Steady Burn
Todd Hayen
I find myself, uncharacteristically, wishing for bad things to happen regarding all this world take-over crap.
I don’t wish for people I love to die, but I can’t help but admit when I read about others dying there is a sudden surge within me that says, “Good! Now maybe these morons will wake up!” Then my senses come back to me, and I think about mothers burying their children, or children burying their mothers, and I curse myself for my wicked thoughts.
Anyone else have similar moments?
I am just not convinced this nightmare is going to end without it getting worse, and if it doesn’t get worse, then I don’t think it is going to end.
I think about my friend the boiling frog. One of my first articles I wrote for Off-Guardian was titled “Slow Boil” and was about the ol’ frog in the pot of water. Apocryphally just sitting there as the heat was turned up oh so slowly. His brain being so small he was incapable of realizing that he would soon be on a plate in a fancy French restaurant.
Not surprisingly many people told me that simply doesn’t happen (friends in denial I suspect). Frogs will jump out before meeting their demise. If so, that means the story is a fictional metaphor made from real human experience, rather than the other way around (or so it seems). That, then, makes it even more poignant.
I think I fear being that frog, ignorant to the lethal slow boil rather than being a lobster thrown into a pot of already boiling water—scalding, horrifying, seasoned, and buttered. Well, I should add this: I fear being the frog who actually realizes he is going to die in a pot of slow boiling water—with nothing he can do about it.
THAT is what I fear the most.
Ignorance is bliss, so it seems, and dying slowly with no knowledge of dying seems to be a preference for most. Somehow it appears not to be as bad a fate as knowing death is imminent. But imminent death WITH a fight, with a WILL to fight, with a strong and immutable DESIRE to set things straight, seems to me far better than ignorance. To die in battle is a noble end, to die a peaceful death in bed while the world is ravaged through unseen fires, is the worst.
Or is it?
Sometimes I wish for that ignorance, and who cares if I end up dead after years of knowing nothing about boiling waters. Somehow, though, I don’t think it will be that easy, nor that peaceful.
The events of the last two and a half years are an indication of that. We got hit with a big missile, one that even the most contented frog felt while basking in his or her stovetop pool. Those of us who recognize incoming weaponry got hit the hardest, but even the sheep got a taste with the inconvenience of lockdowns, masking, social distancing, and such.
Although right now we may be at a holding pattern with the water set to medium for a bit, I don’t question for a second there will be more incoming missiles, and once this plan is fully implemented there will be no doubt that we are not in Kansas anymore.
Anyone who has read much of what I have written know me as Dr. Doom, and as such I am not one to celebrate prematurely. Although at times I nod my head and recognize that things are better than I thought, I have not yet fallen into the complacency of victory.
The fight we are in is an ugly one. And it very well may have been going on for thousands of years. If that is a stretch for you then don’t bother yourself with that possibility, we all have enough to worry about. However, many of you reading this I think would agree.
Even if you can only recognize all this as a result of recent political and philosophical maneuverings, take a little time to read a bit more to expand your understanding. At the very least this all has been in motion since the early part of the 19th Century, and as I suggested above, possibly quite a bit of time before that. Start with Patrick Wood’s amazing, and frightening, book The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism.
If that doesn’t shake you up, nothing will. There are many other insights out there as well, and now that you are no longer a sheep (were you ever?) you will be open to quite a bit that is considered, by sheep, to be utter paranoid nonsense.
This scourge of technocracy/transhumanism is a disease much like cancer. It has had enough time to grow to immense proportions without being noticed by most, and its malignancy is intertwined in the fabric of everything—everything. At times I imagine the only way to rid the world of it is to kill the host and start over again. Indeed, that horrible thought may prove to be true.
I do think there is still a smidgeon of hope to kill it from the top down. But to do that, more than likely things will have to get worse before they get better. I recently wrote about this in several other essays: Critically Compromised, Hand Picked, and Perpetual Cognitive Dissonance. If any of these are not yet published, be on the lookout for them.
If things don’t get worse, then we become the lazy frog. Well, we probably are not lazy per se, but only lazy regarding a fight we can’t see because the enemy has retreated or appears to have retreated.
I do trust it is the intention of the agenda to do this. They hide behind the hill and wait. They do seem to be rather patient (well, Justin Trudeau has the patience of a petulant 5-year-old, but he is an exception). They can wait. And that they do. They will soon hit us with another missile, and we will all scramble—for a few minutes at least, and then settle down in our pot again.
It sure is tempting, even for me. I want to get back to my old life again, at least I am compelled to. I want to travel, to spend time writing about something other than doom and gloom.
I want to have fun again, to feel good, happy, contented. But my intelligence tells me this is far from over, and I must stay at the ready. I feel like the proverbial guard given night watch, slowly falling asleep when the crickets start to drift into slumber. I know there is a war raging just over the hill. But it isn’t here. I can take a break.
What horror…to fall asleep and then wake up like Rip Van Winkle, with the world entirely changed. One day there is cash, the next day there isn’t, and the next day you can’t go into a movie theater without showing your Vax Pass on your smart phone, or on a chip embedded in your hand. One day you can’t visit a friend who lives across town without paying a huge fine (goodbye friend, I can’t afford you now), another day you can’t buy eggs because you have an unpaid parking ticket, one day you can’t…fill in the blank.
It is coming folks, there is no dispute about that. The question is whether we are going to let it creep into our comfortable pot. And what manages to creep in will be a whole lot uglier than what you thought was ok a month ago.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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Please explain why you cannot travel Mr Hayen. I am currently in Central Eurasia, a very long way from the UK. I flew, I wore no mask, had no need of vaccination nor PCR test results. I experienced the dodgy nature of airport taxi scams and the friendliness of local people.
Airport security detected the zips on my waterproof trousers as a security risk, but it took 5 minutes to take my walking boots off, have an apologetic Asian man touch me up all over and then put my foot attire back on again. Heathrow is very keen to keep dangerous people in, not export them overseas, after all 🤣
The Eurasians merely scanned my foreign passport and waved me through. The stable sunny weather must put them all in a good mood…..
I dispensed with technology and said this morning: ‘walk south toward the towering Tien Shen mountain range’. I found a river with snow melt just starting to flow, walked along the public footpath and soon I was out of town, viewing newly planted young trees, an ancient neglected orchard and breathing healthy rural air.
I navigated using bridges and shops as way markers. I knew that sooner or later I would find a stream and sure enough, I did. When a path follows a stream, there’s a good chance it will go some goodly distance. Indeed it did.
Turns out that, in these parts they celebrate the Spring Equinox as their New Year. A three day National Holiday. Bud burst was just starting on trees, the clear sign that the harsh Continental winter was now transitioning to spring.
Like most places you see signs of incredible wealth. The rich here build their mansions close to the stream and their gardens enjoy more moisture than many other locales. Around here, money will buy you a pipe from the stream into your garden, it seems.
The sequence of mansions seemed to end where two helicopter sending spots existed. A quick ride to the private jet down at the airport I guess. The neglected ancient orchard was right next door….
Locals were setting up a picnic near the stream after a healthy hike.
And in the local shopping mall, there was a never ending series of play areas for young children and seats for the elderly to rest. Sand pits, trampolines, make-believe foreign republics, ping- pong tables, many more on each of the five levels. Mum can do some shopping knowing the children are safe having fun, supervised by trusted workers . As for the public toilets they put many a London hotel to shame. Not totally sure of the overall economics, but the family-oriented design was clear for anyone with eyes to see.
Go and travel, Mr Hayen. Go off the beaten track, far from CNN, MSN etc.
Amazing how quickly you detoxify when free of all that fear pork the USA and the UK just so love putting out there.
When I say “I want to travel again” I don’t mean I cannot travel now, I mean I want to be able to go where I want to go frequently with the worry, and sometimes the hassle. I don’t trust the world right now, and feel it is too unstable to fly about freely. I may be more apt to do that next year, unless things get tied up again.
I agree with all you say here….and part of my reluctance is due to my own apprehensions.
Ultimately you will die…. and the controllers want you to live in fear. There is always an even worse doom and gloom scenario than you can dream of but the reality is you do not know the future.
Something is always coming– anticipation will just grind you down. Live in the present more.
Nice one Ron.
That’s ‘Banker’… with a ‘W’.
The photo looks so like a Dickens villain of the upper castes, Murdstone, Uriah Heap, Jaggers inter alia. That Dickensian clerical sneer.
Thanks for sharing those thoughts from the darker hours. You are not alone with them.
Still, having fun, enjoying the beauty of life, feeling content, relaxing for a bit, and coming back to oneself is vital for health and for staying awake.
