In Bovine Fields the Poppies Blow
Sylvia Shawcross

In the ghastly world where the mooing herds furiously and fulsomely flatulate in the forever future fields of Blackrock the murmurs of discontent are rippling and snippling and whippling at the breakfast trough.
Although well aware of their role of “do and die and not to question why” some rogue bovines are unsettling the herds with their speculations. In fact, although tempted to label as such, they’re not really rebels and rogues (who have already headed for the forests long ago), but are ones just slightly ahead of the remaining mooing herds in seeing things.
Because it’s “their” turn now, right?
That’s the whole thing about the agenda They have planned. Whoever They are. It’s about division, fear and confusion. And having very successfully created huge divides between political and social bodies, and tormenting one side of the narrative they will do the switch. That’s the fun for Them.
They love this—Them that play such games to find an end that justifies any and all means: and the end is in this case division, fear and confusion. Because this is the state of the world They need in order to introduce their custom-made solutions.
So now, everything They told us will be exposed as false on MSM. It is not a matter of “ohhhh… they’ve been found out….” No. It’s more a matter of, “okay, let’s switch the game now and confuse and torment the other side of the divide.” And everyone who believed Them all along by believing MSM will be in division, fear and confusion just like the people who “couldn’t” believe MSM were before this.
They’re being allowed to know now. Is it because of Twitter and Tucker? Who knows really. Most of us would like to believe it is because of all the hard work and sacrifice people have made to expose the truth. We want to stick with that.
Nevertheless, it “could” be that if we know something, it is certainly because we’re “allowed” to know it now in the MSM. We’re all allowed to be preoccupied with it so by the time reality really sinks in, well… the agenda will be well under way and the fields of Blackrock will grow small and lean for the mooing herds and on Mount Davos, the Gods will be smiling with their caviar and wine in lush and fertile grounds and chuckling in their certitude.
They will have saved the world for themselves and the wine never tasted sweeter and the distant sounds of the mooing herds never more safely far away.
But never mind all that because who the hell really knows! It was just a stray paranoid thought in my peripheral vision that I will now promptly ignore as being ridiculous. Surely it is ridiculous? That would require some feat of cooperation by sociopathic psychopaths and hardly seems credible. Let’s just forget that was even said shall we?
Anyway, the question of the day, in honour of World Woman’s Day just recently passed, is why are we in a nuclear showdown when women are supposedly running the world now? Weren’t They all saying that if only women ran the world it would a loving, peaceful place where nurture and care and compassion and sharing and cooperation and equity would rule? Wasn’t that what we were told? Wasn’t that true? We believed them!
So why are all these powerful women standing up for war? Do you mean to tell me that women might actually not “all” want a loving peaceful world? But that’s our whole belief system!
So why are the children dying in wars around the world? Is it because They are letting these loving peaceful women think they are running the world but in fact the patriarchal military industrial complex and the banksters are actually running the world?
Where were the peacekeepers? Where?!
Why weren’t all our members of parliament standing up and clapping for the peacekeepers instead of the ones who wanted war?
I just want to know why we’re not allowed to know who is running the world? Being citizens of the world it would be a polite thing to let us know. So we can send birthday cards and stuff…I have one all ready for Bill Gates but I’m not sure if I should send it to him or to the chip in his brain. Are they the same thing?
Here’s an earworm:
No wait: This one maybe:
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
Sylvia Shawcross lives in Canada. Did you like that first sentence? I’m thinking of competing in the world’s worst first sentence competition. Please don’t leave your thoughts on this below. I’m fragile today.
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Are we even sure the ” women” you mention are real women? Think Jacinta Ardern! What a ridiculous first name when Jack minus the dress would have done very nicely!!
Ms Shawcross – those women who would rule the world are still psychopaths. They want to prove they have bigger balls than make psychos, that’s all.
You won’t save the world replacing males with females in the current system.
You’ll just have ballbreaking men haters trying to justify their corruption instead.
In bovine fields the poppies blow their minds with feathered dreams
And trip the slight fantastic in the sunlight slender beams.
Their scarlet blood is turned to wine, the rain begins to shine
And flows forever winding in soft and glowing streams….tra la, tra la
“How real Farmers Won the Netherlands’ Local Elections”
Farmers win against Green Politicians in Nederlands. BBB – Boer Bewachtungs Bewegung. Green German girl politicians beware!
when’s their next election?
Does someone have the job to airbrush a cow’s arse – or is it done by AI these days?
or maybe just out one of those 200 day a year parlours??
”Weren’t They all saying that if only women ran the world it would a loving, peaceful place where nurture and care and compassion and sharing and cooperation and equity would rule?”
Not women, but feminine energy or spirit. It is quite obvious that peace, love, compassion and so on are not in the genitals, but in spirit.
You got it. The archetypal feminine (anima) is difficult to find these days constellated in the female body…strange times for sure.
So unfortunate that the push is to make it all about the genitals right now.
Oh, we’re back to actual genitals signifying gender? I thought genitals were unimportant; isn’t it really about one’s pronouns and “how one feels about one’s true gender” on any given day?
The madness continues
…the spirit of women, which these days can also apparently be embodied in males of our species, as can birthing and breast-feeding. It’s simply a matter of respecting one’s correct pronouns, for goodness sakes!
This is quite amusing.
“Sylvia Shawcross lives in Canada. Did you like that first sentence? I’m thinking of competing in the world’s worst first sentence competition. Please don’t leave your thoughts on this below. I’m fragile today.’
