Perpetual Cognitive Dissonance
Todd Hayen

There’s a clinical term in psychology, which in the vernacular would be described with the phrase, “I think I am going crazy.” This is “cognitive dissonance.” I have actually seen this term show up in casual reading more often in the past couple of years than in all the years before. It seems to have become a rather common utterance.
I am not sure if I will be using the term correctly in this article because in its purest form it describes a cognitive malfunction which occurs when a person creates a story in their mind that doesn’t match reality.
There is an assumption in this definition that there is an objective reality to compare it to, and that reality, as defined here, is stable and not subject to multiple interpretations. Although this isn’t really important because you can still experience cognitive dissonance if both the “story” and what is perceived as “reality” is illusory. Thus cognitive dissonance verges on another clinical term, psychosis.
Despite these nuances in definitions, cognitive dissonance, as well as psychosis, supposedly (according to the folks in white coats) causes internal psychic problems. I don’t necessarily have a problem with this assumption, although if left alone I am not sure if psychotic people really have psychic problems. It is more likely that the people around them have the problems.
I digress.
Most definitions of cognitive dissonance describe it as a “tension” felt if a person behaves differently from a belief system they resonate with, such as an overweight person who eats cookies all day but believes they would be happier if healthier and at a lower weight. I would venture to extend this description to a person who fundamentally believes that a government of smiling, sweet-talking, elected politicians should be honest and caring but end up being liars and willfully hurtful toward their constituents.
The official definition also states that when someone encounters cognitive dissonance they will adjust whatever they have access to adjust in order to relieve the discomfort. In the above examples, a person eating cookies might deny that they are doing something that isn’t conducive to good health and weight loss, saying things like, “I didn’t eat that many!” or “these cookies are not really fattening.” The latter example might find those experiencing cognitive dissonance denying completely the lies of their smooth talking politicians, or justify them in some odd way: “he didn’t really mean it” or “she is only human, she just made a mistake.”
That, though, is “sheep side cognitive dissonance” and I am not as concerned about that in this article—(in general I am personally very concerned about it). Sheep do seem to be in a perpetual form of cognitive dissonance, but I am not sure if many of them know it yet. Their “beliefs” seem to match up with their perceived reality for the most part, so they don’t, at the moment, experience any dissonance. Possibly unconsciously they may, but have plunged themselves into a deep denial. But clinically, to this particular clinician, it doesn’t seem that way. I see no obvious resulting tension—not yet.
Those of us on this side of the fence, however, grapple with this every day because we are more conscious. Everyone’s world has been turned upside down. In fact, the world has basically been upside down, from what most of us perceived as being “right side up,” for quite some time—maybe even the chief dude Neanderthal king was a lying son-of-a-bitch, who knows. Depending on what particular time in history you “woke up”—meaning when did you first see through the fog and understand you had been fed a story your whole life—you are either a “long time truther,” or a rather “short time truther.” Fact is you were not born seeing the truth, unless you were born a soothsayer. Yes, there probably are a few outliers out there who popped out of the womb totally impervious to brainwashing—if you are one of these then more power to you.
However, it is human nature to believe the world, and other humans in it, are benevolent. What I mean by “human nature” is that babies are born to trust. They have to be taught otherwise, and if they grow up in the West, which in the past was fundamentally benign (compared to other rather traumatic areas of the world) they can easily live a life believing, for example, that their government is not going to intentionally hurt them. (Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, but as we see, most people seem to believe this.)
It is all part of our indoctrination to remain loyal to this “human nature” sort of benevolence. Since it is fundamentally our nature to believe in the benevolence of our world, when we learn that it is essentially false and a fabrication, then we will begin to experience this cognitive dissonance. This comes when we begin seeing that our experiences just don’t fit the story we were born believing.
Each time something crazy happens we have to shake our head…much like characters do in a cartoon, along with that “booooiiinnng” sound. “What the f—k???” Even though we know intellectually that nothing is really as it seems, most of the time when we actually experience an example of this insanity it takes a second for it to sink in, “Are you kidding? Really???”
Now, I know some of you out there are hard-core veterans and don’t shake your head, and don’t hear that “booooiiinnng” sound when something fishy happens. You may instead give a little smirk and think, “here we go again.” Well, I am not one of you, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of people out there reading this are not in your group either.
And when we see things like Universities still demanding their students wear masks, or places of employment still demanding vaccinations to be employed, or hear the talk of digital IDs and a no cash world, and 15 minute cities, and leaders telling their constituents they will hunt down the unvaccinated and make sure they get jabbed, we shake our head and hear “boooiiinnng.” I know I do.
