Standing Together – Resisting the New Normal

Colin todhunter

The US wanted Russia to attack Ukraine. So says Robert H Wade, professor of Global Political Economy at the London School of Economics. And then it brought in its wide-ranging sanctions regime in response. According to renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersch, the US subsequently blew up the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

The result is that Europeans are experiencing an energy crisis, and Germany in particular faces deindustrialisation. The Ukraine situation is not just a NATO proxy war with Russia. It is also a trade and energy war inflicted by the US on Europe.

Although the impact of the war is acutely felt by Europe, inflation continues to increase across the Western countries, including the US, and their economies are in crisis.

While the sanctions and war are having an inflationary impact, they serve as convenient cover for the effects of a massive increase in ‘quantitative easing’ that occurred in late 2019 and in 2020. The US Federal Reserve created almost a fifth of all US dollars ever created in 2020. According to economist Professor Richard Werner, central banks around the world also pumped more money into their economies during this period. He concludes that central banks are largely responsible for the inflation we now see.

Financial markets were collapsing in October 2019, and the crisis reached a head in February 2020 with a massive crash. Prior to COVID and then under cover of this bogus public health crisis, trillions of dollars were pumped into the economy and lockdowns were imposed to prevent an immediate hyperinflation shock. The global economy was shut down.

Much of the inflation currently being experienced is a result of this. COVID lockdowns were not a cause of economic collapse. They were a symptom of it. A temporary band aid for an imploding neoliberalism that now requires a radical restructuring of economies and societies.

And that restructuring is brutal. Neoliberalism has been on life support for some time and has resorted to various strategies (expansion consumer credit, speculative finance, debt, etc) to keep it alive. But these strategies have to a large extent run their course.

In response, we are witnessing a controlled demolition of large parts of the economy and a shift towards authoritarian governance to deal with the growing resentment and dissent that governments fully expect. While lockdowns can be regarded as extraordinary monetary policy measures for addressing short-term inflation risk, they also did much to accelerate the restructuring of economies, not least by closing down small independent businesses.

The effects of the current sanctions regime on Russia may be regarded as an extension of this restructuring. We must not assume that the people implementing the sanction policies were too ignorant to see what the outcome would be for the Western economies.

So, for ordinary people, what’s the end game?

Soaring inflation means your money will lose value. Your savings could evaporate. And rising interest rates will intensify hardship – both for ordinary people and for businesses. Increased interest rates in a debt-ridden economy could well precipitate economic collapse.

Enter central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). It seems likely that these will eventually be brought in as part of a new monetary system. When people have lost almost everything (the WEF mantra – own nothing and be happy), many might well be desperate enough to want a (programmable) digital universal basic income from the government.

But this – in the longer term – would lead to a digital prison: your carbon credit score and social credit score linked to your ability to use your digital currency, your freedom of movement and so on.

The fiat currency system is dying. De-dollarisation is now underway and the US’s longstanding partner – Saudi Arabia – is turning to China and accepting non-dollar payment for oil.

The world is increasingly trading in currencies other than the US dollar. Global US hegemony rests on the dollar being the world reserve currency. This is coming to an end.

What CBDCs will base their value on remains to be seen. A return to a gold standard perhaps. But the strategy appears to involve a process of economic restructuring (or demolition) leading to the impoverishment of populations then the rollout of CBDCs.

COVID was an accelerator that saw entire populations cajoled into submission thanks to a crisis narrative. Integral to the plan is the eventual imposition of digital IDs.

Whether it is immigration, war, food shortages, fear of pandemics, potential cyberattacks, climate emergency or some other crisis narrative, one way or another, circumstances will be manipulated to engineer the introduction of digital IDs – precursors to CBDC servitude. A servitude linked to ‘smart’ city surveillance technology, net zero ideology and 15-minute de facto lockdown cities.

Can this be prevented? What can ordinary people do?

We can, for instance, grow our own food (if we have access to land), use farmer markets, boycott the retail giants and cashless stores, use cash whenever possible, create our own credit unions and so on. But to act in unison, it is essential that we come together and do not feel isolated in a world in which division is encouraged.

Many instinctively knew from the start that there was something seriously amiss with the COVID narrative and the lockdowns. But the vast majority of people – at least at the beginning of the COVID exercise – went along with the narrative. Dissenters tended to feel isolated and came together online. As the weeks passed, they began to attend protests in person.

At these gatherings – the speeches aside – it felt uplifting simply to be in the company of like-minded people. But after the protests, many returned home and were again surrounded by friends, family and colleagues who still kept faith in the narrative and the relentless media propaganda.

COVID might have receded into the background at this point, but the end goal is clear. That’s why it remains important to continue to stand together – in person, in solidarity. From small acorns, movements grow.

With this in mind, Fifi Rose, who helped initiate the A Stand In The Park movement in the UK, describes as a non-hierarchal people’s collective of autonomous groups, tells an inspiring story on a recent edition of the Locked & Loaded podcast with Rick Munn on TNT radio.

The podcast shows how one man’s resistance – which involved standing alone in a Sydney park for weeks on end – helped create a growing global movement based on face-to-face interaction.

Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.


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Categories: Covid Positive, latest, Russia
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Jeff the Beast
Jeff the Beast
Mar 16, 2023 11:40 AM

Ahahahaha…stupid gaga bullshit propaganda from relentless conspiracy FUCKHEADS….shove it up your goddamn ass and FUCK OFF!!!!

Mar 9, 2023 8:31 PM

Mmmm, standing together, the British, surely some mistake? Just look at the past 3 years, I rest my case.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 9, 2023 8:18 PM

Sorry I was trying something out there.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 9, 2023 8:05 PM

Casual mocking psycho-sadism from “your” national treasure, the BBC: Under the headline “Cost of living: Tackling it together”, this –
“Cold weather: What does an unheated room do to your body?”
In which an intrepid investigator is paid to submit himself to a “properly scientific experiment” to ascertain what everyone already knew – and none more so than the poor: That cold is bad for you. And is it really such a revelation that the cold in question doesn’t have to be that faced by “polar explorers with icicles dangling from their beards”?
Indeed, it is a gross insult to think that such a “discovery” had to be verified by this ludicrous “science”, as if the dismal experience of the ones actually suffering heat deprivation wasn’t to be trusted.
But all of that is a side-issue anyway. The true purpose of this vicious little dangling sneer is to remind everyone that they’re going to freeze to death. Eventually.
Bonus benefit: “heart attacks and strokes are more common in the winter”.

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Mar 10, 2023 7:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Was Fauci consulted?

Mar 9, 2023 5:15 PM

“Many instinctively knew from the start that there was something seriously amiss with the COVID narrative and the lockdowns”

I will always have a lad called Jack to thank for helping me to make my own opinion very very early on. Does anyone remember the first case in Britain? A couple from Asia who flew to Newcastle and were declared ill in York? Well if he hadn’t have said “I heard they’re from westerhope” I might have taken a bit longer because I immediately thought 1 the “pandemic” has just “begun” and 2 how the fuck could you ever know that when it literally just happened? And I was right they weren’t even British.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 9, 2023 2:23 PM

Article title: “Standing Together – Resisting the New Normal”

Stand together– six feet apart. Resist the New Normal – by posting links to articles no one reads.

Enabling statutes, regulations, executive orders, guidance documents and budget allocations.
Prepared by Katherine Watt
January, 2023

It is (perhaps) instructive to read the entire document…

Mar 9, 2023 5:02 PM

For the record, I’d like to say that I don’t wanna stand, sit, lie, or do anything else together with anybody. I’m just fine doing that all by myself or occasionally with the rather limited number of people whose company I kinda enjoy.

If anything, I want to be left the fuck alone.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 9, 2023 11:17 AM

The burning questions of our time are in no way different from those of any other time.

Antonio Gramsci – Appunti sulla Rivoluzione

Goes from about 52-minute mark to about 1h17.

Mar 9, 2023 11:53 AM

It’s just that those burning questions are right in our faces right now…
… which is probably a good thing.

