I Am a Camera
Todd Hayen

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash
I have stolen this title from the stage play of the same name based on Christopher Isherwood’s 1939 novel Goodbye to Berlin. The title is taken from a quote in the novel’s first page: “I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking.”
This describes a bit of what I am now experiencing—all but the “not thinking” part. Isherwood was observing life in 1933 (or thereabouts) Germany, right when the country was embracing the maniacal power of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich.
My title does not refer to Nazi Germany in any way, but rather is a play on the “observation” part of Isherwood’s experience. I have turned into a camera with its shutter open. But I do “think,” but usually in frustration. Let me explain, and give a few examples.
When this worldwide ignominy first entered the collective conscience in March of 2020, I was a bit shaken up by it. It is shameful for me to admit that I bought it all hook, line, and sinker in those early days. I was preconditioned to believe such things were possible from Stephen King’s popular novel The Stand, and the various films that had entered our awareness a few years before such as Contagion and Outbreak.
Thank God this delusion did not last that long for me, and I quickly shook myself out of it back into reality. I am also thankful that I never went gaga over it. Fear never even got close to taking over.
Once I saw the truth, I started to do what I could to get everyone around me to see it as well. It was the old “Chicken Little” story running around screaming the sky is falling and to pay attention or you’ll get bonked. The difference between the story and reality was that there really was something to be squawking about (in the story Chicken Little was mistaken). But of course, no one paid attention. At the time I was incredibly baffled by the inability to convince anyone of what was really happening (and to be honest, I still am).
I now believe something really odd is going on, not just regarding the “virus” and the “vaccine” but nearly in every other aspect of our culture.
After a time of frustration, I settled into writing as the choice of activity to compensate for the energy I previously dispensed in trying to convince the people around me, particularly my loved ones, that we were entering into a dark time in history where the evil intentions of a few were aimed directly at assaulting the general population of the world. Although I would like to be doing more, my activities at this point in time are limited due to family circumstances. When the time comes I will be on the front lines unless too old and feeble to do so.
I gather information for topics to write about. I am a camera, shutter open, recording what I see without mucking it up with belligerent comment, which I was wont to do before. Here is a recent observation I would like to share.
I went to a funeral last week. It was a rather small affair so it gave me a chance to open up my camera lens and take some stuff in. The first thing I noticed is that very few people wore masks, and no one had a problem shaking or holding hands and hugging. I found this quite curious. Most of the people attending were elderly, and it would stand to “reason”—considering what most of them surely still believed—that they would be concerned about catching the evil contagion.
In asking around I discovered that most people were still concerned about acquiring the disease, but for some reason the anesthetic they had ingested regarding the necessity of masks and distancing had worn off. Like someone prematurely awakening during surgery, it seemed they needed another dose of “contact fear” to go back under. It was interesting to note as well that a few people were still into the mask drivel and were donning the talisman full force. One guy who worked for the funeral home was wearing two (or maybe three) of the things.
One masked fellow said he had an elderly mother at home and didn’t want to take any chances of bringing home some super fleas to hop off of his body and onto to hers looking for a new nesting ground.
You would think I would be happy about this situation—fewer masks and such. But I am not. It actually gave me the creeps. As I said a few paragraphs up, I doubt seriously if any of these people have jumped on the shrew wagon. It is actually a testament to even deeper mental pathology and proves people have no freakin’ idea what they are doing or why. I’ve noticed a trend in the “authority” recently to throw up signs saying to wear masks, or do this, or do that, or stay out if not vaccinated, and people jump. They jump now with no fear propaganda, and thus totally void of any “reason” to do so.
I am constantly reminded of BF Skinner’s behavioural experiments with pigeons and rats, as well as Pavlov’s famous drooling dog trials. If preconditioned, these animals will do anything as long as the trigger is present—they need no reward, and certainly no rational reason. I guess what is going on now proves animal experiments with rats, dogs, and pigeons actually do predict human behaviour.
I would bet if the funeral home put up a sign that said “masks required and keep your distance!” everyone there would have snapped to it.
Another thing my observing camera recorded was a conversation on the way to the internment. I was riding in the lead car with the funeral director and we all got into a casual conversation about the funeral biz (there were only three of us in the car). The director said he had never seen so many people packing it in as he has seen over the past year or so. He even made a comment that some of the old timers at the funeral home were saying it was busier than it had been in decades. He then started rattling off numbers and he lost me. I have no idea how many funerals are expected in a set number of days. Regardless, it sounded formidable even to uneducated ears.
He made it a point too to comment that so many had been young people, people under 50. “Never seen it like this, it is crazy.” I didn’t say a word. My other companion in the car said, “Do you have any idea why this is happening?” “None at all,” said the director. “Maybe people just hold on through Christmas,” he was referring to the recent onslaught, but that didn’t account for the “past year or so” that he originally commented on.
No mention at all of the vaccines…or even of Covid.
Even though I certainly have had enough experience during this insanity to curtail any surprise, I still was surprised. I noticed this sort of apathy with the people attending the funeral in general. There was no talk whatsoever about anything other than the typical inane banter you hear at funerals of very old people who have lived a good life. No talk of sudden deaths, athletes dropping in play, pandemic treaties, digital IDs, digital currencies, nothing even about Big Bad Putin and his merciless murder of Ukrainian peasants. Nada. Nothing. I recently saw an interview with Peter McCollough who was astonished by the lack of interest even from people who have lost loved ones to the “vaccine.” It is uncanny.
So now I have downloaded my camera’s content into a little article to share with fellow travellers. Nothing you haven’t already heard, but still a tad interesting. I have never heard directly from a funeral director what I heard from this guy, as I have not spent time with one until now. And I found it fascinating that with all that is going on in the world he, or the other participant in this conversation, couldn’t connect two obvious dots. Bizarro World for sure.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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Cameras used to see the world, now they only see faces.
I’ve never had to go into bloody hospitals as much as I have the last three years and every time – whatever the unpleasant aspect – there’s been the added extra of the BS mask-wearing at least and – for a time – checking jab ID (I managed to get a fake overseas one thank god because a fake Aussie one wouldn’t have worked). The mask-wearing is still going on full-tilt and I feel disgusted with myself that the last few days when visiting someone I donned one for no good reason whatsoever as I’ve been very used to not wearing one in the past and only putting one on when massively hassled by an employee which only happened on one occasion.
I feel like you, Todd. This is what I put on my FB page a few months ago.
The consequences of buying the narrative:
You must accept without question:
14, 7, whatever number days quarantine
14, 7, 11 whatever number days isolation
Masks inside, masks outside, masks inside some places
Enforced testing
Enforced jab 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, whatever number
Banned visiting of sick loved ones in hospital, nursing homes
Banned visiting of sick loved ones in hospital, nursing homes if unjabbed
Loss of job if unjabbed
I’d really hate to be in the position where I felt I had to go along with whatever controls were enforced because I went along with the basic premise. I’d really, really hate to be in that position.
Because I rejected the narrative from Day One in a sense I have a kind of freedom – it’s very simple for me to decide on the validity of the controls – I know all of them are purely about control and have zero to do with health – I have no doubt about a single one of them while I really do wonder about you out there who accept the narrative – do you just go – yes sir, no sir whatever you say about masks, jabs, isolation, hospital and care home visits – just yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir – whatever is decided it must be a good decision regardless of any seeming inhumanity about it.
No matter how old or how health one is, each of us is treated as if dangerously old, with several comorbidities, and on the verge of dying. That’s the totalizing reign of Capital sensing near its death; its blindness to differences has become perfectly achieved to secure its grip on Life.
Everything has become like an indistinct mass of information and objects, a spotless spectacle where no thing seems more or less important than any other thing, and where it becomes difficult to find one’s bearings.
I think they don’t want to connect the dots ; they choose non-belligerent indolence or willful ignorance.
Some people don’t want to look for problems with their opinions, while other people don’t want to accept that they have been deceived. All of them think it is better to draw a thick veil on the genocide.
Several commenters have brought up the apparent paradox that some of the “smartest” people they know, usually in academia, often are capable of solving the most complex equations, but are incapable of seeing the truth behind the scamdemc, the climate change hoax, the transgender rollout, the 9/11 FF, etc. My answer to this “paradox,” is that these people are in reality not very intelligent and certainly not creative, and they have simply been labeled as such by our Overlords for their own purposes. The latest super computers are quite capable also of solving these equations via their application programs. But do these computers question their input data or the validity of their programs? GIGO – garbage in, garbage out. I think not. Do they remain vigilant for the glitches in the Matrix which exposes the simulation?
