How Canadian wildfires are turning Climate Change into a “public health emergency”
The annual forest fires have hit, and as usual that means climate alarmism and attempts to shill an agenda of social control.
Kit Knightly

Canadian wildfires are all over the headlines, but this latest dose of climate-related fear-porn is just another stage in a propaganda campaign aiming to “pivot from covid to climate”.
Now, first things first, let’s discuss the fires themselves.
Forest fires, or wildfires, are a perfectly natural phenomenon and a vital part of the ecosystem, enabling fresh regrowth and putting nutrients into the soil.
They happened for hundreds of millions of years before humans existed, and will continue to happen long after we’ve gone the way of the Dodo.
Are these current fires especially bad? Or especially widespread?
We don’t know. We DO know, from our coverage of the 2019 Amazon “crisis”, that the media has previously relied on manipulated statistics to make wildfires seem worse than they were.
We also know there are efforts to associate yearly forest fires with alleged man-made climate change, even when it is freely admitted that other factors are likely to blame.
We also know this story wouldn’t be on the front pages if it didn’t serve some agenda. So what IS that agenda? What’s the story behind the story?
Well, part of it is the “air quality” narrative.
Do you remember the Gas Stoves palaver from a few months ago? The Blues wanted to ban them and the Reds didn’t, but the real story behind that story was a propaganda push to regulate indoor air quality: I wrote at the time:
I would suggest some new “smart” technology is coming that will monitor air quality and indoor C02 emissions. Like smart electricity and water meters, but for your air.
It turns out I was right…well, actually the tech already existed.
Amazon’s “Smart Air Monitor” is connected to Alexa and sets off alarms if your air quality is poor. Of course, you need Alexa active to use it. Which means you need to agree to Amazon harvesting your data and listening in on your conversations.
In a handy piece of timing, the EU has launched its own air quality monitoring app. And, in just the last few days, many publications are brazenly running ads and “reviews” for “smart air monitors” or HEPA filters.
But that’s likely as much to do with opportunism and corporate greed as anything else.
The real agenda here is climate change – not just the usual spread of panic, or even constructing false evidence of its existence – but rebranding it.
Transforming Climate Change from an environmental issue, into a public health issue.
This is not a new idea, it started almost as soon as Covid arrived and moved onto the front pages when we saw the first “climate change diagnosis” in late 2021. But it has clearly been gaining momentum for the past few months.
In March, the Council on Foreign Relations published an article on “Managing the Health Risks of Climate Change”, which opens with:
Climate change has risen to the top of the global health agenda, threatening individuals and populations through multiple exposure pathways, across a full spectrum of physical and mental health conditions and social determinants of health.
In April the Guardian ran an opinion piece headlined:
Climate emergency is the biggest health crisis of our time – bigger than Covid
Then, in late May, the World Health Organization – having freshly declared the “emergency phase” of Covid over – made “an impassioned plea for urgent climate action”, with chairman Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus saying [emphasis added]:
The most pressing reasons for urgent climate action are the impacts not in the future, but right now, on health […] The climate crisis is a health crisis, fuelling outbreaks, contributing to higher rates of noncommunicable diseases, and threatening to overwhelm our health workforce and health infrastructure.”
Just last week, the Cairo Review of Global Affairs – a publication of the American University of Cairo – ran an interview with COP27 Youth Envoy Omnia El Omrani, headlined simply “Climate Change: A Global Health Emergency”.
The article uses the word “health” over fifty times, and underlines that we need to “keep health at the core of climate change negotiations”, claims that Climate Change policy is not “[a] response to political or economic incentives, but in anticipation of an evolving health crisis” and, perhaps most tellingly, draws a direct parallel with Covid:
we saw with COVID-19, which was a health emergency, countries were responding and were mobilizing resources and financing for it. Climate change needs to be the same. It is a health emergency.
Meanwhile, and apparently totally coincidentally, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) just published a report on “climate change’s impact on health, warning of dire consequences should the world not act to curb global warming”:
If climate change continues to warm the earth unabated, billions of people could experience “heat stress, infectious diseases, malnutrition, flooding, and mental health problems,”
(I know you’re getting tired of me saying “I told you so”, but I did actually predict last year that all kinds of illnesses from water-borne diseases to mental health problems would be re-categorized as “climate-related health issues”.)
Accompanying the broad-spectrum policy statements is the usual sprinkling of anecdotes and human interest BS to add flavour to the propaganda salad. Stories like “Climate change is harming my mental health” from the BBC just today.
…and so we cycle back to Canadian wildfires, and the poor air quality everyone is talking about. The press are keen to underline that the fires were caused by climate change, that therefore the bad air is due to climate change, and that the bad air is a massive risk to public health.
Ergo, climate change = bad for public health.
People are being encouraged to “mask up” all over the Eastern United States, with New Yorkers being told to stay indoors. This is more than just further normalization of masks and lockdowns, it’s a psychological trick that causes people to associate “climate change” and “covid” in their minds.
As I wrote last year:
Covid worked and climate didn’t. They have been stoking up public fear of “a new ice age” and acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer and myriad other supposedly incipient climate disasters for literal decades, and never touched one-tenth of the level of hysteria created by the Covid19 “pandemic”. Somewhere, some not especially bright public relations executive has decided that the way to push the “pivot from Covid to climate” is to try and turn the long-predicted environmental disaster into a public health issue.
…and that’s what they are doing. Why? Because they need the right kind of fear.
It’s all about taking the vague background anxiety of climate change – which most people have simply started to ignore – and morphing it into the primal fear for the self that washed over the world during the “pandemic”.
The kind of panicked hysteria that saw people pepper-spraying strangers and taping up plastic sheeting all over the house.
That’s the kind of madness they will need in the general population if they’re going to push through the Great Green Reset.
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They are basically right about the climate change having an effect on mental health, that is, through the constant alarmism and the disastrous policies they are imposing, and threatening to impose. This turning everything upside down is key to many social engineering operations.They are perverted and unnatural people, and they are making appeals to the perverted and unnatural.
Though the numbers were grossly inflated , at least with COVID one could see people dying as a direct consequence of infection. What immediate, personally witnessed, health consequences of “climate change” are there that could scare people at the level of COVID? Sadly, it may be that in COVID’s wake, the cognitive ability of the general population has deteriorated even further that evidenced these last three years.
When will the hard of learning ever realise that these fires to not just happen without some sort of, lets say, assistance. Nothing gets hot enough to spontaneously combust like this.
We live in a thatched property that throughout the hottest longest summers we ever had since it was built in the 1700s, even though it is absolutely tinder dry, has never “burst” into flames from the heat of the sun! Can anyone show me something very volatile such as petrol vapour ignite from 30, 40, 50, 60 degrees celsius let alone dry wood, vegetation etc. It does not happen! And don’t give me the old fanny of compost heaps generating heat as all these trees in forests provide shade so direct sunlight will not be present long enough as the sun passes over.
