No brakes on Moscow’s biosecurity charade
PCR tests & genetic injections will forever protect the “epidemiological well-being of the population”
Riley Waggaman

Anna Popova and Tatyana Golikova, flanked by their army of insufferable masked Virus Nannies. March 24, 2023.
The masterminds behind Moscow’s Sanitary Shield—a medley of PCR testing facilities and “vaccine” development centers—met in late March to review the progress of their not-fit-for-purpose biosecurity Iron Curtain.
Anna Popova, head of Rospotrebnadzor—Russia’s federal agency for protecting “human well-being”, and the country’s de facto COVID Cops—told the gathering of public health bureaucrats that great strides had been made over the past two years:
16 new reagents for diagnosing infections have been developed, 153 PCR centers across the country have been equipped, equipment has been purchased for 48 sequencing centers, and four platforms have been created to quickly develop vaccines. The Perimeter epidemiological monitoring system has been launched at more than 240 border crossing points.
Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova—who is not only a selfless public servant, but also a seasoned “pandemic” profiteer—said more needed to be done to ensure the “epidemiological well-being of the population”:
In order to monitor the variability of pathogens of infectious diseases, it is necessary to ensure the establishment of six new sequencing centers this year. By the end of 2023, 54 such centers should be operational. [We will also] increase the number of vaccine development platforms to six, and develop 23 new test systems for diagnosing infections in 60 minutes; there will be a total of 39 test systems. [We will] provide 19 institutions of Rospotrebnadzor with nine new mobile rapid response laboratories, and continue updating the national electronic catalog of microorganisms. By 2025, it should contain more than 40 thousand strains.
The ultimate goal, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, is to create an anti-virus “shield” that will be able to “develop its own test systems within four days,” as well as “create an effective domestic vaccine in the shortest possible time.”
In other words: Russia’s strategy to ward off alleged biosecurity threats revolves around PCR testing and the rapid deployment of “vaccines.”
This is slightly worrying because neither of these innovative public health tools actually safeguard public health. Quite the opposite, as the last three years have very clearly shown.
Off-Guardian recently updated its excellent COVID crib sheet, which provides numerous well-cited reasons why PCR tests are not fit for purpose.
What about those safe and effective “vaccines”?
Golikova earlier endorsed Sputnik V’s unproven genetic platform as a template for all future Sanitary Shield injections. Not very reassuring when you review Sputnik V’s track record.
Does any of this make sense if Russia is under siege from Western bio-terror—as some, including Moscow, have suggested?
There is no reason to envy Russia’s shield of sanitation, because probably one day soon you’ll have your own. Moscow wants to create a global sanitary shield.

source: TASS
Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov made the modest proposal during November’s G20 summit in Bali:
The head of the Russian Ministry of Finance noted the need to prevent fragmentation of the global healthcare system and maintain the central role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in it, and also shared the experience of creating a rapid response system to pandemics in Russia within the framework of [Russia’s] current “Sanitary Shield,” which involves the creation of a system for the rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases, accelerated development of test systems and vaccines in the event of new epidemiological threats.
“We believe that a similar sanitary shield could be built at the global level,” the Minister said.
A true visionary.
Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.
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Squabbling over the slice of the pie, yet the fraud of pcr/covid/virus is warmly embraced by all….
What sort of people want to create a world defended by sanitary shields?! Who are all these freaks that come up with this nonsense?! We need a shield against greedy, power hungry assholes hiding behind masks and pretending to care about more than just money and power.
Rejoice, for God is separating the wheat from the chaff! The chaff are all those who follow the dictates of those demonic assholes.
The same people who re-invented their own wheel of fortune in Sanitary Towels,
And other devices appeasing a woman’s sensibilities, so caringly >>> itsa’ miracle women
Survived for Millenia… without the pill & PCR test .
Progressive Count Ratings, minus the ‘o’ …
& Gender Neutral.
Whole thing is middle class American China & Russia they are sanitary freak social distance Space cadets imo.
Seems to me a lot of people just don’t want to lose their hero and would like to pretend it’s still the good old days before 2020 when Putin looked like a real defender of humanity. I think they just can’t take the new post-covid reality. They keep making excuses and avoiding the facts.
Truth is there are no defenders of humanity among the elites. Some of them just play the part for a while. We need to wake up
Yup. The real war is not between East and West, but between the élites and the people everywhere.
The crucial ideological transformation of our time.
And yet … the choice of wording here being the key aspect …
No intention ‘to self-isolate’. Why that particular choice of expression, I wonder. Surely not rolling back the narrative … offering the proverbial middle finger to the Roman Empire
Secretly still all in it together, though, of course
No, Putin is not rolling back the narrative. Not even a little bit. He’s selling the narrative. He’s promoting the narrative. It might be time to face reality and give up the QAnon fantasizing?
There’s a fair bit of history to East-West tensions. From at least the Crusades onwards.
Covid didn’t erase all that, though it would have been good if it had. Covid as the solution to World Peace
What part of vaccine mandates, QR code scanning, social credit scoring and Central Bank Digital Currency do you not understand? Putin is a bought and paid for banker boss puppet like every national leader in the world.
What’s the alternative to Government? Uncollected bins, potholes in the roads.
If there were one, then I’d be all ears …
Were anarchists ever to get in charge, the first thing they’d do would be to organise a meeting and choose a leader
Ok, we need infrastructure, but that doesn’t mean you need to have faith in any of the fat cats running the show or believe in their soap operas or their manufactured differences. Putin is just another puppet. The evidence for that is undeniable.
The ‘undeniable’ evidence for Putin being a puppet being …?
For the prosecution:
That Putin went along with Covid
For the defence:
Putin is the head of a country. A country with a geography. A country with a history. A country with a language. A country with a people – a people with memories of the past. A country which has fought wars in its defence. A country with a religion. A country with a literature …
The evidence for him being a puppet seems less substantial. Case dismissed
Both sides of your case could be true.
Sorry, but your “logic” here doesn’t make any sense. Since Putin went along with Covid (and he is still doing that), then he went against the Russians those days and he is still going against them.
No “case dismissed” here.
Try driving in San Diego sometime…. More government doesn’t solve the pothole problem.
Essential services like provision of food and shelter, clothing etc are already provided on a voluntary basis. Nobody, in the west at least, is required by law to grow wheat, build houses or make jumpers. This suggests that other essential services could also be provided by empowered communities acting for the common good. As capitalism in its various forms is causing chaos, barbarism and ecocide around the world, could true anarchism be worse than this? As for leadership, well that ain’t Anarchy comrade.
Communities working together is the alternative.
have you seen the current state of “society”?
“working together” to fuck up their most capable people and ruin them, whilst the evil lazy incompetents rool the roost.. seems all the rage.
community is a by-word for Agenda 21, with all its stake-holders, partners, scopees – a hijacked pile of shite.
another nice idea.
I totally agree with that statement. Human organizations that exceed the partnership of two persons, are the most destructive social forces on the planet. It’s the organizations, folks. Organizations.
The longer the “organ” plays, the more it sucks the life out of your independence.
Participative democracy is the only real democracy. Assemblies over “representatives”. That’s the only true government we can have.
you mean peoples’ courts? bring it on, after the eejits have been culled.
; )
Unfortunately I think you are correct. Meanwhile whilst we are all distracted by the “NEW GREAT WAR”, Ukraine has literally gone fully digital (test bed ?) and Russia is not that far behind … but Russia are clever and do not centralise the instructions, they (like with the jabs), put it back to the regions – Global Mayors ???, Smart Cities ???.
