing the line, but they did it anyway.

“Internal investigations of complaints” make no more sense than the chocolate-covered boy who says, “No, I didn’t eat that chocolate cake that was kept in the third fridge from the left in the school’s kitchen when the staff went out for a smoke”…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 9, 2023 9:48 PM
Reply to  eman

Where captain pugwash Go out much do ya, let me guess you’ve been eating turnips for a hundred years.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 9, 2023 2:32 PM

From Health and Healing in the Great State: ‘National Health Service should be co-ordinated in one central brain in one department under the control of a Minister of Health’

Well… There goes that idea… Next…

Mar 9, 2023 2:42 PM

The Great State?
I think what they mean is a mental state of ‘greatness’ i.e. megalomania. H.G. Wells included.

Mar 10, 2023 7:16 AM

you will see what collectivism there will be in the socio-economic sphere! not even an ounce of communism, these are oligarchs, they practice systematic top-down dispossession of communities, workers, middle and lower classes. 
I am Italian, our constitution had communist and socialist roots, in the sense that it was also written by socialist and communists, and had the commons at its centre. They swept it away, crumbled it, these elites who took power in the West. The thing that terrifies them most is communism and above all the class struggle. Don’t let the nice words fool you, do you think Gates, Larry Fink, and von der Leyen, whose ancestors got rich off of slave labor in South Carolina, are communists?

No, this is not socialism , rest assured, find another name, strain yourself a little… call it slavery, or Feudalism. This is class struggle from above, the triumph of the richest 0.0004% of humanity, on the skin of the peoples of the earth, who are robbed of resources, of work, of land and even of ownership of their bodies, reduced to slaves, Untermenschen.

communism, the real one, is exactly the opposite.

Let’s not delude ourselves, the real left is now out of the game like the Cathars and the Albigensians in the Middle Ages. In Latin America the socialists and communists are attacked and conquered with armies, like the “Perfects” in Carcassonne. So in Africa and in every place where the class struggle is the only hope of redemption for those who are destined to be subhumans, an object for the use and consumption of whites. Which is what we too are destined to become, in their plans, then maybe we will understand that what they were talking about was neither communism nor socialism…

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 10, 2023 8:12 AM
Reply to  iskratov

Where are these “real” socialists? Do they exist anywhere other than in the imagination or memory? If you can show me where they exist, I’ll happily support them. Perhaps for a time there were a few noble leaders who drafted and implemented the constitution. But where were the masses of people to come to its defence when it came under attack? The problem with “real” socialism is that it relies on the mass of people defending the principles – and that has never happened for more than a short period.

Did this constitution enshrine Liberty and Due Process? Were these principles disregarded during the Scamdemic (and likewise in 2019 when children were being mandated to get vaccinated) or were they never properly encoded?

As H.G. Wells points out in The Great State, there are varieties of “socialism” – and hence I refer to his brand as “Wellsian”. Perhaps it could just be called Wellsianism. In my post I identify it as being collectivist and fascist – and these are generally my preferred terms.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 8:48 AM

Nice. A2

Mar 10, 2023 10:47 AM

I’m talking about class struggle, it will come back to life if we go back to fighting against those who today hold 80% of the earth’s resources and in recent years have laid the foundations for the control and systematic expropriation of the rest of humanity. Whoever holds economic power also has political power, first in fact and then in law.
Our European constitutions, at least those of southern Europe, including the Italian Constitution born of the Resistance, were socialist, based on the principles of the welfare state, secularism and the equality of ALL citizens before the law, all principles inherited from the French Revolution, and from the workers’ struggles of the past centuries.
 For this reason they were besieged and made null and void. There is nothing left.
”They are Constitutions – wrote in 2013 the great American investment bank J.P. Morgan – who “show a strong influence of socialist ideas, and in this they reflect the great political strength achieved by left-wing parties after the defeat of fascism and prevent the necessary measures from being taken, such as eliminating worker protections and” the license to protest ”.
Even in 2000, Italy was second in the world for health coverage. Reports state that in 2011, due to the annual decline in health care spending, “more than nine million people said they could not access some health services for economic reasons.”

