Wuhan’s “Mystery Illness” is Covid’s Foundational Lie
Kit Knightly

Recently, while researching our updated edition of 40 Facts, I came across this article from Time magazine, one that I had apparently missed when it was first published and that had somehow escaped my notice in the following three Covid-centric years.
The article demonstrates how, from the very beginning, the covid narrative was a psy-op construct, that never made any internal sense.
It focuses on the work of Chinese virologist Dr Zhang Yongzhen, and how he and his team (allegedly) isolated the Sars-Cov-2 virus and sequenced its genome. The article frames Zhang as a hero whose “bravery” alerted the world to a scary new threat.
It’s just a story, of course – a piece of narrative fiction rather than journalism – but it does reveal a key facet of the pandemic psy-op roll-out.
The foundational lie, the original sin: Covid’s “mysterious” origins.
Every psychological operation has one underlying weakness – an uneven seam where the manufactured lie is forcibly joined to inescapable reality.
For 9/11 this is simple physics – asymmetrical damage cannot cause symmetrical collapse. For JFK it is the alleged number of bullets causing a known number of wounds, alongside the president’s head going back and to the left.
Oftentimes, the main thrust of any accompanying propaganda is to distract from these irreconcilable ideas. Place a selective distorting lens over certain hard-coded physical realities that forces people to question things they would never usually question.
Those weren’t really explosions – they just sounded like it.
His head didn’t really go backwards – it just looked like it did.
…you get the idea.
For “covid”, this fractured disconnect can be located very specifically to Wuhan in December 2019.
The alleged timeline of the “discovery” of Covid is pretty well known, but here is a quick recap:
- In mid-December 2019, 4 people were admitted to Wuhan hospital with pneumonia. By the end of the month, that number had grown to 27.
- One unnamed doctor decides this pneumonia is “mysterious”, and sends one sample from one patient to Dr Zhang of the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center for analysis.
- Dr Zhang tests this single sample, from just one of 27 alleged patients with pneumonia, immediately finds a “new coronavirus”, and at once decides it must be the cause of this “mystery”.
There are numerous problems with this story, and indeed the timeline of events that speedily followed – from the sequencing to the modelling to the development of testing assays.
But strangest of all is the question the official narrative never even attempts to answer:
Why were they looking at all?
That’s the break with reality.
Why did that doctor in that hospital suddenly decide there was a mystery that needed an explanation?
What was there to mark out those few patients as different from any of the other 450 million people who get pneumonia every year?
The Time article claims vaguely that this pneumonia was “peculiar”, other contemporary publications called it “mystery pneumonia”. They never really explain the nature of this “mystery”.
The WHO called it pneumonia of “unknown aetiology”, while the CDC said it was an “atypical pneumonia-like illness that does not respond well to standard treatments”. But “the standard treatment” for pneumonia is antibiotics if you think it’s bacterial, or bed rest and fluids if you think it’s viral. The vast majority of the time it gets better on its own in a couple of weeks…just like “Covid”.
Some articles remarked that the “mysterious pneumonia” was symptomatically unique, without ever going into details. But we now know that’s not true. “Covid” has never been symptomatically different from the majority of common respiratory diseases.
The WHO even said in their initial press release, on January 8th 2020:
The symptoms reported among the patients are common to several respiratory diseases, and pneumonia is common in the winter season;
That sentence is completely true…so-called “covid pneumonia” is just – pneumonia.
So why did the doctors in China ever consider it worth a second look?
Why did anyone think this perfectly normal pneumonia must have an abnormal cause?
None of this makes any sense. None of it ever made any sense.
You can keep looking for the answer, keep asking “why did they think this pneumonia was different?”, and find nothing but a tangle of vague assertions that don’t hold up to any kind of analysis.
There was no reason for that doctor to think those patients were suffering from anything other than a normal, seasonal respiratory infection.
His alleged actions are not those of a rational real-life person, they are the scripted behavior of an actor who needs to perform a particular function for only one reason – so the rest of the movie can happen.
We’re back to that one big lie, the invitation to suspend disbelief and accept a contradiction in terms, just like 9/11 and JFK.
For the “pandemic” narrative it’s this: “Covid might look and feel and act like the flu – but it’s actually special and different.”
That’s always going to be the faultline when you simply make up a new disease.
What’s more, they clearly always knew this would be the weak spot in their story, so they hurried through it. They needed to fast-track their “new disease” into existence so they discovered it, named it, sequenced it, published it, and could test for it…all in less than three weeks.
It was fast, “very, very fast” Zhang acknowledges in Time. Too fast, really. They spoiled the ending, revealed the killer before the murder had even happened.
The world has moved pretty quickly in the last three years, changed to the point of being almost unrecognisable, and if you want to understand how it all started you have to travel back in time. Past vaccines and ventilators. Past passports and PCRS. Past Pfizer and Fauci and flattened curves…back to the very beginning.
All the way back to Wuhan, China, December 2019. Where, we are told, one doctor saw four cases of stereotypical pneumonia and called it “mysterious”, and one virologist started looking for something he had no reason to think even existed, and just so happened to find it.
This article is part of our “Covid – Three Years On” series.
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There never was a novel virus. It was just repackaged garden variety flu. It was always about the jab and 67% of the earth’s population fell for it. Hats off to those who put it together. A job diabolically well done. And now there is a small cadre of us who know the truth and the rest don’t care, don’t want to know, move on, not interested. Ahh humans we really are a stupid lot.
Yes and it seems you’re one of those who are within the 95% percentile of “ignorant fcks”.
What are we supposed to ? What were we supposed to do? These WEF rulers are very scary. Mark Rutter in Holland had people shot at; The police have been very rought with protestors in the UK. In France a lot of protestors have been maimed by the state police forces
Less then 67%, because poor countries were not forced like Europe and Usa. They are more healthy and free.
The order among govs and institutions came from FREEMASONS.
This conversation is always worth having.. I write from 2024. Many of us have survived.
In my opinion the declaration of an atypical pneumonia was always suspect, as was its attribution to a “novel virus”. Someone had an agenda and we were fed into it.
I agree with Dr. Yeadon – I have looked and looked and found no evidence for a biological virus. Lots of computer constructs, but no real thing. I conclude it was a bogeyman, intended to scare us into accepting all the horrific limitations our governments could think of.
What to do now? (1) Give yourself a break. You were played. We were played. Not that we have to become virologists – never that. But study the old descriptions of disease, infection, and germs. And then consider that the men who wrote those descriptions were flawed, and wrong. Read extensively, because many books simply repeat the old lies.
(2) Do some research and ask questions. The germ theory does not rely on you being a bona fide scientist, it relies on you being careless. Read. In case you missed it, I think the germ theory is BS.
February 2019 was the first public awareness of “Covid-19” in China.
