Central Bank Digital Currency Is the Endgame – Part 2

Iain Davis

In Part 1 we noted that “money” is no more than a medium of exchange. If we cooperate in sufficient numbers, we could create an economy based upon an entirely voluntary monetary system.

We don’t need banks to control our exchange transactions and modern Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) has made voluntary exchange on a global scale entirely feasible.

We contrasted the true nature of “money” with the proposed Central Bank Digital Currencies. CBDC is being rolled out across the world by a global public-private partnership.

What we call money is actually fiat currency conjured out of thin air by central and commercial banks. Even so, CBDC is nothing like “money” as we currently understand it.

Prior to the pseudopandemic, fiat currency circulated in a split-monetary circuit. Only commercial banks could access a type of money called “central bank reserves” or “base money.”

In late 2019, the global financial institution BlackRock introduced a monetary plan that advocated “going direct” in order “to get central bank money directly in the hands of public and private sector spenders.”

We discussed how the idea of putting “central bank money” directly into the hands of “private sector spenders” is precisely what that new CBDC based International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS) is designed to achieve. But CBDC will accomplish far more for the global parasite class than merely revamp its failing “debt” based IMFS.

If it is universally adopted, CBDC will afford the bankers complete control over the our daily lives. The surveillance grid will be omnipresent and every aspect of our lives will be engineered.

CBDC is the endgame and, in this article, we will explore how that game will play out.

If we allow it.

The Interoperable CBDC Empire

Contrary to the stories we are told, central banks are private corporations. These private corporations operate a global monetary and financial empire that is overseen and coordinated by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

The BIS does not come under the jurisdiction of any nation state nor intergovernmental organisation. It is exempt from all “law” and is arguably sovereign over the entire planet. As its current monetary system power-base declines, it is rolling out CBDC to protect and enhance its own authority.

While a “most likely” CBDC “platform” model has emerged, there is, as yet, no agreed single technical specification for CBDC. But, for the reasons we discussed previously, it is safe to say that no national model will be based upon a permissionless DLT—blockchain or otherwise—and all of them will be “interoperable.”

In 2021 the BIS published its Central bank digital currencies for cross-border payments report. The BIS defined “interoperability” as:

The technical or legal compatibility that enables a system or mechanism to be used in conjunction with other systems or mechanisms. Interoperability allows participants in different systems to conduct, clear and settle payments or financial transactions across systems

The BIS’ global debt based monetary system is “tapped out” and CBDC is the central bankers’ solution. Their intended technocratic empire is global. Consequently, all national CBDCs will be “interoperable.” Alleged geopolitical tensions are irrelevant.

The CBDC Tracker from the NATO think tank, the Atlantic Council, currently reports that 114 countries, representing 95% of global GDP, are actively developing their CBDC. Of these, 11 have already launched.

Just as the pseudopandemic initiated the process of getting “central bank money” directly into private hands so, according to the Atlantic Council, the sanction response to the war in Ukraine has added further impetus to the development of CBDC:

Financial sanctions on Russia have led countries to consider payment systems that avoid the dollar. There are now 9 cross-border wholesale CBDC tests and 7 cross-border retail projects, nearly double the number from 2021.

That this evidences the global coordination of a worldwide CBDC project, and that the BIS innovation hubs have been established to coordinate it, is apparently some sort of secret. China’s PBC, for example, is a shining beacon of CBDC light as far as the BIS are concerned:

[. . . ] improving cross-border payments efficiency is also an important motivation for CBDC work. [. . .] The possibilities for cross-border use of retail CBDC are exemplified by the approaches in the advanced CBDC project in China[.]

The People’s Bank of China (PBC) has been coordinating development of its CBDC cross-border payment system in partnership with the BIS via the m-Bridge CBDC project which is overseen by the BIS’ Hong Kong innovation hub.

Supposedly, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR – Bank of Russia) was suspended by the BIS. Apparently, it was also ousted from the SWIFT telecommunications system. We were told that this was a “punishement” for the Russian government’s escelation of the war in Ukraine. In reality, it is doubtful that the BIS suspension ever occurred, and the SWIFT sanction was a meaningless gesture. Developing interoperable CBDC’s takes precedence over anything else.

All we have to substantiate the BIS suspension claim is some Western media reports, citing anonymous BIS sources, and an ambiguous footnote on a couple of BIS documents.

Meanwhile, the CBR is currently listed as an active BIS member with full voting rights and no one, either from the BIS or the CBR, has made any official statement in regard to the supposed suspension.

The CBR’s cross-border CBDC development uses two of the three BIS m-Bridge CBDC models and it is testing its interoperable “digital ruble” with the PBC. Seeing as the PBC is BIS m-Bridge development “partner,” alleged suspension or not, there is no chance that the “digital ruble” won’t be interoperable with the BIS’ new global financial system.

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) provides the world’s most pervasive encoded inter-bank messaging system. Both central and commercial banks, as well as other private financial institutions, use SWIFT to securely transmit transaction data.

There are a number of SWIFT alternatives. For example, the CBR developed its parallel System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS) in 2014 which went live in 2017. Numerous Russian banks were already using the PBC’s China International Payments System (CIPS) long before any supposed censure by SWIFT.

CIPS was developed by the PBC  in partnership with SWIFT. As a result of SWIFT’s “sanction” of the CBR, the PBC and the CBR then started collaborating in earnest on a potential CIPS based SWIFT replacement. If the stories we are told are true, SWIFT’s action appears to have been an empty act of self-defeating folly.

None of the various communication layer technologies are financial systems in and of themselves, but they enable banks, trading platforms, clearing houses, payment processing systems and all the other elements of the global financial system to communicate with each other. For CBDCs to be successful they need to be interoperable both with these systems and with each other.

Interoperability also extends to existing fiat currencies and other financial assets, such as mortgage backed securities and exchange traded funds (ETFs). These assets, funds, currencies and securities, etc. can be “tokenised.” As can practically any physical or virtual asset or commodity.

Hidera, a distributed ledger technology company that uses the hashgraph based DLT—a blockchain alternative—is backed by a number of wealthy global corporations. The company explains the asset tokenisation (or tokenization) process:

Asset tokenization is the process by which an issuer creates digital tokens on a distributed ledger or blockchain, which represent either digital or physical assets. [. . .] Suppose you have a property worth $500,000 in New York, NY. Asset tokenization could convert ownership of this property into 500,000 tokens — each one representing a tiny percentage (0.0002%) of the property. [. . .] The possibilities are endless as tokenization allows for both fractional ownership and proof-of-ownership. From traditional assets like venture capital funds, bonds, commodities, and real-estate properties to exotic assets like sports teams, race horses, artwork, and celebrities, companies worldwide use blockchain technology to tokenize almost anything.

The ability to trade tokenised assets internationally in any market, using CBDC, will facilitate the creation of a new CBDC based IMFS. Furthermore, digital “tokenisation” means anything can be converted into a financial asset and then traded on the new, CBDC based, digital IMFS.

For example, the BIS’ Project Genesis tokenised “government green bonds.” The World Bank explains “green bonds”:

A bond is a form of debt security. A debt security is a legal contract for money owed that can be bought and sold between parties. [. . .] A green bond is a debt security that is issued to raise capital specifically to support climate related or environmental projects.

Using CBDC’s added “smart contract” functionality, Project Genesis appended “mitigation outcome interests” smart contracts (MOIs) to their green bond purchase agreements. When the bond matured, in addition to any premium or coupon payments from the bond itself, the investor received verified carbon credits. The carbon credits are also tradable assets and they too can be tokenised.

Tokenised assets, traded using the CBDCs that central banks create from nothing, will generate almost limitless permutations for the formation of new markets. Subsequent profits will soar.

This “financialisation of everything” will further remove an already distant financial system to from the real, productive economy the rest of us live in. Needless to say, “interoperability” is a key desired “feature” of CBDC.

The BIS published its Project Helvetia report in December 2020 which demonstrated proof of concept for the settlement  payment for “tokenised assets” using CBDC.

SWIFT subsequently published the findings from its Connecting Digital Islands: CBDCs modelling experiment in October 2022.

SWIFT’s stated objective was to link various national CBDCs to existing payment systems and thereby achieve “global interoperability.” SWIFT was delighted to report:

These new experiments have successfully demonstrated a groundbreaking solution capable of interlinking CBDC networks and existing payments systems for cross-border transactions. Interlinking is a solution to achieve interoperability [.] [. . .] This solution can provide CBDC network operators at central banks with simple enablement and integration of domestic CBDC networks into cross-border payments [.]

In its associated press release, SWIFT announced:

Swift has successfully shown that Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and tokenised assets can move seamlessly on existing financial infrastructure – a major milestone towards enabling their smooth integration into the international financial ecosystem.

Whatever CBDC design national central banks adopt, no matter which inter-bank payment system they access—be it SWIFT, CIPS or some new communication layer—global interoperability is assured. Thus many different CBDCs can form one, centrally controlled IMFS that will transact in near instantaneous real time.

Control of this CBDC system will also mean the centralised global power to limit or block payments, target users, redirect funds, enforce purchases, trade assets, add contracts, tax at source and generally exploit any of the other endless range of “functions” CBDC is capable of. In near instantaneous real time.

The CBDC Flimflam

Jon Cunliffe, Bank of England (BoE) Deputy Governor for Financial Stability, launching the UK’s proposal for a “digital pound,” said:

There is scope for innovation to generate further efficiencies in payments, allowing for faster and/or cheaper payments. [. . .] The digital pound could also complement existing financial inclusion initiatives, for example if it were able to provide for offline payments.

