A Closed System

Todd Hayen

There is so much going on we don’t know about. Like I’ve said before, we definitely have reached that critical point of being a “closed system.” The mainstream media are all in on it, so they control the flow of information. No one knows what is happening unless they literally see it or experience it.

It is fascinating how if you don’t receive reliable information about what’s going on, you really don’t know at all . . . even in your own neighbourhood. Remember the Soviets would come and carry people away in an apartment building and no one there would know, MAYBE one person, the person living next door, but that’s it. They would just disappear. And only the people who KNEW them would even know that.

There could be people all around us dying, being persecuted for this or that, and no one would know it. And then stuff happening in the next city, or in Europe…no one knows ANYTHING reliable now unless they see it with their own eyes. Once a free press is gone, we are totally blind. Very few people seem to know this or accept it if they know it.

Obviously some of us know more than others. That’s because we look for different news sources other than NYT, CNN, WSJ or WP, or whatever other mainstream media that inundates us with junk, untruths, and lies. We are lucky to still have alternative news, and even that isn’t always reliable. The sheep have been trained to believe the alternative news is all conspiracy, misinformation, and hogwash at best. I won’t even say what they believe “at worst.”

The brainwashing that has been going on for decades dictates that if information is contrary to what the accepted authority says, then it is a conspiracy theory. It is not even considered. For example, if someone says, “I don’t believe much the Washington Post says because I think the people who own the Post [Bezos] has their own self-interests as a priority.” Even though that statement makes perfect sense, most people listening would say, “oh that’s ridiculous, you are a conspiracy theorist, that’s paranoid.”

Why? Have these people ever read a history book? Is there some law, or police force, out there that keeps newspapers (for one example) from going into the hands of people who may have an agenda, even a personal one to become wealthy and powerful? Is there something in place that would guarantee that would never happen?

Of course not, at least no rules that cannot be easily ignored. People certainly do not have a problem believing Trump is conniving and deceiving. They have no problem believing the Republican Party is conspiring to destroy democracy and the Constitution of the United States. They have no problem believing that everything Fox News reports is a lie and a slave to special interests. Why are all these examples the ones to hate and not trust? That question does not have an obvious answer; it is actually quite complicated. But the question should be asked.

I’ve talked about the news found in major newspapers and other major media being a problem. I think most of us would agree with that. It is interesting, however, just how big that problem has become. One thing I have noticed even from my amateur sleuthing regarding mainstream media: they are quite selective in what they report.

Sure, this has always been an issue with mainstream news, they have all kinds of criteria regarding what they believe is suitable for print in their pages. But it seems, over time, that they have special interests regarding what they will print and what they ignore. And pretty much they are all leaving out very important stories that do not fit into their narrative.

As the days flip on by, the United States, and most of the “free world,” has been slowly becoming a closed system. Other, obvious, closed systems of the past include the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Communist China, and a plethora of other “not so free” nations. This means that the only reliable information outside of our personal inner circle can only be had through alternative media, which is not very well funded, and often does not have access to news as the big boys have. I have to say alternative media does a damn good job considering these obvious restrictions. Just imagine what information we would have at our fingertips if these journalists had the funding to really get out there and get the news.

Think about the bubble we all live in. Most of us (I imagine I am accurate here) do not have empirical information beyond our family and close friends. Many of us don’t even know all that much about our neighbors. If we have a death in the immediate family, or even the distant family, we probably will know. But how much detail will we be privy to? What about a next-door neighbor? What about a “not so close friend?” We may hear about it, but will we know things like “were they vaccinated, did they have any pre-existing illnesses, were they living an unhealthy lifestyle?”

Our “circle of awareness” is actually rather small. And until it is large enough to overlap other circles of awareness we really don’t have much information to work with. In other words, if we don’t hear from news sources that are committed to reporting news that is pertinent and trustworthy, we really will not know much until these circles of awareness spread out without too many gaps between them. We just don’t have access to information.

Regarding the “died suddenly” phenomenon, unless a sheeple personally knows people who have suffered this untimely demise, they simply will not know it has happened. Besides that, they generally believe that if the mainstream news sources are not covering these stories then even if they DO hear about it organically, there is less likelihood they would believe it or pay much attention to it. If their circle of awareness were broad enough, they then would hear first hand about families who are suffering these sudden deaths of loved ones, and then it would not matter as much that the mainstream news was not covering it. They would then have their own personal experience of the events.

Must we wait until every family has had first hand experience of these horrific deaths?—or until mainstream media starts to take these things seriously and include such events in their news coverage? Unfortunately probably so.

Considering how other aforementioned countries have fared once their information systems were closed, we are not in a good situation. What makes this different for us is that there is a relatively healthy flow of information from other, untainted, sources that we have access to. But part of the agenda has been to block as much of this as possible through censorship and poison the rest through the “disinformation” campaign, which is nothing more than a form of sophisticated censorship. Although much of this information is there, it is not read or listened to or watched because it is considered by most to be trash and at best to be ignored, at worst to be actively attacked.

Once a system is closed, there really is little chance of going back unless some radical event takes place. As said earlier, if the sudden deaths get worse, people may break out of the “if I didn’t hear it on the mainstream news, it didn’t happen” syndrome. Or if due to some miracle the mainstream news wakes up and starts reporting actual news and not propaganda. We are at the point in this agenda where only people like those reading this article are privy to what is really happening in the world. Maybe not everything in the alt media we read or see is 100% accurate, but it is closer to the truth than what the news within the closed system is reporting.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Jun 13, 2023 11:27 PM

Our world is very much like the movie, “the Dead Don’t Die”. Most people are walking around like zombies, in a functional coma.

Sam I am
Sam I am
May 22, 2023 2:01 PM

I don’t usually use Reddit. Probably have posted there less than 3 times, ever.
Today I created an account at Reddit and it took less than 10 minutes for me to get banned.
If you aren’t saying the “correct” things about Ukraine at Reddit then forget about it.
A closed system indeed.

May 22, 2023 7:09 AM

“Must we wait until every family has had first hand experience of these horrific deaths?—or until mainstream media starts to take these things seriously and include such events in their news coverage? Unfortunately probably so.”

That is because nearly all people are more like dead horse that need to be kicked — they are living within their chosen bubble world of fantasies and lies (which you call euphemistically ‘closed system’) in a state of willful numbness and deadness … The Emotional Flatliners

May 22, 2023 6:48 AM

Don’t worry, Todd: the mainstream media will surely cover the sudden deaths in a –not too far— future, when the Establishment decide that the time for another huge “fear pandemic” has come…

…because they will use the sudden deaths to declare that another “terrible virus” (or whatever “enemy” they invent at that time) is attacking us.

In other words, they will very probably use sudden deaths to declare that we are facing a “CATASTROPHIC CONTAGION”, as they named the last “exercise” they made on Octuber 2022.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
May 22, 2023 10:58 PM
Reply to  Beatriz

Of course, good point. They have already been doing that to some extent claiming “climate change” as the “heart attack” cause…

May 21, 2023 9:04 PM

Re the Soviet System and people being “disappeared” into the Gulag, a remedy was proposed by Solzhenitsyn: the victims should shout out, and their neighbours should come out and band together to resist instead of cowering behind closed doors.

George Mc
George Mc
May 21, 2023 3:09 PM


“The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a trigger event, intensifying all the underlying contradictions of the capitalist system, including the geopolitical conflicts ushering in a new imperialist redivision of the world. In their response, enacting policies they know will lead to millions of deaths, capitalist governments worldwide have effectively refuted claims that they would not risk a nuclear war because of the immense casualties that would result.

As on war, so on the pandemic, Labor has gone further than the previous Coalition government could have. In opposition, Labor fully supported the profit-driven lifting of most safety measures in December, 2021, leading to an Omicron tsunami engulfing the population.”

