Russia & the lab leak theory

Was Russia attacked by a manmade virus-thing?

Riley Waggaman

The lab leak theory has officially gone mainstream thanks to the Wall Street Journal and its 130-year track record of being wrong about everything.

To summarize the paper’s findings: “China.”

On the opposite end of the lab leak spectrum are folks like Ron Unz, who insist COVID-19 was micro-brewed by the Americans.

Then there’s Robert Malone, who reconciles these two origin stories by accusing both the US and China of lab-leakage that “killed millions of people.”

The implication here seems to be that a leaky lab murdered lots and lots of people, and not the last three years of organized culling under the guise of “public health.”

This is not a very believable hypothesis, in our humble opinion.

We will demonstrate using Russia as a guide.

April 2020: COVID mows down heart attack victims

March-April 2020 was a scary time to be alive for people with life-threatening conditions. At any moment, someone with a chronic illness could test positive for COVID and then die for any reason whatsoever.

In the days after Moscow announced a one-week stay-at-home “holiday” that lasted for more than two months, the city’s health department tried its very best to show Muscovites why it was suicidal to go outside for non-essential reasons.

April 11, 2020:

The operational headquarters for the control and monitoring of the situation with coronavirus reports fourteen patients died in Moscow who were diagnosed with pneumonia and received a positive test result for coronavirus infection.

Among the dead are patients from 52 to 82 years. All patients had comorbidities. Among them are … consequences of a heart attack.

Fort Detrick did this.

Moscow Department of Health. April 11, 2020 (source)

Moscow’s public health bureaucrats quickly realized transparency was damaging Russia’s pandemic response; the ages of “COVID” victims were quietly dropped from daily briefings—as well as any mention of their comorbidities.

However, the Russian government continued to define COVID as “pneumonia with a positive test for coronavirus infection.”

It’s one thing to have a heart attack and pneumonia. A cup of chicken soup, and you’re good as new.

But a heart attack and pneumonia with a positive PCR test?

This is the horror of gain-of-function research.

Autumn 2020: “COVID is not as bad as sepsis”

By autumn 2020, thousands of patients had passed through Moscow’s main COVID ward at Kommunarka hospital.

Data provided by the hospital’s chief physician, Denis Protsenko, revealed that “most coronavirus patients die from antibiotic-resistant sepsis” after contracting hospital-transmitted (nosocomial) superinfections.

source: MK.ru

As one Russian physician told Krasnaya Vesna in November 2021, excess mortality in the country—blamed on COVID—was in fact largely due to “nosocomial infections.”

The outlet wrote:

Blaming everything on COVID is unethical, the doctor said. He stressed that it is necessary to understand why there are outbreaks of nosocomial infections. […][He stated] there was no reliable diagnosis of COVID-19. “Why do they allow people with other diseases to lie in COVID wards?” the doctor asked.

Especially for elderly patients unable to consent to medical interventions, the appalling conditions inside many of Russia’s intensive care COVID wards (“red zones”) amount to a death sentence.

At Protsenko’s Kommunarka hospital, even those who categorically refused COVID “treatment” were subjected to life-ending procedures.

In a strange twist of fate, Dr. Mengele—sorry, Protsenko—later became a poster-boy for Russia’s coercive vaxxing campaign.

In June 2021 he gave a prophetic interview to RT calling for compulsory vaccination—just a few hours before compulsory vaccination was announced in Moscow. What are the chances?

Less than a week later, Protsenko agreed to run for parliament after receiving a personal telephone call from a very grateful Vladimir Putin.

Putin personally invited Protsenko to join Russia’s vax-loving uniparty. No bad deed goes unrewarded. Source: RBK

Washington and/or Beijing must be held accountable for engineering this terrible death-bringing microbe.

November 2021: “Here, have some delicious Remdesivir”

What kind of potent medications were deployed to shield Russians from the “lab leak” that “killed millions”?

Russian health minister and WHO executive board member Mikhail Murashko made an exciting announcement in November 2021: All of Russia’s regions would be supplied with Remdesivir, the famous Ebola medication that kills people instead of curing Ebola.

source: mskagency.ru (also see this article published TASS)

A month earlier, Murashko acknowledged Russia was treating “COVID” patients with antiviral drugs that caused “toxic liver damage”. If It Saves Just One Life.

The “COVID medication” grift in Russia is so bold and blatant that the health ministry purchased stockpiles of decade-old swine flu snake oil, Arbidol, which had been magically rebranded as a COVID drug.

It is purely coincidental that the company that manufactures this useless drug has close ties to Russia’s deputy prime minister for social policy and health.

You have to respect the hustle.

More recently in August 2022, the Russian health ministry updated its list of approved COVID medications to include a generic form of Paxlovid, one of Pfizer’s many gifts to humankind.

9 out of 10 doctors recommend Paxlovid for stopping lab leaks (source)

And how could we forget Russia’s safest and most effective anti-COVID drug—developed in partnership with AstraZeneca—Sputnik V?

This is how you protect yourself from an Anglo-Saxon bioweapons.

January 2023: The aftermath

A specialist from Russia’s health ministry disclosed in January 2023 that “the average age of people who died from coronavirus [in Russia] was 76 years, and in half of the cases there was at least one chronic disease.”

The life expectancy of a Russian male is around 66-68 years.

Women fare better, averaging 76-78 years.

Unfortunately we don’t know the male/female breakdown of “COVID” deaths—because the Russian government is allergic to basic transparency—but one might deduce that, on average, a Russian woman who “dies from COVID” loses approximately zero years of life expectancy; meanwhile, Russian men who fall victim to this Lab Leak may actually be living longer than expected.

None of this is meant to downplay the shocking loss of life over the last three years—Russia suffered record-breaking mortality in 2021.

All we’re suggesting is, uh, maybe the problem here is the toxic liver pills, genetic Big Pharma slurries, suspended medical care, and an all-out assault on humanity as we know it—as opposed to an alleged pathogen cooked up in Wuhan/Hunter Biden’s crack pipe?

Just something to think about.

Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest, Russia
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Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 15, 2023 1:49 PM

The Wall Street Journal comes from the same stable as Fox Cable News. Enough said? (WSJ might be OK for money news but real news — ifffy.)

Mar 14, 2023 12:39 PM

I don’t know if covid escaped from a lab accidentally, if it was deliberately engineered and released as a bio weapon, or if it emerged naturally, with or without a zoonotic origin. And I think we will never really know.

But there are a number of intriguing facts that have to be borne in mind.

There is an extensive, sophisticated, worldwide biological warfare programme being illegally conducted in scores of countries by the US, including Ukraine and China.

There seem to have been efforts by the US to develop bio weapons targeting Russian people. But it is difficult to see how this would work – Russian people are a mix of 100 nationalities.

If the Wuhan lab was the source of a leak, that does not imply automatic Chinese culpability. Strangely, the Wuhan lab was funded by the US government, and many of its personnel were US nationals.

The same people seem to have been experimenting with exotic viruses from bats and other creatures.

The whole issue is inevitably the focus of extensive propaganda and deliberate disinformation.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 15, 2023 1:55 PM
Reply to  paul

There was a detailed piece in the Los Angeles Times (and possibly other papers) last Sunday by an academic who’s job was to investigate the lab leak theory. His conclusion was “So far, no such evidence”. See…


Mar 11, 2023 2:21 PM

For those like young Sam who don’t know about Fort Detrick. Or like humble Riley who mention it in his article (“Fort Detrick did this.”) but finds these ideas — that “the U$A “micro-brewed” Covid-19 and that “a leaky [U$ Army] Lab murdered lots of people””:– to be “not a very believable hypothesis, in our humble opinion.”

“2019 US Army Covid Lab Leak Redacted” https://youtu.be/P72OttqUEe8

Of course, up in the stratosphere of Global Oligarchy, if “they’re all in it together” it would not matter whether “Fort Detrick did this” or whether Covid-19 and its 2016 U$ Patent spike protein ever existed. But down on the ground, these little differences are important for many ordinary people who might be standing in the path of some global juggernaut. For instance, in WW2 it mattered to the Slavs, Jews, Socialists and other “untermenschen” of Eastern Europe (and probably of “the West” as well) whether the Nazi army or the Communist army won in WW2 — even though right at the top, Hitler and Stalin “were all in it together” as totalitarian dictators.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 11, 2023 4:22 PM
Reply to  NickM

There was an abundance of real world evidence that the Nazis and the Stalinists actually existed though, so here your analysis falls flat for me. A2

Mar 11, 2023 4:33 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I guess it falls flat because Sam is too young to remember the Trotskyist copout: “They only differ in their armbands”.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 11, 2023 5:08 PM
Reply to  NickM

That’s not my point though. This simulacrum that we’re in is entirely different, isn’t it? Yes, people argue the differences between fascism and communism all the time, but at no point was there the slightest doubt that Stalin was a real, physical presence and force in the world, nor Hitler neither.

Covid though, not so. This Emperor’s clothes scenario is the crux of what we’re facing now, in a way never seen before, many argue. A2

Mar 11, 2023 7:12 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

OffG is run by intelligent and well meaning humanists who can see clearly that the emperor has no clothes ie, that Con-19 is a $cam. Excellent.

But not being biologists, the good people at OffG were unable to evaluate the early RNA evidence from Chinese and French molecular biologists, nor pick up on the cryptic remark from Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier: “This virus has seen the inside of a test tube”.

Moreover, being humanists and hence more interested in welfare than in warfare, OffG were not up on what the U$ Army has been up to in Fort Detrick since 1970; nor could they be aware of Fort Detrick’s track record for careless handling of the dangerous pathogens that it “researches”.

So, the best course for the good people at OffG would be to concentrate on the lofty humanitarian aspect of Con-19, Con-911 and Con-Bcubed: namely, that “All the Oligarchs are in it together”.

Meanwhile the boys in the backroom will continue to publicize nitty gritty little technical details about Novel Corona virus SARS-2 Covid-19 and its 2016 U$ Patent furan binding site. Wait for the UN meeting on Bio Warfare Labs which Russia and China have requested.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 11, 2023 9:32 PM
Reply to  NickM

This will be the same medical establishment ruthlessly censoring, deplatforming and firing their own, as well as supporting murderous public health reforms and defunct PCR tests, which haven’t actually been detecting anything specific to this ‘dud bio weapon’ virus?

The same establishment in the pocket of big pharma, who have supported the rollout of killer injections at every step?

Maybe they have something in a test tube somewhere called ‘SARS-Cov-2’, however until they release evidence of its pathogenicity, which us humanists can try our level best to wrap our fluffy sentimental brains around, I think it’s sensible to remain skeptical.

I think your faith in ‘the science’ is terrifyingly misplaced, given what you know of the full extent of this scamdemic.

There are patents out there for lots of things, including urinal headrests and beerbrellas. So is this really significant of all that much?

