The Homage of the Slaves
Iain Davis

As the coronation of Charlie-boy approaches, the Royal household thought it would be nice to offer the British public the opportunity to swear their allegiance to King Charles III and declare themselves his slave. This “homage of the people” has been very popular amongst some. Presumably, they’re dead keen to live a life of slavery.
Apparently, Shabana Mahmood, the Labour Party’s national campaign coordinator, thinks slavery is a “lovely idea” and that involving the people in the coronation, by offering them to opportunity to become slaves, was a “lovely touch.” The UK transport secretary, Mark Harper, thinks that elective slavery represents a “fantastic opportunity.” Although, he didn’t specify for whom.
Harper went on to suggest that enslaving millions of people will provide a “great showcase for Britain around the world.” This doesn’t appear to be necessary. Given its colonial past and current foreign policy, it seems likely that most people are already familiar with the way the British state rolls.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the “homage of the people” has not been pitched by the Establishment as the “homage of the slaves”. It’s an invitation, not a command, and everyone knows that merely attempting to enslave people is a kind of altruism.
Like Shabana and Mark, Vince, the Archbishop of Westminster, described this invitation as “remarkable” and “lovely,” with Sky News reporting:
For the first time in history the public will be given an active role in the coronation, having been invited to say the oath to the King out loud.
Of course, the whole point of his oath is that he, as the head of state, swears his allegiance to us. But let’s not allow our codified constitution to get in the way of a good old, statist hallucination. We haven’t for more than 800 years, so why start now?
That being said, it is not without good reason that an apparent majority of people have decided that they do not want to pay “homage” to an inept toff. This seems reasonable, because it avoids making the bat-shit crazy decision to pledge your “obligation of fidelity and obedience” to some bloke wearing a load of moody gold.
For those who fancy the idea of enslaving themselves to a clueless aristocrat, before you guffaw in scornful rejection of any suggestion that you are, in fact, choosing to be a slave, it is perhaps worth noting what an oath of allegiance actually means:
[. . .] the obligation of fidelity and obedience which the individual owes to the government under which he lives, or to his sovereign in return for the protection he receives
Your “allegiance” means you pledge your “obedience” in return for protection. This is commonly known as a “protection racket.”
It get’s worse:
The citizen or subject owes an absolute and permanent allegiance to his government or sovereign, or at least until, by some open and distinct act, he renounces it and becomes a citizen or subject of another government or another sovereign.
You may have noticed your somewhat limited choices if you are ever dumb enough to swear an oath of allegiance to the parasite class. You can’t really get out of it unless you subsequently swear your “absolute and permanent” “fidelity and obedience” to the next parasitic scumbag that elbows their way in to your life.
Still, each to their own. Who am I to put anyone off opting to be a slave?
Nonetheless, before you do, perhaps spare a moment to consider your choices. There are better slave masters laying about, should you want one.
Perhaps you could choose to be Elon Musk’s slave instead? As these things go, choosing Charles as your personal oppressor might be a bit iffy.
Charles was mentored by his father’s uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten (Prince Louis of Battenberg), who he affectionately called “Uncle Dickie.” A frequent visitor to his “honorary grandpapa’s” Broadlands estate, the young Charles often holidayed with the Mountbattens.
As an adult, Charles was encouraged by “Uncle Dickie” to use Broadlands for any sexual rendezvous that Charles would rather keep quiet. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) described Mountbatten as a paedophile “with a perversion for young boys.”
King Charles’ was extremely close to Jimmy Savile. The necrophiliac paedophile and child pimp was a confidant and adviser to the Royal household, and Charles in particular, for more than 30 years.
When the Bishop and notorious paedophile, Peter Ball, first accepted a caution—prior to his subsequent conviction in 2015—Charles felt that a “monstrous wrong” had been inflicted upon the pederast. Knowing the nature of the allegations, and Ball’s admission of guilt, Charles purchased a property for Ball and his twin brother.
King Charles subsequently denied all knowledge of Ball’s vile crimes in the letter he submitted to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. The explanation he offered was idiotic:
I was certainly not aware at the time of the significance or impact of the caution that Peter Ball has accepted, or indeed sure if I was even told about it. Whilst I note that Peter Ball mentioned the word in a letter to me in October 2009, I was not aware until recently that a caution in fact carries an acceptance of guilt.
