Who Do You Believe, and Why?

Todd Hayen

There is an awful lot of “I know I’m right” chatter going around on both sides. I am just curious, what makes you so sure you are right? And what makes them so sure they are right? Unless you are Einstein or something, I’m sure you are like the rest of us and need to get most of your information from another source.

Sure, you can apply common sense and gut intuition to the information you receive from other expert sources, but I doubt if you would let Uncle Bob do surgery on your brain unless Uncle Bob is a well trained brain surgeon, “hey, let me at that tumour in there, all I need is a good pair of needle nose pliers and I’ll just pluck that nasty little bugger right out.” (Sorry, I just had to revisit Uncle Bob, the DIY Neurosurgeon.) Don’t think so.

So what makes Dr. XYZ neurosurgeon better than Dr. ABC? We don’t need to go into that here, but I am sure you get the point. (See my “sister” article “Creating a World of Distrust” to see a different angle to all of this.) There could be many factors that would make you choose one over the other, and unless you are making your choice in some third world country where the education is known to be dicey, usually your choice is based on the “best of the best,” i.e., most likely any board certified brain surgeon is going to do a good job. Most likely you are not going to diss Dr. ABC if you chose Dr. XYZ and say things like, “Dr. ABC is a complete ass, he doesn’t know a scalpel from a butter knife!” Although that IS possible, most likely that possibility is an outlier on the bell curve.

So let’s look at this idea from the perspective of Covid, pandemics, and what is going on in the world today.

Why is everybody who has made a particular stance on all of this, so damn sure they are right? More importantly, why do they insist on denigrating anyone who is not on the same side they are on? Sure, we can all rant and rave about the obviousness of our choices. But I do try to refrain from insults thrown at opposing parties. I may throw a few uglies at people I know are intentionally deceiving us, but it takes a lot to convince me that every single person in on all this is consciously malicious and evil. (Let’s see if I am proven wrong!)

When it comes to very debatable issues, such as germ theory vs terrain theory, or Covid as a reality vs Covid as a complete hoax, I think it is important to have an open mind, to some degree at least, and even if we are in a position to say, “I’ll die on that hill,” we must understand that there IS a possible argument against our stance out there, and because of that we have to recognize that perfectly intelligent and well educated people have a viable position they can take.

I am also particularly dismayed by folks who will wipe away any accomplishment some people have made in this fight, people like Robert Kennedy Jr., or Del Bigtree with ICAN, or Dr. Robert Malone, because they have been inconsistent in their allegiances, maybe at times implying they “believe in viruses” or “believe there was a pandemic of sorts” or “believe some vaccines could be helpful.”

Sure, some of these positions fly in the face of a lot of things we hold as fact. But I do not think it is prudent to dismiss all of the work they have done in the name of truth. It sometimes makes me wonder if people that denigrate these people are actually working for the “other side” (controlled opposition?) in an effort to discredit some of the most powerful, and dedicated, among us.

Going back to the question, “who do you believe and why?” Let’s take the germ vs terrain theory as an example.

The germ theory has been around a very long while. So has the terrain theory, just as long actually because it began as a disagreement between two leading scientists back in the late 19th century, Louis Pasteur with his germ theory, and Antoine Béchamp with terrain theory. Needless to say, Pasteur won the popular debate and now modern medicine revolves around the theory that germs cause disease and disease is transmitted person to person.

The debate really never ended and still rages on to this day. This article will not concern itself with which theory is correct (although I am pretty certain where most of you, including me, stand). The point here is why do people believe one and not the other? If you were a scientist directly studying these two theories, you would be in a better position to argue either point. But if you are not a scientist, and are relying on the research of other scientists, then of course you are at a disadvantage. There are several other criteria you would have to rely on to determine, for yourself, which horse you are going to lay your money on.

This is a challenge we are all faced with everyday: if we do not do our own scientific experimentation, and our general lack of specific knowledge, or even the intelligence, to make our own empirical evaluation of opposing ideas, how do we do it? Well, a large part of it is relying on “what makes sense to us” when either theory is explained. But of course, again, if we are not scientists we really can’t put too much weight in a rather subjective evaluation.

We might know something about science, and might do extensive research, therefore our choice could have some objective veracity to it. But then again, we can never be thoroughly certain. Even accomplished scientists have a difficult time discerning truth from theory. And in fact, this “uncertainty” is the essence of scientific debate. If the best scientists in the world are still open to discussion and debate about opposing theories, then how can we close off a decision of one over the other to further scrutiny?

I am not suggesting that only the scientist experts know the answer. That is far from what I am suggesting, I am only saying what any of us “find out” is subject to debate. I only think we should stay aware of the very thing we are fighting for: freedom to express all ideas.

I certainly weigh in other criteria in determining which side of an argument I stand on, as I am sure most of you do. I generally will pay a lot of attention to the underdog theory because those touting it have nothing to lose, whereas the established “truth” has a lot to lose if it fails deeper scrutiny. Certainly if there is money behind one theory and not the other one, I tend to pay more attention to the money-poor theory before rooting for the bottomless pockets. But neither of these criteria are iron clad, of course, so other factors have to be integrated into the debate before I can back either horse in the race.

Once all that can be considered within our limited ability to understand all things considered, a choice is made. But the other choice is always sitting by the wayside, ready to reveal more information that may, or may not, make it more compelling. I see all too often a radical, and often dogmatic, rejection of the opposing argument with no consideration regarding the possibility we don’t have it 100% in the bag. Isn’t this the very thing we are fighting for?—the allowance, and tolerance, for debate and discussion?

There are a lot of things I would stake my life on being correct—that I have made the right choice regarding which theory to stand behind. But I hope that I would not be one to ever attack the other side with vitriol and accusation, calling whoever believes in the opposition a liar (some are, I know, but not all). I don’t think it works that way. Liars are consciously malicious and deceitful.

A person who has decided on differing perspectives from the mainstream, or differing perspectives from the alternate challenging position, are not always liars, but many are fellow searchers of truth, and should be treated as such—with respect and regard. They may be misguided, and they may need more information, but they are not always the enemy.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Mar 27, 2023 10:13 PM

Not trying to be a smart ass here, but what you call “Inner Knowing,” I simply call Cynicism.

Particularly regarding city folks ever coming to their senses about anything, as long as you assume the worst about people you can’t go wrong.

Cynicism means never having to say you’re wrong.

Mar 27, 2023 8:55 PM

We do need a better way to discern the truth.

Absolute reality is not accessible to us in normal human awareness but some have acquired the faculty with Self-Realization, defined here by that event which follows from Kundalini awakening ( for Christians this is the Second Birth ) and achieving actual connection with the Divine, i.e. the Absolute realm. Sensations come to the hands to indicate auspiciousness ( cool ) or negativity ( hot, tingly or prickly ). The Flower Children got it right! It works for people, places, things, past, present or even future prospects.

The same event enables effortless, blissful Thoughtless Awareness thereafter.

Where we are going everyone will know the Truth; therefore will have their Realization. For now, we will still see lots of mental froth in the search for what’s real, and there are neither winners nor losers in such contests…unless all concerned are losers.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 27, 2023 8:19 PM

So why you then tell us who YOU believe? Enlighten us, or at least me since I seem to be the most in need of enlightening, who do you trust in all of this? Who is pure in their truth telling and knowledge and insight… who “has got it right”?

Seriously, I would like to know. I am not being flippant here…inform us (me) please…

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 27, 2023 11:39 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Thank you…this will be helpful. And yes, I am most definitely experiencing cognitive dissonance. And I definitely waffle around all of this. I do not claim to have it all figured out, I am laying it down in words as I go. I have no idea how it will turn out.

Any assistance is helpful.

Mar 28, 2023 3:16 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Better than dogmatic conclusions that ignore the confounding bits that don’t fit.

Mar 29, 2023 3:01 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Have you read any of the virology papers? They aren’t finding ANYTHING. They are poisoning cell cultures. CANCER CELL cultures, then making vaccines out of those poisoned cancer cells!

Just think about it for a minute. Why would you, if you are trying to find out if there’s a tiny pathogen in a sample of sputum, put it in a cancer cell culture? Wouldn’t you want to use a healthy human cell line? The same cell line they claim is enabling the spread of the virus? Like healthy, human epithelial cells?

They don’t do that, because a) the healthy cells don’t break down and b) they can’t poison people with healthy cell lines, because the scum virologists make their vaccines out of the poisoned cancer cell lines.

Why do you think there’s an epidemic of cancer? It’s from the “regular“ vaccines everyone thinks are so safe and effective. The nano bio-aggregates in the vaccines contain cancer cells that are distributed all over the body, and rest dormant in people’s organs.

After a shock or trauma, (research German New Medicine) or when the person is under chronic stress, the cellular matter where the nano bio-aggregates are embedded, grow unchecked, and the body attempts to encapsulate it. That’s a tumor.

Never vaccinated people have such low rates of cancer that they are around zero percent. The reason that vaccines are such a potent bioweapon is that it often takes decades for the conditions to be right for those injected cancer particles to form into sizeable tumor/s that can be seen or for any symptoms to be noticed.