It was Draghi in Italy who privatized IRI, the man of finance capital and the international elite.
”Italy in ’92 was an anomalous country, it was a country that owned the seventh largest multinational on the planet, which in itself is not a strange thing, the strange thing is that this multinational was public: IRI . So it was a coveted country, it was a capitalist country, with a socialist economic structure. It was coveted by many, it was a toy that had to be taken apart because the time had come to take it apart. And this is what happened in the 90s. The man, the state boyar who organized all this, was called Mario Draghi. (…) Until 1992, all of the Italian banks were public. There were no private banks. In 1992 the Italian banks were privatized. Not only the industry, the whole system is privatized. Italian banks become investment banks…” (Franco Fracassi)

What other form of redemption is left for those who are oppressed and enslaved, if not the class struggle, to become aware and organize themselves? But this time the class struggle was made by the rich, and they are winning it.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 10, 2023 12:02 PM
Reply to  iskratov

The word you’re debating is “socialism” whereas the word I’m debating is “health”. For instance, the first statement below is copied from your post, while the second has the word “health” replaced with “medical”.

Even in 2000, Italy was second in the world for health coverage. Reports state that in 2011, due to the annual decline in health care spending, “more than nine million people said they could not access some health services for economic reasons.”

Even in 2000, Italy was second in the world for medical coverage. Reports state that in 2011, due to the annual decline in medical care spending, “more than nine million people said they could not access some medical services for economic reasons.”

Most people would think that those statements are effectively the same; and it’s pedantic to raise an objection. However, as pointed out by Chesterton, the word “health” was chosen because it paved the way for totalitarian collectivism. They knew what they were doing!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 10, 2023 8:46 AM

Public Health is a fascistic ideology.

How is it possible to have a “science of public health” when “health” has no objective definition?

From the UnHerd article:

Susan Michie, the new Chair of the WHO’s “Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights”, . . . explained that the new science of Public Health is collectivist by nature, seeking to provide group-wide solutions to health challenges, and so it fundamentally downplays individual rights. “What I don’t see a lot of amongst my colleagues maybe, but certainly the media, and especially the papers that you mentioned, would be much more emphasis on individual freedom, individual rights, rather than taking a sort of more collective population approach.”

By Freddie Sayers
July 27, 2022
Freddie Sayers spoke to the new WHO Nudge Unit chair to discuss the politics of public health

WHO Nudge Unit chief: So what if I’m a Communist?
Jul 27, 2022
Freddie Sayers reflects on the appointment of Prof. Susan Michie, who he interviewed in 2020 for LockdownTV, to the WHO Behavioural Insights advisory group.
[link to 2020 interview via youtube]

Mar 10, 2023 11:40 AM

perhaps in the USA which has had the stigmata of fascism since birth: slavery and genocide. Not in France, Italy and Great Britain and in the rest of old Europe, it was a right to treatment conquered in a century of even bloody struggles. What is left is no longer public health, the WHO is run from the top like a multinational and you know it too, it is the reign of Big Pharma and its compliant officials all in a serious conflict of interest.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 10, 2023 12:11 PM
Reply to  iskratov

The Circus Tiger Scenario

The circus has two tigers: A and B.

(A) The tiger is well-fed, well-behaved, and free from disease and injury
(B) The tiger rips the head off the trainer at the first opportunity

Which tiger is “healthier”, A or B?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 10, 2023 2:36 PM

The Abolition of Liberty and Due Process

Unless a man is declared by a competent authority to be a danger to himself or others through mental abnormality (1)

What constitutes a “competent authority”, a “danger”, and a “mental abnormality”. The consensus among the so-called “public health experts” is that:
(a) they themselves constitute the “competent authority”
(b) being anti-vaxx constitutes both a “danger” and a “mental abnormality”.

Consequently, under the Wellsian system, you and I have no right to “personal liberty”.

(1) The Sankey Declaration of the Rights of Man
A charter prepared in 1940, under the Chairmanship of Lord Sankey, and originally drafted for discussion by H. G. Wells.

