WATCH: Finding Mental Health – #SolutionsWatch

What is mental health and how can we achieve it? Is it only to be found in a trip to the psychiatrist’s office and a prescription for a Big Pharma medication, or do alternative mental care structures exist for those who need it? And what does all of this have to do with Baruch Spinoza, anyway?

Joining James Corbett to answer these questions on the latest in-depth edition of #SolutionsWatch is Dr Bruce Levine, author of A Profession Without Reason.

Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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Categories: Covid Positive, latest, video
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Apr 8, 2023 10:13 AM

My personal take is that mental health has been marketed to us by a very well organised and funded media and medical mafia that has no care what so ever about the health and well being of humanity and has a more nefarious agenda that creates a vision of what success is based on what you look like/wear/own/drive/live/holiday etc….. These unrealistic expectations create much uncertainty, anxiety and emptiness within people and masking these feelings with drugs instead of dealing with the cause head on is never going to end well….. Things like the transgender movement also being forced down our throats simply adds the to the confusion of young people and parents can no longer intervene in some countries without fear of being prosecuted and labelled as transphobic should their children be offered gender transition surgery – There is truly a spiritual battle going on right now of Good verses Evil and Truth verses Propaganda…. We are in the midst of a great awakening to the crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated and this may be the beginning of the end for Big Pharma as we know it once these crimes are exposed to the masses with the evidence that is mounting. 🙏

Apr 5, 2023 9:50 PM

Don’t look for mental health among those who are out to make a market of mental illness. They’re part of the systemic abuse and trauma of bizzness as usual that makes for seas of human suffering.

Brian Steere
Brian Steere
Apr 4, 2023 10:11 PM

Yes what is mental health & to whom exactly? the language is framed in anti-psychism yet runs the psyop of controls given to fake solutions, cover stories or lies that redistribute psychic energy as blame or virtue credits, that needs conflict and sickness to persist as the system of supply & demand. I don’t use the terms as framed but what is a healthy mental function? Not control! if we address our own thought, feelings and imagination from a decision to align as or in an integrity of being – not of thought or emotional identification but simply being. Not in conflict or control but opening to what is as it is or reveals itself to be. Then thoughts feelings and imagery all serve something that I am at one with being – as the living of life and not as framed by fear-based thinking masking as solutions of self-medicating or self-augmenting diversions. if you read this you can pars a lot of the issues projected onto our Big Movie World – as it increasing operates to anyone without a grounded reference point in their being. We don’t have to predictively control. We need to know what we need to know when we need to know it. But we can experience getting in our own way so as to generate every kind of block that effectively demands priority to then give you your life back – but look at where that leads! There are deep disturbances within our sense of self and world, and these demand as much self-honesty as we can allow or self-deceits can feed on them to be reset or boosted to a deeper sense of disconnection from our own life, from each other and from our world – not the hyper-net of what if – but… Read more »

Apr 4, 2023 7:29 PM

Alternative mental care structures exist for those who need it on a small scale and provided by non commercial companies.
That’s not very promising to say the least.
But as a retired shrink still in touch what’s going on it’s not a positive sign at all what’s going on with big pharma taking over from the workers in the field.
How to achieve mental health?
I’ve honestly no idea, but don’t trust big pharma. Better to stay clean.

Apr 4, 2023 6:07 PM

Why is there often a globe in the room from which people speak?

When the conditioning peels a bit, mental help is needed. We’ve just been brainwashed, and that sometimes pays off, I think. And the bad food. That also makes us grumpy.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 4, 2023 2:48 PM

A bevy of excellent comments on “mental” health … it would be fair, however, if the critics disclosed their own experience(s) with depression or MDD or other debilitating states.
It would also be helpful if they describe the non-pharma path they followed to return to the land of the living.

