This Easter in the New Normal

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Jacinda Ardern rewards
A little insight into the quid pro quo nature of politics to kick us off.
This week it was announced that freshly-retired Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern will be given not one but TWO cushy new roles. firstly she will be “consulting” with national governments, international bodies and social media companies about “tackling online extremism”. Secondly, she will is being appointed the newest trustee of Prince William’s Earthshot Prize, awarding grants and other nonsense to people who “combat climate change”.
I have seen some voices in the alternate media express concern that the same woman who was the architect of New Zealand’s Ned Flanders Dystopia will now have some authority in global policies on both the environment and censorship.
These fears are misplaced. Moving forward Ardern will have the same amount of functional power she ever had: none.
She had no say in New Zealand’s lockdown policies, she was just the mascot. Believing otherwise is akin to blaming Ronald MacDonald for your burger being overdone.
This is not a new job – or two new jobs – it’s just an important-sounding title and some kickback payments. A fancy gold hat for being a good little girl and always doing what she’s told.
2. 2+2 =/= 4
Welp, they finally did it. The final basic truism of the world has fallen, in true Orwellian style…with a modern twist.
The National Review published an article this week, headlined “2 + 2 = White Supremacy: How Woke Ideologues Corrupted Canada’s Math Curriculum” and centering on a presentation given by Canadian maths teacher Jason To to the Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (OMCA).
Among other things, the presentation used this slide, which lists “2+2=4” under “covert white supremacy”:

See, it’s not that 2+2 doesn’t equal four, it’s just that saying it does is potentially racist, or maybe potentially transphobic.
Either way, sometimes simple statements of fact can be damaging, and we need to stop them.
3. It’s next pandemic season again
You can tell it’s spring, because all the squirrels and hedgehogs and diseases have come out of hibernation.
After being loudly hailed as the “next pandemic” last Summer, monkeypox crawled into a cave and took a long nap over the cold winter months. But now it’s back, with new clusters being reported in France, with fears of a new mutation…Just as new trials are starting for the “monkeypox vaccine”.
Oh, in case you were wondering they did eventually decide on a name change, it’s just “mpox” now. It took them literally months to decide on that.
The birds as well as the beasts are being represented on the disease front.
Birdflu is still going strong, and received a news bump this week, when it was reported a dog in Canada died of bird flu after eating infected goose meat.
Meanwhile, Time reports that, in Japan, “they are running out of land to bury dead chickens”, which conjurs up delightfully absurd images of acres of tiny white crosses.
“Here lies Feathers, 2023-2023”.
The story doesn’t hold together, really. Because all culling logic says you burn diseased animals, not bury them. Burying them simply has them rot into the soil, or else get dug up and eaten by wild animals….but the bird flu story never made any sense in the first place.
Fortunately, we only have to spend a few billion dollars a year on testing and vaccinating our chickens, stockpiling human vaccines, and other “pandemic preparedness measures” in order to avoid another Covid. Phew.
BONUS: Nauseating hypocrisy of the week
In just the latest example of mainstream media normalizing the idea of editing reality for human consumption, MSNBC refused to broadcast Trump’s press conference after his arraignment on Tuesday.
This is neither new nor surprising, but what really will stick in your craw is Rachel Maddow – Rachel freakin’ Maddow – justifying it by saying:
“There is a cost to us as a news organization for knowingly broadcasting untrue things.”
BONUS II: Revealing quote of the week
The latest episode of the High Wire with Del Bigtree is a conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson, the media mascot of The ScienceTM in all shape and forms. During an exchange about dissent on Covid vaccines within the scientific community, he let this fly:
Neil deGrasse Tyson on Why Certain Medical Experts Were Silenced During the COVID Pandemic
“I’m not interested in medical pedigree. I’m interested in medical consensus and scientific consensus…The individual scientist does not matter.”@delbigtree @neiltyson @HighWireTalk…
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) April 6, 2023
A statement so remarkably anti-scientific and so patently absurd…that I’m just going to let it sit there.
It’s not all bad…
The good news with reservations first. This week saw some potential progress in the US, where the Senate voted to end the Covid “state of emergency”. Any national emergency actually being ended is good news for the novelty as much as anything else, since most of them are still going strong.
In likewise cautiously optimistic developments, the WHO has revised their “Covid vaccine” guidance for children, saying it is no longer necessary to “vaccinate” children under 18 years old. That said, this is likely just as much face-saving and arse-covering as anything else, and national governments will continue to do it anyway – as the UK government said this week.
Protesters in France stormed BlackRock headquarters yesterday:
France 🇫🇷
Protest at the BlackRock head office in Paris.
The French protests are not just about pensions. It’s much bigger than
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) April 7, 2023
Bob Moran’s cartoon lambasting Piers Morgan and Julia Hartley-Brewer for attempting to revise their years of Covid collaboration is fun, and thematically topical, given the time of year:

Easter Viewing Recommendation
The programme of movies people watch over the long Easter weekend hasn’t really changed in decades – lots of sand, lots of sandals, ten minutes of interesting chariot race and four hours of boring everything else.
For anyone in the mood for a change I would recommend 2016’s Risen, a retelling of the Easter story from the point of view of the Roman centurion tasked with overseeing the crucifixion.
It’s not perfect, it’s not even very good all the time, but it is an interesting new angle on a very old story, and has some very good moments. Without spoiling much, the first half is very good…the second half somewhat dull. But it’s shorter than Ben Hur, better than Quo Vadis, and fresher than Prince of Egypt. If you’re in the mood for something new, give it a go.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the EU moving to ban anonymous crypto transactions or the UK’s largest teachers’ union supporting drag queens performing in schools.
Happy Easter everyone.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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A truly enraging array, Ardern gave rise to a burp-spew, 2+2 had the eyes rolled out of their sockets, “organization for knowingly broadcasting untrue things.” brought on a full blown vomit.
Such things ought to be preceeded by a warning….
They’ve been pushing the idea of ”consensus of scientists” in these scams, covid, man made climate change, and so on, because it’s so obviously false.
“Consensus is where science goes to die”:
Gotta love it when Tyson resorts to his usual ‘space time’ Geordi La Forge Bollocks and hand waving to impress us with his amazing cosmic knowledge – reminds me of another megamind…the singular grade D at Maths A Level genius Professor Brian Cox…the D-Reamer…
The Daily Wire and radical woke are a double-act within the same psyop. And the controversy over pronoun usage was a staged pseudo-event to promote the performance artist known as “Jordan Peterson”.
Change my mind!
What Is a Woman? is a 2022 American online film about gender and transgender issues presented by conservative political commentator Matt Walsh, released by The Daily Wire, and directed by Justin Folk. The film features Walsh asking various people “What is a woman?” and arguing for his views. Walsh said it was made in opposition to “gender ideology”.
The film was released to subscribers to The Daily Wire website on June 1, 2022, at the beginning of Pride Month. It had a divided reception; Walsh’s approach was praised by some commentators, but criticized by some others who described it as transphobic. Trans activists said Walsh had tried to trick people into participating in the film under false pretenses. Walsh’s tour to screen the film on college campuses set off protests.
On 27 September 2016, Peterson released the first installment of a three-part lecture video series, entitled “Professor against political correctness: Part I: Fear and the Law”. In the video, he stated that he would not use the preferred gender pronouns of students and faculty, saying it fell under compelled speech, and announced his objection to the Canadian government’s Bill C-16, which proposed to add “gender identity or expression” as a prohibited ground of discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act, and to similarly expand the definitions of promoting genocide and publicly inciting hatred in the hate speech laws in Canada.
DeGrasse Tyson is a fuckwit.
Using whatever thought process you’d like to call his, let’s all back track to the time of Copernicus or Galileo and put the Earth back into the center of the universe. That’ll work.
Of course this would be fitting, in this day and age, as the patently obvious seems to be easily pushed aside to make way for the next insanity de jour.
Clearly we’ve reached the point of such totally moronic “Woke” stupidity – that any attempt to discuss the actual “real world” risks one being labelled an – ‘idiot-phobe” – a moniker I will henceforth embrace as a badge of honor. : )
Neil DeGrasse Tyson – my eyes hurt as they roll so much when I hear/read that name.
Back in 2014 the first episode of Neil Tyson’s program
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey.
was aired.
That was the last episode I watched.
A lengthy segment was given to Giordano Bruno who, before Galileo and his telescope,
spoke of a universe where those points of lights in the sky were each stars like
our own. And those stars were orbited by planets like our own and the planets had
moons. Our Earth was not the center of the universe nor even was our star the center of
the universe.