Sorry, should say fires DO not just happen!
Here I am in Maryland, USA, 1012 miles from Quebec. And the air is rather putrid from the “Annual” Canadian wildfires. Annual? Bad enough that I get the smoke? God I hope not!
It always makes me smile when I read another scare story about Climate Change. This planet’s climate has been changing ever since it formed. It would be far more interesting reading a piece about when our climate was not changing.
It’s called Climate Same and is a big threat to billionaires just trying to make a buck.
Most if not all that climate change has taken place slowly over millennia such that humans never noticed it. If people were honest with themselves they’d have to admit that in their lifetimes they’ve not noticed one scintilla of change. But then, the brainwashed have a hard time with honesty.
Are you saying – or even inferring – that in general exposure to particulate matter, heavy metals and other airborne toxins and pollutants is good for health? Or that more broadly, exposure to ecotoxins and waste pollution around the globe – which contributed to 1 in 6 deaths in 2015 (Fuller et al) – is not an evolving public health crisis? In fact, the deteriorating health of millions is just a propagandic media agenda? If you are, that is egregious abuse of reductionist logic every bit as bad as the alleged media abuse.
The Lugenpresse lie, that is what they do. Granted, you cannot draw (induct) a universal inference (about global air quality, risk to health, or climate….) from any single particular instance (“the Canadian wildfires”); or even a series of instances presented as an agenda. (Cf. Hume’s “problem of induction.”)
Inasmuch as this is the media critical basis of an unjustified agenda, that is fine. Then what is being inferred here – also based on a disconnected series of instances – seems to be that the air quality is universally fine and there is no general or global public health emergency evolving? Or that the media is creating a spectacular smokescreen of its own to cover a wholly fabricated agenda? That is really bad reductionist inferential logic making it seem that the media position is completely ungrounded in fact.
The media spin the facts, but surely everybody knows that the air quality is generally not fine? Exposure to particulate matter is a major cause of avoidable death around the world; which is just one of any number of public health emergencies evolving currently. Wider exposure to toxic industrial pollution is a real problem with really avoidable deaths as a real consequence; not an agenda. Many of the toxins we have unleashed into the environment are non-biodegradable, so will continue to bioaccumulate forever just like the lies.
Therefore, like it or not, the media inference or background reference about air quality is true of the dynamic earth system in as a whole; as is the general case of evolving public health crisis; as is backed up by empirical data (eg Vohra et al, 2021: 8.7m excess deaths due to burning FFs); as is the unleashed ecotoxicity, and so on as true of the dynamic whole.
The abuse is to sensationalise the generally deteriorating public health crisis with every new spectacle. That may be wrong – especially as it needs no sensationalising – but even to suggest we are not degrading the quality of life on earth, using the Third World as a free resource base, offshored toxic dumping ground, and free slave workforce to subsidise our consumption (including mass media consumption) without negative consequences (including expanding human health crises) is just normative opinion that is even more propagandic and inimical than the obvious media lies, which it least do have some basis in fact in relation to the dynamic whole. So what is the agenda?
Are you saying voracious and relentlessly accelerating human production and consumption extractivism is not happening, or just that ‘we’ are not party to the human economic consumptogenesis that is consuming the whole earth? ‘They’ did it and ‘their’ media has the propagandic agenda of making things seem worse than they are, when in reality things actually are much worse than even the media makes it seem.
The false media agenda is that ‘they’ have a solution – the Great Green Reset – when in reality, there is no solution as yet; but the voracious human consumptogenesis is really real and really accelerating and the negative impacts are really driving a species-wide public health crisis with no solution.
The only solution is degrowth and consume only as much as we actually need: whichever means the end of industrial civilisation-bound consumption, their spectacular media, even ‘them’ as a reductionist rhetorical device; but also an ~80% reduction in our collective consumption which is the sine qua non cause of whole dynamic system pathology and particulate pathogenics.
Thereafter, the most valuable thing on earth will be the holistic regeneration of the quality of the air without which there is no life-affirmation. The health of the human public is in part determined by the quality of the air whichever is universal and common as the atmosphere. Human health is atmospheric health, even as the ‘atmosphere’ (much less the ‘climate’) cannot be reduced or isolated from the whole. Thereafter: whole earth health is human health; just as human health is whole earth health; whichever is the concrete inversion and ecologic transvalution of the present reductionism.
Thereafter, the most general all-inclusive case – (the summum genus) – as the highest dynamic ecologic is completely irreducible to anything singular, particular, (or even general as infima species) – if it does not correspond to the earth as whole and entirely in health (summative ecologic); then it is a falsehood against life-affirmation.
As an empirical state of affairs we are consuming the earth right now; whichever is an evolving environmental issue and a convergent global public health issue (where does the human public end and the environment begin in reductionism?) This is an all-inclusive species issue for which the only solution is not to consume the earth, pollute the air, poison the public, poison the food, and strip-mine the soil to feed our consummatory behaviour as if we were isolated, individuated entities separated from an ‘environment’ – whichever is ecologic degrowth.
This does demand a Great Green Reset for whichever we must have an empirical vision in order to counter the mass media spectacle; whichever does have a wholly inimical agenda of its own which is false. Falsehood cannot be countered with falsehood, so whatever is the positive and empirical vision being inferred?
Talk less wokey.
Trans Maoism has enough useful idiots.
I wrote a comment below basically saying the same thing.
The consumerism which embodies hypertrophied extraction, production, consumption, and wastage, all of which hinges on ever-increasing supply of energy, is on a collision course with the physical constrains of the limited system the Earth is. How far from the crash – if the present trajectory continues – humanity is, I don’t know, but the crash cannot but occur sooner or later.
Steering humankind toward a different way of life is the only option.
I cannot imagine a non-idiot who wouldn’t come to essentially the same conclusion. And I’m not even considering the utter phantasmagoria, such as transmotherfuckerism, associated with the consumerist way of life which is none other than unbridled satiation of continuously invented artificial needs and urges shoveled down people’s throats to fuel the mad system in a manner reminiscent of a dog chasing his tail or a snake eating his.
Pollution is just one of the adverse aspects of this madness, but not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that the system is self-annihilating.
The question is, how to steer people away from excessive consumption. Consuming less is the last thing everybody wants and the last thing everybody expects. People expect that life will continue developing along the trajectory of the last few centuries. And if you tell them otherwise, they’ll suspect foul play – especially if there IS foul play involved because the elites mode of operation is to first fuck people over to their own benefit and then do a small bit for public good.
What ideology, what way of life, what anything and how can be proposed as an alternative to how the elites are handling it (i.e. they’re exacerbating certain visible phenomena, such as the fires, with a view to stirring up fear and making people malleable to accept restrictions, changes).
This is what well intentioned people with a functioning brain need to focus on, as opposed to endlessly pointing out that the elites are bullshitting.
