For my dear friend, Graeme MacQueen, the great 9/11 writer, who departed yesterday from life’s mystery to the other.
When you are ready
And the day dawns
Remember how love
Wraps you in its arms
And the sweet sound
Of grace lifts you up
Lighter than a feather
And places you onboard
The silent ship that sails
Calmly out to sea. Listen
To us calling, “Bon Voyage,
Let us know when you arrive”
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Please show a bit of basic respect and try to keep your comments on topic.
This is not the place to complain about your OT musings being held in pending for ten whole minutes.
what is OT?
how about a new rule:
“Comment pending until all acronyms are spelled out by the commenter”
Off Topic.
Thursday April 25, 2024 to April 25, 2023
Graeme MacQueen, Today marks one year of your passing and we, your friends, colleagues and family miss you more than words can ever say…
“The Power of your Own True Voice Lives On in Each and Every One of Us, Here, Now and in The Great Forever”…(tm-c)
With Love ❤️
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit
July 25, 2023 to April 25, 2023
Dearest Graeme MacQueen,
On Tuesday July 25, 2023 marks three months.
Graeme, your extraordinary contribution for the Greater Good lives on in the Conscience, Hearts and Souls of each and every one of us who believe in the power of your true voice.
Graeme, we all miss you so very much
With Love,
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit
JUNE 18, 2023
Tues May 23, 2023 to Tues April 25, 2023
It is four weeks that Graeme Macqueen has passed on, it still seems so unreal.
We had a meeting today to discuss the memorial tribute and how best to honor such an extraordinary force of nature for all that is good, pure and decent.
We all miss you so very much
Graeme, you are Loved from Here to Eternity and Beyond in The Great Forever
In Appreciation, Admiration & Inspiration
Carol & Family-Documentary Film Unit NY
April 25, 2023 to May 3, 2023
It is now one week that the Great Graeme MacQueen passed on April 25, 2023 . It is so hard to believe, as we just spoke farewell on that day….. Still in shock and still in tears, he worked so very hard on trying to heal from this and yet still maintaining such grace, wisdom, dignity and humility…Deep Loving Friendships he shared with me and so many others with offering all of us and the world his great gifts found in his spectacular and stunning investigative body of work brought to light with his Beautiful Canadian form of expression so uniquely Graeme, Rest in Peace, Good Kind Man…With Love C & Family – Documentary Film Unit – New York
Ed Curtin,
Your Beautiful, Poignant Poem in Honor of your dear friend the Great Graeme MacQueen who deeply respected, admired and loved you. How fortunate you both were to share your work, insights, friendship and love for each other over the years. We will plan a Memorial in Honor of Graeme MacQueen in New York so Ed, Please join us. Warm Wishes Carol – Documentary Film Unit
April 25, 2023 to May 3, 2023
It is now one week that the Great Graeme MacQueen passed on April 25, 2023 . It is so hard to believe, as we just spoke farewell on that day….. Still in shock and still in tears, he worked so very hard on trying to heal from this and yet still maintaining such grace, wisdom, dignity and humility…Deep Loving Friendships he shared with me and so many others with offering all of us and the world his great gifts found in his spectacular and stunning investigative body of work brought to light with his Beautiful Canadian form of expression so uniquely Graeme, Rest in Peace, Good Kind Man…With Love C & Family – Documentary Film Unit – New York
April 25, 2023
My heart goes out to the MacQueen Family
I was so fortunate to have spoken again with Graeme that fateful morning of his final day on this earth. He had just sent me an email saying “Carol, It’s ok that I’m leaving this earth. I’m not afraid”. I cried with Graeme that fateful morning and I am still crying now…
Graeme MacQueen is a “Man of Conscience”…
The depth, breath and scope of his compelling body of writing and research work is conscience driven. Graeme’s fierce belief system compelled him to shine a laser beam against any form of fraud and injustice. Graeme was a Beautiful Man of Peace, generous, compassionate to all his friends and colleagues, teaching us real life lessons of wisdom and empathy along the way…I will forever cherish my friendship and honor his work including his latest gem. ”The Pentagon’s B-Movie” found at
I love you Graeme….
We all love and honor you…
May your Soul Rest in Peace in the Great Forever..
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit
PS. In New York we will hold a Memorial to honor Graeme MacQueen
This makes me very sad. I always had a lot of admiration for Graeme MacQueen, both as a person and a 9/11 Truth activist. He would make the fiercest of arguments in his wonderfully calming and gentle voice. Condolences to all of his loved ones. He will be greatly missed.
