Fighting Off the Encroachment
Paul Cudenec
I belong to that much-maligned breed of people who have spent their whole lives protesting about various things.
I have demonstrated – enthusiastically! – against road-building and fracking, against surveillance cameras and “anti-terrorist” laws, against arms fairs and drone factories, against privatisations and bankster bail-outs, against the City of London and the British ruling class, against NATO and its wars, against the G8, the G20 and the Bilderberg conference, against lockdowns, masks and vaccine passports.
One of the hostile remarks often made about people like me is that we are incoherent. By jumping from one issue to another at regular intervals we reveal ourselves to be rudderless, shallow, a mere “rent-a-mob” who protest just for the sake of protesting and don’t even really understand why we are there.
A second criticism is that we are negative. We are always against something, rather than for it. We are the “antis”, anti-everything.
And a third complaint is that we are a public nuisance, an irritating and self-important minority who try to impose our preferences on other people and won’t simply let ordinary decent folk get on with living their ordinary decent lives.
Naturally, I regard all three of these judgements as mistaken!
On the first count, I am increasingly aware that everything I have been protesting against over the years is part of one and the same phenomenon which, by way of shorthand, many of us refer to as the system.
It is obvious enough that there is a connection between the arms trade and NATO, for instance, or between the City of London and privatisation, but I have come to understand that these two realms are themselves facets of the same overall entity, as is pretty much everything undesirable you can think of, from globalisation to “vaccines”.
Fighting for decades against all these manifestations of the one phenomenon has, thus, been anything but incoherent…
The second complaint, about being “antis”, is only valid if you believe that opposing a bad thing is negative.
While the banners under which we fight our various campaigns are not always couched merely in terms of opposition, it is certainly true that there does tend to be an underlying theme of being against something.
But this is inevitable! The reason why people mobilise and organise and take action is that something undesirable is happening that they want to stop.
All these different campaigns and struggles therefore amount to one decentralised and largely uncoordinated attempt to halt, or at least to slow down, the harmful activities of the overall phenomenon threatening us.
I am using the word “phenomenon” because at this point the term “system” starts to feel inadequate. A system could easily be something static, something that is already in place and is hard to remove.
But the central problem with the phenomenon in question is that it is never static or still and is constantly expanding.
That is what it is, in fact: an expansion, an accumulation, a malignant growth.
This is why it is always seen by people like me as a threat, something to be resisted. It is always encroaching, confiscating, stealing, developing, destroying.
If I had been born into a world full of surveillance cameras, I don’t suppose I would ever have had the idea to protest against them.
Calling for a demonstration against a road that has been in place for the last 50 years would not result in a big turn-out, even from the most hardline “antis”.
It is the threat of change that motivates us, change that we can see is bad or dangerous.
And, to address the third common criticism, it is not us, but the ever-encroaching system that won’t simply let ordinary decent folk get on with living their ordinary decent lives.
This was the case when rural English people were thrown off their land by the enclosures and shunted into the factories of the first industrial revolution and it is the case today as rural African people are pushed off their land and towards the smart-city slavery of the fourth industrial revolution.
It is the case with every traditional way of life that is bulldozed in the name of development and modernity, every individual who is socially distanced from family and community, every new poison that is introduced into our drinking water, our air, our food or our bodies.
It is the case with every nail hammered into our freedom, every screw tightenened on the total control of the system, every opinion now declared a “crime” by those who want to take everything from us.
They just won’t leave us in peace, to live our lives as we wish. Our horizon is permanently darkened with the menace of their next state of emergency, their next all-changing war, their next technological advance, their next fake pandemic, their next Great Leap Forward, Five Year Plan, thousand-year Reich or Great Reset.
To oppose this invasive process, which we might term the Encroachment, is not to be a disruptive anti-social trouble-maker but to be a defender of what we already have, what we used to have and what we deserve to have again.
I picture serial refuseniks like me as being scattered all around the edges of a great mass of men, women and children, who are being herded, steadily, towards the gates of a gigantic flesh-mill where they will be ground down into liquidity to feed the gluttony of their evil overlords.
Brandishing our tattered flags, banners and placards, we fight a rearguard action against the batons and electric cattle prods wielded by mercenary stormtroopers who are just doing their job of ensuring that we shuffle sustainably and inclusively towards our deadly fate.
Sometimes, when there is a particularly violent attack from the stormtroopers, as happened in 2020, there is a disorientating surge and, to our surprise, we suddenly find ourselves on the other side of the great crowd, fighting the same enemy alongside people we have never seen before.
On and on the oppressors encroach, forcing the people ever closer to the grim gates, and for all our efforts we are forced to retreat.
But all the time we keep calling out, over our shoulders, to the massive numbers still advancing obediently to their doom, explaining to them what awaits them and urging them to join us in our resistance.
And we are spurred on in our apparently futile efforts by the certain knowledge that if ever a large part of the crowd wakes up, turns round and heads back in the opposite direction, the stormtroopers will be trampled underfoot as we throng joyously and triumphantly into freedom.
Originally published by Winter Oak. Paul Cudenec will be appearing at the Real Left event “Left against WEF” on Saturday the 25th of March at the Angel Church in London. Other speakers include CJ Hopkins, Cory Morningstar and Piers Corbyn. Tickets are available here.
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The Bantu expansion started in 500 B.C. in modern Cameroon when the Bantus learned how to melt iron.
The spread of surveillance cameras started when people learned how to sift through all the footage.
See a common thread there?
The truth is that people can be disregardful towards other people and that technology enables them to act on it. And fearing that, technology is being developed in order to prevent other people to use technology in order to act on their disregardfulness. Bur that same technology will enable one to act on one’s own disregardfulness even more.
So, where does this spiral lead to?
500 A.D. … Can’t edit the post…
The Bantu NEVER learned how to smelt iron. Pre-colonial Sub-Saharan Africans were still in the Neolithic stone age when Europeans colonized the interior of Africa around 1850. Nowhere in sub-Saharan Africa was metal smelting achieved, their many attempts failed because their most important rule was that the man-in-charge must not have had sex for two weeks before lighting the fire. Sub-Saharan Africa never had a bronze age or an iron age, the closest they came to an iron age was small pea-sized nodules of brittle iron which could not be made into anything useful because it had no ductility and shattered when forged. Stone cannot be hewn without metal tools, that’s why the only hewn stone buildings in sub-Saharan Africa were slave trading prisons built by Arabs at coastal ports and along the Niger River where Africans sold their own people as castrated slaves to Arabs in exchange for metal spear points which they could not make themselves – that is how the genocidal Bantu colonized Africa and exterminated the Koi San people. The Koi San never sold their own people and they never exterminated other Africans, only the Bantu did this and today the Bantu leaders in post-colonial Africa are doing the same to their own people, that’s why Africa never develops no matter how much money and assistance is given to Africa by white people. The Bantu used those metal spears to inflict genocidal Bantu racial supremacy on the 60 million innocent indigenous Koi San people whom they exterminated in their Bantu imperialist colonial conquest of Southern Africa. The Bantu used those spears to inflict their negroid racist tribal supremacy on the 60 million innocent Koi San people they murdered in their imperialist southward colonial conquest of Africa. The racist Bantu exterminators must pay reparations to the few… Read more »
I’ve actually seen the ovens they use in a TV documentary.
lol ovens are used to bake bread. Sub-Saharan Africa sold gold, ivory and slaves for finished metal objects which they could not make themselves, they never had any bronze age or iron age, they could not even make fused glazed ceramics, they could only make dried mud/clay pots which would turn back into mud if you put anything wet in them.
No, those ovens were used for melting metal. They looked like chimneys resembling the Eiffel tower in shape.
No pretty lights in the garden, but then I realised there were. They were coming from inside our home..
I was just sat now, on my garden bench in my bare feet – no flowers in the garden – my wife had gone to bed, and i was feeling sad, about what has been happenning to all of us over the last 3 years – covid and everything
And I look at all the Children’s Toys in Our Back Garden – some we bought for our children over 35 years ago – still working – one needs a peddle, which I am working on…and a very old broken slide which needs to be recycled…
So life is not so bad, cos we have Grand Children Now..
We have Life. It is Spring
The Flowers will be Overwhelming soon
and our garden will again be like a happy childrends play park
That’s what we do
who would give that a thumbs down?
very sad folks.
Il faut cultiver notre jardin
As best as I can tell, the entirety of it stems from the original sin, that is to say, the sin of mistaken origin.