In my humble opinion, Sylvia is brilliant. Read her carefully or you might miss it.
TY Todd. 😊
There’s are woods in Canada, and a bird lives in those woods, and its song tweets:
“Ah! Sweet Canada, Canada, Canada”.
Here’s the investment opportunity of a lifetime: a catalytic converter for methane. Here’s one process: Strontium titanate combined with rhodium nanoparticles converts methane and carbon dioxide into synthesis gas ( H₂ & CO) under light irradiation at much lower temperatures that those required in thermal reactors like car exhaust muffler systems. The big investment payoff hinges on getting the cow exhaust methane into the catalizer. Ideally, Some kind of wearable device with which the cows feel comfortable. Moo baby, moo.
so turn CO2 – which palnts breath into carbon monoxide – which will kill in a garage in an hour?
Cow mouth farts, a thing of the past…ure?
Is this real or fake or photoshopped? If it’s real, where are the animal rights activists? Just over the hill?
Oh, that’s right: they’re only there to protect government sanctioned animals – not animals pegged for extinction.
I tried to read this.
Thank you for trying AG. I did too.
Breaking wind: International court issues war crimes warrant for Putin
If you held your nose every time such nonsense came your way,…
well…you wouldn’t be reading this now.
Is that the same court that looks at Israel’s brave efforts to defend itself against the hordes of invaders?
“One of those International Criminals was boasting how his Court had got hold of President Milosevic after his International Criminal Police (NATzO) had summoned up “our irresistible armed might” and beaten up the tiny countly of Serbia. I look forward to the day when NATzO summons up “our irresistible armed might” to beat up Russia.
Human livestock: going the way of the cows?
I miss Larson. Where did he go anyway?
I bought the complete Larson about 15 years ago, in two huge, and very heavy hard-back volumes.
It’s a little parcel of sanity in my life.
So did I!!! 🙂 It is the only sanity.
My go-to corner!
And Ranan Lurie. God how I miss his political cartoons. He’d have a field day now, wouldn’t he?
Where are these people when we need them!
A moo-ving account.
‘They’ (or ‘them’) are of course, an essential part of the psychological mix. Without ‘them’ there is no ‘we’. ‘We’ – definable as those who fight against ‘them’.
What would become of ‘we’ if ‘They’ were to disappear completely?
‘We’ would split into ‘We-1’ and ‘We-2’. Infighting would ensue. Battles between those whose doctrines differ marginally. Possessors vs Non-possessors. New believers vs Old Believers … a group needs an external enemy to maintain inner harmony.
Wherein lies the solution to World Peace – the external enemy
(psychos therefore have value)
So then the only hope for all of humankind is an alien invasion. This will be the only way we can all unite as one. Got it.
Don’t you wish they would’ve faked an alien invasion instead of a fake pandemic?
I was kinda hoping that not wanting to eat bugs would bring us all together but apparently not… so I’m with you… an alien invasion would have been best… I suspect it is still coming.
Aliens would be one option, though there are others. A guy with horns springs to mind
Would that be the one from the pits of hell or the one at the January 6th insurrection in the US?
Well, many prefer a tangible, physical form, so the latter may prove more fit-for-purpose 😉 .
The former has also been known to stir up internal strife (not part of the current remit), so may not be too happy being limited to a purely external role.
“where the mooing herds furiously and fulsomely flatulate”
There was that word – fulsome. How often do you encounter it,
especially while watching your step as you walk amongst the cow pies?
[Fulsome – exceeding the bounds of good taste, excessively complimentary or flattering]
I recall the first time I encountered it – fulsome, not pies.
Quite sure it was the first. At any rate the experience stuck real good.
What follows is as true as I can get it and that is what it makes it particularly
amusing. This is not a bar joke – where three mismatched characters walk into a bar.
But the assortment *is* what makes this memorable.
Televangelist Jerry Falwell Sr, Rabbi Kook (the son)
and a Japanese fellow whose name escapes me at this moment.
All three had their dedicated followers.
The Japanese fellow had translated the Old Testament into Japanese (of course)
and had traveled to Israel to gift a copy of his translation to the founder (or was it his son?)
of religious Zionism, Rabbi Kook (pronounced like Cook, many will insist).
Jerry Falwell Sr happened to be visiting and walked in at just that moment. What are the odds? Jerry was his typical Televangelist personality, effusive and all big smiles. This was the way, this was the way in Jerry’s home of Viginia, USA. A true glad-hander.
Rabbi Kook in contrast was a very no-nonsense, very sober type (no surprise) and you can imagine his reaction to all-smiles Jerry.
Well, we don’t have to imagine this part of the story. The Japanese fellow recorded the Rabbi’s words in an innocent and honest manner which were later posted online in full for posterity.
And it was at that website that I found the word fulsome for the first time
as the meeting of the three was religiously chronicled.
It seems that the fellow’s name was Ikuro Teshima.
This is the latest version of his followers website. It no longer appears to contain the document describing his encounter with Rabbi Kook and Televangelist Jerry Falwell, Sr.
The things I learn here. TY Levi 🙂
I found the quote on my hard drive!
“The prominent rabbi of orthodox Judaism rejoiced to meet with Makuya and said:
“You are the people whom Maimonides referred to as people from the East, although I regret that you are not Jewish.