Apr 4, 2023 11:40 AM

Moderna to open vaccine research and manufacturing centre in UK – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) The lying criminal fucks running GOVUK are embarking on a new fascist venture with their corporate Nazi partners in crime, fellow population murderers and purveyors of lifechanging disabilities and debilitating illness, Moderna, or as many now know them, Murderna. They are building a state of the art, all singing, all dancing, mRNA manufacturing centre with all the bells and whistles. This British taxpayer funded disease and death creation unit will be the greatest thing to ever arrive on British shores, according to the lying criminal scumbags in GOVUK, who write this about their new innovative way to steal money from the public and murder them with the proceeds: NHS patients to have access to next generation of mRNA vaccines and treatments as Moderna set to build state-of-the-art research and manufacturing centre in the UK Company to establish a global clinical trials base, endorsing UK as a science superpower Large manufacturing centre will give NHS patients guaranteed access to COVID-19 jabs, future-proofing UK against emerging health threats Government and Moderna reach agreement in principle for strategic partnership So the British taxpayer is going to bankroll and facilitate the criminal misdeeds of a bunch of Corporate Medical Nazis – whose technology has already proven to be a total disaster for the health of those who have been ignorant enough to believe the word of the terrorists and war criminals running GOVUK and their terrorist genocidal friends in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. And good old Bojo the Clown had this to say about the new mRNA weapons facility: We are bringing supercharged, homegrown vaccines right to our shores. I want the UK to be the brightest and best in research and technology, creating more jobs and securing our economic… Read more »

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Apr 4, 2023 4:48 PM
Reply to  Mucho

It’s worse than that.

As far as I’m aware there are key locations around the world where this is happening. Australia is another.

The point is, they are aiming for a worldwide rollout of the next experiment to be done within 100 days.

They have already stated this is their aim. And they have already stated that they need it to happen so they can stay ahead of the truth.

Their only regret was they were unable to hide the lie for long enough.

Apr 4, 2023 11:00 AM

I suspect depression is just as normal a state as happiness – they are two sides of the same coin of life. It is obviously natural at a time of misfortune but at other times, it can be a very useful symptom or warning of wrong decisions. The media are frightened of depression because it exposes many of their myths – among them that life and human existence can only get better.

Apr 4, 2023 11:54 AM
Reply to  Thom

I agree. Psychological discomfort is not a pathology; it’s a kind of early warning systems to let you know that something is very wrong.

Apr 4, 2023 8:05 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

maybe just a test to see who is resilient? horses for courses, but after the past few year??

so many do not perceive “wrong” ..

Apr 4, 2023 9:25 AM

The dog on twitter.

Apr 4, 2023 9:22 AM

The UFC & WWE are set to merge.
Politics will be merging with it soon.
Many still wont get how ‘scripted’ the whole thing is.

Apr 4, 2023 9:04 AM
Apr 4, 2023 9:00 AM

SolutionsWatch LOL
The picture says it all, have you ever been to one of them circle talks.?
There dreadful.!!!

Apr 4, 2023 8:55 AM

People have too much unstructured time on their hands so they resort to mental health problems in order to fill the void. Give your spare time to volunteering for something that benefits others. Then everyone enjoys the time you gave back. You didn’t own it anyway.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Apr 4, 2023 8:45 AM

”CAUSE UNKNOWN: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.”

by Edward Dowd.

Forward by Robert F. Kennedy Jr

From February 2021 to March 2022, millennials experienced the equivalent of a Vietnam War, with more than 60000.00 excess deaths. The Vietnam war took 12 years to kill the same number of healthy young people we’ve seen in 12 months.

The author indeed paints a grim picture of this killer plague during the depths of what was essentially a staged cull by the PTB. The book is replete with pictures of the gallery of sporting youth – page after page – which made difficult reading.

”How many times in your life did you hear a performer dropping dead on stage in mid-performance? Your whole life experience and intuition will tell you what you are about to see is not normal – or it wasn’t normal before 2021.”

Apr 4, 2023 9:04 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

Did multi millionaire Robert F. Kennedy Jr (net worth 75mill+) did he raise enough money in donations!! for his presidency challenge…..