Just allowing these feelings to come to awareness for a few moments every day keeps me going.
We humans are here to enjoy life, whatever happens. This, I hold on to, no matter what gets dished out.
You are, in my opinion, 100% correct.
No need to be a Doctor Doom.
This article certainly reflects many of my own depressing thoughts about the pot in which our froggy cousins are sitting, but I have simply refused to sit in that pot, because I was blessed with the fate of not being a frog.
Like you I expect rough times ahead, but now is the time to jump. It’s much easier to deal with our individual human problems from outside the pot, and, in any case, you’re outside it already, or you wouldn’t be here.
Be happy. Whatever fate has in store for us here is going to be a lot better than the fate of mentally constricted specimens like Schwab, who won’t know what hit them when THEY finally croak… (forgive the naughty pun)
I definitely agree…I know I would be in a very different place if I did not have a wife who is very clearly on the other side of the fence. I love her dearly, and have made the decision to put her first. If I were not with her I would be in an RV with a few dogs traveling across the US (until there is no fuel to do so) hopping around to events, conferences, demonstrations, etc…and I am sure having some good times with good people along the way…
I’m in a similar blessed-yet-sometimes-tricky position with my wife…
All good wishes. w.
Hey Todd, if you want to use a better metaphor than the frog and boiling water, try the crab spider. The crab spider does not spin a web to ensnare its prey. Instead, through the miracle of evolution, it has a body that mimics a flower on the plant it hunts insects on. It sits next to the flower with its arms out and extended and waits patiently for a hungry bug looking for pollen. When the unsuspecting victim settles in to feed the crab spider ever so slowly wraps its legs around it until the feeder is almost completely surrounded and then WHAM! Its legs snap shut and the crab spider delivers the death bite.
Nature can be cruel. And we wonder why life is so tough for us…well, I do at least! We have it pretty good…
I see you didn’t come into this world with a little toe tag saying, “This isn’t going to be easy…”
Neither did I for that matter, but, sooner or later, life seems to give them out anyway.
Be well.
This article describes everything I am feeling about this complicated time. Thanks Todd…well said!
“Anyone else have similar moments?”
At the beginning yes I had these moments but as time is passing not so much and not so strong, realising that people don’t want to know nothing else ,only the official propaganda.
Concentric, segmentized, group-thinking, gate-keeping, self-heating pots
(A) The innermost pot still believes in “safe and effective”.
(B) The next pot believes the doubters in the inner pot are being red-pilled by Woody Harrelson, Aseem Malhotra, Shill Media, or such-like.
(C) The pot after that believes that “Healthcare” and “Public Health” were weaponised and militarised by DARPA and GAVI.
(D) The subsequent stage is that “Healthcare”, “Public Health”, “Mental Health”, etc were created as a Trojan Horse – i.e. they were ALWAYS weapons in a war being waged by the Oligarchy, Corporatists, Collectivists against the general population.
I assume that D is outside the pot system. However, if anybody knows of an argument otherwise, I’d like to hear it.
It is pots within pots all the way down I’m afraid.
A shop worker in my local shop I’d speak to almost daily, When convid started back in 2020 I said to her you think this is bad it’s going to get worse she laughed and dismissed my silly talk, Year and half later the family all got covid after vaccination,Couple months go by her mother dies no warning no previous illness.I would never wish anything on anybody but to all the people that dismissed us in the beginning are starting to wake a little me thinks. .
Controlled opposition no doubt – but still important that lockdowns become totally discredited so they can’t be imposed for climate reasons or because one bird somewhere tested positive for something:
The pigswill for the compatible left isn’t giving up on it just yet:
And so a new “left-right dialectic” takes shape….
The source of a sick society always comes down to this:
(Excerpt from film, HUD, 1963)
HUD: All right, what turned you sour on me? Not that I give a damn.
HOMER (father): Just that, Hud. You don’t give a damn. That’s all. That’s the whole of it. You still don’t get it, do you? You don’t care about people. You don’t give a damn about ’em. You got all that charm and it makes the youngsters want to be like you. That’s the shame of it ’cause you don’t value nothing. You don’t respect nothing. You keep no check on your appetites. You live just for yourself and that makes you not fit to live with.
HUD: My mama loved me, but she died.
LONNIE: Why pick on Hud, Granddad? He ain’t the only one. Just about everybody around here is like him.
That’s no cause for rejoicing, is it? Little by little, the look of the country changes because of the men we admire.
LONNIE: I still think you nailed him pretty hard.
HOMER: Did I? Maybe. Old people get as hard as their arteries sometimes. You’re just gonna have to make up your own mind one day about what’s right and what’s wrong.
Good stuff. Ironic that the sheep think they DO care about other people…which is so very strange…
Some today are actually proud of their narcissistic egos. What’s worse is that they think people who are not like that are doomed to be losers…
“Anyone else have similar moments?”
No. I never relish suffering. Not even for a split second. But of course, it can be exciting, like on 9/11. An important event always is, it forces one to adjust and nothing else is excitement than the realisation that one has to. And of course, the rat in the stables has to be killed, even it is aweful to stamp on it, the throat of the cow that slipped and broke its neck in the holding device has to be slit, even if it is aweful to spill the blood.
Well, that is the concrete reality. Of course, it is easier, when one’s a butcher, not to experience it like that. As for the question whether a course correction needs a collision first: I think so, yes. The Bible says so as well. And if it occured, it would be very exciting, even exhilarating, which 9/11 wasn’t. And at the same time a solemn burden. But it wouldn’t be satisfying, more like sweet in the mouth, but making the stomach ache.
As for who brings it about… I think that God generally works on a tit for tat basis and that the collision will only occur when it will be generally perceived as an alleviation.
“(or so it seems)”
Some metaphors intend to deceive. For instance “Democracy is two wolves and one lamb decing what’s for lunchark .” – wolves are never in the absolute majority, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” – while often true, distracts from where bad intentions are leading to, and as for frogs: they know when they start to hurt, and so do we. Btw., this is only so in the English speaking world, because of the fact that its aristocracy considers itself to be Non-English (Norman, not Anglo-Saxon) and hence invented sayings that lie in order to transport a higher wisdom to the unwashed masses whose thinking they despise to the extent that lies seem proper for it. Hmm… I wonder for whom else deception seems fair.
“THAT is what I fear the most.”
THAT is not to be feared at all. It is not an attack on you.It is a general attack. And you can’t destroy everything without something being done about it.
“To die in battle is a noble end, to die a peaceful death in bed while the world is ravaged through unseen fires, is the worst.”
What could someone like that do about it, when he’s not even strong enough to wake up again? No, if I was in that position I’d just think “Oh well, another dark moment in history, let the youngsters prove their mettle.”
“Indeed, that horrible thought may prove to be true.”
If you replace transhumanism with industry that’s what Theodore John Kaczynski says. But if you don’t kill all people who know how to read, you won’t be able to go back, any technological set back will be very temporary, just a couple of decades. If only illiterate pygmies in the jungle survived, then you may win a couple of millenia, but if some of them found dynamos in junk yards, then… who knows, perhaps only a couple of centuries. The steps to where we are right now are:
Well, and that’s it. So, what is to be gained by erasing these experiences? We’ll make them again. This is all very incoherent, really.
Very wise…thank you…your five “steps” reminds of the alchemical process for the soul as Carl Jung describes it.
I don’t think I would use the word “relish” to describe my feelings when I see suffering that could wake people up. But your comment is good enough…I envy you that you can hold compassion and love the way you seem to through all this. My sister is like that…I get too angry and sometimes slip into that “I told you so” trap…”see what’s coming to you…” It is not something I am proud of.
Ever read C.S. Lewis’ space trilogy? It you haven’t, I suggest it. The man was prescient.
Check this out…I think you’ll like it…
“Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come.” ― Haruki Murakami, 1Q84 tags: end-of-the-world Read more quotes from Haruki Murakami.
Enjoy the calm before the storm. We are still at the stage where we can pretend things are still normal. But realistically, most of us will be gone by 2030. And as one commenter below said, there’s really no way to fight back- except perhaps drop out of society.
It’s interesting that you say that. I’ve felt for quite sometime that I am dealing with a whole heap of people suffering shell shock or percussion shock from the last few years, many of whom exist in this digital space.
Imagine, for a second, the classic scene from any number of action movies, where the hero gets caught too close to a terrorist blast and is thrown to the ground only to rise from the dust and blast debris completely disorientated, staggering and a deafening ringing in their ears.
That’s most people.
Now continue that. The hero, still struggling, gets approached by a stranger who approaches with purpose grabs them by the arm, stares them straight in the face and, loudly, gives them direct and unambigious instruction and information.
That’s people like me.
