China’s “summer Davos” 2023

Next month the World Economic Forum will be hosting its “Summer Davos” in Tianjin, China.

Described as the “Annual Meeting of the New Champions”, this has been an important yearly WEF event since 2010, always hosted somewhere in China.

In Klaus Schwab’s words:

The Annual Meeting of the New Champions creates a unique platform to boost innovation and strengthen collaborative efforts on a global level.

Here is its happy blurb for 2023:

Back in January this year it was reported by TASS, citing Bloomberg, that no “business representatives from Russia and China” would attend the annual WEF meeting in Davos, and this has been cited by some as further evidence of the alleged split between Western finance and the BRICS nations. An alt-media counter-narrative further presents it as showing the increasing irrelevance of the WEF in a new “multipolar” world.

However, it should be noted that China’s “vice premier” Liu He actually was at Davos, and, on January 17, gave a “special address” about the importance of international cooperation and tackling climate change.

We think the counter-narrative may have elided this part, but, together with the fact China continues hosting WEF’s annual summer extravaganza, it suggests the rift is perhaps not as deep or wide as many claim.

This year’s “new champions” event will see “over 1500 global leaders” converge in Tianjin, northern China, to discuss ‘Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the Global Economy’. It has “six core themes”:

💢Rewiring growth
💢China in the global context
💢Energy transition and materials
💢Safeguarding nature and climate
💢Post-pandemic consumers
💢Deploying innovation.

In an exciting indication of the general direction being taken, one of its co-chairs is Carrie Chan Kai Yi, co-founder and CEO of Avant Meats, producer of lab-grown “food”.

Other co-chairs include…

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Director General, World Trade Organization

Robin Zeng, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Contemporary Amperex Technology , makers of lithium batteries

Benedikt Sobotka, Chief Executive Officer, Eurasian Resources Group, who are all about “driving global change whilst holding true to our values”, whatever that means.

There are others, but you get the picture.

How should we view the fact China is continuing to host this WEF-sponsored entirely globalist “annual meeting of the new champions” during a period of alleged monumental new east-west divide?

Are fences being mended or were they never as broken as many allege?

Is the WEF really struggling to catch up with this fresh new “multipolarity” that allegedly took it by surprise, or is that just a carefully curated misdirection?

Will Russian representatives be attending this year?

We await developments…


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Categories: China, Great Reset, latest
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el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
May 26, 2023 4:03 PM

Perhaps it might be better to put it that the CCP agenda is closely allied, if not absolutely identical, with that of the WEF. Saying that it is part of the WEF gives a relationship of dominance which is probably not accurate.

I have been following Engdahl for two decades (though not very closely recently) and I regard him as definitely one of the “good guys.” Also a very astute analyst, so I would regard any assertions on his part are worthy of at least serious consideration. Soros is a duplicitous bag of shit dating from his teenage days of asset stripping fellow Jews in Hungary and then turning them over to the Gestapo to maintain his asset immune status and receive his cut. His moral stature has not changed in the last 70 years. There is strong evidence that he is not independent but a frontman for the Wallenbergs of Sweden.

May 25, 2023 9:21 PM

This reminds me of the WEF business meeting along side the G20 in Indonesia last year as if they are part of the G20.
So WEF does some event in China and thereby the Chinese are part of WEF, really?

May 25, 2023 10:10 PM
Reply to  Clueless

Jaysus man this level of denial is insane. The meeting is in China – every fucking year – , one of the topics is China’s role in the “global context”, four of the co-chairs are Chinese, including the Frankenstein Fish woman.

Real question – why would anyone think there was any doubt China was part of WEF?

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
May 26, 2023 2:23 AM
Reply to  Clueless

Your username is almost certainly an Aptronym. Well done.

May 25, 2023 1:21 PM

I wish I had the resources and know how to put together a video collage of “The New Champions”.,
Photos of all the people who “died suddenly/unexpectedly”, photos of the millions injured, photos of sports figures collapsing on the field, photos of businesses closed, photos of kids in masks.
The unmitigated hubris, audacity and arrogance is astonishing.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
May 25, 2023 1:12 PM

It appears, despite all the warmongering hubris, they’re all in lockstep, with China leading the way in installing Technocracy.

The cyber gulag: How Russia tracks, censors and controls its citizens
Mel K & Matt Ehret | Understanding the Paradigm Shift

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
May 26, 2023 7:31 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

That covers all six asterisk above in the Article if you merely follow vehicle tech. AI and Dutch Washington Japanese China.

May 25, 2023 1:01 PM

“Post pandemic consumers”

Yes, lots of profit in coffins and wheelchairs.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
May 26, 2023 5:16 PM
Reply to  judith

Kids in masks, what age?? whenever..You know if you’ve no money a person receives zero help at all…nothing right. And highlight what..pictures. like a familiar Album. Healthcare = Zero you cannot even get to see Anyone…Nothing.
That’s when one notices real people, oh. Wait till the book is written..there isn’t any images in it, nothing.

May 25, 2023 12:54 PM

Here is one snippet from F.W Endgahl’s article which I posted below.

The fact that so influential a globalist as George Soros openly calls for the end of the Xi era suggests that a major faction within the Western globalists has decided to do whatever possible to bring a more “pliable” leadership in Beijing. Globalists at the level of Soros or Schwab do not make major interventions impulsively. The fact Soros is doubling down in his attacks directly on Xi suggest that a very powerful group of the Davos Great Reset green agenda have decided that Xi has become an obstacle to their dystopian agenda to eliminate the nation state everywhere, including China and USA.

May 25, 2023 7:49 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Can you explain why one comment from Soros is more significant than the actual FACTS presented in this article?

You keep turning up under articles like these and you post the same links to people offering opinions about China and Russia being enemies of the West, and you just ignore the facts in the article totally.

Please will you respond to these facts? What do you think of China promoting Agenda 2030 and hosting Davos? How about that lab grown meat? How does all the stuff in this article fit with Engdahl’s thesis?

At least explain why we should ignore these facts and just let Soros or Engdahl tell us what to think

May 25, 2023 9:28 PM
Reply to  MLS

It appears you have bothered not to thoroughly read the article because if you had you might have noticed that that there has been a power struggle going on in China between those, who along with the Rockefeller’s had benefited enormously from China allowing development zones to be permitted in a formerly Maoist run regime, and those such as Xi want to retain China as a nation state as FW Endgahl’s has written and researched about.

Now, let’s just look at a few of the points F.W Endgahl, who by the way has written many very well researched, well written books and articles over many decades about the Cabal running the US and de facto the Western world and China.