This is in keeping with the story we are given about Charles which suggests he is a gullible pillock. Presumably, this naive stupidity extends to the enormous advisory team that surrounds Charles and the Royals.
It seems, no one advised Charles to stop hanging around with nonces. Although, admittedly, in his family, it is hard to avoid them.
Not a single one of his vast array of advisers took the time to explain to Charles what the legal implications of a caution were. Furthermore, all of them were completely unaware that their future, simple-minded King was “accidentally” maintaining a series of close friendships and “special” relationships with child rapists.
Despite all of this, some people really love waving their little flags and remain eager to declare their oath of obedience to this man. Perhaps because they have have no idea what it means or perhaps because they are as thick as he is.
It is good to know that becoming Charles’ slave is not a direct command. Many people would prefer to completely ignore the World Economic Forum (WEF) spokesman and hypocrite, King Charles III.
We certainly wouldn’t want to spoil his day by telling him to shove his “invitation” where the sun doesn’t shine.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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Thou shalt register your car is a command from the God you already obey.
You already pay homage to your king your God by paying taxes and thinking you must.
Let the dead bury the dead speaks to you the tax payer and register’s of cars.
The graven image we are not to make is the “person” your God your king commands.
There is no such thing as a living person….
Personally, I would like to know how much infant blood does Chucky consume on a weekly basis?
My sentiments exactly. Their arrogance has no limits.
All hail KC3!
All hail KC3!
All hail Cromwell and the New Model Army. Remember Marston Moor and Naseby. The Royalists got truly stuffed!
Where to begin. Perhaps the notion that the monarchy is a symbol or perhaps a role to maintain the continuity of the British constitution plain and simple.
If you don’t like the Monarchy then change the constitution.
The Royal Family is simply the guardians of that role.
I dare say that the Monarchy became powerless sometime in the late 1500’s. To think the King can today dissolve government and throw that little unelected slave back to India along with the stolen loot is simply a fantasy, or is it?
As for their sexual preference, it’s really not as relevant as say Charles wanting to be Camillas’ tampon or whatever it was he said. I mean it’s rather poetic is it not?
Their stupidity is ample, a valid representation of the British public. I mean what was Kate thinking when she decided to repeatedly parade around with a criminal like Mrs.Zelenskyyia ? The stupidity is abound.
Finally we come to the notion of slavery. I think slavery is just as abundant as always. It has little to do with the Monarchy and much to do with the governments’ handlers that run the entire show.
Like Covid, the monarchy is simply an optic. Like a good dose of mRNA, let the public have their coronation.
Charlie swears his job is to serve. So he’ll act as the waiter at the royal dinner? And clear away and wash up the dishes?
In case of protestors,
Keep Calm And Call The Goon Squad.
what works for ‘charley boy’
obvioulsy didn’t work for Edward and mrs simpson
God save the King, the fascist within.
Wonderful article content, thank you.
You are basically right. Ian Davis does not seem to understand the psychodynamics of Loyalism (Royalism), an allegiance to a Greater Other. It is connected to tribalism and nationalism and to perceived external threats and occurs in groups in times of stress and uncertainty. These people are not exactly stupid, but suggestible. See the work of Prof. Mattias Desmet which refers. The elite corps surrounding the Royal Family and the greater British establishment and media, the same thing really, is perfectly aware of the manipulation and supports it.
Small detail I missed – William of Orange of Glorious Revolution fame deposed his uncle- King James and married Mary, james’s daughter, his first cousin. I know that all the royal families of Europe are closely related, but that’s even closer than I thought. I’ve never paid much attention to them before.
scum all of them.. I’ve been told. maybe I do not have sufficient information to determine why everyone is against them.
Usury banking (Indebted interest) has been the enslavement mechanism of choice for over 4,500 years. The only persons who seem to pay attention are persons employed in banking and “trade”… Let’s pay homage to the new pawn. Same as the old pawn.
THE BANKSTERS: Who, What, When, Where and Why?