Mar 9, 2023 11:12 AM

For those who follow the situation: this is by far Todd’s best article. There is an energy crisis – but it is global, not localised to Europe (hence the proxy war). America is the worlds largest hydrocarbon exporter, and Russia is second (with Saudi third). America starts running out of oil, the world gets locked down, the economy is restructured whilst everyone is looking for a bug, and then there is a war between the top players in the hydrocarbon mafia. Go figure? To casual inspection, there was a localised peak in oil production in 2018; but let us not call it “peak oil”. On the surface it looks as if oil production is about to surpass that height of production, but a deepdive will uncover accounting and terminological practices that obscure the trend that ‘oil’ – tightly defined as “petroleum” (rock oil) — appears to be declining and no amount of shale, tight oil or “all liquid” inclusions will change that [Berman, Patzek, Hagens et al for references.] Absent finding another supermassive field, petroleum is at or near peak sustained production. Everything else in the hydrocarbon economy is a function of energy production. All economics is surplus energy economics: decrease the amount energy input (or decrease it quality, at least) means decrease the economic output. Economic output scales 1:1 with energy input (r2 = 0.96). Hydrocarbon energy (or continued access to it) is the fundamental inflationary driver which is in global decline. Everything is an energy embodiment, including money, but not just energy, economic exchange needs raw materials as well. Raw materials that are bottlenecking due to increased demand, especially for the high-tech minerals and metals. Demand is up by 5,000-7,000% in some cases, and supply cannot meet demand. In fact demand will soon outstrip all known resources and… Read more »

Mar 9, 2023 4:19 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Excellent. You da mahn, mahn!

Mar 9, 2023 5:23 PM
Reply to  Bryan

How do you form a shared “solar economy” when the resources to produce solar power are as limited as they are? I’m not trying to be contradictory here but asking a genuine question. You’ve pointed out extremely well the forces we are up against, and the finite sources of the minerals necessary to produce solar power to scale as we currently use fossil fuels, but then say we need a solar economy? I am betting I’m missing a point here. Thanks.

Mar 9, 2023 5:47 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Solar energy, whatever the form, i.e. wind, hydro, photovoltaic, is the only energy available on Earth in real time. Some energy can be collected from the Moon, and there is nuclear. Nuclear, however, is kinda useless without oil/gas, as per https://un-denial.com/2023/01/28/by-monk-why-not-nuclear/

Once the last drop of oil has been burned, figuratively speaking, whatever solar energy can be harvested will be it.

I can imagine that the remaining available fossil fuels could be used to build a solar energy grid that might for some time provide some juice, but will it be enough to keep the grid going, renewing, expanding? Probably not. So, once the solar grid falls apart and there is no more oil, humanity is back in the Middle Ages.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 10, 2023 7:27 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

I’m thinking solar economy as in old school “sun drives the seasons and the activity” …

Mar 10, 2023 9:05 AM
Reply to  Bryan

Other shortages looming:
-. Skills, due to deteriorating education
-. Health, due to poisoning and fake medicine
-. Public order, due to the majority being destitute.

Mar 9, 2023 9:54 AM

The US didn’t blow up the Nordstream pipeline.
It was 6 men in a boat.
Jerome K. Jerome x 2.
But where’s Montmorency?

Mar 9, 2023 9:25 AM

“Gold is real money”


In terms of actual usable wealth, gold is completely useless. In itself, it’s worth complete shit, you can’t eat it, it’s good for nothing. Maybe for conducting electricity real good, which I’d venture to say won’t be of too much use to most people. In terms of currency, it’s equally as worthless, as its value essentially depends on the same motherfuckers who control paper money.

Fuck gold.

There is only one “commodity” that is really worth something.


The worth of everything else depends on somebody else and everything can be taken away from you. Not your brains. That’s where you should invest!

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Mar 9, 2023 10:57 AM
Reply to  Kurt

Of course education is a vital component in the supply chain. However, gold will never lose it’s luster as a commodity to hold onto. Doing away with the Gold Standard, was the single most arrogant action of the USA. Their $ is actually worthless if certain players decided to call in their debt. All the inflation and wanton consumerism is the result of this. China, at this point owns the world, as most of the finished (value added) goods we use are manufactured in China or in the other paper tiger countries.

Mar 9, 2023 2:58 PM

The difference between your approach and mine is that I don’t give a fuck about some gold standard and the USA or China.

I look at things for what they intrinsically are, from a very long perspective. A biological, natural perspective.

In other words, living creatures don’t need fucking gold. Living creatures need food, shelter, shit like that. Gold will give you none of that. It’s a worthless piece of shit. Shiny, but worthless.

Step out of the cage you got in your head, buddy.

Mar 9, 2023 3:59 PM
Reply to  Kurt

i used to hand my son a chunky coin, a note and ask him to bite it, could he eat it?

then i’d show him to sow some seeds or tatties.

now he’s just stuck on that black mirror!

people have forgotten to be people, they do not get that in their busy gold standard lives, lol, whilst fawning darwinism ; )

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Mar 9, 2023 4:21 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Sorry, that is a very prosaic approach, it you don’t mind me saying so. I don’t have any gold (not a wearer of jewelry), do not even own a watch! Bling is not what i am promoting. I’ve been out of the “cage”, for longer than you may think. Lived in my station wagon for 3 years with 3 dachshunds, because I could not afford rent. But I still think that capitalism with a conscious id better than and socialistic or communism economical model. I’m a 1954 model so been around for some time.

As for “living creatures”, humans, sometimes, are not in my thinking, worth my time. Too many freeloaders out there. But this conversation is far more nuanced than we can actually discuss here. And with the world as it now is, I must tell you, that I am not to confident that we have a snowballs hope in hell, unless there is another real revolution, ridding the world of low thinkers and quite frankly – Democrat elites.

Mar 9, 2023 5:00 PM

You don’t understand, Andrew. I’m not insinuating that you’re after gold, richesses, anything like that.

I’m simply saying that when the shit hits the fan, which is kinda what we’re witnessing, when survival is what matters, gold is worthless. You can’t eat it, it doesn’t warm you up. Nothing, nada.

If there is no food around, would you rather have a loaf of bread or a golden ring?

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 10, 2023 7:28 AM
Reply to  Kurt

Hear the man!

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Mar 9, 2023 8:39 AM

Paper money is becoming basically useless and increasingly based upon blind faith. Gold is real money and always has been, at least for the last 5000 years. Please note that both Russia and China are hoarding the stuff in the currency war. Does dollar hegemony not allow the U.S. to print money enough to support 800 military bases around the world and also to force poor countries to take loans through the IMF and World Bank and make them beholding to the U.S. Empire as well as force them into austerity and privatization?

Mar 9, 2023 8:34 AM

I think we are going to need more teeth in the Revolution than growing our own food.

les online
les online
Mar 9, 2023 8:24 AM

To sin is to fail to maximise your personal gain…
As real jobs as sources of reliable income dried up
people turned more and more to exploiting others as a source of income…
Homes became ‘investment properties’…
Neoliberalism – parasitism
neoliberlalism – dog eat dog
neoliberalism – every man for himself
neoliberalism – fuck granny, fuck all useless eaters…


George Mc
George Mc
Mar 9, 2023 8:08 AM

Seems like John Carpenter’s The Thing is next up for a reboot:

“Scientists have revived a ‘zombie’ virus that spent 48,500 years frozen in permafrost”

Mar 9, 2023 4:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Here’s something I think you might get a kick out of. It’s from the Cleveland Clinic website – which is a very good online health reference. See if you can detect the “Woke” part of the paragraph.

Spontaneous CSF leaks are more likely in people over 30 (the average age to have them is 42). People assigned female at birth are also much more likely to develop spontaneous CSF leaks.

(Note: I was researching a runny nose that might be caused by a cerebrospinal fluid leak.)