Furthermore, let’s explore some of the points he was writing about in the 2022 article and more recently, May 2023, about the ballooning debt bubble which China is experiencing such as over inflated property prices and shadow banking.

I suggest you actually read in depth what he has factually written and then produce your thesis as to why he is right or wrong with evidence.


May 25, 2023 10:25 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

I think you may have linked to the wrong article Brian. This piece is all about China’s debt-based economy suffering in a similar fashion to our own. I don’t find anything there about the WEF or globalism or a power struggle.

Can you link to an article where Engdahl does discuss China’s relationship with the WEF & other Western institutions, its covid policy, its vax policy, the new Chinese mRNA vax and the huge questions around the Great Reset?

I for one would welcome his perspective on these matters

May 26, 2023 6:47 AM
Reply to  Hannah

Hannah, if you scroll down about 52 posts, you will find the orginal link because I was not allocated a reply link that is why it is not in tandem.

Read that first and you will realize exactly what F.W Endgahl has been researching and writing about.

The second link compliments the first .

May 26, 2023 8:15 AM
Reply to  Hannah

Here you are Hannah to save you the trouble of scrolling down about 52 posts.


Clive Williams
Clive Williams
May 26, 2023 6:23 PM
Reply to  MLS

Exel Propaganda one two three what about meat being already antibacterial gmo to offset refrigerational costs. The simplest expletive beginning is the gutted carcass deliveries out back alleyways of your Local Butchery. Shop, Super Market, Super Store Chain.
Conglomerate, Store,Market,Shop,Butchery.
What is the highest Quality Guaranteed for The Award. Answer= of course it’s “Climate Refrigeration Control”.
Is that the right abbreviation agreed upon??
In my opinion matters little. A little of me will win 500×12= (tba) sunday no no it’s not in a computer never was. It’s from the mind of a human animal species, a man.

May 25, 2023 10:39 AM

I was asked down below to “refute” a comment by this ‘Martin Usher’ fella below this article. Martin’s first sentence in that comment is “Further proof that there really isn’t a Great Global Conspiracy.” Considering this article is all about how China is actually a lot more plugged in to the WEF and all the globalist shite than we’d know from reading the news, this is a bit of an odd one. I mean why would anyone react to an article proving A to be a fact by saying “ah, this proves A is a pile of shit”? It’s a bit mad isn’t it. Well actually no it’s not. It’s a rhetorical trick to flip the debate when you’re faced with facts that basically destroy your argument. And I’m guessing they teach it in Online Shill school, or wherever it is. Because our Martin is a professional shill. Not a great one or he wouldn’t be so easy to spot. But a shill all the same. His job on 9/11 discussions is to keep insisting it wasn’t an inside job. His job with covid is to keep insisting covid is real and deadly and fucking terrifying. His job with every false flag is to keep insisting only idiots believe false flags happen. His job with US politics is to keep up the bullshit that party politics matter, that Jan 6 was an insurrection. His job with elections is to insist they are never rigged. You get the picture. His job with this article was to insist the East-West divide is real, and he does his best in that comment, starting with the stupid claim I talked about above and then going on to say the whole WEF thing is just old hat anyway and the real story is how the… Read more »

May 25, 2023 5:23 PM
Reply to  Simon

One problem I have with this forum is that the mind-set is…well, set in concrete. Most of the commenters cannot even begin to fathom that any sane thinking (make that: critical thinking) person could possibly not believe as they believe. So these non-believers must be ipso facto shills.

This site, yes, is Alt Right – so by all means most commenters here are also Alt Right. But there are a few of us who have been driven here by the Covid madness which we could see through from day one. Too many of our usual hangouts became cheerleaders for the globalist pandemic agenda; so we had no choice but to look elsewhere as we could no longer trust their judgment.

However, that doesn’t mean we’ve gone over to the Alt Right in all things. And there are writers out there who have not entirely accepted the “all in it together” mantra (Matthew Ehret Brooks and Pepe Escobar to name two). Ehret used to be a contributor to OffG – not sure why his articles no longer appear here.

Admittedly, I take globalresearch.ca with a grain of salt simply because they appear to be big China and Russia promoters – which is kind of the opposite of objective journalism.

Nonetheless, I strongly believe that “leaders” still have to walk a fine line because their peoples DO identify heavily with their respective nations. And until that changes, it’s impossible for any national “leader” to completely abandon his nation for the sake of the globalist agenda.

George Mc
George Mc
May 25, 2023 10:26 AM

Update on daytime TV propaganda: “Front line Fightback” and crime in rural areas including a report on the new smart prisons. (Shots of featureless walls and corridors with officers … wearing medical masks?)

Interview with young police officer standing in pile of manure in a field and watching cows. “Yeah you never feel secure. There could be an attack at any moment.”

Is this for real? Or is it an episode of Brass Eye?

May 25, 2023 11:46 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Can you give us a link George, it sounds priceless 😂

George Mc
George Mc
May 25, 2023 12:08 PM
Reply to  MLS


“This will be a game changer”, “Capture crimes as they happen”, “Identify offenders faster than ever”, “Making our communities safe again ……” (meangingful pause) “…. thanks to a Frontline Fightback!”…..

Pure Chris Morris.

See the 17 minute mark for the “smart prison” and marvel at the “cutting edge technology throughout”. Marvel even more at the continued use of medical masks by the big butch prison officer.

And immediately after that, the pasture policeman striding warily over the countryside and saying “You’re always on edge. I think any farmer will tell you this. You could be sitting in your lounge at night watching your TV and you’ll hear an unusual noise…” (cue creepy muffled slam in background) “… a bang – it’s probably just a cow knocking a gate ….”

(But then again, it could be evil anti-vaxxer fascist Right Wingers coming to rape your virginal daughter!)


George Mc
George Mc
May 25, 2023 12:10 PM
Reply to  MLS

I’ve posted a link but it’s gone into pending. In the meantime here is some light music:

May 25, 2023 3:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The Philip Scofield thing is big news..

George Mc
George Mc
May 25, 2023 9:48 AM

On the topic of “nature and climate”, here’s an interesting exchange:


Just Stop Oil: “This is an impossible situation. Do we disrupt other ordinary people, like this man, arrested for lashing out today, or just sit back and watch everything burn? That’s where our government has left us. More and more people are realising taking action is the right thing to do.”

John Wight: “This is just all wrong. Working class men trying to get to work and impeded in the process by middle class wanks. It’s not an impossible situation at all. Yours is an anti-working class movement.”

Neil Kenny: “Is the Globe warming? Is it caused by man’s burning of fossil fuels? Is it being investigated? Are the measures being taken by governments effective and commensurate? Has all this been resolved? The answers must be significant in judging protesters, surely. I support strikes.”