Surfing over the mind-numbingly tedious reiteration of “Omicron tsunami”, (the old hits are the best!), note the conflation of “the pandemic” with “war”. A suspicion dawns: covid was a kind of “war on a cheap budget” i.e. achieving the same aims (beating down of the population, excuse for massive movements of money into mysterious destinations, restructuring of society, rewriting of the legal framework etc.) only without the puppet show of silly foreign dictators waving their fists about, massive displays of planes on bombing missions, impressive drill formations featuring “our brave lads” etc.     

Bored now
Bored now
May 21, 2023 11:35 AM

The common ‘normie’ retort to any conspiracy statement of fact is; “So, you think every journalist is in on it?” or “Do you know how many people would have to be in on a conspiracy that big? Someone would talk”.
There are two concepts that need to be understood to explain conspiracies to ‘normies’.
1. Compartmentalization – not everyone who works for CIA or the media is in on it. Everyone knows what they need to know and nothing more. Most people today who work in office jobs for corporations they know nothing about. Do most ‘normies’ even know who they work for? Let alone what the end result of their corporation’s agenda is?
2. De-platforming – people DO talk but they don’t often get heard. For Normie Normansen if it ain’t on the mainstream news it didn’t happen. For those of us lucky enough to have discovered James Corbett, Whiney Webb, UK Column, Truth stream media etc we have heard the whistle blowers, we have read the documents and we know the truth. All we can do is continue to spread ‘the word’ and call it as we see it.
Never be afraid to speak the truth as you see it.
Big love!

Bored now
Bored now
May 21, 2023 11:44 AM
Reply to  Bored now

I forgot to mention offguardian of course. I for one feel very lucky to have discovered this site. Thanks to all involved with this sacred space.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
May 21, 2023 2:22 PM
Reply to  Bored now

These people that run this thing (I am only in contact with Kit Knightly) are beyond amazing. I am so fortunate to have been welcomed into this group.

George Mc
George Mc
May 21, 2023 12:24 PM
Reply to  Bored now

I reckon the two drearily familiar responses – “So, you think every journalist is in on it?” and “Do you know how many people would have to be in on a conspiracy that big? Someone would talk” – are not so much the common “normie” responses but are already manufactured responses in the fake dialogue that the media indulges in. This was all part of that synthetic “conspiracy theory” discourse that was set up decades ago.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
May 21, 2023 2:25 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ve heard these inane statements for decades. When my first wife was dying of cancer and we were frantically looking for alternative treatments since all the conventional ones had her dead in six months (she did manage to live four years from original DX) I heard very often “if there was a cure for cancer it would be on the cover of TIME magazine.” Don’t hold your breath.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
May 21, 2023 5:27 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

There is no cure for cancer.
It is the original medical racketeering project.
Assets for the Canadian Cancer Society are in the billions.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 21, 2023 11:55 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

There are many cures for cancer! It’s a documented fact that numerous natural substances have cured countless thousands, and probably millions, of people’s cancers… and in many cases, cancers which the ‘conventional’ doctors (‘oncologists’…) claimed were ‘terminal’/’incurable’. There are numerous testimonials [with medical documentation too] to the veracity of this fact; properly-informed people will absolutely refuse chemo’therapy’ and/or radio’therapy’, and, if they or a relative or friend is genned-up on the numerous natural substances that have been incontrovertibly proven to have cured cancers, and the sufferer chooses to use one or more of those natural substances/therapies, it is very often the case that that person is then cured of their cancer. The above is also true for animals. There are numerous medically-documented testimonials for the fact that many animals were diagnosed as having ‘terminal’/’incurable’ cancer by a veterinarian (being an Englishwoman, I’m of course using that word to mean an ‘animal doctor’, as opposed to the American meaning of that word, ‘someone [formerly] in the military’, or whatever), but where their human companion (that being the correct spiritual term for what spiritually-unenlightened people call ‘owners’…), or a relative or friend of the human companion, was genned-up on the many natural substances which have been proven to cure many, many cancers, and so the animal (cat, dog, horse, rabbit, bird, whatever) was treated with one or more of those natural substances/therapies. And in very many cases, the animals’ cancers were cured. I recall reading, 25+ years ago, in an excellent book on the Canadian herbal remedy for cancer called Essiac, many examples of how that cancer remedy had cured people of cancers which had been claimed, by the person’s ‘oncologist’, to be ‘terminal’/’incurable’. I especially recall one example, where a person had been told they were 48 hours from death. A… Read more »

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
May 22, 2023 12:37 AM

Hear, hear…thank you.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 22, 2023 1:03 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Thank you, Todd! Like many other informed people on planet Earth, I’ve been trying to inform many people (family members and friends) for many years of the truth of the content of my above post. However, unfortunately, not one of them has been open to that truth. I well recall, approx. 10 years ago, my younger brother [now 57]’s response. He had the audacity to say to me that what I said (re. the existence of many natural cures for cancer) was “offensive”. (??!!??). Whilst my brother is most certainly not stupid (in the ordinary meaning of the word, he’s intelligent, etc, he’s a computer consultant, & has his own, successful business, in that field), when it comes to subjects that are [wrongly] seen as ‘controversial’, he always (but always) ‘believes’ the (corrupt, deceitful) Establishment’s claims. At the time when he said the above audacious, ridiculous statement to me, his (Trinidadian) wife was working in an oncology ward of their local hospital. But that was not why he said to me what he said. For, when it comes to so-called ‘controversial’ subjects, he’s always on the Establishment’s side. Closed-minded to the n’th degree. We have a cousin & her husband and two kids who live in Brisbane, Australia. She and her hubby emigrated there in 2006/07, as also did her elder sister & her husband, at the same time, but the latter family returned here to the UK in 2018. In 2011 or 2012, I communicated via email with the elder cousin (who’s now 51) re. the existence of many natural cures for cancer (their dad being one of the two elder brothers of my dad; all three brothers passed of cancer… all three of the cancers of which they passed are known (and documented so) to be curable by… Read more »

May 22, 2023 6:18 AM

Here is a relevant link applicable to humans. Remember that US tried to patent tumeric, but failed.

The typical exorbitant treatment for cancer only extends life by a couple of months. -Prof. Chas Bountra 2018
Besides insignificant benefit, chemotherapy may worsen cancer. -Yo Sun et al. 2012 

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
May 22, 2023 3:56 PM

I stand very well corrected!
Yes, I was only referring to the Medical Cancer Industry.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 22, 2023 8:13 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

Oh yes, you’re definitely right, there! The Establishment’s Cancer Industry is totally and utterly corrupt. Over the years, I’ve read so many books by whistleblowers and others, books which provide incontrovertible proof that the Cancer Industry is there solely to use toxic ‘treatments’ in order to obtain obscene profits for the wholly corrupt Pharmaceutical/Chemical Industry.

I recall reading, 10+ years ago, several books which related the experiences of an American called Ralph Moss; he worked in the [famous] Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, somewhere in the States. When he discovered that they (the ‘hierarchy’ in that organisation) were trying to cover-up the proven cancer-curative properties of Laetrile (aka Amygdalin), and he tried to expose their deceit, he was sacked (fired, in the American lingo).
Many people around the world have been demonised, or worse, for trying to expose the corruption and deceit of the Cancer Industry.

May 22, 2023 5:02 PM

Christine, are you familiar with a book called “Back to Eden” by Jethro Kloss? In it, he discusses cancers (among other things) which he managed to cure using natural substances.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 22, 2023 6:00 PM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks for the info. on that book, Howard. No, I’d not heard of it before. Have just looked it up!

May 21, 2023 9:41 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

There is no cure for most diseases. But there are surgical, radiation and chemo treatments for cancer that can bring relief and prolong life. These treatments are at least 100 years old.