However, I appreciate that you are free from fulsomeness of the Western Christianity and are cleansed from its filth.”
… prison blues…?
Sylvia Shawcross,
I am basically a cat person. I have had a cat almost continuosly since birth (with a short break when I was all alone) I have never had a dog. I know about cats. I do not not know about dogs…
Being all alone is not nice, if you love cats, and you haven’t got a cat…
My Mum took my Cat, when my Dad died, and she moved away.
It wasn’t like I was thrown away…I had a really good job, my own place, but I was hardly ever there…I left a note for the milkman.. ( I don’t know if you do that in Canada), but the Milkmen even now in England are completely Brilliant.
They know, if the milk they left 2 days before is uncollected, there maybe something wrong with the people inside…But Milkmen are not stupid…Has the car moved – any more flies than usual???
I guess we should give him a chocolate Easter egg too. he always gets a Christmas Present
What I am trying to describe is care in the community
I know I am blessed with my lovely wife..
She had never had a cat nor a dog – just a rabbit called mopt – and mopt hopped it.
When she moved from Lancashire to London with me, and we got our own place..the mortgage was 15% but so was inflation, and we both had good jobs…working opposite shifts sometimes but totally in we had been together forever and still are…
I spent weeks, when on early shift (we had no kids then) trying to find the most beautiful kitten – and did.
She had never had a cat.
I phoned her up from work, when I knew she was about to get home about 4pm from doing the early shift working in the city of london…
Have you seen our latest aquisition?
My Girlfriend now had a Kitten…You know instant attraction?
Some blokes don’t know to pull.
She’s fine and very fit – looks very Irish tonight.
God knows how I dropped so lucky.
She is doing her best to get me fit…again
So I have got to try…Camping again – already booked the tickets
We have a new Grand Daughter now
Pretty little thing
Soon she will be saying
Come on Grand Dad – keep up
Life goes on
Going Rogue:
Rebel Bovine Plot to Eat the Rich:
Moos News:
The Canadian Cancer Society is now urging trans women to get screened for cervical cancer.
Trans women can’t get cervical cancer, because no trans woman has a cervix (except in Canada?)
oh dear gawd!
Here is a simple exercise: Suppose we rank the world population according to a combined index of wealth level and status (degree of influencing policy). We would find “them” all piled up at one end and all of “us” at the other end. The question now is this: Where do we draw the line that separates “us” from “them”? Are Fink’s or Buckley’s (respectively BlackRock’s and Vanguard’s CEOs) undersecretary part of “them” or “us”? Are the teams carrying Gates’, Musk’s, or [fill-in with your favourite psychopath]’s plans on the field part of “them” or “us”? Are the guys at the BIS commission for innovation (if such a commission exists) that, as technicians, think that CBDC makes commercial transactions easy, fast, secure, and even private and also have the capacity to solve some difficulties monetary policy has been having since 2008 such as negative interest rates, part of “them” or “us”? And so on. How could you tell?
Or is it just the main people, the heads? Those appearing in the media? But that would be unfair because without their employees who give them ideas, they could do nothing.
So what’s the solution?
At the end of the day all these people are unimportant in the scheme of things– it is governments that allowed such bad things to happen. That broke the rules, took the bribes, rewrote the laws, gave the opportunities, and in fact, did not represent the people who paid the taxes and voted to be represented. In the so-called free world anyway. Everything else is a moral crisis of our times that each one must answer to at the very least at the end of their lives on their way to their Maker. The solution is democracy run as intended. There will always be the greed and the psychopaths. Governments were responsible to protect and represent their people. They didn’t.
Your naivete is cute. Unless you’re trying to be humorous. You could also be government shill perpetuating the aforementioned lie.
The purpose of the government IS NOT, I repeat IS NOT, to protect and represent the people. The purpose of the government is to keep the people on a short leash so they slave away, more or less happily, for the pricks behind the scenes who are real good at scheming and managed to invert things, without people like you even noticing.
So, you live in Canada, eh? In a democratic system, the government is elected by the majority of the electorate, which means that the majority of people should be more or less happy about what policies the government is pursuing. When was the last time when you observed something like that? Was the majority of people content with fucking Mulroney, Parizeau, Bourassa, Harper, or that asshole Charest? Turdo? I don’t recall that – people always bitched. Maybe people on welfare were happy when the commie Bob Rae got his ass elected and doubled welfare payments, while everybody else was pissed off.
All this democracy shit is an illusion. Despite being rammed into people’s heads.
The problem is HIERARCHY. Whatever hierarchical system, no matter how well intended, will sooner or later be hijacked by opportunist motherfuckers who’ll fuck over everybody else. Government is the best business – they lay down the laws and can milk people dry.
I’m not a government shill but i will add that to the list of all the things I’ve been called here such as alt-right, alt-left, Russian apologist, Chinese apologist, American apologist, communist, nazi, woke, etc. etc. etc. It is beginning to amuse me.
You’re not getting the point.
The point is that you’re, probably unintentionally, perpetuating bullshit of the “democracy is the best of all bad forms of government” kind, whereby you’re doing the dirty work for the pricks behind the scenes who have inverted democracy to work against the people as opposed to vice versa.
You might also give a thought to whether you’re not a useful idiot.
It is also possible to be a useful nasty piece of work. Do lighten up, Kurt. You’re not unintelligent.
Also, call me naive but I will hold on tightly to the concept that democracy is still the best form of all the bad forms of government out there. What they call practising democracy now is not democracy.