There are lots of scary stories out there to keep the public’s critical faculties supressed, and we’ve had a lot of these pressure-hosed down our throats for three years.

You remain afraid of the Fauci lab leak story, now fully embraced as the official Covid narrative. Not me.

Enough fear. Fear is the mind killer. And I know many here feel the same.


Mar 11, 2023 4:38 PM
Reply to  NickM

Ivan Maisky, U.S.S.R ambassador to the U.K 1931-1943, had a word or two to say about this subject.


Mar 11, 2023 7:38 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Many thanks for your Link. I look forward to reading that book; it will join “The Hitler-Chamberlain Collusion” on my bookshelf. The latter bears out the former: that in 1938 Stalin offered an anti-Fascist pact to Poland, England and France. Poland rejected that anti-Fascist pact and, on the advice of England and France, joined with Nazi Germany and Fascist Hungary in the dismemberment of CzechoSlovakia, Poland was rewarded by Germany with a small portion of their dismembered victim; which Poland held till 1939 — when it was itself dismembered by Hitler and Stalin.

That was when Trotskyist’s began to craft the Legend: “They’re all in it together. The war between Hitler and Stalin is a sham, the real enemy is Global Capitalism”.

Russia bashing is an old tradition of England and France. They’re still at it.

“A mess of Russians” — Remark by a Lady of the French court in “Love’s Labour’s Lost” by Wm.Shakespeare,

Mar 12, 2023 9:12 AM
Reply to  NickM

The same people who thwarted an anti – fascist pact are from the same groups who are the power behind the Western puppets today who are pretending be in control.

10 years ago, Soros, an underling of this group, said Russia was one of the last bastions of a Nation State .

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2023 12:47 PM

I’d ascribe it to inertia. The million dollar question is how to get out of it; and what exactly does it mean to get out of a movement that had gathered two centuries of inertia? And do we get out of it by willpower (the willpower of whom?), or are we dragged out of it by the same movement that got us into in the first place?

There is nevertheless one certainty: the movement is losing inertia. It isn’t nothing that think tanks of the system confess publicly that monetary policies of CBs are exhausted and fiscal policies of governments insufficient.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2023 2:10 PM

The above comment is a reply to a disappeared comment citing a quote attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn:

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”

Mar 11, 2023 4:49 PM

He was a great writer because other people recognized their own world in the world he described. In the 1960s I knew someone in an atomic energy research establishment who recognized the team-leader work conditions of Ivan Denisovitch, and the mindset of Ivan himself, “who had trod the earth for forty years, and some of his teeth had fallen out, but had neither given nor accepted a bribe.” And in the 1970s, reading The Gulag Archipelago I recognised the modern world of inequality, individualism, regimentation, and snoopervision.

Mar 11, 2023 10:36 AM

Russian people seems to be doing well considering.
yet the people in the West have had another £2500 added to there bills each year and this will go up again on April.

You haven’t explained that.

Mar 11, 2023 4:52 PM
Reply to  sherkying

They’re all in it together, only some are more in it.

Mar 14, 2023 11:23 AM
Reply to  NickM

At least Sunak has sorted out the heating for his mansion’s swimming pool. I’m sure that’s a great relief for all of us.

Mar 11, 2023 10:06 AM

Regarding Trump & the Jan 6 theory, by Dr Naomi Klein: Dear Conservatives, I Apologize

Mar 11, 2023 6:17 AM

people don’t understand how the Fed’s money system works.

In response to a comment about debt, I received this idiotic response.

For fucks sake, get it through your head, once and for all. The economic predicament the world is facing does not primarily concern MONEY, even though the monetary system is fucked beyond repair, but the UNDERLYING PHYSICAL ASSETS, including and perhaps most importantly ENERGY.

Stop looking at the economy through the lens of money, and examine it at face value, for what it actually is.

The problem today is that eco-fucking-nomics have become completely divorced from the physical world. Economics is a hallucinatory abstract exercise which lazy motherfuckers think they can use to draw wealth out of the ether.

In other words, while it’s true that money has been manipulated to an extent that has rendered it just about completely corrupt and useless, the much more serious problem is that through monetary machinations, people have painted themselves into a corner, where the CLAIMS money represents simply cannot be honored.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Mar 11, 2023 6:14 AM

No virus has ever been isolated; END OF.
No virus has ever been proved to be transmittable; END OF.

The lab leak crap is back again to attack China or whatever shite they are up to … maybe to blame and make Fauci a scapegoat as we are with Hancock … so the WHO can walk in with their globalist parasitical laws (taking over from National governments), because individuals are incompetent.

Mar 11, 2023 12:06 AM

So not only are viruses real again. The escape from test tubes, out the door, down the lift, into the street and catch the plane all over the planet.

Mar 10, 2023 9:36 PM
Mr. Liberty
Mr. Liberty
Mar 10, 2023 6:37 PM

It doesn’t really matter for the people, who surfs on the wawes of deceptions, if it was a lab leak or not, as they saw the “pandemic” as a opportunity to implement their madness on mankind. Just ask Klaus Schwab and his companion Yuval Noah Hariri et al. Their Insanity is so obvious, that they should be treated in a mental institution, to protect us all. In the movie planetlockdownfilm.com many months ago you could listen to Dr. David Martin about the origins and the patents regarding “corona viruses”. I don’t know if he is a part of the so called “controlled opposition”, but the interview(https://odysee.com/@PlanetLockdown:6/David-Martin—Full-Interview—Planet-Lockdown:9?&sunset=lbrytv) is quite revealing about the issues. As for people who is sick of listening to the origins of illnesses, one should pay attention to the fact, that all strange things happening now, seems to be very connected in statements, by the same people involved, same institutions behind etc. So the perpetrators behind is quite an interesting issue to deal with, as they are on the same boat sailing towards the establishment of a one worldwide government, with one ruler/leader as the captain. In the UN called “the Supreme” by some UN lover. We shall not underestimate how important it is to reveal the scams, as a warning to whom it might be useful and as a decision platform to navigate in all the madness surrounding us.

Cristiano Maragrande
Cristiano Maragrande
Mar 10, 2023 4:52 PM

If pharoa says stamp the documents with a warning about V then so it is. Otherwise take the sites down. Just my opinion ofcouse. You could always listen to someone who says writing is to confuse and enslave. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KSOMA3QBU0

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Mar 10, 2023 2:22 PM

Having problems posting this from my phone. If there is or was a plan It is clear that there is no control now being exercised over the “events “playing out. We are in a Chaotic asylum where the inmates Are indistinguishable from the Staff, the experts and the insane have merged, Roger Lewis Mar 10, 2023 8:32 AM Pending… I watched this yesterday from 31st January 2020 on Politics and Empire. FRANCIS BOYLE: WUHAN CORONAVIRUS IS AN OFFENSIVE BIOLOGICAL WARFARE WEAPON.Dr. Francis Boyle discusses the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, and the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) from which he believes the infectious disease escaped. He believes the virus is potentially lethal and an offensive biological warfare weapon or dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with gain-of-function properties, which is why the Chinese government originally tried to cover it up and is now taking drastic measures to contain it. The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is also a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab and Dr. Boyle contends that the WHO knows full well what is occurring. It seems that a lot of roads are meeting at this juncture. The Old Joke, of when you come to a fork in the road take it comes to mind Maybe we have been at the crossroads before? But, says another hot and cold Objector, This is renewing Fire and Faggot! reviving the Act, De heretico comburendo! This will be cruelty in its nature! and barbarous to all the World! 54 I answer, It is cruelty to kill a snake or a toad in cold blood, but the poison of their nature makes it a charity to our neighbours, to destroy those creatures! not for any personal injury received, but for prevention; not for the evil they have done, but the evil they… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2023 3:17 PM
Reply to  Roger Lewis

Erm… The last sentence and link in your post, were the only validated comments. Sorry…

The Bank of England (established in 1694) has been instrumental in the finance of pillage and murder, since inception…

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Mar 10, 2023 3:57 PM

Hello Paul,
Thanks, I think.
The Bank of England (established in 1694) has been instrumental in the finance of pillage and murder, since inception…
Yes indeed.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2023 5:29 PM
Reply to  Roger Lewis

Hello Roger: You are most welcome. Here’s a bit regarding the purposes of the Bank of England.

The Crown Empire and the City of London Corporation
By Julian Websdale
The Crown Empire and City of London Corporation | Wake Up World (wakeup-world.com)

A short excerpt:

“The Crown has never been the King or Queen of England since the establishment of the corporate body, but the British Monarchy is a figurehead for The Crown, rules parliament in Great Britain and has authority over the Prime Ministers through a Vatican knighthood called the Order of the Garter. The Crown, however, is not the King or Queen of England – they are an established monarchy of the corporate body.
The Crown is the directorate of the corporation, and Great Britain is ruled by The Crown, the City of London which controls the Bank of England – a private corporation. There is a private state existing in Britain within the center of London.

This City, located in the heart of Greater London, became a sovereign-state in 1694 when King William III of Orange privatized the Bank of England, and turned it over to the Vatican banksters who today rule the financial world.” [End quote]

Please refer to the entire article. It is fairly accurate in terms of historical proofs.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 10, 2023 11:20 PM

Soo full of digital currency it’s coming out your arse.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 10, 2023 1:45 PM

Hi Riley. Thanks for serving up some more of your humility.
Are the Russians going to allow you to travel to the Donbass so you can smear them a bit down there? If you need some body armor and a good helmet, you can surely get donations from some OGers. Or else ask Prez Z. to help. I’m sure he appreciates your humble opinions.
It’s amazing and telling that the Russians are willing to host you in their country. You can be sure that if you were somewhere in the West, talking the truth about Covid, you would quickly find yourself without a job.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 2:14 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Surely that’s irrelevant to this piece? And is it ‘smearing’ Russia by highlighting their actions in the scamdemic any more than other countries, or does this simply reveal your bias? A2

Mar 10, 2023 3:13 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

My son is half Russian and half of his family was forced to take an experimental injection or lose their jobs.
Thanks for your comment.
take care,

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 10, 2023 11:57 PM
Reply to  Riley

Chums in the US had to take the jab or lose their jobs who gives a flying fuck about your personal world all stop for your big arsed mixed bio clinker.

Mar 10, 2023 4:53 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Maybe we could see some recent articles from independent investigators in the Donbass who are risking their lives to show what is happening on the ground.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 11, 2023 12:08 AM
Reply to  Brianborou.

While your stroking smersh pussy no doubt. You can watch it all on tv…..While we are watching you, you dumb twat. ID crackpot.

Mar 11, 2023 7:30 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Oh dear, touched a nerve I see !

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 11, 2023 7:42 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

No more of this, thank you. A2

Mar 10, 2023 1:33 PM

We’re not finished yet. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Don’t ever forget what all of these bastards did. They were only following orders of course. And it is still going on in a more subtle and insidious way. Resist every day in every way.


