Moving Toward a Global Empire: Humanity Sentenced to a Unipolar Prison and a Digital Gulag
David Skripac

“COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance.”
Yuval Noah Harari, World Economic Forum
Using the fake “COVID virus” narrative as cover, the privileged, power-mad parasites who pilfer the world’s wealth have sharply accelerated their longstanding plan to create a single global empire that is completely under their command.
This single global empire will ultimately employ the services of all the transnational institutions on the planet in order to regulate and control every aspect of human life.
It is a global empire run by an exclusive club, perhaps 8,000 to 10,000 strong, whose members do not pledge allegiance to any national flag, who snobbishly view themselves as superior to their countrymen, and who are indifferent to political ideology so long as they can control the political structure from within. They aim to erase all national borders and are well on their way to shredding the constitutions of every nation-state.
It is a global empire that, unlike days of yore, needs no standing army to wage war on a battlefield against an opposing empire. For, in this era of the single global empire, the enemy being subdued is each and every one of us.
That mission is being accomplished through a sophisticated information warfare campaign, which is designed to monitor and manipulate our every thought, word, and deed.
Importantly, this offensive attack on us is intended to suppress and stamp out freedom in every aspect of our lives—economic freedom; political freedom (particularly the freedom to impart and receive information and to accept or reject information); physical movement freedom; healthcare decision freedom; and, above all, the independence to think for ourselves—what can be called mental freedom.
Before I expose this global empire in more detail, I would like to share with you, dear reader, a story about my parents. It serves to contrast the 1950s’ version of mass surveillance and harsh restrictions on individual freedoms in certain parts of the world with the 2020s version of repression, wherein all of humanity—regardless of where one lives—is steadily and surreptitiously being herded into an omnipresent totalitarian control grid.
Harking Back To 1955
In 1955, my parents, Maida and Janko, risked everything to leave their homeland, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It was not a decision they took lightly, for it meant losing everything—possibly even their lives—if Yugoslav authorities ever found out that my parents had no intention of ever returning after visiting neighboring Austria for what they told border guards was simply a fun weekend excursion.
Since the end of the Second World War, Yugoslavia had been ruled by the communists under the leadership of Josip Broz Tito. Although Tito’s government tried to improve the living standards of the average person, his apparatchiks’ authoritarian rule left a lot to be desired.
For instance, a major impediment to progress was the entrenched corruption at every level of the Yugoslav government. Members of the Communist Party received privileges and favors, while everyone else waited months on end for basic necessities, such as foodstuffs and housing. Among party members, kickbacks and bribery were commonplace. Advancement up the social and political ladder was based on party allegiance and on who you knew, not on merit.
Another major drawback under Tito’s reign was the curtailment of individual freedoms. My parents had witnessed firsthand an erosion of their basic rights—their right to assemble; their right to speak freely; their right to travel; and their right to own a business. If anyone bravely spoke out, either publicly or privately, against these injustices, the state would monitor and track his every move. One could even be watched by a nosy neighbour, who might well be working as a snitch for the government.
The surveillance net cast over Yugoslav society and the restrictions imposed on civil liberties became worse as the rift between Belgrade and Moscow intensified in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Starting in 1948, the Soviets actively tried to interfere with Yugoslavia’s domestic political affairs. They even sought to overturn the Yugoslav government, for Moscow disapproved of Tito’s desire to chart an independent course, separate from the Soviet-dominated Eastern Bloc.
In June 1948, for example, the Soviets addressed the Yugoslav people with a call to overthrow their government. Yet, despite Moscow’s shadow permeating all levels of Yugoslavia’s internal political affairs, Tito’s communists managed to retain power. The USSR and its Eastern European allies refused to retreat, though. They still threatened to invade upon any pretext.
At Stalin’s behest, the Soviets tried to assassinate Tito on several occasions. Meanwhile, once-friendly neighbors like Hungary and Romania, now in the grip of the USSR, blocked Yugoslavia’s borders and shot at—and sometimes killed—Yugoslav border guards.

Against this backdrop, my parents made the fateful decision to leave their homeland. For years, they had been hearing through the grapevine about the “Promised Land”: the continent of North America. A land where the post-war economy was booming. A land of endless possibilities and countless opportunities. A land where, if one were willing to work hard, anything could be achieved. It was time for them to make their move.
Fortunately, my mother had stayed in contact with Franc Kopitar, a close friend of her family since childhood. Franc, after having served with Tito’s partisans (his partisan code name was Silvo) during the Second World War, had joined the Yugoslav state tourist and transport agency Putnik. (The agency was later renamed Kompas—a name it holds to this day.)
Although Franc was a patriot, ready to do whatever was necessary to defend his nation against an invading military force, he deeply distrusted the communists. Thus, he was willing to secretly help my parents escape Tito’s iron fist to seek a better life.
In 1955, through his connections in the government, Franc was able to secure the requisite visa and travel documents that enabled my parents to visit Graz, Austria, on a “temporary weekend pass.” The documents were the real deal: They bore the required stamps of authorization and other markings that would mislead the authorities into believing that my parents would return after their weekend sojourn in neighboring Austria.
Franc had instructed my parents to fully furnish their apartment with newly purchased furniture before they left. He knew this would mislead anyone who might be prying into my parents’ travel plans. After all, why on earth would anyone spend all of their meagre earnings to buy brand new furniture for their apartment if they planned to permanently leave the country?
With the deceptive scene of decorated rooms set in place and their deceptive scheme set in motion, my by-now-virtually-penniless parents packed everything they treasured into two small suitcases and set out for the Ljubljana train station on a cold January afternoon in 1955.
Filled with hope and trepidation, they boarded the train that would take them to the Yugoslav/Austria border. Not knowing how this momentous day would end, three questions weighed heavily on their minds:
Who and what was waiting for them at the border?
If their papers were not in order, were they going to be taken to prison and interrogated for days on end?
Worse, if their papers were not in order or their demeanor seemed suspicious, would they be hauled off the train and escorted to a nearby forest, never to be seen again? They knew such a tragic end had befallen many unfortunate souls who had tried to escape Tito’s reign.
The train reached the border with Austria by nightfall. (Austria at the time was divided into four Allied occupation zones: British, American, French, and Soviet.) Before it was allowed to cross into the British occupation zone, Yugoslav military authorities boarded in search of anyone who looked remotely suspicious or was suspected of traveling without authorization.
My parents had been instructed by Franc to look the soldiers straight in the eye and smile when asked to present their documents for inspection. It was imperative to make eye contact. If you were perceived to be avoiding the authorities’ direct gaze or if you looked nervous, you would immediately be ordered to disembark.
But making eye contact was easier said than done. My parents watched helplessly as a passenger interrogated ahead of them was removed from their railway car and dragged into the adjacent forest. Within seconds, they heard the echo of gunshots.
Years later, my parents told me it was one of the most difficult moments they ever had to endure. They recalled feeling morbid fear and dread as they forced themselves to sit calmly and not perspire—while their insides were turning to jelly.
To their enormous relief, when it came time to have their documents examined, everything was found to be in order. Nothing about their papers, their countenance, or their actions betrayed their secret. And so they were allowed to remain on the train and proceed into Austria.
Once they reached the Graz train station, they had no idea what to do or where to go. So they stood on the platform until a man in a grey trench coat approached and asked, in perfect Croatian (though with a British accent), “Are you visiting or escaping?”
After hearing their answer, the man chaperoned them to a processing centre, where they were provided with food and water by the Catholic relief agency Caritas Internationalis. From there they were transported by bus, along with other refugees, to a Displaced Person Camp (DP Camp Nr. 1001) located in Wels, Austria, in the American occupation zone.
There, my parents were interrogated and processed by American officials and then shown to their tight-but-blessedly clean accommodations in the crowded camp.

Although the camp was crammed with refugees from all over Eastern Europe, everyone made a point of getting along. My parents met many wonderful people of every neighboring nationality—Hungarian, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian—and from all walks of life during their stay at the camp. In the evenings, everyone played cards and shared stories—always full of intrigue and often pathos—about their harrowing journey from Eastern Europe.
After spending three months at the DP camp, my parents were invited to move into the home of a wonderful Austrian family as part of the Austrian government’s refugee sponsor program, which was coordinated through the United Nations Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The program was intended to help refugees learn the German language while providing them with a trade so that they could better assimilate into and contribute to Austrian society. (On average, about ten percent of all refugees would end up permanently staying in Austria, while the remainder would move abroad.)
Despite having forged an enduring bond of friendship during their sixteen months of lodging with the Austrian family, they nonetheless made the bold decision to voyage across the North Atlantic to the Port of Montreal, Canada, in 1957.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
Advancing To 2023
Lately I’ve asked myself: If my parents lived today in the region now known as the former Yugoslavia and if they sought to move to a country that promised them an opportunity to improve their fortunes, where would they go?
If they were looking for a place in which the inherent, inalienable rights of citizens are respected by the government, could they find such a place on any continent?
Would they still travel to the Commonwealth country of Canada?
Would they venture as far as the two southernmost Commonwealth nations—New Zealand and Australia?
Would they flee to the ostensibly free United States? Or to a US-controlled European Union country?
How about moving to one of the BRICs—say, to Brazil, Russia, or India? (No, they probably wouldn’t be tempted by China!)
One way to answer these questions is to take a look at the current political and economic conditions in the aforementioned countries—and ascertain the “freedom factor”—or lack thereof—in each.
As we make our way from country to country, we will examine the actions of their governments over the past three years and reach a conclusion on behalf of my parents.
Let’s start with the country they adopted and the country I was born and raised in: Canada.
A 2023 Look at Canada
When my parents immigrated to Canada in 1957, it was indeed a land of opportunity and of plenty. It was possible for a middle-class, single-income family with two children to own a house, a couple of vehicles, and perhaps a summer cottage.
My parents had only a sixth-grade education, but they were willing to work hard. In a span of two years, they earned and saved enough to start their own business—a beauty salon. By 1963, they were able to buy their first detached home for $10,000, with a $5,000 down payment. Five years later, they managed to pay off the mortgage from the proceeds of their modest income. Looking back, I find their determination and savings skills incredible!
Now, imagine what that same scenario would look like today. The average selling price of a Canadian detached home in January 2023 was $612,204. If we apply what my parents did, putting down half the price, we would shell out a whopping $306,000 up front then pay off the remaining $306,000 over the next five years.
That works out to approximately $61,200 in annual mortgage payments, not including interest. If we calculate the cost of food, clothing, and fuel—another $40,000 per year for an average four-person family—we would have to earn around $100,000 a year plus another $100,000 or so to cover property and income taxes and mortgage interest.
Thus, we would have to earn around $200,000 in pre-tax annual income to live a fairly moderate lifestyle, afford our mortgage, taxes, and basic costs of living—all to achieve what my parents were able to do in the early 1960s on an at-the-time much more modest income.
Does such a scenario seem even remotely possible today? I think not.
The truth of the matter is that in Canada, as in most of the world, the cost of living has skyrocketed. The broad middle class that existed in Canada and most of the Western world from the 1950s through the 1980s, three decades when the average worker could own his own home, is being squeezed out of existence.
Rapid inflation has eaten away the purchasing power of both Canadian and US dollars even as housing costs have helium-ballooned up, up, and away. Making matters worse, rising energy, food, household goods, and healthcare prices have contributed to spiraling inflation, which is aggravating an already serious decline in real wages.
On the political scene, the present conduct of the Canadian government is virtually unrecognizable compared to the conduct of its predecessor government in the 1950s. The current regime in Canada, like most of the so-called “Western liberal democracies,” has shown disdain for truth and for individual freedom ever since the pseudopandemic was unleashed on the world in March 2020.
Like most countries, Canada’s federal and provincial governments implemented reprehensible COVID measures—lockdowns, physical distancing, masking, quarantines, QR codes, and experimental mRNA gene therapy mandates—to combat the alleged “deadly COVID virus.”
When Canadians from all walks of life revolted peacefully against the assault on their inalienable and constitutional rights by forming and participating in the Truckers Freedom Convoy, the regime retaliated. Full of spite, the thuggish Trudeau found an extreme way to remove protesters’ right to peacefully assemble. On February 14, 2022, he invoked the Emergencies Act—the first time it had ever been enacted in Canadian history.
The invocation of the Emergencies Act enabled Ottawa police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to forcibly dismantle the four-week-long, thousands-strong peaceful demonstration in the nation’s capital. Despite being orderly, respectful, and nonviolent, these unarmed citizens were beaten by brutal, rifle-wielding officers. Two elderly protesters were trampled by police horses, and journalists were pepper-sprayed and shot.
Using the pretext of the Emergencies Act, the federal government even went so far as to freeze the bank accounts of some Canadians who had either organised or financially supported the convoy.
Then, on April 27, 2023—more than a year after the protest was broken up—Bill C-11, officially known as the Online Streaming Act, became law. Cowardly Canadian senators voted for it despite all their previously recommended amendments to it having failed. The new law will enforce sweeping internet censorship legislation that silences everyday Canadians on social media platforms.
In sum, Canada has completely lost its sense of humanity. The compassion and kindness that Canadians are known for throughout the world still exists, but it is being suppressed and buried under a mountain of lies propagated by the government and its handlers, who are part and parcel of the aforementioned global dictatorship.