In its 2021 document on the Digital Ruble Concept, the CBR said that it had developed its Russian CBDC in response to:

[. . .] growing demand from households and businesses to improve the speed, convenience and safety of payments and transfers, as well as for cost reduction in the financial sphere.

The claimed advantages of cost saving, efficiency, speed , convenience, financial inclusion, improved resilience, financial security and so on, are trotted out time and time again. All of it is part of a dangerous and completely disingenuous sales pitch deceiving you into accepting your own monetary slavery.

Further on, the CBR reveals what has really spurred its development of the “digital ruble:”

[. . .] smart contracts may also be used to mark digital rubles, which will allow setting conditions for spending digital rubles (e.g. defining specific categories of goods/services that can be purchased with them) and tracing the entire chain of movement of the marked digital rubles. [. . .] Digital ruble settlements do not provide for the anonymity of payments.

The digital ruble might initially seem more “convenient” but it is also designed to enable the the Russian central bankers to identify exactly who is buying what, anywhere in the country at any time. It will also empower them to set the “contract” conditions which will determine what Russians can buy, when and from whom. The central bankers will decide what “choices” Russian CBDC users are allowed to make.

We should not be duped by the faux rationales offered by the proponents of CBDC. Despite all the cosy rhetoric from the likes of the CBR and the BoE, the real objective is to enhance the global power and authority of bankers. As far as they are concerned, this power will know no bounds.

For instance, the BoE’s Jon Cunliffe added:

[. . .] there are broader macro-economic and geopolitical issues that need to be considered. The Bank of England is working actively on these issues with international counterparts through the Bank for International Settlements Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI), through the G7, the G20 and FSB [Financial Stability Board] and through close cooperation with a small group of advanced economy central banks.

Don’t be surprised that the central bankers consider geopolitics to be within their remit. Their stated intention to “actively” work on geopolitical “issues” has no “democratic” mandate whatsoever, but so what? They don’t care, why should they? Who is paying attention? Most of us are too busy worrying about feeding ourselves and paying our energy bills.

The fact that bankers have long been able exert inordinate influence over geopolitics, economics and society has always been to our detriment. If we continue to neglect our duty to defend each other and ourselves, and if we blindly accept CBDC, the bankers’ power and authority will be immeasurable.

In 2020, the Russian Federation government amended its legal code with the “Law on Digital Financial Assets” (DFAs).

The amendment regulated “non-cash ruble” DFAs. The CBR soon added its commercial bank partner Sberbank to the list of financial institutions authorised by the CBR to issue DFAs. In December 2022 Sberbank launched its “gold backed ” DFA offering “tokenised” gold.

Since 1971, when central banks finally abandoned any semblance of gold standard, many have lamented the supposed loss of fiat currency’s “intrinsic value.” The possibility of adding “intrinsic value” to CBDC through smart contracts is apparently enticing some to now welcome CBDC and, thereby, their own enslavement.

The Russian and Iranian governments have already proposed a possible gold-backed CBDC “stablecoin” for interoperable cross border payments. “Interoperability” suggests it could be “backed” by Sberbank’s tokenised gold DFA.

If this sounds suspiciously like a shell game that’s because it is. Nonetheless, some are convinced and have extolled the alleged virtues of this “gold backed” CBDC.

It makes no difference if CBDC is backed by gold, oil, nuclear weapons or unicorn horns. All claims of its advantages are nothing but CBDC flimflam.

No matter how it is spun, the brutal fact is that CBDC affords an unimaginable degree of social control to those who program it. From our perspective, unless we have completely taken leave of our senses, nothing warrants taking that risk.

It is all so shiny and marvellous isn’t it?

The Programmable CBDC Nightmare

The BoE is among the central banks to reassure the public that it won’t “implement central bank-initiated programmable functions.” Elsewhere, it also claims that is a public institution, which isn’t true. So we have little reason to believe anything the BoE says.

Not that it matters much, because the BoE assurances given in its CBDC technical specification don’t provide reason for optimism:

Central bank-initiated programmable use cases are not currently relevant to the Bank and HM Treasury’s policy objectives for CBDC.

Perhaps “not currently” but enforcing programmable CBDC may well become “relevant,” don’t you think? Especially given that the BoE adds:

The design of a UK CBDC must deliver the Government and Bank’s [the BoE] policy objectives. [. . .] Over the longer term, innovation and evolving user needs may mean a broader range of CBDC payment types could be offered. For example, offline and cross-border payments could support public policy objectives.

As if this mealymouthed squeamishness wasn’t bad enough, the BoE then goes on to suggest we should welcome their dream of a stakeholder-capitalism CBDC Wild West:

[T]he Bank [BoE] would aim to support programmable functionality[.] [. . .] These functionalities would be implemented by PIPs [Payment Interface Providers] and ESIPs [External Service Interface Providers], and would require user consent. PIPs could implement some of these features, such as automated payments and programmable wallets, by hosting the programmable logic [. . .]. But other features [. . .] might require additional design considerations. [. . .] [T]he Bank would only provide the necessary infrastructure to support PIPs and ESIPs to provide these functionalities. [. . .] An automated payment could be particularly useful in IoT [Internet of Things] use cases. [. . .] PIPs could host their own logic that triggers a payment.

If the BoE don’t “currently” feel the need to program your “money,” how about handing program control over to HSBC, Barclays, Mastercard or PayPal? They will program your CBDC to “deliver the Government and Bank’s [the BoE] policy objectives.” Undoubtedly adding some lucrative “contract logic” of their own along the way. What could possibly go wrong?

Let’s say EDF Energy is your energy provider. You could let BlackRock, working in partnership with the manufacturers it invests in, exploit the IoT to program your washing machine to automatically pay for your energy use by deducting your “money” from your CBDC “wallet”, subject to whatever “contract logic” BlackRock has agreed with EDF Energy.

If you run a small UK business you could let your bank automatically deduct income tax from your earnings and pay it directly to the Treasury. No need for the inconvenience of self-assessment. CBDC will be so much more “convenient.”

Of course, this will be entirely “optional,” although it may be a condition of opening a business account with your bank. In which case your CBDC “option” will be to work in a central bank managed CBDC run business or don’t engage in any business at all.

How does that all sound to you? Because that is exactly the “model” of retail CBDC that the BoE are proposing. So are nearly all other central banks because CBDC is being rolled out, for all intents and purposes, simultaneously on a global scale.

The Retail CBDC Nightmare

As noted in Part 1, the real nightmare CBDC scenario for us is programmable retail CBDC. In its proposed technological design of the disingenuously named “digital pound,” the BoE revealed that “retail CBDC” is exactly what we are going to get.

The BoE claims that retail CBDC is essential to maintain access to central bank money. This is only “essential” for bankers, not us.

It also alleges that its digital pound model has been offered to the public merely for “consultation” purposes. Yet it has only offered one, very specific CBDC design for our consideration and the “consultation” deploys the Delphi technique to ensure that responses are limited to expressing levels of agreement with the imposed, underlying premise. The only question appears to be when we will adopt CBDC, not if.

The usual flimflam, talking about inclusion, cost savings, offering choice and yada yada, peppers the BoE’s statements and documents. The BoE also lays out its retail CBDC panopticon.

The UK’s CBDC won’t initially target everyone. Speaking about the design of the digital pound, Jon Cunliffe said:

We propose a limit of between £10,000 and £20,000 per individual as the appropriate balance between managing risks and supporting wide usability of the digital pound. A limit of £10,000 would mean that three quarters of people could receive their pay in digital pounds, while a £20,000 limit would allow almost everyone to receive their pay in digital pounds.

If working people are “paid” in CBDC they won’t actually have any “choice” at all. The low paid and those reliant upon benefits payments will have no option but to use CBDC. The independently wealthy, for whom £20,000 is neither here nor there, won’t.

Cunliffe’s comments highlight the possibility that savings can also be limited in the brave new CBDC world. He clearly suggests that those on low incomes won’t be able to hold more than CBDC-£20,000 and will perhaps be limited to as little as CBDC £10,000.

Unsurprisingly, the UK’s CBDC won’t be based upon a permissionless DLT that could potentially grant anonymity, but rather upon, what the BoE calls, its “platform model.” The BoE will “host” the “core ledger” and the application layer (API) will allow the BoE’s carefully selected private sector partners—called Payment Interface Providers (PIPs) and External Service Interface Providers (ESIPs)—to act as the payment gateways.

The PIPs and the ESIPs will be “regulated,” and will thus be empowered on a preferential basis by the central bank. If CBDC becomes the dominant monetary system, as is clearly the intention, by controlling “access to the ledger,” all user transactions—our everyday activity—will be under the thumb of a public private-partnership led, in the UK, by the BoE.

While the majority of British people don’t have anywhere near £10,000 in savings, the ability to control the amount we can save, and the rate at which we spend, is a tantalising prospect for the central bankers. Add in the ability to specify what we can spend it on and it’s their dream ticket.

The BoE wishes to impose the most oppressive form of retail CBDC possible, but they aren’t alone. The Russian CBR’s model is another, among many others, that is just as tyrannical. The Russian’s CBDC is also constructed upon a “platform” model that is uncannily similar to the UK’s.

Just like British citizens, Russian’s behaviour will be monitored and controlled by their private central bank and its partners through their CBDC “wallets.” The CBR’s “Model D” CBDC is also a “a retail two-tier model with financial institutions [private corporate partners] as settlement participants.”

The CBR states:

Digital rubles are unique digital codes (tokens) held in clients’ electronic wallets on the digital ruble platform. [. . .] The Bank of Russia opens wallets for financial institutions and the Federal Treasury while financial institutions open wallets for clients [businesses and individuals] on the digital ruble platform. Only one digital ruble wallet is opened for a client.