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2023 3:30 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Whilst the article is well constructed, it only reiterates what are known features of authoritarian rule. The civilian public produces and funds the goon squads that perpetuate the idiocy of public “leaders” and leadership. The rest is complete bullshit…

Mar 10, 2023 1:14 PM

Just something to think about.

Keeping the ‘ants’ agitated is a great way to generate social-emotional data.

Tom G
Tom G
Mar 10, 2023 12:56 PM

If this was all about some desperate concern to divert public attention from the ‘organised culling’, it doesn’t make much sense because they wouldn’t want to keep mentioning things to do with the covid era, especially when the context is of a ‘conspiracy theory come true’ and at a time when the lockdowns are being seen to be executed by way of hoaxes and scare tactics, and excess mortality is off the scale.

Mar 10, 2023 1:32 PM
Reply to  Tom G

I do understand your position, but I tend to believe that this is about controlling the narrative, making sure that the more enlightened in society don’t steal that away from them. Every day individuals converse with each other about various issues, but this Covid nonsense (my opinion only) is being disseminated daily in all settings. I feel that people are waking up to the carnage that has been caused, and is yet to come, and as long as they keep their narrative at the forefront of the debate they somewhat nullify mine, and others, point of view/belief. The mass of people have always listened to the corporate media, even to their great detriment, and they know this, hence the various article coming along like London Buses.

I am prepared to accept I am incorrect in my assumption, but, at the risk of sounding arrogant, I don’t believe I am.

Mar 10, 2023 12:19 PM

Regarding the AllInItTogether theory: how should Russia and China have exposed something as complex as a scamdemic when they’ve made no headway with Nordstream, weather balloons, illegal occupation of Syria…..

Moreover, sheeple exist in every country. Even if only a third of the population of those countries read Western media and believe there’s a deadly virus going around (although the real percentage is much likely higher) what is the government supposed to do?
And the irony of a scamdemic based on cough and cold is that…..most people will get a headache, mild cough or fever over a year or two.

What I see is that the scamdemic played out very differently in Russia and China.
Russia: outside of Moscow and St.Pete there was no nationwide hysteria as in NATO.
China too never had a national vax mandate. Never locked down more than a tiny fraction of its population at any time.
Most importantly, Russia and China never had their healthcare systems stop treating other diseases nor did they emanate trillions in QE to prop up ONLY their big businesses.

Deconstructing the scamdemic properly requires getting into technical concepts that are beyond the attention span of most sheeple.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 2:03 PM
Reply to  whyevernot

Various details, some detailed in this article, make it very difficult to conclude Russia and China aren’t fully complicit, many argue. A2

Mar 11, 2023 12:11 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Why do you always show up to admonish anyone who does not believe in AIIT?
Is that really necessary? We got it: the OFFICIAL POSITION OF OG and all admins is that AIIT is 100% a fact. There were articles about Nordstream being in our imaginations or some such thing.
So sorry for not going along with the groupthink. Why is it so important to you?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 11, 2023 12:29 PM
Reply to  whyevernot

What is AIIT?

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Mar 10, 2023 12:04 PM

Since the end of WWII, the power which has formed the NWO has known that population control cannot be done by simply having most of the men kill themselves or each other during manufactured wars when it’s women who do the bearthing.

The NWO probably want to send all the women to their deaths too. Maybe conscripting women who have lost the right to call themselves female is the next step in NWO ‘equality’ agenda? The NWO creeps who have infiltrated our western gov’t’s are already talking of conscription for their next manufactured war with whoever. They ain’t fussy because its the death count and profits that really matter.

I’m guessing the Russian admin is much like any other gov’t these days, where a crisis is never wasted. I was surprised that the Russian admin took the route they did. Maybe the admin was expecting a chemical attack from the west and thought ‘covid’ was it?
The Russian admin knew all about the 25 or so chemical labs on its border which were sponsored by the same western powers who have destroyed Ukraine and now want a war with Russia or China.

The last ‘epidemic’ was blamed on Spain. This one is being blamed on China. IMO, both had the same source which is mentioned by the author. The Chinese admin allowed themselves to be set up as the fall guy. They allowed US funds to build their labs and fund the research which was banned in the US. These labs had to get their sample from somewhere and it didn’t come from a passing bat.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 10, 2023 1:49 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Some interesting ideas about the iatrogenic angle to the “Spanish” influenza here:


Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Mar 10, 2023 6:56 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Cheers, i’ll take a peek.

Mar 11, 2023 5:09 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Give it a rest. There was/is only
-. flu, pneumonia and major exisiing diseases
-. immunity weakened by earlier jabs
-. withheld treatment, isolation and DNR
-. the new killer jab
-. deliberate destruction of small businesses and the jobs of the self-employed
-. artificial shortages and price-gouging
-. rescue of the biggestt speculators and dinosaurs
-. rollout of tyranny as planned.

Mar 10, 2023 11:41 AM

“explanation of the problems with Virus theory”

I’ve lent a highly receptive ear to the “virus-as-a-pathogen-doesn’t-exist” crowd. I’ve met Stephan Lanka, Stefano Scoglio, others, and I’ve actively participated in lectures and presentations.

Interesting stuff. They do have a point.

Nonetheless, just about all of what they say is negation, efforts to put a dent in virology’s claims. In many cases pertinent efforts, in some perhaps not so.

These guys have done their share of work, I’d hope that they’re ingenious in what they’re doing, even though I wouldn’t vouch for all of them. They don’t really have a whole lot more to contribute at this point. They’ve exhausted themselves. I’m not interested in negation anymore. If any of these guys can come up with a viable, alternative theory explaining disease, something scientifically proven, let’s hear it. But I don’t wanna hear again nothing about control experiments. In fact, I don’t wanna hear nothing about fucking viruses at all. That’s all red herring bullshit.

Also, there is the distinct possibility that the “there-is-no-virus” crowd are a bunch of shills, just like the rest of them shills who promote all sorts of bullshit. I have no way of determining that and neither has anyone else. So, don’t get too cozy with these guys!

Fuck viruses, fuck lab leak, fuck there is no virus, full all that shit. It’s all red herring, whether promoted intentionally or on a useful-idiot basis.

Worry about survival in post-industrial age.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 1:57 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Please remember to separate questioning evidence of a pandemic – suggesting there’s ample evidence that it was a pathogenic non-event accompanied by a murderous campaign of terror and unprecedented shifts in medical protocol – with denying viruses are contagious. There is a very important distinction.


Mar 10, 2023 2:25 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Sam, I couldn’t give two shits about whether viruses are contagious or not. Makes no difference in my life. And I’d venture to say that it doesn’t in yours either.

What we have on our hands is the general realization that the world is about to collapse. The virus and all the bullshit surrounding it was a handy way for the pricks to buy some time and to set the world on a trajectory toward some form of dictatorship. As part of that, there is a struggle as to who’s gonna have a bigger piece of the pie, who will make to the other side, stuff like that.

Contagion is absolutely inconsequential. It’s a smokescreen, red herring par excellence.

The fact that the world is fucked is a reality, regardless of whether the PTB’s were instrumental in bringing it to its knees, which they were. While people were happily complicit, I should add, and enjoyed the quite large amounts of crumbs swept from the table for them.

What’s at play now is a) realizing the aforestated and b) not letting the PTB’s have their way in shaping the future world.

Viruses, contagion, all that crap, all those things are non-issues.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 3:06 PM
Reply to  Kurt

We roughly agree then. This was never a medical issue.

Although, saying this, understanding the non-medical mechanisms of the global scamdemic rollout obviously increases our awareness and helps us foil the PTB. A2

Mar 10, 2023 7:07 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

To me it was obvious that it’s a scam nearly from day one. From the time they started publishing the bullshit stats. Was it ever crystal clear that they were doctored!

Honestly, I’m more worried about all the idiot sheeple out there than the PTB’s.

Mar 10, 2023 11:28 AM

More Russia bashing. Give it a rest.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 3:16 PM
Reply to  Grafter

It’s important to paint a balanced picture of how the global scamdemic was rolled out and how it crossed traditional East/West lines. Since Russia’s roll can become romanticised somewhat, especially in left-leaning alt. media circles, it is perfectly legitimate to attempt to rebalance this picture. ‘Russia bashing’ it is not. Applying consistent analysis, yes. A2

Mar 14, 2023 12:11 PM
Reply to  Grafter

It’s clear that the war in Ukraine was deliberately provoked by Washington and its satellites over a period of many years. The objective was to destroy the Russian economy and currency through a blizzard of sanctions, engineer a political crisis to overthrow Putin and replace him with a Yeltsin-style stooge, then dismember the country completely and break it up into a dozen or so artificial colonies with its immense resources being exploited to serve corporate globalist interests. Incidentally, an objective that was virtually identical to that of Adolf Hitler as set out in Mein Kampf and General Plan Ost, and currently duplicated by the Rand Corporation and bogus NGOs calling for the “decolonisation” of Russia. The elected government of Ukraine was overthrown in a violent CIA orchestrated coup and replaced by rabid Nazi extremists and ideologues who immediately launched a genocidal terror campaign against the third of the population of Russian language and heritage. If Putin stood by and did nothing, the humiliation would result in Putin’s fall from power. If he intervened militarily, given the build up of Ukrainian military forces over many years, a likely protracted war would drain Russia militarily and economically, and provide the pretext for economic warfare to bring about the same end. All attempts by Putin to resolve the situation politically and diplomatically over many years were deliberately and cynically frustrated. That all this has come to naught is rely a case of history repeating itself. Like Charles XII, Napoleon and Hitler before them, the architects of this policy grossly overestimated their own strength and the weakness of Russia. Not that they will ever learn from this failure. The same people are determined to pursue the same objectives against China over Taiwan, and simultaneously against Iran. The end result of these criminals’ handiwork will… Read more »

Mar 10, 2023 10:28 AM

Putin is responsible for the Wuhan Lab Leak.
We know this for sure, because his passport and an empty bottle of vodka were found at the scene.
All these types of events are incredibly easy to solve because the offenders always leave their passports or identity documents at the scene.
Because all these people are always very considerate in helping us to solve these mysteries.
The Nordstream “Ukrainian partisans” who are not in any way linked to Zelensky, America or NATO, were thoughtful enough to leave their passports on their little boat.
Just as on 9/11, just before the hijacked planes hit the twin towers, the hijackers opened the cockpit windows and tossed out their passports to be found by the NYPD.
In all the entirely genuine “Moslem terrorist outrages” of recent years, all the “Moslem terrorists” always remember to leave their documents at the scene.
People are always thoughtful and considerate.
It’s just the way they are.