He had had a powerful visionary dream, so powerful that he sacrificed everything
to spread word of how magnificent is our universe. He sacrificed his career,
he became impoverished and he was ultimately, in the year 1600, burned at the stake by the inquisitors of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church did everything in it’s power to make
him personally and his message forgotten.
In this episode the fire beneath Bruno’s feet was lit
as the Catholic Church burned him alive for speaking of his visionary beliefs.
A mere twenty seconds later Neil Tyson honors Bruno with these words:
“Bruno was no scientist, his vision of the cosmos was
a lucky guess…”
See episode at about 26:50
“We don’t even understand the brain of a worm”
“If you ask Christof Koch, Ph.D., Chief Scientist and President of the Allen Institute for Brain Science, how close we are to understanding our own brains, he scoffs.
‘We don’t even understand the brain of a worm,’ Koch said.”
– 2019 quote
Koch was not referring specifically to flat-earther Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
It is disconcerting to see those that imagine themselves to be “forward thinkers” descend into dogmatism, in essence displaying the characteristics of a flat-earther.
Giordano Bruno was not attacked solely by the Catholic inquisitors. Once,
he had accepted an invitation to lecture at Oxford, and (if the program Cosmos
is to believed) he was not just verbally abused at Oxford but physically chased away.
Neil Tyson did not toss Bruno out into the cold night nor burn him alive at the stake.
Neil Tyson dismissed Bruno like used tissue, labeling Bruno a “lucky guesser”.
Tyson had an opportunity to at the very least pose a question about the unknown, the less explored – the mind of the dreamer. Instead, Tyson preached dogmatism, he demonstrated a lack of intellectual inquisitiveness.
Here was Giordano Bruno as evidence of the reach of the mind. But Tyson could never permit himself to even entertain it. Relatively little is known of the brain, even less is understood about the brain-mind connection.
One example; we have tantalizing demonstrations of the possibilities of exploring the brain-mind connection in hypnagogia. Hypagogia is not the endgame, it is *one* tool for understanding.
Hynagogia is presently defined as a stage between wakefulness and sleep. Heightened creativity and awareness can be found in this state.
Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edgar Allan Poe, and uncounted more,
used the near-dream state – hypnagogia – for creative inspiration.
(Hypnagogia – look it up, perhaps discover this source in yourself.)
Nathanial Hawthorn described it; Salvadore Dali had a specific technique he used
when he **chose** to enter the hypnagogic state. Thomas Edison had a similar technique
he used to **choose** to enter the hynagogic state.
Paul McCartney told the story of how he formed the lyrics for the song ‘Yesterday’,
and one is reminded of Beethoven’s method for entering hypnagogia. Ludwig van Beethoven received inspirations during long carriage rides, as the bumpy ride would cause him to nod in and out of sleep.
“It was a long hot, dusty drive,” Paul recalled. “Jane was sleeping but I couldn’t, and when I’m sitting that long in a car I either manage to get to sleep or my brain starts going.
I remember mulling over the tune ‘Yesterday’, and suddenly getting these little one-word openings to the verse.”
It is sad to see someone like Neil DeGrasse Tyson who is afforded such wide influence over a large audience become a barrier to understanding ourselves and our universe.
That is exactly his function. Being a barrier to understanding.
What Mr. DeGrasse Tyson seems patently unaware of is that all scientists are lucky guessers. And what, anyway, is a “scientist” but someone who others permit to don that particular term?
All a “scientist” does is follow the protocols of the day. Given that, Mr. Bruno could only have been a “scientist” if he had followed the (Catholic Church) protocols of his day and started from an Earth centered position.
As a sidenote, a very interesting and ironic idea would be that in literal fact the Earth really could be the center of the universe just by pure chance. After all, something has to be more or less at the “center” of it all. Why not Earth?
Why not Earth? Stay tuned.
Someone gifted me an award winning book – Seven Cherokee Myths
In the book a present day Cherokee story teller, Freeman Owle, quotes from an ancient Greek, Empedocles.
Note, here is how Empedocles is usually quoted in English: “God is a circle whose center is everywhere, and its circumference nowhere. ”
Giordano Bruno was no scientist, he was a magician and a heretic, he deserved his ending. Good riddance, God will not be mocked.
You gotta understand: DeGrasse Tyson is an actor. Check out his page on imdb. Even when the actor acts, plays the part or role of a scientist, it doesn’t make the actor a scientist.
True science is all about truth, truth being both the start and the ending point of research. Truth is the only purpose science can have. If it seeks lies or uses the methods of lies, it is totally useless and futile. Every scientist or one who has been based on the fact of truth, basically every human being that is, knows that truth is the only essential that is necessary for anything to exist. Because what is a lie? It is not true! It’s as simple as that.
So, about Tyson the actor, of research or science, he doesn’t know shit. And there are scientists who actually point that out. He gets his facts wrong. Logically speaking, if someone has his facts wrong, he doesn’t have any fact or knowledge. Science means Knowledge. Only truth is knowledge, so says logic.
I was appalled by the presentation this cheap actor gave of the genius and high spirit of Giordano Bruno. But what can we expect when an actor makes his scenes with a cartoon maker and a fiction writer. These tv actors and writers produce a program with big money, advertise it widely, and people think it’s science!?
Giordano Bruno was executed by burning because of his theological views, not because of his ideas of space. He was guilty of denying the Trinity, that Christ was God, that damnation was eternal, and many other doctrines of the Catholic Church. Bruno was guilty of pantheism, the idea that the Holy Spirit is the soul of the universe, everywhere. He was guilty of believing in the infinity of God and the Universe. He was guilty of believing in the migration of the soul, reincarnation or the immortality of the soul, ideas that the Catholic Church denied. Bruno’s belief in many worlds, multiple star systems and the motion of the Earth, was against their literal interpretation of the Genesis in the Bible. The doctrines of the Catholic Church were criticized and ridiculed by Bruno, so they killed him.
He was brutally murdered, burned alive with sticks through his mouth so he couldn’t speak.
He was sentenced to death by the consensus decision of his peers. That’s what consensus means, rule by the majority of fools.
Footballer, 28, dies suddenly as family and his club AFC Portchester pay tribute to ‘top guy’ (
Absolutely tragic. How much longer until the dam breaks? How long until the public realises that with the full benefit of hindsight of just how devastatingly murderous these shots are, their scumbag criminal government continues to attempt to normalise this evil by being all casual about shooting up 6 month old babies and unborn children with the Satanic Juice?
Someone I know has a friend who manages a crematorium and she confirmed that since the injections were rolled out, the number of young MEN dying is staggering. Genocide and slaughter of healthy people dressed up as healthcare. Arrest and sentence these scumbags NOW.
Jung Chae-yul dead: Netflix’s Zombie Detective actress dies aged 26 sparking ‘heartbreak’ (
Mexican singer-actor Julián Figueroa has died at 27 in Mexico City (
Quite regularly, a Dr. William Makis (Canadian) has an article in listing young people (mostly men) who have died after being jabbed. Most are in their teens. And of course, the jab is almost never seen as a cause of death by their families.
The brainwashing didn’t just stop when the “pandemic” was declared over. It goes on and on and on.
Presumably, Neil deGrasse Tyson, as an individual ‘who does not matter’, will have no complaints when his right to express his opinions online are forever revoked?
It is, after all, only ‘concensus’ that matters, the individual expressing his human rights to free speech is now irrelevant?
Particularly and especially Neil deGrasse Tyson????
The US Attorney in Utah has given the anti-vax movement in America the greatest gift ever
“The US Attorney has given Dr. Kirk Moore the right to request the state and federal public health records. Now the truth will finally be exposed. Dr. Moore can single handedly do something nobody else has been able to do: expose the corruption and end the COVID vaccination in the US and worldwide.”
I think you are naive if you think that exposing the corruption will end the vaccinations. Judge Trungale, after all, deemed that certain key information was ‘not relevant’ when reaching his corrupt judgement that Pfizer cannot be sued.
It’s a weapon in the armoury, to be sure, but you need to be absolutely clear that this is a gun fight, a fight to the death, and legal due process and ‘exposing the facts’ are really quite minor actors in how this will eventually play out….
Hi, people have bean covering the range of new medications and injections or pricks we call them. You appear more knowledgeable than most. It’ll come down to private insured and cost alternative genetics for the public domains?…under a more, hopefully stringent Supplement industry in the UK…?