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 9, 2023 4:27 PM
Reply to  Howard

People assigned female at birth

Don’t you just love it? “People assigned human”, “Giraffes assigned long necks”.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 9, 2023 4:33 PM
Reply to  Howard

Why Choose Cleveland Clinic?

asks the website. This site offers a higher ratio of witchdoctor mantra implantation than any other. It has more intensive fudgicles and more resilient biofumaries. It also topped the Reassignment Charts last week when it reassigned Greta Thunberg to credibilty.

Mar 9, 2023 5:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This sort of thing helps explain why “Woke” – as laughable as it seems – is no joke. It’s the kind of thing that once it worms its way into something tends to corrupt everything it touches.

I suppose if I looked up Sickle Cell Anemia, I’d learn that it mostly affects people who were assigned a certain race at birth.

Mar 9, 2023 5:24 PM
Reply to  Howard

Holy Jesus that sentence was beyond bizarre. Assigned female at birth indeed?!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 9, 2023 10:52 PM
Reply to  Koba

Dystopian in advance.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 9, 2023 8:01 AM


“Scientists say they have bred mice using eggs originating from male cells, in a breakthrough which could one day pave the way for human male couples to have children.”

Over and above ethical issues, consider the cost going into what is an utterly superfluous operation.

Mar 9, 2023 1:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

99% of what passes for Science “is an utterly superfluous operation.”

That’s why I say Down With Science.

Mar 9, 2023 7:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Gender change of a grown-up man. this is the one you need to see. Now imagine what they can do with a young kid with a still developing body

Mar 9, 2023 6:25 AM

it is essential that we come together and do not feel isolated in a world in which division is encouraged

Absolutely. This is a lesson people should have learned from the collectivist movements that took place roughly during the 19th and 20th centuries – socialism, communism, welfare state, trade unions. In other words, people can and should join forces if need be so as to get rid of some motherfucker who might himself or together with other motherfuckers have or amass power with the intention of subjugating them or fucking them over in one way or another.

What absolutely essential, however, is that people don’t fall for the notion that they’re society, a collective body. They must be confident, self-contained individuals interacting in a horizontal fashion. As opposed to being a borg controlled by or looking up to one asshole on the top of the pyramid, regardless of whether the asshole disguises himself as a democratic leader. The fucker is still a dictator and if he ain’t he’ll sooner or later will become one or will be succeeded by somebody who’ll take advantage of the hierarchical, control structure.

In other words, don’t stand under no one and don’t let no one to stand above you. Don’t allow no motherfucker to fool you that they’re your protector. And don’t allow anybody to bribe you with goodies, especially if you know, or should know, that they’re fake – and remember that there is no free lunch either.

It takes balls and responsibility, but it’s the only way to be free.

Mar 9, 2023 5:26 PM
Reply to  Kurt

The herd including many wannabe black sheep here have been scared away from soCIAlism and communism via decades of propaganda and public persuasion

Mar 9, 2023 6:24 AM

One of Colin Todhunter’s best articles:. a brilliant summary of recent “socially engineered” ills — with promise of worse to come: “digital IDs – precursors to CBDC servitude [Central Bank Digital Currency]. A servitude linked to ‘smart’ city surveillance technology, net zero ideology and 15-minute de facto lockdown cities.Can this be prevented? What can ordinary people do?” Colin as usual presents some good alternatives, same as he presents “traditional farming” alternatives to the intruduction of “industrial farming” in India: “We can, for instance, grow our own food (if we have access to land), use farmer markets, boycott the retail giants and cashless stores, use cash whenever possible, create our own credit unions and so on. But to act in unison, it is essential that we come together and do not feel isolated in a world in which division is encouraged.” His last sentence is the key question: How do “ordinary people” like you and I “come together” for the common good? A problem that has occupied great minds through the ages: from Plato to Yeshua to Jefferson to Marx. Nature’s answer is more subtle, more creative, and on a large scale: a world in which multi-various creatures Sym-Biose (Gr. Live Together) in different life styles — some in herds, some in isolation, some as predators, some as prey, but all subject to creation, transformation, growth, decay and regeneration. Putin’s concept of A Multi-Polar World in the international sphere would correspond to Nature’s way in the biological spuere. As for the specific ills that Colin fears: Digital Currency is just a tool same as coins or cowrie shells; a Central Bank is beneficial if the Community owns it (as in China) but bad if Oligarchs own it (as in most countries). So, I am neutral about CBDC. Surveillance can be good… Read more »

Mar 10, 2023 12:35 PM
Reply to  NickM

How do “ordinary people”.. “come together” for the common good?
As long as the brainwashing against communal organisation and socialism – seen in the comments here – remains strong, the capitalist overlords have nothing to fear.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Mar 9, 2023 6:06 AM

Stop Press. ‘Six people in a boat did it !’

Mar 9, 2023 5:12 AM

TPTB are always trying to shift the blame onto the people and make us feel guilty for their sins

Yes, the no good motherfuckers and no good motherfuckers for sure!

But this is not a question of blame, guilt, finding the culprit, chopping off some of his essential body parts, like the fucking head, and living happily ever after. For whether populace has been led or willingly marched to where we’re now, the fact remains that we’re in deep shit. In a mess that can’t be resolved using the tools within the existing system.

Let’s face it, people should have known better too and should not have abused democracy by allowing politicians to bribe them with promises impossible to fulfill, financed through non-repayable public debt, among other things. People should not have embarked on this wild orgy, living totally beyond their means, courtesy of pillaging stuff from other parts of the world and exploiting some poor bearded, barefooted bastards somewhere in the mountains on the other part of the world – and their kids too! Regardless of whether you’ve had your head conveniently stuck in the sand and chosen to ignore that.

Is it the bank officer’s fault if he convinces you to take out a loan despite the fact that you don’t have the means to repay it, or is it your fault that you fall for his bullshit and then lose everything when they foreclose on your shit after you lost your job? What does it matter? You’ll still have to make do.

I strongly suggest that people focus on seeking solutions, as opposed wasting energy in looking for scapegoats.

Mar 9, 2023 5:40 PM
Reply to  Kurt

I just have to say it Kurt, if we really did what your last sentence says, we would not be where we are today, would we? Scapegoats are in many ways the very essence of our civilization, and I really should put that word into scare quotes. Seeking solutions is so boring and onerous, scapegoating is fun, very easy, and a favorite pastime of most humans today. The US excels at it, but then again it’s a long legacy that goes back a lot farther then the existence of the US, or Europe, China, Russia, etc…

Trained behavior no doubt, but as you point out, if we allowed ourselves to really see just how badly we have all been trained, we would not be in the mess we are now. Is it too late to do some retraining? For many, it undoubtedly is far too late. When the SHTF I guess we will see how many can ditch the old paradigm and start seeking real solutions. And I’m not claiming to have any of those either. I am as trained as the rest in some ways and the old paradigm will be extremely difficult to overcome. I tend to think we will be forced to overcome it, one way or another. Will we choose the current training and let the PTB retrain us as they wish, or will we hang them all and start over? The million dollar question…

Mar 9, 2023 2:27 AM

Reforming the system is impossible so the best thing to do is to just drop out of it i.e. anarchy:


Mar 9, 2023 5:24 AM
Reply to  CK_

These two links are BONKERS.
Get real CK.

Mar 9, 2023 2:07 AM

It’s stand together now or stand together with our backs against a wall.

Mar 8, 2023 11:55 PM

Words ascribed to the Sufi poet Rumi, when he told his hearers that they were “ducks being brought up as hens” and “they have to realise that their destiny is to swim, not to try to be chickens”.

Mar 8, 2023 11:38 PM

The Girl on the Peleton -and her Best Mate…

Both Really Young and Fit

Her Best Mate drops dead on her Wedding day…before she has got as far as the Altar

The Girl on the Peleton is so much like the Young Girl Teachers – Teaching Keep Fit to both younger and older girls, like my wife (who has a bike, but not a Peleton)

Now according to the Daily Mail..well read the story for yourself..