Your problem is your obsession with “government”. Inability to see beyond the hitherto practices hierarchical societal concepts.
You know what? Fuck all of that.
Why not work toward anarchy, i.e. a societal scheme where people interact and transact horizontally, without anybody standing above or under anyone else?
You really need somebody to “govern” you? Why this voluntary subjugation?
SMH ….
No need to become abusive … but I agree. Democracy is what we have and look at how that’s going.
However, the majority of human beings are simply not ready for anarchy (life without rulers), as they flat out refuse to take responsibility for their actions.
The main problem with anarchism is, of course, that it doesn’t work. For 2 main reasons:
1. By being intrinsically anti-authority, nobody can ever be put in charge of anything. More-or-less by definition.
Ok, for 10 people, but try scaling up to a few million. Who would mend the roads, empty the bins, stop thieves and murderers running amok?
and secondly
2. It’s vulnerable to more organised systems. Complete uniformity may be an anathema to the thinking mind, but it makes good armies.
Imagine a ragtag bunch of anarchists fighting against an organised Commie army. The anarchists would be wiped out.
Other than that is has some good attributes
I perfectly understand what you’re saying. In fact, no single system works. What you’re saying can be said about democracy too. It only works insofar as you can throw the motherfucker who gets his ass elected into office.
The whole thing is a process, constant interplay among a myriad opposing forces.
So, if there are idiots around who believe in and work toward hierarchy, there need to be idiots – like me – who believe in and work toward anarchy. Hopefully, the opposing forces will keep the whole circus in a certain equilibrium.
Anyway, there is too much of that “democracy is the best of bad governmental systems” bullshit propaganda in people’s heads, so I’m just rocking to boat a bit and asking people to thing out of the box (fuck, I hate the out-of-the-box expression …)
100% right. Hypnotised fools, movies taught them that anarchy = chaos and thus government is a necessarily evil. Totally false. Will humans always tend to group and organise? Of course. This would be necessary for mere survival. However that does not need a ‘government’.
So few people can think outside the box.
If we all end up with universal ids we can dispense with politicians altogether and simply vote on each issue. Perhaps true democracy…. but of course, universal ID would not be used to such altruistic ends. We couldn’t have that.
I can’t recall the last time in my actual life (that is the life I actually live, interactions with people I have, transactions I conduct) when I voted on some issue.
There are times when I temporarily subject myself to the decision-making authority of somebody else and there are times when I assume this role for the sake of convenience. This would be the case, for example, with counting in the next song because – surprise, surprise – it doesn’t work if every musician wants to be the fucking bandleader.
Other than that, I don’t vote and I don’t do democracy.
Without wanting to be to patronizing and giving unsolicited advice, I strongly suggest that you free yourself from what you’ve been conditioned with, namely voting, democracy, ID, shit like that.
Really, humanity could exist in a completely different form that it does today.
Pragmatically speaking, if what you’re suggesting actually existed, the fucks in charge would either doctor the counting machines or ask questions conducive to whatever they wanted to accomplish. Don’t you remember the questions in the referendum?
Bottom lines, if there is hierarchy and governance, it WILL BE ABUSED.
Kurt I’m of the mind that anarchy is not the solution at the end of the day. Even anthills have some form of governing. Even baboons have their hierarchies. Even parsnips grow upwards. If you are an anarchist you must be delighted with the contrived chaos now going on. Although I have no idea how you identify yourself politically. i tend to go with Vagabard on this argument above.
You’re semantically confused in that you’ve fallen for the definition of anarchy as chaos, propagated by the very pricks who want you to believe that hierarchy is the only way, that it’s somehow the inherent human nature.
There is nothing chaotic about anarchy – it’s a self-organizing horizontal arrangement, as opposed to vertical top-down governance.
Any truly free persons must aspire for anarchy, i.e. the absence of some motherfucker who stands above him.
Invoking ants, baboons, parsnips, and anything else is the fallacy of false analogy.
I don’t identify myself politically because I couldn’t give a flying fuck about politics. FYI, I’ve lived under various regimes, including totalitarian, including allegedly democratic, including this and that and the other fucking thing. Conventional politics is all smoke and mirrors, complete bullshit, a divide-and-rule mindfuck par excellence. Haven’t you got enough of a taste of it in Quebec, with the incessant instigation of separatists sentiments that are completely unsubstantiated by anything that exists in actual reality? Tabarnak?
What you need to understand is that politics doesn’t exist. It’s circuses, as in bread and circuses, played for you to give you the illusion that you have a say. You don’t. What’s worse is that the kind of world the motherfuckers in charge have in the store for the world is TECHNOCRACY, a technate. A system completely devoid of politics, a system operating based on alleged expertise. Check out Patrick Wood’s work on this subject – he’s right on.
Anyway, politics, the left, the right, shit like that is completely useless. It DOESN’T EXIST in actual reality.
So, is a self-organizing anarchic society utopian? Are people stupid cunts who need to be governed lest they get too rambunctious or abuse their freedom? I don’t know. But it’s never been tried and anarchy is pure freedom. Considering the massive push toward totalitarian oppression, exerting force the other way, i.e. toward anarchy, is the way to go.