Don’t say “Wortdwide” gobshite otherwise you’ll have the Rest of the World on your arse, just where ever in the US beansprout.
Dengue Fever is showing up in some suburbs of Buenos Aires. Its way down there so hasn’t made the media in the real world.
As for not broadcasting Trumps press conference it was broadcast and/or reported on. It was a waste of media space — no new information, just meaningless attacks on the judge overseeing the hearing and the prosecutor bringing the case that add up to “I’m above the law, how Dare They!”. The commentators on CNN — including the ‘friendly’ one — were wincing about this, in Trump’s situation you keep your mouth firmly shut. He’s his own worst enemy. Apart from the circus aspect, though, there was nothing newsworthy in what he said.
You have no complaints when you board the plane, have the sniffles when you land in another country…”covid’ ? Or a reaction to having been sprayed with pesticides while in transit ?
Compare the list of SARS symptoms, and those from an airline pesticide spraying (mostly pyrethrin formulations)…
SARS…2003 Revisited…
‘Not well known,but well established, is that virus-like genetic material (RNA) is often expressed from poisoned cellular tissue as an adaptive and defensive response to poisoning. Expressing virus-like genes is part of the cellulat “SOS response” of cells engaged in accelerated genetic recombination.’
Virus is Us…
‘The cutting edge biochemist Howard Urnovitz, views SARS virus as human gene rearrangement by pollution stress. “I do not see a virus. I see a unique and complete rearrangement of genetic elements. For example, when i look at what is believed to be a gene sequence coding for the spike protein of the coronavirus, i see a completed gene rearrangement of the region of human chromosome. As i did in our studies of Gulf War Syndrome. When i see a gene rearrangement like this i immediately search for an associated catastrophic environment event that could have caused such genomic rearrangement.’
Overtly spraying insecticides over passengers before take-off: This only affects departures from countries that are not special, i.e., are “inferior”. Correct me if I am wrong.
Airline staff have more cases of cancer. (radiation or what ever the hell is being used on them)
Insurance policy’s for people who work at airports or on planes is very high.
Being in an airliner at great altitude for many hours a day exposes one to cumulative radiation – maybe gamma rays.
Jennifer Bilek Interview – Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA?
BIG PICTURE with James Patrick
Mar 21, 2023
Jennifer Bilek is an investigative journalist, a feminist and a leading voice really looking behind the curtain at who is pushing this TRANS AGENDA!
In this interview, we discuss one of the most controversial subjects of our time: the massive effort to promote transgenderism and to push “gender-affirming care” on children. Everyone has heard of the documentary “What is a Woman” but that film didn’t dare ask: “Who is behind this?”
We located the most hard-hitting professional journalist digging into who is imposing this bizarre agenda on us. Jennifer Bilek is a lifelong feminist, alarmed by men who don the mask of womanhood and then demand that all of society affirm this “identity.”
People are free to do what they like with their own bodies and time, but asking—nay, forcing—everyone else to ignore biological reality is another matter.
Jennifer Bilek blows the whistle in her hard-hitting investigative pieces that can be found at:
We contacted her and got this in-depth interview that gets to the bottom of WHO IS BEHIND ALL THIS?
Origins of Wokism lay in Marxism
That’s very good thanks.
Satanic influence is behind it all.
It’s so obvious I am amazed how so few even acknowledge it.
Looks like the current Labour party.
Post Armistice through 1919 is an interested period. imo.
The Liberal mindset born out of the exacerbation of religious intolerance, wars of religions, absolutism, divinisation of kings and privileges based on birthright, etc, came to affirm that no human has divine rights, no privilege is given but won (modern meritocracy, American dream), and that freedom regarding personal, religious and political practice is preferable to keep the peace. Over time, all the political, religious, social, economic practices, once part of public sphere and thus under the authority of the State and the Church became private values. The Liberal credo professes freedom for everyone in what they believed and how they lived so long they don’t trespass on others freedom.
The ascension of Liberal mindset politically coincided with the taking over by the bourgeoisie, which personified that mindset specially in the economy, and with the rise of Capitalism. Just like in other respects, commercial practice, sough to free itself from State oversight.
What kept the society in which every individual had free rein to conduct their lives independently of others from dissolving into scattered individuals, thus weakening the State, which of course has to be kept, though reformed? The economy, the market. We may all be free to live everyone the way one wishes but we all need to go to the market to buy and sell. That’s the common denominator and it is in this respect that people shall compare to each other, not any longer on the basis of their political or religious affiliation but on the basis of their economic relative success.
Under Liberté, Ėgalité, Fraternité, the Liberal, bourgeois Revolution of 1789 was to grant the total liberty mainly for commerce to carry on unhindered. Two centuries later, the UN consagrated “human rights” mindset: everyone has the right to live the way they wish provided that they don’t trespass on others right.
This “human-right-ism”, the sanctity of the individual as opposed to the previous sanctity of the group as a religious or national unity is too reaching a paroxysm: the contradiction at its highest between religious values – Thou shalt not kill – and the bloody wars conducted in their name gave rise to the Liberal mindset asa synthesis, whose social and political aspects are commonly known by “the Left” and economic doctrine by Capitalism. Similarity, the Liberal mindset (immanently unrestrained) is slowly reaching an apex under the mottos “my body, my choice” and “my money, my choice” causing an ever increasing intolerance, violence and wars ; the same intolerance, violence and wars whose avoidance and ending was its original raison d’être historique.
Is that the same UN that is pushing Agenda 21 etc.?
Of course it is. And the Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 or whatever name it has shall fail just like thet ideology of human rights failed. The reason it is that there exist so many groups, organizations, each representing a particular worldview, defending a particular right, even concocting ridiculous definitions – frightening would be more accurate – like the “right not to be disturbed by noises” even when living near an animal farm (real case of urban tourists living in french countryside that got to the courts, which ordered the farm to relocate) that clashes and expressions of intolerance are bound to happen between these groups with the net result that no one could satisfactorily exercise their right for having to coexist with nearby antagonist organisations. However, they may agree to represent the ultimate right: that of silencing out of existence the group representing a right that undermines one’s right.
It’s like when some gouvernements in need of collecting more money make so many laws that citizens are bound to break some of them. Plus, the very fact that they have to proclaim “Human Rights” as a charter only conceals the real fact that the average person hasn’t got their basic needs fulfilled. It Can’t be under Capital.
Same with Agenda 21: it is the rehash of the same clap trap: end of poverty and hunger, fight illiteracy, questions of water and food supply and distribution, housing, hygiene, health; and to that end encourage global circulation of commodity and free trade, discourage protectionism, etc.
So what’s the problem with all this? It’s the approach, the methodology; the UN and other think-tanks always proceed in an empiricist, ahistorical way without delving into the causes that previous attempts failed, and without investigating the historical reasons the current state of the world is what it is. And so they’ll fail again because they think that calling for a global Capital and free trade that integrates “emerging nations” is what is needed to alleviate social and economic hardship in these and poor nations; whereas an investigation into the causes of this hardship boils down to Capitalism itself, which can’t help itself create winners and losers by the billions. So basically, the UN and other think tanks as per their methodology try to alleviate the consequences of an economic system through promoting that same system.
Next, why the population doesn’t revolt against the Agenda 21 or 2030, the Great Reset or whatever the big cogs of the system plan to do? Revolt against whom? Gates, Schwab and the usual famous suspects? Although people like to insult them, they unconsciously know that punishing the suspects won’t solve a thing; that “somehow” the problem has to do with the foundations themselves of our daily living, not with this or that “psychopath”. However, it is an observable fact that a population poses to itself only such problems to which they can find a solution, depending on the historical stage they find themselves in. The problems to which no solution can be devised are invisible to them; and this is why a Revolution in the true sense of the word can take place only as we become able to devise solution to problems we successively become able to perceive as problem. And the gradual successive resolution of these problems leads at a certain point to a qualitative change meaning the Revolution is consummated.
Capitalism certainly creates losers, including the biggest speculators. Its winners omly come from subversion (rigging) and usury.
And this is exactly what I’d say to his little fan club:
And yet again .
“ Fear Cartel Virology
The last sacred cow
Everything is questioned, just not the viruses!
( LankaVision Telegram )
“The good news with reservations first. This week saw some potential progress in the US, where the Senate voted to end the Covid “state of emergency””.