This is the sort of cognitive dissonance I am talking about, and it is pretty much constant. I know for me a day doesn’t go by that I am not shaking my head. It truly is the Chicken Little story, the sky perpetually falling on our melons and all of us running around screaming about the impending doom, “Can’t you see it!? Can’t you see it!?” Nothing ever seems right; nothing ever seems to be properly aligned with basic human expectations. If we were all literal prisoners in the gulag, we would at least match up our internal beliefs with our external reality. We would know we were in prison. Right now, we have little literal reason to believe what we believe, other than pretty clear signs of it being planned.
Yes, those of us unvaccinated see the persecution, and the aforementioned mandates still in place. What we see indicates clearly to us that what we believe is really happening, at least part of it is. But we are constantly being told, “All is fine, nothing to worry about, we love you, we will take care of you, you should be happy you live in a free country, look at my shiny white smile, relax, all is safe…”
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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When one is so exasperated with the multitudes around us who are still in deep denial in order to ease the dis-ease of cognitive dissonance then, yes, some of us do go for name-calling. Have the detractors not ever called someone an idiot?
I know from experience though that sheep are smarter and more in tune with their instincts of what is real around them than those humans who have been totally brainwashed by society that they can no longer discern what’s true and what’s not.
Like another poster said. The Mind is the new battlefield. It is human nature, and ego, in that it is easier to remain deceived, rather than admitting to having been deceived.
Don’t call your fellow Human Beings “sheep”, Tod. It’s just embarrassing.
Also, there are lots of good people who got injected and some truly evil ones who didn’t, so “vaccination” status is not a reliable indicator of anything.
I find it hard to believe that someone with seemingly so little empathy earns a living as a counsellor. Do you call your clients “sheep”, I wonder?
If they’ve already fallen for the market research scam that is “therapy”, then unfortunately yes, they are. Even Basil Fawlty knew this in ’75, when the husband and wife psychiatrists were asking nosey questions. “Sex. All about sex”.
If anyone could name one other ‘extinction’ event of recent times where the vast majority of people gave up pretty much everything in the non-3D to such an extent, i’d like to hear it. When presented with a crisis, they followed. Simple.
Not their first, but easily their most intentionally chaotically absurd. And the weakening of men ensured limited opposition.
I’m also no longer convinced (i was for around 18 months) that the administrators of the whole debacle are anywhere near as ‘satanic’ or ‘evil’ as being made out- a chunky effeminate jumping around in a red suit at the Grammys?- they’re NOT the guys who are designed to win out. They’ll be discarded yesterday. Maybe Gates and Fauci are cleansing the earth of stupidity and gullibility?
There is so much I could say in response to this I think I will hold back. There are different levels of human beings we contend with. In my work I show empathy for the deeper levels, even with pedophiles, so what you find “hard to believe” I simply do not think you understand.
You might learn more about why I use the term “sheep” to describe this particular group of people here…if you care to.
I am not perfect, nor do I care to be. I can be offensive, and I can be compassionate. I don’t really care if people judge me on those counts.
Oh please…
Yes, and I have made that point clear in many articles I have written…
If you want to heal yourself, then you have to be able to look at yourself for what you are.
Call a spade a spade. If that is too hard for you to handle, what chance do you really have for getting better through counseling.
Would you go to a obesity camp and expect to not hear someone tell you that you are obese?
Would you go to a body building camp and no expect to hear someone tell you that you need more muscle is certain places?
Healing and achievement starts with HONEST ASSESSMENT.
In the articles I have read by Todd, I believe he is describing behavior of certain people…and uses the sheep label as the clearest, simplest way to describe that behavior.The label “sheep” represents choices or non choices people have made.
I think the seal on this was irrepairably broken for humanity with the carrying out of instructions from a mechanical device, working to an algorythm based on data from a deliberately obfuscative ‘test’, not commanding or ordering (except in China, of course…) but simply obtaining the blind trust and adherence from the operative. The ‘person’ who downloaded the appliance, fed in it’s details and whereabouts did so without a gun to a head. Computer Says No. No concert for you. No holiday for them. You’re not going to reason succesfully with anyone of this mindset- they’ll only realise when there’s nothing that can be done.
I’m flying in the next couple of weeks, and have my ‘auto check-in’ ticking along in the app i was more or less forced into downloading to confirm the journey. What if my phone breaks en route the the airport? What if the “systems are down”?
I’ll be armed with perfectly fine documents proving my identity, the legitimacy of my accounts that paid for the fucking thing, but if Computer Says No, do i just stand there like a tool waiting on the clever IT man maybe fixing it in time for me to leave?
That’s how they drag us to hell with them.
Once you accept the forces of evil control people’s minds then its easier to understand the cognitive dissonance.
The battlefield is the mind.