Maida and Janko would not find economic freedom, political freedom, physical freedom, healthcare freedom, or mental freedom in today’s Canada.
We’ll now take a peek at three other Commonwealth of Nations countries.
A 2023 Look at Australia, New Zealand, and the UK
The rulers of the other fifty-five nations in the Commonwealth couldn’t engineer an excuse for following Canada’s freeze on bank accounts, but some of them adopted especially savage measures to eradicate an alleged novel disease called COVID-19.
The Australian government not only mandated curfews, masking, physical distancing, and the shutdown of the economy through lockdowns, but it ordered the army to patrol city streets during the lockdowns. In the Northern Territories, soldiers forcibly removed residents who were suspected of having the dreaded disease and transported them to Quarantine Camps.
In two major Australian cities, the political puppets controlled by the global oligarchs may not have frozen the bank accounts of lockdown protestors, but they did order police in riot gear to attend protests in Melbourne and Sydney, where they shot rubber bullets at unarmed fleeing people and pepper-sprayed the face of a 70-year-old woman who had fallen and was lying helpless in the street.

New Zealand, likewise, turned into a full-fledged police state, enforcing home detentions and citywide quarantine zones. Whoever was found breaching the government’s draconian lockdown orders faced arrest and even a prison sentence. In March 2023, for example, Pastor Billy Te Kahika and his colleague, Vincent Eastwood, were sentenced to four months and three months imprisonment, respectively, for illegally organising and attending a protest in front of TVNZ.
Aside from implementing ruthless COVID measures similar to Australia’s, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern arbitrarily mandated “vaccination” for public health officials, pharmacists, barbers, teachers, and community support service employees. (More on Ardern below.)
The UK government, while not as harsh as its Aussie or Kiwi counterparts, nonetheless behaved repressively and reprehensibly in its anti-COVID efforts. Police were ordered to enforce a limit on gatherings of no more than six people in pubs, restaurants, cinemas, and outdoor spaces.
Like its Commonwealth partners, Britain didn’t shy away from using dubious tactics to manipulate a subset of its population. Its “nudge unit,” set up by the Cabinet Office in 2010, has been applying behavioural science principles—aka the pressure of propaganda—to steer public policy on everything from paying taxes to insulating homes. During the scamdemic, this unaccountable and unethical “nudge unit” scared, shamed, and scapegoated the public into taking the COVID jab.
We mustn’t forget that the UK is home to one of the world’s leading technocrats, the newly crowned King Charles III. In January 2020, then-Prince Charles returned to Davos for the first time in thirty years to speak at a World Economic Forum annual meeting—this one was celebrating the WEF’s 50th anniversary. And what subject did this pseudo-environmentalist address?
Why, of course, his passion for adopting decarbonization and other sustainable development initiatives, which he had to know were designed to further impoverish the poor and further enrich His Royal Highness and his avaricious buddies around the globe.
Maida and Janko would not find economic freedom, political freedom, physical freedom, healthcare freedom, or mental freedom in today’s Commonwealth of Nations countries.
We’ll pause here to inquire: Who are the actors reading their lines from the same worldwide script and performing identical roles as enforcers for the emerging global government?
In Canada, the most notable cast members are Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. Both are lackeys of Klaus Schwab and graduates of his Young Global Leaders (YGL) academy—the indoctrination arm of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Other characters in this unfolding drama—YGL graduates all—include New Zealand’s dictatorial former Prime Minister-turned-Harvard-
The YGLs’ chief raison d’être, it would appear, is to carry out the WEF’s Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution initiatives. The WEF agenda is being aided and abetted by the secretive Bilderberg Group, by Malthusian depopulationists at the eugenical Club of Rome, and, most notably, by the globe-wide organization that fathered the WEF: the United Nations.
Through its deceptive Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and its sinister Agenda 2030—the latter saddled with admirable-sounding-but-
As I write this, Agenda 2030’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals are being instituted across the globe through the WEF’s Great Reset and its transhumanist Fourth Industrial Revolution.
And, as I write this, the installation of those SDGs is being abetted by numerous central banks—most notably the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada, the European Central Bank (ECB), the People’s Bank of China (PBC), the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR), and the US Federal Reserve (the Fed). These and other nations’ central banks are coordinating their efforts with what Tragedy and Hope author Carroll Quigley called the “apex” of the central bank network, the Basel, Switzerland-based Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
The central bankers intend to unleash, eventually in every nation on earth, the most extensive, oppressive social control mechanism ever devised: the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). (In the beginning, each country will have its own CBDC, but it makes sense that ultimately they would be merged into a single global digital currency.)
The implementation of CBDCs, combined with the rollout of a digital ID system, country by country, will spell the end of human freedom. Both the CBDCs and the digital IDs will be sold by the central banks to the unsuspecting public as a safeguard to protect the user’s anonymity and data. However, that pitch will be a deception designed to obscure the malicious intent and dictatorial bent of this monumental control grid.
Of the 208 nations with central banks, 119 of them are currently developing their own form of digital currency.
And that brings us to the United States of America, its all-seeing, all-knowing, all-controlling Federal Reserve Bank, and its other forms of imprisonment and enslavement.
A 2023 Look at the US
In addition to the planned rollout of the Federal Reserve-issued CBDC, there is movement afoot to launch a nationwide digital ID in the US.
US Senators Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming have introduced Senate Bill 884, also known as “the Improving Digital Identity Act of 2023.”
If this bill passes both chambers and is signed into law, it will require all Americans to have a valid digital ID if they want to connect to the internet, open and maintain a bank account, obtain a passport, and gain access to medical care. In essence, it will mimic the social credit score system the government of China uses to track and control its citizens. It is the very vehicle that the WEF is so eager to deploy across the rest of the world.
SB 884 is the latest, most obvious, and most concerning evidence of the US government’s ongoing public-private partnership with Big Tech. It points to the intent of the corporate-controlled, highly centralized and security-conscious government to surveil the movements of the entire US population.
Of course, the panopticon created by the Improving Digital Identity Act will allow US federal and state agencies to not only monitor everyone’s actions but also to block, silence, and sideline dissenters who disagree with the official narrative. All layers of government will be able to openly, actively, legally censor citizens and ignore their rights as codified by the constitutions of the US and its 50 states.
This is exactly what Google and its YouTube, Meta and its Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms have been doing to their users in their attempts to silence anyone who presents inconvenient facts about COVID or any other politically sensitive agenda.
For those of you who think the State of Florida is a shining example of preserving liberty and human rights, think again.
Gov. Ron DeSantis has just sidelined Florida’s Senat
In its place, Gov. DeSantis is promoting SB 252, which would end vaccine mandates and passports only for existing “COVID-19 vaccines.” Under SB 252, citizens in Florida would not be protected from future “pandemics,” future vaccine mandates, or future vaccine passport requirements.
Therefore, in the future, when the director (read: dictator) of the WHO declares a new pandemic under the vague requirements stipulated in the upcoming new global “Pandemic Treaty”—without even a shred of evidence of the existence of a contagious disease—Floridians would be required to surrender their bodily autonomy to an entirely new set of draconian mandates.
In some ways, the US is the worst in the world when it comes to stripping citizens of the right to make their own healthcare decisions and safeguard their mental and physical sovereignty. For, besides working intimately with the transhumanist ideologues at the WHO, the Rockefeller Foundation, the WEF, and other UN agencies for several years, the US federal government has been at the epicenter of development, testing, and deployment of the experimental mRNA gene therapy “countermeasures.”
This research and the resulting products have adversely affected the lives of not only Americans but of people throughout the world.
Looking back, we recall that in early 2020 the US government, as part of Operation Warp Speed (OWS), worked hand-in-hand with the Department of Defence (DoD) and its US Army Contracting Command branch, plus the National Security Council (NSC) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), to award clinical development and manufacturing contracts to each of the “vaccine” manufacturers—Pfizer, Moderna,
AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline and Janssen—even before deployment of the dangerous COVID-19 experimental gene therapies to the 50 states and the rest of the world could proceed.
The DoD went so far as to design, oversee, and organise the highly sensitive clinical trials for these experimental products. These steps are typically taken by the vaccine manufacturers themselves. They traditionally take years and years to complete, compared to the few weeks in which the COVID-19 trials were apparently conducted.
Maida and Janko would not find economic freedom, political freedom, physical freedom, healthcare freedom, or mental freedom in today’s United States of America.
But what if my parents decided to move to today’s Germany or the German part of Switzerland?
Or what if they chose to join the defiant anti-Macron protesters in France instead of departing, as they did, from the port at Le Havre on a ship bound for the Port of Montreal?
Or what if they felt for—and elected to fight side-by-side with—the persecuted farmers in The Netherlands?
Or what if they opted to stay put in 2020s’ Austria?
Would they find any aspect of freedom left in the European Union countries…?
A 2023 Look at the EU
The simple answer: No! The EU is a premeditated economic, political, and social failure.
In fact, the EU was an idea dreamed up not by the citizens of any nation in Europe but by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and David Rockefeller’s Club of Rome. Their rationale for creating the EU was painfully obvious: It’s easier for intelligence agencies and avowed eugenicists to control one larger, dependent, compromised, and impotent entity than to control numerous smaller, still-independent, sovereign nation-states.
The leaders—if they can be called that—of the European nations are EU sock puppets and shills. As such, they are doing everything in their power to deindustrialise and destroy their respective economies. As I just said, weakened national and regional governments are much easier to fold into a global empire than are strong, independent ones. The leaders of Germany, France, Austria, Spain, et al. have to know this, which means they have been corrupted to the core.
Here’s a prime example. The so-called heads of state in Europe insist they are protecting their own country’s national sovereignty and security by imposing economic sanctions on Russia—at Washington’s behest. They pretend the sanctions are meant to injure the big bad bear who dared attack NATO-controlled Ukraine.
But this is not true. The sanctions are actually decimating their own economies and peoples. The energy shortages, rising prices of goods, food shortages, and climbing interest rates throughout Europe are all intended results of those sanctions. I repeat: The leaders of Germany, France, Austria, Spain, et al. have to know this, which means they have been corrupted to the core.
They also pretend that the structure of the EU’s central government in Brussels is a “representative democracy.” No, it isn’t. Not even close. At its heart is the European Commission (EC)—the EU’s executive body—which is made up of unelected officials. The current EC President, notoriously corrupt Ursula von der Leyen, sets policy for the entire EU behind closed doors. Once the EC formulates a new policy, it’s just a matter of time before the bureaucrats in the European Parliament give it their rubber stamp of approval.
Secrecy, non-transparency, and no accountability are the name of the game. The EC is a farce and a failure through and through.
Similarly, the purported independence of the European Central Bank (ECB) is a sham. Although its website says the ECB is not “allowed to seek or take instructions from EU institutions or bodies, from any government of a Member State or from any other body,” the ECB is heavily influenced by the bank that created it in 1999: the BIS.
And, like the BIS, the ECB’s day-to-day operations are kept secret. It never releases a press release after a monetary policy meeting of its Governing Council, despite the European Parliament passing repeated resolutions demanding that it do so. Moreover, its structure, method of operation, and lack of accountability mirror that of the BIS.
In short, it’s hard to imagine a more undemocratic institution than the ECB. Yet this is the bank that Eurozone nations are asked to blindly trust when it comes to formulating their monetary policy. Simply mind-boggling!
With such an autocratic structure already in place, it was oh-so-easy for EC members to go along with the “pandemic” narrative by making backroom deals with the pharmaceutical companies to purchase millions of doses of the COVID-19 “vaccine” and by recommending that all member states implement the criminal COVID-19 measures.
Likewise, it was a snap to persuade EU member states to stand by in silence after Washington, the real power behind NATO, carried out a blatant act of war against them by destroying the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
We spoke earlier of a few graduates of Klaus Schwab’s YGL academy, mentioning one European alumnus, France’s Macron, by name. Other Young Global Leaders who have advanced through the political ranks in Europe include former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and current German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Not to be left out: EU President Ursula von der Leyen, who sits on the WEF’s Board of Trustees.
Not surprisingly, the EU member states are following the US lead in pressing ahead with a digital ID system and basing it on China’s enslavement/imprisonment model.
Croatia (once part of Yugoslavia), where my father, Janko, is from, plans to be the first EU member to roll out the digital ID system for travelers flying between Zagreb and Helsinki this summer. The “pilot project” is using the UK-based company Verify 365 to merge the electronic identity of passengers with the new MyID Digital Wallet system. As always, the scheme is being promoted to the public as “a safe, secure and convenient way to prove who you are.”
Thankfully, some citizens in EU countries are rising up in defiance of the ruling oligarchy. In the Netherlands, for instance, thousands of Dutch farmers revolted against their government’s insane plan to cut nitrogen emissions by permanently closing more than 11,000 farms. The farmers created their own political movement, the Farmer-Citizen Movement—or BoerburgerBeweging (BBB)—which recently triumphed in regional elections after months of widespread tractor protests.
