WATCH: Building Community – #SolutionsWatch

The powers-that-shouldn’t-be are trying to keep us apart. Divided. Alone in the urban jungle.

And so, building community is a way to fight back by constructing something new…But no one said building a community is easy.

Join James Corbett for this episode of #SolutionsWatch, as he looks at The Conscious Agora and other examples of people coming together to create a better world.

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Mar 14, 2023 2:56 PM

You know, they now have “Little Houses” which are kind of like overgrown doll houses. How about a couple of us get together, find a vacant lot (I’m sure they’re everywhere) and erect a Little House.

And we could get three great big dogs so that their body heat could keep the house warm in winter. And we could make a little garden out back to grow food for ourselves and our dogs. We’ll want to grow some grain so we can make our own dog food of course.

All in all, a very good, rewarding time will be had!

Mar 14, 2023 4:13 PM
Reply to  Howard

i appreciate the humour.

what do you think the dogs’ll end up eating ; )

Mar 15, 2023 12:36 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Not “what” the dogs will eat…but “who.”

Mar 16, 2023 5:33 PM
Reply to  Howard


Mar 14, 2023 12:48 PM

aussies are getting 11 submarines worth $368 billion.

how long would it take to recoup the cost when these submarines are used to smuggle cocaine?

The Original
The Original
Mar 14, 2023 11:07 AM

We need to think about what WE want next, because the WEF’s plans are doomed to fail. Over a year ago, we rejected the WEF’s Nazi passports. They then tried the Slava Ukraine thing, which doesn’t appear to be going too well for them either – funny how the virtue-signaling dropped off the proverbial cliff when the first gas bills of the winter landed on people’s door mats! I think that their next plans will fail too; for reasons of self-interest, there’s no way that Sebastian Red Trousers from Surrey will accept 15 minute cities or other lifestyle restrictions which will reduce their material standard of living. In contrast, asking people to wear a slave muzzle in return for furlough or WFH was an easy sell. They won’t stand for 15 minute cities. The other thing to factor in is that there’s way more people awake now than there were when we pushed back and beat them on the Nazi passports. Programmable CBDCs will not be accepted by ‘normie’ consensus huggers either because they’ll see it as being against their self-interest. The globalists cultivated a moral decline, and now the selfishness that THEY created will be their own downfall. And that’s why Klaus and the gang are screwed! The economy and our current financial system will collapse though, so we will have an opportunity to reshape society, because something new will be needed. The old normal has gone. This is video outlines what I would like to see next, and why. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zevCyJQsBe8

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
Mar 14, 2023 8:20 PM
Reply to  The Original

Good ideas TO, thanks – it follows my own approach to local economies:

Mar 14, 2023 10:25 AM

“i am utterly sick of self appointed experts”

No shit!

The most ridiculous thing is that all these know-it-all gurus who write fucking books on how to build a community (I wonder how many communities they’ve built) are using essentially the same approach, the same kind of technocratic thinking as the technocrats they’re in theory opposing.

My guess is that if they managed to built their intentional community, they’d eventually turn into the same kinda oppressive pricks as the ones that are pestering is now.

BTW, the only community I’m aware of – maybe apart from kibutzes in Israel that apparently kinda used to work – is Gabriola Island, a small island off Victoria Island in B.C. I used to know a violin player who lived there. But that’s a long time ago, who knows what’s happened there by now.

Does anybody know of an actual self-contained community that lives somewhere off-grid, detached from mainstream society? Amish?

Other than that, you gotta build your “community” within the mainstream society, by flying under the radar, having likeminded contacts, etc.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
Mar 14, 2023 8:25 PM
Reply to  Kurt

I witnessed UBUNTU working in South Africa. With 50% unemployment their stats claim these people are economically inactive – true if your are GloboCap but actually they are very much innovative and active making a good living well of the grid. https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/progressing-plan-b-a-quarterly-review?s=w

Mar 15, 2023 6:22 AM
Reply to  Austrian Peter

Micheal Tellinger’s sister is a good friend of mine. The stuff he does is very interesting and precisely what people have to do – go local instead of global. And find la raison d’etre in something other than ever-increasing consumption (of useless crap).

It’s probably foolish that this will happen voluntarily. People are gluttonous fucks.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
Mar 15, 2023 10:26 AM
Reply to  Kurt

Regrettably it’s true Kurt and it will only happen when their excesses disappear which IMHO won’t be long now. It’s good have endorsement from someone close to Michael but few will understand until they actually face the coming reality. Then they’ll scream that nobody told them! There’s no fixing greedy stupid.

