It’s the trust in the authority, stupid!
Iain Davis

The world is apparently descending into chaos. With events such as the recent collapse of SVB bank adding to the problems allegedly caused by the pseudopandemic and the war in Ukraine, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.
Only a few years ago it was widely recognised that, by nearly every measure, global life outcomes were all improving. Suddenly, we’re all haunted by the spectres of conquest, war, famine and death.
From the cost of living, energy and food crisis, to the threat of a widening international conflict, a climate disaster and now global financial collapse, we seem to be gripped by a global polycrisis. If there is a polycrisis it is entirely man-made.
The good news is we can build something better if we have the will. We are many and we are powerful, while those who seek to exploit crisis to control us are neither.
We just need to understand the problem: our trust in authority.
The Alleged Polycrisis
The world’s economy and its society were not thrown into disarray by a “pandemic disease,” but rather by the global policy response to an alleged pandemic disease. Similarly, the war in Ukraine isn’t causing a complete realignment of the International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS), the “regionalisation” of supply chains, an energy crisis or giving rise to a multipolar world order. Once again, it is the “sanctions” and the geopolitical policy response to the war that is throwing the planet, and all of us, deeper into turmoil.
There is no doubt that international chaos is the result of the deliberate actions of policy makers. The only question is if chaos is the intended outcome of their decisions? All the evidence suggests that it is.
We can reasonably ask what purpose these so-called “leaders” serve? It seems those we mistakenly trust to make decisions for us are either useless or mendacious.
As pointed out by John Titus, there is no honesty about the true nature of the real global risks we face. The so-called World “Economic” Forum (WEF) released its farcically named Global Risks Report 2023 in which it listed every single risk it could imagine apart from the banking and financial risks—about which it is supposedly “expert”—that really does threaten to destabilise the planet. This risk too is entirely man-made and is the result of the monetary policies of private central banks, notably the Fed and the Bank For International Settlements (BIS).
The WEF, which describes itself as “the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation,” is among the stalwarts of the Establishment that will never disclose the true “risks.” Prattling on about the “polycrisis” it want’s us all to fear, the WEF, acting as saviour, offers its proposed solution:
The sheer scale of humanitarian and environmental crises showcases broader paralysis and ineffectiveness of key multilateral mechanisms in addressing crises facing the global order, spiralling downwards into a self-perpetuating and compounding polycrises. [. . .] As global risks become more intertwined, preparedness also needs to become more of a shared responsibility between sectors, with local and national governments, business and civil society each playing to their strengths, rather than traditional models of governments addressing market failures when they occur. For example, private-public partnerships can help close key gaps in innovation, financing, governance and implementation of preparedness measures for emerging and well established risks. [. . .] [M]ost global risks are ‘owned’ by no one and sit outside the direct control of any one public or private sector entity – meaning many global risks are most effectively tackled through coordinated, global action. Respondents to the GRPS [the WEF’s own “risk” report] shared their views. [. . .] The majority consider national governments, multi-country efforts and international organizations to be the most relevant stakeholders for governing these global risks. [. . .]
Unsurprisingly perhaps, the WEF has concluded that the polycrisis it has made up means that “traditional models of government” are no longer of any use. Instead, multilateral mechanisms, via organisation like the UN and its various agencies, such as the WHO and the Wold Bank, must hand global governance over to a global public-private partnership (G3P). The G3P thus affords global authority to banks and other private corporations which, the WEF tells us, will “govern these global risks.”
The good news for the WEF is that every one of its government “partners” agrees. For example, as acknowledged by Presidents Putin and Xi:
The sides [Russian and Chinese governments] call on all States [. . .] to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order, seek genuine multipolarity with the United Nations and its Security Council playing a central and coordinating role. [. . .] The G20 format as an important forum for discussing international economic cooperation issues and anti-crisis response measures, [. . .] in such areas as the international fight against epidemics, world economic recovery, inclusive sustainable development, improving the global economic governance system in a fair and rational manner to collectively address global challenges.
It seems the Russian and Chinese governments also believe in the polycrisis. They too assert that “international economic cooperation” is essential to combat the multifaceted, crisis of everything.
The G20’s discussion of “international economic cooperation issues and anti-crisis response measures” led to the 2022 Bali Leaders Declaration, which states:
We designated the G20 the premier forum for global economic cooperation, and today we reaffirm our commitment to cooperate as we, once again, address serious global economic challenges. [. . .] We met in Bali [. . .] at a time of unparalleled multidimensional crises. We have experienced the devastation brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, and other challenges including climate change, which has caused economic downturn, increased poverty, slowed global recovery, and hindered the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. [. . .] We will make public investments and structural reforms, promote private investments, and strengthen multilateral trade and resilience of global supply chains, to support long-term growth, sustainable and inclusive, green and just transitions [. . .] through a greater variety of innovative financing sources and instruments, including to catalyze private investment, to support the achievement of the SDGs.
The Bali Declaration notes the G20 commitment “to accelerate achievement of the SDGs [Sustainable Develoipment Goals].” The purpose of the WEF’s strategic partnership with the UN is to “accelerate implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
A lot was made of the WEF’s decision to exclude Russian delegates from its meetings and formally cut ties with Russian corporations. This was essentially a PR exercise to convince people that there was some sort of disagreement between the WEF’s stakeholder capitalists and Russia’s. In truth, there is no practical “split.”
The G20’s Declaration, just like the WEF’s risk report, contends that “unparalleled multidimensional crises”—polycrisis—justifies transitioning the world to a system of public-private global governance. The Russian government played a key role in drawing up the Bali Declaration. There is absolute agreement between East and West in this regard.
This is not to suggest that there isn’t genuine disagreement between nations states, or between other G3P stakeholders for that matter. But the conflict arises as they jostle for position within one, proposed global governance system.
The G20’s Declaration enthusiastically promotes Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC):
We support continued implementation of the G20 Roadmap for Enhancing Cross-Border Payments. [. . .] We encourage central banks, other public authorities and the payments industry to continue to work collaboratively on these important initiatives. [. . .] We also welcome the joint report by the BIS [Bank for International Settlements] CPMI, BISIH [BIS Inovation Hubs], IMF, and World Bank on options for access to and interoperability of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) for cross-border payments. [. . .] We welcome continued exploration of how CBDCs could potentially be designed to facilitate cross-border payments, while preserving the stability and integrity of the international monetary and financial system.
Unlike the entirely fabricated “multidimensional” – “polycrisis,” CBDC presents a real risk to humanity. The solution to the concocted problem is the actual threat.
Interoperable CBDC “cross border payments” will ensure a single, centrally controlled system of programmable money. Able to determine every aspect of our use of CBDC, if we adopt it, the global network of international bankers that steers the G3P will control our lives.
Our best bet appears to be to protest, lobby or press for reform as best we can. Unfortunately, as we are seeing in France at the moment, public anger at politicians, who continue to make policy decisions in the interests of no one but the parasite class, threatens to boil over. Our only other seemingly available option is to elect another bunch of idiot puppets who will also serve the parasite class and the G3P.
Like the cave dwellers watching shadows on the wall, we are transfixed by controlled illusions leaving us blind to reality. We will never see what is in front of our eyes unless we look in the right direction.
The Real threat
In 1998, then UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, delivered the keynote Davos address to the WEF. Describing what he called a “quiet revolution,” Annan said that a “fundamental shift” had occurred as the UN had undergone a “complete overhaul”:
[. . .] peace and prosperity cannot be achieved without partnerships involving governments, international organizations, the business community and civil society. [. . .] The business of the United Nations involves the businesses of the world.
In 2005, the UN specialist agency, the WHO, published its Connecting For Health strategy document. It described the impact of the Millennium Development Goals—subsequently re-branded Sustainable Development Goals—on the international policy framework for public health provision:
These changes occurred in a world of revised expectations about the role of government: that the public sector has neither the financial nor the institutional resources to meet their challenges, and that a mix of public and private resources is required. [. . .] Governments can create an enabling environment, and invest in equity, access and innovation.
The revised role of governments, decreed at the global governance level by the UN, meant that they were no longer leading anything. The traditional policy-makers weren’t making policy anymore; other G3P partners were. These new policy makers were called “stakeholders.”
Stakeholder capitalism was pioneered by the current executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, in the 1970s. It was promoted as so-called responsible capitalism suggesting that multinational corporations, such as international banks, should be empowered to act as “trustees” of society.
In “What Kind of Capitalism Do We Want,” Schwab outlined the WEF’s crazy idea:
Stakeholder capitalism, a model I first proposed a half-century ago, positions private corporations as trustees of society, and is clearly the best response to today’s social and environmental challenges.
Schwab’s conspicuous use of the word “trustee” implies a specific legal interpretation:
The person appointed, or required by law, to execute a trust; one in whom an estate, interest, or power is vested, under an express or implied agreement to administer or exercise it for the benefit or to the use of another.”
