WATCH: A Better Way – #SolutionsWatch
In the run up to the Better Way conference – taking place in Bath next month – James Corbett (who will be speaking at the conference) sits down with the one of organisers, Dr Tess Lawrie.
D Lawrie is a medical doctor and research consultant based in the UK. She is the CEO of Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy and she sits on the steering committee of the World Council for Health.
Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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Despite my misgivings in respect of WCH, some of the debates are likely to be worth watching. For example, the following one from May 2022 in which Bigtree challenges the panel with regard to the policies toward conventional vaccines.
Better Way Conference Q&A
Conversation 1: What is our role in reclaiming science?
May 20, 2022 – Bath, UK
– Dr. Robert Malone
– Kim Witczak
– Dr. Jessica Rose
– Bret Weinstein
– Geert Vanden Bossche
– Dr. Tess Lawrie
– Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg
– Del Bigtree (host)
No debate here, these are all virus huggers against countermeasures.
Same old faces doing the ‘alt-media‘ rounds.
Surprised not to see RFK Jr. pop up as he has been doing the rounds across ‘alt-media’ recently.
It might be ‘alt-media’ but it still reminds of the old George Carlin quote – ‘its a big club and you ain’t in it.‘
This will probably not be allowed to get posted, but what the hey. Corbett works quite well and closely with the RFK Jr dissent-industrial complex.
why is there this little gang of posters who are always insinuating they’re gagged but whose comments are all over the place including the ones where they dis the site like crazy? Something doesn’t add up there.
Because another post i made, involving a specific person, did get censored, it has not been posted here (on this article).
I went looking after I saw this and found the comment in trash. I restored it.
If anyone finds a comment doesn’t appear for some time it’s best to just ask politely and we’ll do our best to fix the problem. Sometimes the software just misdirects things, including our own comments. We get a lot of real comments plus a ton of spam so sometimes we don’t notice and we appreciate a heads up.
And Jeffrey, I can absolutely promise you we hold no brief for anyone mentioned in your comment, and wouldn’t hold it back on that account anyhow.
It’s just narcissistic as hell that these sheople think they have some hidden knowledge that other truth seekers don’t allow. 99% of the time it’s all nonsense and is never under censorship. Just as the very person you replied to proved.
In fact, an earlier comment got “lost.” It was restored, long after anyone had even bothered looking at this article any more.
Being petty and ungracious only reflects on you.
I took time out of my day to go look for you comment the minute I saw it was missing and restored it immediately. If you’d simply flagged it up to us earlier instead of being vaguely petulant then it would have been restored much sooner, and you would have had one less thing to complain about.
Corbet doesn’t like Billy Goat/Microsoft much but he obviously have no problem with Apple (observe the Apple monitor in his talking head videos) – what’s a viewer supposed to think of that?
ah fer fuck’s sake. How are you getting your own great thoughts to appear here? Are you beaming them here by magic or are you using a computer or a phone or a tablet with corporate-created software on it, through a corporate-controlled ISP?
I guess that means you’re secretly fine with the status quo, right?
Do not play dumb. You got called out and rightly so.
Show us all the non bill gates or apple products then mouth
Haven’t watched any Corbet videos for a while, does he still believe in the killer virus and oil forever?
He was an interesting Pied Piper a while back but no fan either.Fairplay for having the courage of your convictions & offering a view that isn’t popular to many here. Thankfully it’s not group think cult like or “Shhsh shshing school marms”
He never accepted the killer virus into his repertoire. But, yes, to him oil and resources in general are forever.
I’d be dismayed if you were to provide source links or a couple of primary source quotes to substantiate your presumption of James Corbett’s beliefs.
To answer your question, As a routine viewer of his content for over 10 years- only very rately missing a post – I’ve never found that he advocates for the premise of a “killer virus” or “forever oil”.
His reportage is, with few exceptions, unmatched.
Suppose it could be shown that the class of persons with “political, CEO or oligarch disease” exclusively express Gene A and that the class of persons who exploit others, at the expense of the others, for self gain, exclusively express gene B, and additionally a few individuals express both Gene A and Gene B?