April 28, 2023
THE BANKSTERS: Who, What, When, Where and Why????? | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (
Excerpt from the article: “The Hammurabi Code of laws ca. 1755-1750 B.C.)—a collection of 282 rules, established standards for commercial interactions and set fines and punishments to meet the requirements of justice. [???] Hammurabi’s Code was carved onto a massive, finger-shaped black stone stele (pillar) that was looted by invaders and finally rediscovered in 1901.”
I think Charles should be shown the finger as well…
“While most of the the public’s attention is falling on the obvious issues—the monarchy’s increasing irrelevance to the 21st century, the colossal waste of taxpayer resources that go towards the upkeep of the world’s richest family and their multiple palaces, the dark history of slavery and other colonial abuses for which royals of the far-distant past are responsible—few are aware of just how dark the history of the royal family is, or just how twisted Charles’ vision for the future of the United Kingdom—and, indeed the world—really is.”
the “dark” history of slavery? can you expand on the Monarchy’s dark history of slavery? I would love to hear some examples. Perhaps Don Lemon has some idea?
“they have have no idea or because they are as thick as he is”? Absolutely not.
The people waving their little flag know exactly what they are doing, and they love it.
You can call it slavery, protection money, obedience to a pedo, whatever. They are on the Royal team among the VIPs and Rich, and you are not.
Thats the point of it all. You see, you have completely misunderstood it all :-D.
Thanks, Ian.
Gives a new meaning to what I heard at the Coronation: “He does a lot for young people”.
Just like Uncle Dickie and his best mates Savile, Epstein and Maxwell.
I was awaiting (in vain) for Charles to accept the crown, then personally execute that satanic spook, Archbishop of Canterbury, whose pretense to Christian authority has been openly rejected by the greater part of the global Anglican Church, with the Sword of State. After which, he could have declared English sovereignty and ordered the deportation of Rishi Sunak and all the other freemason f’ckers present.
Sure. As pedo charlie is not a freemason…
Sure of that? Knights of Malta?
Another busy morning for the coincidence theorists:,to%20represent%20the%20Ukrainian%20flag.&text=But%20a%20Palace%20spokesman%20described%20it%20as%20a%20
“Happy coincidence”. Love it.
Speaking of which, I’ve been wondering about a few other “curious” coincidences. “Coronavirus”/”Coronation”? Thus subliminal emphasis on a changing of the guard/reset/ new order?
don’t forget the ‘marburg files’ and the windsors 😉
“From Monarchy to Democracy and Beyond. Part 1” by Richard Abbot:
“First, let’s talk about the monarchy. Although poorly understood, increasingly mocked and derided, the reality is that monarchs exist to hold sovereignty and therefore power, not for themselves, but for the people. And this is eminently necessary because politicians are not your friends. Politicians are not kind-hearted public servants, but employees of a bureaucracy whose sole purpose is to perpetuate itself and whose interests run counter to yours. All politicians pass laws which involve, somewhere or other, the removal of people’s rights and extension of their obligations. Politicians get away with this because they play people off against each other, dispensing new rights as trinkets to their most loud and vigorous supporters, while removing them from everyone else. It doesn’t matter who the politicians are, it’s always the same, because they are all from the same party, the party of the permanent state. But this is in contrast to the monarch who exists, at least in theory, to place the people in the room when important decisions are being made. Well at least that’s how it used to be, for King Charles I was not lying, way back in 1649 or so, before politicians chopped his head off, when he claimed that he, and he alone, was the defender of liberty. Rule by politicians is the tyranny we should all be concerned about, for whenever the institution of monarchy is abandoned then the people are shut out of the room for good.
However, unlike a Presidency, Monarchy is not simply about the person. Kings and Queens are the living symbols of a nation, the connectors of God, state and the people. King Charles III’s impending coronation, if it is to be, as expected, watered-down and stripped of its magic, will weaken the nation, and the subsequent Pluto Return will destroy it. Many will cheer for the Global New Society which follows, but most of those will swiftly regret it amid the chaos which ensues.”
What utter crock, “the connectors of God” ,so sorry, you’re captured by the hallucination and suffering some sort of delusion.
I, am not captured by anything, hallucinating or deluded; the extract between the inverted commas is a small extract from the much longer article that is linked. 🙂
Hermitage, UK.