“For we battle not against flesh and blood but against prinicipalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places”
“Fact is you were not born seeing the truth”, I disagree here. Children are born with abilities to connect to true physical and mental reality.
Cognitive dissonance:
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Paying in Rubles
My 2 rubles.
“Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you could be?”
– Danielle LaPorte –
(Born May 25, 1969)
You’ve taken that line out of context. I was saying babies are not born able to distinguish truth from falsity because they are trusting. There are only a few things that babies naturally fear.
“Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are
presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new
evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is
extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it
is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize,
ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.”
— Franz Fanon
and sometimes they are just morons, brain-washed admittedly.
and can we stop saying they “rationalise”, no they “irrationalise” and deny truth.
then they bay for your blood.
Sometimes those “stupid” people see things quicker and more clearly than the “smarter” folks who try to rationalize everything. Sometimes, the “irrational,” the stuff that goes against what the “experts” are selling you, is closer to the truth.
I remember a study that came out — mid Convid scam– that found that people with less education (not to be equated with intelligence) were less likely to to get in line for one of the fake and dangerous “vaxxines”. To be fair, there was also a contingent of PHD’s who didn’t fall for it either.
Over my lifetime, I’ve seen some really smart people who have fallen for some really stupid shit. Intelligence is not a synonym for common sense.
But, yeah, there is no shortage of stupid people.
to me , a moron is more a state of mind, nothing to do with intellect/intelligence.
or maybe it the state of the soul?
Or even people with a brain that doesn’t work very well – genetically speaking – who are nevertheless doing their best with the tools they can find.
As Todd says, people are at different levels from the very start, and sometimes one lifetime isn’t enough to make up the difference…
For what it’s worth, that’s one reason why I can see compassion in the idea of karma.
I am convinced that there is indeed a truth, a natural order and a reality.
I am equally convinced that no human being and no science can even begin to encompass it, it is too multifaceted for that. Science defines standardised views of reality whose procedures are repeatable and intersubjective. But truth does not follow from this objectified approach, because it is a limitation, a preventive capitulation to reality, so to speak.
Psychology has a term for the ability to tolerate these subjective approaches to reality: tolerance of ambiguity.
So I have no problem with people who want to be genetically treated, because their need is their view of things.
On the other hand, anyone who wants to impose his view on me with violence, threats and lies is my enemy, because he has no right to do so, no one has such a right, no matter how good the alleged intentions may be.
Everyone is responsible for himself. If he neglects it, it is his decision.
Cognitive dissonance doesn’t give you “discomfort”. It relieves discomfort.
It does both.
Oops, further research says I got the meaning wrong… apologies.
Unlike Todd, it has been a least two decades that I have shaken my head and heard that “boing.” One can only experience this if one is in denial that the entire planet is ruled to a large degree by an implacable and incredibly evil force. Apparently Todd is still in this state of denial, as I have surmised from not only this but his previous articles. For myself, instead of shaking my head, I simply note that this force has simply executed a new exercise to forward its agenda to bring the planet into its dystopian, technocratic, hive mind – transhumanist agenda. Todd is himself in a state of cognitive dissonance as to this obvious reality which is why he still experiences this “boing.”
As many have pointed out, the entities behind this agenda are in their end game of transformation. They have even set a deadline for its completion as expressed by no less than the WEF and the UN, 2030. To paraphrase Hemingway’s famous line in The Sun Also Rises, when a character was asked, “How did you go bankrupt?” his reply was “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” Also to quote Shrub’s famous psychopathic strategist, Karl Rove, “We are an empire now and we make our own reality.”
Humanity itself is in the final battle of this war, and I can think of no historical case when a people withstood an invasion, either physical and armed, or through incremental subversion, when the vast majority of its people denied this reality.
The “entities behind this agenda” are no more in control than those who hang on their every word. These self-described “ruling elites” think themselves drivers of humanity; but they are merely pawns in reality’s grip.
The human species, like every other species that ever was or ever will be, begins then works its way toward its inevitable end. Everything it does carries it along the trajectory nature has already determined.
Power and wealth can only be used one way: to help bring about the ultimate ending of the species. All the power and wealth humans can create cannot increase humanity’s runtime by so much as a single second.
You are right. I AM still partially in denial. I cannot, yet, wrap my head around all of this. It IS too much for me. Thus the article. I am getting closer though…
I respect your self-honesty, Todd.
New Term: Cognitive Dissident. A person who knows everyone in authority is full of shit…
like it : )
I always generally thought that the term itself just meant what the snowflakes now call ‘gaslighting’- the act of denying the reality of what you see and hear, to be true, no matter the strength of feeling you have that it is not.