Pure Psycho
Pure Psycho
Apr 4, 2023 7:09 AM

Mental health is a bullshit term that refers to the state of mind of the generic standardized sheeple that is content about living the life of a neo-slave, does not complain, and cheerfully accepts all the bullshit shoveled down his throat.

Fuck mental health. The more deranged, the more pure fucking psycho, the more fucked up you’re branded, the more “normal” in the sense of “natural” you are.

Apr 4, 2023 6:57 AM

All this concern about our health is driving us mental. COVID revealed how shit scared everyone was of dying from the common cold. They dumped any semblance of common sense and dove right into masks, so called vaccines and an unhealthy obsession of keeping away from the human race. All at the advice of so called experts. Hardly anyone could think straight without being told by relentless media propaganda of what to do next. We didn’t come out of it okay at the end. Everyone was too frightened. We scare easy and that’s not healthy to our wellbeing.

Apr 4, 2023 2:51 PM
Reply to  JoeC

more to the point, not just illness -DEATH, a fear of death is a sick trait. Grannie believes she should live forever too… but who asked her?

our society feared their natural earthly conclusion. Life’s guarantee.

yet they for years glorify Their death cults,… just every one can die, except Me?? ffs

societal derangement, or probably just shallow fucks….?

Apr 4, 2023 6:36 AM

Some wise words from a sage:


May Hem
May Hem
Apr 4, 2023 4:55 AM

This article begins “What is mental health and how can we achieve it?”.

“Achieve”??? Like a prize or sports trophy?

Apr 4, 2023 6:31 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Achieve equanimity?

‘To get or reach (something) by working hard’

For some Folks it is hard work.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 4, 2023 4:45 AM

Damn, get a grip. There’s a war for freedom going on. There’s no crying in baseball.

Apr 4, 2023 3:51 AM

‘Doctor heal thyself’ has become Doctor enrich thyself.
Medical kickbacks, a plague before ‘Covid’:

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 4, 2023 12:03 PM
Reply to  Johnny

As I’ve said before – most doctors believe “a patient cured is a customer lost”.

Apr 4, 2023 3:00 AM

The term “health” has been so mangled and manipulated by The Science that it’s become much closer to its opposite than anything any sane person would recognize as “health.”

Officially, no health is possible without pharmacological intervention. The very concept of being healthy is inconceivable outside a medical paradigm – you need look no further than the current notion that natural immunity is insufficient to promoting health: only a vaccine will do it.

So imagine anyone attempting to acquire a state of mental health in the crossfire of such blatant nonsense.

A good comfortable hat will do far more for your head than a roomful of shrinks.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 4, 2023 1:00 AM

Levine (23:00): If I’m feeling suicidal, what do I want?

If you’re considered to be potentially suicidal, the psychiatric system doesn’t give a fuck what you want. You get classed as “mentally ill”, you have “poor insight”, and you get “assisted” whether you want it or not. That “assistance” can be delivered the easy way or the difficult way!

Does Levine anywhere advocate for the prohibition of coercion; and for due process rights? Does Corbett question him on this? There are places were Levine talks about what the anarchist-type groups advocate, but does he anywhere clearly state his own position?


While the survey respondents hoped not to be met with police, they understood that this was a very real risk when calling many hotlines. When asked about the risks, fear of police intervention/violence was the top-named risk, with 20 of 43 respondents listing it. Responses outlined how a call that triggered a police intervention could have a profound impact on their lives, including loss of employment, expulsion from school, policy brutality, sexual violence, being outed to neighbors, the initiation of unwanted contact with abusive family members, police initiating a report of sexual abuse on behalf of a caller without their consent, and involuntary commitment to a psychiatric hospital.

I’ll have a browse!