There were “hints” of an “unusual” pneumonia making people ill
starting in 2017-2018 amoungst the medical community. I was there.
Is that why they were shipping COVID test kits around the world in those years, well before they even made up the word for the press to use for their scam?
9-11, JFK … you missed the moon landings.
Basic research : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8005311/
There was one thing that used to make me inclined to believe that there was a problem caused by Covid. That was the admission of Boris Johnson to intensive Care for Covid. but now when you look at what was said at the time, and what he says now what actually seems strange is that he was admitted to intensive care at all.
Good to read this article. Isn’t it sad to see that the two ex Labour MPs Chris Wiliamson and George Galloway seem so positive towards Russia and China? They campaign for Assange ( which is good) but they don’t talk about Tankman or Navalny ( strange , disappointing). On the subject of consistency, wasn’t it great to see Diane Abbot suspended by the Labour party. It’s good to see Corbyn, Abbott, Long Bailey who failed to stand up for the right to free speech when they failed to support/ attacked Chris Williamson and Ken Livingstone? They criticized Livingstone and or Williamson following complaints by the BOD that they had ‘ caused offence’ …and now they have all been disciplined/ suspended …following complaints by the BOD who claimed to be offended by them. The moral of the story: don’t criticize someone for saying ‘ two plus two equals four’….because if you do , there is nobody to defend you when you say ‘ two plus two is four’ ( Twas very silly of Abbott to apologise…she didn’t express herself very well but that fact that she was done for ‘ antisemitism’ by the Labour party did demonstrate what she was saying in a way…although the truth is , as OFFG, keep reminding us …is that we are governed by Big Brother now and racism/ sexism/antisemitism just means whatever Big Brother wants it to mean
Also – covid was around in europe before official fearmongering started – there was a cancer study in europe (italy) and they confirmed antibodies in their blood afterwards for an earlier timeframe….
“Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy”
Actual timeframe:
First positive test, 3rd September
September 2019 23/162 (14.2%)
October 2019 27/166 (16.3%)
Second week of February 2020, (more than 30%)
Interesting that a couple of commenters here think that the covid scam was an emergency measure brought in to prevent an “economic meltdown” and “hyperinflation”, even though what followed WAS massive inflation (remember the Great Toillet Paper Apocalypse of 2020), then followed by more inflation because of the invasion of Ukraine by those dastardly Ruskies
Come to think of it, the 2008 “financial crisis” looked more like a contrived event itself if you follow the logic of the latest two cash and power grab events that coincidentally seem to widen the rich vs poor gap so consistently: its almost as if price stagnation or even DEFLATION is the real worry of the powers that be…
What about the 33 year old whistleblowing eye doctor who died of the virus that over time proved to kill almost no one in that age group? Another weird facet. Li Wenliang.
The brave doctor from Wuhan needed to look outside and chech the air polution…
Maybe that is causing pneumonia!? No, no it is the new virus! Of course everyone agrees this time with China…
John was writing about that at the beginning of 2020
“It’s almost as if science said, “Give me one free miracle, and from there the entire thing will proceed with a seamless, causal explanation.”’17 The one free miracle was the sudden appearance of all the matter and energy in the universe, with all the laws that govern it.”
― Rupert Sheldrake, The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry
The unquestioned lie. The idea that Covid could spread without symptoms.
The idea that you could be infected with Covid without knowing it and you could then infect other people. These other people may also not know that they are infected. But at some point some one who is vulnerable will be infected.
What is the method of transmission of the Covid infection when you have no symptoms. We are told Covid can be spread by coughing and sneezing.
But if you have no symptoms you do not cough or sneeze more than normal.
We are told when you breath or speak or sing you can spread Covid.
But unless some one is shouting or singing loudly very close to your face
the droplets that are supposed to carry Covid will not reach there target.
But just keep repeating Asymptomatic super spreader enough and it will be a reality , at least in peoples minds.
Love the headline photo which kind of proves that masks do not work. You could not make this shit up but they did.
Horrors will continue as long as the false belief in “viruses” remains. Things that really made and make and will make us sick – much of which can be traced back to industry and govt – will be ignored because people are too busy blaming “viruses”. Countless harmful practices, both coerced and voluntary, will continue. People will continue being murdered with jabs and “anti-viral” drug, people will again be neglected and die alone in hospitals, people will again be put in solitary confinement for refusing a fraudulent PCR test (happened to a friend of mine)….
And all caused by compliant morons, nothing has changed.
I never could understand how the people are so stupid and scared that they would accept this covid lie after the sars lie. All it ever was is the common cold, and the only way to beat the common cold is with rest and plenty of fluid.
In a June 2020 study, CDC scientists made 2 COVID remarkable admissions which destroy the official coronavirus narrative. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the significance of what the CDC scientists revealed, namely that for their research involving the allegedly new virus SARS-CoV-2, they only used 37 base pairs from actual sample tissue and filled in the rest (around 30,000 base pairs) with computer generated sequences, i.e. they made it up!
The CDC scientists state they took just 37 base pairs from a genome of 30,000 base pairs! That means that about 0.001% of the viral sequence is derived from actual living samples or real bodily tissue. So SARS-CoV-2 is a stitched-together, Frankenstein virus, because it is a computer-generated, digital, abstract creation, not a real living virus. It has never been properly purified and isolated so that it could be sequenced from end-to-end once derived from living tissue; instead, it’s just digitally assembled from a computer viral database.
Acording to Dr. Thomas Cowan, consensus was used to determine which digital SARS-CoV-2 model was the most real fake model: “The researchers claim they decided which is the real genome of SARS-CoV-2 by “consensus,” sort of like a vote. Again, different computer programs will come up with different versions of the imaginary “unicorn,” so they come together as a group and decide which is the real imaginary unicorn.”
The other of the COVID admissions is equally as stunning: after testing they found that SARS-CoV-2 could not infect human tissue. A big part of the official story we were told was that COVID was a new, dangerous and unpredictable disease that was both fast-spreading and lethal. Well, it’s apparently not very lethal since the CDC scientists found that it couldn’t even infect human cells in vitro.
See: https://humansarefree.com/2020/11/study-cdc-scientists-make-2-covid-admissions-that-destroy-official-narrative.html
Ridicule, so no labs in Ukraine.
Fauci and Co haven’t including the different governments been experimenting using germs virus’s from animals etc to use in warfare.
Salisbury plain. U.K ??
DOD research, agent orange etc
Bayer who brought Monsanto ??
The illness’s people got during Covid was imaginary them.
No, not imaginary, it was just a common cold, the labs were there simply to make the killer jab that gives people a mac address
We also need to look at the timelines.