The people fronting the virus camp, like Bigtree, RFK and Malone among others, are controlled opposition and have no scientific leg to stand on by pretending there’s viruses. They make a living from lying.

Not only are they preventing people from understanding basic health parameters, such as all vaccines are poisonous products designed to sicken and maim, and that people can take better care of their own health through proper diet and exercise than visiting the doctor, but they are preventing millions from waking up to the fraud of the fake governments, who are wilfully and knowingly poisoning, stealing, racketeering and murdering their own populations.

This entire virus scam and understanding the fraud of germ theory, made me curious to research the multiple other frauds like the fake governments, the fake courts, the fake monetary system, fake science, the fake history, the fake religions. And the 100% fake news cycle.

Not only is there literally no physical, scientific or empirical evidence for the existence of viruses, there’s NONE for contagion and there’s NONE for germ theory either. It’s not a question of terrain versus germ.

Think toxicology NOT virology. The multiple poisons in our environment make us sick, and colds and flus aren’t external, contagious pathogens. They are simply our body expelling excess toxins (like increased radiation, polluted air and water) through the mucus pathway and lungs. And in the case of flus, your body creates a fever to expel excess toxins through the skin from sweating as an additional measure.

How do we know the truth? It’s simply what happened. The lie is the convoluted bs around allopathy, and science, when the authorities try to pretend that only people with a PhD can possibly understand virology.

Anyone can figure out the fraud in a virology paper simply by reading one. They (Virologists) don’t bother to perform any isolation or any purification because there’s NOTHING there. They don’t use controls because it would prove that it’s their METHODS damaging and starving the cells, not an imaginary particle. They don’t use the scientific method. It’s all unscientific fraud and it’s glaringly obvious. Moreover, every single test for a virus is worthless and fraudulent.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 29, 2023 3:03 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Is the book you suggested written by Matthew McKinley?

I would like to make another comment in my own defense….I am not a political writer…I am a psychologist, and an “every day average guy looking for answers”…I certainly do not think I write in such a way that I appear to know, I mean KNOW, much of anything. It seems many people who comment on OG believe they really have the answers…at least more of them than I do…and they make it clear they believe that…and then often comment on how I don’t know the answers…well…I have no idea if they have the answers or not…they might! And I am impressed they “know” more than I do…but I don’t believe I ever profess that I know, I mean KNOW, much of anything. I observe, and then I write.

My thought are my observations. If people resonate with them (and many people on my substack DO) then that is great…but if someone doesn’t resonate, I don’t mind hearing their thoughts (unless they attack me personally, then I don’t like that too much). But it might be best for them to just move on.

You say I lack “conviction”…yes, I probably do. I feel I am only convinced of one thing, the pursuit of truth. Sure, many of the people in this play that I claim to admire could be malicious and pulling my leg. I don’t doubt that, but my instinct tells me that a lot of them who may fall into this class still have a few important things to say. Like I said, I don’t know everything. I will learn more soon enough.

As for my writing. I try very hard to convey this fact (that I do not know everything). I am writing opinions and thoughts, and as Carl Jung used to apparently say often “but I could be wrong”…yes, I could be wrong.

Please continue to inform me if you believe I am wrong…but I probably will not be any more convicted to your “opinion” than to my own…which I am not all that committed to. I do believe in love, I do believe in God (but God can be defined in so many accurate ways I hesitate to say that) and I do believe in truth. Exactly who is conveying pure truth and who is not, I have no earthly idea. I just believe there are gradations to evil, with conscious intentional evil being the worst. And I don’t feel we NEED to “believe” any PERSON…ideas we have to sort through, but people we don’t, unless they have their finger on the switch…and anyone with their finger on any switch cannot, by nature, be fully trusted.

Love to all of you…and thank you for being here and helping me stay informed…

Mar 29, 2023 4:37 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Thank you for your honesty & taking the time to write such a thoughtful reply, appreciated.

Yes, Matt McKinley & yes again perhaps start with his book. Its free on his channel, & is in an audio version.

To unlearn what we’ve learnt is a bit of a cliché but it’s still soo true. We’ve had a few exchanges & the theme of the “virus” keeps coming up. Think once you know where you are on that. It’ll unburden you. Make other red pills easier to swallow.

I realise its difficult to “Know” be certain of many many things. But comes a point where one has to have the courage of their convictions. Ambiguity isn’t an Allie.

These are uncharted waters for many of us.But, if the pursuit of truth be your goal & your heart be your compass. It will get easier. You’d said you believe you are experiencing cognitive dissonance. Thats the programming,imo, kicking in. As all this again imo, is about shedding our false selves, that the system made many pretend to be. To remember who you you truly are before ‘we’ compromised ourselves to conform, exist.

Good luck

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Mar 27, 2023 5:35 PM

I wouldn’t let any “board certified” brain surgeon near my brain under any circumstances. There are better alternatives. How many people each year get brain surgery from Uncle Bob? You lost me there. I was never a big fan of Carl Sagan but I’ll except his quote that “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” with the caveat that most mainstream claims are exceptional. Every time one drills down on mainstream evidence that the scamdemic was not a total diabolical hoax and had some reality in the physical universe, one encounters massive fraud and deception. I keep an open mind for most claims. Even spent hours researching the claims of the flat earthers. But their comes a time when one must make an operational decision pending further valid evidence to counter it. What one believes to be true should not really affect whether one chooses to be harsher or gentler with the opposition.

Mar 28, 2023 5:27 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

MSM works hard to make those exceptional claims seem reasonable, likely or established.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 28, 2023 4:10 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Enabling statutes, regulations, executive orders, guidance documents and budget allocations.
Prepared by Katherine Watt
January, 2023

Microsoft Word – Jan. 2023 Legal History American Domestic Bioterrorism Program.docx (wordpress.com)

Excerpted from closing comments: “The interlocking corruption of federal emergency management, public health and drug safety laws, for the purpose of mounting a covert biological attack by the US Government on the American people under the fraudulent characterization of biological weapons as “Covid-19 vaccines,” was deployed fully starting Jan. 27, 2020 and continues to be fully operational at the present time, almost three years later.”

It is instructive to review the entire document…

Mar 29, 2023 1:18 PM

Instructive ? Better said , it should be

MANDATORY for every Confused Masked Marauding

Man Woman & CHILD, (over 14) !

Thanks Paul, a sound objective reminder.
1997 , is the year we had all the information,
Anyone needed to understand what followed &
Well ahead. But still people refuse to debate,
Even the weather … 😉

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 29, 2023 3:53 PM
Reply to  Balkydj

1997 was also the year Mr. Clinton was hounded (eventually) out of office via the Monica Lewinsky set up. Seems the CIA had milked Mr. Clinton and his “cabinet” of everything the upper echelon’s had requested…

My thoughts were: Good riddance to bad rubbish…

Mar 31, 2023 11:31 AM

Monika milked Bill, as well, by her own admission. But, I’m not sure how much of a ‘Corkscrew’ landing she had: indeed, only Hillary would know about the
Subsequent Sniper Fire after the Balkans: thus, it appears she’s running from & gunning for Bill, again; should he erect or resurrect anything publicly,
Ever again relating to Epstein’s island or Hillary’s deeds …

On a far more serious matter, Page 6 of your link above, says it all… ! And how
ANY U.S. CITIZEN tolerates Guinea Pig Ignorant citizenship, which mandates
That their body can be experimented upon, like it or not, is beyond me…

The US Population can be literally legally be USED as GUINEA PIGS & Big Pharma With CHEMICAL WEAPONS are wholly ABSOLVED of any legal liability…
Rather like the 1990’s experimentation with H.A.A.R.P. , made Legal as
” FORCE MULTIPLIER ” in 1997, declared by the D.o.D. Also the year of ALADDIN, ALIBABA & the Forty Thieving Oligarchs of Central Banking. Even Gordon Brown
Rolled over control of interest rates to the B.o.E. in the same year AND the
Chicago Mercantile Exchange made it legal for ENRON to speculate on
WEATHER related stocks, commodities & Derivative Fund Management,
All in 1997 & thurs’ more, if you cross-reference Blackrock’s Aladdin Automated intelligence… e.g. Monsanto’s GMO Strategy against Legacy Farmers &
Heritage Seed Banks … banking on buying up drought ridden farm properties & controlling the FOOD SUPPLY & QUALITY ! Whilst spraying around
Depleted Uranium Munitions on the Balkan…
People never learn nor did they read Page 6 ! !
Soured greetings,

peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Mar 27, 2023 2:09 PM

“Who do you believe and Why?”
If I may attempt an answer to the question, applied not to covid but to an equally important crisis: the coming of world war three (and why I think it is coming). My conclusions are based on a pattern of history: every empire eventually faces the conflict it is trying to avoid – its own destruction. The identification of the pattern is established by historic “facts”. But how are they verified? The pattern is formed from facts that are not in contention. (I explore this in my free ebook, link below). There are two types of historic facts: primary and secondary. The first are causal, the second are effect.  War is a primary historic fact: resulting in battles, mass killings, destruction, victory and defeat. The results are the secondary facts. In all primary facts you will identify the cause of war – power – as the motivation for war. That also points chillingly towards the consequences for the  human race.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 27, 2023 2:35 PM

Hello peter: As you might observe from the comments, people are not concerned nor apprised of the relationships of cause and effect. Everything is magical…

Mar 28, 2023 3:13 AM

But, Peter, is the case changed if the conflict is not really the US seeking continued hegemony– but is instead a secret cabal of the ruling circles of US, Europe, China & Russia amassed against the global population?