Apr 4, 2023 12:52 AM

From David Healy, a medical outlier:

Apr 4, 2023 12:22 AM

Paul Cudenec’s talk at the recent conference of the Real Left:

les online
les online
Apr 4, 2023 12:14 AM

‘Mental Health’ – the brand of just another commodity…Prices vary…
Every thing is repackaged for The Marketplace…
“What price Sanity ?”
It’s as if families are factories for churning out consumers for packaged Mental Health products…Psychologists provide a shoulder to cry on…and the Advertising Industry helps you make up your mind…
The First Step on the Pathway to Mental Health > destroy your computor…

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 4, 2023 12:20 PM
Reply to  les online

Hate to lose you, Les, but it’s your choice … we’ll miss your insights.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 3, 2023 11:34 PM

Re: Do You Still Believe in the “Chemical Imbalance Theory of Mental Illness”? https://brucelevine.net/a-profession-without-reason The question is absurd – at the logical level. It is a category error. With regard to the concept of “mental illness”, “illness” is a physical concept whereas “mental” is a metaphysical (i.e. metaphorical) one. It is an oxymoron to combine the terms together into a single concept. If we were to view “illness” as a metaphorical concept (e.g. “soul sickness”) then it stops being “medical” – and psychiatry disappears up its on arsehole! It is a clearly demonstrable reality that chemical imbalances can cause disturbed neurology and thinking. However, these conditions include those of intoxications, vitamin deficiencies, hormone disorders, gut disorders, etc. They are not “mental illnesses”. This is the point which Szasz was promoting (start below) and I assume it’s still ignored by the likes of Levine (I’ve only skimmed through it so far, but he seems to follow the standard formula.) — https://www.szasz.com/Szasz50newpreface.pdf https://www.szasz.com Thomas Szasz – Extract from the fifty-years after preface to the Myth of Mental Illness (2010) In 1967, my efforts to undermine the moral legitimacy of the alliance of psychiatry and the state suffered a serious blow: the creation of the antipsychiatry movement by David Cooper (1931–1986) and Ronald D. Laing (1927–1989). Instead of advocating the abolition of Institutional Psychiatry, they sought to replace it with their own brand of psychiatry, which they called “Anti-Psychiatry.” By means of this dramatic misnomer, they attracted attention to themselves and deflected attention from what they did, which included coercions and excuses based on psychiatric authority and power. Antipsychiatry is a type of psychiatry: The psychiatrist qua health-care professional is a fraud, and so too is the antipsychiatrist. Voltaire’s famous aphorism, “God protect me from my friends, I’ll take care of my enemies,”… Read more »

Apr 4, 2023 10:33 AM

Excellent comment!

Apr 3, 2023 10:54 PM

The famous Orlando Bloom, who fawns upon Zenenskiy, went to my school – but long after the tough “school for the sons of dead vicars” had become a fey multi-squeekwial gender plural mudfest.

The problem with NATO – and why its leaders are fey bobos like Jens Stoltenberg – is that it has no answer to why it exists.

The difference today is that there is no Warsaw Pact (1955-1991) but there is still NATO (1949-present), and there are many countries that have begun to question the cost-benefit of U.S. hegemony. And then there is China.

Far from being unaligned, Russia is very much positioned alongside China with the objective not just of challenging but reversing U.S. hegemony, not only in Asia and the Pacific but across Africa, to the Middle East and in South America.


Apr 4, 2023 7:25 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

if the countries of the world were children in a swimming pool each would be bobbing about, occasionally coliding, squabling, generally just doing their thing…
but in the centre is the fat, bloated, unfit, asthmatic, lying, spotty am-er-ica, unable to tread water effectively, am-er-ica moves about the pool using nation after nation as a flotation device to supplement its own tired, wheezy water wings, feeding and supplementing its excess apetites vampirically

for too long nation after nation has suffered the “attentions” put upon them and seek temporary solace by dint of feigned obediance and subjection to a steady bleeding but a few of the other bigger kids have a plan, pop the fuckers water wings, use sticks to push him to the deep end and then watch as the fucker drowns

am-er-ica the pharoahs may mourn but the world will be a far better place when you are gone

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 4, 2023 1:21 PM
Reply to  Duckman

I’m already stocking up on booze for the worldwide celebrations, for the Liberation. Like a famous musical group said (and it sure fits when it come to the US of As), “Your time is gonna come”.