Lastly, even if the danger of a civilizational crash is overhyped, formulating more organic an ideology for the future is necessary because the current capitalist-consumerist system is endlessly toxic, both literally and figuratively.
Cannon on the Loose
A person after my own heart (you don’t give any gendered indication, and it is way too toxic to presume 😂 )
I genuinely believe that very few people have any real idea on what energetic scale human-being has to reproduce itself; whichever required and requires the full time occupation of everybody across time just to meet our imaginary appetencies as accelerant year on year; up to and limited by the whole earth as a sacrificial resource; when we could easily live just as a psychologically complex life (with all the same neuroses if we so wished) at much lower levels of energy complexity; lasting indefinitely.
If so very few get the irreducibly pathological complexity involved, and the majority are actually resistant to meaningful dialogue; we are going to have to do our psychiatric energy descent the hard way; a traumatic rite of passage that may yet prove internecine given the febrile mood of the psychiatric culture.
Many people seem to pay lip service to solidarity and sodality, until the scale of the task becomes clear; then the blame-gamification begins; I just wish we would actually come up with a positive vision for extending life indefinitely as a solar ecology providing proportionate production for comfortable consumption that does not jeopardise the quality of life in the long term; as all life is way too precious to negate for such myopic short term economic gain.
If we don’t come up with a wholesome ‘Great Green Reset’, the WEF will gradually impose their ecotoxic version which is basically ‘business as usual’ of energy acceleration as economic and technological intensification. Same shit, different century.
Have you read Simon Michaux? We used 700 mt of copper to get here, we plan on using the same amount as remainder in the next 22 y – only, we can’t without mineralogical supply bottlenecks threatening critical economic infrastructure when it is critical ecology infrastructure as holistic that actually supports life; beginning with the very next breathe.
As such, our collective appetencies have already outgrown the constraints of the resource base and are suffocating us slowly – what chance ‘plan-B’ – or do we just use our expiration to blame the elites and each other whilst burning the last of the earth’s energetic resources whilst we still can?
Yep. I don’t know a single person whom I could openly discuss these issues. And I’m not saying that they’d agree. I’m saying that this is too far beyond their cognitive dissonance.
No need to sensationalise because … it’s already sensational? (A comment which, by the way, helps to sensationalise it further!)
So … the media is right? Assuming that their brand of “sensationalism” is “off” somehow?
The message is: Be afraid! And be even more afraid since the fear you already have may be the “wrong kind” of fear!
All this talk of fear is reaching some sort of paranoid-schizoid fever pitch; nobody wants anybody invading ‘their’ mind. Meanwhile, the earth really is under threat which is threatening everybody, not just ‘their’ mind – d’ya think there is any connection between our paranoic individualism, separatism, divisionism and the ecological harm?
Kit’s piece is no less spectacular than the mass media’s sensationalism. I endeavoured to make it clear that the media is spinning fact and bending sentiment toward the wrong pragmatic conclusion. ‘We’ don’t even have a vision or a conclusion, just normative spin. Air quality is a major issue, not an agenda – the pragmatic agenda is a ‘climate economy’ or green reset that will rip the remainder of the mineralogical resources left in a decade. The bottleneck has already begun as our demand exceeds supply of resource and reserves – the mining of which will further deteriorate the air, the water, the land, biodiversity, and further rape and annihilate reality.
So what is the positive alternative? An actually workable vision that will preserve the ecological integrity and human integrity in the same regenerative dynamic system – that is the question?
Fear is a useless and paralysing emotion born of futility. If we have the collective vision, we have the plan, we have an path to wholesome activity which will sublimate all negation into creation.
So what is the vision? The media has a vision for a further distortion of reality which will probably prove annihilative. That is the poison; so what is the remedy?
We don’t need any more negativity, fear, paralytic emotivity or sensationalism – we need positive solution-based thinking grounded in ecological and biophysical reality.
Indeed – since everything else you say (which chimes in with that very media who insisted on the “empirical verifiability” of covid and transgenderism) would seem to be guaranteed to stoke the fear.
But then if our paranoic individualism, separatism, divisionism is propelling the ecological harm then perhaps a touchy feely togetherness will propel us back to the Garden of Eden?
Man doesn’t affect the climate, whether its causing illness or not.
Man is the climate in a non-trivial sense; soma is animated by pneuma or psyche or spiritus as everybody knows; the ‘climate’ and the ‘atmosphere’ are not things, types, essences, or substances – they are ways of talking about ecological reality which is holistic; the holistic reality in which nobody can be isolated from their next breathe…. for long.
“as everybody knows”! Love it!
Not just air bur potable water, arable soil and the rest of the environment is degraded and poisoned – for the creater glory of Capital.
The atmosphere, the hydrosphere (plus cryosphere), the biosphere, the pedosphere (the soil), the upper lithosphere, is all one dynamic life-supporting ecological system as an irreducible integral whole or singularity which cannot be taken apart in speech.
We take it apart in imagination-only and re-arrange it as we wont, then impose our version of the world on the world as a disastrous and destructive mismatch of thinking-reality and actual-reality which we could re-align with sufficient understanding, compassion, and wisdom. Life is to precious to force a degraded simulation in thought and imaginability-only on with increasing technological violence.
Capital is therefore a proxy for our imaginability-only simulation. It is not even a thing – coins and notes are tokens representing 3% of money. Capital itself consists mostly of virtuality and computer simulation upon which we all have to agree has real value, real meaning, real reality. One day we will stop agreeing, maybe then we will get some peace?
Capital in the general sense of private lucrative property; exclusive property of that which is not needed for one’s reproduction in the foreseeable future; to exclusively own that which one doesn’t need. It is an imagination in the sense its existence is based in a false belief: that we should accumulate and exchange rather than produce collectively what we need. It’s an an aberration from the point of view of nature as everything around us acquires only so much as they need; but we own no to consume – to kill that property – but to accumulate; acquire to exchange against money, rather than to use and consume.
This prevents fair distribution and causes accumulations, like what was thought by the ancients to cause disease: a liquid that accumulates somewhere in the organism; they understood health comes from circulation, not stagnation.
This ties up with this overproduction, overconsumption, overuse of ressources…
Those who think masking up or staying indoors (the knee-jerk advice from governments) is effective during smog or haze will also accept the same actions to ward off a “virus”. It is a simple matter to overlook the riff-raff who must continue with physical labour or outdoor work.
The masking never made any sense in medical terms. The masks were sometimes on, sometimes off. Actually no-one could wear them ALL the time unless they were psychotic which, to be sure must have been the case with some. Most depressing sight: some kid wearing a mask whilst riding a bike on a country lane in the glorious sunshine and no-one else near. I daresay the poor little bastard had been ordered to do so by some hyperventilating parent. And when I saw that I knew covid was here to stay forever.
I am aware of at least 2 children who died that way. After the lockdown ended – with the mask fetish still in place – they had gone out on bicycles to enjoy themselves.