What are you of? The state?
As for myself- I am of God, a son of God if you will, and in no way a product or son of the state. Same is true of everyone and all things.
Who or what is God? Buggered if I know. Yet I know what it is not- the state corporation run by criminals for the benefit of criminals. Why obey it, why beg with boots, pray with placards to men who have no more authority over you than does a gnat?
Time to get real…
Most demonstrations are nothing but the pathetic bleeting of sheep but nevertheless demonstrations are all we have left and are essential to send a message to the enemies of humanity. The messages on the banners and what is being shouted is not relevant – it is the presence of large numbers of people in the street saying NO that really matters. Riots are better than slow death in quiet desperation.
People who criticise demonstrations are cowards making up excuses.
Maybe we have a far more powerful and fearsome weapon in our armoury : apathy. Apathy can be a dynamic, irresistible, positive force. Just imagine if they held an election and nobody bothered to vote. Everybody stayed home, or went down the pub, realising that the whole tawdry business was totally unimportant and irrelevant in their lives. .Not a soul voted. Nobody even condescended to notice. All these puffed up politicians seeking their legitimacy in a mandate from the masses, got zero votes. Nul points. Even their dog wouldn’t vote for them. They would just shrivel up in their irrelevance. Like a third rate comedian or singer who goes through his routine, and the audience just yawns, and carries on drinking and chatting amongst themselves, or sits in stony silence. No applause, no heckling, no jeering or nothing, to the extent that his act registers with them at all. Unrealistic? Maybe. But 120 million, 48%, adopted this strategy in the 2016 US election, despite the best efforts of the MSM to raise interest and arouse passions in the fake binary of Crooked Hilary and Trumpo The Magnificent. To my mind, the Apathy Party won hands down, outvoting either of those individuals by at least 2-1. All we have to di is edge that 48% up towards 100% and bingo, we’re there. A few years ago, MI5 brought out a report predicting that the middle class would form the new revolutionary class. But they would not do so by storming the barricades, or demonstrating, or tossing bombs around. They would bring about revolutionary change by doing, well……..precisely nothing. They would just passively withdraw their support and decline to participate in a system that no longer offered them anything of value – job security, reasonable pay and conditions, pensions, a modicum of… Read more »
For decades now I’ve been advocating a kind of Voters Anonymous. Not exactly the same as using apathy, but similar.
It’s people – the vast majority – going through the motions: registering to vote, going to their polling place, standing in line, walking up to the voting booth – then turning around and going home without casting their vote.
no mate, a spade can move mountains, water , wind.
Apathy find its end end down a hole with a bullet in its back or injected with a poison because its easier than operating out with past accepted norms.
resistance is not apathy.
Vote spoiled ballot!
I tend to think it’s the reverse that is true, but I’d call it indifference rather than apathy. The strength of indifference is its persistence in time as opposed to the usual fugacity of violent outbursts, which nevertheless may be the episodes of a long mouvement.
Persistent indifference towards the system IMO would achieve much more than a few violent outbursts to which the apparatus of the State is only too happy to put under its boot. No wonder general strikes are la bête noire, the sworn enemy of the State, more than anything else.
“Left against WEF”
A concept whose time has come! Good Luck. Can I be excused for thinking “The Left” was a mere plaything of the WEF these past three years?
Tha Marxists have been a tool of the banksters for two centuries.
Which is precisely why one should ONLY do as they say but never as they do. Ideas can actually be good; people putting ideas into practice always ends up bad.
“Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes, the M is silent”
– Anonymous –
The world has formed round a brutal hierarchy whose explication is revealed in the holy text of Darwin. Alternative has come via protest from below. The beast above has been forced to make compromises but now it is moving in for the final kill. And it is doing so via the very institutions that were supposedly the most caring. The grudgingly assembled “safety net” is now being unhooked mockingly through its own rhetoric. Thus the complaints about “inefficiency” in the face of manufactured crises. Thus the creation of whole new victimhood sectors. The underlings are being exterminated all under the pretence of saving them.
It’s important to know who is driving all of this corrosive encroachment, so we’re not wasting our energy shadowboxing decoys. It’s the 50 years of financialized capitalism, the rentier economy that Adam Smith capitalism was trying to avoid. The Rentiers Are Here In the past few decades, the world’s largest corporations have increasingly been extracting profits from the economy instead of generating them through innovation. Reversing this trend is essential for future growth and social cohesion; but it won’t be easy. “When the British economist John Maynard Keynes anticipated the “euthanasia of the rentier” in his 1936 book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, he was referring to a financial class that served no purpose other than to exploit scarce capital for its own benefit.” Michael Hudson: “The way people get wealthy today isn’t by making an income, it’s been by making a capital gain. Total returns are current income plus the capital gains. As for capital gains each year; the land value gains alone are larger than the whole GDP growth from year to year. So that’s where the money is, that’s where the wealth is. So, they are after speculative capital gains, they would like to push money into the Chinese stock market and real estate market. See the prices go up and then inflate the prices by buying in and then sell out at the high price. Pull the money out, get a capital gain and let the economy crash, I mean that’s the business plan.” “The money’s made by companies with the stock market going up and down; the zigzag. So of course, it wants to do a predatory zigzag. The question is whether China will impose a tax to stop this all sorts of financial transactions. That’s what’s under discussion now. They know exactly… Read more »
This Rentier stuff is merely the next – possibly the last – phase of humanity’s love affair with money. Innovation, industry and growth are no longer possible on a dead planet. All that’s left as natural resources start disappearing is moving already existing things around.
This is why only banksters and financiers can make a go of it. Piddley-Poop and Tiddley-Turds are all that anyone can make anymore; every new creation is merely a novelty item – a toy.
Not merely capitalism but mercantilism itself is passe. It’s all Old Hat. Money itself is all that’s left of humanity’s foray into “civilization.”
“I’ll give you a five for your five ones.” That’s it. That’s all there is.
Money is for rent. Land is for rent. Private property is for rent. Even the future is rented. And souls are sold for pennies…
That’s why people must go to England to sell their souls. A penny is the lowest denomination we Americans have.
Besides advisors, China discusses its policies thoroughly at various levels. It does nat have the need to make political compromises, unlike Russia. That is why it is an acknowledged existential threat to you-know-who.
It’s astonishing how our supposedly rational advanced world could be so easily hijacked into a resurgence of medieval superstition and gullibility.
Yesterday I saw a film by the young American group “Manchester Orchestra”, which features several of their tracks.
Sounds and looks impressively produced overall, but leaves a bland aftertaste due to the negative lyrics and mood. Despite the elaborately produced videos. You listen to something like this once and then never again, if you care about your own salvation.
Since people like to be offered decision alternatives, they produced it in 360-degree mode, which should rather read 180-degree mode (if at all). The penultimate track made me hopeful by finally composing in major instead of minor, but this was disappointed again after I heard the lyrics. These poor young guys are so “blackpilled” that you feel sorry for them.
But since weakness in the form of depression is contagious, my “compassion” is extremely limited! An American woman with a German name basically agrees with me: Healthy is the one with a healthy capacity of emotional demarcation.
Even if the alleged “sufferers” want to emotionally blackmail you with the accusation “callous narcissist!”, because they want to contaminate all who are still full of life and confidence with their curmudgeon. I generally recommend such people to visit a children’s cancer ward to cure their “suffering” and think why they unnecessarily burden the world with their mental weakness.
Surely you realize there is no better, no surer reflection of society/civilization at any given point than its popular culture – especially music.
For my part, I may dislike, even decry, any particular popular trend. But, truthfully, I would sooner take the word of even the most depressingly negative music than something from “Psychology Today.”
We know that modern Psychology was right there, at Bhagwan, at Abu Graeb, at Guantanamo. I’ll bet dollars to donuts that “Manchester Orchestra” was not.
Torturing Alex with Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.
It reminds me of what both Debussy and Stravinsky are reputed to have said to certain rioters at premieres of their more original masterpieces, Pelleas, and Rite of Spring, respectively (one must have nicked the other): “Mme., beauty affects some people as a personal affront.”
But taking the plunge? Well, it wouldn’t shock me I guess. Not judging by current “culture.”
