Ignorance is Bliss
Todd Hayen
I was lying on my bed this morning playing with our new puppy, Daisy, and was focused on the moment. The cute dog, the soft bed, the warm room, the fact that I could breathe, my heart was beating, all seemed good and pristine.
Then my mind started to wander outside the room, down the stairs, out the front door. As my mind glided down the street it passed someone walking their dog with a mask on, then a few others, riding bikes, driving cars, all with masks. Not everyone I encountered had a mask of course, but enough did to rattle my brain back into reality.
My mind continued to fly through the town, the province, the country and saw all kinds of things that clearly were not right. Assisted suicides rather than treatment, children being sexualized in public school, pornography, drugs. Threats of forced vaccination (STILL), movements towards more mandates, more restrictions that have not been yet implemented.
My mind breezed over to Russia, Ukraine, and China. Thoughts invaded it about war, nuclear proliferation, spy balloons. The WHO crept in with violations to self and country with pandemic treaties, digital IDs, social credit scores, and Central Bank Digital Currencies.
My blissful ignorance had ended.
My thoughts zapped back into the moment, the dog, the room, the warm bed, the sunlight streaming through the window. All was good again. Or was it? Of course not, but wow was it comfortable being away from the wrongs of the world and just staying in the comfort of “the moment.” Can that bliss be sustained? For some it obviously can, at least from a conscious perspective.
I am a psychotherapist, and see many people in treatment every week. I do believe, unless chalking this up to paranoia, people are suffering from a pervasive unconscious dark energy. It just seems the world has tightened up due to toxicity. Whether people are conscious of it or not, it is still there, gnawing at them from the inside.
Those of us more in the know are also more conscious, although we can be deceived, like I was this morning, believing for a moment the world was not really in such a bad state. We all live this way to some degree. Most of us reside in rather opulent countries if we live in the West. We are in denial most of the time. If the sun shines on our little patch of the world, then we soak that up and largely ignore the rest of the globe where children are starving or war is raging. (This isn’t true for everyone of course.) This is a natural human survival technique, and cannot be brushed away as a display of selfishness or ignorance. We are supposed to live a happy life, why concern ourselves with things we cannot control? This is true to an extent, although the world would indeed be a better place if we showed, as a mass group, at least some concern for the world at large.
Clearly some of you out there already do this, and some to a rather large extent. I am just making general statements, and I am not pointing this out to make anyone feel bad. Most of us do our best. The point I am making is that it is instinctual to focus on our position with regard to contentment and happiness in the current moment, where we do have at least a modicum of control. Since, as I said earlier, many of us (and probably everyone reading this) are privy to the real happenings in the world that will have profound effect on our “in the moment” life at some future point. We are sitting in the tension of awareness that any contentment and peace we now feel is fleeting. Reality will soon hit us hard—the other shoe will soon drop.
But why do we concern ourselves with any of this “outer world” turmoil at all? Why not find the least affected place in the world that we can afford to be in and just live out the rest of our lives in relative contentment and happiness? This can’t be answered in a way that would account for everyone. We each have different nuanced reasons for engaging in this fight. For some of us it is religious and spiritual, for others it concerns the world we are leaving behind for our children, and for others it is due to our intense belief in freedom, character, and fundamental values as a human being.
The essential issue I am addressing in this article is what do we do when the battle seems too far away to engage with, and we feel as if we are slipping into complacency? Our current desire, as war weary individuals, is to relax, and enjoy what is left of a peaceful life. Actually there is nothing wrong with that sentiment. We will be called to action again soon enough. But that waiting can also be a source of very difficult angst. We are ready to go, after being sufficiently primed by the whirlwind of the last three years, and at the same time we are ready for a much-deserved rest and return to life.
Some of us can sacrifice what is necessary to keep us in battle even during this lull. There are always marches, court cases, injustices at the local level that we can become involved in. Some of us have a more difficult time devoting time and commitment to anything but the “in your face” assault.
As, yours truly, Dr. Doom would say, I think that “in your face assault” is coming. And who knows how we individually will deal with it. I do think there is a possibility that many of us will appear to retreat. There is a point where an oppression is just too formidable to effectively hit head on. Much like the “resistance” groups we saw in France and elsewhere during World War II. There is no point in small numbers being slaughtered in a frontal assault when that small group could be much more effective underground.
But we are not at the point where those sorts of decisions need to be made. And there is a small possibility, if you are old enough, that you could go underground, in a “not so affected” place in the world and skate through to your natural death. This “not so affected” place could be a shack in the middle of the Mojave Desert miles away from the closest 7-11. A life with the jackrabbits and rattlesnakes, with a shotgun on your lap, watching the sunset over the distant mountains while eating a can of beans you opened with a pocketknife. Bring it on, baby. Sounds appealing to me!
The point here is that what we all have been made aware of is not going away easily. There will be wins in court; unfair laws shot down, maybe even a prosecution carried out here and there. Maybe the whole thing will appear to come crumbling down, and if that happened it would obviously delay the inevitable. But for any advances on our part to stick, change has to be implemented from the bottom up, not just the top down. A society built on love, care, family values, character, and an awe and respect for nature and God needs to fundamentally be in place (sorry to those atheists among us, I’m afraid God is a necessity, although you can relate to that God any way you chose).
For now? Well, you probably will be tempted to join the world again and re-establish your goals, your loves, and your priorities. I don’t think that choice would necessarily result in disaster…but if you do that, your world will probably suddenly shift radically once that other shoe drops. Just be prepared for that, and be thankful that you at least got a taste of the good life for a moment before you had to pick up your lance and shield and return to battle. God bless you all.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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There are no unfair Laws.
There is most certainly unfair, unjust, unlawful legislation.
A very large chunk of our ignorance is to refer to legislation as Law. Such ignorance most certainly ends not in bliss. Quite the opposite in fact.
Let us not have far from our minds the fact that legislation is a Fiction of Law- Not True, Not Real, Make Believe.
Fiction OF LAW? What then is Law? A worthy question indeed….
We already know what it is not….
On example is seeing people in the general public acting as if nothing is happening when people are dying, getting sick, etc. for no reason. Also how people simply do not see the other major movements pushing us toward the edge with things like CBDC, digital IDs, Pandemic Treaties, etc…my cog dissonance comes from knowing what I know, and how the majority of people out there act as if everything is just peachy.
Another example is how some people on our side of the fence nitpick what others on this side of the fence are doing, writing, and saying…they have a problem with expressions not fitting their own reality and get upset about it…”not quite right” “you don’t believe the right things” “you are not clear or consistent enough.” It causes me cognitive dissonance to this…to see this conflict rather than see an alliance….we keep preaching free expression and free thought, yet many of us are constantly telling each other to shut up…we are eating ourselves. Maybe these people are the controlled opposition we seem to be obsessed with. I don’t know, but it causes me some cog diss.