A new treatment, which I find interesting, is based on an old observation: that energy production in tumours tends to revert to the primaeval “anaerobic” process, which is much less efficient than modern “aerobic” process. There is something wrong with their mitochondria. The proposed new treatment is to administer drugs that shut off anaerobic metabolism. Since normal cells do not rely on anaerobic glycolosis (because it is inefficient) this ought to inhibit the growth of some cancer cells without damaging most normal cells.

I pass on this info for what it is worth, and to keep the Hopium flag waving.

“To cure sometimes, to comfort always, and to do no harm” — Hippocrates, (born 460 bce) ancient Greek physician regarded as the father of modern medicine.

May 21, 2023 9:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

In reply to Bored Now as well, it is not generally mentioned that one can have thousands or millions of “normies” believing and doing the same thing, not because they are conspirators but because they belong to the same “Class” of people. I think that is what Marx meant by the Class System in society. Like starlings wheeling in the sky preparatory to migrating in a flock to some place on the other side of the world that most of them have never seen. It is unlikely that most starlings knew each other — but they felt the same urge and were triggered by the same environmental signals.

Bored now
Bored now
May 22, 2023 10:05 AM
Reply to  NickM

Good point Nick. Although I think ideologies unite people in their actions more than class these days. As long as most people believe that government=good and conspiracy theorists=bad then governments can behave however they like and anyone who points out that fact must be a conspiracy theorist.

George Mc
George Mc
May 21, 2023 12:45 PM
Reply to  Bored now

This modern society we live in has achieved an extremely sophisticated level of organisation in which the division of labour is muddy indeed. e.g. I used to work in a factory which produced printed circuit boards. Everyone knew the boards went into computers and I assumed that these computers would be sold commercially. But no-one knew where these computers would end up or what they would be used for. From the other side, you go into a supermarket and see a vast number of items for sale. You can read the ingredients that go into the items and see where the items come from. None of this tells you who made them or under what circumstances. The whole system is vast and veiled in its networking. Pyramid structures are everywhere. Does your boss let you know what’s going on in the uppermost echelons? Only when it is deemed necessary e.g. when you are being told about “restructuring”, “diversification”, “redundancy” (!) etc. Nobody consults you about any of this. All if this is blocked from public consciousness by the relentless chatter about free enterprise and marketing and taking chances and so on. But effectively it amounts to some people making loads of dosh off the backs of others under a labyrinthine structure where the various arrangements and deals are obscured from view – the very definition of conspiracy. Of course there is a certain “chaos theory” component. Capitalism was always the most dynamic system and the rulers are always unsure about where it is going. But they struggle like hell to ensure they are covered and protected. And moments of crisis – if which there are many – create desperate measures. Hence the reset. Conclusion: There is no strain between this capitalist world and the existence of conspiracies. Indeed it was… Read more »

May 22, 2023 6:30 AM
Reply to  George Mc

They call it attracting investment, free market, market sentiment, deregulation, etc. Compliance with laws, rules and equity are for the little people.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
May 21, 2023 2:21 PM
Reply to  Bored now

These are two very excellent points. I have tried to work in the “need to know” concept into some of my articles but I don’t think I ever have…I have thought about it often. The CIA as an example has perfected the “need to know” idea beyond perfection…it is an art form, and I am sure has been utilized here.

I agree too with your second idea…and people do not realize how powerful that concept is…think about all of the medical doctors that didn’t have a clue what was going on at first and were just, like Eichmann, “following orders”…now many of them suspect something but still keep their mouths shut for fear of repercussions, or do speak out and get “de-platformed”. My doctor nearly lost his license because he was prescribing Ivermectin at the height of this nonsense. He was a brave soul (no longer practices family medicine in Ontario he was so disgusted)…not many like him.

I even wonder how wise it is for me to run around like Chicken Little telling everyone the sky is falling. My profession probably does not look favourably on such big mouths. But I am old, and I really don’t care what happens to me. It is an adventure for sure.

Bored now
Bored now
May 21, 2023 6:43 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Keep your big mouth shouting Todd! You’re doing a great job mate. I for one appreciate you and I’m sure many others do too.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
May 22, 2023 12:39 AM
Reply to  Bored now

Well, THAT made my day! Thank you!

May 21, 2023 9:50 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I think (and often said) it was Covidian Believers who ran about like Chicken Licken squarking that the sky was falling. As for Truthers and suchlike “big mouths”, well:

“Tell the Truth and shame the Devil” — Proverb.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
May 22, 2023 12:41 AM
Reply to  NickM

That is a much more accurate rendition of the Chicken Little story…because he was overwhelmed with fear when an acorn hit is head. I often quote the story erroneously…just because…

May 22, 2023 12:47 PM
Reply to  Bored now

. For those of us lucky enough to have discovered James Corbett, Whiney Webb, UK Column,


Never be afraid to speak the truth as you see it.

There shills.

Bored now
Bored now
May 22, 2023 5:19 PM
Reply to  futurist

Of course…EVERYONE is a shill. Keep telling yourself that and you’ll never have to listen to any opinions or facts that compromise your world view. In big tech they call it the filter bubble. I fear you may be living in filter bubble my friend.
If they’re shills, who are they shilling for?

May 21, 2023 8:32 AM

they are quite selective in what they report
They could be waiting for guidance on the “party line”. “Rapid Response Mechanism” coordinates the stances of selected governments. “Trusted News Initiative” coordinates selected major enterprises in the propaganda industry. “Fact Checking Network” coordinates the “fact-checkers”.

In the “greatest democracy”/”land of the free”, people have been locked up for trying to set up a third politcal party.

As a whimsical quest, you could try asking a covid expert for the official (with proven data) incidence of injury among the jabbed, broken up by
(a) relapse of severe disease, new severe disease/injury and death
(b) days after last jab
(c) income, or whether the person accepted the jab to continue getting welfare aid.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
May 21, 2023 5:39 AM

Pontius Pilate asked: “What is truth?”. Great question. I also like the quote attributed to Otto von Bismarck: “Believe nothing until it is officially denied. Listening to the radio today and reading an old magazine, I found Bismarck’s caveat very useful. I attended Latin Mass for only about the 2nd time in my life (we know the celebrant) and the curious thing is that this little NZ Conservative Catholic cult has seen through this entire Covidian cult. I considered my own Scottish family and found that the most conservative Christians among thought likewise whereas the least Christian were the more Covidian. I cannot explain this Venn diagram intersection. Perhaps minorities thrive under persecution…?

May 21, 2023 9:46 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill


anthony Murphy
anthony Murphy
May 21, 2023 10:27 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

Indeed…the Jehova’s Witness were the only Christian group to refuse cooperation in Germany with the Nazis and were duly persecuted. The rest fell into line.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
May 21, 2023 5:32 PM
Reply to  anthony Murphy

Russia had enough of the JWs gas lighting and nuisance behaviour and told them to stop, or leave.

May 21, 2023 5:02 AM

How truthful you are ! On my SIDE of the Pond I NOTICE ANALOGOUS situations

les online
les online
May 21, 2023 4:59 AM

I always ask:
Why do They want me to know That ?
How does knowing That shape how i view The World?
What dont They want me to know ?

May 21, 2023 1:35 AM

comment image

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
May 21, 2023 12:33 AM

What say we cut to the chase, eh? What the author wrote is all true…..but how and why did we get here?
In a nutshell – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/05/the-unholy-trinity-of-deceit.html?m=0 – this begins the process of discovering long standing truths….but most folks pay no attention to it, which includes MOST pew sitters…..and I know that from long experience…..because it hasn’t affected them personally…..YET.
The human mind is deceived beginning from birth and continues to death…..never even close to understanding reality…..and thus lives a life of delusion…..with occasional stumbling over reality…..but quickly pick themselves up, dust themselves off and continue down the old road.
A good example of it just today is a post on Vox Day about conservatives who still think it’s 1950 or 1980.
If you really want to dig deeper – http://www.crushlimbraw.com – but be prepared to burst just about ALL your bubbles – GUARANTEED!