Every Russian business and private citizen will each have one CBDC wallet allocated to them by the CBR. Russian commercial banks will enable the “client onboarding” to speed up adoption of CBDC. The commercial banks and other “financial institutions” will then process CBDC payments and act as payment intermediaries on the CBR’s Model D “platform.”

The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) are among those considering programming expiration dates into their CBDC’s.

This will ensure that Chinese and Indian CBDC users can’t save and have to spend their issued “money” before it expires and ceases to function. Thereby “stimulating” economic activity in the most “going direct” way imaginable.

The BoE proposes exactly the same in its model of digital pound. The BoE is reluctant to concede that its CBDC will be used to enforce policy. Instead, it has devolved this power to its commercial banks “partners” which the BoE will then control through regulation:

A range of programmable features might be enabled by providing API access to locking mechanisms on the core ledger. [. . .] This enables PIPs and ESIPs to facilitate more complex programmable functionality off ledger. [. . .] The funds would be locked until a pre-defined condition has been met. [. . .] The PIPs and ESIPs would host contract logic on their own infrastructure, but would instruct the release of funds via API to the core ledger. [. . .] If the set conditions are not met, all locks would have an expiry time where the funds are released back to the original owner.

The BoE public-private partnership could, for example, program its CBDC with an expiry date. The PIPs or the ESIPs could then modify the program adding “more complex” conditions through their own “contract logic” infrastructure. For example, the BoE could specify that the CBDC your “wallet” will expire by next Wednesday.

A PIP or ESIP could add some contract logic to ensure you can only buy Italian coffee—before next Wednesday. This could be enforced at the point of sale in any retail setting (off ledger).

This is a silly example, but don’t be fooled into believing such an excruciating degree of oppressive control isn’t possible. Programmable CBDC, probably programmed by AI algorithms, is capable of enforcing an intricate web of strictures over our everyday lives.

Just as you can send an encrypted message to anyone else on the same message app, so CBDC “smart contracts” can be tailored to the precisely prescribe what you can or cannot do with your “money.”


They Wouldn’t Do That Though Would They?

The infamous quote, from a salivating BIS general manager Agustín Carstens, reveals why central bankers are so excited about CBDC:

We don’t know who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a 1,000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.

We can look to other influential central bankers to appreciate what kind of “rules” central banks might choose to “enforce” by exercising their “absolute control.”

Bo Li, the former Deputy Governor of the Bank of China and the current Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), speaking at the Central Bank Digital Currencies for Financial Inclusion: Risks and Rewards symposium, offered further clarification:

CBDC can allow government agencies and private sector players to program [CBDC] to create smart-contracts, to allow targetted policy functions. For example[,] welfare payments [. . .], consumptions coupons, [. . .] food stamps. By programming, CBDC money can be precisely targeted [to] what kind of [things] people can own, and what kind of use [for which] this money can be utilised. For example, [. . .] for food.

Nigeria has already launched its eNaira retail CBDC. The Nigerian central bank and the BIS have immediately used it as a tool to roll out Digital ID:

Universal access to eNaira is a key goal of the CBN [Central Bank of Nigeria], and new forms of digital identification are being issued to the unbanked to help with access. [. . .] When it comes to anonymity, the CBN has opted to not allow anonymity even for lower-tier wallets. At present, a bank verification number is required to open a retail customer wallet.

The French central bank—the Banque de France—hosted a conference in September 2022 where US and EU central bankers decided that their retail CBDC would also force Digital ID upon users.

Indeed, all central banks have effectively “ruled out” any possibility of “anonymous use” of their programmable money.

The Reserve Bank of India states:

Most central banks and other observers have, however, noted that the potential for anonymous digital currency to facilitate shadow-economy and illegal transactions, makes it highly unlikely that any CBDC would be designed to fully match the levels of anonymity and privacy currently available with physical cash.

Once we have no option but to use CBDC nor will we have any but to accept Digital ID. We will be fully visible on the grid at all times.

Currently if the state wishes to lockdown its citizens or limit their movement within 15 minutes of their homes they need some form of legislation or enforceable regulation. Once we start using CBDC that is linked to our Digital ID, complete with biometric, address and other details, they won’t need legislation or regulation.

They can simply switch off your “money,” making it impossible to use outside of your restriction zone. Potentially limiting you to online purchases made only from your registered IP address. CBDC will ensure your compliance.

It is no use imagining that “they wouldn’t do that.” We have already seen the use of monetary punishment and control in our so-called liberal democracies. Numerous private payment providers removed access from those who, in their view, expressed to wrong opinion.

When Canadians exercised their legitimate right to peaceful protest and their fellow Canadians chose to offer their financial support to the protesters, the commercial banks worked in partnership with the Canadian state to freeze protesters accounts and shut down their funding streams.

CBDC will make this a matter of routine, as targeted individuals are punished for their dissent or disobedience. It stretches naivety to wilful ignorance to believe that it won’t.

The whole point of CBDC is to control the herd and enhance the power and authority of the parasite class. CBDC is a social engineering tool designed to establish a prison planet. Unless you want to be a slave, there is no possible justification for using CBDC. Submitting to CBDC enslavement truly is a “choice.”

Please share these articles. It is absolutely vital that as many people as possible understand the true nature of CBDC. We cannot rely upon the state or the mainstream media for anything approaching transparency or honesty on the subject. With regard to our potentially calamitous adoption of CBDC, they are the enemy.

People are already resisting. The Swiss have gathered enough signatures to force a referendum that, if successful, will enshrine cash in Swiss law and stop the government from moving towards a “cashless society.” The Nigerian e-Naira is not popular and there have been significant protests against the removal of cash.

US Congressman Tom Emmer has introduced the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act (bill) to stop the Fed rolling out its CBDC. Whether it will go beyond the bill stage remains to be seen.

This is why the retail CBDC “platform” models, as proposed in the UK, Russian and other central banks, add further reason for concern. By welcoming the commercial banks and the private payment providers into CBDC interoperability, the central banks are not only attempting to overcome resistance from the private sector but seeking to seed CBDC into every form of payment we currently have available to us, other than cash.

It is easy to envisage how a global financial collapse could usher in the “solution” of CBDC. The European Central Bank (ECB), for example, has already “modelled” how the so-called “climate crisis” could precipitate just such a collapse. If, as Cunliffe proposes, peoples’ only means of payment is CBDC then, using the existing financial system, we really won’t have much choice.

While we need to use every peaceable means at our disposal, such as referenda, lobbying and protest, to oppose CBDC, ultimately these approaches are appeals to those who wish to impose the CBDC tyranny upon us. It would be prudent for us also to consider potential counter-economic solutions and step away from compliance with centralised authority.

Fortunately, if we decide to resist there is no reason why we have to succumb to using CBDC.

In order to construct better systems of exchange that will render CBDC superfluous, we have to come together in our communities. It won’t be easy, there are no simple solutions nor one “perfect” strategic response.

But the fact is, we simply cannot afford CBDC.

You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.


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Apr 13, 2023 5:40 PM

If some people still hold doubts about the true nature, origin and objectives of Blockchain and DLTs in general, I encourage you to read this candid interview Bitcoin Magazine did with Vinay Gupta: "an old-school cypherpunk in the 1990s and one of the most active members of the E-gold community before this centralized precursor of Bitcoin got shot down."
Here you can see his profile:

You should read the whole stuff but I think this quote is very revealing:
"Right, resistance to state interference… That’s a really bold claim. I sort of need to see extraordinary evidence for things like that, because bluntly, the security state invented this stuff. It’s fundamentally their kit. Most of the mathematics, most of the algorithms, most of the hardware, the internet itself, all these things are spin-outs of defence projects."

The interview:
His Blockchain company, MATTEREUM «is working to replace the “take, make, waste” cycle with a circular economy»

Perfectly aligned with "The Circular Economy Imperative" of the World Economic Forum."

Vinay Gupta presented "The Internet of Agreements" at the World Government Summit" in collaboration with Consensys.

With MetaMask, Infura, and a leading suite of blockchain products, we make it easy to build applications on Ethereum and participate in DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, and the metaverse.

Remember Joseph Lubin, CEO of Consensys, "was a primary figure in the creation and launch of Ethereum alongside fellow Torontonian Vitalik Buterin in 2014" and before that he used to work for Goldman Sachs.

Bilderberg Steering Committee member Peter Thiel financed Vitalik Buterin.

Aya Miyaguchi, executive director at the Ethereum Foundation, is an Agenda Contributor for the World Economic Forum.

As I said before, Bitcoin and all of the other Alt-coins are just cashless society propaganda and implementation, Web3 is a military project designed to be the DNA of the Spatial Web of Full Spectrum Dominance.

On a side note, Vinay Gupta is a very colourful character, beside his role as a Blockchain operative for the Deep State, he is a practicing Chaos Magician too.

Apr 13, 2023 11:00 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

The Mattereum Manifesto by Vinay Gupta.

«The global challenges posed by climate change and resource scarcity are driven by many factors which include imprecise capital allocation, a financial system with poorly defined boundaries, dependence on polluting energy, and outdated methods of industrial production. Mattereum is working to solve these problems by creating digital twins of material objects and using blockchain smart contracts to automate all aspects of how material things are traded, owned, and combined. We aim to squeeze out these systemic inefficiencies and more accurately allocate capital to activities which promote wellbeing.»


Blockchain isn’t a tool for freedom but for enslavement.

Apr 10, 2023 7:23 AM

See “THE CONSEQUENCES OF SWIMMING NAKED” at revolutionaryroad.net

Apr 9, 2023 12:22 AM

Outstanding article!!!

Apr 8, 2023 5:13 PM

Have you ever heard about Ripple?