John Wight: “I support the cause but the tactics are all wrong. Disrupt the lives of the rich not the poor.”

Andy #FreeAssange: “Poor people’s lives are the first to be disrupted. 100s of millions in India & S.E. Asia are suffering 40 C plus heat waves. That means they can’t work, animals die & crops begin to fail. Much of Spain’s agricultural land is probably already lost to drought & extreme heat.”

Andy’s response is the clincher here. It shows the arrival of that same despair-inducing “hamster wheel” logic that marked “the fight against covid” i.e. that we are presented here with a “deadly existential threat” whose terms and effects we can’t understand but The Experts will tell us what to do and also when we can stop fighting – which looks like never!

Also note whose side the police are on in the video. Bit of a giveaway!

May 25, 2023 11:23 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Once again both sides are really the same side, managed to constrain the “debate”. They both accept the lie of catastrophic manmade climate change (in reality an unproven hypothesis based on dodgy data) and simply disagree about how to deal with it.

George Mc
George Mc
May 25, 2023 1:12 PM
Reply to  MLS

Granted. And when you see the guy supposedly on your side say this:

“I support the cause but the tactics are all wrong. Disrupt the lives of the rich not the poor.”

You wonder: Why bother?

May 26, 2023 4:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Extreme drought and excessive heat are hallmarks of climate engineering techniques. I bet dollars to donuts none of the participants in this exchange mentioned geoengineering.

der einzige
der einzige
May 25, 2023 7:03 AM

Do you live in Russia or China?
Whether the Russian or Chinese government tells you to do something?
It’s the Russians or Chinese who want to introduce into your life everything you don’t like?
Have your families been vaccinated with Russian or Chinese vaccines?
Whether Russia and China are constantly at war as your governments are?
Is Russia and China developing and you are collapsing?
Are your governments at war with Russia and China?
You were hoping for another 500 years of western colonialism?
fucked up? I’m so sorry 😛

May 25, 2023 9:20 AM
Reply to  der einzige

How is this, in any way shape or form, a rational response to the facts cited in this purely factual article?

Are you upset by the fact China is obviously up to the gills in globalism? Then deal with it rather than blaming the messenger.

der einzige
der einzige
May 25, 2023 9:45 AM
Reply to  MLS

In such a way that all these articles about Russia and China serve to make you hate those whom your government hates. To make you believe they’re in this together even though they haven’t done anything to you. So you don’t think about your own government. I’m waiting for the Iranian version of Wagamnnan, maybe there will also be a North Korean and Venezuelan version.Chinese is already as I predicted.

May 25, 2023 11:29 AM
Reply to  der einzige

The article is just presenting facts. There are no opinions in the article. So, what are your objections? How do you object to facts?

Secondly, the ruling elites are currently promoting the binary. They want us to take a side and hate on the other. So, showing that both sides are actually the same side in most important ways and that the binary is a constructed lie to enslave us, is the best way to defeat this isn’t it?

Surely it results in less hate because we no longer need to demonize the “other side”, and we can turn our anger where it’s really needed – against the nameless faceless uber-wealthy who are running this shit show.

der einzige
der einzige
May 25, 2023 12:55 PM
Reply to  MLS

I don’t see on this site directing anger against their own governments. Instead, I see anger directed at Russia and China every week for being no different from Western governments in one case. In many others, they differ dramatically. And even in the one where you say they’re not different, I think they’re different. An example is Belarus, which is the only country in Europe that has not gone crazy with covid psyop. I have not seen Russia influence Belarus on this matter. Only the International Monetary Fund did this. How do you know sputnik is not saline?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 25, 2023 1:55 PM
Reply to  der einzige

It’s really utterly ludicrous to suggest offg doesn’t criticise our own (UK) government, or Western governments. This is over 90% of our output! How silly. Also, if ‘directing anger’ is intended to imply we’re spreading or inciting hate then you’re behaving like a basic troll. Please do better.

Is Sputnik V saline? If it appears Russia is in full compliance with WEF/WHO globalist agendas by propagandising its own people into taking unnecessary injections, does that really matter either way?

Or are you seriously appealing to q-anon here?

Let’s weigh the available evidence fairly, and let’s keep our personal beliefs to one side. A2

der einzige
der einzige
May 25, 2023 2:11 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You refuse to recognize the war between NATO and Russia because you don’t think it looks right. Although you have little idea about it. You discredit people who have proven their credibility during the wars in Iraq, Libya or Syria. Your narrative is an altmedia version “don’t support Russia” in fighting NATO “you know they are the same”. And to be clear, I’m not a Putin or XI fanboy or any government. But I see a difference between NATO and Russia that you pretend doesn’t exist. Ask in Africa, South and Latin America or in Asia and they will explain what it is.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 25, 2023 2:42 PM
Reply to  der einzige

If you were seeing this clearly you wouldn’t need to invent positions for Offg to occupy in order to characterise us negatively.

The term ‘war’ is being chosen rather selectively here.

Russia calls this an ‘SMO’, not a war, as you know, and this SMO status is often used to defend Russia’s woeful tactical ‘warfare’ or SMO-fare record in Ukraine recently.

No, I don’t personally think whatever is taking place in Ukraine ‘looks right’, however this isn’t Offg’s official position, just my own. I know Offg has questioned the ‘fake binary’ that’s been erected around the SMO, and I know Offg will be stating more about this soon enough.

No one is saying there are no differences between NATO and Russia. However we can’t ignore that they both appear to be supporting the same globalist agendas in very similar ways.

Offg points to available facts, presents its own analysis and interrogates positions in media and alt. media which don’t appear to incorporate these facts. Offg really has no skin in this race except that.

Catte B has reached out to alt. media (Vanessa Beeley) in the past to engage over this recent Russian/Ukraine divide. The invitation hasn’t been taken up, but remains open.

Offg want dialogue. So by all means write to other alt media and suggest they engage with Offg on this issue.


der einzige
der einzige
May 25, 2023 3:13 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

it’s not like you say, for example:
Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Man is not to blame for climate change and global warming.

Jeff the Beast
Jeff the Beast
May 25, 2023 6:53 AM

A Chinese communist party mafia infested tool to spread their fucking propaganda…there’s nothing more to say…

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 25, 2023 11:02 AM
Reply to  Jeff the Beast

You mean Davos?

George Mc
George Mc
May 25, 2023 1:19 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Don’t be too hard on “him”. JtB has been offline for a while now and may be malfunctioning.