Mar 14, 2023 9:48 PM
Reply to  Kurt

all the alt-communes seem to be filled with freaks, ex- academia/civil service/bourgoise players. with their accumulated wealth as leverage, or more insane woke versions . . .( i have known a few of them, almost went to Scoraig myself… but decided NO.)

. . .and all their gimps. just another gang, never a real free group of people. i am turning into howard. people are scum, probably.

communes always infighting, people leaving, Life never actually honoured. more shitshow ego-land full of fucking eejits bloated far beyond their real ability demanding their entitlement… urgh, accusing you of stealing your own stuff, as they had decided it was “communal”… etc etc when they brought fuck all to the table other than their despicable self.

having said that, i only kissed the fringe of these jokers, never lived long-term amidst.

I agree Kurt: swim free, below the wave crests.

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 14, 2023 12:49 AM

William Golding’s Lord of the Flies (1954)

Mar 14, 2023 8:37 PM
Reply to  Michael Swain

that’s bang on, welcome to the future ; )

Mar 13, 2023 9:01 PM

Here are communities being destroyed; This is what we in the West must support whatever the cost; No matter it’s a fascist controlled Ukrainian government; No matter that innocent lives are being wasted; This is the price one pays for following the lunacy of American imperialism in Europe; We have learned nothing from history.

(1) 18+ Battle For Bakhmut (Special Report) On the Edge – YouTube

Mar 13, 2023 10:55 PM
Reply to  Grafter

wrong post buddy.

but, yes there is a massive “clearance” going on in UKr, agreed.

wastelands inc.

Mar 13, 2023 8:21 PM

ye see, this community thing is a nice idea, but very problematic. there are, frankly, too many cunts far too full of themselves for a “community” to work in the fukt west… you see it in all the hippy/alt/whateverthefuck self proclaimed good guys too – they are all hubristic cunts, so expert in everything, as long as they are centre of attention/activity… aye right, experts in their own fukn ego/want/need anomy and worse . . i am utterly sick of self appointed experts who will disagree with me, not through knowledge or experience, never mind some “truth”… purely through their own ego and refusal to accept their limited life (knowledge) and where it has got them: cunts, full of their own belief. they will bitch and whine and aggress to get their way, even if they’re fuckmuppetubernumpties. entitled scumfucks, in all camps. I am talking about our “us”. not the moron horde. Kurt’s sorta there, but how mant egg/beer traders are still trying to swindle each other as they go..? there it is. a world of cunts. no doubt Kurt will correct me… lol there is no community in a materialist consumer society. most people appear that they’d rather continue consuming than address their lifestyle deficit (= fuck the niggers/chinks/sweatshops/imbalance of worth, as long as i can shop with clean fingernails) and i am talking about us, here. sorry to be so negative. i will be a community, but it’ll take time, no fake people welcome, ever, and unfortunately that’s 90% of people. soft snobs will never be welcome, same as lazy people. see your ego/self perception and blissful good life dreams, YOU CAN TAKE IT THE FUCK FAR AWAY, like a ladybird book. until i see people dig dirt and break their nails and work in misery… they will… Read more »

Mar 13, 2023 8:25 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

sorry for all the expletives, just the way it rolls.

Mar 13, 2023 9:00 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Blimey, wish you would just say what you mean! ( Thumbs up from me).

Mar 13, 2023 9:59 PM
Reply to  semaj

aye downvoter roll too, that negation effect, cheers anyway.

Mar 13, 2023 11:11 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

no passport, and how do i know the russkis wouldn’t send me to kolyma, without a tractor or stove, haha ; ) what about a shovel . . .

i have thought of it often… running away is a defeat is it not? argh.

i’m north-west and we seem pretty sheltered so far, other than from zombie compliance (!). We ARE resource surplus nation, but that only makes us a target/victim in the west. . . .

see what unravels from the south in times to come….

foodbanks are a media shit-pit, just to make scumfuck mediocre middle class work-kapos feel better about themselves on their shopping.. dump old food or beans….
real homeless are sick of beans, lol (all true), they go to the soup kitchen,

a shitshowclownworld, certainly here.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
Mar 14, 2023 8:33 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Have a look at failed states, how they are managing and then look at a failing state, South Africa, and how individuals are actually thriving within a crashing infrastructure – in chaos is opportunity:

You can forget the ‘happy, clapping, ‘commune’ – the real world is raw and competitive but it works and big.gov is afar off.

Mar 14, 2023 9:15 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

i did not reply to myself here…??? missing comment, was it uncle ted?? have they been banned/deleted???

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 15, 2023 1:40 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

The chap with whom you were chatting removes his/her own comments regularly. I’ve noticed that a couple of times and he/she admitted to it.