May 21, 2023 3:59 PM
Reply to  Crush Limbraw

Many – perhaps most – people have trouble understanding reality because they refuse to come to terms with the obvious nature of reality – namely, that it’s entirely material.

They insist on making it something more than what they can experience with their senses. As if there is an overarching supernatural realm which the material realm merely mirrors.

Of course, since there’s no evidence whatsoever for this supernatural realm, people’s understanding of reality gets skewed from day one of their lives.

“God watches over my little baby,” they might say. No, sorry, God doesn’t watch over anything.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 22, 2023 9:41 AM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, I’ve told you in a number of posts (approx. 9-12 months ago, here on Off-G) that there are a veritable wealth (mountain-loads) of multi-faceted evidences which absolutely, incontrovertibly prove (and I am not using the word ‘prove’ lightly or incorrectly) that there IS a spiritual realm to this multi-dimensional cosmos. In those earlier posts, I told you (with some details) that there are 20+ [twenty+] categories of those multi-faceted evidences which prove that we do all survive (in our eternal, immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. I told you, correctly, that there are countless millions of properly-informed people worldwide who are spiritually-enlightened; ie, that they all know that the actual nature of the thing [oh so wrongly] termed ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory, face-value mere appearance. I also told you that amongst those countless millions of properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world are many scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc. They have all discovered the veritable wealth of evidences which demonstrate that ‘death’ is NOT what it seems to be. That it’s not an ending, but a transitional event: where we return to the Spirit dimension (of this multi-dimensional cosmos): that being where we all originate from. If you are closed-minded, you’ll not learn the truth of the above until the eventual day on which you do what’s so very wrongly termed ‘die’. I assure you that, when that day comes, for you, that you will indeed discover that what I’ve said above (and in my posts to you on this, months ago) is indeed the very real truth. The spirit body in which we survive the death of our physical body is the thing which literally animates our… Read more »

May 22, 2023 3:47 PM

The closest thing to any sort of spiritual realm I can even remotely imagine would be a situation where the person (i.e., the physical entity) over the course of his/her life constructs a kind of “spirit.” And that “spirit” – which is composed of specialized matter – may leave the body upon its death.

This dovetails with my hypothesis of time; namely, that time is a creation of living entities (not just humans). All our lives we create time – more of it when we’re young, less when we’re old. And the time being created – which, also, is a physical substance, probably waves like gravity – eventually ends up as what’s called “Dark Matter.”

My hypotheses, allow me to say, come closer to considering those who die in infancy. The Spiritualist theory makes no sense in terms of these “deaths.” A friend, who was a Spiritualist (she’s moved on now), explained it that the spirit realized the body it chose could never accomplish what it wanted to do in “this life”; so it left that body and the infant died.

BTW, even though I’ve read many of your comments regarding Spiritualism, as I recall the particular discussion we previously had centered around Reincarnation specifically rather than Spiritualism in general.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 22, 2023 5:50 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, you will one day discover (remember, actually, for everyone, at their soul level, knows that we do all survive [in our immortal spirit body form] the illusory event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’) that we do indeed all survive the death of our physical body ‘coat’. No matter what you may ‘think’ to the contrary! And that therefore there most definitely does exist more than ‘merely’ this physical world. We do not ‘construct’ our spirit body! Our (eternal, immortal) spirit body is the REAL, indestructible us, and has existed literally forever!! That is a statement of fact, & not ‘nonsense’. The immortal spirit entity that we each are, lives many, many lifetimes. Throughout literal eternity. And, for all the uninformed, closed-minded people who ‘don’t believe’ that, well, one day they will all discover that the above are all statements of absolute fact! Things which are facts do not stop being facts, simply because some people ‘don’t believe’ those facts! We truly do all live in a multi-dimensional cosmos. Ie, there do exist other, spiritual, dimensions. They all interpenetrate this physical dimension. For, as I recall relating in previous posts, literally everything in the multi-dimensional cosmos is comprised of energy vibrating at different frequencies; energy vibrating at a [relatively] slow speed creates what we term ‘physical matter’; and energy vibrating at a very rapid frequency creates spiritual ‘stuff’. Including the eternal, immortal spirit body which is the real us, which is what literally animates our physical body during every one of our eternal soul’s many, lifetimes. And it’s precisely because the real us is that spirit body that is why we do all survive (in that spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. At the moment of ‘death’, the spirit body (the real us) literally emerges from… Read more »

May 23, 2023 3:44 AM

I think it’s safe to say that many people do not believe in this spirit realm; the question then becomes “Why don’t they?” Specifically, if each person possesses a spirit, why do they not recognize its presence?

It has to be either because this spirit remains silent and well-hidden; or else not everyone has a spirit.

In the context of reincarnation, it might be possible to be unaware of the spirit if the current incarnation is either the first or the last.

May 23, 2023 5:06 PM

I’d like to add a couple more points here. First, that if those with clairvoyant sight can see a spirit ascending from the body, then that suggests these spirits are in fact matter after all. No one can perceive that which has no substance.

And, second, it would be possible for a given spirit to become so comfortable with the body – the “shell” – it occupies that it does not wish to leave. Would that trigger something in the nature of an attack from other spirits to force the wayward spirit to stick to the plan? But if it’s an individual plan, conceived by the spirit itself and belonging to no other spirit, then interference would be unthinkable.

May 28, 2023 8:43 PM
Reply to  Howard

You are 100 percent correct, God is nowhere to be found.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 21, 2023 12:09 AM

Great reminder to us all! However, there are ways to sleuth out the or, rather, some of the truth. But a person must be interested enough to attempt this. For example, government’s excess mortality statistics, though skewed and minimised they may be, are available freely to all. Searching on government databases, such as PubMed, can reveal that vaccines are not only ineffective but also detrimental to our health, though “further studies” are always required, of course, to placate the sponsors.

Jubal hershaw
Jubal hershaw
May 20, 2023 11:59 PM

Last chance, before it’s censored.

Monty Python’s Life of Brian – Loretta:

erik nielsen
erik nielsen
May 20, 2023 11:23 PM

When media is closed people will normally talk more to each other. From third countries which lack genuine news, people develop a habit to tell about their experiences.

Jubal hershaw
Jubal hershaw
May 20, 2023 10:59 PM

What’s this “news” you feel you are missing out on ?
Are you a “news” Junkie ? Do you miss your daily Fix ?

May 20, 2023 10:22 PM

What’s really funny is how people think this is a new phenomenon. Mark Twain talked about it in his own time, even openly admitted to falsifying stories himself, just as a matter of course because everyone did it.
Nothing new is happening, we’ve always been blind.

May 20, 2023 10:21 PM

Courtesy of Mark Crispin Miller:
“Oh, peace train, take this country, come take me home again”

May 20, 2023 9:59 PM

An example in a different vein: My far left U.S. Senator of the state of Michigan sent a me some propaganda (and it’s all propaganda). It is fruit season and a pest is threatening the cherry crop and he was proud to have facilitated efforts to eradicate the pest. I wrote to him and asked what he was doing to stop eradicating cherry trees with the installation of solar panels. Haven’t heard anything back yet.

May 20, 2023 9:52 PM

Closed systems are an unsustainable technological Illusion.

Where there are Humans there will be naturally open systems.

Emotion is more powerful than academic intellect.

Use your fear as an ally but not as a master.

Have no limitation as your limitation.

Soul needs no technology.