Mar 10, 2023 9:53 AM

A great piece here by Christine Black:

Mar 10, 2023 9:24 AM

Matt Hancock pushes the lab leak theory. According to the DT “leaks” Hancock was told to tone it down by the Cabinet Office:

““The reference to Porton Down is damaging to national security – what is set up as a joke, is one of the attack lines Russia has used against us for the novichok poisoning, as it is only a few miles from Porton Down to Salisbury (which is entirely coincidental – as, we believe, it is that the Wuhan lab is so close to where the first Covid outbreak was recorded).”

Oh, what a tangled web we weave….

BTW they’ve tried to rerun one of their greatest hits with a man armed with a knife supposedly trying to seize a United airliner until “heroes” prevented him. One guess how old this man supposedly is? Who by now can’t see a certain significant number thinly disguised in the plane’s flight number 2609? Another shadow on the cave wall.

Mar 10, 2023 2:17 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Noticed 33 in the licence plate of the white van driven by the unfortunate Tummy Tuck gang into Matamoros Mexico last week

Mar 10, 2023 8:25 AM

Yet another article to convince you that Covid exists, it doesn’t! All of this is misdirection, especially now after so many jabs that have gone into so many arms, young and old. This is utter bullshit, and I for one am not impressed by this pontificating. On a side note, I do not consume any mainstream programming at all, be it via the tv, radio, or daily newspapers, but I have been watching, online, the 2013-2014 CH4 programme “Eutopia” as I seemed to remember it was interesting on a number of levels at the time. Well to say it has relevance to the mess we find ourselves in is an understatement. We have Russian Flu, and the vaccine, the God Gene, Genomic Sequencing, Depopulation of specific racial groups, a school massacre blamed on a child, weaponising disease, the corporate media fomenting the propaganda, Sars wasn’t real, Hazmat suits, protective masks, God with two faces, character stating “what if it’s the cure that kills you* (the jabs), a pharma comany called Corvadt, a food company called Bayner, a statement saying that people will be rioting to get the vaccine into their arms, modified proteins introduced into all food, including animal feed, to do harm, and so on and so on. I have only just watched episode four of twelve, and to say I am gobsmacked is an understatement. However, in regard to all of the above, it is so obvious that the programme has great relevance that even the most ardent Covid Believers would have to admit there is “something to see here”. But to what end? Is this revelation of The Method, is it a Honey Pot (I think that’s the term) to entice the ‘conspiracy theorists’ into using this as evidence and then to discredit them at a later… Read more »

Mar 10, 2023 8:28 AM
Reply to  fellatthelast

I meant to say Utopia. Sorry for the bad grammar.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 10, 2023 1:53 PM
Reply to  fellatthelast

Do you honestly think this humble article’s objective is to convince OG readers that Convid exists?

Mar 10, 2023 2:51 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Yes, I do. Many of the readers on this platform may have only just discovered that offG exists, and maybe, just maybe, it is those readers they are after? You are correct that their propaganda/misdirection will have little effect on the majority of readers here, but the narrative needs to be maintained at all costs, and on all platforms.

Mar 10, 2023 8:11 AM

Could someone here post a link for an article or study from an established science journal that questions whether viruses actually exist or not? I keep seeing comments about such things, but I’ve never heard a scientist mention it. When did this idea become a thing?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 8:37 AM
Reply to  TFM

This piece isn’t questioning the existence or not of viruses. It is pointing to inconsistencies in the pandemic narrative, and reminding us that Russia was just as invested in this narrative as Western nations. Once you establish that the pandemic narrative was indeed a fake narrative, this fact becomes extremely telling about the world we are living in today.

But this realisation meets with a lot of resistance lately. People are too eager to believe the reassuring old normal is back again. A2

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 10, 2023 8:57 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I’ve read/heard somewhere along the way that Vlad Putin was a Klaus/WEF protege isn’t he? In which case – of course Russia would be towing their own version of the line. Thus – not surprising at all? Forgive me if I’m wrong: hard to know which way is up these days.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 10, 2023 11:20 AM
Reply to  Michael Swain

Yeah, it’s so believable that all people in power should take orders from a few …

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2023 11:26 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

Power always centralises.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 10, 2023 4:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Many have tried and failed …

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 10, 2023 11:46 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

You’re entitled to believe whatever you wish Mr Y: red pill, blue pill or pick whichever colour you find most appealing

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 10, 2023 1:55 PM
Reply to  Michael Swain

You need to delve a little more deeply into Putin’s past. Try searching on this site: http://nomadiceveryman.blogspot.com/

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 10, 2023 9:55 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

I’m not a scholar on Putin’s past, but I’ve done much reading. My reply to Sam Admin 2 was just a genuine question – no sarcasm or pontification. I meant no disrespect to any one here – meant no disrespect. When I said, “ Forgive me if I’m wrong: hard to know which way is up these days.”, I was being genuine: I’m tired, I’ve had 3 strokes, and I’m not soap-boxing. Apologies if I came across otherwise. Was not my intention.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 10, 2023 4:43 PM
Reply to  Michael Swain

Pills are not the driver of my thought apparatus …

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 10, 2023 10:03 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

In my original reply to Sam Admin 2 I made no reference to “ all people in power should take orders from a few …”, as you put it in your earlier reply. I’m sorry you interpreted it that way. Hence my reference to pill colours – we all see things differently.
So spare me will you.

Mar 13, 2023 2:30 AM
Reply to  Michael Swain

You will find what you are looking for in the book “Virus Mania”.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 10, 2023 2:08 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Hi Sam, Wouldn’t the idea that Russia was “just as invested … as Western nations” rest on the fact of equal (shared) knowledge about the hoax on the part of all the world’s leaders?
Could be. If Russia took the Western nations word on this hoax, it would go along wait towards explaining why they actually believed the Minsk accords were undersigned in good faith.
Cynicism is obviously something leaders everywhere share. Stupidity is not. There are nations who have the monopoly on stupidity and have no intention of sharing any of it.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 2:32 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Really? We’re supposed to make such excuses for Russia? They just didn’t know any better? I don’t make that excuse for my own mother-in-law. The evidence was right there from the very beginning. If the Russian state really couldn’t figure it out, if it was really so naive and trusting and clueless then I think the world is a much scarier place than if they were fully complicit, tbh

Frankly I think that notion is a bit silly. A2

Mar 10, 2023 10:53 AM
Reply to  TFM

Do you honestly think that a science journal would participate in revealing that it has upheld a sham for nearly 100 years?

The editors of these things have revealed, on retirement of course, that there is a ‘crisis of replicability’ and that more than 50% of their output doesn’t even follow the scientific method.

But, if you are intereted in an in depth scientific explanation of the problems with Virus theory then may I please suggest https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/

Mar 10, 2023 12:01 PM
Reply to  TFM

I would say your question is inappropriate: do viruses exist: yes or no. I would rather ask how much clinical relevance do “viruses” have? The answer: not much. There are tens of thousands of papers on virology and none of them will address the question as you phrase it. Apologies if I sound pompous, facetious or sarcastic, but you need to understand how scientific paradigms and scientific bureaucracies / megabillion buck funding works. These factors play out in the same way whether for particle physics or virology. “Virology” as defined today consists of a paradigm with a lot of assumptions, methodologies, tools and techniques. Viruses are analyzed in three ways: a) images of assumed viruses on electron microscope. These are just images and don’t give much info. b) “lab isolation”: various methods, this boils down to a whole series of processes and at the end you have a sort of “image” of a virus which you can imagine as a matrix of fluorescence. It’s not like the cartoon virus you see in the media. For example, take a look at Figure 1 in this https://www.labome.com/method/Virus-Identification-and-Quantification.html To understand more, you need to look at instruction manuals of the various equipment manufacturers. c) genome sequencing: these exist as files on a computer. Quite literally they are a series of letters: acgt. The images above are sort of colour coded by letter. It’s not an exact “science” at all. It’s more like making careeres while playing with technology. The outcomes depend on the software, equipment and chemicals used. Anyone can drop most normal objects and it should fall down and not go up. You can test gravity for yourself. Does a virus exist in the same way? No. Does it exist as a concept on which to build a career and give a… Read more »

Mar 11, 2023 12:25 AM
Reply to  Sara

I would agree. However, it appears all the Cossacks have taken the advice of the WHO verbatim. Seems a little strange that they would put trust in this institute and not their own.

It’s like when countries get other counties to make their defense hardware, jets, subs, ships, etc. Seems a little naive to let a potential enemy make your defense tools. Is this not like the chickens asking the wolves about security fencing ideas? Why would one not want to do it in house for obvious reasons.

Same goes for security cameras, smart phones, watches and other tracking devices. Are we to believe that contracting the design and construction of these devices to another country is good for our privacy. Furthermore, give one of these spy devices to every senator, judge, minister, etc.

I mean, come on. Are we supposed to believe these people are not on the same team of sorts.

Mar 13, 2023 2:23 AM
Reply to  TFM

The book “Virus Mania” will provide all the information you are looking for; costs about £26.

Here is a pdf article: https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/


Consider for a moment what it is you are really looking for?

Firstly, you asking for someone to prove a negative; the scientific process is to prove something exists & that it does what you say it does. “Virology” fails on this because it has never found a functioning (living) virus & instead it has constructed a “Frankenstein” virus out out of DNA fragments which they can’t prove does anything! Can anyone provide any “scientific paper” that really proves the existence of a virus & that it causes harm?

Secondly, you are really asking for a “Virologist” to prove that “virology” doesn’t exist; that’s career suicide, is it not? Will your fellow Virologists be willing to peer review your work? I would imagine you would be right off their Christmas card list. in fact you would be vilified & hounded out of their livelihood. So, it would be impossible to find such people, right? Well there are some but you will also find plenty of vested interests who will disparage them:

Dr Stefan Lanka – overview: http://www.whale.to/a/lanka_h.html

Dr Claus Köhnlein – overview: http://www.whale.to/a/kohnlein_h.html

List of virus sceptics: http://www.whale.to/a/aids4.html


I found the videos of Dr Sam Bailey to be an easy & enjoyable way into the issue of “no virus”:

Start here: “Once upon a time in Wuhan…” – https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Once-Upon-A-Time-in-Wuhan-Odysee-Exclusive-Comp:2

Odysee channel: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c

Website video page: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c

Mar 10, 2023 8:10 AM

Wuhan Lab Leak– AGAIN?? How many times are we going to go through this?

Meanwhile Robert Malone is being outed as “the man who could have stopped the vaxx.
When Malone joined in with the mass formation bit, Peter & Ginger Breggin pooh-poohed the idea. Malone was offended & sued them for $25 million.

The Breggins, authors of Global Predators; We Are the Prey, investigated Mr. Malone:
Turns out he & a co-author wrote an article quite condemnatory of the vaxx– IN JANUARY OF 2020! Given that he bills himself as “inventor of mRNA technology” it seems peculiar that he’s never referred to this vaxx-damning article/study in any of his new-found fame, but has allowed it to remain on a pre-publication site, unheralded despite his numerous opportunities.

