WHO launches new “digital health initiative”
Chalk up another “I told you so” for the Conspiracy Theorists.
Kit Knightly

On Monday, the World Health Organization and European Union announced the launch of their new “partnership”, building on the EU’s “highly successful” digital certification network, which was introduced during the “pandemic”.
From the WHO’s website [emphasis added]:
WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility…
This would be those digital health passports that “conspiracy theorists” warned about, but which we were all told weren’t ever going to be a thing.
This isn’t about “Covid” anymore, WHO Chairman Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said as much in his statement on the launch, and it’s again made clear on the website, which repeatedly underlines the supposed purpose of the initiative:
- [To] protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics
- [To] enhance strategic cooperation on global health issues
- [To] help strengthen global health preparedness in the face of growing health threats
- [To] to deliver better health for citizens across the globe
What are these “health threats”? Well, they quite intentionally don’t say, but we can all make pretty good guesses. Climate change, obviously. Obesity seems pretty likely, poverty, overpopulation …and as many more as they choose.
– That’s the whole point of the open-ended wording, you can adapt it as you go.
Anyway, it won’t just be about about Covid passports, again as the us conspiracy theorists predicted. But, more than that, it won’t even just be passports…
This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.
They are delightfully vague about what exactly these other “digital products” might be, how much they are going to cost global taxpayers, and just how many of our rights we’ll be required to forfeit in the name of a “healthy” planet (although ou can read the WHO’s “Global Strategy on Digital Health” to get some rough ideas).
However, while the details are brushed over, the overall aim is pretty openly stated:
enhance strategic cooperation on global health issues […] bolster a robust multilateral system with WHO at its core, powered by a strong EU.
It’s globalism – sorry, “multilateralism”.
Globalism has been the end game since the pandemic started. Hence the Pandemic Treaty, the new IHR regulations all that fun stuff. One world government (or maybe two world governments, if the New Cold War plays out as expected), installed in the name of public health.
Note that this launch lines up with a lot of “coincidental” domestic political movements from around the world.
For example, in the US they are set to vote on the “Improving Digital Identity Act”, which would require digital ID to do…pretty much everything.
In Canada major corporations are uniting to embrace digital ID as a key part of Agenda 2030 and “sustainable development goals”.
In the UK Sir Keir Starmer has promised a “totally digital NHS” under the next Labour government.
In essence, each country – for notionally different reasons, and supposedly independently of their own free will – are all going to develop a digital ID/health passport system at exactly the same time, and while working with the WHO to ensure “interoperability”.
Therein lies the plausible deniability. See, it won’t be one global health and surveillance system! No, it will be 100+ different “interoperable” systems…that just happened by chance to all be conceived and built at the same time along the same guidelines.
A distinction good enough to fuel the inevitable defenses from corporate fact-checkers even if it can’t fool anyone else.
However, all that aside, the most interesting part of this story is where you read about it.
Viz – the back pages.
At the height of the pandemic, this would be big news, maybe breaking news in big red letters. There’d be op-eds in all the major outlets celebrating the move, accompanied by “fact checks” with headlines like “No, global digital passports doesn’t mean one world government”.
Now, if you’re not following certain social media accounts or regularly checking the news cycles for quite specific terms, you’d never have heard about this. It’s not even mentioned in any mainstream news site I’ve read.
Resistance has pushed the New Normal narrative out of the limelight, to be replaced by war porn, Trump, illegal immigrants or Harry and Meghan.
You’re all being encouraged to think the Great Reset was a flash in the pan, the New Normal just an old joke. 2020 was just a bad dream & now everything us back to normal & Left versus Right, East versus West…
But no. This is the last reel of the scary movie. The demon seems to be exorcised, the danger looks like it’s over and the heroine has gone to take a bath, unaware of what’s creeping slowly toward her from the shadows.
The Great Reset is still very much alive, but your resistance temporarily shut it down, so it’s changed its tactic. It was overt. Now it’s covert. Now it’s hoping to sneak in while you’re not looking and snatch you up and swallow you down before you even know what’s happening.
It’s incredibly important you don’t let that happen.
So – wake up, and wake other people up. Shake them. Yell at them. Get them to look over their shoulder at the big rough beast slouching toward Bethlehem – so we can try to stop it being born.
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Brought to you by our highly contagious, deadly pathogenic, virus. Take care folks.
worth reading.
we’ll see.
We were called on cell phone yesterday by a CDC Immunization Survey asking questions about the covid vaxxes and our family. “Are you a frontline worker?” “Like healthcare or teacher?”.””What’s a frontline worker?” “Uh like in a corrections facility.” A laugh riot. Is there any question they’ll ever tell us the truth about the plandemic before or after no matter what their surveys reveal. ‘It’s secret before, during and after, so shut up and get back in your cage. The hospital is a prison, the schools are prisons and the prisons are prisons. Got it?’
Weight-loss drugs pilot to begin in UK amid uncertainty over Wegovy launch.
By Ludwig Burger and Maggie Fick
June 7, 2023 3:51 PM
The move comes after the U.K.’s cost-effectiveness watchdog recommended use of the weekly shot in adults with at least one weight-related condition and a body mass index of at least 35, but only within a National Health Service specialist weight management scheme.
The BMI people have long been jeopardizing our national security. About time someone finally do something about the Amerifats.
Yes, and they forgot to mention that on the label it says: warning: serious side effects, amongst which possible cancer, liver and kidney failure, depression, ..so another way to get rid of “useless eaters”
Here is a less paranoid view of the subject matter.
That article is about the pandemic treaty, not the digital ‘health’ passports.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the real and present health threat for humankind.
Expanding our services is a high priority
It’s win-win-win for Public Health!
“Children throughout the U.S. are experiencing a behavioral health crisis, and we know the pandemic will have a lasting impact on them. Expanding our services is a high priority so we can provide timely, appropriate access to the treatment they deserve,” said Madeline Bell, President and CEO of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “These services will allow us to provide a higher level of care for children with acute psychiatric needs.”
Yep, the Ethiopian terrorist Tedros and his gang trying to implement another obscene agenda under the guidance of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other Globalist cabals. I suggest writing to your MP stating categorically that their political career is finished should they endorse this shit otherwise they will sit on their fat arses, do zero and continue to enjoy the benefits of their overpaid political existence.
MPs ENDORSE all of these programs, otherwise they wouldn’t be MPs.
Government isn’t even legitimate, it’s a complex network of corporate subsidiaries (fronts) wholly owned by the globalist families who own and run the WHO, the UN, and all governments through a central monetary and AI system using mass brainwashing techniques, aka “the MEDIA” and “education”.
Writing to members of “the club“ (actors) who are fully on board with the depopulation measures does NOTHING. The paper letters and emails go straight in the trash. Pre-made, standard replies are automatically sent back to complainants. Why put trust and belief in your captors? That’s Stockholm Syndrome. NOBODY gets into any political party without being a member of the club.
It’s governments and the misguided belief in them, that enables all of the criminality in the first place!
“Governments“ all unanimously agreed to Agenda 21 in 1992 (depopulation, land and resource management run through a central authority) and this is the result.
Agenda 21 is the Agenda for the entire 21st century. 2000 – 2099.
Politicians despise the public and laugh behind their back. The public are NOT their constituents, NOT their electors and NOT their employers. They take an oath of allegiance to THE CROWN. Not to the public. The Crown is a worldwide, corporate cabal. It’s not a monarch.
Agenda 21 started in earnest with 9-11, continued with SARS in 2003, the engineered financial crises in 2008, bird flu 2009, Ebola 2014, Covid Scam 2020 and now the faux NATO vs BRICS nonsense being played out with the staged Russia-Ukraine “war”.
This agenda is unremitting and is multi-faceted. The cryptocracy attack the worldwide population from all fronts: Confusing the populace, and utilizing fear through trauma based mind control.
And no politician on earth is going to challenge any global plans that have been in place for decades. Possibly even centuries, starting with the fraud of Jenner (a Freemason) and the contagion myth. This is a long term agenda that gets handed down through “the club“, GENERATIONALLY.
“No politician is gonna challenge anyhing”. So? So what??
The OP suggested writing to their MP. I’m responding to THAT.
“I suggest writing to your MP stating categorically that their political career is finished should they endorse…”
It’s jaw dropping how much is poured into psyops. Once the scam has been proposed, the machine springs into action, no end of resources are employed, battalions of the requisite “experts’ are enlisted, an endless succession of tomes of technical gobbledegook are manufactured, the entire history of humanity is rewritten to conform to the new show, all manner of psychological tricks are employed, adverts ground out, movies filmed, documentaries etc. Pop bands, the current “in” celebs, are signed up etc. And of course the doubters are demonised and banished to the outer darkness.