«Through blockchain technology, Ripple enables global financial institutions, businesses, governments and developers to move, manage and tokenize value, helping to unlock greater economic opportunity for everyone, everywhere.»

They’re now affiliated with the Council for Inclusive Capitalism.


Apr 8, 2023 3:50 PM

He emphasized that blockchain technology should be available for CBDCs and adopted by governments.

The Binance CEO opined:

It will validate the blockchain concept so that anybody who still has concerns about the technology will say: ‘Ok, our government is using the technology now.’


Apr 8, 2023 3:33 PM

«We are delighted to announce that our president, Professor Naseem Naqvi, has been awarded an MBE, one of the UK’s most prestigious National Honours (King’s Honour), for services to Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies.»

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Apr 8, 2023 2:20 PM

I was intrigued by a short segment in a Caspian Report video that mentioned the Russian CBDC had an identity element that was likely to be used for mobilisation/call-up purposes. Of course, any of these CBDC’s could be programmed accordingly.

I am always surprised that Aadhaar the Indian biometric ID system doesn’t tend to get mentioned in otherwise knowledgeable articles. The removal of Large Denomination Indian bills a few years back lead to much hardship and protests, The Dehli Farmer protests also target #Aadhaar which was set up by a Large Indian Company cofounded by non-other than Rishi Sunacks Father in law.

Ian appeared on the Rich Hall Rich Planet show 12-08-2021

” The real purpose of the fake pandemic. A new monetary and control system.
In August 2019, 4 months before a global pandemic was reported, the world’s banking moguls discussed the need for a “new” IMFS (International Monetary and Financial System). This included the need for a new global reserve currency to replace the dollar. The current system they said has a growing asymmetry which is creating increased instability (it is nearly dead). They proposed that the old (current) monetary system should be propped up with short-term stimulus in the form of “helicopter money” (ie targeted furlough payments) and that economic activity should be reduced (ie lockdown measures). These measures were necessary to sustain the financial markets and prevent mass global unemployment, which would buy themselves some time to plan and implement the new IMFS they had been planning since the 2008 financial crisis crash. The global fake pandemic was a fiscal measure, as the central bankers started “going direct”, serving their own interests and those of the global public-private partnership network they work with; it had nothing to do with public health. The new IMFS will provide the perfect backbone to administer a new global technocracy, which could easily restrict human freedom far beyond the perceptions of a largely “sleepwalking” public”. Iain Davis,

Parts of the conversation are juxtaposed to Nick Kollestrom’s comments on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict and various sub-agendas playing out.

#SCADS special , #InfoWars special edition . The targetting of Richard A Hall , Rich Planet. Do ‘disaster trolls’ believe the conspiracy theories they promote? By Marianna Spring, Social Media correspondent #BBCDisinformation
Part 1 of this article was also very good this is a hugely broad subject interlocking across many decades, even centuries.

On the CBDC end game, it is important to note that the CBDC will be Carbon-based as opposed to the abstract “FIAT” DOllar it will be a Carbon Backed Dollar as opposed to Gold backed or Petro backed dollar.
Carbon Rationing will then facilitate the baked-into system of Austerity ensuring that “The Poor should remain poor so they remain obedient.” ( Calvin)

( Search The Levelling.blog, written by Michael O’Sullivan, ex-Chief Investment Officer for International Wealth Management at Credit Suisse, according to his WEF entry, He defends Globalism, and his blog is an interesting window into how “The Elite” consider that they are doing a stellar job, disrupted by The evil Trump.

The prospect of a second Trump presidency and the fragility of American public life is a key reason why European governments now worry publicly about the US as a political partner. More seriously, it has caused some countries – Saudi Arabia as we noted last week – to start to bet against American decline. American declinism is a growing cottage industry, matched by the ‘Europe will fall apart’ brigade, and led by the ‘end of the dollar’ crowd.
This group was out in force last week, forecasting the end of the dominance of the dollar. I think this is unlikely. China – allegedly the coming financial empire – makes up barely 3% of world fx reserves. It has yet to be tested by a full recession and it continues to make the wrong sort of geopolitical friends (fragile states like Russia and Iran). Chinese monetary policy is still opaque, and surprise currency devaluations are a live risk. Further, few Westerners or professionals from countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh and India want to live there and the barriers to doing so are high.
If developed world currencies are likely to lose their place in the world trading system it is likely to be smaller ones like the pound and the Swiss franc. Brexit is making the pound less relevant in a number of ways, and the Credit Suisse debacle will sow fears regarding trust in Swiss laws and the durability of its banks. Traditionally, one reason that the Swiss franc remained strong was that capital flowed into the country and did not flow out. At the margins, this may change – possibly to the benefit of larger American banks.
So, if the dollar is safe for now, there are still two issues to worry about. The first is that whilst it is financially the most dominant nation, America’s diplomatic power is much reduced. One illustration is to think of how it was the central, organising force behind most of the financial and economic rescues of the past fifty years – from the Brady bond solution to Latin America’s crisis to Alan Greenspan’s ‘Committee to save the World’ after the Asian crisis. When the next crisis comes, America will be the most significant player but not the dominant one and the risk for the US, is that the solution to that crisis may tilt financial power away from it. ”  Michael O’Sullivan April 12 2023.

I mention It here as I think Dialogue should be opened between the Managerial Classes
both in post and recently or not so recently retired to start making solid proposals for workable alternatives.

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Apr 8, 2023 3:23 PM
Reply to  Roger Lewis

In Defence or In defiance of Globalisation. Michael Morrison ( TheLevelling ) Vs Iain Davis ( Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy)

Hello Michael,

I have been reading around your blog and have also watched a few video appearances which you have made that are available online.
Having just read the second part of Iain Davis’s CBDC endgame article on Off Guardian I am intrigued that your stance is unapologetic that Globalisation has been a success and that the Multi-Polar world emerging is to be rued. You will see that in my Comment I encourage others to read your blog and seek dialogue. The expectation that the Banking ” Elite ” seem to have that a “fait accompli”, will meekly be accepted even by a cowed population is I think misplaced.
I would be very interested to hear what you make of Iain’s articles and although I have yet to read your book The Levelling it is on my list.
Best Wishes,

Apr 8, 2023 2:16 PM

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands promoting Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence as technological tools for “Financial Inclusion” at the 2022 GOALKEEPERS event of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

But Distributed Ledger Technology will make us free, right?

Apr 8, 2023 3:30 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

Just for the record: my last post was not spam at all.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 9, 2023 2:03 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

Hello Rodrigo: I’ve read your posts, and agree with most of your analysis. As a term, “Block-chain” pretty much says it all…

“Financial inclusion” Interpretation: Financial exclusion of all other economic choices.

Apr 8, 2023 9:03 AM

They’ve been saying this for a while and it was suppose to be launched last year.!
Nothing about Central Bank Digital Currency in the news letter.Alt media does have a habit to shill fake news.
It was the trusted  😂  alternative media who sold bitcoin (cryptocurrency) etc as decentralized and a big middle finger to the TPOB;s.


Apr 7, 2023 10:45 PM

The best piece of evidence you can find to prove that Bitcoin is a Deep State Op serving as a Trojan Horse for DLTs as an essential component of the Great Reset is one of the greatest PR agents of the Crypto-Scam: Nayib Bukele, El Salvador's dictator.
He was one of the first heads of state to impose one of the longest brutal lockdowns in the world
He even used local gangs "barrio 18" and "MS-13" to brutally enforce the shelter-in-place orders
He is one of the biggest Bitcoin shills of the world and made legal tender the "crypto-currency" in the country. He has hired Stacey Herbert and Max Keizer to shill with him.
But this digital newspaper leaked videos of Bukele's brothers negotiating with execs of Algorand, Cardano and other crypto-companies for the deal of coding the government's Blockchain infrastructure and the programming and launching of a salvadoran CBDC provisionally named "Colón-Dólar."

But… :«Koibanx, a leading Latin American asset tokenization and Blockchain financial infrastructure company, announced today that it has signed a cooperation agreement with the government of El Salvador, a sovereign nation that uses the US dollar, to develop its blockchain infrastructure on top of Algorand’s technology.»
Silvio Micali's Algorand is linked to the World Economic Forum
Bukele pretends he's fighting against the Globocrats by disobeying the IMF order to withdraw Bitcoin Law but he's still receiving money from the Deep State from the World Bank through CAF
But here's the cherry, while he presents himself as an anti-globalist crypto-evangelist and savior of his people, he's following the Great Reset directives by executing a DIGITAL AGENDA that has everything the WEF and the UN wants, from Fintech and Smart Cities to Digital Identity. This is the official website
Nayib Bukele is a brutal dictator who imposed a State of Emergency that by now has killed approximately 100 innocent people who died in prison without a due process. One year anniversary of a State of Emergency, one year without fundamental rights, but somehow a lot of airheads praise him as a Hero of Liberty.

Apr 11, 2023 2:03 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo


Apr 12, 2023 9:46 PM


Human values
Human values
Apr 7, 2023 10:28 AM

You’re so attached to this money system that you can’t see beyond it.

But other people can.


And what’s happening here, is the whole new system being created, but it won’t be the one imagined by the money system.

Believers in the money system should quickly investigate what the hell they are supporting.

Money is the source of evil.
Mammon is one false god.
It shall be destroyed along with the Devil.
God is All-Powerful.

Apr 7, 2023 12:30 AM

«Blockchain has been called a pillar of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, comparing it to technologies such as the steam engine and the internet that triggered previous industrial revolutions. It has the power to disrupt existing economic and business models and may prove particularly valuable in emerging market economies. According to experts, blockchain also holds great promise as a method of fighting corruption, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean, where more smartphone penetration can facilitate the adoption of new technology.»

