The SVB Collapse: How financial crisis boosts the rise of CBDCs
Kit Knightly

Last Friday saw the total failure of the Silicon Valley Bank, the 16th biggest bank in the United States. The biggest bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis
By Sunday, the Silvergate Bank and Signature Bank had joined SVB in full collapse. All three are now safely under Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) control.
The FDIC has taken the unusual step of fully guaranteeing all deposits kept with the SVB – meaning the federal government will give taxpayer money out to compensate every SVB customer.
But the damage didn’t stop there. Naturally, this put pressure on other regional banks, with two more – First Republic Bank and PacWest Bank – coming close to collapsing themselves, following mini-runs.
The weekend saw Wall Street’s 4 biggest banks lose over 55 billion dollars in value. Bank stocks around the world are sliding in value.
As of this morning Credit Suisse’s stock is at an all-time low, sparking a sell-off of stocks all over the world.
In short, the financial situation is teetering on the edge of a major crisis. But is it accidental? And if not, what is the agenda behind it?
Well, firstly, no it’s not accidental. Let’s get that out of the way.
Does that mean the collapses were planned and engineered to the last detail? Maybe, maybe not.
Certainly, there was at least some warning for people in the know.
SVB’s CEO and CFO dumped a combined 4 million dollars of stock in the two weeks before the crash, and Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund withdrew all their funds from SVB the Thursday before the collapse.
That is despite the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation finding that SVB was a “sound financial institution” as late as March 9th, and that it only entered insolvency after investors caused a run.
Obviously, that’s not proof of an intentional collapse, but it’s something to make a note of nonetheless.
Anybody with some kind of foreknowledge could have made a fortune in put options over the weekend. It will be interesting if any spike in such deals was recorded.
But all of that is irrelevant, really, because we know they have been deliberately tanking the economy for three years as a response to “the pandemic”.
They inflated the cost of food and energy and destroyed the value of our currency by “printing” billions upon billions of dollars, pounds and euros.
So, even if there was no specific micro-managed set-up with these specific banks, bank failures were the inevitable result of this economic vandalism – inevitable, and desired.
The more important questions are “why?” and ”what happens now?”
Well, one aspect will be tighter regulation – specifically of cryptocurrency. It’s likely no accident that two of the failed banks – Silvergate and Signature – are major investors in crypto, and SVB is known to have links to crypto too.
The narrative will likely come about that “unregulated crypto investment poses a danger to the financial system” or that “unregulated crypto is makes our financial institutes vulnerable to economic warfare” or something similar
We’re already seeing articles along those lines, as well as dire warnings of the same from last fall.
The next phase will likely be arguing that small, regional, private banks cannot guarantee the security of their customer’s money, and it would be safer for individuals to bank with either giant international banks or directly with the central bank.
It’s already being reported that Bank of America has seen a huge boost in deposits since the SVB crash. This process of consolidation in the major banks is likely to continue.
Logically, there’s only one place this two-pronged propaganda is headed (for anyone who’s been paying even the smallest bit of attention): Central Bank Digital Currency.
The narrative fits too well for it to be anything else.
Going forward, CBDCs can be pitched as more secure than traditional banking, and more regulated than “traditional” crypto. Further, since the FDIC is now fully guaranteeing deposits in failed banks, you’re practically banking with the Fed anyway. Why not just cut out the middle man?
We know they’re going to make these arguments because they already started making them.
In January this year, the World Economic Forum published a paper titled:
Can central bank digital currencies help stabilize global financial markets?
It’s clear what the sales pitch is going to be.
But more than that, it’s possible bank runs will actually be encouraged in future, because they could increase the uptake of digital currency.
According to a report from the Bank for International Settlements [emphasis added]:
Another set of studies focus on the risk that a CBDC may increase depositors’ sensitivity to system-wide banking crises by facilitating the transfer of deposits. The availability of CBDC might not have a large impact on individual bank runs as it is already possible to digitally and instantly transfer money between a weak and a strong bank (Kumhof and Noone (2018) and Carstens (2019)).
However, during a systemic banking crisis, transfers from bank deposits into CBDC would face lower transaction costs than those associated with cash withdrawals (such as going to the ATM, waiting in line, etc.), and would provide a safe-haven destination in the form of the central bank.
The lower costs of running to CBDC compared to cash imply that more depositors would quickly withdraw at a lower perceived probability of a system-wide bank solvency crisis.
They argue that since any hypothetical CBDC will be more secure than traditional bank deposits, and easier to get than cash, people would opt to use it in the event of a run on the bank, and that bank runs would therefore be more likely and more common.
Do you see the implication here?
Once CBDCs are out there – optional at first, of course – the central banks could theoretically increase uptake by artificially engineering financial instability and causing regional banks to collapse.
They won’t make it mandatory, they’ll just make it “safe”.
Another report, published in 2022 by the UK’s House of Lords, described CBDCs as “A Solution in Search of a Problem”.
It looks like they just found their problem. And problems are just like everything else – the bests are the ones you make yourself.
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Central banks such as the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve are not as portrayed. They are not governmental institutes to protect the public from private interests.
Rather, they are the primary interface whereby the private interests exert their influence over governments, enabling them to prey upon the public.
A Central bank’s major function is to support any bank or financial institution that gets into trouble, with money that has been taxed from the public or created Ex-Nihilo via accounting legerdemain, a hidden tax on the public. They are run by representatives of the private financial networks and governmental officials who are also de-facto representatives of the private financial networks.
As to the planning or incompetence of these bank “collapses”, I believe the incompetence is feigned like a drunken-style kung fu master.
I suggest it’s a sophisticated scam that usually can be simplified with this analogy:
Imagine two individuals of high-net worth:
Let’s call them Financial Oligarch one (FO1) and Financial Oligarch two (FO2)
• FO1 & FO2 agree formally to place a £1 trillion bet on the outcome of a coin toss.
• FO1 “borrows” £1 T from Big Bank 1 which is created from nothing
• FO2 “borrows” £1 T from Big Bank 2 which is created from nothing
• FO1 & FO2 are major shareholders in both banks, which are tightly interlocked to form one entity in practice but not appearance.