But the hero can’t make any sense of it, nor shake themselves out of it, images are blurred, the ringing in the ears is deafening and the absence of orientation is overwhelming.
That’s where we are now.
Sadly, I’m afraid you might be right.
Try to stop these people; it doesn’t appear that that is even in the realm of the possible.
Key to their prison for you = 5G boxes within reach of wherever you are.
(for further reading:”p53’s Substack” aka p53Speaks)
It certainly may not be possible in the conventional sense. But if we all hold the truth, speak it when called upon to, act in the world with decency and integrity, eventually they will fall.
The truth is we are all subjected to an activity that is killing us slowly. Be it the consumption of alcohol, fast food, prescription drugs, the list is long. So we are all being done like a kipper. That said, at least these things are optional pleasures and not coerced.
I get what is being said here though. I personally don’t wish harm on my family, however, I’m guilty of wanting some of my colleges to start dropping quick smart, just so others get the message. Something I never though was possible, the human mind can be quite unsympathetic when is suits.
All the more reason not to trust the opinions of others, but especially Dr’s, ministers, gurus and any other self elected expert.
The truth is people don’t care about you unless it’s in their own interest, me included. I’m only writing this in the hope to wake other like minded people up in an attempt to bring about a world that better suits my opinions. Is that not what all this stuff is about?
So true…and that fact can get us in trouble but it can also keep us from succumbing into oblivion.
Strangely missing is consideration of the global crises from a psychoanalytical perspective — given arguments of Freud, Lacan and Jung. There is a marked tendency to focus on the individual and avoid consideration of the collective — as being derivative. Of curious relevance at this time is the strategic focus on “nuclear war” and “nuclear submarines” as discussed separately: Collective unconscious sexual connotations of nuclear submarines? ( This features in an argument for: Time for a Remedial Global Nuclear War? Recognizing an unconscious collective need for disastrous cathartic experience
What you state here is clearly my interest….looking at all of this from a collective archetypal perspective…I do at times write from this perspective but not often enough. Thank you for reminding me of it.
‘Not every airplane in your dreams is a phallic symbol,’ Dr Siggy Freud…
“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”…wonder if Dr. F ever said that…(Fauci might have, but Freud?)
With so many homeless in Australia, homes unlivable after floods, mortgage default due to RBA and bank interest rate rises, etc. the Australian Labor govt. is forecast to spend A$368 billion on a nuclear submarines deal with UK, US.
Thanks, Todd. A good read for me.
Could I please ask you not to link to amazon.anywhere if you happen to mention a book?
There are other places one still can buy books from (and one can even go to libraries). It’s small beer but I like to think denying amazon.anywhere of their baksheesh is a step in the right direction.
You know, I appreciate that suggestion!! Could you supply me with a source? This is a good idea….
Send it to [email protected]
I took my dogs to the beach today and although it was cold/windy; the pre-new moon, exceptionally low tide, blue sky, bright sun made for an invigorating Sunday afternoon walk. I was expecting to see large #’s of people, especially other dog owners doing the same, yet I passed less than 10 on the way down and only one on the way back. The beach itself extends out for about 3+ miles. On my return, I looked up at the parking lot and there were quite a few people just sitting in their cars, staring out at the ocean.
Not sure why the thought crossed my mind, but my inner dialogue went something like this; ‘If I had ‘fallen for the narrative’ and then found out after the fact everything I knew then and know now, I would be scared SH@#$%!!. Probably sitting in my car at the beach, shooting tequila and popping NAC and Xanax.’
I thought the same way you did, my daily rage towards ‘them’ waking the hell up asap’ literally made me sick. But I realize now, it’s futile as most are either clueless or drowning in denial. They have selectively chosen their ‘truths’ and will continue to keep the tide at bay for as long as humanly possible.
The constant stress, worry, sadness, heartbreak, grief experienced by those of us who did not ‘partake’, as difficult as that may be, the ‘inner knowing’ must be the scariest FU#$%@& movie ever made.
That is how you would feel, and how most of us who “think” would feel…but I kind of doubt if many of the sheep feel that way. The ones I know do not at all…they may not be getting the 5th booster just because they see, finally, it may do them no good. But none of the people I know who got jabbed have a single regret. I am sure this isn’t true for some of them…but the ones I know don’t seem to give a hoot in hell they “made a mistake”…
If you think the ideas of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud are silly, a load of old crock, even ridiculous, you are not alone…The use of scorn and ridicule is considered by the corporate propaganda media (aka: msm) a most effective weapon to influence the masses against threatening ideas, and such have long been employed against Freud’s research…
An enlightened people do not make easily manipulsted consumers, or donkey voters (and all voters are donkeys, unless they’re sheep, right ?)…
Decades ago Vance Packard, in The Hidden Persuaders, exposed some of the actors and the techniques they employed – techniques based on Freud’s depth psychology – to mould and manipulate ‘public opinion’, and the desires of the masses…
Their success in encouraging general ignorance allowed for the effectiveness of the ‘Covid Psyop’, and other psyops employed to influence mass behaviours…
Freud was quite innovative with his “discoveries” and I cannot discount him for running with them the best he could with his white male victorian “doctor” mind…some that he came up with was quite astounding.
But like most “past” scientific discoveries, there is a lot left to be desired. I think Jung ran more in the right direction than Freud (one reason why they had a falling out) but even Jung was short sighted in a lot of regard. But nailed it on a lot of other insights.
It’s said that Edward Bernays relied on Freud’s depth psychology insights for the propaganda campaign to encourage females to take up smoking cigatettes…It’s rumoured Jung may have devised the excuse “No sex please. We’re British !”…
Both are irrelenent to those who prefer women who smoke after sex…
I had similar thoughts but with a positive spin: Once family members and close friends start ‘mysteriously’ dying or getting disabled, surely then they will wake the hell up.
However, this isn’t happening!!
There continues to be denial, mixed in with fearful cowering and whispering. At one lunch meet-up with friends recently, the husband of a friend telling me about one such tragedy, actually said for her to stop talking about this. Conversation was tabu. End of story.
The normies are not rising up at all. They’re acquiescing, waiting for what’s in store for them next.
Maybe in a year or two when excess deaths become newsworthy. And people maybe begin to ponder why they can’t give birth any more 🤔
They will blame it on Putin or climate change…
Indeed they are Todd. Indeed they are. Reality is falling apart. And ‘Reality’ is being exposed.
It is indeed insane…I can’t make heads or tails of it.
Which is exactly how they want us to feel. It doesn’t make sense – because it’s not meant to.
Well, millions marched off to die in the trenches before…
Never Forget:
I know an Aussie who cut in when I brought up the Dresden Fire Bombing of WW II a few years back. He said it was experiences like that, too graphic but for all the ash, that brought German Volk consciousnesss to change course decisively toward more thoughtful or peaceful responses, or so he suggested that it had. “Aversion therapy” he mumbled when I described the incendiary bombs on Dresden.
The martyr youngsters of The White Rose, the Scholls & allies, had tried to do it, and Bonhoeffer and others. But it wasn’t really enough, at least at the time (it would appear their witness acquired force as time went on).
I spent a blazing hot day indoors 5 or 6 years ago, reading in one gulp, or gasp, “Slaughterhouse 5” by Kurt Vonnegut. He was in Dresden, a war weary US Army lad knocked from pillar to post all over battlegrounds, and happened to be in Dresden that day, downstairs in Schlacthof Funf as the bombing runs began. Otherwise he would have been incinerated too, just as thousands upon thousands (100K I believe?) of Japanese had been in Spring of ’45 under Jimmy Doolittle’s bombers and their low-flying runs of incendiary bombs.
I can’t recall all the fearful poetics now word for word, which made a huge impression, but only his account that when he and others surfaced from the ice cold basement meat lockers, all that was left of Dresden at ground level was human ash.
A Lenten meditation, our priests just smudged our foreheads with them, a few weeks past, ‘made’ from the previous year’s palm branches of Palm Sunday, always.Thus:
“Sic transit gloria mundi [Ed.: and all that].”
And the ritual words intoned with the smudge, as a package deal: “Remember, O Man, from dust you have come, and to dust you shall return.”
And isn’t that glorious Good News: otherwise we just might never feel that we needed God, and a real center?
And, given the weight of the burdens we carry, from least to greatest, it is a human trend to want to party hearty and ignore the sadder clues, of mounting woe. Unattended by so many, the added weight falls on the more watchful.
Hence, eras of aversion therapy arrive one day or other.
A numbers comparison between countries is instructive.
In the last real military pandemic holocaust, aka WW II, Americans of the putative “greatest generation” had a quarter million war dead.