May 20, 2023 9:47 PM

said phenomenon of ‘closed systems’ is much more complex than intimated here, viz. ‘closed systems’ = cybernetics (circular causal processes); which has been invoked in essentially every sphere our societies including but not limited to: e-government; e-entertainment; e-health; e-education; e-social media; e-media; e-corps; etc.; etc.; etc.. In essence, the kakistocracy has invoked an open-air, digital, panoptic prison working from outer space (via constellation of satellite systems); down to the cellular level (via mRNA gene therapies; precision medicine; food; water; air; etc.). That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 20, 2023 8:09 PM

The new false ternary:

US = Bad
Russia = Bad


(Ta, Da!!!)

Ukraine = Good.

W From Poland
W From Poland
May 20, 2023 9:26 PM

you are right
equotation Ukraine = Good

May 20, 2023 9:54 PM

Bad = Good

Good = Bad


Good Bad = Bad Good

May 21, 2023 12:55 AM

I do not know of anyone making such a claim. Do you?

May 20, 2023 6:52 PM

This nonsense has been going on for over three years, and now people are dying suddenly left, right and centre.

I never thought it would come to this. These poisons are worse than anything I expected. And so is the public reaction to them.

May 21, 2023 9:57 PM
Reply to  October

“And so is the public reaction to them.”

Even worse is the public non-reaction to these poisons.

May 20, 2023 6:42 PM

Simon Elmer on the threat we face.

“Fascism is the axe blade within this loose carapace of law, culture and politics, and when those don’t function any more the axe comes out.”

Agamben: “The camp is the permanent spacialisation of the state of exception.”

Arendt: “Ideological thinking is a way of not thinking. It is a way of making decuctions from a first premise.”

TLDR: 00:30:00 Elmer’s comments citing Hannah Arendt: https://www.bitchute.com/video/AqFyy9LPQkKD/

Thanks to George Mc for pointing me to this.

May 21, 2023 6:24 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

bitcoin fixes this https://thenetworkstate.com/

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
May 20, 2023 6:19 PM

This phenomena (if you could call it that) has been around for decades. I’ve never thought of it as being some kind of master plan but merely the result of people selecting ‘sound’ people to work with. One or two mavericks might be tolerated, especially if they’re colorful characters, but overall your chances of getting a job, especially in media, depends on how well you fit in, how much of a team player you are and so on. However, there is subtle coercion going on behind the scenes as well as quite obvious story plants. The plants are easy to spot in the same way that a push-poll is easy to spot — questions are asked in the context of the intended answer. Such stores are often facile and include personification of selected individuals to provide human interest that we’re intended to identify with. This is what leads me to the notion of ‘soundness’ because if I, a casual reader, can see the stuff screaming at me it must also be obvious to any half competent journalist but they either don’t care (“Its not my concern, I do sports”) or need the job enough to know when to keep their concerns to themselves. Right now where reality collides with PR is not so much the events in Ukraine as the coverage of the G7 meeting. The PR machinery is in hyperdrive trying to present to us a ‘unified front against China’. Nothing about the everyday struggles of our populations, of course, and everyone’s supposed to overlook the incongruity of hosting such a meeting in Japan (even if it was held in Hiroshima) given Japan’s somewhat less that stellar track record in China that’s still in living memory. But I’d guess the “don’t care” feedback is sufficiently strong that they can… Read more »

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
May 20, 2023 5:32 PM

It will eventually dawn on people, and the only conclusion a healthy critical mind can come to is that there are powerful people pushing our gov’ts to either kill us or control us. Like feudal lords they break the rules and laws and get away with murder.
There will always be those who will just take the abuse and learn to live with it. Thankfully these type of people are a minority and don’t represent the whole.

Our so-called gov’ts have spent a fortune on propaganda and silencing voices and yet it isn’t enough. The Blighty gov’t has reportedly employed 70,000 trolls to attack people online. That’s a lot of cleaning and grooming bills paid for by the people.

More people than ever are seeking alternative media. That’s a good sign. Even the worst of it will get people to think critically and hopefully spend some time digging a little deeper instead of lounging in front of their telescreens soaking up social engineering programmes.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 20, 2023 8:04 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

‘Thankfully these type of people are a minority and don’t represent the whole.’

Really ?

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
May 20, 2023 9:22 PM

It’s been approximated at 30%, or are you just clutching at straws?

May 21, 2023 1:41 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Covid has shown us that it’s far higher than 30%, regardless of country.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
May 21, 2023 11:34 AM
Reply to  TRT

You may be correct. I hope so. Those who will swallow the gov’t bullshit and the poison time and again. Those who are convinced that CO2 is a dangerous gas lurking in our atmosphere, and those willing to give up the best way, for some the only way, for humans to travel ever created will never see the error of their ways.

May 21, 2023 5:31 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

That 40% that reside in the middle are the issue here. From what I see about half that mythical 40% buy in to the covidiocy. While I’d love to think it’s only the 30% zealots who believe in the whole scam, from what I see we’re looking at half that still think covid was real, that the measures taken were necessary but maybe a bit extreme, but they still think it was real. That’s not a minority IMHO.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
May 21, 2023 11:45 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

We saw the same kind of mindset in the people of Blighty during and after the first Gulf war. 40 years on and attitudes have changed somewhat. Today, toady blaaar cannot get any political traction because of it. Still, he’s lucky he isn’t in gaol already.
Perhaps we shall have to wait around another 40 years before the ‘covid’ truth finally soaks through to the bottom?

May 21, 2023 1:04 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Many people took the Covid deal willingly. Some of the upsides:

  • Work from home
  • Close a failing small business with a socially acceptable reason and government support
  • Avoid less pleasant contacts (like step family)
  • Buy a second car to avoid public transport
  • Make fun of “science deniers”, take their jobs, eliminate their competition for promotion
  • Skip holidays you can no longer afford for a socially acceptable reason

Loss of face is a recurring theme. It plays a role in climate too. It’s not that you can’t afford the holiday, you refuse to damage the climate or risk spreading a disease. It reminds me about footbinding, where Chinese parents crushed their daughter’s feet to gain social standing.

May 20, 2023 5:21 PM

I see “Sam I am” and her comment has been relegated to the ‘non persona grata’ bin.

Don’t become a limited hangout…

May 20, 2023 4:53 PM

We’re always – always always always always – being told here that climate change is a great big oligarchic hoax meant to destroy fossil fuel.

Have a look at this article; and that closed system conclusion just might look a bit ragged at the edges.

The Numbers BlackRock Won’t Crunch – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Clothing at straws
Clothing at straws
May 20, 2023 7:43 PM
Reply to  Howard

Apparently the Maldives disappeared under water 20 years ago and the Dutch dykes can’t hold back the sea.

But neither of these things are true.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
May 20, 2023 4:45 PM

Zionists tricked hundreds of thousands onto the trains to Auschwitz.
They did this in full knowledge of the fate of their fellow Jews.
The Zionists were the trusted leaders of the Jewish community and
that made their treachery all the easier to achieve.

And they ended up in work camps or forced to immigrate to Palestine.

Why is one’s victimization worth more than any one else’s?

May 20, 2023 4:42 PM

One indicator of lack of trust and vesting in the SYSTEM is the slow withdrawal of voters from voting. Just 4 days ago we had a local election in Eugene OR and a recalled City Councilor in our Ward had 3 people running to replace her. The Dem copy of the recalled Councilor had most of the money, lawn signs, politician recommendations and came in first. The Repug copy ran a slime campaign and came in second. The independent candidate that represented the policies the recall side wanted, had no money, lawn signs or politician recommendations and came in third. The real big story tho is 74% of eligible voters DID NOT VOTE. The two top SYSTEM SELLOUTS will runoff in another meaningless election, successfully throwing the SYSTEM rebel to the curb.