• FO1 betting on heads, throws the coin, it’s double-headed and not surprisingly, it lands heads.
This is important: FO2 knows that the coin is double-headed.
• FO1 pays back the original £1 T loan (which is destroyed) and pockets the winnings: £1 T
• FO2 loses the £1 T he borrowed from Big Bank 2 which suffers a major imbalance in its books and becomes insolvent.
• FO2 and his crony reps from Big Bank 2 go to the crony reps in the Treasury, who inform the public that Big Bank 2 must be “bailed out” or the sky will fall.
• The private central Bank or the nominally state-owned Central Bank, but rather the Bank-owned state, then creates, from nothing, £1 T new money to rectify Big Bank 2’s balance sheet. This is still a debt that has to be paid back with interest.
• This cost is transferred to the public through taxation and austerity, market crashes, economic collapse, or price inflation of essential goods and services, which all amount to the same thing.
• Now, this is the bit that gets left out all too often: the original £1 T winnings, lost to the real economy, is split into £500 bn for FO1 and £500 bn for FO2, and stashed away in tax-free and publicly-inaccessible trusts on secret islands run by shadowy subsidiaries of Big Bank 1 and Big Bank 2 respectively.
• It now exists in a parallel universe where it can accrue or make further sallies into economy-distorting machinations.
These tossers laugh all the way to their banks.
I think the difference now is that they are going to pull off this scam with the entire dollar/fiat-based economy, they are going to pop the bubble of “everything”.
Organized chaos.
“Why central banks are too powerful and have created our inflation crisis – by the banking expert who pioneered quantitative easing” – Richard Werner:
It’s pretty obvious they are going to crash the banks and make a lot of people’s money disappear in thin air and call it a cyber attack. Then they will introduce CBDC as the safe and of course “smart” solution.
Banker tells the truth
The reality is that the rest of the world is going towards gold-backed international transactions whereas the West is going to see the decline of its unbacked currencies given that the dollar is no longer backed by the Saudis as the obligatory currency of oil purchase. The CBDC is a red herring, it cannot change the reality that the USA is no longer in a position to impose the dollar as the reserve currency. The CBDC is anyway not a form of money but of social control. This would be OK if the USA had achieved its goal of a New World Order under their control. But it hasn’t and won’t. In the real world, it needs a means of payment for international transactions and the dollar in whatever form can no longer play that role. The collapse of the financial system only suits the Western oligarchies in as far as it applies internationally, universally. But the East which has the overwhelming advantage in production of real goods has taken steps to disconnect itself from the Western system and will survive the crisis. The West will face a terrible social and economic crisis. If I were you I’d I’d try and do something practical to face this immense crisis rather than drawing false consolation from a presumption of Western elites as somehow being all-powerful
European financial institution in most trouble seems to be Credit Suisse….
(Tbc, this isn’t to argue that the disaster that is banking is caused by woke-ism. It’s obviously much deeper and longer term. However it surely doesn’t help…. ).
I s’pose everybody knows by now that the Chief Administrator of Silicon Valley Bank is the same guy who was at the helm of Lehman Bros when it went belly-up?
Joseph G was chief admin officer of of SVB Investments, not SVB. Still he has an interesting career, beginning at Arthur Andersen, the big four accountant that helped Enron cook the books.
Like BCCI, Enron was not simply a case of corporate fraud, nor a run-of-the-mill deep state money laundering operation but a CIA-linked octopus that manipulated energy supply for political purposes at home, and engaged in geopolitics and Halliburton-style buckaneering abroad. (Dennis Bernstein, 2002 — Enron: The Anatomy of a Cover-Up)
Makes you wonder if G is as gentle as he looks.
BTW the Enron insolvency chief was helicoptered in to FTX as CEO to replace Sam Bankman Fried.
Thanks for the education.
Isn’t the problem with so many of the theories expressed about what is currently going on that they (whoever ‘they’ are) are now making their evil just too obvious? Too obvious and too stupid. Admittedly, no one does anything to stop them – not that they could if they wanted to. But why risk people rising up if you can just give the impression that it’s not just for the benefit of the self-serving trillionaires that we’re working our asses off? This fact gives me hope that maybe they are being puppeted (possibly by other slightly less evil trillionaires) but hey a change is as good as a rest.
Forget SVB. That’s chicken feed. Credit Suisse is on the ropes and is having to be bailed out by the Swiss taxpayer to the tune of well over 50 billion. All of the existing investors (the Saudis own 8%) have all refused to put their hands in their pockets, They lifted up the dustbin lid and what they saw inside wasn’t very pretty. Why would this be limited to CS? Contagion and a wider bank collapse are very likely. Another 2008? Most of the German banks are very dodgy. And let’s not talk about the Italian banks. Can they contain this in Cuckoo Clock Land? Who knows?
Get some cash out of the bank and stuff it under the mattress. Get a bit of gold..
…And whilst Credit Suisse implodes, Lagarde went right ahead and hiked half a percent anyways… – *Go Figure*…
Inflation or no inflation. That is the question.
Or something like that
I would definitely go for the latter option!
Always thought Zimbabwe was an outlier. A cautionary tale about how those with good intentions end up starving their own people – and with 24,000% inflation.
Until this Woke thing took off.
Like all movements of its type it seeks to bend reality to its ideology. It turns out that Woke is not only about being polite. It does have a cost and it is the heart of this crisis.
It’s not simply the sanctions and foreign policy that undermined the petrodollar, or the Green New Deal, or the Inflation Reduction Act, or the $3 Trillion Infrastructure Act, or Modern Monetary Theory and the bank runs that are a direct consequence. Google Silicon Valley Bank’s head of risk management.
Even in Ukraine people swapped their Covid emojis to show support for the First Woke War.