That’s the headquarters of the 77th Brigade.
Everything on YOUR SITE is disinformation.
Summarily simply sumptuously BRILLIANT!!
“One of the strongest natural proofs of the folly of the hereditary right in kings, is, that Nature disapproves it, otherwise she would not so frequently turn it into ridicule by giving mankind an ASS for a Lion.”
T. Paine
“Is anyone by birth simply to be applauded or punished?
correct me if i am wrong. the police duties include monitoring online posts for clues of wherabouts of stolen goods. when all the facts are gathered, the police then raid the place and recover the stolen goods.
depending on the size of the heist, the police may hold a press conference.
but last night, the opposite happened. the police actually was protecting the perpetrators by any possible means and even cheering for them!
what is this? the rules-based order? or what?
ah yes
the ruling thieves/murderers/pillagers/rapists based dystopia . . .
The Cullinan Diamonds
” ‘We want our diamond back’: The coronation gem spirited from South Africa ”,vid:IntHHGXTfEc
Apologies for the size of the link for a 20 second clip! Proud to be a Glaswegian! Feeling quite nostalgic now…
Liverpool fans were equally deferential.
Here’s an economic breakdown of the Royal assets.
Avarice astounding:
I don’t particularly mind there being a King, but I think the post should be opened up to a more diverse range of applicants, who could put themselves forward for election by their subjects. In particular, we need to see candidates emerge who are black, gay, female, non binary, and trannies. And although I don’t fall into any of those categories myself, I would like to throw my hat in the ring, and press my claim to the throne. I think I would make quite a good King. King Paul I sounds quite good to me. There’s never been a Paul in Buckingham Palace before, and I think it’s about time there was. I could be quite good at standing on balconies, sitting in golden coaches, waving to all my admiring subjects, and eating 15 course meals. Come to think of it, I’m pretty well qualified for the job. I’m just waiting for the call to serve the country. I think I’ll put in a competitive tender for the job. I’m sure I could do all the work at very reasonable rates.
I’m currently reading William de Querx’s book “The Invasion of 1897” (also known as “The Great War of 1897”). This late Victorian/Edwardian author wrote a lot of patriotic literature including a lot of ‘Invasion Literature’ books, scare stores that make the PR feeds from the Cold War Military Industrial Complex seem like a bunch of rank amateurs. A lot of his fiction include rollicking tales of derring do by upper class heroes (carefully curated to appeal to the aspirant middle class mass market). His stories can be a bit tedious, even painful, to read at times — like a lot of culinary offerings from that period its best taken by the teaspoonful — but it does give us plebs a wonderful window into the mindset of our betters. This mindset might have been modulated over the last 100 years or so but fundamentally hasn’t changed. (…and its still fed to us in maintanence doses of period costume drama depicting the lives and loves of our betters in fantasies where we’re invited to imagine the life of the lord and never the effective slavery that was the lot of much the below stairs workforce)
(BTW — In this book France and Russia invade the UK with Germany (and Italy) allying with the UK. Except for a short period during the start of WW1 Russia is always ‘the enemy’ with Tsar Nicholas II being “The Bad Boy of Europe”. Nothing much changes!)
I was tickled by Ron Paul’s description of Victoria Nuland as the Queen of the Chickenhawks. A new Queen Victoria. The epithet Chickenhawk aimed at the neocons appeared before the brutal assault on Iraq in 2003. It mocked their cheerleading for war from the safety of the sidelines while those from lower strata of society had to do the dirty and bloody work. That term has vanished from common usage. An indication that the alt media is controlled.The neocons have begun a new offensive. Shamefully some of the alleged alt media has made common cause with them.
It’s not quite the talking point that it was during Vietnam simply because there is no draft anymore. In any case, the government never drafted women to begin with, so calling Vicky Nuland a ‘chicken hawk’ kind of lacks the sort of punch that it had when people were criticizing Bush/Cheney twenty years ago.
Yeah, Nuland is more of a civilian Rear Echelon M***erf***er (REMF). 🦂
Ron Paul. Controlled opposition Mason. So THAT’S your raison d’être. Promoting the controlled opposition dialectic.
All hail “royal” King Chucky…
Ridiculously rich rockers mocking their own.