Please delete this…
“not so affected” place in the world …..A life with the jackrabbits and rattlesnakes,….”
Hopefully the bliss isn’t shattered by the drone overhead ejecting its payload cloud of lethal dust onto your refuge from the storm.
HA! You are exactly right…think Ruby Ridge…you can hide, but you can’t escape.
Re “We are supposed to live a happy life, why concern ourselves with things we cannot control? This is true to an extent, although the world would indeed be a better place if we showed, as a mass group, at least some concern for the world at large. … I am just making general statements, and I am not pointing this out to make anyone feel bad. Most of us do our best.”
Yes, you make general misleading whitewashing statements to obfuscate true reality (but that’s highly appealing and welcoming to most individuals), such as “most of us do our best.”
What that misdirecting falsely labeled “best” is … is that most people everywhere are largely and chronically WILLFULLY dedicated to blissful ignorance or blissful blindness, which is the major condition that brought us to this most abominable current state of worldly affairs: The blissful soulless human sleepwalkers
“If ‘ignorance is bliss’ … there should be more happy people.” —-Unknown
Exactly right.
The only belief we really need to shoot down with prejudice, is the belief that one person has the right to tell another how they must live/act/believe. Stop that and we win. It is the basis of all immorality and criminality, up to and including genocide.
“Unity in diversity” some say, would be a better social basis, than insisting on strict uniformity/conformity of ideas.
Though how that would practically translate into the perfect social system, I don’t know … human nature being what it is 🤔
Seems that IS the answer, and probably is.
Once an ideology has been discredited and belief in something evaporates, so too does the physical, material support of it and change becomes inevitable. I would love for you, as a psychotherapist, to deconstruct this manifesto, expose its fundamental flaws, its century-old anachronistic mentality, because in doing so you would begin the necessary detachment to such a malignant philosophy that appears to be ruling the world presently: “The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and re-organization of global society requires two essential steps: firstly, the destruction of the old established order, secondly, design and imposition of the new order. The first stage requires elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy ethical barriers and social definitions, only then can the destroyed old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new order. The first task of our world revolution is Destruction. All social strata and social formations created by traditional society must be annihilated, individual men and women must be uprooted from their ancestral environment, torn out of their native milieus, NO TRADITION OF ANY TYPE SHALL BE PERMITTED TO REMAIN AS SACROSANCT, TRADITIONAL SOCIAL NORMS MUST ONLY BE VIEWED AS A DISEASE TO BE ERADICATED, the ruling dictum of the new order is; nothing is good so everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was, must be gone.” After destruction of the old order, construction of the new order is a larger and more difficult task. We will have torn out the old limbs from their ancient roots in deep layers, social norms will be lying disorganized and anarchic so they must be blocked against new cultural forms and social categories naturally re-emerging. The general masses will… Read more »
It doesn’t ring true imho as an actual quotation. Though I’m happy to be corrected.
Reads more like someone imagining their version of the psycho-in-charge and putting words in their mouth
“Picking up your lance and shield” sounds dramatic, but it’s easy:
We vote with our feet.
Top of the list should be Do Not Vote. The rest is irrelevant if you’re giving your consent anyway.
On this note, the lack of a call for not voting within the articles of OffG seems at odds with the constant detailing of how broken corrupted and diseased our systems of so called democracy are.
Why is that?
I would wager that most people here consider not voting a given.
A couple notes:
1) Cash is as much a trap set by the mercantile class as is digital currency. Whichever you use, you are playing by their rules.
2) Alternative medicine, while excellent, has limited effectiveness. I’ve yet to find a good alternative to over-the-counter painkillers or prescription blood pressure medicines. When the problem is clearly genetic – i.e., when every single member of an extended family has cardiovascular issues – something above and beyond natural medicine is needed.
3) Where one shops has as much to do with one’s available income as it does with preference.
We do that already mud in eye investors. Are you for real btw avoid pain says who, uni-denialists.
Religion is one of the most powerful control mechanisms.
Avoid propaganda, “entertainment” and “sport”.
Reality, or truth, is what makes everything function properly. You are more optimal on a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle, that is truth.
So the more time you dwell in the fake reality tv show, which is by design anti-truth, anti-reality – the more ill and diseased you will get.
To take yourself out of that fake reality is to heal yourself, it’s not to be ‘ignorant’.
It’s really simple!
It is said that ‘God’ created ‘man’ in his own image. It seems probable that we are the machine-like creations of a mechanistically made universe from the machinery of the imagination of the imagined God or the deities celebrated by our world cultures. Perhaps the world was made or has come to reveal both the achievements and the imperfections and limitations of an imagination. In this moment, at the mercy of our own limitated capabilities, we stand ourselves on the threshold of extiction, having learned what some among us men evaluate and assume to be enough to take tremendous and irreversible god-like decisions, tinkering recklessly – in the view of many – with our health and the biological construction of the human-being itself, interfering with its reproductive capabilities and phantasy. In our own terms and in keeping with what is said to have preceded, we seem doomed to act as replicators and repeaters of mistakes of previous blinded generations in many important ways. It is clear that there are drastic consequences to come such as the unresolvable problem of atomic waste and the toxic environment that surrounds and menaces both our thought fields, our earthly territories and our actual physical bodies. We are bound to create from within and seem about to tread the same path as those or that which created us. Because of impatience and the will to own, we seem doomed to destroy a sense of happiness and good conscience, never to be at peace within our selves, hiding within us, the awareness of guilt which has its root in the inner sense we have developed for not doing wrong, not creating harm. True happiness can surpass all sense of dissatisfaction and overcome urges spurred by boredom and frustration with the very unsatisfactory and tormented human psychological… Read more »
You can create good or evil, through the power of spirit. Currently evil has a grip on the world, and this will change as the world slowly awakens. Which means each person realising they have the power to create for good and to stop being willing spiritual slaves to evil.
Like many other phenomena, “evil” is self limiting and entropic. I don’t think of evil as an influence. I think of evil as a result. Good intentions by ignorant egoists, will seldom lead to good results…
We are all ignorant in the eyes of God. There are evil intentions and evil results, by those who are worse than ignorant.
Jesus said that if someone slaps you in the face, to turn the other cheek. Few people seem to understand that this means not that you allow others to abuse you, but that you continue to do good even when evil abounds. An analogy might be continuing to love your child even when he turns against you.
There was an anecdote involving a Native American. His small child was furiously hitting him as hard as possible. A “White Man” asked the father if he was just going to stand there and let his child hit him. He smiled and answered back “He’s too little to hurt me.”
Now that’s pretty good parenting.
a nice idea.
Maybe a language problem, but why should it be wrong to take the real moments TRUE as they are?
Why deny happiness because there is unhappiness? And why unhappiness because there is happiness?
No one can control what he really feels. To try is hypocrisy and self-delusion. Gratefully accept the good, steadfastly endure the bad if it cannot be averted.