Mar 14, 2023 2:27 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Its amazing, is it not, that they often down vote FACTS, WTF is going on?

Mar 14, 2023 3:59 PM
Reply to  semaj

it is my experience and observation, so just an opinion perhaps, but i hear you : )

Mar 13, 2023 9:58 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

it will. it’s called overpopulation/reach, all these massive and completely dependant conurbations that couldn’t feed a family from a plot on “no-gro” grass, monobloc and decking, lol… before they dug all the dirt out – even if they tried on their building regulation 20 sq metres of “plot” built on old chromium works…
yes. indeed. that’s not a bad description of a new urbane flat, ha . .

(spare me the patter Jagger, you’re doing very well, i do mean that, but your effort is beyond the average K&K so let me despair).

.. .tough, reap as you sow muthafuckas, i will not be held accountable for moron consumer myopics, and i’ll smash everyone of them who tries to steal my longer-wider-view.


cities and completely dependant populaces.. . they may well get fucking fukt.

that’s a lot of people at each other’s throats, hungry…

we’ll see.

Mar 14, 2023 9:52 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

again, i did not reply to myself here… where’s the missing posts?

Mar 14, 2023 10:03 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

You really must stop sitting on the fence and sugar coating everything, R.

Mar 13, 2023 7:58 PM

It won’t be easy because it will be impossible. Buying large swaths of vacant land in the middle of nowhere sounds great in one’s mind. First, you need a bottomless pit of money that will have been funneled out the “the establishment”. Generally, vacant land is vacant because it is marginal and bound to burn out relatively quickly. Especially in the absence of modern day fertilizers. Then what? How will that work out with reproduction and the needed expansion to accommodate a growing population? You will need twice as much land to replace the burned out land and the added land to support the growth. This method of farming will require a kind of like slashing and burning methodology. You would need a thousand acres where you only use 100 acres at a time. The unused portion being rested would become grown over with weeds and brush in no time. Every spring would require a fantastic amount of energy to prepare the land for crops. Population would need to be limited to what?, maybe 10 people? Eventually everyone would grow too old to do physical labor. The idea of living independently of the government is implied but not defined. What about income? Energy will be needed to facilitate planting, cultivation, harvesting and, potentially, irrigation. Is everything going to be done by hand? Will everything be electric and based on solar panels and wind turbines? That is a lot of upstart cost. And what about the absence of wind and sun…..on the same day……? And when the land burns out, what do you do about the fixed investments? It would take a lot effort to “pick them up and move them”. Or……., dip into the bottomless pit of money,….. again. It could become a commercialized Fat farm, I guess. Charge people… Read more »

Mar 13, 2023 8:33 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

good comment until you concluded…

i don’t see it either, majority of modern westerners are plainly incapable of pulling it off. people don’t have a clue how to live beyond being a consumer.

but liking your fridge is entirely the problem.


Mar 14, 2023 12:59 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Weirdly, I agree with your comment. It does not change my opinion, but it doesn’t fit. I started my Old Fashion at the beginning…… I was under the influence at the end. I like to poke. My bad.

Mar 14, 2023 7:44 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

There are traditional alternatives to modern farming and slash-and-burn. The former only destroys the land and indebts you. It is because the alternatives work that governments coerce small farmers with various restrictions and ultimately drive them out.

Mar 14, 2023 12:47 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Independence is the key assumption; You and the land with no outside influence. You can’t raise enough animals to produce the fertilizer needed to keep your soils fertile. They will burn out. (I guess I am trying to read your mind.) My picture involves marginal land with limited potential to start with. Grazing animals and marginal land are not a match made in heaven, especially if you have slope involved. An eroded gully waiting to happen (that is assuming there will be enough rain, although it only takes one “gully washer” to do the damage). Same for a freshly planted crop. The pitfalls of farming land are huge. The best management practices are not always sufficient even when you have every resource available for dealing with those problems. Huge investments that will never be recovered are needed to nurture the land and keep it viable. Farmers and land have always been at odds. Nature’s solution to soil stability is a lot different than a farmer’s solution. I once suggested that I would like to be a farmer to my associate. His answer, “No you don’t”. Not as glorious as one might think. The highlight of the Farmer’s year: Getting the hell out of dodge and spending a few days at the State Fair to watch tractor pull and seeing which 4H kid grew the biggest hog. The Clint Eastwood – Meryl Streep flick comes to mind…….. Sorry. There will never be Utopia on Earth. It’s not in our blood.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
Mar 14, 2023 8:51 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

“You can’t raise enough animals to produce the fertilizer needed”

Not true. I ran my own smallholding on 2 acres for 20+ years, our two horses provided more than enough manure, used with annual bonfires (potash) and the compost heap – it all worked fine, but bloody hard work; I couldn’t do it now.