If Blockchain and DLTs in general were a force for good, the World Bank, the BIS, the WEF and the IMF wouldn’t be shilling about them.

Common sense.

Apr 7, 2023 7:56 AM
Reply to  Rodrigo

The IMF isn’t shilling bitcoin

Apr 7, 2023 5:58 PM

Bitcoin doesn’t matter, it’s just cashless society propaganda, Blockchain is the backbone of the Open Air Cybernetic Prison they’re building all over the world.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 7, 2023 6:36 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

Interesting. A2

Apr 11, 2023 2:09 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

Blockchain guarantees truth. The bitcoin blockchain reliably tells us where all the bitcoins are. Not scary at all and cannot be used to enslave us. Unlike the trust-based system we are replacing.

Apr 12, 2023 9:48 PM

You have “your only hope” to lose, that’s why you shill like there’s no tomorrow.

Apr 9, 2023 12:29 AM
Reply to  Rodrigo

Exactly, and the architect behind the CREDIT DEFAULT SWAP, Blyth Masters, wouldn’t have shifted over to blockchain technology some years back!

Apr 6, 2023 10:05 PM

Say hello to Claudia Olsson, member of the Trilateral Commission, WEF Young Global Leader and former Associate Faculty at Singularity University and co-author of the “acclaimed report” named “Blockchain-Descentralized Trust”

Now you tell me, why a person with such affiliations would be promoting a technology that goes against the goals of the institutions that she belongs to?

Crypto Bros are pathetically NAIVE.

Apr 6, 2023 11:23 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

Oh no, a report about about ‘what is blockchain’? Then it’s over. Thanks for the warning, I just market sold everything.

Apr 7, 2023 12:06 AM

Oh, you have money on it. That explains everything. XD

Apr 11, 2023 2:16 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

Time, money, hardware – it has all my attention. It is our only hope.

Apr 7, 2023 12:13 AM

I bet you think brutal dixtato5 Nayib Bukele is a libertarian hero that emacipated his people by making Bitcoin legal tender in El Salvador.


Apr 8, 2023 8:32 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

do continue, genuine interest, i got sick of the dollar vigilante a long time ago….

Apr 11, 2023 2:20 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

I know nothing about him and fail to see the relevance. Does it relate to anything on-chain?

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Apr 9, 2023 1:09 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

Winklevoss Twins Have Fortunes Riding on Crypto Startup Comeback.

The NSA patent on the Hashing Algorithm SHA-256 should get anyone curious about the origins.

Apr 11, 2023 2:21 PM
Reply to  Roger Lewis

Ad-hominem old boy, the interesting thing is that the encryption hasn’t been pwned

Apr 12, 2023 9:53 PM

Bro, quantum computing is going to crash your encryption in a few years. Have you secured your e-wallet yet? Oh no! You don’t have quantum computing processing power!
So sad.

jay cronus
jay cronus
Apr 6, 2023 7:12 PM

CBDC if implemented, will offer the worlds biggest black market (read real free market) for those wise enough to plan ahead…

Apr 6, 2023 5:15 PM

Excellent overview of the planned global digital panopticon. Hedera (note spelling) does indeed seem poised to be an integral part of this when you look at the ‘governing’ council members.

Apr 6, 2023 3:04 PM

Libertarians are still mesmerized by Hayek’s outdated vision of spontaneous order and that’s why they believe in decentralization as a panacea against the supposed aim of absolute centralization of the powers that be. They’re plain wrong. The Cryptocracy is pursuing decentralization through DAOs and projects like the Network State of transhumanist Balaji. But why they want to atomize their power over us? Because they are sure they can harness complexity towards their ultimate goal of the emergence of the Cybiont: the Global Superorganism and its Artificial General Intelligence Supermind. “Fatal Arrogance”? Well, see the work of John Holland and Robert Axelrod, or read this paper by Francis Heylighen et al. where they affirm that they have a scientific method for the steering of complex adaptive systems on behalf of the interest and goals of the stakeholders of an initiative.

Apr 6, 2023 9:43 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

decentralisation ¬ atomisation, and if you can’t see how it militates against totalitarianism i dunno what to tell you

Apr 6, 2023 10:17 PM

The most totalitarian form of collectivism is that of the SWARM where the individual means nothing and the collective is everything. That’s where crypto-cultists are being herded to with your blockhains, DAOs and Network States. Bitcoin is just one of many attractors strategically placed to guide the self-organization that will lead to the emergent properties they want from the system.

Apr 11, 2023 2:15 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

I am more scared of tanks and tear gas than self-organized nudging. How is the nudging going btw? You seem to be scared of actual democracy.

Apr 12, 2023 9:56 PM

Your “actual democracy” is for insects like bees and ants, or unicellular organisms like slime mold, we are human beings.

Apr 6, 2023 10:27 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

I for one welcome our new Cybiont overlords

Apr 9, 2023 12:32 AM
Reply to  Rodrigo

BRAVO, Big R —- you really know your stuff, maestro!!!

Absolutely agree with your, sir!!!

Apr 11, 2023 2:22 PM
Reply to  sgt_doom

He seems well informed, but what do you think his agenda is?

Apr 12, 2023 10:00 PM

My agenda?
Inform as much people as possible about the Cashless Society Trojan Horse of FinTech and DeFi.

Apr 9, 2023 11:05 AM
Reply to  Rodrigo

‘The Road to Serfdom’ concludes with a call for global government!

Apr 9, 2023 6:55 PM
Reply to  Edwige

A lot of libertarians don’t even know that for some time Ludwig von Mises was financially backed by the Rockefeller Foundation. Even Sutton, the Hegelian Dialectic expert, doesn’t mention it in his work.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 6, 2023 2:43 PM

Iain Davis nailed the most germane concept right here:Contrary to the stories we are told, central banks are private corporations. These private corporations operate a global monetary and financial empire that is overseen and coordinated by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

The BIS does not come under the jurisdiction of any nation state nor intergovernmental organisation. It is exempt from all “law” and is arguably sovereign over the entire planet. As its current monetary system power-base declines, it is rolling out CBDC to protect and enhance its own authority.

I’ve been posting constructive comment regarding the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).for nearly a decade. Some laugh. Some ridicule. Some run away screaming.

Why did Adolf Hitler waste all his available manpower and resources attacking remote Nations and counties, when he could have just gone next door and robbed Switzerland of all it’s gold reserves? No one seems to get the picture.

Proton Magic
Proton Magic
Apr 8, 2023 12:00 PM

Both Ian and you are being too polite. What you mean to say is

Apr 9, 2023 12:42 AM

Was it the first or second director of the BIS had a grandson who became CIA director, Richard Helms?!?!

And in June or earlier of 1963, the Rockefeller brothers approached President John F. Kennedy to support the amending of Section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act —- but JFK rejected them, and in the end of June the CIA dispatched several agents to Lisbon to meet with international assassin, Jean Rene Souetre!

LBJ, President Johnson, would support the amending of Section 25 in 1966 — the required step for a global banking cartel.

And in 1978 the Rockefeller Foundation established the lobbyist group of the central bankers, the Group of Thirty (group30.org).

And so it goes . . .

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 9, 2023 1:53 PM
Reply to  sgt_doom

Yes. Mr Kennedy had a very different agenda than the Rockefeller Foundation… You might wish to peruse this: >

Executive Order 11110 – June 4, 1963 – JFK vs. Federal Reserve
JFK VS FED (foundationfortruthinlaw.org)

Excerpt from the article: “On June 4, 1963, President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy signed a Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, which stripped the Federal Reserve Banking System of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. This decree meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury’s vault, the U.S. government could introduce new money into circulation based on the silver bullion physically held therein. As a result, more than $4 trillion in United States Notes were brought into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. $10 and $20 United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated. Kennedy knew that if the silver backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes. By giving the U.S. Treasury the Constitutional authority to coin U.S. money once again, EO 11110 would thus prevent the national debt from rising due to “usury” that the American people are charged for “borrowing” (i.e., using) FRN’s.”

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 9, 2023 12:47 AM

New science says Adolf Hitler was in reality not Hitler but Mother Theresa.
Hitler was the good guy who cared for the vulnerable and the defenceless.

Mother Theresa was in reality Hitler, killed 6 million down in the monasteries and hospital’s basements with zyclone gas in secret, and after WWII she blamed Hitler for doing it, to get away with murder. What a nasty woman.

Completely new science says that, and if you dont believe it you are anti-science and anti-Semitic, if you know what I mean.

Apr 9, 2023 5:42 PM

There were plans to invade Switzerland by Germany and Italy jointly, but they didn’t get the opportunity to carry them out because of developments in the Mediterranean and Russia etc. I think the plan was to invade with 21 army divisions and incorporate the German and Italian speaking areas in Germany and Italy.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 25, 2023 4:44 PM

In Switzerland they were armed. No one with their full sense attack an armed country.
Its too risky for your wallet.
You only remote, weakened, vulnerable countries where the profit is highest compared to investment.
The reason why they dont blow up BIS is, you dont blow up the refrigerator that keeps your beer cold or the building that organise and pay your army. You are not THAT stupid.
No one seems to get the picture .

Apr 6, 2023 2:38 PM

So here’s the plan: the very people who orchestrated the 2008 banking crisis, followed by massive quantitative easing which triggered runaway inflation should, of course, be entrusted with resolving all the self inflicted problems by the use of intensive control measures.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Apr 6, 2023 11:36 AM

Already anticipating that many will want to escape this dystopic CBDC tech net, it appears that libertarians are once again rolling out their rebranded charter city idea, founded by Paul Romer, this time calling them “freedom cities”, with Trump playing Pied Piper to lead his faithful followers into yet another dystopic trap. Peter Thiel-funded Praxis City (along with other nefarious investors), one such privately-owned city idea, promotes a “heaven on earth” promised land. Forget that this stale idea already failed in places like Honduras and will likely fail again. Hopefully, the CBDC installation will fail on its own merit, as do many of these technocratic utopian visions that only succeed as virtual theories, not the real world.