If vaccination by a safe and effective mRNA Gene A and Gene B silencing vaccine were required of everyone, at birth, would peace and equality develop on earth?
And when is Oliver going to stop wearing a scarf. It’s mid May!
Note the globe earth in the background.
How long have you been a flat earther? Only heard you say anything about this recently, and thought you were joking.
Go walk to the edge of the world then and take a picture of the big drop at the end. Flat earthers are the most mindless people/yanks.
“Of course Santa Claus isn’t a hoax. I mean imagine how many people would have to be in on it”
Intelligent design over Evolution 👍
I hope that any ‘climate change’ discussions emphasise the non-human components to ‘climate change’, because the evidence is voluminous that climate has changed enormously over millennia and absolutely enormously before homo sapiens existed.
I will happily give a 10 minute presentation simply presenting MSM lies and then providing personal evidence, experienced in my own lifetime, which proves those lies to be so.
The panel should focus primarily on ‘what is normal climate variability?’
Until you have a handle on that, talking about ‘climate change’ is pointless. Variability in climate is built into the natural world and you can have outlier transient climates just as you can have outlier seasonal weather events like the 2022/3 California snows, the UK March-April rainfall of 2023 etc etc etc.
There’s only one way the climate is going to go in the near future and america, Australia, the Alps, have all had a heads up. If they ignore the signs, they will condemn their populations. It’ll be drinks all round at the UN/IPCC.
Thank God we have experts aka adults in the room like Corbett
Tess Lawrie came out of nowhere in early 2022 and all of a sudden there she was with Malone, Kory and all the other “covid is real we just need toxic repurposed drugs to treat a non existant fantasy” people and lab leak fanatics.
Funny that Corbett is going behind this since he explicitly stated “there is no covid” early in 2021, but I guess he is just doing his job, sigh..
Well, I’ve been on a number of substacks and some are saying that Whitney Webb and James Corbett are now working for Children’s Health Defense. And I’ve also seen comments about a number of substack operators getting money from Kennedy’s campaign. It was suggested that CHD is “buying the movement.”
Sound about right on the money sis, altough I’ve been supiscious of both Corbett and Ms.Webb for quite some time, altough I will say this,Corbett is an excellent researcher.
Ah Whitney Webb. Or dot to dot as I call her. Nevers breaks new ground just repeats others research and just has books that go like this:
This person knows that person and that person works here who has a friend who worked there and they know this person”
Groundbreaking stuff. Just check out her father and the fact she gets just shy of $10 million every year via PayPal.
Go on, I’ll bite, who is her dad?
$10 million? Via PayPal? Fuck me. Got a link for that?
If Ivermectin was toxic i would agree with you but it isn’t. A lot of people have come out of the wood work since the Covid Con was pulled. What would you expect?!
Ivermectin is indeed highly toxic to a lot of people, I suggest you look into the subject of mdr-1 mutations, and did you know theres a “cult of ivermectin” , there are people who douche with ivermectin, put it in their eyes, give it to their infants in milk etc, all egged on by various “freedom idols”; hcq is definetly, it’s a very nasty drug, wich does work well against malaria, but can cause neurological damage, retinal detachment etc, and so what, why would you suggest anyone take “prophylactics” for something that isn’t real?
Yes i was aware of HCQ toxicity but not Ivermectins. Well even if we are sstill dealing with garden variety flu or cold and if was an old person and it helped with those i would be happy to use it. Was Covid 19 real? I can’t say. I gather it is a slightly more hazardous form of a corona virus but I’m no expert…. Maybe it’s all bullshit. The response to it was complete bullshit i can agree with that much without any expertise.
Think of the bunny’s! who have been using it for years as a dewormer, along with lots of other very small and larger animals.