We managed to produce all our own food: meat from goats, chicken, rabbit – all veg in season, fruit trees and bushes and foraging. We might have made our own soap (it’s awful!) and other household ‘stuff’ was bought. I realised there was no way to be self-sufficient at modern standards on LAND. https://www.amazon.co.uk/New-Complete-Book-Self-Sufficiency-realists/dp/0751364428

However, as a life-long yachtsman I was able to live on my boat for many years after downsizing from the smallholding when my 4 kids finally left. A well-found yacht in the hands of an experienced skipper is the nearest I have ever got to self-sufficiency.

Mar 15, 2023 3:28 PM
Reply to  Austrian Peter

It can be and is done. Look at the Amish. Their land is burning out too. Just not as fast. They started with the best soils on the face of the earth. That’s not the point. Soft bodied greenhorns reading books and moving out of the city to already burned out marginal land is the problem. If there is some sort of die off and quality soiled farms are available, I could see it. Then your biggest problem would be fending off the Russians and/or Chinese that will be coming to collect the spoils of their pulse bombs. The bomb that has the capability of destroying every electrical circuit it touches rendering the systems they are a part of useless. You know: The communications, transportation, and utility infrastructure. I wrote about this scenario once before and my critics refused to accept that such an event would ever happen. Something like,”Even the Russians and Chinese would never do such a thing”. Keep kidding yourselves. How would that be that different than trying to vaccinate the World’s population with a poisonous clot shot? Many people are calling the mRNA jabs a culling. We know how that one went. They know it too. And they don’t care. There are plenty of climate activists that would view a pulse bomb as a positive. Another population culling that will reduce Carbon emissions. Genocide is part of our history. Over and over. People are ruthless. It’s in our genes. I digress.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
Mar 15, 2023 5:05 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

You might digress but you speak the truth, H. There are many greedy people but also, in my travels, I have found plenty of gentle and caring souls – I know because I am married to a South African one, and most have little to give but do so anyway.

After 20+ years on my smallholding the soil was better than when I first encountered it as an open field. Nature will always do the work if allowed. But you are right to warn of a pulse bomb at which time I trust I shall be at sea!

Mar 13, 2023 7:51 PM

I’m starting to be a bit put off by James Corbett… he’s a bit patronizing… Then if you haven’t watch “episode 206” or “episode 104”, then you have to watch them, otherwise he thinks you’re not going to understand the point… and if you go back to “episode 206”, in it says that if you haven’t watched “episode 65”, then… bla bla bla… What does he know about ‘community’ organization any way??? Is he doing it with his japanese neighbours, or it’s just bla bla bla for others??? And if you live in a city and have no chance to move to the countryside… then this video isn’t for you… according to James Corbett!!! “Eco villages” are all pagan communities… Derrick Broze and his wife are pagans, either they knows it or not, but the stuff they follows is new age paganism; “HOLISM”, “consciousness”, “awakening”, “wholeness”, “mindfulness”, “yoga”, etc are all typical pagan doctrines – it’s the idea that the individual disappears in the name of the ‘whole’; peculiar that these doctrines were mentioned by people such as Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey which are the two main spiritual [pagan] references of the United Nations…so for me… no thanks!!! It sounds like another hippish cult where its members are brainwashed into paganism… the entire hippy culture is pagan, again, either they know it or not… it’s always about being against any type of “authority”, the idea of being “rebels” [sic]… then they believe they are so clever and original, and don’t have the slightest clue that they were brainwashed with pagan doctrines and traditions!!! “Manifesto of the free humans” sounds pretty much the same ass the type of “liberty” americans always parroted, without knowing that this “liberty” has always meant ‘liberty from God’, as the concept was coined during the… Read more »

Mar 14, 2023 12:55 PM
Reply to  Luís

Maybe he knows something we don’t know. Maybe we won’t have a choice. Some people will have the resources to start a new community from scratch if needed in the event of a catastrophe. Most won’t be prepared. I think that is his point: Get prepared. The Signature Bank in New York and the Silicon Valley Bank in California thought they were prepared for the new Woke agenda. That worked out well. I digress.

Mar 13, 2023 3:43 PM

Is there any word more over used than community?

Mar 13, 2023 5:20 PM
Reply to  paul


Mar 13, 2023 6:30 PM
Reply to  switchedON


Mar 13, 2023 10:50 PM
Reply to  Offlands

‘Moving forward’. It’s THE mantra of the smug middle class.
As if anyone can travel backwards, literally or chronologically.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
Mar 14, 2023 8:59 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Oxymoron for morons?