“WHO Chairman Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus”
If the UN insists on appointing such a person, and if the Peoples of the World cannot force the UN to replace him with someone better, what hope is there for a healthy WHO?
I am wondering why would you ever think there could be such a thing as a “healthy WHO”? Please don’t hope in any organization or person . . they are all corrupt. I would think that is quite obvious by now. . .and I am not trying to be snide. . . I just wonder why it ISN’T obvious. There is one True Hope. . .Who happens to be The Way, The Truth, The Life. . . .all of the manmade systems are owned by The Enemy.
“Homelessness” is a “health threat”, and it appears some countries offer GAS (government assisted suicide) as a solution. It’s all voluntary, of course.
GAS (government assisted suicide) is safe and effective with 100% success rate with no side effects. 😂
I came across this “journalist’s” name because of the following story. And I then looked into some of the stuff she’s done.
Poems offered me an anchor as I lost my son, so I shared them
By Josie Glausiusz
May 24, 2023
Josie Glausiusz is a journalist living in Israel who writes about science and the environment for National Geographic, BBC Future, Nature and more.
In the early hours of March 23, about 12 hours before our treasured 12-year-old son died from a rare form of brain cancer, I climbed into his bed at Shaare Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, wrapped him in my arms and recited the poem “Jabberwocky”:
By Josie Glausiusz
12th October 2021
In Israel, more than half of those over 12 years old and some younger children have had a single dose of Covid-19 vaccine – with a few already onto booster jabs. What can we learn from this?
How can we help kids cope with ‘eco-anxiety’?
By Josie Glausiusz
22nd April 2022
More and more children are experiencing “eco-anxiety”: a chronic fear of environmental doom. But some are converting their panic into a force for good.
Striding onto the streets of Glasgow, 16-year-old Amy O’Brien joined tens of thousands of other marchers last November for a Global Day of Action for Climate Justice. O’Brien is an activist with Fridays for Future Ireland, a youth movement that uses school strikes to campaign for climate justice. . . . O’Brien had spent half her life worrying about the impact of global climate change, to the point of feeling an intense fear over the planet’s future – an increasingly common phenomenon among children and teenagers. Now the sight of so many diverse banner-carrying campaigners, of all ages, offered her “a glimmer of the future that is possible”.
Article cited:
Young People’s Voices on Climate Anxiety, Government Betrayal and Moral Injury: A Global Phenomenon
Posted: 7 Sep 2021
Elizabeth Marks, Caroline Hickman
Background: Climate change has significant implications for the health and futures of children and young people, yet they have little power to limit its harm, making them vulnerable to increased climate anxiety. Qualitative studies show climate anxiety is associated with perceptions of inadequate action by adults and governments, feelings of betrayal, abandonment and moral injury. This study offers the first large-scale investigation of climate anxiety in children and young people globally and its relationship to government response.
Methods: We surveyed 10,000 young people (aged 16-25 years) in ten countries. Data were collected on their thoughts and feelings about climate change, and government response.
Findings: Respondents were worried about climate change (59% very or extremely worried, 84% at least moderately worried). Over 50% felt sad, anxious, angry, powerless, helpless, and guilty. Over 45% said their feelings about climate change negatively affected their daily life and functioning, and many reported a high number of negative thoughts about climate change. Respondents rated the governmental response to climate change negatively and reported greater feelings of betrayal than of reassurance. Correlations indicated that climate anxiety and distress were significantly related to perceived inadequate government response and associated feelings of betrayal.
Interpretation: Climate change and inadequate governmental responses are associated with climate anxiety and distress in many children and young people globally. These psychological stressors threaten health and wellbeing, and could be construed as morally injurious and unjust. There is an urgent need for increases in both research and government responsiveness.
Rajendra Kumar Pachauri (20 August 1940 – 13 February 2020[1]) was the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from 2002 to 2015, during the fourth and fifth assessment cycles.
Terrorize the Children – Pachauri’s Strategy – Splattergate
Oct 3, 2010
A series of outtakes from various Climate change propaganda videos is contrasted with a candid interview with IPCC/TERI Chairman Rajendra Pachauri in which he outlines the strategy of terrorizing Children.
Here’s another,
The Sword on Top of the Wardrobe.https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-sword-on-top-of-the-wardrobe/
Another book on a child’s search (after growing up to full adulthood) both for the Father who Failed her and for The Fatherland which Failed her grandparents:
“The Lost Cafe Schindler” by Meriell Schindler. A finely woven tapestry of the private and the public, the personal and the political, the the present and the historical, the frivolous and the grave; written with a solidity of everyday detail and a large cast of characters, on the scale of a Victorian novel.
“[X] is associated with perceptions of inadequate action by adults and governments, feelings of betrayal, abandonment and moral injury.”
Feelings of betrayal, abandonment and moral injury are indeed very common among children, often persisting into adulthood and even into old age. For [X] insert the occasion your own parent failed you.
“Children begin by loving their parents. They end by judging them. Seldom if ever do they forgive them” — Oscar Wilde.
Lady Wilde was a truly admirable woman, a poet who advocated Women’s Rights and Irish Independence far ahead of her time. Oscar’s father was a distinguished physician and an amateur student of Irish Folklore. But I guess they failed young Oscar when his father ended in bankruptcy and his mother descended into poverty: that must have been hard on a young and aspiring Dandy.
Sorry wrong place for posting.
Strange Synchronicities?
The research article is 20 months old (Sep 2021), but it got promoted again yesterday!
Climate Anxiety: Doomsday Cult or Mental Illness?
15 hours ago
Essay by Eric Worrall
Links to:
Climate change is harming my mental health
Published: 1 day ago
Both link to:
Climate anxiety in children and young people and their beliefs about government responses to climate change: a global survey
Marks & Hickman et al
Published: December, 2021
Climate anxiety and eco-anxiety (distress relating to the climate and ecological crises) are gaining attention worldwide as people become increasingly aware of the current and future global threats associated with our warming planet.
The dangerous Global Warming/Clima Change is the false version of the weather and a financial instrument connected to Wall Street invented on a paper..
The Weather is the true physical version of the weather.
The dangerous CO2 is the false version of CO2 and a financial instrument invented on a paper by Goldman Sachs.
CO2 is the true physical version necessary for our plants and farming.
Digital ID is the false version, physical ID is the true version.
Fixed it.
Soon you won’t need to be in touch with your body at all!
“Australians would be warned within minutes if they were falling sick under an ambitious new plan from scientists, who hope artificial intelligence will be the key to stopping the next pandemic or slowing the spread of weaponised diseases.
A defence agency is investigating wearable technology (ie ‘smart’ watches) that could alert the wearer when they’re falling ill. in the event of another pandemic health authorities would be able to respond immediately by quarantining people while infection rates were still low.”
I’m wondering if this trackable, wearable technology might become compulsory for those who go against the system? It could be a way of neutralising ‘trouble-makers’ in the interests of public safety (of course). Also, be used for yet more data-collection (of course).
Singapore enforced a small pocket tracker (location only) around 2020. The excuse was that phone app communication can be turned off.
Like the jabs, masks, etc., there is a lot of money to be made.
Long time jabs and other nasties in their arsenal have killed and maimed many over the decades. So what exactly will these digital ‘health’ certificates achieve apart from allowing Big Corp PLC / LLC etc to gloat at the damage they’ve inflicted. How can anyone be healthy with all the toxins in and around us.
Ratcheting totalitarianism, and getting us to understand our place.
Machines need people to make and assemble the components.
Machines eventually wear-out then break and need people to fix them.
If people refuse to assemble, maintain and fix the machines, the machines become non-functional.
The Human Being is the Ghost in the Machine.
Yet, a few endeavour to make the Human Being into a robot machine slave.
This is done by programming through limiting language, experiential perception and animating compliant action through the fear of pain.
The few that try this see themselves as gods.
But unlike gods, they all eventually wear-out then break.
Where there is order there is chaos.
Nothing real can be threatened.
This world is a bridge.
Cross it.
You will find many installers of corporate owned infrastructure, which is almost everything, are ex military. Do away with the average self employed tradesmen and replace them with people who know nothing but to take orders will ensure their evil plan works.
Eliminating simple, sturdy machines or appliances, and hindering repair (through limitations on sale, withholding of parts, etc.) has been going on for a long time. The same governments that express anguish over waste, trash and destructive extraction have been evading this.
I didn’t make myself clear. I’m talking about the ‘installers’ not the equipment.
A.I can’t do the real dirty work as as humans can and I hope it will never get to that stage where we are truly made redundant.
“The aim of education is to develope the child’s ability to say, No!”
“Digital” is just tilting at windmills. There’s been the equivalent of “health passports” for generations but they’re usually limited to vaccination certificates for tropical diseases. Most people in ‘the west’ aren’t aware of them because the sorts of places that everyone visits don’t normally harbor infectious diseases but the tools and regulations are in place in case there is something. Look at this recent case..