For what it’s worth:
Whose Agenda Is The Woke Agenda? From climate change to vaccine mandates, the greater good spreads its tentacles
…- I’ll grant that about the whole ‘woke’ thing, MC – it has undeniably been a crucial component in alla the fuckery we’ve seen in the last decade-and-change or so, but I always viewed it more as a cover for the big steal, which is what the real agenda has always been… – ‘Woke’ was an elaborate psyop with two objectives:…
…- 1. Get us all fighting one another over *Absolute* inanities and irrelevancies, rather than pointing our ire at the banksters and the political/managerial/bureaucrat class in the bankster’s pockets… – Along the way this divisiveness over trivia ultimately serves to atomize society all the way down to the individual – alienated from everyone else and, finally and most importantly, alienated even from him/herself…
…- 2. Normalize conformity and the categorization of dissent (ie: hitherto normal and *Lawful* critique of (corrupt) power/authority) as ‘hate-speech’, along with attendant codes and mechanisms of total censorship (chiefly of the crimes of power/authority, and any critical commentary thereof, by you, me, and every other Joe Blow)…
…- Notice that whilst the seeds of ‘woke’ already existed, prior (‘Political Correctness’, the colonization of the humanities/liberal arts Academy by postmodernism/neo-(ie: fake)-Marxism (eg: Frankfurt school and its ilk)), ‘woke’ proper didn’t seriously get going until around 2013/14 *After* the neutralization and nullification of both the Occupy movement on the left, and the OG ‘Paulian’ Tea Party on the right, which between them targeted, respectively, the banksters, and the corrupt ‘Big Government’ klepto-corporatocracy… – Curious timing, no?…
…- Actually, I should also point out, a third, attendent, objective of the ‘woke’ psyop was, necessarily, to attempt to effect a complete and total evacuation of the ‘moderate’ political centre ground: – “You’re either (Far)’Alt’-Left or (Far)’Alt’-Right now, Scum… – Choose your camp and lock-and-load for the coming (fabricated/engineered) 1st world Civil War(tm)…”, was the message from on high… – ‘Course, *Both* those camps, as it turns out, are spook-run LARPer outfits, and hence, fake as plastic tits… – Fortunately, as it turned out, *Virtually Nobody* bit… 🙂
An analysis better than mine. That is exactly how Woke has been manipulated.
What happened to the East Palestine chemical spill.?
and just like that it wasn’t news any more.
Article in the alternative media (Daily Wire) stated the other day that Ohio is suing. You need to find a different news feed.
The Bank FOR International Settlements 👍
Thanks for flagging the typo. Corrected it. A2
In the bigger picture, this is just another in a long series of up & down whippings of the 1%’s Great Shakeouts of the bottom 95% since taking money virtual in 1971. ‘Nam+Oil crisis; Volker 18% up-FED; Iran “Hostage”; Reagan/Thatcherism deregulation, detaxation, privatization mass recession S&L; Contras “Wars”; “Terrorism” Wars: Iran/Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iraq; Kuwait, Iran, Somalia, Syria; Greenspan down-FED; offshoring the economy to China; deregulating and backstopping Wall Street Casino to DotCom; 911; Homeland Police State; Great housing Recession; QE 1-4 Wall Street Feeding Frenzy to Techno Shakeout; Terrorism-Mass Shootings-Pandemic LOCKDOWN fear mongering to cover an actual 23 year Recession; and now old Cold War enemies become a Hot WW3 to cover the Last Great Shakeout: AI, AR, AV, 5G, IoT, Digital Cash Panopticon serf society.
All of the above and more has been executed upon the bottom 95% while we watch them do it. The only option WE THE BOTTOM 95% have is to remove our consent from all of it. It is possible to present mass non-consent. No more difficult than spending a couple hours voting once every two years for useless sellouts to the 1%. So why don’t we say, “Why yes, we can remove our consent, let’s get it done“?
Good one Kit, you’ve sparked some debate.
I remember the first time I saw an image of Carstens, my immediate thought was “Big man Pig man, Ha Ha charade you are”
Worst nightmares coming true.
Also~~~how about bailing out the average citizens worldwide instead of these mismanaged banks who are to blame whereby citizens are penalized by having to bail them out via taxes~? Why should “we the people” pay for a mistake that we didn’t make or want to happen yet we will be forced to pay~? Can you say: RIP OFF~?
Oh, but you will pay. Gavin Newsom, YGL of the WEF, and future ruler of the USA had his business accounts at SVB. He lobbied the White House hard to make all accounts whole. Of course, his assets are in a blind trust managed by his sister —wink wink— so he did not know he was about to be wiped out. Even though the bank President sits on Madam Newsom’s charity board.
Financial Rebellion Episode 11 – SVB Fallout + Who’s Your Banker? with Polly Tommey, Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts:–whos-your-banker/
Let’s not forget that this is just prolonging the inevitable demise of the Bad Guys. Their current actions are being taken just to stay in power which will eventually fail.
Please don’t think the failure of SVB is an isolated, one off event. The fractional reserve banking system is fraught with contagion and as they say “moral hazard” . Like most banks SVB was overleveraged and in todays’ casino/Ponzi scheme financial system was just waiting for the right domino to fall to bring down the whole shebang. The whole system is tittering on the brink of implosion. The real danger and simmering fire is the quadrillion in derivatives also over leveraged just waiting to cause a major systemic collapse. We are conditioned to have short memories so we are not connecting the dots and seeing the relationships between SVB and GameStop a few years ago and the pumping of trillions of dollars into the Too Big To Fail banks in the Fall of 2019 to prop them up.
The plutocrats know the system is extremely shaky and can blow any day. This is why they are pushing their CBDCs as part of the Great Reset/New World Order. CBDCs will be part of the global surveillance control grid used to track, control and enslave us. Don’t believe the hype the SVB bailout was just rearranging deck chairs on the financial system Titanic. The plutocrats know there aren’t enough life boats to save everyone! Their goal is to keep themselves in charge while avoiding the pitch folks and nooses by reconfiguring the system.