Mar 14, 2023 10:09 PM
Reply to  Johnny


Mar 13, 2023 7:19 PM
Reply to  switchedON

which is communism… and communism is jewish, talmudism and luciferian cabalism.
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise: “Some call it judaism, I call it communism.”
And this communism can be paganism as well, the pagan comcept of “holism” or “wholeness”, where the individual disappears in the name of the ‘whole’.

Mar 14, 2023 7:38 AM
Reply to  Luís

Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism, engineered to swamp Greco Roman and other paganism. The monotheisms and Marxism share a common root and have furthered on a massive scale the objectives of the banksters.

Mar 13, 2023 7:46 PM
Reply to  paul

democracy, equality ?


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 13, 2023 11:12 PM
Reply to  paul

Yes: Safe.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
Mar 14, 2023 9:00 PM
Reply to  paul

No – except perhaps ‘self-sufficiency’. And then there are the new Woke buzzwords: stakeholder this and that, public/private partnership – ….I won’t bore you. WEF has all the answers to your question. And then of course there are all those words beginning with ‘trans’ working through a spectrum of nausea.

Mar 13, 2023 12:44 PM

Consider as well Solaris, a “Network of mutual aid and solidarity” (as opposed to a “community of like-minded people”). There is no politics or religion in Solaris. No need to “detach from the system”. This “Network of humans” started in France in September 2021. http://solaris-ontario.org/ is a comprehensive website in English.

Mar 13, 2023 12:22 PM

Walden 2, Prevention or Intervention. From Nowhere and Utopia. What’s the point? The Objective, The Purpose !MARCH 15, 2022 But there was, I think, a better reason why more and more people began to read the book. The world was beginning to face problems of an entirely new order of magnitude-the exhaustion of resources, the pollution of the environment, overpopulation, and the possibility of a nuclear holocaust, to mention only four. Physical and biological technologies could, of course, help. We could find new sources of energy and make better use of those we had. The world could feed itself by growing more nutritious grains and eating grain rather than meat. More reliable methods of contraception could keep the population within bounds. Impregnable defenses could make a nuclear war impossible. But that would happen only if human behavior changed, and how it could be changed was still an unanswered question. How were people to be induced to use new forms of energy, to eat grain rather than meat, and to limit the size of their families; and how were atomic stockpiles to be kept out of the hands of desperate leaders? From time to time policy makers in high places have been urged to pay more attention to the behavioral sciences. The National Research Council, the operative arm of the National Academy of Sciences, made one such proposal a number of years ago, pointing out that useful “insights in policy formulation” had been developed. But it implied that the chief role of the behavioral sciences was to collect facts and insisted, possibly to reassure policy makers who might be alarmed by the ambitions of scientists, that “knowledge is no substitute for wisdom or common sense in making decisions.” Science would get the facts but Congress or the President would make the… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 13, 2023 2:02 PM
Reply to  Roger

With all due disrespect, we don’t need more “experts” telling the little sheeple how to eat, sleep, commune, or perform any other facet of a fully developed individual. These “experts” have done more to destroy the freedoms of human knowledge and enterprise, than the organizations of “snakes” they allegedly disdain. ALL organizations suck wind. It’s not rocket science.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 13, 2023 12:12 PM

The powers-that-shouldn’t-be are trying to keep us apart. Divided. Alone in the urban jungle. Yes, I agree, but division is inherent in human culture. The reality is that “us v them” (even “us” the good people v “them” the PTB) is an illusion. It’s just a mental construct, nothing more. We’re all individuals, all different. Even the likes of Schwab has things in common with people who come on here. But, of course, I would certainly expect resistance to this here. Some will hiss and downvote, and (or) accuse me of being “on the side” of them. But I don’t take sides, because in reality there are no sides to take. Some people here (including myself) have some sympathy with the Russian position on Ukraine – though I do not support in any way the war started in 2022. (or is it 2014 – you take your pick). But you will note, as I do, that the MSM demonises Putin with the same venom that people here might demonise Gates. I don’t support Gates or Putin. But I have no need to demonise them. It only weakens you, the demoniser, it has no effect on them. So what then do you do about “them”? Well, if you want to remain stuck in a divided world then just carry on as you are. Keep on shaking your fists at a “them” that don’t really exist. Nothing will change, and nothing will change until you first change and drop the “us v them” mentality. I am not suggesting that you trust these people. I don’t really trust anybody excepting myself, but I am not openly hostile to others – I don’t regard others as “enemies” even if they think of me in that way. I am opposed to digital passports, CBDC, to… Read more »

