Get Ready for Pfizer’s “TURBO-CHARGED GUIDED MISSILE” Cancer Drugs

“1 in 3 people in the world are going to have cancer,” says Albert Bourla. And that’s great news for Pfizer.

Karen Hunt

Our fearless leaders love war. They love talking about it. They love playing war games. They love fighting in actual wars. That’s because they always benefit from them—any kind of war.

“We’re going fight this and win,” they say.

“We’re all in this together,” they say.

Except, whatever “this” is, what they really mean is you’re going to fight it and lose your lives, your savings, your homes, your land, your good health. Meanwhile, they’re going to win everything that you lost—and give themselves medals for bravery and prizes for peace to celebrate their victory. After which, they’re going to turn around and do it again. Their greed and desire for power is insatiable.

It’s time to say ENOUGH to their war cry.

Remember the “War on Drugs”? It began in June 1971 when US Pres. Richard Nixon declared drug abuse to be “public enemy number one” and increased federal funding for drug-control agencies and drug-treatment efforts. Who knows, maybe there wouldn’t have had to be war on drugs if there hadn’t been a war in Vietnam. A war that brought back scarred and addicted veterans that were despised and abandoned by the public and the system.

Did either of those wars fix anything? No, they didn’t. What they did was line the pockets of the powerful while hurting those they promised to help.

In 2018, shortly before Covid-19 burst upon the scene, Bill Gates warned that the world needs to “prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war.”

I would take dear Bill’s advice “seriously” if the way we’ve prepared for war has ever resulted in less war. But that is not the case. Our methods don’t work. In fact, we now find ourselves on the verge of World War III. This tells us two things:

  1. We should be drastically changing our approach to war, not repeating strategies that have only made things worse (isn’t that the definition of insanity?).
  2. Our leaders are lying when they say they want to stop wars. Each war makes them richer and more powerful while making ordinary citizens weaker and dependent.

Albert Bourla is now using the same cliched war cry to market his new cancer drug.


This is just another variation of the same old tactic designed to keep us sick so they can then create “solutions” that make us even sicker. And then turn around and charge us for the pleasure of following the “experts” advice. Experts that are growing bolder in their corruption and greed by the day.

This greed is insatiable. The billions Big Pharma elites and their army of drug pushers earn, from government officials to academics and researchers, all the way down the line to your family doctor, is not enough. The Covid profits are dipping, and they can’t have that. The stakes are higher. The shareholders are demanding more. Everyone wants a bigger cut of the deal. A plethora of new drugs must be manufactured and sold to the brainwashed public for diseases that never get better only worse.

In my last essay, I talked about The Circle of Death and how sick we are all becoming, focusing on one toxic product, plastics. We now find plastics in our blood, our organs, our brains. During the Covid pandemic, our government and health experts mandated we wear masks filled with plastics. The masks were more dangerous to our health, especially the health of children and pregnant women, than Covid could ever be. Yet that didn’t matter, and it still doesn’t matter. Masks were part of the ritual conditioning the populace to blindly obey whatever madness they were told to do next.

Our leaders say they want us safe and healthy. What they really mean is:

We will make you sick, we will keep you sick, and we will give you drugs that make you sicker and you will thank us for the privilege. We will never talk about the root of the problem, how we are purposely destroying the natural order of God’s creation and your very own, precious immune systems. We hate God. We hate humanity. We hate nature. We want to create a new order. A new religion. We want AI to be the new gods that you bow down to and worship. Gods that we can manipulate behind the scenes. So shut up, take your medicine and let us perform our experiments on you deplorable humans, so that we can elevate ourselves to new heights and transcend humanity.”

They will never succeed, of course. But they sure are enslaving a lot of people and killing more and more of us while trying. What’s really insane is that ordinary citizens go along with the lies. Over and over again. The more absurd the lies become; the harder people dig into their delusions because over the years, they have invested so much into taking drugs and obeying the system. Yes, it might be irrational. It might be worse than a horror movie. But what is a drug-centered society supposed to do at this point? Give it all up? That’s asking too much.

Now, master manipulator Albert Bourla promises an end to cancer (again), rubbing his hands together with glee, salivating at the mouth, barely able to contain his excitement at the thought of how much money his new drug will bring in.

How long has cancer been around? The earliest known mention of cancer was “found in a papyrus document from ancient Egypt, dated 3000BCE. It described tumors found in the breast. The cancer was treated by destroying the tissue with a hot instrument called “the fire drill”—a technique we now call “cauterization.”

Hmm. I wonder how much money the pharmaceutical industry made off of that procedure in ancient Egypt. Not much, since it was just a one-off treatment. In order to make real money, you have to keep the patient coming back for more. And more. And more.

I think the word I’m looking for here is sustainable. They use this word all the time but in all the wrong ways.

The United Nations has 17 sustainable goals. Here are the top 3:

  1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
  2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
  3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Billions of dollars have been doled out to organizations and companies and NGOs to achieve these goals with abysmal results.

Big promises mean big profits, not big results.

Just to give an idea of how profitable cancer drugs are:

Cancer drugs handily took the number one spot in 2018 and yielded the industry $123.8 billion worldwide. That results in a worldwide market share of 14.3 percent.

By 2024, Evaluate projects cancer drug sales to nearly double to $236.6 billion, increasing its worldwide market share to nearly 20 percent of prescription and OTC drugs. That makes oncological therapies worth more than the next five drug therapies combined.

In total, the top 15 therapy areas will earn $1.2 trillion for the pharmaceutical industry in 2024.

And what has been the result of all these drugs? More cancer.

Bourla happily tells us in the Tweet below that “1-in-3 people in the world are going to have cancer in their lifetime.” What a fantastic market!

Never a word about how people should live healthier lives. Never a word about how manmade toxins give us cancer so maybe we should stop promoting the lie that fake things are better than real things.

Such truths are dangerous. Such thinking stops “progress.”

Let’s keep doing what we know works—not for the patient, but for the Kingpins and their lackeys.

“This is something like the mRNA for vaccines but this is for cancer,” Bourla gushes. Really? Considering that the mRNA “vaccines” didn’t stop transmission, nor did they stop people from getting sick, how is anyone supposed to be impressed with that?

And just to show how clueless some of these guys are, or maybe just lying, too, here we have Lord Twitter (Chief Twit) chiming in with his 2 cents:

Synthetic everything. Yes, they are making mRNA drugs for cancer, too. It’s all synthetic. Synthetic doesn’t cure us. It might seem like it does for a minute, but it always backfires. Synthetic is toxic to our natural state. It destroys our bodies and our minds. It isn’t an unreasonable leap of logic to deduce that cancer is increasing precisely because we are putting so many synthetic products inside of us.

Just this week the Biden administration declared that the COVID global health emergency was over as CDC director Rochelle Walensky announces her resignation.

All the puppets who played their parts faithfully are slipping away, royally compensated for their service. Far from this meaning life will get back to “normal”, the changing of the guard takes the focus off the past (Covid? Nobody wants to hear about that boring old pandemic anymore.) and makes way for a new team to push new products for new disasters. This is what the public expects. The attention spans of most people are very short. We are conditioned by marketing companies to perpetually want something “new and improved”.

The Covid drug boom is over. Pfizer (PFE) expects its Covid-related sales to plunge to $21.5 billion this year. Enter Seagen’s cancer therapy. Bourla promises to deliver it to the world “at a scale that has not been seen before”.

“We can add value to what Seagen is bringing,” Bourla said in a CNBC interview. Just like Pfizer did with its mRNA vaccine. If a crime pays off and nobody stops you, do it again.

Seagen is a leading developer of medicine called antibody-drug conjugates, or ADCs, which are designed to kill cancer cells and spare healthy ones. According to Seagen’s website, “ADCs are designed to harness the targeting power of antibodies to deliver small molecule drugs to the tumor. This innovative approach to therapy offers meaningful efficacy while reducing side effects for patients.”

More antibodies, huh? We know that antibodies destroy the natural balance of our gut microbiome.

The human microbiome is going extinct, thanks to our modern way of life. Besides the chemicals we consume in our food, antibiotics kill not only the bad but also the good bacteria in our bodies. About one third of the antibiotics prescribed are not needed. The more antibiotics given to a child, the more likely they are to develop a range of illnesses.

Approximately 40 trillion microbes live in our body, most of which are in our gut, and they impact everything from how we digest our food to how we defend ourselves against outside threats such as viruses, cancers, parasites, and bacteria. So, once again, the experts are claiming to cure us of cancer using the very thing that causes it in the first place. Watch The Invisible Extinction to find out more.

What are the challenges they still face in ADC development? The most significant challenge is the toxic effects of ADCs, such as leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, anemia, and—yes—gastrointestinal effects.

Even so, Bourla calls ADCs “one of the greatest technologies to battle cancer” because, you know, lies work when people are already so drugged up, they can’t think straight anymore.

But why? Why is it one of the greatest technologies to battle cancer? Again, not because it works. But because Seagen expects it to generate about $2.2 billion in revenue this year, representing 12% year-over-year growth. Pfizer added that Seagen could contribute more than $10 billion in risk-adjusted sales by 2030, “with potential for significant growth” beyond that year.

Of course, there’s potential for significant growth. Pfizer believes cancer will be the industry’s biggest growth market. Hurray! Pfizer’s oncology division raked in $12.1 billion in revenue last year. The company has 24 approved treatments in the division, including breast cancer treatment Ibrance, according to the release. After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in the United States.

If we continue on this path, the immune systems of billions of people will be completely destroyed, they will be living horrible existences, totally dependent on kingpins like Bourla for their next fix.

Why do people accept this? Marketing, brainwashing, relentless conditioning to accept illness as something they cannot fix unless they take a drug. Even though the drugs most often make them sicker. It makes absolutely no sense, yet people pop the pills and take the injections. Watch the video below to see how we have been conditioned to accept horrific side effects, just by hearing about them over and over again in drug ads.