No info on the (unglamourous) old folk who croaked due to masks. Surprisingly, I found the cloth mask suffocating. N95 must be worse. This is a simple direct grass-roots approach to depopulation, where the people buy and apply the tool of their own destruction.
In the Philadelphia, PA “tri-state area”, it was a small comfort that the authorities didn’t push the “mask up!” button. Instead, the local news urgently disseminated the official dictum to “stay indoors” as much as possible during the Great Smoke-Out.
A less cynical friend in Jersey City justified this recommendation on the grounds that a fine ash was actually settling on objects outdoors, e.g. parked cars, awnings, etc. Presumably staying indoors would afford some protection from the suspended particulate matter.
Mmm, maybe. But since that wasn’t explicitly announced, it sounded as if the authorities assumed that “indoors” functioned like hermetically sealed geodesic domes, or submarines.
My friend is probably correct about the official rationale, though, because I did hear news reports that Philly public school students were having a sweaty and suffocating day because all of the school windows were shut tight.
I’m surprised that they didn’t recommend that those who must venture outdoors carry umbrellas, and occasionally twirl them to ward off the falling and floating ash. Still, the political and public-health authorities are making impressive progress in coping with the seemingly endless onslaught of Phantom Menaces! 😷
Climate change is real.
There have been thousands of ice ages, droughts, fires and warm spells. The Himalayan mountains are only 47 million years in the making, starting 15 million years after the dinosaur met their demise. A whole lot of climate change has happened over the last billion years. Every day it changes as orbits change, the sun’s output varies, volcanos go off and the tilt of the earth changes. And not to mention the tectonic plates moving, changing ocean and atmospheric currents. Things from outerspace hitting the planet also have spoilt many a balmy afternoon. The story that carbon being dangerous to life is such bullshit. Every lifeform on the planet is carbon based.
Scale is hard to grasp for many. The age of the earth is 4.2 billion years. A really, really long time. Pfizer made in 2022 a profit of 100 billion dollars, that is 100 thousand million dollars. What a staggering transfer of wealth! A similar sum being syphoned from the tax payers of the world into the hands of weapons manufacturers which is being facilitated by a media owned by the same people who also own the pharmaceutical companies and weapons manufacturers, plus everything else of economic value. The heist continues and the people are clueless that they being pilfered from again.
Those who own the media and the political class know that, the people, like ducklings, the first thing they see, or hear about anything is permanently imprinted in their brains, and regardless of how ridiculous it is, they will defend it with their lives.
@humanvibration And, there it is. Capitalism in it’s truest, purest form; capitalizing on a perceived threat utilizing fear-based manipulation of the marketplace.
Elon Musk
Jun 8
Tesla Model S & Model X have hospital-grade HEPA air filters, protecting you from dust, bacteria, pollen (allergies), spores & many toxic gases.
Here in Nova Scotia, it’s a 25,000 fine now to have a barbeque, walk in ot hunt on crown lands, or be caught in a boat on any waterway.
Kind of like during the endless lockdown here when two dudes fishing in a boat were charged with a crime. We have 15%maskers here STILL. Now masks are off the rails with this fire crap.
Our leaders here call the fire ban ” the don’t be stupid rule”.
Davy Crocket wouldnt have whined so much about it. He would have done something.
Yeah, times has really changed.
This spiritual black hole swallow all for a while.
Even rude assholes.
The greatest driver of ‘climate change’ is dihydrogen oxide in vaporous form!
As a solvent it kills many people (and animals) per year as well as destroys infrastructure when it accumulates in massive volumes and releases its stored potential energy, which happens relatively frequently.
Dihydrogen oxide is dangerous to humanity and perhaps even the harmonic homeostasis of the planet.
Fight dihydrogen oxide before it is too late and save our planet from oblivion!
Today, in New Zealand, is the first day Ive seen the Mass Scum Media actually covering these Canadian fires (covering meaning; republishing Globalist agenda talking points), which is unusual for a 5 eyes nation usually at the tip of the globalust spear.
Which I take as encouraging. It just shows that the “climate change” psy-op is a hard sell, which is why they needed the virus narrative to really inject the “personal threat” that climate simply cannot.
Match in the gas tank, boom boom!
I’m not sure where it is, but look at how green the grass is!
Somebody Is Lighting These Fires
How Did All These Fires Start At The Same Time?
Farcical three-in-one function-stacking:
I agree with Kit’s analysis 100%. But I would also like to suggest an added “feature,” as a person who was born in NYC and spent much of my 20s living in it. Why the particulate air quality in NYC was never great, this “crisis” is unusual there, unlike China where it is a daily occurrence from industrial pollution with tremendous health consequences. It is no accident that the Wuhan lab was built in the city which is the epicenter of Chinese air pollution as well as the scamdemic of purported contagious respiratory disease. Back to NYC, why was the jet stream diverted so far to the south to bring the soot into the NYC area? Can you spell HAARP?
Re NYC high number of people with respiratory distress during “Covid”, I’m wondering how many 5G towers have been packed into the area?
I’ve read that 5G exposure will cause symptoms mimicking other severe respiratory symptoms.
I agree, but not resembling pneumonia or flu because their lungs are clear and they are lucid, but with very low oxygen levels in the blood. The theory is that the 60 GHz pulses in the 5G interferes with oxygen absorption into the hemoglobin molecule.
There are many outrages, now normalised. Unless your home or workplace is a Faraday cage, all sorts of RF and microwave are going through your body. Mobiles phones themselves harm us. You could say 5G is “breaking the camel’s back”.
Using a mobile phone for as little as 17 minutes per day over 10 years increases the risk of developing cancerous tumours by up to 60 per cent
Good article.
The concept that fires are bad is a harder sell for the climate alarmists, however. It surprises me that they are trying.
Education on the benefits of fire has been at the forefront in most conservation organizations for many years. The undoing of Smokey the Bear was a tough hurdle.
The smell of smoke in the United States is commonplace in the spring and fall. Some of the fires are accidental and many others are intentional.
The EPA has been grumbling about the fine particulates causing lung disease since it’s inception in the 70s.
The real irony here is the benefit of disturbance. There is a whole spectrum of nature that cannot live without it. Fire is the primary cause.
What does the United Nations sponsored World Wildlife Fund have to say about the fires? Quite a conflict. In their mind wildlife is more important than human life.
The “Think Tank” did not think this one through.
“The world once purged by flood ends always again in the surer purgative of fire.”
The Nazis, like moths, are always drawn to the flame.
The WHO One Health plan means all governments imposing global restrictions until “every person, animal and plant is safe”, i.e., forever.
That was my point. You can’t have it both ways.
They don’t want people safe, yet. They have a number in their heads. Once they achieve that goal through depopulation then they will focus on “perfecting” the remaining population by weeding out the undesirables.
The United Nations is the cause of all of our problems.
They should be defunded and disbanded.