Mar 13, 2023 1:50 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

There is a difference between those who want things to be organized differently from which things are organized. . I agree with you people in the minority are entitled to their opinions and even to do what they can to bring change to the status quo. But when a mass of humanity wants what they have, and a few want something different, and the few expend energy to organize themselves with intent to force the masses to reorganize to suit the few such amounts to corruption. and all corruption is a crime against humanity. This is one of the many problems with allowing corporations<=non human entities to exist. No matter the size the objectives of the NHO are to impose a minority intention by becoming more powerful than one voice among many voices. The NHO becomes more powerful than any of the individuals in the unorganized masses. Organization sucks the energy from, and disenfranchises the independent voices of its human members such that the NHO becomes powerful, even more powerful than, the sum of its members. Thus the wishes of the masses are overpowered by the stronger NHO. This is why the divide and conquer strategy trends to bipolar NHO; political paries, the political parties silence the individual while at the same time the political paries sap the human energy to build the strength of the organization. Since all power belongs to the government, the government loses some of its power to each organization (corporation, partnership, trust) it recognizes or allows to be formed. When government loses enough power by transfer of its power to a NHO; the political system no longer affords opportunity to the individuals that make up the masses to have a say. At that point, the political system no longer serves the masses. In time the… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 13, 2023 2:12 PM
Reply to  eman

Hello eman: A very well thought out and concise argument. You stated; ‘and all corruption is a crime against humanity.‘ True. But I would rephrase the comment as: All organizations are crimes against humanity.

Individual choice is the only valid point of existence. The rest is delusion.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 13, 2023 11:50 PM
Reply to  eman

I think the only way we can stop this corruption and the imposition of the few over the many – and the other things the few do to the many (exploitation, etc.) – is to end lobbyism in politics.

Perhaps we can also institute direct democracy (we have the technology for that) for all major bills to be passed in parliament, as a start. Only if the majority of we the people still believe government at the federal level is necessary.

Better still perhaps is eliminate federal government altogether and have only regional governments serving the people, not the corporations.

But how to bring this about?

Mar 13, 2023 2:43 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

The parasites you speak of knowingly facilitate the suffering and murder of innocent people by intentional action. They could not be more different than me.

Take your unbelievably fucked up message and shove it up your compromised arsehole.

Mar 13, 2023 3:36 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

‘John Pretty’, you’re a moronic, subservient apologist for murderous cunts.

Mar 13, 2023 10:36 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

acht, another nice idea..

they will turn on you as soon as someone more “correct” shouts louder.

so, hand them rope, persuade them they are murderers, willing complices, they deserve it, they allowed all this to happen, they ENABLED, not the CIC. they joined in. Fuck them.

sadly, i do believe in a cull, these people are willingly joining in…. at the least, were, and trying to take everyone else with them…

no, plain no. fuck ’em, and i do belive in grace, but the past few years have been a lesson more in pearls.

e.g. can you suck my dick whilst i show you a puppy? they did.


will never wash.

sadly so : /

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 13, 2023 11:39 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Well, good luck with appealing to their humanity – those Gates, Schwabs and higher echelon politicians.

However, on the whole your argument is solid.

Where I draw the line between considering others just my fellow human beings – no matter how misguided, lazy and in denial – and my enemies is the point at which anyone tries to impose anything on me or ostracises me for having a different opinion.

Mar 13, 2023 11:20 AM

Corbett’s rolling series of discussions on the One Health agenda are some of his best work and it’s a shame OG doesn’t carry them.

Mar 13, 2023 12:11 PM
Reply to  Edwige

If folks are interested I believe those discussions of One Health are being carried on Children’s Health Defense because Corbett is conducting them with Dr. Meryl Nass.
They are saved so you can watch them at any time.

Mar 13, 2023 10:07 AM

What the hell. Here’s the whole piece. It’s, as we say in Oz, Bonza Mate! :

A German
A German
Mar 13, 2023 10:04 AM

Recommending (again) the book 5 stages of collapse from Dmitri Orlov.

He experienced the collapse of SU and diagnosed the signs of collapse when he lived in US for a couple of years. His examples for each of the levels are particularly instructive, so the Russian Mafia, the Pashtuns, the gypsies and the Ik. Your choice.