Cancer is just one of many illnesses that is on the rise. Diabetes is another one that is outrageously beyond control.

According to the CDC, 73.6% of adults aged 20 and over are overweight or obese.

Diabetes in U.S. children is expected to increase at ‘alarming’ rates.

  • A 700% increase in Type 2 diabetes in people younger than 20 by 2060
  • A 65% increase in Type 1 diabetes in people younger than 20 by 2060

Why? Because of obesity. What’s the answer? Eating natural foods and exercising? Are you kidding? How could Pfizer or any of these other drug pushers make money if people lived healthy lives?

The answer is a powerful new drug to end obesity!

Overweight Americans already consume copious amounts of Ozempic and Wegovy — drugs touted by celebrities and TikTok “influencers”. But now there is a new drug, tirzepatide, that promises to be even more powerful.

Industry analysts predict that tirzepatide could become one of the top-selling drugs ever, with annual sales topping $50 billion. It is expected to outpace Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic — a diabetes drug used so commonly to shed pounds that comedian Jimmy Kimmel joked about it at the Oscars — and Wegovy, approved for weight loss in 2021. Together, those drugs made nearly $10 billion in 2022, with prescriptions continuing to soar.

How about mental illness? Experts say we are experiencing a pandemic of mental illness. Did you know there are “178 gene variants linked to major depression, according to a massive genome-wide association study (GWAS). You can bet with so many variants, we could all be diagnosed with at least one of them. And you can be sure there is a drug for it!

This “disorder” will affect as many as one in every five people during their lifetimes.

1 in 3 will have cancer. 1 in 5 will be mentally ill. And by the look of things, just about everybody is going to have diabetes.

We are growing weaker in mind and body. Instead of rebelling against this weakness and doing something about it, the public is embracing it. We talk continually about how “stressed” we are. We wallow in our misery. We see evidence every day on social media how people nurture their weaknesses, feed them, complain continuously about them, even brag about them. And if those weaknesses are part of the “woke” agenda, other people are expected to cater to those weaknesses and modify their lives for them.

Here’s one teacher’s complaint:

First of all, no person who claims to be trans is going to be locked up for it. If they get assaulted, they shouldn’t be. But they are in the wrong bathroom. That is an assault on the women and girls whose space they are invading—not the other way around. And no, that is not their “authentic self”. Women and girls are authentic. Everything else is a delusion.

The answer, of course, is more drugs. Drugs will fix everything.

The United States is the proud leader in this madness. Check out on the chart below how many drugs the US consumes compared to the rest of the world.

According to Statista:

60% of the world’s best-selling drugs are consumed by the United States.

The world’s best-selling prescription drug for HIV treatment, Biktarvy by Gilead Sciences, generated revenues in the U.S. that were five times greater than in the rest of the world combined. The best-selling drugs for treating autoimmune diseases generated $28.7 billion in the U.S. and only $9.2 billion in all other countries.

All of this frustrates me no end. I can tell you, the only thing that saved me from going down a dark road of depression (besides my core faith, which is a given) was NOT drugs, it was healthy habits. Like exercise. Like eating right. Like helping others. Try giving someone less fortunate than yourself a helping hand and see how your own problems lose their power over you.

Exercise was crucial for me, not because it made me healthier physically, although that was certainly a blessing, but because it made me healthier mentally. Once my mind got stronger by following through on my commitments instead of giving in to the many excuses in my head, my body followed and got stronger too. That is the only way it works. In order to get stronger, you have to overcome your emotions.

That’s why the kingpins want us to wallow in emotions instead of overcoming them. Oh, I feel so sad. Take a drug. Oh, I feel like I’m a boy, not a girl. Take a drug. Oh, I feel angry. Take a drug. Oh, I’m having a panic attack. Take a drug.

I know a lot of people will not like this kind of talk. Feelings are valid. They often are warning signs that we should pay attention to. Yes. That’s true. But if every time we make a choice to give in to our feelings instead of seeking ways to overcome them, we are not solving any problems, we are perpetuating them.

Are people less depressed thanks to anti-depressants? No. Are people less anxious thanks to anti-anxiety medication? No. Do people have less cancer thanks to anti-cancer drugs? No. I would say antibiotics have been helpful, but even when drugs are helpful, we end up abusing them. Using antibodies to “cure” cancer when it’s the very thing that is destroying our microbes in the process, that are essential in every ecosystem, not only in humans or animals or plants, but also in the oceans, is just one more cure that profits drug lords and no one else.

Our bodies naturally fight against diseases, but they are losing the ability to do so. If we don’t get back to the natural order, and the practice of healthy habits, humanity will not survive.

Do not listen to the drug lords’ war cries. Drugs are not the answer.

Karen Hunt [aka KH Mesek] is an author and illustrator of 19 children’s books, the YA series Night Angels Chronicles and the science fiction novel, LUMINARIA: Tales of Earth & Oran, Love & Revenge. She recently returned from living in Luxor, Egypt where she started the first boxing club for girls. Having lived and traveled extensively behind the Iron Curtain, she is devoting her time to writing essays related to the loss of freedom in the West. You can read more of her work, or sign up to her newsletter, here. You can’t follow her twitter any longer, as she’s been banned.


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Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
May 14, 2023 10:32 PM

What ever Covid was or was not, one thing is for sure among immunology intellectuals outside the grasp of the pharmaceutical financial tentacles and that is that the mRNA shot was anything but a vaccine. Vaccines do not act in this manner. What it was was a genetic treatment aimed at doing what is up for discussion.

Equally as ignorant as the vast TV presenters that spewed lies about getting vaccinated against a bogus virus, is the notion that specialized and individualized synthetic mRNA treatments are the same thing.

You deserve to be labeled an idiot, perhaps an even bigger idiot than the proponents of COVID, if you think the two mRNA “treatments” are the same thing.

its bad enough we have a corrupt organization such as the WHO which preys upon the stupidity of the populace and now we have similarly ignorant reporting that preys on the same dimwitted populace.

May 14, 2023 12:11 AM

And the hits just keep coming! Aaron Siri FTW. Damn this guy is good.



That’s over 4 million pages or 10 times more than the Comirnaty release! Oh Naomi, you’re gonna need a bigger team LOL.

May 13, 2023 6:08 AM

Sage advice.

May 13, 2023 2:31 AM

What will happen? Just watch I am legend (US 2007) by Francis Lawrence…

May 13, 2023 3:45 AM
Reply to  ThinkTwice

… found him:

comment image

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 12, 2023 6:05 PM

From the article: “That’s why the kingpins want us to wallow in emotions instead of overcoming them. Oh, I feel so sad. Take a drug. Oh, I feel like I’m a boy, not a girl. Take a drug. Oh, I feel angry. Take a drug. Oh, I’m having a panic attack. Take a drug.” Yup…

The average millennial can’t even face a day without being medicated, and their children will be even worse off. Viva le Corporation!!! Invest today!!!

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 12, 2023 3:22 PM

Rockefeller are the ones that control the Cancer Research Institute and that should tell you everything.

The Medical System is not an ally.

May 12, 2023 6:49 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

As far as I know, plenty of Rockefellers also died of cancer…

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 13, 2023 6:16 PM
Reply to  wardropper

That is what they tell us, anyway.

May 12, 2023 2:42 PM

Exercise has been shown to be as effective as chemotherapy in killing cancer cells with the added bonus that it doesn’t kill healthy cells. Also isn’t there mounting evidence that cancer is a metabolic illness and we are treating it in the wrong way?

I never go for my breast or cervix check much to the horror of my friends. I think that often they create new patients this way and then poison them with chemo. Maybe I’m wrong but I’ve heard some horror stories.

dom irritant
dom irritant
May 12, 2023 3:27 PM
Reply to  Sofia

drinking your own urine as long as it is not full of pharmaceuticals, alchohol etc is ancient sound medical knowledge and is apparently very good for breast cancer etc because the anti-bodies are natural and your own, tailor made for you as well as another dose of the vitamins and minerals which are largely passed unless re-cycled. it sounds abhorrent but it really is not. well worth researching imho
chemo is another pig pharma money spinner

May 12, 2023 10:28 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

Are you taking the piss?

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 12, 2023 11:40 PM
Reply to  Sofia

No, he’s drinking Carlsberg.

May 12, 2023 11:54 PM
Reply to  David Meredith


dom irritant
dom irritant
May 13, 2023 7:15 AM
Reply to  Sofia

no just well travelled and well informed, how about you?

May 13, 2023 8:35 AM
Reply to  dom irritant

I’m only joking don’t be so serious. I have heard about drinking your own wee but not sure I could stomach that but thanks for the advice.

I’ve also heard that you can reduce tumours by fasting or going keto because most healthy cells can metabolise fats or sugars for energy but cancer cells can only metabolise sugars and are very fragile so combine keto with exercise and you might just beat it without nasty drugs. There’s a lot of new research backing this up. They have been treating cancer incorrectly and it’s a huge money spinner so why stop?!

May 13, 2023 8:42 AM
Reply to  Sofia

Interestingly that’s why metformin reduces your risk of getting cancer it has the same effect as keto on blood sugar. That’s why diabetics have a higher chance of getting cancer because of their high blood sugar.

It’s a metabolic disease!

May 13, 2023 7:52 AM
Reply to  Sofia

Those x-rays are supposed to be harmless. Like those vaccines marketed to young teenage girls as a way to ward off future cervical cancer.

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
May 12, 2023 10:29 AM

Inflation here in South Africa is rampant. Meat and beer has risen 53% and 70% respectively, in less than 6 months. Speaking to those in the know, we are in for food shortages and higher prices, due to the ANC’s intransigence. We have had blackouts every day this year of up too 12 hours a day – impacting on our food security.

Predictions are that a total blackout is quite possible this winter.