At the very least, we should kick their asses out of the United States.
“The EPA has been grumbling about the fine particulates causing lung disease since it’s inception in the 70s.”
Isn’t it interesting that the powers that be are all atwitter about supposed health threats that for decades or more have not affected the number of annual deaths from all causes, but assiduously ignore the excess death catastrophe that they made in the form of a faux vaccine?
Yep. Nothing but contradictions. Just making it up as they go along.
” Indoor air quality alert. Extinguish that cigarette. Five unit fine. Have a nice day and don’t do it again or it’s off to the organ donor farm.
You also must stop using gas cooktops, water heaters or anything in the house that uses natural gas or propane. We must go all electric to save our lives.
Capital punishment for farting.
Most annoying about that, is the fact that any particulate matter generated during cooking, is the result of vaporized oils and fats from the food. You’ll get the exact same “pollution” from an electric range. A properly adjusted methane flame doesn’t produce anything but water and carbon dioxide.
The author of this article has clearly booked a seat on the unlimited growth bandwagon now on a global tour , and fails to see the bigger picture . Even though much of what he claims is true the root cause is overpopulation and the scale of these global disasters as we reach the limits of growth . Climate Change is a form of Pollution and perhaps a limiting factor on human population growth as is the global resource depletion now becoming apparent . If one pays close attention one can hear the pounding of hooves as the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse approach and the screaming of humanity grows louder ?
There’s a middle ground between unlimited growth on the one hand, and global slavery on the other.
Unlimited growth is a delusion , that you , like the moderators here , also dogmatically seem to subscribe too ? Global slavery is a short-term outcome of the belief in unlimited growth, There is no middle ground in this struggle . The end stages approach as resources are depleted and pollution becomes toxic to a point that makes human life impossible
Oh stop it.
To draw an analogy with the no-virus idiots who, whether or not their claims hold any water, will get nowhere unless they propose a viable alternative, something positive, the opposite of their nay-saying and denialism, you too will have to tax your brains to a greater extent and propose something constructive, if you have any intention to actually improve anything, which your ‘they’re after us, wake up’ whining implies that you do.
It’s like this. Humanity has embraced the self-destructive course of unbridled consumerism, which amounts to ever-increasing extraction of resources/energy, production, and consumption. That is simply not sustainable and will come to a crash sooner or later. Probably sooner, considering the fact that not only the physical realities of human activity might be reaching their limits, but also how idiot humans have fucked themselves into a corner through perverting the financial system through the prism of which they regard their existence. But who knows, maybe the world could still keep going for a while as is. The truth is, however, that change will occur, whether spontaneously (read: humanity goes up in smoke or down the tubes) or in some controlled manner.
Now, them great resetters are clearly aware of this, at least in broad strokes, and are taking action. Basically concocting all sorts of bullshit to coerce and force people to slow down, to avoid the crash. There is no doubt that they want to preserve their privileged status – well not really, they want to elevate their status even higher to a sort of neo-slavers, while the rest will be corralled and under tight control. That’s what you keep referring to, and you’re basically right about opposing it.
But you will get nowhere unless you propose a viable alternative to the socioeconomic issues. To the consumerist ideology. The handling of resources, including energy. In other words, what would you propose? How would you go about it, changing the collision-course trajectory?
And if you dismiss the above, for instance with some “stop it”, then you really need to extract your head out of your asshole.
Oh please. You know what also made human life impossible? The Ice Age. And guess what? We’re still here. Population levels ruse and fall naturally due to physical and social factors and we’re now on a global downward trend.
Speaking of “taping up plastic sheeting all over the house”: I don’t know how many of us have seen “Better Call Saul” – the intolerably slow-moving sequel to the exciting “Breaking Bad”, which I admit to having binge-watched a couple of years ago – but this reminds me of Saul’s brother, Chuck, who was a consummate lawyer and had psychosomatically convinced himself that he had a deadly sensitivity to electro-magnetic radiation, which he imagined he could perceive everywhere.
The thing about the way this was handled in the story is that we had so many weeks of watching Chuck triumph professionally, yet wearing an aluminium covering at home, covering the windows and being terrified of leaving the house, that we got used to it, and it no longer seemed so hysterical after a while – it was just part of the story.
There’s a lesson in that.
Those people who went about pepper-spraying strangers in the flu-mare are actually even more psychologically sick than Chuck, since they are allowing themselves to be egged on by today’s increasingly cretinous media.
But the pathology is the same – a virtue-signalling craving for attention, stemming from inferiority complex.
You totally missed the point of Chuck’s purported electrosensitivity in the series. The physiologic damage caused by non-ionic radiation in the microwave range from 500 MHz to 100 GHz (pulsed and directed 5G and up) has been documented by thousands of scientific papers. Exposure to power sources of this radiation interestingly causes issues with the red blood cells clumping together within minutes. While all humans show these blood issues, only about 5% actually feel the issue and can relate it to mw exposure, often caused by a newly installed “smart” meter installed on their house.. Why 95% should be oblivious to the damage is a mystery of a psychological nature. The purpose of Chuck’s “obsession” was to inculcate the viewing public that it was a baseless and highly neurotic conspiracy theory. Seems to have done the job quite well with you. I also noticed that the series was constantly showing chemtrails in the New Mexico sky during a time frame of the 90’s before they were being rolled out in any amount. Idea was for people to think they have always been with us. Move on – nothing to see here.
Thanks for this. So many people assume everything is a big hoax – even the things the “elites” don’t want us to believe or notice.
FWIW, March of 2014, 11 Smart Meters were installed just outside my condo bedroom (I alone opted out). I had a test Sept of 2014 which showed no significant arterial blockage. Then, April of 2016 another test showed enough blockage within the heart to warrant a quadruple bypass; and the ejection fraction had dropped from 60% to 30%. I don’t think natural plaque buildup works that quickly – especially when someone watches his diet.
As a side note – since I have an emf meter – after I put a big three panel mirror against the bedroom wall, the reading went down from amber (luckily it never reached the red) to green. So perhaps mirrors are fairly decent insulation.
Most mirrors are made of a piece of flat carbon steel with a very thin layering of silver over it. Any flat piece of metal including steel will stop mw but the silver certainly doesn’t hurt. Actually before the rollout of 5G, the easiest and cheapest way to block microwaves was aluminum or galvanized mosquito screen which I used a lot. However, the holes in it are too large to stop the higher frequencies in 5G. If one is going to buy protection and pricing is an issue, I would recommend that you go to a metal supply retailer and, if you are planning to attach it to an existing wall or roof, buy the thinnest sheet of steel available. If you want it to stand up by itself, then it might be better to buy sheets a little thicker and self supporting.