TB isn’t much of a problem in America because its controlled; however you have to be TB free to be an immigrant (or to get a teaching credential).
So the ‘digital’ bit is really misleading. What it boils down to is the notion that if the local health authority deems you ‘infectious’ then they have the power to prevent you from infecting others. It really doesn’t mater what you believe — its not right and wrong but who’s got the power. What we have to watch for is potential abuses of that power.
(Incidentally, if you have traveled overseas recently then you may have noticed that immigration has changed somewhat for many countries. The airline will have forwarded a lot more data about their passengers than just a list of names — typically the border agents know who you are, where you live and all about your interary. They will take your snapshot and thumb print both on entry and it will be matched with those taken on exit. Inspecting your passport is becoming just a ritual, they do it because they’ve always done it and its what passports are for…..but realistically, they’ve got all that information before you were even allowed to travel.)
Doesn’t look like you’re quite grasping the severity of the situation. Just set aside the “digital” part and look at this one, ” establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility…”
And recall what just happened the last couple plus years when they made up a killer virus.
“Just set aside the “digital” part”
That is exactly what Martin is saying: “Digital” is a red herring: the real problem is top-heavy “Top Down” government. Always has been.
Especially if that top-heavy government is also stupid-heavy.
Not only ‘stupid-heavy’ but criminal heavy.
““Digital” is just tilting at windmills. There’s been the equivalent of “health passports” for generations”.
Precisely. Thanks for the details.
The devil is in the details. When constructing a digital program: one needs both Top Down and Bottom Up feedback corrections. I think today’s government has too much Top Down and too little feedback from the Bottom Up. These days a program is executed “by digits” rather than “by hand”; but than is just a tool of the times we live in.
Just laugh at these imbeciles who think they can control the globe. No one has managed it and no one will despite what these deluded imbeciles think they can. Soon enough there will be one person every 11 miles. There is a reckoning coming. Enslavement has never gone down well throughout history and never will be accepted. I will not be a slave
Can I tempt you into the new slavery with a paltry amount of plastic notes & some digital vouchers? Free Netfux for 12 months and all the energy drinks and vapes you can handle for life if you sign up to our deal. Do it now!, don’t miss this once in a lifetime offer 😼
This week only…
It’s all achieved by your consent. When you wake up to this fact it all falls away. Just like Neo in the closing scene of the Matrix. One you see it and understand you are the enabler of this fake world, you can disconnect.
It does mean you will have to go without your Netflix, Junk and other addictions for while. But life is much better without these things in your life. The best things in life ARE free. We have all fallen victim to the snake oil salesmen.
Tell that to the sheep, I know how the machine works, 25 years with my eyes wide open and here we are in the new darkness despite our efforts. Conversations with the jabbed as they wake up to what’s been done to them don’t go far either. Once they get a hint of where talk is going the subject is quickly changed, then they quickly leave.
Can’t save em all, most follow.
I don’t wish to save anyone but a conversation of where this is heading would be nice if the other person’s facial reactions didn’t display the signs of having a breakdown.
This is the same Tedros…
Not on the terror list as of 2023.
As an energy and resource hungry global culture, humanity as climax civilisation produces and consumes ~19 TW of primary energy per annum; extracts ~100 bn tonnes of primary raw matter; uses commercially extracted energy to transform raw materials into commodities and services for material consumption (“consumerism”); whichever is distributed as structural inequality to and by the high income countries [HICs] – formerly the ‘west’ or ‘global north’ – whose net appropriation of commercial resources from the low income countries [LICs] means that the poor of the world effectively provide their labour for free (equivalent to 188 million person-years in 2015) just as they are forced into poverty and their resources extracted from them for free [Hickel et al]; supporting ‘western’ consumerism with subsidised raw materials with six continent commodity chains – euphemistically ‘value added chains’ – and “just-in-time” supply logistics; where the average commodity life is just six months, much of the voracious power hungry and imperial inequity of globalised energy-transformation goes straight from their land into our landfill; ‘just-in-time’ to keep our globally demanding appetencies exponential.
As a narrow-minded global species mismanagement of the resource base – rapidly transforming the whole earth into a waste dump – we are producing ~2 bn tonnes of landfill per annum (at 60 tonnes per second); as well as creating artificial scarcity, loss of biodiversity, resource depletion, coups, and so on. Much of our waste is not even biodegradable waste – such as hypoxic eutrophication, lethal mining tailings and run-offs, xenotoxins and other persistent pollutants – some of which will continue to bioaccumulate in the global food chain as ecotoxicity forever….
As such: civilisation-bound consumption appropriates much of its materials and labour gratis; we also appropriate ~20% of the net primary production on the earth as bioproductivity – that is a measure of energy (insolation) available for all heterotrophic activity – as consumed by and for a single species; the species biomass of which is now 95.5% of the total mammalian biomass.
That means that humanity and its domesticants (primarily bos taurus – domesticated cattle) are a virtual global monoculture before even considering how much energy we harness for consumerism from below ground. All those people and all those animals (as draft animals) toiling for free could not meet current global levels of consumption – as civilisation-bound consumerism centred in the HICs – which is therefore an impossibility without the higher power density provided by fossil fuels.
Technological artifacts as the mass-scale diffusion of industrial machines increased and globally extended ‘western’ consummatory behaviour by about two orders of magnitude – that is a hidden energy factor of ~100 for everybody alive – employed in order to appropriate and accumulate enough energy and materials for the rates of consumption we think we need; just-in-time to maintain our accelerant consumptogenesis up to the limit of the resource base available – which some call the Maximum Power Principle – as a maximal rate of flow of matter and energy which took at least 200 years of constant craving, mining, extracting and economic doubling every quarter of a century to produce; which means that the maximum rates of global consumption where only recently achieved this century – by us.
In other words: globalism or globalisation is already at its maximal rate of consumption, whichever is our consumption – so it is somewhat naive to think it can be halted by anyone but us; or that only a few bad actors participated in the recent consumption of the whole earth as a sacrificial resource for our ‘western’ consummatory behaviourism; maintained by imperialism as a transnationally networked appropriation of unfair exchange and extractivism creating the current state of colonialism and the globalisation of poverty; whichever included the labour of everybody across each and every lifetime – across the centuries – as participated maximally, particularly in the last twenty years.
So wake up everybody and tell them globalism has happened, and now it is stalling at its very peak of consumptogenesis and high income imperialism, we might have to have a ‘plan-B’ – to consume less and share it more equitably – before the inevitable collapse of western civilisation-bound consumerism strips everything of real value left; before turning it into inequity as a gross mismanagement of the earth’s resources; as extracted from their land, flown across the six continents, straight into our landfill with netzero utility – but maximal marginalisation, dehumanisation and alienation – which is not just the work of a few bad actors; it has become the entire work of the entire species across the centuries.
If anybody wants to think about degrowth, wealth redistribution, and retrieving humanity from the globalisation of structural inequity of our consummatory behaviour and the enforced poverty that bestowed of the rest of humanity, just to keep us in the ‘west’ unhappy and looking for someone else to blame for the forced and unforced consumptogenic behaviour of the entire species across recent economic time, now would be a good time to do so.
I couldn’t formulate the aforestated as eloquently and support it with data, but what the guy says is exactly my conclusion too.
This is the underlying reality of the situation the world is in right now.
We have been experiencing “globalism” for decades, if not for over a century.
The PLANNEDemic, Climate Change, Cyber Polygon, are all a pretext for “Global Governance”.
I think there is an important difference between the two.
Globalism is a scenario where people view their community as the world, and not just their local area. The freedom for people to travel to most parts of the world, prior to the PLANNDemic, helped to foster this attitude. The fact that businesses could order products, and have them delivered, from anywhere in the world, also contributed.
The pretexts listed above, were a take away. The hard sell that in order to have your world community back, you have to submit to World Governance, or at least “restrictions” across the board.
At the moment, I would classify that hard sale as a failure. For now. However I would guess that when it comes to infrastructure, they probably have most of what they want, or need, to proceed to the next phase.
The guy is talking about physical realities, the physical world. That’s the underlying issue that overrides societal, political, financial stuff. That’s what matters.
The point is, ‘globalism’ – or whatever we label it – required the cooperation of everybody – voluntarily or involuntarily – as nobody and no individual group can ‘plan’ or ‘govern’ anything independently due to the irreducible complexity of our net appropriation system; the temporary cessation in production two years ago was only possible because of surplus energy already created; if the ‘plandemic’ had been extended, the entire global system would collapse, as it will unless it can continue to expand at 3% pa, doubling every ~25 y, which it cannot; in other words the human economic system is completely out of control which happened a long time ago.