Mar 27, 2023 7:00 AM
  1. When there is zero debate and the traffic is one way. Be suspicious.
  2. When one is ridiculed for asking normal questions. Be suspicious.
  3. When one is discriminated for not following the heard. Be suspicious.
  4. When a product that has never been successful before comes to the market in record time by multiple companies. Be suspicious.
  5. One can’t scale a company to make, distribute, ship and injects billions of jabs of product in that time scale. Further wasn’t the world in lock down too. Be suspicious.
  6. When a corporation with a criminal track record and billions in compensation fines tells you there is nothing to worry about. Be suspicious.
  7. When a corporations says is will not share information paid for by the tax payer for 80 years. Be suspicious.
  8. When all but a few in parliament refuse to have an independent inquiry about why the death rate in many countries is up over 15%. Be suspicious.
  9. When Todd Hayen writes some bullshit to make one question the biggest most obvoiuse scam in history. Be suspicious.
Mar 27, 2023 10:26 AM

Good list.
Also 10. When 5G equipment pops up ALL OVER the developed world right at the beginning of the ‘pandemic’. Be suspicious.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 27, 2023 2:31 PM
  1. This is where the donkey’s ass is: > “When a corporation with a criminal track record and billions in compensation fines tells you there is nothing to worry about. Be suspicious.
  2. When a corporations says is will not share information paid for by the tax payer for 80 years. Be suspicious.”

Virtually every aspect of the problem is derived from the existence of Corporate Charter – Corporate syndication – Corporate franchise.

Civil populations need to wake up to the underlying fabric of their self-erected prisons. It’s the CORPORATE SYSTEM, folks. Corporate — system. Get rid of it.

Mar 27, 2023 9:02 PM

I would agree. It provides limited liability for it’s controllers. It also provides a make believe environment for its controllers to dupe you into consenting to it’s “rules”.

The problem is most believe a corporation provides only products/ services and comes in the form of a shop front. In reality a corporation is the country/state/town/suburb you live in. All these are subsidiary corporations of the mother ship and we have consented to their rule by playing their game.

On a positive note, they have done this to us all without full disclosure. Further, it’s treason to inmitate or impersonate government, which is how they are doing it. We just have to wake up, easier said than done.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 27, 2023 5:06 AM

I don’t automatically believe people or organizations that have an history of lying or otherwise misrepresenting themselves — hello Pfizer.

If what I am told isn’t congruent with what I am observing, I question that as well. In so far as the Convid scam is concerned, I have seen a bunch of liars lying about things that are easily disprovable. None of it is congruent.

Mar 27, 2023 3:56 AM

I trust my understanding of the events because the lies were pretty transparent. I learned the difference between abdolute and relative effectiveness. That was useful. Tge vaccibes were only 1% effective (absolute). We knew ( from the Diamond Princess) that the virus was not that deadly. We slso knew that it was mostly a problem for the elderly. Yet they were gung ho to vaccinate everyone. Even pushing mandates. Now its babies. Does not pass the smell test.

Mar 27, 2023 2:52 AM

There is nothing quite so delicious as acquiring new information that confirms one’s existing biases.

Art Costa
Art Costa
Mar 27, 2023 12:30 AM

Just finished reading “The Trillion Dollar Silencer: Why There Is So Little Anti-War Protest in the United States” by Joan Roelofs.

Controlled opposition, or paid to uphold the official word, is ubiquitous. Exceptions aside, Roelofs is writing about the how the MIC uses hush money in just about every sector. It’s cunning when dealing with the greatest influencers; and no stone is left unturned. That’s how they’ve kept the endless war machine going all these years.

What the MIC does with its trillions, is matched whenever the system wants obedience.

I’ve concluded I don’t trust anyone who has amassed a following.

Mar 27, 2023 12:29 AM

why do you delete your comments?

Mar 28, 2023 10:32 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

you create gaps in the narrative, LOL

Mar 26, 2023 11:44 PM

I had whatever this thing was in 2019 as did half the staff at the college I was teaching at and many of the students so I know it was a thing. Weirdly (and I don’t often get ill) I felt it was unlike anything I’d had before and I had a kind of existential awareness it could kill me (this is not an exaggeration- it was a brief feeling but definitely in my head as if the bug itself was making me feel that). But I got over it in two days unlike some other teachers who were off for over a week. I found it hard to breathe and climbing stairs was an effort for a while. I rang my GP practice to ask if they knew an awful bug was going around and they showed absolutely no interest. So when the ‘Covid’ scare started, all the fuss that was made seemed like total hype and that was what made me certain it was being repurposed to make us stay home. I have looked back on this and wonder now why no one has looked into the people who caught it in 2019 because I’m sure they felt like me. And because I knew I’d had it I was never interested in getting a vaccine as I’m sure I had and still have immunity. That’s why I know what I believe is right- it’s not true to say it doesn’t exist at all. It was a weird bug and in my non-medical opinion possibly a parasite- why else would ivermectin work so well?

Art Costa
Art Costa
Mar 27, 2023 1:31 PM
Reply to  Jos

For you it’s an explanation for your symptoms. If you never heard of “COVID” I suspect you’d conclude some influenza/flu/bad cold/pneumonia.

rik myers
rik myers
Mar 26, 2023 10:50 PM

those who supported the plandemic & clot shots flunked basic math

Mar 26, 2023 10:19 PM

Do let’s not throw out the time-honoured word, “whom” with the bathwater.

There’s a tight family of nice little words like “who”, “whose” and “whom” all of which have every bit as much right to exist as “there”, “their” and “they’re”, because they actually mean something specific.

We’re all trying to oppose and resist literal murder here, so let’s not just cast these symbols of human culture into the fire as if they were of no more significance to us than we humans are to Tony Bliar.

It’s “Whom do we believe?”, and this is another thought-provoking article, by the way.

Mar 26, 2023 10:52 PM
Reply to  wardropper

i’m bad for missing the -m,

i swear too much and hardly use capitals.

however, i believe people can communicate well enough without “teacher” correcting us.
I am more worried about bad punctuation, as that, given the failure of text to communicate facial expression anyway, only causes ill-communication.

anyway War-D, i’ll try and stop swearing ; )

Mar 27, 2023 11:24 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

Not you, rub. It was the title of the article that got me all riled up.
You just keep being your highly articulate self. Some people’s wild ravings say more than a thousand pictures, and I find yours easy to understand (I’m a Geordie, after all) 🙂
My general worry about the rest of us is that every backward step is rather rapidly producing an increasingly incomprehensible version of English, at the same time as we’re all trying to get our facts straight in this lunatic mess our ‘representatives’ have created for us.

Mar 27, 2023 4:03 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I too love words. But we need to bear in mind that common everyday usage is one, if not the biggest, driver of language.

“Ain’t ain’t in the dictionary!” is no longer apropos. Too many use ain’t for it to be excluded.

Similarly, nearly everyone says “who” no matter which case it’s in.

I blame it on the 1984 film “Ghostbusters.” “Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!” Wherever there’s mischief, you’re sure to find Bill Murray lurking in the background.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 26, 2023 8:55 PM

Malone, Kennedy, Bigtree are all on the payroll.


But what if they’re not ?

Surely, Todd’s argument is that we shouldn’t fight amongst ourselves but unite against a common enemy.

I say any man who is not my enemy is my friend.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Mar 27, 2023 1:04 AM

The reason for paid controlled opposition is to influence and infiltrate genuine opposition in order to fragment argument in order to undermine it and part of the MO is to make it difficult to determine who’s genuine and who isn’t.

There’s probably no need to waste a huge amount of energy trying to determine who’s on the payroll and who isn’t but there is a need to try to get the argument right. In the case of covid there’s a massive chasm between “virus” and “no virus” just as in the case of 9/11 there’s a massive chasm between “basic inside job” and “glorified exercise where only buildings were destroyed and death and injury were staged”.

If part of psyop MO (especially the big ones) is to fragment argument in order to undermine it we need to try to get the truth as much as possible and dismiss argument from those who are only getting it half-right, paid or genuine.

On my first or second covid protest someone was carrying a banner saying:

Half-truths make great lies.

Spot on.

Mar 27, 2023 9:30 AM

Try saying ‘Even my enemy is my friend.’ That really confuses them.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Mar 26, 2023 4:35 PM

Who has time for all this? I know I don’t.

A damn good dictator is that the West needs right now followed by a good long purge of the idiots that have somehow taken power of the dumb and willing.

Les cut to the chase shall we, for once?

Mar 26, 2023 6:26 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

correction, benevolent dictator, otherwise aye.