Apr 4, 2023 7:45 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

tiocaidh ar la?

and, we, in dreams, behold the hebrides..

hearty, worn, highways abound, we’ll never be beat !

Apr 4, 2023 9:11 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

My European friend has visited several counties in the last 1.5 years. (work wise)
The U.K without a doubt is the most experience: rent, gas, electric and food, petrol, transport.
The west’s hegemony reversal i.e change from west to east power.
Its looking so real now.

A German
A German
Apr 3, 2023 10:37 PM

It is time to understand that humanism is ultimately cannibalism: everyone has to constantly please others, to be in order according to constantly changing criteria.

Those who feel bad have to be eaten, those who make others feel bad are considered caring and good.

If you learn to internalise both sides early on, you become a guardian and hunter of yourself. Never enough! That was the verdict of the old times, never fitting the verdict of the new leftist tyranny of the common good.

Who you used to be, how you really feel, is forgotten in all the pretence.

How about the right to be bad, inappropriate, ugly, unwashed and sick? How about deciding for yourself whether you want to stay that way?

Whoever fights the shadow must turn off the light. It doesn’t get any brighter then.

Apr 3, 2023 11:03 PM
Reply to  A German

i’d agree humanity should not follow humanism.

delusional hubris. contemptuous disregard. myopic to say the least..

entropy-ed off the scale. argh, the death-cult.

so, lighten up, it is spring, and they sprayed the skies a contrived mess above me today ..
; )

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 3, 2023 10:26 PM

From what I can observe in my immediate environment having a “mental health issue” is a badge of honour, and it feeds the victim mentality that the Wokers so like.

Sure, those who can see the BS foisted on society can throw up their hands in dismay, do some heavy sighing and eye rolls, and even find the state of the world depressing.

However, I believe that actual depression is due to cognitive dissonance. Depressed people sense that their situation / the paradigm they’re wedded to / etc., is not right but they cling to it anyhow, unwilling to explore alternatives that could set them free. They voluntarily live under a wet blanket.

Apr 3, 2023 10:54 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Indeed that’s an interesting angle, and perfectly plausible.

I may get murdered for saying this, but I sometimes have the feeling that there’s often (not always, of course) a link between depression and alcoholism.
I say this based on what I consider to be the shocking degree of drinking that goes on in ALL our TV criminal detective series – it’s as if drinking all day, by the law enforcement people too, is something that somehow just goes without saying.

What intrigues me is the chicken and egg question that accompanies what I have seen.
For example, I know people who regularly drink considerable amounts, and some of them have ended up diagnosed as clinically depressed, or feel themselves that they have pathological depression before it even gets to the diagnosed stage.

And then there are the multitudes of people who drink because they are depressed, and everything snowballs from there.

Whichever way round it might be, we end up with a ‘mental health issue’, as you say.

I still haven’t seen any data that might indicate whether the chicken or the egg comes first, but if I were a doctor or a psychiatrist, I would certainly want to know.
What worries me is the degree to which drinking alcohol is advertised, in just the same way as cigarette smoking was advertised in 1950s Hollywood – until Humphrey Bogart and Gary Cooper died of lung cancer. Then my parents’ generation started waking up to some aspects of the advertising ‘industry’ (what a euphemism)…

Apr 4, 2023 12:09 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Alcohol is the most insidious drug, escape, social lubricant and crutch on the planet.
With my wife’s help I kicked a serious drinking addiction thirty five years ago.
Life is GOOD without booze, despite the best efforts of the Ghouls who Rule.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Apr 4, 2023 7:05 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Good on you mate. Giving up the booze was the best thing I ever did. I’d be dead if I hadn’t stopped, I have no doubt about that.

People ask if I feel like I’m missing out. My reply to that question is that booze made me miss out on all the good things in life, food, house, family, work, fitness, music, a free mind, so that if I was to drink again, then I’d really be missing out. I lived a life of abject squalor and degeneracy, beyond the understanding of most people. I have been to the bottom. I never want to go back there. And if I did want to go back, then the first thing I’d do would be to pick a drink up. Fuck that.