…As Michael says above, Junious – *Nice* (in the antique, 18/19th century sense) analysis…
…- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: – ‘Teh Reset’ is nothing more than a plea for a Mulligan and further can-kicking, *In Perpetuity*, under the guise of a system reboot, by precisely the same bunch of herberts who already screwed the pooch this time, last time and every time prior…
…The truly terrifying aspect of CBDCs, in point of fact, *Isn’t* the de-rigeur totalitarian trappings for us hoi-polloi (tho’ god knows those abound and are certainly scary enough), but rather that they will enable the money-printer/hog-trough-adjacent caste, inside the tent pissing out on the rest of us, to pull-off an on-the-fly-in-real-time and *Perpetual* warping of the fabric of the economy via ponzinomics-on-steroids financing… – This warpage *WILL* *In Short Order* see the shape and form of the financial and economic landscape come to resemble some sort of weird prezelized alien-geometry, like one of them Calabi-Yau manifolds from string theory… Eventually, and where the rubber meets the road, this will have the effect of making day-to-day economic (and thus, social) life in, say, hyperinflationary Zimbabwe look like the epitome of staid and sober solvency, and 1984‘s chocolate rations/boot quotas look like excerpts from the Encyclopedia Britannica, by comparison…
…- TL;DR:… – Just *How Many* ways, both old and newfound, can you imagine the banksters being able to game their own system with a centrally-issued, *In-Real-Time-PROGRAMMABLE* currency?…
Well, SVB had above average Crypto plus Chinese millionaires as customers,
less East coast old money.
Pass the shoehorn …
Basically all part of the slow-motion collapse of American tech and internet companies. Even closing bricks-and-mortar competitors around the world during covid didn’t work as too many people returned to their previous habits. The tech companies are some of the USA’s largest corporations, as well as vital hubs of power around the globe. So we living in interesting times…
One thing’s for sure. A modern bank run is now a sprint:
The perils of raising interest rates. Still, HSBC picked up a bank for £1 (SVB UK). Not a bad deal 😀
A day late and a dollar short.
The question is what catastrophe will serve as pretext? A banking collapse, perhaps…
Locking you out of money and food until an offer you can’t refuse buys compliance?
It looks like it’s happening. Californians queued outside banks after the run on SVB.
Much of the media lives in 2020, chewing the Covid cud once and again.
It’s understandable – the Covid response was cruel, inconsistent, designed to perplex.
Yet the third anniversary of the Covid pandemic sees events accelerate.
U.S. Treasury guarantees all deposits; nations worldwide may follow.
The Fed cannot raise rates and create money to bail out depositors.
Massive QE to save banking is a redo of the Covid money-go-round.
Rescue of bank depositors brings respite but the architects of chaos play on.
Globalist goal is to retain control of all resources via central bank digital currency.
Crises – some real, some contrived – whip the public in the direction of Reset. (Mar 12) (Mar 14)
From the Brandon White House we hear that this bail out will not involve any public money and will be paid for out of deposit insurance.
But US deposit insurance only covers amounts up to $250k. Most of the deposits involved in this $200 billion ($600/ 700 billion?) black hole are much larger corporate silicon valley accounts (coincidentally, all the big Democrat donors), so they have been bailed out. Joe Taxpayer will be footing the bill yet again.
To put it (unbelievably) charitably, western economies, manufacturing industry, commerce
and private individuals are not well served by our current system of parasitic financial capitalism, which is just a criminal, unproductive looting kleptocracy.
Bankman-Fried, SVB, credit default swaps, mortgage backed securities, sub prime, 2000, 2008, LTCM, Savings and Loan, the private pensions scandal, the endowment mortgage scandal, the predatory lending scandal, bitcoin exchange scandals, HSBC drug cartel money laundering scandal, BCCI scandal, pay day loans, are just a very few episodes in an unending catalogue of wild speculation and sharp practice, outright looting and criminality, with zero transparency and accountability..
The moral and ethical standards of the banking and financial sector, and the politicians they have in their pockets, would make the average street corner whore blush with embarrassment. It has no interest whatsoever in providing finance for productive businesses or low cost services for the consumer.
Banking and finance need to be a state monopoly. To anyone who would argue otherwise, I would just ask how this could possibly be worse than the current situation.
Spot on. [Private] Banking and finance are being forced to shrink back into the womb that threw them into life, the State. That would the first stage before the State itself withers into non-existence. Things are undone in the reverse order that they are done.
Joe Atwill calling a de facto genocide:—Cultural-Debasement-e1uuqou
The reason the mowing herds have not done any bank runs yet is because they have no money in the bank to run to. Or so I guess.
What people need to realize is that money is a worthless piece of shit. Money in electronic form is slightly more stinky a piece of shit than money in paper form, but in the end, it’s all a piece of shit.
It’s worth depend ONLY on people’s trust that it’s worth something and it’s TOTALLY UNDER CONTROL of the bankster fraudsters. Who might actually even be acting in (somewhat) good faith, but there is nothing they can do with the utterly fucked up financial system. Humanity has fucked themselves into a corner though abstract machinations with the financial system and completely divorcing it from physical reality.
The amount of the abovementioned pieces of shit (that would be money) vastly exceeds the claims on some physical stuff the pieces of shit in theory represent. Most financial transactions have no underlying physical asset, no tangible substance whatsoever. It’s all smoke and fucking mirrors.
The sooner all this shit goes down the tubes and the last bank building is burned down by pissed off peasants (that’s us, the people) the better.
but cows do mow theoretically
I’d like to believe the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB) who’ve emerged from the Dutch elections as the largest single party are genuine – but some things look dubious about them to me. The Dutch so-called elite invented central banks and have been doing what they do even longer than their British cousins.
Anyway, the so-called mainstream parties can keep them out of power and howling at the moon.
English translation.
It is from the same show production company, who brought you Rebel media in now 97.% of what alternative internet media sells- retweets unfortunately to the easily mislead believers of any old bullshit to the internet addicts viewers as ‘genuine’, ‘organic’, ‘grassroots’ ‘independent’ an ‘opposition to the political establishment’ is nothing more than the establishment pretending to be organic, grassroots, independent and anti establishment fighting for the common people.
Every Country since covid has happened, has this same underline theme happening politically.
Either Chairman Party for Freedom (PVV) Geert Wilders
or (bbb) 222
in England speaking terminology- is it the Dutch version of Nigel farag with hunters wellington boots.
The electorate never learns.
Dutch are Deuch Swiss 170yrs get off our backs ya clown, your in deflaut currency they even talk about tens of trillions in financial programming, your ok aren’t You? Well stop redectional spewing shite on other people. Are you a twenty first century immigrant conflict refugee? Well, then stop this anvil bashing crappla covering hot air judgement fat arse shite.