Mar 26, 2023 9:29 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

Well then, you’ll probably get your wish. And a lot of people will be culled. Unfortunately that culling won’t be limited to the dumb and willing. All hail The Great Reset.

And really, if you’re still laboring under the impression that The West is the only problem, you’re not really paying attention.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Mar 26, 2023 11:54 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

East, West North and South all have problems.

Let’s start with the problems here as we define ourselves as West and see if we a fix them before we gallop away sticking our noses where they don’t belong.

Mar 26, 2023 10:27 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

Trouble is, they never want to leave when the job is done, and we’re back where we started…

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Mar 26, 2023 11:57 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Life expectancy is till a good bet.

On the other hand, the offspring can be a real nuisance, even to a proper benevolent dictator.

Let’s just hope a proper dictator would have the decency to appoint someone who would carry on the good work.

Mar 27, 2023 12:35 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

problem amigo, is that it is not the nice dictator, but the moral calibre of their assistants that will determine the outcome. forecasts with the current state of society are … very poor, regardless the fibre our dictator has.

cult of personality? no, corporate mentality is the prevailing norm. and that is sick shit as we can see.

a lot of work ahead, if we get the chance.

: /

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 26, 2023 11:05 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

Can I choose the dictator ?

If so, I’m in!

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Mar 27, 2023 12:08 AM

The bottom line is if the citizens are happy then all is good and the appearance of democracy actually works ( without absentee ballots ). You get to keep choosing the same dictator because things are good. He or she has your back. Truly.

The issues arise when the dictator starts to fuck things up for a lack of a better word. Or even worse, when big corporations and banks decide they want to be the real dictator and well you kind of know what happens next.

Then the appearance of democracy steps in again however this time it’s not so good. The sheeple start to get tired and bored and they lose focus and well then you get someone or something in office and you’re like ” how did that happen? ”

So I think, no , it’s too risky to let you choose.

Think of it like this…. if that car you wanted for so long and you finally get it but after a year or two it turns out to be a dud. Well you don’t just sell it, you get to destroy it along with the company that made.

Now thats cool.

Mar 27, 2023 9:41 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

I just want some way of living my life without evil intervening. Too much to ask?

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 26, 2023 4:21 PM

Business! Big Money! Commercials! Razzmatazz! Showbiz! Celebrity!
“Transgenderism is looking more and more like Transgenderism™, when we look at the markets opening and its insidious presence in Hollywood.”
Cue a whole gallery of atrocities:  
·      Whoopi Goldberg’s trans modeling company on Oprah’s Oxygen network, (trans models reported as the future of modelling)
·      Supernatural Extraterrestrial and Co, a high-fashion clothing line, promotes their willingness to embrace a future of male pregnancy.
·      Cosmopolitan magazine’s breast-binding guide for young women in 2016.
·      Cosmetology consultant services offering help to “trans women.”
·      Crayola’s new gender-fluid make-up
·      Artists photographing young “trans” children
·      Almost every new TV series has at least a nod to transgenderism.
·      Jazz Jennings (male teen who had his penis surgically removed) has been on many major talk-shows since his family decided he was transgender at the age of four.
·      Jennings has his own reality TV series, his own trans foundation and has received many awards and accolades.
·      A children’s storybook about Jennings’ life, which normalizes for young school children the idea that they can become the opposite sex, has been adopted as part of some school curriculums.
·      Banks and investment houses sending millions of dollars to transgender organizations all over the globe.
And now for the ultimate:
·      scientists already looking at changing our biology as a way to deal with climate change.
Cut off your willie to save the planet!
Red pill? Nah, have more blue pills! We have an endless supply!

Ron Marr
Ron Marr
Mar 26, 2023 10:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Interesting, there was a time in another simulation. where human flesh was a human delicacy. They gave us their mind. If you don’t use it they will. We must return to critical thinking.

Mar 27, 2023 9:47 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Satan disguised as Santa. It’s been taken to an absurd degree so we notice but it’s been around for a very long time. And many of our male / female celebrities were flipped gender-wise when they were young. It’s not new but people have only just started to notice.

Mar 27, 2023 10:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And no one remembers poor Christine Jorgensen, who was all the rage in the ’50’s. What’s the world coming to when a pioneer fades from history?

Cynicon Implant
Cynicon Implant
Mar 26, 2023 4:02 PM

It’s fine to cut people some slack for having views that differ from yours, but when their views are just based on what they were told to believe and not based on doing their own research that’s when I tend to dismiss them as unserious.

If you think the “unserious” label is too harsh then tell me what you call someone who put their own health at serious risk (by taking the vaccine) just to avoid social ostracism.

Mar 27, 2023 9:52 AM

Or to go on holiday – that’s the reason my young nieces gave me for doing it even having heard of the potential effect on their fertility.

Mar 26, 2023 3:43 PM

And what’s it done to the Congo?

Their defeaning silence on the mass death, environmental destruction and actually existing slavery would be strange – if it wasn’t for how the raw materials are essnetial to their panopticon. It’s one of the clearest examples that their “concern” for ethnic groups and the environment is utterly synthetic and nothing but a weapon to guilt-trip people into accepting their own immiseration and enslavement.

Mar 26, 2023 6:28 PM
Reply to  Edwige

vis Rossiya…

Donbass anyone?

Mar 26, 2023 6:30 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

or any resource rich hub anywhere.

notice any mining areas always get hammered by the CIC.

Mar 26, 2023 3:20 PM

psychic + information.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 26, 2023 3:10 PM

“It’s amusing to witness the spectacle of people hotly debating whether the moon is made of cottage cheese or Gouda…”

– Paul Vonharnish –

Hint: The moon is not made of cheese…

Enabling statutes, regulations, executive orders, guidance documents and budget allocations.
Prepared by Katherine Watt
January, 2023
Microsoft Word – Jan. 2023 Legal History American Domestic Bioterrorism Program.docx (wordpress.com)

Excerpted from closing comments: “The interlocking corruption of federal emergency management, public health and drug safety laws, for the purpose of mounting a covert biological attack by the US Government on the American people under the fraudulent characterization of biological weapons as “Covid-19 vaccines,” was deployed fully starting Jan. 27, 2020 and continues to be fully operational at the present time, almost three years later.”

It is instructive to review the entire document…

Mar 26, 2023 2:58 PM

“The germ theory has been around a very long while. So has the terrain theory, just as long actually because it began as a disagreement between two leading scientists back in the late 19th century, Louis Pasteur with his germ theory, and Antoine Béchamp with terrain theory.”
Ummm, Terrain theory, as it’s practiced–in Chinese Medicine, Ayuvedic Medicine, heck, any ancient folk medicine that has kept the human race alive, has been around for millenia. Germ Theory for 170 years max. Germ theory gave us modern medicine which has been poisoning human beings ever since.

Mar 27, 2023 7:13 AM
Reply to  MadLady

They expect you to believe that a bottle of pills if taken in one sitting will kill you, (poison you). However, if one takes 2 pills, three times a day, it’s good for your health and will cure you.

Poison is poison. It makes you sick and it keeps you sick.

With few exceptions most peoples sickness is self inflicted from poor lifestyle choices. These people are weak bed wetters, always playing the victim of a bad hand they have been dealt. I’m not very sympathetic to their cause.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 27, 2023 10:09 AM

What fresh reductionist madness is this? If a thing is really good for you then any amount of it will be good for you? You can literally never have too much of a good thing, and if you can have too much of it that proves it’s actually toxic?

By your own reasoning, then, water is a poison. Because if you drink too much of it in one go – it will definitely kill you.


Mar 27, 2023 9:09 PM

I think you may have to read what I wrote again. I have never said that drugs of any kind and in any dose is good for you.

I can tell this is not your full time job Sophie.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 28, 2023 11:55 PM

I don’t think admin misunderstood at all, I just think you made rather a silly point. A2

Mr. Liberty
Mr. Liberty
Mar 26, 2023 2:55 PM

When anyone tells you their position in anything and continuously, as time goes by, delivers several other arguments against their former statements, as if the debate is about winning an intellectual fight, You can be sure this is about deception or somehow a lack of understanding the issue, if no new evidence is provided.
The scientific debatable approach, listening to other opinions and/or theories and make some conclusions hereafter, is a discussion platform created to ensure “truth” can be found somehow.
Talking about Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch et al, many of their non scientific “evidence” about alleged “viruses” causing illnesses, has been debunked several times since. Looking at the AIDS “virus induced disease” even Luc Montagnier admitted he, among others, didn’t provide the evidence of a “virus” causing AIDS.
In 2016 in a court of law in Germany(Landesrechtsprechung Baden-Württemberg -http://lrbw.juris.de/cgi-bin/laender_rechtsprechung/document.py?Gericht=bw&GerichtAuswahl=Oberlandesgerichte&Art=en&sid=46bf3db2df690aba6e4874acafaf45b6&nr=20705&pos=0&anz=1), no one delivered the evidence, that a “virus” caused the so called disease Measles. Later on Stefan Lanka used the same methods, in a lab, as the virologist “science” community did, not adding all their strange chemicals to their soup, to debunk their Microscopy pictures as their “evidence” of the find of “viruses”. He debunked their strange interpretations by comparing his photos against their pictures.
If Kennedy, Del Bigtree, Fauci etc. deliberately, by mindset and/or other causes, don’t debunk the falsehood of the non-scientific based virology, You can be sure it’s a deception game, as they clearly should be able to see and understand the provided information.
Making mistakes is the “business” of mankind, but deliver mistakes continuously against real evidence, by a disturbed mindset by choice, is only to be thrown on the pile of lies. If someone constantly can’t make a sane decision, You can be sure confusion will be spread like a disease everywhere. This is the game “Learning against Learning” in politics, science, governments, universities, etc. as a transformation from reality to chaos.