I am not in favour of dog ownership. It’s not just the sleepless nights when the neighbourhood crotch sniffers bark their heads off. An elderly couple that we know once had rare blue tongued lizards in their garden. Thet ended when they had to host their daughter’s dog. The not so tame carnivore exterminated the lizards. My wife’s uncle was once mauled by his own german shepherd/alsatian.
No offence intended but I do not consider psycho therapy a genuine profession. However a psycho therapist probably does less damage than a mining engineer or a builder.
You think you have to eradicate what eats other animals? Then Rockefeller-Schwab is the right place for you, that’s exactly what they think too.
You respect the material destroyer of nature more than the one who seeks truths (and maybe finds a few)? Then Rockefeller-Schwab is the right place for you, that’s exactly what they think.
As far as god goes, I think Primo Levi, Italian chemist and literary figure, got it right.
He said, “You can have either god or you can have Auschwitz. You cannot have both.” He spoke from personal experience.
It’s important to add Levi (apparently) commit suicide. Or was he suicided?
Rubbish. Dogs were created by our pre agricultural ancestors and are not part of nature. Carnivores in the wild serve a purpose – the control of the population of (primarily) herbivores. Dogs in the urban milieu destroy the remnants of nature. Schwab acting on the orders of his masters the central banksters actively encourages increasing urban density and thus the suffocation and eradication of what is left of nature in these areas.
I see you offended the puppy lovers out there. To them, I suggest: Be sure to feed your darling little puppies well. Good nutritious – natural whole foods only. You might have to eat them some day…
lol, judging by the breeds abounding, who’ll be eating who!!
dogs, mining engineers, builders and psychotherapists… anything else… ; )
i disapprove greatly of so many dog owners,
and i am appalled at the species these dog “owners” “keep”. It says an awful lot about their state of soul, too often.
otherwise, dogs rule.
None of it yours anyway.
god? are you serious?
there is more evidence that Covid-19 virus exists than evidence that god exists.
it is easier to be convinced yourself that masks prevent transmission of the Covid-19 virus than to be convinced that god is on your side.
what’s the fffnnn ‘evidence’ for that crafty, ill-tempered ‘virus’ sport?
Methinks you speak for yourself.
Us agreeing with you doesn’t matter at all.
I have just made enquiries. You do not exist. If you do, prove it.
There’s an African saying: Ignorance kills. The covid story is proof of that saying. As to the existence of God or otherwise: If there was no God there wouldn’t be any atheist, according to G K Chesterton. All opposites co-exists. In the Gospel from St Thomas: They said to Him: Shall we then, being children, enter the Kingdom? Jesus said to them: When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner and the above as the below, and when you make the male and female into a single one. . . then shall you enter [the Kingdom]. In philosophy this saying reflects the idea of non-dualism. To reach this a non-dual state of mind all you have to do is stop your internal dialogue, e.g. the voice in your head. Then the universe will be perceived as one whole. Physists put it this way: “… the very study of the external world led to the scientific conclusion that the content of consciousness is the ultimate universal reality.” — Physicist and Nobel prize laureate Eugene Paul Wigner And: “Natural science does not simply describe and explain nature… it describes nature as exposed to our method of questioning. This was a possibility of which Descartes could not have thought, but it makes a sharp separation between the world and I impossible.” — Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) one of the founders of quantum theory. And: “Subject and object are only one. The barrier between them cannot be said to have broken down as a result of recent experience in the physical sciences, for this barrier does not exist.” — Erwin Schroedinger, one of the founders of quantum theory. “… the very study of the external world led to the scientific conclusion that… Read more »
I was 67 years old. I hadn’t even seen my doctor for 20 years, and that was a result of snorkelling in polluted water. I had been diving before. I thought I was reasonably fit – out all the time getting lots of sunshine..So for the first time in 60’s, when I had my appendix and tonsils removed in the 1950’s – it was the thing then, including false teeth.. I knew, I was not well, though completely terrified at the prospect of going to hospital, I thought I was probably going to die. I had ordered some new pyjamas on Amazon Prime, but they had not yet turned up. I faked it for as long as I could, had a bath, and prepared a few things, assuming I was going to die…I took a few things like a couple of mobile phones and power banks… i asked my son, can you give us a lift to the local hospital A&E department on a very cold January afternoon. My wife came too. Only time I wore a mask. They knew what it was straight away..even the girl cleaning up the mess from my dripping leg.. I was seen extremely quickly, and my wife was fussing like fck.. He drinks too much etc..except I hadn’t – well not within the previous few days. I was so ill, cigarettes and alcohol, were the last thing on my mind… There was hardly anyone else there..it was covid time. Almost everyone was afraid to go to hospital – but i thought fck it i thought it my best chance of survival..If I had a drippy cold or a cough, I would have been fcked… What amazed me, is that I passed all the blood tests, and the heart monitor thing. I insisted, I was… Read more »
Tony I’m convinced you are ChatGPT.
I noticed one small example of a thinking process in your writing that may be causing some of the dilemma you’re writing about here. Here’s the quote that captures it:
“Those of us more in the know are also more conscious, although we can be deceived, like I was this morning, believing for a moment the world was not really in such a bad state. “
Why do you think it has to be either/or? Either the world is in a bad way or everything is OK? Actually, it is both, and not just within your moment to moment experience, but the actual world is both in a very sorry state and is also glorious. In bed with your puppy you experienced the glorious; meanwhile, out in the world, the WEF crowd is still scheming away with their dystopian visions, imagining themselves floating with their billion$ high above the sea of misery they have created for billions of sentient beings.
I sense it is important for us to not feel guilty or ashamed when we encounter moments of well-being. It’s not denial; it really is wonderful to be alive with your puppy in a nice warm bed. Even when we still know deep inside that real bad things are also happening. One does not negate the other. That may be the skill we’ll have to learn in this brave new era: how to live with both together. So important not to loss sight of the goodness that is the true nature of life. Truly, I don’t think we can survive without it. It is our refuge and our defense and our strength……and quite possibly our most potent weapon against the forces of ignorance and confusion that want to control the world.
Ignorance is Bliss. Until Reality Bites.
Todd Hayen “I am a psychotherapist”
I don’t doubt you. My “Sis” again does that.
She is just a Very Senior Nurse working for a local GP’s surgery.
Once the people wanting to get an appointment, have succeeded in getting the Receptionist to answer the phone..you know pretty 22 year old…was the receptionist at the local vets
You see she is not only dead cute, she is also highly intelligent..she is now nearly 30 years old, and she can tell, when she answers the phone by what they say…
Sometimes its an ambulance, but it is fairly normal, or at least it was a couple of years ago..Yeh we can fit you in…
And they see her Mum.
She can tell too.
Do you want to see The Doctor?