‘Global Governance’ is therefore diffused as everybody working all at once, in indirect population-wide simultaneity, all the time – unbroken across time for ~200y – with ever more productive power densities of machinery; up to hydrocarbon hybridity harnessing energy far beyond even collective human capacities as an indirect and irreducible cooperation peaking to date.
It makes much more sense to me that we are witnessing the breakdown of global governance and a fracturing of world economic dominance into NATO v SinoRussian strategic alliances; which seems the very opposite of what is being said; the ‘new cold war’ very much looks like an economic ‘hot war’ with the US/UK supplying lethal aid such a longrange StormShadow cruise missiles, depleted uranium rounds, and F-16s; blowing up Nordstream, and so on.
In other words, we are at or past peak consumption but still trying to grow, and it very much looks like US/UK is willing to risk WW3 unless everybody steps back from the institutionalised appropriation system we inherited; whichever means immediate and massive degrowth, wealth redistribution from north to south and so on.
All wars start as economic war or sanctions.
SinoRussian or NATO suggests that the old world order will continue, when that is exactly what is being destroyed.
Consolidation is occurring across all major areas of society. Banking, Healthcare, Production, Intelligence, Technology, Media, Enforcement, Religion and Governance. NGOs will be more in control than ever before. That is not a grass roots trend. It is contrived, planned and managed.
How can we be past peak consumption when all durable goods have been engineered for obsolescence? There is a reason that appliances, cars, trucks, computers, etc., rarely last longer than a few years.
The culling of the heard, as in increased excess death, will continue to creep along until the house of cards crashes and we enter a Greater Global Depression, that will be used to usher in the Great Reset.
Almost nothing is grass roots in this world anymore.
ALL wars are banker wars
“Peak consumption” or better “production/consumption” is a dynamic, growing up to the limits of the resource base; if we have reached a summit (and it looks as though we have) it just means we cannot continue to grow; everything that was created already is still here and could be extended in use (think Cuba under US sanctions, they had the same cabs in Havana for 50 y.)
Designed obsolescence is a very problematic factor that will have to be addressed; whatever we make will have to be built to last which means that short term profiteering will have to end; in fact the egregious excesses of private property will have to end; we need to decide what is really of value going forward; providing for ourselves physiologically in comfort and security does not need perpetual and accelerant global “straight from source to sink” extractivism – but it does require a sustainable resource base.
Anyone that thinks private property is a problem is huge POS.
Destruction of private property rights is nothing more than collectivism and tyranny.
What part of “You will own nothing, and be happy” do you not F’ing understand?
Your social credit score just increased.
An excellent post. Where does humanity go from here – downward, probably, from a human perspective, but perhaps not from the perspective of other species. Will anything change the course of things? Maybe I’m a 70 year old pessimist, but I doubt it. We have allowed ourselves to be ruled by “robber kings” and have believed all the lies they have told us in order to exploit us, and continue to believe them. The end won’t be pretty and, perhaps, that is the lesson of karma.
Putting it succinctly, in my view, only a change of consciousness will change things, accompanied by a steely resolve to do what is right. Digging out the tree in the yard won’t be easy. I can’t see too many people with shovels and resolve – – -.
Karma is habit energy directing attention, nothing else; where and what we turn perception and apply our energy to can be changed, from focus on unwholesome to wholesome things, from life-negating to life-sustaining; that is a change in consciousness from consumption to compassion and understanding; the tide is indeed turning away from materialism, consumerism, and endless consumption (cf. Joanna Macy’s “Great Turning.”)
“Critical infrastructure” has become a bit of a ‘buzzword’ (von der Leyen’s “critical raw materials”); the integrity of the earth is both crucial and critical, not the minerals and hydrocarbons ripped from below the surface; eventually, enough people will see that the much maligned ecologists had some sort of understanding after all; as they say “you can’t eat money and you can’t breathe petrol!”….
Anyway, “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst”; if you can see a better way then maybe you are a visionary and a 70 year old optimist after all (imagine a smiley face, emojis not working.)
My God…so perfectly said. I have been blabbering on for quite some time about the “calm before the storm.” In fact, there has never been a “calm”…the storm just went covert, as Kit says, but it is still raging. I am not so certain that “our resistance” temporarily shut it down. That is nice to think, but I believe the “shut down” was always a part of the psyop.
It is going to slap us upside the head pretty brutally when that tornado touches ground again. Be ready, Dorothy, soon it won’t look like Kansas anymore…
Precisely. Here in my region they just published the beginning of the “roll out” of an until now unknown “Masterplan for the Region”, changes from an angle never seen before.
Everything kept secret and prepared and then “rolled out” over peoples lives.
I don’t believe another “storm” is coming, just constant drizzle. Their tried and trusted method.
Whilst they have created the mass distraction with the injections and now purposely leaking out some truths to keep the masses auguring in shock. In the back ground Corporate Governments/Councils are building the prisons they would like to us to live in.
But, again. As we know or should know, these institutes have no power. If they say they they do simply ask them where they get it from. I can bet your constitutions have been placed on the back burner without the consent of the people. Sure, these Constitutions do tie us another contract/agreement, However I don’t believe the system we had 40 years ago was that bad. Providing it runs the way it was intended without the infiltration of Masons, Fabians and the other clubs who are unable to stand on their own two feet in life.
Where on earth did they find this Teddy Adhominem Bejeezus anyway?
I suspect it was somewhere far under the earth, and there are thousands of them…
One of the Morlocks who was blessed with better eyesight and could live on the surface.
An Ethiopian gangster WD, who has a very questionable past as health minister of same.
Epic pretender ……
He doesn’t even look like he means well . . .
W.H.O. – World Health Order
They poison the world and then gate keep access to health care services as a pretext of keeping the cattle in their pens.
Nothing is going to change until puppets of TPTB, or TPTB themselves, start to have fatal encounters.
These plans have been in their back pocket for centuries if not millenia.
Revelation isn’t an event. It is a cycle.
There is plenty of evidence that modern humans have been on this world for 100s of millions of years. That the history we are taught isn’t accurate. That the world isn’t what they want us to think it is. That there is nothing new under the sun.
This world is an anvil upon which your soul is forged into a useful tool, or thrown back into the fire.
The only path that anyone can choose, in good faith, is noncompliance, regardless of the consequences.
Those that only choose compliance don’t qualify, and will be thrown back into the fire.
Bottomline, you cannot checkpoint air.
WHO Plots To Use EU Vaccine Passport Tech To Form Global Digital Health CertificatesA global checkpoint society.
Speaking of bad medicine, Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire just exposed another segment of the medical graft behind the gender dysphoria movement. The AMA has found a way to bully medical insurance into paying for “gender transitioning”.
A simple 20 minute remote meeting that ended with assurances that the procedure of having one’s testicles removed would be covered after some well thought out coercion. And it was done with a happy tone and smile by a female nurse, I might add. (At least, I think she was a female)
Cash cows everywhere.
How else are doctors and drug manufacturers going to make a profit?
It is just a matter of time before the neutering of men is no longer an option. If drugging boys and men doesn’t make them act more like girls, then removing their testicles will.
And school teachers will be happier for it. Nothing better than a classroom filled with submissively behaved students. Imagine how much propaganda can absorbed if all the students are quietly paying attention.
Nurses are some scary people.
You notice most of them like delicious bagels.
Imagine how low people and societies have sunk for them to think health is a function of digitalization.
Maybe if they succeed in transhumanizing us, that will be the case. Until then, what we need is a healthy environment and nutritious food – not an algorithm.
Have you heard of Tissue Salts?
Had to research to see if Tissue Salts is what I thought it was. It’s been literally decades since I was interested in that. So, yes, I have heard of it; but I didn’t find them particularly useful – except for one: Silica (I think it was called).
You have to take them fairly regularly to get benefits.
I think, and feel, that these combined with quality vitamins, will make a huge difference in health. CBD Oil also helps a lot as I am getting older.
There is a reason a mineral like Iodine, was removed from salt.
They don’t want us to eat meat, because that reduces copper intake that affects our ability to keep blood healthy.
This is an excellent video that explains how the tissue salts work in harmony with our biology.
By SpaceBusters
I’ll check this video out. Perhaps I should get back to Tissue Salts. I took them fairly regularly (I tend to go overboard with everything); but at the time my only health issue was a bad back – which has largely gone away now that I’m retired). Since they didn’t seem to help the back, I dropped them altogether.
Been using them for the last 10 years for 95% of my health problems. Absolutely worth studying and sensitizing oneself to as allopathy has turned out, for the most part, a danger you need to treat with great alertness.
