This Week in the New Normal #59
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. “Ghost Children”
We’re in the season of lockdown revisionism, where voices of the establishment sheepishly admit to making a couple of mistakes that barely cover one-tenth of the horrific reality. This isn’t just about covering themselves or salvaging their reputation, it can also be a tool for selling an agenda in and of itself.
For example: “covid’s ghost children”.
One of the “regrets” of lockdown – among those media types who have decided they were never in favour of it, even though we all know they were – is that “closing schools was unnecessary” because it negatively impacted education levels…and caused some children to leave and never come back.
These are the aforementioned “ghost children”, those kids who left the system and never came back. And they were all over the news this week.
The Spectator is very concerned that high levels of “truancy” is going to create a spike in homeless criminals. The Times is characteristically didactic in tone, demanding we “Take urgent action to get ghost children back into school”, while the BBC is predictably indirect and squishy, going for the manipulative sentimental angle.
The BBC article is also the most revealing, calling for a:
a national register that would help track all children, including those not on a school roll.
…as well as suggesting “real-time data collection” to “protect vulnerable children”. This will doubtless be included in the new “Children Not in School Register” legislation, currently being proposed by Tory backbenchers.
Interestingly, not one of these articles even mentions homeschooling – which was a big concern just two months ago, but not without some pushback. It’s still about that, reframing the conversation to be about “vulnerable children” and juvenile delinquents is just a trick.
2. meat bans in the off(al)ing
The anti-meat propaganda drive kicked into cycle this week, with the Guardian reporting that farms produce over 25% of the pollution found in cities.
Yes, in the latest absurd statistic they actually expect us to believe, some “experts” have published a paper claiming more city-based particle pollution is created by agriculture than any other source, including ones within the city itself. Apparently, cow farts 20 miles away are worse for the London air quality than all of the cars, chimneys buses or factories.
It’s ridiculous, obviously.
Meanwhile, Oxford City council has announced they are banning meat and serving only vegan food at internal council events, and introducing vegan options to school menus. the first domino to fall, perhaps.
3. Iraq anniversary, again
I know, we covered this last week, but I didn’t see this article then and it really, really needs some recognition as either the greatest act of revisionism of all time, or an all-time great piece of absurdist satire.
Eli Lake contends that, 20 years later, we can look back at the Iraq war “not the disaster everyone says it was”.
Writing for, Lake lays out a series of points ranging from the factually inaccurate to the totally illogical. But, without question, the crowning glory is this quote:
During Saddam’s reign, only a small number of Iraqis had cellphone subscriptions. As of 2021, 86 percent of the country had a wireless telecom plan.
I mean, what can you even say to that? It’s perfect. The total lack of historical or social context, the fact he doesn’t even quantify the “small number”, and the very idea – even if that stat is true – that it would somehow make the war worth it.
I have nothing more to add. It’s hilarious.
BONUS: Depressing image of the week
Maybe some people won’t have a problem with it…but advertising boards on a cathedral – even just the scaffolding – feels like a cultural low-point.
Our great war is a spiritual war.
— Culture Critic (@Culture_Crit) March 18, 2023
It’s not all bad…
I’m not sure there is any good news this week, I looked, I really did. Believe me. This is as disappointing for me as it is for you guys…
…here’s a soothing beach scene:
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the tidal wave of TikTok bans or the EU’s coming digital identity bill.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Ahahaha, a combination of stupid bullshit news for senile mentally insane fuckheads…
Shall we start a hang anyone who votes sincerely party? Sick of the sheople who just go along with this mindless, soulless shite.
They have never done a article of how this shit show happened. as in how there was record turn outs to the voting booth just before Bs19 which installed the fake leaders in place who was according to the same alt media now back then was fighting the establishment.
You will see how all of them, including Offg was shilling for them.
What about a recount on Saturday’s protest in London?