Russia, by my inexpert count,
I hear, had two hundred times as many, many sources say 50 million war dead. And China & Japan certainly paid so many times what we paid out here, held hostage by USA INC., LLP.
Bereaved Asian families grieving everywhere you might twist or turn, if they had that luxury, or just simply in the various stages of catatonic numbing, after “events” like “The Rape of Nanking” (RIP Iris Chang) or the other side of that boomerang, Hiroshima and the Tokyo Fire Bombings some months before.
I have noticed for several decades, upon studying those facts and figures, that we Americans have always eluded those kinds of personal payouts, nowhere near them!
So, knowing that the pendulum always swings, what shall be the verdict when, as Jefferson put it with “Nature and Nature’s God,” we get moved into aversion therapy mode?
Does Dr. Strangelove plan some altogether new approach,
tailored for us?
Wishful thinking, perhaps.
USAmericans have nothing to worry about in terms of “personal payouts” arriving from some successful rival, however much those payouts are deserved.
The entire planet is chomping at the bit to be able to ignore the US of As forever. Once those folks are wrapped up in their own intestinal strife, murdering each other with abandon, the rest of the planet will be able to peacefully and prosperously go about their business.
May dogs shit on Kissinger’s grave and may his dark soul be dissolved in the light like a stain being bleached!
I was charmed by a visiting itinerant “waldhorn” player, busking California Street (main street) of Santa Cruz during a long visit I made 20 years ago (where I first encountered my first hard copy of “Global Research” in a local iconic bookstore next door, featuring Cynthia McKinney on the cover, decrying 9’11 as an inside job, the first confirmation I had of my suspicions, or rather, convictions, since the second Tower had collapsed 13 months prior; it was unlikely at that times that I would have had any support of that premise an hour’s drive south of LA, in “The OC” around South County, where I was hangin’ at Mom’s at the time, out here visiting from Ohio). He had this enormous wind instrument lying horizontally on the sidewalk, while he played his riffs, very well. After I listened a long while and showed my thanks, I struck up a few transatlantic comments with him.
We talked about the oncoming Iraq War, which seemed clearly enough in October 2022, like the Irresistible Force heading into the Immovable Object, echoed now in the newest variation on a theme in Ukraine. He was American but with Dutch roots in his family and had been living there for a long time. I asked him what the H he was doing in USA Inc., even if Santa Cruz is one of the more friendly places I’ve ever encountered in the U.S., and without all the serious witchery pollutions, in its psychology, not to mention air, that are so palpable in cities like San Francisco, Laguna Beach, both cities where it just drips, also in Hollyweird, of course, and nearby it in Santa Monica, all hangouts of shadowy warlocks, wizards, and general psychic troublemakers. (Just an easily verified fact, without all the rest to go by.)
I forget his full answer, as most of my attention was caught up in his description of how the rest of Europe had moved farther and and farther away in ethos, spirit, fellow feeling, and other indicators of malcontent.
I petitioned him, plaintively, “Why don’t more of you over there make a scene, bang some pots or pans, rise up and resist the wholesale Americanization of the rest of the world, especially Europe?!”
Or words much to that effect, I remember our tete-a-tete well now. (Nota Bene & Disclaimer: extended personal historical context: I had been in the area several months to supervise the shutdown of Consolidated Freightways, “bankrupt” after a history as the largest overland trucking company in North America since, ironically, 1929. A hippie trucker with 1960s ZZ Top attire, long hair and longer beard, had just told me in the Salinas Terminal that the company had been raiding shipments of containers and switching them to an affiliate for months, he had seen it as a regular practice, to feign signs of bankruptcy, all so they could fire their army of 16,000 drivers and put them on the street, then re-hire them at half the wages and without insurance. They tried to force them to drive without insurance during the bankruptcy until a judge told them to get serious. But meanwhile, they lost half their income, much like supermarket employees around here in California, after months of picket lines, totally sabotaged by their union leadership, I talked while shopping to several who had lost good pay and had to rehire at minimum wage with no insurance, or the same scenario. If I had tried to do a “second job” moonlighting as a security guard that way, at a trucking terminal, 70 years before, when John Steinbeck was chronicling these episodes nearby Salinas, in Castroville, as in “In Dubious Battle” I would have caught a rock or a club or a bullet in the back of the head, as he gives some sense in that novel, and which his son Thom, who died in 2017 and an excellent novelist at times, had told me that very week, at his book launch of his wonderful “Down to a Soundless Sea” at “The National Steinbeck Center, was his favorite book by “Pops” ~ along with “The Moon is Down,” still the bestselling American fiction in history, in Europe. So my travels through the Monterey area that Fall were not without intrigue, but the trucker seemed to trust me implicitly by my few words with him, so he gave me the scoop on “failed” huge corporations, in our times.)
So, the Waldhorn player, after several cues by me, finally confided, with a half smile, “I think the rest of the world is afraid of the United States, or they would.”
So, like you, I couldn’t argue with that assessment. They are biding their time, hoping for angelic rescue.
Meanwhile, it is hard, very hard, for me to blame my countrymen (mostly) since they are really, from time immemorial, or at least since the dawn of the National Security State, which was five years before I first began toddling in 1952 (which, by definition in my reckoning, is time immemorial)merely “hhuman shields”: we are, like the rest of the world, maybe more so, hostages on a runaway train.
I try my best to run up and down the aisles raising the alarm, but almsot all the hostages now are remarkably numb.
“ His brain being so small he was incapable of realizing that he would soon be on a plate…”
Humans have no understanding of what a frog thinks – his ability to do so is judged simply by the size of his brain.
In his world he is perfectly equipped. Does he see Humans as Gods or any other threat.
Maybe he sees us as just dumb animals.
And wishes we’d just fuck off.
Then my senses come back to me, and I think about mothers burying their children, or children burying their mothers, and I curse myself for my wicked thoughts.Anyone else have similar moments?
Unfortunately, this HAS TO HAPPEN!
Why? The Collective West is so far gone believing their hubris that only traumatic, catastrophic events may afford a ‘nudge” towards the direction of actual humanism.
Changing the collective attitude from,
“Oh! Whoa is ME! I did nothing to deserve this!”,
To: “Oh… I guess our militaries have prosecuted massive war crimes and human rights abuses so IN HUNDREDS OF PLACES, I guess WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND?”
And: “We are also doing this to ourselves!”
We are ALL Palestinians, NOW.
Yes. Seems the “West” has volunteered to become Yemeni, Sudanese, Libyan, Iraqi, Ukrainian > add subjugated Country Here: >
Palestinians just don’t count if a person operates under certain biases… I submit we’ve all become Julian Assange understudies…
Has anyone ever thought how much better the world would be if it was just inhabited by frogs instead of people?
When was the last time frogs ever invaded Iraq or Afghanistan? When was the last time a frog overthrew an elected government, or rigged an election? And when did frogs ever run a bent bank or bitcoin exchange and rob everybody blind? When did frogs ever try to turn our kids into trannies and get them to cut off their dicks?
No, frogs have got a pretty clean record, all things considered. They’ve probably got a much better claim to run the planet than we have.
Finally, someone speaking some sense!
Indeed, tend to agree. But they do jump out and make me scared when I’m arranging my flower pots.
You mean they jump out of boiling water faster than we USAmericans do, judging by my neighbours in the OC anyway. Small sample size, but tellingly homogeneous.
Yeah, but just wait til CIA gives them their state of the art human brain implants, and they will probably be even meaner than all of us put together, I bet. (If you take singing skills as a comparison, anyway.) They just live now in the Age of Frog Innocence.
“The Christian is worse because it is his business to be better.”*
*This is what some call the Spiritual New Math.
[A little off topic, but not much, did you know that Polanski’s 2019 “An Officer and a Spy” (PG historical drama, mind you, about L’Affaire Dreyfus) cannot even be streamed in the West, googles have it “a available for streaming” but when selected, “sorry, this content unavailable. I just ordered a copy from Italy, but the only version is in French, with now only French subtitles. 4 months ago only Dutch dubs were offered. Luckily, I speak French, and read subtitles even better, accents being
No dvds of it play on western players
Now I am obsessively fascinated. Roman P turns 90 in August, so at least, like Papillon, he’s outlived armies of would be assassins, unlike his 1st bride, whose father I just found out, Lt. Col. Paul Tate was a career Army Intelligence officer… Etc etc etc et, plot still thickening!
May I suggest the 1965 TV program “L’Affaire Dreyfus” in three parts by historian Henri Guillemin? Guillemin has a way of narrating history very captivating; listening to his programs is like reading suspense; he’s considered an unorthodox historian for his interpretations of events in which the social aspect prevails. This is part one.