A recent survey in the USA did a simple correspondence between people who took the clotshots and their “educational” level. The results were that people with bachelors and masters degrees had the highest percentage uptake of clotshots while people without any college and Ph.D’s had the lowest. I find that interesting. The number of people in the USA without any college vastly outnumber those with people holding Ph.D’s. The non-collegiate are really, as a group, the people with the highest IQ’s. Personally, I have a masters but have been able over the years to undo much of the damage 😀
That is definitely the case w online dating sites. One woman profiled herself as “very intelligent,” then listed her two graduate degrees. I wrote her: “So is it safe to say this very intelligent woman has no intention of taking the covid vaccine?”
I heard back from her faster than I’ve ever heard back from a woman on a dating site (30 seconds): “Fully-vaxed, J&J” — I guess not realizing, w her graduate degrees, that w the covid vaccine, there’s no such thing.
These are people who went w their parents into the principal’s office to argue that their A- should have been an A.
Yes, exactly. Excelling at the rigged game of academics from early childhood onward breeds a near impenetrable shield of arrogance (and functional stupidity).
“No common sense” is the line I heard over and over from the lifer laborers in my summer jobs. Had a professor come unhinged and launched into a screaming tirade after someone questioned his knowledge during class. “I have earned the right to profess. That’s why you call me professor”. I had to cover my grin out of fear.
Saw that survey too. Can’t remember where. Probably the Daily Wire. Might have been Matt Walsh who never attended college.
I had never heard of this fellow Isherwood before. Apparently he was of the tailpipe persuasion. He stayed at the “institute” that this fellow Hirschfield started. This is where the now revered practice of sexual neutering began. Hirschfield’s time has come. Hitler’s “maniacal” power in the end was powerless in curbing what Hirschfield pioneered.
You never heard of one of the most prominent writers of the 20th Century?
I prefer writers like Huxley and Orwell. Most of what the bankster controlled publishing industry pumps out is crap. Are you also an admirer of Hirschfield ?
Steve Kirsch spent quite some time interviewing funeral home directors about their anecdotal body counts. At least, that is how authorities have been treating their observations. Abnormally large numbers of every age group were and are dying. Just like the medical community, they were/are being censored and/or punished for speaking about their observations.
Kirsch updates his activities through an email subscription and is always looking for donations through his Substack account.
The primary take away from all that he is done is the lack of autopsies.
We have all seen the images of the “rubber snakes” being pulled from veins of the vaccine murder victims in the embalming rooms. The tyrants have gone to great lengths to stop the dissemination of that information.
Funeral home directors are on edge and holding back for a reason.
They are the last stop for the train of truth. At lot of people took that train to the end of the line and many are still on it and don’t even know it.
Like a runaway freight heading for a sharp curve and engineer has already jumped.
What we know is that the novel virus was a hoax with several objectives, not the least of which was an attempted universal jabbing of the global population. We also know for a certainty that all cause mortality has seen a huge spike since the rollout of the clotshots. What we don’t know for certain or even near certain is what the real toxic agents have been in the clotshots. The two prime candidates are the “spike protein” and graphene oxide. I lean toward the later. Just as Wuhan biolab virus engineering (of a non-existent virus) has always been the limited hangout for the Agenda, which has sucked in many “alternative” useful idiots, so is the spike protein or its template, certainly in the “virus” and probably in the clotshots also a limited hangout. I find the analysis of the clotshot ingredients to be of interest by those with the skills and access to the equipment to conduct such. Some have recorded minimal concentrations of genetic materials (RNA snd DNA), but dangerous levels of graphene and its derivatives. One of interest is:
There are others also that came to the same or similar conclusions. From the standpoint of my understanding of how the top elitists love to play us for fools with hoaxes within hoaxes like Russian dolls, I would also find it compatible that the spike protein in the “virus” and even in the clotshots is a misleading hoax.
This is a great educational series about the medical system:
So it has come to this.
Lamenting the sad state of affairs. Reiterating the sad facts of the matter. Passive.
> When the time comes I will be on the front lines unless too old and feeble to do so.
With a weapon in hand I hope because the pen won’t do.
If “the pen won’t do” then why do the would-be rulers always go after the pen before the sword?
They know they can deal with the sword at their leisure – the sword is easily fought and beaten. But the pen: now that poses a problem.
For every sword there is one hand only. For every pen there could be millions of eyes and ears.
Hayen opens with this camera snap:
“When this worldwide ignominy first entered the collective conscience in March of 2020, I was a bit shaken up by it. It is shameful for me to admit that I bought it all hook, line, and sinker in those early days.”
It is interesting to recall the numbers among even radicals who bought it at first. I have been listening to Roy Tuckman, who has been a very independent and thoughtful broadcaster out of L.A., a real thinks-for-himself hippie, for 46 years on KPFK, and most of the “Hidden History” he broadcasts has been pivotal for me in the re-calibrations of my own perspectives. Even he was taken in by the skkkamdemic in the first weeks, later doing an about face and backing up to the consensus held among the too-few non-pimping believables on the “left”.
I was startled and saddened to get an email yesterday that he died April 20th. Sad, not for him, but only because there were so many of us who worked so often together for the last ten years to keep him on the air for his full 6 hours, from midnight to dawn. The fell few who scheme away at the apex of Pacifica Radio (the first listener-sponsored broadcasters in USAmerica since 75 years past) those throughout the USA Inc media empire who are trying to savage alternative terrestrial radio and re-“possess” it (with all their many legions among the demons of cuteness or pap, or pop, or pap-rap, etc) struggled in vain to dislodge him, and we can at least take heart that he died with his boots on, having won his last full slate of hours back recently.
R.I.P. All we know now is that his wife Diane was at his side, as she had been for the last half century often quietly at his side when he was at his microphones in the KPFK booth near Laurel Canyon, when either spieling solo or with many an iconic guest. For 46 years!
There will be a deafening silence now on night-time radio in L.A. Who can fill that abyss? We can only “petition” places far above him, and all the others.
But as savvy about the 4th Reich as he almost always was, 99 times on a 100, I was shocked that he too was briefly taken in by the Coronapalooza™. He even had had Gary Null and RFK Jr. on for decades, and with a slew of all the anti-vax stands they had taken, also for decades.
I was watching an NBA basketball game that evening, March 11 of 2020 and, quite honestly, I knew within 5 or 10 seconds the scope, and I felt almost instantly, the seismic aftershocks of what had just happened.
An announcement was made that Rudy Gobert, Parisian hoopster, had shown “symptoms” a half minute before tipoff, supposedly, and the “owners” and Commissioner were cancelling the game. Within a few minutes they followed that with the news that the NBA was suspending the entire season, but it was already clear to me in an instant+ that it was a fake event, and my next thought was, “Just watch, if they have the reach to do this, tonight or tomorrow this will be seconded and copied around the world.”
And I took cold comfort from the events that followed in that everything I thought came to pass. Such as, “Just wait, (Holy Communion) services will be next & take some pretty big hits.”
I guess you could say I caught their whiff, though apparently free of viruses, since I never had a “symptom”. I’ll go with that.
A friend of mine who charges his electric car next to mine at a food court with great pizza, Chinese, and other treats, stops by the station to charge late night like I do when all is closed. Usually the bins have great left-overs, often gourmet pizzas with often not a few untouched slices.
He tells me that he makes the rounds there and always finds food that is free and fabulous, but would pass it by, except as his means of choice to acquire herd immunity.
He says that, curiously, the past 3 years have been the only such stretch in his life that he hasn’t had any cold, flu, or even the undeadliest odd sniffle. Not a single one. Just the odd sneeze, unmuzzled.
Much like me. Same deal.
Our good friend.
£4£&$4$+my2¢ ~~~
ROY TUCKMAN ~ 1938 – 2023
Requiescat In Pacem
You would think I would be happy about this situation—fewer masks and such. But I am not. It actually gave me the creeps.
Todd, for better or worse I insist on relating an experience that induced exactly this reaction. I’m prefacing it with an excerpt from a Tom Woods newsletter; if you don’t know who he is, suffice to say he’s a small-L libertarian. I’m not, but I latched onto him when he emerged as an early fierce Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic critic.