I have been aware of the dangers of EMF for a long time. It is an intentional bioweapon to which people are easily addicted, particularly “smart” phones. When I built my house in rural SW Mexico six years ago, I put additional conduit in the walls which carry ethernet to all the rooms. My wife uses the available wifi about 6 minutes a month total to download books to her Kindle. She hates the clutter, to which I reply that wires are her friend. However, if you use ethernet with a laptop, always be sure that the wifi (and bluetooth) is turned off on the computer as well which will otherwise be constantly searching for a wifi signal 60 cm from your face.
Smartphones are not smart at all. Actually, the only things starting with the word smart are some smart alecks. As I can’t get a landline for my house, I recently upgraded my iPhone 4S to a ZTE flip dumbphone. USD 70, well constructed and laid out. I pulled the SIM card on the 4S. As I almost never have wifi on in my house, and have no other occupied dwelling within a km of me, I assume (hope) that it cannot be used to spy on me.
Unfortunately, most reasonably priced emf meters including the one I own, do not register mw over 8 GHz. 5G is pulsed (as well as aimed at you like a shotgun) and throws out a variety of frequencies, included ones as high as 100 GHz. BTW, the greatest health danger is not the purported spike proteins but rather the 5G spiked pulses. The spiking is very much more damaging to cells, like getting punched in the face by Mike Tyson. Always remember that these mw are intentional bioweapons aimed at YOU.
I never obtained pay TV, whether cable, satellite, or streaming. So I never watched the highly popular and acclaimed series referenced by the OP.
But I have long been well aware that “mainstream” TV programming, even programs with sophisticated, nuanced writing and high production values, incorporate characters and plots that undermine and incipiently ridicule unconventional views to prevent them from escaping the circumscribed “Sphere of Deviance” in public discourse.
I think I first noticed this during the mid-1960s, when I was in my early teens. US sitcoms presented “beatniks”, then “hippies”, as clownish caricatures. (I’m detouring around the vexed question of whether these subcultural stereotypes were ever authentic or respectable.)
In later decades, sitcoms continued to disparagingly lampoon Sixties subculture and certain non-conventional phenomena.
This crossed my mind when I re-watched a 1991 “Seinfeld” episode that largely revolved around a character’s determination to avoid an expensive hospital visit (for a tonsillectomy) by visiting an “alternative medicine” healer. The scenes with the healer are hilarious, but they all involve Jerry, in his capacity as an “everyman” observer and the sanest one of the bunch, relentlessly rolling his eyes and snarking at the “healer”, implicitly a preposterous poser.
My educated, conventional sister, a staunch “New York Times” devotee and fellow “Seinfeld” fan, scoffed mightily at my suggestion that these hilarious hijinks nevertheless sent a subliminal message that “alternative medicine” is the stuff of fools and kooks.
I can’t say whether writers Seinfeld and Larry David deliberately set out to trash non-conventional medicine, or whether this kind of sociopolitical deviant-bashing becomes second nature to people working in Hollywood culture.
Excellent comment. I might throw in that it has been fairly well documented that the CIA edits many if not most of the feature films and TV series. Also documented that Harvard Professor Timothy Leery, often credited with kickstarting the hippy/psychedelic/LSD movement did so as a paid agent of the CIA. Finally we have the late David McGowan’s fascinating book, Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon where he documents that most the major and not so major stars of the Laurel Canyon music scene of the 60s and 70s were the offspring of a parent in three letter intelligence, military intelligence, or related corporate industries. For example, Frank Zappa’s father was a PhD biologist who spent his career at Fort Detrick weaponizing bacteria such as anthrax, and that Zappa was not by any means the Dude Lebowski type but was every bit the martinet. And the Office of Naval Intelligence, which makes the CIA look like choir boys, had one of the largest and best equipped media studio’s on the planet in the Canyon. McGowan theorized that the clean cut, skinny tie anti-war activists of the mid-60s going door-to-door were making just too much headway to the enormously profitable Vietnam War, and the best way to short circuit them was to convert them into hippies which middle American considered repulsive deviants. It worked for quite a few years. I could go on and on……….
But our Overlords know well that the use of violence is a last resort, not because it is unethical but rather because it is inefficient. Far more efficient is to control the minds of the teaming millions through the Big Screen or the not-so-small anymore Small Screen.
I’m aware of McGowan’s work; FWIW, I think his “Laurel Canyon” analysis has merit, although I don’t fully buy into it.
But the McGowan reference reminded me that my observation about 1960s TV writers ridiculing beatniks, and especially hippies, was only half the story. Establishment pop culture also echoed the “Manson” spin by introducing the “Evil Hippie(s)” as a stock figure in TV dramas, especially crime dramas; in this genre, hippies were not silly, goofy clowns but were sinister, vicious, beaded and bangled sociopaths.
One example comes to mind, albeit so self-caricaturing that it was preposterous: a famous “Dragnet” episode in which Sergeant Joe Friday and his partner enter the premises of some wayward “hippie” couple. The couple is presented as stoned to the gills, in a “far out” ecstatic trance.
The cops hear water running and proceed into the bathroom, only to discover, to their horror, an open faucet on an overflowing bathtub; the hippies’ baby had been put in the tub and left to drown because the spaced-out hippie parents forgot all about the bathtub and the baby.
The Evil Hippie stereotype was the pop media’s dark yang to the Silly Hippie yin. ☯
Yes, it was like the ranchero two-step dancing in SW Mexico. First convert the “normal” appearing anti-war activists to hippies, and then demonize them. Spiro was a favorite of mine.
I loved Dragnet when I was 6 years old. “Just the facts, ma’m.” Your comment reminded me why people over 75 are infertile. I could easily forget a kid in a bathtub in my current condition.”
Some of this is imbedded marketing or propaganda, also seen in print. The beneficiaries get it in return for business, sponsorship, grant, election contribution, etc.
I have read of a few people undergong such a change after being struck (not fatally) by lightning. The surgical implantation of metal parts may also change a person.
Yes and funny how when the mention of wifi or sensitives to electricity or magnetic fields radio frequency etc that Tv show comes up.
Now normal folks= people think of thoses who have electro sensitivity’s must all be like Saul’s brother, Chuck
The Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE) is an independent association of medical doctors and associated specialists assembled for the purposes of improving education regarding health effects of non-ionising radiation. We collate research produced globally on this issue, share and critique it and also conduct our own research.
That’s an excellent observation & succinct framing of the technique used repeatedly to “steer” a complex adaptive system ie. the world population, towards a pre-planned outcome. Ultimately our aggregate response is what determines the ‘course’.
“We simply cannot afford to gamble against this possibility by ignoring it. We cannot risk inaction. Those scientists who say we are entering a period of climatic instability are acting irresponsibly. The indications that our climate can soon change for the worse are too strong to be reasonably ignored”.
That was Lowell Ponte in 1972 – about an impending new ice age.
Some fun climate info:
1) Iceland and Greenland were warmer in the first half of the C20th than the second half.
2) Antarctica, as a whole which contains 90% of the world’s ice, is cooling according to at least eight peer-reviewed papers in science journals 1995-2005. The exception is the peninsula where icebergs calve which is only 2% of Antarctica but what the media fixate upon.