Then we have the millions of disgruntled citizens who have been regularly flocking to the streets of Paris and other major French cities to protest various economic and political “reforms.” Their initial complaint about higher fuel taxes (remember the yellow vest movement in 2019?) has evolved into a revolt against “Monarch” Macron’s decision to increase the legal pension age from 62 to 64. Macron’s invocation of Article 49.3—for the 11th time in his “reign”—allowed him to bypass the National Assembly (France’s lower house of Parliament). On May Day, protests against that perceived injustice got ugly.
To be sure, these massive demonstrations and the BBB’s encouraging victory are positive steps. No major liberation of Europeans from their own governments will take place, however, until the entire edifice of the EU is torn down. Most importantly, Europe will not be fully emancipated until NATO is dismantled. Only then will the people of each European nation be truly freed from the shackles of the Washington establishment that dictates every aspect—military and economic and otherwise—of their lives.
Maida and Janko would not find economic freedom, political freedom, physical freedom, healthcare freedom, or mental freedom in today’s European Union countries.
In all fairness, we must point out that totalitarian control and surveillance mechanisms, such as digital IDs and CBDCs, are not unique to Western countries. Venturing into the Eastern countries, we would encounter the exact same control grid being developed, with the same globalist, imperialist players at the helm, all of them ensuring that the East, like the West, remains under their domination.
One group of nations that is neither geographically East nor West but that has formed a bloc to counteract the dominance of the US and its allies is what Goldman Sachs ex-chief economist Jim O’Neill coined the BRICS—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
I wonder: Would my parents ferret out a haven of freedom in any of the BRICS nations? We’ll soon find out.
A 2023 Look at the BRICS Nations
Countless pundits and journalists in the alternative media have opined that the BRICS nations—particularly Russia, China, and India—are leading the charge in an anti-globalist, anti-global-governance, anti-single-global-empire crusade.
On the contrary, nothing could be further from the truth.
Here are some proofs that they misunderstand the geopolitical reality:
All of the BRICS nations are firmly onboard the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and the UN’s Agenda 2030—notably its SDGs.
The central banks of Brazil, Russia, India, Chin
The BRICS are not challenging Western economic hegemony. Their financial initiatives are deeply connected to the World Bank and the IMF. Therefore, they must be seen as closely connected to the Washington establishment, not clashing with it (despite appearances to the contrary).
When it comes to COVID-19, China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin have been leading the pack in enacting a biosecurity surveillance state.
Indeed, ever since the scamdemic scare was announced in early 2020, the Kremlin has been complicit, just like the collective West, in carrying out harmful anti-human, anti-health measures under the direction of the WHO’s health tyranny.
For example, President Putin and his Minister of Health (and WHO executive board member) Mikhail Albertovič Mur
Their Sputnik V injection is virtually identical to the British-Swedish pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca’s injection. In fact, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF)—the Kremlin fund that finances Sputnik V—signed a memorandum of cooperation with AstraZeneca in December 2020.
Moreover, Russia has introduced vaccination mandates for certain regions of the country and mandatory jabs for the military.
Because Russia has no equivalent of the US CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), it’s difficult to ascertain exactly how many Russians are being injured or murdered by their experimental Sputnik V jab. Nevertheless, thanks to Argentina’s Ministry of Health, we do know that, of the three “vaccines” the Argentinian government has adopted for use—Sputnik V, AstraZeneca, and China’s Sinopharm—the Sputnik V injection has been the leader of the pack when it comes to causing adverse reactions, beating the other two contenders by a huge margin.

Russian doctors are well aware of health risks associated Sputnik V, but they are labeled “terrorists” and are threatened by the state with excessive fines and prison time if they voice their concerns. Afraid of the consequences, most of them self-censor.
If you think biometric surveillance is unique to China and the West, you are wrong. Herman Gref, the CEO of Russia’s Sberbank and a member of the WEF’s Board of Trustees (with Ursula von der Leyden, you will recall), has teamed up with Russian telecom titan Rostelecom to form Digital Identification Technologies JV, which will create a unified biometric system for all of Russia.
Soon, the poor propagandized and punctured people of Russia will not be able to access any government services unless they hand over their biometric data—bypassing the need for pesky QR codes altogether.
Should we be surprised that Putin and his functionaries are no more curbing individual freedoms than are the West’s tyrants? Why would we be? What would prevent Putin from following in the footsteps of his predecessors? Nothing I know of, unless the people of Russia begin to mobilise and protest in a big way, as their French brothers and sisters have done in Paris.
Consider: When Mikhail Gorbachev presided over the former Soviet Union, he was avowed member of the globalist-eugenicist Club of Rome. He also partnered with Canadian globalist-eugenicist Maurice Strong to establish the Earth Charter global sustainability project in conjunction with Agenda 21. Both Gorbachev and Strong were leading figures in the UN’s early steps toward global governance.
Just because the Soviet Union petered out and Gorby and Strong are no longer with us is no reason to assume that Russia’s ruler of twenty-four years has not been pursuing the same globalist ends. Indeed, Putin hardly seems the type to let other world leaders hog the limelight, take all the marbles, or grow dangerously bigger and stronger than he is.
Truth be told, BRICS bloc members Russia and China are simply another version of the same totalitarian control grid set up by the technocrats in the West. Neither of them offers any out—any salvation from the harms of biologics, biometrics, and biosecurity—to their people.
In fact, China has been the test bed for all of the totalitarian mechanisms that either have been or will be let loose on the rest of the world. During the pseudopandemic, China launched a series of vicious COVID-19 measures—inhumane lockdowns, mandatory QR codes, ubiquitous biometric surveillance, mass compulsory vaccination, forced—and enforced—masking rules, and constant testing. In short, China is a full-fledged scientific dictatorship, aka technocracy.
And what about the other three BRICS nations: Brazil, India, and South Africa?
Besides being onboard the WEF bandwagon, the WHO bandwagon, the CDBC bandwagon, the World Bank and IMF bandwagon, and thus the entire Western hegemonic bandwagon, have these three countries installed any politicians or policies or programs that are freedom-oriented and that would make my parents want to flee to them?
First, Brazil. The largest South American country is now under the thumb of the globalist cabal with the election of Luiz Inácio Lulada Silva (commonly known as “Lula”), Brazil’s 39th President. Unlike his predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, who refused to sign an international pandemic treaty and resisted certain aspects of the scamdemic scheme, Lula fully embraces the monolithic, world-dominating agenda of the WHO, GAVI, and the WEF.
To wit: In February 2023, Lula declared that for families to remain eligible for the famous Bolsa Family Program (BFP), a social program for the poorest of the poor families, they must vaccinate their children—specifically with the COVID-19 experimental gene therapy. Otherwise, they lose the benefits afforded them under the BFP.
Next, India. Contrary to what both the mainstream and the alternative media have been claiming, the Gates Foundation never got “kicked out” of India. In fact, the opposite is true. In 2006, for example, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with India’s former Prime Minister Manmohan, launched the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI).
Over the years, the PHFI received funding from pharma companies (e.g., GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson), from “philanthropists” (e.g., the usual suspects: Bill and Melinda Gates and the Rockefellers), and from NGOs (e.g., the World Bank and USAID). When the WHO declared the “pandemic” in early 2020, members of the PHFI were perfectly poised to create, advise, and direct the Indian government’s national COVID Task Force. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to conclude that the PHFI was pivotal in steering all COVID-19 measures and COVID-19 injection-related policies in India.
Last, South Africa. Working closely with the nation’s servile mass media, the South African government, headed by President Cyril Ramaphosa, imposed one of the longest, most severe lockdowns on the continent. The impact of closing small businesses on a populace that largely depends on weekly subsistence wages was catastrophic. Because the state failed to deliver subsides to the poor and self-employed for over a year, nearly one quarter of all small businesses went under, and unemployment skyrocketed.
Brian Pottinger, writing for UnHerd, outlines what the consequences were for those brave individuals who dared challenge the South African government’s insane lockdown restrictions:
An entire section of the population was effectively criminalised: in the first four months of the outbreak, 230,000 citizens, 0.4% of the population, were charged with infringement of the Disaster Regulations for breaking the restrictions, 311 of them policemen. All the charges were later dropped: the criminal justice system simply could not cope.
Thus, there is no way to justify calling the BRICS economic model a non-globalisation alternative to the West’s globalisation push when, in reality, it is just another form of globalisation—a different approach to globalisation.
Like the Western model, the BRICS model is structurally inflationary. Like the Western model, the BRICS model is not free market-based, but, rather, industrial policy-based. And, significantly, the BRICS model is part and parcel, as is the Western model, of the new international world order. They are the same dysfunctional plan, just with different brandings.
Maida and Janko would not find economic freedom, political freedom, physical freedom, healthcare freedom, or mental freedom in any of today’s BRICS nations.
Granted, there are great power rivalries taking place on the world stage. To the average person, it may actually look as if we are indeed living in a multipolar world, where the weakened nations of the West—led by the fading US empire—on one side of the divide are battling to retain supremacy over the energized nations of the East—led by Russia and China—on the other side of the divide.
“But examples of multipolarity abound,” you insist.
I understand: There’s the conflict in Ukraine, where innocent people on both sides are suffering and dying needlessly.
I understand: Tensions are brewing off the coast of China, where the American Empire is trying in vain to prevent China’s inevitable takeover of Taiwan.
I understand: That same slowly dying American Empire is feverishly trying to prevent European-Russian economic integration by blowing up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, thus enabling Washington to maintain its temporary grip on that region until its inescapable economic collapse is complete.
Despite the veneer of multipolarity, however, there is—as I mentioned at beginning of this article—a single global empire operating at a higher level. Or, you could say, at a deep state level. The unipolar empire exists outside of the general field of perception of the majority of the world’s populace. It transcends not only the East-West partition but all other divides between nations. We will now find out how this is so.
The Global Empire: A Unipolar Prison, a Digital Gulag
At the top of the global empire is “the central bank of all central banks”—the highly secretive and unaccountable Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Its task is to direct and coordinate monetary and fiscal policy for all the central banks around the globe. This is how the BIS directly controls the world’s money supply and indirectly controls trade and national economies.
By holding such an influential and prominent position, the BIS forms the apex of a pyramid-like structure that consists of a ladder-like hierarchy of organizations and institutions comprising the global empire. All of them are run by what I call the parasite class.
Per this Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P) chart created by UK researcher and journalist Iain Davis, the global empire’s structure is designed so that the chain of command flows from the BIS to the world’s central banks and from them to…
…the policymakers at the think tanks. These include various Rockefeller funds and foundations, plus the Rockefeller-founded Club of Rome, the Rockefeller-founded Trilateral Commission, and the Rockefeller-founded Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Some of these think tanks actually have non-Rockefeller roots, among them the CFR’s UK equivalent, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), and the hardcore eugenicist Chatham House, founded by British diplomat Lionel Curtis in the aftermath of World War One.
The think tanks work in partnership with the BIS and the central banks to set international public-private policy objectives. Once these big-picture objectives are formulated, they are sent to…
…the policy distributors, such as the Rockefeller-founded United Nations, the UN’s WHO and IPCC, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, ostensible philanthropists (the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation comes to mind), global corporations, and NGOs.
As their name implies, the distributors are tasked with disseminating the policies far and wide, to all corners of the world. They make sure the policies also get into the hands of officials on the next ladder rung down, who are called…
…the policy enforcers. Their ranks include the various military branches, the judiciary, police and security forces, and any other enforcement arms built into all layers of government (national, provincial, state, local).
These governmental law enforcement bodies work in conjunction with selected “scientific” authorities, such as…
…the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), and the UK’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).
All of these agencies and authorities must justify the policies they are required to enforce. They often write rules and regulations and ordinances and codes for the policies and then pass them down to the organizations on the lowest rung of the ladder. Iain Davis calls them…
…the “policy propagandists”—or, in polite terms, the perception managers.
These media and public relations outfits, consisting of the mainstream media (“Establishment” newspapers, magazines, and television and radio stations), social media platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter), and fact checkers (Full Fact, PolitiFact, Snopes, AP Fact Check, Poynter, etc.), work alongside hybrid warriors (77th Brigade and HutEighteen, for example) and anti-hate campaigners. The latter include the US-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the UK-based Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).
The propagandists’ job is to persuade the public—us billions of ordinary folks who stand beneath the ladder-like pyramid—to unthinkingly accept the lies we are being fed and to automatically acquiesce to the repressive policies.
In summary, humanity has never in its entire history faced such an all-pervasive totalitarian, technocratic system of governance.
The purpose of this despotic empire is to curtail, if not remove, humans’ fundamental freedoms, steal our wealth, sap our physical, moral, emotional, and spiritual strength, separate us from our friends and families, and thus control us from head to toe, from here to there and everywhere, all day and all night.
Working behind the scenes, the BIS and the central banks are already causing some sizable banks (think Signature, Silicon Valley, and First Republic banks) to collapse. From here on in, the number of bank failures will only increase. Soon the biggest banks (think JPMorgan Chase & Co.) will start gobbling up not just large and mid-sized competitors but also smaller regional and local banks.
Once the central banks have completely implemented their planned AI-controlled digital monetary and financial system, we will all be held hostage in their global empire, sentenced to their unipolar prison, confined in their digital gulag.