So far as I am aware, neither my wife nor I have got cancer, nor any debiliating disease,, though I realise, beyond 70 years old, neither of us are going to live forever, but I reckon my wife will make 100 years old, cos she is nice and Full of Life..


Hope to make it with her, when I am feeling better – cos she is a nice girl and makes me laugh.

Go Sailing, and take your Fishing gear and Eat Pollock..when the food nearly runs out.

Don’t Give Up

God Bless, No one wishes that on anyone. Try and be a nice person.

It will be a lot warmer tomorow

comment image

We eat fish – still here

We went sailing and were only planning for 4 days – got caught in a storm.


Mar 8, 2023 11:09 PM

A thought provoking piece on Wilhelm Reich from Allen Forrest:

Mar 8, 2023 10:29 PM

I knew what i had got when i was 7 years old maybe even 5.

I was not running round the playground as I should. I still got in the B Team – in Defence,- Full Back and very occasionaly scored goal – coming in from the wing.

I inherited the same muscular disease as 2 of my 4 older brothers and sisters did…

But never declared it…I faked it. Never taken any drugs for it.

I simply pre-tensed my muscles for 10 seconds…

Before I got up to dance, drive exceedingly fast motorcyles, sports cars, learn to fly gliders, and eventually met my wife.

My slight muscular disease – myatonia congenita – Thomsens disease – Beckers – has not been passed on to any members of our family in over 50 years.

My sister-in-law – a geneticist – over 10 years older than me, told me, when she met my girlfriend

This disease is so rare, both of you and your children and grandchildren will be fine. Apart from living in Lancashire – and looking pretty much the same – we were completely unrelated.

Our genes were not the same

She keeps telling me get fit

We are going camping again

Nice Girl, though she doesn’t half nag.

Just give me time as I get older

My wife is still like – very fit

You know the type…dancing yoga rock keep fit

Its hard to keep up, if you are an old fat slob

It was even harder when I was younger. No one could ever believe that I had got a girlfriend, until I introduced her to my sister. She didn’t make a fuss, but my mum did

“Kes- football match with the childish P.E. teacher”



Mar 8, 2023 10:04 PM

Greta stood up and decided no more. You people saw and witnessed the psychological operation at play.

Fifi Rose, who helped initiate the A Stand In The Park movement.

‘Fifi’ is a prison slang term for an artificial vagina made from whatever materials are available.
Rose means ‘secret’ which has it correlation in masonic.

Standing the park – when I was young is what the less borns did.
You didnt want your children anywhere near the parks.

The whole thing is about as organic as Greta’s arrest / Rebel media Pfizer Ceo @ Davos.

Mar 8, 2023 10:56 PM
Reply to  oddly

oddly random, bold claim.

i am not disputing, once you qualify,

but normal, lol, people LIKE parks and pseudo savanah; only fearful quislings fear trees or the dark. we have too many of them in the west.

consider y’all.

where you at in your urbane life? do you grow yer own veg, even try? does every crack in a slab hide a pedo, or each mere dog shit an aspiring corporate cunt? (probably); each shrub or shadow a cunning mugger ned?

if you really think like that, you are fukt. carry on, get yer booster, stuff yer fifi and bury the rose.


or plain normal oddity?

Mar 8, 2023 11:27 PM
Reply to  oddly

Methinks you extrapolate too much oddly.
Looking for demons that aren’t there.
A Rose, or a Fifi, is still that by any other name.
‘Less borns’ ? What? As opposed to High Borns, the self proclaimed gods on Earth.
Parks are the last, albeit imperfect remnants of Nature following man’s addiction to avarice.
Are you breathing?
Enjoy that simple gift.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 8, 2023 9:29 PM

The Law of Consequences and the Law of Effort and Reward are real and universal. Standing up for what one knows is right/righteousness has its consequences (as well as its rewards and outcomes) especially when one finds him or herself in an era of evil, in an environment of deceit, predation and debasement. The questions we all have to ask and answer for ourselves are: are the consequences worth it and am I willing to experience the consequences rewards of my choices/efforts/actions?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 8, 2023 8:14 PM

A Blinken Turn of the Screw: USA poised to make key concessions to Russia?

This just in from Global Research, flagged by M.Ch (Chossudovsky, founder of GR site) as an important article:


Mar 9, 2023 1:40 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

I posted this on TWITTER two weeks ago…… Good job it wasn’t a three minute warning?

alex reynolds
alex reynolds
Mar 8, 2023 7:42 PM

God in heaven, what the hell is up with OffGuardian this past couple of weeks? Every time I come and browse here it’s one piece of lefty tosh regurgitating 20th-century irrelevancies after another. Did someone give you a little bash with the “but you’re not progressives any more” cosh and make you scared you’ll lose all the people you dragged here from The Guardian? How can people like Kit Knightley and Catte Black, whose pieces on the COVID imposture are always so exemplarily acute, posibly allow obfuscations like this “COVID lockdowns were not a cause of economic collapse. They were a symptom of it.” to be published on a site that they administer? So the muzzling, dog-training and psychologial reframing of huge proportions of the human race was all done to cover the arse of “neo-liberalism” and protect the profits of “muh corporations”? Bullshit. If you believe that, you probably believe that there really is a war in Ukraine: Oh wait, this guy does. The stubborn, idiotic insistence on trying to cram the unprecedented, inhuman horror (yes, “inhuman”; I’m talking “two sets of eyelids” here) of what has been done to us specifically in the past four or five years – when things have passed onto a whole other level, as any sincere and perceptive person concedes – into some tired old, long-since-inapplicable “fight da powah and keep the red flag flying” narrative just screams out of every paragraph of this asinine screed How confused the author is about where he actually stands can be seen from his conflation of, on the one hand, “fear narratives” manufactured by our masters and, on the other, things that our masters are really doing that actually give us reasons to feel terrible fear in passages like the following: “Whether it is immigration, war,… Read more »

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 8, 2023 9:31 PM
Reply to  alex reynolds

Swiss Deuch Dutch. People forget Great Britain declared War on Imperial Germany ’14 guaranteed Belgium neutrality defended by our Navies. Switzerland Geneva is World Bank.
Great War ended in 2018. Hence the focus on BIS.
Another point from the 20th, particularly following 2008 is of course Central banks are World Corporation Visionary.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Mar 8, 2023 10:02 PM
Reply to  alex reynolds

Calm down bro,
take a deep breath.
You’ll get over it.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 8, 2023 11:00 PM
Reply to  alex reynolds

History doesn’t get reset just because there’s a new century — its only a number, after all. So, yes, ideas and events in the 20th century are as relevant today as they were 23 years ago. What we call ‘neoliberalism’ today can be seen at work in the latter half of the 19th century. Its really just pure capitalism but we don’t want to call it that because of the attempts to moderate capitalism in the 20th century, starting with Teddy Roosevelt’s attack on monopolies and cartels and continuing with Keynes’s attempts to prevent boom/bust cycles. Things had somewhat stabilized after WW2 and Bretton Woods but the seemingly novel theories of Hayek were music to the ears of the dinosaur capitalist class, who enabled by the Chicago School embraced the old as the modern, leading to what we know as neo-conservatism or neoliberalism or whatever. The problem is, though, that the fundamental flaws inherent in this economic model weren’t addressed so after the advances of the post war era were reversed (essentially living off the stored value for a decade or two) the contradictions emerged. Much of what passes for economic and social policy today can be directly traced to trying to paper over the cracks — we’re limping along from bust to bust with ever deepening recessions and ever shorter, deficit financed, ‘boom’ times. This just isn’t sustainable and in the absence of any radical realignment we’re going to have to resort to the age-old capitalist standby — war.

I’m sorry if this sounds terribly old-fashioned. But its not my fault that human society is the way it is. We actually all know how to do better but somehow we just don’t seem to be able to stop ourselves from taking wrong turns.