The first confirmed incidence of SC-2 in published medical literature was in Northern Italy in early September, 2019. Event 201 took place in New York City on October 18th, 2019. By coincidence (another one) that was also the date of the opening of the World Military Games in Wuhan, which concluded on October 27th, 2019. The following week, the infamous US Intelligence Report was written reporting an “outbreak” of something unusualin Wuhan. For that to be believed, either there must already have been more than just a few isolated cases of something other than normal seasonal respiraatory disease to make it visible to Intelligence sources OR US Intelligence possesses a crystal ball far superior to that of Prof Neil Ferguson.What is clear is that at that time the Chinese Authorities gave no indicaations of being aware of any problem.
These timelines and alleged events never made any sense either and are entirely inconsistent with an “accidental leak” at WIV as the starting point of the Wuhan outbreak in late December 2019 / early January 2020.
Regarding “unique symptoms”, although the psyop works just as well either with or without a “unique new CoV” and as musch as I like and respect Dr Mike Yeadon and others, I believe there ARE unique symptoms. I live in Asia in a location that until 2Q2020 was still receiving 2 daily direct flights from Wuhan. I contracted “Covid” in the first week of January, 2020 and although not that severe, I did have to stay in bed for longer than with a normal Flu and I lost my sense of smell for over 3 months. I have never experienced that with a normal Flu nor AFAIK are there reports in the medical literature of a longer-term loss of smell with normal Flu (Not Coronas) or Common Cold (Includes Coronas). This is, of course, anecdotal but by no means uncommon.
That said, this detracts nothing from Kit’s excellent analysis because none of this was, or could have been, the basis for an initial clinical observation warranting special investigation.
Excellent time-line, but don’t forget the test release in August 2019 blamed on e-cigarettes. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2019/s0912-update-cases-vaping.html
Three unusual events occurred in Wuhan in September 2019 – https://dailysceptic.org/2023/03/19/angela-merkels-september-2019-visit-to-wuhan/
They are now pushing the ‘lab leak’ theory to distract from the true source – Fort Detrick : https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/02/08/proof-of-the-dod-conspiracy-to-harm-the-world/
AND – why was this PsyOp needed? Because in Sept 2019 the Repo market went into meltdown and the Fed needed to pump almost $20 Trillion ‘direct’ into the global economy to avoid a 2008 crisis. To do this they had to shut down all economies to avoid the resulting hyperinflation. Larry Fink at BlackRock knew the danger in Aug 2019 which is why he proposed “Going Direct”. I wrote about following the money: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/a-perfect-storm-the-money-crisis?s=w
Most of this was media bull shit…
It’s obvious the author has not experienced or suffered the odd symptoms that can be a consequence of catching this lab designed virus. In my case (and I have managed to not get jabbed) and many whom I know the craziest things were the loss of smell and taste lasting over 3 weeks, and the ultra sensitivity of the skin and for many catching the shingles. Both symptoms occur during the flu or a common cokd perhaps, but there, loss of smell and taste is due to congestion of the nasal cavities and sore skin is common but superficial and never developing into shingles. The loss of smell and taste during a SARS CoV-2 infection has been found to last as long as 6 months. Another very annoying consequence in my case was the effect on the bladder and the ability to control it. This went on for over a year, and only recently has improved. No one can tell me this virus is the same as the flu or a common cold, simply because its symptoms are significantly different and its longterm consequences do not occur after the flu or a common cold infection.
All the symptom you described are synonymous with the common cold, and shingles are also very common…you watch too much TV media
That’s absolute rubbish. Learn to read and comprehend. You remind me of a quote uttered in the Shawshank film: “Can you read you illiterate fck?”
Have you considered the impact the ‘turning on’. of a wholly new non-native band of the electro-magnetic spectrum could do to biological life? It is equally as plausible that this is the reason for yours and others experience being ‘new and different’.
How many new satellites have been launched since 2019 and what are they beaming us with? And of course the 5th generation millimeter wave technology that has been unleashed on the world.
No virus needed to explain anything. In fact I highly recommend asking yourself why you keep returning to the virus as the reason. As has been written here in OG enough times the methodology used to show a ‘new virus’. is, was and will be wholly lacking integrity and merit.
The answer is – they didn’t. The doctors in Wuhan weren’t looking for a mystery. They weren’t looking for something new. They weren’t looking for a novel virus. The only reason anyone even noticed those 27 patients was because someone else – somewhere else – had already noticed them. On January 3, 2020, the United States Army issued a warning to personnel advising them to avoid contact with animals in the Wuhan region of China. The warning was issued in response to recent reports of a novel virus that had been identified in respiratory specimens from individuals who had become ill in the region. According to the warning, the virus had the potential to spread from person to person, and could have serious implications for military personnel in the region. The warning also advised personnel to practice good hygiene, such as regularly washing hands and avoiding contact with animals, to help prevent the spread of the virus. The warning was issued in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO), which had declared a global public health emergency due to the spread of the virus. Now compare the time lines: January 3, 2020 US Army responded to a report of a novel virus. End December 2019 the Chinese doctors were not looking for a novel virus. So where did the original report to look for a novel virus come from? It appears that the original report came from the US Army. On December 31, 2019, the US Army sent a team of experts to Wuhan to investigate a possible outbreak. This was reported in a December 30, 2019, press release from the US Embassy in Beijing. According to the press release, the team was sent to “assess the current situation and to provide assistance to the Chinese government in the event of a public health emergency.” It is believed that the team was sent to investigate reports of a possible novel virus, which was later identified as Covid-19. This suggests that the US Army was the first to identify the novel virus, and that the Chinese doctors were only responding to the report from the US Army. What is the source of this information? The source of this information is the December 30, 2019 press release from the US Embassy in Beijing, which can be found here: https://www.china.usembassy-china.org.cn/the-us-army-sends-team-of-experts-to-wuhan-to-assess-possible-outbreak/. Why did the US Army send a team of experts when the Chinese were not looking for a novel dissease? The US Army sent a team of experts to Wuhan to investigate reports of a possible novel virus. At the time, the Chinese doctors were not looking for a novel virus, as they were unaware of the possibility. The US Army was responding to reports of a possible outbreak, and was attempting to provide assistance to the Chinese government in the event of a public health emergency. Who created the reports of a possible outbreak when it was not the Chinese? It is unclear who created the reports of a possible outbreak that led to the US Army sending a team of experts to Wuhan. It is possible that the reports were generated by US intelligence agencies or by global health organizations.