A few months ago, Woods wroted “For heaven’s sake, how many medical clinics had (and still have!) separate cups for ‘sanitized’ and ‘dirty’ pens, as if a used pen was going to give you Covid? How many insisted on masks despite their obvious uselessness?”
I had a routine annual prostate checkup with “my” urologist at the Main Line Health Center in January. A few days before the appointment, I visited an MLHC laboratory to get the required PSA blood test. I didn’t wear, or bring, a mask to the lab facility, but the receptionist cheerfully handed me one at the intake desk because the lab requires it; I dutifully put it on, got my PSA test, and that was that.
When I reported to the Lankenau MLHC for my checkup, I showed up again without a mask because as far as I knew the hospital didn’t require them. I was dismayed when I saw “Visitor Masks Mandatory” signage affixed to the doors. I decided to keep going, assuming that the urology office receptionist would provide a mask.
When I got to the office– which also had “Masks Required” notices posted– I saw that the staff and the few patients in the waiting room were all masked. But to my surprise, the intake staffer didn’t hand me a mask or make any reference to them. BTW, à la Tom Woods, they indeed had those separate cups for “clean” vs. “used” pens. Of course, I automatically selected a “clean” pen and put it in the “used” cup when I was finished. FWIW, no one monitored, or even paid attention to, this detail.
I still felt conspicuous as a maskless odd man out; I knew that Dr. H. was more focused on my nether regions than my face, but when he entered the exam room wearing a mask I thought he might at least comment on my lack of a mask. He didn’t address it at all; I was in and out, to my relief.
As I sat on the bus, homeward bound, I had a strongly ambivalent response to what I’d experienced. Yes, I was pleased enough that the hospital staff didn’t officiously enforce the mask policy and hassle me over it. I didn’t even get worked up about the inexplicable discrepancy between the MLHC lab facility (masks required and dispensed) and the MLHC hospital.
But I thought, “What is wrong with this picture?” The MLHC Corporation, from top to bottom, has followed and promoted the official scamdemic narrative and protocols from the beginning of the scamdemic. MLHC patients even got e-mails directly from the CEO when the fraudulent toxic “COVD vaccines” became available. Obviously some of their operations pretend to take it seriously, and there were all of those no-nonsense notices and signage plastered all over the hospital.
I was creeped out because one way of characterizing it is that the Dr. H. and his staff simply treated me as though I were wearing a mask. It was disturbingly surreal. The doublethink, it burns! 😷🤔
I’d imagine a fair number of those folks are aware — on some level just below the threshold of consciousness — that masks do nothing and that Convid itself was a big nothing, but it’s psychologically easier for them to go along with the charade than to admit that they were duped.
masks do nothing
The masks cause a few forms of harm, and can even be fatal, as others and I have mentioned on this site.
Yes, you are correct. The masks have many negative effects/harms.
I intended to add that to my post, but the edit function wasn’t working.
Look up the ambivalence of the PSA test. Look for alternative remedies.
Thanks. I am aware that the PSA test is dodgy at best.
I don’t have any issues in this area, but for some reason the annual checkup is the one remaining vestige of my “routine” healthcare that persisted through, and survived, the scamdemic.
I’m not sure why this is. 🤔
I had a similar experience on visiting the doctor a few months back. It’s exactly as you describe: the visitors seem to be free to choose whether to wear masks but the staff are always masked. There seems to be some kind of unspoken attempt to shame the maskless into complying. And although I thankfully didn’t meet a masked visitor who ranted against the maskless, I have no doubt that it must happen.
And I no longer have the last shred of “innocence” over these details. I have no doubt that all of this was pre-planned – and probably from years ago. There would have been psychological studies and debates about the various ways of manipulating fear, anger, outrage etc. in order to divide, confuse and intimidate the public. And the very disconnect between the apparent urgency of the claims made and the lackadaisical efforts to enforce them itself plays a part in that the gullible are left to “police” the matter.
Finally, that disconnect creates a surreal hallucinatory feeling that we are all partaking in some weird dream experiment. This allied to the increasingly bizarre news announcements featuring alterations between various “catastrophes”. It’s gaslighting on a massive scale.
I’ve never understood the alleged necessity of cameras. Especially surveillance cameras…
When I “see” something of any significance, I store a snap-shot image in my mind. The image will remain there until my “camera” quits working. My nephew also has the same ability. People have become not only dependent, but overwhelmed by media produced video images. Great. How many of these images are photo-shopped events? Erm…
How many pictures will it take for people to surveil the ugliness of the picture? Erm… >
The Ultimate Delusion – The United Nations / El Ultimo Engaño – Las Naciones Unidas (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The included list of links may be helpful.
The Loss of the Creature https://rolfpotts.com/walker-percys-loss-creature/
Seeing https://writ101molly.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/adillard1.pdf
Contrary to propaganda in movies, the camera images are generally too blurred to be useful. They have failed to deter violent police [Ava Kofman 2017]. They have not reduced common crimes.
A photo is a fragment. The photos you get from your cameras and videos and flat screens are fragments of reality whether manipulated or true.
The pictures you store in your brain by your senses, eyes, ears, nose in real life are holistic reality connected between yourself and cosmos.
Thus you can never be a true human being by using IOT, AI, Internet as middleman.
On the contrary you will bit by bit be fragmented in brain and heart until IOT and AI has consumed you completely.
Hello Eric. Yes, exactly my point. Pictures (photos) tend to fragment the reality of what was taking place in the surrounding matrix. The brain can sometimes fill in the spaces and experiences beyond the frame, but it takes actual concentration.
I’ve observed a lot of persons who simply page onto the next fractured image. —The memory soon reduced to pixelated blur…
The “maniacal power of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich” falls into a trope.
There is a tendency to give more importance to intensions rather than reality. We judge people by their noble sounding rhetoric rather than what they do.
Secondly there is an assumption that there are good guys and bad guys, and if only if everybody was of goodwill there would be no conflict.
Rather countries must make policy based on a realistic assessment of the relationship of power in the world, not based on an exaggerated view of their own righteousness. There are interests, and interests clash.
The British public is invited to swear their allegiance as King Charles is crowned.British subjects asked to form a ‘chorus of a million voices’ and make oath of loyalty while watching service, to be known as the Homage of the People.
“I swear that I will pay true allegiance to your majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”
Seriously? Who’s maniacal?
You aren’t invited I saw to it piss off. Racist Wog.
By swearing this oath people are making a contract – to become salves to the new king.
Here are the words they want us to say – “ “I swear that I will pay true allegiance to your majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”
I’d rather see charlie pledge to pay ‘true allegiance’ to the people.
He is and will be used to set up the proposed one world government, as we all know. And perhaps sign off on a few new laws we won’t like.
Did you mean “slaves” to the new king? (He has already been using them as “salves” it would appear.)
Thanks John. Didn’t spot the spelling error. Perhaps charlie would like to have us commoners/slaves ground up and used as salves, or perhaps as fertilizer on the remaining organic farms?
The biggest lies require reiteration, and even laws criminalising inquiry into or contraditary comments on them.
They say it isnt woke.
Good example on how things are turned upside down.
Its the KIng who shall pay true allegiance and swear loyalty to serve his people according to law, not opposite.
We the people can only swear loyalty to God and his appointee in heaven, nobody else!
RE: And I found it fascinating that with all that is going on in the world he, or the other participant in this conversation, couldn’t connect two obvious dots. Bizarro World for sure.
Sorry but it has to be said: those two people could have had some help from someone in the same car who had connected the dots…
Yep…I was a camera, just taking it in—that’s the whole point of the article. Quite frankly I no longer give a rat’s ass if I “inform” common people…I tried that for years, and it NEVER made even the slightest of a positive impression. It is more interesting, and ultimately useful, for me to “listen” rather than “make enemies”…and report to those I can, through my writing, support….when and where it “counts” I will speak up, and only if I believe I can make a positive impression.
Sure, you can count me as a “cop out” if you want. I am now being careful of which hill I die on. I may be wrong about this, but that is where I stand. At least for now.
You are not the only one who reached this stand.
“There is no saving the blind, they will go off the cliff even if they have to plow right through you, knocking you off with them! All who support the lies and genocide agenda, are enemies of free humanity. You can’t save them, you can only save yourself.”
re: I am now being careful of which hill I die on
Of course we all have to do that. However, helping in whatever way, it could be tangentially, does not seem like would rise to anywhere remotely close to being a “hill I die on.”