Sometimes, it is good to give it back too
No wonder The Froggies are revolting ! The scarcity of froglegs has forced up the price of frogleg snacks !
Simply being, a natural birthright, is always welcome to me. In fact, I’d appreciate more of it, preferably in natural contexts beyond the confusion of the matrix. Far from the bliss of ignorance which the matrix mass manufactures, presence in the present is what opens our being to wonder, and the desire for knowledge. Or as Yogi Berra put it, you can observe a lot just by watching. Our inherently radical freedom of being, realizing life as an end in itself rather than its reduction to utilitarian exploitation and extermination, is anathema to the final solutions now rolling out in endgame capitalism. Its agenda is to permanently deprive us of this and any other autonomous ability to live life on our own terms outside the matrix, the machine into which we are to be synthesized. Such absolute privation climaxes a slow motion coup creeping along for a long time in privatization of the human commons, particularly under the last half century of neoliberalism. We’ve been increasingly banished into atomized, isolated units of production processes defining, depoliticizing, de-realizing our social relations. There is no society, as Thatcher said, only individuals. Astroturfed, surrogate communities of the philanthro-capitalist nonprofit industrial complex colonize cultural consciousness of revolutionary potentials outside the limited hangouts of divide-and-rule identitarianism. Online community becomes Orwellian enactment of a disembodied world of ghosts in the machine, where human alienation is concentrated and centralized. Then there’s been the steady march of austerity and immiseration of the masses of us, including the mythical middle class. This has largely been compensated by hyper-consumerism and hallucinatory incorporation into the spectacle, locking more captives down in debt bondage while disappearing the full extent of the destruction, to our minds, bodies, and souls. There are many ways to slice and dice the darkness that’s been encroaching on… Read more »
I have some really good news, from my wife, cos she met her today with a few girl friends.
This covid shit did my head in. It did her’s in too….cos she is a nurse, and on the frontline. She did not run away, She carried on working, with her daughter – currently training to be a nurse too.
It did, my “Sis”‘s head in too, such that she couldn’t do any more.
My wife tells me, she is back at work now 2 days a week.
That is really good news, cos she is really nice
Sometimes in the depths of despair we texted each other
My “Sis” is Better
That is Awesome.
I thought she was about to kick the bucket
Now she is hoping to buy a Camper Van.
She has been going to Music Festivals with us for the past 20 years, and is very flirty and skirty, and is now well again.
Can you imagine the shit she has to put up with every day?
All I can say, is that I know her patients love her to bits.
She is just such a nice girl.
its about being honest…sometimes just a short message when a friend can’t take it any more can make the difference between life and death of your friend.
In the depths of your despair, when you can’t take any more…
you want to sleep you want to die…and your mobile phone wakes you up with a text message making a noise
oh its only tony
I don’t need to know that you think your wife is nice, Tony.
It wouldn’t enter my head to offer a subjective opinion on my own wife here, because, without meeting her, nobody could agree or disagree with me.
I’d like to see you stick to the matter at hand, but of course that’s not my call.
Are you really that eccentric, or just a professional distractor?
You might like to ask yourself that question, but, again, not my call…
I’m sure Tony’s a good bloke, but his scatterbrained/stream of consciousness comments seem to indicate a chaotic lifestyle, or some escaped synapses.
No matter, he’s always good for a giggle.
I can’t giggle at this any more, so there’s nothing left but ignoring.
I shouldn’t really comment on it at all, but I like to think a bit of friendly advice might eventually rub off on Tony…
Perhaps he is indeed a good bloke, but that can only be “up to a point”, when he doesn’t seem to care in the least that nobody wants to know his most intimate secrets…
it is a bit creepy too, does Topmock think this is a dating site ?
misplaced-happy-thoughts-dementia, i think not.
ChatGPT writes some shit doesn’t it?
Emotion flows both ways. You feel enough love to push all the dark energy back and away if you choose to. If you can feel it coming in, you can exert it. It’s simply a question of how much you are willing to feel, because love and light always has the advantage, even against such apparently powerful and certainly invisible enemies as these. They have proved we have everlasting souls and that karma is a real function of the universe, so what do we really have to fear? Nothing. There is nothing to fear except failing to take this opportunity to fully activate your light and being what you are, a part of the creator enjoying and experiencing itself.
Re the False Actors on Substack etc… The thing is… It is impossible to even begin to try to work out who is and who isn’t acting falsely. The PR Team has an enormous budget and are grand chest masters at inserting their experts into the narrative to control what people think. They could and would destroy the legacy of Mother Teresa – if it furthered their interests — by finding (inventing) people who were close to her charity operation who would expose how she was pimping children in the Calcutta slums — and using the funds to pay for Champagne and cocaine fuelled orgies with gigolos. Their digital team would create photos of said orgies. They’d have one of their agents write a ‘tell all’ book. And the world would quickly be disgusted with Teresa the vile bitch. This is how powerful they are. It’s not so easy to invent a Robert Malone or a Ryan Cole because it is possible to check their backgrounds so you need legit people in the medical industry. So how is the experts appear so convincing? Have they gone over to the dark side? I would suggest not – rather they actually understand that what they are doing is for the benefit of all humans. They believe they are performing a public service of the highest order. Because they would have been briefed on the Big Picture https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220 Their role is to entertain the anti vaxxers… to prevent them taking any real action against The Plan … the planners prefer not to have to put down violence with their anti terrorist squads who are most definitely standing by…. they’d rather not have to run the campaign inviting vaxxers to call the hotline to report their anti vax neighbours who they believe are a… Read more »
All you need to know is this: anyone who imagines “the masses” will ever get anything right is either a plant or a hopeless dreamer. In either case, just ignore them.
Those who you presumably oppose agree with you and are glad to invite you to be a regular attending analyst to their meetings at Davos.
That is a dilemma.
Thumbs up to Kit Knightly, but wtf is this from Craig Murray about Vulkan Documents and Leaks?
I used to post on Craig Murray’s blog for over 10 years. I accept they are all spooks, cos even Craig Murray openly admitted it in 2009.
I do read a lot of stuff from both mainstream sources, and blogs the vast majority of which I am banned from, which doesn’t actually cause me a problem
So wtf is Craig Murray going on about re Vulkan documents..
I can’t find anything about Vulkan documents, more than 3 days old
wtf is Craig Murray on about ?
He seems to kind of assume, his audience, will have a clue, or still be big fans of Startrek and Captain Kirk and Leonard Nimoy
Live long and Prosper.
Somerset Council relaunches itself under a new “GLOBAL TO LOCAL” model which has trashed the old regional areas and amalgamated them in to one WHORE COUNCIL FOR THE INTERNATIONALIST CLIMATE SCAMMERS whereby the council acts as a whore for the liars, perverts, criminals and scumbags who are railroading the west in to their deranged and based on blatant scientific fraud world where massive change must occur due to the completely unproven and nonexistent “Climate Emergency”. This is absolutely shameless, see first hand how a largely rural local council has been hijacked, with the focus for everything they are doing based on the CLIMATE SCAM.