People realize the SYSTEM rigs itself to their FALSE BINARY (like the above two candidates) which wins them decision making control over society. Really, why vote. The people get it, but probably do not realize no one else is voting because media never tells us the low proportion of society voting. The reports are always % of “registered voters” or purely a list of the number result, which the public does not compare to the number of eligible voters. I started looking at this about 10 years ago, when I saw Jerry Brown in CA won the gubernatorial race of 2014 with no more than 15% of eligible voters. Eric Adams the current Mayor of New York was elected by less than 20% of eligible voters. From what i can tell, the only US elections consistently getting more than 50% of eligible voters is prez and that only gets 60% at it’s best. The next one I’m guessing will be a bomb. Everyone’s jumping ship.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
May 20, 2023 4:17 PM

The overlords have set an accelerated time table to establish the standards and agenda, for their global coup d’état. Their plan is to treat us as Catherine Austin Fitts observed like mushrooms: “keep up in the dark and only feed us cow manure”. We can see their plans based upon whistleblowers and the results of their closed conferences, table top exercises and their policies like Event 201.https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/tabletop-exercises/event-201-pandemic-tabletop-exercise#recommendations
Read the Event 201 Recommendations and you’ll see the blueprint for the closed loop of COVID propaganda narratives and how they plan to organize and coordinate their social reengineering agenda by employing each recommendation. They gaslight us and lie to us at every turn; by now we should be accustomed to it and adapt accordingly. One simple rule is be skeptical of everything the corporate media says about any and everything.

George Mc
George Mc
May 20, 2023 3:55 PM

People certainly do not have a problem believing Trump is conniving and deceiving. They have no problem believing the Republican Party is conspiring to destroy democracy and the Constitution of the United States. They have no problem believing that everything Fox News reports is a lie and a slave to special interests. Why are all these examples the ones to hate and not trust? That question does not have an obvious answer; it is actually quite complicated.

No, it is actually quite simple. The Left/Right divide is a psyop in itself – because

  • It helps to divide people,
  • it muddies the waters by splitting issues apart that could easily go together. (There is no contradiction in applying the Marxist notion of how capitalism works and also assuming that there are actual conspiracies and, in fact, that capitalism even needs conspiracies.)
  • It further muddies the water by merging together matters that have no necessary connection e.g. conspiracy theory and anti-Semitism. (You can easily have one without the other.)
  • It’s handy when the ruling class want to change tack e.g. from “Right Wing No Alternative neoliberalism” (where the enemy was “The Loony Left”) to the “Left Wing No Alternative fight against covid/climate change/etc.” (where the enemy is now “The Far Right”).

That last one is where we are now. Hence Fox News and other “Right Wing” channels are now “the enemy”.

George Mc
George Mc
May 20, 2023 4:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

For the last point, see the case of Simon Elmer. He is the only one you might describe as a genuine Marxist writer who has totally seen through the covid/climate/transgender bullshit. The other Marxist writers can be divided into two groups:

  • That miniscule lot who have seen through the scams but have permitted themselves to get side-tracked towards the old familiar anachronistic – and indeed antediluvian – issues of Leftist lore (“patriarchy”, “racism”, “anti-Semitism” etc.) i.e. the very issues that have been weaponised in favour of the covid/climate/reset programme.
  • The vast majority still on the covid/climate bandwagon.

And frankly, given the archaic fixations of the former group, they may as well be the latter.

The upshot of all this is that Simon has had his articles highlighted by such “Right Wing” channels as “Conservative Woman”. He has noted the irony himself but, quite rightly, doesn’t give a shit.


The vast majority of Leftists will just laugh at him with, “Oh there’s the guy on Conservative Woman! How unwoke! How reactionary! But what else can you expect from a conspiracy nut like him?”

May 20, 2023 9:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t think I’ve read Simon Elmer, that I can recall. Thanks for alerting me to him. I am going to go look into his writings and ideas now.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 21, 2023 6:46 AM
Reply to  mjh

He’s published here on OffG quite regularly


May 21, 2023 6:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Simon Elmer has elucidated the true role of the monarchy (UK), as well as an approximation of¹ its true wealth (as opposed to Forbes ludicrously low ball estimates) in this linked article, Coronation Day: The Functions of the Monarchy. His analysis of the dynamics of heterogenous vis a vis homogeneous elements of society under contemporary capitalism is, imo, profound.


Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
May 20, 2023 7:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc


May 20, 2023 10:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Your bullet points do not support your statement. For example, why does the fact that something divides people mean it is a psyop?

Elections measure national sentiment. Left and right both strive for a majority. To do that they end up chasing the same voter, in the exact middle of the spectrum. Approaching the middle makes left and right nearly identical.

If you want change, you have to change the opinion of the average American. Both parties will then follow that lead. Those parties operate in a larger world where the opinion of the average American is only one input, but that is as it should be.

May 21, 2023 7:16 AM

And we can all relax – safe in the knowledge that dementia Joe won squarely and fairly.

George Mc
George Mc
May 21, 2023 9:57 AM

why does the fact that something divides people mean it is a psyop? Well there is your first problem. You speak of something dividing people – as if that just happens by some natural process. But what we are talking about here is “The Left” and “The Right” i.e. political designations assumed (and rammed down everyone’s throat) throughout the media. This is something the media does. Therefore it means something as a tactic. Furthermore I see you simply repeat the “Left” and “Right” language with no further thought. Elections measure national sentiment. Left and right both strive for a majority. To do that they end up chasing the same voter, in the exact middle of the spectrum. Approaching the middle makes left and right nearly identical. We are in the realm of the media all the way here. “Left” and “Right” are automatically presupposed. But they are media props. Your last sentence there at least shows some incipient awareness: Left and Right are indeed “nearly identical”. Actually they are totally identical and only differ in presentation – that “elected “presentation which reflects the way the rulers want to go. No matter what party gets elected, it’s the same ones who rule. The only difference it makes is in terms of indicating which “face” they are now going to adopt. And even that is something that is not “decided” by the electorate. Michael Moore (back in the days when he was good for something) detailed the astonishing shenanigans that went on for the election of GWB back in 2000. The US ruling class were about to unveil the new epic: “The War On Terror” and it was essential that the Republicans i.e. the “party of war” get in. If you want change, you have to change the opinion of the average… Read more »

May 21, 2023 1:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thanks for your thoughtful comment. Different people have different priorities. The group has to agree on how to distribute the available resources. So division is a very natural process.

The fact that the rich spend money on the political process means there is some power there. I agree that using the media to sow division is a tactic. If they succeed, that success is worth something to them.

All of that is negated by what I said above. No change will come from the electoral system.

I agree with that. In my view elections are a measurement. Left and right push the outcome to the center. Measuring by itself does not change anything.

The sentiment underlying the measurement does result in change. The power of the voters pushes in that direction. That power is not absolute. Other people, other countries and Nature will have other ideas.

A regular and fair measurement is a good idea. I went to my local election count, and saw with my own eyes that the globalists and the climate activists gained most people’s votes.

May 21, 2023 10:14 PM

“The fact that the rich spend money on the political process means there is some power there.”

From “Maigret’s First Case” by Georges Simenon:

“Above a certain level of wealth money becomes less important than power”.

Power in the family, power in inheritance, power in the boardroom, power in the country, power in the world.

May 21, 2023 6:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Balaji Srinivasan argues that left and right are “…almost like magnetic north and south, like yin and yang, seemingly encoded into our nature.”


George Mc
George Mc
May 20, 2023 3:40 PM

Simon Elmer has emphasised the importance of keeping physically in touch with other people and talking to them on a face-to-face basis. As an example, he spoke of a conversation he had at a supermarket checkout where the assistant was behind a glass panel and Simon pointed out the uselessness of the panel.

And – just on cue – my last trip to Tesco revealed a whole new system whereby scanning devices are arrayed on a wall and the shopper can authorise the use of one using their Tesco Club Card. After that, they can scan each item in as they pick it up off the shelves and bag it right away. At the end they only have to pay using their card at the exit. And in one fell swoop they have both managed to axe any number of jobs and have also considerately removed the “trouble” of having to talk to check-out staff.