It was my mother in law’s funeral, it was her son that was in the car with the funeral director, and I won’t go any further with personal disclosure than that but you can guess. Details are pertinent. It was indeed a hill I could die on, if I wished to remain in that family.
so – if a comment is ‘pending’ for a few hours, until most people who are going to read the article have read it, and then ‘congratulations your comment is approved!!!!!’ – but very few people are going to see it because the people who are interested have already read the article – is that a form of ‘shadow banning’ ????? (pending of course haha) – I really can’t figure why you’re so worried about what I’m going to say –
What you say is mostly pretty generc stuff, I have no idea why you go to pending. I’ll forward to our technical department. I’ve literally never had much interaction with you, so I’m confused as to where all your resentment is coming from, tbh. We broke the Covid hoax while most other places were gaslighting you. If that’s worth zero respect, not even a polite inquiry over a sneering jibe like yours here, then all I can say is you provide very little incentive for anyone to jump on fixing your issue. XD Which in turn makes me wonder what your motivation actually is here. It’s certainly not solving your problems like an adult, that much seems plain. 🙂 A2
The only comment here that’s out of line is yours.
You’d do well to revisit The Wizard of Oz — one of the few films that only gets better w repeated viewings. (Cowardly Lion: “What do they have that I haven’t got?” Dorothy and Tinman: “Courage!”) You may recall that Glinda helps Dorothy and friends only once, and it’s not for the killer flying monkeys. Off-G administrators would do well to follow Glinda’s lead, methinks.
I respectfully reject your first assertion.
Have you read Gregory Maguire’s books reimagining Oz? The first one’s from Elphaba’s perspective. They’re brilliant, subtle, mature works of art.
I don’t know exactly what your point is relating to the film, but I think the Maguire books would probably do a very good job countering it 😅
If you don’t post very often you will go to pending.
I think a lot of people just live in a survival mode most of their lives. In today’s world we are in our own little silo’s of life. People choose to be protected from the world of truth by engaging in every form of escapism,,,watching tv, sports etc….
Thanks for the good article Todd.
I’m curious to hear what you and others think we shrews should be doing in this what seems to be a lull in the madness. While my wife and I find it uncomfortable to discuss the vaccines topic with anyone we know that chose to inject themselves with the rubbish for fear of making them feel uncomfortable but …..can we really just let it all slide ? We too are amazed at the lack of dot connecting when chatting with friends but mostly we just make that subtle, knowing eye connection and leave it at that. It’s an odd feeling.
what you can do – Democracy Study Guide – https://www.rudemacedon.ca/DSG/0000-summary.html
Very good question, and it should be asked and hopefully answered. As most of my readers know I am very short on solutions…only to keep up the fight, the awareness, and championing the truth. AND survive!!
My personal opinion is that this is going to be a very long battle. We had a little taste of intensity for a few years, and I would not be surprised if the “lull” lasts just as long. I would suggest that we try to go back to some enjoyment of life…it is not now as limited as it likely will be in upcoming years, so we might as well enjoy what we’ve got while we can…get out, travel, eat at nice restaurants, go out to concerts and sporting events and pretend while we can that all is back to normal…BUT…don’t believe fully that is so…be ready: read, write, prepare, discuss, debate, gather with shrews, keep it all up…maybe late at night when no one is looking, if you live in a sheep household (like me.)
Someone above accused me of not “educating” the people i was in the car with (see article)…as if I was not “keeping the faith.” I no longer waste my time connecting dots with sheep-people. It is a waste of my time. One day I may not have this luxury, but that is the day I probably move to Mexico and write from a basement bunker sending out my missives through the airwaves in morse code. There comes a time for everything, and there is no point in jumping the gun.
Keep up the faith, brother/sister…we will prevail.
I know exactly where you’re coming from. Maybe the time to ‘shout from the rooftops’ will be when ‘they’ try it again…. hopefully many more people will have woken up or be on the verge of doing so… when there is a scab on the wound. At the moment the wound is still raw for many.
Dr. John Coleman 1991 committee of 300.. <=you ain’t heard nothing yet..
Note Queen Elizabeth now King Charles was/is Chairman for this group 300, plus was/is Chairman of Nato. The British Empire organised in London, with City of London as Financial Advisor.
I’m pretty sure it was from a comment here that I first heard of the Venetian Black Nobility, I went down that rabbit hole and now I have a plausible why to all of this madness. I couldn’t figure it out as they have more money than God. When we are fully controlled, poisoned and exhausted, then those families of history, so-called monarchies/aristos, can again rule ‘their’ countries and lands in the true feudal style they seem to aspire to.
I don’t think the example of your conversation with the funeral director represents a condition of true cognitive dissonance, as represented in 1984 by Winston’s tortured conversion when he believed that 2+2=4 and 2+2=5 simultaneously; I find it more similar to Kübler-Ross’ first stage of grieving – denial.
I would also like to bring to the attention of this commentariat an interview with Denis Rancourt – Canadian and former professor of physics, who has done fabulous work on the statistics of all cause mortality across the globe in many countries where these statistics are available. He proves beyond a reasonable doubt what all sane people now know, that there was no pandemic and that in countries and locales where all cause mortality increased prior to the release of the clotshots, it was due to death protocols in hospitals and nursing homes. He then proceeds to correlate huge spikes in all cause mortality to the release of clotshots in various countries. His work also gives insights into the immediate lethal toxicity of the clotshots by examining the shape of the death curve spikes versus time. He discovered that the lethality of the shots was correlated exponentially in the elderly with age. He found that the Indian government’s intensive targeting of the elderly and infirmed with their clotshots was responsible for over 3 million premature deaths in that country and that among the elderly, that there was a correlation around the planet of 1% lethality of the injected elderly following each injection
I am a geezer and loved to watch the TV series Dragnet in the early 50’s as a little kid. The protagonist was a police detective named Sgt. Joe Friday played by Jack Webb. Friday made the following response to his questioning witnesses a national cliche – “Just the facts, M’am.” Rancourt’s work deals with “just the facts,” and perhaps ironically it is his physics expertise which allows him to do a masterful job statistically to uncover these facts. His interview on the link below is fascinating. He becomes Detective Joe Friday but intellectually several orders of magnitude higher.
RFK, Jr is a candidate for the office of the President of the USofA.
He is censor worthy as he runs counter to the Machine.
Americans, some, still imagine that they are free.
You cannot be free if you are living in a world of controlled narratives..
That’s easy he obviously questioned Experiment.
We are witnessing severely traumatized people, I really think it’s that simple.
Our energy is a precious gift and we that still have the capacity, need to name the real mechanism behind how this current situation was ever able to manifest.
In my humble opinion, it’s the unaccountable private Central Banking system that creates national currency/script out of thin-air, these national loans with interest turn governments into bankrupt corporations, who now exist to service the debt.
I think you are right, but we are also witnessing severely lazy people.
Any teacher can describe the frustration involved in telling a lazy student, “Stop being lazy!”… It just doesn’t work.
An inquiring nature is either there, or it isn’t.
As you say, our energy is a precious gift.
But not everybody has it.
People don’t go out so things have to brought in to them. The further away you are real time is cost. That Trade has not changed in 104 years based on how far away you are.
Or seriously “demoralized” people, as per Yuri Bezmenov.
“As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell him nothing. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. … he will refuse to believe it… That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.”
once again we are given a lesson in how it is fine to twist history to attack Hitler – ‘Isherwood was observing life in 1933 (or thereabouts) Germany, right when the country was embracing the maniacal power of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich.’ – actually, the novel is set between 1929-1932, which were the final days of the Weimar republic, with Germany suffering, like most of the western world, under the banker-instigated ‘great depression’ (actually great ‘capital accumulation time’ for the bankers). Notably, Hitler had nothing to do with any of this, he was engaged in fighting the communists for control of Germany (surely Mr Hayen isn’t suggesting he’d have preferred the commies to win???? haha). And as for ‘maniacal power’ – actually, following his being named Chancellor in 1933, Hitler proceeded to kick the bankers out of Germany and make it the most prosperous country in Europe while ‘leaders’ (aka banker puppets) in the US, Canada etc were wringing their hands in faux-despair whining about there was nothing they could do oh woe oh woe, while Hitler had the Germans all back to work, building a strong modern economy. Of course the average German absolutely hated Hitler for this, according to Mr Hayen and his ilk, but I kind of have my doubts. I think they probably loved him – the bankers and their lackies of course sure hated him, and maybe there’s a bit of channeling going on with the people now saying how bad Hitler was.
