WATCH: National Citizens Inquiry – #SolutionsWatch
The National Citizens Inquiry is a citizen-led and citizen-funded initiative that is hearing testimony from Canadians and experts examining the nature, the legality and the effects of the Canadian governments’ COVID mandates and restrictions.
In the most recent episode of #SolutionsWatch, James Corbett talks to the volunteer-run inquiry’s volunteer communications director, Michelle Leduc Catlin, about the inquiry itself, what it is seeking to accomplish and how Canadians (and people around the world) can support it in its endeavours.
Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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The solution is straight forward.
Re-read the Nuremberg Code and every other single human right that’s been written down ,for what is now rapidly approaching a century.
Once you’ve fully understood that and why it’s important, bring back hanging as a punishment for crimes against humanity.
Then, hunt down every single mother fucker who has, over the last little while, thought it was ok or even good to ignore all of that “human rights” shit and put them on trial.
And hopefully hang some of them.
This important because if you’re going to have extremists in a society that think it’s ok to ignore human rights then you need to have extreme measures to deal with them. It’d be nice if it didn’t have to happen, but they started it.
It would certainly beat the current “deterrent” fashion of putting them on probation for six months, or maybe letting one of them actually sit in jail for a while.
I’m remembering Iraq in 2003 and the banking “crash” of 2008.
Our representatives are fools, but they have come to believe they are gods.
What are the odds that The National Citizens Inquiry has already been infiltrated by government moles?
“You never know what you’ve lost till it’s gone.”
Did I get this right? The “solution” is for citizens groups to blather on endlessly about solutions they will never have the authority to implement. O’righty, then…
Please suggest better (practical) alternatives?
Not that your question was addressed to me; but I would like to note that it isn’t necessary to offer alternatives before pointing out that some particular course of action will not work.
A few people making inquiries will do nothing. A few million: yeah, that might work. But only if they’re willing to stick with it – and there’s the fly in every ointment: sticking with it.
Few people are capable or willing to go those extra miles. Eventually even a few million will dwindle to a few dozen. And that’s the end of it.
International capitalist exploitation is the core reason why humanity is encased in an anti-human, anti-life system. The better we understand how capitalism works, the better.
Grasping dependency and under-development as structural, not simply a product of force
“…rather than believe that equitable trade relations are possible in global capitalism, what is needed is the abolishment of international economic relations based on exchange value.
Anyone wishing to grasp this enduring international phenomenon would benefit from reading The Dialectics of Dependency. It is not always easy reading but working your way through sometimes difficult and abstract passages will be enriching for any activist seeking to understand how capitalism works.
It also explains why such stratification exists without falling back on under-developed explanations that see only military force without the very structures of capitalism and the system’s perpetual and relentless need for expansion and intensified exploitation.”
Government of the people, for the people, by the people?
Well, not quite, but certainly ‘Oversight of the government: for the people, by the people’.
Get those Big Liars silenced before a Rothschild, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab et al have a collective coronary!!
After watching 2/3rds of this, and not hearing any of them mention the fact there’s no such thing as a virus, AND propagating McCollough, Malone etc, this is nothing but a scripted contropp limited hangout bs show
Getting harder and harder to trust Corbett at this point
I completely disagree with you. These people come off as entirely sincere and acting out of the best motivations.
I wonder if people that have lost family members and friends, or have been injured themselves, and are getting no assistance, and worse, being gaslit, really care at this point whether there is such a thing as a virus or not.
The point of the inquiry is not terrain theory. The point is to demonstarte the serious consequences of the tyranny of the past 3 years and to give people a voice.
Be intelligent for a second. You can’t prove a negative. You can’t prove there are no viruses, only point to flaws in the viral hypothesis. It’s valid to question everything, sure, but this isn’t prima facie evidence in order to rebut the Covid narrative at this point.
There is much proof that Covid was a lie, and winning that argument will allow runaway big pharma and corrupted virology to be placed under tighter scrutiny and control in future, issues currently outside the practical scope of any inquiry at this point.
We have to be methodical and it’ll be a slow process. You might not like this, you might feel frustrated by this, but expressing that frustration literally changes nothing for the better, only for the worse.
You should be embracing this citizen’s movement. I can’t for the life of me see a rational, honest, intelligent reason not to.
Let’s do better.
Unfortunately some don’t like you saying things like this here, especially the admins. They expect you to lie to yourself because others can’t handle too much truth in one sitting. Just tell them half of the truth.
It’s like you are allowed to state the fact that on Christmas day when you discover gifts in your sock, it was a scam.The gifts did not magically appear in the sock, your mother and father put them there. However, when it comes to saying Santa is not real, well that’s just going to far.
Euphemism, denial and appropriate terminology are the key with that Christmas issue…
You can assert a probability that it’s controlled oppo, and give or waive giving evidence to support that (and just hope others have seen the same things you do), but to completely dismiss the possibility of mere ignorance combined with sincerity is a stretch. If you do the latter, you’re contributing to toxic discourse. That sort of thing is now too prevalent everywhere, alt or not.