Simply looking at how most people responded to draconian covid rules even after so much of it was proven ridiculous tells you all you need to know about if people need/want to be governed. I just finished watching a few snippets of the Canadian National Citizens Inquiry on Canada’s covid response. After the trucker’s protest, Canada appears to be going the legal route, the Netherlands is going with a political party and the French are out on the streets in millions. We shall see which is the best strategy for what is wanted soon enough.
I perfectly understand what you’re saying, but you obviously have no clue about what I’m trying to put across. Or you don’t want to understand.
I’m talking about thinking patterns established over the course of hundreds of years, if not more, you’re referring to some inconsequential historical anecdotes.
Yes, it would be a gargantuan task to unbrainwash people from their conviction that hierarchy is the only way, but why not try? People have undertaken seemingly unachievable tasks before and they succeeded.
BTW, in the country where I’m right now, nobody gives a fuck about covid. Water under the bridge, yesterday’s news, waste of time.
You’re right. i have no clue what you’re trying to put across.
Basically, I’m encouraging you to see things the way they intrinsically are, as opposed to perceiving them through the lens of your lifelong conditioning, which, if you’re Canadian, is some of the strongest on the globe, as – in the occidental context – Canadians, particularly the anglophone variety, are probably second only to the Brits in regard to obedience, conformism, conventionality, and sheeplishness.
Hope this helps.
But the roads are not mended now, millions do not get their bins emptied, crime is unpoliced and out of control so how is it going for you? All we need is mass non compliance with government/council edicts that take our freedoms, no one needs to die just stick together.
arguably we have always lived in an anarchy.
since might replaced right? how long back was that..?
i once told an anarchist pal, that anarchy would lead to resource rich gangs raping society, back to warlords and ironmasters et al…
without some serious soul searching,
positive anarchy just won’t work given the current state/culture of the west.
and as someone else said, there are far too many people, far too concentrated.
i get the idea, i like it, but seems a pipe-dream . . . and stop attack dogging folk, it ruins many a fair point, curtly made.
Syl, demo(n)cracy is a used up ghoul. ; ) new models required, we might not have much choice , lol
True indeed rubberheid
Yes, hierarchy and exploitation. Goes way back to the times of the Anunnaki.
Democracy is just a modern label to make people believe they have a say in how the show is run.
Maybe people who are yapping about democracy should think about the export thereof to places like Iraq. Some democracy, eh?
Well, the “democracy” we have in the Occident is more civilized, but subjugates people all the same. Only they’ve been brainwashed over centuries into an oblivious state of not being able to imagine anything beyond this democracy horseshit. It’s not unlike faith in god.
Agreed. But isn’t it only once we’ve glimpsed freedom somewhere in our own lives that we can “imagine” another life?
That’s why all dictatorship and other oppressive cultures always target the children. Currently, the children are being brainwashed and fully mRNAed in order for future generations never to be able to glimpse a life off the reservation.
syl is always humorous, but of course nothing kills humour like having to explain it…
I do believe it’s a mistake to think that any government within the system is created by ‘us’ as protection from ‘them’, as opposed to the other way around.
Good point
Ideas and driving ideologies, rather than wealth per se are what separate, I would say.
‘Influence’ is an ambiguous term. The spread of ideas? The spread of ideas is often inversely related to wealth. A ‘persecuted’ idea often spreads most rapidly
Undoubtedly though, wealth brings with it greater power to wreak havoc on people’s lives or to benefit them. There’s certainly a separation there
I’m too stupid to understand this text in its entirety, or possibly too lazy to try to get into the author’s head.
Nonetheless, in skimming the text, the following caught my attention:
First, I don’t know whether women stand up for war or want a peaceful world, but I do know that women are generally way tougher than the random guy, despite the physical makeup of the too sexes being the opposite (I’m now discounting all the x-number of genders, including, without limitation, transmothefuckers, old-fashioned faggots, and all the rest of them queer idiots). Maybe it’s because the female has to take care of the offspring and make sure that they survive and prosper, whereas the guy’s role often ends with finally mustering an erection and doing his 15-second thing.
As to war, it’s disgusting. But why the fuck do you thing people in the West have it so much better than elsewhere? Thanks to war. Thanks to the fact that we’ve developed technologies enabling us to pillage and enslave the rest of the world. I know, it’s much nicer to overcome your enemy the way the First World conquered the Second World, by bringing it to its knees economically (I’m now disregarding the fact that the debt racked up in doing so is now threatening to bring the First World’s own demise) with no shots fired, but the fucking Russkies somehow managed to get up from their knees and said no. So, guns, bombs, and fucking tanks it is. Can you imagine the bonanza of shit they can steal there if they can make Russia fall? In other words, you want the western luxury? You gotta keep the slaves on a short leash to make sure they slave away and give up whatever they have.
As to Canada, they remind me of this scene. They bitch about Americans and their wars, but if it wasn’t for the US, “every wise guy would take a piece of their ass”.
Love your voice Sylvia. Always that inimitable spark of humor. Keep on trucking!
TY nmism. Like the new picture. Well, I liked the old one too.
“Weren’t They all saying that if only women ran the world it would a loving, peaceful place where nurture and care and compassion and sharing and cooperation and equity would rule? Wasn’t that what we were told? Wasn’t that true? We believed them!”
“They obviously never dealt with some of the women I’ve known. I never believed the caring and compassion myth, even when I tried…
Poppies waft, in the exhaled burps of cows. And it is beautiful.
This can only be portrayed as an existential threat to people who have been droned to believe that meat comes in packets, safe, secure, sanitised and separated from actual life.