The regulations aspects is relevant I think: CDBC is based on the same technology as Crypto – a decentralized ledger – and if the FED has any intention of establishing a monopoly on digital currency or at least one with wide adhesion among the public, it has first to shatter the confidence of the general public in the existing of its unofficial competitor: Crypto.
“Straighten up your books and don’t specialize in bad customer bases (read: Crypto)” is the warning of the regulators to Silvergate and Signature” and, by ricochet, to the other commercial banks.
On the funny side, SVB failing just one day afer it was declared a “sound financial institution” reminded me of this scene from comedy Ladies Who do (1963) with the brilliant Peggy Mount and Robert Morley. The whole scene is a jewel: High Finance is a funny business.
What a surprise to find he’s implicated:
Collapsing the financial system and ‘the Great Reset’ generally are not party political (like the vaccine – remember ‘Warp Speed’) – but this particular part of it seems to be.
The financial system will collapse because IT’S FUCKED UP. Get it through your head.
It’s fucked up because it’s been abused for eons while the absolute vast majority of people either willfully participated and more or less profited or were due to their sheer stupidity oblivious to what the fuck was going on.
Are these or those people trying to fuck with the collapse just like they were fucking with system itself? Fuck yes. Does it have to do with anything? Fuck no. It’s only good for losers looking for scapegoats who’ll whine that it was “them”, the malevolent no-good pricks, who did it (as if it fucking mattered).
Fucking right cock, the motherfuckers who designed the shitty monetary system are just doing what it was made to do- rob you fucking blind.
If what you’re saying is supposed to imply that everybody is a victim of a bunch of no good malicious motherfuckers who are after us, then I got news for you. It’s not like that.
Do some motherfuckers screw with the monetary system more than others with the intention of fucking everybody else over? Fuck yes.
But the whole Occident, as a minimum, has been not only complicit in benefiting and thus fucking up the socioeconomic model, but greatly profited from it as well.
Where the fuck have you been the last 70 years? You’re English speaking, probably from UK or US, some of the countries, particularly the latter, whose populations have benefited the most from pillaging the rest of the world and, MORE IMPORTANTLY, riding high on INDEBTING THE FUTURE in a non-repayable manner or, in other words, putting the world on a SELF-DESTRUCTIVE TRAJECTORY.
Is it true that those who are stepping on the breaks now are the very same motherfuckers who have profited from the wild ride? Fuck yes. Does it change anything? Fuck no.
What’s there to do for well-meaning people? Realize that they can’t live beyond their means. That mainly means that if somebody offers you money drawn from thin air, you should suspect foul play and decline. Kicking the ass of any motherfucker who tells you otherwise.
By your logic, POWs must ‘participate’ in their POW-camps, and thus deserve whatever happens to them. You seem to think every human being has the same level of agency as those that control the system. Not so!
That’s your fucked up (lack of) logic, not mine.
Do the vast majority of people participate in this or profit from it? Did they have any say in it whatsoever? Do they benefit from the telephone number bonuses, the endless scandals and busts they have to carry the can for with poverty and austerity? Or are the 0.01% the only winners in this loathsome system?
So, you haven’t been buying cheap gas, courtesy of the West, that is your country, invading oil-rich countries? You haven’t been wearing cheap clothes, courtesy of enslaving some poor fucks in Bangladesh? Most of it bought on fucking credit? Where have you fucking been? You haven’t profited from public debt accumulated over the decades? You haven’t voted in the people who’ve done all this shit?
Yes, some people are more of a motherfucker than others, but we only have our fucking selves to blame. At least to a large extent.
No, I meant just what I said, I didn’t imply any strawman shit.
Diesel £1.80 a litre. that’s $10 plus/ gallon in your money.
Admittedly most of that is tax, but what control is there over that?
I’ve never voted for anybody and never will.
I still have a coat I bought in 1977.
An athlete who wants to win a gold medal doesn’t prepare for the competition by dreaming about losing and visualizing all the scenarios by which “ze” or “hir” may lose. Aren’t we all athletes competing to hang onto our stuff against the bad guys who want to steal our medals? Why waste airtime on postulating how your competitor may win instead of undermining their confidence?
It was clear from the outset what the USA part of the drama was about:
1) increased concentration in the banking industry
2) slow down interest rate hikes
3) slow down interest rate hikes
4) slow down interest rate hikes
The inevitable collapse of the three woke banks had a lot to do with their own incompetent management. Silicon Valley Bank was a very decent entrepreneurial bank in the 1980s for the first decade of its operation…until 1993 and Glass Steagall.
The plunge in share prices of regional banks was the engineered bonus.
The Swiss drama is totally different. It’s about BRICS fighting back against NATO’s financial hegemony and sanctions regimes. Writing has been on the wall for CS ever since 2021. And more broadly for Swiss banking ever since that gold standard referendum was rigged.
I am not on board with the fearmongering around CBDC. There is no doubt these clowns would like to pull it off. But it will be impossible to pull off a successful CBDC for several reasons. Yes we should fight back against digital ID etc etc but I prefer to look at the reasons why it will fail.
The current banking system across NATO even without CBDC is ALREADY a giant criminal enterprise. You deposit 1,000 today and in one year based on real inflation rate and current rates of interest you’ll be lucky if you are left with 700. By introducing CBDC as an alternative in the beginning, yes it will add to the chaos. The problem is the horse bolted decades ago. These clowns want to put it back in the stable WITHOUT the peasants reaching for pitchforks.
Is this possible?
A good chunk of the US population cannot even afford to buy a can of baked beans at the time they need it.
How will a widespread CBDC work? How do you use digital currency if you can’t afford a device?
Will the government hand out smartphones for free and free mobile internet to everyone?
Will society be divided into those with digital devices and those without?
Will the ones without access to digital devices be fed, sheltered and eventually suicided in some way by the government? If so, how long would such a business model for CBDCs work smoothly?
How much would you need to spend on military, police and financial police to ensure voluntary compliance with CBDC?
What happens during blackouts?
Asking for a friend.
Perhaps the poor are dispensable Sara.
Perhaps they’re only after the smug middle class. Combined, they must own trillions in assets.