I hate to be a killjoy, but I think this bill is already dead. In Article I, Section 7 of the US Constitution it says:
“If any Bill shall not be returned (to the Congress) by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.”
This is known as “the Pocket Veto.” The date of the linked article is March 29. The congress adjourned for Easter a few days later. It has probably been 10 days (even excluding Sundays) since they adjourned. So the bill is dead and the emergency goes on.
This was probably a ploy to let “vulnerable Democrats” go on record as opposing the continuation of the emergency. But it means nothing.
“The Senate voted to end the Covid emergency”. Think about it. A majority vote in the Senate ends a virus.
The Senate majority voted to end cancer treatment and medical treatment of broken legs.
U.S. Senate Passed The Bill To Allow Unvaccinated Travel On May 11..
3 years after Trump signed the bill.
Read the small print. Bill isnt passed.
For the last 3 year, Jabs where needed to get in to the USA.
However residents of USA can come in and out as they pleased (virus is clever). But normal folks couldn’t get into USA and needed a Jab.
The whole thing is fucked up.
The control op Conservative alt media blaming the dems, when it was America 1st Trump who signed it through.
On 12-24 June 2023 USNATO are holding “the largest ever aerial war games” mostly in Germany, (+Estonia & Romania). The “games” will include 10,000 soldiers, 270 aircraft (US to supply 100 aircraft out of its stock). The “games” will coincide with a massive US troop deployment. (The US already has prepositioned troops and nuclear assets in Poland and Romania).
USNATOs last war “games” were naval, held over the Nordstream gas pipelines. USNATO is about to preposition more chess pieces. What opponents piece will it remove from the chessboard in June ?
Stay Tuned !
The USA should be mindful that the summer melt of the epic 2023 California snowpack will be in full flow in mid June and if they don’t want their key life-saving dams bombed to put 40 million people in danger of death due to lack of water, maybe they won’t be bombing/destroying sovereign property of other nations this June?
It’s time for USA to understand the concept ‘a bomb for a bomb, a woke trans-neo-nobhead for a traditional human being’…..
“The individual scientist does not matter”…
Only an IQ of 4 can make such a statement.
At this rate we’re well on the way to a new IQ phenomenon: Minus numbers…
Sounds like more of the group think that the collectivists love to pronounce and force down all our throats.
Dalai Lama who calls himself ”His Holiness” regrets the incident where he asked a young boy to suck his tongue.
Damn, looks like Joe Biden. What’s up with all these sick MFers?
Dalai is said to be an CIA asset, and you know quite a few weirdos from this organisation from main stream media soo ………….
His Holiness Dalai Lama was very pro vaccine.
Sucking tongue. Yuck.
2+2 has always = (3/5/4/7….). i have no idea what segment 2 is trying to say. 😀
John Wayne called a spade for a spade, These kind of statements are too macho for our good friends from over there to the left.
Some people get a Golden Parachute.
Ardern gets a Golden Nose Bag.
And a Golden Noose around her stupid neck.
However high or low she may be in the hierarchy, she’s still a criminal against humanity.
Hancock and Boris have made loads of millions since covid.
Like Ardern they are rewarded from Satan.
Antipodean Dictator to Disinformation Chick.
A bit of a comedown.
Or maybe not.
Maybe she will just muscle aside Marianna Spring.
I know it’s probably not considered New or Normal, but this might interest persons who are not entertained by the “entertainment”. I consider this article somewhat more germane. >
Duress, State-sponsored, State-protected contract crimes, and the Bank for International Settlements (
Article 10 of the Jan. 20, 1930 BIS charter:
“The Bank, its property and assets and all deposits and other funds entrusted to it shall be immune in time of peace and in time of war from any measure such as expropriation, requisition, seizure, confiscation, prohibition or restriction of gold or currency export or import, and any other similar measures.”
Nice work if you can get it…
Constituent Charter of the Bank for International Settlements (
Something to keep an eye on:
Another excellent drop by Truthstream Media:
When Does the Narrative Replace Reality?
Another donate now hopium Court Case scam!
no thanks..
I made it through about a half hour of Del Bigtree’s ‘debate’ with Tyson. I found Tyson to be so arrogant, inane, and collectivist totalitarian, I wished that Bigtree’s producers had slipped up and that another brilliant and rightly celebrated black man, Mike Tyson, had sat down at the table. The author of “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” would have produced a more lively and worthwhile interaction. Not to mention having surgically removed one of Evander Holyfield’s ears with his teeth.
As usual, the bird flu psyops has multiple objectives. Besides setting the table for a new scamdemic with forced injected bioweapons and democide, the duplicity of the “flu” itself is instructive. Huge flocks are injected with ‘vaccines.’ They start to exhibit disease and mortality from the toxic vaccines. The disease is blamed on a non-existent virus verified by a fake and fraudulent rt-PCR test. The entire flock is exterminated. People starve. However, where I live in rural SW Mexico, many chickens are of the backyard variety and never see a syringe. So I am hopeful that I can benefit from their eggs and meat well into the next coming scamdemic.
Reminds me of the AIDS scamdemic where the master genocidal maniac, Tony Fauci, managed to force a discredited potential drug, AZT, a DNA replication inhibitor, with the almost unimaginable attribute that the FDA had rejected it from licensing as being too toxic for even chemo therapy, was sold to innocents who bought the bullshit and tested positive on scumbag, Robert Gallo’s fraudulent test. Gallo invented HIV in the same manner as the Fed prints money, out of thin air. Anyone who took the recommended dosage when it originally was recommended by Fauci was dead within a year from symptoms identical to AIDS. Just imagine that coincidence! Brings to mind another brilliant, black athlete, Magic Johnson. He ‘tested” positive in a routine pre-marriage test for HIV, though he felt fine, and he started with the AZT. After a couple of months he continued to decline into disease. Well, part of Johnson’s magic was his highly developed street smarts, so he quit AZT and went on a very healthy diet, and strangely enough, he is still with us at age 63.
I hope you are right about backyard chicken flocks.
However, I wouldn’t put it past TPTB to use drones to identify flocks mostly hidden from plain sight, and then send armed FDA agents threatening mortal violence over not jabbed birds.
I have already decided that if that happens, I will do my best to discourage them. If they persist, then I will protest with high velocity projectiles.
Tired of humoring tyrants and would rather go down in flames.
So? History of HIV and Human Rights in the UK. UK Emma Guy.
You must be a vecino el G. I’m hoping that seeing as there are so many local growers down here, with year round seasonal supply, they’ll keep us stocked when SHTF without me attempting to build a veg patch.
Does Bill Gates — whom one can only suspect pays people to post on Quora about his legendary IQ when he finished neither high school nor college — have the security clearance to know the inside track of the decline of empire and the coming war with China?
Gates does seem to know something: he tells Australians to be ready for the next pandemic that will be worse than Covid.
Then why is he not before Congress? Why doesn’t Gates blow the whistle on those planning biowarfare?
Do the depops know that they are being played, as billionaires ally with governments to scalp farmers and push the population into penury?
Simple answer. He works for TPTB that payoff every politician in the District of Criminals.
There is no political solution to the circumstances we find ourselves in.
Why? Because there’s no biowarfare, period. It’s literal nonsense.
There’s no virus, no contagion and no deadly pathogens passing from animal to animal, plant to plant or human to human.
There’s zero scientific evidence for the existence of any virus or any contagious or communicable disease.
Considering the giant scam “science” has always been, I see little difference between “zero scientific evidence” and beaucoup “scientific evidence” – except, of course, that beaucoup is rather effete while zero is rather macho.
Science has been misused as a racketeering device, resulting in most published research being false. But that’s another issue.
However, the public and medical community aren’t AWARE that there isn’t any evidence, studies or valid research supporting contagion, germ theory or viral existence.
The clot shots are bioweapons.
Bioweapon definition:
“a living substance, such as bacteria, used to intentionallycause damage or death to people, animals, or crops“
The injections are weapons/warfare, but not necessarily bioweapons.
I haven’t seen any conclusive evidence that there’s any biological material in the shots. Certainly there is no “living substance” inside them.
*If* there is mRNA (as claimed by the manufacturers) in these shots, it’s extremely doubtful it would have any effect. I haven’t seen any studies to support that theory.
It’s more likely that the nanolipids in the shots encapsulate SPIONs, and/or other metal based nanoparticles.
There’s certainly no spike protein in the shots because it doesn’t exist except as a vector, in silico.
They’ve recently changed the definition of gain of function.