Tough days and years ahead.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 12, 2023 1:50 PM

Welcome back

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
May 12, 2023 8:26 AM

If everyone would look into ozone therapy, which Nikola Tesla promoted a century ago with his first patented ozone generator, we would no longer be fearful of infections and diseases.

emboriako mugabe
emboriako mugabe
May 12, 2023 12:56 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Or Chlorine dioxide, they do the same thing fill the body with metabolic oxygen. You will never need to see a Rockefeller scam doctor again.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
May 12, 2023 5:50 PM

I actually saw an ad for ozone in pill form! Wow. That’s literally impossible. Then they push ventilators, which are known killers. Just TRY ozone if you are faced with any kind of infection or disease, from a doctor who KNOWS its benefits. Healthcare would change overnight.

May 12, 2023 9:17 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Also look at Boron.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
May 12, 2023 6:59 AM

Clot Shots

The clot shots have already boosted cancer rates. As have compulsory mobile phone use. As has the forced consumption of alcohol and meat. Dairy (bovine infant food) is not meant to be consumed by adults and undoubtedly increase cancer incidence. Plastic use has been out of control for decades and can’t possibly be beneficial. Glyphosate has been linked to cancer but is widely used.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 12, 2023 7:25 AM

You must be aware of the GR-associated push to de-legitimize most highly nutritious real food, especially meat and milk?

It seems strange that you are pretending the exact opposite to be the case, describing meat consumption as “forced” and linking it to the toxic vaxx.

May 12, 2023 11:30 AM

You appear to be ignorant of the fact that a majority of the world’s population is lactose intolerant. Large numbers of cultures did not use milk – the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, the South East Asians, the Melanesians, the Polynesians, the Native Americans, the West and South Africans. The article mentions 73% obesity in America. Are you trying to tell me that dairy and arse fattening burgers have nothing to do with that ? I did not link the clot shots to meat consumption though big pharma is already planning to inject cattle with mRNA poison. Beef is heavily antibiotic tainted. I once saw a two year old who could not be weaned. He wasn’t a pretty sight.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 12, 2023 12:04 PM

It’s a myth that China doesn’t drink milk. They do.

Also meat will not make you fat. High carbohydrate diets make you fat.

Well reared Organic meat is not the same as the cut price supermarket stuff.

Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
May 12, 2023 3:43 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Japanese eat plenty of dairy, especially milk and yogurt, cheese not so much. There’s processed “American” sliced cheese but why they can’t make a proper European-type cheese I don’t know. But the milk is really good and cheap. Butter is a strange commodity. It’s expensive and subject to one-pack-per-customer rationing. Whatever, Japanese also drink milk.

May 12, 2023 11:32 AM

It read as though a few “forced” alcoholic beverages were involved in the thought process behind the comment.

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
May 12, 2023 10:29 AM

Nobody forces me eat meat or to enjoy my beer. Love meat. but it has become seriously expensive as has my beer! So quite the opposite too what you are saying is truth and as Sophie states, a tad disingenuous.

May 12, 2023 1:24 PM

Alcohol consumption is compulsory in the military in the West. Mobile phone ownership is compulsory. I was told politely by my bank that I couldn’t list my wife’s mobile number on my personal information. I had to have my own. The alternative was I could close the account.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 12, 2023 3:18 PM

What bank was this specifically?

May 13, 2023 12:19 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Personal Information.I have very good reason there are people on this forum who know who I am.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 13, 2023 6:17 PM

Naming a bank does not make you vulnerable, and if you assertion is accurate, what are you doing still banking there?

May 12, 2023 5:09 PM

Alcohol consumption is compulsory in the military? Really? Huh. I was in over 30 years ago, and I do realize things have changed a lot since then – what with the woke stuff, the lowering of physical standards, etc – but I had no idea they force alcohol consumption in today’s military.

May 12, 2023 9:16 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

They don’t force it, but if a beer costs 25 (50, I’m not sure exactly) cents, then there’s foul play involved. At least I learned to drink there. And that’s not fun. Not funny at all.

May 12, 2023 4:11 AM

“Our fearless leaders love war. They love talking about it … They love fighting in actual wars”

it is now beyond doubt that our leaders are demented lunatics. at the same time they are amassing unlimited powers against us the plebs.

technological advancements together and reshaping the legal framework are allowing extreme psychopathy to flourish (basically unchecked) at the top.

living under these conditions is inevitably leading to brain damage among the masses.

the showdown is between a mentally disfunctional leadership at the top and brain-damaged populace.

this is happening worldwide; at least in the western hemisphere.

how and when shall this madness stop?

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
May 12, 2023 8:29 AM
Reply to  GR-Watch

Here is a perfect example of demented capitalist thinking. By the way, if you don’t know who Igor Berkut is, then you don’t know what is really going on in Ukraine.

Igor Berkut seven years ago about state of Ukraine

May 12, 2023 9:34 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

what he is describing apply very well to the uk’s Tories and the australian liberal party elites.
all elites are the same??

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 12, 2023 3:19 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

Outwardly they are the same.
Internally they are not a monolith and have battles.
Something that we can exploit moving forward.

May 13, 2023 12:20 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Is he for or against Israel 2 in the Ukraine ?

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 13, 2023 6:19 PM

We are all Palestine now.

May 12, 2023 2:35 AM

Big Pharma Annual Reports always provide geographical breakdowns of Revenue (as featured here in this piece) but NEVER the same breakdown for profits. And there is good reason for that – the US alone accounts for the vast majority of profits (90%+) due to there being no price constraints in the US. In most of ROW there are single-payer systems in which the Government controls pricing as part of the approval and “reimbursement” mechanisms. In the US, the Government both directly and indirectly also represents the largest buyer of pharmaceuticals yet makes no effort to use its bargaining power to contain prices. Why is this, when there are virtually no other “free markets” left – most being subject to manipulation and intervention.So why not drugs?

The other issue not mentioned here is that Big Pharma heavily focuses on “long-term” treatments for Western “diseases” such as cardiovascular drugs,(where once stabilized on a drug, a patient will be a life-long consumer) and on cancer therapies (where the pricing is determined by the number of months extra life allegedly granted – and what price is life?)

Another important issue not mentioned in the article is that there is no attention given to short-term treatments or tropical diseases, where there is no big money to be made. This is a problem because, for instance, no major new classes of antibiotics have been discovered for decades, since the Quinolones (bceause nobody is looking) and most existing classes are becoming ineffective due to bacterial resistance. Soon this will become an extremely dangerous situation. But Big Pharma will not research this therapeutic area because a course of antibiotics is typically one week, so not financially attractive compared to the areas highlighted above. Government research grants SHOULD be directed at these important yet neglected areas.

May 12, 2023 8:18 AM
Reply to  philipat

Anti-microbials become ineffective largely through misuse. E.g., the animal farming industry consumes ~80% of all antibiotics, as a growth hormone and to cut costs (rather than improve the cleanliness of animal stalls).

Misuse also applies to the major poisons used against pests, weeds and fungi. In agriculture and animal farming, any advice from the government is indirect marketing, often disguised by the weight of regulations..Then, more poisons enter the food through processing.

May 12, 2023 2:25 AM

There was a time that ‘experimenting’ on humans with medicines and/or chemical concoctions – were categorized as WAR-CRIMES. Now. in the age-of-greed, those times are but distant memories. Dr Josef Mengele has been resurrected as a vet, acting through the persona of Albert Boula. I keep wondering how the likes of Boula, Schwab, et al are allowed to sprout their nonsense without consequence/s? These people even make Trump and Trudeau appear almost ‘rational’ … and THAT is saying something … because Trump and Trudeau are absolute swamp-creatures parading around as humans.

May 12, 2023 2:00 AM

The public ‘acceptance’ of this atrocity is not quite what it seems.
At least I consider the ‘stupidity’ argument to be too slick, in the sense that most of us easily tend to feel that somebody who doesn’t understand our point of view is ‘stupid’.

This is not an epidemic of stupidity. We are under attack.

Physically speaking, I think it’s more likely that slow poisoning by heaven-knows-what in our water, our milk, our bread, our fish and our meat has systematically wrecked mankind’s health, resulting in the lack of basic energy to take a deep breath and pull our socks up.

Similarly, on the mental health front, we have:

1) Constant, aggressive bombardment by loud cretinous advertising…

2) Meaningless music (which nobody would be able to tolerate unless the lyrics had a seductive, politically-correct victimhood angle)…

3) Endless ‘new’ TV ‘dramas’ and movies wallowing hopelessly around in stories of catastrophically dysfunctional families, so that our own dysfunctional family seems pretty much acceptable by comparison…

4) Government-manipulated educational narratives which make no sense to intelligent people at all…

And the consequence is that most of us cannot think properly any more. We don’t even know what thinking actually means.

These physical and mental attacks are relentless, merciless and unending, which is why I hesitate to call those who have succumbed, ‘stupid’.
They have simply been worn down by well-practised, completely deliberate and well-organized evil – ultimate evil, if you like.

I honestly think we need to start focusing on the idea that every little act of ours which has an element of ‘goodness’, or beauty at its root will eventually overcome the pettiness and the real stupidity of worshipping money and power.

But it will undoubtedly take a very long time to work, I fear.

May 12, 2023 3:34 AM
Reply to  wardropper

you are naive IMO.. the global monopoly powered corporations, and the oligarchs that control them, are in charge.. until somebody stands up to them government will always be against the people.by the corporation and for the oligarch owned corporation.

May 12, 2023 6:48 PM
Reply to  eman

Please point to something ‘naive’ in my comment.

What you say about “somebody standing up to them” is, of course perfectly right, but that isn’t the same thing as finding out where, or where not, to apportion the blame – which was the point of what I wrote.

Nor did I intend my suggestion of small acts of humanity to act as a replacement for the important task of holding to account “the global monopoly-powered corporations and the oligarchs that control them”
They are indeed the enemy, so it seems to me that we are entirely in agreement?