Then again, it seems that the trans psy-op has been astonishingly potent. Someone I know would appear to have a son who has decided he’s “non-binary” and who spends his time posting self-obsessed pictures of his face with various applications of make up and at least once with labels stuck on displaying words like “faggot”, “queer”, “child molester”. He appends these with large screeds fretting about the “hate” show towards trans people I.e. a hate he clearly presupposes and seems to be positively encouraging.
And these posts invariably acquire enormous lists of approval ratings from all the “friends”.
One of his philosophical nuggets is “How can there be only two genders amongst these billions of people?” umm because there’s only two sexes and gender without sex is meaningless?
Fuck, it’s worse than I thought. The “trans woman” has a sister who’s organised some kind of fund raising exercise to drum up “gender affirming” surgery!
So the masses – or a sadly vocal portion of them – have shown themselves to be so moronic in their swallowing of literally castrating bullshit that they are knocking themselves out to raise funds from other working class punters who are eager to sign up!
The French, I believe, call it “ennui” – though now all of us do. And that’s the entire basis of this “trans” hoola hoop. Somehow becoming another gender momentarily relieves the infernal boredom a disintegrating society engenders.
What the successful trannie does when ennui sets in again…ah! there’s the rub, isn’t it?
Suicide or a return to sanity is the next step. Those who were stupid enough to have surgery and take hormones will likely not make it past middle age.
The answer to all of humanity’s problems lies in non stop gay sex, rainbow coloured dildos all round, as many child trannies as possible cutting off their dicks and cutting off their tits, with a bit of paedophilia, incest, bestiality and satanism tossed in for good measure. Maybe we can really get going and progress towards cannibalism and human sacrifice. Just think of the diversity!
What if this WHOLE thing was a plot by George Orwell’s and Aldous Huxley’s heirs to boost sales of 1984 and Brave New World.
There are illiterate people who believe Huxley and Orwell were actually promoting what is happening.
The media wish to construct the ideal mind for whom reality is exactly what they say it is and to doubt it is insanity, gullibility, immaturity etc.
Their ideal spokesman is the embodiment of woke, Billy Bragg. His impeccable credentials make him the ultimate exemplar I.e. “Left Wing” in that hackneyed and now utterly anachronistic cloth capped way so beloved by phony media imagery, obsequious before the Royals, infinitely sanctimonious in that “objective” way through which he so magisterially assumes the authority to speak for “the people”, utterly supine before the pronouncements of the latest “scientific discoveries” related from that eyrie of officialdom, Bragg conforms so much to that perfect woke speaker that I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he was a computer generated image.
Billy B., Little Greta, Malala, Bono, Banana of Aleppo, are all marketed products of the MI5 Work Shop.
The reason why people mobilise and organise and take action is that something undesirable is happening that they want to stop. There is a war going on.. between the have’s and the have not’s. The have’s desire to control and use all the humanity they can, while the have not’s desire to share what knowledge and skills they have with all other humans. Collective humanity enlightens itself to the benefit and gain of every current and future living human. Special or greedy interest try to profit by redirecting the output from collective humanity to be inputs to the wealth and power of the greedy. The opponents to collective humanity in this war are the anti-humans.. NHOs exist as governments, corporations, partnerships, trusts, NGOs, militaries, intelligence services, think tanks. Basically non human organizations (NHOs) are designed, in some way or other, to control, to restrict, to direct, and to funnel the collective strength of humanity into a path that benefits the purpose of one or more, Non Human Organization (NHO). Nearly always people opposing the objects of the NHOs are forced themselves to mobilise and organise and take action to undo or prevent something undesirable which a NHO has arranged that impacts on the comforts, the security or the interactive free one on one sharing of knowledge and skills that make humanity a social animal. Stopping NHO intrusions on human endeavors or on the human quality of life,or on the environment in which humans more comfortably live requires that defending humans to themselves organize into Non human organizations (NHOs) lest they not have sufficient strength to over power the demands of the offending NHO. The NHO is destructive to human development because it brings to its leadership persons with special skills, talents that promote the special interest of NHO, because it… Read more »
The problem is that the NHO possesses superior intelligence because of their alien connection and because they have managed to massively misdirect, fracture and almost eliminate innate human intelligence- which only comes through communion with nature.
No mention of the growing sabre rattling in the neocon West against Russia and the disappearance of the antwar movement. Leading the charge in the Australian senate is a short haired dyke.
I like it … ”a short haired dyke.” Precious!
I have noted how the crippling costs of postage are now decimating the mail order business. It now appears that Royal Mail is under attack.
From Graud:
“Royal Mail CEO accused of ‘incompetence or cluelessness’ by MPs”
The final paragraphs sound that ominous legal-speak well known to hapless ground-floor employees:
“An Ofcom spokesperson said: “Royal Mail’s recent performance is clearly well short of where it should be. We’re very concerned about this and have asked the company to explain what it’s doing to bring service levels back up as a matter of urgency.”
Ofcom said it assesses Royal Mail’s performance for the previous 12 months each April and added that the regulator would not “hesitate to take enforcement action if required””
All of which echoes the similar noises around the health service. This is another reset – or a small part of the big one, whereby all services are being reconfigured to eliminate operations for the vast majority and assign everyone to the new feudalism.
What’s the betting the “solution” will involve robotics and A.I.?
Royal mail was sold a long time ago, this new Private thing that owns it still uses the royal mail name.
They’re putting up a 1st class stamp to £1.10p.
In the U.K. new police officers swear this oath:
”I, … … … of … … … do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.”
In 2022 there were approximately 164000 police officers. Can anyone identify any officers who have adhered to their oath? Yet these are the very people who ensure that the corrupt system continues. Without their participation the entire charade would collapse.
Fuck the Queen… err … that ridiculous idiot who finally made King.
What the fuck is this supposed to mean, truly serve the fucking Queen. If anybody, the pigs should serve the people or Greater Good, as defined by the people.
Fuck human rights conferred by the Queen or the aforementioned idiot too.
People have inherent rights as living creatures that arise from them themselves, not some fucking aristocratic moron.
Humanity has discovered [during the course of human events] certain truths to be self evident: that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its Foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such Form, as to them, shall seem most likely to to effect their Safety and Happiness.
I don’t remember anybody asking me if I wanted to form some government.
If they did, I’d probably tell them to shove this idea up their ass and leave me the fuck alone.
Why can’t you simply leave one another the fuck alone too instead of forming some fucking governments? Haven’t you learn from history THAT EVERY FUCKING FORM OF GOVERNMENT BECOMES DESTRUCTIVE?
The Oligarchs have discovered a way to abuse every form of government. So the task of humanity is to continuously search for a form of government that serves the interest of those who are the governed. I suggested long ago here and many other places. that the largest flaw in the design of a government is that the court and prosecutor are operated by those who are the government (the fox is guarding the hen house). What is needed is a prosecutor and a court that those who are the governed operate..
The jurisdiction of the court of the governed, should be limited to prosecuting those who are government and the government itself should be open to audit and investigation by all who are citizens, on a 24/7 basis.. this makes the citizens into auditors. When a citizen-auditor discovers a corruption in government such citizen-auditor takes his or her findings to the prosecutor of the citizen court who charges the member of government with the crime of corruption. Whereupon the indicted member of government must cease his or her governmental activities until the case is heard by the citizens court and if found not guilty such governmental person is returned to his or her governmental activities, but if found guilty the member of government is punished by the citizens court.
The court of the governed citizens would have no authority to prosecute any crime but corruption engaged in by a member of government. The governments prosecutors and courts would have jurisdiction over those the government governs for to prosecute and punish those crimes that violate the laws of the government.
This single flaw in the design of government has allowed the corrupt to rule the world.
The single flaw of the government is that they fucks don’t leave me the fuck alone.
But if you, or anyone else, wishes to be governed, be my guest. Just kindly leave the fuck out of it.
Merci d’avance
The concept of a Creator sets you up for slavery. What you recite is a masonic brainwashing program.
Don’t be silly – everyone knows the main issue with the police is that they’re too patriarchical! The Fraud’s headline for most of yesterday was that the Met are on their “last chance” because of this.
This is the thing that most people who want to see freedom in the world often ignore- the real problematic 1% is not the trillionaires but the idiots and psychopaths who join the police and armed forces to do the trillionaires’ bidding…
Good piece. I’m searching for the Real Left that seems to have been submerged beneath the corporate Left, for the libertarian Left, one could call this real Left. Blue Labour was one aspect. But the Labour/SWP “rent-a-mob” is always out there with its placards from its placard factory against the latest thing. “Kick out the Tories and all will be well” as if three terms of Blair’s Trotskyism improved our lives. “Get Starmer in and we will see the people cast off their chains.” Starmer or SunakHunt, The Man is still there, control and theft. The people are sedated. If the solution is Trilateral Starmer, the protests are fruitless. If the author is saying there’s a thriving anti-globalist Left of sovereign individuals and states then all power to it. I wish him well with his protesting.