Of course “they’re all in it together” but …… A sermon on Hubris, or Pride Comes Before a Fall, by Russian apologist Batiushka: The sermon begins, Tell me the old, old story, how the karma of hubris felled the Napoleonic Empire, the Hitlerian Empire and the Churchillian Empire; and continues thus: “Now the karma of hubris is coming to the U$ Empire. Having ignored their fair warning in Vietnam (which was the US equivalent of the British massacre of the tiny Boer nation) the U$ grimly continued to massacre in Iraq and Afghanistan [and Libya and Serbia and Syria]. Then karma in the shape of ‘Taliban’, ordinary Afghan resistance fighters [and ordinary Iraqu resistance fighters, and ordinary Hezb’Allah resistance fighters, and the regular Syrian Army, and the regular Iranian army, and the regular Russian Army] defending their religious identity and ethnic homelands from Anglo-Zio-Capitalist invaders, defeated the US in a $2 Trillion rout. The karma of hubris homed in. Today the deluded and the senile demented – ‘in charge’ in the EU$A — [like the deluded and demented Hitler before them] face a nightmare war of attrition against karma [in the shape of Russia] in the Ukraine. Attrition is the worst possible outcome [for the faltering and debt ridden economy of the EU$A] and the Russian Federation knows it. This war [like WW2 in the Russian Ukraina] is a metal-grinder as well as a meat mincer. Stocks of Ukrainian men are running dangerously low, as are stocks of NAT[z]O weaponry. Russia is in no hurry. We shall just keep on sending drones, missiles and artillery shells until there is nothing left to fight with — or until the U$ Junta in Kiev sue for peace. Lives lost so far: regular Ukrainian troops and [NATZO] mercenaries are around 250,000 fighters… Read more »
Nick and Batyushka.
BRICS was invented and coordinated by Goldman Sachs. China’s OBOR is guarded by Prince and Blackwater the famous US mercenary Company in a contract with the Chinese government.
Putin and Xi have openly declared their love to all green sustainable bs Smart cities and QR coding.
There is a lot of factual errors in your comment.
Russia’s own dead soldiers is said to be much higher 100000 Ukros against 70000 Russians. Ukraine has mobilised 200 000 soldiers after the first year why Russia’s little force were/are cannon fodder in many battles.
So “they are all in it together” still stands. We would like your wishful thinking but it is still hopium.
It’s time for people to stop adhering to these fake laws. Otherwise we have a populace knowing the laws are unjust, but obeying them anyway, this to me is insanity. Do we really think parents have been jailed for home schooling their kids?
It’s all fraud, all voluntary, see through it. Just like when you stop paying council tax, nothing happens. Do it!
“Three years after the first lockdown – Monuments to celebrate us”
Isn’t that nice…? •••
One more monument to human stupidity.
New Slavsquat article gives fascinating inside-scoop on Russian military action in Ukraine.
Very interesting, guys.
That isn’t Riley’s page. This is:
Thanks for posting that Penelope, it makes sense of it, a failed ‘Regime Change’ followed by “what are we going to do now?” We are so accustomed to seeing Russia as this monolithic machine as presented by mainstream or alt media that we fail to even think about how it holds together and makes decisions. Oddly reminiscent of the USofA,
ZH had a strange article today in which the anonymous writer says: “Geomagnetic Pole Shift is likely to happen in the next 7 years, possibly as soon as 2 years (They say probably on or before 2030, hence the “2030 Agenda”. We don’t know the cause of this (Can be 12th planet Nibiru as Sitchin and others suggest, or as Hapgood and Einstein surmised, it’s something internal that causes cyclical pole shift, such as being triggered by massive ice melt, causing Volcanoes near the South Pole to blow, causing a rapid shift), but we do know the government knows, and the billionaires know this intel, and they are spending hundreds of billions preparing for the event. We don’t know the dates, but we can see it’s approaching due to the Earth volatility, freak storms, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, tornadoes, train wrecks, strange behavior of animals, solar storms, magnetic anomalies, and the south pole has already started to substantially drift. The US Government learned about this in the 1970s and setup FEMA to manage it. You can bet they have an entire civilization deep underground accessible from convenient access point near Billionaire nests. Isn’t it interesting that the US most hardened military facility is conveniently located a short distance from Aspen, CO? The Elite are sitting on free energy technology, healthcare that would blow your mind, an underground tunnel system that can traverse most of the Earth, and interstellar space travel, just to name a few. When learning about this event they decided to lie, and to hide this cyclical event which happens around every 12,000 years and is referenced in every single religious text in the world without exception. In fact, the Bible is the most vague and obscured account, the more ancient the religion the more detailed stories about the Great Flood and the Benevolent Aliens, such as Zoroastrianism. This deserves an article… Read more »
A sizable chunk of the State – as well as other related chunks – would fall if education ceased to be public. The State has a survival instinct just like a live being and knows when it’s being threatened.