Perhaps with the forces of thuggery (police and military) at their beck and call, they can pull off a CBDC.
I agree with you in principle, the poor are indeed dispensable.
But honestly I don’t see much of a middle class or rather what you call smug middle (“combined own trillions in assets”), I call “smug professional elite”. I agree with you that they are the low hanging fruit.
a) I see a very smug professional elite with high incomes. By this I don’t mean some high up hotshot. In the OECD, your very average lawyer, doctor, professor, engineer, manager etc. belonging to this elite. They use their cards even to pay for a 5 buck coffee, which I think is the smallest amount of money they spend at any time.
The irony is that this group being so cool, intellectual and forward thinking, will happily go along with any CBDC scheme and any incentives offered. I saw it during the pandemic when there government incentive scheme for always paying with cards for luxury things like part of your vacation etc.
b) Then you have the “dispensable” poor underunemployed (mostly part time) people and the welfare people. The former of these two groups keep the economy going, they keep the rest of us fed and watered.
c) In the middle, you have a vanishingly small middle class comprised of those people with relatively stable employment contracts in the middle income range. Some of these do incredibly useful work while others are administrative lackeys serving the elites.
d) And of course you have an entrepreneurial class of very small independent business (under 100 emps) who are not raking in huge profits but trying their best to survive.
Groups c and d are rapidly shrinking. Group b’s life can and will get worse. People in group B can only be toasted or made to work harder than they already do. But they don’t have assets that can be stolen. The military will have to be used on groups c and d.
1.”the unusual step of fully guaranteeing all deposits”…no this is exactly what happened in the trial cases during GFC. It’s well established
2. Bank runs is an early 20th century trope. They cannot happen anymore. Cash withdrawal limits though not necessary are in place,and nobody withdraws hundreds of thousands. There are only digital transfers and the “banks” are not registered as entity with assets rather as registers/data collection so the ‘deposit’ don’t ‘move’.
Unlike most other people, I like to look at things from a long-term perspective and consider stuff from a broad context. Doing so helps me prevent my mind from engaging in contemplation about inconsequential bullshit, red herrings shoveled down people’s throats by all sorts of cocksuckers, so on, so forth.
I’m not overly concerned about CBDCs. A CBDC-like technocratic scheme could only work if the world continues functioning relatively smoothly, as it more or less did pre-2020. If there is abundance of shit and if CBDCs are used to control consumption. And shut up dissenters who don’t understand that they should fly the fuck under the radar and get too vocal.
That’s unlikely the case. What is highly likely is that the Occidental Empire will collapse and there will be a widespread penury, whereupon the black market will proliferate and some other alternative means of payment will be established. If things get really bad, shit will get exchanged for other shit, the more useful, the higher value. Some CBDCs will enter into it only laterally. The secondary black market will take over, and there will be no force to prevent that.
Some form of collapse is highly likely because the western socioeconomic model is UTTERLY FUCKED UP. Whether that means a financial collapse only or a physical collapse will depend on to what extent the peakoilish predictions are accurate. Be it as it may, the pre-2020 trajectory of ever-increasing consumption cannot be sustained. Due to financial, physical (energy/resources), ecological (pollution/waste), and, no less importantly, spiritual (people have become fucking consumerist zombies hallucinating about enlarging or cutting off their dicks/tits, depending which way they’re fucked up).
Will humankind be able to steer through the shitstorm we’ve cooked up by our gluttonous greediness in the past decades/centuries? Good question. Today’s “leaders” are stupid myopic fucks. BTW, the fact that the “leaders” are also no good cunts who want more for themselves and nothing for everybody else is a given – it’s always like that and there’s no point of whining about it.
Anyway, in the overall context, the demise of some bank is totally inconsequential.
It’s not that the Western Civ ship is going down – it’s already sunk. And everyone on board – yes even the heavyset ones like Augusten Carstens – are merely treading water. So far, we’re all doing okay: we’re at low tide. Just wait till high tide sets in. That’s when the fun begins.
I used to play with a Croatian singer who recounted that when Yugoslavia fell apart or maybe it was when Serbia was being bombed, people would try to trade stuff like a video recorded for a loaf of bread – the woman who was selling bread says, no, only half a loaf. The guy declined – the woman says, never mind, you’ll come back tomorrow. Which the guy did.
Man, I don’t know whether the world will really go down the tubes like that. But all our schemes, the whole circus is EXTREMELY vulnerable. All this just-in-time bullshit, all the ways of cutting costs, etc. There is no built-in resilience, no provisions for bad times. The whole fucking thing depends on working smoothly. Toss a wrench in the works, and everything stops.
Does anybody even understand what we’re up to?
The “dissenters” are yapping about covid, CBDCs, etc. etc. and, pointing the finger at the fucks in charge. The fucks in charge are totally inept, and even if they understood what’s going on, they’re endlessly incompetent.
Wait a minute you live in Maryland US, LOL! You Clown!
“…you’re practically banking with the Fed anyway. Why not just cut out the middle man?”
If the middle man is someone like Franklin D Roosevelt, then fiscal policy becomes the economic centerpiece and the public sector is built up and safeguarded from predatory capitalists. If government has a job guarantee program with decent wages and benefits, then corporations have competition and can’t treat labor as poorly as they do now. THAT’S why they’ve convinced so many to fear “socialism!!”
FDR’s Employment and Wage Strategy Worked
This all changed under FDR. The key to evaluating Roosevelt’s performance in combating the Depression is the statistical treatment of many millions of unemployed engaged in his massive workfare programs. The government hired about 60 per cent of the unemployed in public works and conservation projects that planted a billion trees, saved the whooping crane, modernized rural America, and built such diverse projects as the Cathedral of Learning in Pittsburgh, the Montana state capitol, much of the Chicago lakefront, New York’s Lincoln Tunnel and Triborough Bridge complex, the Tennessee Valley Authority and the aircraft carriers Enterprise and Yorktown.
It also built or renovated 2,500 hospitals, 45,000 schools, 13,000 parks and playgrounds, 7,800 bridges, 700,000 miles of roads, and a thousand airfields. And it employed 50,000 teachers, rebuilt the country’s entire rural school system, and hired 3,000 writers, musicians, sculptors and painters, including Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pollock. So much for the notion that government jobs are not “real jobs”, as we hear persistently from critics of the New Deal!”