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
May 12, 2023 8:21 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Lords sake Wardropper don’t you reside in Iceland? Talking of tv programmers get a grip.

May 12, 2023 6:39 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

There is nothing an open mind should not be free to mention.
I mentioned the appalling TV material which the masses are being force-fed, but nowhere did I imply that I support any of it. On the contrary, I blame it for the desperately sick condition of our species.

Iceland actually has some great film makers, but the American and British trash finds its way here too.
Money changes hands, or savings are made, and the trash hovers permanently above our heads…

May 12, 2023 3:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I agree that “stupid” is not an accurate description of the majority. But, being cynical right down to my toenails, I would call them “dumb like a fox.” They know – or at least sense – that things aren’t quite right.

But their acceptance of it, I think, is two-pronged: 1) they just can’t help thinking maybe they can get something out of it; and 2) they have so many “more pressing” issues to deal with everyday that they really don’t have time to try and make things right.

And, floating like an invisible ether inside their minds is the thought that things will work out “somehow” without causing them too much trouble.

GoGo’s advice to DiDi in “Waiting For Godot” is pretty much their ultimate guide: “Let’s do nothing. It’s safer.”

May 12, 2023 9:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

I like the fox analogy.

May 12, 2023 9:09 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I’ve also come to the conclusion that it’s malicious intent.

May 12, 2023 1:45 AM

Hidden in plain sight is the reason for the being of drug companies like Pfizer. It is to make people sick with one drug so they can sell other drugs to them, ostensibly, to make them better. This is guided by the motive to make hideous amounts of profit. No altruism is ever involved.
Government health departments are just as guilty of these wicked motives because they are financed by the drug companies to push drug treatments for everything. If governments were really interested in a healthy population they would promote healthy lifestyle choices. The greed motivated catch being no monetary inducements from drug companies. The result: the government – drug company perfidy cycle keeps rolling along in opposition to public well being resulting from healthy lifestyle choices.

May 12, 2023 3:45 AM

Until a few years agon there were very few kidney dialysis machines around, now there is one on nearly every corner.. Last month the US supreme court ruled no more abortions, this month a new pill that causes abortion appears on the FDA approved list. IMO, Prescription Drugs cause kidney failure, diabetes, mental disorders, heart attacks and cancer. But the really scary thing is the centralized drinking water systems. Do you really trust the corporations to provide your city with poison or drug-free drinking water?

May 12, 2023 1:08 PM

“It is to make people sick with one drug so they can sell other drugs to them, ostensibly, to make them better. This is guided by the motive to make hideous amounts of profit.”

Nail on head. Bomb and reconstruct is the same model on the societal level.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 12, 2023 12:04 AM

Yes, the so-called health care paradigm is steeped in warfare, using militaristic and violent language (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5508049/) and resulting in all the torture, death and other collateral damage that goes with conventional wars of aggression.

And I believe the medical head honchos in hospitals and especially in the professional associations and public “health” organisations are and have for a very long time been waging war against the people.

How ironic that first they caused turbo cancer in many people with their gene injections these past couple of years, and now they’ve come up with a novel cancer drug that would ordinarily take a decade or more to develop. My bad for suspecting this was the plan all along.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
May 12, 2023 8:02 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Cancers are hereditary diseases imo.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
May 12, 2023 8:34 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Cancer cells are created in low oxygen, acidic conditions. Increasing alkalinity by eating more raw organic greens will improve internal terrain. Biggest acid creators are animal, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and stress. The body will extract minerals from the bones and teeth every night to restore alkaline levels, which is why people end up with brittle bones later in life, all due to decades of an acidic diet.

May 12, 2023 1:39 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Suggest work of Thomas N Seyfried, PhD, and the metabolic theory of cancer.

May 12, 2023 9:06 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Indeed, it is often aggressive language. That is of course because healing is often practiced in the military and that is where they got the terms from. After all, in the army they have the most sick and broken people during and after fighting.

And because Rockefeller and his boys have started to define the line. Then it went horribly wrong. And that’s where we are now.

May 11, 2023 10:38 PM

The body is a self healing system. We are here today because our body is reliable and has been working just fine for as long as you want to believe the world has been spinning. Long before industry arrived with it’s allopathic model of burn, cut and poison.

The solution is quite simple, look after your body and feed it what is supposed to be fed and one will live a long healthy life. The last three years has showed everyone how corrupt and vile the system really is. If you are still not getting it you really are as thick as two short planks.

May 11, 2023 10:28 PM

If the last three years have taught us anything it is there is no such thing as bad bacteria and viruses have not been proven to exist, as claimed.
It seems some people are just slow to learn, for some reason.

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 11, 2023 10:43 PM
Reply to  Michael

relentless conditioning can make most people believe anything, it just becomes ingrained in one’s thinking at a subconscious level, for most that established norm was always that way. It’s like being asleep, something really drastic is required to wake them up.

May 11, 2023 11:46 PM
Reply to  David Meredith

Something drastic like reading a good book…

May 12, 2023 4:00 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I’ve mentioned this particular book before – “Parasite Rex” by Carl Zimmer. It is, to put it mildly, a chilling look into the world of human parasites.

What I find most interesting is that it more or less limits itself to the obvious parasites. That is, those which infect people in Hot Climates like much of Africa and South America.

However, how certain is it that parasites are limited to Jungle like conditions? The effect of parasites in such climates is so obvious that no amount of propaganda from Big Pharma could possibly make people doubt the existence of these parasites.

In other words, no switch-a-roo from parasites to germs would be possible there. Like perhaps it is here, in more temperate climates – and certainly in colder climates like Iceland.

So maybe the viral and bacterial elements are not the actual cause of diseases but merely along for the ride?

May 12, 2023 6:33 PM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks Howard. You may indeed be right about the ‘along for the ride’ suggestion.
The real causes of disease are more of a mystery than many people like to think.

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 12, 2023 11:04 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Wanting to learn something about truth by reading a good book would be a drastic step for some people.

dom irritant
dom irritant
May 13, 2023 7:23 AM
Reply to  David Meredith

aye like reading a book on drinking your urine, might open your eyes further, but i can see you have already judged and rejected this idea without a jot of research

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 14, 2023 9:19 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

No I haven’t judged or rejected the idea.

May 12, 2023 1:03 AM
Reply to  Michael

Or perhaps, Michael, there’s something WRONG w you or your motives that you continue to try to drag us back away from any adult conversation to this kindergarten fantasy of yours. You and the flat earthers– either you’re part of the intelligence op, or you are foolish beyond permission.

May 12, 2023 6:38 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Anyone who is still using the well thrashed phrases of “flat earther, anti vax, climate denier, racist, anti semitic and any of the others. You are flogging a dead horse. Further, you are revealing yourself as bottom feeder you are, paid to disrupt critical thinking.

I will give you a hot tip for free. Whilst we don’t often agree here, the genuine people on this forum don’t use these terms at each other. This is vocabulary of the establishment, so why have you adopted it?

May 12, 2023 8:49 PM

Yes, why?
In any case, a sensitive chord is touched, hence the emotion.

Allie GoPro
Allie GoPro
May 12, 2023 1:56 PM
Reply to  Michael

I get the virus argument, but bacteria? What’s the evidence for no bad bacteria?

May 12, 2023 10:49 PM
Reply to  Allie GoPro

Biochemistry: The Most Deadly Religion in Existence

May 11, 2023 9:47 PM

Hey, don’t knock it; war’s a necessary part of the economic cycle. Without it we wouldn’t have…um….an economy.

May 11, 2023 10:04 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

All praise holy economy. Kneel!

Sam I am
Sam I am
May 11, 2023 9:31 PM

This explanation of how Afghanistan became a narco state
I realized has a parallel to the BigPharma/Govenment/Media Complex.

  If you understand the Afghan government as a narco state, then the fact that opium production has actually increased –while the U.S. spent billions on counternarcotics efforts and troop numbers surged – starts to make sense. A completely failed state – Afghanistan in 2001 – can’t really thrive in the drug trade. Traffickers have no reason to pay off a toothless government or a nonexistent police force. In such a libertarian paradise, freelance actors – like Saleem, the heroin cook – flourish.

  But as the government builds capacity, officials can start to demand a cut. It’s not that there’s a grand conspiracy at the center of government, but rather that, in the absence of accountability and the rule of law, officials start to orient themselves around a powerful political economy. Big drug barons with links to the government take over the trade. People who don’t pay, or who fall out with government officials, might find themselves killed or arrested.

— Matthieu Aikins, 2014

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 11, 2023 8:02 PM

The latest from Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, of Global Research:

“Video: when the lie becomes the truth. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky” (short text, & video: 20.49 mins), at:


Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
May 11, 2023 7:24 PM

Creepy son of a bitch.

May 11, 2023 11:43 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

That’s how a human face looks when the conscience behind it has been surgically removed.
It often resembles a latex mask…

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
May 12, 2023 12:44 PM
Reply to  wardropper

“That’s how a human face looks when the conscience soul behind it has been removed.”

May 11, 2023 7:22 PM

I pledge allegiance
To the profits
Of the United Corporations of Pharma
And to the Military Industrial Complex
For which it stands
One nation under trannies
With mandatory vaccination and endless censorship for all

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
May 11, 2023 6:47 PM

mRNA is a very powerful tool. I can’t help thinking its a bit like antibiotics, though — when these first came out they were hailed as the new wonder medicine that would end disease as we know it. (Bacteria had other ideas, of course.)

The promise of mRNA is such that it really feels too good to be true. I suspect its just going to be an opening shot in the arms race with Nature. (….but it is a whole lot better than chemotherapy, a therapy that adopts a distinctly scorched earth policy towards the hapless victim (sorry, patient)).

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
May 11, 2023 7:54 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Frankenstein, Jekyll, Moreau…there are lessons in these fictional tales.