Yes of course that too, a “virtuous” circle wherefrom the State gets stronger and stronger. If the population though decides to unilaterally break that circle it’s almost certainly the death of the State. Alarm bells everywhere. 🚨🚨
3% have valid comments, the rest? Wow, the vanity.
Sorry to see you go.
I would like to share this little tidbit. Got a link, by chance? Otherwise, I will look around. I am bad at links too.
People are afraid of sternly-worded letters through the post. That’s all you’ll get when you break the ‘laws’ (at least for civil ‘offences’). Bin the letter. It’s all fake and only becomes real when you engage with it.
…I prefer the Christmas 2020 dumpster fire vid’ for the appropriate ambience:… 😉
…- Oh and, ps: – re: ‘Ghost Kids’, – you don’t think by now they have a file on *Everybody*, in this day and age?… – Those kids are either, a) Being homeschooled (as the article avers), or, b) Dead/Crippled from the jab… (*Looooots* of people still not back to travelling on the buses round my way, and I don’t s’pose for one second that ‘fear’ accounts for *Even Remotely* the majority of ’em…), – Or, c) Both of the above…
The illegal Iraq wars – not the disaster everyone says it was?!
How about this? US military intervention heavily damaged Iraqi infrastructure and ecologies that sustain human survival.
Between 2002 and 2005 alone, the US armed forces expended 6 billion bullets—roughly 200,000-300,000 bullets per individual killed in Iraq. This number of shells, full of lead and mercury, does not include larger ordinances or other metal remnants from after 2005, or from previous wars: the Iran-Iraq war (1980–1988),
US missiles and tanks also fired depleted uranium rounds at civilian areas according to DAX, a Dutch peace group, leaving residential areas with radioactive pollution for thousands of years to come. For example, leukemia in children in Basra increased by 60 percent between 1990 and 1997, and the number of children born with severe birth defects increased by a factor of three in Basra.
Congenital anomalies in Iraq include hydrocephaly, cleft palates, tumours, elongated heads, overgrown limbs, short limbs and malformed ears, noses and spines.
Farmers also report that plant crops and livestock suffer from malformed parts or tumorous growth. Many farmers kept photographs and told stories of destroyed irrigation systems, contaminated water and hypersalinized soil. Infertility, cancers and birth defects prevented them from having and raising healthy children.
But, hey, they now have mobile phones where they can log in to Meta where soon their lives will become so much nicer.
That war, like most was evil.
It was the essence of evil presented as entertainment for Western eyes. They literally televised the pointless and wanton destruction of a country and its people. It disgusted me then and it disgusts me now.