Actually thats incorrect wealth poured into the German Democratic Republic leading to what’s known as the (Weimar NSDAP).
Whilst the majority STILL believe the official line on building 7 I’m afraid a “great awakening” is a little way off !
As Confuscious (might have) said:
“Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in”
Has it always been like this? Have humanity always had a majority of sheeple??
Cognitive dissonance, Mass psychosis, Ideological subversion, Perception management, Applied psychology, Fear propaganda, Hypnosis, Brain fragmentation, Bible Revelation?
Is it me who bit by bit slowly woke up to see what I didnt see before? Its a sharp cut division between horns and sheep. “Complete unable to connect two simple dots”.
I still dont get it, but for sure some day even this will turn out to be a simple matter.
I know people that have reached the highest levels of academic achievement and yet they buy into every bit of nonsense that they read in the NYT, every authoritarian uttering of the FDA or FTC or FBI or CIA………
How can your brain be able to solve the most complex of equations or formulas but then give a seemingly automatic “salute” to the most blatant of lies?
Strange world.
The ‘experts’ know their own. 😕
I think I solved this one you mention.
Take Bill Gates. He was born as a nerd with a flatscreen, worked inside a flatscreen, work with power points to his audience, see videos, walk around bowing over his Iphone.
All his awakening state is 2-dimensional without any connection to the real 3-dimension.
He bought large areas in US to make……….bio-energy. But plants are not here to be used for energy and stock speculation, why it tells me Bill Gates dont have a clue about how our earth function.
I imagine its the same with your Academics. They resolve complex equations inside a box, but cannot connect it to cosmos.
Civilization, especially industrial civilization, requires division of labor which, over time, demands ever more extreme forms of specialization and abstraction from the “felt presence of immediate experience”
Academics might be knowledgeable in their respective fields and be able to present themselves as competent enough to be hired but that rarely leads to general intelligence and what we sometimes call “common sense”. Some overcome this but relatively few in my experience at least.
Some of these aye-holes isolated me as an unvaxxed untermenschen during the height of the scamdemic. Now its mostly like it never happened. They are increasingly experiencing reactions to the vax but are incapable of making the connection.
Ain’t that the truth.
The 1970’s
The destruction of education was stared in 1973.
then,common purpose in the mid 80’s
Then ” woke” was born and the rest is history
The matter is probably very simple indeed but, as you indicate, we cannot see it. We are like the fly against the glass,failing to see that the solution is in the opposite direction.
I am sure that one of the biggest advantage our tormentors have over us is a knowledge of some psychological functions not yet disclosed or understood by us.
It’s all to do with commitments.
If you are committed to a mortgage, loan, family, religion or whatever, you are bought.
If you have no commitments, you can see the bigger picture.
Hence the push for more dependency on the benevolent state.
The more you trust, the less you have to worry about or question.
Ever has it been so.
Witness religion. The greatest tool ever wielded.
Sometimes, I wish I could have that comfort
“Be in the World, but not of it.”
Yes, all the daily struggles with your family, job, loans, occupy you mind.
But you can have the comfort that for example religion makes. Probably all organised religion is false, but not true faith in God.
If you make direct connection to God and get the same comfort as people who trust or have faith.
Just admit as you say, religion is a political tool, but the true story is hidden behind it.
Look for God with your sincere heart and he will help you.
It was probably worse when religion was rife.
Luckily, we’ve replaced religion with media.
(sobbing into hands)
I would prefer religion at any time than media.
All media are false, but many many things within religion are true and useful for personality and life.
Surely it’s all explained by the wish to trust authority, which constantly proclaims that the vaccines are safe and efficacious – therefore they are absolved from causing any rise in excess deaths. Any questionning of this shibboleth might result in one being severely reprimanded, à la Andrew Bridgen and countless others. This harsh lesson is not lost on a mostly pathetic population.
I got as far as 1933…
33 on camera image too
There is a masonic symbol on the author’s web page.
meaning what exactly?
FYI – I can’t speak for the other 33s you’re worried about, but I can tell you the person who chose the image didn’t write the article or know what it was about. They just literally searched Unsplash for a good pic of a camera and chose the first one they found.
So at least sometimes you really are finding connections that just are not there.
@WorkingClassHero – so do you literally refuse to read anything that has the number 33 in it?
Does that seem reasonable to you?
You have 3 thumbs down right now, man. This is getting weird.
she now has 8 up-votes and 5 down-votes.
8 – 5 = THREE!
OMG!!! 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱
Ah, so we are conspiracy loons now, right?
Have you ever noticed how many corporations and institutes have the logo of the Laurel Wreath. Considering corporations trademark everything so nobody can copy, do you not think is strange that many use this same symbol.
All things written are symbols and have meaning, including the letters/words you are reading right now. Some people can read and some are illiterate.
You have no idea how fucking stupid you look right now, because you don’t know what you don’t know. My advice is you get the 6th shot, wear your mask and turn on your emergency notifications. Life will be so much simpler then.
The 5 down votes are probably all masons :-D.
Down votes? Looks like funny hand shake symbol to me.
Allie GoPro now is -1 to 5 is 6 = 33.
Admin has 15 and 9 =24 = 6 = 33.
Working class hero has 12 and 12 = 33. 6 and -3 = 33 + 3. 3 and -3. 3.
Albert Anderson has 4 and -2 = 6 = 33.
My best guess is that all of you guys are secret free masons, setting your secret marks and info EVERYWHERE.
What do you think the symbol means that you are flashing? I would be interested in you enlightening us.
If you don’t know what it is, why use it? Are you one of these monkey see, monkey do types?
It means what I want to mean. I’ve heard all the bullshit about it.
Masks mean what people want them to mean too.
I find it difficult to take it seriously. A little like talking to someone who is wearing a black lives matter tshirt. Or like the other day when I saw some twat wearing a “Fuck Putin” tshirt with an image of then Ukrainian flag. True imbeciles.
So Sophie, you would understand that symbolism is used to signal, right? If you don’t think so then you are in the wrong job, this is fundamental. If you really don’t know then understand that grown men don’t usually dress up in fancy dress costumes and participate in rituals unless there are benefits for doing so.
So next time you see someone who is a member of an institute and is wearing the fancy dress observe what symbols are being worn. They mean something. I’m not suggesting I know the meaning of all these symbols, however I do notice who else wears them. To me that means they have a connection.
For you i’m guessing these symbols have no meaning and are simply random images. Designed by someone who though then looks pretty, right.
I didn’t question the relevance of symbolism, I questioned your decision to refuse to read anything that mentions the number 33.
Everything, even an awareness of the arcane, can be taken to excess and become self-defeating and rather silly. I think you might be unwittingly straying into that territory.
I don’t think i’m straying since Mr Hayen uses these symbols all over his website. Including the compass and square. So please, stop with the gas lighting, many of us here know what time it is.
Further, if you thought I was was just a loonie, stupid or foolish, you would simply ignore my comments rather than defending Mr Hayen. Sounds like you have a dog in the fight.
The only thing I’m questioning is your apparent refusal to read anything that mentions the number 33. But since you obviously don’t want to discuss it and prefer to pretend I’m saying something else entirely we should probably leave it there.
I do read some articles with 33 in them. Ancient Spooks is good place to start.
Anyway, why would you be concerned with what I read. Am I somehow missing out on stuff by not reading your constant broadcast of doom and gloom. I get a bit tiered of the signaling.
The covering of one eye — it must mean something because at this point the magazine’s art director would be saying to the photog: “You can do whatever you want, but enough of this one-eye shit.”
FYI – I spoke on your behalf, factually, regarding others ‘delusions’ and misconceptions, and yet, because Sam & I do not see eye to eye for more than a while, now I am constantly & permanently placed in pending, without exception … and any FACTUAL CRITIQUE EVEN, e.g. re. my Dilyana Gaytandzhieva comments, is being Censored ! Upon your approval?
Is this a collective paranoid reaction ?
NATO’S Frontline Calling…
No worries, nobody is going to read this comment, unless you deem so…
But, you might like to suggest to Sam that criticism is constructive
& well meant in terms of Mens Rea… and occasionally, he suggests
Complete utter stupidity born of ignorance !