Mr. Malone has maintained that he took the vaxx & it was his bad reaction that lead to his awakening. Seems unlikely after his article “concluded that all COVID-19 vaccines, including mRNA, were too deadly to be given even experimentally to humans.

The article focussed on Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)– at that time nearly unknown by the public. But, acording to the Breggins, Malone did not repeat his call for the vaxx to be banned till February 2023.

Meanwhile, what the US needs is an alternate currency backed by a few governors.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 8:30 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Great comment. A2

Mar 10, 2023 10:08 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Turns out he & a co-author wrote an article quite condemnatory of the vaxx– IN JANUARY OF 2020!

Convenient dont you think it appears now when people dont trust him after the amount of buillshit he has spoken.

A Vaccine so dangerous he took it- 2 in fact.
ffs you people still follow theses crooks that appear everywhere all at once on the internet via the MIC shills.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2023 3:06 PM
Reply to  Penelope

“Meanwhile, what the US needs is an alternate currency backed by a few governors.” Excellent! Only the currency should be endorsed by ALL governors in perpetuity.

Each State should establish an independent currency, backed by physical assets, period. It’s false asset allocations (bonds) that have raped the world’s economies.

Mar 10, 2023 9:05 PM

Paul, did you know that all states have another fund of money APART FROM WHAT IS MENTIONED IN THEIR BUDGETS? It’s been a number of years since I read this & I probably don’t have it exactly right, but my memory is that the money arises from certain local bonds raised for specific purposes which were partially unspent, then invested. You know, the sort of things that are ballot issues that the voters vote in.

Mar 10, 2023 9:10 PM

If FLA, TX & AZ wd start the alternate currency others wd hop on quickly– especially Montana, Wyoming & some of the southern states.

There’s nothing illegal or shocking about it; we’ve had any number of small local currencies. It’s just that we need something bigger in place before they spring the money-trap.

Mar 10, 2023 8:02 AM

The thing about the Turds at the top, despite the huge monetary compensation they receive, they NEVER, EVER take responsibility for the mayhem and suffering they cause.
They strut the national and world stages dripping with hubris and then shuffle off to their cosy, secure, guarded, ostentatious hideaways.

Mar 10, 2023 7:43 AM

Great. Now do Belarus

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2023 6:54 AM

A general comment on the media:

One way to see the last three years (and indeed the decades leading up to them) is to acknowledge an enormous campaign to destroy public speech by guiding everyone into areas that are not only irrelevant to their actual lives but areas which don’t even make sense in themselves.

There can be no more glaring example than the transgender cloud of sheer obfuscation. It is truly awe-inspiring to stumble into this and realise that enormous and vitriolic debates have been going on which are almost impenetrable in their utter absurdity and stupidity. And yet the newcomer is made to feel he has to adopt the most ridiculous language to encompass the most asinine concepts.

And if he refuses then he won’t be permitted into the debate.

And such debates are now the common inescapable props of this media discourse. The various media channels may as well be talking an alien language. The effect is to render everyone literally speechless while imposing ludicrous demands on their behaviour.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2023 7:12 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The general tone since spring 2020 has been to generate a sense of emergency demanding life threatening cuts and destroying livelihoods. That’s the whole thing.

The latest panic stirring mantra from The Conversation (whose very name is a sick sadistic joke): “A tonne of fossil carbon isn’t the same as a tonne of new trees: why offsets can’t save us”.

We learn that those ubiquitous “experts and commentators” are concerned about a “cautious incremental change” which “doesn’t yet rise to the urgency of the intensifying climate crisis. But it could generate momentum after a wasted decade of climate denial and delay under the previous government.”

The ideological configuration is dogmatically presupposed as with a religious fundamentalism. The terms and effluvia of “debate” change but the underlying motion is ever the same: something terrible is happening and “we” must put it right where “putting it right” of course pushes us into those life and livelihood threatening motions.

Mar 10, 2023 7:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

This’ll make your blood boil George:

The Plandemic rehearsal?

Mar 10, 2023 7:47 AM
Reply to  George Mc

If there ever was a good example of RED HERRING, it’s right now.

Everybody is mouthing off about mostly inconsequential bullshit, whilst civilization is on the precipice, about the collapse. And that is NOT because of climate change or any of the other horseshit, even though that might play some role too, but because we’ve fucked ourselves into a corner.

Yet, the “public debate” is about transmotherfuckerism, faggotism, and unlimited number of genders. Or the lab-leak theory for the virus-oriented crowd. Or the Ukie war for warriors. There is some fake bullshit for everybody.

Meanwhile, the fucks in charge are plotting how to cull the population and to corral and enslave whoever remains to slave away for their luxury in the forthcoming Dark Ages.

Mar 10, 2023 7:52 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The transgender cacaphony is relevant to most people. It is meant to infuriate and terrify them concerning the brainwashing of their children. In turn, that serves to distract them from the plunder, tyranny and destruction.

Mar 10, 2023 8:04 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Exactly. As per what I wrote above.


Everything (read: every-fucking-thing) that not only the politicians fucks or the mass media fucks, but also the brainless populace who are mostly completely lost, run at the mouth about must be considered utter bullshit, smokescreen intended to obscure stuff that matters.


Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Mar 10, 2023 10:32 AM
Reply to  Kurt

The transgender bullshit has had the positive effect of beginning the red-pilling of my Mother, who had been a true believer in the talking points of the mainstream left, but has now begun to question more and more of those shibboleths and is starting to realise that all of the “reality” that we are told about in education and through the media and popular culture is indeed, total fucking horseshit and always has been. It’s been a joy to behold to see her wake up and start speaking up.

Mar 10, 2023 10:50 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Yeah. They’re trying too hard, and the shit is liable to backfire.

Check out this pure phantasmagoria:

I’d wager to say most people would consider this motherfucker batshit fucking crazy …

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2023 8:56 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

The last three years have forced me to a ruthless reappraisal of much of what has passed for “Leftist” notions. Previously I went along with certain of those e.g. the whole global warming thing. But then the much-missed Dave McGowan pointed out one major problem with this little nugget of received wisdom i.e. that it was high profiled throughout the media. I have come to see this as an infallible litmus test. The media is always and everywhere the voice of the ruling class. What they tell you is what they want you to think. What they don’t tell you is what damages them.

Also, the trans rot stands as a mockery of the whole civil rights movement and as identity politics taken to a previously unimagined extreme through the creation of an entirely fictitious demographic. And even then, the trans thing is not the end of it. There was an article on virtual people i.e. those utterly “theoretical” entities created in cyberspace in which the writer seriously (presumably) tried to whip up concern over a new prejudice. Thus “hatred for transhumanism”. And then this idiocy is projected as “Leftism taken to an extreme”.

And this newly revealed “Leftism” that is so wretchedly compliant with ruling class interests forces me to reassess all Leftism as it has been portrayed over my lifetime. And I have come to the conclusion that the Left has been dead for a long time now. What is called “Left” is simply another wing of the ruling power.

Mar 11, 2023 5:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Don’t let that stop you mentioning Left and Right in most comments.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2023 8:21 AM
Reply to  mgeo

What you and Kurt say is true. I now have an increasingly familiar feeling when I read the latest crap. I automatically start to respond. I may even draft out a detailed comment. And then I realise I’m being played.

And the media even rub your face in this. E.g. the latest trans gobbledegook features a picture of the author and it’s a guy with a beard and a hairy chest and he’s wearing a bra. You’re supposed to thunder at this. If you do, it’s mission accomplished for them.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 10, 2023 7:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“… by guiding everyone into areas that are not only irrelevant to their actual lives but areas which don’t even make sense in themselves.”

Diversification: Competition under Capital is fierce, so companies must be efficient and equally fierce in their business to remain in the market. However there’s an objective limit to the growth of a company based on the needs of the market simply because our needs are limited. And so the idea to diversify production emerged, which means making for every purpose identical products but sell them as improved versions of old ones (the nth new version of a shampoo) and to shift from satisfying needs to satisfying desires, a promising market.

comment image

Media as companies working for profit would be bankrupt, destroyed by competition, if they didn’t grow, (for to expand is a law for Capital, doesn’t matter how) and wouldn’t grow if they reported the strictly relevant information, so they practice diversification; and for information, to diversify means exactly reporting the info described in the quote above as it were relevant or worth having.

Mar 10, 2023 6:37 AM

The ill-informed mainland Chinese are panicking again about some new H1N2 virus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11gG-AInPko
They rush to local ‘fever clinics’ and get instant IV bottle infuses with “medicines” to get it over. Could be an unhealthy reflex 😀
Of course, the CCP itches to return to their favorite “total lockdown virus”. The good result of that is the apparatus become even more unpopular than after the Covid response mess up.

Mar 10, 2023 6:30 AM

debt-based system alive

Isn’t it strange that everybody keeps yapping about some alleged fucking virus, over and over and over, while there is no discussion, or no serious discussion, about debt? At best, there’s some whining about CBDCs. On top of it, massive amounts are being added to the existing debt, which was already at a level that could never be repaid, let alone the fact that mathematically, or logically, debt simply can be neither repaid nor indefinitely sustained. (Public) debt is none else but shifting the tab for current consumption, or luxury if you will, to the future. Where future production will have to cover not only their current consumption, but also our consumption now, plus accrued interest, plus embezzlement, plus all sorts of other costs. Even if debt keeps accumulating, i.e. pushing payment further and further to the future, there is a point where the scheme will collapse because it hinges on continuous growth. Growth, in turns, depends on the ever-increasing supply of energy, which is a physical impossibility. On the contrary, the supply of energy will be decreasing. In other words, the system is fucked.

So, what do we do about that?

Public debt is owned by everybody. Everybody owns a part of the billions or trillions the political fucks have blown on useless shit.

I’d be more worried that the fucking government will go after my house, in not too distant a future, to “repay” the debt than about some bogus fucking lab-leak theory.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 10, 2023 6:44 AM
Reply to  Kurt

Yep it’s coming, the great buy in.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Mar 10, 2023 10:36 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Good luck selling that one to conservative middle Englanders or working class people who’ve grafted hard to pay a mortgage. I’m in the latter category.

My prediction: It won’t happen in the UK.

Mar 10, 2023 2:56 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

yo, they’ve already done it up here – pensioner’s assets can be claimed by local authority if they go into care facility.

no shit. years ago.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 10, 2023 7:41 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Death duties is old hat same as if you peg out overseas. Think of your bottom instead of something to be admired on a pedestal as a vogue trophy. More along the lines of trim brain bio-mass combustibles.
Remember if you drink too much water it will make you fat lazy utterly independently more of a valued asset buffer., than a liability to the more talented.
What do Men and Women do not like.
A Chatterbox.