Personally I am gutted as I had them as the great “white and Christian” hope…
PS If an IT idiot like me, can read RT every morning and see how “mainstream”, pushing the narratives and agenda subtly and cleverly they have become… you know it is all smoke and mirrors. The World’s a stage.
Ukraine has become the model worldwide for digital IDs and the complete digital transformation of society.
yet was the least jabbed country in eorpa???
ukr has certainly been a test run to see how quickly, and how much you can ruin a people into digitalised misanthropes. they seem have to excelled themselves there.
Do not forget the grain, now not going to the African Countries from Uraine.
Regards the jabbing in Ukraine, I found this with may interest you.
Meaning the war in Donbass is a scam too. A cover for pulling the digital sack over a fearful population.
Another proof Kremlin is double speaker like the rest.
probably correct – they are just emptying the place to build back better.
I thought all IT guys were 2-dimensional flat earth, but some of you can see things in the 3-dimension too. Fine.
Lol, but my comment was either poorly written or you misinterpreted it. When I stated “IT idiot like me, can read RT”, maybe I should have put “IT-IDIOT” or “IT IGNORANT”, because apart from pressing the on-switch of my laptop and using basic MS office; I neither have any idea nor interest in IT. But when the EU or UK threatened everyone about RT, RT had a page where you could press a button and download something called Torre or something (to stay watching the site), so I did it as my Company loaded virus and safety stuff on my computer =.job done.
But, thanks, I shall take your comment as a compliment; funny effer, lol.
Its the same theme, “our equal partners” for a nearly decade now.
Putin is willing to cooperate with Pfizer and Moderna about booster shots, WEF about QR codes, BIS about digital wallets, China about Social scorecards, Carney and Sir Winterbottom about Green Clima Change, you name it.
No worries, the multipolar world will save us all.
The ultimate goal, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, is to create an anti-virus “shield” that will be able to “develop its own test systems within four days,” as well as “create an effective domestic vaccine in the shortest possible time.”
I am almost certain that President Putin knows full well that this is just another strategic excuse, not for the health of the population, but for further population reduction in Russia in particular – despite what’s going on in Ukraine at this point in time. If that happens to be the case, however ‘far fetched’ it may appear to some, it would be just another expression of the madness that has “infected” the world’s leaders including the Russian President – but they are just pawns in the game of global chess governed by occult forces.
I don’t know how anyone could expect anything less from a KGB man.
He raised Russia up from a smashed Sovjet. So I think most people had their good reasons to expect something a little better. So it is all a question of ability to seduce people, make believe.
Anyone who hopes in this world will be disappointed.
These people are all enlisted spokesmen for massive trading corporations
Yes. Exactly. The entire political quagmire revolves around corporate racketeering disguised as “trade”.The corporate system created all forms of civilian enslavement. No one wants to face the music.
I’d like to get an idea of what folks are planning to do in the face of the implementation of CBDCs, which could be coming sooner rather than later.
Are you withdrawing money from the bank and buying gold/silver? Are you taking it out in cash, i.e., Federal Reserve Notes, or whatever currency you’re dealing with? If possible please explain your rationale for whatever approach you’re taking.
Yes, and yes. I’m withdrawing cash and I’m buying silver.
Buy tins of corned beef and jars of coffee and stuff them under the bed.
Substitute currency for when money becomes worthless. Aspirin, paracetamol, batteries, ammunition.
Equipment for making beer and spirits. You could be the most popular man in the area when things get really bad.
Meanwhile, you’ll get cancer.
as you eat coins?
VT, I would also add heart palpitations from the coffee, haemorrhages from the Aspirin currency , liver damage from paracetamol and the reward for making plenty of beer and spirits from the “equipment” namely, a cirrhotic liver. Oh! not to mention bowel cancer from the stash of tins of corned beef “under the bed” which can putrefy in the intestines if one becomes constipated after eating enough! – long term use of course, and, also if one manages to live that long nowadays.
Okay, lay in a big stock of lentils and mung beans and tinned tofu instead.
There is always a vegetarian option.
And you could make the beer alcohol free, but you wouldn’t be as popular.
Insofar as ‘popularity’ is concerned Paul I agree. But there’s always a price to pay, one way or another, for the choice’s we make regarding what’s considered to be good for our health and otherwise.
after the past 3 years? that took ten years off me, I intend to spend the rest being as otherwise healthy as i choose ; )
Which is worse? Dying from cancer or living as a slave in the new system our overlords have in mind? Personally, I’ll take the cancer. There are worse things than death, and I think we’re about to get some examples of those fairly soon.
Stuff to barter. Good idea.
Beef, coffee and alcohol are useless.
Not after the collapse. People would need their vices. Tobacco as well. Cigarettes could form an alternative currency.
You can buy sheets of gold divided up into 1g tear off squares.
gulag rules fool, people could eat industrial lubricants (“american butter”) in the taiga camps, probably kept them alive..
see how long you last on salad ; ) Life Lives.
How do you pay for your weekly groceries with gold or silver?
Good question. If, for example, you’re living in a city chances are that if you walk into a Walmart with a bag of silver you won’t walk out with a bag of food.
However, the gold/silver may work better under other circumstances. Gold/silver has been used as a medium of exchange for thousands of years. I find it hard to believe that suddenly it will become worthless.
Food, Water, tobacco, booze, mary jane, and Bullets will be the items most traded until the dust settles. Think about life in the Frontier of the West. While people could trade gold or silver, most relied upon bartering stuff for stuff.
Got any tobacco for some whiskey?
If we’re down to that, we ain’t going to be walking into any Walmarts.
The Walmarts would be stripped bare in the first 48 hours.
Even today you’ve got organised looting gangs running amok.
We are only 9 meals away from anarchy and cannibalism.
It can only work under barter conditions. Tradesmen and business will for sure accept it then if the digital world has collapsed.
But if 90-95% goes along with a digital wallet as I expect, the preference for tradesmen will clearly be the governments e-money.
Gold and silver may be accepted but only with a major discount on the exchange rate, and if it become a competitor to government it will simply be forbidden and treated as tax evasion.
But anyway. On the personal level its my opinion its important to have some cash, gold, silver in the bottom of your coffer, as this will make you more comfortable about any situation. “Spread your risk” as they say.
It depends where in the world you are. There’s too much scaremongering around CBDCs.
Different countries are bringing it for totally different purposes and it depends on whether the CBDC will be at the retail level or not.
The difference between the ECB and the Fed is that the ECB have no clue what they are doing but think that they do. Meanwhile the Fed knows very well it is clueless but pretends not to be. The USD value is as much a function of military might as it is of monetary policy.
EU: The ECB wants the CBDC as a means of control over the serfs because of the way the EBC has mismanaged monetary policy printing trillions for their closest corporate friends. However, I do not think the implementation will go successfully. Likely that the EU will implode before that happens.
US: The point of the CBDC is to prop up the failing banking system. Don’t keep cash in the bank over the amount that is insured. Beyond that, t bills. Gold and silver is hard to use, it’s fine as a store of value but you’re not going to be able to buy groceries with it.
China: the point of the CBDC along with other BRICs countries is to create some sort of currency for international trade that is not dollar / euro dependent. The main point is to be able control the currency at the institutional level, not at the retail level. Half of China already uses Wechat or Alipay even to lend their friend a fifty.