The ailing American Empire will continue to exist for the time being. But that’s only because the parasite class that has been feeding off America’s wealth for centuries still needs the American military to do its bidding—its dirty work—abroad. Once the corporate controlled US Empire has served its purpose economically and militarily and is no longer a viable host, those same greedy parasites will have a feast to end all feasts—with the aim of draining that once-strong, swaggering nation to the last drop. No empire has withstood the generations of blood-suckers.
Putin, too, is dispensable and disposable in the parasitic globalists’ eyes. He cannot curry their favor simply by playing along with their agenda, even though he may perceive himself to be one of them. If Russia is not careful, it will be dismembered, piece by piece. Its valuable resources will be snatched and sold off. It will be turned into a land of warring fiefdoms. Parasites are equal opportunity feeders.
Even common folk like you and I are not immune from the parasitic class, which attaches itself to and absorbs anyone willing to be its host. Regardless of our location, we are all, in varying degree, already living within reach of the tentacles of the parasites’ global empire.
And that brings us back to the question I asked at the start of this article: If my parents had stayed in their place of birth, the region now known as the former Yugoslavia, for the last 58 years and if only now, in 2023, they decided they’d had their fill of the technocratic state’s suppression of their rights, where would they go to find freedom?
My 96-year-old father answered that question when I posed it to him recently.
“Knowing what the world is like today,” he replied, “I would probably not go anywhere. Yes, Belarus holds the gold standard when it comes to not complying with the COVID narrative, but I would most likely stay in my home country of Croatia. I would join a network of likeminded people—someone like journalist Andrija Klarić of Slobodni podcast—so that together we can find solutions to this nightmare.”
This article is written in memory of my mother, Maida, and in tribute to her childhood friend Franc, who saved her and her husband, Janko, from a life of repression in Yugoslavia and from possible death by firing squad during their escape.
It also honors my father, Janko, who persuaded me to open my eyes to the ugly, if hidden, realities of the world. With perseverance and patience, he pounded into my teenage head that all is not as it appears to be. He told me to always question everything, to get as many different perspectives as possible when looking into any subject, and, above all, to “follow the money trail, for it never lies.”
They would want me to expose and reject the global empire and its nefarious agenda. They would welcome a truly multipolar world. A world in which “we the people” live in peace, respect everyone’s God-given right to freedom, privacy, and individual sovereignty, and work together in ways that benefit all of humanity and bless our beautiful, abundant earth.
Origianlly published by Global Research
David Skripac has a Bachelor of Technology degree in Aerospace Engineering. He served as a Captain in the Canadian Forces for nine years. During his two tours of duty in the Air Force, he flew extensively in the former Yugoslavia as well as in Somalia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. He is the author of the e-book Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified and a regular contributor to Global Research.
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Just to make clear what the article says –
Goldman Sachs created BRICS
“All of the BRICS nations are firmly onboard the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and the UN’s Agenda 2030—notably its SDGs.
The central banks of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa are all forging ahead with plans to roll out their programmable CBDCs as soon as possible. Among those five central banks, the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) are considering putting expiration dates on their CBDCs.
The BRICS are not challenging Western economic hegemony. Their financial initiatives are deeply connected to the World Bank and the IMF. Therefore, they must be seen as closely connected to the Washington establishment, not clashing with it (despite appearances to the contrary).”
The 5d chess brigade are misleading themselves and us.
Once again, it’s necessary to distinguish a nation, which consists of millions or even hundreds of millions of people, from the criminal cabal which has taken over and now “rules” and is called by other criminal cabals a “nation.”
This distinction is important because it suggests the possibility that the people – the real, true nation – could and maybe even will kick the criminals out before they can effect their globalist agenda of even further enslaving the people they “rule.”
BRICS may be a conceit of Western banking interests; but rest assured the hundreds of millions of citizens of so-called “BRICS” nation ARE NOT merely a conceit concocted in Goldman Sachs’ inner sanctum.
The Federal Reserve is a bunch of crooks that have embezzled $32 trillion over the past 100 years. Their attempt for a Wall Street coup in 1930’s using General Smedley Butler was exposed by him. Ref. WAR IS A RACKET.
Wall Street recruited their crony, Allen Dulles, to create the CIA to hide their nefarious acts under ‘national security.’ Ref. THE BROTHERS by Stephen Kinzer. College recruitment by the CIA and army’s SOA/WHINSEC located and funded suitable terrorists for a multitude of foreign coups, Power hungry psychopaths for U.S. placement and funding should not be overlooked.
Deficit Spending begins with the US Treasury sending a DS Treasury security to the FRBNY [Bank]. The Bank, acting as a fiscal agent for the government, credits a government account for that much fiat book-entry credit which the Treasury uses for government spending. The DS securities are transferred to be auctioned.
The ds value is added as a component to <>$15T annual securities being auctioned to redeem maturating securities. All handling of auctions is exclusively handled by the FRBNY and have never been audited. Ref. 31 CFR #375.3.
Historically, TreasuryDirect was informed of the component which they listed as ‘new cash.’ If the funds went to the government, it would eliminate any increase in the National Debt and would also eliminate any inflation. The value must go to a private entity. TD has had no answer but has changed the website. Academic centers are compromised with government grants and graduate job placements to hide this procedure.
The Second Circuit COA in Bloomberg v Fed has acknowledged GAO has standing authority to audit any handling of government money such as the above without additional legislation, and that any official record of all FR banks are subject to FOIA demands. The Court further noted that all profit of the Fed belongs to the government.
Each trillion dollars of deficit spending results in $20 billion disappearing weekly to covert private entities for a year.
It is assumed the Rothschild clan has installed a similar scheme in the ECB and it has also been used in centuries past. The above profit is concluded to have been laundered by BlackRock, Soros, UN, WHO, etc, and used by the IMF/CIA for foreign coups written about by William Blum, John Perkins, and others. A Rothschild foreclosure on the US $32T debt is seen on the Great Reset horizon to include using the WHO pandemics and CBDC banking control for oppression in the US. Ref; FATAL EMBRACE by Benjamin Ginsberg.
Is this something you believe Congress should investigate ??
What a fucking stupid bullshit…shove it up your goddamn ass and fuck the hell off, pathetic moron!!
“ the privileged, power-mad parasites who pilfer the world’s wealth “
Not ‘for long’?
No ‘BAU’?
‘Most’ ‘economic thinking’ is ‘short run’ and ‘redundant’? ‘It’ ignores the ‘supply side’? ‘Growth’ {and ‘civilisation’} depends upon ‘cheap’ F.F. – those so called ‘halcyon days’ are ‘over’. ?
“The crisis now unfolding, however, is entirely different to the 1970s in one crucial respect… The 1970s crisis was largely artificial. When all is said and done, the oil shock was nothing more than the emerging OPEC cartel asserting its newfound leverage following the peak of continental US oil production. There was no shortage of oil any more than the three-day-week had been caused by coal shortages. What they did, perhaps, give us a glimpse of was what might happen in the event that our economies depleted our fossil fuel reserves before we had found a more versatile and energy-dense alternative. . . . That system has been on the life-support of quantitative easing and near zero interest rates ever since. Indeed, so perilous a state has the system been in since 2008, it was essential that the people who claim to be our leaders avoid doing anything so foolish as to lockdown the economy or launch an undeclared economic war on one of the world’s biggest commodity exporters . . . And this is why the crisis we are beginning to experience will make the 1970s look like a golden age of peace and tranquility. . . . The sad reality though, is that our leaders – at least within the western empire – have bought into a vision of the future which cannot work without some new and yet-to-be-discovered high-density energy source (which rules out all of the so-called green technologies whose main purpose is to concentrate relatively weak and diffuse energy sources). . . . Even as we struggle to reimagine the 1970s in an attempt to understand the current situation, the only people on Earth today who can even begin to imagine the economic and social horrors that await western populations are the survivors of the 1980s famine in Ethiopia, the hyperinflation in 1990s Zimbabwe, or, ironically, the Russians who survived the collapse of the Soviet Union.” ?
“It is this belief in a new digital revolution which gave rise to the much-derided article by Danish politician, Ida Auken – originally titled “Welcome to 2030: I own nothing, I have no privacy, and life has never been better.” More popularly known as “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” It is a world of digital currencies and digital IDs, vaccine passports and 15-minute cities, electrification and driverless cars. All of it based around the “energy too cheap to meter” from wind turbines and solar panels, and all of it operated by autonomous artificial intelligence within the “singularity” of the “internet of things.”
It is a mirage, of course… one only visible to so-called “virtuals” – people whose lives and careers are now so detached from the material world that, were there not so many of them, could otherwise be diagnosed as certifiably insane. The real world, meanwhile, looks more akin to the second global collapse – the first being the collapse of the integrated economies of the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean empires sometime around 1186 BCE. The majority of ordinary people have seen their living standards decline over the past two decades – a process compounded and accelerated by two years of lockdowns followed by a year of self-destructive sanctions on key resources.”?
this was one of the most brilliant summations I’ve read in the past 2.5 years of this whole thing. Just to be clear, I haven’t lost hope; what I worry about now more is that, while we saw the ugly visage, yes, it was revealed in a flash, like when you see grubs under a big rock that gets lifted for a moment, and that now we’ll slip into a relaxed state of suspended forgetfulness, and not be in the on-guard, wakeful mode that defined so many of us during the plandemic. What I can’t work out is: has it been ever thus, and are we all just caught offguard by being able to see it more clearly than before, or are we dealing with something new and horribly different?
There is no doubt in my mind that is the most well-written summary of the current events transpiring in our turbulent world that I personally have encountered. The harrowing account of his parent’s escape from Yugoslavia in the mid-1950’s is literally riveting immediately drawing in the reader to the prospective reality we face if the globalist cabal succeeds.
The following is Brendon O’Connell’s latest video. I think he gets some things wrong, but he probably gets more right than anybody else around at the moment.
188. Ukrainian Offensive – Russian Super Weapons – Heinz Kissinger & The Frankfurt School
Brendon Lee O’Connell
Recorded: May 25, 2023
Uploaded: Jun 2, 2023
There is nothing new under the sun. When you take a refreshing dip into the old school classics like Lyndon LaRouche (pre-jail), all that is now…was explained before. And the stark clown circus antics of gender confusion and pro-noun debates make perfect sense, right out of Tavistock and The Frankfurt School.
00:00 Introduction
04:06 The coming Ukraine offensive. Some simple points to consider.
10:11 Tom Luongo – how can smart people get basics so wrong? Is it just the money? Or are they willfully stupid?
44:02 Everyone wants the Multi Polar World Order – from Putin to Xi to the Ayatollah of Iran to Heinz Kissinger and Klaus Schwab.
57:57 Lydon Larouche lays it out. So refreshing. Blast from the past. Bertrand Russel, The Frankfurt School. Heinz Kissinger.
1:36:49 – lets join the CIA glamour couples!
1:38:30 How Snowden, Assange fit in with heinz and the Multi Polar World Order.
1:50:34 Conclusions
Best article ever about the Globalist New World order that can be read in under an hour. A real keeper. One quibble. The US DoD did not pay Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J tens of billions of dollars for any manufacture of these “countermeasure.” They paid them for “demonstrations” of such, what ever that means. What institutions actually manufactured the glop is somewhat unclear, but being that they were making “countermeasures” and not pharmaceuticals, they did not have to comply with FDA GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) regulations. Did the EU contract with the Big Pharma companies or the US DoD? While the DoD definitely ran the entire scamdemic shitshow, at least in the US, while perhaps taking their orders from the Fed), the author is absolutely correct that globally it was run by the BIS.
It’s a MULTIPOLAR PRISON enabled by an interoperable system of multiple cryptocurrencies and purpose driven tokens, nanotech, DLTs, 6G, the Internet of Bio-Nano-Things and Complexity Science.
I stumbled upon the name Dirk Helbing while reading Heylighen’s chapter in “The Human Computation Handbook” (From Human Computation to the Global Brain: The Self-Organization of Distributed Intelligence):
«Perhaps the most promising overall strategy is what has been called “guided self-organization” (Helbing 2012; Prokopenko 2009): developing schemes, programs, institutions or environments that stimulate, facilitate and to some degree steer the self-organization of the global brain towards what appear to be the most fruitful directions, while leaving enough freedom for the system to explore a variety of unforeseen approaches.»
Then I started a little reaserch about him by reading his book «Next Civilization» and assorted papers and articles. From what I can see this book is a full blown “Problem-Reaction-Solution” scheme and probably “Revelation of the Method”:
«My interpretation is that one is considering to put nanoparticles, nanosensors or nanorobots into human cells. This might happen via food, drinks, the air we breathe, or even a special virus. Such nanostructures—so the idea—would allow one to produce a kind of super-EEG. Rather than a few dozens of measurement sensors placed on our head, there would be millions of measurement sensors, which—in perspective—would provide a super-high resolution of brain activities. It might, in principle, be possible to see what someone is thinking or dreaming about.»
«Perhaps you are not interested in using this kind of technology, but you may not be asked. I am not sure how you could avoid exposure to the nanostructures and radiation that would make such applications possible. Therefore, you may not have much influence on how it will be to live in the data-driven, AI-controlled society of the future. We may not even notice when the technology is turned on and applied to us, because our thinking and feeling might change gradually and our minds would anyway be controlled.»