Mar 10, 2023 8:31 AM
Reply to  Kurt

A lot of propaganda serves to distract us, as our traitorous leaders load their governments with ever more usurious debt from transnational capital. Until the day they announce that the nation is bankrupt and therefore sold (taken over).

Mar 10, 2023 9:23 AM
Reply to  Kurt

That’s what they plan to do, Jacques, come for private houses and gardens. It has been done before: there were times when you had to take a mortgage on your house in order to lend to the regime. Right now they have just completed a massive survey as to be able to ‘adjust’ taxation.

Mar 10, 2023 11:57 AM
Reply to  Kurt

Debt is just another illusion used to control people. Any debt, no matter how large, could be eradicated with the stroke of a pen (or a keystroke).

Mar 10, 2023 12:36 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

“Any debt, no matter how large, could be eradicated with the stroke of a pen”


It’s like this. You go to work, slave away, and in exchange what you’ve produced, you get money, even manage to make a few extra bucks. You buy government bonds, expecting to get your money back, plus interest, say, 10 years down the road. At that time, you get your money plus accrued interest, and you’ll get yourself some stuff of your choice.

Now, if somebody eradicated debt owed to you with a stroke of pen, you wouldn’t be too fucking happy, would you.

It would mean that all the work you invested, by way of money, into the debt owed to you would have vanished in vain.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 10, 2023 7:43 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Default can’t in any Language.

Mar 10, 2023 9:20 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Seamus, people don’t understand how the Fed’s money system works. One of us is going to have to explain at least some aspects of it here & on at least a few other websites. (and of course there are a few Intell plants here & elsewhere trying to misguide us)

Mar 11, 2023 8:43 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“Tying payments to your digital ID is inevitable, we are told. It a long-term trend made actual. It is future, present. It is young, eternal. It is Hamilton.”

The Fed’s money system is central. Some notable experts – Prof Richard Werner, the investor Jim Sinclair – went so far as to say that Covid was a monetary event.

Mar 10, 2023 12:02 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Well, I’ve been trying to wake people up about the debt scam for 20 years or so, longer if you count back to an essay I wrote in the 1980s sometime about the Mulroney-Wilson national debt scam in Canada that’s not in electronic form and I can’t access from where I am – but a chapter in my 2007 book They’re Building a Box – and you’re in it and the chapter on Banketeering – The Money Supply and Related Scams https://www.rudemacedon.ca/dlp/box/box01-money.html , updated and expanded on in various ways since, most recently in my Democracy Study Guide – https://www.rudemacedon.ca/DSG/0000-summary.html – I really can’t understand why so very few people care to address this. I keep coming back to the wise Mr Elliot who saw it coming 70 years ago, this is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper. Some of us want to fight, most of us want to pretend the farmers are our friends as they lead us to the slaughter house. I don’t care all that much that so many are so stupid, but it burns me that I’m going down with their fucking ship.

Mar 10, 2023 3:28 AM

There’s no definitive scientific proof that infectious viruses exist but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist, of course. However, we must recognize that diseases like COVID, AIDS, polio and the Spanish “Flu” were blamed on “viruses” for political cover. (These were really globalist depopulation programs.) So it’s still possible that regular “flu” and measles are caused by viruses although that might turn out not to be the case.

If infectious viruses turn out to be fake, then the question is what are they really doing in all of these biolabs? These “labs” might have some other nefarious purpose. It’s also possible the PTB are investing money for no other reason then to keep our debt-based system alive. Loans=debt=the money supply must exponentially increase simply in order to pay the interest on existing debt let alone new debt. Big Science HYPE has become ridiculous and most scientific fields are now Junk Science.

The best no-virus book remains “Fear of the Invisible” by Janine Roberts. She starts off as a true believer in infectious viruses and after 10 years of research became a virus skeptic. She discusses the fallacy of the PCR test and Gain-of-Function research and this book was published back in 2010! Too bad, it wasn’t a huge bestseller (but the PTB would have never allowed that, of course).

Mar 10, 2023 8:23 AM
Reply to  CK_

Is any disease named after any part of U$?

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 10, 2023 7:47 PM
Reply to  mgeo

A Yoke.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 9:28 AM
Reply to  CK_

If a powerful global lobby managed to convince us all that aliens were poisoning the water, do you think it would be a good use of our effort, once realising this scam, to spend a lot of time debating whether aliens exist?

A lot of people might see this as missing the point.

We were lied to. And this should have been obvious right from the start. No matter what our beliefs on the grander issues, the basic narrative details were self-contradictory and easily debunked using simple logic.

Big Lies proliferate because fear and propaganda shut down people’s critical faculties and make them susceptible to being manipulated. It turns people into believers, not thinkers.

Waggaman’s piece helps demonstrate this. Blatant and obvious subterfuge took place in Russia, as in most places around the globe, to sell and profit from a ‘scamdemic’. People should have seen this right away.

We’re never going to be able to remove all sources of stupidity and gullibility to protect eberyone from themselves if they are going to walk around in a brainwashed condition.

Critical thinking is needed. Many people’s brains require a course of physical therapy. Let’s massage some warmth into their atrophied thinking muscles. Let’s take it slow and methodical and steady. Let’s start with the least demanding exercises, let’s do reps of those, slowly increasing the reps and slowly stepping up the difficulty. A2


Mar 10, 2023 9:43 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“to spend a lot of time debating whether aliens exist”

Debating? What is there to “debate”?

The only thing there is to do is a) unequivocally state that it’s pure batshit fucking crazy bullshit, and possible reiterate that, and b) actually debate what really matters, what the motherfuckers are trying to obscure.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 9:46 AM
Reply to  Kurt

Missing my point.

Mar 10, 2023 10:35 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You’re missing the point.

In regard to CONVID, TPTB’s have led humanity (their brains) into a virus concentration camp. All of people’s thinking was fenced within the virus narrative, bats, labs, exosomes, fuckccines, what have you, all the shit that people have been yapping about.

Meanwhile, while people (their fucked up skulls) were locked inside the virus prison, TPTB’s have been working on transitioning the world to another era, another state. Mainly because it’s physically impossible to keep going the way things have been.

The various aspects of why the world can’t keep going on are what matters. Because solutions to that are needed and if this stuff is ignored (which it mostly is), the solutions will be formulated by the fucks in charge and people will get a very shitty end of the stick.

And you know what? People are not that fucking stupid. They might have fallen for the virus crap, but it wasn’t necessarily because of stupidity or lack of critical thinking. If they were presented with the economic, ecologic, biological, and other problems, they probably would make pertinent contributions. But probably not quite the kind of contributions TPTB’s want. They would propose stuff more favorable to people.

So, that’s basically why there is no discussion about any of that. And why people are fed one red herring after another. Whether intentionally or ignorantly.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 11:26 AM
Reply to  Kurt

‘If we can just convince everyone aliens don’t exist they’ll never be able to fool us they were poisoning our water again’.

Mar 10, 2023 12:42 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“we can just convince everyone”

You CANNOT convince nobody, especially not people who don’t wanna be convinced. And especially not on issues that are not exactly clear-cut.

People haven’t convinced one another of the (non-)existence of God for thousands of years, and never will. Whatever God is supposed to mean.

Yapping about COVID is not only yesterday’s new, water off the duck’s back, but also seriously wasted energy and perpetuation of the red herring COVID, and perhaps the whole virology “debate”, has been.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 2:40 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Well I think that’s the point I was putting forward. The only important thing is that the pandemic was a globally staged event, the implications of which should force everyone to drastically adjust their worldview. A2

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 10, 2023 7:52 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You’ve Water. The only time your happy is when stand under the head. 🙄

Mar 10, 2023 3:11 AM

The lab leak narrative is being pushed heavily now everywhere- but thankfully not at OffG.

The key thing most pundits fail to understand is that we already have a pseudo-One World government (run by the people who own the Central Banks). That’s why the US, China, the EU, the UK, Russia, etc. all worked in unison on the COVID depopulation agenda.

Democracy is a hoax and politicians are just front-men for the trillionaire globalist Elite who own the Central Banks, MSM, Hollywood, Big Tech, Big Oil, Big Pharma, the CDC/FDA/NHS/WHO, the UN and the rest of the global Deep State medical-military-intelligence industrial complex. Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Putin, Zelensky and Xi all work for the globalists.  The “right” and “left” are a UNIPARTY and the public futilely believes it matters whether the right-hand or left-hand puppet is in power.   

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Mar 10, 2023 8:50 AM
Reply to  CK_

Here we go again. ”They are all in it together.” Yes, Biden, Putin, Xi, and the rest are at war and its all fake. Blah blah blah. In the real world, however, it would appear that they are not at all in it altogether – or doesn’t geopolitics count? The struggle between the great powers has been going from time immemorial, at least since the Treaty of Westphalia. Like it or not there is a real shooting war going on, and unfortunately it won’t be wished away. It seems to be a permanent feature of the human condition.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Mar 10, 2023 10:46 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

They can be all in one thing together, whilst also being oppositional over something else. Clearly, Putin, Xi, et al. are globalists and authoritarian, implementing technofeudalism in their own totalitarian countries. They don’t even bother with the illusion of democracy for the most part. In the West, we still promote the illusion. But the Globalist’s dreams are made in China. The fact that some fundamentalist lunatics in the the White House and in Downing Street want to remain top dog in the system ensures that there will be ongoing wars between the West and the East (and ongoing massive profits for polititians and the military armaments arm of the industrial capitalism, conveniently enough) because with such power systems there are always going to be factions within factions.

But the Covid scam gave the lie away. They really were and are all in it together when it comes to Globalism.

Mar 10, 2023 12:05 PM
Reply to  Graham Greene

Yes. But Biden, Xi, and Putin aren’t shooting each other; rather, they’re getting us to shoot one another instead. That’s all these wars have ever been: depopulationism disguised as ‘patriotism’. The dying is real, but the alleged causes of the wars are not.

Mar 10, 2023 9:48 PM
Reply to  Graham Greene

Graham, I think geopolitics nowadays is the tip of the pyramid (ruling elite of the developed countries) against the global population who make up the rest of the pyramid.

Just a few facts in support of this thesis:
–If Western oligarchs didn’t have an agreement w Chinese oligarchs to form a global oligarchy, why did TPTB transfer capital and technology to China? If China’s truly the enemy of Western oligarchs, why share funds & knowledge re: gain of function? Why is China managing some of US most important ports– & the Panama Canal? Why was China’s head of “CDC” at Event 201?

If the US oligarchs truly wished to rule all the others would they have poisoned their own military w the vaxx? Wd they have abandoned the grain reserve and poisoned the population which is the basis for industrial & military production? Wd they be in the process of crippling energy production ?

Wd German oligarchs have refused to open Nordstream 2, even after Nordstream 1 was blown, if the source of their power were their own nation?