I don’t think the digital fiat money is quite as benign as you make it out to be. Regardless of which country you’re living in, there is much credible evidence that the CBDC will be tied to your social credit score, which will include such things as your carbon footprint, health passport, social media profile, etc. Overall score not high enough? You will not have access to your funds until you get yourself right within the system – whatever it’ll take to do that.
There is the possibility that, for one reason or another (Black Swan event?) this will not come to pass. I think they (ECB, Fed, China, etc.) do know what they’re doing. In the end I think it will probably all crash out. On the other hand, I don’t think the end is near.
I’m not making it out to be benign in the US and EU which are in for tough times no matter what. You want to invest in real estate for example? In the EU they’re making it impossible with taxes and over the top draconian energy efficiency regulations. Crypto? Good luck trying to buy anything with it.
The hyperfinancialized NATO economies are going to be in for tougher times than real economies.
It’s not a slow rollout. It’s a lightning fast rollout. But do you think that the same clowns which made such a diaster of the euro are going to be able to pull of a digital currency without introducing chaos they don’t know how to control?
One SHOULD be very frightened of the ECB, not of the digital currency per se.
RIght a slow roll out so that no one see it coming. If it came in hard and fast we would all see it for what it is. Slow Roll it and most minds won’t even notice. Then when the majority have been indoctrinated to the new beast system, start shutting it down on anyone that doesn’t go along with the program.
Like the other poster said, you aren’t seeing the bigger picture and it will go to the point that all transactions go through the regional central bank. All other banks will be gone.
This is the hill to die on, else there will be no hills left.
All central banks get their orders from BIS, IMF and WB.
bullshit. utter fukn bullshit:
yeah i’ll give you a daft wee skim of my silver coin for that tin of corned beef… aye fucking right, the other will smash yer knap in with the tinned beef for all you silver, eat it and count their loot. you really think you’ll trade silver tokens for food? get a life. insanity.
money is just tokens, cash coins… bullshit. but keep embracing the fiat friends, lol
food? skilled labour? some diesel….? useful shtuff? how ridiculous, we need silver coins and gold, maybe some crypto along the way..
utter SHITE, but do carry on, i’ll be the guy with corned beef.
ffs, people and their money-worship. It’ll end badly for a lot of us/them.
Okay. You made some good points. Thanks for your input.
While gold and sliver are obvious solutions long term, in the short term currency should be spent on storable food, water, guns, bullets, medical supplies, cold weather clothing, power supply, etc.
Food Supply, Utilities, Fuel, paper consumables, necessities, etc, are all likely to be not available to anyone that wants to live outside of the beast system / CBDC. TPTB are happy to see anyone not compliant starve to death, or crawl to them on their knees.
If you aren’t already prepping, as in food and protection and getting out of population centers, it is more likely you won’t make it.
Ultimately people will have to create isolated parallel economies that hopefully, eventually, coalesce into a bigger parallel system.
Don’t forget the water.
Anyone except the completely self-sufficient who thinks they can exist outside of whatever new money system they bring out is living in fantasy land. So to me it does not really matter what you do with your ‘cash’ since you are going to need the new ‘cash’ anyway. You will be able to simply convert it.
Rations and provisions are only useful in the short-term which is all that will be needed, if at all. It does not serve our overlords to have us in prolonged chaos.
It will be carefully managed behind the scenes and the vast majority of people will think it’s great as it will be so easy to switch over and convenient to use.
There’s a picture of this Big Sisters -19. Penny dropped yet, define Globe Home Front.
The yearly Ramadan beating by them lot, who claim persecution.
I**ra**i police attack worshipers in al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan.
When I think back to the founding of the Zionist movement in the late 1890s it’s pretty incredible if you think about it. The persecuted have all the wealth and means to hold conferences in Basel, Switzerland and then have enough clout to pressure Balfour to write the Balfour Declaration in 1917. Then the Zionist movement effectively declares economic war on Nazi Germany leading Hitler to freak out and we all know what happened after that.
Nonetheless the equivalent would be the “persecuted” of today, the African / Asian / South American (aka from Josep’s Jungle) migrants (legal and illegal) in low wage jobs or “holding camps” across Europe gallivanting around Switzerland, holding conferences on how persecuted they are in freaking BASEL and having enough access to bombard the media every day, claiming they need Belgium (or Luxembourg or something) to be vacated for them to start over and have a Promised Land of their own.
BTW, do you know how the ‘persecuted’ pressured Balfour into making his declaration? They promised to drag the US into WW1 if he did! How’s that for being helpless and powerless? 😂
Yes, I’ve read that! I’ve tried to look for documentation but it’s obviously not going to be one the first page of search results of everyone’s favourite censorship engine. Some of the most important events in the world happen due to backroom dealings and conversations so I’m not hopeful I will ever find proof in memos or declassified docs in my lifetime.
It’s getting increasingly hard to find the papers and letters of the original leadership of the Zionist movement easily on the internet. If one think Hitler is racist, one should see what Theodore Herzl wrote almost thirty years previously. It’s almost as if Hitler just plagiarized the most incendiary stuff.
A most ridiculous comparison.
Dominant UK/US retailers & their primary shareholder:
Walmart: Vanguard
Tesco: Vanguard
Sainsbury’s: Vanguard
M & S: Vanguard
Greggs: Vanguard
McDonald’s: Vanguard
Walgreens/Boots: Vanguard
Amazon: Vanguard
(Pfizer: Vanguard)
All good egg US Chinese intelligence, not my thing but there ya go Globalists., Govs, are Co-Operations. Why some still don’t get it is beyond me.
Some still dont get it even with Covid.
Govs are run by Globalists….
Not rocket science.
Here’s one of the best articles I’ve yet read on the goings-on of the predator class.
A Most Perfect Genocide – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
I think we need to clip their cigars off at the neck…
The masked operatives in the picture are a macabre spectacle in and of itself. They obviously are not aware of the magnitudes of size difference between “nano” particles and “micro” particles. They seem to believe they are in danger. Yes. They are a danger to themselves…
Humans have invented all sorts of magical technology in bizarre attempts to create artificial “wealth”. Then they create “Sanitary Shields” to protect themselves from the bloody genies they’ve created. It is widespread and pathetic.
Our overlords everywhere certainly do not believe they are in danger, but contribute to the propaganda theatre. There was ample evidence showing their true beliefs on “bio-security” from 2020 to 2022.
The UN has around one hundred & ninety four member states, under legal contract, in its deck of cards.
What has the finance minister and the world ECONOMIC fo
rum got to do with health? Everything, its the gem in the crown of business, profit galore. My feeling is that we need a Cordon Sanitaire round the WEF the WHO the UN, in fact all the alphabet agencies and government buildings to protect the health of world.
Yes i ten
d too agree…
This could catch
on if we’re not careful
How anyone can still think that Putin isn’t a banker boss puppet, like all the rest, can only be chalked up to cognitive dissonance.
“…Putin isn’t a banker boss puppet,..”
Hmm, the bankers head honchos Rothschild &Co would beg to differ !
I am saying that he is a banker boss puppet POS, and that anyone that thinks otherwise is being mislead.
I take it you didn’t read F.W. Endgahl’s article.
Note the quote refers to the whole of your post.
So pray tell me as Putin prevented the Rothschilds representative, one Khordokosvky, from finally achieving the Western millennium goal of dismembering Russia, how he is controlled by the City of London?
