Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s Ground Zero

Michael Bryant
On the third anniversary of the WHO declaring “Covid” a “pandemic”, we take a detailed look at how Italy provided the perfect platform for creating, and then spreading, the Covid narrative.

Three years ago the Western World came to a standstill. The official Covid-19 narrative depicted a strange suddenly-super-spreading, deadlier-than-flu virus hailing from China that landed in Northern Italy.

On February 20, 2020 the first alleged case of Covid-19 was discovered in the West in the Lombardy town of Codogno, Italy. Later that day the Italian government reported their first “Covid-19 death.”

Dramatic media reports emerging from Northern Italy were hammered into and onto the Western psyche giving the impression there was a mysterious “super spreading” and “super lethal” novel virus galloping across the region infecting and killing scores of people.

Harrowing reports out of Bergamo, a city in the alpine Lombardy region of Northern Italy, spoke of coffins stacked high, “covid-related deaths growing relentlessly” and the alarming need for military assistance to remove the grim volume of dead bodies piling up.

In early March 2020 hospitals in Northern Italy were reporting a “tsunami of deaths” due to the Covid crisis and overcrowded conditions due to “fighting the coronavirus outbreak”, which were pushing hospitals and staff to the breaking point as doctors were “taking the dead from morning until night.”

Using the entire machinery of the state, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte began issuing a rolling set of government decrees culminating in Italy becoming the first country in the world to implement a national lockdown. These mandates would set the stage for lockdowns throughout the Western world.

Three years later a comprehensive evaluation of the story about the alleged Italian medical emergency in Spring 2020, reveals a tale of the disturbing epidemiological history of Northern Italy, mass media manipulation and deceptive reporting utilized to create the illusion of a new epidemic.

A multitude of questions and inconsistencies surrounding the Italian story soon surfaced. Ascribing this strange set of convergent circumstances to a viral event strained credulity.

Were these overcrowded conditions in Italian hospitals genuinely the result of a unique viral pathogen or were there other causal factors?

Were these anomalous spikes in excess deaths in Northern Italy verifiably caused by the arrival and spread of a novel deadly virus?

How was it that this virus spread across thousands of kilometers within days and peaked synchronously in selected locations?

How was it that this virus was able to spread so fast across thousands of kilometers, peaking at the same time in those selected locations, yet wasn’t contagious enough to spread to nearby locations?

How was it that this virus waited for a government decree and only then began to create excess death?

How was it possible that all countries in the West and beyond adopted similar “health” measures as carried out in Italy, virtually “overnight”, measures that resembled a de facto police state rather than medical initiatives?

Why Italy?

A brief timeline of the series of events as they unfolded in Northern Italy in Spring 2020:

While such a chronology can serve to refresh our memory and provide a coherent understanding of the sequence of events, it is not a substitute for real history.

As they say – the devil is in the details.

The details in Northern Italy start with massive pollution problems and the accompanying long-standing chronic health conditions which have afflicted the region for years.

Pollution and Chronic Illness

Everyday life in the Lombardy region is bedeviled with dangerous living conditions and health challenges– numerous acute health problems facing an aging population have been documented for a long period of time.

The Po River Valley in Northern Italy is cited as having the worst air quality in all of Europe. The air quality in the region has been deteriorating for many years. The cities in the Po River Valley are cited as having the highest mortality burdens associated with air pollution in all of Europe.

Along with the sheer volume of pollutants, the Po River Valley is known for its unique characteristics of low winds and prolonged episodes of climatic inversions turning it into a holding tank for atmospheric pollution.

The Lancet Planetary Health report from January 2021 estimated death rates associated with fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide pollution in 1000 European cities. Brescia and Bergamo in the Lombardy region held the morbid distinction of having the highest death rate from fine particulate matter in Europe. Two other Northern Italian cities, Vicenza and Saronno placed fourth and eighth respectively, in the list of top ten cities in this category.

These locations correspond precisely with the highest incidents of upper respiratory infections occurring in Northern Italy as reported in the official pandemic narrative.

Ongoing and accelerating “epidemics” of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis(a severe and progressive lung disease), interstitial lung disease and high rates of bronchial and lung cancer were signature epidemiological features of Northern Italy long before an alleged virus ventured onto the scene.

In the Lombardy region there is also an ongoing asbestos problem from occupational asbestos exposure in the 1960s and 1970s. A 2016 study, “Incidence of mesothelioma in Lombardy, Italy: exposure to asbestos, time patterns and future projections”, predicted a rise of malignant mesothelioma (MM), an aggressive and deadly form of cancer primarily impacting the linings of the chest and abdomen.

This study documented a high burden of MM in both genders in the Lombardy Region, reflecting extensive occupational (mainly in men) and non-occupational (mainly in women) exposure to asbestos in the past. Incidence rates are still increasing; a downturn in occurrence of MM is expected to occur after 2019.”

A further study, “Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons (2013/14–2016/17 seasons)”, reveals that rates of death due to the common flu have increased markedly over the past decade. This study described a nearly fourfold increase in flu mortality during the covered time period. By the 2016/17 season the totals skyrocketed to 24,981 excess deaths attributable to flu epidemics.

Adding to the ongoing problems of air pollution, residents in the Po River Valley are plagued by high levels of industrial livestock runoff in rivers and tributaries.

The Lombardy region creates vast amounts of animal waste as it produces more than 40 percent of Italy’s milk production while over half of Italy’s pig production is located in the Po River Valley.

Throughout Italy issues with poisoned soil caused by past and present industrial activities and accidents have beset the land and its people.

Heavy industrial activity and past industrial poisoning in northern Italy afflict the region with yet another mass of toxic exposures.

In 1976 Seveso, Italy experienced “one of the worst industrial accidents in the past century”. The Seveso disaster occurred in a chemical manufacturing plant 12 miles north of Milan in the Lombardy region of Italy. It resulted in the highest known exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in residential populations in history and became a “testament to the lasting effects of dioxin.”

Dioxin is a known cancer-causing agent and many people who were living in and around Seveso at the time would be at increased risk of cancers later in life. Someone who turned 20 years of age in 1976 would now be in their 60’s during the Covid Era.

This is consistent with what has been widely reported among Nembro men, with cancer being the leading cause of death in this demographic and lung cancer being the most common type of cancer.

Austerity Measures and Health Infrastructure

Compounding the abysmal environmental conditions facing the people of Northern Italy are austerity measures of the past two decades which have decimated Italian public services, severely decreasing health care resources.

Examining the state of the hospitals in northern Italy, long before the “pandemic”, a pattern starts to emerge.

A 2019 review on the current state of Italian hospitals, “Health & Hospitals in Italy. 17th Annual Report”, noted a “significant increase in 2019 of people on waiting lists and for longer times, compared to the already problematic situation in 2018,” and a, “pronounced deterioration, over the last 5 years, of the “connection” systems between general medicine and hospitals and between these and post-hospitalization services (rehabilitation, long-term care, assisted living homes and home care service).”

The charged atmosphere and resulting firestorm created by a trumpeted “viral invasion” brutally exposed the effects of 20 years of cuts to the national health care system.

A 2013 Oxfam report on the impacts of austerity measures, “THE TRUE COST OF AUSTERITY AND INEQUALITY Italy Case Study” highlighted the decline in Italian health services.

The report noted that in 2000, Italy was 2nd in the world for health coverage. The reports cited that by 2011, due to yearly declines in health spending, “more than nine million people declared that they could not access some health services for economic reasons.”

Further cuts magnified an already volatile situation. Over the period 2010–19, the Italian National Healthcare Service suffered financial cuts of more than €37 billion as it experienced a progressive privatization of health-care services. Government spending on healthcare, decreasing for years, spiraled down to a rate below what the WHO considered capable of offering basic health care.

These comprehensive cuts also had severe effects on the healthcare workforce and available hospital beds and equipment, effectively hampering the ability of care facilities to effectively treat patients.

The period from 2009 to 2017 saw 5.2 percent of healthcare staff cut. In the last 10 years, 70,000 beds were lost. In acute medical units bed availability dropped from 922 per 100,000 inhabitants in 1980 to 262 per 100,000.

Data from 2020 show a total of 5,179 beds in intensive care units (approx. 8.9 beds per 100,000) for all of Italy, a population of just over 60 million in 2020.

At regular operational level in 2020 the 74 Lombardy hospitals, servicing a population of 10 million, had approximately 720 ICU beds, with up to 90% of them usually occupied in the winter.

By March 10, 2020 there were 877 people hospitalized in ICUs, units in Lombardy were saturated and requests to transfer patients to other regions were prevalent.

The net effect of these radical cuts to hospital infrastructure and services in the context of the covid hysteria were predictable; for years Italian ICU physicians have been reporting that flu outbreaks cause ICU units to fill up as was the case in locations across the world.

The roaring silence from the media on these inconvenient facts kept the public in the dark on the realities of the crumbling Italian health care system.

Only “the virus.”

In light of this data, it is no surprise that individuals with routine and mostly reversible seasonal respiratory infections once admitted to hospitals might not be treated appropriately or successfully.

Iatrogenic deaths/hospital protocols

In Spring 2020 Italian health officials introduced unprecedented health protocols specifically for Covid.

These new protocols, including early intubation and accompanying sedation, were deemed necessary to protect doctors and nurses at a time when the viral load of the alleged lethal pathogen was purportedly lower.

Were these new protocols appropriate for treating upper respiratory problems?

Mechanical ventilators, that push oxygen into patients whose lungs are failing, quickly became the accepted go-to practice throughout the Italian hospital system. Doctors made extravagant claims that ventilators had “become like gold.”

Employing ventilators involves sedating the patient and placing a tube into the throat. Drugs such as midazolam, morphine sulfate and propofol are used in accompaniment with this procedure; drugs that come with contra-indications and warnings of side effects including respiratory depression and respiratory arrest. Midazolam and propofol are two drugs that are regularly used for assisted suicide and to put down death row inmates.

During the initial wave of hysteria in March 2020 the Italian government requested and received an emergency procurement of midazolam from Germany as their hospitals “suddenly needed 3-4 times the normal amount of this drug.”

The Italian Civil Protection undertook a fast-track public procurement to secure 3800 additional respiratory ventilators.

As early as April 2020 the reliance on mechanical ventilation came under fire from Italian experts. Luciano Gattinoni, a world-renowned Italian intensive care specialist suggested that “mechanical ventilation was being misused and overused.”

Marco Garrone, an emergency doctor at the Mauriziano Hospital in Turin, Italy remarked, “We started with a one-size-fits-all attitude, which didn’t pay off,” Garrone said of the practice of putting patients on ventilators right away, only to see their conditions deteriorate. “Now we try to delay intubation as much as possible.”

Even as some health officials pushed to get more ventilators to treat coronavirus patients, some doctors were moving away from using them.

Questions surrounding actual causes of “Covid deaths” of the frail and elderly placed on ventilators began to surface for the simple reason that doctors were noticing unusually high death rates for coronavirus patients on ventilators.

Could it be that it was medical malfeasance, and not a novel pathogen, that was igniting this tinderbox in the hospitals and creating a feedback loop of public panic?

Could it be that what spread through the Italian hospitals in Spring 2020 was an epidemic of iatrogenesis?
Was it possible that the Spring 2020 mortality event in Northern Italy was not an epidemiological or biological aberration but the result of an unprecedented set of administrative mandates by the Italian government and public health officials?

Emergency Measures and Lockdown Impacts on population

The Italian government, public health officials and regional doctors proclaiming a “novel virus” had landed in Northern Italy, insisted that emergency preparations be activated to prepare for this “massive” increase in Covid-19 patients. That these forecasts were speculations, using linear model forecasts, coming from doctors with conflicts of interest was of little interest to reporters.

A progressive set of restrictive decrees, including lockdowns of villages and cities, were swiftly implemented. These directives served to further terrify and disorient an already panicked populace.

Citizens were told to stay home and were banned from entering certain areas; fines were levied for those who transgressed. Most shops and businesses were ordered to shut down.

Residents described the abandoned streets as surreal and “fearful.”

Farm owner Rosanna Ferrari said, “We’re experiencing a bit of a panic. Supermarkets have been stormed since last Friday. There are queues outside of the chemist. They said they’ll come, house to house, to collect saliva samples today.”

Angelo Caperdoni, the mayor of Somaglia, described the alarming situation, “It was difficult to contain the panic at first, especially as a lot of false news was circulating on social media that people believed to be true. There is still panic regarding food provisions. Many people went to Codogno yesterday to try and stock up.”

Franco Stefanoni, the mayor of Fombio, also under lockdown, described the harried scene in military terms as he noted the town’s two mini-markets had been “besieged”, as “people have been racing to the supermarket to buy 20kg of pasta or 30kg of bread.”

Former president of Italy’s higher health council, Roberta Siliquini, provided a more reasonable explanation for the excitement: “We have found positive cases in people who probably had few or no symptoms and who may have overcome the virus without even knowing it.”

Cooler heads advising calm were systematically buried beneath a barrage of draconian government edicts, manufactured hype from vested interests and the sustained onslaught of media agitation and deceptive reporting.

Deceptive Reporting

Mainstream news outlets and social media channels kicked into high gear warning of “waves of death” cutting across Northern Italy from a rampaging virus which was creating overcrowded emergency rooms and requiring convoys of army vehicles to transport corpses.

Television images of stacked coffins in Bergamo were catapulted across the airwaves and reported in lockstep, terrifying the Italian populace and much of the world.

A detailed inspection of these reports revealed that the media fear mongering fastidiously avoided all reasonable explanations when not outright lying.

The media kept silent on the fact that as recently as 2018 hospitals in Milan were overrun with viral lung infections. Due to the aforementioned pollution problems, decimated health infrastructure and aging population, overrun hospitals have become a seasonal feature of the national profile of Italy over the last few decades.

Mainstream news also refrained from mentioning the reality of hospital worker shortages and the reasons for this. Due to panic-mongering and the government edict of border closures the Eastern European workforce of nurses, who comprise a large portion of the labor force in Italian health care, quickly fled the country leaving the hospitals and care centers with skeleton crews.

This resulted in sudden abandonment of the fragile elderly and the disabled by those who normally attend to them leading to an avalanche of deleterious consequences as many of the abandoned elderly from care homes were shipped to already overstretched hospitals.