May 12, 2023 11:53 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Only because I watched as Chemo destroyed my wife, did I upvote you. “Anything” is better than Chemo. At 20K a pop, someone benefited. It wasn’t her. And those beautiful Chemo facilities where the scarved ladies can sit in comfort while looking through floor to ceiling windows at the natural meadow and winding brook while their IV drip bags deliver hope for a miracle that never comes. Some sleep. Some read. None are happy. At best they may extend their life a year or two while living a hairless hell.

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 12, 2023 11:44 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Like you say forget chemo, just another vast scale medical fraud. Fasting and special nutrition diets, sleep, fresh air and no stress instead.

May 12, 2023 7:11 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I think I actually doubt the existence of some things. Sometimes things turn out too good when someone wants to do harm. And DNA to me is like, well, imagine? That they lie? They lie about more.

May 11, 2023 6:45 PM

Just look at how that is worded:

“1 in 3 people in the world are going to have cancer,” says Albert Bourla.
(We will see to that…)

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
May 11, 2023 7:25 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I believe he’s a very evil man.

May 12, 2023 6:29 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I second that.

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 11, 2023 10:51 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I think the recent very large scale mRNA experiment has definitely helped to bring about this likely scenario.

May 11, 2023 6:24 PM

There’s a chance that anyone who passed through the university system in the past 30 years is brainwashed – which they will instictively reject.

That does not change the facts: Tony Blair’s 1997 objective of funneling 50 per cent of school leavers into university was not about the economy or efficiency – it was about ideology.

Graduates of journalism school who never got a job as a reporter are now the most pernicious members of society – activists with a grudge.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 11, 2023 8:12 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

My two nieces (aged 34 and 32) both went to university. They’re both totally brainwashed into the allopathic medical ‘model’. The elder one is a a ‘psychiatric’ nurse, she’s married to an Albanian psychiatrist; he’s lived in the UK for many years, has an English accent.
They’re both completely indoctrinated into the Medical Establishment’s system.

My younger niece for many years actively participated in the ‘Run for the Cure’ cancer scam. No matter what factual information I provided them with, they still all choose to fall for the medical propaganda. More fool them…

I have two cousins (one lives in Australia with her husband and two daughters), aged 51 and 48, and they too both went to university. And they, too, both ‘believe in’ the allopathic medical model. They reject anything other than that. About 10 years ago, I exchanged emails with the elder of those two cousins (she too then lived in Australia, but returned here to the UK in 2018), and she refused to listen to a word I imparted to her, saying “Do not talk of this stuff ever again to me”.

May 11, 2023 10:36 PM

I went to university about 45 years ago; until 2020 I had never even heard that there were challenges to the germ/allopathic model. When I first heard of terrain theory I said wow! fascinating! Gotta learn more! – big difference there from “do not talk ever again”. I am not self promoting here – it’s just a data point for “liberal education” 45 vs 0-30 years ago.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 12, 2023 1:00 AM
Reply to  RegretLeft

Yes, I totally agree with you! Inquisitive, open minds always want to know more… as was your reaction, a few years ago. As opposed to my cousins, approx. 10-11 years ago, with the eldest saying to me, dismissively, “Do not talk of this stuff ever again to me”. (!!)

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 11, 2023 11:03 PM

Very interesting comment and forgive me for being amused at your indoctrinated and brainwashed descriptions but I fully agree with you.

The thing is, you have to admit even though it is all so horribly mis-directed and in many ways fraudulent, for those interested in medical science and the idea of developing technologies and cures, it must be for many a very exciting, challenging and well paid field to work in. Of course one has to be fully believing in what they are doing.

On the other side, the true cures are boring, require a lot of discipline and patience e.g. fasting. I can understand why many dive head first into a career in the medical establishment without looking left or right to consider truths or realities.

“Do not talk of this stuff ever again to me” really means:
“I cannot bear to listen to the truth, I have invested my life in this venture and even if it’s all wrong, I want to live in my beliefs”

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 11, 2023 11:58 PM
Reply to  David Meredith

Yes, you’re right: what my cousin (now 51) said to me 10 or 11 years ago (“Do not talk of this stuff ever again to me”) exactly meant that she “cannot bear to listen to the truth… etc”. As you so rightly say, people such as she (ie, the brainwashed masses!) have indeed “invested their lives… in their beliefs”, and do not want to have to address the fact that a lot of what they’ve ‘believed’ for decades may be completely and utterly untrue. Hence her hostility towards me.

We’re an English family (with Irish and Scottish ancestry from the 19th century and earlier; I used to be a genealogist, did a lot of research into our family lines, and those of other people).
Re. my eldest niece’s Albanian husband (he’s 46). They live and work here in the UK. A few years ago, my sister (ie, his mother-in-law) told me that he’d travelled to New York to receive a ‘top psychiatrist’ award. I told her that the term ‘top psychiatrist’ is actually an oxymoron… (not a word which my sister would ever have heard of, let alone know the meaning of…!). She thinks that her eldest daughter and the latter’s husband are doing ‘wonderful work’ by being in the ‘psychiatry’ fraternity (you may or may not have seen my posts on that stuff, on OffG’s article posted on the 10th, ‘They’re coming to take you away”. I’m currently in rather a nasty, worrying plight, due to a certain bigoted ambulance-man and the ‘psychiatry’ fraternity…).

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 12, 2023 11:16 PM

Thanks, I wasn’t sure about the oxymoron though, how top psychiatrist has combined opposites in the term?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 13, 2023 1:43 PM
Reply to  David Meredith

The thing called ‘psychiatry’ is in fact a medical fraud.. it’s not even a ‘pseudoscience’, it’s complete and utter fraud. Which is why the term ‘top psychiatrist’ is an oxymoron!!

There have been many scholarly books written on the fraud of ‘psychiatry’…a number of those books having been written by current/former ‘psychiatrists’ who’ve ‘seen the light’ about the ‘psychiatry’ fraternity, realised it’s a scam, a con, and hence have chosen to blow the whistle, about it.

Many scholarly articles, too, can be read online, blowing apart the medical scam/fraud of the ‘psychiatry’ field.

May 12, 2023 9:12 AM
Reply to  David Meredith

There is also the pervasive and heavy propaganda (a) in favour of allopathy and against alternatives (b) implying the safety and even benefit of products, services, lifestyles and mainstream choices in general.

Who could make money out of fasting and moderation? OK, maybe I will take that last bit back.

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 12, 2023 11:17 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I agree, the money is in disease management, not cures.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 12, 2023 12:12 AM

That’s the typical response of a brainwashed person in deep denial. No new information will ever reach them.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 12, 2023 1:02 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Yes, most of my family [and the majority, though not all, of my friends] are, very unfortunately, totally and utterly brainwashed. As you say, they’re in deep denial, and thus they refuse to even consider new information. More fool them, huh…

May 11, 2023 10:12 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Ironically, I believe this is less true of those who studied the Humanities than those who went for the Sciences. Perhaps this is why Universities have put much effort into curtailing Humanities programs in favor of Science and Math.

Of course in the larger sense everyone who has ever studied on a higher education level is necessarily somewhat brainwashed to the basic tenets of their particular culture.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 12, 2023 12:14 AM
Reply to  Howard


In the humanities you learn how to think, not what to think. You learn to investigate, to challenge and to empathise – so, so unlike students absolving biomedical or engineering degrees.

May 12, 2023 9:23 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Not quite. The humanities produced anthopology and theology in the service of imperialism, convenient histories, neo-liberal economics and political/social propriety (“woke” fashion)

May 12, 2023 5:36 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes, but is that the bastardization of humanities? I think you’ve hit on an important point here – what the study of humanities used to be – learning how to think, learning empathy and compassion, opening up minds to other cultures, lifestyles, languages, etc – has now been turned into one more opportunity to brainwash and corrupt. And as Howard stated above, there is a concerted effort to crush the study of humanities, and I would say that is to crush the real purpose of the humanities in favor of the corporate version.

The Corporate Version of every field of study has taken over. The study of STEM, for instance, long ago used to be about discovering how reality works, where now it is merely the study of parroting what we are told reality is. Medicine, at least in theory as I know many will dispute this, used to be about healing people, now it’s about profit and those who practice it are turned into nothing more than profit generators for Pharma, et al.

With the Corporate Version, everything is turned into simplistic, profit driven, binary non-thinking and no real investigation of truth is necessary or even allowed. The Great Dumbing Down has progressed right under our noses, and I don’t see much hope today of any correction of that. The dumb will destroy this world while blaming those who think for that destruction.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 12, 2023 6:22 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Ha, you’ve just given me the perfect opportunity to invite people to acquaint themselves with Hegel’s The Science of Logic. Thank you.

May 11, 2023 6:13 PM

WAR is the operative word of capitalism, the accumulation of excess capital for the accumulation of ever more. War on the customer, the adversary, the enemy, and finally on all Humanity, all for VICTORY. Just consider why the Nazi universal greeting, Sieg Heil, “Hail Victory”, existed? All life to this capitalist state ruling class is WAR for PROFIT.

I’m seeing so many current articles that include this war metaphor and war as physical state of reality. A 360° environment of violent exploitation by the 1% exhausting the world for more money in every sector of life imaginable. Here’s pix of our exhibit in Eugene on this very topic. Solidarity! as we all resist the parasite class currently TRYING to run the world..


May 12, 2023 9:34 AM
Reply to  sandy

I think the principal drive is insecurity. That underlies the mania of owning or hoarding things, land, wealth, privileges and even people (slavery). This brings no joy if too many others also have them. So, scarity is a related goal.

May 11, 2023 6:11 PM

The “Censorship-Industrial Complex” is the Military-Industrial Complex reborn for the “hybrid warfare” age, writes Matt Taibi on a Racket News article about the top 50 media companies.


Sal P
Sal P
May 11, 2023 6:02 PM

Excellent article! Allopathic medicine is killing us.