As the Mr Spock would say on Star Trek “ it doesn’t compute”
Why are you reading FW Engdahl rather than simply looking at the facts? It’s like watching a weather report to find out if it’s raining as opposed to looking out your own window.
Look at what is actually happening! Russia, China, the West all working on the same schemes – CBDCs, bio-security, virus BS, Agenda 2030. You think this is for your good?
If you know Russian history, you would understand that the West has been trying from the time of The Teutonic Knights, Polish Lithuanian commonwealth, Sweden, Napoleon, the 3rd Reich and the US/U.K./ City of London Reich to dismember Russia.
FW Endgahl’s article details how the M.16/ City of London chief representative in Russia was about to destroy the one remaining asset of Russia. Namely oil.
The game would have been over.
Try to read to read more Russian history!
TPTB took over Russia when Lenin and a train filled with gold from the Rothschilds arrived in Russia. What parts of Russian under Lenin and Stalin, millions dying, aren’t part and parcel of the goals of TPTB?
This is not to suggest that the Russian people are an enemy.
It is to suggest that GOVERNMENT is, and always has been, the enemy of all people.
Alas for the City of London/ Wall Street / Schifff Central Bankers/ there agent one Lev Bronstein aka Leon Trotsky didn’t fulfil his designed role of World Revolution a certain man from Georgia ( not the USA state ) thwarted their plans.
Too simplistic. You can’t shoehorn everything into a simplistic view of the world. It’s more complicated than that.
You could tell Putin to do a), b), c), d), and e) to prove to your satisfaction that he is not a banker boss puppet. He would just tell you, I can’t give a f*** what you think.
That you refuse to see that the people in positions of government authority, around Putin, are carrying out to the letter the WEF / UN Agenda 2030, is a you problem. Personnel is policy.
Resetting Without Schwab: Russia & the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Try and refute the assertions, referenced at the end, if you can.
Putin is not a virologist.
He relies on advisors
who rely on a pay check,
a pay check which is dependent
upon remaining in good stead
with the strongest echo chamber.
Virology is a pseudo science. Putin is undeniably mentally brilliant. He knows it’s all bullshit like even people with more modest IQ’s have known for at least two years. QED, as Frey writes, Putin is part of the play / kabuki theater, with a public role assigned a little less villainous than our “Western leaders.”
Exactly. Putin is the proverbial ‘good cop’ in this global game.
You don’t need to be virologist to know that this is horsesh*t. I’m no virologist, but I figured out that much three years ago.
Meanwhile in Japan, as I see things, mandatory masking seems to be done. While maybe 80% of the people here still wear masks when out and about, a whopping 20% don’t. I now shop for food, exercise at my gym, enter restaurants and ride the train with no mask. On TV, announcers are no longer separated by glass barriers. There are still occasional reminders for older folks to get boosted but it’s not blaring or OTT. As all things must pass, the covid nightmare is passing too. There will be no justice or law suits. It will just pass. And that might be enough for me.
We should all once in a while spare a thought for the supplicant slaves in Asia. Or damn them all to fuckery for going along with this for decades longer than the rest of us have been subjected to this shit.
I’m sure the people who lost jobs, friends, family, etc will just let that all pass as well. No worry that one’s life and livelihood were destroyed, no matter that many small businesses are now bankrupt while Walmart, et al make a financial killing. And never mind that poison shot’s long term side effects, no biggie, right?
It could be worse. My family was living downside the sewage tunnels under Paris during the 2 year lock down.
We only had a shoe box with our belongings and a bundle with our clothes. But we were happy for what we had. Because we had each other.
We never blamed the government or anybody else for our poor conditions. Because we were free men and women. We were free from bs.
Sound like a abuse victim who has feelings for there abuser.
Just wait for the “next pandemic”, “CATASTROPHIC CONTAGION” was named the “exercise” they made on October 2022.
No, my friend, this is not just “passing” away: IT’S JUST BEGINING.
cracks me up that the two chief parasites in the photo are bare faced and their minions are muzzled…..ffs its all or nothing
In the frequent briefings from UK ministers from 2020 onwards, they were never masked. Apparently, it was enough that everyone else in the room was.
“Zelensky Says War Could Be Over Soon”
Remember! You heard this first in my post from Scott Ritter a couple of weeks ago. Now even the president of Ukraine is saying that the Russian SMO will be over soon. Ritter was also the man who predicted we would fail to find WMD in Iraq because he, Scott Ritter, had done his job properly as Chief UN Weapons Inspector. If we had listened to Ritter in 2003 we would have saved ourselves much blood and treasure. This video is worth watching to the end, for a masterly summary by the foremost military intellect in the US Army.
You can’t post links to Scott Ritter’s analysis of the Russian SMO in the Ukraine, Nick!!! It contradicts the article of faith held by so many Off-G people, both Eds. and btls, that Russia, China and the Az-empire are ‘All In It Together’. Sacrilege! We can’t have Scott’s realworld savvy puncturing this de-rigeur Off-G in-house illusion, you know… Watch the downvotes for this post of mine, to see what I mean! 😆
C’mon now, you know they have to make it look good. All through history they’ve all been “In It Together.” They only attack and destroy each other so the masses never catch on.
My theory is, they draw straws to see whose civilization will be destroyed this time around. Carthage drew the short straw so Rome got to destroy it. Centuries later poor bumbling Montezuma drew that cursed short straw so Spain got to wipe out the Aztecs.
Hitler, tipsy Boris Yeltsin: you got it: short straw again. What you gonna do? You gotta play by the rules!
Yea the scent revision has been going since Gulf War by flat Globals.
Build Back Better sing song sheet and the Young Leader Programme and covid and masks and Prc tests and lockdown and Qr code the vaccines the boosters etc etc etc
and still donkey Kong Gwilym thinks ‘there not in it together’.
Beam me up scottie.
So, to clarify, are you saying Russia isn’t promoting the covid lie and virtually every other aspect of the globalist GR agenda? This is just our “illusion” is it?
i’m saying Russia – backed by China – really is fighting – to the death of Washington world-domination – the Az empire in the Ukraine. It’s not ‘perfomative’. It’s a real, lethal struggle between deadly-rival power-mafias.
And yes, just as in the West, there are still millions of useful-idiot technocrats in Russia and China who really believe the sunbeams-from-cucumbers outcomes of their wilfully self-dazzling techno-indoctrination, beliefs including ‘lethal novel viruses, possibly artificial, possibly natural’, and all the covid-swindle bs; these beliefs thus leading to the same idiot policies. The Russian technocrats got foxed by the covid scam too, and many of them still are…
As to what crafty Vlad really believes: Unlike the genius-btls here, I’m not privy to his private thoughts; I don’t know. I’d bet a couple of gold Sovereigns, though, that he will act constantly like a committed Russian patriot, and a canny statesman for Russia, right up to his day of death.
Another bit of analysis for you, Sophie, from Fabio Vighi. explaining what many of us now suspect, that the whole covid swindle was launched to head off a looming global financial/economic meltdown that was signalling its imminence by the 2019 Autumn repo-crisis.
Naturally, the technocrats in Russia and China swallowed the scamdemic story – being the over-indoctrinated (high-IQ) useful-idiots that they are – and went along briefly with the official WHO response, to which both states – along with most others – were signed up through the already-standing legal agreements which they had.
But this doesn’t mean that the much craftier non-idiots Putin and Xi, and their equally realpolitik-savvy ruling factions in their respective states, were fully on-board with the scam, nor with the financial/economic jiggery-pokery which the Black/Guard private-capital manager-crooks – the money-Finks – were promoting.