Catherine Austin Fitts has referred to the net zero emission target as “the printing of trillions and trillions of dollars in exchange for a highly conceptual promise that is not grounded in reality”.
I would say that’s putting it politely. The jargon surrounding net zero is like the jargon surrounding definitions of acceptable states of personal immunity re: viruses and vaccines. The rulers have created a whole new – indeed several new – strains of verbal gyration that have no ground in any perceivable reality. Like the theological distinctions of old, this is a generation of hypnotic chanting to justify any amount of theft, mutilation and genocide.
In “health care”, net zero means eliminating the unhealthy.
I remember seeing this movie with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson about some incident in Guantanamo, at the end of which Nicholson, who plays some general, goes ballistic about him doing the dirty work in the trenches while people sleep peacefully in their homes, putting cheap gas in their cars, wearing cheap clothes, in short, living very much beyond the means of what whatever they do is able to pay for, all courtesy of the fact that there is some ruthless fucking general out there who keeps the slaves who slave away to supply westerners with luxury on a short leash. The general brings upon himself his own demise, but he does have a fucking point. People have their fucking heads stuck in the sand or conveniently turn them the other way, their whole life, so as not to see that the Occidental luxury is owed to wars, to subjugation of the rest of the world, to having some less fortunate fucks slave for us or stealing their stuff. If you wanna protest that, start by changing your lifestyle. And don’t protest against the fucks in charge, but against the majority of people who live a lifestyle that requires the pillaging, killing, and subjugating. Protest against the real cause, not what your bird brain naively thinks the cause is. In other words, get out of the bubble within which exists your world view because the world goes much farther beyond it. As to the notion of protesting, kindly realize that if you protest, you implicitly make yourself a subject of whoever you’re protesting against. You’re self-subjugating yourself. A free man doesn’t protest. A free man walks around anyone who gets in his way and puts his foot to the ass, or another appropriate body part, of any motherfucker who infringes… Read more »
And who created consumerism? They did – through the likes of Bernays.
Now they don’t want it anymore and are turning around and blaming people for destroying the environment. (seen that record deep snow at Lake Tahoe – this global warming is terrible!).
I’m sick and tired of whining of this kind.
“They” did not create consumerism. Consumerism is the natural biological consequence of a species stumbling upon abundant resources (in human case, that would be coal, oil, gas) and devouring all of the shit like there was no tomorrow, then eating all of the stuff up, fighting for whatever’s left (that’s what’s currently happening), and then going up and smoke or down the tubes (select your favorite demise).
I haven’t noticed a whole lot of people who’d too much oppose consumerism. On the fucking contrary, just about everybody’s been more than complicit. And those who haven’t have benefited from the abundance laterally as well.
The point is. Stop pointing you finger, stop looking for scapegoats. Finding somebody to blame won’t solve the predicament.
Well, by your reasoning, the solution is obvious: get rid of the human race. No human beings, no consumption! But that would mean that you’re on the side of the globalists here, wouldn’t it? The Club of Rome and all that …
You are a simple man, given to knee-jerk (anti)solutions. Kindly don’t try to think for me, you don’t have the brains to do that, and I don’t like it when somebody is drawing conclusions on my behalf. Humans are a species and behave like other species. They fuck up just like other species do and will bear the consequences. Am I on the side of the globalists? Fuck no. I’m on nobody’s side. I’m on my own side. Humans are on collision course with their way of life, which stems from biological and physical factors. You can either ignore that, which will likely result in a violent event, or try to do something about it. Looking at things very soberly and objectively, the, as you say, globalists are evidently trying to step on the brakes and slow down the wild ride that’s bound to derail, sooner or later, possibly very soon. In doing so, they’re trampling on people’s freedoms, imposing all sorts of malicious shit, installing what you might call a medico-fachist dystopia. At the same time, they’re trying to secure a better position for themselves (read: slave driver) for the upcoming era. People en masse have no clue what’s going on and want another fix, the party to go on (impossible). Then there are people like you who don’t like the attack on freedoms but refuse the acknowledge the underlying problems that must be addressed no matter what (lest we go up in smoke). You keep whining how fucked things are because they ain’t what they used to be. Then there are a few people like me who understand the many predicaments the world is facing, including the fact that there is no good solution. In other words, I fervently oppose any curbing of freedom, but on the other… Read more »
Get out in the streets and stop preaching.
You need to read a bit about how indigenous people lived in harmony with their environments for millenia before the infection began.
You need to read a bit about the fact that they lived in harmony only AFTER they went through a period of overshoot.
The aforestated is a biological phenomenon applicable to any and all species.
Please meet me in the streets so that together we can kick some motherfuckers’ ass.
Most people are trapped into feeding kids and paying debts and rent and cannot even think about any of this. They do not even have the option to not use a mobile phone anymore.
When you have nothing to lose and nothing to eat, and no private airforce to create a pirate utopia, maybe you’ll be protesting too.
The point I’m trying to make, which you’re not seem to be getting, that people need to see protest as an action of removing some obtrusive motherfucker from their sun as opposed to protesting the fact that he’s turned the screws on them subjugated slaves too fucking tight.
It’s a matter of your state of mind.
Think yourself a free man, not a subjugated slave.
” Let me, p53–one of the gladiators and leaders of your immune system—inspire YOU to say: “I am Spartacus!” For you to say, “I am Spartacus” is not just a cute gimmick. It is more real than many can perhaps imagine. For we are all about to become slaves on a scale so epic it will dwarf all previous chapters in history. This war for freedom may last many years, decades or centuries. This war will require way more than just one Spartacus.”
from “p53 Speaks: Taking Down the Global Predators and the New Fascist World Order”
Key to their prison for you = 5G boxes within reach of wherever you are.
Our lives are ruled by whomever or whatever we give permission. Most people are afraid of freedom so they passively hand over their autonomy and give permissions to outside forces to regulate their freedom.
These “permissions” were only obtained by deception using endless cries of “public safety” and repetition of fraudulent claims without any real evidence doesn’t constitute seeking agreement.
My story of a kind of victory. From the moment the immediately-obvious psyop that was covid was first announced, I gradually started to feel more and more disgusted with people for swallowing the lies and controls and felt I simply didn’t want to live in a world so full of lies and people accepting them any more. Even though I’ve learnt now that illness has always been weaponised against us and we have always lived in a world of lies and people generally acceptlng them it didn’t really help. Each day I woke up with a heavy heart. Last month friends recommended the book, Becoming Supernatural, by Dr Joe Dispenza. I bought it and started doing his meditations on youtube (really more hypnosis than strictly meditation) and watching the overwhelming number of testimonials from people who’ve cured themselves of supposedly incurable illnesses and conditions. The courage that these people show in curing themselves from extremely debilitating conditions has helped me change my attitude to people and somehow my mindset generally has changed which I’m very thankful for. I follow a website, Logically Fallacious, whose contributors including the site owner, Dr Bo Bennett, tend to be apologists for the mainstream narrative whatever it may be and Bo reacted with great annoyance using most unobjective terms such as “bat-shit crazy” when I started posting anti-mainstream-covid stuff. I laid low posting no more on covid, biding my time for the right moment if it ever came. A few days ago a newbie posted the question: “… I need to base my research on a topic which has multiple existing and fallacious arguments (at least 6-8), and provide suggestions on how to make it not fallacious. Some examples of a topic would be arguments regarding Covid vaccines and religious beliefs about the bible. …”… Read more »
Designed to share you shitless and divert your attention from what really matters, namely the impending collapse of the Western Empire, if not the whole fucking world.
Any big lie that is used to control people has import.
Check out the meaning of the RED HERRING FALLACY.
The longer you poke into the covid bullshit, the longer you will not deal with what really “has import”.