3) The temperature of New York City did show a marked incease 1930-1999 but everywhere else in New York State it showed a marked decline (e.g. Syracuse and Albany). The cause is much more likely to be the urban heat island effect than climate change. Those who profess concern about warming should advocate de-urbanisation but they don’t – why might that be? Maybe because herding people into cities makes surveillance easier and warming and overpopulation more credible….
4) Paris and Stuttgart show declines in temperature over a long period of time (1757-1995 and 1792-1999 respectively). The temperature at Alice Springs is unchanged since 1879.
5) World average temperature declined 1940-70 yet carbon dioxide was increasing steadily.
6) The Sahara has been retreating for decades. “Africa’s deserts are in retreat… Analysts say the gradual greening has been happening since the mid 1980s , though has gone largely unnoticed” wrote Fred Pearce in ‘New Scientist’ in 2004.
7) Nobody has any idea how many species inhabit the Earth. Estimates range from three million to one hundred million. Fifteen thousand new species are described every year.
8) The experience of Yellowstone National Park is that humans have no idea how to manage nature and when it is attempted the results are disatrous unintended consequences. Nature is a dynamic system of staggering complexity beyond human capacity to comprehend or control (and that’s even assuming good intentions).
In short, atmospheric CO2 is increasing but the causes are unproven (remember the IPCC cann’t look at natural causes), the causal link to climate change hugely dubious and the manifest benefits that both increased CO2 and a warmer world would bring completely ignored. I’m not denying there would be some losses as well but there’s no attempt to present a balance cost-benefit analysis – which a) makes me suspect the catastrophe narrative couldn’t stand such an analysis and b) is highly reminiscent of how “lockdown” was presented (followed by subsequent fake surprise that there turn out to have been huge costs).
Nice post.
Apart from The Science- after an ice age, which we’ve only just left, it gets warmer surprisingly, until it starts getting colder and another ice age begins. Very few people know this, it appears.
In case anyone here still doubts it, there was a net ice gain in the Antarctic from 2009 to 2019:
Thanks. I came across these contradictory earlier research (Sorry, no link):
Rate of loss has been rising: 40 Gt/year for 1979-1990, 50 for 1989-2000, 166 for 1999-2009 and 252 for 2009-2017 (Eric Rignot et al., “Four decades of Antarctic ice sheet mass balance from 1979–2017” in PNAS, 2019-01).
Loss was ~2,600 Gt since 1992 (Eric Rignot et al. in Nature as reported 2018-06).
The oceans have, as always, been man’s garbage dump – specifically, for CO2. But they have absorbed just about their limit; so we can expect to see the results of increased atmospheric CO2 pretty soon.
The Sahara responds more to 25,000 year perturbations in earth’s rotation than anything happening on Earth itself. It’s well known by geologists that around 20 to 25,000 years ago the Sahara was a lush green forested grassland.
If I had a thermometer in every country, then I just might take the global temperature seriously. But as it is, all of us – as in: all of us – are dependent on someone else’s reading. And with every single solitary “reading” comes an agenda.
As to species assessment, the fewer the better – that is, the fewer WORDS the better. Newly discovered species does not mean newly originated species. Nor do the discoveries necessarily represent entirely new species anyway – they could simply be sub-species of already existing species.
In a word, if we gently remove all the horseshit from Science, we can all buy a Hallmark card on which all of Science greets us – and still have room for a personal greeting to Granny.
A bit off topic:
Interesting Greta Thunberg tweet:
“This ecocide as a continuation of Russias unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine is yet another atrocity which leaves the world lost for words. Our eyes are once again on Russia who must be held accountable for their crimes.”
If you were cynical you might think her tweets and speech were being scripted by Western govt forces who were just sticking her name and image on.
Hey, I think I’m cynical!
Perhaps one day she’ll achieve maturity worthy of an adult, and be appalled at what she has been manipulated into representing…
Wish I had the links; but it is well documented that she is highly managed by some Soros-supported-NGO – one particular 20-something woman, often seen in her company, is her chief handler. She is given a menu of tweets and talking points from which she can choose. She once – 2 or 3 years ago- tweeted that full daily sheet demonstrating the method of handling – then it was removed quickly. I took it as a hopeful sign that she was rebelling against years of what has been essentially child abuse; but it remained a one-off. She looks to be quite a tortured soul – I think you see it more as she ages (now 20 yr old). And increasingly odd that she seems to have had absolutely no romantic life. Forgive the crudity – I just hope she hasn’t been passed around at Davos-like conclaves all these years.
Aren’t people with her sort of developmental disorder generally sterile?
I doubt that she knows the password to her account.
Well, one could at least understand why the Russians might be interested in causing some global warming: much of their country is just too damned too cold without it. 😂
“Are these current wildfires especially bad? Or especially widespread.”
”We don’t know.”
Time to wake up Kit and stop speculating these weather events are just part of the normal cycle. Wildfires in the beginning of June in Canada should cause alarm. These fires are not natural phenomenon. They are purposely engineering these fires and blaming them on climate change. Its called weather warfare.
Science and healthcare have been hijacked and manipulated, causing most of the problems we now face, for profit (usually on patents) and control. Capitalism’s primary tool is artificial scarcity, remember. So creating “artificially manufactured crises” is what it does best. It’s even hijacked our creative spirit for destructive purposes. It’s as though demons have hacked their brains. Yuval had it wrong. It’s the animals, the least human of us, that are easily hackable.
… and speaking of demonic forces:
BOMBSHELL! Mel Gibson about to EXPOSE all of them | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
The National Weather Service has had the entire state of Michigan in Red Flag status for the last couple days.
Fuels are dry as a bone.
Dry fuels are not engineered.
Droughts are natural.
Wildfires are natural.
When the conditions are right, anything will burn.
Nature dictates when the time is right.
Burn baby burn!
Dry fuels are engineered. Where I live they are currently engineering drought, hence dry fuels. Hundreds of spray planes before any major storm systems, crisscrossing, turning around (did they miss the exit), one plane after another all day long one or two days preceding the storm. And the storm comes and leaves only a drop or two. And they have sure been increasing the winds here, that makes it dry fuels too. For the past twenty or more years I have been seeing this same pattern over and over, living in the middle of no where. Thats just one of the ways.
Another way of making wildfire is by starting it. My brother lives in the high desert and use to work for the BLM. Late summer, some years, his boss would go and start a wildfire so they could all make a ton off money doing overtime. There was usually dry fuels at that time year. But at the beginning of June, it wouldn’t be much of a fire.
Go away. You have no clue. It’s obvious.
Stone sober and laughing. Again.
Capitalism seeks the greatest expenditure, directly from government where convenient. US used to have a policy of putting out even minor fires. It may have eased up.