Meanwhile, the once brave and truth-seeking Plandemic Series, in its third film, disappointingly succumbed to the absolute ignorance of the makers with respect to anything related to Marx (which they never read or cared to understand), communism, left, etc. They were able to atribute this whole coup against humanity to communism/marxism. The fact that it is perpetrated by capitalists, reinforcing capitalists relations, and ultimately responding to capital’s interests seems to mean nothing to them. We end up with a huge anti-communist libel, amplifying even the cheapest anti-China propaganda. A potencial booster, even if unintended, to the warmongering towards a conflict with China.
Exactly! I was disappointed while watching it yesterday as well.
My comment below this clip:
Plandemic3:The Great Awakening premiere on Sat 3 Jun- Director, Mikki Willis guides you @7pmET/4pm
It was great, but not one mention of how corporations have taken over the governments of the world? Capitalism, late stage finance capitalism, privatization, which is the core of fascism and has been US economic policy for the past 50 years, is just as much to blame as the fear of “Communism coming”.
The Netflix show The 100 delves into how humanity can best survive on planet Earth. The cult leader at the end wants to get rid of “selfish love” – love of family and friends – because he thinks it’s the cause of wars, my tribe against your tribe. Corporations want to dissolve national/cultural identity and the family structure as well today. Both are wrong. Wars are only the result of diplomacy failure, which is intentional to benefit the weapons manufacturers. Capitalism is like fire and must be contained (regulated) again.
My husband and I thought Plandemic 1 and 2 were good but while watching #3, we couldn’t help but think the same thing. Why were they putting so much emphasis on “evil” communist China and not looking at how much the US government’s hands were involved in everything Covid? We never finished watching the movie and came away feeling that they fell into the same blame game trap the US government has been pounding into everyone’s heads for decades. It’s really sad what’s happened to the US, as we observe them from outside.
They are no longer capitalists.. They can print as much capital as they need because they own the central banks. They are neofeudal overlords.
They are sick evil ¢unts, end of.
What you say is very interesting.
Thinking aloud: I know that the corporation, the joint-stock company is the ultimate form of business within Capitalism. It is a business in which Capital is the most withdrawn from the process of production anticipating its complete exit therefrom which is to say, this form slowly morphs into the taking over of the production by workers. The neo-feudal system would be a state in which currency has lost so much of its value that it looks almost as if people were working not for a wage but for the privilege to be kept alive, as in the feudal times.
Except that …
The state of consciousness and the particular stage of history however don’t quite square with a renewed feudalist kind of system. Formally, it would look like Feudalism, the content however is bursting with centuries of experience with Capitalism (not with experience with slavery) which will make the feudally-looking state the backroom for a Communist way of living: indeed people would be working for survival but in a dialectically opposite way to Feudalism for there would be lords to work or to pay taxes for.
I’ve often struggled with this problem and now, I’ve more certainty that the feudally-looking state, just like the joint-stock company are the forms under which Communism will be born.
Here is an example: There are two people: a 70-year who passed through two world wars and the crisis in between; and a 20-year born after the war. Both say “life is hell on earth”. Who is telling the truth? Both, formally are saying the same but the content of consciousness is quite different, and the words are felt incomparably different in each case. Also, the activity of each will be in accordance with the content of their experience (content) not with what they say (form). Thus, even though this feudally-looking state suggest a regression, the contents of the consciousness and the experience of that state make it similarly looking but fundamentally different state, maybe the necessary transition to Communism.
This subject deserves more attention…
In the second paragraph, I meant “there would be no lords…”
Perhaps your comment helps to explain why so many on the left seem to support the Great Reset. Maybe it’s based on the misguided hope that the new system will ultimately deliver socialism/communism rather a dystopian nightmare.
My guess is this is likely to be as true as the belief that capitalism would transition to socialism/communism. Something tells me there is going to be even greater disappointment this time.
Yeah, I do believe that Communism will be born out of Capitalism Just like Capitalism was born out of Feudalism, and just as this latter was born out of the Slavery regime. Everyone of these systems thought of itself eternal. Kings genuinely believed the Monarchy as the way God has predestined humans to live on earth. Now it’s gone, not because it was replaced by something that attaqued it from the outside but because its own contradictions, Its one-sidedness gave rise to the means of its abolition, and slowly was overtaken by a “better” system with nevertheless a different kind of one-sidedness.
That doesnt mean I have to support the so-called GR; one doesn’t have to support it because one sees how people are compelled into it. The witness of what’s going on has the duty to agitate against it, and rIse awareness about it. What more one can do?
The Left in general supports the GR because the left is the party of Progress, of the blind belief in Science, in technology; but that doesn’t mean, I shouldn’t wonder, that some support it to hasten the mouvement of History. It isn’t my case.
We are seeing History moving right before us; our deliberate help is not needed.
Can you elaborate on the reasons that make you believe it is misguided to hope that Communism be born out of Capitalism? Is *this* system has any chance to go on indefinitely the way it is going? And when it reaches the nightmare stage, how shall it continue going? Nightmares are always woken up from.
I believe humanity is incapable of sustaining a communist system unless it’s in a totalitarian form, at which point it becomes something to oppose. My evidence for this view is human history.
Humanity has lived under the Capitalist mode of production since roughly the XVth century.
What happened in Russia, China, etc, is that they wanted to establish Communism at a time when the surrounding countries were all Capitalists – which was precisely what was causing the war. It was a time when Europe and America were discovering the good things Capitalism was delivering. Grudgingly Russia had to surrender to the sweeping tide that was raging around her, she had to make business agreements with Europe and America, that is, she had to abide by the rule of Capital.
There is a good old history book by Louis Fisher called “The Soviets in World Affairs”. One can see there the complexities of the relations between Russia and the West and the contexts that prompt them. You clearly see there the misleading oversimplification we make by not grasping these complexities and just making labels and moral judgements.
a communist defector in the US during the 1950,s whittaker chambers
said in the US the working class vote democrat the middle class vote
republican and the upper class vote communist, also all wars are
banker wars
Why is “Plandemic” required when all they needed to do was repost the footage from Event 201? No need for all the interviews with health “freedom” actors.
You notice China is slowly taking over the world and governments are letting them do it? Mission accompli’.
Digitizing everything while increasing global poverty doesn’t sound very sustainable. If they truly cared about global health and well being, they would stop intentionally causing homelessness, stop tying our energy source to one big electrical grid that could easily be sabotaged, stop lying about virtually everything.
Finally, Pfizer’s Former Top Scientist Agrees With PSI: “No ‘Covid’ Virus”
The Science That Exposes The COVID19 Virus As A Hoax
Further reason to never believe a word MSM says:
Tucker Carlson steamrolls Ukraine propaganda in new show
Never been a Tucker fan, but I did admire his latest post. I also agree that his points would’ve landed better had he not mentioned this:
Where Tucker Went Wrong
So you throw everything good about a man into the garbage can just because of one single little error?
You gotta be damn perfect yourself little man, otherwise you get quickly into trouble.
The WHO is owned by Kill Gates who is a bankster in his own right and reports to the top ranking banksters. Tedros is a low level lackey and spews what he is ordered to vomit. It would be more constructive to name the real movers and shakers. I wonder if there ever will be huge demonstrations outside Waddesdon Manor.
Lord (R) doesn’t pay a penny towards the upkeep of his luxurious pad Waddesdon Manor, it’s payed for by the National Trust a bogus charity which the parasite owns.
It just means that moving around will be more time consuming and / or difficult for those who choose not to adopt this system. There is ALWAYS a way.
Apart from the anti-semetic use of the word ‘globalism’ good article
Gobbleism is ANTI HUMANITARIAN not anti semitic.
Shove your stupid antivaxxer bullshit propaganda up your goddamn ass and fuck the hell off useless fuckhead!!!!
Take your medication and have a lie down Jeffrey. There’s a good boy.
Take it easy, man.
perceptive and intelligent comment, Mr Beast!
Hi Jeff.
Sounds like your little break has done you the world of good.
Feel better now?
Forgive me for being a nitpicker, but you omitted an exclamation point. Or is it implied?
Hey Jeff – didn’t I rent you when you were Jessica the Beast? I swear you feel familiar.
All the vaxxed are like Jeff now.
Blodred faced furious angry because of the shet inside their blood and clots and barrier.
What if they fail?
Is failure an option?
And if not, doesn’t this just show how desperate they are in fulfilling their plans?
They cant fail. The 70% sheeple will secure its success.
WHO + Government laws + the Military + the Police + the 70% sheeple, will all use massive pressure to boot the last 30% into the line.
No escape is possible……………….LOL.
So we have a lot to do then eh?
Never despair
We have the Almighty. Thats enough for me and you to withstand it all. 🤗
There’s one thing they haven’t factored in Erik: Chaos. It’s how the Universe functions and how we came into being. Chaos cannot be calculated or predicted by their asinine algorithms.
May the sparks fly.
