The Musktown Massacre
CJ Hopkins

Well, it was touch and go there for a while, but it appears “free speech” has been saved again! That’s right, as I’m sure you’ve heard by now, all hell broke loose at Musk Cult HQ (also known by Musk Cultists as “Musktown”). It felt like the final days were upon us!
What happened was, the Communist Wokesters who are secretly still in control of Twitter pulled a fast one on our beloved leader! They are a devious bunch, those Commie Wokesters, and they’re out to destroy Elon’s beautiful dream of a free-speech-but-not-free-reach utopia!
The situation was still pretty fluid this morning, and I was getting a lot of conflicting reports, but, the word from San Francisco was, Elon had donned a pair of those scary 1970s Jim Jones sunglasses and was wandering around the Twitter campus with a megaphone rambling about “traitors” and “spies.” Delivery trucks bearing the “Flavor Aid” logo had been spotted crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. Senior Twitter Trust and Safety executives were golden-parachuting from upper-floor windows. Or something more or less along those lines.
But, seriously, what happened was, Free Speech Twitter “visibility filtered” Matt Walsh’s film, What is a Woman?, and Musk cultists’ brains were literally short-circuiting…
After promises that the problem would be fixed, the film has been flagged as hate speech and shares have been disabled
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) June 2, 2023

The poor Musk cultists could not believe that their beloved leader, a multi-billionaire military contractor and world-class huckster who wants to put computerized chips in their heads, had betrayed them. After all, he promised he wouldn’t! Or, I don’t know, maybe he didn’t …

In any event, it was pandemonium in the VIP Lounge at Musk Cult HQ. The wailing of assorted senior Musk Cultists resounded all across the Internet. “It can’t be Elon! No, not our Elon! Elon would never do this to us! This has to be the work of the secret evil cabal of culturally-Marxist censors who are sabotaging Elon’s dream of saving the Internet from the Bad Blue People! Yes, that’s it! It was Ella Irwin and her cocaine-addled Commonist Twitter moles!” (In case it wasn’t already obvious, that “Ella Irwin” tweet above is a fake.)
For a moment there, I was getting a little worried that we were looking at another Jonestown-type deal. But then, of course, right on cue, Elon swooped in and saved “free speech” from the evil Commie Wokesters, again!

Who could have possibly predicted that?!

It’s amazing, isn’t it, how Elon Musk keeps saving free speech from his own fucking company? He’s like Captain America, Jesus Christ, and PT Barnum all rolled into one!

Anyway, it appears the Musktown Massacre has been averted, or postponed. So that’s a huge relief. Meanwhile, Twitter censorship continues. But who cares? It’s not like anyone actually gives a flying fuck about free speech. It’s the “cult-versus-cult” competition that’s the thing! And the Musk Cult is kicking Covidian Cult ass!
Or the other way around. I’m not quite sure.
Whatever. As long as Elon allows us to “misgender” people on Twitter, we’re winning!
So, all together now, “THANK YOU, ELON MUSK!”

P.S. In case it isn’t clear, that Kim Dotcom tweet is not meant to be ironic.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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So whats the name of the movie?and where l can find the link?
Ben Shapiro is a collectivist dressed up as a “libertarian”.
Change my mind!
CALLER: Ben, you are WRONG about Vaccines
Ben Shapiro
Feb 24, 2020
A caller challenged Ben Shapiro on his position on mandatory vaccinations.
We would be nothing without a woman or a girl.
“World moves on a woman’s hips,
World moves and it swivels and bops;
World moves on a woman’s hips,
World moves and it bounces and hops!”
David Byrne (1980)
By the way, there’s something horribly fanboyish about the way people keep calling him “Elon”, as if they were on first-name terms with the creep. He’s not your pal and you’ re certainly not his. He doesn’t even know that you exist.
I keep thinking I’m reading “Elton”.
Yep. Ditto for “Hillary” and “Boris”.
Pathetic. I come back to this forum and leave again. Supercilious bunch of weirdo’s you all are. And yes that’s my real name.
“Leave Eeelon aloooone!”
Twitler have just handed me an instant 12-hour ban (without warning) for the following allegedly “abusive” (sic) tweet. It was a response to a truly Goebbelsian piece of propaganda by Oxfam, a tweet bigging up their repulsive ad campaign for Pride Week.
So many other people objected vehemently to the Oxfam tweet that Oxfam themselves quickly “withdrew” it. Twitler then suspended me, so I can’t even link to the exchange. See the acct of @MForstater for details and context.
The internet is being rapidly stolen from us and enclosed. It is now almost wholly owned by billionaires and staffed by sneaky sanctimonious careerist gollums, accountable to no one but the CIA. Self-defence is “abuse”, aka Hate Speech™.
Scary Wee Spiky Killer-Dots@Coupvid
@MForstater @dhnnjyn @oxfamgb @Oxfam
Ugly, stupid and nasty, proving yet again that ethics, aesthetics and reason are inseparable. This shit was conceived, designed, inspected, approved and published. How many “creatives” (sic) were involved? These people have_no taste_, and that’s not a trivial fault.
Jun 5, 2023, 2:14 PM
Without knowing what the Oxfam tweet was, it’s impossible to evaluate your response to it.
“Remove Tweet
Tweet 1 of 1
Violating our rules against abusive behavior.
You may not share abusive content, harass someone, or encourage other people to do so.”
Please show me where I did any of those things. You can’t, because I did none of them. I merely expressed my opinion, my utter contempt for an ad campaign that was shoved in my face without my consent and against my will.
I think most people still don’t realise what is at stake with “Hate Speech” legislation and corporate Full Spectrum Dominance of “social” media. Once we lose the freedom to call shit shit, we will all be forced to eat it and call it caviar.
I wonder if the words angry or anger could be substituted for abusive. This tweet has been suspended because it expresses angry content. We’re sorry but we can’t allow your angry tweet. We’re sorry but anger isn’t allowed at twitter.
Absolutely right. Anger, sarcasm, scorn, wit, and even a rudimentary sense of humour are all now inexcusably “right wing” (sic). How dare you presume to notice things? We have respectable brevetted Experts for that.
The Great Reset is so fucking boring. It could easily be renamed “Project Enfeeblement”.
That’s the kind of article which I find harder and harder to read – partly because I feel demoralised about trying to follow the new terminology which I think is deliberately misleading anyway and also because there are times when I can no longer tell if something is meant sincerely or satirically.
But the bit at the bottom is (unintentionally?) hilarious:
“How did this story make you feel?”
Followed by:
“Fired up
All with their little giffy faces. And going by the appended numbers I am assuming that some of our ever-so-sensitive pink news followers are actually responding. How fucking embarrassing.
This is how they keep you away from God. By discussing nonsense instead of the root cause which is the denial and disobedience to God. He created two sexes, end of discussion. I don’t discuss the various schemes of the mentally ill.
How about RFK and Cornell West on the Democrat ticket
I’m thrilled Elon exists-for now.
The Ukrainians are being offensive ?
Ukraine: Hell Breaks Loose As Khokovka Dam Completely Destroyed: Khakovka
God I’m so fucking depressed. I may have mentioned this before. I have a certain work colleague whose son decided he was non-binary, posts endless pics of himself with various hair styles and make up, bleats about how much hate he is suffering, and has his “proud” family and friends knocking themselves out to raise money for his “much needed” surgery.
Well he’s just had the operation and is now telling us he “feels drained” but also ecstatic because “gender euphoria” is apparently real.
Naturally he’s getting lots of words of congratulation.
Has the world gone fucking mad? I feel it’s like living in Nazi Germany only with the public themselves eagerly lining up for medical experimentation and celebrating it as liberation.
Meanwhile a friend who teaches has spoken about “the furries”. As an example, there is an office in which a car litter tray is kept because one of the pupils “identifies as a cat”. This pupil is “a furry” – not an official term by the way and I daresay any teacher caught using it would be instantly dismissed.
This is where the “youth culture” was headed. And the big money operatives knew it from the start. The young were the most credulous demographic ever. And now it is this manipulation of these gullible infantile minds that determines everything.
Maybe the “big money operatives” are responsible for this iteration of “youth culture”-as it’s so pervasive and institutionalized and sanctioned it hardly seems “grass-roots.”
Get off twat book of whatever you’re on. Don’t complain about being depressed while voluntarily surrounding yourself with the mentally ill.
I “voluntarily” surround myself with the mentally ill – in this case the son of a work colleague whose mental illness I wasn’t even aware of till about ten years after I started working beside her? I didn’t even know she had a son. But I’m guilty of not vetting all my work colleagues and their relatives before taking on a job? Well I must try harder next time!
This youth culture didn’t just begin. It’s been around for decades; and each year a little bit more is being added.
It began with the invention of the monstrous “child proof caps” on every conceivable consumer item.
I honestly think it has more to do with marketing than with any other nefarious agenda – and make no mistake: marketing is quite nefarious enough without any help from any other facet of our society.
There seems to be a great effort to establish in children’s minds the idea that nothing is permanent. “Would you like to be changed from a boy to a girl? No problemo. And if you decide being a girl wasn’t for you after all, we can (somehow manage to) change you back. After all, we’re gods now; we’ve mastered all creation. We can do anything! Ain’t we got fun!”
So? Youth culture was a bonanza for the capitalist profiteers. It created the most gullible demographic and they made a mint out of it. AND it was useful for brainwashing since this gullibility made that easy. It can be two things at once: a fast buck that keeps coming and a tool for control.
This made me smile.

IT S JOKE BEFORE ANYONE gets there knickers in a rwist.
I am waiting for some of the confused victims to litigate for big damages, on the grounds that they were misled. However, no person who made the change as a (sane) adult should benefit from such a move.
I’m not going to watch that film. Ever.
By giving the defining of women so much oxygen, we are putting real, biological women into the defensive. We women do not require defining. The people who presume to be called women but who are not women, need defining.
The film does a nice job of highlighting the absurdity of confusing women and men. Men shouldn’t be allowed to compete against women in sports. Children shouldn’t be operated on or given drugs to change their sex.
Yep.Woman:fact not feeling
This just nails it: “The poor Musk cultists could not believe that their beloved leader, a multi-billionaire military contractor and world-class huckster who wants to put computerized chips in their heads, had betrayed them. After all, he promised he wouldn’t! Or, I don’t know, maybe he didn’t …”
I think most Musk fans need an upgraded chip installed… Cheaper than sending them to Mars…
I suspect E-Lon was built in a CIA lab. His face looks as if it was injection-moulded in plastic.
On the trans thing:
There’s a comment about J K Rowling making a modest proposal for a few spaces for women. To which I answered:
It is infinitely sad that J K Rowling should have made such a modest proposal about “ a few small places” reserved for women (as in actual women – and the fact that I even have to put that in is also infinitely sad). Is this what the woman’s liberation movement has come to? In an age where, for decades, it was happily the case that women had won so many rights and where the rights have – quite rightly – been taken for granted, nevertheless we now have someone speaking – almost apologetically! – for just have a few spaces for women?
What is the grip that this trans movement has? As Graham pointed out, it is relentless because it is everywhere and has seemingly limitless funds poured in. And look at the success it has attained in effectively undoing everything the womens’ rights movements achieved.
The very language we use has been tainted and turned against us. “Gender critical” appears to suggest something radical and “weird”. But it actually means the opposite. It means the questioning of the new trans ideology. “Cis-women” again suggests something radical and “weird”. But it refers simply to actual women.
The odd and indeed the oxymoronic is now presented as “the default”, as normality, as the natural. Meanwhile the true default, normality, the natural is pathologized.
Cf. This from “our dependable dispenser of knowledge” – Wikipedia:
“An ideology variously known as gender-critical feminism, or trans-exclusionary radical feminism (TERF), asserts that trans women are not women, that trans men are not men, and opposes transgender rights. These views have been described as transphobic by many other feminists.”
What this ought to say is:
“Simple rational thought which was automatically assumed for untold thousands of years asserts that men are not women, and women are not men, and opposes the assault by psychopathic men on women. These views have been claimed to infringe on the rights of the psychopathic men to assault women. And the only feminists who agree with this claim are as disturbed as the male psychopaths.”
The space to be allocated to women (real, biological women) should be 50%. End of story.
Where in this upside down world have we come to that we need to define what is a woman?
Much better to make a film about What is a Trans-“Woman”?
She asks what is a woman.
Best yet, make one film about each of the upteen “genders” and put a copy in a time capsule so future robots can thank their “god” they’re not human. It’s the least we can do for them.
No such thing as trans woman.
In other words, we will periodically tell you what to think, feel or say.
It is an all-out War on Reality. Seriously, they are out to break humankind. Men are women. Breathing is murder. The air is full of Killer Dots. Matt Hancock is an honourable man. Food is killing the planet. 2 +2 = 5.
Think Winston Smith weeping weakly into his Victory Gin. That’s the way they want you.
The final scene from 1984 goes through my mind a lot. Worn down, burnt out, and finally accepting that you love Big Bill Gates.
One thing that strikes me is how trans-activists who insist on the existence of the non-binary human being nevertheless always resort to binary terms e.g. trans-men or trans-women. If they were serious about that non-binary matter, they would avoid these expressions altogether and come up with completely new words. The reason why they don’t do this is that it would make no sense. They have to resort to the old binary language because it is only that language which is intelligible. All of which proves that they are liars and they know it.
You make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel
Like a natural something or other or possibly nothing much at all because who really knows what really exists or if anything really exists ……
“You make me feel like a cis-het vulva-haver.”
It came out around the same time as Percy Sledge’s “When a sperm-producer loves an egg-producer.” Strange days.
Even if rewritten, both songs will eventually be memory-holed for “discrimination”. (To discriminate means to notice differences, which is always wrong. #EverythingIsEverything, by law.)
Yes that’s much better. And, since the parasite class clearly own the entire history of Western culture and can do whatever the fuck they want with it, I can foresee a complete meltdown of all titles, scripts, operas etc. So trash anything with “man”, “woman”, “boy”, “girl”, “he”, “she” – all the way over to “they” which, if anyone dares to use it to refer to a plural, will be considered grossly insulting to the “individual” “they”.
Which brings me to another problem: the redundancy of scare quotes these days. Everything/nothing is sincere and also ironic.
Oh what the hell – may as well go back to talking like the flower pot men. Flub a dub. No, that’s offensive too!
Ah yes, Bill and Ben Genderfluid, assigned Flowerpot at birth.
Little Weed. Old Flubbalup. Try telling that to young non-binaries nowadays.
I think the problem Elon is having with expression of free speech is the direct result of the intentional interference imposed by the regulatory assholes that corporations force governments to empower to deny the citizens of governments 1st amendment rights (unlimited speech without consequence of state harassment).
Tim cast ex vice department of defence (DoD)
Daily wire = scrapping the bottom of the barrel doesn’t even cut it.
WWE full moon pr stunt for low IQ sado’s.
about as real as Matt Walsh getting his account hacked.
Cj needs to get life.
For once I actually agree with much of Hopkins writes.
The law of averages.
Those of us “of a certain age” recall using Usenet for the same sorts of jobs that Twitter — and OffG, for that matter — are used for. Just as 30+ years ago these public forums tend to be infested with a sort of inflamed gossip culture.
Twitter itself was conceived as a messaging system for phones which is why the original message length was restricted to 140 characters. Its the size to fit in one GSM data frame. As phones became more data terminals than ‘phone with attached modem’ this restriction went away, much to our detriment. But since I don’t use Twitter what do I care?
Care because other people use it, maybe??
It’s a problem, that if you don’t use it, it goes away…
So, like Martin,
I. Don’t. Care.
Beats me why anybody would invoke Twatter in relation to freedom of speech. Twatter allows twats to ejaculate squeals of a very limited length, which are pretty much useless for conveying anything of consequence.
Fuck this kind of simplistic communication. Musk can shove Twatter up his ass and go fuck himself and I wouldn’t care one iota. I suggest that people with a functioning brain do the same.
In other words, the problem with Twatter is not a lack of freedom of speech. The problem is that the fucking platform does not allow by design anything meaningful to be broadcast in the first place.
I don’t use or follow twitter, but plenty of people (and plenty of assholes, I admit) do…so we want to keep it a free speech zone, don’t we? Or maybe you just don’t care about free speech? Sorry if I’m being insulting, I woke up in a feisty mood this morning!
I care about peopl e having something to say.
Sure, even assholes should be able to spew their gibberish, I have no problem with that, but Twatter is due to inherent reasons a platform I couldn’t give two shits about. It’s conducive to making people even stupider than most o fthem are.
your comment does not of course class as simplistic communication…..;)
In Welsh,…no.
Seems to be a lot of people with a lot of fucking time on their hands, that’s all I get from this. It’s like watching daytime soap operas only different. Am I supposed to know who Kim Dotcom is?
You would know who Kim Dotcom is, if you followed the progression of digital rights and copyright laws, and how they are enforced.
He has an interesting story and is interesting to learn about, however not sure there is much to gain from it these days. His experience is an insight into how Digital ID can be used.
If you paid a bit of attention and did just a modicum of research you would know who Kim Dotcom is. Or are you only interested in what is happening today on twitter and whatever the site is that 13 year olds use?
Say what? I’ve never even used twitter. And I’m 67 years old. What the fuck is your point? And no, I don’t want to do any research on Kim Dot whatever that fruitcake is. And you can’t make me, so there, nah, nah. Jesus.
Quite right. I can’t make you. I can’t make you think either.
About some inane dude that calls himself Kim Dotcom? Get real man. What you’re really saying is I should know who he is. If that’s your measure of what someone should spend their precious time on, then go for it. Sounds to me like you’re still in a “feisty mood”.
On this website, you are projecting tech tyranny!
Sounds exactly like the hypocritical, narcissistic, and bigoted pro-vaxxers were continually exhorting all of us to self-annihilate.
Blimey Albert have you said anything over US tv commericals? It is interesting to glance at system works. Who is whom..again? open up who cares who that is who are you. Look TV Adverts can also help people looking back at them to also find work. Not everyone falls for the catalog, fuck me some people are detached propagandists imo.
I bet Albert, like me, doesn’t do TV anymore.
There’s only one reason why the world is being run so poorly and this is it:
Here’s Why You Don’t Live In A Democracy Anymore
The PTB aren’t interested in anything lofty like human transcendence, they just want to reign over ignorant plebs living in squalor. That way, the bar for excellence can be kept very low.
Hello Straight Talk: Excellent interview!!! Matt Kennard absolutely nails it. Thanks!
170 million views and counting as of this morning.
Elon fired at least a couple of his Twitter executives for initially blocking it.
As a dedicated follower and subscriber of The Daily Wire, I have been following the saga closely. I read and watch them daily. Great source with some free content. What is a Woman just became free and will only be free on Twitter for a short time. Then it will only be available to paid subscribers.
Matt Walsh had be traveling around the country showing screenings at colleges and universities. Caused quite a commotion at all of them.
This movie spearheaded the movement across the country to stop the drugging and genital mutilation of minors in a number of states beginning with Tennessee.
The same AMA that approved sucking the brains out of late term aborted babies has been sterilizing and mutilating children suffering from gender dysphoria.
Medicine and big pharma have been making big bucks off of the industry.
Sound familiar?
What is a Woman has been the most impactful documentary I have ever seen.
Huge gains were made with relatively little input.
It does not take much to make a change. Simply pay attention and speak out.
No one was speaking out because no one knew what was going on behind closed doors.
If the Covid experience did not break your trust in medicine. This one will.
Squeezing through the cracks in censorship was the key.
Not a Musk fan but this one was a win for him.
like vaccine peddlers you mean at daily wire. shills for the Establishment

And I suppose CNN is your “baby”.
Imagine the consciousness on it, to think that the daily wire is news…
Evidence. I am open minded but, at the same time, confident you have none. A sure sign you are a lefty. Can’t make a legitimate argument to support your position so you attack personally. Standard procedure of the crazy leftist lunatic who is so fixated on the climate change propaganda that he or she cannot think and reason.
By the way. Daily Wire sued over vaccine mandates and won. Some of them are vaccinated. Ben Shapiro’s wife is a doctor. They fell for the protect the elderly propaganda. However, they did not vaccinate their kids. He won’t talk about it any more. I am sure he knows he screwed up. An individual does not make an entire organization a bunch of shills and vaccine peddlers. Matt Walsh has gone as far calling the use of the experimental clot shot a crime against humanity. You need to pay attention and know your facts. Clearly, you don’t. Watch the movie.
The daily wire is funded by the establishment pushing there talking points and agendas.
100% shill.
Didnt the influences influence your family members in to taking the vaccine ?
That what shills do.
Wake up wayne..
As I said. Proving my point about not having an argument. Making it up while personally attacking. Nothing to refute here. You did it all on your own.
Yes, I tend to agree with you. I don’t trust Musk, he is, at best, a self centered maverick, but getting Walsh’s film out before a mass audience is a real service.
I just love telling people that bit from Nash’s film where he says something like “if you can have preferred pronouns, can’t I have my preferred adjectives? I prefer, he says, Handsome and Brilliant.” And I prefer Beautiful and Brilliant. Make it So!! After all words create reality, don’t they?!
Problem: Musk/CEOs warn the ‘risk of extinction’ from AI.
Reaction: Be afraid
Solution: The Israel Innovation Authority, told Reuters. “It has been working on this matter for the last 18 months or so, with a view to achieving the right balance between innovation and the preservation of human rights and civic safeguards.”
Israel, will play a huge role in helping the nations of the world in joining together to address these universal threats.
Without Israel, the world would be help(ed) (by) the nations of the world in joining together to address these universal threats.
There are, or were, huge callcenters in the Philipines for FB and maybe other platforms. Those Asian hardworking people had shifts for 10 to 12 hours clicking on published content “yes or no”. The most horrendous child-abuse was in between.
At dramatic speed they had to agree or not with content.
My point is, next to algorithms, what is the role of those callcenters (in Asia or not) in blocking freespeech?
Call centers are mainly marketing operations wherever they may be situated . Enormous call centers are operated out of the US for profit prison systems , India , and China . However help lines for electronics problems granted by warranties , are often situated in the Philippines , and usually consist of a man or woman with a laptop and a product manual living and working out of a room near a cell tower with international access fielding technical problems , usually with little success , being paid based on the number of calls he/she handles . The sock puppet factories that you are referring to are run out of secure government facilities , and are not as a rule in the Philippines ? As someone years ago whispered in my ear , Jim , you don’t understand the scope of the problem !
Pure theater.
The WEF CEO will insure the continued censorship of the silent majority.
The transgender LGBTQXYZ movement is a pretext for violence.
We ain’t seen nothing yet.
They ain’t seen nothing yet.
“The transgender LGBTQXYZ movement is a pretext for violence“
If you mean that the “elites” have been pushing all this degenerate shit down everybody’s throat and demonising any healthy sane objections to it in order to create a political climate in the near future in which the peoples of the west will “vote” for dictators and police states, then yes, I agree.
Insane people on the other spectrum might vote for a dictatorship.
I agree that it is in order to create a political environment of divide and conquer.
Not for the purpose of voting for anything. The purpose being civil conflict, or civil war.
This is part and parcel of their controlled opposition game to keep us busy killing each other instead of TPTB, and having a revolution.
When did the XYZ get added; and what does it mean? And is there any such thing as a “movement” which is not a pretext for violence? (except maybe a bowel movement, hopefully).
I add that as the “catch all” for their alphabet soup of crazy.
You should write a similar parody for R. F. K. Jr. He plays the “liberty hero” role like Musk. He even embraces Bitcoin and Crypto!
I guess you think he’s a true one ’cause he had you on his podcast and praised your book.
I guess the only way we can prove you wrong is if Jr. like his father in 1968, on the edge of winning the Democrat nomination by a landslide and thus the presidency, gets gunned down like his father and his uncle by the CIA, Joint Chief’s, LBJ, and other assorted perverts.
There really is no comparison, I think. RFK Jr, on the issue of vaccines and vaccine injuries is perfectly sincere. He is not paid off. He has devoted his life for the past decade or more to this cause, has lost money doing so and has alienated his family. But nor is he some sort of demi-god or idol. On other issues, I am more than willing to disagree with him. But I don’t inherently distrust him, as I do Musk.
The character of RFK Jr. is even more insidious than that of Musk who is a full blown transhumanist-technocrat. Kennedy is promoting the “ecology of currencies” straight up from the mouth of the Club of Rome. Charles Eisenstein is the link between Camelot and Bernard Lietaer.
Just look at this kind of endorsements.
A Fox News interview with RFK Jr’s new campaign manager, Dennis Kucinich, was asked as the Democratic Party was excluding RFK Jr from debates, (now even some polling) how he could he possibly win the DP nomination. Kucinish dodged the question and said something like “the American people won’t be fooled.”
Incidentally, I was a delegate for Kucinich in 2004. When he got the to the Convention, he totally caved to the Party (insider) Leadership w/o demanding even a minor addition to the Party plank (which is totally symbolic as elected Democrats don’t have to follow it anyway). This would have been nothing more than a symbolic bone thrown to the DK delegates (and Progressives generally), but the Party wouldn’t even allow that. DK has cultivated a career as an honest Democrat, but in substance, it is nothing more than brand. He’s the perfect campaign manager for RFK Jr. Lots of lofty rhetoric going nowhere. He’ll be $busy on the talk show circuit for a couple years at least.
Wow! This is déjà vu all over again!
Many, many years ago I read– but didn’t bookmark, copy, or otherwise save– a highly credible and compelling account about the seamy underside of the Kucinich phenomenon written by a Kucinich volunteer in the 2004 campaign; even in my fading memory, your comment is a striking synopsis of that article.
He wrote about the way he enthusiastically joined the Kucinich campaign because he was impressed and captivated by Kucinich’s seeming determination to challenge the Democratic Party, aka “The Party of Judas” (my term, not his), by resolutely promoting “progressive” values and causes; IIRC, the priority was the “antiwar” issue, which involved repudiating the Democrats’ acquiescence to Bush’s illicit and illegal war of aggression against Iraq.
He wrote that in the pre-convention phase, supporters were fired up, in part, because Kucinich was personally present and available to all of the volunteers, and repeatedly insisted that even though it becoming the nominee was a long shot, he definitely would not support any nominee who supported the Iraq War. That was Kucinich’s red line, along with ensuring that a plank to this effect would be added to the party platform.
Then everything changed at the convention. Kucinich was too busy with party work to meet with the staffers, and instead campaign managers became his intermediaries– and “Bad Cop” intermediaries, at that.
When betrayed campaign workers expressed deep chagrin and outrage after Kucinich reneged on his “vows” and announced that not only would there be no progressive planks, he was endorsing the odious and pro-war Kerry, the campaign managers told the workers, in effect, to “grow up”. If they didn’t like Kucinich’s positions, they were free to leave.
It all rang true, and Kucinich’s later capitulation during the Obamacare fiasco corroborated the 2004 account.
Did you write that article, by any chance?
RE:Did you write that article, by any chance?
No. Didn’t need to. I came to the conclusion back then, that Progressives were incapable of learning from their own experience, that Progressivism was just another political brand, a dismal farm-league to Liberal ideology.
Which candidate – or victor in an election – has not reneged on his promises? That is the nature of representative democracy.
Just so; this is one reason why I don’t buy into electoral politics.
With respect to this “’twas ever thus” bottom line, Kucinich’s treacherous hypocrisy in 2004, and similar Pied Piper iterations from others since then, are unremarkable. But I still think it’s worth mentioning.
This kind of routine treacherous hypocrisy may be inevitable, and even understandable, but it’s still reprehensible.
Yes, I supported Kucinich as well in 2004, and was gravely disappointed by his caving.
There will be no reform-from-within. That ship (hustle) sailed a long time ago.
All it takes is a politico noticing the sniper laser on his head and he will shit any colour the authority wants.
CJ made a comment that he doesn’t read comments…
So it’s far better for everything to go unchallenged then?
You must be from Unit 8200.
As are the arseholes that upvoted your shitty little post.
Even you have to admit that there are more people nowadays keeping all these assholes in check. So what’s the problem?
So, after all that, what exactly, is a woman?
A human with a biological vagina and womb and ability to procreate.
Downvote is not an argument that refutes the biological facts stated.
Downvote in this instance could be construed as down syndrome.
Are there non-biological vaginas and wombs that humans have, having the ability to procreate?
Yes, when a penis is mutilated into a F hole by a mad doctor. Usually in Bangkok.
Or in the states -that has had 30 new gender identity clinics since 2007.
Not all women (that is adult human female) have the ability to procreate — some of us, alas, are past the age for it, others have various physical problems preventing it. Just an adult with XX (or maybe who is NOT XY, since I think there is such a thing as XXX) chromosomes. But I’m happy with “adult human female” thank you very much. And Matt Walsh’s film is a riot!
A woman born with womb that is not fully functional is the exception.
A man will never have the ability to procreate, naturally.
Mean-o-pause is a whole nother story that isn’t relevant to the question.
That answer just doesn’t seem to be specific enough for the crazies.
A sexist man-hater who does not orgasm in the presence of a penis? Based on the comment below being downvoted for being accurate….
Watch the movie. You will be amazed.
and amused!
An adult female.
Watch the movie. You will be astounded at the reactions people give. Politicians. Doctors. Psychologists. College students. Not to give too much of it away, but Walsh traveled over seas to get contrasting answers to his question. Walsh can be somewhat of an “unqualified” pontificator at times that may piss you off, but he squarely hit the nail on the head this time. Well worth the cost and time to watch it. Somewhat of a crusader, Walsh has placed a bullseye on his back by taking up such causes and fighting back against the Woke Mob. He and the Daily Wire should be applauded and supported for their efforts. Paying for an annual subscription goes way beyond contributing to any individual political campaign. If you can afford it.
OMG, what a question! A mother. a sister, a lover, a nagging bitch, take your pick from a much longer list!
Like the latest US Supreme Court pick, you obviously have to be a PhD biologist to even attempt to answer that question. A friend asked me the other day how many dogs do you have? I replied that I have no idea because I am not a veterinarian.
Musketeer or profiteer?
It ain’t half obvious.