Helbing apparently is opposed to all of this technological advancements which he describes as Digital Totalitarianism and the first part of the book is dedicated to describe and denounce the dangers of this hyper-centralized system of Digital Global Governance. He even accuse the UN and the WEF of following this approach, although he appears as an “Agenda Contributor” on the WEF’s site.
After all of this “Apocalyptic AI” scenario he presents in the first part of the book, he shows us a way out from present-future dystopia based on “Digitally Assisted Self-organization.” He starts this chapter quoting Sir Arthur C. Clark: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” and then briefly introduces us to the science of managing complex systems:
«Complex dynamical systems are difficult to control because they have a natural tendency to self-organize, driven by the inherent forces between their system components. But self-organization may have favorable results, too, depending on how the system’s components interact. By slightly modifying these interactions – usually interfering at the right moment in a minimally invasive way – one can produce desirable outcomes, which even resist moderate disruptions. Such assisted self-organization is based on distributed control. Rather than imposing a certain system behavior in a top-down way, assisted self-organization reaches efficient results by using the hidden forces, which determine the natural behavior of a complex dynamical system.»
I think that they’re using a mix of “Big Nudging” and “distributed control” to give multiple shocks/perturbations to the global system in order to create the conditions of extreme and generalized poverty and learned helplessness in the population so the words “permissionless”, “opt-out” and “democratic” that they use to describe the Web3 systems they intend to impose lose all of their meaning.
«Distributed control is a way in which one can achieve a certain desirable mode of behavior by temporarily influencing interactions of specific system components locally, rather than trying to impose a certain global behavior on all components at once. Typically, distributed control works by helping the system components to adapt when they show signs of deviating too much from their normal or desired state. In order for this adaptation to be successful, the feedback mechanism must be carefully chosen. Then, a favorable kind of self-organization can be reached in the system.»
“FIN4” is the name of the Blockchain solution for distributed control proposed by Dirk Helbing and his team:
«In alignment with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (and potentially other sets of goals the world may decide to choose in the future), our proposal Finance 4.0 (FIN4) concerns a multidi-mensional incentive system for managing complex systems and promoting a circular sharing economy.»
«We envision a multi-layered, multi-dimensional system of decentralized digital cryptocurrencies created at different levels with different characteristics, serving different purposes.
The token systems may operate at a supranational, regional or local level. The different purposes may address environmental, social or other values relevant to the sustainability agenda at the respective level.»
RE: most of the so-called “Western liberal democracies”
Yes, exactly.
Any alleged expert or layperson who talks about “democracies” AS IF a real democracy ACTUALLY EXISTS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD (or has existed at any time in ‘human civilization’) is evidently repeating mindlessly and blindly the propaganda fed to them since they were a kid and/or is part of the (unconscious, ignorant, naive, willful) crowd who disseminates this total lie because any “democracy” of ‘human civilization’ has always been a covert structure of the rule of a few over the many operating behind the pretense name and facade of a “democracy” … The 2 Human Pink Elephants in the Room
“There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today. […]. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies […]. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable laws of business. The world is a business […].” — from the 1976 movie “Network”
“We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.” — Louis Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice
“We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” — William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime
I thought this by David Skripac was brilliant. I was reading this at 1:00pm this afternoon, in my car, whilst my wife ran to the local shops (early closing on Wednesday)..
In less than 5 minutes, I was asked twice to move my car…by two men, who looked older than me…One was very rude, and one was very polite…I told them both the same thing, I am only here for a minute – to try to go to your local shops – more expensive than the supermarkets, but much higher quality food.
So I moved my car twice in 5 minutes…and we went on, and I read more of David Skripac…whilst she was doing even more shopping in the countryside..
When I got home, I continued reading and got to his brief bio
“He served as a Captain in the Canadian Forces for nine years. During his two tours of duty in the Air Force, he flew extensively in the former Yugoslavia”
I though well most of his article is that all his family come from Yugoslavia (as does my Ex)
Does his bio, mean that he went back to Yugoslavia, now a Canadian to bomb it?
That is even worse than us English, well until recently.
As usual the comments were better than the article.
The first band I went to see was The Groundhogs
RIP Tony McPhee
Tony, I hardly believe a word you write but at least you are not AI. Thanks for the news of the death of Tony McPhee, I saw them in 1971 and was knocked out, and he had the strap over the wrong shoulder. I admire him all the more now because he went down the cross roads and refused the offer. No other explanation I can think of why he did not achieve mega stardom.
Hi Tony,
You brought up a very good point. However, I was a transport pilot flying the C-130 Hercules aircraft. At the time, from 1991 to 1996, I flew numerous missions into Croatia and Bosnia. Thankfully, we were not transporting weapons into the war zone. My flights were mainly tasked with flying in medical supplies, food, and blankets.
There were, however, B747 cargo aircraft from the Middle-East flying in huge amounts of weaponry into Split, Croatia. From there, the weapon shipments were transported by NATO vehicles into Bosnia and Kosovo, where “Muslim” forces (supported by NATO) were eagerly awaiting to receive these weapons so that they could foment more unrest and violence against the ethnic Serbs.
Like billions of people today, I was asleep and blind to the agenda unfolding around me in 1992. I believed everything I read and heard on mainstream media. it was that very experience of being in the Canadian Air Force which helped me to open my eyes. I then realized that every thing my father had been telling me for years was absolutely true: “Things are not as they appear. There is a hidden nefarious agenda trying to collectivize and enslave all of humanity.”
He is absolutely correct.
“My 96-year-old father answered that question when I posed it to him recently.
“Knowing what the world is like today,” he replied, “I would probably not go [ie, emigrate] anywhere. Yes, Belarus holds the gold standard when it comes to not complying with the COVID narrative, but I would most likely stay in my home country of Croatia. I would join a network of like minded people—someone like journalist Andrija Klarić of Slobodni podcast—so that together we can [try to] find solutions to this nightmare.”
Being myself an aged expat with some Croation family and a couple of dear Serbian friends, I agree with your 96 year old father: Global Oligarchy is too big to avoid by simply running away to another country. The problem has to be solved the hard way: face to face.
“The answer lies in the human heart” — Einstein on Peace.
Almost snap…Thank God, none of my family have experienced war..
There was no war in Europe since before I was born…
We took our kids on hoiday to the Greek Islands and sometimes the mainland
The Children’s entertainer was only about 15 himself, and was totally brilliant with our kids about 5&7..
He came from Croatia…and we all totally loved him..he was just so brilliant with young children…
The next year, we were with him for a week – early 1990’s – same hotel, beach and everything…
Now he was 16, and said, I am sorry, now I have to leave you guys. I have been conscripted and have to fly home to Croatia on the next flight..
We all cried as if the world had gone mad…
It didn’t really hit me, until 1999, until England was Bombing Serbia – I just wanted to scream…
It then got considerably worse with 9/11 – I won’t bore you with the details, and now with covid jabs, the deaths and the strokes – even my wife now recognises, I was telling her the truth, about the importance of not getting jabbed…
I thank OFF-G for a bit of that
” in early 2020 the US government, the Department of Defence (DoD) plus the National Security Council (NSC) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) award clinical development and manufacturing contracts to each of the “vaccine” [ie, RNA Vaxx] manufacturers—Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline and Janssen—even before deployment of the dangerous COVID-19 experimental gene therapies could proceed.”
The DoD [Dept of Defence] went to design, oversee, and organise clinical trials for these experimental products. These steps are typically [ie, normally] taken by the vaccine manufacturers themselves. They traditionally [ie, normally] take years to complete, compared to the few weeks [or monthsl in which the COVID-19 trials were conducted.”
Could you supply Links to that info? I do not need them but OffG and readers have been slow to recognize the Bio Warfare Connection.
He’s talking about the vaccines as bio-weapons, not the so-called ‘virus”
Yes, correct!
Sasha Latypova does a deep dive in to this vaccine bio-weapon aspect in all her amazing lectures.
Maida and Janko would not find economic freedom, political freedom, physical freedom, healthcare freedom, or mental freedom in today’s Commonwealth of Nations countries.”
You mention your parents left Communist Yugoslavia for a “right to own a small business”. This is exactly what a Yugoslav emigrant to Britain told me in the 1960s. Did your parents open a business in Canada? Small businesses were attacked while big biz was fostered by Con-19. As you say:
“South African government, headed by President Cyril Ramaphosa, imposed one of the longest, most severe lockdowns on the continent. The impact of closing small businesses on a populace that largely depends on weekly subsistence wages was catastrophic. Because the state failed to deliver subsides to the poor and self-employed for over a year, nearly one quarter of all small businesses went under, and unemployment skyrocketed.”
Hi Nick,
My parents opened a beauty salon in 1959, but then sold it five years later. No doubt, if they would have owned that salon on 2021, it would have been forced to close down.
Introducing robotic services into the NHS. They’re not subtle, are they?
And if they introduce the robots at the same rate as they kill off the patients then they’ll have the perfect replacement system.
It’s all working out very nicely.
Call in diagnostic isn’t that Saudi Arabian funded?
The answer is, do not participate in anything that invokes social media or the latest virtue garnering/signalling (don’t use it) and remind those one associates with it that, “what will you do without the technology? Are you able to survive?
Also, use cash as much as possible. No personal $$ info to the BORG. Don’t drive or fly.
An employee of mine has to go back to France to visit his parents so he is cycling across Canada to Halifax where he has contacts for cargo ship travel to Europe.
Also requires strong messaging to lower caste politicians (municipal) in that they need to hear how that their decision making is unable to solve just about any social solutions, so tell them that they are merely prostitutes in the game of tyranny.
It doesn’t make many new friends if they are Normies, but the seed of doubt will enter their thought processes: a second encounter almost always reveals that they did think! Some one rebuked that I won’t gain any trust or friendship if I continue with my approach, so I replied, “You mean to say they can be trusted and are capable of friendship?”
Readers here might be interested to know there is a move in the information sector to exploit suspicion of social media to get people to disengage with it, terminate their accounts.
I think there’s awareness it’s a double edged sword. Outlets such as this one rely heavily on social media to network their message, but conversely so do the information-managers. This is why you see conflicting messages beamed at you about social media. They want you to engage and disengage simultaneously apparently.
I would think the alt media has more to lose than gain by quitting social media. I’m not sure how much traffic to sites such as this is thru SM referrals but I guess quite a chunk
Are you saying that somebody is cycling from a place like BC all the way to Nova Scotia to board a cargo ship as a stowaway to travel to Europe? To avoid what exactly? There being a record of him having gone over there? Wild!
I haven’t flown for a very long time, as I’m not willing to undergo all the checks and being handled like a package, but cycle across the continent, presumably to avoid having your car spotted, that’s a whole nother level! Wow!
Umm, he wanted to see Canada and being a fit human riding a bike is not that difficult and he avoids the flyover syndrome.
Why the f*** presume anything? He doesn’t own a car (I don’t) so across Canada by bike is not something dysfunctional.
Plus, he wants to travel slow and actually engage with people he doesn’t know.
Bottom line, unlike the tone of what you write, he is not afraid.
What you wrote above sounds like you and him are paranoid. If that’s not the case, so much the better. I use the bike extensively too, no problem with that.
Yes, I’m afraid. I’m afraid that if some fucker at an airport or on an airplane asks me to do something ridiculous, I’ll refuse, tell him to go fuck himself, and spend the rest of my life in Guantanamo.
Pal: you are the one that’s paranoid!
I am not afraid!
I’ll refuse, tell him to go fuck himself, and spend the rest of my life in Guantanamo.
Yeah… good idea! You are not coherent here.
Yes, admirable, noble words and sentiments. However …
Where do we go from here I wonder? Is this it? Are we winning? What do we have to do to win? Have, we got any workable of ideas? I am a little bereft? I have to say that I begin to get the feeling that the situation is so bad that it is propaganda being put out by – the PTB – propaganda to frighten us into compliance. Being the cynic I am, I take a lot of convincing.
The partisan movements in Europe 1941-45 – Yugoslavia, Italy, France, got on with what was needed to be done. They had the right ideas and agenda. The PTB are a paper tiger at the end of the day.
“The PTB are a paper tiger at the end of the day.”
As was the U$A against China, the USSR, Vietnam and Cuba.
As is the EU$A against Syria, Hezb’Allah, Iran, Afghanistan, Bialorus, Russia and China. With more and more countries coming to join BRICS+ and divest themselves of the Paper Tiger’s Paper Dollar.
“For the gold in their Bank was but bluster and vapor,
For all of their money was just made of paper” — The Irish Bull against John Bull. in Beethoven’s Irish Folk Songs.
I defected from a Second World country, like David’s parents, even though some decades later. I too eventually landed in Montreal, Canada. Incidentally, I passed though Yugoslavia on my journey because it was the freest country in the communist bloc, from which it was relatively easy to cross to the West. There was no ‘Iron Curtain’, like a fence with barbed wire, which was the case everywhere else. The bit that the guard pulled somebody off a bus and shot them doesn’t sound quite right. They wouldn’t do that even in the more hard-line countries. People only got shot when trying to cross the border and went into a prohibited zone. But what do I know, maybe they were a bit more tense back then.