In Georgia meat is a treat. It’s not cheap. Please excuse a personal tale.
I cannot have an open barbcue because I am ruled by cats. My personal rescue, but it comes at a cost.
So I bought for $30 a Tonar Two-Tiered Smoker… a stainless steel box with two racks and a lid that sits on my hob, filled with wood chips.
This beats the ban on wood fires and gas, and give you a BBQ equivalent that does better: by trapping the humidity the meat stays moist.
And the cats have to wait to be fed.
They they they, them them them.
I’m so fucking tired of it. They are bad, but we are good. They cause the problem, we are the victims. And of course not only here but everywhere. Good and bad depends on which side you are. It is as subjective as it can be and has no value at all.
So why holding on to this childish attitude which has never sold any problem in the world since the beginning of history. Maybe it is something in our genes not possible to overcome but time’s running out fast.
I always found that rapprochement and seeing the other in oneself, empathy, instead of polarisation and divide is the way to solve any apparent problem.
But will that ever happen?
Good and bad are very very easy to distinguish. An action calculated to harm another in order to gain something is bad. What possible rapprochement is there with this?
For that matter, even an action calculated to gain something which necessarily harms another is also bad.
Torture of any degree is bad. It isn’t possible to empathize with a torturer – I would go so far as to say it’s evil to do so.
I’m with the OP. In real life, that is under the prevailing social organisaztion and economic conditions, it is not always easy to distinguish good and evil regarding decisions that nevertheless are far reaching. Imagine a politician facing the following dilemma: He/she is to vote for a project that creates 50,000 jobs but at the same time has to close down a family business of 20 people which have to be reconverted somewhere else as yet unspecified.
Would you vote for or against? Is the project “good” or “bad”? Note that an abstention affects the project just like a yes or a no.
That’s actually an easy call: it’s a great big honking NO! to that project.
Nothing good comes from destruction. To destroy (in this case) a family business in order to create (in this case) 50,000 jobs will begin a chain reaction which will end in everyone’s ruin.
I don’t think what happens in the debates regarding political, economic or social matters reduces to expressing the kind of static intellectual beliefs one forms by simple logic only, away from the multidimensional reality of things. One discovers through the examination of what is happening with its context, and through the confrontation of one’s position with other points of view regarding what is happening other elements that escaped notice and have to be factored in. One’s position is not defeated, it is enriched.
Why things seem so complicated to sort out or decide upon in reality when it is so easy to do so intellectually? This is a constant complaint, isn’t it? So in the project above, what shall happen after the debate is that some would vote against, some would vote for and the rest would abstain but I’m sure no one would be 100% sure that they did the right thing.
“Nothing good comes from destruction, [hence I vote a resounding ‘no’].”
How truthful but at the same time how impotent the statement is to effect a change however small in the course of events. The reason is because not only it begs to be dispensed from concerning itself with the present reality of things but also with the chain of events that brought it about; it expresses a state of affairs to be obtained (the right thing is that the 20 people remain at their jobs solving the other issue in some other way thereby there are no losses) but doesn’t concern itself with the means to obtain it (a difficult task, any gain under the present system must be obtained at a loss somewhere else), which implies understanding the present reality (the system itself).
I imagined the following story to show that solving real issues goes way beyond easy intellectual judgements that a detached appreciation may lead to:
“The legislators visited the the 50,000 people to whom perhaps a job shall be granted; they lived overcrowded in a slum with their families in the worst sanitary conditions. They ate once a day and the kids were playing and shouting in the dirt, their mothers happy they’ve got a moments peace at last. They then visited the family bakery which was located not far away on a State property they rented but that now the state considers recovering as part of a large terrain to build a factory. The contractors of the State insisted there is no other suitable terrain nearby the slum than that one and wouldn’t invest their capital anywhere else. The bakery was composed of the members of a family of 5 plus 15 other workers; it went fine for them the 20 years they’ve worked in the bakery that they opened a second bakery 12 blocks North thus participating in the growth of local economy. When they found out about the State’s possible intention of prematurely canceling their rent – which terminates in 5 years time – and offering them another location in exchange they first protested strongly, then afer heated debates ten of them agreed to relocate the bakery after having visited the slum and seen the misery they could help to shorten, but the remaining ten insisted on their constitutional right to use the 5 remaining years of the rent alleging their perfect innocence from the situation in the slum.
Next morning was the day of the voting and the legislators listened to a full report the commission had made backed by photos, audios and videos. It wasn’t easy to vote for or against or even to abstain; there was the even division within the bakery family (10 of them visibly saddened the efforts of 20 years during which they married, had children, made friends with the neighbors, etc, could evaporate by a stroke of a pen denying them a constitutional right), the harsh photos of the children playing in the dirt, the dangerous precedent the State may be setting in unilaterally terminating a lease without a convincing justification for it, and the capitalist contractors insisting there was no other suitable terrain.
They had to vote so they voted. It certainly wasn’t easy regardless of ideological leanings, and many of the legislators changed their mind more than once before emitting the final vote; they knew the hard way it was much more than a matter of intellectual musings on preestablished convictions, or than a yes or a no. Their debate was about reality, and it was about how that reality came about.
Did the backers conserve their jobs? Did the fathers get their job and children go to school? Who knows, but not to worry, it is an entirely fictitious story. I’m afraid nevertheless that reality is often harsher.
Reply is pending.