May 25, 2023 4:50 AM

I would be willing to wager that none of the delegates have been injected with ‘the magic vax’. No need I suspect … because they’re ‘exceptional’, not like other boys-‘n-girls.
Oh, what a tangled web these bastards weave … one wonders what they will ‘practise’ to deceive …

May 25, 2023 3:29 AM

These WEF strutters carry on as if the world voted them in to run things.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 25, 2023 8:38 AM

Effectively, by the worlds non-opposition, we have.

May 25, 2023 1:55 AM

Another cosy coterie of self congratulations, back slapping, fine dining, vintage wines and sex slaves.

les online
les online
May 25, 2023 1:07 AM

The authorities would not, and could not say that economic growth has ceased, let alone that it has gone into reverse, and neither would any practical purpose be served by doing so. Instead, they would seek to steer expectations towards successfully, but gradually, lower expectations.’…Dr Tim Morgan…

Questions & Answers: ‘Why are governments pushing for ever greater control ? Because they will need it to control citizens as their prosperity declines. Why did they unnecessarily destroy their economies during covid ? Because it allowed them to pump up the financial system one last time while they tamped down demand. Why do they push a self-destructive Net Zero agenda ? Because they are managing expectations downwards. If you decide you are going to use less energy yourself, you are far less likely to riot than if told the energy has run out. Why do they shout about reducing immigration only for it to rocket upwards ? …’

The Everything Bubble, The End Of Growth & Managing Expectations. (A theory to explain everything):

“Best Conspiracy Theory yet !”…(anon)…

May 25, 2023 9:25 AM
Reply to  les online

The economy isn’t a force of nature beyond human control. That’s just a myth put about to hide the cynical nature of the manipulations being done. The economy is totally managed and controlled and it does exactly what the controllers desire at every turn. The current cycle of deprivation is planned like all the others.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 25, 2023 10:41 AM
Reply to  MLS

Can you provide literature to that claim? Thanks.

May 25, 2023 11:11 AM

Can you provide literature for the counter claim? Just because something is received wisdom or widely disseminated doesn’t make it more likely to be true.

Why do you believe the unsupported claim that they are at the mercy of the system just as much as you or I?

If the financial system is random, chaotic and beyond human control, why do the same small cadre of people always benefit from it? Why does their share of the wealth keep on increasing through depressions, recessions, boom times and hard times?

And ultimately – why would they install a financial system they can’t control?

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 25, 2023 1:28 PM
Reply to  MLS

You’ve made the claim that the economy is under human control and I wanted a literature on the subject because it interests me.

Beyond control doesn’t necessarily mean random; I believe it has its own laws, like gravity which always attracts to the same direction, wherever and whoever one is. Similarly, we might say the current economic system favours a certain profile. It doesn’t follow it is under this profile’s control. Again, like gravity.

RE: it benefits the same people: they marry within their families and inherit each other so as to keep their money in the family ; it’s an old thing. Also, I’m sure a lot more people we never hear about get disgustingly rich. Whoever heard of Musk, Fink, Buckley, Gates 60 years ago?

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 25, 2023 3:01 PM

Here is something else: the power that is enslaving the people doesn’t originate from some people as individuals but as capitalists, that is, as owners of Capital. The enslaving trait exists because the person owns Capital, because they own that which is not needed for one’s (re-)production in the foreseeable future. Strip that Capital from that person and their power vanishes instantly and they become, as I said elsewhere, as harmless as doves. You may think this distinction not important and irrelevant but it is this distinction that makes one regard someone who wears a police uniform differently from that someone in civvy clothes. It is altogether a different story wether we believe evil is in the person as an essential part just like their brain, head and legs and therefore can’t exist without it, i.e. without doing evil, or wether we believe the evil the person does stems from a particular condition which is not only not fatal but one which can cease to exist and hence not an integral part of their person. More eloquently, and considering “these people” as capitalists, or owners of huge wealth and therefore influence: “[T]he authority of the capitalist in the sphere of production is therefore not a form of personal power, at least not in the sense in which the power of a feudal lord or a slave owner is personal. It might be argued that the power of the capitalist is ‘personal’ in the sense that its exercise can be attributed to an identifiable person (the manager), in contra-distinction to competitive pressures which expresses themselves in prices rather than work instructions. But this merely obscures the crucial difference between the authority of the capitalist and the power of pre-capitalist exploiters, namely that whereas the feudal peasant or the slave is subjected… Read more »

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 25, 2023 4:20 PM

I forgot to mention something else: The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Harrimans, J. P. Morgan’s, Lazards, Kuhns, Weishaupts, the Masons and so on and their descendants, have been chased after, and complained about since the XIXth century, some of them since the XVIIIth century, but they seem, according to the complainers, to continue to direct the world with total impunity even though they walk the streets and have social lives. This is the longest and most inefficient manhunt in history; more than two centuries and these dynasties still at large?? High time to change strategy, methinks, and revise postulates.

The only thing that the publicity these people received throughout the centuries has achieved having their names everywhere and whole websites and articles dedicated to them is to transform them for the popular imagination into a symbol of something unreachable, ghosts, or gods; so, the talk is just about their evil deeds and their wealth, not about how does that wealth translates into power, not about making a theory of power, even less about getting them.

Whereas to the communist understanding, these people are of flesh and blood just like the rest of us; no mystifying here, no idolatry of these, “oh so powerful individuals”, no shadows. Just individuals that happen to be owners of great wealth in a point of history; ownership they subject others to just as much as they themselves are subject to. This power will end as Capital collapses.

les online
les online
May 24, 2023 11:39 PM

It’s good of Offguardian to constantly remind people that capitalism is capitalism, no matter in what guise it presents itself: whether free market or state managed , NAFTA or BRICS; or whether it has Russian, British, American, or Chinese Characteristics; whether Davos or WEF.Globalism is another guise, as is psychopathology, and Fascism…What ever it names itself it will exploit and degrade you, it sstrives to have totoal control of you…It’s a good thing Offguardian is not marxist..As the Intellectual-type trolls would have a feeding frenzy with it if it was marxist…

May 25, 2023 9:28 AM
Reply to  les online

Is this capitalism any more? It’s exploitation, it’s financial tyranny, but capitalism? Not so sure.

The WEF has openly said capitalism’s day is over. They want to transition to some type of neo-feudalist “communitarianism”. I think we’ve actually started that journey some time ago.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 25, 2023 4:47 PM
Reply to  MLS

As long as there is a State, a market, a wage system, monetary system; as long as people get paid to do things regardless in what way, it’s the good old capitalism in new clothes.

You didn’t even bother to find out what other think-tanks than the WEF have to say in that respect. Look up long-term-capitalism BlackRock is filling their mouth with.

les online
les online
May 25, 2023 11:57 PM

He meant “the WEF has openly stated that freedoms day is over” ?