Apr 6, 2023 10:54 AM

Imagine the aliens landed, said what we are told they would say in “take us to your leader”, then we did that by introducing them to a bunch of child raping, war criminal, lying, violent, void of morals, void of conscience, piece of shit fucking scumbags such as those who rule over us and their minions who infest our “governments” and “councils” – a lot of scumbag Freemasons in there, who have all attended and taken part in occultist black magic ritualism – its the only way you can become a Mason.

We as humans have failed in our duties to God in every way. The people running the Churches are ignorant, morons and scumbags. The arts we accept as normal (certainly mainstream music and film which are the most powerful and popular of the arts) in many instances are little more than glorified Satanic/occultist rituals – spellcasting and hypnotism mediums. Children are raised and reared on this crap – that and the toxic food. Then you have the psychological conditioning of children – Disney666, true evil embedded in children’s programming….. muzzling them, terrorising them, brainwashing them with lies and fear and trauma programming.

You could write a billion pages of text and more in that tone about these pieces of shit and what they have done to this world.

This is the result of whole populations sitting back and doing and saying nothing while The Scumbag Network runs riot with near total impunity. Think what happened after they did 9/11. Nothing, there was NO PUBLIC RETALIATION for the most egregious crime ever,then they were blatantly lying about reasons to start wars (they jsut kept changing the reason we were going to war, desperately trying to hit on something that would resonate with the public) in the wake of this event. They then went on to excel themselves with the scamdemic, and now they are literally shooting up six month old babies and unborn foetuses with the poisonous Convid shots.

People at the BBC, Oxford University and Imperial College, GOVUK, “Civil” Servants, all British councils, all education bodies and centres, the entire MSM, the police and military, the NHS – these are the foot soldiers for The Scumbag Network. They are betraying their own, they are screwing our lives up and they are fomenting the destruction of freedom itself on behalf of these pieces of shit and they had better start owning up to that, before this rotten evil destroys everything that makes life worth living, more than it already has.

Apr 6, 2023 12:43 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The Fire Brigade join in on the treason and terror campaign against the British people. Tragic.

Exact time set for UK’s first ever Emergency Alerts system test on mobile phones

Millions of mobile phones across the UK will emit a loud alarm and vibrate in a nationwide test of a new public alert system later this month.

National Fire Chiefs Council chairman Mark Hardingham said: “For 10 seconds the national test may be inconvenient for some, but please forgive us for the intrusion because, the next time you hear, it your life, and the life-saving actions of our emergency services, could depend on it.”

Apr 6, 2023 1:09 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Despicable. Give them a uniform, money and a job for life and they will do ANYTHING.

Apr 6, 2023 2:44 PM
Reply to  Mucho

“Life-saving actions of our emergency services” of which the very best example is the National Homicide Service – delivering death on every ward but calling it “Do not resuscitate”.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Apr 6, 2023 6:16 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Guess what. I don’t have a mobile phone. Go(l)d is good. Get out on precious metals. They’ve been around for 5000 years plus and – contrary to all the other fakes which they would palm you off with – they will come into their own. Bet on it.

Apr 6, 2023 8:05 PM
Reply to  Graham Greene

can you eat it?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 9, 2023 1:46 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

“What good is a phonecall, if you are unable to speak, Mr. Anderson”.

jay cronus
jay cronus
Apr 6, 2023 6:59 PM
Reply to  Mucho

I trust that everyone has gone into their phone settings and disabled the alert system prior to this bullshit.

Apr 6, 2023 1:20 PM
Reply to  Mucho

This is the result of whole populations sitting back and doing and saying nothing…’ – I get your point and agree but ‘they’ own the guns, the media, the govt, even the churches – as well as most if not all the rest of the institutions so there is no 1 group to turn to. The whole idea is that as individuals we are left demoralised and ‘helpless’. They are waging war and the populations are their target. You even acknowledge that in your comment so turning on the ‘populations’ is exactly what they want anyway.

The powers of this world are demonic – they are not flesh and blood. People need to understand that as to have any contemplation about ‘winning’. There is only ONE winner anyway and He has won already. As mere mortals best align with Him now for time is short.

Ephesians 6:12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 9, 2023 1:48 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 9, 2023 12:54 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Dont include me me and some other people. There is still divine people among us, not everyone and everything is rotten.
Just listen to this perfect piece of music and you will admit God’s creation can still keep up against any digital wallet or AI. https://youtu.be/Guii4bnBpSQ Besame Mucho, Angela Aguilar

Apr 6, 2023 9:05 AM

The alternative to SWIFT that is being designed by nations who are fed up of being sanctioned at N ATO’s whims has DIDDLY SQUAT to do with the pipe dream dystopia of retail programmable digital currency.

The problem in NATO banking systems is NOT the digital currency per se. The problem is the corrupt banking system which operates like a casino and has been doing so since Glass Steagall.

People are freaking out about a digital currency when they should be freaking out about the fact that for over FIFTEEN YEARS, when you put 10,000 dollars in a bank account, you have in purchasing power parity only 9,000 (if you’re lucky) 12 months later.

What I see however is that the China Russia angle to create a currency independent of the petrodollar is being used to freak people out about the totally unrelated digital programmable retail currency.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Apr 6, 2023 1:35 PM
Reply to  Sara

Unrelated? China was the first country in the world to issues a CBDC. Russia CBDC “platform” requires “customers” to access it using biometric Digital ID, stored on a central database manged by a public-private partnership, which the Russian government has already suggested could be incorporate into “brain chips.”

Everything you say about the current monetary system and the development of alternative payment, financial notification and currency systems being a response to the heavy handed manipulation of the existing “order” is true. But to imagine, for a second, that the offered “solution” is unrelated to the “pipe dream dystopia of retail programmable digital currency” is not supported by any evidence.

With respect, you are wrong.

Apr 6, 2023 2:48 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

What exactly is your thesis? That we should be scared of digital currency BECAUSE of China?
The uptake of the eyuan digital currency in two years of the trial scheme has been a piffling $14 billion despite being made available on Wechat and Alipay.
Are you worried about China’s 1.4 billion people being tracked on every purchase they make? Do you even understand what kind of energy consumption that would take?
I am not worried China because the Chinese will kick to the curb any PBOC governor who tries something that idiotic. After all they managed to kick the national vax mandate into a dustbin before it even took off.

Are you scared about retail programmable digital currency in the UK? If so, why bring China into it? Anything you write about always, eventually ties back to China and I can’t understand why. China is “ajead” on a lot of things. They are highly technologically advanced. In real terms introduction of a digital currency makes no practical difference to electronic payments where first introduced.
The only problem is if governments behave nefariously with their populations. I don’t see evidence of that in China. That sort of dystopia is only happening in NATO.

Proton Magic
Proton Magic
Apr 8, 2023 12:07 PM
Reply to  Sara

Ian is correct because the world is run by a VICIOUS CRIME SYNDICATE

Apr 6, 2023 8:10 AM

Well, it pisses me off no end.
As a part time busker I see less and less cash landing in my kitty. Only made $25 today! A good day would be $80-$100.

But then again, I’m as guilty as the next punter because I do use plastic to pay for medium size purchases.

What makes it worse is nobody is buying CDs anymore and I’ve got a small stockpile of original songs to flog.
Any takers?

Apr 6, 2023 7:59 AM

More Fear porn from Iain…

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Apr 6, 2023 9:32 AM
Reply to  switchedON

Are you suggesting the threat isn’t real? There are plenty of people advocating CBDC, especially the multipolar versions. Nor will the MSM discuss any of this. I did intend to highlight the risks, but I also started and concluded the piece by pointing out that we do not have to use CBDC. These articles have been written with the express intention of informing people about CBDC in order to encourage resistance and to avoid people blindly accepting CBDC without understanding the costs.

Apr 6, 2023 12:38 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Iain, I use cash as much as possible. Always have. But I don’t see how us using cash is going to stop this CBDC nightmare.
If local banks initiate cbdc and phase out cash how is my continuing to use cash going to stop anything? Catherine Austin Fitts suggests the same, that by using cash we can fight back.
Already here in Boston, MA many stores have eliminated cashiers and substituted self check out. In most stores there are one, maybe two self check where you can use cash. The rest are cards only.
At Whole Foods all of the self check machines are card only. I threw a bit of a fit recently when I had one item to pay for and had to stand behind a woman with a cart load of groceries in the “live” cashier line. I complained very loudly. The manager apologized and gave me my item for free. Thank you Jeff Bezos!
Seriously, it has already begun with this phasing in of “no cash”. Fenway Park is cashless. Boston Garden is cashless. Large food mart in Fenway area is cashless.
A number of parking facilities are now cashless.
I’m still wondering how nefarious businesses who operate ONLY in cash are going to handle cbdc’s. Some of these businesses are very very powerful. In fact some of these businesses control the people/politicians/bankers who will be instituting the new realm.
Thank you for all of your very detailed work, Iain.
I hope we can develop a viable alternative to this, yet another, control mechanism.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Apr 6, 2023 6:38 PM
Reply to  judith

How many tons of gold are stored in the vaults of respective governments around the world?. Impossible to calculate. But if anything they will continue to grow because gold is the only real value. And it is being, as was always the case, used as a weapon of global warfare. Why do you think China and Russia are buying heaps of gold to take on the global west! From China, to Russia, to Saudi Arabia, to Iran, to India, to Brazil, much of Africa. There is a war going on and chief among the national armouries of the confrontation between the great powers and their followers are their power to wage wars when possible or actual. But wars cost money, gold money, lots of it.