Mar 8, 2023 11:49 PM
Reply to  alex reynolds

I don’t as a rule stoop this low – but I’ll make an exception for this comment:


Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Mar 9, 2023 3:01 AM
Reply to  alex reynolds

You expect off-guardian to be the ministry of truth?
I don’t want to frequent a web site where all of the content is describing the exact same conspiracy theory without a shadow of a doubt.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 9, 2023 2:39 PM
Reply to  alex reynolds

Still stuck is the Left/Right illusion…

You must be American, as they seem unable to look beyond their borders to see that in many countries the same authoritarian Covid policies, same Woke language is being imposed by right wing governments too (the UK, Austria come to mind).

It’s not left/right, it’s top/down.

les online
les online
Mar 8, 2023 7:38 PM

Money is Debt…
David Graeber wrote the book “Debt. The First 5000 Years.” He could have called it ”
Guilt. The first 5000 Years,” becausr debt is guilt…
The Lord’s Prayer: Some ask “Forgive us our tresspasses”; other “Forgive us our sins”, Still others “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”… (these latter were probably libertines indulging in guilty pleasures)…Debt is owing…
Cancel Debt…
Owe Nothing. Be Happy !

Mar 8, 2023 8:08 PM
Reply to  les online

Debt is always underwritten with a threat. Legally or otherwise. Whereas guilt is (or should be) a personal or conscious feeling which has become punishable by external forces. There are many things in life which can be forgiven but financial debt is not one of them. Money won’t allow it. Money doesn’t talk, it swears.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 8, 2023 7:21 PM

People are waking up, the died suddenly phenomenon is causing people to question what is going on. Now the plutocrats are desperate, they have to redouble their efforts to keep the masses divided, duped, distracted and comatose for their con games to work. The lockdowns were a way to keep us isolated, incommunicado and afraid. Notice how almost all of the Internet chat platforms like Yahoogroups and Online bulletin boards were shut down so we couldn’t exchange videos, ideas and opinions about what was happening to us; and if they were still in operation they were under heavy censorship.
Meanwhile the released Twitter and Pfizer Files will be used by the ruling class to gauge what our reactions will be to just a smidgeon of truth regarding what they are doing to us. So far no outrage or insurrections against the government, Big Pharma or digital media, same regarding news cycles filled with toxic train derailments, poultry contaminations, food processing plant fires and other anomalies. So far only minor push back from the folks living near the toxic train crash sites.
The Internet is being scrubbed of all dissident narratives and major algorithmic censorship is still ongoing. Biden and his handlers just weren’t able to get their Ministry of Misinformation up and running but the “fact checkers” are still in full effect. How will the plutocrats’ social reengineering agenda impact us as it rolls out? What will be the short, intermediate and long term consequences of their evil? What will happen, what could possibly go wrong? How resilient and innovative will we need to become to resist and fight this insanity? Or will most people simply give up in resignation, adapt ,and comply?

Mar 8, 2023 8:20 PM

Perhaps social media is being scrubbed; I wdn’t know since I don’t use it. But it’s ridiculous to say the internet is being scrubbed. Every day there aremore people opening more sites telling the truth.

Mar 9, 2023 2:10 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Where? Try sharing anything from South Front, Moon of Alabama, Consortium News etc, and they are flagged as MISSINFORMATION SITES? And you will be rerouted to CIA/MI6 agency BELLENDCAT?(I know, its Bellingcat, but my word is better) Unemployed gamer Higgins gathered a following for his outlandish theories and google earth maps, which attracted the attention of our MOD and CIA. He sold the name for $500,000 and now it’s another CIA troll agency in the Netherlands, like 77th Brigade in Berkshire)

Mar 8, 2023 6:13 PM

Thank you for the succinct summary of the existing situation and an opening of the door to actions. Signs of resistance appearing in public daily will ping the normies into questioning. Like a button, a pin, a t-shirt, a purse, even your car. A friend drives a car with a giant syringe on the roof, and has a purse made out of a plastic gas can with typical nozzle. A couple friends who came as court support constitutional auditors for my wife’s court hearing to confront an army of cops present, ended up arrested for constitutional auditing of a belligerent cookie shop owner that threatened unmasked customers, and Amy & Ricky, with a baseball bat. Amy, convicted by a jury in 1.5 hrs, now spends 44 months in prison. For defending herself from a baseball attacker. In prison, she is challenging the masking policy and keeping up her practice challenging illegal authority. My wife spent 90/92 hrs of solitary in County jail and now one year probation as the State’s example to others contemplating disobedience to totalitarian mandates by totalitarian governors, kowtowing store owners and a kowtowing public. The State dropped other charges after seeing the long term pain of later having to pay for abrogating Constitutional Rights and paying for it in lawsuit. She is now suing the City, the State and the store. Our area of Oregon have groups meeting to organize self sufficiency with local farms and the talents, skills and products of neighbors that are fed up the doom narratives of the ruling elite well described in Colin’s above summary. What I am saying here is there is significant pain in standing up for our inalienable rights. The first is public humiliation and marginalization by friends and family who are now laughing at or angry with… Read more »

Mar 8, 2023 5:59 PM

“WE” are not fighting “them”

Unfortunately, things are more complicated than “WE AGAINST THEM”, regardless of who WE and THEM are supposed to be.

People have fecked themselves into a corner by thinking that they can use clever ways to cheat physical laws, to create richesse out of thin air, complemented by pillaging other parts of the world and burning everything we found lying around like there was no tomorrow.

All of us collectively have benefited from the aforementioned. Some less, some more. Within the wild-party scheme, some have fucked over others, some have had the shittier end of the stick. Sure. But the fact remains that we’re kinda all in it together.

What we’re witnessing now is an attempt by those who have generally been screwing others, plus maybe some new kids on the block, to secure a better position for the future, which will be less fruitful for everybody due to the reasons mentioned in my other post.

In other words, even if “WE” won the struggle against “THEM”, whoever the eff it’s supposed to be, the predicament we’re facing wouldn’t go away. We’d still be fucked. Maybe less fucked, but fucked nevertheless.

Bottom line – people must learn make do with what they can produce locally, using their own means, and at present time. As opposed to outsourcing their well-being to the future and to other parts of the world.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 7:58 PM
Reply to  Kurt

What you’re describing, Kurt, is ecological overshoot; coming to get us all. And the ones who’ll do best at surviving are those who downsize, pull in horns, and get practised at getting by with a whole lot less. And yes, you can be happy like this. I already do it, and it’s very serene. “Collapse early, and avoid the rush!” 🙂

Mar 8, 2023 5:36 PM

Inflation has got nothing to do with all the money printing.
It’s all Putin’s fault.
Putin signed a decree ordering all the shopkeepers to raise their prices.
He said if they didn’t he’d come and rub novichok on their door knobs.

Mar 9, 2023 2:45 PM
Reply to  paul

… and for those who don’t have doors, he’ll just rub it on their knobs.

Mar 8, 2023 5:10 PM

As far as the economy is concerned, it’s like this. Over the last roughly 60 years, unprecedented prosperity has been created by shifting the cost of current consumption to the future through debt. That essentially means that as we go along, current production must pay not only for current consumption, but also for debt accumulated in the past, or some part of it. This is only sustainable if production continues to increase to cover both current and past costs. This is mitigated somewhat by inflation and other ways of fucking with money, but when considered in a no-nonsense manner, based on how the physical world works, it’s pretty much like that. I don’t know what the motherfuckers were thinking, since the way public debt accumulates, it can never be repaid, and there is a point at which the system is bound to collapse. Anyway, we’re at the point where the whole fucking thing is collapsing. What needs to be kept in mind is that for the economy to function, let alone continue growing, the supply of energy is essential. Increasing amounts of energy. Plus resources too, but energy is the master resource. And whether peak oil is reality or not, the fact remains that energy is becoming scarcer and/or more expensive. Which makes current production more expensive, unable to not only pay for current consumption, but also to repay past debt plus accrued interest. In other words, the ponzi scheme that has been the source of our luxury in the past century is fucked, on its way down the toilet. The whole thing is exacerbated by the fact that slaves in various parts of the world whose cheap labor we’ve exploited for eons are no longer too fucking keen to slave away for our luxury and a whole bunch of… Read more »

Mar 8, 2023 6:01 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Most of the mofos were thinking short term in the beginning I suspect. At least the mid-level ones who carry out the orders of those in charge. Those in charge enjoyed the fruits of their ponzi scheme for as long as it would last, most likely knowing full well it would have to come to an end as it was never mathematically sustainable.