All Western oligarchs ACT AS THOUGH THEIR OWN POPULACE ISN’T THE SOURCE OF THEIR POWER. I believe them; their mutual association is the source of their power, and we are the prey.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 10, 2023 2:24 PM
Reply to  CK_

Sounds a lot like major league sports … Are we allowed to have a favorite team, one we’d like to see win the championship? Or is that as inane as sitting in front of a television and watching grown men boot a football around?

Mar 10, 2023 1:15 AM

The lab leak theory strongly suggests there is such a thing as a virus….there isn’t. Period.

Cristiano Maragrande
Cristiano Maragrande
Mar 10, 2023 2:11 AM
Reply to  Ronald

Course there was a virus. Jenner crushed the British empire and infected the rest of the world aswell. That is why the vaccine was created to put a V warning on the paperwork. It was like walking into the reactor in the Chernobyl exclusion zone without having been warned. https://youtu.be/jGPjj4B_jEk

Cristiano Maragrande
Cristiano Maragrande
Mar 10, 2023 2:49 AM

The V warning was found on a pot of paint in a cave and civilzation was reborn. Not sure when this happened tho. Maybe the cave was symbolic of the comment section. Fingers crossed hey.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 10, 2023 8:08 PM

The V is an X displaying the dual explainable.

Cristiano Maragrande
Cristiano Maragrande
Mar 10, 2023 4:19 PM

You can downvote but the duty to warn takes supremecy over surviving as slaves imo. Pharaoh doesn’t make hieroglyphic so people can mess around.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 10, 2023 8:26 PM

Blair was an Oxford alt tick ’84 for School children it didnt require hysterical histrionics.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 10, 2023 8:00 PM
Reply to  Ronald

Oxymoronic twitch is currently incurable. It is it isn’t is still excepting applications.

Mar 9, 2023 11:58 PM

Here’s something worth viewing re: the C19 con. LINK: http://stateofthenation.co/?p=158668

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2023 12:49 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

Seems the real Jacinda Ardern has a new situation with depression. See picture. >

Disgraced Ex-PM Jacinda Ardern Excoriated by Former New Zealand Television News Presenter and Attorney (Video)
March 4, 2023
Disgraced Ex-PM Jacinda Ardern Excoriated by Former New Zealand Television News Presenter and Attorney (Video) | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (stateofthenation.co)

I think it’s more helpful to other readers if you include the article title and date along with the link. Jus’ sayin’…

Mar 10, 2023 3:13 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

It’s certainly gratifying to view, but Ardern was really only one of the inevitable end-products of an appalling system.
She didn’t build that system, however much she might have enhanced it – and of course she did enhance it.

Even if she ends up rotting in hell, hundreds of others exactly like her will not learn from her frightful example. After all, I still hear people say of Maggie Thatch-head that “she was at least a strong leader”.

But she was not a strong leader. She was a stubborn psychopath. “Strong” is not the same as “stubborn”, and a “leader” is not the same as a “psychopath”.

I sincerely hope that nobody will imagine even for one second that Ardern’s resignation will make the slightest difference to the world-wide rot in politics today.

Our governments are still full of Arderns, Blairs and other unimaginable filth, and new generations of them are being groomed as we speak.

Mar 10, 2023 9:42 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I think they are using drug addicts as ‘politicians’. Remember Hillary with her habit of falling down stairs? Merkel shivering uncontrollably at public functions? There have also been cases of less important political figures: An MP, member of the Green party getting busted in a police raid in Berlin. He tried to do damage control by immediately resigning from all his duties. But he wasn’t allowed to. As the Chairman of the German-Israeli parlamentary club he was kept out of the investigation and he had to carry on.
There were also those videos of Finland’s Sanna Marin. She had to do a drug test. Of course it came back negative. Drug addicts in politics can always be blackmailed. And they can be kept going until they are just too wasted. Then they get pulled off stage.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2023 2:58 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I watched as much of the linked film as I could stomach, but had to exit after about a half hour. The presenter never gets around to the fact that all the Ardern’s, Blair’s, Modi’s, Xi Jinping’s, and other psychopathic facilitators, would be dead in the water sans “effective” military police and similar GOONS…

It’s the public allowance of ignorant goons as lawless enforcers. It’s your Goons, folks. Goons

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 10, 2023 9:02 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Thatcher didn’t use your internet ball bag., and Wilson smoked a pipe, shit stain. And where were you at spunk bubbles?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Mar 9, 2023 11:57 PM

Did the flu disappear in Russia too? Were their hospitals paid to diagnose patients with Covid-19? These and many other questions will be discussed on the next installment of “Who Really Done It”, or “Were they ALL in on it?”

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Mar 10, 2023 8:54 AM

”Were they – who? – all in on it?” Don’t know, but they were all in a shooting war with each other.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Mar 10, 2023 10:50 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

No “they” weren’t and aren’t in any shooting war with each other. “They” were and are safely hidden away in lives of luxury while other people shoot each other to bits.

During the scamdemic, the Globalists presented a united front, and there’s a few examples of national leaders who didn’t present as part of this front disappearing from existence.

Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance
Mar 9, 2023 10:53 PM

All we’re suggesting is, uh, maybe the problem here is the toxic liver pills, genetic Big Pharma slurries, suspended medical care, and an all-out assault on humanity as we know it—as opposed to an alleged pathogen cooked up in Wuhan/Hunter Biden’s crack pipe?

Kim Iverson discusses this.

Sweden has the lowest excess deaths in Europe with a 6% increase.

USA has 54% increase in excess deaths.

Some African countries with verified high Covid infection and negligible Covid measures rates have a 0% increase in excess deaths.

It’s clear that most,if not all of the excess deaths can be attributed not to Covid but the Covid measures.

Mar 10, 2023 9:59 PM

Cognitive Dissonance– AFAIK the highest US excess deaths is among the Group Life Insurance because they’re employees of big companies who enforced vaxx mandates. The general population was much lower.

Please don’t exaggerate; it weakens our credibility. When giving controversial info, give us a link, OK?

I know your heart’s in the right place & you only want people to see the truth.

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Mar 9, 2023 9:31 PM

Nothing to see here.
Money talks the same language all around the world.
Who knew?

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 9, 2023 9:15 PM

Remdevisir “run death is near”

Mar 9, 2023 9:06 PM

These radical acts are out best bet to begin to fight against the madness.
CBC was plastered with evidence of vax death and harm on its windows.

Mar 9, 2023 9:05 PM

Sputnik shooting for the moon at warp speed- say no more, John. If I hadn’t already been sceptical of the pantodemic that would have convinced me it was horse feathers. It would be interesting to know what the vax mission impossible was called in other countries. Are your bureaucrats as brain dead as ours? I wonder how long they had to “think” up a title before the panto started- months, years?

A German
A German
Mar 9, 2023 8:39 PM

Malone is who he is…..

I appreciate his patriotic motive to print investigation on CCP and find it very useful and plausible



Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2023 12:22 AM
Reply to  A German

Mr. Malone posts loooong columns nearly every day of the week. It seems he has a lot of time on his hands, or an impressive amount of staff. Some of his assertions are pretty much right on the money (so to speak)…

He was one of the first to finger the roles of the HHS and other agency/assigns. >

What to do with a Problem like HHS? (Pt. 2, treating the disease)
July 6, 2022
What to do with a Problem like HHS? (Pt. 2, treating the disease) (substack.com)

Excerpt from the linked article: “The congressional charters for the “Foundation for the National Institutes of Health” and the “CDC Foundation” must be revoked. These public-private partnership organizations have created unaccountable slush funds which are exploited by the HHS Administrative State and SES to circumvent the will of Congress (by enabling activities neither funded nor authorized by Congress) and embody the fusion of interests between the medical-pharmaceutical complex and the HHS Administrative State.”

True. He does mention Revocation of Corporate Charters. So that’s a good start…

A German
A German
Mar 10, 2023 8:01 AM

Yes, it is evident he started a new career as paid influencer, and he has pleasure with it. I am no fan, but some of his reports are interesting, so I have a look from time to time..

Mar 10, 2023 10:02 PM

I think much of what Malone says is quite good, and that he is remaking himself. I think the writing is done by his wife.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 12, 2023 2:07 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I think you’re right about Mr. Malone. He is remaking himself. I think he’s aware that he’s up against a monstrous situation. The technical illiteracy of the public is — bleak…

Mar 10, 2023 6:07 AM
Reply to  A German

Your Link is to this bit of China bashing by Uncle $cam:

“The Role of Biological Warfare in China’s Drive for Global Hegemony”
By: Clare M. Lopez
In July 2021, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL) issued a Press Release that, to date, stands out for its courage and honesty. Rep. Brooks wrote about a meeting he’d attended with Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese medical doctor, Ph.D. virologist, and whistleblower, who fled to the U.S. from Hong Kong in 2020 after being threatened with being “disappeared” for speaking out about the origins of the SARS-CoV-2. Her mission since then has been to warn America and the world about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s offensive Biological Warfare (BW) program.”

A German
A German
Mar 10, 2023 3:32 PM
Reply to  NickM

Oh my. Fleeing from one mobster to another mobster telling there the truth about the first mobster is – bashing?

I wouldn’t have posted this to think about if I did not really have other sources to prove, that CCP is not the nicy peaceful confician wisdom they play, but hardcore Sunzi.

A German
A German
Mar 9, 2023 8:27 PM

gifts to humankind.

In German language the word Gift means poison …

Mar 10, 2023 12:42 AM
Reply to  A German

Yes. And the word virus means poisonous substance; Gift. For example, snakes can be poisonous. The evil one is sometimes represented as a snake.

A German
A German
Mar 10, 2023 8:04 AM
Reply to  antisoof

The Gift is the message of temptation, not the snake …

Mar 10, 2023 4:10 PM
Reply to  A German

Indeed German, it is the message. That reminds me of the mass media. They spread quite a bit of poison, don’t they?

Mar 11, 2023 9:44 AM
Reply to  antisoof

So is the medical symbol a snake; the Cadaceus. Because the Greek word for medicine is Pharmakos ie, Poison.

Nature is even handed. We can use her “gifts” (German pun intended) for good or for evil: it’s up to us.

“I swear to use my art of medicine to cure sometimes, to comfort always — and to do no harm” — The Hippocratic Oath.

Mar 9, 2023 8:18 PM


William Hague talks Ukraine to ‘Poroshenko’ (aka pranksters Vovan & Lexus):

Mar 10, 2023 10:13 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Bullshit, they did this to Patel when she was HS, the whole thing is staged for the idiots in alt media to spread,

Mar 10, 2023 11:44 AM
Reply to  switchedON

Everything’s always staged. Including the smell of coffee, the feel of ice against the skin, the sun rising each morning … how could it be otherwise? … random explosions in space … I don’t think so

Mar 9, 2023 7:17 PM

Robert Malone, who reconciles these two origin stories by accusing both the US and China of lab-leakage that “killed millions of people.