The penny doesn’t seem to have dropped that the CBDC is just one weapon in the armoury of war-making by the great powers and their governments and peoples. Strange to say they are not – as some people seem to imagine – all in it together.

Apr 7, 2023 12:35 PM
Reply to  Graham Greene

When all the gold is stockpiled what will they do with it?
Who’s gonna buy it?
Who could afford it?
How will they pay for it?
A shiny, malleable metal that you can’t eat or make clothes with.
What’s the attraction?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 9, 2023 2:20 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

The problem is government can just declare gold as illegal tender. Then it get difficult to find buyers of gold in the public space and we are back to black markets.
The banks can refuse to accept gold as payment or security.
Gold and silver are illiquide. But splendid as backbone value.

Apr 9, 2023 12:49 AM
Reply to  judith

“Already here in Boston, MA many stores have eliminated cashiers and substituted self check out. In most stores there are one, maybe two self check where you can use cash. The rest are cards only.”


Happening all across America! A week or two before Russia invaded, the government of Ukraine outlawed cash transactions and instituted CBDC for small retail businesses — appears to have been forgotten in the “fog of war”!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 9, 2023 2:14 AM
Reply to  judith

Catherine Austin Fitts suggestion to use cash on Friday only is a joke.
The average Joe’s revenge.

The problem is the mix in and invasion of your telephone and your computer with your physical bank account and your physical ID. Big Tech’s access to your account and a false ID.
Be sure when you get hacked or have trojan horses in your computer or phone siphoning petty money out of your account its your fault.

Plus they can misuse your Digital ID to get the money you should have received without informing you..

Apr 6, 2023 3:26 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

The threat of CBDCs is real but CBDCs are not the whole story. People shilling Bitcoin and Crypto in general are doing a favor to TPTB. You just have to look to Bilderberg’s Steering Committee member Peter Thiel promoting Bitcoin to understand that decentralization is a Trojan Horse, or look at despicable dictator Nayib Bukele from El Salvador shilling Bitcoin while building the state’s digital infrastructure on Algorand Blockchain platform (https://www.weforum.org/organizations/algorand-foundation), or look at Trilateralist Eric Schmidt becoming Chainlink’s advisor.
They created Distributed Ledger Technology because is an integral part of the social control system they want to impose. If DLTs were such a threat to legacy Banksters, why would they be promoting so hard the TOKENIZATION of EVERYTHING? https://bankenverband.de/en/tokenise-europe2025/

Apr 6, 2023 9:18 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

The bitcoinization of everything is inevitable and does not prove that Satoshi was deep state. Banks are uniformly against crypto despite your cherry-picked link.

Apr 6, 2023 9:48 PM

Cherry-picked link?
“Tokenize Europe 2024” is an initiative that has multiple european banks as partners, including Santander, BBVA, Deutsche Bank and others.

Apr 8, 2023 8:37 PM
Reply to  Rodrigo

on a lighter note,

“Tolkienise Europe” as there are so many trolls and alleged orcs at hand

; )

Proton Magic
Proton Magic
Apr 8, 2023 12:40 PM

Nakamoto Satoshi in English translates to Center Enlightment or Central Intelligence. Want to rethink that one?

Apr 9, 2023 12:54 AM
Reply to  Proton Magic

I have no idea if any connection — so pure supposition on my part — but not that long before bitcoin appeared on the scene, a 2–year contracted study at MIT with the top banks ended, and nothing was really ever heard about it or from it?!

Proton Magic
Proton Magic
Apr 9, 2023 1:23 AM
Reply to  sgt_doom

I think your comment is a reply meant for another comment, not mine.

Apr 9, 2023 2:48 AM
Reply to  sgt_doom

Oh yeah, MIT has everything to do with all of this Blockchain stuff, starting with Joi Ito founding the Digital Currency Initiative
Remember he stepped down from MIT Media Lab due to his relation with transhumanist pedo Jeffrey Epstein.
From MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory comes Silvio Micali, Algorand’s founder, the Blockchain platform chosen by autocrat Bukele to tokenize the people from El Salvador.
MIT is one of the scientific fronts of the Great Reset.

Apr 9, 2023 12:50 AM
Reply to  Rodrigo

AGAIN, perfectly articulated!!!!

jay cronus
jay cronus
Apr 6, 2023 7:05 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Hello Iain,
Have you given any thought to the period directly after any introduction of CBDC’s? I think this may be the catalyst for the largest ever black market economy or perhaps it could be called a true free market?

Apr 9, 2023 12:55 AM
Reply to  jay cronus

Will that be during the next plandemic lockdown?!?!

Apr 6, 2023 3:22 PM
Reply to  switchedON

ECB president Lagarde has talked about the coming rollout of a digital Euro and admitted there will be a control aspect to it. A few governors and members of congress in the US have spoken out about it and initiated legislation to oppose the introduction of a Fed Reserve digital currency. The threat is real.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Apr 6, 2023 6:45 AM

An eye opener.
Its already being launched in South Africa. The usual suspects are involved BMGF and Rockefeller. Here its called payShap
ID2020 with Rockefeller Foundation, ID4D with World Bank and ID4Africa with United Nations and World Bank.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 6, 2023 6:43 AM

It’s already game over.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 9, 2023 2:25 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

We old dinosaurs have our rights to revolt. They cant hang us all..

Apr 6, 2023 6:01 AM

I wholeheartedly welcome the introduction of the CBDCs because it will create a huge business opportunity for the enterprising mind. It can be assumed that CBDCs will be used to curb consumption or, more accurately, force people to consume and consequently behave along certain patterns. Likewise, digital currency can be used as a means of persecution, like if you don’t keep you fucking mouth shut and say that Joe Fucking Bidet is a no good motherfucker, they’ll cancel your digital cash and you’ll be up the fucking creek. No paddle.

Anyway, suppose everybody gets allotted a certain quantity of this commodity, that commodity, the other commodity. Fine. Who gives a shit? We’ll trade that stuff on a secondary black market created for this purpose. The government and the bankers can go fuck themselves. You need gas to drive wherever, but have run out gas credits? No problem! I’ll give you my gas allotment in exchange, for instance, for your allotment of credits for sexual entertainment because that’s something you don’t need since you got a limp dick and can’t get it up (just kidding). So on, so forth.

For fucks sakes, stop whining and incredulously enumerating all the shit they’re foisting on you. It’s not the first time in history. And much worse things than this happened. Start thinking about what you’re gonna do.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Apr 6, 2023 1:39 PM
Reply to  Svejk

Agreed……….. and tell everyone about it because, if we think we are going to resist this global drive to CBDC without widespread resistance and cooperation on a significant scale, we are deluding ourselves.

jay cronus
jay cronus
Apr 6, 2023 7:07 PM
Reply to  Svejk

Yep, black (free) market on super steroids!

Proton Magic
Proton Magic
Apr 8, 2023 12:41 PM
Reply to  Svejk

If they can arrest you for not wearing a mask do you think it’ll be that easy? I hope you are right!

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 6, 2023 3:44 AM

Could be very difficult. We saw what could happen and did happen in some countries regarding a faked pandemic to those who didn’t comply. It never got to, or hasn’t gotten to, Defcon One, i.e., the shit hits the fan stage, but it wasn’t hard to envision a total ostracization which would literally require us to create and find alternative ways to eat and house ourselves, create employment, get medical care, education, the whole bit. If it comes to that, those sticking it out would be in a very small minority akin to some science fiction movie after the Apocalypse. Hiding out, scavenging, avoiding, sacrificing. I’m not in favor of giving in to these bastards, i.e., having to live on the edge to avoid their edicts. We all have one life to live as do our supposed rulers and fuck them. I’m in favor of taking them down. I think that should be the first order of business. They’ve already gone too far, they are not stopping, and they WILL go all the way. The question is, are there enough of us, on this planet, that want to stop them?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Apr 6, 2023 4:33 AM

To relate that to GBR, think of a smirking Tony Blair and George W. Bush and a whole bunch of their fancy rich friends dressed to the gills with jewelry worth more than the total wealth of the bottom 80% enjoying a dinner in an opulent palace – while you and your family are scrounging dumpsters and trading for food with your “survival currency” before hiding out in your lean-to in the forest because you won’t give in to their royal proclamations.
Sounds all nice and good about building alternative communities, aka, hippie communes, but that could end of being pie in the sky wishful thinking. And those willing to take that road are few and far between.
No, we can’t let that happen. We’re in a war, stop talking about survival and start talking about winning.

Apr 6, 2023 2:51 AM

Distributed Ledger Technology is not a solution, it has been part of their plan since the beginning. Do you still think that Satoshi Nakamoto is the real thing? Bitcoin was engineered and launched as a public relations device to acclimate the masses to a world without cash and to unleash the ultimate weapon of social engineering: the Blockchain. Read the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Schwab, he says clearly that distributed ledger technology is a fundamental tool for the future they want to impose on all of us. Web3 is a military project, just as ARPANET, INTERNET and the WWW.
Decentralization is not a tool for emancipation because they need it to biomimic the complex adaptive system that is the human brain. Just look at Ben Goertzel’s SingularityNet platform running on Cardano’s Blockchain. DLTs are the medium for the inoculation of exogenous stigmergy to guide the self-organization of the Global Brain Singularity.

Apr 6, 2023 11:51 AM
Reply to  Rodrigo


Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Apr 6, 2023 1:17 PM

The Luddites were right. They did lose their livelihoods and their skill did cease to exist.