Anyway, the analogy the author is drawing is wrong; it’s anachronistic. For the analogy to make sense, one would have to consider the present time to correspond to roughly 1920, with the two world wars, the accompanying global reshuffle, and technological advancement being ahead of us. I think that that’s where the world is right now. A shitstorm is in the making, it might not be a hot war akin to WWII, it might be some kind of giant mindfuck, but the world is being transformed and something new will emerge in the years or decades to come.
What it will be, I don’t fucking know, but I’m guessing that – as much as I don’t like it and oppose it – it will be digitization, robotization, automation, technocratic control over people’s lives, genetic engineering, plastic food, more fucking technologies, less organic stuff. It’s all disgusting shit, but the reality is that most people want it, or, as a minimum, don’t oppose it, the trajectory is pretty clear. As I said, it would be nice if people ‘woke up’ and rejected the plastic way of life, but one has to be realistic and pragmatic – there has been no resistance thus far to speak of, and my guess is that there won’t be much of it anytime soon either.
So, the question is – what would a man like David’s father, or yours truly, do to escape the shit – let’s say 10-30 years from now when, or if, the crap gets put in place. Will there be a place where the tentacles of the technocratic cocksuckers won’t reach? Where one will be able to find refuge? Will some places be better and other worse off? Will people be able to fly under the radar in what looks like pretty fuck grim dystopian future?
I don’t have an answer to any of this, but if I had to pick a place, I’d go for some country or society that’s relatively backwards in terms of the utterly fucked up “progress” pervading the Occident, yet with a relatively sophisticated history and culture (read: not some total shithole). In short, some place where people live a fairly traditional life, not too much affected by the present craze. Croatia, in fact, would probably be pretty high on my list, the sea being an added benefit. Canada, I consider fucked pretty much for good, the convoy notwithstanding. France? Dunno, too much bureaucracy and dependence on the government. Spain might be OK, corruption has a long history there. Central/Eastern Europe. Maybe South America.
Anyway, I think the judicious person should aim his sights at the time 10-20 years from now and thereafter, try to forecast where the world will be then, and act accordingly to prevail, I mean survive, in the future.
In 1950 global human population was 2.5 billion , mostly Chinese and Indian by most estimates . Today it is over 8 billion . Look no further for the cause of resource depletion , pollution , strife , and the decimation of other life forms on the planet , as a Hobbesian hell hole now take shape , a Digital Gulag indeed ! I fully realize this opinion flies in the face of the narrative being sold here and take no comfort in pointing it out ..
Have you ever asked yourself where the population figures come from?
I can tell you – it’s the same place the vaccine uptake figures, the unemployment figures, the global warming data and all polling data come from.
Pulled out someone’s rear end.
Any numbers you read in any official statement or any media are just whatever the information managers want you all to believe, or what some guy who has no clue made up. It’s bullshit.
Forget every number of anything you ever read in any official announcement ever. You will be no less informed if you do.
There is some truth to what you’re saying, but it might be that you’re one of them “information managers” (what orifice have you pulled that from?) yourself. Operating with a view to casting doubt on anything and everything, depriving people of any foothold, any point of reference, making everything relative, suspended in uncertainty.
Vaccine uptake figures and unemployment figures are inherently bullshit because they simply cannot be reliably collected. Polling data are a total crock of shit in the sense that the results depend on the selected methodology. Global temperature data on the other hand can be relatively reliably measured, even though interpretation is another issue. Ditto population figures – the number of people who are born and who die is relatively accurately monitored, and there are statistical authorities who collect and publish these data.
And even if all data were a crock of shit, the increase in production, consumption, consequent pollution, and other phenomena is self-evident. Take a walk through any city to see how infested with cars and traffic they are, you don’t need no fucking data for that. Compare that with pictures from 50 years ago. Or use your memory if you’re old enough to remember how things were back then.
How can “global temperature” data be reliably measured? Do you take an average? Will an average tell you what the “globe” is doing?
And do you realize the GR is about decreasing production and consumption? Isn’t it possible all the years of indoctrination about pollution, overpopulation, depleting resources were just brainwashing to get us ready for this program?
There, of course, is no such thing as a global temperature, but lots of local temperatures. The way it works is that you take a frigging thermometer and measure the temperature wherever your ass happens to be located. You can compare thus taken temperature with temperature readings measured over hundreds of years in the same place. Such data are pretty reliable. Interpretation is autre chose, for sure. Nonetheless, I’d imagine that some global conclusions can sure be made, the fact that you don’t like them or that they imply something you and I don’t like nothwithstanding.
What’s wrong about decreasing production and consumption? You need more of the fucking useless shit they keep shoveling down your throat? I don’t.
So in fact you are just soft-selling the GR – ok
Re. Global temperature
And what if 100 years ago the site was an open field, but now it’s an urban development, or next to a road or even an airport with concomitant heat island?
How do you usefully compare data in these circs?
How reliable? Globally? Is anyone checking the reliability? Because if that data isn’t carefully monitored for accuracy then huge errors could be introduced very quickly simply through Urban Heat Island Effect.
What if some locations appear to be warming and others not? Does averaging that out tell us anything real about “global temperature”?
If you need an enemy, find somebody else. I’m interested in having an objective rational discussion that takes into account various aspects off issues, whatever their implications are, whether I like them or not.
I’m certainly not selling some Great Reset. I don’t practice your simplistic way of thinking along the lines that if both Klaus Anal Schwab and me take a shit every day or so, we’re colluding on every other issue. Hope you get the message.
As to temperatures, if your moronic self bothers to read what I wrote above, I clearly said that taking temperature is easy, while interpreting the readings is a different thing. So spare your blather. Yes, it is difficult to draw conclusions, but that doesn’t mean that efforts to the effect shouldn’t be made.
All that, however, is irrelevant because the point I was originally making was to respond to Junior’s allegations that everything is fake, everything is a lie. No, it isn’t. Some stuff certifiably is a lie, some stuff is inherently inaccurate, but some stuff is relatively exact.
I’m afraid that Junior is either a fucking shill, or possibly a fucking useful idiot, propagating the notion that everything is a lie, everything is relative, they’re after you, everything you’ve been told is bullshit, etc. etc. This puts people into a state of suspense where they can’t be sure of anything, where they’re suspended in midair, deprive of any point de repere, basically ready to accept indoctrination.
Anyway, kindly don’t pester me with no strawmen.
Here is an interesting text on this subject that many an author and commenter contributing here, elsewhere, and existing out there might wanna read and think about.
Thanks, interesting link. Also the one on holding two opposite thoughts at the same time.
Well certainly consumption in the Collective Waste must decrease significantly, and the production must have more human physical input, ie. stuff made with human hands can be more easily repaired than stuff made roboticly. Repair and reuse, or break and throwaway.
You are so right. As they say: There is two forms for lies, statistics and old newspapers.
A “single global empire” must be the dream of every emperor. Some have got near to it: but all ultimately have failed. Each age in history the new one thinks it has made it – found the elusive elixir of power.
Hopefully this article might just stop people cheering for BRICS in the comments!
C’mon lads, it’s spelled out for yez – BRICS is just the usual scoundrels in a new hat
No hope. BRICS is to the EU$A as USSR was to the Nazis.
I was there, and I heard the same glib opinion: “Communists are just Nazis with a different arm band”. The same Anglo Zionazi Capitalists who built up Nazi Germany as “Our bulwark against Communism” have now built up neo-nazi Ukraine as “our spear tip against Russia” (and China).
Goldman Sachs created BRICS
“All of the BRICS nations are firmly onboard the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and the UN’s Agenda 2030—notably its SDGs.
The central banks of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa are all forging ahead with plans to roll out their programmable CBDCs as soon as possible. Among those five central banks, the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) are considering putting expiration dates on their CBDCs.
The BRICS are not challenging Western economic hegemony. Their financial initiatives are deeply connected to the World Bank and the IMF. Therefore, they must be seen as closely connected to the Washington establishment, not clashing with it (despite appearances to the contrary).”
You’re in a dreamworld if you still think BRICS is anything but a scam
> He told me to always question everything, to get as many different perspectives as possible when looking into any subject, and, above all, to “follow the money trail, for it never lies.”
Still all you see is the-conspiracy-to-rule-them-all …
The money trail pretty much covers that point.
As a matter of fact it doesn’t: money trail means self-interest; self-interest means competition, which in time leads to increasing monopoly, which then prompts competition, and so on: the net result being a coexistence of the two phenomena, the one dialectically suggesting the other. You can’t bring all capitals to align under the same flag.
“In practical life we find not only competition, monopoly and the antagonism between them, but also the synthesis of the two, which is not a formula, but a movement. Monopoly produces competition, competition produces monopoly. Monopolists are made from competition; competitors become monopolists. If the monopolists restrict their mutual competition by means of partial associations, competition increases among the workers; and the more the mass of the proletarians grows as against the monopolists of one nation, the more desperate competition becomes between the monopolists of different nations. The synthesis is of such a character that monopoly can only maintain itself by continually entering into the struggle of competition.” – Karl Marx, The Poverty of Philosophy
Empirical confirmation: Competition and monopoly in the U.S. economy: What do the industrial concentration data show? (Sage Journals, January 2021)
Abstract: A recent series of academic studies, think-tank reports, and news articles shows widespread attention to rising industrial concentration and market power in the U.S. economy. In this paper, we focus on concentration in the U.S. nonfinancial corporate sector to make three contributions to the literature. First, we use examples from the debate on industrial concentration to show that there are often-divergent predictions in the theoretical literature surrounding the expected consequences of concentration and monopolization for nonfinancial firms. Second, we use industry-level concentration data to describe recent trends in average concentration. We show that, while concentration increases across the majority of industries after the late 1990s, the retail and information-services sectors are particularly key for understanding recent trends in average industrial concentration. Third, we link our industry-level analysis with firm-level data to describe the relationship between industrial concentration and nonfinancial corporations’ profitability, markups, and investment. Consistent with the ambiguities in the theoretical literature, we find that these relationships are not uniform: while some highly concentrated industries confirm standard expectations with high markups, high profitability, and low investment rates, other highly concentrated industries earn lower-than-average markups and profits, suggesting that – in some industries – increased concentration and intensified competition may go hand in hand.
From where exactly? Is there some monopoly outside the monopoly?
This was an amazing read. Succinct and comprehensive.
And, unfortunately, tragically, true.
Stories from the elderly bring a hard perspective to the claims in propaganda. Operation Covid targetted them. Other targets:
-. independent traditions
-. discipline and scepticism
-. non-proprietary solutions
-. books; the destruction of the libraries of Alexandria, Baghdad and Peking were no accidents
-. literacy, and reading or discussing anything in depth.
You forgot the burning of the books in German universities by German universities.
No one is pretending to be a ostrich. how is this article any difference than the same propaganda MSM has done about bs19 of the last 3 years,?
Alt media uplifting the world with MSM style negativity, so you shit your self and stay at home worried to death and become addicted to there form of news = pollution and another form of propaganda . Never leaving your town or city’s because your terrified of no go areas or crime ridden zones whilst you sit there sh**ting your pants about 15 minute city’s. Hypocrites.
Just very sad that according to them this article there is no where in the world that is decent or good which isn’t true.
BTW If they wanted you us died, you us would of been died by now.

they aint as powerful as alt media and MSM paints them out to be.
‘ I am in the world, but not of it’
(Paraphrasing Jesus).
• ‘I’ refers to each of us because we all call ourselves ‘l’.
• ‘in the world’, meaning the world made by men and women.
• ‘not of it’ meaning we are of the Earth. Made by Life, or God, depending on your perspective.
Jesus, like the Buddha, and many other teachers was aware of Truth.
The Truth of Life.
You have your opinion, and we have our opinion.
You have your joy in armageddon, global empire, shitting 1 kg nanobots out every day, drinking water with quicksilver and oestrogen, forced jabbing and boosters with graphene oxide to end up as living antennas, dead babies used as fertilizers..
You have joy in all this but we the self-good’ers have not. We think its a problem and that somebody ought to do something about it.
Brilliant Post
Here’s an example of the spineless individuals being used to construct this thing:
“I was like, should we force them to take vaccines? And, she was like, yeah. And I was like, like take away their jobs and stuff. And she was like, omg, yeah. Like, lock them up in their homes? And, she was like, that, too. Make everyone take the shot. I was like, okay.”
Just as the human body is only as strong as its building blocks, this global coup will only be as strong as its (very weak) links.
More on the original Club of Rome climate/depop agenda initiators and their antiquated (not to mention flat out wrong) thought process:
Limits to Growth? More like Limits to Intelligence…
Alex Jones is incredible. A one man army. I admire the guy for his energy and bull fight.
David are you any relation to the KGB spook Skripal?
Are you related to Jack Black Matt?
Or Catte Black perhaps?
No, not at all.
This article makes me want to puke with all the mamby pamby “the whole world” stuff when what you really mean is the EU, USA, and British Commonwealth.
Your father has a lot more sense than you do – if you want a good life where hard work pays off, go to Belarus.