Veterinarians have a mnemonic “white feet, don’t treat”, it’s basicly applies to collie breeds of dogs which have something called a mdr1 mutation(multi drug resistant mutation 1),which means that the organism can’t pass certain drugs properly, and crosses the organisms bbb(blood brain barrier) about 40% or so of the “caucasian” populus in the United states share this mutation, I don’t know about the statistics of the other “races” but I’m sure they’re not insignificant, that means pretty much that ivermectin is a life threatening compound to these people and or collie dogs.. More information about this mutation can be found here.. The page specificaly lists ivermectin as a drug of concern. “Drugs of concern P-gp affects the absorption, elimination and distribution of many drugs, but only a few of these drugs can cause severe toxicity in animals with the MDR1 variant. For example, medications commonly used in heartworm preventatives, such as ivermectin, can cause toxicity if given in high dosages. However, heartworm preventatives are still safe for MDR1 drug-sensitive dogs to take at low, FDA-approved dosages. “ Turns out that ivermectin isn’t even a good dewormer as it only kills the juvinile helminth or worm and not the adults, so you effectively have to wait til the adult worm starves to death or is unable to feed as illustrated here: and I quote “Ivermectin is in a class of medications called anthelmintics. It treats strongyloidosis by killing the worms in the intestines. It treats onchocerciasis by killing the developing worms. Ivermectin does not kill the adult worms that cause onchocerciasis and therefore it will not cure this type of infection.” So it doesn’t even kill adult parasites, you have to wait for the parasite to age within it’s reasonable lifespan or starve to death, brilliant.. Ivermectin is also on the… Read more »
Your claim 40% of the adult Caucasian population has the gene mutation making them in danger of Ivermetin is ridiculous. Do you realize that many hundreds of thousands (millions?) of ‘the adult Caucasian population’ took Ivermectin during the scamdemic?. If your ‘gene mutation’ statement were true, then we would have heard an unending stream of media pieces featuring these people made sick by Ivermectin.
Provide citations to your outrageous claims regarding humans. And your other shrill anecdotal statements alleging some people using Ivermectin in the eyes, as a douche, etc is more hyperbole from you in your quest to trash Ivermectin. Even if your anecdotal stories are true, it is irrelevant to the 40 years of research on Ivermectin.
Your statements are the kind of sensationalist misleading propaganda about Ivermectin that helped the mRNA gene therapy drugs get Emergency Use Authorization. Result: billions were injected with toxic mRNA instead of getting a couple of oral treatments of Ivermectin, and the drug companies made billions of dollars on these toxic injections.
Ivermectin has a large ‘safety profile’. Serious adverse events from Ivermectin are rare, if not extremely rare. Use pubmedDOTgov to research this and see for yourself.
I don’t think Tess Lawrie can be said to be a shill for ‘Covid’ because she recommends Ivermectin for people who got sick from ‘something’—something that is called ‘Covid’ but is probably the flu. (But don’t rule out other causes such as EMF which symptoms mimic the flu.)
Dr Kory witnessed thousands of people get dramatically better in a short time after starting oral Ivermectin. We can debate exactly what those people were sick from—Covid?, the flu?, EMF?—but it is clear that Ivermectin had an amazing impact on their recovery.
Dr Kory: “This not because I ‘think it is true’. It is not because I treated two patients and they got better and I think this is a wonder drug. I am speaking solely on the MOUNTAIN of clinical evidence. There are now over 30 clinical studies of Ivermectin, including over 7,000 patients. In almost all cases it shows very large benefits in reducing transmission, hospitalization and death. Every single study…over and over and over again.”
It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory and also anti-cancer. One of thousands of articles at pubmed is “Ivermectin: An Anthelmintic, an Insecticide, and Much More”. (has antiviral, antimalarial, antimetabolic and anticancer effects plus of course is antiparasitic in dogs and people) Ivermectin is given to hundreds of millions of Africans to treat ‘River Blindness’.
Ivermectin is an amazing ‘natural’ drug. It was discovered being made by a soil bacteria and the discovers were given the Nobel Prize because of its outstanding ability to treat so many things in humans and animals, which we know now includes mange to ‘viruses’ to cancer to River Blindness.