Mar 26, 2023 3:41 PM
Reply to  Mr. Liberty

The only real evidence against the existence of viruses seems to be that they have not been properly isolated and thereby “seen.”

Neither has God; but that doesn’t stop people from believing there’s a Creator up there somewhere.

“You think the universe just happened by chance?” the believers might ask, to which I reply “Yes, that’s exactly what I think.” Matter is such that it needs no outside agency to exist. And chance is the most exquisite thing in existence.

“But have you ever actually seen matter?” they might then ask. Sort of like the Logical Positivists who, having seen buildings clustered about a quadrangle, keep asking “Where’s the University?”

Anyway, being skeptical, I request something beyond “I’ve never seen it” before I’m willing to completely scrap viruses.

It’s just as easy to flim-flam with Terrain Theory as it is with Germ Theory. “How’d you get so sick?” “Oh, there was a toxin floating around and it found me!”

Mar 26, 2023 8:38 PM
Reply to  Howard

” Matter is such that it needs no outside agency to exist “.

I can’t resist adding, in all good faith, Howard, that the thought processes that led you to write that sentence surely have little to do with matter…

Why should we accept that something as mundane as ‘matter’ can explain everything we experience?

Mar 27, 2023 3:46 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I don’t think we give matter enough credit. Just imagine: every single thing in existence is the product of matter. That’s phenomenal.

As to what we experience, everything we experience except perhaps (and I stress perhaps) for internal mental processes, involves matter.

And now we know (except of course for black hole deniers) that even gravity consists of waves – i.e., matter. It isn’t merely a “force” – it’s a thing.

We will eventually discover that time also consists of waves and isn’t simply some unknowable feature without physical properties.

Mar 26, 2023 8:30 PM
Reply to  Mr. Liberty

It certainly seems to me that chaos is the aim.
So far I’m doing quite well in my own reality, but I know it’s probably quite frail if the divvel has me in his sights.
So we do what we can as long as we can.

Mar 26, 2023 2:50 PM

I believe “The Science”:

Warning of rise in potentially fatal ‘flesh-eating’ infection due to climate change (msn.com)

From a “Science” journal:

Scientists warn of rise in potentially fatal bacterial infection due to global warming — ScienceDaily


March 23, 2023


University of East Anglia


Continued warming of the climate would see a rise in the number and spread of potentially fatal infections caused by bacteria found along parts of the coast of the United States. Vibrio vulnificus bacteria grow in warm shallow coastal waters and can infect a cut or insect bite during contact with seawater. The researchers predict that by 2041–2060 infections may spread to encompass major population centers around New York. Combined with a growing and increasingly elderly population, who are more susceptible to infection, annual case numbers could double.

The University Of East Anglia indulging in some hardcore CLIMATE TERRORISM I see.

Mar 26, 2023 8:40 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Well, East Anglia is a flat place.
Nothing there to challenge the mind…

Mar 26, 2023 2:32 PM

Great piece, although I submit to you that Germ Theory has been around a rather short time, say 170 years, whereas Terrain Theory has been in practice for at least a 1K years. It’s still practiced in Chinese medicine, Aryurvedic medicine (India), and any other ancient folk medicine that continues to keep humans alive and reproducing. Germ theory is as scientific as climate science. And it has turned medicine in to a toxic blood sport. Survival of the fittest will mean surviving the predators and their poisons.

David Ho
David Ho
Mar 26, 2023 2:26 PM

Do you believe the story about the “Spike Protein”? Anyone? If so can you recall the very moment you decided to believe? And why? Was it some authority who told you? The TV? Pfizer? . Or was it Moderna when the conjured up their mRNA potion in just three days based on the alleged “Spike Protein”?

Mar 26, 2023 3:51 PM
Reply to  David Ho

“Spike Protein” is easy to disbelieve regardless one’s opinion of viruses. If no virus has ever been seen, then it’s impossible for some feature of a virus to have ever been identified.

In fact, the very concept of a “Spike Protein” is the strongest argument against the existence of viruses. The fact that Big Medicine played that card indicates how secure they feel with their viral theory – when in fact they are treading on thin ice.

Mar 28, 2023 11:56 AM
Reply to  Howard

On the contrary, whether viruses exist or not, the new techniques to tinker with genes probably could create such a nano-machine. Anything for profit.

Mar 26, 2023 1:59 PM

There’s definitely an element of confirmation bias. I had a gut feeling from the outset that something was fishy. The fascistic element to it all felt intense. Essentially it was martial law that people were cheering on. Then I noticed obviously marketed memes on Facebook supporting the narrative and obviously acting crying nurses. Having gone with my gut I then looked for videos/papers/articles that supported my position, absolutely could be seen as confirmation bias. however half way through I did doubt myself – was I wrong? How can so many people be supporting this narrative? However so many things didn’t make sense. I came across Rancourt’s paper in June 2020 I think and then watched a number of his interviews. He seemed reasonable and better he backed up his arguments with what seemed good data analysis. But I’m no scientist. Up until December 2020 I believed it was a cockup and the politicians had dug themselves into a hole but then with the second lockdown it suddenly struck me that this was no mistake, then I came across Fabio Vighi’s brilliantly argued article regarding the 2019 crisis in the repo market and covid was a cover for that – quantative easing by any other name letting the bankers off the hook. I think most people start with a gut feeling (a hypothesis if you like) and then look for information to back that up.
I don’t really get the point of infighting on our side though. It’s not useful as far as I can see.

Mar 26, 2023 1:35 PM

I like Todd Offg Saturday (yes Im aware it is Sunday when I’ve post this)
You’ve got some of us a little bit excited and worked up with your articles.

Good comments though.

Q: are some us being psychotherapied by you.?

Mar 26, 2023 1:33 PM

Who Do You Believe, and Why?

Believing is a convenient ‘rest area’ on the journey.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Mar 26, 2023 1:30 PM

I’m reposting this because it is THE most devastating belief:

There Is No Alternative. TINA. This has been the Neo-Malthusian motto of the past 50 years. Neoliberalism as an economic policy has since been discredited, but it was only part of a greater agenda, which includes the Great Reset and the deliberate manufacturing of social decay and insecurity. All of this misery brought upon humanity due to the misguided belief in The Overpopulation Myth

Dr. Lawrence Dunegan recalls 1969 meeting with Dr Richard Day | New Order of Barbarians

“Dr Dunegan described Dr Richard Day as an ‘insider of the Order’ in referring to the ‘Order of the Barbarians’ (as those involved in an elite group committed to the ‘New World Order’ were known as at the time), which are now referred to as the globalist elite.

In 1988, Dr Dunegan recorded his memories of the meeting in 1969 in 3 Tapes.”
Dr. Dunegan recalls the speaker saying that the east and west are more coordinated in this effort than people may think.

Here is a longer audio recording: Insider Dr. Richard Day 1969 Speech

Visit https://drrichardday.wordpress.com/ for an analysis of Dr. Day’s revelations.

Mar 26, 2023 1:15 PM

‘Beliefs’ are for followers.
We don’t ‘believe’ we are tired, hungry or thirsty, or in Love do we? We KNOW with complete and utter certainty. Truth is the same. We simply KNOW.

Mar 26, 2023 6:56 PM
Reply to  Johnny


Mike Perceval
Mike Perceval
Mar 26, 2023 1:05 PM

I’ve read through virtually all of the comments here (new ones keep popping up), and it’s clear to me that I employ a means of determining the ‘root’ of truth that is apparently unknown, completely disregarded, held in contempt, or held in embarrassed silence by other posters; the Holy Bible and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Yes, I am well aware of all of the ways that POV can be attacked, so please don’t think you’ve got to ‘save’ me from such blind ‘faith’ and ignorance; I worked my way through all that years ago.

The instant that I heard about ‘Covid’ (whatever it may, or may not be), the Spirit very clearly gave me understanding that it was of Satan, intended for taking out the USA to further the establishment of the prophesied One-World Government (aka NWO), and to have nothing to do with it. If the root is evil, no good fruit can or will be borne by the tree, no matter how harmless, appealing, or tempting it may seem to be.

Genesis 3:6
So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.

In all of these questions regarding how one discerns or comes to hold what they believe is ‘truth’, basic things that seem to be almost universally ignored are the Biblical truths of fallen human nature, the nature of the reality we inhabit, and the nature of the great enemy of humanity; ‘the Father of Lies’.

Seeking, finding, and living in integrity with the truth is both the simplest, and the most challenging, of all human endeavors. It is a mystery how this can be, but we live out our lives surrounded by mystery – yet strangely in ignorance of that fact.