Gotta laugh.
The royalty are just another layer between the really powerful and the layered society they govern. The banksters retain or discard royalty as desired or required. The liquidation of the czar and his family – Charles’ relations, was shocking in it’s brutality. I don’t know what happened to the Kaiser. The Shah of Iran was overthrown so that the Israel friendly Khomeini could be installed. And so it goes. The British royalty gets relatively favourable treatment pehaps because London is still the capital of the capitalists, the host of the fabled square mile. This site would not dare make fun of Charles’ masters.
The Shah was far more pro-Israeli than Khomeini. There’s a reason why his secret police were called the Savak (after Israel’s Shabak). Also, did you miss his son’s recent ‘official’ visit to Israel?
Well he’ll always be “Bonnie Prince Charlie” to me…
(That was my grandmother speaking from the dead)…
I’ll have you know that King Charles, our honourable and highly esteemed monarch, spent time at Scotch College, one of the finest, if not the finest and most sought after educational facilities in Australia.
A place where leaders are made.
We, of the colonies, and Scotch College, will not tolerate your slanderous demeaning of our great King.
You have been warned.
“By any chance can anyone graft Chuckles da Turd‘s face on to this.”
“So those inclined to do so, can turn into a meme and circulate it around the internet.”
Arent you a child of previous hard core British criminals sent down to Australia to learn a little manners?
At least you know what a Scottish university is, and learned who is your King. Now we have to teach you how to eat duly with knife and fork.
A weak attempt at humor.
Universities are brainwashing camps where supplicants pay vast sums to repeat the inane lies and droll opinions of their “PRO-fessors”. And they originated in Catholic monasteries, so they’re Roman Empire in origin. The oldest “University“ still in operation is in Bologna, Italy.
Most Australians aren’t descendants of convicts but of immigrants; many of them “Whinging Poms” or “Stingy Scots“.
The real criminals of course, were the original colonists and their monarch boot-licking officers and agents. Not the starving lads who may (or may not) have stolen a loaf of bread or similar.
Throughout history, innocents, orphans, minorities and the poor have been imprisoned unlawfully, often without evidence or trial and then worked (sometimes to death) as a profit making policy using cheap or unpaid labor. In the US, forced prison labor is still common in numerous states.
And it was Catherine de Medici IN FRANCE, who popularized the knife and fork as eating utensils.
England was the original inventor of the Concentration camp.
And the Scots are known for Freemasonry, with which you’re probably intimately familiar.
Well done. I see you know your history. I cant object or add anything to the described. All true.
I often wonder … is it really the Monarchy in control, or is it the people who are in CONTROL of the monarchs? It goes without saying that Jeffrey Epstein and his controllers weren’t faxing-around when they were gathering incriminating evidence of ALL the peeps in high places … So, it would appear reasonable to deduce, that whomsoever co-ordinates the ‘Epstein-files’ controls the HoW …
It’s the false installation (ego) that controls the monarchy which intern control the people’s ego, it’s a cycle of dysfunction.
Impudent underlings !!
Off with their heads !!
Note the dismissive paw flapping action & know that if you do that for 70 odd years. You’ll get sausage fingers too.
The king’s laughing at both those who revere and revile him. Whether by bondage of mind or body, his rule remains intact without revolt. The root of our slavery lies in consent to any authority over our lives denying the radical equality of our own humankind. No gods, no masters. Not the ceremonies of state but where we live every day locates the start of the revolution. We are the state, until we act otherwise.
Many seem to crave for superfluous limits and subjugation, in multiple aspects of their lives.
“To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels”
-. Frank Sinatra, My Way
Overall too many bow to the monarchy and accept it, it’s hard to get rid of that system and their corrupted government who want to enslave their people.
If people won’t stand up together, then nothing will change.
Looks to me like people everywhere are lining up and probably intend to serve, just as soon as their true leader calls them to serve. The delay seems to be the words and deeds of true leaders have been silenced.
The best King Charles Coronation Memes – so far…
I was in my local and, thanfully, they didnt have it on the wall-screens…
This one made me laugh.
What do bachelor parties and the monarchy have in common?
Isn’t it time to say goodbye to both?