Related to this, I recently came across some info on hydrogen peroxide and its potential powerful healing benefits. This is not the H2O2 that you find in Walmart for a dollar per bottle. This is food grade H2O2.

James Roguski, who is one of the people working tirelessly to try to get the US out of the WHO, put together an e-book, The Truth About Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. Free download is here:


His Substack site is here:


I’m curious if anyone has had a positive experience using food grade H2O2 to treat any ailments. If so, please respond. Thanks.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 11, 2023 7:20 PM
Reply to  Sal P

“I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica, as now used, could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be better for mankind and all the worse for the fishes.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 12, 2023 9:39 AM

I recall reading that quote in a book (several decades ago) by an honest doctor; the book’s title is, I think, “Confessions of a medical heretic” (something like that), and is by Dr Robert Mendelsohn (oh, forgive me, I can’t remember whether that’s the correct spelling of his surname). I’d thought that that quote was his, Mendelsohn’s. Well, whoever originated it, it’s 100% correct.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 12, 2023 1:16 PM

The quote is from Holmes’ Medical Essays, written from 1842 to 1882, page 203. He was a physician, poet, humorist and researcher in medicine.

Decades later, Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD (you got that right), did make a similar statement in the book you mention:

“I believe that more than ninety percent of Modern Medicine could disappear from the face of the earth – doctors, hospitals, drugs, and equipment – and the effect on our health would be immediate and beneficial.”

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 12, 2023 3:20 PM

Ah, so it was Oliver Wendell Holmes’ quote, thank you!

I do, however, recall that Dr Mendelsohn, in his book which I quoted a few hours ago, here, did also add the bit re. “… it would be better for mankind and all the worse for the fishes”. I’ve not read anything by O W Holmes, so could not be conflating the two.

I remember the bit re. the ‘all the worse for the fishes…”, for I’ve several times, over the years, used that quote to my brainwashed, gullible family members and friends who continue to wrongly revere and trust the Rockefeller medicine model which is, tragically, still the ‘standard’ for medical ‘treatment’ on the planet.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 12, 2023 5:50 PM

Yes. That’s too how I retrieved the quote. I read it years ago on a site called soil and health, dedicated to agriculture, health and nutrition and from which one could freely access old books on the subject. The site is still up but unfortunately some of its material is no longer free. Then time passed and forgot the exact text of the quote, but, like you, always remembered there was a quote on health mentioning materia medica, fishes, and the sinking. 😉 It is possible that Mendelsohn quoted Holmes in some other work (couldn’t find it in the Confessions, at least not in the version I consulted). It is also possible that he made a statement almost identical to Holmes’ or perhaps the quote and Mendelsohn were mentioned in a book you read, then associated the two. RE: Health. Unfortunately, institutionalised medicine must produce sickness or at least couldn’t afford producing health, otherwise unemployment in the sector would skyrocket, seriously damaging a big chunk of the system. In the same way, demand for arms must be kept by inciting conflicts. Capitalism puts under the same chapter of commodity production as diverse items as water, missiles, bread, food, wood, bombs, steel, drugs, firearms, houses, and so on, the demand for each of which must be kept at a “healthy” level because it’s all so connected that a serious drop in demand in one sector affects the rest of the system. Agreed on last paragraph. Personally, I’ve always gone by this guiding principle that if one is sick, something has got to get out of one, not in, certainly not a synthetic product which is relief for now and serious health issues later. Another principle I guide myself with is that the more effective and quick a drug is in relieving… Read more »

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 12, 2023 6:47 PM

Just wanted to make a small correction: all material from Soil and Health website is free.

May 11, 2023 7:32 PM
Reply to  Sal P

I do not know what grade the hydrogen peroxide was, but I used it to unblock an ear that had been blocked for years. The gunge it removed was phenomenal. One has to be careful about getting the correct potency for the application. Not sure if this answers your question,, but maybe encourages others to use it – – -.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
May 12, 2023 8:51 AM
Reply to  Ian

Also works as a mouthwash for oral pain, diluted with water.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
May 12, 2023 11:10 AM
Reply to  Ian

I know what you mean Ian, btw usa products for ear wax are terrible rip off over the counter rubbish. thx for letting me get that in.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 12, 2023 12:20 AM
Reply to  Sal P

It may very well do some good. However, consider this: Relying on a single magic remedy is right in line with allopathic thinking. There are only two causes for disease – deficiency and toxicity. To address these requires a more holistic approach.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
May 12, 2023 12:56 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

“There are only two causes for disease – deficiency and toxicity.”

Here’s a third: mortality.

Mark EL
Mark EL
May 12, 2023 8:37 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas


Clive Williams
Clive Williams
May 12, 2023 11:04 AM
Reply to  Sal P

We could purchase anything from traditional Brit. Chemists 50’60’s as young teenagers. Yea I know about Hydrogen Peroxide. Pure.
Explain what’s meant by “food grade”..if you don’t mind me asking. There are definitive publications around the 1820’s on organic Chemisty. Btw h2o is food. Soo its been almost 58yrs and please forgive me. Do you mean a dilution of Hydrogen Peroxide.?
Food Grade is a US marketing term btw.

Sal P
Sal P
May 12, 2023 4:46 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

According to Roguski, common H2O2 contains stabilizers which should not be ingested or inhaled (for example, if you’re using it in a nebulizer). Food grade uses no stabilizers.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 11, 2023 6:00 PM

Thank you for attention to the new scams Karen.

Just want to be careful here. If we look back on medical history we will see horrible treatments as electro-chock, blood letting, cutting arms and leg over alive, m.m.

Lets be fair, that many previous deceases today are cured, and treatment for example of mental deceases are improved in a fantastic way compared to the past. eye deceases which previously lead to blindness can today be prevented to progress, etc.

Lets be fair and also show our gratitude to the many who work every day and actually do improve our lives.
When this is said I fully endorse your basic message: Exercise and eat sound natural food and liquids, and avoid nannies and medics the best you can.

Take care of yourself! A divine and an universal condition for being able to take care of others. Beijo ;-).

May 11, 2023 6:52 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Most of health improvements can be traced to better sanitary conditions. We owe very little to modern “medicine”, except in cases of anesthetics, surgery and antibiotics to a point.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 11, 2023 8:40 PM
Reply to  MehNotGreat

Sure. But I know a couple of mentally ill persons, bipolar, sociopath, depression, m.m., and I have seen the old horrible pills and treatments that made them zombies, or otherwise more disabled, compared to the new treatments which make them able to live an almost normal life.

Same with some other deceases. It is not all bad. We could also point at many deceases are due to our own lifestyle.

Is this big pharma’s or the politician’s fault you sit in your armchair “if I had more arms I would drink more beers and eat more whoppers”?

May 11, 2023 9:58 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Hang on there, it’s mental deceases that cause all the problems. Look at the UK Parliament – there’s not a single living mind in the House (apart from Andrew Bridgen perhaps).

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 11, 2023 5:53 PM

A very recent article posted today on Global Research:

“Ex-Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon: ‘covid’ vaxx push a ‘supranational operation’ intended to maim and kill deliberately”, at:


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
May 11, 2023 5:51 PM

I was a cancer researcher for 11 years and the hard-nosed truth about cancer is that most people who die of cancer die of it because they didn’t die of anything else first. Cancer is a disease of old age and it’s incidence rises by the 6th or 7th power of age. Of course, childhood tumours exist, so do tumours in fit and healthy adults. And, sad to say, anyone unfortunate enough to get cancer before the age of 60 will suffer a far more aggressive form than those who contract it much later in life. This is because cancer is a disease of cell division and the acquisition of a blood supply and both of those processes occur more vigorously in those in the prime of life than in the elderly. But in absolute hard numbers terms, those tumours in younger people are far less frequent than those found in the elderly. The need for treatment is if anything more acute, because such people may well have children who need their support and care, they might reasonably live for several decades longer if they can overcome their cancer etc. Cancer emerged as a major disease during precisely the time that people lived beyond the age of 50 in huge numbers. If you were dying of malnutrition, cholera, influenza, hypothermia, other diseases associated with poor sanitation, poor diet and lack of dry, warm places to sleep, you probably weren’t going to die of cancer as you were too young. Cancer also emerged when mass consumption of immunosuppressants like nicotine exploded too. When people stopped taking vigorous exercise as part of their daily lifestyles. When they started having children later (that’s women, not men). Lest anyone didn’t know, giving birth young and breast feeding is one of the best protectors for… Read more »

Sam I am
Sam I am
May 11, 2023 7:15 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

“I was a cancer researcher”


I was a cancer researcher for 11 years and the hard-nosed truth about cancer is that most people who die of cancer die of it because they didn’t die of anything else first. Cancer is a disease of old age and it’s incidence rises by the 6th or 7th power of age.

Only very recently did I learn of AC-11. What caught my attention is that it is an extract of an herb, Uncaria Tomentosa (aka Cat’s Claw).

AC-11 offers a variety of health benefits that function through several distinct mechanisms:

Protecting enzymes responsible for repairing DNA strands that have been exposed to excess amounts of stress.

Boosting the production of collagen type III.

Regulating inflammation in the body by stabilizing levels of inflammatory compound NF-kB.

Increasing the lifespan of lymphocytes, or white blood cells, thus enhancing immunity

Any experience/knowledge with Cat’s Claw?
Would appreciate your input.

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 11, 2023 11:19 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

A bit off topic but Billy G wants radical depopulation, so unlikely to encourage yee-all gals to go on a baby boom. There’s a new documentary out called Birth Gap which is predicting population collapse in a decade or two. Looking at how the world is going, I think it won’t be just a Birth Gap that will drastically reduce populations, more like the four horsemen, war, famine, disease, and you know the next one. As for cancer, I think it is mostly our toxic lifestyles (toxins in food, environment, drugs, medicines, stress, malnutrition etc) which promote cancer. Aging increases likelihood of immune system and metabolic malfunctions or dysfunctions but can be drastically postponed by good living, exercise, sleep and nutrition I reckon.