Answer generated by openAI GPT3.5 2-4-2023
The answer demonstrates that AI is only as intelligent as the facts it’s been fed. Much like us humans
In this case, it’s unaware of what had been going on in China at time. An excessively US-centric perspective
It’s also evidently unaware of the existence and utility of paragraph breaks. 😠
Yep, a fair bit of superfluous repetition in the reasoning too
I avoid anything with ‘smart’ in its description. I wouldn’t give GPT3 houseroom. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/aristophanes-broke-the-chatgpts-programmed
The evidence is overwhelming that Covid 19 is and was a bioweapon PsyOp developed by US DoD and released in Wuhan in October 2019. :
This was necessary because the global financial system was melting down again (2008 style) in August 2019 resulting in the September 16 2019 Repo crisis:
covid 19 is the scare, the jabs are the bio-weapon, the media is the weapon of choice to distribute the lies, and now we go digital money…
Yes, I was using ‘Covid’ as an umbrella label for the total PsyOp – the Operation overall. We already have digital money, only 3% of MZ is cash, the problem is programmable money which is the goal but the Fed, BoE et al are being cautious because they know it will rely on compliance. This is how the prototype works in China (4+years ago) – see how compliant these people are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXyzpMDtpSE
That’s very concise and as close to the true facts as you can get
“Artificial drivel’ generated by binary-BS
why would anyone use this lying p.o.s., it is there simply to lie to you and take away even more of your rights. Any sane person has already recognized this is all b.s., a plan to make you even more stupid.
There is a high probability, that to confirm pnumonia, the medicos would have cultured sputum and maybe blood samples from the patients. There is also a high probability that pneumonia was confirmed. Where the scenario becomes suss is that apparently only one of the 27 patients was selected for testing and following this, the unusually rapid onset of events after pneumonia was diagnosed. From diagnosis to sequencing, then modelling then on to major outbreak all in an uncharacteristically short period of time. As things developed, so did the apparent theatre, notably the obvious prat-falling episodes of people in the street, the masks,weld-ins, lockdowns, PPE clad PCR testers, – the whole circus show. But I’m sure many of us reasoned: “that’s not suspicious, maybe that’s how people keel over in China” and “yeah masks make sense, afterall doctors wear ’em” and “the PCR test is what we need to discover who’s got covid”, and so on. And so we were well underway on the journey of suspended disbelief. A prerequisite skill necessary for believing the ‘big lie’ that became the three year covid crisis and resulting in the biggest medical experiment and money laundering scheme in history.
Little history: Mao Zedong made in USA
Thanks 1919 btw Marx was a Nationalist.
IMHO, Marx was a Zionist, spreading ‘Socialist’ lies to the world.
Just like Kim Jong Un, he was ‘educated’ in Switserland.
Don’t forget it was the Pfizer funded Doherty Insitute in Australia and the fucking ABC media in China who started this whole con and Norman Swan a WHO and big pharma shill who spewed out the nonsense that it was the biggest pandemic in 100 years.
Normie’s been quiet lately.
Must be in his counting house counting all his money.
Perhaps someone’s right foot slipped while he was crossing the road, preferable an 18 wheeler.
His Scottish forebears would be so disappointed.
This article highlights exactly how I’ve experienced the last three years: the story that has been told has lacked an interior logic. And yet, most people I know have accepted what they’ve been told. I’ve watched in disbelief as highly intelligent people have ridiculed my scepticism to the official narrative. When I voiced concern about the “experimental vaccine” I was met with eye rolling and anger. Most people I know received the shots, and now, two years later, many have multiple health issues, none of which they contribute to the shots. It’s just something that happens. The whole scenario the last three years is nothing short of bizarre to me. It indeed shows the power of narration.
The question is: Did China decide to put on the Wuhan Show all by itself (Michael Senger’s position, I think) or did China kindly agree to start the ball rolling for an agenda planned elsewhere? George Fu Gao, the head of China’s equivalent of the CDC, took part in the pandemic simulation Event 201 in October 2019. Related question: In bigging up Wuhan, was Gao acting in cahoots with Xi or against him?
The papers filed which came up with the fake computer created genome, the ones marked MN908947 (Fan Wu team) and 402123 (LiLi Ran team) involved teams with joint sponsorship by China’s regime and the “West.” This was a joint operation. Forget yet another false binary, “China”/BRICS versus the “West.” All in it together.
I guess a bit of both, the WEF stooges thought they played the chicoms, while the chicoms thought they played the WEF stooges, in the end each puppet played the other one and now they are so entangled in their webs of lies that each side risks to get suffocated themselfes if they pull to hard on the other sides strings.
Xi visted SAGE whom also as reported elsewhere agreements with the Russian Federation’s Putin. Do you agree these are Worldwide issues regarding the Whole European Continent. Worldwide.
German chancellor Angela Merkel visited Wuhan in 2019. When asked why, she said she wanted to see the spot where Mao swam in 1966. She brought along future German covid tsar Dorsten.
In England, the BBC modeled the outbreak two years before it started:
In The Netherlands, the defense department’s LIMC agency that was tasked with monitoring citizens Covid compliance was established in 2019. To this day, contradicting their own documents, the government (and the MSM) claim it was founded in March 2020.
British Isles modelled ’18 WHO Europe
Guys, it doesn’t matter if Covid exists or not, you can’t ever prove it or the opposite. That’s the case with every pathogen, by the way. So come down from the palm trees again.
As far as china is concerned, the chinese seem to be right: for many westerners it seems impossible to understand yin and yang. It is enough for you to suffer the effect when they also officially adopt the UN. Heil Xi.
It’s up to those who claim that it exists to prove it. That’s how the scientific method works. And this proof has NOT been done. Case closed.
Questioning Science in English for you case closed. Good well done, you could have elaborated a little but fair enough. So Human Social Sciences is out of the question as well. My my these robotic Gizmo’s are a miracle of modern technology, marvelous. case closed.
Errrrr, that’s not how things work. Science does not have to prove unicorns exist in order to believe that unicorns exist because some scientists say that they do.
Not sure where the “don’t” fits per you, as you weren’t very specific, but i would say you are wrong. Science does not have to believe unicorns exist just because some scientists say they do, and does not have to prove that they don’t exist. It’s up to those who claim unicorns exist to prove it. Substitute “Extra Terrestrials” in any pronouncement about “virus,” and see how much “sense” that makes. 😀
Feel your tailbone now walk backwards out of sight. Now walk forward into sight. A Team of Three, one two three, your a idiot.
They’re pretty much yankie ying yang robotic hand jockeys,, good luck. Don’t mention OMO in case it’s misinterpreted as sexual in nature.
Outstanding features of the covid project included changed definitions of pandemic, immunity, herd immunity, vaccine, fully vaccinated and cause of death (certification). But my award goes to asymtomatic disease.
Right! Not to have any symptoms is one of the symptoms.
Exactly, in 2020 the WHO changed their pandemic policy from to the exact opposite of what it was in 2019.
Prosecution: You Honor, we ask that the Jury takes into account, advances in modern technology, with the aid of 3D animation, and we submit the both the PBS and Dale Myers (which won an Emmy, your Honor) animations, which should be construed as 3D forensic evidence.
Defence: Your Honor. We humbly sumbit, that such evidence submitted without access to the actual data, ie. the animation files, means that such ‘evidence’ should be regarded as a ‘cartoon’ until such time as the files are released to the defence for review.