So can you identify what we should be focusing on exactly? Where to begin with “impending collapse of … “
Get ready for some hard times. Society might collapse. The financial system might collapse. Supply chains might collapse. Like, really. Even if they don’t, if truly disastrous conditions akin to what happened in some parts of the Second World after the fall of the Iron Curtain (that’s the closest analogy I can think of) don’t take place, things will not be in such abundance as before, public services will not be available, including healthcare, etc. There might be violence. The world will change, morph into something else. Use your predictive ability to imagine what it will be. Let go of the old world and all the perks and luxuries. The party’s over. Prepare to adjust to whatever the fuck is coming and it might not be exactly pretty.
Another 9/11…. nothing to it though, probably just a coincidence….
I don’t think they understood your comment, that is why they said nothing. You cannot reason with insane people who believe they are rational or get them to see the light of truth by presenting evidence or asking rational questions.
It would be easier to convert religious fundamentalists into materialists.
Petra, thank you for the odysee link re: Smallpox. Am watching it now. Very well made. And, surprise, it shows how the psychopath elites centuries ago were adept at using ‘disease’ as a punishment and control mechanism, and how they could simply makeup out of thin air ‘symptoms’ that would ‘fit’ their narrative. ‘Symptoms’ such as goose bumps or hair loss which they would lump under leprosy or smallpox. .
And Western medicine is heir to this very kind of blind obedience to edicts and unproven statements.
I’ve spent, some would say misspent, my whole life as a misfit. This has included a lot of protest, in the conventional sense of public demos. But more than that it’s involved steady commitment, living true, to values learned from earliest age, progressively providing some vision or perspective on a world out of true in so many ways as to make for truly incoherent experience, like noble lies for mass murder. Insofar as basic, everyday choices and consequences make us, I might say my life has been a protest, or a habit of divergence from the dissonance at large, in favor of more authenticity, integrity, virtue of living. I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation….I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. -Thoreau. The nature of public protest seems to have changed during my lifetime in large part due to becoming uprooted from personal protest, as it were, living one’s life counterculturally, in proactive pursuit of possibilities of another world beyond all the death normalized as living. I think there’s any number of reasons for this alienation between personal and political dimensions of living, from reducing countercultural revolt to market lifestyles and manufactured identities of rebels without cause or conviction, to rollback of post-WW2 revolutionary movements, anticolonial in all senses of the word, by means of immiseration, austerity and debt bondage beyond the economic opportunities promised by the welfare state. I locate one of the most significant reasons in demolition and loss of autonomous, human-scaled community, social relations… Read more »
Intellectual definitions of “community” are superfluous. People who live and work together and depend on each other for survival and well-being are a community.
The rest are just landless peasants being moved around by feudal lords.
It’s been around three decades since i read Stanley Diamond’s collection of (anthropological) essays ‘In Search of the Primitive’. Currently i’m rereading his incredible essay ‘The Search for the Primitive’…That essay is not available online, but there is his “The Uses of the Primitive’, from which this extract:
‘In We Zamiatin documents the growth of the internal rebel who is gradually educated in what the regime defines as love. When the revolt against the state of happiness occurs, the civil power uses two ultimate weapons: one is a method of instantaneously disintegrating the enemy. Since the enemy is legion, the other method is the ‘salvation’ of the person, as an eternal civil servant, through a quick, efficient operation on the brain that results in permanent dissociation of the intellect and emotion without impairing technical intelligence.
‘Zamiatin’s description of the rebel rendered affectless, lucidly describing the changes on his beloved coconspirator’s face and feeling nothing as she dies, anticipates Gamus* and transmits in it’s terrifying, poignant flatness a psychological truth about our time that has become a dreadful cliche. Zamiatin informs that such a secularised and impersonal utopia can function only by altering human nature itself. And outside of the glass wall of his utopian city which had arisen out of the “final” war between the country and the city is a green wilderness in which primitive rebels live off the land, alive to their humanity, and seek to free the ultimately urbanized brother within.’
** a typo ? Should be Camus ?
Thanks. I often recall Diamond’s words, civilization originates in conquest abroad and repression at home, and the sophisticated repression of modern industrial civilization seems well-considered in the quote here.
“Civilisation” or “Imperialism” – i’m thinking the latter, and maybe another said it ?
Anyway, it’s decades since i read “In Search of the Primitive”, so his essays are refreshing reminders of how lost, even anthropology, we, in The West, have become…
My kinda guy!
The third criticism hurled at the dissenters of all things evil I find especially riling, since it’s exactly what dissenters do not want: to impose their views and ways on others! Live and let live is my motto. The last three years have really highlighted the fact that the normies (not all of them, for sure) have been coercing the dissenters into their way of life.
I think the “phenomenon” you mention boils down to exploitation. That’s the core of all the evil foisted on humans, their minds, their bodies, their labour; other animals; the plant world; the planet itself. Everything that runs counter to life, freedom, health, beauty, goodness, and truth (and, yes, it does exist!) can be explained through the lens of exploitation.
So, since exploitation isn’t a static thing or system, it is a cultural phenomenon. And culture can be changed – for the better, that is, not as it’s evident all around us today, for the worst. I believe it starts in the family. Most people are okay with exploitation, as long as they themselves are not being exploited (too much). That needs to change. Corporations, large organisations and centralised government need to be smashed and small private enterprise be permitted to conduct business without all the restraints. Taxation needs to be recognised for what it really is: Exploitation, extortion, mafia style.
It’ll take generations, teaching kids to make free but morally responsible decisions.
If it’s not too late already.
1. “Feminism” (sick)
2. “Equality” (idiotic)
3. Normality (nature)
The opposite connection of similar elements
must inevitably lead to evolutionary standstill.
(Is “homo-sexuality” a mental dys-
function/illogic as a model of life?)
Like all good ideas, such as equality (not to be confused with sameness) they’re being twisted into something ugly and unfair.
Encroachment isn’t the word I would use to describe what’s going on to be honest.
When the missus rolls over in the middle of the night and steals some of my bed real estate, that’s an encroachment. What’s happening now is something considerably more serious.
It is an invasion.
It is the invasion of the corporate world into free society, and everyone is going to be an employee, whether they like it or not.
Most of the people of this world have demonstrated, that for the sake of convenience, they are happy to do whatever they are instructed to do. They don’t want to have to hunt down their own animals or harvest their own potatoes, or any other traditional malarkey, they just want to walk into a shop and walk back out with whatever they want, that’s it.
So the corporate world then has decided to stop the charade of being subservient to the global population and taken it upon itself to dictate how the future of things is going to be.
Not sure if it’s just convenience. I think it’s a mentality of “I’m alright, fuck the others.”
Until they come for them as well.
Then one day there is no food or toilet paper in the shop and they have to start growing potatoes and wiping their asses with devalued currency. Most of them will go insane.
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Amen indeed… and perhaps you know this other oft-quoted scripture that relates so aptly to the evil that surrounds us:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Thanks for the slyly measured humour. A tonic for the day, or season.
Sounds a lot like my Anthem, when sung in full, and tuned.
How about asking your detractors are they for freedom?
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-15. Germany’s MoH admits severe CV-19 ‘vax’ injuries (1:10k doses) are too many. #TheMidazolamMurders (blog, gab, tweet).
Do not comply, nothing more to be said really.
Agreed – it may be seen as chopping off the tentacles of the octopus. The tentacles are separated and appear as different entities but they belong to the same creature!
Yes!!! Thank You!!! And onward!!!
My absolutely favorite authentic anarchist.
It helps if those protesting actually do their homework and not fall prey for gov’t spooks and false narratives from the Open Society or the UN and its whore, the IPCC.
The environmental movement used to be such a noble cause. Now it’s a way of killing your life and those of future generations which the NWO do not want born. The environment movement has been usurped and weaponised like everything else in the NWO bag of tricks.
Peaceful demo’s are all well and good but we all know deep down that they ain’t going to cut it. Peaceful demo’s are not going to stop what has been planned for decades. Those responsible are not going to abandon their plans to be gods on earth.
Here’s wishing i’m wrong on that. We soon will have no alternative but to find out.
You are on the right side of history and I don’t see you as fighting a rearguard action against an irresistible tyranny at all.
The system referred to, the corporate globalist tyranny of the 0.1%, is a colossus with feet of clay, and one that is becoming ever more fragile, desperate, reckless and irresponsible as it thrashes around in its death throes, trying to provoke simultaneous wars with Russia, China and Iran.
This can be seen in many areas. The rigid censorship, the blanket police state surveillance, the abysmal quality of western leadership, the outright thuggery and criminality of ruling elites at home and abroad, the blatant political corruption, the politicised kangaroo courts, all these things are signs of weakness, not strength.