Yes, it is payback time. For those of us who’ve managed to save a little we have in some ways wasted our time doing so. I have always known that savings only exists in a computer and it can be taken away in an instant. One can try to hedge that, try to hang on to enough to survive outside their fucked up slavery system, but that will only last so long.

As we are now surrounded by willing sheep who will go along with the schemes of the same mofos who got us into this mess, I don’t know how we stop it from happening. We can attempt to run to our own small communities, but we know damned well those sheep are going to need someone accessible to blame for their coming hardship. Far easier to get to ordinary people than the mofos who set this in motion.

Mar 8, 2023 6:13 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

That’s pretty much exactly how I see it. We’re on the same page, brother.

Most people have no clue as to what’s going on. Largely because the way they consider things is within the aforementioned schemes. Cognitive dissonance (read: they got their fucking heads stuck in sand) doesn’t allow them to comprehend that, as you say, it’s mathematically impossible to continue this wild orgy. And they don’t want to hear it either.

Solution for survival (as unscathed as possible)? Dunno. Fly under the radar, see how things develop, be prepared to move, respond, whatever based on how shit turns out. There is no certainty.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 8:04 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Glad you’ve found Tim Morgan’s ‘SEEDS’ website, Kurt. I recommend it to everyone: a lonely oasis of real, physical world economics amidst the welter of delusional, axe-grinding, standard economics bloviation still underlying our current collapse-bound system.

Mar 8, 2023 8:25 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Kurt, you’ve expressed rather well the line that TPTB are giving out.

If you want to understand the truth, listen to Michael Hudson.

Mar 8, 2023 8:38 PM
Reply to  Penelope

You need to check out the genetic fallacy. In other words, the fact that the TPTB are no good motherfuckers doesn’t mean that anything they say is not true.

It would behoove you to address whatever you find inaccurate or objectionable in what I wrote above, rather than making fallacious comments or referring me to some guy who allegedly knows the “truth”.

Mar 8, 2023 9:25 PM
Reply to  Penelope

I’m not too sure Michael Hudson would disagree with anything Kurt stated above. While MMT might be some kind of “solution” to the debt backed economy we now have, how would MMT alleviate the control of the owners? If it is true there are no real sovereign countries, which some of us can see that these bankers sure as hell are coordinating globally, then how does a sovereign currency under the control of one world government using MMT kill off that globalist control?

Hudson is great at explaining economics, and he’s great at explaining how the current economy works, but has he yet addressed the real gorilla in the room of a fully global coordinated economy under the ownership of non-elected global banking cabal? One with a fully programmable “currency” that can be shut off at will for anyone who won’t comply with that set up or the rules of the global sovereign? If so I stand corrected, and I will gladly read any links to such a discussion.

Mar 9, 2023 12:21 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Thank you, Penny! TPTB are always trying to shift the blame onto the people and make us feel guilty for their sins. It’s high time we all saw through this shabby trick.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 8, 2023 4:36 PM

Off topic-ish but relevant in general:

I’ve just received “hard copies” i.e. actual books from Simon Elmer – titled Virtue and Terror and The New Normal

It’s true I’ve read much of them before but you can’t beat having an actual book in your hand. As Simon himself says,

“….there is a positive, hopeful, even happy reason to publish these articles in book form. Unlike an electronic text, a book is an object that enters and moves about in the real world. The author never knows where it will go, who will pick it up and read it, and what effect it may have.

No one can monitor what you read in it or punish you for doing so. No one can tell you it’s misinformation or censor the words or thoughts of which they don’t approve. No one can suspend your bank account for what you learn in its pages.

The printed word can’t be deleted online, altered to fit woke ideology or fact-checked by corporate liars. Not the least joy of publishing these books independently is that no editor has meddled with them. Every word is as I wrote it, and both volumes are available uncensored by a publisher or the information technology companies handed the authority to adjudicate over our freedom of thought and expression.”

We are now on the verge of being inhabitants of Ray Bradbury’s Farenheit 451. Indeed, the dystopia we face is several magnitudes more ominous than that imagined by many sci-fi writers. But a book is the true measure of civility and civilization.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 8, 2023 4:22 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Didn’t you see the one about how St David (Attenborough) nearly died of bird flu whilst directing his latest eco-propaganda romp? It’s truly uplifting how these brave progressive ecologists lay down their lives for us.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Mar 8, 2023 10:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

How dare you? (Greta. 2019) St David is a very important person with very important things to say from his talking head. He’s a lord don’t cha know?

All the environmental chickens are coming home to roost with a little help from mother nature. It’s just a matter of time. Even the founder of Greenpeace doesn’t believe in the latest climate scamming cults, so was ousted from his own creation. David Bellamy was another who smelled a rat very early. Those who still wanted their knighthoods chose to ignore all the science.

It’s a shame St David won’t be around in the future to freeze like the rest of us. Maybe St David should stick to animals and plants because he clearly hasn’t a clue about climate cycles. No amount of bbc fluff and ridiculous scripts will fix that.

Mar 8, 2023 11:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Bird flu or pHarmer flu George?
He ain’t no Spring Chicken.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Mar 8, 2023 3:04 PM

“Grow our own food (if we have access to land), use farmer markets, boycott the retail giants and cashless stores, use cash whenever possible, create our own credit unions and so on.”

Let’s see, when was the first time I heard or read this? I don’t know, when I was ten maybe. I agree with it, I’ve been growing my own food (and weed) for about 15 years. I very well equipped as a prepper. I’ve used a small credit union for 30 years now. I try to avoid the big stores and buy local. I go to farmers markets (mostly because they’re fun). I learn, I educate, and all that.

OK, check. Like I said, I agree. But it ain’t nearly enough.

Now, what are we going to do to take down these psychopaths that want complete control of the planet and get justice for their crimes? I for one don’t want to let them get away with it while I’m enjoying a local meal at a farmers market.

Mar 8, 2023 3:33 PM

When it all goes tits up, your land and your weed will be taken by desperate mobs, made up of people who didn’t have the resources to do the same. You may have a small chance of your plot is hidden 100 feet underground.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 8:21 PM
Reply to  Shola

Everywhere, all over the world, all at once, with no-one anywhere escaping the MadMaxery, Shola? Really? Ya think?

Give the Hollyshite disaster sci-fi paranoia a rest and try the real world a bit, buddy! Many will survive, and keep carrying the torches.

Mar 8, 2023 3:55 PM

People need reminding if the basics. I had a guest, 70+, around recently who said they don’t bother growing food anymore because by the time your crops are ready to harvest they are already cheap to buy at the supermarket. I suspect they have fallen for the old luxury of convenience. With the all more frequent “weather events” disrupting the supply chain, time will tell if they were too presumptuous, or we were just being paranoid.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 8:18 PM

Just be patient, Albert; the Long Descent, mandated by our current global ecological overshoot, and the corrective negative-feedback processes that it has already triggered, is going to take down all the mad globalist schemes, and force all survivors to live locally, and very sparingly. Within each person’s individual insolation-budget, in reality, just as we always did before ‘civilisation’, and as all other sunlight-driven-food-fueled living creatures still do.

Meanwhile, carry on with what you’re (we’re) doing. It’s absolutely the right track for serious preppers. 🙂

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Mar 9, 2023 5:03 AM


Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Mar 9, 2023 12:50 PM

It always comes down to grow your own food and barter. That’s just the backup plan. You’re right, we need a better plan.
There are good ideas, it’s just most people, including and/or especially on sites like this, don’t want to talk about them.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 9, 2023 3:22 PM

Depends on what you want to do – survive or live?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 9, 2023 3:15 PM

RE: Now, what are we going to do to take down these psychopaths that want complete control of the planet and get justice for their crimes?