All of which makes me incredibly grateful for what I have now and incredibly suspicious of any advertising or attempted psychological manipulation from on high. I’m glad I’ve been where I’ve been. It’s been a great primer for seeing through the bullshit of the last few years. It’s difficult to dupe somebody who has little but himself, yet needs nothing and genuinely loves waking up each morning.

Apr 4, 2023 7:20 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Good onya Bob.
Watching other people, including family members, self destruct is disheartening, but what can you do? They have to self- realise their problem before they can deal with it. Same applies to the Covidians.

Apr 4, 2023 7:54 PM
Reply to  Johnny

yes, but

it helps a great deal in a fukt up society…
especially given any individuals circumstance to escape the hell…

i ain’t excusing it, too much with a bad heid is chaos, but the correct dose, with a healthy work ethic and useful real life/purpose, makes a lot of things tolerable.

just saying, not an excuse.

i’d love to gie the drink a bye, but we all live in oor ain heids.

peace and love, and slainte ; )

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 4, 2023 11:37 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Alcoholism or even drinking “normally” depletes zinc, as one major nutrient involved in psychological function. So, your observation is correct, regardless of the chicken & egg conundrum. Many prescription drugs deplete nutrients, too – something to consider. Not to mention a crap diet.

Apr 5, 2023 5:09 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The meds meant to kill pathogens also kill most of the symbiotic gut microbiome. Unless you eat well (including fibre), and take probiotics, you will return to the purveyor of scientific medicine with some other illness.

Apr 3, 2023 11:06 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

if you are registered, medically, as such,

you are fucked.

easy target is mental health. instant decision, no courts.

be careful.

Apr 4, 2023 12:02 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

A blanket of ignorance Veri?

Apr 4, 2023 9:17 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I would say people who dont suffer from depression or MH issues are the sick ones. as to even think this reality normal = (modern society)

Insanity – a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.
R. D. Laing

Michael Swain
Michael Swain
Apr 3, 2023 9:48 PM

How does one define ‘Insane’ in ‘Insanity’?

Humanity itself is a Syndrome.

Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Apr 3, 2023 9:04 PM

Be offline and live IRL, go outside and get some sun, get some excersize, eat a balanced diet and get a good night’s sleep, spend time w friends and family, make love, read great books (including philosophy) and watch great films, pursue a big scary life goal that you’ve always had. If I’m trying to do all these things I usually feel pretty good.

Apr 3, 2023 6:57 PM

A never ending list of syndromes and disorders are being discovered and invented, to be treated with the appropriate happy pills, to the delight of Big Pharma, and emotionally incontinent group sessions whilst sitting on bean bags.

There is ADHD and ODD, Opposition Defiant Disorder, for stroppy little shits who refuse to do as they are told.

This was previously known as KUTAD, or Kick Up The Arse Deficit Disorder.

But it seems that everybody now has a God given, democratic right to live in a state of permanent happiness and ecstatic bliss, and anything that detracts from this in any way must at once be addressed by an army of head shrinkers, counsellors and therapists, together with lawyers from Sueem, Grabbit And Run to claim the requisite compensation.

I once had to attend one of these bean bag sessions at work, where one by one people related their various mental breakdowns, in somewhat gory detail. Gradually, I was the only one left, and was wondering whether I should invent a breakdown myself so as not to be the odd man out.

This is obviously one of our few remaining growth industries. A policewoman who had to endure rather juvenile banter about the size of her bosom, required treatment of therapy, early retirement, and £400,000 compensation. With the expansion of current legislation, any woman who experiences wolf whistling or ogling, or bus drivers, bar staff or shop assistants who have to deal with irate passengers and customers, will be able to seek similar redress.

On no account must anyone ever be upset again.