There’s a lot of confusion about the meaning of political words, such as capitalism, socialism, fascism…Babel reigns !
It suits The Ruling Class…

George Mc
George Mc
May 25, 2023 1:32 PM
Reply to  les online

I hate to have to say it but ….

If OffG was “Marxist” then it would

either shill relentlessly for covid cf. the WSWS

or denounce the covid con but fret more forcefully about white supremacism, anti-Semitism, racism, “transphobia”, “mimesis”, “reification” and generally spout the Adornion jibber jabbery that would cloud their entire position.

But then Marx himself declared himself to be “no Marxist”.

les online
les online
May 26, 2023 12:49 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The WSWS is backwards looking… it’s not even reformist…It’s idea of revolution is governed by the Bolshevik Model…
It’s thinking is deeply impacted by the belief that Growth will continue Forever…It would likely be dismissive of any suggestion that there can be an end to Growth – a very widely shared assumption…
“The times are a’changing.” The WSWS needs to “get out of the way if they cant lend a hand !” …A “Post-Growth” conversation is essential – and Tim Morgan’s embedded pdf can initiate it…
Forewarned is fore-armed…Pro-active, not re-active…
Otherwise it will be the WEFs “neo-feudal communitarianism” for us proles…
(Those of us remaining – after The Great Cull…)

May 24, 2023 9:58 PM

Rishi Washi used the word..

Authoritarian LOL

China poses the greatest threat to global security and prosperity – Rishi Sunak rishi washi says.

This was after the Conservative U.K (which is blacked out on this site) introduced the biggest Renting reforms in decades that may as read out of something from Agenda 30.
That day also they the Authoritarian Conservative U.K giving out 5 years prison sentences for people who dare promote self harm online.
China is Authoritarian according to rishi washi script.

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May 24, 2023 10:05 PM
Reply to  Woowoo

Would you be trying to breathe life into that tired ole East-West binary by any chance?

Oh and the Left-Right one as well. “Oh those wicked Tories, can’t wait for lovely Sir Keith to give em what for.” 🥱

Lucius Licinius
Lucius Licinius
May 24, 2023 11:07 PM
Reply to  Simon

The brits are what they are. You can’t deny truth. Never forget that most of the nations of the world perceive you as being the most vile nation in existence. On a even higher level of vileness than uncle Sam. Bring in the down votes. Also, never forget, you are not your nation.

May 25, 2023 9:32 AM
Reply to  Simon

I think you nailed it. OP and responses all trying to manufacture a “debate” about whether west is better than east or left better than right. I’ve seen this deflection every time the question comes up of how real the binaries are. They really don’t want us talking about all that.

Philip Nash
Philip Nash
May 25, 2023 4:05 AM
Reply to  Woowoo

“…justice, in my opinion, is with them [the Chinese]; and whilst they, the Pagans, the semi- civilized barbarians have it on their side, we, the enlightened and civilized Christians, are pursuing objects at variance both with justice and with religion…a war more unjust in its origin, a war calculated in its progress to cover this country with a permanent disgrace, I do not know and have not read of. Now, under the auspices of the noble Lord [Macaulay], that flag is become a pirate flag, to protect an infamous traffic.” William Gladstone speech to parliament 1840. History repeats.

May 25, 2023 8:11 AM
Reply to  Woowoo

Rishi speaks for his masters, GloboCap and the City of London. China has near-absolute control over its monetary system, unlike even Russia. Though its total trade with the rest of the world is staggering, that only amounts to a small fraction of the economy.* Even if the pirates cut off all its trade and froze (refused to repay) its foreign reserves, it would almost certainly carry on. It is even a threat to the blood-sucking IMF and WB. So, it is definitely an “existential threat” as US said earlier.

*The net contribution of international trade dropped from 8% in 2008 to 1.3% in 2018. Exports fell from 17% of total output in 2007 to 9% in 2017.

George Mc
George Mc
May 24, 2023 9:40 PM

“Producing safe, high quality and sustainable fish products with patent-pending cell cultivation and tissue engineering technology”

That could be the most depressing thing I ever read. The kind of person who could come up with that and actually seem proud of it is the kind of person who ought to be forcibly separated from all contact with other people and held in quarantine for life. This kind of computerised techno-corporate zombie speak is the true virus.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
May 24, 2023 9:31 PM

Repeat after me: BRICS, not Empire, BRICS, not Empire… Desperately repeat as you watch another false “alternative” narrative collapse under the weight of accumulated lies.

May 24, 2023 8:58 PM

The New Champions?…

comment image

May 25, 2023 1:10 PM

OK, I hate the F word, as I have mentioned ad nauseum, but THAT is hilarious.

May 24, 2023 6:49 PM
The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 24, 2023 6:49 PM

What does it mean to two or more governments to be on an agenda together? Ok, that’s easy: they agree to carry out the said agenda. Fine. Does the fact of the delegations of two or more governments sitting together at a conference indicates these governments are on anything together? Does the above fact indicates those governments disagree on some topics and wished to meet to arrive at a consensus? Does a particular consensus imply the interested governments should implicitly agree on other matters? Put differently, can diverging interests exist alongside common interests? Is it valid to use the analogy with social relationships and the conclusions drawn therefrom? If not, why not? Could the idea implicitly acknowledged that “a government is either 100% with us or 100% against us” be an oversimplification of a reality that is complex in nature, idea which however allows us to formally classify every government or group as friend or foe? Isn’t the fact that, from our, the people’s point of view, the lack of consistency the same government displays in carrying out agendas some of which we find worthy and some we don’t, indicates that government is neither friend nor foe but that it does what it must not what we want? So what power drives the actions of governments? I see two hypotheses: 1. Personal power: a group of people with great wealth and thus influence directs – advises if you wish – governments on their policy in exchange of business opportunities and other interests. – If we adopt this hypothesis, and in light of what has been going on in the last three years, also the painful events of crises and wars the world has witnessed before that, we should also assume this group as made of perfect psychopaths that being already… Read more »