The next shoe to drop?
Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will – She calls this a Binary Poison (as it’s in two parts) https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/70925
Full interview https://humansarefree.com/2021/01/dr-lee-merritt-animal-studies-mrna-technology-all-animals-died.html
So when they are pushing on a string with the global economy – which appears to be imminent ….
Will they release Part 2. and exterminate all the vaxxed… and the unvaxxed starve?
“Will they release Part 2. and exterminate all the vaxxed… and the unvaxxed starve?”
The Doomsday Duo?
The Callous Couple?
The Poxious Pair?
The Vaccine Vampires?
The Bloodthirsty Billionaires?
The Naive Nerds?
Saddam and Heave?
We have been battling these same forces for millennia. Though we are at a physical disadvantage we are still standing. If they could have defeated us kinetically, would it not have already occurred, and why such an intense effort on their part now? Is something just beyond ordinary perception unfolding, and why do we feel unable to address it? Is it because the death cult has convinced us that our powers are without import in response to their assault?
The contemporary physical battlefield has been identified by the pentagon as urban, and their strategy of engagement is two pronged. It will control the city via currency, resource distribution and limitation of movement. The tools deployed will be biometric AI, kinetic weapons and synthetic biology. The second prong is the mind, which will be controlled through unified media, psychological operations, disinformation and negative reinforcement. These lists are not exhaustive and each prong bleeds into the other.
Marching in straight lines at a vastly superior physical force, makes as little sense today as it did for the American “revolutionaries.” Similarly, analyzing each psyop is equivalent to the Viet Cong focusing on the throw weight of specific aerial munitions. Once they understood the west’s stratagem, tunnel warfare was determined as optimal, and M121 bombs became less consequential. Given we are powerful spiritual beings, the question becomes – what is an effective asymmetric stratagem, when the brain is the primary theater of battle and virtual weapons are on par with the kinetic?
So the Viet Cong identified a vulnerability and used tunnel warfare to counter the terrible force the USA rained down on them.
5G is that vulnerability now.
The high bandwidth of 5G is absolutely required by the global fascists for their psycho fantasies of Full Spectrum Surveillance and Control: the license plate readers; facial recognition; digital IDs; vaccine passports; temperature-checking cop glasses; (weaponized?) drones deployed to make sure we aren’t ‘gathering in groups’; zillions of cameras monitoring us moment-to-moment; (weaponized?) robot dogs barking orders to us; smart appliances that spy on us; 15 minute neighborhoods monitoring you to see if you crossed the line; digital wallets full of slave-currency known as UBI, etc.
If we don’t want to find ourselves soon in an electronic prison from which there may be no escape, then we need to say goodbye to the 5G boxes that are within reach of wherever we are. The door of the electronic prison will not close or lock unless those boxes remain on those poles, trees, buildings that are within reach of just about anywhere we are.
But start the deconstruction too soon and the fascist psychos will use it as an excuse for martial law. Unless, that is, people can figure out how to make it look like ‘an accident’ or a ‘technical difficulty’.
There are more ruminations on these things at p53Speaks.Substack.com
Yeah. Well… Tell that to him:
Not sure if knowledge is power, but for a curious mind, like mine, it’s fun to know. But be careful how to use knowledge as in: ‘ Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise’
‘ Learning from your mistakes does not happen automatically, it requires thinking and reflection.’
Well ain’t that the problem with the ignorant…
Back in the day, I used to read about people getting gang stalked, I was slightly in and out about it.
Then covid appeared then, the people story’s about gang stalking sounded more believable.
What the fuck has that got to do with article. ?
Ignorance is Bliss, I no people who are so happy in Ignorance.A friend had the awakening during covid and he hasn’t been the same since.
In such a dark place. I recall feeling like that and how I felt when i started seeing the world as it was.
The idea of coming back again as a dog and getting excited about chasing a ball seems easier then this fuking jounrey some times.
Was this the earth I was sold pre coming hear. I may of got scammed.
another heart warming image for you:
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It’s an interesting theme. The desert or the city. The contemplative life or the active life. Surround oneself with comforts or rough it out in the wild.
Maybe there’s a bit of the hermit and the socialite in everyone.
Then there are different reasons for seeking solitude as there are different reasons for seeking company. To nurse the wounds. To surround oneself with comforts. To worship God …
Ivan Goncharov wrote a good tale contrasting the two lifestyles with ‘Oblomov’. Much of the novel concerns the debates between a fat guy who lies on his bed all day and an active man of the world. Which of them got it right? Dunno
As much as I like Oblomov, the real point is that it doesn’t make any difference if one is in the desert or in the marketplace. You always take your mind, feelings, fears with you, there’s no escape if you don’t want to address and deal with now.
Good point. As the saying goes, the loneliest place can be the crowd. And the most haunted place, the desert
You’ve got to live as if you will live forever, but also as if you’ll die tomorrow.
These two things are not mutually exclusive.
Have heard something similar (from The Philokalia):
“A monk should always act as if he was going to die tomorrow, yet he should treat his body as if it were going to live for many years”
Thank you for introducing me to these texts – right up my street.
“The wise man approaches life as if he is immortal and forever young”.
Very true, a Man grows forever young, only the image fades.
Ignorance is inevitable.
There are no facts, just opinions masquerading as certainties.
An academic point. Truth exists, that’s a fact.
We live in a truth free world, in an Empire of Lies..
What does that mean, we live in a truth-free world? Who has banned it? Politicians and journalists? Who cares what they say? Not the earth. Not God. Not truth.
Playing with the puppy is reality. It’s just a simple example of why we need to hold on to it. The masks, the jabs, the compliance to the control grid etc, is surreality: a mixture of the real and fiction. That surreality imposes that “darkness” onto society; it is a kind of societal stress. (Recall that stress is the single most important causal factor in illness).
The art movement called Surrealism came out of the First World War (as did DADA), a reaction to the unreal reality of the horror of that war created by the establishments of that time. Now, we have an undeclared war on everyone, but most don’t recognize that a war is being waged upon them, so it appears as your “darkness.” For those of us that know the war is happening, we have to deal daily with the fact that the vast majority of people around us do not. It is extremely disorienting.
“The art movement called Surrealism came out of the First World War (as did DADA), a reaction to the unreal reality of the horror of that war created by the establishments of that time.”
Interesting thought. So did Cubism, Vorticism and other ways to “throw a pot of paint in the public’s face”. I don’t remember the same thing happening after WW2. Perhaps WW1, with soldiers being funneled into a mincing machine, had enured us to industrial style slaughter, and prepared us for industrial style genocide. Also perhaps, the “thirty glorious years” post WW2: the elation of squashing Hitler, the blossoming of social democracy, decolonization, prosperity and peace in a united Europe were a much better time. The 20 years between WW1 and WW2 were two “shabby dishonest decades”.of financial crash and unemployment.