Merci infiniment! And he opens with his theme as Saint-Saëns Organ Concerto, a favorite. Chouette.
Polanski arranged, or accepted as a gift, the murder of his wife and three others.
He got away with it. Only the good die young.
And they blamed it all on The Beatles!
Mother Superior just happened to spill the beans? Sexy Sadie fucked her way through the compound?
And old Charlie’s race war…..
Anyone would think the Fab4 had been given a new handler!
The recent tome “CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties” has me riveted. Got it in the mail Saturday and have only put it down for moments (like these).
Not the least because there is scarcely a page where my paths haven’t criss-crossed all of theirs. The first place we lived in that area in 1958 for a year was on Beverly Glen. near the top of the hill, just around the corner from 10050 Cielo Drive, the fateful Polanski manse. The first public recital I played was at a McGovern fundraiser hosted by Candice Bergen, and there are several snaps in the photo section of her at the Polanski place with her squeeze Terry Melcher, who is very suspicious, having visited Manson several times AFTER the murders.
But the main reason I got the book by Tom O’Neill, who writes he spent 20 years since 1999 investigating all the backstories, is that I was intrigued that Sharon Tate’s father was not noted in the box menu of vital info at the header of all significant Wikipedia bios. Then, in the biography section, he is listed as a U.S. Army “officer.” That shot up flares like a 4th of July fireworks finale, massive.
I am no stranger to Wiki’s habit of burying clues, almost like a taunt.
As I dug further, it didn’t take long to find he had been an Army Intelligence “officer.” A Colonel, no less.
Then I find he went under over for months after her murder, grew a beard, posed as a beatnik, yet Bugliosi said, “he was unable to give us anything at all we could use.”
Well, Bugliosi is probably the biggest liar about conspiracies since Gerald Posner, hard to beat both as a dynamic duo of half-truth tellers.
So I’m reading “CHAOS” (the title comes from CIA Project Chaos, started in the 60s to discredit the Left and student protesters).
It apoears that CIA main man here then, Reeve Whitson, who knew all of Polanski’s entourage, was “taken under the wing” of Lt. Col. Paul Tate. And they conducted a parallel investigation with LAPD!
Several people of real clout reminisced that Paul Tate “ran LAPD” in those days.
Yet the late Bugliosi (d. 2015) said he was negligible.
I had just left Harvard School Army ROTC (expelled after I’d refused yo buy drugs from a very powerfully connected classmate) maybe 70 days before the murders, and was sent to summer school in Grenoble, France, my first taste of freedom. I got back a few days after the murders.
But the book explains how the whole entourage there in Beverly Hills was steeped, total immersion, in CIA activity and surveillance.
It is a must read to grasp world history, in key aspects. since then. a history of drug crimes etc.
Sharon Tate wasn’t even supposed to be there that night.
Now, her widower Polanski finds himself as an epicenter of CIA intrigue since he released in 2019 “An Officer and a Spy”! About the same time the Chaos book was published. You can’t even stream the film in the West. Believe it. An historical drama, PG!
How many volumes does that speak!!?
Now that really IS a “Conspiracy Theory” and the kind that gives all the serious ones a really bad name, no surprise.. And it identifies you de facto as an Inteli-Troll. Just sayin’ No other way to see it, since I am studying the history now in depth (highly recommending to all ~not you, of course~ the 2019 tome “CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the secret history of the 1960s” by Tom O’Neill).
The problem is we are monkeys with a human on our back…
“For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.”
Voice of ‘The Book’ introducing Douglas Adams’ ‘Hitch-Hikers’ Guide To The Galaxy’. Applies, mutatis mutandis, to frogs also.
Except that nobody here would seriously change places with a frog, and frogs have never run anything bigger than their own brains with a measurable degree of success…
But I do understand the current despair among our species.
It’s going to get worse.
And still not enough people are talking about WHY and HOW it is going to get worse. Tweets from a non president and other such dancing monkey moments still have the capacity to generate distraction.
There is one single thing that should be the point of discussion AT LEAST ONCE, EVERY SINGLE WEEK, and that is the WHO and it’s megalomaniac power grab. You don’t get the word out about the disastrous imprisonment of this planet by not advertising the fact that it’s coming.
The International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) are still up for amendment. That’s the devil in the detail. Sure there is the Pandemic Treaty that’s front and centre and that surely is bad, however, the proposed amendments to the IHR will be a fucking disaster for this planet.
The following article is the kind of information that needs to be shouted out from the tallest buildings, that are still standing, so that there’s a chance of getting some of the fuckwits on this planet to realise there is a shit storm coming and if they don’t start paying attention and actively doing something about it then it’s gonna be goodnight Vienna.
Campaign to withdraw from the WHO!
That would be an excellent starting point.
Totally agree. WHO enemy in plain sight although, of course, there is the supporting apparatus making this sham organization so powerful. The IHR is the Trojan horse for ongoing, sustained and, almost certainly, more severe bio-tyranny. Astrid Stuckelberger points out that the WHO is an NGO and has no legal authority although it is being allowed to get away with bossing world governments.
The only thing that scares me about all this is the generation that actually wants it. They actually do. They want the convenience they’re being sold as if it was some kind of freedom. Scan a code. How fast. How logical. How sad the slippery slope.
If this generation actually ‘wants’ this, it’s mainly because the adults in their life chose the convenience of not raising them properly but letting screens and the system do that.
The world government wants this. They want “progress”, profits. control. And they have the means of brainwashing.
If this generation actually ‘wants’ this, it’s because the adults in their life did a lousy job of raising them. Choosing the convenience of screens, predigested information and government education system to do what they should’ve done themselves.
Yes, unfortunately, the under 40s and some older wholeheartedly buy into it. They love the apps, the scanning and all the nonsense and celebrate being able to do things you should be allowed to do without any technology.
I don’t think so. Long before the surveillance state came surveillance mom and dad.
Those young ones don’t know the bliss of freedom, not at all.
I sometimes find myself wishing for the emp- bomb (electromagneticpulse).
it would certainly get more people’s attention!!
Yes…Huxley in 1967 @UCLA said “they will love their servitude..”
seems to be truth and obvious.
The time now, and long ago, is for the bottom 90% to jump out the pot and bum rush the 1% who are turning the burners up more each day.
Cheer up. If the nukes don’t get us the magnetic excursion will. Either way it will be spectacular.
Kubrick’s subtitle to his Doktor: “How I learned to stop worrying, etc…”
Anyone who’s been paying attention, may have noticed frog populations have been in STEEP decline for over 55 years. Like over 65% reductions – or more.
I once thought of frogs as wet canaries living in pesticide ridden swamps…
yep, and roads in wet breeding season.
Depends where you live. I stepped over quite a few flat ones on the road during my walk in north Wales this morning,
‘I once thought of frogs as wet canaries living in pesticide ridden swamps.’
You too?
Probably due to pesticides and mobile phone radiation wiping out insect populations. Birds and reptiles are also disappearing rapidly.
I think we should organize a boycott of the next presidential election and make the corrupt oligarchy owned political system the center of attention.
And organize a global boycott of the WEF/WHO/New World Order and present a list of Citizens of the World grievances to the United Nations.
Yes, by all means boycott it. Its all about power and the fewer potential opposition voices that are heard — and vote — the easier it is to maintain and extend a grip on power.
I keep telling people that just because they don’t believe in ‘the government’ doesn’t mean that it won’t believe in you if it suits its purposes. The reason why you’re left alone at the moment isn’t because ‘they’ fear you, its that you just don’t count, you’re not a threat to them. Become one and see what happens….
As you can tell, most all who think they know the truth, don’t want to do a damn thing about it, nor even discuss it, just like on Off Guardian. I just threw that out there to see the response, and of course, it’s nothing. Relative to your contention, you’re missing the point.
Your ideas sound okay in theory but practically speaking it would be another exercise in futility.
Even if 50% of eligible voters in the U.S. boycotted the election there would still be at least as many who would stick with the system and vote. Thus, “They” would still get their man (or woman, or whatever) into the White House and nothing would change in any significant way. Of course, there’s still the option of supporting a 3rd party candidate but I’m not at all optimistic that anything positive would come of it. I’ll continue to assert that the system is completely corrupt and cannot be fixed from the inside.
As for boycotting WHO, WEF, UN, etc., how would that work when governments continue to abdicate their sovereignty to these organizations and so many citizens are completely clueless? How would the mobilization of 4 billion people, who are more or less on the same page, be implemented? Time is a factor since we seem to be running short of it.
I think things are probably past the point of turning the tide. This all may just have to play out as it will. On the upside, “They” may not be as smart as they think they are so it’s possible that their plans will fall apart in the end. Until that happens there will probably be much weeping and gnashing of teeth.