May 24, 2023 6:40 PM

Interesting piece here; and one that should have highlighted what truly binds all of the nations under the UN together: Web 3.0 (aka, spatialism). In other words, if one is to discern what coheres all of these purportedly disparate and discrete countries/nations, all you have to do is take note of how each of them have invested millions, nay billions of dollars and resources into the components that make up said sphere of the Web 3.0; such as: blockchain (the current/next monumental disruptive piece of technology that will truly revolutionize the world); smart contracts (to be used as sources of behavior modification, i.e., nudging, coercing, guiding, herding groups of people onto predetermined pathways); token engineering (programmable money which will be invoked to incentivize individuals to take certain pathways); digital cities (see Ukraine; which will serve as the prototype for what’s to be implemented globally); digital ID/wallets (sans said piece of privilege, you are a non-person in the new economic/financial/feudal system); sensors (humans + nature have been inundated with embedded sensors within their environs for years now); biometrics embedded within cities (to be used for tracking, tracing and surveilling the populaces for purposes of manipulation and control); CCTV’s (see above); precision medicine (for the next line of ‘medical intervention’, namely, eugenics (+ve/-ve); repurposed drugs (RFK Jr. has been an advocate of these; and points to them as the solution for the ‘next pandemic’ in his book, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’); HIB (Human Impact Bonds) & SIB (Social Impact Bonds) [these financial levers will enable those with money and power (i.e., bankers; CEO’s; hedge fund managers; philanthropaths; etc.) to invest/bet their money on groups of proles/plebs in society (the poor; sick; mentally ill; homeless; uneducated; etc.); and, thereby, make returns {-cum-steer (subsects of society)} – based on whether these subgroups ‘win-or-lose’ –… Read more »

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 24, 2023 7:26 PM

They are all controlled by the Central Bank Cartel that determines what they will do.
Part of their motto, per Rothschild and Kissinger.

Control a nation’s currency, and control the nation.
Control the food and water, control the people.

May 24, 2023 7:43 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

i guess the underlying point to said screed – if i have to spell it out – would be this: whilst the msm/alt news/social media/substack.com/etc. scream and shout about all that is wrong with the world {i.e., wokeism; intersectionality; BLM; feminists; the Davos crowd; WEF; Bill Gates; Klaus Schwab; Yuval Harari; mass shootings; conflagrations – both literally and figuratively – of key sectors of society (i.e., food processors; animal stocks; small/medium sized companies; etc.); ritual pedophilia; offshoring of lucre; etc.}, the Kakistocracy/Pathocracy/Political Ponerologists have superimposed an OPEN-AIR, DIGITAL, PANOPTIC PRISON over/onto each and every sphere – and concomitant peoples – of our society (West & East; South & North; unipolar & multipolar; black and white; etc.); with very few people FULLY cognizant/conscious of said FACT! That is all!!

May 24, 2023 9:32 PM

i guess, most of those that consider themselves ‘well-informed’ – including many at this site – are completely oblivious to what i’m outlining above. Sad; but not surprising! That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!

P.S.: if u wanna gain insights on the larger agendas most are oblivious to visit Alison McDowell’s works (YT/’wrenchinthegears.com’); or Leo Saraceno’s/Raul Diego’s (‘siliconicarus.org’)

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 24, 2023 7:50 PM

I see all those developments as imposed upon governments by the insidious nature of gradual change and spread of technology and the associated concepts born with it. A point is reached when the currently existing ways to do things competes with the new one but clearly losing ground. The governments are then faced with a fait accompli in which the new technology is used by economic actors and even by its services and the old ways are seldom used and just become inadequate for the average citizen… This happens of course across nations.

These developments further some interests and hinder others; for instance CBDC allows the systematic application of negative interest rates policy (NIRP) by Central Banks but also disintermediation (the taking over of commercial banks by Central Banks).

May 25, 2023 3:12 AM

no doubt it’s complex; but, quite frankly, the kakistocracy has been working on this concept (i.e., ‘one/hive mind consciousness’) for centuries now (via, for example, the merging of natural and social sciences); and the only difference between today and yesteryear is that it has become much more difficult to ignore said scenario these days [that’s if you have retained any degree of conscionableness/consciousness over the duration of your lifetime; sadly most have not! {see G.I. Gurdjieff’s works (i.e., the trilogy entitled, ‘All and Everything’); and/or the Situationist International (i.e., Guy Debord; and his book, ‘Society of the Spectacle’) for an elaboration of this topic, i.e., the somnambulistic state of mankind}]; and, consequently, it is very surprising, nay shocking that I – and a few others – stand alone in pronouncing to the world: wake up! – or be embedded within an ant computer colony! That is all!! RGB-Y3 out!!!

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 25, 2023 11:53 AM

Agreed. The question I’m struggling with is this: Is what is happening to humanity the result of a deliberate premeditated action by a group of people who has the option no to do so; or is this action dictated to these people by inflexible economic laws, a kind of survival instinct the status quo possesses incarnated in those people and other economic actors? Here is an example: when supply of a certain good or service increases significantly, prices invariably decrease for the simple reason that consumers allow themselves more time to choose where to buy from, think they can always find cheaper, so the good is not sold at the frequency it used to disturbing the plans merchants made and affecting the functioning of the entire business because it’s all connected, so prices go down. You could say, ok but somebody must have deliberately increased that supply. Of course, somebody who wants to make money; but, under Capitalism, wanting to make a profit can’t be a charge against anyone because it’s the foundation of Capitalism upon which businesses, from the modest grocery store of the neighborhood to the shareholder of a giant corporation, base their activity. So, unless one refuses profit making as an economic principle, that is capitalism, the charge is void. Another hypothesis is: the increase in supply is caused by some other disturbance somewhere else, itself caused by another disturbance and so on until you get perhaps to an oil field or mine drilling where new discoveries of some metal have been made, but I doubt very much those owning these fields had in mind increasing a supply of some distant good. I mean it’s a network of economic activities moving on its own inertia without significant control could be applied at any point from the outside… Read more »

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
May 24, 2023 6:27 PM

Safeguarding nature and climate by whizzing off to China in private jets, and feeding us post-pandemic consumers fake fish. Nice.

May 24, 2023 5:59 PM

Bilderberg group was last week. No mention of that. Why..? [because the article is about Summer Davos. ed]

WEF or davos the crowd became fashionable with this new alt media that mainly repeats MSM talking points and during covid this Davos lot became the point of angry just like Matt Hancock Bill gates and co. (scapegoat ritual).
Just like the Moslem terrorists that disappeared the minute covid appeared, this lot will become tommorrow news the minute a new ANGER is sold to you to be angry at.

And they Create the people who your suppose to be angry at deflecting it from them.

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Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 24, 2023 7:23 PM
Reply to  Woowoo

I would suggest that Bilderberg has been supplanted by the WEF and they keep holding the meetings to distract from the WEF, for those that aren’t really aware or complicit.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
May 25, 2023 5:33 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Not even close. WEF is window dressing, Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission are the real string pullers.

May 25, 2023 11:38 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Do the labels matter? Do we really wanna get bogged down in another internecine debate this time about whether Bilderberg or WEF are “the real string pullers”? They’re all part of the same machine, and all have most of the same people in them or manipulating them. It’s like arguing about whether the left or right leg of the tiger is responsible for it eating you alive.