Mar 13, 2023 10:22 AM
Reply to  A German

It’s been crystal clear to anyone not living in denial that the First World is destined to collapse just like the Second World did, it was just a question of time. The First World won the struggle against its nemesis, the Communist bloc, only thanks to corrupting itself through debt that allowed its populations to live light years beyond their means. It’s been clear that all those luxuries shoveled down the throats of the First World’s populations would be eradicated since roughly the mid-1990s. A new lease on life has been given to the First World though hallucinatory financial machinations in the first decades of the 2000s; alas, all that’s over now, and the collapse is imminent, if it hasn’t happened already. What’s different from the collapse of the Soviet Union, or the Second World, is that whatever it is that the world is shifting toward is entirely new. Most of the Second World was swallowed by the First World, to a lesser or greater extent, and/or adopted its socioeconomic schemes. Thanks to that, the collapsed Second World was able to ride on the coattails of the First World prosperity of the second half of the 20th century, albeit not for too long. Now, we’re all entering the unknown. There is no past experience, nothing previously established to use as a template for the new era. Things might be – quite gravely – exacerbated by all sorts of other factors, such as the impending scarcity of energy and resources, population overshoot, the fact that the Third World is no longer too keen to slave away for our luxury (that’s a major contributing factor in our lifestyles – the extra value we get from exploiting these poor fuckers on the other side of the world, whether at gunpoint or through monetary… Read more »

A German
A German
Mar 13, 2023 2:07 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Agree. But you don’t know the book. It is not about copying SU, but about ideas for strategies. Why could this be useful? If someone else found good solutions in the past, it would be more intelligent to use the idea instead of inventing the wheel from scratch ‘new’ with imagination to be the first.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 14, 2023 12:01 AM
Reply to  Kurt

But that scarcity, including the scarcity that has always been imposed on the third world, is artificial, wilfully imposed in order to oppress the people.

There is no scarcity of energy or food or arable land.

Mar 13, 2023 10:02 AM

This deserves an Oscar:
comment image?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 13, 2023 10:23 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Definitely more talent involved than at the oscars Johnny

Mar 13, 2023 12:11 PM
Reply to  Johnny

They got Mr Fucking Bean do the chart …?

comment image

Mar 13, 2023 8:28 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I love it . . .

Mar 13, 2023 8:56 AM

I didn’t know community ‘builder’ Derrick Broze was a rap star called 33

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 13, 2023 9:06 AM

Tom Cruise is a community builder. And each of his wives was 33 when he separated from them.

Don’t know about his rap cred tho

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 13, 2023 8:02 AM

“And they all lived, happily ever after.”

Mar 13, 2023 3:22 AM

This guy is a comedian, his naivete makes me laugh. His phantasmagorical suggestions are on par with the idea I once heard that people should go off-grid by buying a generator and bumming off used cooking oil from the neighbors. I wouldn’t be caught dead in an intentional community. Just the thought of it makes its prospective members get on my nerves already! However, let me propose a real solution. So, the CBDCs are coming, right? The banskters will roll out digital bucks, euros, or whatever currency you’re using in your neck of the woods, and the electronic dough will come with strings attached. You’ll only be allowed to buy a certain quantity of this shit, that shit, and the other shit, and only if you’re a good boy or a good girl. They’ll also have digital IDs to tie your purchases to yourself. It seems that this opens a large opportunity for a secondary market, where people will buy thereto government-allotted amounts of crap and then trade it among themselves based on their actual preferences. For example, people who don’t like sweets but like meat will trade their allotment of sweets for meat. So on, so forth. An online platform for trading shit like this can be created, and if there are any IT motherfuckers around, they might as well start working on it. Mind you, this will have to be totally under the table so the government can’t sniff it out. With any luck, thus created black market will eventually take over the technocratic bullshit and make it die by attrition. I don’t know whether this qualifies as “making the world a better place”, but IMHO, that’s a rather lofty ambition. The vast majority of people are more or less fucked up, one way or another, unable to… Read more »

Mar 13, 2023 6:27 AM
Reply to  Kurt

Kinda like what goes on in the slammer.

Mar 13, 2023 7:10 AM
Reply to  hele

Exactly! That’s where we should be looking for inspiration!

Unfortunately, I only spent a night or two in jail and therefore haven’t had a chance to acquire a whole lot of expertise in this regard. Were you in for a protracted amount of time? What was your crime? Let me guess – using the wrong pronoun in addressing one of the LGBTQ+++++++ faggots?

Anyway, maybe all prospective entrepreneurs should obtain some valuable training for the upcoming dark ages through internship in their favorite prison. Another option would be the drug dealer network, they can probably furnish pertinent advice as well.

Mar 13, 2023 8:02 AM
Reply to  Kurt

I think you’ll find the most commonly traded ‘item’ in prison, along with drugs and cigarettes, is ‘pleasuring’.
If you’re prone to squirmishness, it ain’t for you.