While we are all distracted the never ending tripe we are force-fed about the polycrisis, global governance has firmly pivoted towards “stakeholder capitalism.” Government are merely the subservient “partners” in this model.
As evidenced by the Bali declaration—alongside numerous other documents and high profile political statements—all governments are willing to be relegated to the role of G3P “enablers.” They all embrace the new model of global governance, no matter what ludicrous claptrap we are told about the promise of a “multipolar world order.”
Faced with this problem, what are we to do? Are we destined simply to be cattle on the G3P’s tax farm?
Perhaps not: if there is one overriding fear that fills the nightmares of the parasite class, its stakeholders and political minions, it is the loss of our “trust.”
The theme of the the WEF’s 2022 Davos soirée was “Working Together, Restoring Trust.” At the gathering, the German Chancellor Olaf Sholz, speaking on behalf of the G3P rather than the German people, said that “restoring trust is our goal.”
The leading globalist thinks tanks are obsessed with the issue of our “trust.” The UK branch of the Carneigie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), which once opined that war was the best way to alter the lives of an entire people, bemoaning the loss of public trust, said:
Trust is the foundation of a functioning democratic system. [. . .] [I]n order for people to feel positive about participating in democratic processes and decision making, it is essential to have public trust at all levels.
Governments too are terrified that we will no longer “trust” them. The reason they are desperate to censor the internet is that they fear the public’s ability to openly share information. Any information that questions the state—or the ruling parasite establishment—is labelled “misinformation” or “disinformation.”
Freedom of speech has become “information pollution” as intergovernmental organisations, such as the EU, seek to shut down the free and open exchange of ideas and information. Nothing could be less “democratic,” but these dangerous toadies are perfectly willing to defy all democratic ideals while having the temerity to claim they are defending democracy.
It is a sick joke:
Democracies around the world are facing a proliferation of false information, which may have the potential to destabilise their democratic institutions, and undermine the trust of citizens. To address misinformation, disinformation and foreign interference, different policy responses are required.
These lunatics seriously want us to believe that we should allow our representative governments to define the truth. They will decree what information is false and what isn’t.
All of this bilge about “disinformation” is itself “dezinformatsiya.” Democracy has absolutely nothing to do with our trust in “democratic institutions.” Democracy has everything to do with our control of the decision making process.
Alleged “representative democracy” has always been based upon the idea that we hand that control over to those who lead these “institutions.” Representative democracy is the antithesis of “democracy.”
It’s the Trust In Authority, Stupid!
We are being farmed by a parasitic bunch of robber barons and grifters whose whole empire is built upon one underlying premise: we trust their authority.
Perhaps it is fairer to say that most of us trust our “representative’s” alleged authority. As long as we continue to labour under the illusion that we can elect “new leaders” we will remain lost. In reality we can’t. The parasite establishment of stakeholders (G3P), that actually defines policy, isn’t elected by anyone.
In 1992, the media commentator and Clinton election campaign manager, James Carville, came up with the sound-bite “the economy, stupid.” This has become the widely paraphrased saying, ‘it’s the economy, stupid.’
Carville’s truism is now used to illustrate that, regardless of other domestic and foreign policy concerns, what really matter to people—us—is the economy. It is the wellspring of our polity.
For the parasite class led G3P, the facade of their power is maintained only as long as we trust it. Without any condescension, we must equally recognise the wellspring of that power.
It’s the trust in authority, stupid!
The whole point of CBDC, Digital ID, biosecurity and censorship is to entrap us in a system that has tangible power. Should the G3P succeed then our “trust” will matter less. We will face very real limitations once the global digital surveillance state is installed.
We are not quite at that point yet, and there is no reason why we should ever be. In order to avert enslavement the change we need to make is first and foremost psychological.
We have to wake up and realise that nothing any government ever does is for our benefit. We have no reason at all to trust anything governments say and we need to stop believing their propaganda.
G3P power only exists because we imagine that it does. Based upon this misapprehension, we consequently behave as instructed by its representatives. The moment we realise, en masse, that its claimed authority is a charade, that alleged “power” evaporates in an instant.
All the G3P is left with then is violence and simple mathematics dictates that it cannot succeed. This is the real reason why the parasites are so fearful of loosing our “trust.” The G3P is frantically exploiting the fabled polycrisis in a desperate effort to lock us up before we come to see its “authority” scam.
Despite apparent animosities, all governments agree upon one, single model of global governance. And it is this which represents the greatest “risk” to humanity. No “authority” will ever provide us with a solution because “authority” is the problem.
Forget about the polycrisis. It’s a propaganda device.
Millions of us protested against the Iraq War, millions more later protested against the imposition of lockdown restrictions. The only difference between the two mass uprisings is that the Iraq War protests received relatively accurate news coverage. These protests didn’t make any difference because the parasite class don’t get killed in wars and don’t endure poverty.
While we should use all peaceable means at our disposal to maintain what pressure we can, it is hopelessly unrealistic to expect the political process or protests to deliver any real change. Whenever protests become violent all it achieves is to give the state an opportunity to claim legitimacy for its crack downs and impositions of martial law.
We don’t need to engage in bloody revolution to build a better future. We just need to realise the true nature of our immense power.
There is no single solution but if we, for example, understand the true meaning of democracy and exercise the power of jury annulment; if we grasp the real intention of our constitutions and establish our own common law courts if necessary; if we exercise consumer choice and abandon convenience in favour of actively pursuing ethical choices, such as insisting upon cash only payment, and if we consciously focus upon the decisions we make every day, consistently moving towards freedom and away from state control, we can stop G3P plans in their tracks.
To do this we will have to finally accept that obedience is not a virtue. Obedience to authority is not a new problem, but the scale of ambition and the technological capability of the parasite class is.
Approximately 500 years ago, Etienne de La Boétie explored the “Politics of Obedience” in his Discourse of Voluntary Servitude. Speaking about our obedience to authority, he wrote:
To see an endless multitude of people not merely obeying, but driven to servility? [. . .] They suffer plundering, wantonness, cruelty, not from an army, not from a barbarian horde [. . .], but from a single little man. [. . .] Shall we say that those who serve him are cowardly and faint-hearted? [. . .] [S]uch an attitude indicates indifference rather than cowardice? [. . .] What monstrous vice, then, is this which does not even deserve to be called cowardice, a vice for which no term can be found vile enough, which nature herself disavows and our tongues refuse to name?
Obedience is a truly “monstrous vice.” It allows us to indulge in the luxury of convenience and to renege on our duty to take responsibility for our own lives and actions. “obedience” prefers instead to devolve rights, and thus decision making, to others.
We are going to have to make sacrifices if we want to avoid living under the yoke of a G3P global governance tyranny. But we have long suffered the destructive rule of government. We can and we must construct a better society based upon the principles of Natural Law and spontaneous order. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Etienne de La Boétie solution was as true then as it is now:
Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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Here’s from a Serb, who run away from war back in 91 at the tender age of 26. Grew up in a socialist country led by a communist party. Lived in the UK, settled near Sydney since the end of the century give or take.
I was always attracted by writings of Kropotkin, Proudhon, Bakunin, Chomsky and other anarchists. I do believe we don’t need government to tell us how to live and who to conduct business with.
Having said that, I feel a need to point out to Iain and all the following: We are not there yet. The world we live in is unfortunately far from natural anarchism. I discern same globalist tendencies that you do, but I don’t think ‘we’ are intelligent enough to understand what is going on. I hear the UK has average IQ of 100. This is a devastatingly poor result in a country that is among the richest and best travelled in the world. Had everyone in the UK had approximately the same class privileges I wager the IQ would be much higher.
So, while we’re stuck with this world, I think we should look at actions rather than words of the protagonists.
Firstly who are they. You posit they are the WEF, UN, World Bank, BIS, Who etc, but you must also recognise that their power is waning, at least this is beyond doubt the case in the global south. This ought to suggest that they are soon going to cease being significant players, if they haven’t already.
Who then remains as potential protagonists?
I think I can see a national state being it, or more precisely a civilisational state (to quote Lavrov). This is what gives rise to the concept of multipolarity.
This is what also divides the west from the rest of the world.
Another thing that does the same is the mindset. In order to see this it is necessary to see the world with eyes that aren’t western. By this I don’t mean renounce the west, or succumb to some misguided guilt;t complex, no! I simply mean this: understand that you, or us if you prefer, or west, or the white people, are no more than 15% of the humanity, and while we achieved a lot to be envied, we always forget about the others. And this, I feel, is where you fail dear Iain. Otherwise great article, as is often the case. Thank you. DG
Rules are for fools.
Somehow this never seems to pan out well for the masses. So here goes…. fools need rules.