Another advancement towards the matrix.  

May 20, 2023 7:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This is another splendid example of a phenomenon presciently described (and appropriately excoriated) by author Lynne Truss in her modest 2005 book Talk to the Hand: The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door. I would love an updated edition which discusses the subsequent smartphone and social-media “revolutions” which were only getting underway when she wrote the book. Of course, to keep up she might have to re-title the book “Sixty Good Reasons, etc.” instead of a mere six. One chapter addresses the exact phenomenon or trend you encountered at Tesco. It’s entitled “Why Am I the One Doing This?” I regret paraphrasing or summarizing it off the top of my head, since Truss’s prose does an infinitely better job. But just to venture a paraphrase: Truss discusses how commerce and corporate culture have gradually transformed merchant/customer relations in many pernicious ways: one is that commercial enterprises use technology to make the customer do work formerly done by employees. She specifically mentions “live” telephone receptionists being eliminated in favor of Kafkaesque “voice mail”. She first identifies examples like this, then goes on to astutely point out that dumping lots of now-depersonalized, dehumanized “routine” transactions onto customers via wholly-automated processes is reprehensibly “sold” to the public as if it’s all for their (i.e. “our”) benefit– or at worst a win-win development. That is, the unilateral top-down “improvements” are touted as “empowering” customers, giving them state-of-the-art “tools” to put customers in charge of their business, and enhancing their “experience” and satisfaction. “Your call is important to us!” was an insidious precursor to totalitarian data-mining disguised as solicitous, altruistic concern: “Your eating habits are important to us!“. But even more insidious is the creeping trend of making that “call” entirely superfluous or redundant. Now… Read more »

May 21, 2023 10:31 PM
Reply to  Ort

We used to say, My life was on that Filofax.

Then we used to say, My life was on that Smartphone.

But now we have a better experience: My life was on that phone. Fortunately, when I bought a new phone they replaced all my personal data from the Cloud.

May 20, 2023 10:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Here in The Netherlands the scanning devices were one of the options. It turns out walking around with a scanner is kind of difficult.

An alternative was to scan with a smartphone. A phone is an expensive item to wave around while grabbing items.

A third alternative won out, and that is scanning your products at the checkout counter. You can then pay using a card. For one in ten customers, an employee picks three random items from your bag, and checks if you paid those.

This system seems to work well and looks like it will be the only way to shop from this summer onward.

May 21, 2023 10:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“the “trouble” of having to talk to check-out staff”

A 1930s letter from Einstein in the U$A describes the convenience of supermarket shopping: going around with your little basket, just picking up what you want and taking it the checkout point without having to ask for anything,

May 22, 2023 9:00 AM
Reply to  NickM

Interesting that on his return to Germany he spoke about the soulless, female-dominated, entertainment-obsessed world that America epitomised. I would question all anecdotes relating to Einstein, given that there were known to be several doubles running around to confuse potential assassins / abductors. Just a few of the interesting stories relating to the Einstein that stayed on the Belgian coast are: he wrote love poems to the Queen (Elizabeth of Belgium), he played the violin in front of a huge audience in the Kursaal in Ostend and mostly wore women’s sandals, ostensibly due to a toe problem. One story has it that the reason for this was that the shop in De Haan where he went to buy them had such friendly staff that he felt compelled to buy something there even though they only had women’s shoes. And according to my mother, who met him there when she was a young girl, he was ‘not a nice person ‘.

May 20, 2023 3:19 PM

One sign the propaganda is failing:

All it seems they’ve been able to do is shift veggies over to veganism – but that’s it. No doubt it will come again….

Not everybody may be doing this for necessarily the reasons we might prefer but they’re showing that, deep down, they know there’s something going on here and it’s wrong.

May 21, 2023 8:56 AM
Reply to  Edwige

For millenia, the vast majority was vegetarian, with the rare exception of treats of meat or fish. Veganism is something someone dreamt up a few decades ago.

May 21, 2023 10:36 PM
Reply to  mgeo

From the Biography of a Super Tramp, by WH Davies, early 19th century:

“Americans eat meat at every meal, while in England only on Sundays and lucky at that.”

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
May 20, 2023 2:27 PM

The “AIDS crisis” was every bit as much a hoax as the recent scamdemic. Ironically, it was spearheaded by the same USA psychopath as the latter 35 years latter, Tony Fauci. Once they managed to scare the shit out of enough people through fake news, they were able to use a fake antibody test, the Western Blot, to administer a lethal drug, AZT, a DNA terminator. In the dosage administered in the 1980s and 1990s, this drug was guaranteed to kill people within a year who were suckered into believing that they were “HIV” positive, the symptoms of which, not accidentally, mimicked the fake AIDS mythology. Rinse and repeat in 2020 on a far greater scale.

One exception to this mass execution was Magic Johnson. His sports acuity indicated a high degree of “street smarts.” Once testing positive, creating much noise in the MSM, he went on AZT for a couple of months. He felt increasingly like crap, went off the AZT, and went on a healthy, mainly organic diet. And he is still on this benighted planet at the age of 63.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
May 20, 2023 4:46 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

And fully ignored!

May 20, 2023 2:04 PM

a) the wife just read me a story from the lamestream media about a 46 year old who died of natural causes. b) now she’s making bacon and eggs so i’m almost certain it’s saturday morning.

May 20, 2023 2:02 PM

Reading this article “Public Opinion” came to my mind, where Walter Lippmann tried to explain the same problem 100 years ago …

May 20, 2023 1:54 PM

I agree that our circle of awareness can and usually does act as a barrier to truth, and it would be reasonable to say that people are are manipulated into ever greater isolation to prevent the cohesion and understanding that might come from a more naturally developed society.

We are at the point in this agenda where only people like those reading this article are privy to what is really happening in the world. Maybe not everything in the alt media we read or see is 100% accurate, but it is closer to the truth than what the news within the closed system is reporting.

I can’t agree that the view from one window holds the a truer perspective on our world than the other. At best, I can agree that both windows provide a view containing information that may or may not be true, that may or may not be constructed for a hidden agenda and that may or may not be intended to obscure other information that would reveal a different reality.

I don’t see a system in which truth is allowed to be seen. Do you believe you live in such a system? I see a system built to misinform, manipulate and exploit people. It’s difficult to imagine the designer of such a system would allow a space for truth and clarity to seed and spread.

May 20, 2023 1:45 PM

Wherever ideology rears its ugly head, a closed system can’t be far behind.

I’m sorry to say it; but a system like this forum which by and large refuses to accept or even imagine that humans can completely wreck the natural environment is as surely “closed” as any mainstream information dispensing machine.

With all the technology at our fingertips, and all the immense machinery scooping up entire mountains for a lump of coal, only a completely closed mind could ever entertain the notion that resources are unlimited and human caused damage to the planet is a complete hoax.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
May 20, 2023 2:49 PM
Reply to  Howard

The argument is usually about what damage humans cause. I have zero problem believing that humans have caused immense damage to global soil, partly through deforestation, partly through poor ploughing techniques, partly through over-fertilisation, partly through inappropriate agriculture for the terrain.

I have much greater problems believing dogma that carbon dioxide alone is the root cause of 1.5C warming over 175 years, which is entirely within the envelope of change as measured over hundreds of thousands of years, be that via ice cores or deep sea cores.

I have no problem realising that mining has consequences, so does pollution of rivers.

But I have a huge problem when people say that chemtrails do not get created and they do not affect anything.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
May 20, 2023 4:50 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

My argument comes down to this:

When all the climatic geo-engineering is stopped, let’s talk about climate change.

May 20, 2023 4:31 PM
Reply to  Howard

Are humans theoretically destroy earth? Sure. But that’s a hypothetical. If the actual question before us is, Is global warming destroying the earth? Then the answer to that is that there is at present no global warming occurring. They just keep this theoretical problem alive through computer modeling and simulation.