We note your, honor, in said ‘cartoons’ that some liberty has been taken with the location of the back wound, which President Forde would admire the audacity off. In such a ‘slight of hand’, we suggest former President Forde would find kindred spirits.
Prosecution: Your Honor, we convict LHO as the lone gunner as supported by the autopsy photos in the National Archives.
Defence: Objection your Honor. The Photos in the National Archives are not the ones taken by the official photographer, on his film, with his camera as acertained under oath, under questioning by ARB (Assassinations Review Board), heldf in the 1990s, as Board that came into being after the JFK film, by Oliver Stone was Published.
We therefore ask your Honor, to get Proesection to explain how LHO, was able, when dead to fake the records in the National Archives, a sure case of Perverting the Cause of Justice, and a subversive act to Democracy.
For the ‘back and to the left’, one only needs a link to Dan Rather.
2:10, is where Dan Rather, explains how the head went ‘back and to the left’……opps my bad, ‘violently forward’.
Cue all the BRICStards, who will now insist that the ‘virus’ was somehow real in China, but fake in the West. (Though they can’t make up their minds about Russia, which is in between both.)
Yep, those straw men get everywhere
Looking at the Fascist Fourth Reich COVID/mRNA injection premeditated mass murder chronology of events starting at “Two weeks to flatten the curve” up until today from an extraordinary (reality) perspective – where the United States Department of Defense was “sitting in the C.E.O.’s chair” from Day One (See: Sasha Latypova, Ron Unz, Katherine Watt, Karen Kingston, Jonathan Couey, Vera Sharav etc.) – allows the man or woman who entertains then exercises the thought experiment to see the entire central bank digital currency-anchored covert worldwide crime spree in the purest, most-hideous light…
From Brian Foley, way down in the Comments section of your Link:
“Since the SARS outbreak 18 years ago, a large number of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome related coronaviruses (SARSr-CoV) have been discovered in their natural reservoir host, bats”.
I am no virologist but have rubbed shoulders with virologists in the 70s, and picked up a smattering of molecular virology and became familiar with some names like Luc Montagnier (HI Virus). So, when the subject went bat-crazy political in 2020 I was confident that the full genome of “Novel Corona Virus SARS-2” (which Chinese had partially sequenced) would eventually be sorted out.
I believed Montagnier’s exclamation over a sequence from the Pasteur Institute: “This virus is a test tube baby”. Later came the crucial discovery: this virus’s test tube mother endowed her GMO baby with a unique spike protein — the Furan binding site — a gene sequence patented by Moderna in the U$A! This U$ patent assigned to Moderna a few years BEFORE outbreaks of SARS around U$ Bio Warfare Lab Fort Detrick MaryLand and around a U$-funded Lab with illegal “Gain of Function” research in Wuhan.
The objective truth about Bio Warfare Labs is slowly coming out via academic virology.
It is important to dissociate this far reaching scientific and GMO aspect of Covid-19 from the more ephemeral, political and financial, aspects of Global Confidence Trick Con-19 which Kit and OffG have consistently and tenaciously exposed from its start.
Nonesense. A person timely dissociated confidently time line research backward academically specifically travelling quicker faster multiculturally searching an essential reality way past any slowing human exposition.
Academically, language revisionistism is what you arrive at post 1953. You’ll [A]. embrace all multicultural funded academia to eventually read of it via a [B]. mysticial consumerist additional transitional barrier essential insistence.
A truth is The Covid-19 test kits were a collectivist supplement below cost effectives. (2019).
A problem looking for a solution.
Which pretty much sums up most of the parasites plans. And yet, the dumbfucks keep falling for it.
If it did sum up the parasites’ plans then there wouldn’t be any problem
(though I would suspect that you meant the opposite)
It is inconsequential whether Covid existed or not, our governments are trying to kill us either way.
The photo above is fake, we can all now agree.
So when we see videos of people falling down due to the vaccine (Allegedly) .
How is that not the same.?
There is a psyop happening on both side.
There is a difference: their own official statistics actually record a significant increase in the excess death rates after the vax was released. So, even if videos of people collapsing turn out to be fake, there is still the unexplained rise in deaths to be contended with.
Nailed it. How could they possibly have devised an ‘accurate’ (so we were led to believe) test so quickly? The ‘test’ was the tool which created the illusion of a pandemic by returning positive for anything and everything.
One interesting aspect is that nobody claimed the tests were accurate. You were just made to infer that yourself.
Likewise, nobody claimed the vaccines helped to prevent transmission. They constructed words from which a normal person would derive that meaning, but when you read carefully, the words don’t actually say that.
To add a stroke to a horse that has long since been flayed to death:
The noble concept of “informed consent” necessarily implies that the relevant authorities will provide truthful, reliable “information” presented as simply and straightforwardly as possible; accuracy, clarity, and ease of comprehension are, or ought to be, the appropriate standards.
Instead, The Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic was buoyed and propelled by a tsunami of Orwellian official and commercial doublespeak and doublethink. It sought to “inform” the panicked and terrified public with infoganda, on a “get jabbed first and ask questions later” basis.
After the toxic jabs were rolled out, I quipped that most people probably assume that “informed consent” means that the person administering the jab informs the recipient that they (i.e., said recipient) are consenting to be jabbed. 😠
You’re right, although that was no different before Corona. If “informed consent” was real, people would use far fewer medicines.
True, and by coincidence I just posted a comment elsewhere that speaks to exactly this point, to wit:
My first primary care physician, Dr. L., was low-key, friendly, and helpful; unfortunately, he died of leukemia. We discovered that we’d both attended the same high school– many years apart– and “bonded” over this circumstance.
However, over the years I remember something he told me that makes me shudder now: somehow we were discussing the Big Pharma “medication” inserts that list possible side-effects and adverse reactions.
Dr. L. breezily explained that the inserts were all about “litigation”– he said something like, “Oh, they have to list every possible reaction in case there’s a lawsuit, even if there’s virtually no possibility that the ‘medication’ actually causes the adverse reaction.”
I can’t be sure one way or the other if he truly believed this, but I think he did. One takeaway is that I came to see how passive and incurious I was about such mundane aspects of “healthcare”. I became more aware and cynical even before the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic, but when he gave me that “inside information” I was somewhat reassured and relieved.
I just thought, “OK, cool, it’s just some kind of legalistic scam, then” and moved on.
After I wrote this comment, I realized that this long-ago exchange was more complex than it sounded. I’m not attempting to comprehensively tease out the implications, but just to clarify (I hope):
When the exchange happened, I took it at face value. Apart from the question of whether Dr. L. truly believed this, I think he was trying to reassure me that he prescribed medications according to his expertise and experience; he may even have said that he never, or rarely, saw any of the dire side-effects in his patients.