The way it is decsribed above, that it is brought about by conflicting evidence which unsettles the host who then seeks confirmation bias- relies on two things. One being the host having a conscience, to understand that there may be wrongdoing even now beyond their control- for example, C/LFI’s in parliament supporting mass, unfettered immigration despite it’s obvious pitfalls, but never any mention of the immigration policy of the occupied territory in the desert. Not one person in the category i described displays this character trait.
The other, would be to have the balls to stop whatever action it is that’s getting out of hand. The lack of this, is far worse.
Some pertinent quotes on cognitive dissonance.
(From )
“And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.
To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening.”
“The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. ” -Sasha Latypova
Thanks for your comment and exceptional link; well written thoughts.
Luv that Von Hippel quote.
It is a keeper.
Found the link to that quote.
The article itself is about covid and extremely interesting (still plowing thru it).
The scam need not be intellectual. It can be arts, foods or personal acquisitions.
This is wonderful! Thank you!
It has always been a battle for the mind, because it doesn’t belong to us. They can implement anything into the 3D virtual reality. It can make sense or be complete insanity. The human race does not exist. It is when we believe it does that our problems begin. We are consciousness the thing they fear most. We bring the life to their fake reality. The illusion of life belongs to us. This material event is the only proof of our existence. This is where we can look ourselves in the eyes and celebrate life! Together, we form the human spirit the most powerful force on Earth…ENJOY LIFE AND STOP PARTICIPATING. LOL
“the human race does not exist” i am listening.
but the human spirit does….
not being a dick here, but do explain. are you saying we all wee energy pods stacked in vast barns waiting for neo? or what?
your bold comment, bang on buddy, that’s the Life,
: )
Ok, rubberheid, usually don’t reply back, you sound like a young man with a great since of humor. That will keep you happy. As a child I had other experiences I could live with along with playing with my peers. I other words, we cannot be victims of our experience. So, one day while attending my fifth grade class,I was leaving the classroom, late for recess, to join the screaming multiracial children already at play. As I bounded down the few steps all the children turned to inverted conical spirals of energy and a voice said to me: WE ARE ALL THE SAME. This all happened in a flash. The children returned to their screaming play and I ran to join them. Life is very magical and make one believe it to be preordained. Years later while in New York, I would leave my body at will. I would soar the universe and fly among the stars and planets, lol, as the Franciscan Friar Bruno should of never told the Inquisitors, because they burnt him at the stake. They have always wanted us in a box. This goes back to the beginning of civilization. The first prison being the body, then civilization, then society, the chains of culture. Aristotle wanted us in a box, Bacon and his new philosophy on single vision, Newton on his mechanical universe, and Pavlov with his controlled mechanical behaviors. Then they twist it with machiavellian antics.Anyway, rubberheid, One day i came in from pounding the manhattan pavement. I laid back to meditate. I was thinking: What am I doing here? What is my purpose? Why am I here? I soared from my body at that moment ( we soar, by the way, at a very high rate of speed. No rocket or jet can touch us.) But, I ended up in what was my apartment and the phone rang. I answered it. A woman gave me her name and location and stated: THE HUMAN RACE DOES NOT EXIST. She hung up. I returned to my body and sat up and thought, OH SHIT. It kind of took me back to my childhood, to when I had asked my mom, what will I be when I grow up? She replied, God helps them who help themselves. I thought, Oh shit. Have fun with it, rubberheid. Physics supports all this. Like the atoms we are unidentifiable, unpredictable, all knowing and all possibility, but we don’t really exist. Yes, Todd Hayen, I guess it comes down to mind control. We must take back the mind so we can enjoy the power of being human.
i enjoyed that, i got the humour, have experienced them “dreams” and i’ve only just finished “The Infinity Gauntlet” last week, honest (bored for a read so dug out comics). haha ; )
appreciate the reply, will ponder… soaring…
They use our money to propagandise us.
Believe it or not, I believe fully everything you say. But isn’t “participating” enjoying life? We are here to “experience” the material world around us.
Amen! We are all Cassandras now. She was, in Greek Mythology, gifted with the ability to see what was happening, but cursed by the gods so that no one would believe her. To those she was trying to warn she looked crazy. That’s us now. We look and sound crazy.
could be a version of Spartacus a few years down the line..?
“I am Cassandra!”
; )
HA! yes! The nice thing about Cassandra is she didn’t succumb to the gaslighting. She held her ground.
Having to comply and pretending to agree enthusiastically with patent lies and complete nonsense, is a profoundly demoralising, corrupting and degrading experience, both for individuals and entire societies. It can and does lead to long term psychiatric and social problems.