CBDCs would permanently lock us into monetary policy, and after 50 years of neoliberalism that made usury the centerpiece, with private bank credit and predatory loans replacing normal government investment, we would just continue down the spiral of private debt slavery.
“The financial plan is to dismantle government social spending and infrastructure investment, privatizing this – on credit, building heavy debt servicing charges into the prices of public services now provided at subsidized rates or freely, paid for by a combination of progressive income and wealth taxation and new government money creation. The effect will be to increase the national price structure, while making creditors and privatizers rich even as the overall economy shrinks.
A political and ideological coup d’état is replacing democracy with financial oligarchy, transferring government power to banks and bondholders. The new policy is not for governments to tax the wealthy but to borrow from them – at interest, which is to be paid by taxing labor, consumers and industry all the more.“
~ Michael Hudson, Financial Predators v. Labor, Industry and Democracy
Amazing Polly has a very interesting take on the connection between SVB and other banks:
Silicon Valley Bank is more interesting than you think. I talk tentacles! Epstein, Biden, Thiel, China and more.
Michael Hudson illustrates succinctly the problem.
The underlying problem is that interest-bearing debt grows exponentially, but the economy follows an S-curve and then turns down. And when the economy turns down – or is deliberately slowed down when labor’s wage rates tend to catch up with the price inflation caused by monopoly prices and U.S. anti-Russian sanctions that raise energy and food prices, the magnitude of financial claims on the economy exceeds the ability to pay.
That is the real financial crisis that the economy faces. It goes beyond banking. The entire economy is saddled with debt deflation, even in the face of Federal Reserve-backed asset-price inflation. So the great question – literally the “bottom line” – is how can the Fed maneuver its way out of the low-interest Quantitative Easing corner in which it has painted the U.S. economy. The longer it continues to save FIRE sector investors from taking a loss, the more violent the ultimate resolution must be.
The severity has been a policy choice to keep “kicking the can down the road,” bailing out one financial squeeze after another at least until the next election
I don’t know if it is to the next election. It is until the war officially starts. The banking system is intrinsically linked to the military industrial complex. They will need a war to recover. Or am I wrong?
They have to go through the charade of an election to pacify the masses and as Clinton said it’s the “ economy..” which wins elections. A war is, as in the case of Thatcher and The Falklands war, designed to distract to pump up the jingoism !
Who was on the board of SVB?
…- Their Chief Administrative Officer’s last gig was with Lehman Bros. – Right up to the point they went tits-up, I shit you not… – ‘Parently got his start in the world of banksterdom at none other than Arthur Andersen… – *Yeah*…
Oh come Fuckoff-Guardian…take your stupid gaga bullshit article and shove it up your fucking ass!!!
So give us the benefit of your vast intellectualism and tell us where Knightly is wrong! Otherwise you fuck off.
Butt, and I do mean butt, my fine feathered friend, the SHIT comes from the MSM. Mountains of it.
Jeff the Breast, biggest tit on the web! Where’ve you been hiding?
Are you just another of the self-flagellating onanistic masochists compelled to torment yourselves by compulsively checking out the Offguardian site daily ?
Another big withdrawal, over $1 billion was made days before SVB bank was seized and shut down. Israel’s two biggest banks, Leumi and Hepoalim acted quickly to transfer their customer’s money to Israel.
Why didn’t you mention this big withdrawal Kit?
The epicentre of greed, or Mammon’s hideout?
Or both.
Much like the Israeli company Odigo on 9/11 whose employees who were warned about the attack 2 hours ahead of time and then didn’t to show up to work consequently. The fix is always in for those who are anoited into the evil cabal.
Lucky Larry Silverstein and his family always had their breakfast in the WTC top floor restaurant. But they decided to skip breakfast on the morning of 9/11. Lucky, that.
Great minds think alike ?
‘Reclaim the Net’ also says ‘Prepare for governments to push CBDCs in the wake of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse:
Michael Hudson provides some perspective with
‘Why the Bank Crisis Isnt Over:
Even if SVB hadn’t failed it was only a matter of time before some other bank, some massively leveraged derivative related Hedge Fund or asset manager failed. We are conditioned to have short memories (due to the 24/7 “news cycles” and propaganda) so most don’t remember how GameStop almost imploded due to stock buying manipulations by supposedly grassroots investors at Robin Hood and Reddit. Yeah right, tell us anything. There are other banks tittering on the brink both nationally and internationally as we speak so don’t think the FDIC bailout of SVB stopped the bleeding it didn’t because the system is not suffering from a cut or knife wound, it has advanced stage cancer!
Unregulated derivatives will blow up the whole system$12-trillion-ticking-time-bomb-213364 and it’s only a matter of time before the overleveraged fractional reserve contagion spreads to the derivatives. This is another major reason the plutocrats are pushing for their Great Reset which includes CBDC.
Derivatives total somwhere between ~$600 trillion (Eberhard Hamer 2018) and $1,400 trillion ( 2020). They are far more unstable than banking. They are beyond regulation as regulators do not understand them.
Its possible I think to turn their $600 trillion and whatever else they claim as wealth into bits of nothing. Collapse all their wealth by inventing a new system. Needed is a system that replaces the Mobster owned and controlled banking system and their paper doll currencies with a universal currency system; one that can settle transactions in paper credit or digital form. A system of currency that does not need bankers, politicians and a system which Oligarchs cannot corrupt, a system governments cannot control by rule of law, thievery or corruption.
A practical currency system is needed that works without need for human supervision, without need for a central bank, that needs no or a very short, block chain and a system that does not track the user, it only tracks the currency.
I believe the dynamics of such a system, I have in mind, would make it secure.
I believe in theory at least, such a a system would not be eligible for copyright or patent.
I feel, we should all work to help invent such a system and to undertake to make it work. A system that works is needed. it must be one that everyone can use, that does not require a bank or other intermediary, and it must be inflation proof, theft proof, and depression proof.