Totally unaware there was anything going on today, as I don`t pay any heed to the MSM or expectations thereof, went the match and lo and behold someone suggested we sing the national anthem. 50 odd thousand booing was a joyous feeling! Football is just another distraction, in a world designed that way, but my locality knows, will not forgive and never forgets! Fuck them all!
“The question is, how much more grand theft robbery and abuse will the poor people of Britian continue to accept from Chuckles da Turd and his War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Euginicist Criminal Bosses? THE ROYAL MAFIA CRIME FAMILY and the Pyscho Nazis need to go, NOW!”
Nice comment, keep up the good work.
You lot aren’t the most responsible people on earth, are you? “Oi Jezza, let’s give that chimp a machine gun, this is gonna be so much fun!”
That royal gardener know something.
How’d they manage that with the noise and CCTV cameras everywhere?
Brian UKC originally got his funding from Sheila Butler, widower, the daughter of Earl, the niece to Lord Kitchener, who set up (genuine) con***ration camps in the Boer War.
Sheila Butler who funded UKC also funded the BNP.
Something in common with the Royals then Iain.
You get published and promoted by people who made money from slavery and hang out with nonces also.
They also like to shill and hangout with pedos and plant money making fear porn PEDO storys.
Hears one apart from the David icke Zen Gardener cover up.
This is even worse and covered up my alt media.
Around 2010 a story appeared on line via the shill alternative media about a disabled girl called Holly Gregg also spelt Hollie Greig.
Holly’s mother had explained to the world via alt media that her disabled daughter was savagely and repeated abused molested by elites. The police where also involved in the cover up.
Holly this disabled girl was then placed in a prison for exposing this. 100’s of 1o00’s £$ I means 100’S OF 1000’s£ was raised and this was needed for lawyer fees to help this poor disabled child and U.K column and David icky and them types used to go on about this endlessly. Donate donate help her. Infact Brian Gerrish and David icke exposed this top story at the time and promoted it the most and they even broke the story.
At around about the same time the Savile thing and pedo politician elites thing had become mainstream news.
Carl Beech, who claimed he was the victim of a VIP child abuse ring was also in the news. Huge stories at the time.
3 different story’s all circulating cant be coincidence.
Holly was very underground news compared.
The story about Holly Gregg eventually after years made the mainstream and local MPS did get involved as concern people wrote to them about this horrific thing that happened to this poor disabled girl.
GUESS WHAT ?? the whole thing was a lie. Years and years of this story and being repeated even videos of the so called prison hospital visits and of course the donation stream was endless.
Who wouldn’t donate to this disabled girl being forcefully imprisoned for exposing the sexual abuse ring that went to the top of the U>k establishment.
Holly Gregg was a hoax and Carl Beech ended up making it look like the whole elites thing pedo ring was lie. Double wammy. Virtually all at the same time.
The whole Holly Gregg hoax like Alex Jones sandy hook was deliberately created to discredit real stories and it was promoted by the so called top tier of alternative indy run by the intelligence services media.
Alex Jones the shill
David icke and U.K column fucking shills.
Theses story acts a s 1 -2 (and 3)
1st to discredit and
2nd to scare
3 to keep people asleep by saying thoses type of story’s are all fake. Carl Beech for example Carl Beech: ‘VIP abuse’ accuser jailed for 18 years.
In 2020 during Bs19 The Carl Beech story reappeared again and like Alex Jones Carl Beech: Man who lied about VIP paedophile ring ordered to pay £24,000 to victim.
Exact same M.O. As the Alex jones sandy hook today.
Interesting, I was following the Hoaxsted PsyOP when CV-19 hit, it all literally halted overnight, the comments then mostly took a turn where the cult members were all discussing “staying safe”, wishing their targets would “get Covid and die”, making sure they worshipped the WHO narrative at all times. Mask wearing was highly supported as they had all been used to hiding their faces for years anyway. Then I watched as they had in-depth conversations about their turn to get the jabs, It seems as soon as the paychecks stopped, the harassment stopped. The massive censorship that happened online due to Covid probably has a lot to do with it as well. Mainly, all the truth tellers that they were targeting were getting deleted from Big Tech platforms.
Lol! Shills?