May 11, 2023 5:49 PM

I cannot wait.
We’re all gonna get cured!
All thanks to Pfizer

What will the experts say?

comment image

May 11, 2023 5:52 PM
Reply to  Willem

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May 11, 2023 9:30 PM
Reply to  Willem

I wonder if the Doctor and Nurses films and TV series is funded by big harma.?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 12, 2023 12:29 AM
Reply to  Willem

comment image

comment image

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 12, 2023 11:25 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The interesting thing about smoking is that it can be good for you in moderation when it is pure tobacco being smoked i.e. high quality cigars. The harm is mostly from the chemicals included in cigarettes and the paper to keep them burning.

May 12, 2023 1:28 PM
Reply to  Willem

At least you didn’t have to be a smoker to maintain a bank account. You can’t transfer money between accounts without codes being sent to your radioactive device. And tobacco smoke doesn’t kill insects and birds.

May 11, 2023 5:36 PM

A plate falls to the floor and breaks into pieces. Swoop, sweep, swished away. Cats anticipate riotously our return from the mall, where we played digital money… for two hours.

The security guard awatch, and the cashier, let us painstakingly – having forgotten our card – snip our purchase into smartphone segments and pass through the till.

The taxi driver is a loquacious Israeli, recently moved to Georgia. Talk wanders. It strikes me that London talk does not routinely stray the boundaries whose bust we take for granted in the near middle east.

London is too proud. Too sentient. Too stentorian. Too stuck in the mud. An inverted snobbery that exists only in England?

Cheers mate!

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
May 11, 2023 5:11 PM

Nothing to get ready for. Only a brain dead zombie would voluntarily let them inject this demonic shit into their bodies. Time to roll out the Darwin Awards (not that I accept Darwin’s theory which can neither be proven or disproven by real science as its reasoning is circular.)

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2023 5:00 PM

The never ending war to end war. Putting out the fire by pouring on endless supplies of gasoline. Paying to be protected from the ones you are paying. And on and on and on ….

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
May 11, 2023 4:44 PM

Well, you can be absolutely certain that if there’s a risk of any new mRNA product having a measurable curative effect across a broad population, it will be pulled as fast as possible.

The money is in Maintenance Medicine. Good enough to stop you dying, not good enough to keep you out of hospital.

Kalle Müller
Kalle Müller
May 11, 2023 4:15 PM

Thanks for this great article. Exposing the horrible racket of BigPharma is so very important.

But when it comes to getting rid of cancer or diabetes, your solutions (natural foods & excercise) will not be helpful in either case. Carbohydrates (even in totally natural forms like sugar or starch) are the problem.

Check out Thomas Seyfrieds work on “cancer as a metabolic disease” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEE-oU8_NSU) to learn about treating and preventing cancer.

and diabetes should not be considered a disease at all. It is the natural way of your body telling you to stop eating that very toxic substance (sugar).

Eat what humans have been eating for about 290.000 years: meat

Stop eating plants. They’ll kill you.

Why, you ask? Plants don’t want to be eaten. But they can’t run away. So they invented a whole arsenal of chemical weaponry. The best thing plants offer are carbohydrates. And they’ll kill you just as surely.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 11, 2023 5:31 PM
Reply to  Kalle Müller

I dont know why you write the above bs
Fruits, nuts, vegetables, spinach, salad, fish, mineral water. Sound meager food plus exercises, walk or run. Fixed.

Kalle Müller
Kalle Müller
May 11, 2023 7:35 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Why do you consider my writings bullshit? Have you listened to Thomas Seyfried and do you disagree with any of his findings ? Which one? Of that “sound meager food” you refer to, I would gladly eat fish. awesome stuff.

Why did I write the above “bs”? I hope that it might help people who lead painfull lives because of poor food choices. Please do some research and/or experiments with your diet instead of dismissing my post as “bs”

Tilly Petersen
Tilly Petersen
May 12, 2023 8:07 AM
Reply to  Kalle Müller

A lot of shills post on sites like OffG trying to influence their fairly large readership into thinking the agendas they promote are more popular than they really are. They abuse voting buttons through fake IP addresses to help give that impression.

May 12, 2023 12:17 AM
Reply to  Kalle Müller

This is weird. There was 1 thumbs up and 4 down, I thought. I give you a thumbs up and then it says 3 up and 7 down!

Thanks for your link. I think Thomas is right. What you say about the plants sounds strange, but the Bible happens to say that we only started growing vegetables after sin. That is remarkable then. First we would have eaten seed products: nuts and fruit?
Is that a coincidence or not?

Kalle Müller
Kalle Müller
May 12, 2023 5:58 AM
Reply to  antisoof

When I mentioned that meat used to be standart human diet for 290.000 years, I wasn’t using the old testament as a source. Stable nitrogen isotopes give a more acurate picture of our former diet. ( https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-41033-3)
But yes, while in the garden of Eden (that is before the neolithic revolution that brought us acriculture = sugar) we were eating all the nuts and fruit we could probably find. During the short time of the year those things were to be gathered, that is. Plant toxins and anti-nutrients do a lot more harm if you eat them every day of your modern life.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
May 12, 2023 9:01 AM
Reply to  Kalle Müller

Have you seen the metamorphosis of Boy George when he switched to raw organic greens? That’s just one of many examples. Alkalinity is key to good health.

May 12, 2023 9:23 PM
Reply to  antisoof

FYI, when one clicks the vote icons, the vote tally automatically refreshes and picks up votes cast since the page was accessed or refreshed.

This is what causes the perception that the voting is either rigged or malfunctioning. Strictly speaking, this is certainly a possibility– but the weird jumps in the totals occur because of the refreshing.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 12, 2023 12:34 AM
Reply to  Kalle Müller

Have a listen here:


What do you think?

Kalle Müller
Kalle Müller
May 12, 2023 6:33 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

If I understood his points correctly, he claims that a ketogenic diet actually worsens diabetes. His reasoning: In a study (which he doesn’t cite) people who ate a high-fat diet (for a duration not mentioned) had a higher spike in blood sugar than people who ate a high-carb diet before. The different spike in bloodsugar occured after both test groups had a big amount of carbs.

That’s no surprise. Our bodies do adapt to the type of food we eat.

Eat lots of carbohydrates, your body will produce more insulin and will have a shorter blood sugar spike upon eating carbs.

Eat lots of fats (and no carbs), your body will ramp up the ketone production and each cell in your body (except some parts of your brain and red blood cells) will produce a different set of enzymes for optimal fat usage. But that adaption takes time (2 days /up to 3 weeks). That’s also the reason for acetone breath at the onset of a keto diet. The body is quick to spit out ketones, but the cells can’t handle so much ketones before having adapted. The body just breathes out the excess ketones in form of acetone. Goes away after a couple of days.

fat-adapted bodies can’t handle carbs well. And carbs-adapted bodies can’t handle fat well. That’s all. Nothing new.

Diabetes is no issue any more if you don’t eat carbs.

There is no need for carbs in your diet. Your liver can easily produce the ca. 3 gramms of glucose running in your blood.

May 12, 2023 3:28 AM
Reply to  Kalle Müller

There’s a very big problem in the world. Namely, there’s very little left to eat that’s not been contaminated by one or another toxin.

Regarding plants – grains especially: that’s what herbivores eat and it doesn’t appear to damage their systems. Undoubtedly, their digestive system has evolved to handle whatever might be innately toxic within the plants.

But no living creature has had time to evolve to where their systems can handle toxins (such as glyphosate).

We’ve reached a point in human development where it no longer matters what’s for dinner. Everything on the menu is like a game of Russian Roulette.

Kalle Müller
Kalle Müller
May 12, 2023 3:56 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, there are man-made toxins everywhere and yes, things like glyphosate will never be handled by any organism.

As there are those man-made “unnatural” poisons everywhere, it might be smart to reduce the amount of natural poisons (plant-produced poisons/antinutrients) in your diet to a minimum. So, eat local, grass-fed meat and get yourself some chickens for eggs. Done.

@herbivores: They don’t really eat grass. Well, yes, they chew it up and swallow it. But that’s it. They don’t get any nutrional value from those grassy fibers. They feed bacteria with the grass. These bacteria digest and convert the fibres to butyric acid (a fatty acid). The cow lives of that fatty acid. High fat diet. To get their proteins, cows digest the bacteria. So what looks like a HERBIvore, is actually a BACTERIAFECIESvore.

In about 6 million years of evolution, the size of our large intestine has shrunk considerably (compared to our closest relatives, chimps bonobos and gorillas)
The large intestine houses the bacteria, that help us extract nutrients from otherwise undigestable foods (fibers mainly). We are no BACTERIAFECIESvores any more. We’ve been eating meat for a long time. That gave us big brains. Brains to invent things like glyphosate. A bunch of morons we are.

David Meredith
David Meredith
May 12, 2023 11:36 PM
Reply to  Kalle Müller

It’s very interesting what you say and I don’t agree with the thumbs down you got.
I think we are supposed to eat some fruit and nuts and veg though, I think we are supposed to be omnivores not carnivores.
However I do steer very clear of all these new fangled seed and plant protein processed foods, they are fakery and like you say ultimately poison.
Eating meat is hugely important, we are supposed to eat it. Getting unadulterated organically produced high quality meat is becoming more and more difficult though.
It’s all part of the wider agenda for the demise of humanity to discourage meat eating, The elites want to keep those resources along with all other resources for themselves and not share with what they describe as the “useless eaters”.

May 11, 2023 4:04 PM

“In order to get stronger, you have to overcome your emotions” I agree with that!

May 11, 2023 4:03 PM

Many thanks to Karen Hunt for this extremely important article.

(ps: I’m waiting for the first commenter to say they stopped reading the nano-second they detected the taboo word “virus” in the article.)