But now I marvel at how the information that Big Pharma informational inserts were actually an artifact in a legalistic game didn’t raise obvious troubling implications. If Dr. L. was right, and the inserts were just a form of legal protection for Big Pharma, how did this jibe with the assumption that medical care was supposed to be rigorously scientific?
Put slightly differently, if my trustworthy doctor could essentially wink at me and suggest that the information could be safely disregarded, and that the inserts were just a way for pharmaceutical manufacturers to cover their asses, how could patients acquire reliable objective safety information?
And I don’t think Dr. L. was a “villain”, i.e. that he cynically and maliciously ran interference for Big Pharma by discounting their informational material.
Before the scamdemic, I never even thought to– well, think harder when doctors provided pat explanations and advice. 🤔
One couldn’t get jabbed without signing their (death warrant) consent paper though. Can’t fix stupid, or in many cases: An offer you can’t refuse cus otherwise you lose everything you got, job, income, ability to travel, to get medical treatment and so on and so forth…
In addition to all of the facts in this article, consider this: Wuhan in 2019 was a very industrial city that had absolutely horrific air quality (as did Tehran and Milano, Italy, the other two “epicenters” of Covid in Feb/March 2019).
On top of that, the air quality in Wuhan goes way down in winter due to simple physics. As a result, the hospitals in Wuhan were SWAMPED with pneumonia cases in winter 2019 (bad enough that you could hire people on WeChat to stand in line for you to get admitted to a hospital).
Considering all this… why in the world would just a handful of cases stand out?
Nailed it.
And there were mass protests in Wuhan protesting this very thing and the illnesses and deaths that were being caused by that pollution.
The Chinese government had all the reasons in the world to create and/or accept a rationale to quell those protests.
+ full 5G rollout in Wuhan in 2019…
VIRUSES – One Hundred and Thirty Three Years on!!
Unscientific propagandized theory from the biginning on!
The Bailey’s are fantastic! You could even go one step further, and question the existence of transmissible disease. Our human behavior of being present when people die indicates our ancestors did not think dying people were dangerous to be around.
The team which actually “found the genome” (created it on a computer) was headed by Fan Wu, Dr Zhang Yongzhen, was a member of this team, the Time story misreports the info as if it was his team rather than Fan Wu’s. Search for a “new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China,” February 3, 2020, and you will see the names of the people in the team. Eric Francis Coppolino wrote a great piece last summer about the way the team “discovered” this “new virus,” and the fraud involved. Scroll down the page to “Overview of my latest findings” to read the details. The genome created then on a computer has been used as the template for all subsequent “variants.”
Never read more lies and FAKE NEWS than here…thus, take your lies, shove them up your goddamn ass and fuck off, shitheads!!!
So leave and don’t read. Simple.
Feel better now that you’ve cursed at us all, Beastie-boy?
We all baffled how you pass verification.
Actually, OG allows all sorts of opinions. Even those of obnoxious trolls who resort to using bold type and words entirely written in capitals.
Just to give this beast the benefit of the doubt, let’s consider that he may have not been able to fill his script for anti-psychotic pharmas yesterday …
Your biased, How do you know. That’s your reasoning is it, plus minus tech, it has to be a he from anywhere on the Web.
We? Am not, This Beast is obviously Female.
Yeah, JtB…..you certainly nailed it with your rebuttal.
Nice critique, Jeff.
I was on the fence until now, but your curse words, insults, bold type, all caps and multiple exclamation marks won me over!
It’s a pastime in the spread of American English illiteracy ok. We’ve been studying it for a hundred and twenty years. sigh! Tech? Fifty years.
You sound sick Jeff.
Boosters will do that every time.
You may find this article helpful in appreciating the extent of the fake news in our society.
Paul Schreyer’s book Chronik einer angekündigten Krise fleshes out the origins story a bit more. The author asked why the fact of people by being in hospital with respiratory symptoms merited any mention by the media. It appears that the media attention was apparently justified by “internet rumours” in China that these cases were in fact related to SARS.
Then, on the basis of these reports, Dr Christian Drosten decides to forgo his Christmas holiday and to start working on a PCR test that would help detect this ‘novel virus’ without having any access to swabs from the affected patients.
This is clearly all nonsense to the power of 10. Unfortunately, it seems the highest profile doctors in the so-called health freedom movement have – successfully, I’d say – managed to reinforce the narrative of a novel virus starting in Wuhan with the lab leak hypothesis.
Drosten also holds a private professorship funded by Johanna Quandt foundation not a regular Chair. I understand his PhD is also open to question but his PCR Test is very profitable
why the fact of people by being in hospital with respiratory symptoms merited any mention by the media
Perhaps the mayor or head of province badlly needed an excuse for air pollution far beyond the permitted level. Or it was ordained at Event 201.
Another reason to protest:
Being told to take a jab when they specifically informed you to see your Provider is where we came in.
The planning had largely taken place by 2010 as the Rockefeller document revealed. Wuhan was always a candidate for a starting point. Modern China is creation of the banksters. It is totalitarian. Wuhan had both a wet market and a biolab, both of which could be blamed for the emergence of the fake virus.
North Carolina has only Ralph Baric
“Modern China is creation of the banksters.”
Are there any large entreprises anywhere in the world, particularly the building of a country, where bankers are not involved one way or another?
… even in countries calling themselves “communists”?
Communism is very much the creation of finance oligarchy. All about central control, oligarchic by nature
“Banksters” not simply bankers. Obvious implication of nefarious agendas
Good, never let up on this. Ever again.
I grew up in the good old days, when lone assassins were terminated on TV. Die, Oswald! Those words still thrill my memory, as rumors of conspiracy theory disappear down the memory hole. I’m not sure, however, if I simply heard them in Oliver Stone’s JFK. Or maybe I’m just imagining that, too.
From earliest age, I had trouble distinguishing between screens and a real world which kept receding behind them. But later I’d look back on the innocence of that era compared to the 24/7 hyperreality which overtook it.
Remember the incubator babies in Iraq? That Hill & Knowlton production always brings a tear to my eye, if not rage for war: Kill. kill, kill!; Goddam Sodom Hussein!; etc., etc. Nayira’s performance was Oscar-worthy, to be sure, though it hardly compares to Osama’s crowning achievement to his illustrious career with the CIA.
Jerry Springer had it right. He went from politics to TV. He knew where the real power lies. Now it’s a Jerry Springer nation of round-the-clock humilitainment.
It’s been a memorable life I’ve lived in oblivion, and I’m sorry I may not be around, at least very long, to enjoy the progress in programming yet to come from the Metaverse to Neuralink.
Nevertheless, there’s been so much for me to savor in life as one long movie or series of pseudo-events: false flags and underground advertising, news anchors and crisis actors to put Hollywood to shame, PR firms and the Pentagon providing nonstop infotainment for mass murder, the Orange Beast and Sleepy Joe, and of course COVID-1984.
On and on, and round and round we go. We’re no longer spectators to spectacle. We are the spectacle.
Say, isn’t it about time for another mass shooting? Or maybe I’m getting mixed up with the Trans Day of ‘Vengeance’, perfectly timed on the heels of another opportune tragedy for divide-and-rule drama of guns and gender dysphoria.
See this from Dr Sam Bailey for more in depth analysis of the shenanigans at the start of the convid shitshow:
Ironically the fellow lying on his back on the street is wearing a muzzle. If these humiliating and unhealthy things worked the crisis actor would not have been felled by the deadly new virus. But you can’t reason with the faithful. These wretched respiratory restrictors will follow us to the grave. I just booked a hotel in Foz do Iguacu in Brazil. The confirmation email said that guests would have to don muzzles in interior common areas. I will have to cancel and book another hotel.
And please make sure you tell them why you are cancelling.
Welcome to Lula-land.
Falling dead guy in street is a National Endowment for Democracy, aka US Intelligence Operation, production.
Ah yeah, but it didn’t work because nasty selfish conspiracy theorists didn’t wear theirs. Still, at least the victim died virtue signalling
The Central Banks around the world realized they had a ‘repo’ crisis manifesting in September 2019. The new digital-system was not ready in 2019 to takeover from their collapsing fiat-currency system. A delay with a suitable cover-story was required…
Look at Fabio Vighi’s articles from early 2020 through to the present.
Central Bank in USA you mean. This is ALL USA
Who would have thought they would gleefully suicide their own citizens?
Who would have ever thought the entire world would be cheering?
A friend of mine told me:”You know, if in Israel they force covid vax must be good, they will never hurt or betray jews people”. Well, it was wrong, luckly I did not get any vax.
“COVID” is really due to:
·Being healthy being relabeled as asymptomatic “COVID” due to the 100% invalid PCR test.
·Ordinary illnesses being relabeled as “COVID” due to the 100% invalid PCR test.
·Illness from severe air pollution (e.g. China and Italy), toxic disinfectants and chemtrails being relabeled as “COVID” due to the 100% invalid PCR test.
·Illness from toxic masks and toxic nasal-swabs (used in COVID tests) being relabeled as “COVID” due to the 100% invalid PCR test.
·Illness from COVID and Flu shots being relabeled as “COVID” due to the 100% invalid PCR test.
·Illness from the fear, stress and isolation of COVID propaganda and lockdowns being relabeled as “COVID” due to the 100% invalid PCR test. Lockdowns also caused illness via sunlight deprivation, which reduces vitamin D levels.
·Illness from EMF (natural solar activity, 3/4/5G cell phones/towers, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and satellites/Deep State EMF weapons) being relabeled as “COVID” due to the 100% invalid PCR test. (It’s also likely that EMF exposure increases the likelihood of an adverse effect from the COVID shots.)
“Wuhan’s “Mystery Illness” is Covid’s Foundational Lie”. Brilliant article about a brilliant psyop. Thanks to Kit Knightly for giving us some tools to quickly look for the first sign of a warped reality that the entire psyop is then fabricated on. That early warning signal can help us in the battle of truth versus lies. We will be reading more articles like this because the psyops for the Great Fascist Reset are going to never stop. The psychopaths running the show have an endless budget and entire governments and endless wealth (robbed from us) to fund their enslavement and depopulation agendas.
CK is correct in assigning cell phone and other EMF as one of the factors of illnesses that are at mind-boggling proportions now. The book, ‘The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life’ by Arthur Firstenberg, explains how this radiation is harming all life on earth.
But as evil, and powerful and well-funded as the perpetrators of this takeover of the planet are, one fact remains: they cannot complete their plans if they their ability to funnel all the data needed for totalitarian control is compromised. That data is dependent on the high bandwidth of 5G.
Key to their electronic prison for you=5G boxes within reach of wherever you are.
5G may facilitate mass murder. Being so site-specific and programmable, it may even facilitate the murder of specific persons.
Yes, these technologies can cause murder. Especially if there is electrically acetive graphene oxide in the bodies of people now from the ‘vaccines’. All the more reason that Freedom Fighters, at some point, must address those 5G boxes that are ubiquitous. As far back as the 1960’s the ability to harm with very tiny amounts of EMF was found.
“Biologist Allan Frey, under contract with the U.S. Navy, was so alarmed by the results of his animal studies that he refused to experiment on humans. He discovered that he could stop a frog’s heart by timing microwave pulses at a precise point in the heart’s rhythm. The power level he used for that experiment was only 0.6 microwatts per square centimeter, thousands of times lower than the radiation from today’s cell phones.” (‘The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life’ by Arthur Firstenberg)
That was the 1960’s. today’s weapons are becoming more ‘sophisticated’ in the field of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). This is from a Sept 2018 article in the National Defense Magazine on the attack on dozens of employees of the US Embassy in Havana while the employees were in their homes.
· “Directed energy weapons intended to disrupt or damage their victims’ brains …..victims suddenly hearing noises, pressure in their ears, followed by symptoms such as headaches, vertigo, dizziness and loss of cognitive functions….The effects can be latent, durable, highly disruptive and attribution is difficult. They are not ‘weapons of mass destruction,’ but they have the potential to disrupt everything from individual cells in a body, to societies and geopolitics. Neuro-weapons are an emerging, but little understood threat that is compounded by the ease in which they can be purchased on the internet. Directed energy weapons can cause these injuries by creating “cavitation,” or air pockets, in fluids near the inner ear. The shape of the inner ear amplifies sounds and waveforms to cause the effect. The process creates air bubbles, or cavities, that eventually burst.
For $300 you, too, can have your very own DEW.
· “Near the inner ear are two pathways carrying blood to the brain — the cochlear aqueduct and the vestibular aqueduct. The bubbles can travel rapidly up the aqueducts into the brain where they can function as a stroke. “Pandora’s box is open as far as making these kinds of things,” Balaban said. Devices that can be used in ultrasonic attacks, for example, are readily available on the internet for less than $300. The off-the-shelf devices are intended to repulse vermin such as rats and insects and have a range of about 30 to 40 feet, he said. (Editors note: about the distance from a neighbors window to your bedroom or living room).
Perfect kind of gray warfare
“We are facing a threat. And an important thing is to figure out the battlespace we are dealing with here and make some solutions,” Balaban said. “It is the perfect kind of gray warfare. It is a very good way to degrade your opponent’s capabilities so you can exploit it with conventional means.”
Destabalize a Society
“Such weapons could be used clandestinely against a political leader, for example, to ultimately destabilize a society, Giordano said. “I think what you are beginning to see is a greater likelihood for targeting the brain in these ways — both in regard to its structure and its functions, which includes cognitions, emotions and behaviors — in ways that are going to be disruptive on a variety of scales from systems in the individual to systems in the social and political” realm, he said.” (https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2018/9/6/exclusive-doctors-reveal-details-of-neuroweapon-attacks-in-havana)
US accused China of the same crime as Cuba, so I will skip that. What you covered is weapons to attack individuals including hospital patients (to give them a fatal heart attack) or dissidents (no-touch torture). The fol. link covers police/military weapons to attack masses of people.