Tell him to take the ‘hit’ like a man,
& grow some… I really would not mind
Meeting any of you in Sofia and teaching
You guys, especially, how to handle the matter of
Wie auch immer,
Globally Warmest,
No. It actually says ZENIT 3, utilising the Cyrillic alphabet, more precisely,
In the hand written form of Cyrillic. This is not like the Cyrillic typeface,
Nor capital letters. A third Form. A hand written ‘g’ is a ‘d’ or small ‘m’ is a ‘t’ and a ‘u’ is a soft ‘i’, see, ‘н’ is ‘n’ ? Innit’ is innit’ ! Из Иннит on a typeface, meaning innit’ is innit’ but your problem is you confuse an S with a Z…
your problem, Mattи ! Slavs spell like they speak it. Z is thus symbolised as З ! Confused ? ‘C’ is ‘S’ and S is a wholly non-existent entity in Cyrillic, innit’.
Pure coincidence seems highly likely, but there again, subsequently,
Зенит produced their ‘Masonry’ model, the Зенит 3М 😂. ZENIT 3M
So, were I to use handwriting and joined up, perhaps you finally
get the LOGO ? It is logical and NOT Masonic !
Even the spelling … me no Leica, so I made my
personalised Own vertical solution…
ZENIT 3.0 innit’. All Greek Zenith…
Not Masonic, just handwritten super simple
Stylish Cyrillic Marketing.
Wait! The word “Ehum” has a sum of 47.
4 + 7 = 11, which is a prime factor of 33. That can’t be coincidence.
😏 Funny…
Sorry, forgot to add Sarcasm/on.
Nice comment. However, I recommend you refer back to your tavistock manual for further in depth training. You may find your comment is theoretically correct tavistock 101, in that it looks to ridicule anyone looking to point out the obvious. However, you have used it out of context here.
This forum is populated for the most part by people who notice. Your comments would be more suited attacking social media posts, among those who are still figuring if the injection is safe and effective.
Further to counter you. You comment is almost word for word specific when anyone challenges these types of numerical symbols. Next you will be saying he’s a flat earther. “Can that be a coincidence”.
Cheer up my friend, it was just a little sarcastic observation with no ridiculing meant. This is an open forum and you should expect all sorts of replies, especially when you say “I got as far as 1933” because of the number 33.
RE: 2nd paragraph, as one notorious poster here used to say: shove the unsolicited advice up …
No, I said what I said because My Hayen has Masonic symbols all over his website and now he is posting them here.
Simple. If you just go after facts all these symbols are useless. Masonry has useful facts too. So…?
You wanna avoid the horns, you cant. Use the horns as the horns are using you.
Why keep scrolling if you believe we are loonies. Sounds like you have something to defend.
Just a good advise to my fellow man. Been there done that. How to handle it? The way I describe it.
Actually masonry has intelligent roots but became infested. Take the best side of it, and leave the beasty side. But if you prefer to dig deeper, no problem.
20 Memes to Get You Through May Day – Part 32 👁
Years ago, I read an interview with a doctor who was asked why doctors never get ill.
His answer was quite simple:
“We never consult a doctor”
I had a similar experience in a funeral some days ago in my hometown . It was a cousin of mine who said “I get tired to go to funerals this year” but as you said no comment for “vaccines “or even “Covid “
Thanks for the thought provoking article!
Why are people who have lost loved ones to the vaccine not angry? Well, everyone knows that medicine is bad for you. I was taught at university that the average outcome of a medical intervention is negative. The professor literally said that if you eliminated all physicians, public health would go up! It’s not a secret.
So in many ways Corona is just business as usual. Visit a local home for the elderly and they will all be on ten or more medications. They themselves, the nurses and physicians, will readily agree that more than one or two is probably a bad idea, and more than five is definitely a bad idea. So why do they all take, prescribe, and administer ten?
Perhaps the explanation is in a sort of trade. You pay with health in return for convenience, money or status.
They are not angry because, deep down, they’ve been conditioned to not question the efficacy of said vaccine. So they don’t put the death & the vaccine together.
As Todd says above, these people are just a barked order away from total & utter (re)compliance. They’re the ones who haven’t silenced the State’s “Emergency Alert”.
Thanks for your comment. This article provides some more insight in how it works. Clean vs. Dirty: A Way to Understand Everything, by Jeffrey Tucker at the Brownstone Institute.
The propaganda associates vaccine doubt with the poor unwashed masses, the deplorables, the untouchables.
There’s nothing actually wrong with transient periods of ‘being a camera’, since before you have enough data absorbed into your subconscious to make ‘rational thought’ actually rational, active thinking in a state of data-poor ignorance is extremely pointless to the point of becoming harmful.
It’s perfectly possible to absorb information like a sponge for several months, and then be ready to distill, synthesise and understand well. You’ll do it better than if you tried to immediately start evaluating ‘Covid19’ after reading one article in December 2019.
If you look at newborns, they simply absorb for most of the first year of their life. Yes, they interact a bit with their parents, maybe relations and siblings, but mostly they don’t try to think rationally. It doesn’t do them any harm….
Most of the time, if you go into a new organisation, it’s best not to make instant judgements, unless they are about matters so crass (men abusing women; homophobia being rife etc) that you don’t need to do any analysis at all, you simply need to say ‘That’s totally unacceptable’. Usually, there are reasons for things being as they are and it’s best to understand those reasons before doing too much change.
So being a camera is only bad if you do it habitually, long-term and simply never get around to thinking.
This can of course happen at Universities, when they throw so much information at science undergraduates that making the time to actually make sense of it all is a very big challenge.
That’s a lesson must 18 year olds should be advised to think about before they go up, so they can plan proactively for ‘information overload’.
Our brains have to process living in this chaotic world so that we can function safely and effectively.
Life, Love and beauty on the other hand, require no processing, we can simply enjoy them.
Uk gov. have gone a bit quiet about the idea of concentrating on maths at school.
Maybe they’ve realised that if people can put 2 and 2 together the game’s up !
That’s why they don’t teach any kind of critical thinking anymore as well. And argument is another thing no one does anymore – if your feelings get hurt by what someone says, you simply slink away and cry, then you scream to anyone in authority to go shut that offending person down because you were triggered by what they said. One does not attempt to rebut offensive speech anymore, one just shuts it down, pronto. IMHO, if you can no longer even coherently argue against a bully, then you certainly will never argue with authority.
And yes, math obviously does play into that as well. They talk about the need for STEM training but I would bet that training is as dumbed down as any other training. As Carlin said long ago, they only want people smart enough to run the machines. Thinking people are dangerous, and that is especially true today.
It started in 1973.
More or less exactly 50 years ago when I was in Grammar school in UK.
Overnight, the option to study Greek or Latin was withdrawn. The masters in their capes and mortar boards fled for more sane regimes (Mr Elcombe plumping for the life of a missionary in darkest Africa)
Some stayed on, buoyed up by their love of the sadistic swish of the cane and the power they wielded.
Before the Putsch; we had real, reasoned, thoughtful education.
Afterwards, we had lefty uni leavers wearing khaftans and silk scarves and calling us thirteen year olds “you guys”
That was the start of the rot in education.
It didn’t start then, though, because these new “teachers” had to go through their indoctrination for years before.
A continuation of the post WW11 plan to go global
I hear what your saying you sound a little younger than me but I get it.
Precisely. 1968 was the 9/11 for education.
I worked in Civil Engineering where they say before 1968 a Civil Engineer could make anything with a bag of cement and a bag of money anywhere.
After 1968 Finance with their useful idiots the leftist, divided the Engineering discipline into specialities, El-Mech Engineer, Civil Engineer, Building Engineer, Soil Engineer, Statistics, Software Eng, a.s.o. etc.
Thus leaving the discipline without ability to see the overall picture.
Divide and conquer.
The Architectural discipline were polluted same way.
It’s an old joke, but… me no Leica.
Isherwood just happened to meet Aleister Crowley in Berlin in 1933 – who just happened to be there like he happened to be in Rome when Mussolini came to power in 1922. Crowley sure managed to get into and out of a lot of couintries for someone with no apparent means of support (he’d blown his legacy) and a terrible reputation.
BTW one lesser known finding of Pavlov’s was that trauma seemed to erase memory (the dog’s conditioning disappeared when his lab was flooded). Deliberate infliction of mass trauma would seem a Pavlovian strategy to destroy tradition.