(Perhaps everything I’ve said here is complete nonsense. I can barely tell anymore. After 50+ years of dealing with this crap my brain is, more than likely, a bit charred. I shall now go meditate on the interconnectedness of all things).
You sound pretty defeated to me. But you’re not alone. That’s why I made the comment, not that it would be taken seriously, but to show that it, or any talk about what to do, won’t be. I’m just tired of all the wailing and gnashing of teeth from keyboard warriors who only want to put down any attempt at discussing options to fight back. Not only that, but those of us that at least try, are met with backlash from the defeated self described radicals. I’ll take it, what the fuck.
You want a solution? You want an option? Anarchism (with a capital “A”). I don’t talk about it much anymore because all I get is backlash. But there you have it.
OK! Good! Someone with an option, other than debating the next fucking thing that happens. I’m all for it man. With a capital A.
Alright, Brother Al! Excellent!
The challenge is to educate people as quickly as possible, which will be no small task.
One of the big problems is that most people conflate the philosophy of “Anarchism” with “anarchism,” the latter of which is widely understood as chaos, lawlessness, and political disorder. The two terms are diametrically opposed.
As a starting point for anyone reading this thread who is willing to open their minds, I highly recommend the writings of the contemporary Anarchist Paul Cudenec. Not only does Cudenec articulate the philosophy of Anarchism within the context of our current situation, he also talks about the “spiritual” aspect of Anarchism which is not the dogmas of corporate religion, but that which is directly related to our interconnectedness with Nature as a whole, to which we are inextricably bound. A few of his articles have appeared here on Off-G and it would behoove Off-G to post more articles by Cudenec and other Anarchist writers more frequently. Cudenec’s essays and books are freely available at:
Another good resource for Anarchism is the Anarchist Library, which provides a large amount of perspectives on Anarchist thought. Not all Anarchists think exactly alike but there is one idea they have in common – that humans have an innate desire to be free; free from coercive governments which rule by force and which do not, and cannot, represent the best interests of their citizens. The Anarchist Library is completely free and can be accessed here:
Is an Anarchist society do-able? Absolutely. It’s been done in the past and is taking place in the present (the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico is one example). Would Anarchism usher in a “heaven on earth”? No, it would not. There is no magic bullet for this. Human nature being what it is, there are no avenues to a perfect Edenic life. But Anarchism does provide the best avenue for humans to realize their potential, the expression of their innate nature to be free and to work cooperatively with their fellow humans. The biggest stumbling block to this realization has been the brainwashing of society by those who would take every opportunity to inject divisiveness and control the behavior and thoughts of its citizens with the goal of exploiting the fruits of their labor.
One thing is certain: we are not going to solve the problems we are facing today with the same old solutions and mind-sets that have brought us to where we are now. It’s the “Old Normal” that has led us to the precipice of disaster so going backwards will not lead us to a better life for the future.
The answer is God. If every commenter here repented and gave their life to Jesus, the effect would be greater than the sum of all other possible actions.
If not voting was important then ‘they’ wouldn’t spend so much time and effort suppressing likely opposition voters. The fact it is that its useful tool to maintain a grip on power when you don’t really have enough voters that support you.
The UN are on board with the agenda. UN Sustainable Goals and UN Agenda 2030 lays the diabolical plan all out. Most countries have signed up to all the goals.
What won’t be burning for much longer are gas stoves:
Another “conspiracy theory” coming true….
The Epoch Times is well known for hamming things up. Sure, there’s a looming ban on new gas appliances in trendy parts of California. The alternatives aren’t viable just yet (and, anyway, natural gas, being natural, has to be disposed of somehow — its a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide). They might be viable in the future but all theses AQMD inspired bans will do is generate a lively trade in used/bootleg devices.
Some parts of England are far more rabid about enforcing bans, especially vehicles. This has done wonders for the ‘used but not really vintage’ vehicle market.
By “natural gas” I’ll assume you mean methane, although “natural gas” is actually a mixture of many gases. Yes, methane does hold more energy per molecule than carbon dioxide, however there’s about 100 times less of it in the atmosphere than CO2. And, CO2 is NOT abundant in the atmosphere, about 0.04% (about 400 ppm). The main “greenhouse gas” in the atmosphere is water vapor, 90% or more of the total GHGs. And water vapor in the atmosphere is ENTIRELY NATURALLY OCCURRING. Although water vapor hold less energy per molecule than CO2 does, because there is so much more of it, it’s effects – again, entirely naturally occurring – overwhelm any/all effects from CO2, and therefore also methane.
It is more important to understand what problem they are trying to solve than to berate the oligarchs.
Corporate capitalism is coming to an end, and they have known for a long time that this would happen. Mass production is a bad thing: stuff to get rid of all the time, and dumber and dumber consumers, plus it hasn’t completely escaped them that they are bringing the planet to a point where resources are plundered.
So what to do? They came up with the idea of turning the stupid consumer into a commodity and energy supplier for a kind of technical perpetual motion machine. They told the stupid children that they were saving the environment. So far, it’s working.
If you want to get rid of a bad concept, you need a better one – provided you share the problem analysis. I read their mission at the WEF years ago: ‘save capitalism and maybe the planet.’ Of course, the planet will cough up, but so will we.
It’s about creating a society without corporations, with companies that only use technology that is actually necessary.
Convincing … is not the task. Even if it sounds hard: we live in countries where the population will shrink drastically in very short time. It’s about living on with those who remain, without depending on CCP-WEF AI. As far as they are concerned, one only has to wait for the drastic mistake they will inevitably make, because: technocracy and especially KI is stupid, knows no causality, bases on data not reality. It will botch it.
Right. Happy to see that people are starting to address the real issues instead of fighting with all the red herrings out there.
No, “corporate capitalism” is NOT coming to an end… It’s just morphing, or rather, being morphed into a form of fascism – melding of corporate and government interests and methods, although it’s being referred to as “stakeholder capitalism”. The end design is for the oligarchs and corporations to direct government actions & decisions. And, the end goal of all this is for the “stakeholders” to own and/or control ALL RESOURCES… That includes all land, water, animals, and US. Just check out the World Economic Forum website. It’s all there, though couched in more friendly wording.
Either I’m wrong or I’m just seeing further than you.
You don’t need the WEF page at all, just research the history of the UN and that of Agenda 21/2030 and you will find that the amalgamation of legislation, military power and regulatory technocracy in the UN world government has always been the goal of the UN.
It will fail because these mechanisms are against nature – not only human nature. This is what the seizure of power will destroy.
Are you saying that the seizure of power will destroy nature and that is why it will fail? In other words it will fail by destroying everything?
Maybe there will be a Black Swan before …?
Wood frog. Oddly, they prefer cold water. First ones to call in the spring in my hemlock fen pond.
Wood frogs have been known to emerge from their shallow burrows before the snow is fully melted. Their calls sound like chattering mallard ducks as they dabble. Barely noticeable at first but then all at once and all together you can’t not notice.
Not until the peepers start, that is. Peepers are raucous.
American toads eventually join in and trill over the both as they fade away.
Soon after the orgy is over, the tree frog singletons kick in from the surrounding trees. One here. One there. Their call is louder than hell.
By the time they are done, the larger banjo string plucking green frogs have taken advantage of a warm wet night to find their way overland to the smorgasbord of small frogs now teaming in the pond.
Frogs of a pond.
Only a few weeks away before it all begins again.
This event helps to distract one from articles like this one.
I am guilty of the same.
I have been known to say things like, “You better start brushing up on your Mandarin now, while you can”.
At the rate we are going, something’s got to give.
The frogs won’t give a damn.
With or without us, they will happily keep hopping.
I regret that someone with your knowledge of the natural world is so adamantly opposed to the idea of climate change.
Dane Wigington of California has extensive knowledge of the Mt. Shasta region – Mt. Shasta is practically in his backyard. He has watched as geoengineering resulted in a devastation of the Douglas Fir forests around him. He has desperately attempted to preserve the forest by planting trees – with a 100% failure.
More to the point, he has physically carried numerous frogs from the dying bank of a nearby stream to a more abundant location – only to watch them die from the UVC radiation pouring down from the depleted ozone layer.
Frogs don’t have to sit patiently in boiling water to perish. All they have to do is live – and we humans will take care of the rest.
Damn Straight. Frog populations were the first to die off or mutate from pesticide usage. Then we added Aluminum oxides, Barium nitrates, a little nano-strontium. As if that were not enough, now we just irradiate them to death… We’re next…
I fully agree: “Climate Change” is exacerbated by geo-engineering.