“Most solution proposals for government, ecology, economy, equality, energy, infrastructure, society, etc., though conceptually viable, require an inherently IMPOSSIBLE consensus. Current world policy appears to be fueled by a wealthy, powerful, and unaccountable Ignorati who exhibit no awareness whatsoever of how life on Earth actually succeeds. ‘What could go wrong?’ Our predicament is unprecedented. Any successful solution that matches our plight in magnitude must surely lie beyond what is currently tangible.
‘There is one human story. Dressed in new clothing and using new tools, we endlessly relive it. If we read philosophy, literature, history, poetry, and theology – we see greed, hedonism, and hubris easily defeat empathy and reason.’ – The Last Act of the Human Comedy – Chris Hedges
‘The most important point to be made here is that as long as we remain egocentric beings, there shall always be sociopaths and psychopaths among us, who inevitably rise to authority driven by selfishness, greed, and apathy – who then capsize their entire sphere of influence despite the best intentions of all the rest of us. This perpetual cycle can only continue its descent until we undergo the spiritual and cultural transformation available by transmuting the egocentricity at its root.’ – The Project“
Sincere sympathy to Iain Davis for his lack of an “E”. Unfortunately I have only one and therefore none to spare. Nonetheless, he has done here a very fine job.
Etienne de la Boetie gave us the fix: withdraw support. Not votes or taxes, for modern government has found ways to do without either; just LABOR.
When nobody will work for government, it will implode.
To repudiate a government job, of course one must be disgusted with the employer. Therefore one must learn why all that’s taught about him in government schools is wrong. One place such an education is available is at – choose the Entrée.
Jim Davies… with an E
As usual, Iain Davis gets to the heart of the matter:
“Faced with this problem, what are we to do? Are we destined simply to be cattle on the G3P’s tax farm?
Perhaps not: if there is one overriding fear that fills the nightmares of the parasite class, its stakeholders and political minions, it is the loss of our “trust.”
The theme of the the WEF’s 2022 Davos soirée was “Working Together, Restoring Trust.” At the gathering, the German Chancellor Olaf Sholz, speaking on behalf of the G3P rather than the German people, said that “restoring trust is our goal.”
The leading globalist thinks tanks are obsessed with the issue of our “trust.” The UK branch of the Carneigie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), which once opined that war was the best way to alter the lives of an entire people, bemoaning the loss of public trust, said:
Unfortunately for any proposed solution humankind are social animals, and trust is the foundation of society. Russian evolutionist and world-betterer Prince Kropotkin described how the reindeer trust their Leader who “Leadeth us into green pastures” through the Siberian snow. There are good Leaders like Putin who can heal a broken country, and bad Leaders like the plague of rats that afflict “the West”. So, when we ponder where to put our trust, we must be “as subtle as serpents and as harmless as doves”.
There comes a time when “the whole rotten ship of State must be smashed and rebuilt on a new keel”. There comes a time when, as the Dutch Boers have shown, ordinary people will found a new party and win a stunning electoral success because the electorate recognise common sense. But most of the time, we have only a few simple principles to guide us, handed down from the great intellects of the past:
“Do not Lie. Do not Steal. Do not Kill. Do not bear False Witness. Do not be a Venal Judge. Do not covet your neighbour’s property”. Most people would agree with these principles — in principle.
So, why is TB.Liar not in prison — or hung for treason? A country in which such a man — , “a poisonous creature armed with terrible a sting” (Plato, Republic) — can not only walk free for 20 years but be rewarded with “a modest fortune” is not a country in which it is worth debating the concept of Trust.
“Something may come of this masquerade” — Herman Melville, The Confidence Man.
Apparently, no one was listening when Globalist billionaire David Rockefeller said this:
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine & other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plans for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination [i.e., democracy] practiced in past centuries. A quote by David Rockefeller
Of course, these megalomaniacal globalists own most of the mainstream media which they use to incessantly indoctrinate and disinform the gullible public in order to prevent them from waking from their obedient stupor.
Trust in authority means not being able to trust yourself.
The problem is this “external locus of control” that’s drummed into most of us from early childhood onwards. Which means we listen to others for our decision-making, rather than our own inner voice.
It is the task of the mass media to sell the oligarchs’ medicine, no matter how illogical or immediately harmful.
The way I look at the world is that there is a globalist agenda at the apex of the power hierarchy. They call the tune for China, the US, Israel and all other nations. And they are the real enemy of humanity. They are the ones pushing humanity into poverty through their Climate Agenda. And yet there is no Anthropogenic (man made) Climate Change. They are the one’s trying to precipitate a Third World War in the Ukraine. They are the ones attempting to enslave the entire planet through implementation of digital currency and digital ID’s. The purpose of this essay, and my previous essays, is to expose and end this globalist agenda for good.
I think what is required is solidarity among all humans of planet Earth pushing an agenda that benefits us all. Thankfully a new Anti-War movement has begun with a protest in DC on 02/19/2023: Rage Against the War Machine. The primary demand, which I wholly support, is a end to the Russian/Ukraine War. I’ve provided a link to the website at the end of this essay. Hopefully this is the first of many demonstrations. No one wants a Nuclear WW3 between the United States, the EU and Russia.
The Chinese Balloon diversion and the expanding Globalist Clusterfuck against humanity
Biden and other globalists are committing treason and must be stopped
It’s bigger than just a misplaced trust in government.
It’s pervasive. Where I live – Canada – is a perfect, if extreme, example: we live in a society which worships “experts”, “professionals” and credentials. A risk-averse population obsessed with avoiding reponsibility for their own futures and in awe of technological management…and probably the most over-“insured” society on this planet. My neighbours look aghast at me as I say I’m not vaccinated and don’t have house insurance.
Perhaps my mother’s generation started this. They routinely and automatically respected doctors, dentists, government officers, accountants, financial advisors, firemen, city hall, and banks. Perhaps it had something to do with having been born during the Depression…or perhaps it developed out of the technocratic solutions which came to the fore as a result of the 1930s.
I think that’s beginning to change now, which is a GOOD thing.
It was, and has been, going on for 100s of years, if not thousands. No one generation can be blamed. We are all to blame for not holding government accountable and applying justice equally, regardless of a person’s station in the world.
If anyone wants to be saved, it starts by looking in the mirror and confronting yourself and your weaknesses.
You cannot know the enemy unless you know yourself first.
Militaristical scam artist why dont you look in the mirror. What do you know about being yourself other than supplementing your own greedy arse. Where do you pissing live you fascist bastard. What the heck do you know about the European Continent of Everyday People over last Hundred Years. You could care less other than someone other continuing funding your own uselessness. Report on where your OWN Community has kept your investing Wants going. Who paid your last month’s bills, WE DID.
Now, get off your FAT ARSE get out there and TALK to YOUR fellow human beings, where YOU ARE.
Because That’s All you KNOW. Enemy My ARSE You Fannying around Corporation Pinhead. You historically Stink…Mate.
All you did is put together “sentences” of ad hominem attacks, that present no argument and no intellectual value.
People left Europe, and the oppression of European elites and government, to make a better place in the Americas. Now the Central Bank Cartel, that was born of Europeans, and Empirical Interests, is destroying the light of hope of the Americas.
If you want to blame someone for your place in life, look in the mirror.
Try harder at proving you aren’t self projecting.
Hah! Very funny Rubber Dollie.
The previous generation had their good reasons to respect authority.
Academics and Authority took their oath serious, at least people knew what was up and down, and who was the bad and the good guy.
The confusion came with media, new speak and manipulation of language. There is a clear difference between media 50 years ago and the grey media bs today in 2022.
What you describe for Canada is the same all over the Anglo world. The tumour being spread from the City of London.
I doubt your mother’s generation was responsible. Propaganda rubs in the biggest lies repeatedly. Most of the time, the message is a subtle passing reference – to World War 2, insurance, etc. This helps to ostracise doubters, sceptics or (as in the case of “covid”) those with contradictary knowledge/experience, as irresponsible or insane.
I wonder if Iain Davis, reading the comments here, will stick to his view that people will somehow agree ¿
Iain, no doubt early days of bs19 your articles hit legendary status,
now we are back to ..
trust in authority and you take us on a merry go round repeated story of obvious of the allegedly psycho social physical reasons. Yet the nearest people have to the psychical on theses type of comment boards is that appeared everywhere all of a sudden MIC psychologist Derment dick head who switches the blame in that book.
If we are mature enough to see the east verses west divide isnt that divided and they also swallowed the narrative pill, if you’ve got all the money then all that is left is the psychical, as that is based on there inverted spiritually, then its about time it gets mentioned.
We get in to the Christians prophecy’s,the Hebrews have explained why they need this time to happen. even in the Tal**d, you will find reference to 2 meters Concept of “social distancing” is in the T*lm*d, the Tricknology. In tractate Bava Metzia 59b it states “the distance that one must maintain from an ostracized individual” is “four cubits.” A cubit is 18 in., 4 cubits is 72 in., exactly 6 feet.