This vicious cycle of worker shortages in care homes leading to runs on short-staffed hospitals led to complete collapse of care for the elderly and the disabled adding to the chaos in hospital systems in regions where harsh government policies were enacted.

Covid Case Creation

Upon entry into the hospital the de facto response for incoming patients was the ubiquitous PCR swab used to determine if the patient had “Covid-19.” If deemed a “positive case” this activated the deployment of deadly hospital protocols – yet another vicious cycle of medical malfeasance which ensured the proper dosage of fear would continue.

Though it was noted as early as March 2020 that there were major problems with PCR as a diagnostic tool, the media, and general public, accepted at face value the validity of this technique as a diagnostic method.

High cycle thresholds were one of the problems cited. This created absurd numbers, as high as 97%, of “false positives”, leading to a grossly exaggerated number of Covid cases and deaths.

Even earlier, in February of 2020, test reads from PCR results in Italy were called into question. as they were using a single SARS-CoV-2 target gene as clinical proof of a “positive” test.

Italian Nobel Prize Candidate Dr Stefan Scoglio, in noting this scientific fraud stated:

“Today I discovered a new element of this real fraud, the choice to reduce the positivity to the swab by detecting only one of the three genes that would define SARS-CoV-2. If the virus were present, all 3 would have to be found, because if the virus is intact, the only case in which it can have a pathogenic role and infect, the test must find all 3 genes.”

The misuse of PCR led to the confounding issue of whether people in the Italian hospitals were actually dying from “Covid” or from the effects of mass social breakdown and then being mislabeled as a “Covid death” as determined by this fraudulent process.

Manufacturing Covid Deaths

The answer to that question is found in later reports which made clear that nearly all of the “Covid deaths” were not in fact caused by a viral pathogen- nearly all of the individuals who died from the alleged pathogen had multiple comorbidities.

A March 17, 2020 report from the Italian Institute of Health (ISS) noted that 99.2% of Covid-related deaths were from people who had pre-existing chronic conditions.

One week later, as reported in a March 23, 2020 article in the UK Telegraph, professor Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health remarked:

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus. On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 percent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 percent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three.”

Ricciardi was citing a March 20, 2020 follow-up report from the ISS (in English here) and either misread the actual figures in the report or was misquoted. While 12% having zero comorbidities indicated a gross exaggeration of the impacts of “Covid”, the accurate figure in the report was 1.2% meaning 98.8% of the listed “Covid deaths” had pre-existing chronic conditions.

By the early summer of 2020 even the mainstream press admitted that virtually all Covid fatalities from Italy suffered from previous chronic conditions.

By October 2021 Italian newspaper Il Tempo reported that the Italian Institute of Health revised the number of people who have died “from covid” rather than “with covid” from 130,468 to 3,783.

It is a well established fact that Italy labeled anyone who died with a “confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection”, confirmed via a dubious PCR result regardless of the real causes of death, as a victim of “Covid-19.”

At the same time according to Istat (National Institute of Statistics) there was a general increase in mortality from all causes from March 1 to April 4, 2020 compared with the average for the same period in 2015-2019. Bergamo sat at the top in the growth of mortality among municipalities with a staggering 382.8% increase in deaths.

This mortality increase resulted not from a host of causes associated with alleged SARS-CoV-2 infection but from multiple other factors. Canceled cancer screenings, delayed treatments, reluctance to call ambulance services in the event of an accident or emergency became commonplace in the midst of the Corona hysteria allowing conditions to worsen beyond possible treatment.

Delayed medical care is known to increase morbidity and mortality associated with both chronic and acute health conditions.

A mere two day delay in seeking treatment of a myocardial infarction can turn a simple and treatable condition into a dangerous and life threatening defect.

Research by the Italian Society of Cardiology established that heart attack mortality more than tripled during the Covid emergency as patients fearing infection stayed away from the hospital.

Ciro Indolfi, Professor of Cardiology at the Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, noted that:

the organization of the hospitals… in this phase was dedicated almost exclusively to Covid-19 and many cardiological wards were used for infectious patients. Furthermore, for fear of contagion, patients delay access to the emergency room and arrive at the hospital in increasingly serious conditions, often with arrhythmic or functional complications, which make therapies that have proven to be life-saving such as primary angioplasty much less effective.”

Reports of exaggerated and manipulated “deaths from covid” were kept far from public view and certainly no match for stories of military trucks hauling away human carcasses and images of piled up coffins in Bergamo that were burned into people’s brains.

Always and only “the virus.”

The Lies of Bergamo

The now infamous Bergamo image of three long rows of lined up coffins spread like wildfire and shocked the world without any investigation of the veracity of the photos by the duplicitous media hyenas who instead fanatically fanned the Covid flames at every turn.

Responsible reporting would have authenticated that the photo in question was taken in a hangar at Lampedusa Airport back on October 5, 2013.

The coffins in that photo were filled with corpses of African migrants who perished in a shipwreck, the body count was an estimated 360 deaths, off the coast of Lampedusa, an Italian island off the coast of Tunisia.

The reports of trucks hauling away corpses and crematoria in Lombardy being overrun had more mundane explanations which were anathema to the prevailing media narrative.

The need for trucks to haul away corpses, which the media repeated elsewhere, was readily explained by a combination of congruent factors. The dead were being removed by the military as funeral directors fearing “the killer virus” refused to pick up the bodies as they would during normal times.

The fabricated and magnified fear that made funeral directors eschew their normal duties was compounded by an emergency national law banning civil and religious ceremonies, including funerals. This unprecedented move, for an overwhelmingly Catholic country that normally relied on ritual burial, was put into effect in early March.

The danger of a “highly transmissible and deadly new disease” now firmly etched into the psyche of Italian citizens added to the frenzied situation.

Families who would normally follow the Catholic practice of burial were opting for cremation of the deceased in unprecedented numbers for fear of catching the disease from the dead.

In the north of Italy there was a 50% increase in requests for cremation which quickly overwhelmed the few small crematoria that did exist in Italy.

A Regional Curiosity

Interestingly not all of Italy was hit by the purportedly “super-spreading” virus. The excess deaths in Spring 2020 were limited to Northern Italy and to specific areas within Northern Italy.

The epicenter of the covid virus was reportedly located in the Lombardy region. The localized Lombardy crisis, portrayed to the world as the “Italian” zombie apocalypse, appeared not in the streets, shops or homes in Lombardy, but solely in hospitals and care homes situated in urban centers.

How did the alleged deadly pathogen bypass Central and Southern Italy which have similar demographics?

Data from March 26, 2020 confirms “the virus” did not migrate South honoring jurisdictional boundaries. Four regions in Northern Italy accounted for 89 percent of all Covid “cases.” This pattern would remain the same even as an onslaught of testing was rolled out across the country.

One theory that surfaced suggested that since Lombardy has a high number of Chinese workers in the garment industry the “virus” was brought to Italy by Chinese migrant workers and spread through the region. This hypothesis fell apart when it was noted that Tuscany, a region in Central Italy, which has the largest concentration of Chinese people in Italy and all of Europe, somehow wasn’t hit by the “virus.”

The fact that Southern Italy didn’t get hit by the “virus” also turned the official narrative on its head.

A significant difference in the social structures between North and South Italy entails most elderly in the South living with or very near to their children. This tradition of extended familial support is known to create conditions conducive to well-being and security.

Per capita there are more long term care facilities (LTCF’s) in the north of Italy with many more residents living in these precarious conditions.

With what we now know it is reasonable to conclude that for a large number of individuals in the north residing in LTCF’s, where conditions are often unhygienic, the nutrition is poor and the care is often negligent, a perfect storm for wholesale death was created.

The subsequent mass departure of overburdened and terrified staff and creation of mass anxiety within a disabled, fragile and abandoned populace virtually guaranteed a mass death event in this sector of the Northern Italian populace.

Critical thinking 101 informs us that with 50 percent of the “COVID deaths” in Italy occurring among nursing home residents and the average age of “Covid death” being at or above normal life expectancy, this was decidedly not an issue of “COVID deaths” per se but an issue of social conditions.

Terrorizing and isolating elderly people living in care homes, denying them visits from relatives and reducing or eliminating in-person visits from health and social carers combined with any respiratory illness could, and does, sweep through any unsanitary nursing home and wipe out a significant number of the frail.

There was no need to invent a new contagion to explain why people were dying.

The social contagion of government mandates and the media hysteria from social networks became a disease more dangerous than any alleged biological contagion.- but the machinery of the state can conveniently sweep these factors under the rug by curating the swirling madness of “The Virus.”

Why Italy?

To suggest that there was no aberrant viral event in N Italy in Spring 2020 and theorize that Italy was chosen as the launching pad for the Covid Operation, as the evidence indicates, we have to ask, “Why was Northern Italy chosen as the stage set for this pandemic screenplay?”

Did Italy possess the means and the motive?

In order to launch the shock-and-awe phase of the Covid Operation into the Western world it was necessary to create the illusion of a viral invasion.

To conjure a post-modern Potemkin plague and the perceived need for shutting down a country’s social and economic order, Italy possessed all the ready-made ingredients. With its already soaring rates of interstitial pneumonia, panoply of pollution induced upper respiratory problems and high cancer rates, Northern Italy needed only a tiny flame to ignite a wildfire of fatalities. That spark came in the form of media generated hysteria, lockdown orders and deadly hospital protocols.

Italy also had the motivation which becomes apparent once you understand the Covid story through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer.

A financially bankrupt country with a financial sector desperate for bailouts and a command structure run by central bankers made for a willing and compliant government.

For reasons unrelated to the poor health of its citizens Italy has been dubbed “the sick man in Europe” for the past decade by the EU financial sector.

Like much of Europe the Italian government was facing extreme economic pressures in 2019.

While Europe as a whole was economically stagnant Italy officially slipped into recession in early 2019. Anxieties in the Eurozone were high with concerns that the “Italian problem” would spread and trigger a meltdown across an already teetering global economy.

Italy’s government debt had mushroomed to the fourth-largest in the world and the biggest in the EU. This crushing debt was placing a strain on the EU creating tension between Rome and Brussels.

By May 2019 Italy’s financial crisis was said to be “posing major threats to the monetary targets of the European Central Bank” and if not reined in, “could shatter market confidence in the entire Euro area, putting the EU in big trouble.”

The predicted “tsunami of financial collapse” staring European Central Bankers in the face came to a head in 2019.

With no time to spare, the tried and true bailout scheme was proposed in order to rescue large investors. European commissioner for economy, Paolo Gentiloni, warned a whopping €1.5 trillion ($ 1.63 trillion) could be needed to “deal with this crisis.”

All chatter about the financial industry bankrupting the nation by looting public funds, politicians destroying public services at the behest of large investors and the depredations of the casino economy were washed away with the fresh telling of a crisis sparked by the ‘outbreak of Covid-19.’

Predators who saw their financial empires coming apart at the seams resolved to shut down society and loot the world in an attempt to salvage their crumbling financial empires.

In order not to solve the problems they created these financial predators needed a cover story.

A cover story big enough to disguise the countless financial crimes they committed and suppress the social problems they created.

That cover story magically appeared in the form of a “novel virus.”

Ultimately the European Central Bank (ECB) agreed to a €1.31 trillion ($1.46 trillion) bailout of European banks followed up by the EU agreeing to a €750 billion recovery fund for European states and corporations.

This fat package of “long-term, ultra-cheap credit to hundreds of banks” was sold to the public as a necessary and benevolent program to cushion the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on businesses and workers.

As part of the EU recovery plan the €750 billion was divided in two parts. One included €500 billion to be allocated as grants based on each country’s “recovery needs.” Italy would be getting the biggest slice of the pie.

Europe’s ‘sick man’ received a much needed infusion – strings attached.


Three years later the indispensable truth of the Italian story is once you scratch beneath the surface of the official narrative of the Covid Pandemic it turns out to be a bottomless snake pit of distortions, manipulations and outright lies.

Any excess deaths in Spring 2020 in Northern Italy were an artifact of already existing health conditions in an aging population, the obliteration of the existing health care infrastructure, massive industrial pollution creating chronic conditions, media generated hysteria, savage government lockdowns and administrative murder of the already fragile.

These iatrogenic deaths of fragile people were the result of the social order and public health despotism and then used to give the impression that there was “a deadly virus” circulating.

The only pandemic was one of violent government and biomedical assault against people.

The evidence from Italy in 2020 exposes the official “Covid” narrative for what it is- a cold-blooded organized deception.

There was no pandemic.

Michael Bryant is a freelance journalist/activist and researcher who presently focuses primarily on issues surrounding health freedom. His work has appeared on HealthFreedomDefense.org


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Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Mar 25, 2023 1:58 PM

Italy. The land of exaggeration, misinformation and religious overindulgence. Makes for a society mix rife for the $ 34,000 euro per “case” payoff or what ever the final amount was.

Where did the money end up going?

How much of Italy’s current so called Health Care System is funded directly by the pharmaceutical industry?

How much damage has this industry caused to Italy’s Health Care System in the past few decades? It would appear much. Never mind the damage to the medical profession and its current round of graduates that have little if no clue as to what real Health Care is.

They are agents of the industry. Until that changes it’s not going to fare well for states like Italy.

Privatization is just another tier for those that can pay for services.

Im at the point that I will pay for services I need and not contribute to these health Care Scams. The problem is the same degenerate doctors are in the private sector.

Abolish big Pharma and you have a chance. Good luck.

Mar 19, 2023 1:06 AM

I was following the data on the Institut Sanitore Superiore (ISS) website daily in March of 2020, and it clearly showed that people under 60 were almost unaffected by the virus, and that few under 75 were having serious trouble with it. Then the data went away, I guess because it did not fit the news.
Same story over the next four months at the CDC; the data was all there, out in the open, then the hiding began. It started with eliminating the age groupings that had been standard on the site for years; instead of 50-64, 65-74, and +75, they changed it to 40-64, and 65+ to hide the fact that no one under 65 was even getting sick unless they were already dying of something else. And they had to use a ridiculously heavy vertical bias to even generate visible curves. Then the data itself was replaced by schoolmarm admonitions about wearing the mask, et cetera. The data may still be there somewhere, but I quit looking for it by Christmas 2020.

Re: the virus getting to Italy “so quickly’, the first Wuhan case identified got sick in November. In 2019, there were an average of four million international flights per day. The virus is definitely airborne, not just droplets, but transmissible through open air within certain limits of time and temperature. So it was worldwide by New Year’s, and it takes a pretty dim bulb to think otherwise.
I know where there’s a planetful of those, btw, if you need some.