That’s usually a good indication that there’s fraud afoot.
They (virologists) would have to find a virus first which can’t be done – because there aren’t any – in order to alter their function.
I agree, even if we assume that there are natural parent or progenitor viruses out there before they can ever replicate and reproduce, there is no convincing explanation as to where precisely the information and set of instructions came from in the first place that is allegedly coded in their genomes apart from some vague speculation regarding Darwinian evolution.
Also, because of the toxically polluted atmosphere in all its forms, including EM, particulates, noxious gases, free radicals and other volatile aerosols there would be little chance that lifeless viruses could ever survive physically, chemically and electrically intact in the external environment before they could “infect” anything.
Yes. There’s the problem of origin. And then the lack of viability of RNA, DNA or proteins which are broken down upon contact with our mucosal pathways.
But don’t tell that to those who believe humans are composed of millions of viruses which have magically been incorporated into our genome over time. Their heads might explode.
The danger as I see it now, is that people generally seem to think that arguing about viruses is now old hat and is just a distraction from discussing other current scenarios that are going on in the world today. They forget that some of these other issues can also be a distraction too, since discussing them is unlikely to change things for the common good because in practical terms they require the type of resources that are not in the hands of the people.
However, as I have tried to indicate in other posts the problem concerning viruses and vaccines which is still a legitimate and relevant topic to critically discuss and exposing what has come to light so far has made some headway with many different people in society today. The issue is also one that will not go away as it still has not yet been rigorously debunked and exposed in its entirety and there will be lots more hassle to come from the opposing forces.
We must not forget, that virus theory along with vaccines still have their adherents and defenders who will never acknowledge the shortcomings and inconsistencies of their position until the falsehood finally trickles into the minds of the doubting majority, and that the vain emperor really did not wear any clothes after all!
All true, which is why I still bring up the subject here whenever “commenters” propagate the virus/bioweapon/contagion/germ theory myth.
Most likely because Gates himself is one of those planning that biowarfare.
Suitable for Easter:
“Resurrecting a Dead Waterway — by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.”
At 5 minutes on this video at Hillsdale College, saluted by Senator Kennedy as the only college not to buy into the Con-19 $cam.
Reminds me of my most encouraging visit in the U$A: to the Illinois Butterfly Farm, in an exhausted cotton field that had been Resurrected by a friend of FDR.
The exhausted cotton field was restored…sorry Nick,…A least we forget the labour.
Did anyone notice that the deal, between Del Bigtree and Neil deGrasse Tyson, was a scientific debate,to be followed at the finale by a civil beer.
When it arrived, Tyson quipped as he sipped: “Mmm, cold beer. Perfect temperature: 33 degrees.” Joke or message, either way he responded to Bigtree’s big heart with mockery.
The Obama parallel. Quick with the lips.. and slippery as F$ck.
Maybe they were drinking “Rolling Rock”… ?
High priest of smugness, exactly. I was having trouble putting into words my loathing for the lies that man stands for, high priest of smugness is perfect. Just like all those who worship him as well.
“33 degrees.” They’re both Masons, obviously. I could have told you that, before the giveaway.
Oh, I guess I should have stayed until the end for that ’33’ reference. I made it through 45 minutes and cannot figure why they didn’t edit it down to about 10 minutes. Yes, they have a show to fill, but listening to Tyson drone on and on about BS was painful. The best part was the rolling commentary in the chat. They taped that interview the day before. If it was live, then I could understand the length. But good grief!! He was supposed to be debating Del about the scientific method and all he did was deliver a stupid monologue.
It’s now time to let go of the psyops (operation Covid) and realize it is cover along with the multiple threats to go to war and “climate change”. What they tell us are grand distractions.
It’s what’s not being covered that needs to be the focus. I know some are still processing what’s happening, but the PTB are way ahead. We’ve crossed the Rubicon.
I thought of a new word. MORONavirus – a new imaginary illness which only affects people whose brains are not engaged.
The Conservative Christian Alternative media wishes it viewership Happy Easter.
Happening now in the The cradle of Christianity and birth place of there Jesus.
The crime against the Pal*stini*n people is being committed by a J*wish state with J*wish soldiers using weapons displaying J*wish religious symbols, funded by the West and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised J*ws worldwide and a blackout by its heavily funded Alternative Media Outlets in whats happened there and over the last week during Easter and Ramadan.
Are you referring to the Jews in Israel and the Palestinians in Palestine? You seem to have a problem with your keyboard typing an asterisk instead of letters.
If you’re talking about Jaws and Palustinions then forgive me.
There is no climate emergency… according to 1,200 scientists headed by a Nobel Laureate:
Might persuade the odd normie…
Some research into geoengineering – which has been going on for 75 years or more – should dispel any notion that the climate is honky-dory.
There might be other problems with the climate as well; but geoengineering alone needs no help.
So is this angle seen as the way to get skeptics to also start worrying about climate change?
The normies can be sold the regular narrative – “CO2 is destroying the climate“, while the non-normies can be sold the alternative narrative “geoengineering is destroying the climate“. Pick either flavor you end up with the same “problem” demanding the same “solution”.
The one inadmissible thing being any suggestion the climate is not being “destroyed” at all.
I would suggest you look up and you can most likely see the geoengineering for yourself. You may be oh so smart to think that Howard is just some loon trying to muddy the waters over climate, but you are incorrect there.
There are Air Force documents and patents on spraying chemicals in the stratosphere to dim some of the heat of the sun. There are the admitted incidences of “snow” generated by chemicals emitted from planes – look up China in 2009, look up Operation Popeye back in the Vietnam War. Look up Saudi Arabia generating snow. All public information for any moron with an internet connection to look up.
But you go on ahead and don’t bother to look any of that up. And for God’s sake, do not look up and watch it happen in your own damned neighborhood as that’s just crazy chemtrail crapola.
As for demanding the same solutions as the CO2 idiocy, yah, no. Stop the spraying which is far, far worse than the problem with CO2.
What problem with co2? You know thats all staged eugenics right?
I agree. There simply is no problem with CO2 as a cause of global warming. It appears they have assigned CO2 to perform a similar causal function in climatology as they have assigned a similar causal role to a pathogenic virus as the cause of an infection! They can’t seem to get beyond reductionist explanations.
For if one considers CO2 alone as a prototypical greenhouse gas (analogous to the attempt to explain an infection as caused by a prototypical virus) we must realize that that sort of problem goes far beyond the lack of an adequate science of the variations in the concentrations of CO2 across different epochs, or even definitive data correlating an increase in concentration with warming and its decrease with cooling!
I agree L7.
The former CIA Director John Brennan gave a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations recently where he admitted government is engaged in “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI)” which, he claims, can slow or halt “Climate Change.” Thus referring to the chemtrails that we are now breathing in, and have been for some time which can no longer be claimed to be a conspiracy theory.
Within the US Constitution, there is no power delegated unto Congress, to allow them to engage-in, or even pay for, this type of atmospheric experimentation. It is a power NOT granted to the UNITED STATES.
Worse, they are doing this activity based on a “theory” of “Climate Change.”
So, since it is only a theory, it is now clear they are experimenting UPON THE AIR WE BREATHE, to examine their little pet theory.
I don’t get your response to Howard. How is it the same problem? The same solution? Please explain. Seems like for the normies solution is to curb CO2 emissions and for the non-normies the solution is simply to end geoengineering. Seems like two completely different solutions to me. I would really love not to have to watch as the tens of trails overhead turn a promisingly warm April day into something rather cool, a milky sun obscuring sky, and the next couple day forecast of rain change to almost certainly, after today, becoming dry. I’ve seen the pattern many times.
Yes you can’t “destroy” a climate but via geoengineering, you can certainly change it at least locally, and this change, as it concerns local flora and fauna can have a dramatic effect locally. Non-desert plants don’t really do well when being put into desert conditions like hot days and cool, arid nights. Neither do insects, mammals or birds. Where I use to live, I watched, in the matter of a few years as the geoengineering increased exponentially, over 90% of the coastal riparian flora die off, even the invasives died off. Gone were most of the birds of this designated important bird area, another silent spring, I went from hearing 30 species of bird before I got out of bed to hearing maybe six or seven. I went from organizing insect tours where I lived to having few insects to look at myself. When I left I would have almost welcomed a mosquito buzzing my ear all night. They ceased to exist there at all there anymore.