The ruling factions within Russia and China went along, for the time being, with the outer shows of ‘pandemic response’ whilst they sought to suss-out what was really happening. (They also did what I and many others did in the initial days of March 2020, and took commonsense precautionary-principle measures, in case there really was a pandemic emergency; vit.C blasts, with plenty of other vitamin supplements, in my case).
And it’s become clear that they haven’t fecked up their economies the way that the Anglo-zionist-empire states have done; the Russian and Chinese ruling factions having retained ultimate state control of those.
No, they’re not ‘all in the scam together’. The war-to-the-knife rulers in the anti-Az states are reacting cannily and watchfully, with a good deal of apparent going along – in public – together with some actually-worthwhile precautionary responses, just in case there really is something nasty about, courtesy of the Az-empire’s worldwide network of biowar labs.
All this in response to the thrashings-about of the Az empire, in its – futile – efforts to save its evaporating position of global dominance.
In other words: steady-as-she-goes realpolitik, whilst the Az empire, with its current crop of unprecedentedly-stupid neo-libcon oligarch-fanatic power-wielders, destroys itself.
Do catch up, Sophie and colleagues! 😉 😆
The sentimental special pleading here is a little cringe tbh.
How considerate of Russia, for example, to continue maintaining the West’s Covid lies. Why did they do that?
How considerate of Russia to enter Ukraine and conduct this drawn out SMO, and paw and feint in the ring ad infinitum, wheeling out only B grade, antique military equipment for the cameras, preserving the illusion that Russia is some failing ex- Soviet tin pot dictatorship on the one hand, while simultaneously being sold as a nuclear threat to rival NATO allies on the other… Why did they do that?
To those who want to see: there’s a script playing out here, involving acting from both sides, sometimes very generous acting. And actors need a director.
that’s really poor, consigned to D-grade, from the B-grade.
do you pay attention or just read MSM? west-world, lol
of course it is a pantomime, and they may well be singing it together, but some of the drag queens are very real and playing for keeps. why do you refuse that concept?
admin and their function, eh??
Chop-logic on, Sam. And savvy-up about the realities of realpolitik as soon as you can. This ‘AIIT’ boob by the Off-G crew is a major hole in your credibility just now. And btw, a deeper dive into the true nature of authentic patriotism – so passe to the useful-idiot technocrat class – will help your understanding. 😉 🙂 Cbeers!
Reminding folks that Russia is fully onboard with the Great Reset agenda is a hole in our credibility?
I’m fine with you believing that.
I hope Q-Putin really does have our backs.
Just to clear one thing out. The UN agreed in 2006 with almost all countries to make a global emergency test, thus seen rolled out in year 2000.
This is a fact. You will see it makes sense with all the seen pre-preparations by B. gates and Co, China’s and Russia’s attitude too.
5 Downvotes so far. But also 7 upvotes. OffG, with its policy of free discussion, is an arena where the Truth can emerge from a good clean fight.
“All things emerge from Strife” — Heraclitus
“..sons of Conn remember,
hardihood in times of strife,..” Clan Donald bard, Harlaw.
that’s one translation, but i like it.
it doesn’t count if you are doing all the upvoting yourself
Been over for a while now. Ever since the new borders were fixed a few months ago. The September 2022 referendums marking the end.
Just the occasional stray missile, skirmish and strange woman bearing statuettes to contend with
“It’s been over for a while now. Ever since the new borders were fixed a few months ago”.
Yes. Actually, the military outcome was decided a year ago, when the Russian air force destroyed NATzO’s proxy Ukronazi air force in the first week of Putin’s Special Military Operation. It took much longer for Land Forces to grind down NATZO’s underground bunkers in Bachmut without excessive Russian infantry loss. But what took a really long time, and what Scott Ritter is really talking about, was for the EU$A to wake from its delusion of invincibility (based on cheap victories against tiny countries like Serbia in Europe and Libya in the MENA,
Little B-picture actor Zelensky, whom Biden and Nuland installed as puppet president of Ukraine, has now admitted it openly: NATZO’s Judeo-Ukro-Nazi regime will have to give up its candyfloss dreams of Ethnic Supremacy and negotiate peace in with Ethnic Russians. Only now, having betrayed their word at MInsk and Istanbul agreements, they will find that the new peace agreement will be on much worse terms for NATZO. This means that Ukraine must not only de-Natzify but also de-NATZOfy.
And remember: this is only the Special Military Operation in Ukraine Scott Ritter said it: Listen to what the Russians say, because they say what they mean and they mean what they say. And they are saying:
“No NATZO nukes East of Berlin. No NATZO Bio Warfare Labs on Russia’s borders.”
Ritter may be the foremost intellect compared to Thoroughly Modern Millie, but that’s not really setting the bar very high.
Ritter’s summary may be masterly compared to the BBC or CNN, but that’s not setting the bar very high either.
Zelensky was just doing his usual grift, begmanding more billions in cash for himself and his cronies and more weapons for the hapless cannon fodder he is rounding up and feeding into the meat grinder. He’s on to a good thing – he’ll keep this going as long as he can until he departs to his $50 million Florida mansion with suitcases full of cash, Afghanistan style. It’s the best gig he’s ever had. He doesn’t care about all the poor Ukrainian schmucks in Bakhmut – he got all his co religionists out to safety in Israel on Day One.
This war will go on for a long time. There is still a plentiful supply of Hitler Youth style teenagers and OAPs to press gang, Volkssturm style, and Zelensky is nothing if not an equal opportunity modern man. Women are being rounded up as well now, and Mr. Z. and his western puppet masters are quite happy to fight to the last Ukrainian teenager/ OAP/ woman. They will scrape together whatever clapped out junk still remains in military dumps and keep this going for quite some time yet. Ukraine is a big country. Maybe they’ll go over to a full blown terrorist campaign at some stage, but it’s not going to stop any time soon, even if we will be looking at half a million Ukrainian dead before long.
Russian military thinkers had something they called the “Firewood Theory.” If you want to start a fire, you need some reasonable quality dry firewood. If you try to start one with manky, gungy, soaking wet wood, it won’t work. It will just splutter and go out. But once you’ve got the fire going with the dry wood, you can throw on the gungy wet stuff and it will keep the fire going. It will crackle and smoke a lot, it isn’t great, but it will burn okay.
In the same way, if you want to start a war, you need reasonably well trained, well equipped and well led troops. But once you’ve got the war going, you can keep it going with teenagers and old men and women with minimal training, who are poorly equipped and poorly led – if you are cynical and ruthless enough and just regard these people as expendable pawns. Look at Germany in 1945. The Red Army took 300,000 casualties in the Berlin operation, with 12 year olds running around plugging Russians.
The prewar Ukrainian army and all its equipment was destroyed several months ago. Over the past year, it has had to be rebuilt at least twice, and they are now on the Fourth XI. the gungy firewood. But don’t expect it to end any time soon. Wars are easier to start than they are to stop..
The major purpose of every war is booty (treasure) in one form or another. The blood of the plebs does not matter.
argh, you miss the tribute to the devil and the harvest for satan… pleb blood counts for that.
If Russia wants to go down the Covid Rabbit Hole, should that really be a cause for concern to us?
If India remains a caste based society, should we lose sleep over that?
If Cuba or Venezuela want to pursue socialist policies that some people believe lead to inefficient outcomes, isn’t that a matter for them?