I think they factored it in. Remember they are smart people. They just made their own chaos in the chaos, and calculated the outcome.
They aren’t smart people – they are clever people. Their mindset hasn’t advanced beyond the level of a child. Theirs is the kind of thinking that puts metaphysics, for instance, in the same category as antiques: collectibles which are nice to look at but nothing more.
They cannot imagine anything which they cannot control. And that hubris will be their downfall.
“they” are neither smart or clever the word that best describes them
is cunning, as in cunning as a sh!t house rat
I’ve always said that life is a spill; it’s what happens when you’re reaching for something else. The best laid plans are subject to this natural law.
You told me to be positive the other day !!
Sheesh !!
They will fail because their hairbrained scheme is unworkable.
Unless that’s the plan: to digitize everything then have it all go bust and everyone loses everything that makes up their identity.
I honestly believe they are psychotic enough to imagine that human identity is the same thing as the medium which expresses that identity (Marshall McLuhan anyone?). Crash the medium, and nobody will know who they are any longer.
They seem to be putting the transhuman cart before the horse. But shhh, don’t let on that they’ve got it all backwards.
They have this duality. Everything is dual, a false side and a truth side.
Take CO2, there is the real CO2 used by nature and farmers, and the false CO2 invented by Goldman Sachs and used as financial instrument.
Take Clima, the false side is clima change, the true side is the weather.
Digital Id is false ID, physical ID is real ID.
AI is false intelligence, human intelligence is true intelligence. a.s.o.
But why make the true world false, when you could have got the same the real way?
Tedros’ 4 bullet points mean exactly the same thing. The people of the world pay for this swill throughntaxes.
Globalism was laid bare as insanity and proven failure by the global lockdown and supply chain failures, besides some sabotage. Yet, it goes on.
The way these people talk…
Yeah, whenever I feel like some health, I just pick up the phone and order it.
“Fancy some health, love?”
“Ooh yes, I’m a bit sick of pizza.”
I’m surprised they didn’t use the word “deploy”.
Corporate bullshitters.
On a refreshing note. I was in formed by a Police Officer close to retiring that he wanted to stay on the job as he is not in a position to retire. However, Australian Police in QLD are deemed useless by 60 years old and are turfed out.
He said he was hoping for a casual position teaching in the academy in training. However, it was no looking good as the intake was at an all time low. They had intakes of less than 20 as opposed to 150+ as demand had dropped off a cliff.
Since the WHO has no authority under our Constitution they can only implement it by force, just like the bullshit health orders. I believe we are better positioned this time as those who are used for the Donkey work are not signing up. Perhaps the message is getting out.
Always remember these institutes have NO Authority, NONE. They are not Sovereign. Sure, they and their corporate partners can make it inconvenient for you, but what’s more important?
Indeed, the WHO looks like a policy promoter without any power of itself. Their communications are more propaganda.
Not yet, no. But there is constitutional scheming afoot with the ‘voice to parliament’ referendum later this year.
Conciliatory and emotive propaganda is in full swing right now, through our corporate, governmental and civil sectors. A ‘yes’ vote is being sold to a largely unsuspecting Australian public, as the ‘right thing to do’. Our bloody sporting codes are all on board with a ‘yes’ vote.
The ‘voice’ is a UNDRIP trojan horse to subvert the Australian constitution and to greenlight a wholesale redistribution of wealth from Australian citizens to the hands of the predator class, via the mechanism of native title, where private property is illegal.
Have a look into the research and work of Josephine Cashman.
The way I understand it. The AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT are not in a position to call for a referendum, they don’t hold power. If so where do they get their power from. They are still using the QUEEN OF AUSTRALIA as the switcheroo scam. I document in Canberra.
The referendum they are calling is for the corporate AUSTRALIA, not the real one. By the People For The People. https://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/constitution/
In the aussie mainstream media, there is intensive propaganda to persuade people to vote ‘yes’ for the ‘voice’ (in the upcoming referendum). We are not what the ‘voice’ means, but there is relentless pressure to vote ‘yes’.
It is obvious that we need to vote ‘no’. They give themselves away by over-doing it.
Those four ‘initiatives’ would not have been out place in 1930’s Nazi Germany. All are able to be turned into weapons against refuseniks. Is the WHO is setting itself up as today’s equivalent of the Reichs Protector Of Health?
The Soviet dystopia lasted 75 years and imprisoned and tortured and enslaved and killed millions. Why isn’t this nightmare ever used as a benchmark for the post convid dystopia ?
“Why isn’t this nightmare ever used as a benchmark for the post convid dystopia ?”.
The answer is often hidden in a good question.
What’s in a name?
Declassified USSR documents and reports by US CIA show that the common descripions of a horrendous system of jails across USSR were exaggerated and even false. -Saed Teymuri 2021
As global health emperor Tedros spoke to prominent executives of the state, the voices of ‘we the people’ could be heard, as we were also moved to speak. We gave voice not to elite administrators but to the world as citizens of the world who stand in opposition to a social order that creates the conditions where billionaires amass fortunes while ‘we the people’ struggle to keep the wolf from the door.
Tedros: As you know, just under three weeks ago I declared an end to COVID-19 as a public health emergency of international concern.
Oh Great Tedros we the people desire to know what unseen fountainhead bequeaths to you the divine authority to rule over our lives?
Tedros: We have been hostages of this virus for some time, so as I said, it’s a relief.
Please forgive our amusement and defiance as we modestly place the question at the feet of your greatness, “Was it truly the case that we were imprisoned by a subatomic particle or were we held hostage by health bureaucrats and state authorities?”
Tedros: But at the same time, many of us continue to carry grief in our hearts – grief over those we have lost, grief at the terrible toll the pandemic has taken on families, communities, societies and economies, and grief that it didn’t need to be this way.
No one, wise Tedros, knows better than you that our suffering must not be confused with the words you use to describe it. This grief caused by medical policies and lockdowns inflicted untold suffering on millions of people around the world, casting the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies into even further grinding poverty.
That ‘it didn’t need to be this way’ is only to remind you that falsehood is not only in words but also in the worlds you destroy.
Tedros: Throughout the pandemic, your WHO has mobilized global expertise to provide technical and logistical tools to support you in your efforts to save lives.
Grandiloquent Master Tedros, while you float in the rarified air of halls of marble and palace gardens, we who live beneath the clouds are left to collect the ashes of your efforts to ‘save lives.’
Our modest reckoning surveys the landscape of your magnificent achievements of lockdowns and medical coercion. The collected works of your performance produced increased suicide, depression, child abuse, elder abuse, wealth inequality, mass starvation and destitution- to ignore such details in our appraisal would mean our calculations would be mistaken from the very start.
Tedros: I leave you with three requests:
First, I urge every Member State to work with the Secretariat to identify concrete ways to pick up the pace of progress on the triple billion targets and health related SDGs.
Second, I urge every Member State to engage constructively and urgently in negotiations on the pandemic accord and the International Health Regulations, so the world will never again have to face the devastation of a pandemic like COVID-19.
And third, I ask you to support the increase in assessed contributions, as well as plans for an investment round in 2024.
We hear the boy shouting as you walk through the village. We see through your new, technologically advanced clothes, woven at the ‘speed of science.’
We see how you cower and tremble as the curtain is drawn back revealing puppet masters and pawns, revealing the rancid essence of your character and the devious nature of your mission.
We know our struggles will be severe and that these are tumultuous times. We speak with clarity and resovle as we denounce your global panopticon and rejoice in knowing the end result will be a worldwide rejection of your mad hallucinations.
Pure, piercing poetry Maxwell.
Thank you.
They suffer the Messiah Complex.
It’s in plague proportions among the psychos in suits.
It’s no fun at all being the prophet who forsees the end of the world tomorrow.
Let’s find a better occupation.
How about this occupation as suggested in the article?
“So – wake up, and wake other people up. Shake them. Yell at them. Get them to look over their shoulder at the big rough beast slouching toward Bethlehem – so we can try to stop it being born.”
Sounds like a good idea to me
I know, but most of us have experience of the counter-productive results of yelling at people…
They just think we’re hysterical nutters and they look the other way.
Education can’t be forced.
I loved mathematics until one after another of our maths teachers failed to link the theoretical knowledge of the subject with its practical application in life; so, for me at any rate, it gradually became pointless.
Now I would be much more interested, but I no longer have the time.
I can’t stress enough how important it is that our best teachers can inspire their students.
Just saying – or yelling – the right words doesn’t cut it, while inspiration has been dropped from the curriculum for financial reasons, i.e. the Minister of Finance doesn’t like it…
Uh huh, it’s a great idea, and some of us out here have been attempting to do just that for 3 years now. And how’s that been working out? From all visible evidence, not too well….