I know perfectly well the story of ivermectins development, how it’s made, and marketed by Merck,for it’s supposed safety and efficacy I implore you to read the comment I made to Mr. Peter Jennings above(which hopefully should have shown up by now), where I actualy bring up the claims that it cures river blindness in a study funded by the *Gates foundation* , I never saw a damn person get “sick from anything unique” until after the administration of the “vaccines” so what they are supposed to “get better from” with your magic medication is beyond me sir/madam, Tess Lawrie are “shills for covid” because they act like it’s an actual factual thing, anyone that has studied the Drosten pcr tests and dug a little deeper understands that this is merely a phantasm created on Drostens computer, so yes they are both shills, “alternative heroes” that say some of the right things but do nothing but validate the main narrative and sci fi fantasies like gain of function viruses and designer pandemics…via their system approved alternative theories, mind you Ivermectin was always in the news even if the news was “Negative” it was a form of advertisment.. Here is a video about ivermectin and fertility studies(altough not in humans but mice) , wich leads me to belive we have the motivation behind the Gates funded “tropical disease study” championing this magical lifesaving elixir… to the third world poor
I am sure that once the Better Way is shown to Globocap, that they will say, “gee these are indeed better ideas than our Great Reset. We will adopt them tout suite…”
Skepticism is fine but if you just cancel out every single attempt at a better way, what’s the point? How about a positive suggestion of your own?
These types of Utopian programs are not new (going back at least 200 years). It is easy to come up with some Better Way or another, the hard part is turning it into reality. (This gets into Reform or Revolution* territory.) Then one would have to look honestly at the systemic forces arrayed against it. In a few months or years, this will fade away and be forgotten like all the rest. This may seem cynical, but it is not. It is based on a real understanding of history and what we are really up against.
*See Rosa Luxemberg’s book of the same name.
Forget Nuremberg 2.0 trials, or “mistakes were not made”, or investigations to find out if there ever really was a virus/pandemic, Lawrie & Co are pushing ahead with “lessons learned” and preparing for “future international health emergencies”. — World Council for Health Policy Documents The World Council for Health (WCH) works with different expert groups in the development of policy briefs to present research and recommendations to specialized and non-specialized audiences on a variety of essential issues. These documents serve to provide evidence-based policy advice to help readers make informed decisions. Policy Briefs Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Global Public Health On the proposed IHR (2005) amendments and WHO pandemic treaty Download the summary here. – 7 page pdf Download the full policy brief here. – 45 page pdf — From the Full Policy Brief (pages: 5, 33) The draft treaty, in particular, further has negative implications for global (health) security as it supports gain-of-function research despite its exceptional biosafety hazards. The escape or release of engineered pathogens from laboratory environments is not adequately classified nor focalized as a severe threat and potential cause of pandemics even though a lab leak of a human engineered virus is most likely responsible for the COVID pandemic that has led to the death of about 6.8 million people. V. A Better Way for Global Public Health This chapter advises on essential actions required by national as well as international leaders and organizations. The proposed legislative and educational measures, among other things, build on the lessons learned during the different development phases of the COVID pandemic. Phase 1 relates to the origin of SARS-CoV-2 – which lies most likely in gain-of-function research. Phase 2 is concerned with the time period in which the spread of the pandemic could still have been prevented with the… Read more »
The lesson learnt was that by orchestrating a “Pandemic”, Bill Gates generated a fifteen fold gain in his investments and that was accompanied by an amazing demonstration of the power of propaganda to entice the gullible masses into accepting obvious nonsense and clearly contradictory statements dressed up as “expert knowledge”.
This is why I sometimes like comments better than an article (or a video in this case). Thank you🙏
Is Corbett still a gatekeeper ? Awhile back he was shooing off the existential question regarding viruses.
It should come as no surprise that he is indeed still doing that.
I’m not looking for a better way at all. I’m just trying to survive, that’s all.
This life is an absolute idiocy caused by nasty people, so if there was a better way we should start ripping off the nasty ones. It’s that simple.
Humans are like animals with minds. And now humanity is being betrayed by people who misuse that mind for selfishness and megalomaniac ideas. Psychopaths and idiots, megalomaniac brats and that kind of thing is the problem and you don’t solve that with cooperation.
There is no base, no religion, no cooperation. Man’s ego is the problem. The ego can do terrible things with other people. That’s where the problem lies, if there is a problem at all. This is nature, I’m afraid. Let’s enjoy it while we can.
The nice thing is that the Bible treats such things nicely. And other holy books. We don’t even know ourselves, often. It already starts with that. Self-knowledge and knowledge of God seems necessary to me.