He is a god to some on this site, Pleadian looking angel hear to help us poor earthlings.

I’ve notice this isolation of blame in alt media and the likes of bullhist baloney being tagged with this, when infact. Alex Jones, Michael tarison, Deranged ranger, Pjw, Thomas Sheridan and them elks heavily into the lab-leakage attack on the west.
Trump, Kate hospkins, rebranded tommy 10 names, Cia Carlson twat, they all in unison – screamed lab leak insinuating an deliberate attack on the west.

Amazing how quick the top notch films that came out during covid early days saying it was a leaks or wuflu.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 9, 2023 7:15 PM

Waggaman is doing a real service reporting the truth about the Russian CV-1984 track record. I occasionally read the libertarian / conservative Zero Hedge comments, though I am blocked from most article comments as non-registered. The vast majority hate the USA / EU deep state with such a passion that they have lionized Putin and the Russian political class. I think Kit Knightley s doing a real service here emphasizing the “no new virus” position. I watched the latest Highwire from last Thursday, and Bigtree was taking several victory laps saying that he got the lab leak theory correct from the start, because he and his staff deal with the “real’ Science. He should have worn shoulder pads to prevent blisters from patting himself so much. Sounds more than a little like a mirror image of Fauci. Anyone who goes down the rabbit hole knows that there was no “novel” virus, even if one still buys into germ theory. Just to name some supporting evidence we have no valid isolation, no valid genome outside of fake ex silico, no valid test for pathogenicity, fraudulent rt-PCR test with the fraud going well beyond the manipulation of cycles. But when I discuss the lab leak theory, which is a limited hangout at best, and perhaps even a retreat planned years before the scamdemic rollout, my approach has always been “a disease so lethal that you need a test to know if you had it.” What is the point of gain-of-function weaponization if the product is no more deadly than a typical seasonal flu (whatever that is)? Why all the fraud with the FDA, CDC, and NIH to create fraudulent statistics to make this rebranded seasonal flu to look far more dangerous than it is. The one thing that the perps cannot allow is that SARS-CoV-2 was a total PSY-OP and a fabrication via… Read more »

Mar 9, 2023 9:37 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

 Bigtree numpty was shilling it from day one by having the 100’s of idiots on his show on there all screaming lab leak – attack on west crap.

Mar 10, 2023 12:41 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

What is the point of gain-of-function weaponization if the product is no more deadly than a typical seasonal flu …?

I asked Ron Unz that exact same question back in 2020 and again in 2021. Still waiting for an answer. I mean, the idea of a government spending all that money on a biological weapons program only to reinvent the flu is perfectly risible. I know the Pentagon likes to waste money and all, but still!

Mar 10, 2023 6:16 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

So,, Covid-19 is a dud weapon. The U$ Army has invented plenty of dud weapons: the F-35, the Patriot, the Beefs. But it also invented the Hydrogen bomb, which is one of the greatest threats now looming over the world.

Heaven help us if Dr.Fauci Frankenstein’s merry PhDs get lucky with their Gain of Function bio weapon research. Whether their next Frankenstein virus escapes from a Fauci Funded Lab, or whether it is sprayed around by the U$ army, results will be the same: a Global pandemic — only this time the death rate really will be high.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 10, 2023 8:18 AM
Reply to  NickM

…and when this ‘non-dud’ weapon ‘escapes’ it will kill indiscriminately, surely, rich and poor, powerful and powerless. Makes no sense unless they have a secret antidote in this Mission Impossible world? But maybe we’re crediting them with far too much when this virus hasn’t even been demonstrated to be dangerous, or to cause any specific disease?

Are they evil masterminds or incompetent fools, the US? It’s an extremely important distinction which you’re happy to leave open, apparently overlooking the fact that it makes your position almost unfalsifiable.

Bit if the US just broadcast their massive incompetence to their biggest enemies, China and Russia, by releasing this ‘dud’, why did their enemies play along and help them save face?

Alternatively, the US deliberately released this dud, but similarly why did their enemies play along with that?

Makes more sense that you’re choosing to believe one of the many attempts to clothe this pandemic emperor.

Now, THAT is a weapon long proven to exist. Propaganda. Big Lies. Weaponised fear.

Maybe you’re so happy to conjecture improvised fantasy narratives to plug holes in this collapsing fear campaign because you can’t admit you got Chicken Lickened along with the others?


Mar 11, 2023 5:46 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Thanks for your answer, which raises important points. They have not been considered in OffG’s unravelling of the Con-19 $cam to date. But now that we know for sure that “novel Corona virus SARS-2 Covid-19” is actually a failed U$ bio weapon (with 2016 U$ Patent spike badge to prove it) new questions naturally arise. As you say: 1-“Are they evil masterminds or incompetent fools, the US?” A little bit of both, Henry, a little bit of both like the rest of us. Their evil masterminds create atomic bombs and GMO viruses; their incompetent fools run the country; and the vast majority of ordinary people like you and I do their best to cultivate a garden with enough to eat and some flowers. 2-“But if the US just broadcast their massive incompetence to their biggest enemies, China and Russia, by releasing this ‘dud’, why did their enemies play along and help them save face?” China is obvious, they allowed the arrogant Man from Uncle to fund his Frankenstein Virus Lab in Wuhan because that was the easiest way to find out what Uncle $cam was up to. Why do you think Chinese scientists were so quick to read RNA from SARS patients, so quick to name this “Novel Corona virus and viral illness Covid-19”? Why was China so well prepared with Lockdown, Track & Trace, Respirators – the whole Civil Defense kaboodle that they sold to the rest of the world? Because they spied on Dr.Fauci Frankenstein’s gain-of-function Lab in Wuhan. “”Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” On the other hand, Russia is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. I was deeply disappointed to find that Sputnik was an insufficiently tested, and hence potentially dangerous, RNA “vaxx” instead of a relatively safe traditional vaccine like SinoVac. ”Alternatively, the… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 11, 2023 7:21 AM
Reply to  NickM

But now that we know for sure that “novel Corona virus SARS-2 Covid-19” is actually a failed U$ bio weapon (with 2016 U$ Patent spike badge to prove it)

This proves nothing. The tests weren’t testing for anything with that ‘spike badge’. The ‘release’ could just as easily have been made up to cover vaccine injuries. You can’t know. Know one can know, because the data doesn’t exist.

And all we can do is argue the data and avoid affirming mainstream fear narratives.

It requires having an intelligent overview.

What we do know is that normal respiratory infections disappeared to coincide with the first ‘waves’ and then the long-floated ‘failed bioweapon’ narrative was coincidentally confirmed just when vaccine injuries were starting to be impossible to ignore.

We can’t even confirm a) that SARS-CoV-2 produces generic flu-like symptoms, or b) is infectious, except on the say-so of the very people who have been selling the scamdemic to us.

This creates big problems for me in terms of not feeling like a gullible prat.

Also, your opinions on Russia/China are mawkish ad hoc hypothesising in contradiction to the basic facts. A2

Mar 11, 2023 6:45 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You ask: But if the US broadcast incompetence to their biggest enemies, China and Russia, by releasing this ‘dud’, why did their enemies play along and help them save face?”

OffG’s answer: Because they’re all in it together. From WikiPedia:

“Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Bio-safety Laboratory was built with assistance from the French government’s CIRI lab).[10][5][11] T] The highest level biosafety installation is necessary because the Institute investigated highly dangerous viruses, such as SARS, influenza H5N1, Japanese encephalitis, and dengue.[14] The National Bio-safety Laboratory has strong ties to the Galveston National Laboratory in the University of Texas.[15] It also had ties with Canada‘s National Microbiology Laboratory Researchers from the WIV have, in the past, collaborated with international scientists in the creation of chimeric coronavirus.[17] Some researchers (notably Richard Ebright) believe this work falls under the definition of gain of function research ”

PS: Russia and China are not “biggest enemies” of the U$A nor of any other country. Even though the U$A is “biggest enemy” of Russia, China and many other countries around the world.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 11, 2023 7:39 AM
Reply to  NickM

So it sounds as if we’re starting to agree. Russia and China aren’t really the ‘enemy’ of anyone.

They were more than happy to shut down their economies along with everyone else, in response to the dud pandemic.

They were more than happy to rollout AstraZeneca-inspired injections along with everyone else, in response to the dud pandemic.


Mar 11, 2023 9:36 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Russia was “happy to rollout AstraZeneca-inspired injections along with everyone else,”.

Cautious Chinese medicine rolled out a traditional flu vaccine made from whole Corona viruses. Traditional Sinovac is much much safer than experimental RNA vaxx injection, much cheaper, and equally ineffective.

Heaven help us if Dr.Fauci’s merry PhDs “get lucky” and produce a really dangerous variant of flu: because we have no medical defense against the common cold.

“Doctor, I have a cold. What should I do?”
“Wet your clothes and sit in a draft”
“Will that cure my cold?”
“No. We can’t cure influenza because it is a viral disease. But the treatment will give you pneumonia which is a bacterial disease, and I can try to cure that by prescribing antibiotics”.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 11, 2023 9:50 AM
Reply to  NickM

Whataboutery re. China changes nothing I said.

The mere fact they rolled out an injection is kowtowing to the narrative, and they are therefore complicit.

I don’t extend as much charity to my neighbours as you sentimentally extend to China and Russia, irrespective of the evidence. And as such, this forces you to simply talk past me, like the old hand that you are 😉

There’s plenty of time for this merry jig in other threads. A2

Mar 13, 2023 5:36 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

China knew what Dr.Fauci’s Frankenstein Virus Lab at Fort Detrick was getting up to: collecting bat viruses from China and giving them gain of function eg, a Morderna Patent spike protein to make this bat virus attack human lungs.

SARS — Severe Acute Respiratory Deficiency

When an outbreak of SARS began around Fort Detrick, public pressure caused the Lab to be closed down. Dr.Fauci then funded the same Frankenstein Virus “research” at Wuhan — which he does to this day. China was fully prepared with countermeasures. But these countermeasures proved ineffective: there is no defense against the flu.

Realising this, Russia and China have called for a UN meeting on Bio Warfare Labs — especially U$ Bio Labs, because Uncle $cam is behind most of the troubles of this young century, from Con-911 through Con-WMD to Con-19.

Will the UN ever hold that meeting? Wait and see. young Sam; time is on your side.

You are entering a world in which the spectre of Bio Warfare joins the spectre of Nuclear Warfare currently hovering over the fearful heads of mankind. The mass of human kind has no protection against either — unless a proper international organization summons a proper meeting with the authority to exorcise both spectres.

Because, “You’re all in it together”.

Mar 9, 2023 7:07 PM