If people want to keep their jobs, let alone be promoted, avoid harassment, threats and physical attacks, and arrest and prosecution by the Woke Thought Police, they have to learn to nod approvingly when they are told that 2+2=5, that a bearded man in a dress is a woman, that non stop gay sex and child trannies are the most important and beautiful things in the universe, that all white people are evil and should be exterminated.
Just for the sake of a quiet life. But the long term effect of this is corrosive and destructive. A society based on lies and gibberish cannot prosper.
The reason why those who lord it over us insist upon compliance with such nonsense is to assert their control, to degrade and humiliate. The more ludicrous their demands the better, from their point of view. It is like getting people to kneel in front of them and kiss their feet – something BLM was going around trying to force people to do, incidentally.
All true. Of course, it has become increasingly clear that our rulers don’t want our society to last much longer, which explains why they’re effectively destroying it by playing these games. Remember: ‘Those whom the gods would destroy they first drive mad.’
Yes it’s demoralising and degrading but it’s ultimately self-inflicted if we stay in that situation. There are plenty of jobs and people that do not demand you agree with lies. Everyone can move towards the truth. The trouble is people do not care about truth enough. Because they value worldly things – entertainment, food, holidays, and not spiritual things.
When you care about truth, integrity, dignity you would rather go and stack shelves and speak to no one than smile and nod approvingly at lies in order to keep your bullshit job. I would hate myself if I did that and no amount of money or prestige can compensate for that.
But its incredible the majority are ready to give themselves up for so little.
Hookers has more backbone and are more honest..
Thank you. I needed that.
Many of those who look down at the “sheep” should mind their own biases and beliefs first.
Many of those “in the know” types who pride themselves on being able to “see through” the plans of the ruling “elites”/psychos and who disdain the poor dumbed down sheep who can’t seem to see it – many of those just can’t seem to see that that time loop they think the world is caught in doesn’t exist and never was fabricated to be eternal.
“Men are men and women are women and God is God and that’s the way it is!” is about as antiquated as the sheepskin notion that “my government would never do that to me!”
As silly, e.g., as drag queens parading in front of schoolkids are, they are not demons sent by Satan to corrupt little children. They are merely show offs who, it would seem, have nothing to show but their latest drag attire.
And I would suggest that getting all bent out of shape over this silliness lessens the impact of getting bent out of shape over the very real threat of adults deciding for children that they are the wrong gender. This is truly a case of correlation not being causation.
The worst kind of cognitive dissonance, it seems to me, is the kind that refuses to even consider its existence.
Kids up to 18 years of age are vulnerable. Thats why they have parents to look after them and protect them.
Do you think it was and is wrong to prohibit children up to 16 to see adult movies with psychological violence, porn and the like? It has and had a serious and true purpose.
The less affaire today about violence, porn, drag queen, disaster porn as a non-problem for children in television and the computer is a serious mistake. I take it as a deliberate society de-stabilisation tactic from our usual suspects.
Children are prepared for a simple mother and a father idols and family until 18, and not for a complicated drag personality disorder which is only for adults.
I don’t believe children are as impressionable as adults give them “credit” for. With the one caveat that they are hugely impressionable to their peers. What other children say and do carries far more weight with them than even what their parents say and do.
Dissonance means something is not sounding right,it’s jarring.
When it enters your ears it cause pysichal discomfort.
Armony seems to solve the problem.
Can we still apply the same remedy if the discomfort comes from sentences or toughts rather than from sounds?
Heard the jingle ‘Something is not sounding right’ on the Railway Stations and on the Trains. That’s the British rail police with nothing better to do. You are then supposed to get in touch with some ne’re do wells, who are up to something anti-social. You must then report this to the railway police and given their telephone number. Then you are supposed to inform the railway police. You are then informed to ‘Say it, see it, sort it.’ to the police authorities. But my variation is ‘Say it, see it, SHOVE IT.” That makes me feel better.
“Shove it” is the perfect replacement, it push away the unwanted sentence with vigor,
reinstoring armony.
Shouting back to retain sanity? Sounds good to me 🙂
Maybe the sleeping ones just need one thing to wake up:
to shout all that shit out of themselves, return it to sender.
Secret Illuminati Satanic Covenant.
Even in the New Testament, which is full of the idea of brotherly love and compassion, I can’t find anything which implies that deliberate evil does not exist.
We really should get used to that fact.
Maintaining a belonging within our primary environment or family is a survival need.
We make a mask of adaptive learning as our focus in our physical experience and socially adaptive world.
The mask then adapts and learns other families/groups, institutions, and social rituals.
A well adapted ego of its world.
Continuity of the mask is the survival of the personality or mindset that ‘makes you safe’ in terms of conflicts held within but suppressed – masked over or masked out.
Breakdown of the masking adjustments and alignments of our personal face of control will unmask or reveal conflicts that may not be recognised as self, but cast out to forms of exclusion or violation – so as to boost masking defences, which feeds the problem as a means to repackage it for a diminished sense of self set in relative security.
At some point the process of self-evasion becomes self-destruction, with crisis as opportunity to reintegrate to wholeness of being or progressively dis-integrate to a denial of consciousness seeking escape from conflict.
The complex of defences against reliving or owning our own conflicts are set in core beliefs and definitions that cannot be seen until they are released. Experience is then an opportunity to double-down in persistence of a believed reality or self, or to release invested identity to a recognition that it dissonance and un-fulfilment is a pattern of meaninglessness or futility that we truly and directly do not want to persist in – as in an abusive ‘relationship’ except we have such capacity within our self – for reasons that once paid off or still carry a pay-off but are recognised too costly or no longer applicable.
The world that we meet is the world of meanings that we give or extend it – even if we are unaware of our thoughts or depreciating of our feelings.
The felt need for casting evil seems to protect – as long as you stay ‘good and well defended’ against its invasion!
The psychiatric way denies the mind’s validity as a way to manage the conflict – and normalise it as ‘natural’ or even caring and loving to sacrifice individuality to a collectively managed guilt – masked as risk modelling.
But both are polarities of a predictive mind-control, running as substitution for felt presence. Feeling-awareness, as distinct from emotionally reactive blocks to feeling – is our capacity to abide our self and life. This is the territory of willingness to heal – even if the desire to live has no word but a refusal or release of what does not truly belong now.
Presence is never past or future. But can seem to be denied by both feeding each other.
Not at all fishy that her name is a phonetic of “hellmouth” or the picture she used to link this on witter…
It is tremendously difficult for people to ‘see’ things as they really are because the ‘self-appointed leaders’ of countries spend billions of $$ ensuring that the people never really know what is going on. If people knew the truth, there would be no rulers, period.
Thank you for being. It feels very lonely when you live surrounded by the oblivious. The best to you always!
Who are you referring to? If it is me, thank you very much! That is very kind…if not…well, thank you anyway for reading my article!
Cognitive dissonance requires some critical consciousness, and there’s the rub.
Thanks for drawing my thoughts to the question of benevolence. You write as if rulers can give their subjects everything they want, and are withholding it out of spite. I would propose that rulers have less influence than we think. Their behavior can be explained by the problems they see and their list of alternatives to choose from.
Let’s look at the example of 15 minute cities. One might visit a beach in Spain and wonder if the fuel that was spend on holiday travel could not be put to better use. One could investigate the remaining fossil fuel reserves and wonder if it’s possible to continue the current level of consumption. One could look at traffic jams and wonder if all those parents would rather work close to home.
Or another subject, pandemics and vaccines. One could worry about humans behaving like a locust swarm, multiplying until every resource is consumed, and then dying out. One could doubt the increasing part of lives spend in unproductive old age. One could see an opportunity in the reduced resource consumption of fearful and unhealthy people.
These things are bad news for us. But bad news is not by itself evil.
Keep coming back.
excellent comment. don’t dare offend the clueless, happy consumer materialists, eh?
OG clientele’s achilles quite obviously, they seem to think the farmland is natural, primary resources exceed industrial waste and dead nigga kids in congo cobalt mines is just fine….where’s ma phone, where’s ma keys… cheap flights so they can transport their bubble-lives to a sunny shore? endless gimmicks they don’t need?. . .
how dare you!!
; )
Not sure if I understand you. Are you saying that eliminating people with pandemics and vaccines could end up, in the long run, being a good thing because the planet, and the human race, is ready for a good culling…??
Therefore those who orchestrate such things are not really all that evil?
I have read your post several times and I must not get it….
Actually…what you say here is probably precisely the rational the “elite” use to convince themselves that their motives are indeed benevolent.
At one point in the article the author makes the claim that the West in the recent past was essentially benign. He then says it was this that led to Westerners developing into obedient citizens that trusted their leaders. While it cannot be denied that Westerners trust their masters (consider the incredibly high clot shot rates) and have been treated well by them in recent times, it cannot be said that the West is innocent or benign.
Western populations since Columbus have been the brutal instrument of the banksters in their quest for world dominations. The de and re population of the three “new” continents is the most obvious example. Then there are the colonisation of the world and atrocities such as the opium trade. Western populations have been rewarded for making the banksters omnipotent, but that doesn’t translate into moral superiority.
He was obviously talking about the ordinary people of the West, who are naïve and trusting, not the master of the universe who really run the show (and are indeed purely evil).
thank you
Since Columbus? You think all those medieval and feudal serfs were having a good time?
So much we believe in is false. Religion which has been fundamental to our existence and still is, is riddled with myths. The nonsensical exploits of Noah were, among other biblical stories, an embarrassment to establishment figures like Philo of Alexandria two thousand years ago. He attempted to treat these as allegories. We have the trans substantiation of the host into the flesh of Christ and so on. Post agricultural man is a sheep like creature that can and has to be led and organised and be exploited. He has a large brain that has to be restricted in how far it can wander. The rulers need control mechanisms like religion and entertainment systems with their myths and half truths to lead and shape minds and to test loyalty. The objectives of the 9/11 psyop are obvious and will not be elaborated on here. We can but wonder at the fact that the official story with it’s breathtaking lies will become part of the belief system of future generations. Billions of them. The myth of Manson’s guilt and Polanski’s innocence is firmly rooted in the collective consciousness today though there was widespread scepticism at the time of the murders, just over 50 years ago. The selling of the lies of the JFK murder, 9/11 and so many other events are, bizarre asit it may seem to some , success stories. These victories validated the propaganda monopolies which where built up and consolidated over centuries. It was confidence in these systems that led to our leaders pulling off the most astounding psyop of all time, convid.
While you are correct that many of the things people believe are false, I do not see your understanding of ‘religion’ per se. You have a religion. Even you.
May I presume to ask if Barry White is your real name? If not, you’ve chosen some mighty big shoes to fill. Disco lovers (like me) insist Barry White walked on water – deuterium (heavy water) to be sure.
I’m not a fan of disco at all but White’s Can’t Get Enough is one of the all-time great pop tunes.
At least we know that our inner beliefs are subjective.
The issue is when someone points at a holy book and assumes it to be true and tries to impose dogma on non believers of that book.
Indeed, everything we know is false. the human mind is too small to capture reality. All our beliefs are ridiculous oversimplifications.
speak for yourself on that one.
many things are false, but the human mind is not too small for anything,
unless it is limited biologically or conditioned socially.
stop ridiculous oversimplifications…..
Now you are talking language I understand. This is such a poignant and true observation. We reduce everything down to simplistic terms, and we do have to be careful not to think any “verbal” definition tells anything close to the full truth. This is something the ancient Egyptians were very aware of in devising their hieroglyphs…each glyph tells an entire story….
But do we know that our mind is too small to capture reality?
Who enlightened us in that respect, and how large was their mind?
At any rate nobody told me about this…
Two things: 1) I’m unaware of “widespread scepticism (sic) at the time” of the Manson murders. It was established that Polanski was not in the country at the time; and that there was ample evidence putting Manson’s girls at the scene of the Tate/LaBianca murders.
And 2) as I’ve previously opined, the Noah thing could actually occur through the use of DNA. It’s only because historians and archeologists refuse to consider that high civilization could have existed long before what they call civilization that the idea of DNA way back then is preposterous.
Polanski was in London at the time of the murders despite entreaties from his wife to return in time for the birth of their (?) child. He had earlier forced her to return to Los Angeles even though she was too pregnent to fly and had to take the QE2 across the Atlantic. He had earlier demanded she abort. The slightly built Manson chicks could not realistically have thrust bayonets deep into rib cages repeatedly. They and Tex are unlikely to have been able to identify the right telephone wires to cut in the dark. The coroner had determined that bayonets had been used. The story of the glasses found on the scene and the fellow who ordered an almost identical pair is quiite amazing. Everything points to a job by professionals. The trial was an absolute travesty of justice. Bugliosi was an unprincipled arsehole.
Bugliosi was an “unprincipled arsehole”, but he was also seriously deranged– mentally ill, clinically paranoid, violent, and crazy as a June bug.
My guess is that you’re familiar with independent journalist Tom O’Neill, who with Dan Piepenbring wrote the 2019 book CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties. If you’re not, read the book and/or check out O’Neill’s interviews.
Apart from his professional chicanery, O’Neill relates several episodes in Bugliosi’s personal life, pre-Manson, in which a batshit-crazy Bugliosi physically and psychologically tormented various third parties, including his one-time milkman and family, and his mistress.
Like Manson himself, somehow Bugliosi was shielded and protected by his employer despite a growing judicial record of his heinous and flagrantly demented misconduct in and out of work. Then this extremely troublesome assistant DA was given the Manson case to “prosecute”. Go figure! 🤔
What’s really damaging about the religions that we have is not that they are all completely false; no, it’s worse than that: they’re actually riddled with half-truths. Those are far more damaging than lies precisely because they are much more effective and believable. But there is indeed a kernel of truth to many (by no means all) of those old ‘faerie stories,’ and the occultists who rule over us know that very well, even if they themselves don’t know the full truth about them. So it behooves us to not simply dismiss every last aspect of religion and mythology as mere ‘conspiracy theory,’ but rather to let them inspire us to investigate further and find that truth for ourselves.
Well said. The sky is still falling. Todd, I wrote about willful blindness, which offers some insights into how and why people are failing to see things as they really are…
Excellent work, Nicholas. Yes, the poisonous vaccines and the PCR test that does not test for disease. The viruses that were never isolated in our history, not once, not ever. ‘WILLFUL BLINDNESS’, amazing…
Quantum physics revealed that we live in a subjective reality, that the mere act of observation changes the physical dimension. There is no objective reality “out there”.
If that is true, then what if all that there is to life is perception? Wouldn’t it behoove (yes, let’s keep that word alive) us to spend some time each day thinking “Every day, in every way, things are getting better and better”?
Even as we stay abreast of the distorted, not-so funhouse of today’s world, we can also perceive a glimmer of a healthier world emerging. If millions of minds were to imagine that, we could harness that vision to imprint into the physical realm. This is the true equality, the “flower of life” center of the universe each one of us find ourselves. Your perception matters, greatly. Use it wisely.
There could be a major roadblock along the way to improving the world by thinking it possible.
Namely, that there may be millions if not billions who are thinking that the world is improving because of the care and attention given it by the “ruling elites.”
Excellent points all! The real danger is not that we will become blind to an objective reality ‘out there,’ but rather that we are being distracted from the higher truth that exists inside of us already by the phantasmagoria of illusions around us that we have have been brainwashed into creating by TPTB.
Quantum physics is the result of believing in mathematics, based on experiments that were not consistent to explain anything.
Here’s a good smack down on why all this physics today is pretty much unscientific drivel.
I hear what you are saying Todd but I think the term cognitive dissonance applies less to those of us who are awake than to those that continue to believe in the folly of their governments being essentially good etc.
We are acutely aware of the bullshit and devious machinations and as you say, the evidence to support our outlooks increases daily.
What we experience is (again as you intimate) sheer disbelief that others cannot, or will not accept that war is being waged against humanity on a scale never believed possible.
Cognitive dissonance (or the urge to rid oneself of it at any cost) is at the core of why people continue to go along with the narrative and as is often the case, view those of us that won’t go along with it as the problem. They are seeing and hearing evidence that conflicts with their beliefs that “vaccines are safe and effective” or “we live in a free democratic society” or “the government would never allow us to be harmed”. And thus, due to the ensuing cognitive dissonance they adapt their beliefs (“no one said the vaccines stop transmission!”) or block out the offending information as merely right wing/Russian/conspiracy theories etc. This has been occurring for most people for many years.
So, we who are awake must find ways to remain sane, to be healthy, to spend time in nature, to surround ourselves with others who are on a similar wavelength and somehow continue to find meaning and purpose in our inner lives, hone intuition and spiritual connection and perhaps develop our own mental immunity to the absolute madness all around us.
(If anyone is in need of counselling support you can email me at Ben at cognitiveresonance dot co)
I would never normally take up a random offer for counselling from a stranger online, so would you be offended if I asked if you had any formal qualifications in counselling or psychotherapy?
Your comment did resonate with me you see.
I’m glad my post resonated with you, I don’t normally post personal details like this, but considering where we’re at, privacy is almost impossible and I’d much rather work with people who are aware of the shenanigans taking place 😉
For what it’s worth (not much in my view) I completed a Masters of counselling in 2021 just before mandates came in so I was able to do my placement. Had it been a few months later I wouldn’t have been able to compete the course..what a woyld..
Barry Long (1926-2003), an Australian spiritual teacher who was greatly influenced by Jiddu Krishnamurti, put it this way, paraphrasing:
‘The world was made by men and the Earth was created by God, or Life, if you prefer’
‘ The world is hard, judgemental, exploitative and ruthless.
The Earth is beautiful, self sustaining and full of wonder’
‘’I am in the world but not OF it’ said Jesus.
That, to me, is how we can best cope with the cognitive dissonance.
We play our parts in the world. but with a sense of non attachment.
In other words, don’t let the Psychos grind you down. Take a walk with those you Love. Enjoy the wonders of Nature, and just BE.
Very true.
It so happens that in the Indo-Germanic languages, such as our own English, that ‘world’ (and all of its cognates, such Welt in German and wereld in Dutch) literally refer to the ‘age of man‘ (wer = man, ald = age), and are to be contrasted with ‘earth,’ which refers to both to the planet as well as the soil under our feet, i.e., nature. More:
It changed a decade or so ago…
the phrase changed to , “I think I am going normal.