It is about time this gets mentioned without the fear of being called anti S****c or the pending stopping the seriousness of the conversation which hasn’t been had.
Even the Christian texts mentioned ‘the mark of the beast’.
Seems there is a deliberate attempt to stop the most important conversation…
‘The spiritual reasons’. from them books about this time.
Without that, the covid thing wouldn’t of happened.
The probem with this and every other call to awakening is that it largely falls on deaf ears, because it assumes that people have the ears to listen.
The last 3 years have proved conclusively that a large chunk of the global population does not have the ears and are still primates folllowing their pack leaders. As someone once said- the herd animal is different in kind.
The true sovereign human being seems to not be as common as assumed.
“Narrow is the road and few find it……………………………..”.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
I’m absolutely no fan of the Met – but never judge a “problem” until you’ve seen the “reaction” (from one of the chief Fraud stppges – I wouldn’t normally bother with him but this one’s an exception:
“But there is nothing naive about acknowledging that one model has manifestly failed, and looking for other answers – such as rolling back the very frontiers of policing….. crime itself flourishes in contexts of economic insecurity like bacteria in a petri dish. So a war on poverty and insecure housing would be a far more effective answer to our problems than expanding police numbers. So too is a massive expansion in mental health services.”
Exactly the FEW’s prescription – what an amazing coincidence. If any good will come of this, maybe some coppers will start to realise that their low or mid-level membership of a certain fraternal organisation doesn’t insulate them from ‘The Great Reset’.
The Met’s final decline (If that’s what this is) happened under Cressida Dick. Given she must have been a huge failure at her job, no doubt she’ll be stripped of all honours and other rewards of her failure.
Virtually the same headlines of 2008 on wards, then they cut the police force by 20.000, then alt media and MSM 10 min later, scream ‘no go zones’, show terrible people getting mugged, migrants or the usual shit…something must be done…
When I visited the U.K I was surprised by how many security guards there where in the town center and city’s shops.
For there insurances to be paid, they (shops) must have security guards. (wannabe riod looking couldn’t make the army or police force types that end up doing security)
There cheaper than the police.
“….there’s war on the streets, war in the middle east, but there’s no war on poverty, but there’s a war on drugs so the police can bother me…”
Iain Davis says: ” Whenever protests become violent all it achieves is to give the state an opportunity to claim legitimacy for its crack downs and impositions of martial law”.
Demonstrations are not the only ‘venue’ where physical resistance may be an issue. Is it okay to use physical force to resist physical force? Is it okay to defend oneself from unjust arrest, imprisonment, removal from homes, forced vaccination? Is it okay to resist swat teams from enforcing ‘no gatherings in your homes’?
Didn’t Solzhenitsyn have something to say about this?
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Authorities would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If, if. We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” (Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago)
I suspect lockdowns are actually martial law. I suspect it is not the last time we are going to see ‘lockdown martial law’. I believe the marital law will become more and more harsh, either as a ‘kindler gentler’ harsh as in electronic prisons (aka smart cities) or as real harsh as in (weaponized?) drones looking for maskless people in ‘gatherings’.
James Corbett, July 2021: “This is a civil war. This is happening right now. This is it. And it is not a national civil war, it is a global civil war between the people who are fighting for human freedom and the people who are opposed to human freedom. That is the dividing line. And, unfortunately, I know everyone in this audience has friends and family who are on the other side of that dividing line. And now that many people are actively opposed to your freedom, they have declared themselves to be your enemy. And, unfortunately, that makes the civil war a real thing with a real dividing line and real enemies now. I invite the audience to try not to normalize what is happening right now. And, unfortunately, as are learning right now, not only are you the enemy in the civil war, you will be rounded up and penalized. They are coming–and it will get worse and worse”.
I fear that enough people will not withdraw their support to make a substantial difference. I suspect it will be smaller groups and individuals who must and will mount a campaign to subvert the system. I fear the ‘worse and worse’ that James Corbett mentions will indeed happen. We need to at least be hoping for the best, like Iain Davis says, but we also need to be preparing for the worst.
I frequently call attention to one crucial aspect of how they are imprisoning us by saying the following, which is said numerous times, in many different ways, in the long piece–a how-to manual of sorts– ‘p53 Speaks: Taking Down the Global Predators and the New Fascist World Order” at
Key to their prison for you=5G boxes within reach wherever you are
They did not love freedom enough because it was beaten out of them through centuries of JudeoChristian terrorism. If there is an omnipotent dictator anyway, why try to fight?
Indeed, God, or gods, or whatever one calls this fictitious creature, has always been and so long as people continue believing always will be the ultimate dictator.
They think they’re praying to thank their god for its benevolence; but they’re really praying it clobbers someone else and not them.
When asked what you will do when standing in judgment before this god, you must answer “Spit in its eye!”
If you cannot answer thusly, then you are all set for the dictator jive.
Where exactly does God promise anything, other than sufferance, on this world?
God has laid out the rules by which righteous people live.
Would you argue the world wouldn’t be a better place, if all lived in accordance with the 10 commandments?
Would you argue the world wouldn’t be a better place, if all lived their life, as best as humanly possible, like Christ?
God isn’t anybody’s baby sitter waiting to save them from their own stupidity and lack of discernment and wisdom.
It is called FREE WILL.
I would add, God is there for those who try and seek to live in accordance with the 1’st and the 10 Commandments..
“Indeed, God, or gods, has always been the ultimate dictator.”
Not always. Homer tells how Zeus would like to save the life of Sarpedon but the Cosmic Order overrides the Chief God.
“Then Sleep and Death took Sarpedon to where he was born, a pleasant land” — Illiad.
So you don’t understand what “Free Will” is, and why Yuval Noah Harari, WEF Operative, says “Free Will is over”?
Dictator’s don’t spell out the rules for you in writing, because they dictate the rules from their mouth as they see fit.
That’s right, I never could understand what “Free Will” is Neither in 1950 when taking Philosophy 1, nor today. But I do understand when someone is trying to boss me, and resist.
Who is Yuval Harari? He sounds like a windbag. Like that other windbag who came out with, History is over.
“None so enslaved as those who imagine they are free”. — Goethe.
Being FREE is a state of mind, not something granted by others.
Until you understand that, you will never be free.
Free Will is about the fact that you only control one thing or person in the world, and that is yourself. Where you are in this world and life is the cumulative effect of all the decisions you made.
If you don’t like where you are in life and this world, and need someone to blame, look in the mirror.
eGoing well ?
The idea that everything was going well until recently is not true. We have been eating into resources at a frightening rate for a long time. All the arable land is being cultivated intensely. There are no forests left except on small reserves that are difficult or impossible to use agriculturally due to rocks or terrain or both. Groundwater levels have been dropping for decades.Oil and gas and coal cannot possibly be present in unlimited quantities. Renewables are not economical and have environmental costs of their own. Nuclear power is hazardous as the swept under the carpet disasters at Three Mile Island,Chernobyl and Fukushima have shown. The power grids and communications networks are vulnerable to solar flares.
Going Well ?
The simple fact is that there are too many of us and that we consume too much. Our leaders are powerful plotters with very long term goals but no wisdom. The god they have created urges procreation and production and is contemptuous of the creator.
It seemed as though they realized their mistakes and intended to reverse things with convid and the clot shots. The clot shots have only killed 30 million worldwide so far. That is just five standard holocausts but nowhere near what they had hoped for. Kill Gates made a(nother) fortune selling his vaccine stock but must be very disappointed at the lack of lethality. There has been some easing of the dystopic excesses of the last three years. Have they given up ? Nature benefited not a bit from the plandemic. Dictator Dan and the others kept the pace of construction going at a frantic pace, wiping out vast numbers of gardens and probably a couple of million tres in Australia alone.
‘we have been eating into resources at a frightening rate for a long time’, and whose fault is that!! using artificial fertilisers and artificial everything else ffs
Of higher priority than energy is clean air, water and soil.
Most of the public evasion of sustainability arises from inertia, including religious dogma.
“The simple fact is that there are too many of us”
As Cain said to Abel, when there were less than 20 people on the planet.
UN Extends Authority To Manage “Extreme Global Shocks”
The WEF comes up with a load of problems for which more centralization of power is the solution, what a surprise.
Strange brew:
A rally supporting women’s rights against trans incursions is jostled by the usual trans goon squad. But then:
“Once underway, the event was hijacked by around twenty men wearing black shorts, t-shirts, and masks, all seemingly members of neo-Nazi organisation, the National Socialist Network.”
The Nazi incursion was facilitated by the police, at least one of whom had family connections with the Nazis. This then permitted lots of photo-ops for the whole event to be portrayed as “Far Right”.
On reflection, this strange brew turns out to be strangely familiar. Canadian Freedom Convoy?
And here’s a surprise:
The entire event is presented as a “Nazi march”. As for any other aspect:
“The counter-protestors, mainly from a range of gender rights and pseudo-left groups, were demonstrating against a right-wing anti-transgender rally that the Nazis used to perform their political stunt.”