Every country is free to do as it wishes, and make its own mistakes, and hopefully learn from them.
Just so long as they don’t try to impose their agendas on others.
Bravo! Paul has reminded us what the Multi Polar World means: a Westphalian Peace.
Live and Let Live.
As a South African, I was impressed by the peacefulness of the Wild — apart from occasional kills by the carnivores who form a minority of the population. When I came to Europe I was horrified by the carnage of WW2, and terrified to learn that Civilization really did mean WMD always at the ready.
Andrews Sisters & Danny Kaye – Civilization (Bongo Bongo Bongo) 1948
The multipolar world is a central plank of the GR. It’s just another word for globalism, which is the very opposite of “every country being free to do as it wants”.
Neither you nor Paul address reality in anything you say on this subject I’m afraid. Multi-upvoting yourselves does not mean you are either popular or – more importantly – correct.
Some Western or Israeli covert agency recently murdered a pro establisment figure in St Petersburg recently. Apparently an anti Putin blonde presented this guy with a statue which contained a bomb. This is eerily reminiscent of the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi with the difference that the bomber was not killed. The Rajiv Gandhi murder is suspected to have been plotted by Mossad as the Gandhi family was pro Palestinian. India is now a staunch Israeli ally. This murder demonstrates how easily Western covert agencies can penetrate Russian security. I believe there have been several other murders.
There are so many possible suspects that your evidence-free mossad claim is no different than any other.
Maybe no one died. The videos are weak. Only the chief parasites know the truth. Let’s not pretend that whatever we are presented with can be accepted as fact.
That’s what Petra would say, “No one really died”. And she says this is across history, from Hiroshima to 911.
Its a nice way to look at it. If this is “true”, the the TPTB are not homicidal sociopaths. You could even look at them as Merry Pranksters.Yours is the choice.
I have no problem starting with Mossad and then seeing if there are solid reasons to exclude their participation. Occasionally I am wrong but not often enough to make me change my approach.
And the case involving Sergei Skripal (a former Russian military officer and UK intelligence double agent) and his daughter Yulia Skripal were (allegedly) poisoned in the city of Salisbury demonstrating how easily Russian covert agencies can penetrate British security.
“[Skripal] demonstrates how easily Russian covernt agencies can penetrate British security”
Oh my!
You just demonstrated how easily indoctrination penetrates you.
Did you miss your wake up call?
Yes and I also believe that the Americans landed on the moon and 9/11 was conducted by Afghan goat herders. So incredibly naïve –
But at least I give you the opportunity to exercise your abilities to insult people.
So that´s progress!
I guess I am very helpful to you today.
Is “I let you exercise your ability to insult people”
a compliment?
Especially when their alleged victims live right on the doorstep of Porton Down surrounded by MI5 spooks.
Ok, forget it then just don’t burn rip out the historical reference index that arent an accusation.
And the lash-up involving Sergei Skripal (a former Russian military officer and UK intelligence double agent) and his daughter Yulia Skripal were (allegedly) poisoned in the city of Salisbury demonstrating how easily Russian covert agencies can penetrate British security.
I would respectfully suggest that Russian surveillance and counter espionage techniques are well u advance of GCHQ – remembering that most of Westminster are in league with the USA ( with its 700 military bases scattered around the world.) and appear to rely on them for British “security” …
Thanks Maria I know soo little about it other than mainstream media.
The dreaded Novichok, which never fails.
Never failed to raise a laugh when St.Theresa of Westminster cried Novijoke! before dropping her panties in a Whitehall farce.
I read that Novichok was imaginary. Russian counter-intelligence fed the idea to a double-agent to see where it would surface.
NO brakes for the U.K either.
Conservatives have signed a few deals (during a cost of living crisis). The Torys will do well$$££ out of all of this. (again) whilst they promote migrant hotels and Trump’s fake indictments via there M.I.C alt media outlets.
UK cements 10-year-partnership with Moderna in major boost for vaccines and research.
UK signs £1bn deal with Moderna for new vaccine centre
Governments Sign Secret Vaccine Deals. Here’s What They Hide.Multibillion-dollar contracts give drug makers liability shields, patent ownership and leeway on delivery dates and pricing — and promises that much of it will not be made public.
Steady! Your comments appear to be rather anti-British. Not the fashion at all in these troubled times when 80% of the population has been “trained” to hate Russia.
The whole Covid hoax is a tangled web of lies and deceit – constructed to protect an elite which has become incredibly wealthy out of conning the obedient sheep.
When fear reigns there are few rules and no truth.
“Has anyone noticed in recent years how many antibiotics, as well as many generics and effective non prescription low cost home remedies (medicines), have disappeared from the shelves? It is not because they care about our health.”

“The Pharma-Con Racket and Rockefeller Corporate Fascist Eugenics medicine strike again. The Big Cull continues! sticking it (jabbing it) to Humanity. More for them and less for everyone else.”

The Pyscho-Nazis need to go, NOW!”
‘moderna’ household appliance brand of time bandits fame
Just find a cure for the common cold, or the ten most prevalent cancers, and I’m listening…
Oh, you hung up on me…
They have all the cures.
Thanks for that wake up call to our real problems.
Curing alcohol and nicotine addiction alone would be great. But then, what of the lost taxes and lost “health care”?
alcohol, smokes, mushies and fun plants.. “curing .. addiction would be great”
oh dear, and ye reduce it to taxes…
do you really think our (very recent)ancestors never enjoyed such things? ffs Life is meant to be lived. They probably Lived far more than we do.
we all popped our mothers’ wombs to be kill-joy calvinists… NOT, that is some sick ordered construct.
away and chew some fly agaric, or maybe not ; )
Meanwhile, the world is hurtling towards a nuclear Armageddon!
And guess who has been leading the escalation towards nuclear Armageddon?
Our very own Ben Wallace who continually promotes the lie “unprovoked attack” knowing full well that there was ample provocation by USA/NATO to trigger Russia…
The only question which remains is:- where these “provocation” sufficient to justify the Russian “special operation” ! In a world conditioned to hate Russia then the answer would appear to be No!
Not everyone agrees ….
The point of potentially using DU munitions in the Ukraine will be a very serious escalation in the war.
The Russian Federation has already moved nuclear weapons to Belarus and has attacked a 80 metre deep bunker in the far West of Ukraine staffed by dozens of NATO personnel.
They have stated that there will be an appropriate response if DU shells are used on the battlefield. The Russians, as the City of London controlled Western governments have discovered, don’t bluff.
“I was successful in my peace negotiations in the 90s because I learned to listen to the Russians. They say what they mean, and they mean what they say.” — Scott Ritter, former Chief UN Disarmament Inspector (dismissed for saying that he had done his job properly and Iraq had no WMD ie, the truth).
One of the 2 bunkers was 120 m deep.The 2 attacks did not entail nukes.
Putin tried everything to keep the peace; even got our signatures on Minsk 1 and Minks 2.
Mutti Merkel now acknowledges that Minsk was “Just a piece of paper that he wanted us to sign, so we signed it to oblige the gentleman and keep him quiet while we prepared to invade”. (With apologies for quoting a more famous German chancellor).
Hello Brianborou: From the cited article: “The historic and unacceptable deployment of US nuclear weapons in several European NATO states as well as the recent announcement by Britain of supplying depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine is the prologue to Russia’s decision to place tactical nukes in Belarus. The Western outcry following Russia’s decision is absurd and hypocritical. The pattern is familiar and speaks of incorrigible arrogance.”