In addition, prior to WWI, there was a sense that human existence was progressing always toward an enlightened future in which humanity’s problems could and would be solved.
WWI utterly devastated that Pollyanna notion. And those who survived that horror were aware of what had been lost.
By contrast, those who survived WWII, never having had such a glowing view of the future, had no sense of loss apart from any personal loss they may have suffered.
“By contrast, those who survived WWII, never having had such a glowing view of the future, had no sense of loss apart from any personal loss they may have suffered.”
True, though I think after WW2 there was also “a lost world” — the sophisticated creative world of 1900s Berlin had been destroyed by Nazi homogenization of the public mind. Permanent U$ occupation of Europe rapidly produced further mental homogenization of Europe in “the hollow American mould” (Einstein’s despairing phrase about the way Israeli education was going). But material and social progress in “les trentes annees glorieuse” hid the loss of individuality and creativity post-WW2..
In the late 70s I caught up with a post-War book with a nostalgic title: “The World of Yesterday” by Stefan Zweig”, an Austrian writer of the early 1900s who survived WW2 but committed suicide shortly after, in exile in the New World.
No, Cubism started with Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon of 1907. Vorticism, Futurism, Suprematism indeed were heavily influenced by Cubism also started prior to or just prior to WWI. Nonetheless, the horrors of WWI were for many artists at that time a good reason to abandon the neoclassical art preferred by same society that would generate the industrial slaughter of WWI.
WW1 is a fallacy abbreviation permeated by exceptionalists.
Freud’s theories had a particularly profound impact on the Surrealist Movement of the early 20th century. They, in turn, brought his ideas into the public eye, making him more popular than ever. His iconic text, The Interpretation of Dreams, 1899, was particularly important to Surrealist artists. Connecting with Freud’s belief that dreams could reveal hidden meanings about our innermost desires, which were often erotic or sexualised, the Surrealists discovered and pioneered a wide range of techniques, unleashing the wondrously complex, unconscious world of dreams into their art.
“undeclared war on everyone”
This painting below will be part of “The War on Humanity” exhibit at New Zone Gallery Eugene in May ’23 by myself and two comrade artists. I don’t think the War is undeclared.. The three of us are trying to point out the holistic obvious that every decision the ruling elite 1% make, brings us one notch lower and closer to annihilation. Disposing of trust of the leader cult rich will allow us to breathe and start to collectively think about and design a non-ecocidal future without empire and their builders.We know we want the opposite of WAR, POVERTY, LOCKDOWN, SURVEILLANCE, POLICE STATE, HOMELESSNESS, TOTALITARIANISM, WEALTHY CLASS IMMUNITY, FEAR and overall insane decision making dictated upon the 99% of the world.
So why do we accept it? Instead of the futility of hope, why not craft the world we want in exacting demands backed by a non-compliance/defunding of the monopoly men and women running the world? Express our concerns & demands out to Humanity on a daily basis and maybe we can have a world wide viral refusal as is seen in France now.
[You can see the rest of the pics of our show of last year, “Bread & Circuses” here… ]
Thanks so much for the link! It is amazing that this exhibit would happen in the ultra-woke city of Eugene. The photo you include in your comment reminds me of Georg Grosz.
As to the “war being undeclared”, you are right the ruling class has been quite upfront about it, but of course, they would not call it a “war”, they use many names e.g. Covid-19: The Great Reset. Yet, even as public as that is, most people if aware at all, think it’s a conspiracy theory.
I am also a painter, and I have barely painted anything in 3 years…
It seems after looking at your photos of the exhibition, that this painting (with the capitalist-in-top-hat, “Obey” and coronavirus image) is uncharacteristic of the rest of your show. It does challenge the Narrative TM, while the others, are maybe less controversial to a liberal audience? I noticed that the review you got did not acknowledge the contents of this work at all…
Solidarity Tom! The Bread & Circuses show was 3 different artists with very different styles.We were just trying to stir it up, ya know? The critic is the owner of the local freebie, Eugene Weekly, who is also an artist doing hand colored photos of The West. He believes political art is invalid as “art”. At least we could get the paper to do a write up. The previously existing Eugene “newspaper” “has been absorbed’ by Gannet Corp and turned into a sink hole for any real news or reporting. No opinion section. Their front desk is unmanned and phone calls are directed to phone banks in India. The US is a Banana Republic. As far as my work is concerned, i reject style as branding. I work to express concepts with subject and media that does the job in inexpensive non-spectacular ways. I make visual art. I think the “series” format initiated by Monet, as twisted into industrial production, as now invalid in the 21st C. I think the art world is an absolute tragedy since Warhol’s spectacle set the stage for Julian Schnabel and the vacuous 80’s feeding capitalists a high art rec room of profit greenwashing. It’s now a joke. I like Warhol’s processes, but not 95% of his products. Schnabel is a very good film director/story teller but a terrible painter. I saw a show of his in the 90’s at the SF Museum of Modern Art, before the new SFMOMA and felt vamped, like my life was sucked out of me. A vampire!. I am a anti-authoritarian and believe that direct democracy can self-govern an egalitarian society without capitalist monopoly men driving policy and budget. I am neither left nor right. I am an egalitarian. So no painting? Why not think instead on just communicating… Read more »
Thanks for the reply.
RE: For me, it’s all about communicating
I agree with that. This is the kind of thing I have been doing. It’s not going into galleries…
Let’s try that again! (Just being helpful.) 😉
Too bad that didn’t show up visually in your comment. Perfect and true. I do not carry a cell or smart phone because when i’m out and about i want to be free of capitalist system tethers. Do you mind if i post your visual to my friends on FB?
I can show at our New Zone Gallery because it is a collective run non-profit that does not sensor speech or expression. If we had to pay market rates rent, we’d been out of business 10 years ago. Rents are the killer that keeps all manner of grassroots individuality, creativity, riskiness or disobedience in LOCKDOWN. [I think the word “lockdown” is the master’s keyword for the 21st C.]
Methinks the Surrealists got it wrong. The war was real, and surrealist dreams weren’t.
War was declared. WHO declared coronavirus a global pandemic
France declared war
The USA declared war
These war declarations were all over mainstream news.
And the measures the states used were war laws. They call them defense, emergency or preparedness, but they are war laws. So war was declared and it was implemented.
Thank you and I agree. See my response to Sandy above.
Yup. This has been my life for the past three years now. Still waiting for that other shoe to drop. The ‘great awakening’ is looking less and less likely as time goes on. To be sure, the scamdemic seems played out — at least for now. But what about the CBDCs? I’m not sure I can simply outsmart those as I did with the shots. Bottom line: I don’t know why I am still here, and (if you must know) I often wish I weren’t these days. But I assume that God still has some use for me here, or else I would have drunk the same Kool-aide as the rest; so I guess I will just soldier on and do my best when the time comes.