—If you have not read his book on the Anthrax Attacks, it really is a must read. It’s not very long, but as usual with his work, it presents irrefutable arguments.
That’s beautiful!
Too soon to mention vaxxie die-off ?
No. Go SPIKE go!
OT. And do you really think (if you can think) that a champion of the 9/11 contra-narrative would have been Covid vaccinated?
From “Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him.”
to 2023 with…
Smoking hopium…Scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
with ….
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
·Apr 25
I have known and liked Joe Biden for many years, but we differ profoundly on fundamental issues such as corporate influence in government, censorship, civil liberties, poverty, corruption, and war policy, among others. I look forward to engaging him in debates and town hall meetings, in a primary election that is honest, civil, and transparent. I invite him into a new era of respectful dialog in these times of division.
It’s time to get angry as a last resort when debate clearly doesn’t work
“Oh Joy. Yet another rigged Corporate Fascist Republicrat political freak show for Sock-Puppet-In-Chief in Sham Democracy USA to get in the way of honest organizing and mobilizing.”

Seen this before. Several times now.
Love Carlin. Got all his recordings. Heard the one about Stupid People? One of his best. “That’s my political humor”, he says, “People like it when you’re topical.” Yes, we do. He describes three categories of people: “F**king stupid”, “full of s**t” and “f**king nuts”. Dan Quayle, Bush Snr’s vice-president, Carlin says, is all three. He then goes on to make some disagreeable and hilarious remarks about Quayle’s wife, who “looks like Prince Charles or something” and whom he wouldn’t f**k with a stolen d**k!
Not sure into which of Carlin’s categories (or all three) to put a commenter who has so little respect for the loving tribute of a respected writer for his departed friend, they can’t resist for one moment launching into their own borrowed rancor.
The Great George Carlin…!!!
Relevant, timeless, No One, but No One in COMEDY Today is this Prolific, this Compelling, this Powerful, this Profound and Soo Oh Important!!!
RIP George!
PS Yes, but so OT and disrespectful in this context in a way Carlin never would have been.
“I have known and tolerated Joe Biden for many years, mainly because he is one of us ‘democrats’ and despite his having been a robotic piece of crap all that time.
For example, he likes corporate influence in government, censorship, the destruction of civil liberties, poverty, corruption, and war.
How I have learned to tolerate him for so long is a mystery to myself, as well as to all my friends and acquaintances, and I do NOT look forward to pretending to respect him enough to engage in debates and town hall meetings with him.”
What to do when the ‘honourable gentleman’ is actually a useless usurper of the once-admired position of President…?
Well, RFK Jr, you either brown-nose him like the rest of your party, or you call him out for the superficial fraud that he is.
It’s certainly true that RFK Jr. has to play the game a certain way if he expects to be taken seriously as a politician. Taken seriously not just by the Party but by the people as well.
But his gloves on approach to President Biden may also be based in part on Biden’s feeble mental state – which is obvious and which is, unfortunately, a major stumbling block to attacking him.
Ironically, Biden’s dementia wouldn’t have been a problem back in the “Tammany Hall” days. But modern politics has effected a patina of civility which is almost sickening.
I very much like your interpretation, as likely reflects his true feelings. Politicians have always been the lowest scum on Earth. Too bad they’re not more combustible…
I think Biden’s a decent enough fellow. His fundamental problem is generational — the world he understands is the one from a couple of generations ago. This puts our policies completely out of step with the world — we’re carrying on as if its ‘The End of History’ and if we’re not careful its going to be ‘The End of us (US) as we know it’.
That said, the so-called conservative wing of the capitalist party is completely unhinged and bears the blame for undermining the US. Its economy was weakened by rampant greed, its foreign policy has been undermined by the abuse of soft power and we’re locked in a trade war which we’re not going to win which will have huge ramifications for the economy into the future (the dollar is going down as the world’s reserve currency…..). Trying to get this crowd of DC misfits to focus on this is impossible so I’m afraid its back to the agrarian backwater for us.
PS — Debs is 100% right, of course. But this is America….
Creepy Joe is a maggot infested heap of shit.
He did criticise the covid hoax, something no other political hack did.
He did. He also says that covid was due to a lableak, so he speaks in half truths, sorry to say…
You prefer Creepy Joe’s full untruths ? And those of the millions of arseholes that tortured and poisoned us during convid ?