The British (alleged government) deployment of depleted Uranium, is far more than “incorrigible arrogance”. It is the criminal insanity of persons who need to be hung from the nearest lamppost.
Well the Chieftain tanks have been seen in Eastern Ukraine and NATO/US/U.K. have a track record of using them in Yugoslavia , Iraq and Libya so in my view there is a more than evens chance they are there.
Moreover, the Western governments, controlled by the City of London, are run by psychopaths!
“using them in Yugoslavia , Iraq and Libya”
The trouble with fighting only small countries is, that the EU$A army became fat and lazy. NATZO, after basking complacently in “”our irresistible armed might” against little Serbia, is out of condition to fight a peer opponent. The only thing that will save our handful of tanks from becoming scrap metal in Ukraine is that Zelensky says the hostilities may be over soon.
‘It was not my fault we lost. Our experts assured me that no country could have manufactured so many and such good tanks as the Russians rolled out against us at Kursk” — Adolf Hitler, taped statement.
The nuclear threats are pure media theatre. Nikita Khrushchev could have done it, Putin not.
I never want to see the phrase, “PCR tests” again.
It’s become impossible for me to read beyond those ridiculously linked words, which no rational, informed human being should be able to write or speak.
And of course it goes without saying these days that it is very easy to ignore such terminology, since we get such a lot of chewed cardboard material to practise on.
How do the Ruskies write “PCR” in Cyrillic (provide that’s what they call their test)? I’m not looking for the translation of “PCR”. I’d like to know the word(s) they use …
Anybody know? Riley?
“PTSR” means … ?
just learn the cyrillic alphabet ffs, alien alphabets are pretty easy, if you have a brain.
i can read it phonetically, doesn’t mean i speak russki tho’. As often, so many shared words.
but fair question as to what they actually call it…
Russian TS = French sibilant C
“PCR” is a respected word in biochemistry, inventor deserved his Nobel prize. But Mullis warned against this misuse of his invention. “Test” is the obscene part of “PCR Test”.
A long, long time ago the ruling psychos realised that Fear is the greatest weapon of them all.
Wars, poverty and famine may kill off a few million children, women and men here and there, but Fear is the ultimate weapon of control.
Fear keeps the Useless Eaters from summoning enough energy and enthusiasm to bite back or fight back.
In the US and it’s partners in crime, it’s the Fear of everything: terrorists, viruses, climate change, unemployment, street crime, financial ruin, not having the latest smart phone, social media humiliation, etc etc. In Russia, China, North Korea and other totalitarian states it’s Fear of the government and their brutal enFORCEment agencies.
What to do?
Just live the best Life you can and focus on the good things: Love, nature, creativity, family and friends.
More Russia bashing … which completely ignores the complete bollocks that the UK made in handling the Covid hoax. Astra Zeneca and Johnson and Johnson have mysteriously disappeared leaving the British tax payer to assist Pitzer in pocketing over $100 billion on their own.
None of the Covid injections are “safe or effective” (fact they dangerous and useless) and now the British public has inherited a monster with “adverse effects” which are slowly killing us.
Instead of criticizing Russia … how about celebrating the demise of the USA as the world´s arrogant bully, represented by only 5% of the world´s population as the other 95% of the population become increasingly aware of (and tired of) the USA manipulating them.
The good news is that the USA is in a state of economic, political and moral collapse and will soon be bankrupt – and helped by the shenanigans of Donald Trump and the crazy loon Biden, finished as a world power – .
Future world power lies in the East and Asia, dominated by the superpowers Russia, India and China. Putin is smart, get used to it!
Putin is smart, of course: he vaccinates everyone, he lockdowns everyone, he is still using PCR tests, he is a fan of AI, he is still being a member of the UN and the WHO and promoting Agenda 2030, among other little “details”…
…and, despite all that, he manages to appear as the “world liberator” who will put an end to the arrogant and overbearing American empire (no irony here)…
Yes, Putin is very, very smart.
There are two Putins:
The one who really is smart, as anybody who has engaged him in general conversation has usually discovered to their cost.
And then there is the newer one, who, like Noam Chomsky, is afraid for his life and his career if he veers significantly away from the ‘narrative’.
But in any case, when did we last ever really trust any politician…?
This doesn’t need to be a divisive issue.
Putin rescued the Russian Federation after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Without Putin Russia would have become another slave to the USA.
If you believe that a Russia “controlled” by the USA is preferable to an independent, rich and powerful Russia then I would like to know your reasons….
I can only suggest you read my comment again, and try to understand it better.
Where the heck do I say that I believe what you say I do?
And, for the record, I don’t.
If the point of us being here is to think critically, then basic comprehension without jumping to conclusions is going to have to be our trusted guide.
Perhaps reading MY comment would provide a better start … the words “if you believe” do not necessarily imply that you do believe.
As for your suggestion (but not necessarily accusation) that I lack the required “critical thinking” and “basic comprehension” to be here … then as a newcomer to this column I clearly have a lot to learn!
Love Maria
Sorry if I was overheated then.
As a newcomer, you should of course be welcomed.
Russia is controlled by the Central Bank Cartel like everyone else.
Putin, just like all national leaders, is just another banker boss puppet POS.
Russia is adopting the Chinese Social Credit Scoring and Behavior Surveillance Control System. This is the very reason that as soon as Russia was kicked from the SWIFT payment and credit system, they jumped into the Chinese credit and payment system.
Why? Because that is exactly what the Central Bank Cartel wants the entire world to do.
All commonwealth nations are already on that same path.
The USA will be different only because our population is armed.
Can´t disagree with you. Yes we are ALL controlled by the Central Bank Cartel. Not only is your population armed but many are also highly experienced at killing people.
So you should be OK. Perhaps!
OK being relative. No one is going to make it to the other side of this Great Reset without suffering and witnessing massive death.
What nation doesn’t have many people that are experienced with killing? That is the entire purpose of having a standing military. The only difference in the USA is that the people aren’t disarmed after service.
The Tree of Liberty is thirsty.
Bhutan? San Marino? Mongolia? Thailand?
The nations with many people experienced with killing gained that experience defending themselves against the imperialists.
Guess who leads the pack, Thom … ?
Could you USAmericans water your own wizened tree and leave the rest of the world alone. Do it, please. Otherwise, we experienced killers will make you do it.
Russia and China lead the pack with the murder of their own people. All the others you liste are pimples on the ass of the world. The USA has been around for only 247 years. There is not factual data that supports your assertion that the USA leads the pack at Democide. This is not to suggest that the US Government isn’t guilty of Democide. All governments are.
The American War of Independence was also a war against the tyranny and yoke of the English Crown. Obviously something you have a bias about.
That the corrupt US Government is constantly involved in foreign entanglements, is not a refutation of our form of government, or We the People. Our Founding Fathers warned that is a path to destruction. They understood this because their astute study of ancient and European history, proved this many times. The very reason TPTB are using foreign entanglements to drain our treasury and destroy our warrior class.
I dare you so called experienced killers to come there and compel us. Molon Labe.
“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”
– Author Unknown
you’re starting to sound fake amigo.
leave us alone rambo,
russkis and chinks are psychos and we killed less of our own people…wtf, really?
what about other people, or like the MSM death cult, the other side don’t count (literally).
do consider.
I am not the US Government, fake amigo.
No other countries have killed as many of their own as Russia and China. Prove otherwise if you can.
I am not the MSM cult either.