May 26, 2023 12:00 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I think the WEF is where the ideas and policies established at Bilderberg (and the Trilateral Commission) are promoted to a wider audience. But MLS is right. They’re all part of the same network with overlapping membership.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
May 24, 2023 5:39 PM

Further proof that there really isn’t a Great Global Conspiracy. This meeting is just another in the series intended to include China in the western vision of globalization. (You can tell what era it belongs to by the MarketingSpeak in the mission statement.) People will attend because these sorts of junkets are primary avenues for networking. Meanwhile the Cold Warriors are ramping up their us/them rhetoric so their world They have the ear of the mass media (or rather, mass media is their mouthpiece) so we, Joe Public, may get the impression that we’re somewhere between a deep boycott of China and open warfare.

If things were better organized then the message would be unified and changed instantly per current policy, just as was described in “1984”. We’re trending that way but unfortunately China makes a very bad enemy since we do so much trade with them — its very difficult to isolate a major trading partner while maintaining the chocolate ration.

Incidentally, anyone notice anything particularly incongruous about the US’s reaction to China banning some Micron memory products “for security reasons”. I haven’t a clue what this all about but the US’s Commerce Department thundered about the evil of “using sanctions to promote a competitive advantage” (and the usual US lawmakers jumped in with bills for a retaliatory ban on Chinese products). I suppose the problem is that sanctions are conceived and implemented by the US Treasury Department so nobody in Commerce has a clue that China’s sanctioned to the max in some areas primarily to protect US business interests (Huawei, anyone?). This is either mind boggling hypocracy or a “Brazil” level of bureaucratic incompetence!

May 24, 2023 6:37 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

This is now just sad, Martin.

I’m sitting here picturing how it must be to clock in every day & spend the next 8 hours talking shite & denying the obvious to forums of people who know you’re lying your fucking arse off.

You don’t even believe this gobshite yourself, that’s obvious. You feel embarrassed saying it sometimes, and I feel embarrassed for you.

It must be so fucking depressing when you’re lying down to sleep at night thinking about how you’re a day closer to death and this is how you’re throwing away your little bit of life.

Or when your family ask how your day went – “Sure it was grand, I talked shite to some people I don’t know on the internet in the hopes a couple of em might be stupid enough to believe me”

It must be hard to face the fact no one’s going to remember you with pride after you’re gone, because you’re just another tired little grunt selling his soul to buy himself a boat or go on a big vacation or whatever you do in your spare time to fill the void in your heart.

For God’s sake walk away and get yourself a decent job while there’s time. I’m genuinely upset for you now.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
May 24, 2023 9:03 PM
Reply to  Simon

Please, please, stop with this “working for some shadowy organization” BS. I’m retired. I read OffG and make comments in my spare time, like now when I’m waiting for a glue gun to heat up. I’m sorry if that doesn’t fit the profile you’ve chosen for me but it says a lot that people just don’t seem to believe that its even possible.

>selling his soul to buy himself a boat or go on a big vacation or whatever you do in your spare time

I’m scheduled for four vacations this year. My wife’s the sailor so we don’t need to buy a boat, thank you very much. Hobbies — lots. I’m here because I care, believe it or not. I watched the promise of the 60s get systematically blunted, turned into nihilism and hedonism, wasting opportunities and despoiling our world in the persuit of the status quo. I see people making the same mistakes and know from history that a lot of it is ‘guided’. Feel free to ignore me — but for everyone’s sakes get a grip on this whole conspiracy business, you’re being fed all sorts of weirdness while the real conspiracies hide in plain sight.

May 25, 2023 12:50 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

So you DO believe the gobshite you spew…?

George Mc
George Mc
May 24, 2023 9:33 PM
Reply to  Simon

Funniest comment ever.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 24, 2023 11:12 PM
Reply to  Simon

I’m not a Martin fan by any means but how about you come up with counter-arguments?

May 25, 2023 11:50 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Are you sure you’re not a Martin fanboy? 🙂

Philip Nash
Philip Nash
May 25, 2023 4:22 AM
Reply to  Simon

I read the whole of your reply in the hope of finding some substance refuting Martin’s comments. Nothing.

May 25, 2023 10:04 AM
Reply to  Philip Nash

You need me to refute Martin’s claim that the fact China is doing globalism is proof they aren’t doing globalism?

Ok sure. And what else? Need evidence black isn’t white perchance? Or dead isn’t alive?

And how about some of Martin’s previous Greatest Hits?

Do you need me to tell yez all why we shouldn’t trust the government to take America’s guns?

Or why 9/11 wasn’t done by alqaeda?

Or why covid isn’t a real deadly disease.

Cuz Martin will swear blind on his mother’s grave that these things are all true.

Actually I’m thinking a couple of you new fellas might be Martin himself in a grand new hat. But don’t quote me.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 24, 2023 7:22 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

So I am guessing that your Social Credit Score went up by a few points with your post.

George Mc
George Mc
May 24, 2023 9:32 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Nothing like a bit of “bureaucratic incompetence” to send you to bed with a smile!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 24, 2023 5:28 PM

“Tissue engineered meat”? Im puking.

There is two possibilities:

  1. China and Russia hold their enemy closer
  2. China and Russia are pretending to be the good cop, but are globalists.

Evaluation: China is member of BIS and many world/globalist forums, China is the country most evolved in genetic engineering and AI.
Russia is deep horny on AI and trans-humanism . Their weird “war” or whatever it is in Ukraine, is artificial in many ways.

My bet is China and Russia are pretenders, but ultimately seeking the best place giving around the 300 table.

May 24, 2023 4:45 PM

Until people start voting for change en masse, nothing will change. Vote corporate scum, get corporate scum, live in corporate hell. It’s not complicated.

In the UK, the Heritage Party led by David Kurten is the only political entity I have seen that appears to be a true grassroots organisation with integrity. If all the truthers got behind Heritage, and built something based on the good values of the party – even if it was a controlled entity which I don’t think it is – the energy of that being real, full of good people with good intentions spreading the truth, would have a massive effect because it would start to bring along fresh people who are currently asleep, who would then hear the arguments people who read and write at Off G are trying to make – which has NEVER happened before EVER – save courtesy of a few lone wolves like Robin Cook standing up in Parliament and laying down some heavy truth.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 24, 2023 5:13 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Voting is a joke.
History has proven that tyrants do not return power back to the people peacefully.
We cannot vote our way out of these circumstances.

May 24, 2023 6:11 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Maybe not, but you can build a nucleus of politically active people who form something to counter this madness, and doing that is far superior to doing nothing. It needs to be done alongside other tactics. To just write off political action is plain stupid. Do you think these scumbags want:

a) the status quo, where all truthers are completely penned out of the political arena.

b) tens of thousands+++ of politically active truthers actively working to expose the truth in the political arena from within.