Maybe your luck has been better than mine, I sure as hell hope so because I don’t think I have fully awakened one sheep yet and I don’t see good future prospects for it either, no matter how loud I yell. Sometimes subtler tactics might make a small dent, but that dent isn’t permanent and most sheep go right on back to the MSM for their daily dose of comforting lies as quickly as they can manage it.
See it from the positive side. Experts serve us and tell us what we shall do, so we dont have the trouble of deciding everything ourselves.
This is public/private partnership service to open societies in an open community which will give each of us freedom to live our personal lives. The star in my personal Hollywood movie about my life, and they are doing all the hard work.
Gulag’s but with better decor and amenities.
you need to use the sarcasm tag Erik, it evidently isn’t obvious to everyone
This is the tragedy of it. That people cant see through this new speak language, but it is necessary to mark it as such.
Is see the sarcasm in all of
Prick’sErik’s posts, so what’s your point?Cool Thom, be cool, stay cool Thom.
If the WHO wants to deliver better health for citizens across the globe, all it has to do is to change agriculture from a business based on product quantity for maximizing income into a business based on creating high nutritional quality crops.
The variable nutritional quality is caused by the variability of the soil fertility.
RE: If the WHO wants to deliver better health for citizens across the globe
They don’t want to do that. “Better health” is a euphemism for control.
Governments have always conspired together against their citizens. If this is not such a conspiracy I don’t know what it is:
Most of Europe is connected by the revolutionary Eurorail high-speed rail network. It covers almost all of Europe and the United Kingdom. Because of this, all rail must be the same width; otherwise, they would have to change the gauge of the train several times a day. This is a huge waste of time and resources. That’s why the width of track across almost all of Europe is 1435mm. (Toy Train Center website)
Key words here are compatibility and interoperability.
What is ascribed to human concerted and premeditated action has its source in the binding nature of technology.
Edit: While History is plagued with conspiracies, many events ascribed to the concerted and premeditated action of humans have their source in the binding nature of technology or the condition of owners of capital (that which is not needed for one’s production in the foreseeable future).
Marxism & Conspiracy Theories
The usual painful excruciating groping through pedantic drivel to establish that conspiracy doesn’t exist unless it has been properly verified at some indeterminate point. And how revealing that the conspiracies admitted are those of the other side e.g. the Nazi provocation that started WW2. Truly it is the Left who are the most gullible and trusting. It took Philip Roddis 17 years before he twigged that something was a bit fishy about 9/11 and even then he only goes as far as a stand down order. It seems that this wretched link won’t even go that far. And I see the tedious “Right Wing” labelling there too. If you still reject the utterly controlled nature of the Left just look at the World Socialist Web Site.
Oh what a surprise- the ICC are shilling for covid – but hey let’s not get conspiratorial and “Right Wing”!
So, guilty by association, eh? The point of the link is: not every event is automatically concerted and deliberate culling; I don’t have to agree with them 100% despite the black-and-white thinking à la Bush floating around: “you are either with us or against us”.
Much of what’s going on including the race for digitisation is IMO prompted impersonally by the nature of technology (the old fashioned camera contains already the surveillance camera, the telephone the cellphone,…) or the desperate attempts to get the system back under control, and goes beyond Left/Right which are the two arms of the Liberal mindset.
Agitate against this state of affairs? Of course; understand it – which goes beyond agreeing or disagreeing, – we must IMO. Otherwise, if we go by the belief that the system is fine, that it didn’t need “deliberate culling” and a bunch of psychos are therefore just messing deliberately and unnecessarily with us, it may lead to the situation Lenin found himself in in 1917: having to overthrow, favoured by the war, a mouvement while it was still on the rise, on its prime strength, and facing a large opposition from those who still accommodated themselves in that mouvement, or have hope in a future accommodation, which will force a totalitarian regime into existence. Granted, many agree today that Capitalism is on its way down to the grave and we all saw the irrational it is in the last three years, but it was still strong enough to stage a worldwide medical theater that mustered a large complying public.
Anyone can whine against Tedros, Schwab and Gates if they want to. I choose no to; I did enough of it at the beginning, and saw it was useless. I’m convinced this thing is moved by its own inertia and all the names you whine against are trying to maneuver it so that they don’t crash the system. At the end of the day you’ll forget your whining and all those names, but understanding remains; and understanding is what prompts change; and if anyone believes that whining and cursing against the “psychos” is what makes you a “rebel” or a “contra” while those who don’t are traitors, you’ve got another guess coming.
Which reminds me of this (Emphasis in original text):
“The decontamination to which we dedicate 90% of our humble work will be continued a long time after us and be realised only in the distant future. This decontamination combats the epidemic — always and everywhere dangerous, of those who — in all places and at all times — innovate, bring up to date, renovate and revise.
“It would be useless and even detrimental to specify or to personalise — to search around for a bacteriological bomb thrower — rather, it is a matter of identifying the vir** itself and of applying the antibiotic which we obstinately assert exists in the continuity of the line and fidelity to principles, with preference being given 999 times out of a thousand to catechistical ruminations rather than to the exploit of the new scientific discovery, which require of us the wings of eagles, but to which all too often vulgar gnats feel themselves drawn by destiny.
“It therefore disturbs these quivering winged creatures, when, bluntly down to earth, we remind them of the modest altitude that it is given to us to attain, we to whom all heroism and all romanticism is forbidden; we, who stick to irony rather than lyricism, feel obliged to remind those who are too impetuous: Don’t play at being Phaeton. It would be nice to test out on the abacus those who suffer from the hysteria of making purist calculations, to ascertain if they are capable of adding up on the ends of their fingers or not.”
“The ‘good’ for us would equate with the proletariat, and the ‘evil’ with capitalism: which everywhere at all times without need of further reference points, is this same capitalism, an absolute evil, — always one — always the same. The rest a fairy-tale! We have fought for a long time to demonstrate that we don’t reason thus, and that we have understood well ‘the dialectic of living history’ by unmasking the falsity of post-Leninist opportunism, and by tracing out with sufficient exactitude the path of its line over thirty years from orthodoxy to total renunciation.
“We certainly weren’t deterred when they reminded us that with the onset of each historical stage the terms of the antithesis change. For although for believers in all mystics, good can only beget good, and evil beget evil for fear that the eternal values etched in the light of the spirit should fall, according to our revolutionary doctrine, Communism is the son of capitalism and it could only have been engendered by it and that despite that, and even because of it, it must fight and overthrow it. Furthermore, the historical timing of turning points and of reversals of positions occur by virtue of material conditions and relations — never thanks to the clownishly vigilant will of petty men or grouplets, self-appointed through their negligible conviction of being instrumental in checking the path is not a mistaken one. ”
Amadeo Bordiga, Marxism of the Stammerers, 1952
Do you believe “covid” was an actual pandemic of a new disease with no new symptoms coincidentally occurring one month after a global pandemic exercise covering the exact same story?
The medical theater of the last three years was prompted by the combination of two situations IMO: the crash of the Repo market in September 2019 (see for instance Fabio Vighi, Ernst Wolff, Melissa Ciummei, George Gammon) and the bad shape the pharmaceutical industry was in during the last ten years or so (look up “Trends in drug revenue among major pharmaceutical companies: A 2010-2019 cohort study”)
The rehearsal is of course part of it.
Not only is there no antithesis between structural analysis and conspiracy theory but each implies the other. Structural processes manifest through conspiracies while conspiracies indicate structural processes.
We can dispense with straw man arguments e.g. “not every event is automatically concerted and deliberate culling”. Who says it is? How could it be? But the fundamental moves – most obviously, the ferociously centralised and seemingly immortal covid-death story – are most certainly the product of deliberate fraud.
The “nature of technology” is a peculiar phrase coming from a presumed Marxist. John Pilger once referred – correctly – to “technology” as simply being a label for commercial innovation. Thus “technology”, conceived in the “naïve” way, doesn’t have a nature – in the sense of some kind of innate tendency all by itself. The changes branded “progressive” have invariably proven to be just new ways of creaming more profits. But this moves us – as it should – back to that structural systemic mode. We are talking about the logic of capital.
“if we go by the belief that the system is fine, that it didn’t need “deliberate culling””
This is easily misconstrued. I did so myself when I first thought you were somehow advocating “culling”. What you are saying – I presume – is that the system itself (i.e. capitalism) needed such “culling” and therefore what happened with covid wasn’t simply a matter of “a bunch of psychos” wanting to gain more power for themselves.
So I actually agree with reference to the uselessness of the tendency to focus on specific individuals. It’s very easy to hate e.g. Gates but in the end he’s nothing but a symptom. The system itself is psychopathic and it engenders psychopathic behaviour and therefore encourages psychopathic individuals.