A little hole will open in the dyke, followed soon after by the deluge. Nobody will see this coming and there will probably be a very unexpected catalyst. In retrospect this will be seen as obvious and inevitable.
The system is totally bankrupt, economically, financially, politically, spiritually, socially and morally. It is rotten to the core. You only have to kick the front door in and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down.
It is so unstable that this can come to pass at any time.
“Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces.”
― Étienne de La Boétie, The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
La Boétie goes on to make a case as to why people ought to withdraw their consent immediately. He urges all people to rise up and cast off tyranny simply by refusing to concede that the state is in charge.
The tyrant has “nothing more than the power that you confer upon him to destroy you. Where has he acquired enough eyes to spy upon you, if you do not provide them yourselves? How can he have so many arms to beat you with, if he does not borrow them from you? The feet that trample down your cities, where does he get them if they are not your own? How does he have any power over you except through you? How would he dare assail you if he had no cooperation from you?”
Yep. La Boétie is my man, because he also reminds me of what it is to be my own man.
Yes. The vast majority fund their own terrorist governments, plus are willing customers of all the corporations that control their lives. Instead of complaining, the enlightened person removes himself from the above as much as practically possible. Those who complain but continue funding and using the projects/products of tyrants are complete fools.
I met a fellow at my Y a few years back, just pre-Coronapalooza and we were discussing issues of free will, nothing too high brow.
He parted paths from me, in a friendly tone, saying “I was a career Army man, I loved it, I always liked taking orders.”
I stared at him awhile, as one might at any outer space alien (I can see taking orders as a necessity in situations, but not as a lifestyle.)
I repeated carefully what he had said, just to check. He nodded and agreed with my version as accurate, always smiling.
He said, “Yes. very much. I love to have people tell me what to do. As a regular thing.”
It strikes me that countless many who are like him, though not as “open” or “confiding” but endlessly photocopying for us all what serial killers make for us as our policy, are exactly why we are where we are. How else?
The love of freedom (worthy of the name) must be really quite rare, and in its manifestations, mercurial.
That’s probably why it only exists in poetry, music, some film, and other art. On a good day.
When you’re FOR Liberty and Due Process, let me know.
The following gives an indication of what Due Process would look like. Sadly, its real-world application has only partial successes, but this is because the legal and medical systems are inherently corrupt; Public Health is inherently fascistic; and most people don’t give a shit. With regard to the declaration of an emergency (or similar policy decisions), a Due Process approach would require the authorities to submit the evidence in public and under oath; and to be subject to cross examination. That is, as for any deprivation of Liberty. Yes, I know, it’s a bit too radical! — September 16, 2020 Federal Judge Rules Pennsylvania Lockdown and Business Closure Orders Violate U.S. Constitution On Sept. 14, in Butler v. Wolf, a federal district court in Western Pennsylvania held that certain Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mitigation measures ordered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania were unconstitutional. Conceding the efforts were a “well-intentioned effort to protect Pennsylvanians from the virus,” Judge William S. Stickman, IV nevertheless held that the portion of orders issued by Gov. Tom Wolf and Secretary of Health Rachel Levine violated the First Amendment as well as the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. — In 1971, schoolteacher Alberta Lessard was facing lifetime civil commitment to a Milwaukee public psychiatric facility and was being forcibly medicated when she called Milwaukee Legal Aid Services for help. Lessard became the plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit, launched on behalf of all persons involuntarily committed in the state of Wisconsin. The case went to a U.S. District Court, which ruled in 1972 that Wisconsin’s civil commitment laws violated the Constitution, and this for a time became the guiding decision. “Historically, persons alleged to be mentally ill have had the constitutional status of children,” wrote civil rights attorney Thomas K.… Read more »
thank you winteroak/paul cudenec for also keeping your head in this shitstorm
I’m against it.
Finally! A Ramones song to like.
I don’t know, all that punk, like too much hip hop culture these days, seems to me 99% swag, now, and not much take home content.
Like most C&W too: almost all hat, and no cowboy.
Just had to say it. Starved for sustenance. Give me Bach, or give me my 6 feet!
That reminds me of a great punchline:
Q. Why do they bury government agents 12 feet deep instead of the traditional 6?
A. Because deep down, they really are very good people.
That’s not universally true, but way too much for our survival.
Oh yes, that is left-wing tradition: ineffective, but one has got used to it. I once took part in a peace initiative, it was about Pershing 2 in Germany. I got to know many leftists, including politicians. Afterwards I was able to answer the following questions
1. is this democracy? Answer: no, because in a democracy it is supposedly the people who decide.
2. do politicians have power? Answer: no, they make themselves important and squirm out of it.
So I went in search of the really powerful. I found them in the economy, which from the 90s onwards increasingly acted outside any legal order and also corrupted SME, which had to join in, out of greed and/or in order to survive.
Then in 2010, the then German Foreign Minister Westerwelle suggested to NATO that one could now slowly reduce the number of NATO bases in Germany. NATO decided that the withdrawal of weapons from Germany could only be decided unanimously. Since then I know that I was born in a colony.
For about 5 years I have known that the economy has bought politics.
Now protest. There’s no one there to even hear you….
RE:For about 5 years I have known that the economy has bought politics.
Better late than never, I knew that over 40 years ago.
I did not expect them to buy the UN to exercise power. I expected them to do it without them, to do it themselves.
The US created the UN, it has always been an US tool.
UN is the baby of FDR and Churchill. They both took advantage of the opportunity Hitler’s madness gave them to get the ‘free’ world behind them. I think Churchill knew that the price would be having to act as a junior partner to the US in the future.
Course there isn’t just off the top of my head the USA is still a Protectorate of Germany and Switzerland isn’t it? Perhaps there has been less political and influence regarding NATO US forces, I could find out I suppose. A friend of mine is formally US Army lives there with his wife and family. I’ve never been to Germany my father’s family tree goes back all the way to Germanian heritage legitimately. My Mother late in life travelled to both Germany and Yugoslavia, although there’s no contention on her side, to my understanding. She particularly loved Yugoslavia and the People.
Perhaps this will help especially to Americans over the singleton focusing on London. Which can only be imo, language barriers and blanent misuse of Reglious affiliations by investors state Cities funding.
Switzerland is a very special case. Officially they always were ‘neutral’, but it had always meant to go to bed with any country. They are nice people, but politically they have never taken a sincere position.
The official decision of being part of the sanctions against Russia – I consider this to be consensual and agreed between all cbdc states, i.e. all of them, in order to have a lever for the reset.
How can they be anything but? They serve all world leaders in banking.
Hello German.
Nobody heard the White Rose for quite some time. But eventually their immortality blossomed and will ever flower.
Hang in there. Few though we may be, none of us are alone.
Yes, it seems it took some late incendiary “aversion therapy,” and that proved fertile soil in coming years for the White Rose.
There is a significant portion of the “health freedom movement”, as they examine the Covid Operation of 2020, that are catapulting the falsehood that this operation is the workings of the commies/the CCP etc. and in doing so these individuals are supporting the very same class of people that they claim to oppose None of the perps are communists, Marxists, socialists, populists, anarchists or any such thing. They are all ardent capitalists operating within the logic of capitalism and have been doing so for decades. The nascent bio-security state started as far back as the mythical AIDS crisis of the 1990’s and has developed into what we see today. The many steps along the way included most of the same institutions (and individuals) that are involved in the Covid scam and none of these are communist/socialist etc. in their origins. Another aspect that gets ignored in the “blaming” of CCP/communists is that the perps who are mainly responsible for these crimes are let off the hook when blame gets assigned to “the commies”, China e.g.. Those individuals, including Chinese financiers, have absolutely zero allegiance to any national identity. While certain elements within China are certainly a part of the global bio-security machinery circa 2020 it is not the primary mechanism by any stretch of the imagination. The primary power moving the world towards totalitarianism lies in international institutions that are decidedly controlled by Western actors. “Covid19”, the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives. The plan is for a new phase of global capitalism- enabled by national states and governments, international organisations and quangos (EU, UN, NATO, IMF, WTO, WHO, Gates, GAVI)- with no clear… Read more »
The planning from Deloitte and Rockefeller is to be read counter-clockwise:
LockStep by Pandemic to destroy the government and economy,
Hack Attack (war) to break the will of the population,
Smart Scramble without food so that the population learns that they alone will sink into misery.