People are not the enemy. Government is. And if you say or think otherwise then you are the enemy.
not many countries have the population resource like russia or china,
how many native americans were there?
run the numbers again, per capita.
Are Swiss men disarmed after their (compulsory) military service? I don’t think so.
I didn’t say they are. I said in America they aren’t disarmed after voluntary service.
Do you think the majority of governments disarm their service members or not?
Where the fuck do you think the US’ legacy comes from? Colonialism anyone? I guess all that history is simply too much to bother reading or contemplating so by all means, blame the US in it’s entirety for things that existed long before it did.
I’m sorry, but if you insist on thinking the US is the only problem you are woefully underinformed. As many here are attempting to point out, this entire charade is a lot older than the US puppet is. The US may be in ascendency right now, but it wasn’t always that way, was it? We are talking about a long term plan by oligarchs, to use an overused word, that is about to come to fruition. While most insist on blaming this country or that, this party or that, those who are really in charge are consolidating power, and laughing their asses off at the idiocy of people trained well in the blame game.
As for the US population being highly skilled at killing people, hello? Is it really only the US who does or has ever done that? I suggest you take a good hard look at some history, and not just the pretty shit from those school books, and realize the killing has gone on forever and there is more than enough blame for that to go around.
I don’t think this is true. As Brendon O Connell has uncovered, General Lebed, the true Russian nationalist, was lined up to become leader, but they bumped him off in a helicopter crash and installed Putin. They being Kissinger and associates and the Rothschild/East India Trading Company mob. They installed Putin, which is why he is doing everything the west is doing, including poisoning his own well of fertile people with legit human sperm and eggs, now they are also swamped with people whose genetics have been meddled with by these fucking scumbags. Ye shall know them by their fruits. I want there to be a good guy as much as anyone else, but I think the reality is that we are looking at a world where all heads of state bar none are puppets of the same mafia, and anyone who doesn’t play ball ends up like JFK or the Presidents of Burundi and Tanzania, to name but a few..
My most recent “trust” has been for Evo Morales. I think he could also be called a politician. Kind of liking Obrador too. And I’m keeping my eye on Péter Szijjártó.
It’s a bit like seeds, what develops depends a lot on the soil and multiple factors.
Still, if you are tempted to trust a politician, I’d stick to the “as far as I can throw him/her” rule
He also uses the same Propaganda team as trust the plan.
Everything you wrote I have seen written about Tan man.
OFF.G have a little soft spot for Bojo and Tan man like you have for putin.
Tan Man, another puppet very useful for distracting and confusing… Musk is another one; maybe his best skill is to cover up the core lies by telling “cherry picked” trusths…
Indeed Putin is very smart … but then he has NO competition from the idiot leaders in the “West” – not looking at you Macron, Sunak, Biden, Trudeau or the rest of you brainless warmongering idiots ..
“The idiot leaders in the West” work for the same overlords than your “very smart Putin” does.
I don’t trust any “leader” since 2020.
Putin just want to be equal partner. Thats all. Fixed.
How does pointing out that Russia is no better than the West when it comes to promoting the fake pandemic = “Russia-bashing”?
Are we “West-bashing” when we publish “4O Facts”?
Are you saying Russia should get some sort of free pass? Is the GR ok as long as the “good guys” do it?
Do you think the New World Order is going to be automatically better because America isn’t running it?
That’s dangerously naive and uninformed thinking.
Any kind of “New World Order” has to be an improvement than “America”.
Without the USA the world would have had no illegal “regime change” wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and dozens of other countries where millions of innocent men, women chidden were needlessly killed and mutilated. Without USA support we would have no Ben Johnson (& Co) leading us down the path to nuclear Armageddon.
The USA are not good guys – and although it remains to be seen if the emerging world super powers in the East are any better, they could hardly be any worse!
Britain will be a much safer than acting as a a stationary aircraft carrier, nuclear weapon depository and super spy base (Menwith Hill) for the gung-ho, half crazy Yanks with their 700 military bases scattered around the world.
Or is this too anti-“American” for you to stomach?
Thanks to the evil Internet, it’s not so easy anymore to get away with slaughtering millions of innocents.
I reckon, as things stand, it would take a hell-bent, homicidal sociopath(s) at least 200 years to match the current (and rising) US of As body count.
Any kind of “New World Order”???
Have you ever read a history book?
The whole point of this discussion is to illustrate the reasons for consigning ALL imposed “new world orders” to the intellectual sewers from which they came.
“History” is an umbrella term comprising past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of these events.
Historians seek knowledge of the past using historical sources such as written documents, oral accounts, art and material artifacts, and ecological markers.
History books do not always tell the truth.
But thanks for (appearing) to act as my mentor ….
The USA is a Representative Constitutional Republic that memorializes Human Inalienable Rights, including the RIGHT TO BE ARMED.
Just because the USA’s government is a corrupt POS doesn’t mean that the form of government is the problem. The problem is that the people haven’t held the government guards accountable and this has allowed nefarious groups to take control. If you know of a better form of government, then write it down and share it with the rest of the world. My best choice would be Anarchy, if we actually had a world of mostly moral and ethical people.
Russia, China, and the history of Europe, is filled with death by government (DEMOCIDE), because there was no representative government that recognized any rights. Just variations of totalitarianism.
All of our nations are being coerced in many ways to conform to the desires of TPTB. There are no exceptions. Russia will only be saved by Russians. Europe will only be saved by Europeans. The USA will only be saved by We the People. China is done and gone.
Smart phone …Blood Vessel Warning!
They could be much worse. There’s a long way to go until “optimum” population level is reached. It’s a dirty job but someone will do it.
Ah the good old days BC. Before Covid.
The U.K are not good guys either and just as bad as USA which is just as bad a Iseal (spelt wrong to avoid pending) who is funded by both.
amazing! gasp!
“Without the USA the world would have had no illegal “regime change” wars in….”
You forgot the U$A’s illegal regime change in Ukraine — Biden and Nudelman stirred up a genocidal civil war which Russian intervention will soon put an end to.
I do actually think the world would be a better place if ruled by Russia/ China.
Because it could not conceivably be any worse than what we have now.
But that’s not going to happen, because neither of those countries are remotely interested in insane fantasies of world domination.
They are, and have always been, status quo powers, trying to preserve and develop what they already have.
The world is too big and too diverse a place to be ruled by any one power, and they have the maturity to realise this.
That is the saving grace of the situation we find ourselves in.
There are countries in the world modest enough to recognise their limitations.
Not everybody on the planet are arrogant, narcissistic, parasitic monsters like the ones currently ruling the planet.
Said with such confidence. Should we be careful lest our complacence tempt fate?
Yes, there is no guarantee that any country will remain the same for ever. The same psychopaths (and we all know who they are) could take over Russia and China one day. But you can only go off their record.
And in every case you look at going back over 300 years, it seems that any war they fought was largely forced upon them by intruders. And in reality they have never tried to enforce their way of life on others, despite the lip service paid to world revolution and proletarian solidarity during communism. I think that is significant. Their leadership has always prioritised personal survival against rivals and ruling their own immense realms going back to the Tsars and the Emperors. If you’re already ruling over 8.5 million square miles or 1.5 billion people, you’ve got quite a lot on your plate already. Even Stalin was quite parochial, he was willing to cooperate with the Third Reich or western capitalists for the sake of a quiet life.
The phsycopaths have already taken on Russia and China. I suggest you to read Anthony Sutton’s investigations.