I have no idea why you’ve brought Icke into your comment. I don’t have any association with him.
As for your allegation that UKC are “people who made money from slavery and hang out with nonces” that is perhaps the most preposterous allegation I have ever read in the OG comment section.
In addition to UKC, I also write for other outlets such as UnlimitedHangout and Geopolitics & Empire. My work is also published by Technocracy News, Zero Hedge, GlobalResearch, Lew Rockwell and others. I can categorically state that I don’t work for them either. I suppose they are all advocates for slavery and paedophilia too?
I don’t agree with everything published by these outlets, including OffGuardian and UKC. Nor do any of these outlets agree with everything I write.
Equally, that does not mean I do not support these so-called “alternative news” providers, including UKC. It seems to me that there is much more diversity of opinion to be found among them than there is in the MSM. Would you prefer some sort of homogeneous Newspeak?
Journalism is not a science. It doesn’t aim to be perfectly objective. But it does aim, when it’s any good, to base its published opinion on evidence. That doesn’t mean that every conclusion drawn is correct.
Personally, I do not write about alleged CSA or RSA scandals. In my opinion, the evidence is often subjective and almost impossible to corroborate. Bluntly, it’s a minefield, laden with disinformation—for the obvious reasons you rightly point out. There are exceptions of course. Mountbatten, Savile and Ball, for example.
Clearly Robert Green believed the HG story and UKC, as I understand it, believed the evidence cited by Green. From what little I know, Green was an honest man who acted with the very best of intentions. But I can absolutely confirm that BG and the UKC team frequently venture into territory—where I dare not tread—for one very simple reason: they care deeply about the welfare of children.
Shock horror! UKC get some things wrong. Guess what, so do I. I suppose that makes me a “shill” too.
One of the most edifying discoveries I have made as a writer and journalist in this media space is that, despite coming from very different ideological, political and even theological backgrounds, everyone I have worked with, without exception, shares the same broad objective. All of them value the dialectic, evidence based research, high quality journalism and free speech.
That does not mean that every story-line is perfectly accurate or that agreement is universal. We all make mistakes. Even UKC are fallible. You appear to be among those who would see them crucified for it.
I lament the attempt, by some, to introduce bitter division between “alt news” content providers where, in fact, all we are talking about is a difference of opinion. Of course debate can get heated at times. Again, so what? People get hot under the collar sometimes and say stupid stuff, me included. But I don’t “hate” people I disagree with and I’m pretty sure that is reciprocated.
UKC, like many other “alt media” outlets is funded by its audience. It may well have had seed money from those on the right, even far right, but your allegation that this somehow makes UKC a “far right” disinfo agent is an absurdity to anyone who is familiar with its content.
I couldn’t be further away from the “far right” so why does UKC publish my articles? For example, I disagree with UKC’s stance on Putin and Ukraine. But they still published two of my articles that raised objections to their broader coverage. They did so because they value inquiry. I put it to you that “shills” don’t typically do that kind of thing.
My experience has led me to believe that the left-right paradigm is increasingly meaningless. Just another divide and rule tactic. I strongly suspect that the “shill” argument is of the same ilk.
If you read the UKC “About” page you will note:
“Why should I trust the UK Column?Put simply, you shouldn’t.
The question of whether or not to trust a news organisation is a false choice.
Making such a choice is promoted by government, the old media, and two new organisation types: the fact checker and the trust provider. It disenfranchises readers, viewers and listeners. It is based on the principle that if you trust the media organisation you are visiting, there is no need for you to check the information they present.
So we ask you not to trust us. Instead, view everything published here with a critical eye. Where possible, primary source material is made available for everything we publish: check it; make up your own mind.”
Of course controlled opposition exists, but it is a completely useless propaganda technique if we all think critically, reserve the right to make up our own minds and base our opinions on the evidence we are aware of. I respect your stated opinion to that extent.
So, if, as you claim, UKC are a bunch of shills why do they ask their audience not to “trust” them? Or do you imagine this is the kind of clever double bluff, 5D chess manoeuvre “fucking shills” would make?