Finally broken, it is ready to eat the cockroaches out of the WEF’s hand and provide valuable transhuman energy as a Human Battery.
RE: Anyone who thinks George Gao, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, Mario Draghi, Macron, etc. are communists needs to rethink that position.
I have asked this as a question face to face to people who adamantly claim Covid et al is a communist plot. They just stare at me and never answer the question…
That’s just the successful outcome of generations of propaganda. Propaganda is designed not to appeal to reason but to generate visceral reactions — you know it works when people are adamantly against something but somehow can’t tell you why.
It doesn’t just work with commies, either. When I first arrived in the US it was during Reagan’s first term. Everyone I met seemed to have negative opinions of President Carter but nobody could articulate why. With the benefit of historical hindsight we now know where Reagan’s “Morning in America” led to and we also know that Carter’s policies were not at all bad “for a US President” — but, they were policies that advocated reduced oil use, reduced support for proto-fascist governments and a generally quite even handed approach to foreign relations. Studying his presidency — how it came about and how it was dealt with — may give us invaluable lessons for the now.
I agree. A strong argument can be made that Carter would have won if not for the machinations of the CIA and the “October Surprise.” The Shadow Government wanted George HW Bush (former DCI), and they got him as VP who for all intents and purposes ran Reagan’s foreign policy. Interesting, I was having a discussion with a friend recently about Trump’s foreign policy, and I had to go back to Carter to find a POTUS who was similarly less interested in destroying some country. Domestically, of course, Reagan’s first act was to destroy the air traffic controllers union (one of the strongest unions at the time), which set the tone and future outlook for working people until the present.
Tell me the difference between marxist socialism and corporate socialism. You are allowed to read Animal Farm before answering the question….
In the former, the workers themselves determine their future.
That’s the theory, anyway.
The “Conspiracy Theory?”
Like this?
Tang Yu will also operate as “a real-time data hub and analytical tool to support rational decision-making in daily operations and enable a more effective risk management system”.
In addition, “Tang Yu is expected to play a critical role in the development of talents and ensuring a fair and efficient workplace for all employees”
What does the CCP technocratic mafia have to do with socialism?
The development of socialist ‘revolutions’ has always proceeded in this way. Starting with dreams, going forward with cruelty and ending up with fascism. Look at SU, look at Nazi-Germany. After Germany Rockefellers began to develop China. Here we are, and they will end like Hitler, even if they act much more deviously and covertly than he did.
When did you read it, at what age? Its important thats why groups keep on bringing it back up. We read it at School during a young boys transison to a young man by 15yrs old.
If you didn’t and are not British1960-70.
As a base line platform You’ve Just dismissed Yourself, why? Because You’ve Answered a Question by Yourself on what you Think it’s About.
It’s not for You!
The Book Animal Farm is for us Youngsters Not for You! Furthermore, a Person (age?) is a positive only when you first read it. If your over 15 you could be respectful called a ie: ‘old’ faggot., then and now by 15yr olds., because it’s a time line classic book. As you obviously appreciate.
Oh btw if You’ve ever voted since 1970 your OUT! Well ok 1979. 🤡
Sadly there are no examples of this having ever happened. Instead psychopaths seize power.
There is one, for a brief 73 days: The Paris Commune of 1871.
There’s no such thing as ‘corporate socialism’.
except as a very clever marriage of two words
that is meant to easily fool the gullible…
To the masses ‘politics’ is a surface phenomena,; their interest is superficial.
Such allows propagandists to decide what political labels mean – and those
meanings are not hard and fast, they are varied according to associations…
(Remember, sowing confusion is the basic dis-information tactic)…
Today, in the USA, it appears so outre to call any opposition “leftist’ as the ‘in’ label is currently “rightist”, variously: ultra, extreme, far-right, or Trumpian rightwing – even the “leftists” are called “rightists”…(and if those labels dont work, there’s always “pedo”.)
And some of the worst confusionists are the self-labeled leftists
who believe what they say is what they claim it is !
‘And the words that are used
for to get the ship confused
will not be understood
as they’re spoken.’
(1960s folksinger)…
that should be ‘so passe’, not ”so outre’…
If companies care for your whole life and are legally authorized to do this, this is what??
Socialism sets a societies’ priorities on what’s good for society as a whole. Although corporations are treated as legal persons in the US they’re not, they’re at best sociopaths who’s agenda is set by what’s good for them, not for the people who work for them or the people as whole. What we call ‘corporate socialism’ is really just ‘governmental capture’ by powerful interests, either corporate or — invariably — what benefits a very small group of owners/insiders.
Like a lot of terminology you’ve got to be careful with the meaning of words. I’d suggest reading — not watching the movie, but reading — “1984” to get a good explanation. Just be careful of the ‘guilt by association’ trick — in reality there’s no such thing as corporate socialism but it not only sounds good as words but gives the impression that ‘they’re all the same’ — the desired outcome.
Socialism sets a societies’ priorities on what’s good for society as a whole
Exactly. And someone decides what is good for everyone. The individual plays no role, the dignity of the human being – of every single human being – is alien to socialism. It thinks in collective terms, sees people exclusively as social herd animals – and woe betide them if they act against the defined common good.
That is what totalitarism means, corporate or not. Humans as cattle.
Left and right are, in my eyes, fake definitions that suggest that there is nothing outside the Hegelian dialectic.
The starting point for both is life in an industrialised society whose centralisation and automation limits the self-determination of the individual from the outset in order to turn him into a functioning machine operator. This pain gave rise to a longing for more freedom in some, and a desire to be treated better for serving the machine in others. Hegelian dialectics means that both would once dissolve in the symbiosis of master and servant. This model of thought borrows from quasi-religious models, especially those of the Jesuits.
The real task, however, is not symbiosis into a elite-managed herd, but to regain personal responsibility. Personal responsibility means acting according to one’s best knowledge and conscience and bearing the consequences. A state structure consisting of such self-responsible people would be outside Hegelian entropy. But no one can force that, certainly not ideologies or systems.
Human beings need team work and a society of rugged individualists does not work, as you can see in the USA. Some projects need leadership to work. Most people need leaders because we are primates after all…
The original idea behind socialism is that decisions are taken by all interested and affected parties involved. Not by “the party”.
Like all attempts at human freedom, it was very quickly hijacked and turned into an atrocity by the anti-human.
Oh let the human beings decide for themselves what they need!
It’s always the same with the left that they are afraid of free people and claim they need communist governesses to do everything right.
The problem of the USA arises when people no longer take responsibility for themselves and hand it over to corporations and bureaucrats.
In the US, there are groups like the Amish: shared beliefs and laws based on them, distance from bureaucracy, government and medicine, and autonomy as far as possible under conditions that are tougher than the corporate mainstream. I suspect it is such groups that are most capable of surviving in these times.
For the term corporate socialism I recommend Anthony Sutton.
The story of 1984 is an example for that.
“Big Business and State Socialism are very much alike, especially Big Business.” ~ GKC
So you see a human skin still as vogue fashionista. Don’t ask to discuss an in growing toenail, your kind of out there after being told by your “government” to wash your hands when you come back in. Not in going Out.
Being IN gone Out…how did you feel about your “government” putting A Tub Out, as a Convenience for You Dummies when Out, but Not IN. Ask your Other Fuckers to Discuss,…Are They More Happy IN or OUT.
GO ON, then Come Back IN and Report what you found out,…when you went OUT.
Dream on.
Good Man.
China: Capitalist Restoration
Oh, China is not Communist?? How that? And in the end Stalin was paid by Wall Street??
No, it hasn’t been since the mid-1970’s. What they have is state capitalism, led by a party, with “Communist” in its name. It’s not that unlike – arguably the most authoritarian US party in recent memory – (yes, I mean) the Democratic Party – calling itself democratic.
Has there ever been a real communiste or socialiste state in your opinion?
Another deliberate confusion, the welding of ‘communism’ and ‘state’ together…
A State’s sole reason for existence, it’s overriding function is to fight communism…
Without instinctual repression no civilisation…
Ok. Then what is the definition of state in your opinion?
Your last line is to the point. Sadly, we here in the West are in the process of becoming a society which James Howard Kunstler describes as ” a place where anything goes, and nothing matters.”
“If it feels good, do it.” All manner of depravity excused and/or encouraged. “Do what Thou wilt, shall be the whole of the Law.”
“Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.”
Anarchy is in fact the only humane solution.