Is Wigington absolutely certain it’s “UVC radiation pouring down from the depleted ozone layer” that’s leading to the frog’s deaths??? The ozone layer has never been proven to be “depleted”, as, being a gas, it moves around… Could it be the radical change of environment – after all, frogs are very sensitive, right? Could it be water temperature, change in altitude, lack of food, increased runoff into ponds, water oxygen content, etc., etc., etc.???
Read the article “The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented” or the book, The Invisible Rainbow’, by EMF expert Arthur Firstenberg to see just how much of the species devastation is being caused by cell phone radiation. Also, you can find lengthy quotes from Firstenberg’s brilliant writing in my substack piece: “p53Speaks:Taking Down the Global Predators and the New Fascist World Order”
I jump around (no pun intended) and monitor PBS “nature”programs. The underlying story with every one is a climate change alarm. I cringe and bite my tongue and watch in order to better understand where the alarmists are coming from. PBS (just like the rest of the MSM) is doing serious damage to the mindset of people around the world. The whole concept that carbon emissions is causing climate change to accelerate is, in a nutshell, made up. An unproven theory. I presented the evidence generated by real science generated by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Tennessee). The Antarctica ice cores could not be shaved thin enough to correlate dissolved gasses with change over the last 1000 years. There was also an attempt to extrapolate temperatures based on dissolved gasses. It has failed. There is no data that proves anything they are saying. Imagine a giant ice cube melting. The smaller it gets the greater the surface area to volume becomes. The more surface area there is the faster it gains or loses heat. Faster melting. The less cooling of the surrounding air masses that find their way south (and north). Seems fairly rudimentary to me. The ice cores proved that ice ages are cyclic (assuming the dissolved gasses were measured accurately). I can’t remember off the top of my head what the cycle is. 800,000 years I think. Before ice coring, geologists figured it was about 300,000 years. Attenborough was lamenting the loss of the redwoods on one of his recent programs. I had to turn it off. All anecdotal. And all of it is just that: Anecdotal. Never been out west to see them (on my bucket list). I cringe when I see the horrific images of holes cut through the trunks of larger ones with a Model A car parked underneath. I am not brain dead. We do stupid stuff like that and it bothers me. Funny that the Ozone layer is never talked about anymore. Sounds like there is more than what meets the eye with the Douglas fir situation you describe. Natural systems have been competing with each other since the beginning of time and we barely understand any of it. There is and always was an ebb and flow of the biome boundaries. As I have said, anthropomorphism is the problem. The Earth operates on a geological time scale. Humans operate in terms of instant gratification in a lifetime. It only distorts our perception and distracts us from reality. Remember the old adage, “Let nature take it’s course”. That’s me. Species will be lost and new species will evolve and there is not a damn thing we can do about it. We can love things to death and feel good about things emotionally but we’re not helping. And that mess leads to the United Nations sponsored, oligarch funded, wildlife funds. Just another excuse to exert control over humans. It is a well coordinated effort. Do you like your freedoms? I do. I would like my descendants to enjoy the same freedoms. Young people today are so confused because of bullshit emanating from far leftists orifices around the world. It is everywhere and all of them are simply repeating the same lies being generated by the United Nations. Over and over and over.
One reason people pretend not to know what is going on, why they feign ignorance about what is happening to them is because they don’t want to contemplate what must be done to stop the onslaught and what they’ll have to do to save themselves and their loved ones! As vile and pervasive as the propaganda, mind entrainment and control are, people still know something is wrong, their intuition tells them there is danger afoot. But when we don’t listen to “the still small voice”, that prompting within or our “tingling Spidey sense” we usually miss opportunities, we get suckered, we end up in the wrong place or screwed big time. Take a minute to listen to your higher self, it will save your life!
From an outer pot
Mar 16, 2023
Militarized Healthcare
CHD: RFK, Jr. and Sasha Latypova
Sasha Latypova . . . details the corruption in clinical trials and vaccine manufacturing as well as their relationship to product manufacturer recalls and legal frameworks for regulatory agencies and countermeasures programs.
Pfizer’s Original Defence (@23:50 in video)
Feb 5, 2023
Sasha Latypova – COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm
Pandemic Strategies, Lessons And Consequences
Stockholm, 21st- 22nd January 2023
Katherine Watt’s Substack
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program
Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.
Apr 29, 2022
Research and organizing tool first posted April 28, 2022, subject to ongoing revision as new information comes to light. Last updated Feb. 12, 2023.
Excellent reference links! I’ve been following these linked investigations for months. Also this excellent journalist:
Russian Military Acquired More Than 20,000 Documents from US Biolab Programs (
The $3 Trillion SubStack on How to Destroy Pfizer in Court
Might be a boil over coming.
The Jan 6th propaganda and nonsense has finally been exposed as the Soviet-style show trial that it was. (Still yet to come, proof that it was an FBI sting).
Well, now that the cover has been blown by people seeing the hidden tapes, it is time for the corrupt justice department to knock over the table.
News headlines are everywhere that Trump is to be arrested next week. Sounds like this is more than just the usual swamp gas newz (we shall see).
If they want a boil over this is the way to get it.
The Jan 6th show trial was gauged to paint Trump supporters as “Domestic Terrorists”.
Now that Jan 6th has been thwarted they need to up the gambit and really try for a violent reaction.
Stand by.
Hundreds of people are going to be indicted all at once is what I heard in the news. Using their geofence of pinging cell phone data they bought. All of the people who crossed the barricades and simply stood outside the Capitol building. Such data has since been made illegal for private enterprise to acquire because of the documentary 2000 Mules. How ironic is that. The very data that proves without a doubt that there was not only a steal but who actually did the stealing. It cannot get any more corrupt. The very reason all those people went to Washington on Jan 6th in the first place. Only the government can decide who is allowed to use the data and how. This is how the left works. Lie. Cheat. Steal. Murder. The ends justify the means. After all, the world is coming to an end because we use fossil fuels and Republicans are threatening the Democrats’ agenda of saving the world. It cannot get any more insane.
Do you get that you sound like a moron spouting this sort of nonsense.
We should all be aware of what they are doing to the people who came to protest. At this point, it really does not matter one bit what they were protesting, what matters is that what they did was hardly an insurrection. Most of them still seem to think elections really matter, at least that is what I saw when I watched a few brief clips of it. And in those clips, if one is really looking critically at them, we see that people were pretty much invited to come on in and do what they must.
Do you think inviting someone in and then charging them with criminal trespass should be legal? Do you think those same people should be subjected to the full surveillance state treatment – bank accounts frozen, felony charges pending, the need to hire lawyers and possibly spend every dime you still may have access to defending yourself against what are obviously specious charges at best? Do you think facial recognition should be used to track down people who protested, to charge them, to smear them with charges of treason when all they really did was protest what they consider an illegitimate election? Think that won’t be used on “our side” one fine day?
And all that is happening while the real criminals who’ve sold us all out every damned chance they get laugh and tell you that “those people” are crazy insurrectionists? Those same criminals go on and on about how terrified they were of a bunch of people who were angry and dared to breach the building where the sold-out frauds do their fucking over of the people they supposedly represent? And all that protest OPENLY organized on Facebook? But the fearful sold-out politicians didn’t know about it? Capital Police taking down barricades and letting the angry populace in now constitutes a coup? Good God.
THAT is the lesson – what goes around will come around. The example we are all seeing in real time should scare the living daylights out of us, ALL OF US, no matter which side of the artificial divide one chooses. A divide created and nurtured by those who want full control over everything you say, do, or think. Or eat, drink, or breathe for fucks sake.
But hey, I’m just another moron with an internet connection. Another moron who watches this kind of shit go down and is concerned about it. What an idiot….
Elements were plotting a very real insurrection but that hardly applies to everyone involved. As far as I can tell there are several distinct categories — just turning up, moving past the (broken) barricades, invading/damaging the Capitol and actually plotting a legal strategy using the chaos to usurp the transition of power. Most are just ordinary people who may or may not be misguided depending on your opinion — the worst that should happen to them is a warning. The line gets crossed when you attack people or property (but in the case of Jan 6th its hardly insurrection — try criminal damage/assault). The ‘behind the scenes crew’ with their plans and novel legal strategies, that’s a whole different category
The problem is that once the wheels of ‘justice’ start turning there’s a tendency to turn everything up to ’11’. I fear that too many ordinary people will be martyred even as the real puerps escape Scot-free to do it better next time.
I am laughing at you.
Simple and plain; keep yer commentary on Ausfailia.
At least you could provide actual counter evidence… BUT YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO.}
Actually, I think someone is abusing Marilyn’s e-mail.