The pandemic was not turned on until the pathogen was everywhere, because there was a need to generate panic by creating millions of ‘cases’ via the non-diagnostic PCR test. I watched a video of PCR’s co-inventor, Kary Mullis, taking Fauci to task for the non-researcher-admin-climber he is, and explaining why only a damn fool would try to use the PCR as a diagnostic test. That was in 2010, I think. He was wrong, Fauci’s no fool; that “test” was selected for its feasibility as a false pandemic generator and perpetuator. Kary Mullis ‘died suddenly’ in the run up to the pandemic– August 2021 (read 2019 -ed.), if I’m not mistaken. Pneumonia, of course. Gee, the video died, too. Shame.
So posting the word ‘virus’ in scare quotes is dog whistle for ‘they ain’t no sech thang as a virus’, am I wrong? Hope I’m wrong. That whole turd bucket was an operation intended to smear all covid skeptics by making the simpleminded contrarians among us lose their minds over a story that is plainly marked Idiots Only.
Sorry, but damn, what an eyerolling piece of nonsense.

Mar 20, 2023 12:09 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

JIC any of my “ain’t no virus” brothers are interested in a logical review of the Baileys’ claims by an actual scientific mind, I offer this link, from among thousands that prove Mark and Sam are the worst kind of quacks, at least. IMO it is quite likely they are paid actors, and in any case, they are not self-produced. Software that will morph your frumpy, dumpy fifty-something self into the shining thirty-year-old in these videos is not cheap, let alone studio quality staging, equipment, and labor. These folks were put in front of us to make all covid skeptics appear dolts by association.
If the OffGuardian wants to be taken seriously, it must disavow and contradict these hucksters, out loud and in public. You make us all ridiculous, falling for this kind of porn science.

Jeff the Beast
Jeff the Beast
Mar 16, 2023 2:04 PM

Oh, stop telling this FAKE NEWS BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA…just SHUT UP and FUCK OFF stupid ASSHOLES!!!

Luke Chert
Luke Chert
Mar 15, 2023 1:32 PM

Thank you for doing all the work on this. I was so obsessed with the Italian story in 2020 I nearly went there just so I could see with my own eyes what on earth was actually happening. I knew as soon as the special photographs came out that this was an operation on the scale of Japan WWII

There were also a few significant objects from beyond Earth which were tracked directly to the Lombardy area exactly at the same time. I forget where to find astronomy data or I’d share the links

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 14, 2023 6:47 PM

In Australia in 2020 $400 billion was spent to ”counter” a pandemic that showed up 30,000 positive PCR only. 960 people died. That amounts to $13 million lost for each pcr, That amounts to $41 million pissed into the wind per ”death”, Meanwhile deaths in 2020 over all were 8,000 LESS than 2019

Velvet Revolution
Velvet Revolution
Mar 14, 2023 2:46 PM

Again, I’m ‘pending’ here in OffG comments. All I wrote was ‘Great article. thank you’ WTF?

Velvet Revolution
Velvet Revolution
Mar 14, 2023 2:44 PM

Great article. Thank you!

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 13, 2023 8:35 PM

An item of pertinent interest:

“As part of the Global Health Security Agenda, last Friday Italy was designated as the leader for the next five years of vaccination strategies and campaigns in the world.”
September 26, 2014

The official site of AIFA – Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco

Mar 12, 2023 10:53 PM

For the first year or more of the pandemic, statistics showed that the highest number of deaths per thousand was in the tiny country located within Italy, San Marino. It also happened to be the first country to have extensive 5G rollout. And on the subject of Seveso, the waste from the disaster was buried underneath a recreation area. The risks of leaks after 50 years are high. And Wuhan also had massively polluted waterways which were the basis of legal action taken against the US (I believe it was iPhone as toxins had been leaked from a plant that makes parts for them into their drinking water). So a lot of other reasons that deaths were occurring. I mentioned this exactly 3 years ago after doing some research and lost half of my Facebook friends. It’s taken 3 years to lose the rest.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 13, 2023 8:46 AM
Reply to  Jos

Autopsies in the region proved the old died of normal pneumonia

Mar 12, 2023 6:06 PM

Very important article to keep in the covid 2020 truth volks.
Is this the same Michael who writes for Health Freedom Defence.?

Mar 12, 2023 2:45 PM

Much of the media lives in 2020, chewing the Covid cud once and again.
It’s understandable – the Covid response was cruel, inconsistent, designed to perplex.
Yet the third anniversary of the Covid pandemic sees events accelerate.

State propagandists discuss lab leaks and lockdown but silent on military research.
Ignoring Covid’s link to 15-minute cities and Agenda 2030, digital ID and rationing.
Covid was a temporary taste of lockdown; now imminent, eternal to “save” the climate.

The question is what catastrophe will serve as pretext? A banking collapse, perhaps…
Locking you out of money and food until an offer you can’t refuse buys compliance?
It looks like it’s happening. Californians queued outside banks after the run on SVB.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 12, 2023 3:28 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

This is good stuff and it speaks to a deep unease I have felt. Everyone not blinded by the covid mantra has noted the “Groundhog Day” aspect of the mainstream propaganda – something that, to be sure, was brazenly admitted even from the beginning with “the New Normal”. Fewer have noticed that the “resistance” to the propaganda has likewise entered into its own parallel Groundhog Day with an over-emphasises on covid. I myself have been guilty of this. I have been self-indulgently “analysing” various articles which were truly not worthy of the effort. And I see now that the anger I felt in surveying these articles was in fact one of the tools of the propaganda i.e. that it works to strand everyone in the same web.

(The fact that the majority of the public don’t even see as far as the fraudulence of covid of course acts as an impediment to any movement. The isolated thinker is stranded with mostly the repeated clichés of the original covid scam endlessly circulating around the sleepwalkers on all sides. It can be fun to call yourself one of the awake and vent wrath at “the sheeple” but such wrath ironically turns you into a different kind of sheep.)

Meanwhile – and here is the supreme irony – I have come to suspect that the very venting of anger on the net only goes to sink me deeper into a surveillance net. And the subject of the anger was almost always trivial in the long run. Or, if not trivial, then bound to fail. I am thinking of something like the transgender nonsense. The vast majority of the public can see through this crap. Indeed, they don’t even bother with it. It has nothing to do with them. The ones mainly affected are that useless academic bourgeois class that Simon Elmer described as “the most gullible population yet”. But it helps to keep everyone distracted.

The static feeling that haunts me increasingly contributes to that sense of unease. It appears as if we are treading water. But there are sinister undercurrents.

Another matter is the nature of the emerging world i.e. that NWO. Here are my speculations:

·      The public services will gradually wind down. The facilities presently provided to e.g. the sick, the elderly, the disabled will be phased out – with extreme discretion of course, although I predict a suitably “Leftist” spin which will take place via a highly profiled outrage that will be “massaged” into the mix to convey a kind of staggered two-steps-forward-one-step-back process.
·      Everything that the Western public has taken for granted for several generations now will also be phased out e.g. international travel – or even travel of any considerable distance.
·      The entertainment industry will of course continue and will be directed towards a greater and greater “intrusion into personal space” whereby more glamorous forms of “reception” will emerge e.g. more and more virtual reality outlets. This will be implemented at the same time as the above-mentioned withdrawal of services. As the real needs of the populace remain unfulfilled, their imaginary needs will take over.
·      In parallel with that last point, increasing application of drugs.
·      And, of course, the ongoing “die off” – this expression being the very one used interestingly enough by Michael Moore in one of his books in which he imagined a conversation with his future grandson about what is about to happen.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 13, 2023 8:47 AM
Reply to  George Mc

In Australia they still claim PCR and rapid antigen tests diagnose something

Mar 14, 2023 2:31 PM

They diagnose how fucking stupid people are taking a so called test. These are the very people that have validated and helped enable the scam, they deserve what’s coming.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 12, 2023 3:47 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

With reference to your link:

Your mention of the WSWS article also brings up the abdication of all responsible critique from “The Left”. When visiting those old sites, I see nary an inkling of anything unusual happening at all. Indeed I recall that back in spring 2020 when the covid matter was just heating up, someone over on Philip Roddis’s site said that there was nothing unusual in all this because any revealed predations by the rich on the poor had been happening all along – with a highlighting of “the Global South”. Thus, the truly novel aspect of covid was missed. Of course, the mainstream view of covid was automatedly presupposed anyway. But this insistence on having the sensitive intelligent and informed Leftist perspective on the world led only to an emphasis on “business as usual”. Quite ironic really since this was presented as a “radical” point of view but the conclusion that rejected any kind of decisive break or turn completely misunderstood the significance of the new strategy – and it was very much a new strategy.

Of course, this is where the Leftist chastisement about how we affluent Westerners only care when we ourselves are directly affected also plays into the game. In short, the awareness that we ourselves were now directly affected may be have been the product of selfishness but that does not minimise the significance of this new development – a significance totally overlooked by these Leftists.

As a consequence, this insistence on “business as usual” led to a complacent (lack of) engagement with what was happening and what continues to happen. Surveying these old Left sites is dispiriting. Whilst everyone else is living in Groundhog Day, the Left are now living like Sam Tyler in Life on Mars i.e. they have gone into a coma and woken up in 1973, a year from which they will never emerge.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 14, 2023 11:15 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

Last update from Wall Street on Parade:

“California state regulators shut down Silicon Valley Bank during market hours on Friday, creating mayhem in the stock market’s banking sector. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has been appointed the receiver at the bank. The FDIC issued a statement on Friday [last] indicating that only insured depositors (those with $250,000 or less at the bank) will have full access to their money by Monday. As of December 31, Silicon Valley Bank had $209 billion in assets and $175 billion in total deposits, making it the second largest bank failure in U.S. history, after Washington Mutual which failed in September 2008 during the Wall Street financial crisis. Tragically, according to SEC filings, more than $150 billion of Silicon Valley Bank’s deposits were uninsured, leaving hundreds of the tech startup companies it served unsure of how to make payroll next week.”

From same source: Silvergate, a crypto-related bank is collapsing too.

Perhaps Central Banks in partnership with governments are cleaning up the field for the introduction of interest bearing Central Bank digital currencies which technically don’t require commercial banks.

FEDNow, a real-time payment system will be launched mid-2023. System payments have been historically a private sector prerogative, it’ll be be now a public service. Also Fedaccount, a retail account at the CB will be offered to the public with more benefits than offered by commercial banks. That’s where CBDC will be hosted.

My guess: the banking system, having had trouble with concomitant low interest rate + low inflation since the GFC is being taken over/dismantled by the State.

Mar 12, 2023 2:29 PM

It’s a mystery!

Probably that Tory austerity….

BTW there’s a nice graph out there that shows deaths get worse the further one is from China. Just what one would expect from a Chinese lab leak! I wonder what a graph showing deaths by how long a country was a British colony looks like?

Mar 12, 2023 12:25 PM

The Fraudian discovers there might be fraud in injectables:


See the proudly independent journalism – they’d have reported anything wrong with the Convid jabs! Obviously they didn’t because there wasn’t !

Mar 12, 2023 10:42 AM

Fresh from its experience in Wuhan, China contributed a team of advisors for Italy. Until they got to work, the Italian hospitals were doing their usual thing (with limited funds) though the mass media was already saying that the sky was falling.

Mar 12, 2023 2:20 PM
Reply to  mgeo

A few dozen CCP top leaders sit maskless at their congress just now while the other 5000 delegates (all bilionairs now) have to wear masks. Some animals are more equal….
The top has no fear of these viruses as they know better, but they played the fear card to the hilt for the masses: (25) 2023 Two Sessions: Why so depressing, stressful, and unsettling? What does it reveal? – YouTube

Mar 13, 2023 6:15 AM
Reply to  Antonym

And in the U.K. – Partygate. The establishment knew that they were at absolutely zero risk

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 12, 2023 10:34 AM

From the scientific clergy today:

“Astrophysicist Reveals Planet That Could End Life on Earth”

(From something called scitechdaily. “Get yer daily scitech here!”)

The word “reveals” implies the planet is actually there, an impression furthered by

“Experiment demonstrates our solar system’s fragility.”

Though the reader may sniff a rat from the word “experiment”. And indeed:

“A terrestrial planet hovering between Mars and Jupiter would be able to push Earth out of the solar system and wipe out life on this planet, according to a University of California, Riverside (UCR) experiment.”

And reading further in we get to the crunch:

“Kane ran dynamic computer simulations of a planet between Mars and Jupiter”

The Kane in question has some curious notions about cosmology:

“Planetary scientists often wish there was something in between those two planets. It seems like wasted real estate,” he said.”

“Real estate”?

Moving on….

“The results, published in the Planetary Science Journal, were mostly disastrous for the solar system. “This fictional planet gives a nudge to Jupiter that is just enough to destabilize everything else,” Kane said. “Despite many astronomers having wished for this extra planet, it’s a good thing we don’t have it.””

Yes it’s a good thing that the menace so gloatingly described turns out not to be there at all!

Mar 12, 2023 12:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Farrell has pushed the claim for years that there was a planet between Mars and Jupiter that was exploded in some ancient war.

Mar 12, 2023 8:27 AM


Interesting but only a detail. Convid was a global tsunami unleashed by those at the very pinnacle of power. It was essentially the largest psyop in history and one that dwarfed it’s predecessors. If we were told in 2019 or earlier that it was to befall all of us on the planet we would have laughed it off. It is humbling to realise how helpless we are and how easily our masters can control our herd and even stampede it into extinction.

Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Mar 12, 2023 6:45 AM

Sometimes I relax and go along with the OffG consensus that there is no Covid, no airborne human to human spread, but then I remember how early this winter my wife and I traveled to my aged inlaws’ house and suddenly I, my wife and both inlaws caught “a cold”. (Jeez, I almost killed Granny and Granddaddy.) If ever there was an example of contagion that was it for me, therefore, I can’t, in good conscience, go fully along with the skeptical argument.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 12, 2023 7:01 AM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

This isn’t a discussion about contagion, really.

In fact, normal colds and flus were weaponised, many argue, by a propaganda narrative.

For example, normal flu rates disappeared while ‘Covid’ was supposedly spreading like wildfire.

There was no elevated statistical risk during the so-called ‘pandemic’, yet we were ruthlessly propagandised to believe otherwise.

Many things like this.


Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Mar 12, 2023 7:53 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I don’t mean to be argumentative but the article is about contagion. Really. The article and you spout statistics, compelling ones to be sure, but on the ground there probably was a sense that neighbors were giving “Corona” to one another just like I gave “it” to my in-laws. Despite the pollution, one day the northern Italians were mostly fine and then suddenly there was a need for ventilators, stat! Something did happen there. Yeah, there are plenty of questions about how it was handled and lied about in the media but to think that the break out of a flu-like illness there – and everywhere – was not a contagious disease is lazy thinking. There are too many actual victims – normies or not – to argue that something “big” didn’t happen. Even I caught something. My case was mild but my wife caught it bad, high fever, horribly painful headaches. And the inlaws, 90 somethings with coughs and fevers. Worrisome shit.

I kind of cringe every time Jimmy Dore says “We’re all gonna catch Covid some time or other.” But maybe it is a “novel” illness.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 12, 2023 8:11 AM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

Pandemic protocol were instigated, including routine use of ventilators to cut down aerosol spread – which isn’t what they were intended for since mechanical ventilators offer about a 50/50 survival rate in frail people – and use of harsh antivirals which come with their own set of risks.

Plus add this to a region already burdened by respiratory disease.

Plus add to this anxiety, exacerbated by fear and propaganda, which is known to affect breathing.

Plus add to this that average ‘Covid’ death in Italy was extremely old, with something like three comorbidities.

It doesn’t take long before this picture starts to look more like an institutional cull of the weak and sick than an epidemic, in any traditional way.

You have a lot of sick, old people, and then you inject deliberately targeted fear and unprecedented healthcare upheaval into the mix, make everyone paranoid they’re going to infect each other, reassign all respiratory illness as ‘Covid’ and it becomes self perpetuating quickly.

Feels like the explanation is right there.

I guess maybe more people than average were getting ill at the time. This tends to naturally fluctuate, but maybe someone made more people ill locally in Lombardy through artificial means, and proceeded to do this in certain localised hotspots around the world, which in turn whipped up a spree of institutional murder in those places, would this be a pandemic?

The language we use is so very important, because this is a weaponised subject.

Oversimplification fallacy is tempting, because we are highly propagandised.

Please note, statistically we were not at any elevated risk and this was known extremely early.

Presumably you, your wife and your 90 year-old in-laws survived your illnesses, or you’d have mentioned this important fact.


Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Mar 12, 2023 9:01 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Now I mean to argue. With respect.

I guess maybe more people than average were getting ill at the time. This tends to happen naturally, but maybe someone made more people ill locally in Lombardy through artificial means, and proceeded to do this in certain localised hotspots around the world, which in turn whipped up a spree of institutional murder in those places similar to Lombardy, would this be a pandemic?

Glad to see you concede my point a bit but then this is where we will surely lose the normies. Murder? Premeditated murder? I don thin so, Lucy. Instead of the massive overreaction (which I think
much of all this is) lets simply implement the modest protocols of the Barrington doctors and confront the illness with realism and common sense. Let’s put sick people in bed for a week or so (as the CDC says). There is no need to argue viruses’ existence or germ vs terrain or accuse people of murder. If/when there is another plandemic let’s simply argue forcefully for the roll out the Barrington Declaration. Is it a compromise? Maybe, but WTF.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 12, 2023 9:45 AM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

The point I was making is that the spread of hotspots made zero epidemiological sense, according to many experts.

Therefore, many argue, whether this was a chaotic phenomenon, resulting in hotspots of avoidable, largely institutional deaths, or whether it was a targeted phenomenon resulting in hotspots of avoidable, largely institutional deaths, regardless, this was NOT an epidemiological phenomenon. We were not at any elevated risk from a disease which justified unscientific freezes of economies and curtailments to freedoms.

It didn’t show natural spreading behaviour, it observed state borders whereas viruses don’t do this, the scenario was rehearsed a few months prior, etc. Many argue there were clearly other agendas at play.

I was actually implying the institution itself had taken on a life if its own, and was murdering people btw. Lol I’d happily substitute ‘deaths’ for murders.

We can chose to let those guilty of criminal negligence (at the very least) off the hook, sure. However, as you dig down into it, it becomes clear that many actors must have known the consequences of the murderous protocols they were putting in place.

I don’t think you conceded one thing I said btw. But there ya go lol.


les online
les online
Mar 12, 2023 6:54 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

‘Covid’ hitched a ride to the Italian Lombardy region, and to New York, but though many thousands travel from Wuhan to Peking daily, ‘covid’ gave Peking a miss…
It was months after ‘covid’ hitched a flight overseas before the first ‘case’ was discovered in Peking…
This strange behaviour, noticed very early in the ‘pandemic’ – and quickly drowned in the din – had some speculate that ‘covid’ didnt travel by plane but by air currents that encircled the globe at the Wuhan-Lombardy-New York lattitude…
‘Covid’s’ behaviour had all the experts confounded…
So if you were gulled, you had expert company…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 13, 2023 8:50 AM
Reply to  les online

There were no outbreaks, the reports of thousands of ambulances was another con. Sick and old people were being taken out of hospitals and dumped in aged care homes to die, the hospitals were so empty in Spain the doctors went on summer leave.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 12, 2023 3:39 PM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

How do you know you’ve had/spread “Corona”?

Mar 14, 2023 2:36 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

If you get a cold you have coronavirus. Covid does NOT exist, colds and flu exist.

les online
les online
Mar 12, 2023 6:34 PM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

NO, it wasnt ‘one day it was fine and suddenly there was a need for ventilators.’
It actually was ‘one day there was no msm interest out of the usual then suddenly there was global msm sensational reporting of the usual.’
One day people had the flu, suddenly it the msm reported they had a killer ‘virus’…
One day people believed the flu was contagious, sudddenly they believed the reported killer ‘virus’ was contagious…
It was a psyop – conducted via the msm…
The only lazy thinking is to continue to parrot the msm framing…

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 12, 2023 3:51 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

My wife works at a fairly big hospital. She talked to lab people about the absence of the flu and they said that when “Corona” were all the rage very few GPs etc asked them too check samples for flu.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Mar 12, 2023 8:43 AM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

Well I’m persuaded Thom; there couldn’t possibly have been an alternative explanation.

It was the invisible killer bugs wot done it again!

Mar 19, 2023 4:35 PM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

People getting sick at the same time is not an “example” of contagion. Contagion is simply one assumption of why that might happen, never proven. in fact disproven by experiments that tried to prove it. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the Rosenau experiments. People exposed to the same toxins at the same time also get sick at the same time (what is called “sickness” is the body’s effort to expel poison): this can and HAS been proven. If you truly wish to understand health and the causes of illness in human beings I can direct you to many good resources.

Mar 12, 2023 4:01 AM

Italy’s fertile ground of chaos, corruption and indifference only needed a few seeds planted and the Triffids grew

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 13, 2023 8:07 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Didn’t you mean to say the Western worldview is the “fertile ground of chaos, corruption, and indifference”?
Didn’t you mean to say that Italia’s condition as vassal/colony of the AngloZio’Murcans for over 200 years make it the perfect place to experiment with any and all of the West’s most nefarious projects?
Didn’t you mean to say that the presence of hundreds of US/NATO bases in Italia make it virtually impossible to express any dissent, on pain of death?
Maybe you know Italia better than I do?

Mar 13, 2023 10:33 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

So we agree.
Like all experiments the conditions and the environment must be ‘amenable’ for a preconceived outcome.

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Mar 12, 2023 1:00 AM

WWII, which lasted six years, is the significant model of comparison. We are at three years now. Halfway through.

Mar 12, 2023 12:15 AM

On the other hand, the earliest identification of the SC-2 virus in published medical literature is from Northern Italy in September 2019,.



Whilst the nature/reality of the pandemic is not necessarily in conflict with the existence of any virus, the origin of the virus is an entirely separate matter which has become highly politicized.

If the virus can be traced back to September 2019 in Northern Italy, suggesting that the virus was circulating in the community far earlier than acknowled, then the theory of a Lab leak in Wuhan starting the “earliest outbreak” in late December 2019/early 2020 becomes “awkward>

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 12, 2023 6:19 AM
Reply to  philipat

‘Covid’ was a brand name for a ‘scamdemic’, many argue, and the PCR tests were testing positive for sewerage samples in Spain from 2014, or thereabouts.

A meaningless name and meaningless test. Perfect recipe for a scamdemic? A2

Mar 12, 2023 10:35 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You’re entirely missing my point. What you say is entirely different issue. But as of now, there is a binary option being offered through the overton window and, generally when that happens neither option is correct. As of now, Western MSM is now coming down in favour of the “accidental leak at WIV” theory, which seems to be part of the new Anti-China rhetoric. this is the politicization I referred to.

My point being that if “the virus” was in circulation in the community 3 monthds ahead of the outbreak in WUhan, that destroys the evolving narrative.

And i am here referencing narratives, and their clear nonsensical nature, not truth. Before we can get to truth, the narrative and the binary option must be rejected.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 13, 2023 8:12 PM
Reply to  philipat

So what if the “virus” was developed in a US of As controlled bio lab in Italia? A lab near Trieste or maybe just outside the Aviano US Air Force base?

les online
les online
Mar 12, 2023 7:08 AM
Reply to  philipat

During the years preceding ‘covid 2020’ lots of Chinese people in Wuhan risked being whisked off to the Re-Education Camps for disruping Social Harmony…The Western media,when it did report the ‘disruptions’, claimed the protests were against Communist Party rule…
But the air pollution in Wuhan was sickening…Respiratory diseases, and deaths from air pollution, was causing the ‘disruptions’…And there was the tonnes of pigshit sludge from the huge pig farms to contend with…Wuhan was hit hard with lockdowns as the State re-imposed Social Harmony…You didnt need a ‘respiratty virus’ to expain all the respiratory health problems…And 5g was extensively in operation in Wuhan along with all the pollution and pigshit…

Mar 19, 2023 4:46 PM
Reply to  les online

While taking care of wuhan it also enabled the chinese government to put a definitive end to the Hong Kong protests and establish full control there as streets emptied and people cowered in their homes. Coincidence?

Mar 13, 2023 11:10 AM
Reply to  philipat

You make the mistake of assuming the test is valid, which it isn’t. Wasn’t then, isn’t now. You are buying into a scam.

You are also believing the output of propagandist, liar and Government Scientist eugyppus, or whatever his name is, who I have personally challenged many times on DS with difficult questions and evidence (before they FORCED people to pay in order to comment) that blow his outright deceptions and the official bullshit he so loves to peddle out of the water. He would never reply. Just parrots the lie that there was a mega virus. Never, ever goes where he is not allowed to.

This article you linked to of his is full of such bullcrap.

The first line is laughable, beneath the graph:

The black line represents the percentage of suspected measles and rubella cases that tested negative for these viruses at a reference laboratory in Lombardy. The spike after July 2019 reflects the growing portion of patients whose rashes were caused instead by SARS-2.

Rashes? Yeah 2020 was the biggest ever for skin rashes caused by a novel respiratory illness. You couldn’t move for rash victims.

More bullshit here:

Since skin rashes are a well-documented Corona symptom,

Haven’t you DS readers learned that people from the government and MSM are NOT TO BE TRUSTED. Clearly not.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 11, 2023 11:03 PM

The progressive comfy Graud contingent gloat:

“Farage, Fox and rolling outrage: the inside story of GB News

It’s the channel that loves to whip up anger, where hosts promote conspiracy theories and scaremongering, and its editors are convinced it is the voice of the people”

Now it would be easy to shout down those Graud grinders with “Well you hackmeisters are sure as hell in no position to pontificate about the voice of the people!” and then assume that GB News IS the fabled voice of the people. But none of these tacky media props are this voice. Nothing advertised anywhere in the media is a genuine people conduit. Everything is pure mindfuckery.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Mar 12, 2023 2:59 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Mc, i’m beginning to think uou might be a masochist – sel-flagellating yourself reading that
paper and watching that tv channel,
on our behalf ?
“Wot news from The Front have you brought us ?” indeed !

Mar 11, 2023 10:49 PM

There were also forced cremations, at least in Bergamo, without the consent of the families. I know, I lived through it.

Mar 12, 2023 10:53 AM
Reply to  klipfisk

Italy also led the way in rejecting – even preventing – autopsies.

The mass media emphasising the link to workers from China in Italy later led to attacks on East Asians in a particularly ignorant country.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 12, 2023 1:32 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yet it was pubished here 2.5 years ago that when autopsies were done all they found was a cold

Mar 13, 2023 7:24 AM

My comment was more relevant to jab victims. Nevertheless, the prohibition on autopsies applied from the start.

Dr. Peter Schirmacher (director of Pathological Inst., Heidelberg U.) performed over 40 autopsies on people who died within 2 weeks of the jab. He found that the jab itself killed “30-40%”. The harm included “rare” effects such as cerebral vein thrombosis and autoimmune diseases. Federal Assoc. of German Pathologists supports him and recommends autopsies for such cases.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 13, 2023 8:16 PM
Reply to  mgeo


Mar 11, 2023 10:11 PM

comment image

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Mar 11, 2023 10:00 PM

FYI https://metatron.substack.com/p/midazolam-in-italy

Before taking this medicine
You should not use midazolam if you are allergic to it, or if you have:

  • narrow-angle glaucoma;
  • untreated or uncontrolled open-angle glaucoma; or
  • an allergy to cherries.

Tell your doctor if you have ever had:


Mar 11, 2023 9:43 PM

From January 2020 to August 2022,while living in U.K, I have been several times in Italy, Spain and France.
The perception of dictatorship in daily life was highest in Italy, with a difference, followed by Spain.
Here, in comparison,it felt like being in an oasis.
Italy was the testing ground for repression in Europe.

Mar 11, 2023 10:40 PM
Reply to  nylon

Pseudo Populist ‘Italy first’ motif sure played off.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Mar 11, 2023 11:57 PM
Reply to  nylon

It worked in the 1920s to go fascist.
In the 1940s the CIA was interfering in the Italian elections. Supposedly to stop commies.

We seem to learn nothing from history, and have so little curiosity to dig into TPTB assertions.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 12, 2023 8:21 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Yes. In the 20s, of all the countries of Europe the communist movement was the strongest in Italy (it was opposed to Stalin at the time Gramsci was still free) which has to be broken; and indeed many of CIA operations during and after WWII took place there.

They got to the point of using rehabilitated outlaws to break communist movements, as for example the outlaws hired by Sicilian separatists after the war, and in 1947, US loan of 100 million to the first government of free Italy was conditioned by taking position besides the US in its “fight against Communism” well before the Cold War.

Look up for instance “Salvatore Giuliano”.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Mar 11, 2023 9:34 PM

I remember at the time asking why this region? Why the elderly? And so I did some research and now I’m a real conspiracy theorist I guess because I found at the time that the elderly of that region in Italy had been given special shots prior to the covid epidemic to combat something but damned if I can remember what. I suppose it is just conspiracy theory but wish someone would look at that. It was available on the net at the time. I’ve filed that away in my brain as being foolish but maybe it wasn’t.

Mar 11, 2023 9:54 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

Weren’t those the flu jabs? The administration of those to the elderly is known to increase mortality in that age group.

Mar 11, 2023 10:47 PM
Reply to  October

Yes, it was a flu vaccination campaign carried out in Bergamo and Brescia not long before the start of the plandemic. The idea was that the lowering of the immune system that took place for a certain period after the flu shot made people receptive to infection by covid…

Mar 12, 2023 11:03 AM
Reply to  klipfisk

I read that in Bergamo, all the aged got a second jab within 2019. Now, this is no longer weird as we have been hearing that a “covid booster” jab is sensible and even compulsory.

Mar 12, 2023 6:18 PM
Reply to  mgeo

It galls me to see that, like the Treadmill and the Poor Law in “A Christmas Carol”, government, public-health authority, and Big Pharma “public service” ads aggressively pimping the COVID jabs and boosters are in full vigour.

Even the rotating display on local public-transit onboard information screens features a public service ad displaying a young Female of Color being exhorted by an unseen narrator to “get information about COVID vaccines” in order to get jabbed ASAP. The ad assures the woman that the jabs are safe and effective, and pointedly asserts that the COVID jabs will not adversely affect (her) childbearing.

I think about the chain of individual human action necessary to er, conceive, produce, and distribute this lethal Little Big Lie. Scores, maybe hundreds, of presumably sentient and conscientious humans must be involved in greenlighting this kind of mundane infoganda. I’m sure they don’t see a down side to their public-spirited and remunerative endeavors.

It reminds me of Ward Churchill’s phrase– which cost him his academic career– “little Eichmanns”. 😡 💉

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Mar 11, 2023 10:09 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

Have a look at the recent interview between Mike Adams and Dr Stella Emmanuelle. I think she mentioned a flu shot in terms of pre Covid in US. His site is Natural News.

In any event, after 3 years of research there’s very little doubt in my mind this is a depopulation event on several levels.

Mar 11, 2023 10:11 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

In September 2019 was made available for the first time in Italy a “cell-based” flu shot, called VIQCC or QIVc, that is produced from cultured animal cells rather than eggs.
VIQCC is a quadrivalent flu vaccine that contains 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses. It is approved for people ages 9 and older.


Right before the “virus” landed in the north of Italy and exclusively attacked the old and those in care homes, these same elders received a “flu” vaccine.

Contaminated flu shots weaken the biological system.

The new “cell-based” flu shot called VIQCC or QIVc was made available in Italy for the first time in 2019.

It is discussed here:

Italian physician Dr. Luca Speciani (a doctor at Bergamo): a “great number of flu vaccinations” were done in Bergamo and scientific evidence proves that the flu vaccine made elderly people more susceptible to COVID.

Listen to him here for more details:

Cell-based vax available in Europe … 2019. Not just Italy


and more specifically, Germany (i.e. Not just Italy):


The PEI in Germany is responsible for monitoring vaccines. 2019-2020 is the first season it mentions vaccines created in cell culture (as opposed to hens’ eggs):


“Between December 2019 and January 2020,1.2 million influenza vaccines of a new type were administered in the Lombardy region Northern Italy. The widespread distribution of vaccines through pharmacies and the good adherence of general practitioners are reaping good fruits.

The influenza [vaccine] campaign launched by the ATS is in fact already recording record numbers,and is not yet completed. With this new model we have dispensed 1,183,660 vaccines in the entire Lombardy Region.”

This experimental vaccine was presented by the ISS as a “brand new quadrivalent vaccine” and was injected into the bodies of 1.2 million Lombards (most of them elderly). This was an unprecedented amount of vaccines in all of the area’s history. Additionally, for the first time in Italy’s history, these vaccines were distributed to not only hospitals but also to general practitioners and pharmacies. Within a few short months, elderly people suddenly began to get sick and die in Lombardy and adjacent regions where all of the initial so-called COVID deaths were reported.

On top of all of this, there were NO AUTOPSIES ALLOWED BY THE ISS in the early stages of the pandemic. When a few Italian doctors began to perform some autopsies they discovered thrombosis/blood clots in the patients.

In January, 2020, Lombardy implemented a major vaccination campaign against meningococcus, following a mini “epidemic” (PR campaign) of bacterial meningitis that affected just 6 people (with 2 deaths).

The regional authorities decided on a massive and free-of-charge vaccination of the whole population. Within a few weeks, more than 33,000 people were vaccinated.



One of the many perverse side effects of vaccines is that they alter the microbial ecology

Mar 12, 2023 11:14 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Contaminated flu shots weaken the biological system.
Any flu shot weakens resistance to flu. Getting mild flu every few years is best. Socialising increases the essential exposure to new variants. Remedies include fresh (not polluted) air, sunshine, mega-doses of some supplements, etc. From the restrictions imposed, you can infer that the authorites knew all this.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 12, 2023 4:41 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Hello Maxwell: Excellent set of links to pertinent information. Very well done. Bravo!

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 12, 2023 2:11 AM
Reply to  syl shawcross

They were flu shots. That’s also why all western countries, the inmates of those terrible aged care facilities were the ones most dying ostensibly from Covid – namely, after they had all been given that year’s flu shots.

There’s a doc who in 2020 (I think) wrote in the BMJ about the strong correlation between prior flu shot uptake and so-called Covid deaths.

Mar 11, 2023 9:34 PM

Michael Bryant’s article raises the recently slipping standards of OffG. I hope it will be re-published widely. It contains nothing that wasn’t obvious in principle back in 2021 — the relation of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) to air pollution — but the wealth of documentation is totally overwhelming. It suggests to me that this region of Italy was deliberately picked by the “performance artists” of Con-19 to stage their “Ground Zero” incident to be blamed on relatively harmless virus SARS-2 Covid-19. (Same way the “performance artists” of Con-911 chose New York’s WTC as the stage for their Ground Zero incident to be blamed on relatively harmless dictator Saddam Hussein.

I hope the present Italian government — which talks about family matters like a real woman — will do something to regenerate health in the industry scarred North of this grand old country. And even bring the Con-men to justice by asking the question: Who planned the “Ground Zero” incident in Lombardy?

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 13, 2023 8:40 PM
Reply to  NickM

Nick, I don’t want to burst your balloon but the present Italian government is a disgrace and will do none of things you’re hoping for.
Did you know that Giorgia Meloni first cleared her list of cabinet ministers with the US of As ambassador in Roma before presenting it to the president of the republic?
Giorgia Meloni is an Aspen Institute alumna among other things.

Art Costa
Art Costa
Mar 11, 2023 9:16 PM

Michael Bryant you nailed it!!!

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Mar 11, 2023 8:51 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-08. Transplant recipients rejecting organs. Telegraph’s lockdown files, while con not yet exposed is testing (blog, gab, tweet).

Mar 11, 2023 8:47 PM

“The only pandemic was one of violent government and biomedical assault against people.”

Mar 12, 2023 6:45 AM
Reply to  Stella

And not just in Italy. The U.K. “government” happily launched into full tyranny mode, abandoning all previous plans, sidelining parliament, placing the entire country under house arrest, crushing any dissent, spraying public monies around recklessly, committing numerous acts of crimes against humanity and all without a shred of evidence to support their claims and assertions. The assault is ongoing with the continued failure to acknowledge the global infection mortality rate was a mere 0.23% by any members of the establishment.

Accountability is currently not remotely a possibility as the main actors have retired to wealthy careers. Democracy has failed utterly due to the interests of billionaires being given sole focus. The required solution will not be a democratic one.

Mar 12, 2023 8:16 AM
Reply to  MattC

Agree it has been worlwide.

Mar 11, 2023 8:27 PM

The author fails to mention the 2019 toxic triple flu vaccine concoction and its distributive correlation to what were recorded as covid deaths in Northern Italy.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Mar 11, 2023 9:35 PM
Reply to  fame

There it is!

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 11, 2023 7:58 PM

A total 5!! Great to see articles like this one on this page. Thanks.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 11, 2023 7:31 PM

The “novel virus” a non-existent respiratory condition called SARS-COVID-19 was used to cover the fallout of the financial crisis on Italian society. Prior to the 2008 global meltdown Italy (https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-italy-poorer/italian-families-lose-40-percent-of-their-wealth-in-a-decade-idUKBRE8B60YA20121207) and Greece to name just two Eurozone nations experienced massive losses and imposed austerity by the international banksters and EU technocrats. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-54895-7_10.
This left the nation reeling and when we take into consideration the overlay presented in the this article, we see the COVID scam being used to cover the ongoing economic issues and problems Italy wasn’t able to resolve on its own.
A similar scenario was occurring in the US in 2019 as the Fed was pumping trillions into the REPO overnight accounts of the big banks to stave off implosion. https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/what-happened-in-money-markets-in-september-2019-20200227.html
COVID-19 was a godsend for the plutocrats! It was a multifaceted gift that keeps on giving. COVID provided ample cover for the global financial implosion, was a money maker for Big Pharma and their bogus vaccines, it allowed governments to usurp more power and authority, advanced the global eugenic/depopulation/transhumanism agendas and set the world on an accelerated path towards a techno feudal fascist state. As more facts become known about their nefarious agenda what are we going to do to save ourselves from the miscreants New World Order?

Mar 12, 2023 11:52 AM

Low interest rates followed by high, easy loans followed by recalls, rescuing the biggest speculators and reckless banks at public cost, austerity for the masses… these are all ways for Globocap to extract public wealth and enslave humanity.

Mar 12, 2023 6:01 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I’m not sure this has been confirmed, but I recently saw a report that the Ford Motor Company is developing– or has already implemented– software and mechanisms that will equip its vehicles with the ability to “self-repossess”.

The implications are more tragic than comical, but if true, this really is still another example of visionary sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick’s future dystopias coming true. (Not just Dick, of course– the still-déclassé science fiction genre abounds with astonishingly prescient predictions.)

When I read the report, I immediately flashed on a “phildickian” scene of one of his familiar beleaguered, struggling protagonists moodily standing by the grimy picture window in his “conapt”, brooding over his troubles, only to see his parked “wheel” out front suddenly roar to life and drive away on its own because he’d missed his latest payment.

😎 🚗

Luke Chert
Luke Chert
Mar 15, 2023 8:22 PM
Reply to  Ort

Reminded me of Ubik, reminding me of Apartment Song by The Tragically Hip:

“What our apartment does when we’re not around does not concern us…”

Yes, how sad and perfect that an actual reason to invent and promote self-driving cars would be boosting the repo recovery rates.

Mar 15, 2023 8:37 PM
Reply to  Luke Chert

Yeah, I was actually thinking of Joe Chip when I wrote the OP.

Chip’s battles with his coin-operated conapt are both hilarious and astonishingly prescient.  😉 

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 20, 2023 9:25 PM
Reply to  Ort

I saw a report on this also.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Mar 20, 2023 9:27 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Plus the pumping of trillions of dollars into the too big to fail banksters overnight Repo accounts shot inflation through the roof which has diminished the value of the US dollar.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 13, 2023 8:45 PM

If austerity had not been imposed on the EU citizens of Italia and Hellas it would be impossible for the EU today to send billions to UkroNazia.
The PIGS have always been sacrificed for the greater good of a United Europe.

Mar 11, 2023 7:18 PM

Thanks, that states the Italian story in clear terms.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 11, 2023 8:47 PM

Two groups did stories about Lombardo in March 2020 – The ABC Australia sent a journo who reported the hysterical hype, PBS crew reported no hysteria, no nothing much. By March it was reported that almost all covid deaths had an average age of 80 with 3.6 pre existing conditions and by the time the October detailed report came out the total was 96.3% died of old age and the average age of ”covid” was 85. They then reported that the old and sick died because they were paying aged care homes to take the sick and dying out of hospitals, drugging them to the eyeballs and killing them with abuse and neglect, a heinous crime committed in most nations across the world.

Mar 12, 2023 12:27 PM

BBC had a mournful documentary on Bergamo. The reporter described a volunteer delivering food to the aged trapped in their homes as “… is a broken man”.

As for killing the aged directly or indirectly in care homes, taking short-cuts or cheating for profit is a feature of capitalism, not a bug.

Mar 11, 2023 6:56 PM

There’s one important detail missing from this. The first “Chinese” case of “covid” in Italy were found in Milan at the end of Jan 2020 in two tourists from Wuhan. How did the authorities manage to find this elderly couple and parade them as the first covid cases to begin to start scaring the sheeple?

Because there was an almost never mentioned circular issued by the government in the first week of Jan 2020 which entailed stalking anyone arriving from Wuhan (making them report their contact details and health status and basically pouncing on the first such tourists who came down with bad bronchitis / pneumonia while in Italy.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Italy had been chosen as the stage to scare the world that pandemics can even happen to non-batsoup eating populations. Giuseppe Conte and Roberto Speranza (Health Minister) were the two key players and they had been placed into position by the EU prior to 2020. Neither of these two were with M5S at the time of their election (at the time it had been the winning party) and yet they somehow got these two key posts despite being complete nobodies at the time. Speranza has zero background in science never mind medicine or health. It’s very clear that he was just the puppet issuing edicts as ordered to by the EU and WEF.

a) Italian excess mortality was limited to a FEW hospitals in a FEW cities in north and central Italy
b) excess mortality was due to a total collapse and dysfunction in the entire covid-obsessed healthcare system DURING what what was still part of the normal flu season. The government basically ordered the entire family doctor system to be shut down overnight meaning that emergency rooms were flooded with hypochondriacs and people who were seriously ill were neglected. Add to this cooking the books with dodgy tests and inappopriate cures.
c) as flu season melted into summer, the scamdemic completely vanished by summer 2020.

d) the “second wave” of autumn 2020 was created by the edicts issued by Speranza BANNING TIMELY TREATMENT OF ANY SORT FOR AT LEAST TEN DAYS. Also, hospitals began to be paid covid bonuses. So if you had cough, in ten days you were either dead, recovered at home, or carted off to emergency to make the hospital some money.

Mar 11, 2023 8:20 PM
Reply to  Sara

Interesting note is that that couple would later contribute $40,000 to the hospital in Rome (not Milan) where they were “treated.”

Mar 11, 2023 10:10 PM
Reply to  Sara

“There’s one important detail missing from this”

I would say THE MOST important detail.

By naming Giuseppe Conte and Roberto Speranza, Sara begins to answer the most important question for the new Italian government: Who deliberately chose pollution-laden Lombardy as the Launch site for Con-19 “Ground Zero” incident?

Sara goes further by naming the EU and WEF, but cannot identify individual Con-19 artists in these august corporate bodies. This shows the importance of local terrain (like in wine): being Italian, Sara knows the persons responsible, and lays onus on the new Italian government to investigate those two perps, and to find out who “parachuted” them into the previous Italian government.

Mar 12, 2023 10:43 AM
Reply to  NickM

Honestly, I could write a book on this…there are so many details.
The first “covid” commission appointed in March 2020 by Conte was at least a genuine commission in the sense that it mostly had technocrats from the civil services, bureaucrats from civil protection etc.

But then in April 2020, overnight, the composition of the technical committee to manage the pandemic was changed. There were a large number of Italian origin people working in the USA / UK involved in privatization and private equity. This new committee was headed up Vittorio Colao, ex Vodafone exec who was with a private equity firm in the UK at the time. Vodafone in 2017 period was going around wiring up the big Italian companies for “working at home”. If they hadn’t done this, none of the highly paid bullshit jobs people would have been able to quickly switch to working/hiding out at home in early 2020.

At the time, I thought the composition of the committee was bizarre for a “health pandemic”. But the intent became clear when Conte went on TV in April 2020 to announce that the virus lives on banknotes (but not on Amazon packages). Colao was later put in charge of digitalization or something like that. Then Draghi was parachuted in to replace Conte. He put all the motions to the Parliament as “no confidence votes” (which means that the MPs would lose their multimillion euro pensions if they voted against. That’s why the government only crumbled when the time limit for receiving pensions was reached.)

Some of the key technical implementers of the scamdemic at the global level are Drosten (Germany), Koopmans (Netherlands / WHO), Holmes (Australian), Gao and Peiris (NATO assets in China), Rambaut, Farrar and Maria Zambon (UK), Daszcak & Anderson (USA). The political appointees we all know are Whitty, Fauci etc. In the EU Von der Leyen was obviously key in the contracts with Pfizer. The real architects will be in the shadows. I have no clue who they are. There is an entire army of regulators, banksters, government, academic types etc. who help in the implementation but that does not mean they are aware of all the details. They just follow orders and get paid very well to do it. They’ll even take the clot shots if that’s part of the deal. I also know for a fact that government agencies across NATO which assist small businesses started preparing emergency pandemic assistance for small businesses in February 2020 before there was any pandemic in any NATO country.

That is one important thing to keep in mind. Just because Conte, Speranza, later Draghi and a whole host of other characters played their parts does not mean that they exactly know WHY the scamdemic was a scamdemic.

I have a strong background in statistics and “scientific” research methods and it took me maybe a thousand plus hours of going through all sorts of articles on virology, genome sequencing, government documents etc. in 2020 to determine for myself WHY I believe the truth of the scamdemic is simply a rebranding of flu and pneumonia, ARDS and sepsis as “covid”. For example, when I looked at the panic around in covid in India, I noticed that it did not occur in spring 2020, but later during monsoon / dengue season. In fact none other than WHO state in big bold letters that anyone with “covid” symptoms in a dengue area should be tested for dengue. Yet, this never happened. Dengue cases somehow FELL that year. Dengue is another weird disease I don’t pretend to understand it but it’s quite devastating and real whatever the mechanisms underlying it may be.

I have several doctor friends and relatives who got their info from TV, never read the journals in early 2020 and fell for the scamdemic hook, line and sinker. So even if someone has a Phd in microbiology and works in an PCR testing lab, it doesn’t automatically mean they’ve taken the time to sift through the details. This really is a key point. Having a Phd in physics does not mean you behave rationally if you have to evaluate the clot shot but have a sick parent.

Who said the opposite of courage is not cowardice but conformity? Anyone who works in a big organization knows that if someone cooks up a dumb project but funding depends on it, NOBODY will question it. That is the basic principle on which the war of terror and then the scamdemic were implemented.

Mar 12, 2023 3:08 PM
Reply to  Sara

Excellent commentary.

If you have any source links would be appreciated.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 12, 2023 4:21 PM
Reply to  Sara

Hello Sara: Excellent post. The perpetrators are losing more and more of their cover. My opinion is that none of this would have been possible without the willful blindness of the general public. Civil populations are Accessories to their own murder…

Mar 19, 2023 6:51 PM
Reply to  Sara

The cause of the symptoms given the disease label “dengue” is the same as that of any other disease label : poisoning. There is no big mystery here. Identify the poison that causes the body to initiate expulsion and you have found the “disease.” Example : the disease label “polio,” cause : DDT poisoning . They banned DDT in most places it was heavily used and claimed to eradicate polio with a “vaccine.” But what was called polio still exists ; they just rebranded it as “acute flaccid paralysis.” People are still getting “polio” in places where DDT continues to be used as a pesticide.

Mar 11, 2023 5:43 PM

The REAL Solutions Watch

Send this to James “Waterfall of Words” Corbett … 😀 …


Ron Marr
Ron Marr
Mar 11, 2023 5:37 PM

The inquisition never ended. The pope still runs the fake virtual simulated reality…with the non-human enemy still hiding behind the Vatican. They fear the awakening of human consciousness as the Ancients called the ‘LAW OF ONE’. The religious pandemic the Crusaders unleashed upon the heretics to kill free will, is today a medical inquisition. The same characters in different costumes with the same goal to depopulate humans is still running the show. We have to recognize our enemy. Francis bacon with all his forethought, said, the newly discovered America would be the next Atlantis. Someone else said, “if you can see the journey, you can see the outcome.

Mar 12, 2023 8:02 AM
Reply to  Ron Marr

Nonsense. Christianity is still a powerful system but one that was created by the banking system that has spread it’s tentacles into every corner of the globe. The Vatican played it’s role in the plandemic like all the other tentacles. Countries allegedly hostile to Christianity embraced the plandemic. Iran for example. The global epicentre of convid was Wuhan which is completely out of the Vatican’s orbit but in a nation that which was grafted onto banksterdom with the Mao revolution. Convid was proof of the extreme centralisation of power within the central banking cartel and the ability of the cartel to make every government on the planet dance to it’s tune and poison their populations.

Mar 11, 2023 5:33 PM

Thank you for this article, which I have shared with friends since its publication on 21st century wire.

As people across Europe realise they were conned, they inevitably have questions about Italy. Your work provides some answers.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 11, 2023 5:26 PM

Michael Bryant’s work is so good that I repriotize my day to read one of his pieces. Quality over quantity!

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 11, 2023 5:21 PM

The Covid arc seems to have followed quite closely the influenza outbreak at the end of WW1 — it takes some time for everyone to figure out that there’s a problem, the problem’s exacerbated by political considerations**, response was panicky and uneven and sometimes oppressive but eventually it went away as our herd immunity caught up with it.

Then, as now, Covid didn’t cause a political and economic crisis by itself but it certainly arrived at a very convenient time for ‘the powers that be’. Then, as now, our economies are reeling due to excessive spending on war and war materiel and our societies are full of unhappy people who feel put upon by those powers that be.

I think its a losing proposition to try to prove that Covid didn’t exist or it was a fabrication or it wasn’t a serious problem. This just generates confusion and so hides the very real economic and social issues that usually lurk just below the surface but have been brought front and center by the Ukraine “SMO” (war) and the China trade war. Until these two events we’d been living off a steady diet of sanctions regimes plus the occasional “police action” and generic “springs” that support our western way of life and economies but with their pushback we’ve not only exposed the cracks in our economies but also fissures in our societies as people discover that they’ve been systematically been made poorer. Since we all live in a fog of propaganda its often difficult to figure out what’s going on so we need to be careful not to add to the noise since there’s a lot of motivation (and available resources) dedicated to keeping us divided and confused.

(**Its how it got tagged as the “Spanish” flu — if anything it was “the American flu!”.)

Mar 11, 2023 10:18 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“the “Spanish” flu — if anything it was “the US flu”.

Glad you reminded us of its origin in some U$ Army unit.

Likewise Covid-19 is a U$ flu; origin, U$ Army Bio Lab, Fort Detrick, MaryLand.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 12, 2023 6:10 AM
Reply to  NickM

Covid-19 is an acronym for ‘coronavirus disease 2019’. It’s a made-up name for an alleged respiratory disease with generic symptoms indistinguishable from flu.

It’s said to be caused by SARS-CoV-2, or rather, SARS-CoV-2 is said to cause respiratory disease with generic symptoms indistinguishable from flu.

Clinical evidence of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenicity is yet to be forthcoming, however.

That’s ok, because ‘Covid-19’ in fact has became the brand name for a ‘scamdemic’.

To all intents and purposes this name is a symbol. It could be anything.

It could have been an acronym for ‘Mini Cooper disease 2019’ or Micod-19.

Clinical evidence of Mini Coopers’ pathogenicity – the cars’ ability to cause Micod-19 – would similarly not be forthcoming.

That’s ok, because Micod-19 is now the symbol of a ‘scamdemic’.

This wouldn’t mean we were actually at any heightened risk from Mini Coopers, you understand.

And the factory which manufactures Mini Coopers wouldn’t be especially significant in this scenario, you understand.

Many argue this is why SARS-CoV-2 origin stories are red herrings.

Plus, many would also argue my analogy does ‘Covid’ a LOT of favours, since cars are verifiable physical objects, and virus patents are simply pieces of paper.

Now, I understand you’re being obtuse at this point, so there’s no need to address anything I actually say in your reply. 😅


Mar 11, 2023 5:09 PM

On January 22nd, 2020, Customs authorities from the Guardia di Finanza in the northern Italian city of Padua seized and burnt nearly 10 tons of Chinese pig meat, potentially infected with African swine fever. By the end of 2019, half of China’s swine herd —250 million pigs, were dead. Padua is located in the Veneto region of Italy. The coronavirus, AKA Covid-19, first appeared in Lombardy (Milan) and Veneto (Padua). But if Italy thought it had incinerated its problems away by burning tainted Chinese pig meat, much of which probably originated from Wuhan’s vast pig reservoir, it had another thought coming. Now, infectious particles were circulating through the air of Northern Italy.

Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer, MD
New York Institute of Medical Research, USA 

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 11, 2023 6:36 PM

What ‘infectious particles’? No-one seems able to supply any actual physical specimens of these moonshine objects. Three years of hysteria, and all the while, we were all hyperventilating about a wraith: a non-existent instance of a category of objects – viruses – which seem more and more to be comprehensively non-existent as an entire class.

Art Costa
Art Costa
Mar 11, 2023 9:22 PM

I’m convinced that animal illnesses (Swine, mad cow, etc.) emerge from grazing where pesticides and other contaminates have been sprayed directly or indirectly. These don’t spread within or between species.

Mar 12, 2023 3:16 PM
Reply to  Art Costa

In 1976, the swine flu epidemic started at a bio-weapons centre in New Jersey. -Godfree Roberts 2020
In 2007, a specific strain of “African” swine fever appeared in Georgia (where Lugar Centre for “Public Health Research” is located at Tbilisi) before spreading to Europe, Russia and China. -Igor Kirillov of Russian NBC Protection 2018
It has now spread across SE Asia.

Mar 19, 2023 11:11 PM
Reply to  Art Costa

Yes but god forbid we point out the people who are responsible, the corporate poison producers and their government enablers. Instead we need to create an entire system to shield them so they can freely continue their criminal behavior without penalty. And surprise! The virus is the perfect fall guy : “look here (covid), not there (corporate and government crimes for profit)”

Mar 12, 2023 9:21 AM

Everyone is so dumbed down, more dumb sh*t for the masses, what is the most infectious disease on the planet? What is one quarter of the world’s population infected with? How does it spread?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 12, 2023 9:51 AM

Maybe I’m being dumb. What’s on your mind here?

Mar 12, 2023 5:47 PM

Um, the… er, Freemasons? Spreading by controlled opposition? 🤔

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 13, 2023 8:57 PM

Um, er … stupidity?

Mar 11, 2023 4:36 PM

Get a life Michael. It was obvious to everybody who had their head screwed on right three years ago when the bullshit started that it was a crock of shit, and it’s remained obvious ever since.

Why anybody would wanna regurgitate any of this shit, I understand not, other than being a) a masochist and enjoying poking into this putrid pile of shit, b) a shill paid to propagate this putrid pile of shit, or c) a useful idiot or perhaps a useful fucking idiot naively thinking that poking into this putrid pile of shit will “wake up” the sheeple.

If anything, CONVID has served to expose what many have instinctively felt or had been expecting – the fact that the intrinsic problems of the socioeconomic model are bound to make the system collapse.

Yes, CONVID was foisted on humanity, it was completely fake, it’s supposed to pave the way to a medico-digital dictatorship, it’s pretty much all the nasty things ascribed to it, but it’s NOT what matters.

What matters is the crash of the socioeconomic model. That won’t go away, regardless of the degree to which the motherfucker PTB’s are motherfuckers. People must stop regurgitating COVID and start actively participating in formulating their economic future. Ideally by divorcing themselves as much as possible from the schemes concocted by the PTB’s.

For fucks sakes, stop blathering about fucking COVID!

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 11, 2023 6:49 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Dont troll please. Everything you said could have been said respectfully.

Mar 11, 2023 7:28 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2


There is, however, something people have to realize. You need to wake up just like the sheeple. You need to realize that analyzing for the umpteenth time what happened, how it happened, who was the culprit, any of that is absolutely useless. They don’t give a flying monkey if you know all of that, however accurately. They don’t care if you hate them. They don’t care about anything you say. As long as it’s toothless. Which all of this convid blather is.

If you don’t like what’s happening, you have to look for solution. Real solutions. Start throwing ideas as to what can be done. Not endlessly regurgitate how things are fucked up, how things ain’t what they used to be, how they’re after us, how criminal they are, all that.

That’s a complete waste of energy.

There is a sizeable amount of brainpower that flocks on this website, why not use it productively instead of keeping people in an endless loop of discovering yet another underhanded deed?

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Mar 11, 2023 7:56 PM
Reply to  Kurt

I agree with you. What’s irrelevant is the the kind of vocabulary you use or how much you pretend to be respectful to strangers. They don’t understand that waking up is an endless process, not a singular event to feel so proud and superior about.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Mar 11, 2023 7:54 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“Troll” is a meaningless insult, but it is certainly disrespectful. The only meaning it has is something you don’t like. Pathetic.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 12, 2023 6:51 AM
Reply to  Russian Hank

Perfectly acceptable term for being needlessly confrontational. Admin made no comment on the substance of the OP’s comment, just the aggressive style. I suspect you knew this already.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2023 6:56 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Stop blathering yourself and instead investigate the reasons this subject is having a comeback. There must be a compelling reason not to please your reading preferences.

Mar 11, 2023 7:33 PM

I’m not wasting a nanosecond of my life on investigating convid. I’ve investigated sufficiently and concluded that it’s a bunch of crock. The biggest hoax in history.

What you should investigate is why convid happened, why it was perpetrated, why people the world over are being subjugated. There is a reason and the reason is the collapse of the socioeconomic model.

That’s what needs to be addressed because even if you made convid disappear, the economic and societal order would still be fucked.

What’s so hard to understand about it?

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2023 7:42 PM
Reply to  Kurt

I see you didn’t even bother to read my comment, just reacting to the word “investigate”. Reread.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Mar 11, 2023 7:58 PM

It’s too late for a comeback. The damage is already done, and irrevocable. Investigating history helps no one or nothing, except your misplaced feeling of being smarter than the other victims.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2023 8:16 PM
Reply to  Russian Hank

I disagree. History is there precisely to learn from it. That no one learns from it doesn’t change the fact that from History we can learn to avoid making mistakes.

One lesson I’ve drawn from historical facts is this: when a revolutionary/liberation movement is led by a minority of a vanguard of awaken-ups without the majority backing it up for not being ready yet, then if the minority does get to power, the reluctant majority converts itself into the new enemy to be disciplined, and not much would have achieved really.

Mar 11, 2023 8:35 PM

This is all abstract philosophical stuff you could ponder till the cows come how and still figure out nothing.

What exact revolutionary/liberation movement would you like to launch. What do you want to liberate yourself from? The pre-2020 economic model? What are you proposing to replace it with? With your knowledge of history, you sure know that a revolution means getting rid of the old and installing the new. What’s the new thing that you want to put in place?

Or you wanna go back to some point in the past? That’s hardly a revolution, eh? But OK. What exact point would that be?

How about giving some thought to stuff like that instead of forever yapping about an obvious hoax (COVID) the purpose of which is none other than obscure all of the aforesaid?

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2023 10:01 PM
Reply to  Kurt

I was referring to past liberation movements from colonialism.

We agree that we’re in a dark spot where we are still trying to figure out where we are heading; what the future is. We don’t have a clue and there are many ideas going on; some contradicting others. That is enough reason why many people are not waking up, they’re unconsciously resisting it, and I think we have to wait for them, otherwise we repeat the mistakes of the past. Take away from the bulk of the world population the tranquility this dying system is still offering (their day-to-day routine, their bank account – even digital, – the technology, the whole lifestyle that gives sense to their daily living) and they enter in shock. It would be like dropping them suddenly in the middle of the Gobi desert without any geographical reference.

Also, we a talking of a system that has a couple of centuries of inertia; any significant change won’t come in 3 or 5 years, and I’m sure you agree that people of 2018 have little to do with those of 2023. A lot has changed and that gradual change is necessary for the next step. Takes time.

I disagree that a Revolution is to replace the old by the new. It is the necessary morphing through gradual change of the present situation into another state that somehow doesn’t negate the present state;it contains it; it is not imposed; it adds to it what it lacked and gets rid from it what it was not needed. It’s like water being gradually frozen: at a certain point, the quantitative drop in temperature cause a qualitative change in the water into ice. Ice doesn’t negate water, ice is still water, it’s not new; but on the other hand it’s not the initial water and you can do with it things you can’t do with water. I mean we can’t invent anything for the future, the future will make itself as time goes by and ad this system exhausts itself.

You may dismiss the above as philosophical nothingness if you wish; that’s my take nevertheless.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2023 11:02 PM

And agreed on what you wrote in the last paragraph. The point of my first reply is that things don’t evolve necessarily at the pace we want them to.

Mar 12, 2023 5:46 AM

Are you trying to say that the world is in need for an ideology, an -ism, a worldview, a concept, a way of life that would be a) an alternative to the utterly fucked up consumerism of the pre-2020 age, which, incidentally, was basically got us to where we’re now – totally financially and materially indebted, morally and systemically corrupt, generally fucked up, rotting, decaying, decadent, on our way down the tubes, and, at the same time, b) an alternative to what the PTB’s have in the store for humanity, i.e. a technocratic dystopia where people are kept on a short leash so as 1) to prevent them from continuing the wild pre-2020 consumerist orgy and 2) to ensure that they slave away so the the PTB’s can continue enjoying the orgy, given the forthcoming scarcity of energy/resources?

In that case, I completely agree. I also agree that no revolution, or even evolution, is gonna happen anytime soon – other than the technocratic revolution perpetrated by the PTB’s – because no -ism or ideology exists. At best, people oppose the technocracy being foisted on them, but no real alternatives are being proposed.

Bear in mind that the alternatives MUST STEM FROM PHYSICAL REALITY, namely the fact that the luxury of the past decades or perhaps a century, which has been driven by various attempts to cheat physical laws, is not sustainable. People WILL HAVE TO EMBRACE an existence that does not revolve around consumption, and that might be kinda hard to sell ….

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2023 10:05 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Reply is pending…

Mar 11, 2023 8:06 PM

Is that an order, Revolution?

FYI, when people address me using the imperative, I usually tell them to go fuck themselves.

Formulate something coherent and informative, and I might read it.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 11, 2023 11:42 PM
Reply to  Kurt

It’s easy to play the tough behind a screen you crazy bastard. Speaks a lot of what you can’t do in real life.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 12, 2023 12:06 AM

Anyone who’s real tough won’t ever feel the need to show off online. Simple psychology.

Now go ahead and shoot.

Mar 12, 2023 5:36 AM

Crazy bastard – I like that! Ha ha ….

As to your ad hominem remarks, shove them up your ass. A forum like this is a good vehicle for exchanging ideas as opposed to bragging about one’s (revolutionary) exploits. My real life is none of your business.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 12, 2023 8:38 AM
Reply to  Kurt

Bragging about my revolutionary exploits? Ok, have it your way.

Mar 12, 2023 9:11 AM

Chez nous on dit que tu viens de rater une bonne occasion de te taire. I think the English equivalent would be that speech is silver, but silence is golden.

I mean, why don’t you limit opening your cakehole to occasions when you actually have something to say?

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 12, 2023 11:08 AM
Reply to  Kurt

I wonder if you realise what you say haven’t the least impact, you’re just straining yourself needlessly.

Seek help.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 11, 2023 8:35 PM
Reply to  Kurt

RE: What you should investigate is why convid happened, why it was perpetrated, why people the world over are being subjugated…

Michael Bryant has already done that, see link below. This was published on January 2, this year. Bryant can make the claims he outlines in the article below because he has done his homework, which you feel the need to dismiss…


Mar 11, 2023 8:44 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I remember reading that. I think he stops short of getting to the real bottom of what’s at stake.

What’s at stake is much more pertinently described here:

Our socioeconomic model has PHYSICALLY reached its limits. It’s not a question of money, finances. The problem is that finances are divorced from the underlying actual economy to such an extent that’s totally beyond repair.

There is no doubt that the movers and shakers are doing what they can to secure a better position for themselves in the future, but that doesn’t mean that we’re not essentially on a collision course with the fact that we’re living beyond our means thanks to using all sorts of ways that might be clever but can’t cheat physical laws.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 11, 2023 9:40 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Seems like a rehash of the Peak Oil argument

Mar 11, 2023 9:55 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Whether Peak Oil is a thing or not, the fact remains that continuing growth, i.e. use of energy, is an impossibility because sooner or later the amount of energy used will exceed that available.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 12, 2023 1:57 AM
Reply to  Kurt

That is a theory, not fact. It is amazing to me that people just accept that a priori (evidence free) conclusion – as it “must be true.”

One of the reasons the Petro-dollar – which is only a thing if the US can largely control global oil reserves (which has guided US foreign policy since the end of WWII) is collapsing is that new oil reserves are being found all the time. The manufactured scarcity that OPEC and the US has relied on to hold onto geopolitical dominance and generate massive profits is crumbling.

Mar 12, 2023 5:32 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

You’re talking eco-fucking-nomics, I’m talking physics.

You should be aware that the latter governs the former, not vice versa.

The current economic model whose sustainability relies on ever-increasing use of energy is simply bound to collapse at one point.

I don’t give two shits about Peak Oil and any other machinations they use to fuck with the current availability/cost of energy. OPEC can kiss my ass. In fact, I don’t even know much about it. My conclusions are the result of observations based on physical laws and simple logic.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Mar 12, 2023 5:50 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Of course, and eventually the sun will die. Fyi, swearing doesn’t make your arguments any better, they are still pathetic.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 11, 2023 6:58 PM
Reply to  Kurt

And the crash of the socioeconomic model is but one aspect of the larger, all-encompassing crisis: ecological/population-overshoot.

That’s the main driver that’s ushering us – without any other option allowed – onto the current downslope of the Long Descent. That’s the underlying process for which the actually-awake people have to prepare.

Oh, and I gave you a downvote this time Kurt, because there’s no need to be so – block-headedly – absolute. Unpicking the covid scam and making it public is a useful part of getting people to face up to the all-underlying crisis; most of us at the moment are simply unaware of it, and how it’s engulging absolutely everything, including our natural-world life-support systems. Any revelation – such as Michael’s here – which wakes people up from their trance is useful input. Don’t you think that the the big wave of general scepticism about previously taken-for-granted ‘truths’ was a useful unforeseen consequence of the covid scam?

Also, you’d win more friends and influence more people if you didn’t eff-and-blind at us all so much. Just a matter of common grown-up savvy, buddy: stop slagging us and we might listen to you a bit more… “Get a life Michael”? Do grow up, Kurt!

Mar 11, 2023 9:24 PM

Too late for me to grow up, too old for that. And tall enough, nearly two meters …

I do agree that covid has been highly useful in, say, making people pull their heads out of the sand, where, let’s face it, most of us had it stuck, as we conveniently ignored the fact that we’re on a collision course with our own way of life. I don’t agree that anything that gets written or said about covid will have any contributory value anymore or wake up anybody.

I do agree with the overshoot, ecological/physical impossibility to continue the present way of life, the phantasmagorically hallucinatory nature of the financial system, Those are real things, the real issues, the real threats.

I don’t know to what extent we’re on the precipice, i.e. I don’t know how much energy (oil/gas) there is available and at what cost. I simply don’t have data and even if data to that effect are available, I don’t think that they can be trusted. In other words, is the world really in a deep shit or is there enough juice for a reasonably painless transition to be made?

Apart from you, and me, there are only a few other voices that mention any of this, the real underlying issues. The rest is endless reitaration of the obvious.

Nothing good will come from repeating ad nauseam that covid is a scam. Discussing ideas about resolving the dwlindling energy predicament would be much more useful

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Mar 11, 2023 10:07 PM
Reply to  Kurt

What does tall have to do with it? And what does old have to do with it? I’m old and tall too, but I at least try not to act like an asshole to people who haven’t done the same to me.

Mar 11, 2023 7:42 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Keep in mind, an article like this may just wake up a few motherfuckers who’re still sleeping. In that respect, it is an important piece. While most of us here felt this instinctually from Day One, as we well know, the majority still do not see it.

I’m going to send this article to two friends who still refuse to see just how this scam played out. Will it get through? Probably not, probably won’t even be read. Does that matter anymore? I don’t think it matters that much. The evidence was out there ALL ALONG for any idiot to read, but most refused. Those who have been fooled, who’ve taken that idiot shot and demanded others do the same, will simply reject the argument, we know that, we see it every damned day.

As you well know, COVID was indeed cover for the planned financial collapse. That is why we still blather about it. In some ways it is the key to all of what’s coming. I still hold out some lame fucking hope those who refused will finally see this, and if that makes me an idiot, so fucking be it. If we simply give up and stop at least trying to wake up the masses, does that help us figure out how we are going to survive the coming collapse?

You could of course just not read the article if it offends you that much. Why read it if you’re just gonna get pissed off?

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Mar 11, 2023 8:05 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

He’s correct though. No one is “waking up” to anything. We knew already the Italy death surge was a lie, the same as the UK mass-murder of care home residents. The quick ones of us knew when it was apparently happening. We all know it was all a lie, and we all know it has led to the murder of countless millions of people. These articles have been available for two years at least, saying exactly the same thing, but no one new is waking up. You agree with his points while trying to appear in opposition. Finally, how can he possibly know an article offends him until he has read it? That sentence alone makes it pretty clear you’re not thinking very logically.

Mar 11, 2023 9:46 PM
Reply to  Russian Hank

Some are “waking up”. I know people who believed the whole thing was mishandled and who now realise that there was not much to handle.

Mar 11, 2023 8:11 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

My opinion is that if the ‘planned financial collapse’ were exposed and discussed, many many of the ‘sleeping’ people would take part in the discussion and would make a relevant contribution.

I see no reason why the debate should be held off until people wake up about COVID or viruses.

That’s my point.

Mar 11, 2023 9:32 PM
Reply to  Kurt

And I do understand that. I have tried with friends who still believe the media would not lie about Covid, but will admit they lie about everything else. I have brought up the financial angle more times than I care to count. I have even gone direct so many times about the PCR “test” and just how bogus that is. I have tried pointing out the blatant fear narrative, the complete lack of logic in it, the relentless fear mongering, shaming, the fascistic idea of forced vaccination with something that does not confer immunity nor eradicate the ability to “transmit” said Megadeath Virus of Doom. The destruction caused by lockdowns. The massive wealth made by Pharma and all the rest off of the “pandemic.” NONE of that gets through. The only thing they hang on to is that so and so “had covid” and that’s it. Eye rolls when I ask how do you even know there IS a covid. And please don’t get me started on that godamned muzzle, I’ve gone after that stupidity so many times even I am sick to death of saying it.

I liked this article as it discusses the methodology of the fear porn and lies. It shows HOW it was done with a real life example. Will it make a difference? As already stated, highly doubtful. But I keep trying. That’s probably an idiotic waste of time but what the hell else am I gonna do with my time? Sit back and watch it all unfold without even attempting to rebut it? That’s apparently not in my nature. And I am so angry I simply cannot stop trying. I feel like the anger is one of the things keeping me sane during this madness and idiocy, sanity being a relative term here.

Mar 19, 2023 11:24 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Yes you point to the biggestvproblem which is that many people don’t want to accept the fact their entire view of reality is distorted because they have fallen prey to a very sophisticated propaganda machine. They are living in the reality that has been manufactured for them ; they don’t have a back up reality they feel comfortable in if the one you are telling them is fake falls apart. Believing in the truth of what you are trying to show them would lead them straight to the mental asylum. They NEED to believe the lies.

Mar 11, 2023 9:48 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

At work my otherwise fairly intelligent colleagues are still talking about “getting Covid” and ‘testing’ and saying they’re glad they got jabbed cos their regular bouts of ‘cold’ and ‘flu’ would be “much worse” if they had not!

We’ve spent THREE YEARS trying to wake people up, are you going to keep this as your main focus for the rest of your days, or move ahead with more pressing concerns?

Always remember they WANT you discussing the smokescreen..

Mar 11, 2023 10:21 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Kurt, another name to remember and skip reading.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 13, 2023 9:05 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Kurt, even though you know everything about COCO , why not serenely let others gather useful, factual information.
You do realize the fact that you know everything about COCO in Italia (including the timeline) puts you in an extreme minority? Even the Italians don’t know half of what one finds in this excellent piece.
Why do you even bother to read articles on COCO? Is it just to write your verbose, angry, obvious comments.
Inquiring minds would like to know …

Mar 11, 2023 4:32 PM

Excellent! One of the best articles I have read in a long time, anywhere. Thank you for doing the work.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 11, 2023 7:00 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Seconding Hemlockfen!

Mar 11, 2023 11:15 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Don’t tell Kent.

Mar 15, 2023 3:33 PM
Reply to  Joe


Mar 11, 2023 4:05 PM

By October 2021 Italian newspaper Il Tempo reported that the Italian Institute of Health revised the number of people who have died “from covid” rather than “with covid” from 130,468 to 3,783.


Italy also had the famous people falling in the street from covid. (lie)

Mar 11, 2023 3:57 PM

In many ways, it no longer matters. The game’s over. The final whistle’s been blown. The World Covid Cup has ended. No number of words changes the results.

Teams won, teams lost. Some died, some didn’t. Some grew richer, some grew poorer. Money transfers complete. Much like 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan … too late to reverse history.

A game matters whilst it is being played.

So what’s the value of a postmortem or post-match analysis? It’s main value imho (maybe its sole value) should be to prepare for the next game. How to play that better.

Where did the team do well or not so well? What would have been a better strategy? A better team formation … 4-4-2 or 4-3-3? Better weapons?

In short, how to win NEXT time …

Mar 11, 2023 4:21 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

As a historical document- to get the history right.

Further the game is most definitely still being played.

When you understand that the Covid Operation was about money, power and control and to set the stage for the Biosecurity apparatus and realize the (phony) pandemic phase was the circuit breaker to usher in the digital dystopia you see that it is quite relevant to get the accurate details out into the public sphere.

We are still a long way from that so any accurate depiction of what happened which opens peoples eyes to the con is not only worthwhile but essential.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 11, 2023 5:21 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Further the game is most definitely still being played.

In my depressing everyday experience, covid has become totally accepted as Something That’s Real Because They Told Us About It On The News. Any absurdities don’t even rise. And I don’t even bother trying to argue. It’s a waste of time.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 11, 2023 7:01 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Damn’ right, Max!

Mar 11, 2023 10:55 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Call it ‘phase’ rather than ‘game’ if you prefer; extending the definition of ‘game’. Same difference

Mar 11, 2023 5:13 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

It won’t be over until we have dealt with the liars. Thorough examinations like this one are needed to provide our exoneration so we can acquire permits to start the hunt. There is an overpopulation of liars that need to be culled.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Mar 11, 2023 8:10 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

You are a liar. Are you willing to cull yourself?

Mar 11, 2023 10:32 PM
Reply to  Russian Hank

Russian Hank, another name to remember and skip over.

Mar 11, 2023 10:43 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

There is an overpopulation of liars that need to be culled.

Lets start with your Trump and shills @ daily wire.

Mar 15, 2023 4:04 PM
Reply to  fertility

The truth hurts. You have to get past your hatred of Trump. Focus on what he is doing and has done. His principles align with off guardian’s. He is an awful person but just look at what the left is doing. The left is demonizing anyone that disagrees with their crazy extremist agendas. Their followers truly believe the world is ending because we use fossil fuels because their leaders keep repeating it over and over. If this is the plan you want then I am wasting my time. If not, you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. As of now the White House is leading us into a world war. Is that what you want? I don’t. Do you think that the world can sustain itself on wind and solar energy? I don’t. Do you think that WHO should have the right to order us to be jabbed by the next mRNA experimental gene therapy “vaccine”? I don’t. This list goes on and on and on. Commonality. Not Personality. DeSantis is the obvious choice. If Trumps beats him in the primary then it is all about Commonality. The idea that the world is ending is a tough argument to beat. And the left keep pushing it to their advantage. That alone should be a deal breaker if you want to restore normalcy. If not, I don’t what to say except, Good Luck. By the way, have you ever listened to the Daily Wire podcasters? They go above and beyond the nonsense being spewed by the MSM. The MSM IS the reason Off-Guardian was created. Alternative news is the wave of the future and the left is trying to shut it down. They want it to go away “real bad”. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling. The emperor has no clothes. The United Nations is the cause of all our problems. They need to be disbanded and defunded. The truth hurts and the left is trying to suppress it.

Mar 11, 2023 5:33 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Winning next time begins with understanding what just happened, no?

Amd not everybody does understand. Hence, articles like this.

I would have thought that was obvious.

(This wonderful site is bedevilled by too much unnecessary criticism amd rudeness.)

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Mar 11, 2023 7:04 PM
Reply to  Will

It is, Will. Some of the btls weren’t socialised properly into acceptable manners by their parents…

Mar 11, 2023 10:56 PM
Reply to  Will

It does indeed begin ‘with understanding what just happened’ but it shouldn’t end there

Mar 11, 2023 8:51 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

I take it you mean “over”, as in “not over”…?

Mar 11, 2023 10:24 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I did indeed mean game over. But not the season

Mar 11, 2023 10:29 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

“Much like 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan … too late to reverse history.”

With respect; Afghanistan recently reversed history by spectacularly kicking out NATZO, with fleeing collaborators hanging onto the wheels of U$ aircraft; like in Vietnam. And now Iraq is reversing history with a stunning reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Mar 12, 2023 1:24 PM
Reply to  NickM

Accepted. Some actions can be reversed or repaired. Where the football match metaphor breaks down

Mar 11, 2023 3:50 PM

‘Could it be that it was medical malfeasance, and not a novel pathogen, that was igniting this tinderbox in the hospitals and creating a feedback loop of public panic?’


Mar 12, 2023 6:47 AM
Reply to  Willem

“Trust me I’m a doctor” has worn a bit thin – they happily accepted payment to inject experimental unproven drugs. This was previously known as poisoning.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 11, 2023 3:45 PM

The most perceptive assessment of “The Italian Job” as psychological manoeuvre came from David Icke i.e. that no-one in the West really cared about the Chinese. They were a funny lot away over in a distant corner and had nothing to do with us. So it didn’t matter how many scare stories we heard about folk dropping dead in the street.  Casual shrug of the shoulders. But Italy was in the centre of Europe and served as a perfect steppingstone. Moreover, the Italians were “just like us” and “if they could get it, so could we!”

Enter Michael Caine: “Hang on a minute lads, I’ve got a great idea.”

Meanwhile the most ferocious shiller for covid, the World Socialist Web Site, is posting its own three-year anniversary summation:


Note how the only alternative account (“conspiracy theory”) they admit to is that “COVID-19 was developed in a Chinese lab” i.e. that COVID is really really real full stop! Three years later this lot still haven’t allowed the tiniest chink (forgive the “racist” pun) of doubt to enter in. Icke says more truth about this in a few seconds than this “Trotskyite” lot manage in three years.

Mar 11, 2023 6:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“The Italian Job” as psychological manoeuvre came from David Icke i.e. that no-one in the West really cared about the Chinese

He;s been shilling the chicom for years on that dreadful david icke sponsored by fox news website of his.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Mar 11, 2023 8:08 PM
Reply to  fertility

You can barely use your own language so it’s unlikely you have any original opinions.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 12, 2023 12:26 AM
Reply to  George Mc

What are you talking about what’s soo funny about People spread illnesses and diseases. Instead of them passing through a coloured prism instant recognition recognisable translatable robotic language barrier George, perhaps they’ll think of something “across the ponds”.
Course my dear old pop would have said. Let’s all learn Italian, French is too difficult.

Mar 11, 2023 3:20 PM

we knew this. a degree of yawn lingers, but

still, not a bad wee review at all, ended bang on.

“..what y’all know about killin’..y’all experts?”

never forget, indeed, what we saw, and remain with, . . but OG needs to up the game a tad,
too many pond/pot stagnation articles.

we need to move forward.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Mar 11, 2023 3:55 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

The covid story should be repeated until enough heads have rolled.

Mar 11, 2023 4:02 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

aye, point; but we don’t need stuck in some loop.

Mar 11, 2023 4:26 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Should the history be accurately recorded?

You can’t move forward until the history has been accuratley depicted and justice is served.

I heard similar sentiments about the Iraq War and ironically many of the “Covid oppositional apologists” (Bhattacharya, Malone, etc.) agree with you as they blather on about “lessons learned” etc.

They and the establishment want people to stop digging and revealing the crimes and lies of what actually happened.

Is that what you are suggesting?

Mar 11, 2023 4:50 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

are you suggesting anything is accurately recorded?

show me the justice that has historically been served, and how depicted?

are you suggesting many of us were not aware of most of the article’s content before we read it? i gave it a 5, not like me at all, but it ended very positively, and not with a yawn at all.

“the history” is that like “Life” ? the yawn is on the -ve.

people live in accurately recorded, utterly contrived narratives. they seem to have patterns too.

i am suggesting OG move beyond reinforcing the shit show.

and that is not a snidey go at OG at all.

is this a library? a record? a reinforcing loop?

or a blether? a forum? a place to learn?

and where is the decent section on the real state of the bio”sphere”? ; )

i am suggesting OG get a little more organic, perhaps.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Mar 11, 2023 8:09 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

History is never accurately recorded. Also, this website will be scrubbed long before any heads start rolling.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 11, 2023 3:10 PM

Just one player in the game: > Excerpted from: Mario Draghi – Wikipedia

“Mario Draghi: Born 3 September 1947) is an Italian economist, academic, banker and civil servant who served as prime minister of Italy from 13 February 2021 to 22 October 2022.

Prior to his appointment as prime minister, he served as President of the European Central Bank (ECB) between 2011 and 2019. Draghi was also Chair of the Financial Stability Board between 2009 and 2011, and Governor of the Bank of Italy between 2006 and 2011.”

Also refer to the section referring to Mr. Draghi as “Governor of the Bank of Italy”.
It would seem Mr. Draghi (and associates) were not very astute regarding the funding requirements for reconstructions of the failing Italian National Healthcare Service…

Wikipedia yields quite a detailed (and slanted) history of Mr. Draghi’s career. Perhaps some ambitious readers may enjoy the show. >

Mario Draghi – Wikipedia

Mar 11, 2023 10:57 PM

““Mario Draghi, prime minister of Italy from 13 February 2021 to 22 October 2022.
Prior appointment, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) between 2011 and 2019.”

I think this answers my question in reply to Sara at 6.50pm:
Who “parachuted those two perps, Giuseppe Conte and Roberto Speranza (Health Minister) into the previous Italian government?

Sara did not name the missing perp, but it had to be someone higher up than the Health Minister, and it had to be an Italian with connessione to the bigger world of EU and WEF.

Draghi was Italy’s Con-19 numero uno.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 13, 2023 9:21 PM
Reply to  NickM

There’s a great clip of Mario Draghi reacting to a young woman jumping on the top of a desk from which he was lecturing. She tossed a few handfuls of confetti at him.
Not very dragon-like.
Still, he is a dangerous, evil, and powerful man.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 11, 2023 2:52 PM

Anyone with three working brain cells knows that covid-1984 has been a complete hoax in every detail from the start, and the kick-off (American football term) of the final act of our Overlords to convert global society to a technocratic, neofeudal dystopia. What Icke prefers to call “the Hunger Games Society.” It has been based on the US military conquest strategy of shock and awe. It was a minimum of many decades in the planning. They are following through with the plan despite many millions waking up. Dementia Joe is about to sign a treaty turning the USSA into a captured territory under the official nominal authority of the repulsive war criminal psychopath Tedros. Interestingly, only the leaders of Africa have shown any resistance, perhaps due to the tens of thousands murdered there with previous experimental “vaccines” by Tedros’ boss. The ultimate question currently Is whether resistance is futile against the steakholders for us soon to be insectivores?

Mar 12, 2023 8:16 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Tedros is a low level functionary of the New World Order. His boss Kill Gates ranks quite high in the world government and is a bankster in his own right given his mother’s family’s holdings of Federal Reserve stock. However he reports to the top level banksters.

You are right in stating that that convid has been decades in planning. Depopulation is the main objective though the measly death toll of 30 million from the clot shots must have been heartbreaking for poor Kill.