What do the “psychopaths” have? All the money, control and coercive power. What do “we” have? Well, people would usually say, we have the numbers. While true in theory, it is not really the case. There’s way too few of us that understand what’s really happening to the degree necessary to change much at this time. Our task is to spread this information as far as we can as individuals, to educate people. We to build the critical mass…

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Mar 8, 2023 2:32 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-06. Government greatest perpetrator of misinformation during pandemic. When do we deploy new variant (blog, gab, tweet).

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 8, 2023 2:19 PM

Well… The global “crisis” has been developing for well over 250 years. Kind of a slow moving “crisis” I would say…

And contrary to public belief (indoctrination) the “crisis” didn’t start with the Federal Reserve system. It began with usury banking systems. Who created usury banking systems? How has usury banking affected fiscal investment?? How has usury banking affected bonds and futures markets??? The world’s markets are TRADE markets. Ya know? TRADE…

The reason people won’t do anything worthy of actual change, is that they don’t have a clue as to how their economic systems are designed and implemented. Decentralizing economic control is reliant upon the exchange of goods and services.

When operatives such as Blackrock/Vanguard manage tens of trillions in global finance and market derivatives, it affects balance of TRADE… Hello?

Mar 8, 2023 8:31 PM

Exactly, Paul. Exactly. Usury banking systems. Thank you so much for
having a brain.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Mar 8, 2023 1:56 PM

“What CBDCs will base their value on remains to be seen. A return to a gold standard perhaps.”

“Here are the seven stages of wealth that have been used for centuries since the Roman era to extract wealth from nations, concentrate power and maintain wealth in the hands of a select few.

1. “Good” Money –
Every major empire starts out with good money, either gold or backed by gold.

2. Social Programs –
As a country develops economically/socially, it takes on more public works, adding layer upon layer

3.Military Spending –
As a nation’s affluence grows, so does it’s political influence and spends massively on the military

4. Wars –
Nation puts military to use and expenditures explode and nations go to war

5. Fiat Currency –
To fund the wars, the costliest of endeavors, nations go off the gold standard, start spending trillions on defense spending

6. Inflation –
Wealth transfer begins as hyperinflation sets in; Price of all commodities and goods go up.

7. Wealth Transfer-
Final stage, in mass movement, nation moves out of the currency and into precious metals and other tangible assets. The currency collapses. This results in massive wealth transfer to those who positioned themselves in the right asset class in advance.

This cycle is predictable. We are now headed back to the gold standard.”

From scrubbed article at investmentwatch.com here is what i learned from a millionaire about the 7 stages economies go through and how to profit 

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Mar 8, 2023 1:55 PM

One cannot look at the financial abuse, the credit expansion, the endless UN/nato wars, the abuse of human rights, pandemic scams, climate warming scams, and not think that they are all linked in with each other. One compliments the other.

The only way america and western countries can produce anything is via debt. This has been so for a while and is how america has been financing its recent wars. At some point this will come to an end along with the dollar as a reserve currency.

War has been planned for a long while, probably ever since the closure of WWII. The US wants to loot Russia again and Blighty miss their opium trades.
The lockdowns are getting the public ready for martial law, as practiced during wartime.

The world is about to return to gold as a standard for international trade. We shall soon see who is short when the tide goes out. China have at least double the amount stated and so does Russia.
The Saudis were the keystone of the petrodollar. Even they have had enough.

Your smart phone is a marketing device and surveillance system. Handy for kids but not for adults. Get rid of it…the phone, not the kid.

Mar 8, 2023 1:52 PM

Curiouser and curiouser – no Uk (nor European) MSM rag has published anything anywhere near as critical of the Convid response to my knowledge:


Is it merely prepping to throw Fauci and a few underlings under the bus in the face of a collapsing narrative? Or is there something deeper going on here? Atlas is from the Hoover Institute and my default position is to distrust their motives.

Of course it’s still a limited hangout – but this is still remarkable coming from a MSM source. There’s no hiding behind “incomplete information” or “they panicked but meant well” here.

Mar 9, 2023 12:37 AM
Reply to  Edwige

I’m not sure I can completely trust the Hoover Institute either; but in case you consider it a character reference, Antony Sutton was one of their scholars-in-residence back in the 70s.

les online
les online
Mar 9, 2023 10:36 AM
Reply to  Edwige

What’s Newsweek up to ?
Breaking ranks ?
Cynically exploiting a niche market?
Something sinister, or something innocent ?
After three years of pushing the propaganda
and Fact Checker facts…
Something is happening here
and i dont know what it is…

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 9, 2023 3:43 PM
Reply to  les online

Newsweek is not “up to” anything. They are – in totality – a propaganda rag. The Narrative controllers are up to something. It feels like a limited hangout. But we should think about this…

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 9, 2023 3:40 PM
Reply to  Edwige

That is very interesting. What is happening to the Narrative TM?

Mar 8, 2023 1:41 PM

Humanity must take down all the Jesus statues and erect idols to Evel Knievel, for truly he is our mascot.

Humanity loves nothing more than backing itself into a corner – just to see how ingenious its escape will be. Time and again, one corner after another. Our species is the quintessential escape artist.

This time we just may have sauntered into such a dark corner, all ablaze with flaming bars gradually closing around us that we may need an army of Evel Knievels to extricate ourselves.

Mar 8, 2023 2:20 PM
Reply to  Howard

We have to be escape artists when corralled by homo psychopathicus. When we learn to identify them and their techniques of control things will be far less unpleasant. A study of the words of Jesus, not the “religion” that hijacked the name reveals many methods of freeing one’s self from the psycho’s control grid. A start could be made by whipping the money changers out of their high street temples of greed. I can already hear their squeals and see the fat shaking like jelly as they run.

The Fourth Protocol
The Fourth Protocol
Mar 8, 2023 1:03 PM

Stand in a park? I think the only solution is throwing Molotov Cocktails at the Tower of Babel.

Mar 8, 2023 2:35 PM

I’m not so sure, Molotov signed thousands of execution decrees. The revolution was responsible for millions of deaths and ended up as a slave camp, worse than what preceded it.

Mar 8, 2023 12:32 PM

Thank you, Mr. todhunter.
And I love the watercolor.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 9:05 PM
Reply to  judith

Ditto judith, Colin! 🙂

Mar 8, 2023 12:15 PM

There is also Solaris, a decentralized, human-based peer support network. It also has no hierarchy. It also operates at the local level in face-to-face meetings. It started in France in September 2021.

http://solaris-ontario.org/ is a comprehensive website in English.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 8, 2023 1:54 PM
Reply to  Andre

Hello Andre: The Solaris network might work for people who want to be connected. I just want to pay cash for some nuts and bolts at the neighborhood hardware. I shouldn’t need to have an affair with the cashier…

Mar 8, 2023 6:03 PM

Hi Paul: Not sure I understand what you are saying. What prevents you from spending cash at a hardware store?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 9, 2023 1:10 AM
Reply to  Andre

Hello Andre: I was being facetious. I don’t even like using a debit card. Cash can’t be traced and still works fine for most transactions. That’s why the banking and finance assholes want to put an end to cash…

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 9:03 PM

And when the neighbourhood hardware store is boarded up, and your fiat paper money is only fit for fire-lighter, then what, Paul? Line up with all the other begging grasshoppers at the prepper-ants’ door, to see whether they’ll take pity on you…?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 8, 2023 11:55 AM

In a nutshell, Colin.

The problem is “WE” are not fighting “them”

“We” outnumber “them” by a thousand to one.