In next months SolutionsWatch, James Corbett discusses Post-It notes.
You nailed it!
I wonder if the injured people in that video feel the same way.
I can’t speak for Matt Black of course. But it should have been obvious to Mr. Corbett quite a while ago that his “Solutions Watch” simply is not working.
All it’s done is give people a vehicle for expressing their particular views – which is fine as far as it goes. But you could wrap all two years’ worth of “Solutions Watch” episodes into one episode of “The Corbett Report” and no one would miss a thing.
I finally got around to reading this week in the new normal last night and was struck by the relative calm. Calm before the storm I thought. The references to shakespeares birthday or not reminded me of the work done on the code contained within the “works of” many will be aware of the link between templars and the early foundations of mainstream masonry understanding the core “MO” however is less straightforward There has been some work done on decrypting all of “the works of” that show a countdown working its way through time, as per the steps of the pyramid That countdown takes us to 2025, “the great work of ages” seeks to restore the cap stone upon the pyramid (as perhaps it once was?) The observant will note that the capstone and eye are generally shown seperate from the main body (think stargate) So…. as we aproach a truly watershed moment in human history we must ask ourselves whether we are on the side of those who embrace servitude and their “assumed” granted positions of authority within it, or whether we are part of the fucking great spanner that utterly wrecks the great work of ages? the most recent drivel from the dickless piece of shyte at alpha lodge sydney australia may illustrate where things are about to be manipulated further–everythings-.html We are living in strange times indeed and will require all of our best qualities to endure the coming 24 months, I am sure that many now realise the relevance of the slow seeping poison that is within the billions who accepted it as the spiritual illness seeps into every facet possible. those who follow the covert efforts to procure a “red heifer” will know how close the synagogue of satan are to acheiving their… Read more »
Interesting links Duckman thanks, I’m dreading 2033
No. 1 cause of death 18-45: fentanyl overdose. More than suicide, auto accident, or cancer
3d cause of death all ages: medical error
FDA Commissioner says we’re being killed by Misinformation: “You think about the impact of a single person reaching a billion people on the internet all over the world, we just weren’t prepared for that,” Califf said
[I don’t know how to make a smile emoji]
Interesting. Do you have a link?
Here’s one link.
Is Free Speech Killing Us? FDA Commissioner Declares “Misinformation” a Medical Risk – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Re: [I don’t know how to make a smile emoji]
FYI, if you’re interested, on this platform users don’t have to create or paste in emojis from scratch.
Click that little yellow smiley-face on the bottom of the comments window (see below, second icon from the right). This brings up an emoji library; just click on a given emoji(s) to insert it in your comments text, à la: 😎💡
Falling life expectancy, or violence, may be good business. Apart from lead, consider this:
“I published a list of 98 medicines that can cause suicide or homicide. If I had made this claim without proof, the pharmaceuticals would have sued me.”
– Prof. David Healy, 2013
Family Trust Murdoch still owns 19% of Fox, with smaller institutional investors owning the rest. CEO of Fox is Lachlan Murdoch.
With Blackrock’s 2.7% increase Blackrock is fast becoming the controlling entity in Fox Corporation.
Together, BlackRock and Vanguard own almost 21% of Fox, 16% of CBS, 13% of Comcast — which owns NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, and the Sky media group, 12% of CNN, and 12% of Disney. Media “rivals” are, in reality, owned by the same company.
And by an amazing coincidence Tucker Carlson has departed Fox News – just days after a massive “settlement” with a certain vote rigging company.
From the horse’s mouth:
More amazing was the share price, upon Tucker’s announcement.
A far greater loss than the Dominion Legal settlement…
Shooting ‘oneself’ twice in the foot(sie), within a week.
Yet again, the “solution” here is another big fat nothingburger, as evidenced by the interviewed woman’s politician-like demeanor and refusal to answer basic and obvious questions.
It’s becoming more and more clear that the only answer is to become educated and simply NOT COMPLY.
From what I have watched it seems like a sincere attempt to get at the truth of what happened. I’m grateful to those people for making the attempt.
video has no sound.
Sorry, but the first cry me a river sequence of the video reminds me about the Iraq witness crying about new born babies thrown on the floors.
Its thus difficult for me/readers? to evaluate the truthfulness of the testimony.
Moderator: pls delete the comment above, made wrong.
Well said.
It’s so easy for people to think one is a heartless beast when one dismisses yet another weeping willow who thinks her “Hollywood moment” has come, but that’s because our ability to distinguish between true and fake has been systematically eroded by the “reality TV” culture pervading all the media today, as well as by “the narrative”, which has replaced actual investigation.
I realize I’ll be detested by some for saying so, but liars can weep too.
Crying does NOT mean we are telling the truth.
Crocodile tears!