I don’t ‘fight’ against atheism, or agnosticism, but I do feel sorry for those who hold and base their lives on such positions, and I welcome genuine, good-faith discourse with such people. To each, ‘his’ own. But,

“…if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” – Joshua 24:15

And, in regard to the quest for truth, and understanding the way of and to it:

Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. – John 14:5-6

God help us all, because only He can…

Mar 26, 2023 4:04 PM
Reply to  Mike Perceval

The very concept of “serve” is evil. So obviously the binary offered in Biblical lore – between serving God or serving Satan – is also evil. The purpose of life is to live, not to serve.

And the story of Adam and Eve, however often told and re-told, always omits the obvious. Namely, that God set them up. It was a Sting operation, pure and simple. For if God is omniscient, then He knew exactly what Adam and Eve would do. So He just sat back and watched it unfold, knowing the outcome. Just a bit devious, if you ask me.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Mar 26, 2023 4:26 PM
Reply to  Howard

To serve is not inherently evil and to say as much as ignorant.
When you love someone with all your heart, is serving them slavery or just a means of expressing that love?
As we raise children, we serve them and care for them. Is that evil?
As our loved ones age and can no longer care for themselves, we serve them. Is that evil?
As you work and toil to provide for your wife and family, you are serving them. Is that evil?

I suggest you stop serving only yourself.

Mar 26, 2023 6:35 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

well said amigo, and I won’t call ye a yankee again : )

Mar 26, 2023 6:35 PM
Reply to  Howard

stop that shit. service, through Love, is as good as life gets, arguably..

i do get your point, but your misanthropy and spirit-denial serve only yourself.

open the flower within, ; )

Mar 27, 2023 3:53 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Oh my. That is so precious. Love conquers all.

archaicto pay a lover’s or suitor’s court to (a lady)
that gentle lady, whom I love and serve
—Edmund Spenser

I abstracted this from online Merrial-Webster. This was the only definition they gave which didn’t involve servitude of some kind.

So clearly I stand corrected!

Mar 27, 2023 8:02 PM
Reply to  Howard

how cynical.
have you any goodwill in your life,
my poor thing….?

LOL, ffs.

Mar 27, 2023 12:46 AM
Reply to  Mike Perceval

When Jesus said ‘l’ he meant the self-referential ‘l’ that we each call ourselves.
Truth gets lost in translation.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Mar 26, 2023 12:46 PM

“When it comes to very debatable issues, such as germ theory vs terrain theory, or Covid as a reality vs Covid as a complete hoax”, I think some questions are interesting but irrelevant (germ theory) whereas others indicate/imply guilt (covid made up)
The questions which have zero compromise are moral questions, these have definite true or false values imo

Mar 26, 2023 12:34 PM

Intelligence agencies that is where to look.


They will use whatever is useful to achieve their outcome.

Not only in the west ,


Just a few examples , goes on everywhere .

People are pawns , just need to figure who is playing the chess board.

Mar 26, 2023 12:24 PM

It has been always my understanding that amongst all the crimes that Christianity has committed, communism is also one of them, not directly, but indirectly.

It is because of Christianity, its stupid superstitions, its exploitation of the people, its protection of the richest and its consolations for the poor, that Karl Marx had to say that religion is nothing but opium for the people.

This is perfectly true for organized religions, but this is not true about enlightened men like Zarathustra, or Bodhidharma, or Basho.

They are the pinnacles of consciousness.

Christianity has done so much harm that the intelligentsia, particularly people like Karl Marx, who were geniuses, became so frustrated with Christianity that they created an alternative, a materialist philosophy with no God, with no soul, with no consciousness.

Communism is a reaction against Christianity.

It is understandable, but not forgivable, because Karl Marx was not acquainted with the enlightenment of Gautam Buddha, nor was he acquainted with the Eastern flowers of Zen, of Tao, of Yoga.

Without knowing anything about authentic religion, he thought that Christianity was equivalent to a religion, he created a religion-less society.

Remember, all Communist countries including the Soviet Union and now China have all become concentration camps.

This very same enslavement model which is now overtaking the whole world, championed by the insane elite criminals of the WEF, UN, WHO, EU, NATO and all the Marxist leftist led western countries.

What do you really think Marxist Klaus Schwab is doing?

He is digging a grave for humanity as deep as possible.

The endgane is to bury all free speech, intelligence and individuality, by introducing Smart city’s, CBDC’s, full spectrum digital surveillance and track-able ID’s, we have mRNA bio eugenics warfare, retarded woke ideology, divisive social justice warriors, unlawful lockdowns, abeyance and obedience to all US/UK/Five Eyes war mongering and propaganda.

All of these ideas are suicidal and tragically dangerous.

If people can just have some respect for themselves, some dignity of being human, then you cannot reduce them all to slaves, you cannot destroy their souls and make them unconscious robots.

Has humanity completely forgotten the endless obscene crimes against humanity of this last century?

Up to now, humanity has only pretended to live, our life has been only hypothetical.  

Realize now, that nuclear weapons and all of the destructive, apocalyptic measures of the so-called elites are just a preparation for a global suicide.

The old humanity has decided to die.

It is up to the intelligent people in the world to disconnect from the old humanity before they destroy you too.

To disconnect yourself from old traditions, old religions, old nations, old ideologies.

For the first time, the old is no longer gold.

The old is the rotten corpse of an ugly past.

It is a great responsibility for the new generation, for the young people to renounce the past.

In the past, religions used to renounce the world.

But now, you have to love the world so that it can be saved, and to renounce the past totally and irrevocably, to be discontinuous.

The new man is not an improvement upon the old, he is not a continuous phenomenon, not a refinement.

The new man is the declaration of the death of the old, and the birth of an absolutely fresh man, unconditioned, without any nation, without any religion, without any discrimination of men and women, of black and white, of East and West, or North and South.

The new man is a manifesto of ‘One Humanity’.

It is the greatest revolution the world has ever seen.

The new man is a revolt against the whole past.

He is a declaration that we are going to create a new way of life, new values of life; that we are destined for new goals, faraway stars are our targets.

And we are not going to allow anybody to sacrifice us for any stunted ideology.

We are going to live our lives, not according to ideals, but according to our own longings, our own passionate intuitions.

And we are going to live moment to moment.

We are no longer to be befooled by the tomorrow, and the promises for tomorrow.

The new man contains the whole future of humanity

Let the old die.

Let the old be led by people like Klaus Schwab.

Let the blind people follow these blind fools.

Remember, the new man is not someone coming from another planet.

The new man is you in your freshness, in your silences of the heart, in your depth of meditation, in your beautiful spaces of love, in your songs of joy, in your dances of ecstasy, in your love of this earth.

Realize the responsibility, man has never faced a greater responsibility before, a responsibility to renounce the whole past, to erase it from your being.

This earth can be a splendor, a magic, a miracle.

Our hands have that touch, it is just that we have never tried it.

Man has never given a chance to his own potential to grow, to blossom, to bring fulfillment, contentment, to shower the whole earth with flowers, to fill the whole earth with fragrance.

That fragrance is godliness.

The new man will not worship a god as a creator of the world, the new man will create godliness as a fragrance, as beauty, as love, as truth.

Up to now god has been the creator.

For the new man from now, man will be the creator, and god is going to be the created.

We can create godliness, it is within our hands.

That’s why I say the new man is the greatest revolution that has ever happened in the world.

And there is no way to avoid it because the old man is determined to die, determined, committed to commit suicide.

Let him die peacefully.

Those who have a rebellious spirit should just disconnect themselves, and they will be the saviors, they will create a Noah’s ark of consciousness, they will be the beginning of a new world.

And because we have known the old world and its miseries; we can avoid all those miseries, the politicians, the globalists, the banksters, the intelligence agencies, we can avoid all those jealousies, all those angers, all those wars, all those destructive tendencies.

We can go through a total transformation.

We can create innocent people, loving people, people who breathe in freedom, people who help each other to be free.

We can create nourishment for everybody to be dignified, to be respected, not according to some ideals and values, but just as they are.

The new man is going to be the very salt of the earth.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Mar 26, 2023 6:51 PM
Reply to  @lienChrist

So all of history for you, as stated in your hypothesis, is that Communism was created to push back against Christianity. That has to be one of the most disingenuous, vague and intellectually dishonest statements ever.

What about the Egyptian Empire?
What about the Greek Empire?
What about the Roman Empire?
What about the Mongols?
What about the wars and dynasties in India?
What about the wars and dynasties of China and Japan?
What about all the tribes of Africa?
What about all the tribes of the Middle East?

Do you still think that the crusades of the 1200s were unprovoked? Then you are ignorant of the fact that the Ottoman Empire, that was predominantly Muslim, invaded Europe in the 600s, and occupied Europe until the late 1100s / early 1200s, when Europeans, that happen to mostly be Christians, pushed the Muslims of the Ottoman Empire back to Turkey and Middle East.

Karl Marx is a self proclaimed Atheist, so if true, why would he care one iota what Christians or Churches do?