A small percentage of us is fighting “them” as well as fighting the larger percentage of “us”

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 8, 2023 5:48 PM

Your we includes countless foreign nationals around the Globe with cards in their pocket., and right on down with a few bucks or local coin.
People Don’t Live in Pens like Sheep. It’s the Typical brainless Solution from those who when they look up See a Rooof over Their Heads, and a Key to a Door.
AND Speak only One Language. Reinvesting to Feed their own fat arse. Next We have the Blabbing It’s our Taxes.
The Same old Shit that was blah blah 60 years ago.
Paraniod Reactionary Shite who Invest even when They Are AT “Work”.
We Are All In It Together. Soo Simple Even A Child can Read IT.

Mar 8, 2023 11:18 AM

It has to be said.
It may as well be me:
Just joshing.

Brady Gunn is REAL.

gordon wilson#
gordon wilson#
Mar 8, 2023 3:18 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I and some lone friends started our STITP late 2020, and those who followed were mostly in extreme states of depression, and grew enormous strength from others like themselves, who they didn’t know existed. So don’t dismiss STITP flippantly. Brady Gunn started these groups on an Australian beach, when madness was in the air in Oz. It was his way of fighting back and all of us fighting back, by simply going to a park near you and standing. Like the stoics. No leaders, (they would have been picked up by authorities). “We few, we band of brothers” standing alone, together and hugging our back to reality. Do not mock

Mar 9, 2023 12:52 AM
Reply to  gordon wilson#

Being a compelled songwriter Gordon (amongst other pastimes), I often see phrases, quotes and synchronous coincidences that tickle my fancy and give me inspiration and ideas for songs.
No mockery intended.
If I can drag myself away from my writing desk next Sunday morning I will go our local park and meet some REAL people.
Power to the REAL people (thanks John Lennon).

Mar 8, 2023 10:58 AM

“grow your own food”…”farmers markets” ??? How quaint is that ? Obviously does not live in a big city.

Mar 8, 2023 11:36 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Quaint can be overcome Grafter.
Wholesale markets.
Wheeled trolleys to transport.
Community garden plots.
Past ‘use by’ produce.
Dump bins.
Free food drop in centres.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 8, 2023 6:48 PM
Reply to  Johnny

.. the public turn up and ad it to their hoarding behavioural pattern.
Order out of chaos (1920’s) author unknown.

Pete S
Pete S
Mar 8, 2023 12:11 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Urban gardening is a thing, you can grow pretty much any crop in a 35L pot, all you need is sunlight, water, and some imagination, find the will to find a solution instead of excuses.

Mar 8, 2023 1:32 PM
Reply to  Pete S

And I’m quite sure a window pot will grow enough food for a family of four for a whole year.

Where there’s a will there’s a way. (And where there’s not a way, we just pretend there is.)

Mar 8, 2023 1:46 PM
Reply to  Howard

A window pot ? 😂😂😂😂

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 8:48 PM
Reply to  Grafter

You haven’t tried it, have you, Grafter? Hence your continued arse-bloviating. See whether you’re still laughing like a fool grass-hopper when the ants tell you to get lost…


Mar 9, 2023 3:10 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Pots? Yeah!
As opposed to a flickering screen.
‘Live simply so that others may simply live.’

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 8, 2023 1:49 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard. Your cynicism has been steadily improving as the plebs scurry about with empty solutions to serious levels of corporate and financial concretion…

Yes. IF I owned my own land, and’t was young enough to farm it, I wouldn’t be too concerned about feeding myself… Erm… Ya. Then all those “other” problems would just go away like an imaginary virus. Right?

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 8:51 PM

No, Paul, but it would help. Meantime, the way you and lots of others continue to indulge in petty – and unrealistic -cynicism schedules y’all for the fast track down the tubes, as the mega-shitstorm continues to unfold. Good luck!

Mar 9, 2023 5:20 PM

You seem to contradict yourself, if you’ll forgive the impertinence. You’ve expressed the coming overturn of human “civilization” by Ma’am Gaia quite regularly.

Some would see that as cynicism. Yet you object when others (such as Mr. Vonharnish and myself) openly express a similar perspective.

We’re not in contention for this year’s Best Apocalyptic Scenario trophy.

Pete S
Pete S
Mar 8, 2023 2:13 PM
Reply to  Howard

No, you need around 50 sq M, you think there’s no vacant lots, public spaces, rooftops, people with gardens/land who’d rather someone use it for a crop share etc. in a city?

I know someone who made a bunch of posters “We grow the food, you have the land” put them up in local community groups on FB, she got more people offering land than she had people to tend it, had to turn a bunch of people down. Seek and you shall find, unless all you seek is another excuse to sit on your arse finding fault and complaining.

Mar 8, 2023 5:25 PM
Reply to  Pete S

We lost something along the way to the modern world: the family home, which used to be an extended family venture. Now we sell off the family home and pocket the proceeds so we can be on our way to establishing our own individual homes and lives.

We exchanged land for money. Now we have to go on Facebook and beg for people with spare land to help us out.

The answer was there all along; but, at least in the US, it was drummed into our heads since day one that our first priority was cutting the apron strings and becoming independent.

So we became independent instead of preserving what was already there, perhaps for generations. Now we have nothing but grocery shelves to feed us. And pleas to Facebook.

Pete S
Pete S
Mar 8, 2023 7:29 PM
Reply to  Howard

The lady I mentioned had nothing but a bycycle and a dream 5 years ago, she started with 15 plots of other peoples land, learned all about regenerative agriculture while working that land, and started a sucsessful compost and soil consultancy business in the RegenAg space, she’s just about to close on a 40 acre property of her own.

Some people are doers, some people are procrastinators, you don’t seem the doer type, that’s on you and your excuses.

Mar 9, 2023 12:17 AM
Reply to  Pete S

Wow! “15 plots of other peoples land.” Piece of cake. I’m sure we can all come up with 15 plots of land. Let’s get started!

Mar 9, 2023 1:32 AM
Reply to  Pete S

Please forgive my tardiness in asking this: how does someone farm 15 plots of ground with just a bicycle and a dream?

Mar 9, 2023 8:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

Next you’ll be asking how a little old ant can move a rubber tree plant!

You’re obviously unfamiliar with the song “High Hopes” 😉 :

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 9, 2023 2:38 AM
Reply to  Pete S

Pete grow your own was one of the first things jan feb/march ’20, we just got drowned out on social mediation. good luck.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 8:53 PM
Reply to  Pete S

I can endorse that out of my own experience, Pete: already done what you’re describing: hugely productive and community-encouraging… 🙂

Mar 8, 2023 2:53 PM
Reply to  Howard

Exactly the reason sticking it out in large cities knowing what’s being planned and with some aspects already being rapidly set in place is looking like an increasingly bad choice.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 8:42 PM
Reply to  Howard

See the above Lawton vid, Howard, before getting all snarky about it. Surprising what can be done, even with such small means. When lots are doing it, every little helps.

Mar 9, 2023 10:24 PM

Wow! I’m impressed! Mr. Lawton looks GREAT for an 80 year old!!!!!

Oh, what’s that you say? He’s not 80? Oh well, I’m sure those of us who are pushing 80 will do just fine clearing a plot of ground – which doubtless someone will give us (maybe a Rothschild?)

Sorry, but I still live in the real world. Fantasyland I gave up long ago.

These kinds of things are – as I said – extended family ventures, best passed down over the generations so that each new generation doesn’t have to start from scratch.

But I’m afraid our modern “Go seek your fortune young man!” civilization has all but killed that – except, of course, for the rich, who still understand and practice the dynastic mode of social interaction.

And they’re the very ones who sold us on rugged individualism! Go figure!

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 8:40 PM
Reply to  Pete S

Exactly! Take a look at this below, if in doubt. These aren’t people bloviating out of their arses about it in online btl-holes; these are people actually doing it, getting substantial food (plus) from their tiny urban permaculture farms; and contributing to the natural resolution of our current global ecological-overshoot crisis as they do. Geoff Lawton is a hands-on veteran who knows a thing or two about these matters…;

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 8, 2023 8:32 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Then get out of the big city whilst you can; unless it’s a food-cultivating, thoroughly green city like Havana. Quaint, indeed! Are you really able to distinguish your arse from your elbow, Grafter?