Are you. like the normies, ambivalent that the earth’s atmosphere is sprayed heavily on a daily basis? Do you not care about the weather being microwaved, manipulated and engineered? Is it okay that the ionosphere is poked at and heated? Do you want someone deciding wether your wedding day will be sunny or pouring down rain? I’ve had friends lose their houses, farms and forests because of geoengineered weather.
I think the whole climate change argument bullshit—man-made (CO2), natural, not changing only very normally—is a distraction to get people arguing while they manipulate, or rather change, the weather for warfare, profit and famine.
What you describe is a real thing. So many of them on youtube, making a living off the fools.
However, the skies are being sprayed. Of that there is no question. Even the pilots are beginning to speak out, after they cashed in big time. They will tell you that plane engines do not leave trails across the skies that last forever and expand into a wispy covering.
There are plenty of photo’s out there which show parts of US skies resembling a game of naughts and crosses. Sometimes this can be seen in the UK, depending on where they are spraying. What is being sprayed and whether this has a detrimental affect on the planet or the humans is open for debate.
Perhaps this is the NWO weed control unit?
The weather is a non-linear chaotic system.
CO2 and Clima change (global warming) is invented by Goldman Sachs as financial instruments.
Wall Street is calling the weather clima a threat because it cannot easily be manipulated and controlled to the stock market.
The only true human threat to our eco systems are NATO and MIC, their nuclear bomb tests, biological and chemical experiments, and they are the only one who are exempted from public discussion and control.
Sophie, there is another side to geoengineering which has nothing to do with climate (at least not directly).
Not all the toxins being constantly sprayed into the atmosphere stay put. Some rise and little by little destroy the ozone layer. Others descend to the ground.
We breathe in these nanoparticles all day long. They also kill soil microbes, making for very poor crop production. And they coat trees, which causes forest fires to burn at a much faster and hotter rate.
Those that remain suspended create more heat lightening. And – best of all (for the Pentagon, that is) – they ionize the lower atmosphere, thus making the sky far more useful for spy satellites.
Geoengineering is the gift that keeps on giving (to the ruling class).
“Climate change” is a red herring but environmental pollution (air, water, soil, etc.) and resrouce depletion are real. The main goal of the cc narrative is to allow for control of remaining resources wherever on the planet by NATO banks and corporations while allowing the same entities to get away with pollution by babbling on about cc.
So for example, if some local corporation in Mali wants rights to mine their own stuff in order to raise the standard of living of their own people, the global policmen of IMF, UNEP, WB etc. and the NATO corporate brigade will show up saying: oh but that will raise the temperature of the earth by 10 degrees therefore you need to let us take charge….
Perhaps Jacinda took umbridge at being called horseface and is now out to get us all? This sort of thing happened to kill gates you know. He got a pie in the face and has hated the public/humanity ever since.
This new nose bag is indeed a reward. An acknowledgement for services rendered. All the chosen ‘leaders’ get these rewards. Toady blaaar is now worth over a hundred million and is counting the profits from his NWO climate tax. Not bad for a bent lawyer. Obomber even got a Novel Piss Prize!
The NWO parasites have jabbed everyone stupid enough to get it. Now it’s the turn of our food supply, just to hoover up the dissenters and get the poison in through the food intake.
Kill gates has been slowly infesting the British meat industry, so when you next buy your meat from the butcher (never buy from a ‘supermarket’ because it ain’t too super) ask them if they will be letting you know when this meat will arrive at their shops, and will they know anyway?
The human race is being poisoned, starved, locked down and manipulated into an early grave by the Pol Pot’s and the Jim Jones of this world. They all had a plan, and that plan lead to ruin. This isn’t going to stop unless honest people take over the reins and trot people like jacinda back to the safety of a corral. This probably isn’t going to happen anytime soon.
See you on the barricades.
There are easier ways to kill us all, but then everyone would be up in arms already. Probably much better to keep the hoi polloi guessing and label those blowing whistles as nutjobs. The way the NWO plan goes, gives them step by step control. By the time the main quarry realise, they are dead already or off to an interment camp.
The people I know who went along and got the shots, have NO idea that the injuries, cancers and deaths they’re seeing among their friends and family have anything at all to do with the shots. It’s hiding in plain sight but they’ll never see it & wouldn’t believe me if I told them where to look. So, NWO mission accomplished.
It will eventually dawn on them, if they survive the adverse reactions.
The pie incidents are staged. It’s done to create publicity and sympathy for the fake victim. It gets his name in the press and makes him seem more important and controversial. These types of incidents are nearly always PR STUNTS.
Even the shoe throwing at Bush in Iraq was staged. The removal of one shoe is a Masonic symbol. “Hebrew custom of removing one’s shoe and giving it to a neighbor to seal an agreement, as a promise of honor and sincerity.”
And Jim Jones was a 100% hoax.
I’m not so sure. There was real venom in those pies and kill definitely didn’t see them coming.
J*deo-Christian Blood Magic. Why they use Lambs blood.
I had to stop watching when that little lamb was being bled dry it broke my heart.
Moronic, evil cunts the lot of them.
Absolutely (((they))) are the scum of the earth.
They were trying to invade Al Aqsa to sacrifice a lamb there.
I think the Aztecs were more civilised.
At least they only sacrificed people.
You were speaking of yourself here!
Grow up and read a bit reference religions.
Lol! Yes daddy.
So they’re all evil vaginas lol! You idiot.
Oh dear.
Too violent for you Violet?
My mother’s house backs onto a farmers field and the wailing of the sheep mothers after their lambs have been kidnapped to slaughter is also heartbreaking. I have never eaten lamb since hearing those sounds of utter devastation.
Sheep brains is good for you we used to have it for school dinner.
What went wrong then?
I suspect that a consequence of overconsumption is ending up with sheep for brains. 😉 🐐
…- CJD, evidently…
Sheep brains for school dinners,. LOL
Not in normal schools.
Posh schools yes.
Same school as Hannibal the cannibal;
A Gypsy School! No, us lads weren’t circumcised.
And ever so many folks just love their lamb chops. Oh, but that’s different: they’re eating it, not bleeding it.
Granted it is the hallmark of nature for predators to eat the young of their prey – the most vulnerable. But one might have imagined that humans could use their great wondrous super-size brains to ignore that particular “call to nature.”
There are exceptions: Leonardo da Vinci had a supersize brain and was vegetarian. So was the Buddha. That’s the glory of Nature, ever inventing alternative means of survival.
“Tiger! fearful symmetry,
Did He who made the Lamb make thee?” — Wm.Blake
Love lamb chops, especially Karoo lamb.
I’m sure they’re delicious. I’m sure human baby flesh is also delicious if fixed properly. But I think I’ll pass on it.
A powerful and informative documentary. It explains why the monotheisms were so important to the banksters. It helps keep people in line. The vengeful god of the bible has nothing to do with the creator.
Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals are worth looking at and pondering if this isn’t where much of their tactics is coming from (now the so-called elite are the radicals):
6, 7, 8 and 9 (for example) seem to have been very much in evidence.
You’re looking in the wrong place. The CIA did not get their ideas from Saul Alinsky.
NOCA Demanding Evidence That Bird Flu Has Been Proven To Exist (
Copied and pasted from The Bernician:
NOCA Demanding Evidence That Bird Flu Has Been Proven To Exist
In the event you are a farmer or homesteader in Britain who keeps any kind of free range poultry and you have been notified by your local office of DEFRA that you must now keep all those birds locked up in barns because of “Bird Flu”, this process can be used to establish whether there is any material evidence validating such a mercilessly devastating course of action, in the absence of which these cruel and callous policies cannot be legally enforced.
Dear Sir / Madam,
Re: “Bird Flu” Regulations
Due to Britain being declared a ‘bird flu prevention zone’ and because it has been deemed illegal to keep poultry outside in the UK, I hereby conditionally accept to keep all my poultry inside and under cover, upon receipt of the following reasonably requested items:
To be clear, regarding the above three questions, I am asking for evidence of the purification of the alleged “bird flu virus”, “H5N1”, including any alleged “variants” taken directly from a sample of a diseased bird, where the bird sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (i.e. monkey kidney cells aka Vero cells; fetal bovine serum).
Please note that I am not requesting studies/reports where researchers failed to purify the suspected “virus” and instead cultured something else, and/or performed an amplification test (i.e. PCR), and/or fabricated a “genome” from millions of sequences (allegedly) detected in an impure substance, and/or produced electron microscopy images of impure things.