May 11, 2023 4:03 PM

(“The only slight problem we have is how to give rapidly-metastasizing cancer to 2.3 billion people first – without them noticing – so that we can ‘cure’ them soon afterwards.
But our recent experience with ‘covid’ has given us much valuable experience in this field…”)

May 11, 2023 6:43 PM
Reply to  wardropper

(Okay, 2.7 billion would be closer…)

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 12, 2023 12:43 AM
Reply to  wardropper

They already knew how to create cancer in living beings – they do it all the time in those unfortunate lab animals.

They knew what would be the outcome of these gene shots and gained little new information from this world-wide human clinical experiment.

May 12, 2023 6:28 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I know.

It’s getting through those 2.7 billion people that intrigues me – as I said, without them noticing…

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
May 11, 2023 3:55 PM

I hope these mRNA cancer vaccines are going to undergo rigorous testing over many years, as used to be the norm. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe there has ever been a successful mRNA vaccine deployment to date.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
May 11, 2023 7:43 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

Any other “vaccine” with the safety record of these “vaccines” would have never even made it to market.

May 11, 2023 3:33 PM

The first step in the journey through life, hand-in-hand with Big Pharma, is childhood vaccines. They do not provide good health but threaten it, making a person a “customer” for life. Unfortunately the pro-vaxx message has been so well spread that most people reading this will shrug it off as complete delusion.It isn’t – I’ve studied the matter in depth and I am convinced that it fits in well with the business model of the industry. Ruin natural health of people from birth and there is a lifetime of dollars to be made!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 11, 2023 5:58 PM
Reply to  Ian

From a toddler, I well recall having regular, horrible ear infections… (I won’t go into the graphic detail, but I well remember our mum, each morning, cleaning up my ‘messy’ ear[s]…).
In more recent years (I’m very proud to have been a properly-informed anti-vaxxer for 35+ years [I’m 64]), I’ve learnt that ear infections are one of the many things which babies/toddlers/young children often develop, very soon after having had ‘vaccines’…

May 11, 2023 7:02 PM

Hi Christine

I believe, too, that “ear infections” are often caused by vaccines. I reduced the exposure of my children to vaccines and neither had any ear problems. Some “fully vaxxed” children I knew did, ending in a series of grommets and other treatments profitable to “The Industry”.

It’s great to have another 60+ person proudly proclaiming to be an “anti-vaxxer” – I’m pushing 70! I hope there are some youngsters to take the baton from us – – -.

Kind Regards

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 11, 2023 10:44 PM
Reply to  Ian

Hi Ian, Yes, you’re so right in all that you say. Now that you mention the word ‘grommets’. it reminds me that my eldest niece (now 34, she and her Albanian husband have a son who was 3 a few days ago… he [the 3-year-old, I hasten to add!] is crazy about dinosaurs!) had ear problems when she was a child, and had to have grommets. It’s more or less definite that her problems were caused by ‘vaccines’. Yes, I’m very proud to be an anti-vaxxer. I’ve researched ‘vaccines’ a great deal. We (oh so wrongly) get ridiculed and vilified by the brainwashed masses… they who have fallen for all the medical propaganda. About 18 months or so ago, my younger brother (now 57) challenged me re. having told them all that ‘vaccines’ are a medical scam/fraud, and are dangerous. He asked me to provide him with data to support my claim that vaccines are dangerous, etc. And so I did just that: I provided him (in an email – they live in another part of the country, here in the UK) with quite a number of links to articles featuring many honest, truth-telling doctors and scientists from around the world who expose the medical scam of ‘vaccines’, and relate just how dangerous they truly are. My brother’s reaction? Well, I was astounded; I’d thought he was an intelligent enough bloke (in most things he is, but re. ‘orthodoxy’, he falls for it all…), but his response to the data I’d sent him just so riled me. For he had the audacity (the stupidity… he’s my brother, so I have a ‘right’ to say that of him, in this context, although of course I love him as my brother!) to react by saying “No, what you’ve given me is merely… Read more »

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 12, 2023 12:48 AM

To me, the worst people are those who start every criticism of government & corporate mandates or Big Pharma and the orthodox medical system with “I’m not an anti-vaxxer but …”

The believers I can forgive for adhering to their religion.

May 12, 2023 9:46 AM

Hi Christine

I don’t know whether you will get to read this, but I’ll put it down anyway. No apologies for the lengthy reply – thanks for bothering to write it.

It is difficult to comprehend the stupidity of brainwashed people, especially those supposedly intelligent. In discussions about modern medicine my trump card is to ask whether it is in the financial interests of “the medical profession” for us all to be healthy. I’ve asked this question hundreds of times and not a single person has ever said “Yes”. I then ask “Why, then, do you trust it with your health?”

Best wishes to you too.


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 12, 2023 3:32 PM
Reply to  Ian

Post 1 of 2!

Yes, I’ve just seen your reply, thank you!

Re. your accurate words re. asking people whether it’s in the financial interests of the Medical Establishment for us all to be healthy… approx. a year ago, someone on another site posted an amusing, but 100% accurate, image, to illustrate exactly the point you’re making. I have 45+ lever-arch files all filled chock-a-block with copies of articles, videos, etc, re. the fascism, tyranny, scam/hoax/fraud of the past 3+ years, and somewhere in one of them is a copy of the relevant cartoon image. Now whether I can track it down, in order to give you the ref. to it, is another matter entirely…!

Found it! And also another one (the 2nd one being from OffG) which makes the same point. I’ll put the 2nd one into a 2nd post, just in case putting them both in the same reply might cause it to go into ‘pending’ or ‘spam’!

Hope the below does create a clickable link!

“How unusual…”, at:


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 12, 2023 3:34 PM
Reply to  Ian

The 2nd post:

“A patient cured is a customer lost”, at:


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 12, 2023 3:36 PM
Reply to  Ian

I’ve just replied with two short posts (each with a link with relevance to what you said in your comment to me. Surprisingly, neither have so far been published. I’ve noticed that, in the last few weeks, comments have been published the instant after having been posted.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 12, 2023 12:45 AM

Plus the overuse of antibiotics.

May 12, 2023 6:19 AM
Reply to  Ian

And add in the question about Autism. How long has that been happening? Oh be assured there’s absolutely nothing to see here – your child has just been unlucky. After all these drugs are fully tested and approved….by an industry with a spotless track record and regulators who are totally independent.

Or maybe not.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 13, 2023 1:50 PM
Reply to  MattC

A bloke (American or Canadian, can’t recall), a Dr William Thom[p]son, some years ago admitted (blew the whistle) that the CDC in the US had deliberately lied re. the very real connection between ‘vaccines’ and autism… his, Thom[p]son’,s, admission on that, is not (I think) widely known, by the masses who oh so wrongly ridicule the claim that ‘vaccines’ often are the cause of autism.

Robert Coelho
Robert Coelho
May 11, 2023 2:55 PM

Can this pharmaceutical company ever be trusted? Their clinical trials for covid were shewed and their vaccine against it was never shown to prevent transmission even though they were peddling it for young children.

May 11, 2023 5:59 PM
Reply to  Robert Coelho

No, they cannot be trusted, ever. Pfizer is a serial felon and most of their trials are short term at best, if any real trials are done at all. Their business model is about long term “treatment” never an actual cure. A customer cured is a customer lost….

May 11, 2023 2:46 PM

What’s really insane is that ordinary citizens go along with the lies. Over and over again. The more absurd the lies become; the harder people dig into their delusions[…]

What’s even more of a problem is that ‘ordinary citizens’ do not comprehend that they have been ‘fraudulently converted‘ into ‘legal fictions’ which moves them into the jurisdiction of commercial code.
This is the foundational lynchpin that needs the light of day.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 11, 2023 2:32 PM

The doctor’s dilemma under Capital: “If I don’t cure you, you won’t come back; you may even give up allopathic medicine; on the other hand, if I cure you it’s likely that you won’t come back.”

To mainstream economists, a higher percentage of the GDP dedicated to health and security reflects a society in which wellbeing and peace prevail, whereas it reflects precisely the opposite: more healthcare demand and more need for security services.”

I would take dear Bill’s advice ‘seriously’ if the way we’ve prepared for war has ever resulted in less war. But that is not the case. Our methods don’t work.”

Excellent observation, it invites to asking questions from the very territory of the big cogs of the system.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
May 11, 2023 1:49 PM

“We now find plastics in our blood, our organs, our brains.” Really in our “Brains”. Its a neuroscience claim of brain plas­tic­i­ty.
I the author sure of the claim?

May 11, 2023 3:59 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

You’ve presented a paradox: there have been tests done which prove our bodies contain plastics. However, these tests were performed by the established medical industrial complex. So are these “tests” valid? Big question.

It seems logical since nano-particles of polymers have been found in geoengineering spraying (chemtrails) – which have been analyzed by independent sources (see geoengineeringwatch.org). These polymers eventually filter down to the ground, along with the other chemtrail elements. So we breathe them in; and from there nature takes its course.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 11, 2023 5:35 PM
Reply to  Howard

But….would our extremely resistant immune defence reject them out, eventually via our behind?
IF our immune system was not neutralised by a lousy vax with Mrna/lipid/666.

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
May 11, 2023 4:36 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack
May 11, 2023 1:48 PM

According to my U.K friends, there was Save our pharmacist posters everywhere a month ago.

Then low and behold a month later.

Pharmacies in England to offer prescriptions for seven conditions amid surgery crisis.

Those suffering from earache, a sore throat, sinusitis, impetigo, shingles, infected insect bites and uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women are set to be prescribed medicine by pharmacists without the need to see a doctor or nurse for the first time.

The reforms, to be set out by the government and NHS England in a primary care plan on Tuesday


May 11, 2023 1:35 PM

Now, master manipulator Albert Bourla promises an end to cancer (again), rubbing his hands together with glee, salivating at the mouth, barely able to contain his excitement at the thought of how much money his new drug will bring in.

The perfect image of the “Grabbler”:
