Death’s Secretary Tries to Forget on Cape Cod
Edward Curtin
We have come to Cape Cod for a few days to forget the man-made world that is too much with us. I have asked my forgettery to get to work. As my childhood friends used to say to me, “Eddy spaghetti, use you forgetty.” The adults had no idea what they meant. Many still do not.
Here slowness reigns and forgetting seems possible, even if for just a few days. In mid-May, the beaches are deserted except for the swooping gulls, the sandpipers prancing across the sand, and a few seals eyeing you from just off-shore. An occasional frigate bird glides past. The wind rushes through your ears, making conversation almost impossible.
But no words are needed here, for the ocean speaks its own language and the tales it tells are deep. You can only hear them if you shut up and listen. It utters reminders of the immensity of creation and the puniness of human aspirations. The sea dismisses with a roar the pretensions to power of the Lilliputians.
One minute it glistens in the bright blue sunshine and says all is well; then suddenly, as now, the sky and sea turn very dark and foreboding, the increased wind whipping the whitecaps into a maniacal threat. There are limits, it wails, and do not try to exceed them, for if, in your hubris, you attempt it, you will discover that when you think you’re on the top, you’ll be heading for the bottom.
As the Greeks knew so well, Nemesis awaits your response.
If you stand on the forty mile long strand of the sandy outer beach and look out to sea, you realize that no matter how well you sail through life, and how deftly you tack your boat, you are not ultimately in control. Those who seek to control others lack the spirit of the wind, the unseen mystery through which we move.
Henry David Thoreau stood on this beach looking out to sea and wrote:
A man may stand there and put all America behind him.
I wish it were so simple. To forget the man-made world that is too much with us isn’t easy. Ironically, it can only be briefly forgotten, for when we come to a beautiful and wild sea shore like Cape Cod when rarely a soul is around, the contemplation of its majesty implicitly draws us to compare it to human endeavors. I look out across the wide Atlantic and see not just its wild power but the feeble pretensions of the Atlanticist countries that think they can still control the world. Their illusions die hard as their sand castle empire crumbles before the incoming waves.
And here on this long stretch between bay and ocean, it is hard to forget that 10,000 years before the Pilgrims came ashore, the native peoples lived here and were eventually driven from their land. Not far from where I stand sits the Nauset Light house, named for the Nauset original free people that once lived here. You can travel all across the United States and even if you wish to forget, there are constant reminders of the genocide of the native peoples by the European settlers. You bow your head in shameful remembrance.
Of course, to forget, it is crucial to remember to try to forget, and in doing so you are caught in the human web of thought.
We tell ourselves, let us go then, you and I, to contemplate the sea and sky, to let go of all the world’s woes and pack up our sorrows and give them to the elements as we vacate our minds. Then – ouch! – we are jerked back by the sight of a dead sea gull on the sand or a plaque informing you that the long stretch of outer beach you walk with the ghost of Thoreau was preserved as the Cape Cod National Seashore by President Kennedy in 1961. You find yourself walking with many ghosts: dead writers, sailors drowned in shipwrecks, ancient dead horseshoe crabs along the strand, and an assassinated president who loved this sea and land. You realize that nature, while beautifully majestic, is also a cruel taskmaster, but not as cruel as humans, so many of whom seem to revel in killing.
You struggle to dismiss the thoughts associated with these aperçus, yet you immediately wonder if they are auguries of past events or harbingers of something else. You feel you have been ambushed by another reality. You hear Billy Joel’s words from his historical song, We Didn’t Start the Fire, “JFK blown away, what else do I have to say.”
You is I, of course, and although these words are addressed to those who might read them, I am also writing for myself, and I sense my word usage was a way to distance myself from what I sometimes find hard to accept: that for some reason of character or experience or both, it is my fate to be unable to escape for long from what my perceptions suggest to me. Wherever I have gone on that strange word “vacation,” I have been trailed by thoughts that others may consider inappropriate for the occasion. Un-vacation thoughts. Wherever I have traveled I have always felt like William Blake as he wandered through each chartered street of London:
In every cry of every Man,
In every Infants cry of fear,
In every voice: in every ban,
The mind-forg’d manacles I hear
Is it a blessing or curse? I don’t know. Such knowing is overrated. My father, an eloquent and brilliant man with deep religious faith, used to end his letters to me with the words: quién sabe (who knows)?
There is, however, another form of knowing that is vastly underrated; it is historical, a knowledge of history that illuminates the present. I mentioned the Nauset people who lived on Cape Cod when the Pilgrims first temporarily dropped anchor in what is now called Provincetown Harbor. The Nauset people’s story, like those of the other native people’s across the United States, is tied to the U.S. history of empire in significant ways.
This country was conceived in the blood of all the original free peoples who lived here for eons. They were massacred to make way for the white technologists who sent their iron horses west as they slaughtered the horse riding nations – including the Pueblo, Pawnee, Comanche and Lakota – and other natives who went by shanks mare.
This history is crucial knowledge, for without it one cannot grasp the demonic nature of today’s U.S. wars throughout the world. The history has always been demonic. Nemesis is surely watching now, for what began in the blood of others, has a tendency to blow back on those who first unleashed the fire. Those of us alive today might not have started the fire, but if we don’t know and recognize its long-term spiritual effects, we can’t understand today’s U.S. provoked war against Russia via Ukraine or much else.
If you wish to praise the American Revolution, you should be sure to emphasize its demonic side. The mythology of the shining city on the hill needs to be abandoned. American exceptionalism needs to be jettisoned together with reminders of Washington and Jefferson, both rich slave holders. There are no exceptional countries. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution read beautifully on paper as ideals, but those who promoted them were far from it.
Is it exceptional to massacre the native peoples and steal their land?
Is it exceptional to have built an economy on the backs of slaves kidnapped from Africa?
Is it exceptional to plunder foreign lands and make them part of your own?
Is it exceptional to wage endless foreign wars, assassinate at will, and steal the resources of other people to fuel a deranged consumer society?
Is it exceptional to grant full freedom to criminal corporations to pollute the land and water?
Is it exceptional to create endless crises and use propaganda to transfer vast sums of wealth from regular people to the super rich?
Exceptional perhaps, but only in the sense that other past empires considered themselves god-like and immune to Nemesis’s warning of retribution for such crimes?
A dark wind is blowing across the beach now. The sand stings. I see a storm coming, so we will leave for now and go to the nearest restaurant where we will order a dozen oysters for a buck a piece and drink some wine to enjoy our last day here. When the dozen are gone, perhaps another dozen will taste even better. All will be well for a small slice of time. I will remember to forget.
I might later remember a photo of Gabriel García Márquez’s face, the look of a bon vivant who told stories to preserve the mystery of our ordinary, extraordinary lives. The fierce journalist who exposed the mystifications that are used by the powerful to deny regular people their democratic rights. A man who could enjoy life and oppose oppression.
If you can believe it, I will remember that he spoke of “the mission assigned to us by fate.” And that the great English essayist John Berger says of him, when comparing his face to that of Rembrandt’s blind Homer:
There is nothing pretentious in this comparison: we, Death’s secretaries, all carry the same sense of duties, the same oblique shame (as we have survived, the best have departed) and the same obscure pride which belongs to us personally no more than the stories we tell.
Berger adds that Death’s secretaries are handed a file by Death that is filled with sheets of black paper which they can somehow read and out of which they make stories for the living. No matter how fantastic they may seem, only one’s incredulity blocks one from entering their truths.
JFK had a secretary named Lincoln, Evelyn Lincoln, who late one night when tidying up his desk, found a slip of paper in his handwriting on the floor. It wasn’t black. On it was written a prayer Kennedy loved. It was a message from Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln: “I know there is a God – and I see a storm coming. If he has a place for me, I believe that I am ready.”
It’s worth remembering that was soon after the Bay of Pigs when Kennedy said he wanted “to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds,” and that he had just returned from a meeting with Nikita Khrushchev where he was shocked by Khrushchev’s apparent insouciance to an accelerating threat of nuclear war.
Death’s secretary can’t forget.
And yet those oysters. Their taste upon the tongue! So exquisite! The sea’s sweetness in every swallow.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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Revealing the agenda for world domination a group of lawyers.
Zombie apocalypse series Z Nation has a fourth season which aired in 2017. It starts with a tiny luxurious community representing “the 0.00001%” – according to one of the characters. This miniscule number have been “saved” by a vaccine that soon turns lethal. And there is much talk about “The Reset”. There is even a bald overlord played by the oddly shaped Michael Berryman. Programming doesn’t come more predictive.
What is funny is that the few comment threads that picked up on this think that the CIA then “stole ideas” from the TV series – which is a major case of putting the cart before the horse. It is more likely that the ideas have been percolating in the uppermost levels and are then surreptitiously “leaked” to the entertainment medium.
Fuckin’ Hell have you seen this one from the BBC?
“Ukraine war: The mothers going to get their children back from Russia”
It’s the same propaganda recycled from every war since the dawn of time.
I can’t read the articles anymore. But the titles….
“Peas that don’t taste like peas could help the planet”
You could see it this way: these days you don’t have to pay for comedy. These news channels give it for free. Do you think these reporters have competitions to see who can come up with the stupidest title?
Mindless: in another true story…I can’t read a note but I can remember a grand tune after me grandad sucked his tunes and grabbed ‘is mouth organ. Remarkable really, seein he only had one lung ie: organ.
Is it something one would tell anyone else. Perhaps,
Perhaps it may help someone in British linguistics for that I’ll leave to the further educated…oh btw once again
I’m not a robot.
I’m glad to hear that Clive. I don’t mind puzzling over the writings of an actual human. In fact, I even find it amusing.
the genocide of the native peoples by the European settlers.
Where was the old “not all Europeans…” schtick? Odd how this works hey?
The Killing of the President, wasn’t a federal crime at the time.
This fella had a idea what how such a state crime may be abused.
Andrew Bridgen MP here talks to Dr Reiner Fuellmich:
“Video: the ‘covid’ mRNA ‘vaccine’, truths and lies: Dr Reiner Fuellmich talks with MP Andrew Bridgen” (video: 1.08.56 hours), at:
No fires, No camping, No bike riding during certain times.
Beach Roads closed at 10pm. a lot of the commercial Beach area are now following suit.
Ocean City to close beaches at 8 p.m. after police respond to nearly 1,000 calls over Memorial Day weekend
Show it to that McRae? btw American beaches do have bye laws educate yourself.
President Biden of the US of Amoebas has shown us that the president doesn’t run the show but we are supposed to believe that the JFK figure did?
JFK was permitted to be elected by the banksters mainly for two reasons. To get arch zionist LBJ in and to extract revenge on the Kennedy clan. Joe sr committed the ultimate sin of peacemongering on the eve of the bankster’s WW2. A famous neocon John Podhoretz made the bankster hatred of the clan perceptible with his foul piece in some New York Murdoch rag. It was written after the banksters had butchered John jr in the nineties and was titled “A conversation in Hell” or something to that affect. It was a conversation between Joe sr and the devil in Hades. MC Piper said the piece was too foul even for the media and was taken down. He was wrong. It is still readily available on the net a quarter of a century later.
The WHO is Death’s Secretary:
The World Hoax Organization.
World Hell Organisation.
So C-19 is the most successful. It created jobs, it kept science and society alive.
What would we be without side effects? If you have a side effect, all around you care more about you. You get more attention.
People dont care about you if you walk around eternal sound, and will hate you for never taking a sick leave. Its a social matter.
What I mean is, there is also good things to say about vaxxes.
One way is into believing we humans are consistent leveling homologously or simply being industrious. I’ll be frank personally I detest this consistent ww1 ww2 of a comforting aloftnes reminiscent of long outdated Conservative parties. It does have a practical reality sound from those whom remember, of clackering typewriters. Backspace Oh Shite! not the paper backed paid for a fee newsprint arch angels Again.
Ok, Perhaps one Day these Cons. fed will wake up there are no peace periods in one hundred wars. Only the weaponry typing changes.
Thank you
Even the figures for measles, mumps and rubella are doubtful. Their “vaccines” were given as a single combined jab, and more “vaccines” have since been added to that jab.
A logo of a serpent ruling a flat earth. What a massive coincidence.
They tried a sphere but it wouldn’t go through the printer.
Nothing like a happy snap to brighten your day:
Short hair on older women is mandatory like the clot shots.
Bivalent boosters are necessary to protect against garden variety covid, and Omicron, Zebedeecron, Ramallamadingdogcon and the George, Paul, John and Ringo variants.
Very funny George.
You should be on the stage.
Here is a photo of the famous anti-vxxxrs.
We can clearly see which group like their lives and who are asleep.
Low Score
The low score is an indication that the neocons have been offended. I tried without success to rate it 5.
The pride in being exceptional alone shows the depth of ignorance and delusion.
As I mentioned on the earlier thread, there are so many expensive holocaust memorials across that large nation but none dedicated to the victims of genocide and slavery on American soil.
Good point. Of course what kind of memorials would we erect for Native Americans considering they are still living on reservations.
Tee pees?
Tee Pees are part of America’s 1000 year old ancient culture and history.
These ancient traditions can be seen in the US society today: Living off grid, Scouts, gathering around the fire, hunting buffalos and girls, playing the guitar.
We have films and songs, Soldier Blue. But monument should be erected: Sitting Bull with a dead child in his arms.
I think my comment may be misconstrued.
I think monuments to native Americans SHOULD be erected. I think they are the most unfairly treated people in the United States.
Reservations???? My God. This was THEIR land.
I am amazed at the constant hue and cry about minorities not being represented in government, civil service, sports and entertainment. Yet, how many Native Americans are in ANY of those fields??
It’s astonishing.
So, please excuse what may have been a misunderstanding about my comment.
Not funny. Reservations are like open prisons. These poor souls are constantly watched and fed poison while the land is sold off from under their feet by the Fed.
The mere mention of JFK acts as a red flag to the neocons that control this forum.
If you are saying JFK just one more time……………………. 😩
Guess I went to the opposite extreme.
Wow! Stew Peters against the BBC really gets the adrenaline flowing.
Covid is real but created as a bio-weapon and intentionally released as an attack on the public. That’s Stew Peter’s message, an impossible to prove piece of propagandist shit.
There’s a clear desperation everywhere (apart from here and and the occasional dark corner) to avoid discussion about Covid as an invented disease that was never out there, never a threat. This has been easier to prove simply by reviewing made-up and manipulated death stats and the reliance on a clearly flawed and useless PCR test. Sure, a bio-weapon could have been released, but one which requires made up deaths and infections? Okay then!
Once you get your head around that, Stew Peters is just another man-on-the-make. Pushing the agenda in a direction away from the greatest lie of Covid and toward the already well raked garden of pharma fibs and medical malpractice. A few choice lawsuits with limited actual victim compensation and all will be right again.
Yes, David Icke makes exactly the point you’ve made, in his (as usual, wholly correct) words at the top of the page at the link below:
“‘Doctor proves ‘covid-19′ is a military bioweapon’. Sorry, mate, the fake VACCINE is a bioweapon and the test swab is a bioweapon – ‘virus bioweapons’ do not need their cases to be scammed with a fake test and the deaths to be faked by putting ‘covid-19’ on death certificates no matter what they died from. ‘Virus bioweapons’ do not need flu to disappear to be rediagnosed ‘covid-19’. They do not need to kill people with Midazolam and Remdesivir and call it ‘covid-19’. ‘virus bioweapons’ would do their job without any such ‘help'”, at:
Icke has been solid on the plague-hoax right from the start and he was an instrumental part of my own awakening, too.
Yes, you’re so right, re. David Icke. I remember reading some of his books in the 1990s. Have bought, and read, his ‘Perceptions of a renegade mind’ a year or so ago, re. the ‘covid’ hoax. The gullible, brainwashed masses should read it; if that doesn’t open their minds, then nothing will.
I think that he, Icke, may have been ‘set up’ re. his claims of the [disgusting] Windsor family (I’ve been a passionate ANTI-‘royalist’ for 35-40 years) being ‘shape-shifting reptilians’. If ‘The Powers-That-Should-NOT-Be’ want to try to keep the masses from finding out what’s really going on, on Earth (not just the last 3+ years, but for one hell of a lot longer than that), then they might just try to ‘feed’ a truth-teller like Icke with something that sounds utterly ridiculous (in this example, the claim that certain famous people have been seen to ‘shape-shift’ into reptilians, etc), in order to attempt to blacken that person’s image when they disseminate the truth re. what really is taking place on Earth, by equating that person (Icke, in this example) with the [ridiculously-sounding] claims re. the reptilian stuff which he, David, writes and talks about.
Nope, Christine, not set up. That’s what David Icke preached for decades– on his own site & elsewhere.
I once had an experience of primal fear where i clearly felt like somewhere inside myself (up the back of my skull i believe) was an actual lizard or reptile of some sort. I sometimes wonder if we have evolved from reptiles and perhaps Icke was tapping into that in his own way.
Christine, it’s certainly a failing of Stew Peters that he’s not as thorough as he should be, and so makes mistakes like taking the snake venom theory seriously w/o investigation– and 1 or 2 errors in the video which has indeed saved lives.
But at least they’re mere errors that he doesn’t dogmatically repeat.
David Icke — DAVID ICKE! My goodness, I expect you don’t know about him or you wdn’t quote him as an authority. I certainly remember what he wrote in the past. Here’s an accurate synopses by the not-always reliable wikipedia:
“According to British conspiracy theorist David Icke, who first published on this theme in his 1999 work The Biggest Secret, tall, blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, now hiding in underground bases, are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy against humanity.[21] He contends that most of the world’s ancient and modern leaders are related to these reptilians, including the Merovingian dynasty, the Rothschilds, the Bush family and the British Royal family.[22] Icke’s conspiracy theories now have supporters in up to 47 countries and he has given lectures to crowds of up to 6,000 people.[23][24]
Penelope, I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40-45 years (I’m a 64-year-old Englishwoman), and I know one hell of a lot about David Icke! My post of a bit earlier today, above, was trying to make the point that what Icke’s been claiming, for decades, re. certain ‘famous’ people ‘shape-shifting’ into reptilian forms, is a nonsense. And I was thus trying to make a suggestion (one which has been made by many people around the world) that Icke may have been deliberately ‘fed’ that nonsense, decades ago (by ‘the Powers-that-should-NOT-be’), for him to churn out, repeatedly, in order to try to make the gullible masses disregard the factual things which he, Icke, does disseminate, re. how this world is run/controlled, and by whom.
In my post of a few hours ago, above, I mentioned that I’d read some of his books in the 1990s.
But, if you’d read and comprehended my post correctly, you’d have realised that I was NOT agreeing with Icke’s claims of ‘shape-shifting reptilians’.
However, he, David Icke, has definitely been ‘spot-on’, the last 32+ years, with regard to what’s been taking place on Earth since early 2020.
Ie, it’s advisable that people do not ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’, when they refer to stuff which Icke writes and talks about.
David Icke is absolutely marvelous. I wish I could buy him a pint and just listen to him talk.
Yes, he’s a good bloke, and immensely knowledgeable re. a multitude of subjects/areas.
As the saying goes, if you get a lot of flak (as David Icke [and others] does), then you know you’re over the target [whatever the subject might be]…!
Yup. And Stew Peters was one of those people pushing the ridiculous ‘snake venom in the water story,’ too. Not to be taken seriously …
What about the work of Dr Bryan Ardis and the work and DEATH in May 2023 of Dr Rashid Buttar? It is well known in areas with snakes/jelly fish that their venom paralyses. ‘Covid’ was not a respiratory illness, but a paralysing of the diaphragm. Without the diaphragm moving up and down, the lungs do not work resulting in shortage/lack of oxygen circulating the body, final result death.
You’re dogmatic w/o proofs, Shola– and so reap the usual reward.
Oysters being ousted from their native ocean and being summarily disposed of. Will need to bow one’s head over such matters in the centuries to come
The vast majority of immigrants were driven from their native lands by the power that now rules America for that expess purpose. The Highland Clearance, the Inclosures, the Potato Famine were no coincidence. The industrial possibilities of that huge land were necessary for the next big push – The World.
There were two revolutions in America with two different founding documents both called their revolutionary governments, the United States of America. The 1st 1776 sought to force the British corporations and their London based centralized management of, and control over the British American colonies out of America. The British hold and control over the centralized rule of law throughout the various colonies was terminated. The influence of the British king and parliaments were pushed out of the American colonies by American commercial interest. The Articles of Confederation transformed the British colonies into independent nation states [that is each colony became an independent, highly democratic nation state, held together by an agreement between the States much like the UN is today]. British corporate land grant estate owners, their corporations and commercial interest soon discovered the Articles of Confederation did not permit the Americanized British Aristocrats and their commercial and Corporate entities to control things. Democracy was at work eating away privilege and unearned wealth. The Land grant colonies as nation states were too independent for the commercial interest that survived the American Revolution. What really challenged the Land grant holders was public debate about who owned the 1 million acres or more traditional in the land grants. The grants were given to the ex British Aristocrats by Kings and Queens in European lands. Did the Aristocrats actually own millions of acres that were obtained from by grant from foreign countries,before the American Revolution? British Kings and queens were not capable to given anyone title to land in America? Ex British Aristocrats surviving in post Revolution America and their corporations were not going to stand by and let democracy deprive them of the millions upon millions of acres that had for so long made them rich, famous members of the Aristocracy. But… Read more »
Exactly. Yet notice how the descendants of those poor whites forced out of their homelands are now history’s ‘bad guys,‘ while the descendants of those élite elements who forced them out are today’s ‘philanthropists.’ Funny how that works!
Hence, the next big push. It’ll be a piece of cake with their expertise. Unless….
Yes humans do revel in killing.
And the rest of us are more than happy to reap the rewards of the murder rape and pillaging..
We live large on the back of it.
So let’s not blame the killers — we are 100% complicit.
Oh and then there’s what we do to feed 8 billion rapacious apes:
Let us not cast stones rather let us look in the mirror — to see the horrifying monster
Of course some are more guilty than others. They are the best rewarded.
Apes would not treat their fellow creatures that violently and perversely. Only humans are capable of that.
I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Monkeys kill for leadership, I dont know about apes, but chimps go on rampages and eat monkeys.
We do the same thing only we use industrial military machinery to murder and maim … the scale is epic.
We say that we have evolved from the primitive apes — we have indeed.
They do not have atomic bombs and fighter jets — primitive fools!
I don’t believe that we evolved from apes, that theory comes from a religion even older than Hinduism. It’s the religion of eugenics behind elite masonry. It appears that they consider themselves a superior species unrelated to us mere humans who are just evolved animals.
We devolved from apes. Apes are superior to humans.
Your chance to improve the race and save the world- marry one.
Absolutely true. I apologize to the apes… we have devolved from them. We are far inferior.
Apes must look at us with disgust.
Look at us – we are so intelligent — we have run our population into massive overshoot using our intelligence… to feed 8B — using finite inputs (oil and gas based fertilizers and pesticides) to accomplish this magnificent feat!
And now we have come upon the end of the road
Ok, ‘picking up’ this magazine…I’d go there mid late 80’s to ’91, with a wonderful Swiss German who also was fluent in speaking Italian. His Wife’s aunt had left her a ‘cottage’ amongst the sand dunes. Sometimes with the family. Once me and him went to also repair the roof. Two of us and his dog. God I also loved that families dog. There was something special about the that blighter….anyway..
Together with him..although he was American I would, away from racing he also naturally express ourselves as Europeans.
The World out there beyond the stuff you can’t drink dickweed dickheads …sand water Mix water sand.
Go on ..Say something in American….say something in British…..because of the way it is, you’ll only see the inside of a dome tent.
Americans don’t go there…..btw me friendly loving puppy wasn’t American either.
You May come to the realisation though,.
. of a very significant fact. Blairs book is British in the other tent it is American. Far be it from me to suggest openly a simple term of being constantly groomed day and night.
You got the LOVE the Oceans imo.
Is there any possibility the Clive Williams AI random word generator can be erased from Off-G?
Mr Shitler, perhaps you’d like to share a person experience, when you weren’t playing in a sand pit., or as a grownup giving the lawn a crew cut.
There are other AIs here.
McRae, I just shared a genuine true life personal experience for the readers. You come on here and what!!! A WHAT?
You are a demeaning shithead.
Maybe you and me and a couple of many too, arent the interesting famous authors and filmstars we think we are. Even if we get 20 likes on faecesbook.
Not saying anything. Just my 2 cents.
Maybe he has dislexia you half wit.
Don’t count on it letting you know.
That’s an single squirt pal from a Redcar lad btw for other people the dogs name was Heidi. Further “McRae” self ego is commonplace known as acting like a prick., perhaps for your convenience a jerk. Either way it’s pretty playground chalkie, who are your back up chums. One will be feminine egg guaranteed. Let vile have the last word oh 🔍she has 🤡 right tat tar….
Clive, I would enjoy your description of cunnilingus as you have experienced it. To me, it is a privilege bestowed upon men by the gods, and not to be taken lightly.
Nearly a infomercial.. seems like a little nudge.
Jfk…in the beginning I did buy it, now I dont.
Keeps the hopium very high with the ‘only if we get our man in office fantasy’.
JFK wanted to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind, right! And he demonstrated this by then in November 1961, upon the advice of brother Bobby, appointing John McCone to run it, a corrupt high ranking corporate official who was then the Atomic Energy Commission chairman. McCone proceeded to overthrow several governments on the administration’s behalf, with full approval, governments in Ecuador, Guatemala, Iraq, British Guiana and El Salvador, and mount a de facto coup against the Diefenbaker government in Canada,
John Diefenbaker was one of the two men in international politics JFK really hated, per brother Bobby. the other being Sukarno of Indonesia, whom the CIA eventually overthrew in October ’65, after trying for several years. Diefenbaker refused to put US nuke warheads on Canada’s air defense missiles and to integrate Canada’s air defenses into NORAD. McCone did oppose the overthrow of Diem in “South Vietnam” (a US-created puppet regime) but was overruled. After JFK’s assassination, McCone went on to overthrow the government of Brazil.
And don’t forget JFK and Bobby’s Project Mongoose, repeated attempts to assassinate or overthrow Castro, which resulted in several hundred deaths in Cuba.
Don’t forget that the removal of Sukarno was followed by honest-to-goodness bona fide genocide. The fix was to label the people you were killing ‘communists’ which made it perfectly OK with us in the West.
(Seventy years ago Indonesia was a country that had a sizable Muslim population but it wasn’t a “Muslim” country.)
2 million people were massacred by death squads in the wake of the coup, indeed a massacre which was passed off as “cleansing out the communist infection.”
Dream my beauties. Tsam, Schwartz, Knoit – will they keep you safe by means of deception? But where do we go, my lovely. Why is the only alternative to The Guardian, Off Guardian?
Is that no contained opposition?.
Who cares, the Western penis lost its substructure long ago.
Shrinking members. The people are browbeaten, just like the corporate executives who preside over collapsing sales, because “shareholder value” has been replaced by stakeholder. Nobody speaks. The investor infests.
Nice piece but you are also part of the invading and massacring tribe, funny or not?
Yes, when you eat an oyster raw it is still very much alive. Or at least it has only recently died.
It all depends on your POV. Killing and maiming is in our human blood from birth till death regardless of your skincolor and place of birth.
While yes, killing and maiming is in human blood, it is also a hallmark of nature itself. Somehow most people don’t see plants as alive; therefore it’s okay to eat them but not okay to kill an animal.
Nature is beautiful; but its beauty comes at a great price.
Ian Lungold left behind a great lecture series on the evolution of consciousness. Atrocities committed in the past are now viewed as unconscionable today. Some evolve slower than others, but we are refining ourselves.
Life feeds on life,
except for Vampires;
they’re Death feeding on life –
and philanthropathic bill gates is a Vampire.
“Is it exceptional to massacre the native peoples and steal their land?”.
Not exceptional; it happens all through history.
“Good Sir, how do you make your living:
Are you a pirate or are you a sacker of cities?” — Homer.
“When you have conquered the land let no male survive,
Not even the little baby boys in their cradles;
But females can live to breed you slaves” — Old Testament.
The most fascinating change in Graeco-Roman Literatture is its gradual transition from the clear-eyed realism of Homer via the tearful sentimentality of Vergil to the revolutionary idealism of the New Testament.
The peaceful places have guardians.
Many years ago, when I actually went somewhere, I ventured to the Delaware Seashore, a stretch of (at the time) nearly vacant beach away from the resorts. The beach was a narrow stretch of sand. But to get to it I had to walk through a swath of scrub brush and sand.
On this barrier were sand flies, full of bite and protective furor, the welts their bites created worse than the pitiful doings of mosquitoes. Coming and going to and from the beach meant any number of bites.
I believe now there is a toll for accessing this beach. Much more effective than a swarm of flies.
There is a reason why “God” has made malaria, otherwise we would have plundered whole of Africa as humans.
We just wanted to dig a little gold for a living, to sustain your family, and then you get attacked by a million mosquitoes, yellow fever, malaria, etc. Is that fair?
Just got this in an email. Dunno if anyone has posted it before but it’s probably worth taking a look at if you’re against their digital prison tokens.
Look at this from Bank of England. Everyone who wants to keep cash alive should fill in this form. Copy and past the sentence suggested and put in every box on the form.
Central Bank Digital Currency
Did anyone know this was out for public consultation? Of course not!
Consultation closes 7 June.
You can just put in each box
“I don’t agree with CBDC in any circumstances. I did not vote for this”
Of course if you have more time, you can add more
Please share widely.
“Consultation paper”
Like the consultation over lockdown, jabs and mandates?
Don’t be soft Danny. It’s all about getting your info for their files.
The Bank of England’s CBDC ‘Consultation’ – Why and How to Respond
I keep wondering why the one system has to replace the other. We should be able to have both digital and physical (paper currency) means of trade as we do already.
It’s not about “digital” money – we already have it every time you pay by card or do an online bank transfer.
It’s about the amalgamation of all bank accounts into a register of your earnings and savings held by central banks and, importantly, about this currency being programmable!
By being programmable by the whims of central banksters, your money could be deemed to expire by a certain date – i.e. it will vanish if you don’t spend it before then – which means bye-bye saving up for a big ticket item or a mortgage; it can be programmed to be spent only on ‘permissible’ goods and services; etc.
Already the Australian government imposes “Income Management” on many who are dependent on government payments to survive.
The scheme involves a ‘tranaction card’, and restricts what you can spend money on: no booze, no drugs, no gambling, no visiting prostitutes. It can be extended to restrict red meat consumption, buying food for your pets (pets are considered a luxury), cream puffs and chocolate eclairs (the latter two can be restricted – if you are diagnosed ‘obese’ by a medical AI).
Its administration doesnt require a massive bureaucracy. AI will be in charge, and AI, everyone knows, are infallible – like the Pope.
I realize that and in my opinion we don’t need the programmable version of what we already have. We don’t need the overlords.
It’s meant to cut out the use of government’s fiscal policy for public purpose. Since their plan is to dissolve nation-states altogether, this new system conveniently removes any scintilla of having another FDR-style era of prosperity for all.
Remember that this is the same B of E that failed to regulate the massive financial institutions and had to bail them out in 2008, that then kept QE going because the basic issues were never addressed, that then opened the spigots on QE because the Johnson government had declared an “emergency” and then looked all surprised when there was runaway inflation.
Now we are being asked to trust it with CBDC.
After the last four years no one with an ounce of awareness should trust anything an “Authority” has to say.
Just got this in an email. Dunno if anyone has posted it before but it’s probably worth doing if you’re against their digital prison tokens.
Look at this from Bank of England. Everyone who wants to keep cash alive should fill in this form. Copy and past the sentence suggested and put in every box on the form.
Central Bank Digital Currency
Did anyone know this was out for public consultation? Of course not!
Consultation closes 7 June.
You can just put in each box
“I don’t agree with CBDC in any circumstances. I did not vote for this”
Of course if you have more time, you can add more
Please share widely.
Danny, this is to compile a list of non conformers
They did the same with non vax.
These “petitions” serve no purpose apart from give tptb lovely, free information on the dissenters.
So what are you saying? keep your head down and say nothing! It seems to me it’s the duty of everyone that’s aware of what’s going on to try and make as many people as possible also aware. It’s because of gutless bystanders that tptb have ruled the world for so long. We are many and they are few and when we unite it will be game over for them.
Government petitions only harvest info.
Even if they reach 100,000, the house will be empty when debated.
Perhaps, But at least you can say you tried to push back,
Unlss you’re a chicken shit & prefer to remain calm and carry on being oppressed.
Gutless bystanders? I’m sorry, but do you realize how many people out here on this site may very well have lost jobs, friends, families, etc due to refusing to take the miracle shot? Is that gutless bystanding to you? Or would gutless bystanding be screaming about the vax but taking it anyway and them maybe signing a petition against vaccination?
Actions will speak louder than any petition any damned day. Have you really not learned that yet? How many petitions have you signed and nothing changes? Us gutless bystanders out here are already on a list of dissidents somewhere anyway, why on earth would we add our names to one more nonsense thing that will accomplish nothing but to pad out the databases of those who undoubtedly already have our names and information?
As for your historical knowledge, I personally would question just how much you have read if you still believe that signing petitions ever changed anything.
But by all means, find someone, anyone to blame for the predicament we are in. Our owners prefer to keep that blame to gutless bystanders you can attempt to shame whilst you ignore who’s really in charge.
That’s the attutude. Totally defeatist.
Always goosebumps friend
Being able to shift your attention is a very valuable skill, especially for those who need to perform under difficult conditions.
Note the mental strategies top competitors use to maintain their energy over the duration of an event.
Having access to a strategy makes all the difference in the long run.
The places you are most able to be free of the man-made world are, quite simply, those places that the conquistadors have least desire to conquer.
So you tend to find the most emancipated peoples in the most challenging of environments: the areas of deep cold, the areas of desert, the areas of great rainfall, the areas least amenable to brain-dead monocrop agriculture/forestry.
Islands a very long way from large land masses.
Places where road building is very expensive.
Places the dead hand of civilization has not been able to dominate.
Good point Rhys.
I have observed the same on my travels.
It is a shame that I don(t like polar bear liver or deep fried “parmesans”
What’s not to like…? 🙂
That’s a normie homely authorative position your currently invested in that leads to your own stated residence.
Luckily, or perhaps precisely as you had intended it, your words are so beautifully strung together that just reading themselves is a sort of working reminder to our own brains that every now and then we need to take a breathe, and remember to forget. Gorgeous essay, and in a place I know very well indeed, which is perhaps why I could picture everything you said.
I can hear the theme song from Summer of 42 by Michel Legrand playing in the background…
According to many around here everything is just a big conspiracy.
Meanwhile there are other explanations:
“The final countdown”
Ah “Peak Oil” where have you been all this time! I knew there was still a bit of mileage in that old franchise.
So what about hydrogen production from solar-panel clad deserts in Africa and Australia splitting seawater into transportable, storeable fuel with virtually no limits or emissions
Or tidal energy.
Always poo- pooed by the towers of bird-killing-non- viable unless subsidised windmills.
I pooh-pooh them too, and i hate those windmill thingies.. Hydrogen Pipe Dreams
to keep the behemoth churning over. And i’m still waiting for the much vaunted carbon capture and sequesturing technology that will save the system & save the planet.
Producing hydrogen currently requires fresh water, something in short supply where sunlight is strongest and most dependable.
Sunshine is great but it costs a lot to get electricity from it via panels. Producing hydrogen is *very* energy demanding, good luck in doing this on a grand scale.
Windmills are expensive electricity as well and once again: the world doesn’t run on electricity but on an energy dense liquids derived from oil.
Tidal energy – right around the corner for some time now …
The Saucerer makes sense of why the UN has made 2030 the year by which the new world order has to be bedded down by. Global warming is the cover story, Evs are a distraction.And the Great Cull is needed to reduce demand, not of food, but of oil.
The Saucier is right, we’ve entered the final leg, the final countdown, and, not everything is a conspiracy.