I am not a fan of Crowley but he was technically insane and his writings are all encoded. It takes more than reading to understand his writing.
The capitalisation is on Wilt and it does not mean the will of the ego, base desires, “do whatever the fuck you want” etc but the will to find one’s spiritual path in life, essentially. More specifically in his terminoliogy it was to find and converse with one’s own Guardian Angel. (Freemasons seem to use largely Rosicrucian mysticism at the higher degrees)
He took the wrong path and remained a slave to his ancestral demons. His books were written for people following his teachings and were deliberately confusing and misleading to those who didn’t understand the way he used words and letters ( based on kabbalistic mind games).
For example in some essay on tantric techniques he claimed he had wasted many a children’s life, meaning he masturbated and wasted the sperm. He was like an idiot savant trolling Victorian English puritans on top of being a Masonic shit.
Mere corporate anarchy is loosed upon the world. (Apologies to Yeats for the nick.)
I am inclined to say no. Even Trotsky didn’t describe the civil war period (1918-1922) of the USSR as socialist, he called it “war communism” which was a made up term as the vanguard were running things and not the workers’ councils (soviets). During the October Revolution itself, the soviets were in charge. After Stalin consolidated power by 1928, the USSR ceased to have any democratic character. Trotsky then described the USSR as a “deformed workers state.” Most of the old Bolsheviks including Lenin did not believe that socialism was possible in one country, they were banking on the German Revolution of 1918-1923, but of course that failed. Socialism in one country became Stalin’s slogan.
The only case where a workers’ state may have been achieved, was the Paris Commune of 1871 which lasted a little over two months where the Parisian working class ran the entire city. Workers delegates could only be paid as much as the average worker (in the trade from which the delegate came) and were instantly recall-able. Marx’s ideas on the nature of the state changed quite a bit from the Communist Manifesto (1848) to the Civil War in France (1871).
That’s honest, thank you.
I’m surprised you didn’t think of ‘Fellowship of the New Life’. That was a left-wing British movement and was started in 1883 by Thomas Davidson and was the (short-lived) predecessor of the Fabian Society, which was founded in 1884.
The aim was the cultivation of perfect character and sought to transform society through an example of simple clean living. The Fabians turned it into a political movement and were more successful (it is always more attractive and easier to change society rather than oneself), and so the Fellowship disbanded in 1898.
Davidson took his cue from Antonio Rosmini-Serbati, who had developed a complex philosophy of being in the universal. The Fabians included GB Shaw, HG Wells and Bertrand Russell. Annie Besand was also a member, who later came to Theosophy via WT Stead, a very famous journalist at the time who was acquainted with Rhodes and Milner, and she became Blavatsky’s successor.
Theosophy had the Swastika in its seal from the very beginning and Besant was a fierce defender of the Aryanism of the English. You can see how this blossomed.
The Labour Party grew out of the Fabians, as I am sure you know.
In my opinion, the German National Socialists were also socialists at the beginning in the 1920s, because the enemy was and remained financial capitalism, for which Hitler blamed the Jews. In the 1930s the movement was promoted by the capitalists and the eugenicists of Rockfeller, especially Charles Davenport, also worked scientifically with von Verschuer (Mengele’s boss). The idea of the perfect human being, who has to be ‘made’, is a left-wing idea or comes from left-wing circles. For the conservative, man is often not pure enough either, but he is content to threaten him with hell wirhout transforming him.
RE: The aim was the cultivation of perfect character and sought to transform society through an example of simple clean living.
Socialism is like Christianity, everyone has their own definition of it. I am referring to Marx’s. What you are describing above seems to fit nicely into what Marx/Engels called “utopian socialism” (Engles referred to Saint Simon, Robert Owen, Charles Fourier as examples). Marx/Engels were fiercely critical of them.
The Nazis called themselves socialists for propaganda reasons. The first thing they did after the false flag of the Reichstag Fire was to blame the communists and socialists and they promptly destroyed the labor unions and arrested their leaders and sent them off to concentration camps if not killed them outright. (Does that sound like the actions of socialists, to attack the source of their power, organized labor?) During the Wiemar years, hyper inflation was putting most Germans into poverty, the Nazis provided a scapegoat – the Jews. The Nazi’s were masters of propaganda and deception. They were also supported by major industrialists in Germany and the US.
The Nazis called themselves socialists for propaganda reasons
This is not true. They fight against the other socialists, because their definition should be the only. Otto Strasser is one of the members who left Hitler, when he began to work with capitalists. Goebbels also were one of the left admiring Bolshevic Revolution. But Hitlers dream was the Lebensraum in Russia.
Hitlers real enemies were the National Conservatives (Niekisch, Jünger, similar Dugin today). The Nazis were confused with that because of their Nationalism, and the cult of Arianism is confused with real tradition and culture. But Arianism is the idea of eugenics and also the Blavatsky occultism, the socalled ‘science’ then, and what culture has to be decided the Führer himself. Sure the Nazis were never Marxist, but they also never were conservative. As Fabians they defined their own utopian socialism. As you call it.
They were supported by international finance and Rockefellers industry, banking and science since early 30s, not before. German industry, often tied together with american companies, followed.
BIS as instrument of financing Hitler was international, there also Bank of England with Montagu Norman played a role. Your patriotic hope, UK should have been the moral nation hinders soberly analyzing the fact, that at that time, like today, many nations took part in the Nazi experiment. Now the analogue thing happens with China.
Lenin and the Bolsheviks were psychopathic traitors. The anarchists were the only real decent folks in there and they were of course hunted down. The Bolsheviks got money and weapons from their money lender friends.
Your biasly dismissive of HIV calling it mythical suggestive of being lliterate on human health or a convenience for social Propaganda.
Maxwell is quite right with his use of ‘mythical’…
He is not being ‘dismissive’…
Clive, you’re evident proof of the success of 10 – 12 years of schooling…
‘Something is happening here
and you dont know what it is,
do you, mr jones’…
(1960s folksinger)…
HIV is the same scam as Covid.
It’s a confusion deliberately sewn into the covid claptrap from the beginning. It was presented as a move towards a selfless solidarity and if you didn’t get with the programme then you had to be Right Wing. And many on the Left bought into this. Many are still shovellng it and those who aren’t are pretending it never happened- “But let’s talk about Ukraine!”
Communism and Capitalism are the twin hydra heads of the bankster beast. They have always worked in tandem. Marx called 19th century slave owning America “the most progressive country in the world” in his defence of that abhorrent institution. Marx and Engels hailed the American conquest of California and the Southwest. This conquest led to the Californian gold rush and the extinction of the Californian grizzlies. Most of the gold ended up in the coffers of the Mocatta banksters in London. The Mocattas were the predecessors of the Rothschilds.
Many of the largest American and European corporations helped in Djugashvili’s 5 year plans. The West were allies with the USSR in the bankster’s WW2. Djugashvili was the first to recognise Israel. “Communist” China is the willing sweatshop of the capitalist West.
China and the West worked in tandem to create the Plandemic, the most monstrous act of mass deception in history and one which wiped out 30 million people in clot shot deaths alone.
Capitalist Australia, New Zealand and Canada attempted to emulate the Soviet gulag system. Marxist organisations without exception backed the monstrous scamdemic to the hilt even though it hit the poor and small business the most.
The Covid scam worked so well because some of the anti-covid voices were coming from old school right-wing christian fundamentalists and far-right racial supremacy voices (who deserved to be ignored for almost every other thing they utter).
The media amplified those to the extreme so that talking against the scam instantly brands you as a suspect potential fascist in many supposedly free thinking circles. They will cancel you and boycott your business.
Paul and “Left against WEF”
….. May the Force be with you. Thank you.
“the smart-city slavery of the fourth industrial revolution.”
How one of their vanguard smart cities is currently looking:
Because Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen isn’t apart of the Economic Forum LOL
Twiiter account looks so original in a 2023 repackaged style with a ‘Lady Doctor’ 💤 posting daily horseshit to feed the lost sheep, who still believe in fantasys like voting.
It feeds that type…..
I spent five or six or seven years researching (2000-2008) voting methods and process in the United States, and I can guarantee the madding crowds, or anybody else, that the idea we are actually getting our ballots counted, as is, is a total fantasy. But It’s shocking just to what degree a charade it has become, counted actually on “vaporware” programmed by two brothers for about 99% of the vote, machine registered and accounted, by “Bob and Todd Urosevich”. Huh?