You left out Faluja. As for depleted uranium, they are repeating that in Ukraine
1. Problem-Reaction-Solution: the dialectic marches on. Just as “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice” (Barry Goldwater) so safety fanaticism closing down schools has nothing morally corrupt to confess, only calculative error to admit as virtue in defense of children. The paternalistic state will now correct its mistake by subjecting the little ones to Big Brother’s care with further extension of the surveillance prison for students who long ago began the ghosting process of absenteeism to life in the digital (c)age. As if mass exodus from skooling – on our terms – is not to be sought, truants will be hunted down for the public good of ruling psychopathy, the war on crime or criminalized populations, and the school-to-prison pipeline. Any mention of the spikes in youthful suicide by our overzealous protectors? If so, they’ve got an answer for that: mental health assessments for diagnostic superstitions promoting snake oil drugs from Big Harma. 2. It’s all I can do to suppress my gagging nowadays when I pass the meat market aisles at groceries and observe the steady rollout of wonder-this and impossible-that brands of lab grown goo. I can just see Billy Boy Gates salivating over prime rib as he stuffs himself with top cuts of this business upon human misery (and isn’t it wonderful, or impossible, how he’s taking care of starvation with his Vax!). Methane emissions may be no laughing matter when you’re downwind from the cow’s arse, but leave it to the Gates of Hell to cough up digital devices to control cow’s carbon footprints on their way to market among human livestock. I always fondly remember sign of the woke cultural revolution round climate change in once coming across vegans protesting a vegetarian restaurant. With divide-and-rule causes reduced to triviality, Gates and his whole gang shouldn’t have too much trouble herding us into the… Read more »
During Saddam’s reign, only a small number of Iraqis had cellphone subscriptions. As of 2021, 86 percent of the country had a wireless telecom plan.
Hooray for our side! 👍📱
Actually it is just adding one more culture killing feature to the long list of atrocities in Iraq.
Saddam made sure they had food rations – until the sadistic embargo.
It’s all just one big “reality” TV show!
‘This Guy is a Fraud’: Osundairo Brothers Bash Smollett, Reenact Hate Crime Hoax In New Fox Nation Docu-series
March 21st, 2023
Jussie Smollett: Anatomy of a Hoax
Fox Nation
Mar 9, 2023
The attack shocked the nation. The truth upended the hoax. Go inside the Jussie Smollett saga in this exclusive 5-part docuseries. Stream it on Fox Nation starting March 13th.
RE: soothing beach scene
Reminds me of the end of the movie Repo Men where Jude Law’s character has a brain implant forcibly placed in him where he perpetually dreams of lying on a beach like this with a fruity alchoholic beverage next to him. (He’s otherwise a vegetable.)
More Distractions !
Best Trump Arrest Memes.
I’m losing patience !
And in our news tonight:
“Afghan teenage girls denied the right to go to school …. where they can learn from Western science how they can “reassign” their gender.”
I asked an Afghani in the UK today why the T would do that – he said ‘no reason – just because the U.S. are against it’. I can’t understand – but it is misery for those girls. And we should be on their side – whatever the politics.
UK sending depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine:
Poison the breadbasket so everyone has to eat the vat-grown gloop?
And this is exactly what I mean when I use the term fuckwit. The dude is off his rocker. It’s just such an eyewateringly painful and retarded thing to have read.
People like this should be on meds and locked away.
There are probably more trannies and rainbow coloured dildos in Iraq now than there were under Saddam Hussein as well. What’s a few million dead and maimed, a destroyed economy and a wrecked infrastructure compared to that? You have to see the bigger picture and prioritise what’s important.
I wouldn’t even waste meds on them.
In this week of the New Normal, did those seeking the truth across the pond in relation to Covid, miss out on some other questions that should have been asked?
In terms of Prof Fenton, and his ongoing quest to get ONS to produce stats that ‘show what they say on the tin’, has anyone seen why such issues with ONS data is apparent, when we’ve had 10+years of the flu injection. Surely, the ONS would be robust by this time. Do we need to look back at the flu vaccine figures/claims of efficacy and harms?
Its so cheesy, this contrived nonsense, just before Easter, the mioslems do it just before Ramadan, the ones who you cant speak off, do the same. Usually it is by podcasters TY hosts who live online and hardly visit Churches, Mosques or the other lot who trigger ‘pending’.
I no wiccans who spend more time on the grounds of Churches than any of fake posts like this crap pretending to make out they do. Shame on you.
Advertising at Churches by people who dont visit Churches, all the big Churches charge 15£$ euro, you cant get in over wise, your bags are searched and metal detectors.