There’s inspiration for us all in the few that never give up.
Well done, thanks, and good luck Seamus.
I think the Almighty must sometimes wonder why He (sorry, She, They) ever bothered in the first place.
It cheers me up enormously to realize that the Almighty definitely doesn’t think in the same way as I do.
We may have no idea right now why we evolved into self-conscious humans in the first place, but I am certain that one day we will.
Assuming we are capable of understanding it.
well said amigo, many of us feel the same. wishing we were not here seems quite common.
face to the wind,
sometimes its sunny.
I think bliss is a personality trait. Maybe ignorance too.
A gentleman my uncle knew, who lived in a ramshackle house with the front porch roof sagging down, told my uncle that he had had more happiness in his life than any ten men.
Of course way back then it was still possible for people to be happy. And perhaps here’s why: back then society was not actively scheming to inflict misery and unhappiness on its citizens. Your house could be falling down around you and you could still be happier than any ten men.
No need for a personal human like god when you understand how nature is wiser than any thing a human could write in books.
Running away and hiding off the grid might work now, but if “they” succeed, what says they won’t use drones etc to go after those in hiding?
This is the time where pseudoscience, pseudoeconomics, and pseudopolitics is being exposed for the scams that they are.
Thankfully, humanity has evolved a little bit to know that we have been manipulated by predators.
That’s why it’s no longer crazy to talk about things that used to be shushed.
Conspiracy theories are becoming cool to address now.
Censorship has always been around, but now it’s so apparent that it makes people wonder if the official story of anything is just bullshit.
Well Todd, erm… “Pleasant” moments are being interfered with. And the interference is caused by constant bombardment of human sensory systems with electromagnetic noise.
It took millions of years for biological life to evolve the human sensory system. Our “consciousness” relies on one of the most exquisitely designed sensory systems of all Earth’s mammalian specie.
We have chosen to pollute the entire planet with known neurotoxins. Electromagnetic pollution is only one of thousands of disruptive assaults against our collective health. I won’t bother with research links.
At any given moment, both our singular and collective awareness’s are being swamped and rendered chaotic by hundreds of pulsed electromagnetic frequencies. Your dog is also susceptible to this pollutant. There is no longer anywhere to hide. Sorry…
The book by Arthur Firstenberg, The Invisible Rainbow: a History of Electricity and Liffe” marshals the 60 years of research to show how in excruciating detail how deadly cell phone and other EMF radiation is for all life on the planet. He says “If people do not willing give up cell phones, then our planet does not have long to live, and cell phones will die with the Earth. In either case, they are not here to stay.”
But before we all die off from the toxicity of this unbelievable blanket of cell phone radiation, we are to be locked into electronic prisons (Smart Cities, etc) by psychopaths using 5G for total surveillance and control. 5G: those ubiquitous boxes on poles, in trees, etc everywhere I look.
“They are not here to stay”
Speaking of things that will eventually turn to dust:
“THE WALKING DEAD” – 5G & Patents to Turn People Into Zombies, Never-ending Viruses – Todd Callendar & Lisa McGee
January 16, 2023
“THE WALKING DEAD” – 5G & Patents to Turn People Into Zombies, Never-ending Viruses – Todd Callendar & Lisa McGee – Zeee Media
Todd Callendar & Lisa McGee from vaxxchoice.com join Maria to discuss US Department of Energy patents that virtually turn human beings into zombies through the COVID-19 injections, flu shots, and in multiple other ways.
Normally, I would disregard your comment about 5G causing the ‘Walking Dead’and ‘Zombies’, But Covid1984 woken me up enough to read furiously and widely every day for the past 3 years. And I got angrier and angrier at myself when I learned how I have been in an ignorance-is-bliss trance for decades regarding the enemies of freedom who have *always* been here, on this planet, scheming, warring, oppressing and enslaving. But the good news is I’m awake now. I recently learned that as far back as the 1960’s “one researcher could stop a frog’s heart by timing microwave pulses at a precise point in the heart’s rhythm. The power level he used for that experiment was thousands of times lower than the radiation from today’s cell phones.” (‘The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life’ by Arthur Firstenberg) The weapons they possess now are more ‘advanced’ than that and I am not surprised (but am still horrified) that they can cause ‘Zombies’ and the “Walking Dead” and I look forward to studying your links. The CIA operation ‘Crimson Mist’, America’s secret role in the Rwandan genocide, was decades ago in 1994. The psychopaths in the CIA & American government were just getting warmed up back then—flying a transport plane high over crowds of Hutus and Tutsi, zapping them with high power microwaves tuned to the anger/aggression centers in the brain. The slaughter was epic, hundreds of thousands killed mostly by machete in a few months. As explained in an article regarding the 2018 attack on employees of the US Embassy in Havana, the National Defense Magazine said the Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are: “Designed to disrupt or damage their victims’ brains …..victims suddenly hearing noises, pressure in their ears, followed by symptoms such as headaches,… Read more »
Mandatory roll out of gas & water smart meters in the UK.
Do the meters themselves or the servers that they connect to contain Chinese parts
or perhaps Israeli parts (software included)?
Perhaps if the Israelis don’t like a policy they can cut off your water until you obey.
At any rate,
the government will know when you are home using gas and water and when you
are out. They will know, based upon average usage, how many people (legal or not) actually reside in your abode.
Probably are made in China everything is nowadays 🥴
They will know every time you flush the toilet and every time you buy a bar of chocolate.
They’ve been able to do that for a while
*** I left off a big one ***
It isn’t just the Gestapo we need to concern ourselves with.
Thieves could hack the metering servers and know when people are away from home. Think of the easy pickings if a hacker could list every abode that has shown no activity for days. Perhaps they don’t even have to hack at the server level.
Violet, here in the US (I think in all states) there is an option to “opt out” of the smart meter. That’s what I did – however, they still installed a new meter, which they claim is not “smart.” It does look slightly different from the other meters.
I think that out of 132 condo owners in my community, I was the only one who opted out. And THAT is precisely how TPTB keep getting away with things like this. There is absolutely nothing in the universe as dangerous as apathy.
Apathy is like the event horizon of a black hole.
I agree, too many apathetic sheeple for my liking. They will probably take us all over the cliff with them.
Well let’s create movements that quite frankly kills off the herd. They will doom us all and claim they were still correct. People aren’t necessarily the problem it’s sheeple.
Try the reverse tactic. Keep reminding them it has been months since their last jab.
Been there done that and continue to do it. Even to “family”
They would have updated their list of people who reject the smart meter.
Slight fear porn there.
Mandatory is really hard to push, they’ve been trying this in the E.U for 10 year now.
Many still not on the smart meter grid even with the with
fakeincentives offered.Also the articles shills the ‘Oxford thing’ which has that M.I.C fake Christian Conservative alt media feel about.