‘experiments with rats, dogs, and pigeons actually do predict human behaviour.’
Scientists rarely replicate such experiments, because if they try, they do not replicate. So don’t worry too much about Skinner’s rats. It’s Science, you know… Ioannidis wrote about this: https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pmed.0020124
The apathy on convid is true. People seem not to care about covid anymore. Can you blame people? Apathy comes when people feel powerless. People are powerless.
Reminds me of ze resistance. All these famous characters (Trump, Bernie Sanders, Assange) and sites (MoA, WSWS, infowars) one by one either turn into oblivion, start to speak ‘funny’ or are cancelled in a show trial. Why oh why? Take Tucker Carlson. He spoke some truth about a certain set of things (though about certain other things, he never told the truth) and thus, he gained the trust of a large public. And then he was suddenly cancelled. Why? – Who knows, but it certainly makes his public feel powerless, which is the point I am trying to make.
Of course the controlled opposition, is also in a very good position to spread disinformation about various things. Take sheep, fellow travelers, you name it.
It all leads to this feeling of: ‘what’s the point’ aka apathy. This is what the camera analogy is to me. You can be as objective as you like and shoot scenes as they factually are, but what if nobody cares about your pictures?
Who in the media would care about objectivity?
-the clergy
But they don’t care about the fact, but if the fact can be used for their own interest. This is called ‘political thinking’. And then there is Hollywood or Plato’s cave which shoots reality Karl Rove’s style. ‘And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — Karl Rove will act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.’ Which is fun and games for those who are or are made apathetic.
Should I continue?
Well, the weather is nice and I will enjoy the real pleasures of today instead of being a lense or ‘talking’ through a lense.
So with that: have a good Sunday.
Thanks for your thoughts! Something like Fox is delivered for free, and paid for by advertisers and cable companies. A news anchor is a propaganda professional.
If we don’t pay for news, why do we expect the news to be produced with our interest in mind?
You describe a scenario we see all over.
Every time a hope, soundness, logic is up, something real and true, someone is there to kill it to create hopelessness, apathy and passivity.
That guy on Fox, fox NEWS Your crazy don’t you even know your own Code of Ethics! It’s huge that case is massive you clown. Don’t you talk to fellow Americans?
Fuck off.
We have just been through genocide. This is a powerful speech on genocide across the world.
American Holocaust: The Destruction of America’s Native Peoples – YouTube
My hatred of Christopher Hitchens increased with the revelations of the author/ person making the speech. Eisenhower also has blood on his hands. He apparently erased 50 native tribes from the record as president. I have read the book American Holocaust.
Have you noticed that these exterminations go in waves? Europeans get rid of the red indians and now a new polyglot bunch is poised to extirpate the ex Europeans. All of them fired up by a ludicrous evangelical type motto. You could almost think it was by design.
Thinking brains, attached to always-open camera shutters, soon discover that [key-words] control the shutters that open/close the behaviors and minds of the masses.
Even warning “danger ahead” messages are ignored unless both the evil few [global corporations and oligarchs] allow the message to appear in the information environment and unless the audience is key-word authenticated and given permission to view and think about the content of the message.
The psychology of behavioral-conditioning controls the binary gates [open/shut] that allow the narrative content of a message to be processed by the minds of the many? The rule of law constrains the behaviors[liberties] allowed to the many.
excellent article.
Australian PM attends the wedding of a Right Wing shock jock, along with known criminals:
So what’s new?
SUITURDS around the globe have been consorting, consulting, conniving and contorting with corporate criminals since the rule of royals.
Sandilands is not “right-wing”, inasmuch as he (among other things) sneered on air at Jesus and Mary, and that is a Woking Class thing in the service of Globohomo. Only Sydney Lebanese Christians got vocal about the blasphemy, the milksop Caucasian Christians were too busy DIEing, that is, Diversity, Inclusion, Equity
And to think the so called elites think they can control us. Ha, we’re gonna show them. I have no clue how they could ever think that.
For a reality check however, think back to WWII and how they pulled that off. Most U.S. men couldn’t join the military fast enough and go die for their country. Because we were like, going to be invaded by Hitler and Japan or something. Proud parents sending their 18 year old sons to die for freedom, man.
“Humans, been falling for shit since time began.”
We must fight to protect our freedumbs and our democracy human rights rules based order values for non stop gay sex and rainbow coloured dildos all round. Because those are our values and that’s who we are and there is simply no alternative.
Forever and ever, Amen.
Your a dismissive Hitler declared war on USA not invasion you idiot.
Is English not your first language? Are you using Google Translate? Or are you just a bit cracked?
Hi Todd,
Maybe let your mind rest a little and enjoy a refreshing visual holiday, a diversion!
Classic Russian Film
Man With a Movie Camera (1929)
(Dziga Vertov)
“Bottomless invention and frenetic, dizzying montage make this city symphony one of cinema’s sharpest, most exciting experiences nearly a century after its release.
“‘Man with a Movie Camera’ has no narrative, it just shows city life through the lens of a cameraman. This was the first ever movie of this kind, a brave experiment and statement of the very new art of cinema.
“Dziga Vertov is one of the world’s documentary film pioneers. He was the first to consider film as an independent artifact separate from theatrical performance or a historical document. Vertov considered that the effectiveness of a film’s impression on the viewer was not related to the actors performing in front of the camera. He realized and promoted the fact that film can make a stronger impression with the rhythm the different shots and close-ups alternate and how fast and slow motion are used.”
(Sorry; lost the source text link.)
Widely available for viewing, the suggested version linked below is colourized and has a contemporary, instrumental sound track.
You might prefer to read up on the film first and watch a black and white version with the (supposed) original score written by Vertov.
Man With a Movie Camera [COLOURIZED]
(Dziga Vertov,1929)
4K and 50 FPS
DURATION — 01:07:00
…also of possible interest on the theme, at least to my mind…
Russian Ark (2002)
Aleksandr Sokurov, director
“The movie consists of one unbroken shot lasting the entire length of the film, as a camera glides through the Hermitage, the repository of Russian art and history in St. Petersburg. The cinematographer Tillman Buttner, using a Steadicam and high-def digital technology, joined with some 2,000 actors in an tight-wire act in which every mark and cue had to be hit without fail; there were two broken takes before the third time was the charm.”
(From a Roger Ebert review,
in case you’re interested. It’s a straightforward synopsis.
Plenty of places to watch…
“Captioned” YouTube version — 20 languages available.
DURATION: 01:39:29
Cognitive dissonance is a scary condition, I witness it in my own immediate social circles, and it terrifies me.
My two, functioning brain-celled radar, informs me that there appears to be an uneasy-calm at the moment. It may signal a prelude to Bill Gates’ smarmy warnings during his whirlwind tour of the UK Colonies. It [should] goes without saying that ‘they’ have their puppets in Australia and New Zealand, primed and ready to roll-out the WHO-Gates ‘next-pandemic’ kabuki. Poor fellow my country … having witnessed and experienced the sheer lunacy and fracturing of my local communities I dread to even contemplate what is coming down the pipeline.
We can only sit on our thumb on the fence, and hope something will show up.
“Who’s behind the Camera not the dope stood in front of it”.
Blackpool Pier 1923.
It’s pretty much the same here in Australia Todd.
My wife’s ninety four year old father recently passed away in Melbourne and his funeral was attended by about 70-80 people.
I can’t remember seeing any masks and there was lots of hugging and sharing of food and stories, as if ‘Covid’ didn’t exist.
I didn’t think to ask the funeral director about his workload, but it did take about two weeks to book in a date.
In my spare time I like to do some busking so I see quite a lot of people entering and leaving the local supermarkets. Rarely do I see anyone masked up and those that are seem to make up a strange cross section of ages, sexes and classes.
Are they all TV addicts or news junkies?
Will someone please wake me from this disturbing dream. I want out.
‘My title does not refer to Nazi Germany in any way’
Then why refer to it?
There you go again.
Because the original book that was titled “I Am a Camera” was all about Nazi Germany. That is why I “referred” to it.
And otherwise, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Nick Baam, above, was drawing attention to the fact that in your article you used the word ‘internment’ re. the burial rather than the correct word, ‘interment’.
So we are in a gramma discussion now? Did you guys find any comma errors?? As these can have profound effect on understanding if not duly corrected.