There is 100s of cashless pay donation links everywhere and the sob story, of how much it costs to have the Churches heated.
Not forgetting the bullshit scam about how the place needs emergency work and emotional black mail that the building is in despair and needs repairs or else..
ITS THE SAME SCAM< everywhere. Wake up.
They even have merch shops, that sell pure crap, like rubbers, pens, cups at 500000x the mark up price.
1000’s of ecclesiastical bishop suspension notices went up during covid, Nothing was mentioned by the fake Conservative MIC alt media.
They closed down during the time most important time of need (during covid remember?)
You’ve forgotten. Amnesia.
Your so fake. Just like that abrahamic religions faithless who is the cause of all the misery and pain and suffering in the realm- Religion is the biggest psyop going.
The Great Harlot all organised religion. But that doesnt mean God isnt still there above us all.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-03-25. Moderna Shot Causes SIX TIMES More Myocarditis Cases U40 Men Than CV. Brutality of the French police (blog, gab, tweet).
Today is the 7867 anniversary since September 11th and we still don’t know what happened.
Regardless, you can still see bumper stickers and pins and signs saying, “Never Forget”.
Do you see the disconnect?
There are many red flags to be found regarding September 11th, such as the steel support beams cut at a 45 degree angle: Here is one very bright red flag: “Once the entire country was aware that we were under attack and that planes were being hijacked and used as weapons, the two people who were most important to the FAA’s response were 1) the person running the FAA’s national Command Center and 2) the hijack coordinator at FAA headquarters.” #1) It was this person’s first day on the job! #2) He happened to be out of town, way (Texas) out of town. #1 The person occupying position #1 had been a Wall Street lawyer (lucrative!) and it was his first day on the job! at position #1. I wonder if his circle of contacts included “Lucky Larry” Silverstein (or his consortium) who signed a lease for the twin towers six weeks before 911. Lucky was elsewhere as he had an appointment that September morning. Also absent that morning was his son and daughter, you can be sure they had good reasons too. But I digress. The first day the Wall Street lawyer held essential position #1 was… September 11th, 2001. #2 A position even more critical to a proper response on 911 than position #1 was out of town on September 11th. He (Michael Canavan) had held that position for about nine months. “Nearly the entirety of Canavan’s career was in military special operations.” “he had been the commander of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), which ran the military’s counterterrorism operations and covert missions” “JSOC quickly became “one of the most secret operations of the US government.” “When he first started the job as FAA’s hijack coordinator, just nine months before the attacks, Canavan was in charge… Read more »
Yikes! It was John Bolton’s UN Resolution 1680 NOT 1608. Perhaps you remember it. Bolton channeled the Rolling Stones at a news conference MAY 17, 2006: BOLTON: The United States is very pleased with the passage of Resolution 1680. It does a number of things for the first time. First, it explicitly refers to the role of not just Syria, but of Iran, in bringing stability to Lebanon by referring to the Secretary General’s report. It makes clear that the burden is now on Syria to respond to Lebanon’s request for border delineation and the full exchange of diplomatic relations. It clearly says to Syria that it needs to do more to stop the flow of weapons across the Syrian/Lebanese border. And it makes it clear that all the further disarming of all militias inside Lebanon is an important priority. So we are quite pleased with this vote, 13 to nothing. We, of course, wish it had been higher, but unanimity is desirable, but not a prerequisite for Council Action. We thought it was important in this case to respond with a resolution to the Secretary General’s report not a presidential statement as some delegations wanted and that’s what we’ve done. So we think this is another important step forward in the implementation of 1559, which we continue to follow closely as well, of course, as the implementation of 1595, the investigation into the Hariri assassination. QUESTION: Mr. Ambassador, there is no mention of Iran in the resolution; and B, you have 2 abstentions, now is this not a lot less in it’s (inaudible) than what you had expected? BOLTON: Certainly not, let me just read the mellifluous words of the resolution in operative paragraph 3: reiterates also “it’s call on all concerned states and parties as mentioned in the… Read more »
Here is the missing link.