Knowledge of god? You can’t have knowledge of a made up entity.
Elon Musk hands Twitter to the World Economic Forum.
Linda Yaccarino is kin of Klaus Schwab – so what is going on?
Brain chip guy distracted ‘everyone’ for a while doing an impression of a truth seeker. Then he delivered ‘everyone’ to his bosses & our enemies. Got them to pay for it too.
Don’t trust any that are presented. Some great Soul’s out there but many without huge amounts of followers or big platforms. Blame celebrity culture.
It is painful to see Musk hire a woman who appears oriented towards money and power rather than free speech and free will. I could be wrong but that is my first take on some of what i have heard her say. For example early in the Covid scam she was saying ‘mask up or pack up’. In a talk she had with Musk she seemed to be advocating for content moderation in order to not upset advertisers. I wonder how fast she can help implement the global corporate agenda/ take over from within twitter?
It’s been a distraction blag.
If you look into ‘his’ appointment. That lady comes off crazy. She’s a covidian & doesn’t appear as someone interested in an alternate view. She knows best,how lucky we are.
Many of us simply never trusted Musk or indeed the idea of benevolent billionaire’s. Instead of exploding rocket’s. Imagine the suffering his money could alleviate. But no! rockets & transhumanism.
It’s soo obvious who he represents. If people proclaiming themselves awake can’t see it yet. Then sorry, you are still in a coma.
Thanks but to me billionaires are approachable normal every day people. Others of the same race simply see them as custodians of their own availability worth.
Commoners or to be protracted in a more socially polite acceptance way have forever been seen as essentials to a vibrant society interaction.
Ok, name one.
I’ll go further, it’s people’s conditioning kicking in, whereby they exalt those with financial wealth. Believing the carefully crafted PR that accompanies such entities.
You may be correct. I do wonder though how many other people are pulling the strings behind Musk…. After all he is just one man.
Good points.
she is another wef order follower
Right. A very scary group of power hungry individuals and organizations.
It is noticeable that so shortly after he took over Musk should appoint a new CEO for Twitter. This may be the starting point of a tendency which may enlighten the point in history we are perhaps stepping into. This quote form Engels’ Anti-Dühring (1878) comes to mind (emphasis added): “If the crises demonstrate the incapacity of the bourgeoisie for managing any longer modern productive forces, the transformation of the great establishments for production and distribution into joint-stock companies and state property shows how unnecessary the bourgeoisie are for that purpose. All the social functions of the capitalist are now performed by salaried employees. The capitalist has no further social function than that of pocketing dividends, tearing off coupons, and gambling on the Stock Exchange, where the different capitalists despoil one another of their capital. At first the capitalist mode of production forces out the workers. Now it forces out the capitalists, and reduces them, just as it reduced the workers, to the ranks of the surplus population, although not immediately into those of the industrial reserve army. “But the transformation, either into joint-stock companies, or into state ownership, does not do away with the capitalistic nature of the productive forces. In the joint-stock companies this is obvious. And the modern state, again, is only the organisation that bourgeois society takes on in order to support the general external conditions of the capitalist mode of production against the encroachments as well of the workers as of individual capitalists. The modern state, no matter what its form, is essentially a capitalist machine, the state of the capitalists, the ideal personification of the total national capital. The more it proceeds to the taking over of productive forces, the more does it actually become the national capitalist, the more citizens does it exploit.… Read more »
These are people who generate some good content, but it is an enormous red flag when they are allowed on the MSM at all.
At about 26’40” James says:
Consider the Solaris network …
“It works at the grass root level through smooth information flow. There is no hierarchy. ”
From the Solaris Spirit page:
“The SOLARIS Spirit is to leave behind egos and to unite in a higher common goal: the need to quickly and effectively organize resiliency in an increasingly decaying social, political, economic, health, climate and geophysical context.”
Like other Virus Pushers Against Countermeasures, Tess Lawrie has stated recently that though the “COVID” shots are bad, mRNA technology has good potential to develop some good stuff, joining Peter McCullough and Jessica Rose.