UK Coronavirus Act 2020 exempted death certificates from second independent doctor certification or Post Mortem and allowed medics to evade malpractice suits or hospitals to lose league table points and bonuses for management.
It was made as convenient as Dr Brand made T-4 in Germany during 1940s
Say to the average person “PCR” and the first word that pops into their mind is “test.” Shows just how well their fucking mind control is working. Its inventor, Kary Mullis, railed against its use as a “test” over 20 years ago when it was rolled out for the non-existent HIV, our previous major viral scamdemic. He explained it quite simply. It is just a way of making a lot of DNA from just a little bit, and is more closely related to use as a manufacturing technique.
Excellent article.
Covid -19 is the biggest organized crime event in world history- to the tune of trillions of dollars. The financial syndicate ran its operation through the legalized pharma drug cartel, Big Tech cartels and the bio-security health management apparatus.
Some important early events:
October 18, 2019 — Event 201 is staged in New York City. This is a “pandemic response exercise” — a kind of high-level moot dramatization played out by bankers, NGOs, the media, scholars, public officials, public and private sector biggies, the works. It is sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center, the World Economic Forum and the Gates Foundation — prime movers of subsequent “virus” scenario.
October 28, 2019 — The Future of Health Summit takes place in Washington, DC. In an Oct. 29 summary event, Anthony Fauci admits on a C-Span panel that he wants to rebrand the flu to make it seem as dangerous as Cancer or AIDS.
November 7, 2019 — The Next Pandemic premiers on Netflix, featuring Bill Gates. It turns out that the next pandemic will be in just three weeks, starring Bill Gates.
December 1, 2019 — Symptom onset date of first Chinese patient claimed to have suffered from sickness caused by a then-undiscovered allegedly zoonotic novel coronavirus. This claimed virus was said to have emerged in Wuhan, China. None of the index patient’s family members developed fever or any respiratory symptoms. The man had not been to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, from which the claimed outbreak will be reported as originating.
December 2, 2019 — Chinese ambassador to South Africa, Chen Xiaodong, said, “The local government in China got the first covid report on December 2, 2019. They got test samples of the first covid patients on the 30th.”
December 2-3, 2019 — World Health Organization holds a Global Vaccine Safety Summit in Geneva. “At the Summit, WHO will present the Global Vaccine Safety Blueprint 2.0 strategy 2021-2030 to key stakeholders and collect their input for the final version, due for publication in the new year.”
December 12, 2019 — The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission claims this date to be the earliest original onset date of the 59 patients with “unexplained viral pneumonia.”
December 15, 2019 — In Wuhan, the 5th and 6th “laboratory-confirmed cases” say they first felt symptoms on this date. Both patients had exposure to the Hunan Market. Cases of what, confirmed by what laboratory and what confirmation?
December 24, 2019 — Chinese lab worker Little Dog (Winjor Little Mountain Dog) claims in his Jan. 29, 2020 Medium article that the first patient samples were taken on this day. Others claim it was Dec. 21. Yet how were there previously laboratory confirmed cases without samples being taken before 3rd week December 2019, and what PCR assay design was used? What were the primers?
Tuesday, December 31, 2019 — WHO China national office was informed of 27 cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubai [STAT] [CD, Ras]. Only fifteen turn out to test positive for the sequence that becomes the “novel coronavirus.”
Thursday, January 2, 2020 — WHO Representative in China wrote to the National Health Commission, offering WHO support and repeating the request for further information on the cluster of cases. WHO Informed Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) partners about the cluster of pneumonia cases in the People’s Republic of China.
Friday, January 3, 2020 — Chinese officials provided information to WHO on the claimed cluster of cases of ‘viral pneumonia of unknown cause’ identified in Wuhan. Chinese CDC later claims that on this day, “The first full genome of 2019-nCoV was born.”
Saturday, January 4, 2020 — Chinese CDC says that “the first 2019-nCoV specific RT-qPCR was developed.”
January 5, 2020 — GenBank receives a claimed viral sequence given the accession number MN908947. This sequence, MN908947, is later cited in the Corman-Drosten paper in Eurosurveillance as the source of in-silico (theoretical) primers for their PCR assay.
January 7, 2020 — Novel coronavirus termed “2019-n-CoV” was announced by China as the causative agent of the 44 cases of pneumonia even though viralspecific nucleic acids were found on only 15 patients. [Lu et al]. China says that “corona-like virus particles was observed by electron microscopy.”
Special Comment by David Rasnick:
Attached is the January 7, 2020 paper by Wu et al. “A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China.”
It’s a very extensive study and analysis of a lung sample from a 41-year old man hospitalized Dec. 26, 2019 in Wuhan, China. It’s highly technical and complete garbage.
Using that single individual and no healthy control for comparison completely invalidates the results and conclusions.
They used a high-tech procedure (meta-transcriptomic sequencing) [also called metagenomics] to chop up into tiny pieces virtually ever trace of genetic material present in the man, including all bacteria and the “1,000 trillion viruses” claimed to be present in all of us.
The methods section of the paper contains the evidence of the scam. From the start, they looked for “the viral agent” presumed to cause the man’s problems. They didn’t look for or consider anything else.
We are told that coronaviruses (said to cause the common cold and flu) are present in all of us. Should we be surprised then that the most prevalent computer reconstructed sequence turned out to be for a coronavirus?
They never (or even intended) to purify and isolate intact, authentic virus or anything else.
The identical scenario repeated itself in the so-called identification of a coronavirus (with a different sequence) in Australia, Seattle Washington, and Korea. I stopped looking after that.
As of this writing on Dec. 19, 2022, there are 14,266,972 distinct sequences of hCov19 (SARS-CoV-2) Will the real SARS-CoV-2 please stand up?
Thanks Maxwell.
Proof positive that history is written (IN ADVANCE) by the victors.
In earlier comments, you also listed the repo financial crash/crisis in 2019-08.
I would also mention this: In 2019, 1,480 CEOs of major US businesses resigned and sold their stocks. Another 219 resigned in Jan. 2020. -Michael Snyder, globalresearch.ca, 2020-07-17
I would argue that the event you reference is small potatoes compared to the foisting of fiat currency on the entire world going on six thousand years and perhaps longer.
Indeed, were it not for the concept of a currency to replace direct barter as the medium of exchange, something like Covid-19 would not have been possible.
Currency permits those who produce absolutely nothing to gain ascendancy over every other facet of a society. Were it not for currency, bankers would have no more power or wealth than grave diggers.