But if you’re willing to open your mind and go beyond European places, there are lots of spots on the map where the globalists hold next to no sway, such as Madagascar, Turkmenistan, Nicaragua, Cuba, North Korea and Eritrea (Eritrea literally has a 0% Covid vaccinated rate – ZERO). And Mali, CAR, and Burkina Faso are taking enormous steps towards genuine independence from the evil empire.
Not saying there is any magical paradise anywhere, but life is pretty good in Seychelles, Namibia, and Benin for even “working class” folks right now, and Lagos in Nigeria is really booming, plus Ethiopia has managed to steer out of its tailspin (w/r/t Tigray). And there are certainly plenty of happy Europeans/whiteys living in Mexico, the Philippines, and some of the Pacific island nations.
Get over your stupid “American/Canadian dream” where a friendly voice welcomes you into a well-stocked internment camp and a chance to slave away for the capitalists. In other words, listen to your father some more.
Is that why Ethiopia buys Boeing airliners, despite a famine every few years?
Have you somehow missed there is entire section on Russia, China and India? It begins like so:
<<Countless pundits and journalists in the alternative media have opined that the BRICS nations—particularly Russia, China, and India—are leading the charge in an anti-globalist, anti-global-governance, anti-single-global-empire crusade.
On the contrary, nothing could be further from the truth.>>
Many of the countries you name, including the ones in Africa, had harsh lockdowns even if their vax rates are low, Nicaragua, which had fewer restrictions, is the only Central American country still requiring a PCR for unvaxed who want to enter the country. Cuba had a lot of restrictions. Philippines was insane with its treatment of the unvaxed.
Mexico was better, and would be my choice, but when I was there recently the outside mask wearing in many parts of the country was far worse than in North America or the UK. For almost two years it was mandatory to wear a mask outside in most areas of Mexico.
There are some places that are ok for now, and Africa might have the best options, but the author is right that no place will be unaffected by global totalitarianism.
Plus: how is one supposed to find a job in Africa or Mexico?
TRT where in Mexico I used to live work there?
Rest Propaganda dollie…ish.
Really? .North America and the [UK?]. Realty Propaganda
Its a red flag for Individual Hsg [properties] agents.
It devastated the total European Continent following First War. 1900 –30’s, And I need not point out what the effect was on the American people.
You could also try Gambia – or much of Africa – or India or even Wales
Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.
– Justice William O. Douglas
…and it’s imperative to keep cash alive.
Machines…. It’s too much for the uneducated…. The Machine isn’t there for Your convenience it is There for The Company.
When You are NOT using Cash it isn’t YOURS anymore got It!
When You are NOT using Food it isn’t YOURS anymore get It!
Do you love People or Not?
Do Love Your People or Not?
Stop Blaming Yourself by Association you Invest IN!
It’s Unethical!!!!
When it’s not yours and you’re freely using it, you’re the commodity.
83 Unemployment became just a word.
I want to try figure it out myself, a pension is your unemployment reality..?
It’s difficult, I’m trying to follow a single persons path in 1923, as much as possible.
Some good stuff. But also, some really bad analysis.
“When my parents immigrated to Canada in 1957, it was indeed a land of opportunity and of plenty. It was possible for a middle-class, single-income family with two children to own a house, a couple of vehicles, and perhaps a summer cottage.”
It was a land of opportunity for some. The middle class existed because Canada, like the US, Japan and Western Europe, were benefiting from the post WWII boom,, a product of rebuilding the world after the massive destruction of WWII, as well as vastly increased global looting by the empire, with folks in the imperial heartlands getting a bunch of crumbs they weren’t able to access before the war. This petered out by 1970, and the reality of global capitalist class society set back in. This rollback wasn’t willed by some “evil doers,” it was the result of systemic factors.
I arrived as an 11 years old immigrant (with my parents and older brother) in 1958, and thus saw the reality of land of opportunity. Yeah, we were able to buy a car after a little over a year, in installments (i.e. credit), but always lived on a treadmill, scrambling to survive, never had enough to buy a house, living in New York. I got to go to college, because the City University was still tuition free. But this simply meant i became a relatively well paid wage slave (engineer) upon graduation. “There’s room at the top they’re telling you still, but first you must learn how to smile as you kill, if you wanna be like the folks on the hill.”
Every wave of immigrants buys into some form of propaganda first. It amazes me that people who emmigrate from the former USSR think this was the land of milk and honey until March 2020. They just couldn’t see the systems of control that were always there.
I grew up in the US, and I always thought that a country that could maintain the vast and unaccountable military industrial complex with bases all over the planet had to have more in common with a totalitarian state than a representative democracy. For some reason post WWII immigrants always seem to ignore that.
I frequently recall Giorgio Agamben’s quote: “If your country could turn totalitarian on a dime, it was already totalitarian.”
Whether the difference between my mother and father was “nature or nurture” I can’t say. But his parents immigrated (from Croatia); whereas her family had been in American since the 1600s.
She was skeptical of much that the system came out with; whereas he pretty much accepted everything at face value.
Great piece!
The Dutch BBB party is mockingly a Build Back Better Trojan Horse: the best way to control the opposition is to lead it! Links to Bayer/Monsanto.
The author appears not to realise this, but otherwise a good article.
Very good
My parents bought their first home following the Second World War where myself and sister were born for around three hundred quid they had to pay off. All my other relatives lived in Manchester Oldam and Hyde. My great uncle fought on the western front during the first World War, he died from all that poison crap in argony In the 1920’s. It’s one reason I’ve never truely believed Great War is over.
I do still believe We have choices but I am not going to follow or be told what I should read listen to or educate myself over on this Webbed Net. To me it does not actually exist in the Real World 360 all around me us we whatever Propagandist ripped up Channeling in a some thing else Robotic language. Sod That.
I am Not A Robot
Ps I like the image
Exit stage Left:
From your Link. Conclusion:
“Free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, free markets, and free people. Let’s return to that.”
The author’s thesis is, that the Real Left was not culturally genocided by Macarthyism. It committed suicide willingly: joined Soros to “Attack the Left from the Left” because the sweet smell of power appealed to Socialism’s authoritarian tendencies. I do not believe that Socialists en masse are more authoritarian than Invididualists en masse. His conclusion about free markets being hest, and his thesis about Communist despotism sound very much like Capitalist propaganda of the 1960s, which softened up the public for Reaganomics and the Gospel of Greed. Before Soros came along to finish off the Real Left by attacking it from the Left with unequal incomes camouflaged under Altruism and Social Responsibility: You will own nothing and be happy..
“Socialism is Equal Incomes” — GBS, Every Woman’s Guide.
Yet another side effect of INSANITY :
Sorry, off topic, but relevant on D day:
It’s still ticking away in the background:
Three guesses which U.S. university this professor is from!
This thorough eagle-eye view pretty much aligns with what I’ve learned the last decade of my life. Just today I revisited and thumbed through my hard copy of “Hidden History: The Secret History of the First World War” and its sequel “Prolonging the Agony” and came away impressed (not sure that’s the right word in this case) how unwaveringly committed Milner et al were, but Milner particularly. What would the world be like today if only he’d had a lazy streak? And even more amazing is that the commitment toward a new world order has been faithfully pushed forward through successive generations. No cold feet, no nagging conscience, no fear of God.
Speaking of Hidden History, I just learned that the authors published a fiction version of a slice of WW1 history last year! I guess we’ve all been so distracted by convid that no one took notice!
“Beyond Revanche: The Historical Political Thriller
Philosophers as Kings?
A rage of desperation.
It all really comes down to what you mean by the word ‘freedom’. You have to remember that post WW2 Europe was in a bit of a state because of the fallout from the war, occupation, various types of genocide and then the large number of displaced persons surging around. In theory the continent should have had some time and breathing space to sort itself out but in practice the Cold War was up and running before anyone had time to catch their breath. Thus commenced all sorts of confrontation — economic, military and the ongoing battle for hearts and minds. The west was relatively free and prosperous because it was a hearts and minds issue, a convenience, but as early as 1960s Britain I was warned that this situation was under threat with the post war concessions made to the public there (as part of the deal for participation in yet another war) to be clawed back. This turned out to be prophetic. Covid has nothing to do with this because any and every excuse would be used — the process that is associated by many on OffG with Covid started decades before.
Ironically enough the one European state that managed to stay above the East/West fray was Yugoslavia which is why I guess it had to be destroyed. If the Cold Warriors hadn’t got into it then I’d expect ti to be a normal European country, just another member of the EU by now. As it turned out it got broken up into meaningless statelets with the US biting off a chunk of Serbia to use as a base of operations for their middle east interventions. (They call it “Kosovo”…..)
Still shillin for that ole Establishment eh Martin. Still dropping those little ole seeds & hoping a few germinate.
Covid was real guys, honest, Martin knows a lotta people who got really sick with it & even more who nearly died cuz they didn’t get jabbed!
Isn’t that right, Martin?
Also Martin wants everyone to understand that only eejits think 9/11 was an inside job, and only even bigger eejits think there’s anything a bit dodgy about this ole war going down in Ukraine.
It’s legit says Martin, just like covid and the official story of 9/11.
Trust Martin, take his word, he’s an honest lad
Agreed on all points, including Yugoslavia having to be broken up as a “bad example” of non-alignment in NATO’s Cold War against Communist Russia, Like Hungary today being a “bad example” of non-alignment in NATZO’s Cold War against Capitalist Russia. Clever Dicks in Chatham House are already breaking up Russia in their fantasies.
“Able was I ere I saw Moscow” — Napoleon.
“Able was I ere I saw Stalingrad” — Hitler.
“Able was I ere I saw Kiev” — Biden.
TPTB want to shut down farms and take land from people.
200k cows are targeted for euthanasia in Ireland to meet the agenda.
A US Wisconsin farmer is reporting that TPTB are talking about euthanizing 65k dairy cows a year.
All to supposedly save the planet from us.
Then in Kuwait you have the worlds largest tire dump, on fire, 24/7, and it can be seen from space.
Kuwait City: All You Need To Know About Blazing Fire At World’s Biggest Tyre Graveyard
Cows and dairy are neither natural, healthy or neccessary.
We probably dispose of a billion tons of tyres every year. Mankind is choking on his wastes. Abandon hope all ye who have had the misfortune to have been born in these end times.
Yes, casein and lactose,
evolved and ideal for calves, but not for humans.
As with ‘Covid’, just do some research.
Wow you have really internalized the New Normal message haven’t you. Schwab would count you a success
So cows are a blight on the landscape. Then the landscape must also be a blight on the landscape.
Aren’t we in fact slipping from our previous big WIN, culling all those millions upon millions of wild buffalo? Ticking time bombs those little beggars were.
Your Social Credit Score just increased.
An Individual credit score would be an interesting discussion now, down the pub.
It is already happening.
Do you live under a rock or a bridge?
What extraordinarily broad truth-telling! Most of even the world’s honest journalists are fooled by “Nations as Actors.” As the author points out they are in truth more mask than actor.
‘He told me to always question everything, to get as many different perspectives as possible when looking into any subject, and, above all, to “follow the money trail, for it never lies.”
That, is the difference between the Sleepwalkers and the AWAKE.
Many single global hidden deep-state empires exist; each operates within its domain, each endowed with monopoly powers within a defined economic domain. Al Capone’s mafia did not compete in the domains of the other mafias. Each empire exists outside of the general field of perception of the majority of the world’s populace. The Empire transcends not only the East-West partition but all other divides between nations. We will now find out how this is so.
Humanity has never in its entire history faced such an all-pervasive totalitarian, technocratic system of governance. <= so it is extremely important to define the key words, key images, and key acts that illuminate the totalitarian use technocratic governance.
Corporations serve as the shields to keep Oligarch and Empire invisible. Global Corporations have helped the Oligarch to remain hidden. Draining the people of the nations to the last drop has been the business of the corporate empires since before 1400. The oligarchs and their corporations no longer worry about profit or the bottom line, Why should they: mafias own the nation states? Oligarch concentrate on maintaining their status as empires; Empires and oligarchs are in the 24/7 business of sucking blood; no one is safe from the corporations and persons in authority at the levels of organized governments.
“We feel very strongly that we cannot wait for the next emergency to find out how well the pandemic accord and the IHR amendments will work; we need to know now,” Joy Phumaphi, co-chair of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB).
“We feel very strongly that we cannot wait for the next emergency to find out how well the pandemic accord and the IHR amendments will work; we need to know now,” Joy Phumaphi, co-chair of the GPMB, stated on May 22. “We therefore suggest that Member States, together with other key stakeholders, carry out a simulation exercise based on the draft accord and draft IHR amendments later this year, before they are finalized and adopted.”
Hey that’s called ‘getting ahead of the two weeks to flatten curve.’
Disease X could strike at any time- don’t put those masks away quite yet citizen!
“Member States, together with other key stakeholders”
It’s those key stakeholders that scare me. They are the ones who bribe the Leaders of the Member States. Like Tony B.Liar and George Brownstuff retired to cosy directorships in Rothschild companies after transferring huge amounts of taxpayers money to Big Business and Big Banks with WMD Wars and Quantitative Easing..
That was fear porn article.
the world is terrible be scared and afraid is that message
How about turning off the computer off sweetie get your ass outside in the world and some of it is actually decent.