Communism is nothing more than a variation of Socialism, Fascism, or any other ism, that is just a euphemism of Totalitarianism. If you think Secular Society is superior, then all you have to do is move to China or North Korea, or any other number of Totalitarianism societies.

That you believe any of TPTB propaganda fear mongering, of world destruction, says more about your mindset than anyone else ever could.

Your assumption that “intelligence” is directly proportional to “goodness” is misplaced. Most of the evilest people are intelligent, because they use that intelligence to rationalize in their own mind, that the evil they commit, is for the good of all. When it is really just for their own perverse pleasure.

The “new man” as you suggest, and as TPTB want, a godless, soulless, do as thou wilt, selfish, power hungry, materialistic, frail, effeminate, nutless wonder.

Man has, and still has, every opportunity to make the world into whatever it wants. TPTB exist, and the world as it is today exist, because most have chosen to be amoral, unethical, materialistic, sex craven, degenerates.

They will be the saviors? If you want to be saved, start by looking in the mirror. No one else is coming to save you. Government will not save you from government. We have free will because we, as individuals, are responsible for the choice we make and the lifestyle we choose.

Transformation starts with looking in the mirror, and choosing to take responsibility for yourself and respecting yourself. When you respect yourself, you will understand how to respect others.


Mar 26, 2023 8:46 PM
Reply to  @lienChrist

Nice, long try…

Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Mar 26, 2023 11:17 AM

How’s about no one, doctors, professors, computer magnates, no one really knows what causes any of these fucking diseases.

We all grew up with the fun fact “No one knows what causes the common cold.” That was a “fun fact” because it was ironic. Modern medicine worked modern miracles but these geniuses couldn’t cure something as ubiquitous as a cold. (Wah wah) No worries. We knew how to treat a cold. Bed, chicken soup, aspirin and in a few days you’re fine. There was no real need for a “cure”.

Think of all the other maladies which cure themselves. Get a cut finger and watch as your finger magically cures itself.

Virus, terrain, whatever, no one really knows what causes the illness called Covid. It just happens. It’s another quirk of nature. What we do know is that it isn’t lethal. Bed, soup, aspirin, a hit or two of Ivermectin and in a few days you’re fine again.

Mar 26, 2023 10:55 AM

It’s funny to see an article about truth opening with Einstein and brain surgeons. Einstein was propaganda personified, and if any brain surgeon ever cured anyone, it is news to me.

I heard a quote by Plato on a podcast that said “There is no perfect circle in the physical world.” Human truth is a simple mental model of a much more complex world. There is one reality, but our minds can only approximate it.

The medieval physician Paracelsus healed people by injecting their excrements with medicine. Five years ago I thought he was nuts. Now I understand why he was right: the alternative is to inject medicine into the patient.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 26, 2023 11:47 AM

Wow…you are definitely further down the rabbit hole than I am…maybe I’ll meet you down there one day…I’m working on it.

Mar 26, 2023 12:50 PM

Sun is a perfect circle is it not?

Mar 26, 2023 1:15 PM
Reply to  sok

The surface of the sun is a beautiful sea of flames with giant waves. https://swisscows.com/nl/images?query=telescope+image+sun

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Mar 26, 2023 7:11 PM
Reply to  sok

Not even a Cue Ball is a perfect circle. Even though we perceive it as such.

Mar 26, 2023 8:49 PM
Reply to  sok

Nope. No more perfect than the circle we can draw with compasses and a pencil.

Mar 26, 2023 6:42 PM

well, most organic cells, isolated, certainly grow into spheres,

shall we split hairs on circles and spheres, or is life just 2-D.

i never knew Plato, but did have to read his stuff in “Classics” at school .

did he spend as much time in nature as he did philosophising?

Mar 26, 2023 10:43 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

He probably did, living in a nice place like that.
I somehow doubt that he was a FaceBook type…

Mar 26, 2023 11:02 PM
Reply to  wardropper

let’s jump in the tardis and find out ; )

i reckon he spent his time amidst too many urbanes…?

Mar 27, 2023 11:39 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

Could be.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Mar 26, 2023 10:28 AM

I follow two rules of critical thinking:

1. Aim to prove your hypothesis wrong – look at everything that argues against your hypothesis and try to think of anything that undermines it yourself. Always respond to any challenges to your thinking. Ironically, the more willing you are to be wrong … the more likely you are to be right!

Kary Mullis and Richard Feynman say this.

2-hour interview with Kary Mullis by Gary Null – highly recommended

1974 Caltech commencement speech by Richard Feynman, entitled Cargo Cult Science – also recommended

2. Confine analysis to the unarguable facts in the first analysis – the nature of reality is that every piece of evidence will support if not favour the correct hypothesis so if all the irrefutable facts support if not favour your chosen hypothesis and there’s a reasonable number of them it’s going to be difficult for another hypothesis to be correct.

I vehemently disagree with you, Todd, on controlled opposition. There’s probably three main kinds:
— “genuine” as in they’re not paid agents and have simply got it wrong either through their own reasoning or have been influenced by paid agents
— they’re not exactly paid agents but they have a sense of how far they can speak the truth with respect to their position, eg, academics
— paid agents

Obviously, the job of paid agents is to undermine the truth so if people are saying things that aren’t in fact the truth even if they’re basically on the same side so to speak they’re working against truth. Opposition needs to be pretty much on the same page to be effective. If that weren’t the case there wouldn’t be the massive number of paid agents there are.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 26, 2023 11:49 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Thank you for this…it is important for me to ponder.

Mar 26, 2023 12:23 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

What about those who do not realise they will become agents once they have a huge following? Then getting asked to do certain things and if they do not obey will be blackmailed? People can be very naïve/stupid thinking they can do what the want when reaching certain levels.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Mar 26, 2023 12:31 PM
Reply to  Fleur

No idea how that part of it all works but would love to know.

Mar 26, 2023 8:57 PM
Reply to  Fleur

A very good point, with quite a few well-known examples of its relevance.

Jordan Peterson worries me these days, as has Noam Chomsky’s shrugging off of 9ii and jfk for some time.
Yet I still love their occasional lunges for the jugular when under pressure from soulless idiots.

Mar 26, 2023 10:22 AM

“I am also particularly dismayed by folks who will wipe away any accomplishment some people have made in this fight, people like Robert Kennedy Jr., or Del Bigtree with ICAN, or Dr. Robert Malone”.

Firstly, I’ve linked an RFK speech and Malone’s testimony to the Mexican Senate here recently so can’t be accused of dismissing everything these figures have done.

However I do see all three as controlled opposition and it’s no good being naive about this. Controlled opposition works by bait and switch. They have to offer some good info as the bait. However they get you invested in them and then pull the switch on to part of the elite agenda. In RFK’s case that’s the Green agenda. I don’t follow the other two enough to know what else they’re pushing but the Chinese lab leak is the big one at the moment (I’ve noticed Naomi Wolf steering things in that direction). Malone is also pushing his own vaccine. Prepping the ground for war with China is massively serious if that’s what they’re doing.

Their backgrounds aren’t enough to convict people – but when you find military careers, elite criminal families, MSM careers and Rhodes Scholarships it would be daft not to be suspicious.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 26, 2023 11:51 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Very interesting…I appreciate your insight…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 26, 2023 3:26 PM
Reply to  Edwige

We need to shift the focus from authorities such as Robert Kennedy Jr, Robert Malone, Naomi Wolf, etc. Deciphering the agenda of alleged “experts” has gotten us to where we are today…

Public (legal systems) need only observe published contracts and “health” effects. >

MORE EVIDENCE: U.S. biotech company Metabiota links biolabs in Africa and Ukraine to the Pentagon’s DTRA
March 21, 2022
MORE EVIDENCE: U.S. biotech company Metabiota links biolabs in Africa and Ukraine to the Pentagon’s DTRA (medicalexperiments.news)

In 2014, Metabiota was awarded $18.4 million in federal contracts under the Pentagon’s DTRA program in Georgia and Ukraine for scientific and technical consulting services. Fill in the dots…

Mar 26, 2023 10:12 AM

upon reading these comments it looks like the germ theory’s purpose to cause divisive & discord, is working well

Mar 26, 2023 4:14 PM

Everything can be used to divide and create discord. The thing we can’t know with any certainty is whether these negative aspects entered the picture when the first microbe hunters leaped headlong into the “Science.”

And that’s not unimportant. Among all the other less than ideal qualities a “scientist” might possess, should we slip divide and discord into the mix?

Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig
Mar 26, 2023 10:05 AM

I believe my own eyes.

My doubts on this most recent scam arose from the universal parrotting of “New normal”, “build back better”, from pretty much day 2 or 3 of the media blitzkreig 3 years ago.

They were confirmed to me with the attacks on small independent business; i myself work for a conglomerate, and so was spared at least being forced to sit on the couch.

Further still, i live near a hospital. Nothing new- if anything, the car park was empty of even staff vehicles.

Everyone i know has gotten ill since their poke. I have not. Indeed, my missus is lain out right now, spluttering guts everywhere. I. Am. Fine.


My eyes are my guide.