“Charley-Boy”. Always seemed a little bit “off”. And then you have a young demure kindergarten teacher enter the picture. A prize of sorts. Practically a child. All this talk about pedophilia explains it all. It makes sense. It also makes sense why the United Nations is going great lengths to normalize pedophilia. “As long as the relationship with the minor is consensual”. Right………..
I wonder what it was about Charlie Farley that Diana detested so much?
You can understand why she had those affairs.
well you know what they say about a man with small hands….
I had hoped for a Stoic ignoring of this event. To put distance between farce and sanity.
Yet soldiers, current and ex, reflexively stand to attention.
Charles has been groomed for this role. Perhaps that explains how a man seen as organic and nature-minded turns out to head the syndicate that promotes transhumanism, geo-engineering, and synthetic biology.
We shall never know what Elizabeth thought of the Reset but what could she be but a traditionalist, who would regard the strange combination of aristocrats and technocrats with distaste.
The New Age or Gaiaism with which Charles has long identified turns out to be a front for biosurveillance and – at its most extreme – the use of the Convention on Biodiversity in order to surmount evolution or Creation.
The attempt to control or eliminate all natural and replace it with synthetic biology.
Homage to the King, the proposal that the people, dizzy with servitude, jump erect in front of their televisons and spout peans to the grey king…demands a firm hand.
The concentration of power through Privy Council is not a question of whether the monarch has independent authority – he may just as well be a figurehead because the exercise of authority is already undemocratic and not representative. He is, however, the imprimature.
What is this power, that Charles rampantly desires? UKC has reported the sidelining of parliament and the routing of executive power through the UK Cabinet Office and the Privy Council.
This would be the power to make war, as we see in Ukraine and Russia, and the power to subjugate the people – as we saw in the Covid response – since their parliament is toothless.
This takes us back to the theme of who started WW1 and pushed Britain, who had no stake in Germany’s territorial dispute with Poland, into WW2 – as we have none with Ukraine.
Which warmongering we’ll explore in the next newsletter.
I promised myself I wouldn’t go near this farce, so I haven’t read the article either.
The subject has nothing more to say – no offence to the many here who I know share my feelings.
Some bright spark has just said on the radio, “Maybe one day we’ll get the chance to vote him out”.
That’ll be the day, and then I’ll celebrate – champagne on me for anybody in sight.
I held my nose and read it. Well worth it.
All right then. Here goes…
Chuck the Turd!
Is that a title or a suggestion?
It’s a new sport.
I live in Canada where people, older people anyhow, tend to love the Windsors. But I have to say enthusiasm for this forced “celebration” has been pretty muted and lukewarm. Even my mom has said she thinks the oath thing is “inappropriate”.
As for ‘serving the people’… he just doesn’t know how to do that.
It was bred out of his family centuries ago.
By breeding with children that have not gone through puberty?
You may have hit upon something there, but the science hasn’t changed that much yet…
Oh no, it’s OK for them to breed, just not for the rest of us. While they may talk about transhumanism for the useless eaters, they would not dare put their own progeny at risk. Who’d run the world if they did that? It is about selective breeding, only those with the right family connections need apply.
Exactly. They can breed with commoners as long as they have not gone through puberty.
It’s a pity that Epstein and Maxwell can’t be with H.M. on this joyous occasion.
While Charlie Farley was busy pledging his allegiance to us, did he find time to renounce the WEF?
A WEF which seeks a one world government and which this simpleton has been been deeply involved with, despite the awkward fact that the WEF on achieving its objectives would have no requirement for any royalty.
So his failure to renounce can only mean that his pledge to us is utterly worthless.
Ah well that a quarter of a billion pounds blown, which can be added to the death and inheritance taxes that the Blair government waived all those years ago.
High time that the establishment became accountable…..on the Gallows.
It was an “oath by peers” instead in the past. What happened? Did the House of Lords revolt?
apparently, charlie really is a bluthering buffoon, not very shiny, pers comm.
the new queen is another kettle of fish, or horse hooves.., in the wrong way..
then we have their handlers…
Does anything more have to be said?
From Monty Python and the Holy Grail
King of the who?
Sick! 😂
U.K – Free speech in a Conservative Country.
The most draconian assault on free speech in living memory is now law
These powers will ruin the lives of those they target. The silence that will follow should chill us to the bone.