Nov 20, 2015
Celebrating HG Wells’s role in the creation of the UN Declaration of Human Rights
Wells was highly prophetic. But, asks Ali Smith, could he have foreseen that the fundamental freedoms he set out in The Rights of Man would be under attack 75 years later?

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 9, 2023 7:09 AM

Pandemic of corrupted souls…

Mar 9, 2023 7:05 AM

if we consider the changes in “reality” since 2020 and the ensuant push-back since 2022 and view it in terms of “vaccine” take up/decline, we may deduce that what is possible for “them” in terms of pushing the aganda is directly proportionate to the quantity and “freshness” of the jibby jabby in the populous

hence if we are to prevail, doubling down on the novax stance in the coming months will determine our fate and that of our offspring definitively

the current mish mash of contra currents within the human psyche can be viewed as our resistance against an “alien invasion”

much is coming to a head, most of it artificialy induced, Georgia forming a possible 2nd E European front, the arrest warrants for soros (Hungary) and gates (Phillipines)

“they” would have us believe that ultimately we are in “end times” and must therefore “suck it up”, capitulate, roll over, lose hope

script followers speak of tribulation, yet fail to question exactly “who” put such an idea into being, is it mere coincidence that such writings coincide so fittingly with what we now see?

no more than amschel mayer rothschild being in exactly the right place and time to evolve the “fiat” currency system, or rockefellers influence on alopathic medicine conveniently coinciding with petroleum

when you understand the rythmns, placing your actors in the right place is much easier and the whole peformance goes off without incident

to understand our own unique places within this picture, we need to understand that we are here to break script

Mar 9, 2023 11:58 AM
Reply to  Duckman

ok, give me a scenario.. in 1 2 3 order.. how is this to work. ?Clearly a new system of exchange is needed. Russia solved its exchange currency problem by saying everyone use your own currency to buy enough gold for the central bank of Russia to use it to convert your currency into Rubles.

example a russian seller sets his price (40 Rubles) for a russian good he exports.. in gold that amounts to 1 oz. In my currency 200 Belize dollars = 1 oz of Gold. So I deliver 200 Belize dollars to the Central Bank of Russia, the CBR converts the 200 Belize Dollars into 1 oz of gold (buy buying the gold on the open market), and then issues 40 Rubles to the Russian seller. Gold becomes the global reference for exchange of the different currencies. Gold itself has no value, but gold is universal so it becomes a standard.

Maybe there is way to remove gold (or the need for the delivery of an actual physical asset] from the picture.. which will allow the economy to do same thing that gold does.. Standardize differences between currency value by referencing to a fixed standard. The surface area of the moon is fixed.. divide into units of .001 cm. each the moon. Number each moon unit. Then have people buy the moon units with currency of their choice, and create a program that converts the purchased moon units into the currency useful to the seller. In time the demand for moon units will set the price for moon units[just as gold has come to have an established value]. No storage of or possession of gold is necessary. To start with <=rules will be needed to make the units have some exchange value. This kind of system could form the basis for a digital currency without the need for a block chain and that eliminates the difficulty of getting people to understand how to use it.

Mar 9, 2023 12:03 PM
Reply to  Duckman

For all we know, Revelation may have been written by the Illuminati long ago — predictive programming and all that.

Mar 9, 2023 12:41 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

its just a “cloud formation”……

comment image

Mar 9, 2023 8:45 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Or it may be linked to a primeval wisdom which the most advanced souls of our kind were able to grasp and nurture until the bulk of mankind becomes ready to digest and participate in it.

As I understand it at any rate, the time frame involved is colossal, whether you peer into the distant past, or the future.

The idea of some berk in a fancy robe, who thought it would be nice to keep wisdom to himself and a few pals so that they could profit from it, only makes sense to a modern, utterly materialistic mindset.