This is quite often true for the short term but like all debts, there will be a price to pay when Nature seeks to re-balance what we have allowed to manifest over the long term.
We’ve been gifted free-will for a Reason & now we better use it to correct course.
Forget your shack in the Mojave Desert. This is America. They’ve already turned Death Valley into a resort. Everything in the West is fun, fun, fun (i.e., distraction from reality).
If you want to get away and just live out your life in peace, you’ll have to climb Mount Everest. But then, the summit is pack jammed with plastics and other garbage. So watch your step.
“Oh no – no, no, no!” they will say. “The very notion of anthropogenic damage to planet Earth is one great big hoax. Humans have only enhanced the planet with their megacities and garbage mounds. Just forget about it and take a nice trip to Disney World – you can even have some of my points!”
“Oh, and do say hello to God. You know, He has a winter home right there in the Magic Kingdom.”
A couple thoughts.
First, we ALL should identify as a trannie (all that is needed is a simple announcement on how you now identify yourself) and start barging into the bathrooms set aside for members of the opposite sex.
Secondly, Indict them all.
You know they have all done something questionable. Every member of congress in office or retired. Any kind government job anywhere.
Subpoena their financial records and start looking for “something”. It is all justified since we all are human and screw up by nature.
Now that we are in a police state we need to arrest them all and start looking for a crime.
We know they are all guilty of a crime. If we look hard enough we will find one. And once we do, that opens the door to dig deeper.
We are all hiding something.
Where and when does it stop.
Anyone who speaks out against the regime is subject to this tyranny.
I love the opening of the movie Varsity Blues. The irony.
Ignorance is simply not-knowing, and there’s nothing blissful in it. The English idiom ”ignorance is bliss” is simply not true, and its origin is in a poem ”Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College” written in 1747 by Thomas Gray. Poems are just poems.
I doubt other languages have such similar idioms.
In reality, bliss is in Truth, Knowledge of God.
So what do we believe? Truth or some fragment from a poem? When these idioms are repeated, they work like brainwashing.
But no matter how many times lies are repeated, they never become true. It’s simply impossible.
Todd is a psychotherapist, so he would probably see the psychological mechanism at work in the ‘ignorance is bliss’ mindset — it’s merely a reform of repression. The unease associated with the knowledge that something is very wrong here simply gets stuffed back into the subconsciousness, where it turns into neurotic suffering (which seems to have no identifiable cause) or even ‘natural’ physical ailments. So ultimately, we can’t escape the suffering that knowledge brings us; we can simply choose whether to confront it head-on or relegate it to the dark corners of dreamland.
The meaning of ignorance of bliss is that if you don’t know about something, you won’t worry about it, or alternately, won’t waste your time worrying about it. As former USA First Lady Barbara Bush once notoriously said,
“Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? It’s not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?”
Why indeed? Most people don’t enjoy feeling bad, and they resent having unpleasant or unwelcome information imposed upon them. “Shooting the messenger…” In Plato’s Cave allegory, recall how the news of a world outside is received by the cave dwellers.
Adam and Eve led a blissful existence in Paradise until they ate the apple.
Some people are shielded by God or nature with ignorance against things that they can not emotionally handle or are incapable of understanding via their intellect. Others find distractions in drugs or other behaviours, which is more in the lines of a willful ignorance.
When we learn about things, perhaps we begin to feel a responsibility for them? And that sense of responsibility perhaps brings pain?
17 And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.
18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. — Ecclesiastes 1:17-18
And what do you have against poetry? Do you really believe that poems cannot serve as a vehicle for truth? “Poems are just poems.” What does that even mean?
Worth a read, maybe.
The Almighty had a zero tolerance policy towards scrumping.
New word to me. Thanks.
Plato’s cave = smart phone
Forbidden fruit = alternative media.
Face it for 99% ignorance is bliss. They aren’t “unaware” they just don’t care.
A quote from Dante’s Inferno:
“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.”
Guess what…
It isn’t a quote from Dante
it is an interpretation of an idea expressed in Inferno.
Note that JFK made the same mistake in several of his speeches.
(Or his speech writer needed a pithy saying and played loose with the facts.
Who would ever check? Right?)
For example:
Guess you are safe
for now.
I just perused Kennedy’s speech and it is very apt and applicable
to the subject of this article and the world we find today.
Wise and loving advice. TY
I perused a gun shop for the first time ever.
Insurance policy I tell myself.
When the electricity goes out in NY city for any length
of time people learn how razor thin is the distance from a civil society
to absolute bedlam.
But I don’t live anywhere near that city.
But people are people everywhere.
Will it come as a shock when I experience how thin that distance is
where I live?
I tell myself, “*If* that day comes”.
Remember in 2006 I heard a caller say on talk radio, “In 2001, after 911,
I called in and said that you won’t recognize this country in five years”.
The radio host agreed that we had changed so very much.
Bet they couldn’t have imagined the state of this country now.
What will it be like five years from now? Or five months from now.
We have neighbor friends that spend half of the year elsewhere.
I asked my wife if she had heard from them lately.
She paused and didn’t seem to want to answer.
“What?”, I said.
“You are not going to like this” she responded.
“Tell me”.
She handed me her phone and let me read the text from the wife.
Text: “Our neighbor just moved out. We are hoping to find Democrats
and especially no religious nuts to move in there. If you know any
that are looking refer them to our realtor neighbor.”
Don’t forget lots of ammo. It’s not cheap.
I’ve read a few this guy’s texts and one thing strikes me. His assumption that he, and an unspecified set of others, are “in the know” (sic). Talk about pretentious!
I’ve been trying to figure out stuff for ages and ages, an effort that’s gone into overdrive since 2020, but I’m still none the fucking wiser. The more I discover, the more I feel I understand complete shit.
I would imagine that ignorance is bliss, I guess until whatever one’s ignoring hits one in the face and puts an end to said bliss, which, figuratively speaking, is what the world, the Western Empire, is currently experiencing.
Whatever you say, Mr. Píčus, whatever you say.
The more we enlarge the area of the lighted patch, the more we also enlarge the area of contact with the darkness of the unknown. -Bertrand Russell
Or would you rather be a frightened fundamentalist who pretends he has all the answers?
My wife and I went to a 70th birthday gathering this afternoon. It was held in an old community renovated stable in a tiny country town in Southern Australia.
No one wore masks, people smiled and hugged, conversations flowed, people laughed and kids scurried about. Good food was shared, a fruit punch, beer tea and coffee and lots of reminiscing.
Life is good. Evil has lost.
But most there where double / triple jabbed ….?
No doubt about that sO, but that was their ‘choice’ then, and we can only Be in the Now.
Had a conversation with the local butcher this week. According to him, this time of year there is glut of meat on the market in preparation for the holiday and prices normally drop. Not this year. Supplies are short and prices are sky high.