No mention whatsoever of the women’s movement! The absorption of the women’s protest into the Nazi mould is now complete.
LOL. They were not there for a fight.
We should know by now that the Nazis are the “go to” party for impressive displays that automatically erase inconveniently actual protest movements. The Nazis have always been the West’s “villain of choice”. And there are always splendid ranks of them ever available to put on a panto.
Thought It said special brew. You brits like your hard licker.
lol hahah
“the event was hijacked by around twenty men wearing black shorts”
PG Wodehouse’s immortal Sir Roderick Spode rises from the printed page; He had intended to call his movement the Black Shirts, but black shirts had been all bought up by Sir Oswald, so Sir Roderick dressed his men in Black Shorts.
“Many a jest proves earnest in the womb of time” — Bernard Shaw, John Bull’s Other Island.
The Big Smoke and Mirrors
Republished piece from CJ Hopkin’s blog about his upcoming appearance at Real Left London Conference on Saturday, 3/25. You can read the original here.
What I hope I have time to talk about in London is the resistance to the New Normal, and GloboCap, or whatever anyone needs to call it (I am aware that some of my more conservative readers get very upset when I call it “global capitalism”), the majority of which resistance is coming from the political right and is classically reactionary. I do not mean “reactionary” in a pejorative sense. It is meant to describe the social forces that are resisting — and “resistance” is the key word here — the implementation and enforcement of global-capitalist ideology, which I have repeatedly described as a new form of Gleichschaltung. A lot of people on the political right refer to what I’m calling “global-capitalist ideology” as “Wokism,” or “cultural Marxism,” or whatever. I’m not interested in arguing about labels. I’m interested in understanding what’s happening, and trying to articulate and respond to what is happening, before we end up debating Capitalism versus Marxism in the “conspiracy theorist quarantine camps” (which, the way things are going, might be our own neighborhoods).
The main reason I decided to travel to London and speak at this conference is that it is organized by “the Left,” and I think we all know what a mess “the Left” is, or most of “the Left,” in any event. I’m putting “the Left” in scare quotes because it isn’t “the Left” I came from, or identify with, or recognize. What most people think of and call “the Left” nowadays is an amalgamation of social forces that are completely aligned with global capitalism, and its ideology, and its global Gleichschaltung campaign, and its counterinsurgency operations against the above-mentioned reactionary backlash, which is why it is in the sorry state it is in (or, arguably, no longer exists).
This is an excellent and important piece, thank you.
Trust in ‘authority’? The author really means that trust in the state is misplaced. I think that this a fairly common observed phenomenon in Britain, because far too many Brits are reluctant to acknowledge reality, because it’s far too painful for them to do that. It’s often said that alcoholics won’t do anything to improve their situation until they acknowledge that they have a problem. Another example might be somebody who is carrying too much weight, but won’t do anything about it because they haven’t come to terms with the fact that they’re fat! In this video I describe some of the things that I believe that Brits are in denial about, and make the point that nothing will be done until Brits hold their hands up and admit that they have a problem. When I have told Brits about some of the things the Finns do differently (compared to Britain), the reaction of some that I’ve interacted has been that they’ve gone into a complete meltdown, followed by flat-out denial: you must be lying! I first noticed this when we came to Finland in November 2020 and described the fact that in Finland there was no legal obligation to wear a slave-muzzle, and that life in general was still very normal, e.g. you could still get your haircut!
I also think that it’s fair to say that Britain has had a long and interesting history, and that in many fields, we led the world, e.g. the first country in the world to industrialise. This, I think, has led many Brits to struggle to come to terms with the fact that other countries might do things differently and organise their societies with different structures and systems to the ones used in Britain. From this incorrect starting assumption, a significant proportion of Brits imagine that all countries must be suffering as badly as modern Britain – are they doing this because it makes them feel better about themselves and their situation? Whatever it is, this attitude of denial promotes more small ‘c’ British conservatism. The possibility that other countries might do things better than Britain is all too often met with an angry denial – so nothing changes. The reality of the situation is that many other countries are radically different to Britain, and that the British would benefit greatly from learning and adopting the systems used in other countries
One more time: you can’t fix a problem that you’re not even willing to acknowledge exists.
You don’t seem to understand that industrialisation is not a good thing. Brit-ain indeed led the world to what you see now. Devout royalists believe there is a rock from the imaginary Temple of Solomon under the royal throne.
Deeply astute comment!
One thing people in the West need to get through their head is as follows.
Contrary to what many might think, the unprecedented rise in the living standard in the post-WWII period, essentially the second half of the 20th century, was not achieved by correspondingly higher productivity, ingenuity, free-market economy, even though shit like that did play some role, but by DEBT, plus the ubiquitous pillaging and exploitation of the rest of the world. But DEBT was the most significant factor, namely shifting the cost of current consumption to the future.
Why? The main reason was to secure ample resources for providing the masses with luxuries so as to shut them the fuck up and to convince them that ‘capitalism is better than communism’ so as to prevent them from following the fucking Russkies and the rest of the Second World down the socialist path, which would have spelled the end of the ruling class of the Western Empire – generally the fucks who are presently orchestrating the takeover of the world.
In other words, the luxurious abundant life people in the West have been living, which they naively think is the fruits of their labors to which they’re entitled, has been bought on credit. Our productivity doesn’t match what we get – there is a deficit. Mostly covered by debt and war.
The aforementioned fucks worked hard to bring the commie world down by perverting, draining, suffocating it. What would have happened had the commies won on a global scale, we know not, and it doesn’t really matter because they did not. Anyways, the “capitalists” won, the “communists” lost and have been historically discredited. Socialism, communism, whatever -ism of the 20th century, all those are dead.
The “capitalists” (in essence people bent on subjugating the rest of the world) now have free rein to act as they please. They no longer need to bribe the populace with goodies bought on credit because they don’t need to fear that they’d elect some modern-day bolsheviks who would promptly get rid of them. There is NO alternative (I hope that nobody is stupid to think that electing any of the fuckers from any side of the fake political spectrum would be an alternative). This has been clear since the 1990s, as equality has been eroding ever since.
From where I’m standing, it looks like most people are operating from within the artificial wealth of socioeconomic model of the second half of the 20th century, without taking into account the more general ramifications.
In other words, you’re not being afforded any more credit. And it’s payback time. Well, repossession, really.
Capitalism and communism are the opposing members of a pincer movement on mankind.
Marx and Rothschild were cousins. The Bolsheviks were financed by the banksters. Djugashvili was the first to recognise Israel. Most major Western corporations helped in Djugashvili’s five year plans.The USSR and the West were allies in WW2.
OK, I’m game.
Explain in detail how exactly was the pincer movement supposed to work, using relevant arguments.
Kindly refrain from endlessly idiot remarks about the fact that Marx and Rothschild were cousins that have nothing to do with nothing and constitute the red herring fallacy of guilt by fucking association.
BTW, you forgot to mention – as some other dimwit did on the other day – that socialism/communism, all these collectivist ideologies, are bullshit because the woman Marx preferred to fuck and who preferred to fuck him was of aristocratic background.
BTW, whether the USSR and the West were allies is kinda questionable. They might have been, but they were adversaries or enemies at the same time. It stands to reason that the US got involved largely to prevent the fucking Russians from rolling over the whole of Europe and beyond. Still, even if they were allies, it has no bearing on what I wrote above. It applies nonetheless.
debt arises from usury ie interest=slavery
Lance Reddick (The Wire) has died at 60 of “natural causes”). I’m 61. Oh dear! Better watch out for that mysterious Nature thing!
Obviously we can ALL trust Sunak – the wholly unelected PM. He has released his “tax returns” and despite a multi million pound income paid 22% tax. Yet the top rate of tax in the U.K. is nearly 40%. No need to be confused – they are corrupt crooks.
This is the reason for the push to identity politics. Get the plebs fighting amongst themselves as a distraction while they loot out money and take away our rights.
Don’t forget it pays no tax on everything it has (the majority of its wealth) stashed offshore.
quote from the article “Chaos is the intended outcome of their decisions“.
Chaos is an essential element in Regime change methodology. Take over occurs when chaos is properly managed. Managing outcome of chaos is a “Classical Feature” in the histories of things like Global NAZISM, Global Zionism and in the histories of many religions. <=my opinion.
The Bolshevik revolution (October was the 2nd revolution in 1917(end of WWII in Russia); the first revolution in which the CZAR abdicated came about as a result of 30 years of managed chaos imposed on the Russia society [the take over part of the revolution took place, after the post Czar government failed, it took place mainly in St. Petersburg; then spread]. The capacity to govern after the Czar abdicated (Feb to Oct) was cancelled by media and the implant of the Bolshevik government was made stable by the same media that defeated the Czar government in Russia.