As Woowoo as you are, what you said it correct.
I agree.
However that doesn’t mean that every article that outlays the facts, and critically analyzes the trajectory, is just “fear porn”. Calling it that actually implies that it isn’t real or is false or cannot happen.
We all have to decide to be happy each day, regardless what is happening around us. That doesn’t mean we ignore what is happening and pretend to be as ostrich.
Why are you here reading it then? Why not get your own ass outside and leave the keyboard behind?
Someone has to be adults and tell the flat screen’ers where the real world are.
The apologue of the slow boiling frog comes to mind.
Woowoo you dont get it. The real world is INSIDE your computer, not outside.
Everybody agree that Metaverse is real reality, and your wet, cold windy, dirty world is false.
The sun gives people skin cancer. Farting destroy our planet, and God’s free drinking water from the sky to all living shows God doesnt have a clue about making money.
You are a loner. A conspiracy theorist, and an anti-scientific self hating iou..
These complete nutjobs are coming up on their 40th Scamming Wedding Anniversary.
I did not find the article fearful. I think the article is a very real take on where we are, and is quite amazing to think about.
It does not scare me.
I do not think we are going to beat all the digitalization. I hope we can, but I’m doubtful.
But I’m not scared.
I’m not scared either. Digitalization (Latin for fingers) is quite handy, And not only for counting.
When the figure of 8,000-10,000 individuals is mentioned ruling the world, it should be remembered that within this group there is a hierarchy and the core of it is related to who controls the finance.
As a number of researchers and writers from Antony C Sutton, Eustace Mullins, Gary Allen to Edward G Griffin have concluded over many years the head of the Gorgon resides in the City of London plus its subsidiaries in Wall Street, Europe and Israel.
Therefore, much of what has been described in this article I agree with, however, the RF and to an extant the People’s Republic of China is not one homogeneous mass all in bed together with this group as a number of writers plus researchers have detailed in recent years.
For example, Putin, when the RF after being economically raped by the West, was tottering on the brink of final dismemberment a millennium year dream of the West , thwarted a City of London/ MI6 operation to remove the one remaining asset of it, Oil and jailed plus expelled the City of London’s high priest’s chief emissary in the RF.
In addition, the RF has thwarted their plans in the ME eg Syria and in the global South.
A very famous American CIA operative called James Jesus Angelton became so immersed in the notion of treachery in every corner he was lost in a wilderness of mirrors.
Agreed. Right now certain countries are actively opposing the military evil that is NATZO, and the financial despotism that is AZC (Anglo Zio Capitalism). Medium size countries like Russia and Iran have stymied NATZO in the ME and elsewhere. Big China has shown Africa a fairer way to trade their resources. For the first time since 1980 there is hope in the air, as oppressed and insulted countries from Rest of World line up to join multipolar BRICS. We cannot escape our own stupidity but many countries can now hope to escape the colonialist miasma imposed by the 12% minority — the EU$A countries — on Rest of World.
Please respond to my reply to you HERE before you continue making unfounded nonsense claims that BRICS (created and named by Goldman Sachs) is opposing “Anglo Zio Capitalism”.
You are just selling delusions
That figure is nondescript imo. Meaning a 8% in 1900, and 8-11% in 2000 digital. GEN.
Will humankind ever learn to live fully responsible for their own lives? Will we ever reject rule by government or others?
We can if shown how it’s done.
Why is that a prerequisite?
How about people get off their arse, read a book if you have to, and figure out how it is done.
Take initiative.
Don’t be afraid to fail.
Embrace the suck and move forward.
Not everything in life requires a teacher to learn.
My comment was meant for others. I can relate to what you wrote as it’s often said by myself to people who can’t or refuse to think and educate themselves to solve simple tasks. I’m pretty much burnt out repeating myself and gave up offering to help a long time ago.
It doesn’t matter how many times we fall down.
It only matters how many time we get back up.
Worthless advice. You can’t take Your own Family into a Classroom to read Your own Books in Reality or Virtual Reality.
Do be ridiculous.
You don’t make any sense.
Books are physical things that you can hold in your hands. If a child can read, they can learn.
Don’t be down syndrome.
I think it starts with self. Taking responsibility for your own lives, health, actions, etc., instead of delivering ourselves over to the “experts”, while continuing with our much loved old habits – because someone else can fix things for us.
Mark Passio has a lot of inspiration. For instance detecting and rejecting the “institutional limitors for consciousness” (Mark Passio).
Go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise. She needs no boss to supervise her work, her instincts are sufficient for her own needs and the needs of her sisters in the colony.
Mining in Australia is a huge industry which is expanding. How does this fit in with what the New World Order tells us – that we must reduce carbon emissions, etc.?
“Despite economic insecurities, Australia’s copper export volumes are increasing and are expected to rise 2 per cent on the previous year to 829,000 tonnes in 2023. Export volumes are predicted to increase even further to nearly 900,000 tonnes in 2024, thanks to increased production from new mines and mine expansions across the country.”
If most of the population is locked up in smarting cities, they won’t know what is happening outside their electronic prison walls. Pollution and plunder are likely to increase in areas where people won’t be allowed to go.
Climate Change, and the agenda to control “carbon”, is just a pretext for implementing people control.
We are the carbon.
We are the pollution.
We are the climate change.
Climate Change is a euphemism for We the People of the world waking up to the nefarious intentions of TPTB, and TPTB talking about how to stop us.
Capitalism is addicted to growth. Like its overlords, it is exempt from Net Zero (carbon or anything else). Net Zero only applies to the little people: the masses.
Of course. Globalist ‘environmentalism’ is not being done for the sake of the environment. And the only carbon they want to reduce is us.
“Well grandson, it all started because of light beer and a company called Target, those were the straws that broke the camel’s back. And it was all because of increasing support in our society for men to dress like women and pretend it was real. I know that sounds weird, but it’s true. There was bound to be a turning point for the whole ball of wax, and that was it. It wasn’t the wars or the global mandates from Big Pharma, not the increasingly large and militaristic police state, it wasn’t even when Donald Trump and Joe Biden competed for the US presidency the second time, it was when people started seeing AI generated pregnant men at their new-stands holding light beer while dressed in pink shirts and lipstick right next to the Archie comics. That was when it truly hit people where we were headed and that something had to be done. From then on, people discovered their power and started using it. The struggles were severe and there were tumultuous times, but the end result was a worldwide rejection of the global empire and its nefarious agenda and creation of the truly multipolar world, made up of men and women from all races.”
I hope you’re right
world changes very rapidly , let’s stay ahead of their nefarious game
This has been going on in America for over 100 years.
For the world could be over a millennium.
We have been at war with TPTB for centuries, and most just didn’t know it or see it.
And how about those ancient Romans in their tunics? If that wasn’t cross-dressing I don’t know what is!
The point is, the clothes DO NOT make the man or the woman. Perhaps we shouldn’t read too much into passing fads. The Slinky and the Hoola Hoop did not signify quantum changes in civilization. Nor do a few men wearing dresses signify much of anything beyond a passing phase.
This is no passing fad, this is concerted effort to change human society and has to be strongly resisted, which it appears is happening. Do you realize what they’re teaching kids in schools these days? Do you understand why people are boycotting Target? They are teaching kids that they can choose genders for crying out loud. They are having drag queens give performances. They are making something normal that should not be made normal. No man, this is serious shit and if you think its just a passing fad, you’re dead wrong.
I must disagree. It has all the earmarks of a fad, despite attempts by some educators to blend it with the prevailing culture. The fact is, we have no culture as such. So it’s the old maxim come into play: nature abhors a vacuum.
Actually it goes beyond changing human society. Ultimately it is about changing humans into non-humans through changing their genetics and hooking their brains up to the internet of things.
The confusing, drugging and surgical mutilation of children through the avenue of education, and the beligerant international promotion of this trend, does not seem to be a passing fad.
I agree, Howard. This is smoke and mirrors. This is a huge created propagandized assault to divide yet again and take focus off of what is happening, for instance, at the wonderful World Health Organization.
Homosexual and trans-sexual people I know are not running around “grooming”.
I hesitate to call what’s happening a “passing fad” because there are groups of people being vilified over this.
I cannot abide the woke agenda and I will not participate in any of it, but I do not confuse the creation and promulgation of it with someone’s right to choose and live by their own truth.
I am sickened to see this happening.
This is exactly the point of it. To desensitise you as they call it.
The more sick of it you get, the more you will get used to see and accept weirdos and abnormities in the society = transhumanism..
How about child genital-mutilation and pumping pubescent kids full of hormones? That’s a ‘fad’ that will have lifelong consequences, I’m afraid.
It has been scientifically proven — by medical officers in the British Army, no less, — that kilts keep the soldier’s balls at a healthy cool temperature compared to shorts.
Slinkies, Hoola Hoops, and grooming 5 year olds in public schools.
And then you woke up with a little union flag in your right hand, holding a fixed grip on your d… with your left hand and refused to leave the bed..
A wonderfully detailed article with just one teeny detail missing – the one without which none of the above has the slightest chance of taking place: 5G.
To say there will be millions upon millions of people around the world who refuse to go along with the unipolar digital nonsense is about like saying you just discovered water is wet.
And having taken the teeth out of the nation-state – i.e., the most effective means of subjugation of people – the digitalizers will be left without an adequate enforcement brigade.
Enter 5G. The perfect worldwide enforcer.
Spoken as if you don’t have a choice. Get to know your hardware and software so you can repel the demonic rays. Articles about dumping your phone have never offered solutions only fear. OFF-G really need to up their game.
in my area many people have been meeting about exactly the issues presented in the article. Many, many more than a few are concerned, no one believes any thing government, a corporation or BigLieMedia has to say. Everyone is fed up with digital gates which monitor people’s access to everything websites, drugs at drug stores, checking and banking accounts, you name it. WE are pissed but more than pissed we are resolved to make a difference.. The group has been influential in stopping local shopping stores from installing digital card only money change machines and there are movements going on to force local governments to take the gas guzzling spy on you traffic signal robots and to replace them with under and over pass bridges but the state says traffic signals are mandated.. even if they bleed millions each year from the pockets of the local residents. .. Everywhere human resistance is developing to the digital snakes. Hospitals have been the biggest challenge to those refusing to submit.. I predict the war in the Ukraine against Russia is about to burst this whole divide and conquer strategy into the open.. I believe the author is right, the people of the world are about to revolt demanding the nation state system be eliminated and business be denied the right to use digital anything for its dealings with customers. .
I have noticed many of my recent post have not appeared on this site.
5G is still a land based tech with limited range.
Get out of range.
The range is only limited by the number of towers – which are needed every few hundred feet. The aim is to have them installed worldwide.
I personally believe (without hard evidence to back me up) that the Covid “pandemic” was as much to divert attention from 5G as it was to mask the economic collapse of the financial house of cards.
Diddnt we have lack of sparse resources which the 7 billion useless eaters suck up every day?
How do they manage to set up all these towers all over the world, steel, cobber, alu.
The not-to-be-named vax to 8 billion x boosters. Other vaxses x 8 billion.
Hospitals and robot laboratories to deal with all the side effects.
Robot factories, the population decrease the robots increase. You were not good enough at your table Mr. Jones.
Please expand on this Howard.
It would take an entire article to link all the research that’s been done on emf in general and 5G in particular.
Suffice it to say, it was developed decades ago as a military weapon – as was just about every other bit of tech. But it basically proved ineffective because it cannot be sent over long distances. Which is why the telecom industry is rapidly – and I mean rapidly – installing 5G mini-towers every few hundred feet.
In the US, Houston Texas was the first major city to begin installing 5G. This was about 4 years ago. I watched a video where Derrick Broze spoke at a public hearing before the mayor & city council. Needless to say, everything he said was entirely ignored.
Plus, there’s an excellent documentary called “Resonance: Beings of Frequency” which addresses the issue of 5G.
I watched that Derrick Broze video.
Another good resource is Children’s Health Defense. They are suing the FCC for the second time about the 5G roll outs. Talk about corruption.
Children’s Health Defense was out there on the 5G before c-vid.
We have Massachusetts for Safe Technology here. Cece Doucette. She’s incredible regarding knowledge of this thing, not just 5G but wireless in general.
By the way, I don’t know how they did it, but telecommunication companies got it written in to law that cities, towns, citizens cannot prevent cell phone towers, including 5G, being installed. Cannot prevent it!
Pittsfield MA recently sued Verizon over the 5G towers erected near play area and homes. They were awarded and injunction.
But after Verizons lawyers did their work, the town of Pittsfield would not (or could not?) go forward with the suit. They dropped it. Said they did not have the resources.
Childrens Health Defense picked up the lawsuit so we shall see what happens.
If the town of Pittsfield citizens win this lawsuit it would be a template for the rest of the country.
There are many who think that 5G antennas were being installed, particularly in closed schools, during the cvid lockdown.
Telecommunication companies are Pharma with earbuds.
I hope this Pittsfield/Children Health Defense suit works out well.
Telecommunication companies are Big Pharma on steroids. Because while lots of people, thankfully, refuse things like the mRNA concoction, few see any reason to refuse the cell phone. But in its own way, the cell phone is just as dangerous – it just takes longer to harm people.