We need a World wide uncorruptible value-standardized currency that works. If could transform transaction handling from top down controlled to bottom up imposed. Let’s call such a system the universal world wide [uww] standard value currency system. A successful UWW standard value currency system would need to provide sanction and theft proof currency, be available 24/7 access, need little accounting and need to work 24/7 from anywhere, much like digital pay, credit cards, and paper doll currencies work today. Such a system would need to avoid the need for intermediaries (so the currency system would need to do the banking at transaction time for each currency user) and it would need to provide complete privacy to all users of the UWW standard value currency. Such a system could return sovereignty to the independent nations in the nation state system and replace government controlled currency with a transaction settlement system that is independent of any outside control.
Instead of talking about their corruption, lets talk about how to undermine their ill gotten wealth with a new currency system.
Go woke, go broke and get bailed out!
The banks are now too “woke” to fail so of course our corrupt governments will bail them out with our (we the people) money. Much like the COVID 19 scamdemic where our governments put Mom and Pop shops out of business and bailed out their corporate sponsors again with our (we the people) money.
The object of this program appears to be to spend the nations of the west into their financial abyss destroying the world financial system in the process at which point and after sometime the Davos crowd will introduce their “Great Reset” and the populations of the world will be made to comply.
And only if we let them!!!
In solidarity with you all.
“Much like the COVID 19 scamdemic”.
The taxpayer will bail out Big Money and Big Tech like they bailed out Big Pharma – and as they should, according to the recent interview with the German Health Minister Lauterbach.
She hasn’t aged well, but I bet her investment portfolio is LOOKIN GOOD.
Back drop Salt & Pepper cleansing those were the days you dumb cronies. Thanks I’ll save that picture, Greta’s daughter looks well., soo her Mum was a South York’s Doncaster lass. Sunny day…☺
joke shop, what a fantasy separation from every people, pathetic. A picture pisses somebody off or doesn’t unbelievable.
Silly Con Bank had many people fooled, including their official East Coast overlords, for a hefty fee of course,
Thanks, Kit!
Once again, helping us sort through the muck and mire.
As always, honing in on the hidden agendas.
Gee! What a surprise!!! Unless you happen to be employed by the Bank for International Settlements. Here’s what they were contemplating in October 2020: > CBDC – User needs and adoption (
I’m sure the friendly folks at Bank of Canada – European Central Bank – Bank of Japan -Sveriges Riksbank – Swiss National Bank – Bank of England – Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System – and Bank for International Settlements, will be happy to assist you with your loan…
People will lose it, when they lose everything.
We ain’t seen nothing yet.
They ain’t seen nothing yet.
I still think people will accept anything today.
They have forgotten how to “lose it”.
Stockholm Syndrome seems to have a global aspect, unfortunately.
There are 3 main narratives:
1) CBDC is a financial reset and is the globalist solution to the $300 trillion global debt and the $1 quadrillion derivatives problem. In this scenario, the financial collapse is real but it’s a controlled demolition.
2) Financial collapse was deliberately caused to bring about a One World Government/New World Order.
3) The Great Reset/NWO/financial collapse are red herrings and is a distraction from an apocalyptic event:
Regardless of which narrative is correct, we can expect some kind of false flag event (cyberattack, UFOs, etc.)
From the Great Depression to the GREAT OPPRESSION.
My, haven’t we come a long way in 100 years?
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-15. Germany’s MoH admits severe CV-19 ‘vax’ injuries (1:10k doses) are too many. #TheMidazolamMurders (blog, gab, tweet).
‘The next phase will likely be arguing that small, regional, private banks cannot guarantee the security of their customer’s money, and it would be safer for individuals to bank with either giant international banks or directly with the central bank.’
This is total, unreconstructed pathological lying.
Some of the most solvent financial institutions are small, regional private finance houses. Go look at the best mutual building societies. Their solvency put global banks to shame. Why? They don’t lend to anyone and everyone and they have a healthy level of Tier 1 capital. Their role is providing specific services to specific people and they don’t have dividend-obsessed shareholders constantly pushing them to take more risk to earn more profit.
The biggest single issue in finance is whether stock market listings are a good thing for financial services organisations.
Let’s be clear: if you don’t have to pay out dividends to ‘shareholders’, you can use the money saved to pay higher interest rates to depositers andor charge lowere interest rates to borrowers.
Shareholders add nothing to the mix of a well-run member-owned lending institution. They just bleed capital out of it.
Also, articles like this should distinguish between losses of bank deposits and losses of share value. The latter is largely the concern of “investors”, including subverted savings/retirement funds.
I read an alternate theory.
Bash away, it is not my theory,
and am interested in hearing it’s flaws.
The Congressional investigation into the Pandora Papers is hot on the trail
leading to the monies of large drug cartels. And that trail leads to SVB and some of it’s clients.Word was leaked and the drug cartels withdrew their billions from SVB in a hurry.
The most obvious hole in this theory, of course, is in the term “Congressional investigation”,
which should read, “Corrupt Congressional investigation”.
A corrupt Congress is going to go after corrupt money? I don’t think so.
Hmm…come to think of it, it isn’t a ‘hole’ after all.
How would a corrupt Congress behave?
— Just as the theory says, alert the criminals.
Some time ago I listened to a former UN official being interviewed by the Fuellmich lawyer. The ex-UN official said that all politicians are doing the bidding of organised crime syndicates who are really the ones in control (besides the banksters – who, at the very top, may very well be part of the OC set).
So, the answer is that Congress would never investigate corrupt money crimes.
Historically, it has been the Intelligence Agencies and Organized Crime that are working together. Politician’s are just mules.
Yes – the story behind this bank shut-down is deeper than most are saying. Drug cartels, corruption, New Hampshire, and much more. Brendan O’Connell has been on to this for some time with whistle-blower Mike Gill. I wonder if alt media will reveal this?
This video was posted elsewhere and yesterday (can’t believe I did)
I watched the entire 77 minutes. The first hour was very interesting (and it is from this video that I got the above alternate theory) but the video ended with such garbage that I just don’t know what to think about the video in it’s entirety.
I’ll say, spare yourself the 77 minutes, but take the alternate theory, which I posted at the top of this thread, and keep it in the back of your mind for later reference.