Apr 3, 2023 7:52 PM
Reply to  paul

Yes. Funny though, isn’t being upset what helps us grow up? I know I’ll not be able to articulate this right, but the thought keeps going through my head – if we are raising an entire generation that cannot stand up to a bully, that cannot formulate a rebuttal to hate speech, that cannot ever handle any disagreement at all, are we not raising what some would call a generation of utter wimps? Utter children really. And I guess that’s the point now, infantilism forever. One never has to grow up, one never has to take any responsibility for anything, one will be completely and utterly dependent on government to take care of every single thing. And one will be happy whether one is really happy or not.

Huh, maybe I’ve answered my own question here….

Apr 3, 2023 9:26 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

PC Plod certainly seems quite happy to spend all his time focussing on non-crime crimes and anyone who says something mean to someone on the internet. Fear not, the Twitter Police are on the case.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Apr 4, 2023 7:11 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

In my son’s school the advice on bullying is to go and tell a teacher. My advice to him is that he should stand up for himself and his mates, and if a bully keeps on bulllying him, he should thump him as hard as he can and ignore the teachers if he gets told off for it. But also that if I ever find out that he has been bullying anyone, then it’ll be me that he has to deal with, and I’m no teacher.

Sal P
Sal P
Apr 3, 2023 9:48 PM
Reply to  paul

Policewoman? We’ll assume this was unintentional and you meant to write “policeperson.” However, if we recognize a pattern here you may need to be treated for MPD – Microagressive Personality Disorder. Not to worry – there’s an app for this. In fact, we’ve already installed it on your phone. And we’ve developed a very effective prescription to treat this condition – just one pill per day will keep the Thought Police at bay.

Have a great day.

P.S. We’ll be watching you.

Apr 3, 2023 11:40 PM
Reply to  Sal P

I do most sincerely apologise for using such unintended hate speech as the w…. word..
I meant to say police vagina owner.

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 4, 2023 5:06 AM
Reply to  paul


Apr 3, 2023 10:57 PM
Reply to  paul

Perhaps one day my ‘representatives’ will listen to me, because I get upset a lot these days…

Apr 4, 2023 8:25 AM
Reply to  paul

Think I’ve got BTD,
Bullshit Tsunami Disorder.
I’m gonna need some PAT, Psychopath Aversion Therapy.
So I can be CCAC,
Calm Cool and Collected.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Apr 3, 2023 6:36 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-04-01. Jab dead 5m, disabled 46.5m, injured 900m. Unsafe & ineffective. WHO now not recommending jab healthy (blog, gab, tweet).

Apr 3, 2023 7:28 PM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

Call Me Crazy

Great numbers. Great link. I will share it. I think the number of dead is probably higher. The estimated dead just in the U.S is, what?, 1.5 million out of, roughly, 200 million vaccinated, or something like that.

WHO is apparently trying to recover some of it’s credibility to fall back on during the next scam.

That Corbett Report scared me badly.

According to that report, WHO has already been promised the authority to be in charge. No treaty was needed. Just a “contract” signing over the authority over Americans to WHO in the event of another scamdemic.

No more pussy footing around for me. Just the cold hard facts wherever I go. Something like this: If you took the vaccine you have significantly shortened your life span and will, without a doubt, die prematurely. Can’t get any more direct.

Call me crazy.

Just finished harping on a poor kid who was coerced into getting vaccinated. Never heard of VAERS. Doesn’t pay attention. Newly engaged boy in his mid 20s. Has no clue. Just doing what he is told. Did not even understand any of the climate change Build Back Better agenda.

I was flabbergasted for a moment. Just a moment.

I went to the “heart” of the situation by quoting Robert Malone’s estimate that 100% of those vaccinated will suffer some level of myocarditis and most don’t realize it.

Their conditions will only worsen with time. 100% of the time. This is an attention getter.

Call me crazy. I don’t expect to heal too soon.

It’s not over till it’s over.

Call me crazy.

Apr 3, 2023 7:57 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Okay, You are crazy. ; )
I also said a prayer for you. Don’t give up hope.