It is also a system which has produced whole strains of propaganda based on the stunting of understanding whilst cunningly manipulating the public into a false division in their thought e.g. my initial statement about the false duality between structural analysis and conspiracy theory.
I’ll have to disagree with you on technology. I do believe it has a power of its own on to direct History but I’m willing to be convinced of the contrary. I’m struggling with the question to be frank. I didn’t know Pilger coined the expression “nature of technology”.
Regarding “conspiracy”: It is precisely because it doesn’t clash with structural analysis. But, I very much doubt that the common understanding of conspiracy is consistent with that fact: for us in general, it is Gates or Schwab or Soros who are deliberately doing things, perfectly affording not doing them; that the conspiracy has its source in their consciousness, and not allowing for the idea that they might be compelled to do so to salvage the system (we may argue whether the move is justified it or not, depending on what they presume are trying to avoid happening). This means missing the true problem: Capitalism, and focusing on the instruments: Capitalists. This in turn leads to a reformist formulation of the solution: Capitalism is a fine system assuming you give power to the right people and we know by the past that’s false but we seem to again fall in the same trap. I even remember when the article on the acquittal of Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, quite a few commenters were euphorically expressing the opinion that at last things are back to normal. The belief that the problem is with the actors not the system is dangerous IMO because nothing easier for the big cogs of the system (and this card I suspect they reserve for when things go bad) to stage an international trial offering us the would-be responsible of the hell we’re going through to pacify the public while keeping the system as it is. And *that trap* I try to warn people not to fall into.
PS: Of course I *don’t* advocate culling and your presumption is true. It just that this is from someone who struggles with English not being a native speaker nor having learned the language in the usual places.
Ignore what I’ve wrote on the “nature of technology” being from Pilger; I misread what you wrote. But I stand by the belief it has an inherent power.
The impersonal system of capitalism is incapable of staging a global ‘pandemic.’ Only humans can plan and orchestrate such events, even if one wants to argue that capitalism forces their hand.
Agreed; but the point is where do we put our focus to solve the problem, on the system that forces our hands or on the hands that obey the compulsion? That’s the question and to many the answer is to put it on the psychopaths totally ignoring the system.
Despicable WHO dude Tedros Traitor said right off in the video, “to help people move around”. The WHO site says it is to “establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility”.
Regardless the other BS, like “to protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics; enhance strategic cooperation on global health issues; help strengthen global health preparedness in the face of growing health threats; and to deliver better health for citizens across the globe, that is the PRIMARY or “REAL” goal.
Now what does “facilitating global mobility” or “helping people move around” have to do with health? It can only be about restricting global mobility, not facilitating it. And that would be restricting mobility UNLESS you have that digital global passport AND have abided by the requirements set forth to allow mobility. In other words, we’re going to be forced to get vaccines, boosters, whatever they come up with, or we can’t do shit. And that isn’t just about going to other countries, that’s gets down to going to the grocery stores, movie theaters, and bars. Here were go again.
Of course, we knew this was coming, and coming it is. Fighting that off, when 60/70/80% of the population accepts it, is going to be a challenge. I haven’t been to Canada since the 70’s, when all I needed was my face. It happened, we let it happen. Is that what’s coming to the grocery store near you?
I’d like to think we’re gaining the upper hand on this, i.e., too many people know the truth. But then again, I’ve seen time and time again how things just keep going and it becomes acceptable. Still taking off your shoes at the airport are ya? Anyone even remember why?
Someone had a bomb in his heel. Thats why its important that a global citizen take off their shoes in all airports around the world, because he did it.
Next if you are infected with small pox, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, typhus, acne, black death, you could spread these decease to the globe and erase the entire humanity.
Therefore its better you have a QR code on you to demonstrate to everyone you have been tested by a medical expert, who typed in your QR code that you have none of these deceases and do not travel around to give us your acne and your Corona and your chlamydia.
Because if you have a decease, you would like that we the healthy people get your decease. Why?
Because you dont want to be the only one who are sick and infested, and therefore you will seek company to not feel alone and feel as a loner.
Psychological research says that this is what you will attempt to do. Science.
Thats why! I hope everything is clear now.
Just remind everyone – which international organisation managed to get Ebola across national borders? Ah the WHO but hey that was then – right?
It was two tourist on a trip to Africa who got it from an ape. 1 went home to Europe and 1 to US.
Thereafter an emergency scream was all over MSM, and WHO was coordinating all the hospitals basements were filled with Ebola vaccines.
“It’s incredibly important you don’t let that happen.
So – wake up, and wake other people up. Shake them.”.
Of course ‘we’ scream the (other) people awake. And they will listen to people who say something different than what they are used to hearing through their MSM.
Do you believe it yourself?
Most people cannot be helped. They don’t even know that they need something like help, not even that there is such a thing as a problem. ‘Awake people’ will not receive help from other people, rather one can expect opposition. Still opposition from ‘our kind of people’.
Judases are more widely sown than Christs, I think. Especially Judases who don’t think for a moment what betrayal they are committing.
Ignorance is innate. Knowledge requires study. And self-knowledge requires the surrender of the sometimes inhuman ignorant ego. But like a sailboat without a rudder, the treasures of men drift with the waves of time.
Whoever abuses the integrity of dear ordinary people, whoever tramples on simple ignorance will himself fall into the pit he digs for another.
The ego of the psychopaths will implode through their perverted selfishness.
One thing they seem to be missing: true love. The glassy eyes see nothing but misty dreaminess. Maybe one day they will wake up from hell. Once, with the end in sight, they will have to deal with it. Woe to them.
“Whoever abuses the integrity of dear ordinary people, whoever tramples on simple ignorance will himself fall into the pit he digs for another.”
I don’t see that happening throughout history or now. These psychos seem to live in luxury, be protected by the armed forces, and literally get away with murder.
Veri Tas,
I understand what you mean, I think. But I have a faith and hope, something wonderful.
And I understand ‘soulless’, ignorant people, at least I think. One can only enjoy life when one has undergone a certain development for it. And let that be precisely what unscrupulous people lack. Actually, we should feel sorry for them. They don’t know and will never know. I think they miss so half of life. At least I think so. You have to have a certain self-knowledge/experience to understand that, and I fear unscrupulous souls lack that. It seems to me impossible to be ‘enlightened’ without a soul.
Yes, that is how it has always been, with rare exceptions. Thinking otherwise is delusional. Wishful thinking is nice but it’s not reality, I guess the solace is knowing that one day they die and lose it all. However, it wouldn’t be this way if more people were awake and cared enough to end the rule of psychopaths.
It’s funny. After three years of The Big Bad BOOH! we have now reached a strange point where the public have presumably been “softened up” and will now prove malleable under the threat of … some kinda … thing or other …who knows?
Could be here, could be there. Hot temperatures, too many people sneezing, odd itches in strange places, ….
….or perhaps the kind of stuff that happened all the time anyway but which has undergone some kinda strange and barely discernible mutation so that it now signifies something completely new and deadly!
… or maybe it’s those funny clouds over there?
…or maybe it’s the standard of soap operas these days? Maybe there are increased pauses in the script delivery ….
… or did that latte you bought last week not taste a bit off?
Something is happening here but you don’t know what it is ….
Actually everyone knows exactly what it is. And it’s fucking boring as hell. And there’s one cure and it’s remarkably simple. The moment you switch your TV off, it’s gone.
Tell that to the normies.
The European Union / World Health Organization’s attempt to slip in Fascist digital totalitarian dictatorship measures / policies disguised as an equity-focused effort to establish “better health for all” might remind other Off Guardian readers of actor Jack Nicholson in the horror film “The Shining” – except this time the role is played by power-and-control-crazed premeditated mass murderer Fascists, – axing their way through humanity’s door, and delivering the infamous line:
“We’re Ba-ack!!”
“Heeeeere’s Tedros!” 😂
“Digital health passports are… safe and effective.” 😉
Reading this article was like a breath of fresh air as it has discussed many of my own thoughts regarding the current “news.” It has amazed me recently how easily people are distracted from reality. I watch colleagues at work discuss the pointless topics currently displayed in our MSM such as Harry and Megan etc. Many are blind to what is happening around them. However, I also do not loose faith as I have only recently woken up to what is happening thanks to the “pandemic.” Before this, I believed politicians could be flawed but that I lived in a sovereign country with a democracy where most leaders had the publics views/ interests at heart. The past three years have opened my eyes and I have come to the harsh reality that this is not the case. I now believe there are millions of people like me who are in the same situation. We must try to organise in some way. That is what many articles/ media outlets are not discussing and that is our only way out along with mass non compliance.
I recommend doing so this way: http://solaris-ontario.org/
Refresh the tree of Liberty…
The tree of liberty seems to be overgrown with weeds. It may be time for a gardener.
As Thomas Jefferson states, the garden should have a thorough weeding every 20 years.