Apr 6, 2023 1:27 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Ned! Ned!
Where are you!

Apr 6, 2023 2:24 AM

If we cooperate in sufficient numbers, we could create an economy based upon an entirely voluntary monetary system.

It would be great if this had a high probability. I’m sceptical. The WEF has already figured out the endgame and how most people are going to react to CBDC’s. Most of us are too comfortable. People will comply in order to stay in their comfort zones. That’s how the human psyche works. The authorities have been planning and endgaming this for decades. They have proved with the plandemic that most people will gladly exchange their autonomy for security.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 10, 2023 9:27 PM

The sheeple would sell their soul for a 1 week holiday trip.
“cooperate in sufficient numbers”…………………LOL. My apologize for being the negative guy with the cold shower.

Apr 6, 2023 1:31 AM

The 90+% of humanity need to have more mongrel in them because they are oblivious to what the Morlocks intend doing. Passively behaving like helpless Elois is obviously moving perfectly in lock-step with ‘The time Machine’ planning.
I’m of the opinion that it doesn’t really matter what variety of DC is ‘invented’ they will ALL be as fragile as fiat-currency and worse still, beholden to whomever controls the power-grids. And, anyone who has experienced temporary electronic blackouts/power-surges knows that the banks/businesses go into a real flap when the e-power malfunctions … even momentarily. Therefore, ANYONE proposing an e-currency must have nefarious intentions.

Apr 7, 2023 7:25 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

The word decentralisation is thrown around, but this is more centralisation/globalisation insanity. The biggest and simplest current threat is organised and freelance digital crime. It proves that all claims of security are bull.

Then, comes electricity supply, safety of machines (including personal devices), complexity (scope for error due to no. of system-wide components and scale), electromagnetic pulse (from bombs or a solar CME), and temperature (energy to keep the machines in the safe range in extreme weather).

Apr 6, 2023 1:27 AM

at LEAST 2 books:
1. The Zero Percent –
Secrets of the United States,
the Power of Trust, Nationality,
Banking & ZERO TAXES!
Written By: Du’Vaul Dey
2. Redemption Manual
5.0 Series (Book 1)
-Free From Servitude-
Becoming the Secured Party Creditor
Written by: The American’s Bulletin and Sovereign filing Solutions

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Apr 6, 2023 12:21 AM

Have to also consider that they will mandate payment via CBDC for any and all government fees and taxes. Taxes will be the most likely avenue to go after people for seizure of property, not unlike today, just on a massive scale.

Killing the banks will be a breach of contract for mortgages and other loans by making them payable only with CBDC, giving the consumers a way out.

Won’t work that way for taxes.

Apr 6, 2023 12:44 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Social Security payments and medicare will end up cbdc.
Already, years ago, many work place establishments began direct deposit payment. We no longer received a check at the end of the week. You were forced to take direct deposit or you could be paid with a debit card.
It starts off slowly….

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Apr 6, 2023 12:18 AM

BEYOND THE RESET – Animated Short Film

A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us.

Spoiler: you will get to see an animated Klaus Schwab.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWkepoLUZfs&w=560&h=315%5D

Apr 5, 2023 11:59 PM

When the world economy goes belly up, it really won’t matter who’s holding the bag. Nor will it make much difference if the bag contains greenbacks or digital do-dads.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Apr 6, 2023 12:13 AM
Reply to  Howard

The very reason they are currently consolidating medical services, banking, and all means of production. There will be no more open and free markets. They will control the system to the point your only option to buy anything will be their digital do-dads. Assuming of course that you have an appropriate social score, that will require every death clot jab they push, and a mark.

Apr 6, 2023 1:37 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

“It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.”

Apr 6, 2023 1:40 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Uncle Klaus’s and Billy Goat Gates’s microchips.

Apr 6, 2023 1:29 AM
Reply to  Howard

It could make a bit of a difference, H. When the electricity grid collapses, as it did in both Germany and Texas not so long ago, or when there is a DDOS attack, or a ransomware attack, or an EMP event, or a satellite fails unexpectedly, or the system just crashes, as is its wont, physical cash/ greenbacks might still be usable, assuming that money has not become completely worthless, while digital do-dads would not.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 10, 2023 10:30 PM
Reply to  paul

I think they have thought about everything to secure there is no escape.
Gold, coins, jewelry and papermoney will be unlawful and worthless.

A German
A German
Apr 5, 2023 11:03 PM

Maybe an interesting initiative started in switzerland and until now active in german-speaking countries as one possible role model? …:

The Free Economic Forum (FEF) is the leading forum for a modern, liberal economic and social order in Europe.

The focus is on promoting an innovative, liberal market economy and strengthening entrepreneurship, which is ensured by advanced innovation technologies.

In regular events, personalities from all areas of the economy and society meet for an active exchange of opinions and cross-sector dialogue in order to rethink liberalism in the 21st century, to open up digital currency & value creation models for small and medium-sized enterprises and to network like-minded people.

We support discussed projects in order to implement them and organise all necessary resources, decision-makers and special know-how.

Apr 6, 2023 1:34 PM
Reply to  A German

Interesting, specifically in that the BIS headquarters are in Basel, Switzerland !

A German
A German
Apr 6, 2023 9:39 PM
Reply to  DavidF

And Rockefellers sit in USA…. so American initiatives are all bad??

No reason to condemn the people there!

You have internalised collective guilt. But it is wrong because it always depends on the persons. There is no collective, there is no race, that is totalitarian thinking.

This is nonsense from the Rockefelkerian world of eugenics that haunts people’s minds….

Apr 8, 2023 10:07 AM
Reply to  DavidF

Tower of Basel by Adam Lebor is a must read.

Apr 6, 2023 4:05 PM
Reply to  A German

CH ? come on… a rank hive of deep evil.

A German
A German
Apr 6, 2023 9:46 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

Surely you carefully examined the contents of the initiative before coming to the conclusion that everything that comes from Switzerland must be evil?

I come from Germany, we had Hitler, so I must be evil too?

Some come from the UK like Darwin, Galton and Huxley, they invented Eugenics there, so they must be evil, right?

The US has been the driver of useless wars with all the presidents, so you can’t trust any initiative there, right?

My advice to you is to differentiate and objectively examine content instead of your sweeping prejudices.

Apr 7, 2023 5:00 PM
Reply to  A German

no, you fail to join dots.

Proton Magic
Proton Magic
Apr 8, 2023 1:05 PM
Reply to  A German

You are correct my friend

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 10, 2023 10:35 PM
Reply to  A German

Yes its generalisation. The usual leftist racism newspeak.
Noone is more discriminating than liberals with all their prejudice, BLM, LGBTQ, women, m.m. bs.

Caroline Fisher
Caroline Fisher
Apr 5, 2023 10:46 PM

Excellent in terms of interesting content relevant to us all, well researched, clearly written and highly evocative. Thanks for this article Iain.

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 5, 2023 10:37 PM

All their overly elaborate plans have weak points. Above all, a regular and reliable source of electricity is necessary. Any blackouts and their system is kaput.

Meanwhile, local people everywhere will organise themselves – local currencies, barter, markets, exchanges, bullion, swapping services, etc. We will be more creative than ever and this is already happening. My own community has been moving towards a more self-sufficient system – in a small way – for several years now.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Apr 6, 2023 12:11 AM
Reply to  May Hem

You aren’t thinking about the most recent projects. As in Musks StarLink and similar projects. They won’t need a complete grid, just power at central locations in their smart cities. They will only need to provide power for local devices that connect to their satellite based internet.

I imagine they already have stockpiled all the Point Of Sale machines with the ability to communicate with their satellite network. They can EMP entire continents, then roll out their “fixes” to all the population centers, hook up the POS machines, and boom, ready to make sales only in CBDC.

If you live outside the city, they will just wait for you to starve, and crawl to them for food, etc. They will be happy to give you your UBI, and mark on your head and hand.

Granted, they will slow roll as long as possible.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Apr 6, 2023 1:36 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

How on Earth do/did people survive outside cities without electricity for so long? It can happen again if you have the land and the skills, and if you haven’t got those skills, now is a good time to start learning.

For example, I have made friends with the farm where I buy a lot of my food from, directly. They know that I know how to build. I am very willing to exchange my labour and skills for their goods. And that’s how we’ll have to get around it, simply put.

Get rid of the smartphone, first up. That is job number one for anyone intetrested in resisting what the elite scumbags have planned.

Apr 7, 2023 7:43 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Driving people from wilderness, the commons and rural areas into urban areas is the goal of
-. governments ignoring the atrocities of big businesses, enforcing selective laws that favour them, failing to provide essential services, and seizing or rezoning land
-. finance bankrupting such rural people.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 9, 2023 3:23 PM
Reply to  mgeo

“Driving people from wilderness”? People in rural areas and wilderness especially the young are crazy to get into urban areas, the more big city the better.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Apr 9, 2023 12:00 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

You are standing OUTSIDE in the rain,dirty, cold, freezing, stormy, too hot, dirty weather, working hard sweaty stinking to make a simple little ladder up to your veranda.
Pulling a bucket up from the bottom of your well, zig zagging down the gravel road on your mountain bike in your forest full of mosquitoes by dawn while you are resisting these Elite scumbags and damn motherfuckers.

While I am sitting INSIDE in a comfortable leather chair in the office, drinking cappuccino with two pieces of chocolate, wearing a rose perfumed suit, making my stack into the stock market on my screen, sending an email with a kiss to the butt of my Elite bosses, before I take the elevator down to the basement and walk out to my Buick and drive home while hearing the latest Tupac concert ………………LOL.