197 people traveled from NYC to take over the highest and most powerful positions in the revolutionary government. No one really noticed who was occupying the positions of power until the day after.. and then it was too late. 32 million Christian white Russians lost their lives to the revolutionary government over the next few years. The every day Russian did not know what happened until it was too late. At least this is my understanding.
Just don’t mention the you know whos.
I always listen very carefully to what government tells me to do. By that way I know to do the exact opposite.
Maybe not the opposite. It is important to keep up with wtat the oliarchy is (a) trying to sell (b) afraid of. This means judicious exposure to propaganda. E.g., watching some of the TV news with the sound turned off.
Well it is *almost* Dread 3/23/23 where I am.
However I am going to head for bed soon believing that the crisis has been averted (until the next one).
Donald Trump is NOT going to be arrested tomorrow. There has been discovered totally exculpatory evidence. That is the latest word. What the news will be when I wake up tomorrow we shall see.
I feared that the arrest of Donald Trump was a setup. Violence of some form would be manufactured to the benefit of the Deep State. Well now I can sleep better. Crisis averted.
Until the next one.
Good night.
It seems that Trump supporters thought the same after Jan 6th. More reporters turned up than protestors.
The question is why would you expect them to help you?? when they told you it was safe and effective that includes Andrew bigden, Sir Christopher chope and Sir Desmond swine.all MIC alt media created to lead the lost back to the voting booth thinking things will be different next time around.
what a repugnant shower of cunts.
T’morrow’s 3-23-23, which adds to 13. Does that mean anything to the powers that sure as hell shouldn’t be?
“That is a big part of the revelation that’s changed my life: the media are part of the control apparatus.”
“Not only are they [the media] part of the problem,” he continued, “but I spent most of my life being part of the problem, defending the Iraq war. I actually did that…. I’ve had a million regrets not being more skeptical, calling people names when I should have listened to what they were saying…. For too long I participated in the culture where I was like, anyone who thinks outside these pre-prescribed lanes is crazy, is a conspiracy theorist [emphasis added]. And I just really regret that.
“The media are not here to inform you. Even on the big things that really matter, like the economy and war and COVID…their job is not to inform you. They are working for the small group of people who actually run the world. They’re their servants. They’re their praetorian guard. And we should treat them with maximum contempt because they have earned it.”
–Tucker Carlson in an interview
Who’s behind Fox anyway; I never did look it up.
Fox is a Murdoch propaganda broadcaster.
Significance of the date 23 March 23 – I would say the entry of Pluto into the sign of Aquarius on that day – power to the people.
This happens only once every 248 years. Last time Pluto was in Aquarius the American War of Independence was raging, the French Revolution occurred along with the first Industrial Revolution.
For those interested in intelligent Astrology,
Powered up with the equinox energy still.
USA Pluto return last year feb 20 was the exact day Russia Ukraine kicked off.(again)
Fox in Gematria is 666- fox means devil.. Murdoch – is marduk.
They get exemplified themselves as you’ve taken the karma on for watching something and knowingly taken something that was named in adv to show you who and what they are.
No excuses.
A solution exist to the media “is part of the control system” problem! That solution is an anti trust solution. Break up the media into millions of small companies.. and deny anyone the right to sit on the board or to be an officer or to be lender to any but one of the millions of small companies. That breakup and redistribution of monopoly power would remove the control system element ” media ” from the control system.
everyone world wide could begin to lobby for that one thing.. Monopoly powered media is a universal problem to governed humanity, it is the maze which keeps the governed humans from achieving their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness goals.
eman, You’re right! FCC was s’posed to prevent some degree of monopoly control, but all the agencies got captured of course.
you missed a 2 in which case it adds up to 51 not 49
…and 51 is equal to 5+1=6. You know what Im saying? SIX = Evilness!
After watching this hilarious, cry/laughing show, I will forever refer to the media as the “news cockatoos”. This is a must watch.
FULL COMEDY SPECIAL | Jim Breuer – ‘Somebody Had to Say It’
Dual citizens behind all of them, lead by AP and Reuter, also dual citizens.
All one need do is BELEIVE!!!
It’s enough to get one into heaven apparently.
Helps greatly with covid too I’m told….
Or is it faith? I’ve misplaced my dictionary…
Even demons believe but they won’t be in heaven…
What has denying a newborn the breast, or even formula, got to do with veganism ?
Has the world gone mad ?
“At least it didnt die from The Gates Jab !” ?
A bad post. Milk is an infant food. Only a lunatic would deprive an infant of mother’s milk. Adults however do not require cows milk and a majority are lactose intolerant. The bugger who posted this is obviously compensated by the vast dairy industry.
Children do not require cow’s milk either. The drinking of cow’s milk is yet another symptom of the Disease that “Native Americans” call Wetiko.
So know we are going to argue about what we can eat?? Eat what you want and let me eat what I want. Let’s not use this space (Off Guardian), while we still have it, for trivial matters.
Do we know the parents were not clot shot ?
It seems the Russian and Chinese governments also believe in the polycrisis. They too assert that “international economic cooperation” is essential to combat the multifaceted, crisis of everything.
Yes, well I hate to say this Iain, but I would tend to agree with them on that. If that is, indeed what they believe.
As John Donne said, “no man is an island”. We cannot live without others. Now, if you’re like me and tend to avoid others you may refute that line of argument. But the fact remains that you can’t grow all of your own food and drink your own spring water. We can’t all be Ray Mears. (lol).
So, you have a choice. Either you can learn to live with and co-operate with others or you can go around with metaphorical daggers drawn, looking for conflict. But you can’t entirely escape your fellow man.
I find the multipolar world as promoted by China to be quite appealing. I neither trust them, nor mistrust them. That’s the real key. Not trusting, but not mistrusting either.
Now the world as promoted by the West has been one of unipolar domination by the US. I’m really not sold on that, especially in its current deranged neocon form and on the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq.
As for Schwab. To be honest, I don’t think he’s nearly as dangerous as many here seem to believe. He’s influential. Undoubtedly. And elected representatives need to stop turning up at Davos for his annual jollies. He needs to be put in his place and be given the middle finger.
But he ain’t going to bomb you. The reason people like Schwab are feared is simply because we have become comfortable in our peaceful Western worlds. We don’t know what war is – we just export it.
Schwab himself won’t be doing the bombing. If there is bombing it will come from our very own leaders, leaders who pay fealty to the Klaus Schwab’s of the world. Schwab himself is more than likely another puppet, playing the part of movie villain, complete with that weird suit he wore in some pic. He’s not necessarily dangerous, although his ideas and those who run him sure as hell are dangerous.
Bombs aren’t the only thing the owners can kill us with. They seem to enjoy the slow killing of the clot shots, industrial toxins, and toxic pharmaceutical products used to treat the diseases all their poisons produce.
To discount the danger of the Schwab’s of the world may be one thing, to discount the danger of those who run him would be foolish in the extreme. As for the West, we’re about to find out what war is, and not just the kind with physical bombs. We’re already under Destabilization 101, but there’s a lot more advanced tactics to come, and soon I think.
At no point did I suggest we shouldn’t cooperate. I emphasised that “we” are powerful and “they”—characters like Schwab—are not. I don’t know what you imagine multipolar global governance wiil deliver but I can list what its proponents, like Xi, are advocating: CBDC, Digital ID, a new centrally controlled glabal IMFS (economy), biosecurity, a revamped “war on terror”, jabs for everything, censorship and information control.
“The moment we realise, en masse, that its claimed authority is a charade…”
And there we have it, at last – our big problem: Which is that we never realize anything en masse.
Only a few of us can be bothered to open our minds to the extent that some basic realizing is going to take place.
Enlightenment is not passively contagious; it has to be pursued deliberately.
But, at a certain point it CAN become contagious…
Yes. When it’s on the doorstep & their toys are taken away.
Removal of all of their assets is what it will take for people to wake up. They think they have everything in the material world but don’t have a clue what’s really at stake.
I fear they’ll just let Uncle Klaus take their toys and they’ll still stay asleep…
The author is correct.
People do trust the authorities, simply because somebody once said they should.
I’m watching one invisible prison being created not far away. No one is even aware of what awaits them, neither do they seem to care as long as the G’mint feed them free money. A trap well laid and now it has sprung into action, but the pain from this trap will come later. Poor fools.
Just wait until they can’t buy their favourite capuccino, then you’ll see action from the angry drug-deprived masses.
No one cares about truth. No one understands. All have turned from God. Try bringing up a truth in any social setting. You will be pushed out.
Truth was hanged by South Park. South Park – Reality is hanged – YouTube
So someone in msm seems to quite precisely knowing whats happening in society. Its not just us.
“We will continue to support Ukraine, no matter how it affects the level of support for our government by the population.”
Italian leader Meloni confirming that she’s not the saviour some proclaimed (because she said some good things about identity, family and other fuzzy stuff). Rather proves Mr Davis’ point.