I feel your frustration Tambi. I understand completely what you’re saying and would like to be there again myself but i understand now there are psychopaths in this world and there is no empathy or rapprochement that can be involved sometimes. Sometimes we have to accept there is evil in the world that can wreak havoc on the kindly and the compassionate and the empathetic. All moral avenues must always be tried of course. But a divide such as we’re seeing right now doesn’t usually get bridged. IMHO. I hope to be proven wrong and you are right.
First you beat the psychos to their knees, broken and begging for quarter – doing whatever it takes to bring them to this state of complete disempowerment.
Then, at trial and sentencing, you stick unbendingly to mercy. Certainly, convict the guilty without wavering, but sentence them only to substantial periods of amends-making public-service-brigade work; and to a confiscatory reduction of their personal wealth to the global average.
That’s the way practical good-versus-evil morality has to be done in this society, brimming as it is with criminal psychopaths in too many positions of power.
The pressure cooker isn’t quite up to full pressure for such corrective outbursts yet though. Times still have to get a good bit more Interesting, especially for we of the shiftless-because-still-comfortable Pampered Twenty Percent.
But once the boot is on the foot of we of the plebeian majority, indulging in idiot vengeance shouldn’t even be considered. Amends-making public-service work, constantly supervised, and without other options, together with excess-wealth confiscation to re-distribute towards properly-democratically-approved policies to the benefit of we, the plebes – and to our life-supporting global ecosystem – is all that’s needed… or morally justifiable.
And that’s why ‘they’ win and ‘we’ lose.
After the food supply fails for a week, matters will speed up.
So speaks the Zen master from his unassailable fortress of infinite calm. They – oops, did I say “they”, well I meant “somebody or other” – came to destroy our livelihoods, poison us, confuse and terrify us into insane gibbering, fuck our kid’s minds and bodies up with trans-crap, destroy communities, eliminate entire swathes of services …. and even AHEM! “encourage” us to foot the bill!
But we forgive “somebody or other” for they know not what they do …. and even if (perish the cynical thought!) they do know what they do, well let’s just forgive them anyway ….. in the short time we have left.
Perhaps, but a few heads need to be stamped upon to create such conditions.
”Good and bad depends on which side you are.”
No. Let’s use logic here:
Bad is bad for everyone, because it is bad, not good.
Evil is evil for everyone, even to those who submit to it. What else could evil ever be but evil?
Good is good for everyone, including you. No-one should count themselves out of here. The war on humanity is war on everyone. Now, is it humanity making war against itself? Certainly not. The evil is a spirit, because material things can’t have such thought. For example, truth and non-truth (= a lie) are spiritual, not material. Truth can’t be found anywhere in a rock or under it. But we can know the truth because we are conscious (again, consciousness is spiritual) beings with reason and conscience. So we, human beings, can know the difference between good and evil. We know the difference between truth and a lie.
What good would it be for anyone to believe that 2 + 2 = 5?
All lies are not good. They are also not needed. Who would need illogical thoughts that have no value? Who would benefit from a lie that 2 + 2 = 5? Absolutely no-one. Nothing can be counted based on a lie.
The women ruling the world were obviously born in the wrong bodies, and born a generation too early to have anything forcibly done about it.
Nuclear is as nuclear does

I doubt a dominant gene for psychopathy is to be found in the Y chromosome.
Thanks for the wonderful story and the funny earwurms.
“Chickens in Choppers” 😆
In some real world fun, the Dutch just elected Build Back Better (BBB) as the largest party. At least our overlords are having fun too!
As in Christmas Story?
“In the ghastly world…”
Living up to your word.
Did you like that first sentence?
I’m thinking of competing in the world’s worst first sentence competition.
Looked up ‘whippling’ in the Wiktionary
and would that I could
it is not a member of the word herd.
i make up words all the time… its easier than searching for the right word i figure
Then there is much future work for you.
There are 81 gender identities (if you also include genders)
as of February 3, 2023 10:05 UTC
Someone will have to introduce the new words
as we all go through the discovery process
of learning who we truly are
and aren’t.
I see a need for a word right now
as an answer to your question:
Weren’t They all saying that if only women ran the world it would a loving,
peaceful place where nurture and care and compassion and sharing and cooperation
and equity would rule?
So, here is how I see it.
As not all Cis Males are ‘war dogs’
shouldn’t that be a separate identity?
And, if some Cis Males trans into ‘war dogs’
shouldn’t there also be a term for Cis Females
that make the same life choices?
We all know a b-word that means female dog.
So the Cis Female term for ‘war dog’ is…
And, voila, today’s problem is solved.
They and They were right about having women run the world.
All that needs to be done is to carefully define ‘women’.
I thought it came across a bit Jabberwocky.
That’s the first thing that sprung to my mind. There might be some “Edward Lear” tendencies in their as well. “Keep up the good work”. Now back to cows…
yeah, i was in a jabberwocky kind of mood
I do the same. Keeps the brain imagining.
Every single word began life as something that was made up. That way we don’t get hoarse grunting at one another.