Hezbollah did 9/11, and were seen dancing on the street after the attack.
This is not something we think, but something we know from a new video we just pulled out from behind.
1 in 36 Kids Have Autism, CDC Says — Critics Slam Agency’s Failure to Investigate Causes
One in 36 (2.8%) 8-year-old children — 4% of boys and 1% of girls — have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), based on an analysis of data from 2020, published today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
By Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
Mar 24, 2023
In New Autism Report, CDC Again Fails to Address Root Causes
In its latest autism report, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to focus on equity, rather than causation, even though the new prevalence numbers have turned the equity argument upside down.
By Cynthia Nevison, Ph.D.
Mar 24, 2023
Mar 24, 2023
Shocking New Autism Prevalence Rates
The CDC announces updated rates of autism — what do the numbers reveal? Listen to the panel on ‘Friday Roundtable’ as they discuss the data, diagnosis and developments within this sphere of public health. Viewers, don’t miss the conversation!
In 1988 this scene made sense – and it was used to introduce “autism” to the general public.
Nurse: “He’s artistic!?
Tom Cruise: “No, he’s AU-tistic.”
Nurse: “I’m not familiar with that.”
I never realized that before, I think you are on to something there.
Mark Blaxill (Dec 2009): Ah, the joys of deconstructing CDC statistics. How do they lie to us? Let me count the ways. One, start the history of autism in 1992. This is why Rain Man had to be released before the increase – so that it could be attributed to heightened awareness. However, if there had been hidden and misdiagnosed autism of around 3%, most of the increase in reporting would have occurred within a few years of the film’s release; followed by a tapering increase over the next decade or so as the reporting plateaued to the true rate. Instead, the curve is that of an exponential increase over the 1990s and 2000s; continuing with a steady increase over the 2010s. And there’s still no sign of a plateau. — March 25, 2023 Mark Blaxill has updated his prevalence slides to reflect the most current data. The slides are at the end of this post. The article below from The Defender quotes Mark, who is AofA’s Editor-At-Large and co-founder. — A “Best of AoA” post from Dec 2009: Mark Blaxill: Lies, Damned Lies and CDC Autism Statistics It’s official now, real autism rates have exploded to 1 in 100 American children. . . . Nowhere is the institutional pattern of negligence, deception and propaganda surrounding autism more apparent than in the work of the Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) network. . . . CDC surely understands that a huge part of the controversy over rising autism rates is defining when the increases started so we can better locate the environmental roots behind autism’s recent rise. They also understand that the criticism over CDC’s own role in this controversy begins with the escalation in the childhood immunization program that started with the introduction of new vaccines for Haemophilus… Read more »
Well, a stupid flat screen 12 hrs/day certainly wont decrease these figures.
From 5-in-10,000 to 300 over a 60-year period – and still rising with no sign of a plateau!
So what happened to the 295 children (out of the 10,000) who didn’t get diagnosed as “autistic”?
May 24, 2011
Lorna Wing can recall the exact moment she realised that her daughter, Susie, was different. . . . Despite years of medical training, Lorna and her husband John, both psychiatrists, knew nothing about autism when Susie was born in 1956. “It might have been mentioned once in a lecture, but as for facts or prevalence, no one knew anything.” So Susie’s diagnosis, at three, left them reeling. Determined to change things for children like Susie, and their parents, Lorna switched her professional attention. . . .
In the 1950s the condition was thought to affect four or five children in 10,000. Today’s greater awareness, and the work of Wing and her colleagues, places its prevalence at around one in 100: a ratio Wing considers accurate but it has led to claims of an autism epidemic. Wing says: “I can’t see any evidence for an increase in numbers. There are more diagnoses because we now know about the brighter children as well. But who knows? It is conceivable that human beings are evolving to have more autistic traits because they are so useful.”
Lorna Gladys Wing OBE FRCPsych (7 October 1928 – 6 June 2014) was an English psychiatrist. She was a pioneer in the field of childhood developmental disorders, who advanced understanding of autism worldwide, introduced the term Asperger syndrome in 1976[1] and was involved in founding the National Autistic Society (NAS) in the UK.
I am tempted to try that statistic out on friends and associates.
If you do the same be sure that you aren’t holding any sharp objects.
I would have thought that truancy creating a spike in homeless criminals was one of the chief aims
To be fair school was always crap. Primary School teaches you what you need to know. Secondary School trains you never to use it.
acht, depended on the teacher, but, aye.
Here’s an interesting piece from today’s It’s penned by Julian Rose, whose credibility is a bit dicey. But it seems straight forward. And it does fit with the 2nd listed item in This Week in the New Normal #59.
Disbelief as ‘Green King’ Gives Royal Assent to New Gene Breeding Technology – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Best not to tell Edwige
Genetic Technology Precision Breeding Act
GTPBA = 7 + 20 + 16 + 2 + 1 = 46 = 2 x 23
The Number 23
Are you going insane yet?
Difficult to say. The difference between ‘insane’ and ‘sane’:
Insane = 9 + 14 + 19 + 1 + 14 + 5 = 62
Sane = 19 + 1 + 14 + 5 = 39
62 – 39 = ?
Meaning “royal go ahead on 23 03 2023″ = 3 x 23
Whatever it f…… is, I dont like it.
Watch 0:41 (speed 0.25)
‘FROM’ appears briefly underneath the ’23’-morphed name. Not sure what that would mean.
The whole film is littered with subtle and less subtle (’23’) references; number plates, shop signs etc. Many scenes would need to be watched in slow motion to catch them all.
I’m sure they had a lot of fun making it
Yes, they must have had fun, but I also think it’s a bit ‘special’. After all, when that film was made, slow motion was not possible for the unsuspecting viewer.
“Precision breeding”, taking just out of EngSoc’s nasionalsocialismus programme. What a disgusting world we are living in.
I suspect the ‘ghost children’ actually has more to do with either the pupils or their parents no longer trusting or believing authority anymore. Why send children to school when the educational establishment itself ordered them home for all those months, and ruined their exam chances? I certainly look differently at even petty officialdom like supermarket managers and security guards after covid.
The last couple of weeks have seeen Trump thoroughly re-established as unofficial leader of the opposition. Trump has appeared victimised (without anything concrete really coming of it); De Santis has just happened to make some comments about Ukraine that seemed designed to alienate potential support. Sadly, those who seem more motivated by annoying liberals than achieving anything positive have been cheering it all on (there’s no De Santis Derangement Syndrome they complain).
Too much has been invested in Trump to allow him to slink off-stage into the sunset. National politics is no solution to anything in NATO countries, it must be obvious.
Boris’ trials seem to parallel those of Trump. Maybe there’ll be a comeback there too
“The Leader of the Opposition…”
… is tacky.”
This is the best America has to offer. Garbage in, garbage out.
Can you imagine someone else?
“Please note. The same gang of War Racketeering Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Criminal Pyschopaths that make Orange Hair Bozo THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION keep Chuckles Da Turd of THE ROYAL MAFIA CRIME FAMILY the head of the British State.”
“The People of the US and the UK deserve better.”
Dont agree. People have the leaders they deserve. Otherwise they would have elected some other leaders, or kicked the morons out.
Think about Trump had to bomb the deserts and empty houses in ME to make his popularity poll raise 10%.
The moment people found out Trump didnt bomb civilians and wanted the boys home, they ran to Biden.
Biden killed more civilians overseas the first 4 weeks than Trump did in his 4 years, and The People are happy.
Anyone that supports Ukraine or Russia is F’ing asleep. They are both banker boss puppet POS, just like Trump, and all the other “world leaders”.
DeSantis too is just another banker boss puppet POS, saying what people want to hear.
DeSantis will probably get the Retardican Ticket.
Trump will likely go Libertarian / Independent.
The result will be a split Retardican vote, and Demontards will win by default, regardless of their POS candidate.
Nothing is going to change until the banker and political parasites are dragged into the street and dealt some old fashioned justice.
Word on the street is that Robert Kennedy, Jr. is thinking about running under the Democratic ticket. He had given a speech to a student body at one of the northeast universities where he said as much. YouTube deleted it, and RKF Jr filed a lawsuit against YouTube March of this year. Dr. Mercola wrote an article on it yesterday.
FWIW, I like RFK Jr., even if his “health freedom” opinions are conflicted and compromised.
But I find it hard to believe that he would attempt even a “symbolic” campaign for the presidency. Even though being embattled and despised has become a way of life for him, as soon as he announced his candidacy the vicious blowback would escalate in quantum leaps.
I expect that there would be an initial mega-blast of media attention hyping the Kennedy family history and legacy, but saturated with Wikipedia-style slanders, e.g. “… but ‘some say’ RFK Jr. is an irresponsible crackpot…”
I also doubt, despite the magic of the Kennedy name and his unrequited loyalty to the Democratic Party, that the Democratic Party poobahs would welcome or support his candidacy.
The Party of Judas’s stable of once and future Elected Misrepresentatives don’t need the competition.
And if he took the plunge (or leap) in spite of the obstacles and risks, I predict here and now that the odious Respectable Kennedys, e.g. Caroline et al, would deplore and oppose his candidacy.
Here’s some good news. There’s no need for a mass cull to reduce world population.
Educating women is all that’s required. This would reduce numbers from a projected 9.7 billion (2050) to 6 billion (end of century):
The power of intimidating females. Educating men would have the opposite effect, me thinks
Errata: The power *of* “the intimidating female” would probably have read better, to avoid any ‘Freudian slip’ style misinterpretations
“Fertility rates fall as girls and women get access to covid-19 vaccines“. There. Fixed it.
As a matter of fact feminism and “transgenderism” and homosexuality have been most ineffective in curbing population growth. Hence the clot shot.
You missed this one: John Kerry downed a martini and emerged from his private jet to defend his and other elites use of them in the name of saving Earth. You know the elites he talked about at the last Davos meeting. Al Gore was there too. The elites that want to take over the world through the United Nations sponsored, oligarch funded NGOs. Yes, those elites. Fucking trembling cowardly traitors begging for forgiveness for having caused climate change through the United States’ disproportionate over consumption of the World’s resources. That pretty much summed up the scathing speech given at the United Nations. He and Biden have taken it to heart with promises of paying for all of the Build Back Better programs (regardless of what the American people want). You missed that one. It should be easy now that we are going to become a bottomless pit of digital currency. It will be easy peasy to take cash directly from American citizens without even as much as filling out a single form. They will figure out what you owe for you. Special algorithms are in preparation. No more need for tax preparers. Just think of the savings and all that extra time to play video games in your new down town metro condo cubical. Universal Basic Income (UBI) should more than sufficient to cover your living costs. I heard that vat grown chicken and termites are really good. Spices would probably be a good investment if you manage to set some of that UBI aside. And the Virtual Reality trips you can take!!!! All that saved energy would help ensure that the elites can continue jetting around without worry of exacerbating the climate change emergency. And the clean air thanks to the filters in your ventilation system will allay… Read more »
Imagine thinking that jetting around the world is actually a lifestyle, when it’s only an exhausting waste of time…
War Criminal
The war criminal Obomber has apparently just flown across the Pacific on a private jet.
In Sweden, I heard that the government sends you an estimate based on income you have been reporting all year long. You pay up or claim deductions.
Tik-Tok’s CEO right to left is chew zi shou.
IT’S NOT ALL BAD…Those who have not trimmed their wicks, better hope for wormwood and the pre-trib rapture, because that’s the only thing that’s going to stop us from getting Elysium or a Stalin-type gulag system. Post force majeure; if you don’t take your injections and mark, you get the guillotine.