He seems to suggest that “interment” is “to deposit (a dead body) in the earth or in a tomb”, while “interNment’ is “to confine or impound especially during a war”. Your article seems to use the wrong spelling. (I’m not a native English speaker, I looked up both spellings on m-w.com.)
Got me…oh my…well, at least that proves I am not ChatGPT
Maybe you’re so deep undercover even you don’t know that you are.
I see, from the following comments, I made a mistake…maybe it was a Freudian slip…
That did make me laugh.. Thank you.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-04-26. Lockdown shifted $4T in wealth from middle class to 500 new billionaires, old billionaires wealth up by 30% https://twitter.com/paulrprichard/status/1651348284168888321
That’s what Covid is really about, that and the societal control they plan to consolidate.
It’s rather interesting that “they” went about the Covid thing backwards. A thing usually starts small, slow, then picks up momentum as it goes.
But no, “they” stated off big, fast, furious, then began winding down. First off – as ALL my neighbors and many relatives noted – “People are dying!”
That lasted about six months; followed by the PCR tests; then came the social distancing and mask wearing; then the wind down began in earnest. It was safe again. You could come out of hiding, go back to work.
No longer were only a hundred customers at a time allowed in Home Depot – a hundred seems like a lot; but my sister who at the time worked in a Home Depot said a hundred customers looked like a ghost town in that store.
BTW, this article dovetails beautifully with the Colin Todhunter article in suggesting that there may have been a damn good reason why Covid started so strong: the economy was two shakes away from tanking. A hell of a fright was needed to get people’s attention.
I think it was more like… needed to give cover for the largest spending spree in history and to help temporarily stave off the economic crises.
Global defaults btw Home Depot is a Corp. Back to work what do you mean, didnt they receive covid financial state support?
I didn’t notice that people were dying any more than usual. But then I look around me with my eyes not a television.
I didn’t even notice that people were sick more than usual.
The timing of this article is interesting Todd.
I was talking to the missus about this very thing yesterday, and commented on a Telegram channel just today.
I’m currently in Puebla, Mexico, and there is at least 50% masks. Hand sanitizer abounds everywhere and it feels like I’ve stepped back in time a couple of years.
As I have commented, what you see is the percentage of the population that cannot and will not think for themselves. It’s also a percentage of the population that likely has some pretty bad mental health issues.
What I find equally disturbing is that it’s likely the rest of the population not wearing masks are only doing so for personal reasons, vain reasons and other such things, maybe they think they’re too pretty, who knows. They are certainly not wearing masks because they’ve suddenly become aware and informed that they’ve been lied to for few last few years and that the masks and the experimental injections are both real health hazards.
So I suspect that when the government cranks the fear level back up to 11, total colapse of any kind of normality will occur faster than a building in freefall.
I worked lived in Puebla Mexico for over two and half years early nineties, it was very easy for me to immerse make friends I worked my way as a mechanic.
I don’t necessary have a problem with those who are still wearing masks. Although I feel sorry for them I must say they are consistent in their trust to the authority that told them to save lives (theirs and others). If I recall well, flu disappeared for a couple of years because people wore masks (sarcasm).
My real problem is with those who, for two full years, were actively promoting and defending the stupid and irrational measures the government alone wouldn’t have been able to implement. Those who proudly wore the masks for two years while ridiculing or even attacking us who dared at least to question that absurd measure. I have a problem with those who told us that ‘wearing is caring’ and all of a sudden, two years later, decided that they can kill people again by not wearing masks anymore. These are the shills who have to be asked on daily basis how come now they are allowed to transmit flu, for example, that kills hundreds of thousands of people every year.
Yes. And I also hate the “Well, we’re glad THAT’S over” while thousands (millions maybe?) are suffering from jab injuries.
This is NOT over. Not by a long shot.
And the whole obtuse we can no longer mandate so we will just “Encourage” everyone to be vaccinated….
I think I am angrier now, and more anti-social, than I was during the plandemic.
I havent seen or heard about any injuries in my surroundings. To tell the truth.
You’re very lucky. Everyone I know who took that shot got sick. Some several times. And some very seriously. Like the person I am praying for right now who is on oxygen 24/7 with every single symptom that has been described about lung/heart issues.
Perfectly healthy till the shot.
I know people with the re-occurring cancers. One after years of remission. One doing well until after the shot when, like others, her cancer showed up in the brain.
I have tried not to jump on the “everything is the shot” bandwagon, but it’s just getting ridiculous now.
Oh the schizophrenia about the virus is overwhelming. Is it over here? Is it over there? Oh dear – sometimes someone forgets about the whole thing for a minute. Or an hour. Or a day. Then they suddenly remember – and scream about it, and rush to slap on the mask, then forget again … and at no point do they realise that, if they managed without a mask for X amount of time then they may as well keep the mask off. Or maybe they could go without for any length of time and, when they suddenly recall the “safety measure”, they automatically think, “Oh I must have been lucky not to get the bug – but I better get that mask on now” etc.
And then there’s the telly stuff: the figures assembled in debating chambers, some masked , some not. Some half-masked as if to say, “Well here’ a token gesture for you!”
I always thought the funniest were the masks outside – especially on windy airfields. What goes through the ones leaning into the wind and struggling to get through … but with the mask on? God knows.
As for King’s The Stand – yeah I read that. I reckon all apocalyptic fiction has a deeply conservative appeal. An apocalypse basically reverses time by disposing of 99% of the population and taking us back to some supposedly wondrous rural time – in King’s case, back to the old pioneer days. Also don’t forget the appeal of driving a car – any car! – anywhere you like, crashing into shops and lifting whatever appeals to you etc. No more money worries, no more holding down a job etc. Sure you have the occasional zombie but – what the hell – you just run over them!
Maybe that’s why the Night of Masks was such a hit? Everybody’s been indoctrinated into “The Show”. So secretly everybody knows it’s shite. But hey – might as well go along with it. Sounds rather fun!
Monkeypox seems to be making a comeback.
It will probably be the in thing again soon.
All sounds a bit racist or speciesist to me.
I share the fear that people have just shrugged themselves into an “Oh, whatever” mindset by now. “My brain hurts when I think”, sort of thing…
They no longer have the mental energy to resist, when it’s so much easier just to go with the flow.
Everybody knows dozens of ‘fully vaxxed’ people, and, well, most of them are still alive – aren’t they…? So what could be so terrible about joining them…?
Clearly most human beings need protecting from themselves, but who’s going to do it? Another Terminator movie…?
Your mask in fresh air reminds me about the media hero labelled as the Digital Nomad.
The guy sitting on a stone at the sea with his laptop pointing with his finger at the screen “here inside is reality”.
Nice article Todd. As usual.
There’s certainly an attitude of not wanting to talk about the “pandemic” I’ve noticed except brief historical references. Any hint of dissent from me gets a long stare into the distance.
I fear that what you say is correct though and they’re all softened up, accepting. I also notice nobody is critical of the PTB regarding the economic situation. No ranting at government or the ruling political party just “it is what it is”. Previously there would be blaming aplenty.
Society is extremely vulnerable I sense.
‘Society’ has given up.
We’re all on our own now, but the critical thinkers among us should stay in touch,
Yess, we must stay in touch, but first we must Get in touch in Person to combat the ever increasing pressure we all feel to say “f*ck it, nothing we can do”. Form local groups.
I am in between Baltimore and DC.
We need to agree on some basic goals, a vision for our planet’s future like for instance: 1. Eliminate the 2 party system (in the US) both R&D’s are owned by the same entity and made up of 99% corrupt, easily proven criminals. Outlaw them both and imprison leaders with a little waterboarding thrown in for good measure.
2. End the Fed 3. Dismantle the corporate media.
4. Overhaul the court system with all new uncompromised judges.
But that is impossible pipe dream hopey-ism you say? Where would one start. They got us in an intractable catch-22, you can’t do one first without having done the other 3. We start by STARTING.
Create Local Groups. Get out in the street. Make our Goals/Vision known to the masses. Grow. An online presence will help off course.
Stay peaceful, relentless and filled with Love. I am a humble special educator/musician about to turn 60. My summer is free and I plan to use it becoming an activist. Who is with me. We owe our future more than apathy and resignation.
It seems that they’ve all been completely broken and will accept their fate without complaint. Pity them … But what about us? We’re on our own now, so what do we do?
Phone Rothschild and ask for our tribe’s Israel. He can arrange it.