I’d like to be wrong but the Dutch BBB Party will almost certainly turn out to be cut from the same cloth – not least because BBB is suspiciously redolent of Bring Back Better.
The entire system was infiltrated by the WEF years ago. People are deluded if they think voting will change anything. What’s needed is a complete drain of the swamps.
Direct Democracy.
I see the insurance companies offer Terrorism Insurance.
Bet your bottom dollar it won’t cover SST.
Computers and local networks could be used to get direct democracy to work… if only people would stop signing up to be cops and soldiers!
Could be used….. Now if only I were surrounded by real tech enthusiasts instead of lazy screen gazers….
We need cops. Without them on the streets we would all be in deep deep shit.
Boer Burger Beweging.
It’s the trust in the authority, alt media who sold Italian leader Meloni speeches.
It’s the trust in the authority, alt media who sold….
Dutch Farmer’s Party who happened to be a Creation of Chemical Industry.
No need for Fertilizer, just grow your own and kick your neighbors into doing the same.
I understand. Kick your neighbour in the balls and he will shit out the fertilizer we need.
My carbon footprint on their backsides it all it takes.
“Deadly drug-resistant fungus could become the next pandemic. ”
I must admit, they are consistent with the bullshit.
Treatments for fungus and yeast parts 1 & 2 – including the fear-mongering panic-buttom labeled “pandemic”…
les, this was interesting. Perhaps you know about the fully-developed field of biotoxin illness, as practiced by Ritchie Shoemaker? His site is surviving According to him 24% of the population possesses a genetic susceptibility to tick bites (Lyme) or inhaling of the toxins produced by molds and their bacterial co-factors (mold disease). They’re susceptible cuz they don’t make antibodies to biotoxins & so don’t eliminate them.
There’s a self-administered 10 minute visual test on the site; 90% of people who have biotoxin illness fail the test.
Dr Sircus is not a Terrain theory supporter, to him fungi are invading
pathogenic organism, not part of bacteria life cycle, a response to damaged or decaying tissue…However his treatments are effective for fungus etc, because, as he says, they increase ones oxygen levels…
and that ‘’ site is a promotional advert for “Scrubbing Bubbles” disinfecting products – disinfectants are products i never use…
The bit about Zombie Ant Fungus causing Zombie Ant Syndrome is interesting…I thought it was schooling that zombified, but maybe some Zombie Ant Fungus is in one of those compulsory very numerous infant ‘vaxxes’ ?
That should be
“Deadly drug-resistant fungus could become the next pandemic just after New sci-fi series The Last of Us strangely predicted it.”
May Hem, Hospitals ARE breeding grounds for drug-resistant bacteria. Not surprising if candida fungi have developed a drug-resistant variant. Not a pandemic, just spreading within hospitals.
Another approach is to kill all the good (symbiotic) microbes in the body with medicine including jabs. This allows some danderous ones to flourish. Some parents of retarded children have opined that the DTP jab did that in their infants – who naturally had undeveloped microbiomes and were incapable of raising the alarm in time.
USA March 20
CDC Says It Accidentally Inflated Children’s COVID Death Numbers In ‘Coding Logic Error’
By the early summer of 2020 even the mainstream press admitted that virtually all Covid fatalities from Italy suffered from previous chronic conditions.
By October 2021 Italian newspaper Il Tempo reported that the Italian Institute of Health revised the number of people who have died “from covid” rather than “with covid” from 130,468 to 3,783.
U.k March 5th/22
Matt Hancock : Leaked messages suggest plan to frighten public and
Boris Johnson with Partygate investigation.
The “stakeholders” are not lining up to invest in the new world order (called ESG = environment social governance). Even Vanguard has withdrawn from investment in ESG scams.
2 minute video:
Big pollution took their money back.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-20. Jab expensive state-sponsored self-harm – MP Bridgen, censored. Deaths f/ Gates’ Fav jab 10x Unjabbed (blog, gab, tweet).
“Only a few years ago it was widely recognized that, by nearly every measure, global life outcomes were all improving. Suddenly, we’re all haunted by the spectres of conquest, war, famine and death.”
Really? This way of summing up the situation seems awfully reliant on statistical lies and storybook lines. When I glance at the link to “nearly every measure,” from The Guardian no less, I get select scraps of data, from the same UN behind SDGs and other global rule agenda, highlighting such underwhelming indices as “conditions for the world’s poorest 40%…improving more quickly than for those just above them.” (I get “Oops! Looks like this page does not exist!” when I try the short article’s link for the multidimensional poverty index.)
I’m left imagining that at, say, present respective rates of 0.002% v. 0.001% the bottom of the pecking order will overtake the next level of oppression and wind up starving at a slower pace by the turn of next century when 95% of the world’s population will have been culled anyway by whatever means necessary, good old military and economic warfare or new abnormal biodefense to save people by destroying them.
Since when have we not been haunted by the specters of capitalism and class rule? Well okay, maybe many sheeple are in such deep sleep of the deep state as to be oblivious instead of haunted. But besides common sense that it’s just the same old nightmares of history then, and predictably getting worse now, I recall such tidbits of infowar as Oxfam’s reports, likewise used by the UN, showing progressively stark contrasts of inequality, not among the poor but between rich and poor, as to have handfuls of billionaires controlling wealth dwarfing billions of crumbs among the world’s many, like the bottom 50% or so, easily translated into the kind of power among Giants (Peter Phillips) enabling global coups of the present.
Our present predicaments are unprecedented precisely because of their continuity with around half a century of neoliberal class war building the infrastructure of new world disorder, now being coordinated more quickly and at murderous rates by polycrisis created by shock doctrine disaster capitalism (and damn Naomi Klein for her collaboration with the cabal). If bought and paid for experts jump into the stream of misery since the 70s to discover, or invent, some incidental, insignificant, and irrelevant islands of relief, then consider only fools to find hope in abstraction from reality.
Reality also seems to be lacking to those who call for people to turn to constitutional rule of law fronting for the law of rule, when the corporate state has grown so fascist as to be more brazenly bearing down with its jackboots on human faces, beyond the “inverted totalitarianism” (Sheldon Wolin) already having captured the last remnants of representative governance across executive, legislative, and judicial branches. We’re facing technofascism today because we’ve long been domesticated to authoritarianism past, passively pacified consumers of spectacle quite accustomed to sitting on our asses while selling ourselves into slavery.
It’s not the trust in authority but our fear of freedom which at root demands radicalization in taking back responsibility for our lives, beyond dreams of creature comforts keeping us asleep throughout the death march of progress and civilization. We’re at an historical crossroad and evolutionary turning point where social revolution in the ways we humans organize (re)production of life is necessary if we are to overcome the final solutions now upon us.
This will require so much more than scattered tactics of noncompliance, or bargaining with our masters and hiding from the fight, as with tendering cash on the unfree market or refusing clot shots while biodigital control grids build back better our ultimate doom. It means taking control ourselves of the means of (re)production by which we are ruled, through movements of direct, participatory democracy among the dispossessed masses of us as organized, like an army of labor, as the forces coming at us on all fronts.
La Boetie notwithstanding, no one is free until all are free.
The Genuine Progress Indicator – that evaluates specific costs in 17 countries constituting over 1/2 of humanity – showed a steady decline in overall progress since 1978. -Ida Kubiszewski & Robert Costanza 2013
So, the writer was correct, but did not clarify that the plunder, destruction, expoitation, totalitarianism and mass murder has been globalised for many decades. The change matches the time when GloboCap regained the levers of political power and undid progressive taxation.
Agreed. Well said. But may I suggest that our fear of freedom stems from our inability to understand what it is. I am not advocating the constitutional law of rule, I am pointing towards the principles of freedom outlined in our real constitutions. Chief among them governance by trial by jury in a system of Natural Law.
Trust is the other side of secrecy. As long as there is secrecy, there can be no trust.
Mel K & Author James Howard Kunstler | Centralized Control – Too Big To Succeed | 1-15-22
We all have our secrets. I’m guessing that your name is one of them.
When secrecy demands mass censorship, it’s a fair indication that gaslighting is in effect. I’m not trying to manipulate anyone’s behavior here, just widen the dialogue.
So you are in for total openness to trust. But isnt this precisely what they are giving you? Totalitarian surveillance of every single movement, person and transaction on this planet, and you are happy??
Notice Board
Global 5g Protest for freedom 25-26 March. See you there ?
Brilliant! Thank you Iain.
1st timothy2:1-2
I believe one pathway out of the panopticon is through the understanding and practice of conspiracy. Not as the word has been hashed, but as an ancient and sacred practice, imbued with so much potency, that the ruling cults were forced to make its practice punishable by death. Suppressed for a 1000 years, the word con~spire has been robbed of any resemblance to its etymological root meaning “with breath.”