That being the case, why don’t we start worrying about real problems that are actually killing us instead? Like those damned clot-shots! Like all the dangerous chemicals in our air, water, and food! I am so tired of worrying about make-believe problems like ‘climate change,’ ‘transphobia’ and ‘white supremacy’.

May 20, 2023 1:31 PM

‘ There is so much going on we don’t know about.’

True. On the other hand, there is so much I know that I don’t need to know about.’

Honestly, it’s more important to me to unlearn the things I don’t need to know about, then to learn the things that I don’t know about.’

Also the things that go on that I don’t know about are basically all the same: conn tricks, where different artists in different situations play the same trick: LOOK OVER THERE! And in the meantime you get conned.

That’s all you need to know about the going on that we don’t know about.

May 20, 2023 12:35 PM

I link my own article not because I want publicity – I don’t give a shit – but I woudn’t waste your time or mine by retyping.

May 21, 2023 10:46 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

From your Link:

“Not all the journalists are boxed [in an office]. Some sit in an attic, some at the kitchen table and others in a humble shed. [But their] windowless hangar is as much psychological as to do with location or architecture.”

peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
May 20, 2023 12:17 PM

The prospect of avoiding another world war seems very remote, primarily because very few see it coming, trusting in their own teleological views of history. But history can be distilled into a simple syllogism: every empire eventually gets the war it is trying to avoid – its own collapse; everybody wants to avoid nuclear war; so, there will be a nuclear war. Paradoxically, until the pure logic of this statement is accepted there is no prospect of averting nuclear Armageddon.

May 20, 2023 4:35 PM

Beware: just as they hoaxed a plague to give themselves an excuse to inject us all with poison, they might try and hoax a nuclear incident of some sort in order to give themselves a justification to round everybody up and send them to FEMA camps or whatever. As an example of what might be in the offing, I’ve been watching this depleted uranium shell story closely.

May 21, 2023 10:56 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Depleted uranium is the cheapest way to inflict the permanent biological horror of nuclear war while avoiding its temporary damage to infrastructure because DU dust contains Plutonium, a long lasting and extremely poisonous radioactive atom. Not only can a single atom of Plutonium cause cancers or birth defects; it can also cause heritable mutations in parents that will continue to generate birth defects in their offspring in later generations. NATZO has inflicted this nuclear horror on Serbia, Iran and now Ukraine.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
May 20, 2023 11:39 AM

I wonder if anyone remembers how bizarre the 80’s were, when the Reagan administration and media completely ignored the AIDS crisis for many years. That was the real beginning of neoliberalism (fascist privatization, deregulation, union-busting, erosion of middle class, etc.). But even prior to this, people had no internet and just 3 primary TV channels to get their news, yet they were still able to win basic human rights, so has anything REALLY changed? Maintain human integrity, especially when ruling factions have lost their own humanity.

Truth of the matter is, the British banking power never really gave up:

Open vs Closed Systems Collide- Ellen Brown and Matt Ehret discuss VOL 2 of Clash of the Two Americas

Western News Media Exist To Administer Propaganda

May 20, 2023 4:41 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but HIV/AIDS was another hoax — a test-run for the Covid-hoax, in fact. Here’s Kary Mullis (inventor of the PCR test) on HIV/AIDS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19sz3DocJ-Q

Sadly, he died in 2019, just two months before the Covid-psyop began.

As far as Ronald Reagan is concerned, his greatest sin was pushing ahead with GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), which later became the WTO and led to NAFTA as well.

May 22, 2023 7:15 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

If AIDS is a hoax how come it spread by contact, from mail homosexuals to male bisexuals, from male bisexuals to female heterosexuals, from wife to husband, and from mother to child? In the late 1980s, when there were only a few hundred cases among male homos in California, I made a math model for my students to download on their PC. By plugging in the known rates of infection between homo partners, and the known rates of partnering between homo, hetero and bisexual partners (both the married and the unmarried) they could see theoretical cases of AIDS spreading across the groups till it reached millions in the 21st century. Today, 38.4 million:

“Globally, 38.4 million [33.9–43.8 million] people were living with HIV at the end of 2021. An estimated 0.7% [0.6-0.8%] of adults aged 15–49 years worldwide are living with HIV, although the burden of the epidemic continues to vary considerably between countries and regions.”

HIV – World Health Organization (WHO)

May 22, 2023 3:24 PM
Reply to  NickM

Since I don’t stoop to using the stupid voting system, I’ll just say I totally agree with you on this one.

Too many in this forum are too quick to dismiss everything as a hoax. They apparently lack the subtlety to even consider that just because some people took advantage of the situation to get rich does not mean that the entire thing was a hoax.

I keep saying, e.g., that money is the biggest scam of all time – and I keep getting shot down by those who insist that just because some people take advantage of this medium of exchange does not make it a hoax.

So they can spot a hoax a mile away – as long as it’s anything but money.

May 20, 2023 11:31 AM

Looking back in time, how closed are we, by historical standards? What did a Roman know, or a farmer in the Middle Ages?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 20, 2023 12:29 PM

Looking forward in time we are headed for a neo-feudal system putting most of us back to the status of a serf farmer in the middle ages if we do nothing about it.

The “Public Private Partnership” sounds nice and fluffy but you and me are neither the “public” bit nor the “private” bit

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
May 20, 2023 4:24 PM

We will not be farmers, the overlords will control the food supply. They will use the food to keep us doped and comatose. We will be relegated to Zombie/drone like status with Guaranteed Basic Income (aka Universal Basic Income) to keep us docile and pacified in their digitized social credit compliance system.

May 21, 2023 9:05 AM

If fluoride in drinking (and irrigation) water is kosher and established science, just about anything can be.

May 20, 2023 5:24 PM

The serfs must remember their “public”.

George Mc
George Mc
May 20, 2023 10:20 AM

The perfect image of where we are is the situation in P K Dick’s Time Out of Joint in which the main character us living in an entirely artificial world supposedly set in the 50s but the world outside is several decades further on. We are still living in a phony pseudo boom time even though there are rattlings of doom at the corners. So we still have those talent shows and soaps and dismal sit coms. Meanwhile the increasingly frequent zombie flicks intrude to prepare us.

Lucius Licinius
Lucius Licinius
May 20, 2023 10:04 AM

“Must we wait until every family has had first hand experience of these horrific deaths?”

Yes. And until there’s a real food crisis. And until the second or third tier of the so called elites are getting screwed really hard themselves. Until then, the sheeple rule. Prepare. That’s your chance to make it alive until a real revolution is possible.

May 20, 2023 11:35 AM

Right, as long as people have food and beds, there will be no revolution. This seems sensible enough. Revolutions come with unimaginable chaos and terror. And it’s not at all sure what society, if any, will appear after.

May 21, 2023 11:12 PM

Which is why most people prefer to bow down under a tyranny than to knuckle up for a revolution.

May 20, 2023 9:56 AM

Closed systems and closed minds.
Between the devil and the deep blue sea:


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
May 20, 2023 3:46 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Gary D Barnett is an excellent writer. I have copies of many of his articles written during the last 3+ years.

May 20, 2023 9:51 AM


Yet another died-suddenly item. However, why is ‘dies suddenly’ in inverted commas?

Also, the comments are not ‘moderated’, and the best rated ones are asking some very relevant questions.

May 20, 2023 9:11 AM

Here’s what engineers have to say about a ‘closed system’:

• Closed systems are costlier and complex
• The feedback in the closed system may lead to oscillatory response
• The feedback reduces the overall gain of the system
• Stability is the major problem in the closed system and more care is
needed to design a stable closed system.

‘Complex, oscillatory, feedback and stability’

Reads like all the elements for system collapse.
Here’s hoping.