I am already aware that according to virus theory a “virus” requires host cells in order to replicate and I am therefore not requesting records which describe replication of a ‘virus’ without host cells. Nor am I requesting records that describe a strict fulfilment of Koch’s Postulates, or records which describe a suspected “virus” floating in a vacuum, or private patient information.
I simply request evidence of a primary specialist, writing in a primary publication, describing purification of H5N1 (separation of the alleged virus from everything else in the alleged diseased sample, as per standard laboratory practices for the purification of other very small things).
If evidence to prove your claims regarding the existence of alleged avian flu and the validity of testing for the alleged avian flu cannot be provided, you then must immediately stop all attempts at regulating the farming and food industry and terminate your restrictions.
Given the seriousness of the issues raised and the volume of poultry being so callously and senselessly culled adversely affecting the food supply, farming, businesses and people’s livelihoods, you have 7 days to respond appropriately.
Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour,
[Add Name]
See link for the followup letters. A must read and share (especially with farmers and bird owners) to combat this latest bout of antihuman insanity from these criminals and scumbags masquerading as government.
It is impossible for the authorities to satisfy the criteria regarding the NOCA set out in the letter, requiring proof of claim for the existence of an alleged bird flu virus (H5N1) or any alleged ‘variants’ responsible for what has been designated as “Bird Flu”.
About as much good as the bernician’s lawsuit against the gov. And fuelmich’s for that matter They make the law, not keep to it. Or rather, those who own the law own the government.
The lawsuits fail because the system is rife with corruption and has been for a very long time. Plus the fact, that there are insufficient members of the population that are even interested or organized to achieve the level of active support necessary to apply the necessary pressure in order to achieve any semblance of justice regarding such issues.
I disagree. These letters are an education in themselves which can open the bird keepers up to the nature of the bird flu scam. The scammers (GOVUK) rely on widespread ignorance to get away with their criminal behaviour. Do you honestly think that if every farmer in the land knew and understood the methodology of this scam that they would willingly allow these criminals to order them to kill their animals? I don’t think they would. No way would they. They let this killing of their flocks go ahead because they are ignorant to the scam. If enough farmers and bird owners access this letter, and start making waves with this, and begin to understand they are being conned into killing these animals for nothing, by their lying scumbag war criminal treasonous mass murdering government, and the penny drops that in all likelihood bird flock illnesses and premature deaths are being caused by the “vaccines”, this would cause the scammers a MASSIVE headache, which is highly preferable to the farmers and bird keepers just rolling over due to ignorance, killing the birds and filling the country air with the smell of death.
I honestly think the farmers wouldn’t understand the letter, most that is, apart from a few who have been to university and are probably managers for a vast corporation.
Explanation: It’s hard to stuff those huge PCR test swabs into tiny chicken nostrils… Also: It’s hard to feed chickens when they’re wearing masks or on ventilators… Locking chickens up is good for them. Ask any Tyson employee…
Hydroxychloroquine? Nah. Mosquito’s don’t like chicken blood… Next…
There. You should feel safer now…
you think this lot is good for the soul then check out the just released agenda for the internationally renowned Hay Festival – a daily slot on how we can understand and combat climate change, a talk by sadiq khan about his late onset asthma and how it affected his desire to clean london’s air forever, bear grylls on mind fuel (hope it’s green), alastair campbell on how to stick with politics ‘calmly’, dr rachel clarke on ukraine’s ‘ordeal’, sander van der linden on disinformation and how to spread it, yes, it’s wonderful ain’t it – forgot to mention david miliband, the bbc all over it, monbiot and on it goes … pure, unadulterated VOMIT
I don’t suppose any of these illustrious celebrities remembered to give geoengineering and the endless spraying of toxins which settle to the ground a mention? Perhaps Mr. Khan gasped for breath so violently during an asthmatic attack it just slipped his mind.
Here is an article from that intelligence hangout the WSWS which is interesting for its determination to scupper all merging of “Left” and “Right” and keep the old pointlessly flapping bird circling forever:
“In her short speech opening the event, McArdle denounced the “deep-state” and, in an attack on COVID-19 mitigation measures, “un-elected bureaucrats.” McArdle repeated the mantra that the event transcended “left-right” politics.”
““Just a month ago, we” Brana said, referring to him and McArdle, “came together—a party on the ‘left’ and the ‘right’—and held the largest anti-war demonstration since the Iraq war.” In fact, the rally was sparsely attended, attracting primarily an assortment of libertarians and far-right elements.”
Beware of any outlet that pushes the ‘red-brown alliance’ scare.
The “red brown alliance” meme was much pushed back at the dawn of covid when many were waking up whilst old managers of the theatre reacted with panic trying to keep the two wings separate and booing at each other.
Moderate way pointing to a monolithic Allowance instead of the planned propagandist blue red pill social media microbes imo, cos the blue black red black white black is more directionally informative in unionist meetings.
“I’m not interested in alt media pedigree. I’m interested in alt media consensus and MSM alt media consensus…The individual alt media outlet does not matter.”
Your lot are no different than deGrasse!
As your so about free speech and online expression of thoughts.
Why is it, you haven’t mentioned Ron destantis Mr anti establishment Florida#s new bill which will give free speech and online expression of thoughts advocates up to 5 years in prison.
Why is that..?
ARDERN is nothing compared to ADL. Which MSM alt media is sponsored by to narrate articles to there standard.
How is this ok, yet antifia or January 6 is NOT ok. ???
YET fucking shill @JamesMelville is considered alt media is he??? LOL when 5 minutes ago he was a diehard pusher of jabs and lockdowns. No different than Morgan and just another sewer.
Unlike you, He doesn’t fool the ‘real truthers’.
totally agree about Melville but he still has some friends in interesting places, even amongst those who ‘oppose the tyranny’ …
Do you have evidence that the storming of Blackrock in France is a government-backed hoax or false-flag?
It’s likely led by the alt-right “freedom“ movement in France, which is 100% government controlled. These protests will probably lead to tougher laws against protesting and more online censorship. Once digital dollars eventuate, bank or property seizure will be the outcome of protesting.
The yellow vests in France were a govt created org, just like Antifa, Proud Boys, BLM, Oathkeepers etc., so it’s not as if these types of protests achieve anything positive for the populace, other than blowing off steam, then facilitating a more armed, militant police force.
The CONPloy was also a preplanned government orchestrated scheme to instigate the emergency finance seizure laws in Canada.
It sounds reasonable.
Absolutely… OWS, Extinction Rebellion, Greenpeace etc., are all government controlled psyops run by intel agents/assets. Even the movements and orgs in the 20thC such as Feminism, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, Communist Party etc., were also 100% govt. intel controlled and created.
Um…..The Science(TM) (aka the modern scientific technocracy post WWII) has always been about consensus and lucrative careers….just that the pandemic exposed it very clearly on a scale never seen before. I suppose every cloud has a silver lining.
The scariants, for example, are decided by COMMITTEES of the so called Pango Network which collects genome sequences to look for Sars cov 2 “lineages” based on pseudoscientific mathematical modelling.
The strains for annual flu vaccines are decided every year by committees.
Economic policy making occurs by consensus, the models and rational explanations have all the functionality of pretty Christmas decorations. Science also occurs by consensus:
a) through funding allocation where hundreds of billions of mostly taxpayer money are directed by committees. The EU for example, sent 50 million to Biontech in late 2019 so that come the pandemic, the cash was conveniently on hand to scale up activities.
b) through tight control of the publishing via committees, peer review or peer censorship, however you want to look at it.
c) through tight control of regulatory bodies and politicians by the corporate lobbyists who have something to sell.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s partcle physics or big pharma….same sh*t, different fans.
Definition: Committee: Ten arms. Ten legs. Five assholes. Next. >
The image heading this article reminds me of a similar one on the Royal Invitation to the ‘Coronation’ up coming on May 6.
A quote from the article:
“Look at the rest of the invitation. There is too much going on. It is overripe and fetid. None of it seems healthy. It looks like a swarm of gnats. It is rich enough to be mimetic. It doesn’t remind us of an open English field, but a walled garden, overgrown and stuffy. You scratch. You feel like you’re being bitten by something.”
See the invitation, read the article here:
Also, watch on YTube: ‘Beyond The Reset’. A 24minute animated film.