But mindsets were not always as they generally are now, nor had the human ego become what it is today. People thought and acted in groups, which is why the Old Testament has its distinctive character.
Wisdom back then was wisdom, something not to be confused with knowing a few more tricks than the next man…

It seems to me that since the New Testament became a part of human experience, wisdom is no longer handed to us on a plate, as Moses did for his people.
We now have to make an individual effort to find it, and I do hope we will try.
Not bothering with some things can have such dire consequences…

Mar 10, 2023 3:29 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Right now seems it’s a vaccine getting under skins. But if ‘we’ truly want to pick up the gauntlet, our mental machinery would have to learn about why it’s automatic for many to believe lies in preference to comprehension.

Fear seems part and parcel of the human psyche but maybe it was taught and became ingrained in the human condition as almost the first reaction to a stimulus. The shying away from understanding could be because of the horror of comprehending the level of violence that is commonly practiced.

Human culture seems to have developed veiled, coping strategies which don’t really work.
Some might wish to live in innocence and kindness. But the threat doesn’t go away.
Maybe each of us records the ill-treatment and despair of previous generations in a collective memory depot, who knows?
The story of this planet is recorded for posterity by the prominent players of each generation and it gets selectively passed to each newborn as ‘history’. People react as some kind of replicators tuning in to a past to which no one has a direct relationship,yet passing all on as a matter of proven fact. In the present moment, people check around for peer group hostility, copying and imitating rather than daring to strike out alone or admitting that beliefs are just that and no more.
Seemingly as life progresses, for safety’s sake, a human invents a personality to clad themselves in and keeps its thoughts very much private. I don’t think it goes too far to state that human interaction is tense and people touchy, quick to fire up and close to loss of reason.
Is that not because of the jungle conditions, where some of the most brutal and ambitious, laid down the human law system, defined the psychological territories and virtues and got trapped in their own nets? All conditioned beings have learned how to carefully stay on the right side of those whose generational violence seems limitless. Fight, flee or freeze? Ice dead response.
The ‘winning class’ are those who know this and how to steer the insecurity or perhaps the lack of integrity within.

At the same time it’s also true that the keepers of these mindfields – those who seed the world with harmful ideas -live as prisoners of their own minds.
The dull routine of ‘profit’ is a heritage and what is forced upon all seems to be the consequence of desperation rather than necessity or pleasure. A world to be held in ransom as a private commodity yet at the same time, those involved in it are very much for use themselves, embodying ‘opportunities’ for newer profiteers.

In any case seems to me the top dogs end up imprisoned in gated zones distrusting each other. No ‘enemy’ can enter from outside – but those inside the bunker can never leave.
Maybe envy of liberty is one of the main reasons why the poorer classes can’t be left to live in their freer way and have to be made to undergo oppression.

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 9, 2023 3:20 AM

PSA: Can everyone make it short and keep it brief before ‘Jeff the Beast’ arrives please.

Maybe include a smiley face emoji. Or a flower.

Mar 9, 2023 7:34 AM
Reply to  Michael Swain

Did a search (as one does) and found ‘Jeff The Beast’. This might explain his irascibility:
So it’s just a simple case of heartburn, indigestion or haemorrhoids.
Poor bugger.

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 9, 2023 8:22 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Genius Johnny! All makes sense now. Thanks mate.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 9, 2023 9:47 AM
Reply to  Michael Swain

Jeff is Tony Opmec’s Mr Hyde..

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 9, 2023 10:19 AM

Is Mr Hyde ok with that

Mar 9, 2023 3:18 AM

‘treaty: [noun] an agreement or arrangement made by negotiation:. a contract in writing between two or more political authorities (such as states or sovereigns) formally signed by representatives duly authorized and usually ratified by the lawmaking authority of the state.‘

The salient words being ‘authorities’,
‘formally’, ‘duly authorised’, ‘ratified’, ‘lawmaking’, ‘sovereigns’ and ‘state’.

In other words: DO AS WE SAY, OR ELSE!

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Mar 9, 2023 2:05 AM


Discussion of UK covid response. There be monsters.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Mar 9, 2023 12:39 AM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-08. Transplant recipients rejecting organs. Telegraph’s lockdown files, while con not yet exposed is testing (blog, gab, tweet).