That’s close to what Humpty Dumpty said to a very confused Alice –
though Humpty did focus on the meanings of words, and on one having
the power to insist “words mean what I decide they mean !’ (usually
expressed by everyone bigger than me at the time as “Because I Say So !)…
‘I avoid arguments which require one first agree on the meanings of the essential words to be used.’…(anon)…
Much of what is written these days indicates we live in an Age when many vital words have no fixed meanings, their meanings are fluid…Oftentimes the context provides the meaning (The context gives meaning to the word, and the word validates the the point being made)…Propaganda’s use of words denies them of much, if not all, of their historicity (Meanings have been memory-holed)…
Though it could be a Generation-Gap thing,
or, not being Plugged-In…
And there’s probably a Medical Term for it…
Some might call it an indicator of Individualism…
Some might call it Freedom (As in free-thinker ?)…
Then again, it might simply be Artistic License…
“That would require some feat of cooperation by sociopathic psychopaths and hardly seems credible.”
Sounds a bit like what J, Edgar Hoover had to say about why there couldn’t be a Mafia….
Seems like the creator of the second video got the bull by the udder, a mistake city folk often make when interfering with farming stuff.
City folk — especially Swiss hikers (apparently) — think that cows are harmless pieces of field decor that only pose a hazard to those who tread in it. Depending on who/what/when they can be quite dangerous — they can literally kill you.
Dane Wittington of has encapsulated the situation perfectly when he says “They can’t hide it any longer.”
That, and that alone, is why they’re now finally telling us things which for eons had remained hidden. “They can’t hide it any longer.”
That’s what happens when everything starts falling apart. There’s a crack in Western “Civilization” a mile wide. Those who for ages have hidden behind Western “Civilization” have started seeping through.
“Look mommy: it’s the boogie man!”
“No dear, that’s not the boogie man – it’s the CEO of Blackrock. He can’t hide any longer.”
Weren’t They all saying that if only women ran the world it would a loving, peaceful place where nurture and care and compassion and sharing and cooperation and equity would rule?
We believed them!
I never did.
Everyday Occultism: Bovril.
Bo = bovine; vril = the energy coined by Occultist Edward Bulwer-Lytton in his 1871 novel ‘The Coming Race’. Lytton’s son was the Viceroy of India who called the grotesque Delhi Durbar to “celebrate” Victoria’s proclamation as Empress of India. Their decendants will now be hectoring you should pay reparations for the crimes of colonialism – and that you’re “destroying the planet” because you’re too greedy.
Bulwer-Lytton’s earlier novel ‘Zanoni’ is cited by David Bowie as one of his favourite novels. He was lovely, that David Bowie.
ask lori maddox how ‘lovely’ that david bowie was
What the Build Back Better Tory Budget actually means for over 50’s is the biggest shake ever and the most venerable group after being hit with the jab will find it harder than ever to claim anything , (they shouldn’t of got the jab your thinking), what about if you get ill ?? The over 50’s is the highest comorbidities group and if you need to claim any support of the Gov and all that hard earned stealth Taxes and National insurances you’ve all been paying for…
If you get ill, tough shit, there making it as hard as possible to get anything.
Isnt it great that alternative media has your back with the latest (dis)information 😂 but instead is boring you with fantasy’s (deflection) about some bank no one has ever heard off or what Gary leineker fucking tweet said or some immature out of date article about cow farts.
Or that contrived viral France video special branch operative Pjw posted in 2016 now being reposted again in 2023 by some lady Doctor European version of him whilst deflecting the fact the France pension age went up in the last few days by adding a few extra years to the pension retirement age, but they show contrived deflection videos of actors faking it as migrants..
The word wizardry doublespeak headline is pretty amazing at making something terrible sound brilliant. The DM window lickers readers will lap it up as that.
Budget shake-up aimed at removing barriers to employment could find jobs for 7million people, as experts say ‘talents of all ages’ needed to help economy
Aerobics. Some of you can but I can’t keep up. Just as I get the hang of a move the instructor changes to a different move. “Wave your right arm to the left and your right arm to the left and jump! Now squat and kick and spin and wiggle and lie down now pushup and pushdown and sit out and pull over and …” That’s how I perceive aerobics. Kind of like how I perceive current events.
So very well said.
Warmongering Women
I was repelled when I heard short haired dyke Penny Wong fulminate against neocon target Russia in the Australian senate. Paul Keating justifiably blasted creep Albanese and the dyke in relation to their $400 billion climate friendly purchase of nuclear submarines. The swinish Murdoch gutter press have taken the lead in assaulting Keating for his attack.
If you want this crap to stop you have to ask what the MINIMUM NECESSARY actions are to stop it.
It won’t be asking politely and I have serious doubts that legal challenges lasting 20 years will do it either.
It has to be brutal, it has to be non-financial and it has to do something that the crap spreaders can NEVER reverse.It must destroy their dignity, their entire raison d’etre.
Start thinking about it. Don’t think these people will ever change, become ‘like us’, have consciences. They won’t. Don’t think they will stop, they’ve made their play for global genocide and there’s no backing off now. If they backed down the hangman’s noose would await.
Bill Gates is worth $200bn. There’s nothing he can’t buy, can’t acquire, can’t control, so long as people let him buy it, acquire it, control it.
Start thinking about controlling Bill Gates. That only happens when you make credible threats that he can’t stop happening, would do anything to prevent happening.
Just remember, he’s an aging man who would lose in a fair punch up to any 25 year old Marine. He can’t win according to the Queensbury rules, so he won’t play under those rules.
The key is NOT accepting the rules of others but devising the rules yourselves.
it sure is a mystery
Simply brilliant headline.
And an article that lightly and deftly swoops across the issues, without getting stuck on any particular point.