Based on her previous comments, the one-liner just doesn’t compute.
I’m afraid to say that this ‘nonsense’, in time, is going to leave you looking like a moron. There are lots of facts and footage out there Marilyn. They must have passed you by.
Levi Tate’s post is correct in its entirety.
If FBI agent provocateurs don’t elicit a violent enough reaction
then what is their Plan B?
As you may recall, there was a mystery pipe bomb planter in Washington DC
the day before the Jan 6th protest. Our highly dedicated law enforcement never revealed who was responsible (snark).
What is the FBI capable of these days? We know that they assassinated Martin Luther King, Jr for example. Have they reformed their ways? Let us hope those days are all in the past.
And who hired the shooters at the Maidan Coup? Shooters that shot protesters and police alike. The Coup itself we know was stage managed out of Washington, but the shootings too? Hope not. Maybe London or Langley?
Jan 6th redux? Or Maidan Coup redux?
On March 23, 2023 (3/23/23) perhaps?
I believe enough people are awake. The challenge is as a friend said to me recently, we know what has to be done to stop the tyranny but we do not yet have the courage or the desperation to do it.
Most people I now speak with will say privately they know they were lied to — but still also hope the whole thing will just go away if we ignore it and leave it alone. And, alas, they act in public based on that (hopeless) hope.
If they hadn’t experienced vaxx injury – either first hand or somebody close – they’d be saying: “Well I got the jabs and I’m okay!”
Mar 16, 2023
“Small fiber neuropathy feels like you’re on fire…In my case, it was in my ribcage all the way down my spine.”
Former Pussycat Dolls member @JSutta is going public for the first time about her COVID-19 #vaccine injury.
[9 min vid]
Kyle’s vaccine complication
Dr. John Campbell
Oct 21, 2021
Pro Vaxx ?
Three downvotes. Have we morphed into a pro vaxx site ?
Humanity is in a pot, within a pot, within a pot. Not only is the water getting hotter, but new inner pots are emerging and the walls of the established outer pots get higher. People “wake up” from within an inner pot and merely jump outwards into the next one. They then experience the togetherness of meeting like-minded pot jumpers and they get to feel superior as they look at those they’ve left behind.
Then there are those who just smoke pot and don’t much care where they are
“There are just people that shop at CostCo and don’t care where they are.”
“There are just people that play the stock market and don’t care where they are.”
“There are just people that a fifth of scotch a day and don’t care where they are.”
Don’t fall asleep for too long. The rogue gov’t of Blighty just ran another of their ‘training’ exercises against a biological attack. The same sort of training just before the London bombing, and during!
Was that daring, or taking the piss? When one does some research they find it’s the latter.
The next false flag is already on its way.
23rd March – Equinox.
One of the biggest date in the Ritual Astro calendar of the year.
In fact the exercise i mentioned may have been simulating what i think was meant to be a Russian invasion of the south coast. Maybe they are expecting an Armada to show up? It would explain the propaganda we are hearing. Rulers in charge, good, foreigners who don’t play rulers ball, bad.
The hilarious reality is that Russia could with conventional warhead hypersonics tale out ALL of Blighty’s defense without any nuclear fall out to harm the population.
Even funnier, preparing for a WW2 invasion!
Blighty’s navy can’t even stop a few migrants in dinghy’s from crossing the channel.
The Equinox is the 23rd this year? I’ve never seen it any later than the 22nd. So obviously it’s far more this time around than a mere calendar quirk. I guess the occultists have completely taken over?
this year’s spring equal day equal nite falls on 20th march in the evening
Pluto’s Move Into Aquarius Is the Biggest Astrological Transit of the Year – 23rd March. Powered up by the Equinox energy.Massive date.
In Australia, Equinox on 21 at 7.25am, New Moon on 22nd (both at beginning of Aries) and Pluto moves into Aquarius on 23rd March. Massive changes coming this year especially – could be some good news
“imminent death WITH a fight, with a WILL to fight, with a strong and immutable DESIRE to set things straight, seems to me far better than ignorance.”
It’s absolutely crucial here to make a distinction between a natural death and a death caused by crazed oligarchs who’ve decided they want this realm and all that’s in it to themselves. The former has to be accepted; the latter opposed. The latter of course try to blur the distinction.
An inability not to accept the former leads into Gnosticism and Luciferianism. Those on this path may think they possess profound truths – that they are Roy Batty redux – but really they’re like pissy teenagers. Nobody said it’s easy but we are given the tools to cope if only we will use them and the alternative sets one on a path to a hatred of the physical, 6 year olds on gender journeys and a god complex.
There are days when i envy my Missus … she’s from the totally NFI brigade. Lucky devil …
How can I ‘un-know’ the little bit that I know?
I rise you, your frog for my frog 😀
Denial …Yes. There is an interesting website about denial, here. The guy certainly has a point.
Reportedly, Henry Kissinger once asked some Chinese guy what he thought of the French Revolution, whereupon the Chink retorts, “It’s too early to tell.” I, too, like to take many a step back and look at things from a broader perspective.
So, imagine yourself out in space (if the celestial arrangement exists the way we’ve been taught) observing the goings-on on Earth. You have all sorts of species, including two-legged creatures who somehow acquired the ability to think in abstract terms and create all sorts of schemes as well as devise clever technologies to make life easier for their lazy asses.
These two-legged bastards have not only stumbled on resources (fossil fuels) allowing them to live vastly beyond the level of luxury that would be achievable by living off the land they occupy, but they have also created all sorts of abstract schemes allowing them to shift their current prosperity in space and time. The latter refers to the financial system and debt.
These clever schemes through which the two-legged cretins achieve prosperity depend on the availability of energy/fuel, i.e. fossil fuels. Without them, the just-in-time-like system is as good as fucked. It appears that fuel is now becoming scarcer and if it isn’t, it will run out some day because of its ever-increasing extraction.
At the same time, the financial system has grown completely divorced from the underlying actual physical economy and, at the same time, the debt schemes are catching up with us, where what’s been mathematically and logically obvious to those who wanted to see it – the fact that the fucking debt can never be repaid and is bound to result in a crash – is now happening.
The ship has run aground. The two-legged idiots have fucked themselves into a corner.
It’s important to understand that it is the aforestated, in general terms, what constitutes the underlying predicament of whatever is happening in the world.
COVID, transmotherfuckerism, Uki war, this and that and the other things are only the inevitable consequences.
It would be a good thing to keep that in mind in addressing issues that concern stuff that exists solely within the realm of the above abstract systems. Because you can’t cheat the underlying physical reality, at least not indefinitely.
You know I could pretty easily turn off the computer, the iPhone, say bye to Twitter, OffG, Last American Vagabond, Corbett, Henningsen, UK Column, John Rappaport, Paul Craig Roberts, Scott Ritter, Dellingpod, Jimmy Dore, Grey Zone, The Duran, Caitlin Johnstone, Marc Crispin Miller, alls ya’all. Ya’all ain’t nothing but bad news making me into Debbie Downer at gatherings. “Know who suddenly dropped dead today?” (wah wah)
But I’m not gonna turn all this off. I’m doubling down and buying a new computer so I can get all the channels blocked by my 15 year old OS, the really dark shit. That’s what I want to see.
The fuck is wrong with me?
You’re a truth-addict. 😉
You’ve fallen for the common delusion among truthers that the more ‘truthing’ you do, the better equipped you’ll be to combat terror, survive the apocalypse, etc. In fact after the plateau it tends to make you less effective. Often because the scale of the problem leads you to abject despair. I call this black pill paralysis or truther disablement syndrome. Or maybe even bourgeois cowardice.
A man let’s call him John, had all the latest knowledge and education but cowered at the thought of the authorities and lived in terror of being taken away. Another man let’s call him Jake, was a simple country man with no education but ready to stove in the heads of any thought police that came for him.
What is called for now is courage, real courage. God is separating the wheat from the chaff.
It was one of those dark nights, moonless. The two men sat in same trench facing the Leviathan, that is the State; they haven’t been introduced and so didn’t spoke to each other. The first man knew a safe and secret passage from the trench to the entrails of the Leviathan wherefrom it could be put to death, but he was s fearful kind of person, not used to taking risks; the second man was a fearless bastard carrying a big bomb on his back.
Late that night the first man jumped out of the trench into the secret passage, unseen, but wet his pants after having made thirty steps; he fell and got dangerously hurt near his destination. The second man jumped like a lion from his place and run towards the Leviathan through the open field; he hadn’t made ten steps when machine guns got him; he exploded into a thousand pieces.
The soldiers were laughing that night at the two characters who dared to challenge the Leviathan but considered if the two men were merged into one, they were finished.
Interesting read: