Why You Should Destroy Your Smart Phone Now

Simon Elmer

So-called ‘smart phones’ — far more accurately described as ‘dumb phones’ — combine a mobile phone with a watch, with a road map, with a tourist atlas of the world, with a digital camera, with a personal stereo system, with a music collection, with a video recorder, with a diary, with a calculator, with a credit card, with a travelcard, with an office key, with a torch, with a newspaper, with a television, with something to read on the train, and probably a lot more.

I don’t know, because I don’t own one.

‘But it’s so convenient!’ cry those who stare unbelieving at my twenty-year-old Nokia.

To which I reply: ‘Convenience breeds compliance.’ But to what?

Since they were first introduced into our lives in 2008, smartphones have become our outsourced memory and brain, replacing both with the convenience of not having to remember anything or think for ourselves. If you don’t believe me, then answer me this without looking at your smart phone. What is 9 x 13? What was the capital of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia? In what month of which year did the UK invade Iraq at the tail-end of the US-led coalition? Before smart phones, every child in the UK knew the answers to these questions. Now, no adult does.

But they are now even more than this. Smartphones, under the two years of lockdown, were the instrument onto which the COVID-faithful downloaded the software applications (or app) that connected them to the Test and Trace tracking programme that identified and recorded their location, movements, associations and personal contacts.

In the imminent future, smartphones are the instrument onto which, in the guise of the digital verification of our identity — the Government’s ‘consultation’ on which closed this month — the compliant will upload their biometric data (fingerprints, photograph and DNA swab) to a centralised database to which the 32 public authorities presiding over the UK biosecurity state will have access.

Under the Digital Economy Act 2017, these public authorities include the Cabinet Office; the Home Office; the Department for Defence; HM Treasury; the Ministry of Justice; the Department for Education; the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; the Department for Work and Pensions; the Department for Communities and Local Government; the Department for Culture, Media and Sport; the Department for Transport; the Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs; Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; all county, district and London councils; the Greater London Authority; the Council of the City of London; all fire and rescue authorities; all police authorities; all education authorities; all gas and electricity authorities; HM Land Registry; and, under Section 35, any other public authority, or private agent providing a service for a public authority, designated for a specific purpose justifying access to that data.

Smartphones are the instrument that will monitor whether their owners are up-to-date with what the UK biosecurity state decides is fully ‘vaccinated’ with whatever our Government and its partners in the pharmaceutical industry decide we must inject into our bodies as a condition of access to the rights of citizenship.

Smartphones are the instrument that will monitor and record how many times we leave or enter our 15-minute grazing range currently being implemented by our public authorities to restrict and limit our freedom of movement on the justification of ‘saving the planet’.

Smart phones are the instrument that will track our carbon footprint in order to monitor and control the quantity of meat, dairy products, energy, oil, petrol and other products to which the UK biosecurity state — under the terms of the agreements of Agenda 2030 signed by the UK Government in 2015 — will progressively cut off our access between now and 2030.

Smartphones are the means by which our compliance with lockdowns, masking mandates and programmes of gene therapy dictated by the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Treaty and enforced by the UK biosecurity state will be monitored, recorded and enforced by, among other recourses, cutting off our access to the electronic and digital grid.

And, within the next few years, smartphones will become the digital wallet through which the Bank of England will have complete control over how much, on what and where we spend its Central Bank Digital Currency.

Smartphones are the first generation of the biotechnology that is already being implanted into our bodies in the form of ingested medicines carrying microchips that record compliance; quantum dot dyes in gene therapies injected as vaccines against the latest civilisation-threatening pandemic declared by the WHO; and microprocessors implanted under our skin for the ease and convenience of contactless payments. Smart phones are the precursor of what Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, accurately and prophetically boasted will be ‘the fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological identities’ in the rapidly approaching future he has planned for us.

Smartphones, therefore, are the technology of our enslavement, and the fact that, knowing all this as more and more of us do, we still — still — won’t discard them, shows how addicted we are to this technology, how deep it has penetrated into our psychology, and in effect into our biology. Like the prisoners forced to construct the camp in which they are imprisoned, we continue to pay increasing sums for our smartphones, upgrade our prison whenever we’re invited to, and demand that its facilities are regularly increased in efficiency with the latest technology.

The truth is, we don’t programme smartphones and we don’t use them. They programme us, they change how we use them. They use us. With the rise of the car as a widely-available convenience between the 1950s and 60s, someone observed that, if aliens visited earth, they would think cars were the dominant life-form, and that we were merely the energy source that, upon entering them, allows them to move about — a little like food is for us. Seventy years and two industrial revolutions later, we’re now the organic component that operates smartphones, and in doing so allows them to replicate in number and increase in power — above all over us. That, at its most basic, is the function of the human being in the Global Biosecurity State. And if we keep thinking that we use our smartphones — as they have programmed us to think — those who programme them will have complete control over us.

So, let’s say just for a moment — symbolically at least, or better yet in anticipation of a future and definitive parting — throw your smartphone away now, as you’re reading this article. Get up, and throw it in the bin. And if you can’t do even that — and I imagine few if any of you reading this will — I invite you to reflect on this addiction to the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

A smartphone is not a tool. It is not a ‘convenience’. It is biotechnology, and the fact that it isn’t yet implanted into our bodies doesn’t mean it hasn’t already become a part of us — and a part of us you have just demonstrated you are ready to sacrifice your freedom to rather than discard. Indeed, what the past three years of cowardice and obedience have demonstrated is that, as obedient subjects of capitalism, we will defend our slavery with far more vehemence that we will defend our freedoms.

In 1944, as the Second World War drew to its end, the Surrealist poet, André Breton, declared: ‘Freedom colour of man!’ No longer. Freedom, as George Orwell predicted five years later, is now slavery. Because slavery is safe. Slavery is convenient. Slavery is the common good. Slavery is now the highest civic virtue. Slavery is our duty. Slavery is our fate — so don’t bother fighting it. Instead, embrace your slavery. Upgrade your smart phone to a new model.

Queue outside the Apple or Google shops for hours. Wrap your chains in a nice leather wallet. Download the newest app of your enslavement. Show it off to your friends and boast about its new and improved speeds. Never, ever, let it leave your side. Place it under your pillow before you go to sleep, so it can tell you how well you slept. Look into its screen the moment you wake up. For it is your best friend, your big brother, the lover who will never betray you and who you always wished you had. It is your single source of truth — just as Jacinda Ardern told us. Trust no other!

André Breton also said that we will never have a political revolution until we have a revolution of the mind. Or as Parliament Funk paraphrased him years later: ‘Free your mind and your arse will follow’. As the last three years of servitude and compliance have shown, our minds are already in prison. And until we free them, talk of resisting, let alone overthrowing, the Global Biosecurity State is — if you’ll pardon my French — merde.

It is an unfortunately purely hypothetical truth that, if a sufficient proportion of the 93 per cent of UK citizens who own a smart phone (51.7% Apple, 47.78% Google and 0.57% Samsung) threw them away, the threats to our freedom we face today would be over. At least for now. Until they invent new chains with which to bind us.

If you are still in doubt, this week the UK Government announced a system of ‘Emergency Alerts’ that will be sent to your smart phone whenever they announce an emergency. They didn’t say what constitutes an emergency requiring such an alert, but based on the past few years of hysteria, they might include hot or cold weather; pollution levels; wild-fires; flooding; a busy beach; demands on the energy grid; food shortages; a cyber-attack; a new virus, social unrest; political demonstrations; the threat of nuclear war; the enforcement of martial law. Any of these ‘emergencies’ and more in the future might activate the alarm on your smart phone; but the response will be the same.

‘When you get an alert’, the Government has instructed us in no uncertain terms, ‘stop what you’re doing and follow the instructions.’ But that’s just a gesture to the illusion that we are still free to choose. Once your smart phone is uploaded with the Government’s Digital Verification app and linked to the system of digital surveillance and control being imposed in the UK in the guise of ‘15-minute cities’, these instructions will be enforced without the need for our willing compliance. Your electric car will be turned off; your allocation of petrol or food or energy will be frozen; your Digital Pound wallet will be locked shut.

Feel like getting rid of your smart phone yet? ‘But what’s the point, when nobody else will get rid of theirs?’ Individual non-compliance is almost always enacted in public, in a social setting, in the presence of other people, who may or may not be complying themselves — usually the former. At the very least, it draws attention to the technologies and regulations enforcing compliance, and with which we are becoming habituated to the point where they have become transparent, invisible. Indeed, the dominance of an ideology can be measured by its transparency. Not using a smart phone makes what is now transparent visible again.

Compliance with the UK programme of gene therapy was not — as was claimed by those who willingly complied — a personal and individual choice to be ‘vaccinated’ against a deadly virus, and therefore none of the business of those who opposed the national programme. It was, and is, an act of collective obedience that created the consensus with which the non-compliant were and are socially ostracised, demonised in the media as murderers, fired from our jobs and treated under newly-made laws as citizens without rights and freedoms, prisoners in our own country and homes.

In the same way, using a smart phone is not an individual choice — whether chosen freely or out of habit or addiction; it is a collective act of compliance that is creating the digital camp in which all of us will one day be imprisoned. Only when millions of us stop using the instruments of our enslavement will we escape this camp — as we must and only can — together; but that individual choice cannot be avoided.

Individual non-compliance is always a demonstration of non-compliance. In Parliament Square in London, opposite the Houses of Parliament, there is a statue of the suffragette, Millicent Fawcett. I’d have preferred one of Sylvia Pankhurst; but she holds a small banner saying: ‘Courage calls to courage everywhere.’ In the West, and in particular in the UK, we’ve been cowards for a long time, and we need to find our courage. That comes from individuals standing up and saying: ‘No, I will not comply.’

I repeat: the digital camp in which they wish to imprison us is — literally — in our hands. Get rid of them. Smash them! We have nothing to lose but our chains. We have a world of freedom to win.

Simon Elmer is the author of two new volumes of articles on the UK biosecurity state, Virtue and Terror and The New Normal, which are available in hardback, paperback and as an ebook. This article is an extract from the text he read at the launch of these books held in London on 11 March, to mark the third anniversary since the World Health Organization declared the ‘pandemic’.


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Feb 22, 2024 4:32 AM

Amen! I have a cell phone that I use for 3 purposes–calls, texts, and photographs. No social media. No grocery store rewards schemes. No GPS systems. No other apps of any kind.

I cannot adequately describe the gasps of shock when I tell people that I don’t use GPS. “How in the world do you find your way around!?” The same way that I did 15 years ago ding-a-ling. Before there was such a thing as GPS.

Simon Elmer
Simon Elmer
Jun 9, 2023 1:40 PM

As the comments on this article show, when people defend their use of their smart phone, they do so by citing its convenience, and list in their defence its combination of the appliances and commodities I listed at the start of this article. The easy retort is that we could put all those things in a bag and carry them with us, and that given the other ways in which smart phones are being used — not by us and not for our convenience, as I have only broadly laid out in this article — the marginal benefit in weight and size of an ever slimmer smart phone over a bulky bag should easily fall in favour of the latter.

But that’s not actually how smart phones are used. The figures from the US this year report that the average owner of a smartphone will click, tap or swipe their phone 2,617 times per day. In a 16-hour day, that means you’re doing so 2.7 times per minute, or once every 22 seconds, every minute of every day, during work, while eating, while travelling, while watching TV, while having a drink, when on holiday, or just when slumped over the sofa after a hard day on your smartphone.

You’re not doing that in order to find the restaurant at which you’re meeting your friends, or logging on to arrange a business meeting, or booking tickets to a concert, or to check the spelling of a word, or to find the location of your holiday hotel. That’s not how smart phones are being used every 22 seconds of your waking life. You’re using them out of habit, out of addiction, and that addiction has created a constantly distracted consciousness which, unconsciously, is being uploaded — to use the language of computers — with information and opinions and fears and hatreds which, when you find yourselves acting on them, you believe are your own, though you’re not quite sure when or why you formed them.

The consenus of opinion by smart phone-users on everything from an unprecedented viral pandemic with the infection fatality rate of seasonal influenza to global warming being caused by man-made CO2 emissions to the US proxy-war in the Ukraine that started in 2014 is the demonstration and confirmation of this. But soon, unless we get rid of them, your opinions won’t matter, because the World Health Organization’s Global Digital Health Certification Network and Central Bank Digital Currency will control you outside of anything you think you may or not believe.

Apr 16, 2023 2:41 AM

Well if it weren’t for ‘these’ phones you wouldn’t be writing as you are and we would be reading it as we are.

Aug 9, 2023 8:01 PM
Reply to  Kay

You are stupid for saying that. I am calling you stupid typing this message from a browser running Linux on a desktop system. I have never owned a “smartPhone”.

Gail Gardner
Gail Gardner
Sep 19, 2023 10:55 PM
Reply to  Kay

It appears you are so young you do not realize that there are other devices which can and do access the internet.

Some of us do not have and have never had a smart phone by choice. Computers attached to the internet long before there was WiFi. So that is not necessary either.

Nothing “smart” is necessary unless the goal is remotely controlling everything via WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.

And the only humans who really need tech like that would be quadriplegics. They have a reason to want things automated.

Healthy people who are physically capable would do well to keep using their muscles. Use it or lose it.

Apr 14, 2023 7:17 PM

It is more than interesting…and yes I am already addicted, so much so, that my sleeping hours ,are already hijacked…Nevertheless I consider myself still in control of this” instrument” which almost never leaves me …I lost once one of my first iphone and I really felt like I had lost a part of myself….I litterally freaked out not only because of alll the info that was in it but something more which I did not know what it was exactly…Reading your article one can really see the present and the Future at the same time .And It is not so bright because we are all becoming addicted and we dont even know about it and and that means that our present Leaders have become also addicted .I hear that now we let AI decide for ourselves which is the best way to go to make decisions …The future of MANKIND is at stake.
“We are so smart…”I hear all of them say and they know exactly what they are doing and Science and Evidence backs them all the way .The last peer reviewed scientific journal declared that “Covid vaccine adverse effects are caused by “fear mongering and scare tactics used by anti vaccination groups “.This is the state of Science in 2023.Our world is collapsing in front of our very eyes and we are looking at our screens debating what is right and what is wrong…( to be continued)

bernard b carman
bernard b carman
Apr 10, 2023 9:56 PM

wish this page allowed the uploading of a graphic meme file. i have one perfect to complement the banner photo on a subway with everyone on their phones (many, wearing useless SCAM/PLANdemic masks). mine is a photo of the inside of a train perhaps taken in the early 1900’s with everyone reading their papers. the slogan reads, “All this technology is making us antisocial.” the word “antisocial” can be replaced with “slaves” and be just as relevant as his photo for this article.

the fact remains that it’s NOT technology that’s enslaved us — it’s how collectivists have USED technology to their advantage that has enslaved us. in modern times, economic slavery occurred via the Federal Reserve banking cartel. everyone can thank the Lincoln administration for the War for Centralized Tyranny (aka: “Civil War”) which served to be the direct impetus for making the US Federal government extremely powerful, which of course continued to become further corrupt, violating and usurping pretty much all our individual Natural Rights throughout the 20th century.

but hey, don’t think for yourselves! just go ahead and listen to this guy and get rid of your smart phones NOW & save us all! LOL! 🤣🤪🤡

bernard b carman
bernard b carman
Apr 10, 2023 9:40 PM

i understand the general sentiment of being anti-tech due to spying, tracking, etc. i despise any such breaches of our Natural RIghts, like privacy, for example.

the author seems to believe that memorizing a bunch of trivial facts is somehow a legitimate measure of intelligence. he also argues that computers (that’s what smart phones are) aren’t tools. he must have a unique definition of “tool”. the very fact we can read his opinions and ask money for them is due to TECHNOLOGY! LOL!

beyond that, he seems to hate convenience. perhaps he also elects to use an outhouse rather than plumbing which has been around since at least Roman times?

somehow, i doubt it. i’ve found that people who often rail against technology also often engage in selective condemnation of it. for example, the author admittedly uses an older mobile phone… does he actually think the NSA can’t track it? LOL!

for nearly decades now i’ve been able to put my entire music CD collection of albums on my phone, rather than carry around all of the CDs everywhere i went risking them to be stolen. yes, i used to carry 4 portfolios of all my albums (in CD format) with me in my van, and even took them to the powerboat i used to own.

why? because i never knew what i desired to listen to at any given point in time. even CDs were a breakthrough from vinyl records which cannot be so easily transported and introduce noises never intended by the artist; tapes introduced hiss likewise.

so yeah, to one who greatly values high quality audio and the convenience to listen to it whenever i want — such technology is GREAT! (and i don’t feel any “dumber” side effects 😉

also, my smart phone allows me to enter data remotely to be shared with my computer at home. i use my computer for nearly EVERYTHING i do, because i am engaged in a tech-based careers & hobbies.

for many decades, music has warranted technology, for both live & recorded sound, and even the instruments themselves. i’m a keyboardist, therefore, technology has been crucial to being able to play gigs without breaking my back moving a super heavy piano or organ around.

AND computers (desktop, laptop, or handheld) also have allowed individuals to work and communicate (if they so choose to do so) in ways never possible prior. rather than recording and editing tape (UGH! i’d rather have my hairs plucked out one by one), since the mid-90’s, ProTools (and other apps since) has allowed editing audio with computers in like manner as Photoshop & layout apps have allowed creative graphic artists to create print & online designs.

yet, as a result, i don’t feel i’ve grown “dumber”.

in fact, it wasn’t until i owned a computer that i began to practice writing. my penmanship is as bad as any doctor, and i never took to writing prior to owning a computer. i never even desired a computer until Apple released Macintosh OS & used MacPaint. until then, i saw no use for a computer for me whatsoever. however, once there were applications available that allowed the “rest of us” beyond ICchip-heads to recognize a practical application for creating text & graphics, i was all in.

so this guy seems to think that if everyone destroys their smart phones, all our societal problems will be solved! LOL! that’s very funny!

nearly every single issue those of us who lean toward the philosophy of Individualism all complain about is rooted in some form of Collectivism, for they all involve violations of our individual Natural Rights.

technology isn’t the problem. rather, COLLECTIVISM has been the problem since the dawn of humankind!

Wolfgang Seidel-Guyenot
Wolfgang Seidel-Guyenot
Apr 7, 2023 3:22 AM

I would smash my smartphone if I had one. Fortunately this never was the case. Oh wait…I got one. A birthday present from my brother who handed it to me with a beaming smile “here bro, you really MUST have a modern cellphone”.
My brother’s birthday present is still (after more than 3 years) unwrapped and slumbers in a drawer. May it rest in peace there for ever.

Apr 8, 2023 12:44 PM


CJ Fast
CJ Fast
Apr 5, 2023 4:00 PM

You’re right. Everything you said there is true.

But it’s all about to fall apart. This is not our future, as much as those behind it want it to be. They are losing, and will lose.

Human values
Human values
Apr 4, 2023 6:36 PM

Based on this discussion, no phone is good, land line ok, cell phones you need to explain, but be sorry for any smart phones or be damned.

It’s so easy to create hierarchies.

Phones are communication tools.

Why do people who seemingly use much of their time communicating with other people on the internet, or travel to see others, want others not to communicate on the internet, or at all?

Most people on the planet have never flown on an airplane. Most people on the planet don’t own cars. But they do have those damned smartphones. Even the immigrants and refugees. People in slums.

So whose side is everyone on?

Whenever hierarchies are created on the basis of phone ownership or any phoney ownership, inequality is created and maintained. Nothing new in that. 

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 3, 2023 12:18 PM

I dont fully agree.
Its a question whether you are addicted and the Smartphone leads you, or you are using the Smartphone as a tool and you control the smartphone.

You must admit Apple’s Iphone with camera, video, telephone and sms to any place in the world for free, and access to information, is extremely convenient and But superior to the previous tools.

But unfortunately this too can be misused and exploited by governments and cooperations, and it is being misused. But its a question of who is in control.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 3, 2023 5:39 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

In about 2010 Blackberry was in poitical everybodies’ pocket… then all of a sudden, fully encripted mobile phones became some how illegal in the U$A and the whole world began using iPhones! Blackberry, based in Canada was literally destroyed as a company, fully removed from the global cellular market.

And, it wasn’t the first time.
10 years previously Canada’s Nortel was also a leading communications tech company only to be undermined by interests in the U$A.
The bad joke that failed was Canadian authorities trying to make a Chinese connection stick, and ended up humiliating mostly the reporters forced to exercise stenography.

Aug 9, 2023 8:31 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

He is clearly told you who was in control, and that overwhelming majority of the public addiction to its use will be used to further that control.
That it is already grossly misused and that the public is enslaved to the use of the *** thing.

Apr 2, 2023 5:18 AM

Better be careful when writers say what the reader is left to assume is the opposite of what the writer actually means.

Language is powerful.

gripe it up or gripe into being [verb]. To bring into being or sustain or increase the very thing you gripe about by griping about it and thereby bringing attention to it and causing expectation, acceptance, and creation of it. Very common in US media that was mainstream in the late 20th and early 21st centuries where any discussion of solutions or descriptions of a vision of something better are non-existent and probably forbidden. May be an intentional tactic in modern wars of consciousness, or a genuinely unintentional result of causes like habit, cultural behavior, lack of imagination and originality, the strong human tendency to imitate peers, and other possibilities. “Increase drug use by griping up rampant drug use.”  “To spark and accelerate the exodus out of California, gripe it into being.” “Gripe up racism.” 

gripe bricks [noun]. Statements that express opposition to something but actually fortify or bring into being what is said to be opposed.

Examples abound in the post above about smart phones:

“…as obedient subjects of capitalism, we will defend our slavery with far more vehemence than we will defend our freedoms.

“…Freedom, as George Orwell predicted five years later, is now slavery. Because slavery is safe. Slavery is convenient. Slavery is the common good. Slavery is now the highest civic virtue. Slavery is our duty. Slavery is our fate — so don’t bother fighting it. Instead, embrace your slavery.”

Statements like these affirm and cause what is said — even if the listener or reader believes the speaker or writer is being sarcastic.

Please be aware and cautious. And re-speak truth and accuracy as much as possible.

Try rewording those statements to what we assume is actually the intended message. Which version is more powerful?

“As responsible members of our community, we will defend our freedom with far more vehemence than we will tolerate slavery.”

Do you hear anyone making affirmative statements? Declaring what’s possible? Describing a vision?

In politics? On TV? On radio? On the internet?

Would you like to?

Apr 2, 2023 1:14 AM

Mmm, whilst I do understand this perspective and will get rid of my smart phone, I do think its slightly hypocritical to own any phone at all. You still bought into the idea of a ‘cell’ phone even if its just an older version? An older cellphone is still a convenient tool for you otherwise you wouldn’t own any technology at all and was the stepping point to smart phones. You can’t simply say ‘convenience breeds compliance’, therefore everything convenient is bad and never useful. I’m very aware of what’s going on and how my smart phone contributes to it but electricity and water supplies from the government contributes to the issue, and food bought from a supermarket and just being hooked up and relying on the system in general. You sound passive aggressive toward people who use a smart phone, just because you don’t… but I could look at your lifestyle and demonise your reliance on the government unless you are completely off grid in every way? Also, I didn’t know what 9×13 was before I owned a smart phone either. I would need a pen and paper for that. I think thats a slightly random and dumb point. Lol. You should encourage people to rid the smart phones, without making them feel like you are better than them.

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Apr 2, 2023 6:32 PM
Reply to  sandy

This might be a very personal interpretation of the writer´s aim. I just read it myself and nowhere did I sense that the writer was better than me. In any way. Maybe I didn´t pay sufficient attention ?

Apr 2, 2023 8:54 PM
Reply to  sandy

As a woman, I clearly see what a mistake it was to allow women to vote. Most women and many men are not bright enough to vote. Thus I don’t share the opinion of the author re. the statue. I do say we’re digging our own graves for convenience.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Apr 3, 2023 3:22 AM
Reply to  Consuelo

They don’t bother to count the votes.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 3, 2023 5:44 PM
Reply to  sandy

The government trying to force compliance to tech… and you think those not using are “wards of the govmnt?”

If people are AWAKE (not WOKE) and are telling those that are not awake to “wake up”,
then it is YOUR PROBLEM if you feel the AWAKE are projecting superiority.

K. Rush
K. Rush
Apr 11, 2023 8:33 PM
Reply to  sandy

(9 x 10) + (9 x 3) = 90 + 27 = 117. Thinking on the go without pulling out your phone keeps your brain sharp.

Tor Guttorm Syvertsen
Tor Guttorm Syvertsen
Apr 1, 2023 5:08 PM

“People worry that computers will get too smart and take over the world, but the real problem is that they’re too stupid and they’ve already taken over the world.”
― Pedro Domingos

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 5:44 PM

AI will destroy Human Beings. (if developed to their terminal conclusion)
As AI is logical, and Human Beings are illogical and irrational AI will suggest to neutralize all Human Beings for the threat to AI’s logic.
Even the creators are at risk.

Mar 31, 2023 4:52 PM
Apr 1, 2023 4:44 AM
Reply to  Howard


There is a small reserve near where I live. I started bird watching about 9 years ago. In this reserve I have observed about 75 species of birds including some absolute beauties like the golden whistler, scarlet honey eater, fairy wren, king parrot, spotted pardalote and so many others. They upgraded the tower near the entrance of the reserve in 2015 and the birds started disappearing almost immediately. It is deathly silent now. The radiation from the tower undoubtedly drastically reduced the insect population and this affected the birds which live on them. The radiation undoubtedly affects the birds themselves.I once heard a tiny thud while walking in the reserve. It was a spotted pardalote that had fallen out of a tree like a stone. They weigh less than 8 grams. It was quivering frantically. It opened it’s tiny eye when I turned it over with a piece of bark. I continued on my walk. When I got back to the spot on my way back it was dead. There must be millions of these little tragedies every day as we steamroll the remnants of nature.

Aug 9, 2023 8:40 PM

Thanks for making that point. What a tragedy.

But some stupid selfish fool driving a car can have “convenience”.

Jan 7, 2024 4:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

Dear Howard, I wanted to check out that article, but it is gone! 🙁

Mar 31, 2023 7:29 AM

don’t forget the SMART Watch…..
Met with a friend last week, giggling and laughing about something, and her Watch said ” i’m glad you found that funny…”
I kid you not…….

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 31, 2023 11:15 AM
Reply to  iwoodie

People have stopped growing up …

Mar 31, 2023 4:54 PM
Reply to  iwoodie

Would her phone have blushed and slinked away if she had not found it funny?

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 5:54 PM
Reply to  iwoodie

I had a customer pay with her watch.
I commented, “Do you wish your Martini shaken, or stirred?”
She laughed.
I further said, “When you get a call, does it play the “Theme to Goldfinger”?
Now she wasn’t so happy, “Look, I like it and if you are envious keep your comments to yourself!”
(Grin!) “I find that all this tech is a waste of resources, and it’s just more means to surveil on people and are definitely not smart.”

Aug 9, 2023 8:43 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

>>Look, I like it and if you are envious keep your comments to yourself!”

The words of an obnoxious 12 year old.

Apr 3, 2023 1:09 AM
Reply to  iwoodie

Now, that’s not funny (LOL/emoji etc)

Mar 30, 2023 11:39 PM

You know, I agree with most of what you’re saying and I resisted mobiles ferociously when they were teeny tiny nokias that didn’t do anything but store my friends and family’s numbers BUT when you veered into mouth frothing anti-vaxxer mode my brain switched off. Sorry but.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 31, 2023 8:03 AM
Reply to  paloma

Sounds to me that you didn’t need to switch your brain off.

Tor Guttorm Syvertsen
Tor Guttorm Syvertsen
Apr 1, 2023 5:10 PM
Reply to  paloma

“I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots”.
—Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 5:57 PM
Reply to  paloma

Tor Guttorm Syvertsen has you down perfectly.
How do you expect to cash in on all that bigotry you have invested in?
Will it come in the form of CBDC?

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Apr 2, 2023 6:46 PM
Reply to  paloma

Maybe the vaccin contained an ingredient that automatically switches your brain off when you read or hear anti-vax talk !? When it´s switched on again would you care to let us know please ? I mean if it´s not switched off for good. You´ll never know what these maniacs have planned since they´re so sinister and unpredictable.

Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Mar 30, 2023 9:30 PM

It goes further than smart phones.

2-factor authentication is the beginning of the digital prison. No mobile phone (smart or not), no online payments for you. Can you manage without?

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 5:59 PM

Computer terminal in my face.
Actual cash.
Pay through bank.
Smart phone unnecessary.

K. Rush
K. Rush
Apr 11, 2023 8:37 PM

so true.

Aug 9, 2023 8:46 PM

Excellent point.
That has started happening to me and it is infuriating.
I will go into the bank when necessary.

Mar 30, 2023 7:31 PM

Or play them at their own ,game, and have more than one. They’re about £50 at the moment, and if you only use them to receive one time codes to log into sites you don’t need credit on them. I have three, and also a ‘house’ mobile for general incoming calls. One gets turned on when I want to pay for parking, so it knows where I am, but not how long it took to get there.

T Town
T Town
Mar 31, 2023 1:15 AM
Reply to  Dave

Unless you actually remove the battery from the phone, most phones these days do not turn off. They merely hibernate, much like modern TV sets, or you closing the lid on a laptop. While they are in hibernation, they are still capable of being tracked. Didn’t you wonder why new phones don’t allow you to easily remove the battery?

Gail Gardner
Gail Gardner
Sep 19, 2023 11:17 PM
Reply to  T Town

Some do. The new 4g VoLTE flip phone I bought to use in emergencies when they finally shut 3g off in my area has an easily removable battery.

But that doesn’t mean it might not have some other battery inside somewhere. Who knows? I keep it charged up but powered off all of the time. It is only to receive codes when a site insists on it.

I refuse to enable 2FA as I don’t want to turn that thing on to get a code every time I need to change sites while I’m working.

My primary phone is a Skype phone number on a wired computer. Nothing cordless, wireless or “smart” in or on my house besides it. And I have a metal box for it.

Dave’s idea works online, too. Muddy the data, the more confusing the better. I’m hoping even those addicted to their phones draw the line somewhere before entrapment.

I drew the line at smart phones and digital IDs. I’m not going there at all ever. Needless to say, if we don’t stop short of that, life will be….interesting.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 30, 2023 7:23 PM

> So-called ‘smart phones’ — far more accurately described as ‘dumb phones’ …

People calling a dumb computer smart are dumb.

Human values
Human values
Mar 31, 2023 12:34 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

Nothing can make a machine smart.

Smartphone is just a name for a device. Names seldom reveal what’s real in a thing.

It’s an insult to human wisdom to call machines smart or better than humans.  

Mar 31, 2023 6:25 PM
Reply to  Human values

Smart is in the dictionary as another word for hurt 🤕
Or are you to young to remember when people used to say, “Owch! That smarts!”

Mar 30, 2023 7:18 PM

In Parliament Square in London, opposite the Houses of Parliament, there is a statue of the suffragette, Millicent Fawcett. I’d have preferred one of Sylvia Pankhurst

The Suffragettes were monsters. A bunch of nutcases and literal terrorists.

Surely OffGuardian, of all places, is aware of this?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 30, 2023 4:26 PM

Phone use in the States:

comment image


I expect similar elsewhere.

Mar 30, 2023 12:29 PM

The more you say ..
The more we own you ..

That is what the mobile phone is for. It is designed as a surveillance tool, from the ground up.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 30, 2023 5:50 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

What happens when we run out of talk?😉

Mar 30, 2023 10:31 PM

“What happens when we run out of talk?”

one will get a thank-you-for-your-contribution note, as well as an organ donation form.

if one has money they will receive a preferential booking for a place in heaven.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 6:08 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

Monty Python was very prescient.
In “Life of Brian”, there is the “Liver harvesting” skit… then the song and dance with Eric Idle.

Aug 9, 2023 8:50 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

You are referring to the film of short skits called “The Meaning Life”

Mar 30, 2023 12:10 PM

I thought the “Emergency Alert” was a German trend only! They call it here “Cell Broadcasting” and it’s being deployed with the promise of better preparation for “catastrophic” events. It turns out that’s a well globally coordinated scheme for more intrusion and disruption and fear mongering.

Mar 30, 2023 12:37 PM
Reply to  Watchtower

“Don’t panic! Don’t panic! You’re about to die!!”

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 30, 2023 2:36 PM
Reply to  Watchtower

Fabio Vighi coined the historical period we’re transiting Emergency Capitalism. It’s intended to maintain the populations artificially on edge, as if incessantly expecting a catastrophe. This atmosphere facilitates the popular acceptance of unexpected and unpopular measures. Why? Because the big cogs of the system are as lost as the rest of us as to how to navigate the boat to a safe port, and in complete darkness as to which action to take next, IMO.

Mar 30, 2023 3:38 PM

People in general have reached the nadir of human existence. They will accept anything imposed on them in order to be kept “safe.”

Though it’s not possible to descend lower than the nadir, people will try even that if need be in their insane obsession with “safety.” The day may come when they will willingly turn their children over to the system in exchange for this elusive “safety.”

Oh wait, they already have, haven’t they? When they agreed to subject their kids to the Childhood Vaccine Schedule (all 73 shots).

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 30, 2023 5:51 PM
Reply to  Howard

There is yet plenty of room to descend IMO. People handing their children to be inoculated is nothing so long as they are told it’s for their safety, and let themselves to be convinced by that story, as you say. People from the global South will gladly abide to that just for the “privilege” of being admitted in the US.

So long as we keep faith in the system, however worse we fare otherwise, so long as we entertain the thought that we’ll wake up tomorrow and have our day as usual, we are still far from having reached the bottom.

Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Mar 30, 2023 9:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Most of us are already poisoned and have the familiar circular scar on the arm from the childhood jab of whatever that shit is.

Mar 31, 2023 5:47 AM
Reply to  Howard

Governments of “advanced nations” have been taking away children for many reasons for a long time. Some even prohibit the adoption of such children.

The accusations against the parents include cruelty,endangerment, rejecting specific bills or medical treatment, threatening the child’s mental health by prohibiting something, or radicalising it – even the child “radicalising itself”.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 6:13 PM
Reply to  mgeo

The “Satan-worshipping” elites need their child sex slaves, whether from domestic livestock or trafficked in.

Mar 30, 2023 9:15 PM
Reply to  Watchtower

Oh, no, automated alerts are all the rage in the US– at least in the tri-state area (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware) where I live.

Without stopping to search for links, off the top of my head there are several color-coded alert categories. For instance, “Amber Alerts” for “missing children”, and “Silver Alerts” for missing elderly persons with dementia.

Since I seldom use my dusty smartphone, I’m not as familiar with them as smartphone-addicted Normals are.

I was riding with my sister not long ago, and her smartphone kept sounding off with these alerts. I guess when you’re riding along the highway, responsible citizens are supposed to keep a vigilant eye out for stray children or oldsters.

My sister regards the alerts as a nuisance, although she tolerates them because she “needs” to keep her smartphone on when she drives. BTW, the same alerts are displayed on electronic highway signage.

Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Mar 30, 2023 9:38 PM
Reply to  Ort

These things can be turned off and google can (maybe) be completely blocked with a firewall app but most people have no idea how to use these things which are basically way above their head in anything but the most basic functions, so they never look into these settings which are deliberately buried.

Mar 31, 2023 5:52 AM

Manuals for electronic devices are becoming superficial or absent altogether. This is of course deliberate.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 30, 2023 9:57 PM
Reply to  Ort

Because I don’t understand (or like) my mobile phone I’m not too good at the technical stuff.

Is it possible to put the emergency alert numbers on a blocked list? Would that help?

Mar 30, 2023 10:35 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Alas! you’re talking to the wrong guy. I use my smartphone so seldom that I just don’t know what features are available. So we are the blind leading the blind.  😎  😎 

That said, I just dug up this generic instruction that suggests that (to my surprise) government alerts can be turned off, to wit:

Step 1: Tap to open the Settings app. Step 2: Tap Notifications. Step 3: Scroll down and tap the toggle next to AMBER Alerts listed under Government Alerts. Repeat this step to re-enable this feature later as needed or to toggle off the other two alerts.

I assume that different phones and locales have different terms for the alerts, but this may help to point you in the right direction. I hope so.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 6:10 PM
Reply to  Watchtower

I fired an employee when he tried to shame me for turning off my mobile when a Emergency Test bleeped out on our phones.
Too woke and obedient for me…

Aug 9, 2023 9:05 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

Good for you!
Has he sued the company?

Mar 30, 2023 12:09 PM

Double entries!

Mar 30, 2023 11:46 AM

Thank you for the wakeup I needed from these infernal devices. Got hooked 5 years ago with first smartphone. Time to detox.
I figure the next step is to turn attention to those 5G boxes (antennas). Some of the 5G boxes are small enough to fit in your garbage can alongside your mobile phone. Key to their prison for you=5G boxes within reach wherever you are.
An additional benefit of ditching the smartphone will be increased health. Sixty years of research shows that all of life relies on miniscule, delicate electrical impulses and the tsunami of impulses from EMF cell phone radiation overwhelms the natural state of things. In the medical field of toxicology it is taken for granted that a higher dose of a toxin equals greater toxicity. But that does not apply to EMF, where a lower dose can be more harmful.  The minute EMF radiation from cell phones cause cancers, immune system damage, nervous disorders, malaise, depression, changes in behavior. Destroys brain cells and causes breakages in DNA. Besides humans, insects and amphibians are especially susceptible.

And “one researcher could stop a frog’s heart by timing microwave pulses at a precise point in the heart’s rhythm. The power level he used for that experiment was thousands of times lower than the radiation from today’s cell phones.” (‘The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life’ by Arthur Firstenberg)

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 30, 2023 9:59 PM
Reply to  p53

So ‘covid’ may have been caused by our mobile phones? (just joking).

Mar 31, 2023 2:20 AM
Reply to  May Hem

You are closer to ‘the’ truth than you might realize!

In medicine, the ‘differential’ is key. The ‘differential’ being what *other* things may be causing the patient’s problems. Doctors need a good ‘differential’ diagnosis list so as not to get ‘anchored’ to only one possible cause because other causes or contributing factors may get overlooked. Most disease is multifactorial anyway. Tuberculosis (TB), for example. The greatest infectious killer on the planet. Bacteria ’cause’ it but we know that people are much more likely to get active (destructive) TB if they: are deficient in calories, protein or Vitamin D; alcoholics; air pollution; smokers. Those who don’t have those predisposing factors often keep TB ‘in check’ without developing harmful problems from it. Millions have ‘inactive’ TB in their bodies and don’t even know it because they are well-nourished, etc. But that inactive TB can come out, so to speak, if the body becomes weakened by those above things—or even If the person takes strong anti-inflammatory medicines, as those suppress the immune system.

It is probably true that cell phone radiation cannot be ruled out as a contributing factor to any and all diseases we see now. There are epidemics of many diseases we simply didn’t have before we started blanketing ourselves in EMF radiation.

Which makes it important to keep the following in mind regarding cell phone radiation when the cell phones were ‘first’ activated in the USA in 1996 and later, in 2020 when 5G began its rollout.


Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 6:19 PM
Reply to  p53

Adding the Smart Phone into the CoronaPrank mix allowed the obedient feel included and informed and making the “right choice”.
Authority and technology allow the obedient to feel superior and exercise the government approved bigotry.

Human values
Human values
Mar 30, 2023 11:11 AM


Someone tells you to sacrifice something you use or need. But it’s for your own good. And it’s for the greater good. Your sacrifice is needed so that you and all of us can be free again.

That someone tells you that you don’t need the thing that you use. That it’s bad for your health. And it’s bad for the environment. And it’s really really bad, it’s the devil.

That’s how the enemy is created. It’s not a real enemy, it’s a created enemy. The enemy is created in the mind of the authoritarian.

The authoritarian tells you that you are the enemy if you don’t comply with his dictates.

You are good only if you agree with the dictate. You must do as you are told by the authoritarian. You must prove your goodness with agreement. If you don’t agree, you’re the enemy.

Enemies like this are the reason for conflict, war, and violence. Anything can be made an imaginary enemy.

Like what kind of a phone you use.

Mar 30, 2023 3:46 PM
Reply to  Human values

Were I not a Luddite I would applaud your obvious disregard for science. But since you appear to applaud the products of science, I have to without my approbation.

Hundreds (some say thousands: who knows?) of scientific papers (even “peer reviewed” if you can stand the elation of something being “peer reviewed” by at least one other person) have demonstrated a political (spying) as well as a medical (emf radiation) danger inherent in “what kind of phone you use.”

But what is life without a millstone around the neck – right?

Human values
Human values
Mar 31, 2023 12:26 AM
Reply to  Howard

So not only Simon says, but Science says smart phones are dangerous and must be destroyed.

How are you going to achieve that?

Mar 31, 2023 3:18 AM
Reply to  Human values

Consider the smart phone like Typhoid Mary. While not necessarily a danger in itself, it harbors a danger – emf radiation, which it necessarily receives from cell towers.

The radiation is the danger – the longer one is exposed, the greater the danger.

I personally would hate to see cell phones destroyed – imagine the pollution that would generate!

Mar 31, 2023 5:57 AM
Reply to  Howard

The younger the child user, the more harmful the radiation alone is, apart from the harm on mental health.

Human values
Human values
Mar 31, 2023 10:15 AM
Reply to  Howard

My question was, How are you going to achieve the idea that these devices must be destroyed? I was asking the methods.

Would a world government help?

Or are you just going to whine about these things on OffGuardian to people who might be readers here?

Or maybe just wait until everyone using these devices is dead from radiation?

What are your suggestions for methods?

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 6:23 PM
Reply to  Human values

What are they?
I don’t carry a smart phone… I use one in my shop as it was less expensive than a business land line.
All one can do is not use it. That action is not rocket science.

Maarten "merethan"
Maarten "merethan"
Mar 30, 2023 10:37 AM

Technology isn’t good or bad. It depends on how you employ it.

If you allow your computer to not really be yours by having other people decide what software it executes, it is your fault, not the machine’s.

Smashing the computer thus won’t help any at all, as the human is the problem.

Mar 30, 2023 3:48 PM

I’m all ears. Please direct me to where I can get a computer that functions without an operating system.

Mar 31, 2023 4:00 PM
Reply to  Howard

Interesting comments, I hear you Howard.

A friend asked me to install win10 some years back and I was astounded by the amount of not pertinent information I was asked for.
When it asked me for advertising preferences, I concluded this is no longer an operating system but a social media platform with hardware control capabilities. (Let that sink in…)
Sometime around win7 or 8 ms introduced CompatTelRunner.exe which is spyware constantly checking what software is being used and other such “compatibility telemetry” as they call it. This process can waste up to 25% of CPU resource.
There are products that bring all ms spyware and tracking functions into one interface where they can be switched off (Example https://www.w10privacy.de/english-home/).
Ms are notorious for burying such configuration items in endless menu/sub-menu trees to hide them from non-tech users.

Of course one needs an OS to talk to the hardware but that’s ALL and OS should do, not ask for your breed, seed and generation.
Maarten is correct, it is one’s own choice, not the device’s.
Best thing is get away from ms software altogether. Any open source flavour of Linux will do.
When I retired six years ago the first thing I did was go to the “dark side”. Today my 12-year-old laptop under Linux is at least five times faster, everything works and it NEVER does anything without my permission.
For example, the system monitor never shows net access unless I’m doing it. The CPU sits at 0% to 1% when I’m not doing anything, show me a windows machine that does that!

Let’s never forget the stable where mswin came from.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 6:26 PM
Reply to  Howard

Next best thing is Linux Ubuntu, Mint and another OS that slips my mind.
I have been using Ubuntu for 14 Years. No crashes, no bots, Trojan Horses, worms…

Apr 6, 2023 9:12 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

Precisely! No ms bullshite.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Mar 30, 2023 9:21 AM

gabor mate another jab pusher

Anita Roy
Anita Roy
Mar 30, 2023 4:54 AM

Wow. I’m shebbabbled. The Guardian is telling us that smart phones will be used by the gov’t to force us into vaccine compliance!! I mean, so many of us knew that we were being hoodinked into compliance… but now the Guardian. Welcome news.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 30, 2023 9:35 AM
Reply to  Anita Roy

Did I miss this? Am I being dozy? Is there a link in the article I’m forgetting about, is have you just seen something in the guardian? If the latter, please could you link? Thank you, A2

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Mar 30, 2023 10:37 AM
Reply to  Anita Roy

I don’t read the Guardian but I would guess that they would spin that as a good thing, even as they pretend to present it as a bad thing.

Mar 30, 2023 3:24 AM

comment image

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 30, 2023 3:13 PM
Reply to  ThinkTwice

Preamble to The Instructions on How to Wind a Watch:

“Think of this: When they present you with a watch they are gifting you with a tiny flowering hell, a wreath of roses, a dungeon of air. They aren’t simply wishing the watch on you, and many more, and we hope it will last you, it’s a good brand, Swiss, seventeen rubies; they aren’t just giving you this minute stonecutter which will bind you by the wrist and walk along with you. They are giving you – they don’t know it, it’s terrible that they don’t know it – they are gifting you with a new, fragile, and precarious piece of yourself, something that’s yours but not a part of your body, that you have to strap to your body like your belt, like a tiny, furious bit of some­thing hanging onto your wrist. They gift you with the job of having to wind it every day, an obligation to wind it, so that it goes on being a watch; they gift you with the obsession of looking into jewelry shop windows to check the exact time, check the radio announcer, check the telephone service. They give you the gift of fear, someone will steal it from you, it’ll fall on the street and get broken. They give you the gift of your trademark and the assurance that it’s a trademark better than the others, they gift you with the impulse to compare your watch with other watches. They aren’t giving you a watch, you are the gift, they’re giving you yourself for the watch’s birthday.”

Julio Cortázar (1914 – 1984)

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 6:28 PM

Oh shit!
I don’t wear a watch either.

Gail Gardner
Gail Gardner
Sep 19, 2023 11:39 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

I took my watch off the day I resigned from IBM and haven’t worn one since. No way would I ever wear a smart watch.

Being on call 24x7x365 for much of my 23 years there is why I don’t feel the need to be available all the time by phone.

The point of going outside is to NOT be working. I use time to coordinate things, but I prefer to schedule as little as possible.

The big diet
The big diet
Mar 30, 2023 3:10 AM

I read that in Sudan the resistance to the military coup destroyed several cell phone towers.
I’d not heard of this happening else where. But it makes sense.
Without cellphones the government propaganda machine takes a big hit.
I suspect in a real life and death insurgency all cell phone towers would be destroyed.

Mar 30, 2023 2:40 PM
Reply to  The big diet

“I suspect in a real life and death insurgency all cell phone towers would be destroyed.”

Let’s hope so because we probably cannot escape becoming slaves in the electronic prison if 5G remains up and running. 5G is essential for 24/7 surveillance and control, smart cities; robot dogs; weaponized drones; license plate readers; cop glasses for facial recognition; monitors to make sure you haven’t ventured outside your15 minute neighborhoods’; and to make sure you’ve been purchasing enough insects with your UBI using CBDC..

And when Freedom Fighters do ‘address’ this issue, don’t expect it to be front page news for fear of inspiring others.

Mar 30, 2023 9:04 PM
Reply to  The big diet

said it back in 2006 or something, before there was a british drama to that effect,
if we’d done it back then… ?
as if, voids need filled and the accursed mobile is that thing for so many..

destroying the cell phone network would drive 90% mental in the short term.

Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Mar 30, 2023 9:42 PM
Reply to  The big diet

Yes, this why they have already legislated about such a thing so damaging comms towers is regarded as a terror attack so they will likely respond with lethal force- those things are VITAL to them.

Mar 31, 2023 6:31 AM
Reply to  The big diet

There was such news in 2020/2021 from elsewhere, but none after that.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 6:31 PM
Reply to  The big diet

Darren Jensen (wrote various books on sabotaging various institutionalized systems) advocates for the destruction of cel towers.

Mar 30, 2023 1:27 AM

Also – why are no clear blue skies on google etc. images anymore? Even if you search historically? They all have clouds – FFS!

Mar 30, 2023 12:40 PM
Reply to  Ravensara

Does anyone know if these 5G towers really are dangerous?
Health risks, harmful to animal and plant life?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 30, 2023 4:14 PM
Reply to  Ravensara

Interesting, because Google images does have some skewed results, but probably by way of contrast.

If you search for “cloudless skies,” that’s mostly what you get.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 30, 2023 6:38 PM
Reply to  Ravensara

> They all have clouds – FFS!

Google is shite but please …

Mar 30, 2023 12:59 AM

I don’t have smart phone – but that’s not my point tonight –

Boiled Up Frogs and Other Reasons to Do Something – Evasion Thwarted

I made a die hard decision in 1987 when Thatcher got her third term despite spiralling poverty and general discontent among the working class – that I would not pay attention to politics anymore. Why waste my emotion and time on something not dissimilar to a football match? This was against a backdrop of my earnest explorations in both philosophy and sociology. The other main feature of this disenfranchised soul vote, was that a poll showed most of the UK public wanted to re-introduce the death penalty – which for me is unethical.

At that point, I absolved my conscience – probably wrongly – from the world of democracy – it was ‘clear’ that democracy would lead to all sorts of media or power led decisions I could not ethically abide.

As a student of A Level sociology, when media was still a subject on the syllabus (one has to wonder why it has been removed), I didn’t understand the point of caring – the media were bought or had an agenda, the dice were loaded – I accepted the world and considered my options: try to change the world or just live.

I lived – it was lovely on the whole.

After paying little attention to the news between 1987 and 2019, apart from agreeing with left-wing friends about how awful the Tories are, I find myself glued to non-MSM – and MSM – looking for a sign of truth or hope. And also being reminded of Anne Frank and George Orwell daily.

My living is less now – but do I have to stand up and be counted because times have changed? 

Is noticing and commenting from time to time enough?

Or am I already boiled? 

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Mar 30, 2023 5:11 AM
Reply to  Ravensara

The movie Alien: Covenant (2017) comes to mind.

Something that I noticed in the movie, many of the characters were oddly naive.
An intentional device from the script writers, I have no doubt.
They were hinting at the vacuous culture the characters came from, perhaps.

Briefly, this scifi movie is set in the year 2115, or thereabouts, and a group of space colonists land on a planet and encounter a cunning android. The android had been created and programmed on Earth, but became marooned on this alien planet.

So the setup is an android with human guile versus humans made unworldly, unsophisticated, by their narrowly programmed lives. [Perhaps a commentary on one possible future where AI is infinitely sophisticated and shepherds and tends to the humans that have for so long leaned on AI for deeper thinking skills.]

In one scene the android is alone with a human and the android beckons the human saying,
“hey, come look at this”. The android is pointing at the insides of a giant alien egg
in which a monster is hiding, waiting to pounce upon the first warm bodied victim it encounters.

One of the oldest human tricks in the book, “hey, come look here”. Most people today would pause and try to assess motive. But this human from the “advanced” future simply walks up to the egg and peers in.

There were plenty of similar events in the movie where these myopic people just blundered into, or were misled into, dangerous situations.

This is a lengthy setup to ask you if you believe you have the skill set, the discernment, to appreciate the hidden agendas that “the MSM and non-MSM” possess?


Just because this is an “alternative” website to the MSM doesn’t mean (!)
that you should naively walk up to every “egg” that the writers here beckon you to.


By the way, you didn’t mention email. Do you know about email? Advice: Assuming that every email message is a trick or a trap is the safest attitude.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 30, 2023 8:20 AM
Reply to  Levi Tate

You’d also think that receiving a John Denver song from a remote unknown region of space might also be a giveaway.

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Mar 30, 2023 1:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Moths to a flame.

If you search out the trailer for this movie
it is ever titled with a quote from Dante:
“The path to paradise begins in hell”


Found a very interesting read about the origin of that quote:Dante’s Inferno

“In the middle of the journey of our life I found myself within a dark woods where the straight way was lost.”

“The path to paradise begins in hell.”

“O human race, born to fly upward, wherefore at a little wind dost thou so fall?”

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.”

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Mar 30, 2023 1:51 PM
Reply to  Levi Tate

Did you finish the interesting link?

Perhaps you noticed that journalists/bloggers/MSM talking heads
go for their reward
to the ninth ring of hell, the deepest and closest to Satan.

They invite people as guests to their sites for news and information
and then betray them with hidden agendas.

Mar 30, 2023 9:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

ridiculous statement George, even the Xenomorph love “leaving on a jet plane,”

; )

Mar 30, 2023 8:37 AM
Reply to  Ravensara

I see you do not mention God in all this. He is waiting.

Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Mar 30, 2023 9:46 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

He is waiting for you to kiss his scaly arse?

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 6:40 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

“Those that speak of Him do not know;
Those that know, do not speak.”
The All “IS”. Time does not exist for The ALL.
The All is pure consciousness. There is no waiting.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 30, 2023 12:22 AM

Written from the heart, I feel.

I’ll admit I’m addicted to the easy reading of email, and having the digital calendar & GPS app and other useful apps on my phone and have grappled with ditching this convenience for an old flip phone. Your article has given me just another fillip towards making that decision.

Jaime Jessop
Jaime Jessop
Mar 29, 2023 10:47 PM

I have never owned an idiot phone. I saw the danger as soon as they came out, at first regarding their ability to track your movements in detail. Any gadget labelled ‘smart’ is spyware – Surveillance, Monitoring, And Recording Technology. But the vast majority just can’t see it. They’re bewitched by the magic and the convenience of ‘apps’.

judy hulsey
judy hulsey
Mar 30, 2023 3:09 PM
Reply to  Jaime Jessop

And today, one with no smart phone is penalized esp. by businesses that rely on these for communication.
I shudder at roofers, plumbers, insurance companies (broken pipes and lost a roof) just tell you to send your address in a text–I have an emergency phone for when I am away from the house and may have car trouble, etc. and that’s what I pay for, unlimited talk/that’s all, just talk!!!….

Gail Gardner
Gail Gardner
Sep 19, 2023 11:48 PM
Reply to  judy hulsey

Check eBay for Red Pocket plans. They have one for $30 for 360 days 100 texts, 100 minutes and some-odd amount of data I’ve never used.

There is also a $60 plan for 360 days the same or maybe double the other? One works on AT&T and the other on T-mobile.

Cheapest emergency phone plan I know of and enough to text addresses and get codes as needed.

Mar 30, 2023 9:11 PM
Reply to  Jaime Jessop

apps, fucking apps? for the incapable of doing/learning it themselves…

“i have apps for this..”

and i have a synapse, hopefully. (r.e. road signs and maps)

that was in a work-van about 2013.

Mar 29, 2023 10:19 PM

How is this not even mentioned? and the French videos are everywhere by the usual M.I.C manufactured talking points alt media.

Critics accuse Netanyahu of pushing the legislation in order to get out of corruption trials he is currently facing.

Half a million Israelis join latest protest against Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul, organizers say. The planned change to the country’s justice system would allow Netanyahu’s government—the most right-wing in the history of Israel to take control over the committee which appoints judges and overrules courts’ decisions.

Of course its anti …s  💤  even mentioning this.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 30, 2023 12:34 AM
Reply to  switchedON

I don’t think OG is a knee-jerk censor of so-called anti-semitic articles – when they are not anti-semitic, that is. I’ve had first-hand experience with some of my comments on here with that. Just vapid comments in that tenor, of the likes you see on some websites, are justifiably banned.

Mar 30, 2023 6:52 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

in good old plain black and white:

comment image

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 30, 2023 11:49 PM
Reply to  Duckman

And that is the kind of mindset which would be a legitimate criticism that OG would (and has) permitted to be voiced here. Though, mind, that’s a Zionist speaking, those Zionists who have recently proudly allowed their Israeli citizens to be subjected to a nation-wide Pfizer clinical trial.

And the knee-jerk losers who downvoted my above comment hadn’t had their thinking caps on. That includes you.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 6:42 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

What is a Semite, then?

Mar 30, 2023 9:56 AM
Reply to  switchedON

Justice system ? Has it dished out any justice to the Palestinians ?

Mar 30, 2023 9:04 PM

Well, yes– in the sense that it dishes out justice to the Palestinians good and hard. 😠

Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Abraham's Worse Nightmare
Mar 30, 2023 9:50 PM

Yahweh’s justice a-plenty

Mar 29, 2023 9:44 PM

As ever, it’s not the device; it’s the user, as in ” Guns don’t kill people, people kill people ” . In the case of smartphones ( and computers before ) the enslavement is entirely voluntary – the very worst and most stubborn variety.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Mar 29, 2023 10:42 PM
Reply to  TomUSA

It’s the device.

Mar 29, 2023 9:38 PM

I quit ‘phone use’ nearly 8 years ago, when my son was born, and have functioned more than well since. I thought I was alone until recently I was talking to some people locally and the subject came up. Apparently there are loads of people without phones all around me, and I hadn’t realized. Heartened I am, and keen to meet these wonderful souls in touch with life as it really is.

Mar 29, 2023 9:32 PM

Well, hell! If I’d known this article was coming, I would’ve posted this comment here instead of to the Edward Curtin article the other day. 😕

Oh, and “Not a cough in a carload!”

Mar 29, 2023 9:29 PM

All War is Evil. No More War
Stop Paying Income Taxes

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Mar 29, 2023 10:58 PM

Exactly! why toss the phone when it would be more effective if everyone all over the world just stopped financing the parasites.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Mar 29, 2023 9:16 PM

The slave gets to love his chains and no way the sheep will give up their smart phones…

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 29, 2023 9:15 PM

I keep hearing about that spate of human rights violations relating to climate change inaction. Have you ever heard anything so patently stupid? I wonder if, at the height of the Black Death, folk were complaining about the plague because it violated their human rights?

And in other news, the assistant manager just told me today that covid cases are on the rise again. Yeah I was stunned too!

And Paul O’Grady is the latest one to pop off for nebulous reasons. Well maybe he was a victim of the latest surging tsunami of corockofvirus?

Mar 29, 2023 10:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Paul O’Grady ??
Please use the correct proun’s, she is called Lily savage.
comment image

Small tip, there is another lily savage who name comes up in the search engine,  🔞 

Mar 29, 2023 11:40 PM
Reply to  switchedON

Finger positions = Square and Compass ?

Mar 29, 2023 11:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

O’Grady was a genius. An utterly no-nonsense, non-snobbish belittler of so much that is retarded in our society.
His potty mouth would have horrified my parents’ generation, but the workers of that generation would privately have understood him well as a genuine representative.
Up-beat, and not specifically political – one of your mother’s best coffee-time “lady”-friends. Funny as hell, and a brilliant character actor.
Sad to hear he’s gone, although he did seem to be completely retired a few years ago.

Mar 29, 2023 9:11 PM

Thank you Simon.

Years ago I asked an assistant in a ‘phone store “why can’t you remove the battery from a smart ‘phone?”, “For warranty reasons” they replied – poor simple fool.

Mar 29, 2023 8:58 PM

Never owned one before, don’t own one now, never will own one.

Mar 29, 2023 8:51 PM

I know alot of people are not going to agree with me I say what it is and what I’ve experienced. The worse thing for family was the suffragette movement,The family unit is awful now children are placed in schools 6 hours a day if your child writes down in a journal now that they have in schools that teachers read any little thing will involve social services. The mother is working all day your child is in the system,The mother is stressed imagine leaving a baby in daycare and your trying to do your job but the guilt is do a job with your children they need you.They created child benefit because some not all the fathers would spend most wages I know because it happened in my family. All I’m saying is working mothers are giving their children away to the state.And it’s only going to get worse.

Mar 29, 2023 9:03 PM
Reply to  Annie

Sure. It’s go with the State or pretty much bust. They got the family. Totally compromised it. They got your kids. They got your thoughts. Look at today. Somehow the State has managed to convince families, in my own lifetime, that smacking their own kids is wrong. Parents don’t do it anymore. That’s just a tiny part of it. But the State runs your family now. And everything is becoming the same. The same thoughts, same attitude, same beliefs, same practices. And they’re all alien to true family, heart and soul.

Mar 29, 2023 9:14 PM
Reply to  Annie

They aren’t necessarily giving them away Annie, those children are being taken away by a system that demands two incomes, a system that teaches that one simply MUST have the latest and greatest thing, whatever that thing may be. A system that is almost impossible today to survive with one income. And the truly worst part is many do not see that, refuse to see just how the entire system IS the problem, not the victims of it who are forced to go along just to survive.

Hell, the point is missed here in many comments on the damned cell phones. Many will argue that they are forced to use them and they are! But by not at the very least acknowledging that we no longer have real choices, they will instead argue vehemently how anyone who sees any negative at all in all this technology is merely a Luddite and a tech-phobe, if not an utter hypocrite. If we cannot even begin to see just how these “choices” got foisted on us, what hope do we have to really change any of it?

Mar 29, 2023 10:03 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Cell phones calling authority email.I have an android everything I go on whether youtube and many sites are evil the things I’ve read is disgusting.Why did they ban free medical advice from the other side of the coin yet say nothing about the family. This is a war on family on beliefs on our souls. They have done the wars they have studied human behaviour and they are on a roll with what’s happening and they will keep going until we feel defeated then it’s gulags or worse,They are at war right now with every single person on this earth.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Mar 29, 2023 11:01 PM
Reply to  Annie

How exactly did you ‘experience’ the suffragette movement? Those women were not even involved in childcare – servants still proliferated in that era.

Mar 30, 2023 9:28 PM
Reply to  Grace Johns

maybe just a polite way of saying the F-word ; )

Mar 29, 2023 8:40 PM

If you have one – stop the reliance, destroy it now, if you haven’t done so, You have now been validated as a subordinate and destructive agent of the digital revolution.

Mar 29, 2023 8:20 PM

audrey hale

puma sneakers going in vans sneakers going out

incitement for the gender confused to go kill straight christians flooding all types of media

the “great reveal” getting into full swing

left barrel or right? such a quandry :0/

Mar 29, 2023 8:05 PM

As the man-made climate change hoax is such a big part of the coming tyranny, maybe Offg should run some articles de-bunking it. Or vids like this one…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 29, 2023 8:37 PM
Reply to  richard

“The Climate Change Scam is not a hoax. It is a crime.”

Mar 29, 2023 7:54 PM

Well my phone helps me monitor my battery packs connected to my wind turbines and solar panels.

I use it to monitor my aquaponics that help grow my veg all on an o/s I modified.

Maybe use your phone smarter ?

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Apr 2, 2023 7:19 PM
Reply to  Snarf

Don’t pull so hard;
you could suffer an aneurism.

Mar 29, 2023 7:42 PM

In Sweden Telia (one of the biggest network owners/providers) is shutting down their 2G/3G network in favour of updated 4G and 5G. Means my “dumbphone” won’t work any more. Probably ends up with smoke signals if I wanna keep out.

Mar 29, 2023 8:56 PM
Reply to  Jesper

2G services with Telia reported to continue until 12/31/2025 – as is Tele2 AB, and same for 3G with Telenor Sverige.Therefore, any old text and calls phone (Snake game?) will continue to operate.

Mar 29, 2023 9:26 PM
Reply to  Jesper

that did that last year here. but my upgraded smart phone will still show the 2g or 3g icon in the mountains. So they are turning off those frequencies, just not allowing us to have a phone that operates only on those freqs.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 30, 2023 12:42 AM
Reply to  Jesper

Yes, I was wondering about that. When you’ve rid yourself of smart phones they’ll just switch off the reception capability of your old phone.