Mar 26, 2023 11:43 AM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

Your eyes are just like glass lenses: it is your brain that “sees” by putting the two images upside down plus some other trickery to get back to its old ‘normal’ pictures.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Mar 26, 2023 9:54 AM

“They” must be rubbing their hands with glee, not believing their luck.

“We” divided ourselves with the germ/terrain argument, not them.

Dividing ourselves to make us easier to conquer.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Mar 26, 2023 9:12 AM

”Who do you believe and why”

Well, I think that it is those bastards who are going to close my bank account and give me that CBDC shit instead (very useful for arse wiping). That’s real. No ifs or buts. That’s what is going to wake up Joe Normie and the rest of the somnambulists. Most of what is going down in the world is the realization that the PTB are immiserating the proles. Just look at Germany, France et al., and that’s only the start. It’s the same old same old class struggle that’s gone on for centuries. Musing on the nature of the Corona hoax is a bit of a middle-class luxury.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 26, 2023 9:07 AM

Transgender athlete research rejected after professor called trans women ‘men’”

Another headline that seems to indicate that the trans thing is, at least partly, shit stirring provocation designed to distract. 

a human
a human
Mar 26, 2023 7:48 AM

If someone says unicorns exists, I do not care. But if xyz says unicorn exist and now you have to do xyz,..
I do not even want to argue unicorns nor do I want to become an unicorn expert.
Just leave me alone.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 26, 2023 11:53 AM
Reply to  a human


les online
les online
Mar 26, 2023 7:11 AM

As mechanisation had made considerable inroads into the local bread-manufacturing industry by the late 1970s, massively reducing the workforce, the union decided some of the benefits of the increased productivity-per-worker should flow to the remaning workforce..So the union had meetings with the bosses to discuss a log of claims…They were unsuccessful meetings, so the union called a meeting of members to decide what to do…It was certain the men would vote to withdraw their labour to pressure the bosses to see reason…
The meeting took over three hours before a vote was taken…It wasnt because of any doubt about the justness of the claims that delayed putting the matter of what action to take to a vote as support for the log was near 100% solid…The delay was due to distrust…
The guys in my factorty didnt trust the guys in the other factories, and no one trusted “the bloody eyeties”. We all felt convinced “the bloody eyeties, greeks and wogs” would vote for a strike but would still go to work next day… Contrary to what people are fed to believe by the corporate propaganda media (aka MSM), getting workers to take strike actions for their own interests is not a piece of cake…
I’ve wrote before that Every Narrative / Conversation is about Security, and it is,,,And it’s also about Dis-trust…
When i was very young there were times when i believed both of my parents were Deep Fakes…They seemed so nice, so friendly, but the broken promises mounted…It was hard to believe they made promises they never meant to keep…(Santa failing to leave the presents i asked for was another learning experience)…Years later i learned of such conditions as ‘split personality disorder’ which seemed to explain everything…But by then i’d learned dis-trust…It’s not a medical condition, it cant be treated, and there’s a heck of a lot of it about…Pandemic proportions, and very likely contagious…

Mar 26, 2023 7:40 AM
Reply to  les online

Distrust likely plays a larger role than belief, I’m with you there.

Do people really assess what they’re told as “what makes sense to us”? I defer to the author who is a psychotherapist (practising in my mother’s native city) but aren’t there lots of signals, subconscious ticks and impulses, as experts in branding assert?

“I’ve never heard of that,” might lead us to discount an idea, rather than what makes sense – especially on topics we don’t feel qualified to begin to assess.

“Who are you to tell me,” might be another common reaction: those with whom we identify might have a head start. That means using the same language, neither too hot nor too cold: mood music.

Then there’s the random expert scenario, which friends have also described in their relationships: where a partner will ignore their advice in favour of the urgings of mere acquaintance. There is sometimes an impulse, faced with a complex argument or dilemma, to throw caution to the wind and take a stab at fate – or a jab.

Mar 26, 2023 6:45 AM

I love reading these wonderful essays and articles in the off-guardian. They fortify me in numerous ways. I like writing these responses, an intellect communicating with others. These articles can surely help some people understand what they didn’t understand before: dangerous people in positions of power are out to depopulate the planet, and create the most hideous thing the planet has ever seen: the New Fascist World Order.
But at some point we will probably have to realize that we’ve tried the ‘polite’ ways using words and reason, and that those words have not slowed much less stopped any of this unfolding tyranny. Yes, those words have helped to wake people up. So the words are necessary. But they sure don’t seem sufficient.
Because I fear the global tyranny won’t go away with words alone, there will come a time when we realize that we will need to put down the pen and pick up screwdrivers, wrenches and hammers to deconstruct that which needs deconstructing. Solzhenitsyn only realized this *after* he and others found themselves in the Gulag. Are we going to end up like Solzhenitsyn, only *wishing* we had fought back?
I don’t pretend to know exactly when people should take up direct deconstruction. When they found themselves as Gulag prisoners Solzhenitsyn only knew one thing—they had waited too long. “(If we) had understood we had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand.”
What is happening now, to us, involves no Gulag so many of us continue to be relatively unaware of the extreme danger of our situation. The proverbial frog in cold water doesn’t realize how very hot the water is getting by the growing electronic tentacles of control being weaved around us second by second. 
5G is essential for them to create a global electronic prison of unimaginable horror: “a truly dark place of total surveillance and soul-crushing control over all human activity,” as Leo Hohmann says. 5G are boxes (antennas) that are ‘everywhere’ and within reach. They are not tanks or fighter jets. They are boxes (antennas) within reach. The prisons being built for us absolutely require 5G.
I chose p53 as a vehicle to speak about deconstruction (p53Speaks.Substack.com) because p53 can teach Freedom Fighters some valuable lessons. p53 is known as the Suicide Protein—p53 can ‘suicide’ the cell. p53 is also known as ‘Guardian of the Cell’ and ‘Guardian of the Genome’. p53’s job is to deconstruct up to 70 billion dysfunctional, cancerous, etc cells in each person every day. p53 does not worry about what new cells will be built in their place. p53 knows other cellular forces will take care of that. Like p53, Freedom Fighters don’t need a build back better 10 point plan in order to stop what is happening.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 26, 2023 11:57 AM
Reply to  p53

Thank you.

Mar 26, 2023 4:28 AM

In 1996, Pfizer was found guilty of felonies linked to the death of children in Nigeria. In 2009, Pfizer pled guilty to racketeering based on their pattern and practice of bribing doctors, off label use marketing, mail fraud, wire fraud and failing to report adverse events. Since 2000, Pfizer has racked up 10 billion in fines, while AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson have amassed 16 billion in fines for many of the same offenses. Though Moderna has not been around long enough to compete for fines with the detritus of IG Farben, Merck which is a major investor in Moderna, has been fined 10 billion since 2000. 

With respect to the numbers on “vaccine” efficacy (aka experimental genetic therapies), the reporting of Relative Risk Reduction without disclosing Absolute Risk Reduction (which is less than 1%), is an additional violation of law that these criminals can add to their pile. Given the FDA is aware of their own regulations, the FDA is both an accessory and co-conspirator to these covid “vaccine” reporting violations. 

Finally, as to Pharma’s published studies on safety, Dr. Angell, the former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine stated in 2009, “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines.” 

Given the totality of the above, all of which was in the public record pre 2019, you don’t need to be Einstein to “just say no” to Pharma’s filth.

Mar 26, 2023 5:04 AM
Reply to  jtkong

The Sacklers are responsible for half a million deaths over the past 20 years.
They are psychopathic scum.

Mar 28, 2023 11:47 AM
Reply to  jtkong

I published a list of 98 medicines that can cause you to commit suicide or homicide. If I had made this claim without proof, the pharmaceuticals would have sued me. There have been no lawsuits. -Prof. David Healy, interview, alternet.org, 2013

Christine Massey
Christine Massey
Mar 26, 2023 4:10 AM

Hundreds of governments institutions weren’t “maybe” unable to cite a shred of evidence showing that “the virus” exists, the methods described in virology papers aren’t “maybe” pseudoscience, RFK Jr, Bigtree, etc haven’t “maybe” gone along with the core lie and fraud, Sasha Latypova didn’t “maybe” pose as someone knowledgeable about “viruses” yesterday and then ban me from her substack for asking simple questions relating to her claims. There are plenty of things we know for a fact!

Mar 26, 2023 9:52 AM

She seems really ungry with your posts…🤔

Mar 26, 2023 10:05 AM

her LinkedIn page:

Ms. Latypova served as Head of sales and business Development at VirtualScopics, Inc. (VSCP) a leading developer of image-based biomarkers for improving pharmaceutical development.

During her tenure at VirtualScopics, she expanded the client portfolio from one lead customer, Pfizer, to 6 of the top-10 pharmaceutical companies as well as multiple smaller pharmaceutical and medical device clients. In addition, she has been responsible for developing project management organization at VirtualScopics and hiring and training several project managers and business development associates. Prior to VirtualScopics, Ms. Latypova was a Manager in healthcare practice at Analysis Group.

Mar 26, 2023 3:15 AM

accept mystery

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Mar 26, 2023 11:58 AM

I like that.