The ancient cognoscenti knew that if 10 people synchronized their breath with intention, they could change material reality. The Hebrews called this practice a minyan, though today this term has been devitalized to simply mean public prayer. Years ago, I came upon the writings of the 11th Century Arab philosopher Avicenna who expounded on this subject, but I have not been able to source his text since. While this idea resonates strongly for me, I’ve never attempted to actualize it. Perhaps this is now that time, when the 9 will reply with spire, to make manifest our word (logos) …
The problem is that organized black magicians have studied such things for far longer than we have, so trying to reverse the evils that attend that sort of path, without the guidance of exceptional wisdom, is going to lead unwary dabblers to ruin.
My advice to anybody would be, “Just don’t go there”.
I find it ironic that the name Wardropper is associated with knot magic and was used as a way of manifesting desires or intentions for transformation. And, as you’ve so eloquently inferred in other posts (consistent with your name’s ideation), we have the potential to manifest enlightenment deliberately. So my challenge to you, is “where should we go” to manifest the enlightenment you reference?
While I heed your warning that the misuse of any powerful tool can lead to ruin, my call to explore con-spire should not be associated with black magic or the use of supernatural or occult powers for malevolent purposes. Though I remain open to your suggested alternatives, absent the study and correct use of spiritual technology, I do not see how we can unwind the Gordian knot that ensnares us all.
Miss Wardropper was just my favourite teacher at infant school. Not to be taken too seriously as an avatar 🙂
But I found your comment interesting.
I’m not talking about manifesting enlightenment, marvellous though it would be to have such a gift. I’m only suggesting that it is now an individual task for each of us to find it.
I believe the teachings of Buddha and Christ point us in that direction, whereas the Old Testament was trying to instil basic morality into us as a large group.
The teachings of those two characters have some irreconcilable differences and the OId Testament didn’t work out very well, did it ? It is the oldest record of raw hate speech.
Of course they had differences. They were worlds apart. But they also had similarities, and that is all I wanted to mention, because I reckon the similarities are significant.
As for the Old Testament, it served well enough for its time, regardless of what people think of it now.
We have moved on, but a scripture, by definition, can’t do that.
for a previous Avicenna search…and find, I used – IA – .
from Latin conspirare, ‘to agree’, literally ‘to breathe or whisper together’, from spirare ‘to breathe’
The whispering together I think we can all relate to, as per the concept of conspiracy.
Breath was often linked with prayer in Eastern Christian traditions, especially with the Jesus prayer. Some words being said on breathing out and some on breathing in:
It would be interesting to know how Avicenna linked conspire with minyan.
The 10 required for minyan is odd, since it essentially stems from a negative concept. From the 10 spies saying that the promised land of Canaan was unconquerable. Compare dystopia being considered to large to contend with.
10, of course, has more positive connotations elsewhere in scripture. And prayer would obviously be considered helpful in reaching the promised dystopia-free ‘land of Canaan’
We can interpret the word ‘conspiracy’ to also mean “to breathe together”.
What is it about breathing fully–‘with breath’, or ‘to breath together’–that the authorities chose that very word to mean something that threatens them?
I believe it is because they know when people breathe fully they are much less likely to be in, or stay in, a state of fear. Breathing fully is empowering.
We all can benefit from that. We need ways of empowering ourselves to face the tyranny freight train rolling down on top of us. Warriors for freedom who want to takedown the Global Predators, take note.
“A simple technique to enhance breathing and therefore also enhance cognitive and physical abilities while at the same time relieving stress is: at the end of each exhale, try pushing out (exhaling) a bit more with each breath. Then notice what happens to the next inhale.” (from
..and after all this empowering of ourselves we all meet each other some sunny day in front of Capitol Hill with each our poster saying “No to war, we want our freedom”, and thats it. We did it, we made it!
Great comment….
Holotropic breathwork, rebirthing. Tummo Breathing.
Thanks, Iain.
This is not necessarily a sick joke:
“Democracies around the world are facing a proliferation of false information,
which may have the potential to destabilise their democratic institutions,
and undermine the trust of citizens.
To address misinformation, disinformation and foreign interference, different policy responses are required.”
Rather, this could be quite reliably considered as ‘them’ defining themselves and providing the avenue of action required to obstruct their incomprehensibly small minded and self-serving machinations.
I think they use the word trust but what they really want is consent. When one consents to something those who got you to consent can basically say they had your permission. Contract 101, if you consent you don’t get to argue terms consented to. The owners call that trusting them. And of course consent implies obedience. Good article.
They (the would-be controllers) put out a proposal. If we don‘t reply that is called “implied consent”. So they can go ahead with their scheme and not attract any karma.
This is the occult belief and it is how they operate – and how many of us (unknowingly) give our consent by remaining ignorant and/or silent.
From attorney Melvin Stamper’s book Fruit from a Poisonous Tree:
“The scheme also provided for the control of the courts via the 1913 creation of the American Bar Association, whose parent organization was the European International Bar Association, which was the creation of Rothschild. This allowed the International Bankers to control the practice of law, in that the only ones permitted to practice before the courts were those who were educated under their brand of law, which was only Admiralty and Contract law. Common law of the people was to be replaced as it gave the natural man many jurisdictional protections from the bankers’ legislation.”
“Contract law is above the Constitution and under the jurisdiction of Equity/Admiralty courts, so the governments began to contract with everyone. The 1930s saw federal legislation providing for the registration of babies through applications for birth certificates. Government workers could get maternity leave with pay. The States pushed for registration of cars through applications for certificates of title and for registration of land through registration of deeds of trust. Constructive trusts were created secretly by adhesion contracts, giving benefits either present or future and as a result, each of the people blindly walked into the trap of United States democracy and its jurisdiction by the signing of contracts, thereby agreeing to be sureties for the debts of the United States and collateral for the Federal Reserve Bank, Inc.”
Anti-Trust Laws were intended to prevent large monopolies from forming because such monopolies can control prices, eliminate competition and violate free enterprise, which is exactly what the B.A.R. and this Local Rule of Court intended to accomplish! Those Anti-Trust Laws have been modified so many times by B.A.R. Congressmen that they now almost assist in the creation of large monopolies.
An old Maxim of law says it all: “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING.”
While it is popular for the UK / Europe to blame the Fed, without mentioning the BoE and Swiss Banking system, that is intellectually dishonest. The BIS feeds policy to the World Bank and IMF, who in turn direct the national / regional central banks. The Fed and BoE are the most powerful national / regional central banks and are complicit with the greater Central Bank Cartel.
That this article makes no mention of how Israel, and it’s agents, drive most of this policy nightmare, is telling. The Rothschild family, via the BoE, are the ones that established Israel, via the Balfour Agreement with England, and use Israel as Dr. Evil’s HQ and meat shield.
We are all Palestine.
I don’t think we are!
In the eyes of Israel we are.
The Worlds first fund bank was set up by Europes Rothshilds in the International City of London before the Great War. Pre Imperial Russia’s Revolution. The Isreali State resides in Asia. American, Russian and Persian Gulf Region. The State of Isreal is an Independent country., not British.
Idiot. The Rothschilds created Israel.
Palestine was a British Colony that was promised to be given to Rothschild, in the Balfour Agreement, so that Rothchild could turn that colony into Israel.
While we are on the subject of Israel, let us discuss the following:
King David Hotel Bombing
Deir Yassin Massacre
Operation Susannah (Lavon Affair)
USS Liberty Incident
Robert Maxwell and Promis Software
Jonathan Pollard and theft of nuclear tech
Talpiot Program and Unit 8200
Dancing Israelis on 9-11
JFK, RFK, Olof Palme, the Gandhi’s and a lot more.
WB and IMF are US fronts. BIS coordinates central banks directly.
As I understand it, World Bank directs banking and financial policies, where the IMF direct monetary policies. All policies come from the BIS.
I don’t think it matters which of us is correct and seems it is symantics.
Your a Dollie redirection propagandist, and a historical revisionist buffoon.
As hominem attacks only proves that you have no argument.
Historically the declaration was phased written by Lord Milner in Lloyd George War Cabinet 1917., and sent along with correspondance from Balflour to Lord Rothschild. Britain Exception included Holy Sites and Jerusalem.
That doesn’t change the fact that Rothschild took possession of the colony, under the Balfour Agreement, and used that possession to create Israel.
Are you an Israeli apologist?
Grow up tag fuck, if you want to mind GAP to draw some self history conclusive comfortably self fulfilling shite it’s up to you.
Try again without ad hominem attacks and with coherence.
I am a massive fan of Iain Davis, such that I bought his book last year. The only book I have bought recently and nearly finished that comes close is Matt Desmet’s. In some ways it is better, if you think you might have a soul.
I came across this, this afternoon.
It brightened my day up.
Maybe it will yours.
The original is Awesome too.
“India Arie – I Am Light (cover) Mariagerfjord Korskole”