Mar 13, 2023 10:25 AM
Reply to  Johnny

You probably could claim that you’re a woman – very popular these days – and they’d have to put you in a female prison, or vice versa, which would make things a bit more bearable …

Mar 13, 2023 8:51 PM
Reply to  Kurt

c’montae fuck man!

are you really suggesting we look to prison culture instead of self sufficient “peasantry”?

i get your point, i’ve spent a coupla nichts in the clink too, means hee-haw in the face of real jail-time. So, you want us to become nasty thieves and murderers to learn how to live and trade? based human – yes; criminal cunt – NO. and yes I know fine well the prisons are full of people who basically upset some PC agenda, and are not real crims…

Read Shalimov’s book for context. there are many nastier cheap cheesy modern versions too, for all the tattooed crowd, to make them feel cool and empowered, that glamourise criminals as some jesus cult of robin hood… *blink*

i don’t want to thieve nor murder. Not ’til i may have no choice, lol, but, using prison economy as our benchmark is not any ideal future.. unless your name is Ivan ?

poor context. i get it, but still.

must do better ; )

Mar 14, 2023 5:44 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

I wasn’t suggesting a prison culture, I was kidding.

I was suggesting a secondary black market, something that will develop no matter what if they try to control how people spend.

Speaking more generally, since jail = illegal, you might give some thought to what’s “illegal”. If acquiring stuff of your choice with money you’ve honestly earned is illegal (unless you’re getting something truly nasty), than fuck the law. It’s them motherfuckers that are making the laws – like wear a mask, get fuckccinated, etc. The goal posts of what it means to be a good citizen have been moved too fucking far to an area where it means to be a slave.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 13, 2023 7:24 AM
Reply to  hele
Mar 13, 2023 7:01 AM
Reply to  Kurt

The government only ‘sniffs it out’ because they’re pressured by lobbyists from the corporate monopolists and duopolists.
Can’t have REAL competition, it eats into their profits.

Mar 13, 2023 9:04 AM
Reply to  Kurt

You had my attention until we got to: “An online platform for trading shit like this”.

I fear too many of us are taking “online” as for granted into the distant future…

For me at least, Uncle Klaus’s plan for our future resembles much more closely a scenario where we are all out on the streets without our long-since battery-depleted iPhones, and trading soft worms for crunchy crickets, just to stay alive.

And if we don’t manage to stay alive, that’s just fine by him too.

Mar 13, 2023 9:08 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Word of mouth will work too, not to worry.

I live (about half of my time) in a community where things already work like that. You get a crate of beer for eggs, chickens, slab of meat.

Also, I do understand the aversion to digital gadgets, but they’re not completely useless. In fact, they are quite useful. It’s a matter of using them the right way.

Mar 13, 2023 8:26 PM
Reply to  Kurt

I get that.
It’s just that I fear the time frame for using gadgets isn’t as generous as one might think.
The brain-dead filth running – and ruining – everything today are perfectly capable of shutting off the electrical and other technical sources of power for those digital gadgets…

Mar 13, 2023 8:59 PM
Reply to  wardropper

concur, we need no internet shite in our new world, other than to go to the library and e-mail your far away pals/family. WE need to switch it all off.

never mind them.

Mar 14, 2023 8:56 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Me says, the sooner, the better.

Humanity needs a kick in the ass.

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 13, 2023 9:44 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Stock Barter tip for the future: Carrier Pigeons

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 13, 2023 2:18 PM
Reply to  wardropper

It’s hard to trade sweets and cigarettes on the internet, when you’re already dead…

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 14, 2023 12:04 AM
Reply to  Kurt

I predict a roaring barter trade if CBDCs are imposed on us.

Mar 13, 2023 3:17 AM

Off t, sorta. (Nuclear War = Zero communities).
Australia’s PM announces ‘New dawn for Australia’ with multi billion dollar American nuclear submarine deal.
Doesn’t he mean LAST DAWN?
Do these slavishly, sycophantic, suited Turds ever tire of kissing US arse?

Mar 13, 2023 9:07 AM
Reply to  Johnny

They think that US arse is the girl of their dreams.
After all, we mustn’t forget that they’re barking mad.

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Mar 13, 2023 9:50 AM
Reply to  Johnny

More like “Overdrawn”.

What a load of wombat balls.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Mar 14, 2023 1:13 AM
Reply to  Johnny


Albanese is probably even worse than his revolting predecessors.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Mar 12, 2023 11:29 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-11. Lipid nanoparticles circulate in the body … directly damaging heart, blood vessels – causing blood clots (blog, gab, tweet).