“A speaker at The Greater Reset was Tess Lowry, a promoter of Ivermectin. She runs the Evidence-Based Medical Consultancy, worked with the WHO re data collection on a study of prenatal health care behavior. This is directly connected to development impact bonds, a form of social impact investing, which monitors behavior and rewards investors for observable changes in behavior of subjects. All of this is connected to data analytics, ongoing bio-surveillance, pre-emptive strikes against “disease,” pay for success impact investing, with success defined as the avoidance or the lessening of disease impacts.” [See slides 38,39]
From Alison McDowell’s video
New Video! Greater Reset III Wrap Up – Opportunity Youth, Metaverse Labor, Alison McDowell, 2/3/22. Four hours and 50 minutes.
The slide show is at
Does anybody believe this crap?
Go to 10:31
street dancing our way out of misery? – Is where I lost Corbett
What about this top commentator – better qualified though not trendy, metrosexual “alt” stream.
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi to face incitement charges. Bhakdi is one of the kindest and most compassionate people to examine the Covid vaccine, from his position of medical expertise.
Who is Algemeiner? A not-German publication despite the name – which by its pretension traduces the Holocaust and minimises vaccine injury. Who is covering for whom?
I followed the release and promotion of the so-called “Great Barrington Declaration”. They originally listed Bhakdi as one of the co-signers, but his name was removed after a couple of days. In my view, the GB Declaration is a litmus test for controlled opposition.
Oct 8, 2020 – lists Bhakdi as co-signer
Oct 9, 2020 – name removed
From my position the GBD seemed to be one of the few statements of a reasonable approach to Covid at a time when there seemed to be few reasonable voices anywhere. The notion that they are controlled opposition is difficut for me to believe.
Three “epidemiologists” but none of them seemed to notice that there was no epidemic. If they had wanted to do something which was genuinely helpful to humanity, they could have published criteria for objectively determining and categorising the existence and severity of epidemics – or otherwise.
Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.
Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.
Yeah well they were fighting a rear guard action as Bill Gates’s legions of doom were running amok at the time. Maybe they should have slowed down for a seminar in statistics at the same time.
Yes but the lying liars had already scared the hell out of the moronic population and all the moronic govt. officials and every other moron so that the GBD guys couldn’t very well reel all the morons back in as easily had they focused too much attention on wether it was an epidemic or a pandemic…. It woud be like trying to reel in a thousand pound sword fish with 20 pound test. I just think they were trying to be practical in the midst of a psy-op of massive proportions. I could be wrong.
Just putting their names down on the list would put their professional head on the WHO/UN chopping block. Putting their names down on the list would also be enough to raise an alarm. The ‘covid’ narrative is falling apart because of these professionals and others who have fought back the fear and bothered to do something about the bastardisation of their professions.
GBD were still pushing the MRNA shots, but only to the “vulnerable” (you know, the ones here were first on the list for the eugenics cull anyway). It was a woefully wobbly charade of opposition.
That part seems right but coming from inside the establishment and then moving outside of it can’t be an easy process. It may have been woefully wobbly but not necessarily a charade.
Before you make any conclusion, I suggest you look also at the counterpart to GB Declaration, the John Snow Memorandum: Since 2020, and still to this day, it claims “MORE THAN 6,900 scientists, researchers & healthcare professionals have now signed the John Snow Memorandum.” , that they “vet every signature,” and yet post only 4200 names. Is “controlled opposition” a newer “conspiracy theory” smear?
I hadn’t seen the John Snow Memorandum before. It’s not that much different to GB since they coincide on a vast amount of garbage.
No, but “conspiracy theory” is a hackneyed smear by controlled opposition.
The JohnSnow memo is radicaly different than the GBD declaration. I’m sure the GBD people would disagree with much of it.
Indeed it is different. It is the pro-lockdown counterpart to GBD.
The John Snow Memorandum, taking science back 150 years. If only the WHO and the UN had handles that can be taken to prevent their use.
That is stated in that newspaper because that newspaper is a demagogic instrument to demoralize. You should not read and pass it on. Then you cooperate. They care about it. I think.
They publish that on purpose, I think. (translate error.)
How was he drawn into making on-the-record comments about Occupied Palestine in the first place?