I don’t fully agree with your assessment of Ardern’s role. True when it came to covid policy she just walked the walk assigned by WHO et al, and, of course, in the process destroyed the economy along with much of civil society. All just in a day’s work. But, as someone living in NZ, it seems to me she pushed the agenda of wokery tokenry harder than others would have. This is particularly true since the 2020 election. From 2017 to 2020 her Labour (in name only) Party was in coalition with a small centrist, nationalist party [disclaimer: which I should add, I support — it is the only party actually opposed to neoliberal economics here in NZ; by no means perfect, but the best available). This smaller party held some of Labour’s wackier initiatives in check. But after 2020 Labour has been working closely with the Greens, who are here utterly nuts. I won’t go into specifics of the crazy policies/programs enacted now. If you want some examples, say so and I’ll provide them.
She comes off as viciously sadistic. She’s forever grinning and smiling about things that aren’t intrinsically funny; in fact, things that are very much un-funny..
People say it’s real name is Jack.
Number 2 reminded me of the ‘woke mathematics’ episode of The Simpsons, where Lisa wants to learn ‘real maths’, so joins the boys. Very funny. Worth watching:
Simpsons – Girls Just Want to Have Sums
Neil deGrasse Tyson: a USB rechargeable Establishment ‘person of colour’.
USB rechargeable Establishment ‘person of colour’. 😊
If Neil deGrasse Tyson didn’t exist, the deep state would have to invent him – oh wait: it already did. Never mind.
The transgender operation is like a spreading cloud. It seems that in every line of every channel there is some trans operative standing as figurehead and who, by “their” very presence, annuls all argument. I noted the case of one Laura Miles in “International Socialism”. Laura refers to her/him/itself as a “trans person”. I also found on the Open Democracy site, an article called,
This was written by one Jess O’Thomson whose profile goes:
“They” obviously denotes some kind of trans configuration.
The confusion that is inevitably spread by this is exampled humorously by an article I read the other day about how “transwomen” – or was it “transmen”? – can become pregnant – a matter that seems ludicrous unless you realise that either of these terms could mean someone who is actually born as a woman – and is therefore an actual woman. (Of course, the trans ideologists will come in and wrathfully explain the terminology to me – whilst ignoring the fact that none of this “scientifically verified” nonsense even existed a short while ago and is bound to go through changes again.)
The point is that all these articles are written by people who have been “assigned” as “non-binary” and whose very existence “proves” the transgender catechism.
Note how even on its own terms, this transgender ideology is only applicable to a tiny minority of the population. And yet it is everywhere! And constantly being shoved down the throats of everyone with the most massive trumpeting and the most glamorous media campaigns.
Note how even on its own terms, this transgender ideology is only applicable to a tiny minority of the population.
Oh, if they get their way, it’ll be a much bigger percentage of the population someday soon!
It’ll be an ever increasing percentage of an ever diminishing population as the sexes continue to mutilate themselves.
Humans are nothing if not kids with new toys. True, there’s undoubtedly an agenda behind all this trans bs. But I honestly believe it has more to do with the insane human attitude that “If I can do it, it will be done.” (I’m assuming one can still use “it” to refer to such things as practices – or is there now a new pronoun for a thing? Wouldn’t want to offend inanimate objects.)
…- Good call, Howard!… – Henceforth I will identify as a Tsukumogami… – My chosen vessel is a Japanese teapot…
I stumbled on this:
Here we have a typical piece of academic gloop – written by one Laura Miles – giving the customary oration about “The Right” persecuting the fabled and totally manufactured “transgender community”.
Note that the “oppression of gender-variant behaviour has not always existed; rather, it developed with the emergence of class societies and the consolidation of the nuclear family under capitalism” i.e. the re-write of the Marxist overview to accommodate the trans ideology.
Note also,
“One of the claims that transphobes often make is that the so-called “trans lobby” is conspicuously well funded. For the far right, this is proof of a left-wing or Jewish conspiracy to undermine the family and “good order”.”
The old “anti-Semitism” charge.
We also find that “Jennifer Bilek, a “trans-critical” blogger, has claimed that Jewish people such as Soros, Pritzker and author Martine Rothblatt are behind a “transhumanist” movement intended to erase women and transform human society into a techno-globalist dystopia.”
The Bilek article linked to (which link comes via a footnote leading to another link before it can be accessed and is therefore arduous to get to) makes no mention of “Jews”.
In any case, this wretched Miles article works hard to cover up an obvious point i.e. that these nefarious “anti-Trans bigots” can only be funded ***after*** the pro-trans lobby was set in motion and there is no reason why this pro-Trans lot should have been funded in the first place. But this thorny question is occluded by that mysteriously misty and objective “Science” that can hover in and make these pronouncements in Godlike fashion.
The blandly assumed “correct view” is granted by one “Global Philanthropy Project” which is apparently “a consulting firm that provides philanthropic services for high-net-worth individuals, charitable foundations and corporations. Their clients include John Legend, Avril Lavigne, Madonna, Tegan and Sara, Miley Cyrus, Eva Longoria, Gucci, Task Rabbit and Tory Burch. They have offices in Los Angeles and New York.” (Wiki)
The usual celebrity drenched moral instruction panel. One of this lots’ publications is titled,
“Manufacturing Moral Panic: Weaponizing Children to Undermine Gender Justice and Human Rights”
And leads with,
“The research explores how gender-restrictive groups are using child protection rhetoric to manufacture moral panic and mobilize against human rights, and how this strengthens the illiberal politics currently undermining democracies.”
Note how the “persecution” comes from something called “gender-restrictive groups” i.e. groups who are “offending against” some airily presumed “free gender” theology. And this “offence” is labelled as “mobilizing against human rights”!
Weasel words all the way!
It sounds like one of those articles where, if you read between the lines enough, you just might glean some understanding of what’s really going on.
The remarkable thing would be if anyone believed news organisations didn’t indulge in ‘editing reality for human consumption’ so nothing surprising in Maddow’s revelation there.
And MSNBC are a private news organisation (AFAIK) so can publish what they like. Its only organisations like the BBC or govt / public funded media that should really be questioned as they do have a duty to be impartial while (stop laughing at the back!) we all know different.
Neil deGrasse Tyson is too science what you say Adern is to pandemic management – a mascot. Someone pushed into the public space to dumb down the public. A sort of US Brian Cox. Shepherd the youth away from questioning into a sort of intellectual cul-de-sac. Not someone you should be giving space to.
Alt-media could do with a bit more upfront publishing about the French protests though. That is much more relevant. H/t to Bob Moran too – very good cartoon.
MSNBC, for all intents and purposes, is a state propaganda organ.
Indeed, more specifically, the National Security State!
Ah yes Brian the Brain Cox. A man who is supposed to be able to explain the origins of the universe yet he has failed to notice the fraud of global warming – which he just loves to plug.
No where near as clever as he likes to pretend he is.
…- Philomena Cunk and Barry Shitpeas review Brian Cox’ ‘The Wonders of Life’:…
a retelling of the Easter story from the point of view of the Roman centurion tasked with overseeing the crucifixion
Who is going to retell Judas’ story?
Actually there is a very good novel by NZ writer CK Stead “My name was Judas.” It might interest you. And, to a degree, the play (and later film, I think) “Jesus Christ Superstar” also makes an attempt to examine Judas’ motives.
No plot without a villain. From the movie:
“Then I saw thousands of millions
Crying for this man
Then they were mentioning my name
And leaving me the blame”.
If only Judas hadn’t “betrayed” Jesus, there’d be no Christianity.
Of course, I like Red Dwarf’s take on Judas. In an episode called Lemons, Rimmer explains his mother was a member of the Church of Judas; and that Judas was actually Jesus’ “twin bro” who was crucified so that Jesus could arise from the dead and proclaim “I’m back baby!”
There’s not much difference between the position promoted by Bigtree in this clip and that of Tyson. They’re just arguing over which panel of “experts” gets to usurp upon individual rights by setting public policy – saying “my panel is better than your panel.” Consequently, they’re both pushing technocratic fascism – and in response to a fake crisis. Although Bigtree claims that his panel “proved to be right”, none of his “experts” (as far as I know) challenged the notion of there being a pandemic – let alone a novel virus. What relevance is there in a “list of top-ranking medical professionals” when there was no medical issue?
Bingo, you nailed it.
Exactly. “The Barrington Declaration” were pandemic response lite, instead only pushing vaccines “for the vulnerable”. Mccalaugh talks about “how many lives would have been saved” if various other drugs had been available. Malone is a creature of the military branch of the deep state. And then there’s fucken Geert Vanden Bossche and his “leaky vaccine” nonsense.
All of them still on the big pharma payroll.