You are suggesting we remain at option a), which is weak and makes no sense.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 24, 2023 7:19 PM
Reply to  Mucho

TPTB have made is clear that no one is going to penetrate the political veil unless they are already compromised or controlled in some way. The very nature and purpose of “controlled opposition”.

I am not suggesting that we don’t organize. That you think people organizing can only be done under the veil of political party / action, is closed minded.

Countering the madness isn’t limited to the political arena. I would suggest that the legal arena would be more likely to be effective and productive. Although even this path is almost totally controlled by TPTB, at least it is a vehicle for potential discovery and documentation.

Ultimately people should be organizing for the purpose of self protection against the government violence that is coming.

There are more than A and B for options, and just because people might see more than your options, doesn’t by default mean the option is weakness.

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
May 24, 2023 4:20 PM

the New Champions

LMAO, That is so shit, what a loser of a name.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 24, 2023 11:16 PM

Yea, sounds like something the teacher would say to kids in new woke primary school.

May 25, 2023 8:30 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I know of a business that organised an expensive dinner every year. Instead of an increment or bonus, they handed out a “Top Gun” award to one person in each department. The award consisted of a toy fighter plane – I kid you not.

May 24, 2023 3:35 PM

The growing rift – I would say chasm – as the article makes clear is not between nation-states and the globalists.

It is increasingly between the peoples of nation-states and their “leaders.” This is why there are not the 195 nation-states generally recognized; but rather 390 nation-states.

Each nation contains two separate nations: the leaders’ nations and the peoples’ nations. And the peoples’ nations will have to be dragged along kicking and screaming into the New Globalist World Order.

Clearly, they need a few hundred more mRNA vaccines.

May 24, 2023 2:59 PM

Noting the theme- “post pandemic consumers” I suppose that means us useless eaters. Well, there was no bloody pandemic and I’m not a damned consumer.

May 25, 2023 6:30 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

There was no “pandemic” but their in-lockstep measures did guarantee that ordinary people were substantially worse off.
Oh and a large number of new billionaires were created plus existing ones got even wealthier – didn’t you Bill Gates.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
May 24, 2023 2:58 PM

The WEF is in the forefront (the public face of the New World Order) of reconfiguring the global system into what they call their “Great Reset“. We naively hoped that there was a shift from the Anglo-American led (CFR, Trilateral Commission, G-7, Club of Rome etc.) predatory cabal to a more equitable and humane multipolar global arrangement. But alas what we are seeing is the so call multipolar alliance is actually part and parcel of the NWO; their compliance with the COVID PSYOP, the UN 20230 and WEF agenda are proof..

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 24, 2023 5:19 PM

All the nations have always, and to this day, been controlled by the Central Bank Cartel.
CFR, Trilateral Commission, G-7, Club of Rome, etc., are, and always have been, directed by the secret societies within, that are just banker boss puppets. To suggest that it is a American invention is both disingenuous and intellectually dishonest.

If it started anywhere, based on the how the Central Bank Cartel is organized, it started in England and Germany. I would argue that it started with Rome, and after that the Knights Templar that fled to Switzerland.

It is We the People vs. Government, Corporations, and Banks.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
May 24, 2023 9:04 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

True the banksters do influence and instigate much of what goes on in the world. Don’t forget their role in Dutch/Holland where the Sephardic Jews migrated after they were expelled from Spain and Portugal. There they set up the forerunner of the Western stock exchanges.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
May 26, 2023 12:23 AM

Like Rothschild said.
I care not what laws a nation makes. When we control the currency, we control the nation.

May 24, 2023 2:29 PM

‘No show without Punch’ becomes No show without Ping.
Vultures of a feather plot together.

May 24, 2023 1:16 PM

Is this going to clash with the new “covid wave” announced by China?


May 24, 2023 1:43 PM
Reply to  October

Not a problem, though, since China now has its “first home-grown” mRNA vaccine:


May 24, 2023 3:38 PM
Reply to  October

I am horror stricken! Risk of premature death imposed on another 1.5Billion people. So Sinovac was a conservative whole virus vaccine not because Chinese authorities care for human life but because they had old fashioned medical technology. Now they are up to date with an mRNA vaccine co-developed by German-based BioNTech and Moderna.

Apologies to OffG and readers for praising China’s former whole-virus vaccine as a example of conservative medical practice: “doing no harm”. Especially since one reader warned that China was developing its own experimental RNA Vaxx. Ruefully I concede that China and Russia really are “all in it together” on this one.

May 24, 2023 4:33 PM
Reply to  NickM

Chinese people revolted against the original “whole virus vaccine”. It probably was just as dangerous as the mRNA. It also evidently did not “work”, since the draconian lockdowns continued long after the shot was widely administered.

Considering there is no COVID virus, it of course could never possibly have worked. And raises the question of what the “whole virus vaccine” actually is, which I have never seen investigated.

May 24, 2023 4:55 PM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

I still reckon the whole idea of MRNA is a load of bullshit in itself. There are no super high tech “spike proteins” or “nano particles” burrowing into the cell. Just good old fashioned poison. Just a hunch.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 24, 2023 11:20 PM
Reply to  ChairmanDrusha

Some scientists are saying there’s no mRNA for reasons too many to explain here (and because I don’t understand it all, LOL) in the C-shots but there certainly is nano-tech with whatever embedded in it; the latter can easily be discerned under specialised microscopes, both from the vials that have been examined and from the injected people’s blood.

May 25, 2023 3:01 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

There could well be. I don’t rule anything out these days. I just doubt it’s anything as advanced as the claim it to be. But something that reacts with radio waves and gets people spazzing on the floor ala that Astroworld ritual event? Could happen.

Philip Nash
Philip Nash
May 25, 2023 5:12 AM
Reply to  October

Interesting that the shopkeepers mouthpiece “The Bezos Post” is so concerned about Chinese peoples health. No one here in China seems very concerned about it, there are no lockdowns and masks are optional even on public transportation. Media in the USA and UK seem to want to distract from their own problems, debt limit, inflation, social unrest etc.

May 25, 2023 11:18 AM
Reply to  Philip Nash

Keep pushing the binary don’t you. Got anything to say about China’s embrace of globalism being identical to the West’s? Have a comment on how the real issue is they’re indistinguishable in terms of their intent to coerce, surveille, poison and imprison their own populations?

May 25, 2023 12:23 PM
Reply to  Philip Nash

The Global Times is a mouthpiece for the Chinese govt is it not? What do you think about the new mRNA vax? Is it ok because China?