That’s certainly another possibility — they were caught doing that in California a few years ago. To be sure, I doubt Kit would deny that as a possibility anyway.
Yeah!!! At least there’s one sober person commenting… These “wildfires” are anything but wild. There are pages and pages of similar notice offered on the linked site. Let’s ignore them, and have a really cool day…
Engineering Catastrophic Wildfires To Temporarily Cool Arctic With Smoke (Updated)
July 30, 2019
Engineering Catastrophic Wildfires To Temporarily Cool Arctic With Smoke (Updated) » Engineering Catastrophic Wildfires To Temporarily Cool Arctic With Smoke (Updated) | Geoengineering Watch
None of you are sober on this one. Looking for reasons to shout “conspiracy”. I realize this is a conspiracy site. But you are wrong on this one. Nature dictates.
Have a really cool day!
I think what you are experiencing is called cognitive dissonance. I have many friends who have thought the same thing for years. Its too hard for their world view to accept that the weather is being modified, even though many have experienced the curious spray plane patterns (hard not to see) over and over.
Here it comes. Keep going. Life is too hard to understand. Apparently random weather no longer exists. Klaus and the Klan have that one under their thumb too. Geeze. Listen to yourself.
The obvious argument is simple. Fire adaptations. Millions of years of droughts and resulting fires (which were not engineered by people) shaped the genotypes of thousands (at least) of species. As previously written, fire adaptations did not develop on a dry weekend filled with careless campers while NASA was randomly seeding the atmosphere. The rediculousness of the idea that droughts are more common because we are manipulating the atmosphere is so crazy. All to push the climate change agenda? Especially at a time when the flow of the Colorado River so low that it’s reservoirs are being drained. We have been in a water crisis in the United States for decades, if not a century. But yet, our government is intentionally causing droughts with plans for building turbines and panels instead spending money on improving our water supply? Conflicts all around. Even the government isn’t that stupid. With the exception of the current White House Cabinet, of course. With that said, maybe you are right after all. I take it all back………….
These days, with the use of drones to start fires, the sky is the limit for the fire-fighting business.
Expecting smoke to cool the Arctic is insane. The soot landing on ice and snow anywhere only hastens melting.
Um no. Most of the Canadian wildfires in recent years are the outcomes of destructive logging and silviculture policies for almost a hundred years. Monoculture plantations allow fires to rage through while old growth does not. There are also big problems in the way provincial government contract out firefighting services. Yes, forest fires have always happened in North America and elsewhere but not with the same potential to impact towns.
Indigenous peoples in North America and Australia used to do controlled burns precisely to prevent out of control fires.
It’s not climate change (which is a convenient scapegoat) but forest fires in North American and Australia have everything to do with the habitat destruction that followed large scale European immigration to those continents.
Back in the 19th century you’d have isolated Prairie homesteaders battling fires even on the plains but it was rare for entire towns to be threatened as happened for example in British Columbia in the past decade.
It’s poor journalism to reduce everything to the same tired soundbites that provide no new information. If you want to talk about “Canadian” wildfires” at least study Canadian forest policy (province to province over the past two hundred years.
I think you might be missing the point, as this piece discusses how these types of wildfires are being leveraged to push agendas in the media. The author states right at the start:
…And goes on to discuss ways in which the media are distorting public perception of these fires to push their climate agendas.
I feel like this should really put your concerns to rest. Further, two of the purposes of our comment section are to give readers a voice and to help share additional information, therefore you’d be more than welcome – in fact I’m inviting you – to post some links to info on the Wildfires themselves that you think might help our readers’ perspective.
Thanks for your comment and we hope you enjoy reading Offg. A2
See ”” by tony heller for true wildfire stats- dropping for C 100 years.
Without the human infestation currently destroying life on this planet these burnovers would come and go as they have for millenia . North American and Australian native peoples never made any coordinated attempts at controlled burns ? They simply got out of the way when a big burns flared up . The Blackfoot native tribes’ name arose from that method of avoiding the burns that often swept across the Prairies ?
Many think this sort of apocalyptic misanthropy is being harnessed against us, though, and see the ‘we are not worthy’ mentality so common nowadays as a sort of fetishised, masochistic Stockholm syndrome. Another version of ‘govern me harder daddy’.
Thanks, Sam. Adroit moderating.
Natives did do intentional burns. Driving wildlife for hunting and waging war on competing tribes. Worst “Watch out” situation: Unburned fuel is between you and the fire. If at all possible, get into the black. It is unlikely you will be able to outrun the fire. This is why people die in wildfires. Even professionals. Wind shifts and steep slopes.
Slash is the main problem in logged areas. Fire suppression by people in other areas leads to an abnormal accumulation fuels that causes abnormally high fire intensity. Better known as bad forest “management”. This is the cause. People are the cause. Not climate change. Nutshell. Simplify.
Yes. Absolutely. Forest “management” has reduced standing prime forest to less than 12% of old growth. Simplify: Let’s just drop the big one..
Bigger fire-fighting contracts need a narrative (justifications). Natives using controlled fires only get in the way of profits. Better to associate them with destruction (slash and burn).
Good point.
Maybe it’s just wishful thinking to keep believing that they have some 4D Chess master plan at the end of all this, especially one that includes us peasants as an integral part of it. With all the shit they push about aliens, illuminati, NWO, shadow governments, etc, they clearly want us to believe there is some omnipresent controlling force behind everything, which is comforting on some level. But maybe that’s the real bluff. There is only an omnipresent leech, and it will suck the blood of the world until it is dry with no plans for what happens after the host is dead.
Excellent essay, and very interesting comments here in this thread. Very enlightening.
Good analysis Kit.
The encouraging thing about all this is they’ve had to change tack, acknowledging that “climate emergency” alone is not enough to dupe enough people.
Transferring it to public health is a risky strategy if that’s all they’ve got.
They ain’t gonna get the same compliance that they did before.
In summary:
Good news.
The mask Nazis won’t really have a reason to insist on other people wearing a mask in addition to themselves (in the event of air pollution) because my not doing so can’t be perceived as a risk to others since any (attempted) damage to human health won’t be coming from a (supposedly) transmissible pathogen that I may or may not be hosting. I expect the next thing will be lies from various weather agencies that the air particulate content is off the charts (even though we can’t see it or feel its effects) in order to lock down and mask up the people. As there are probably some weather buffs or hobbyists who have their own monitoring equipment no doubt we’ll be able to find the true figures as to air quality on alt media.
Good point. The only qualification I might add here is that there have been an inordinate number of chemical train spills in N. America over the past year. Might they simply blame the effects of all those chemicals in the air, food, and water on ‘global warming’ instead? That might fool people. At any rate, it will fool the same people who thought that the reactions being caused by those experimental injection they took were really symptoms of ‘long Covid’.
Good point. This is obviously a measure of desperation — damage control.
Bloody conspiracy theory. How dare you!
Just acting normal…
For any of those headlines, swap out “central bankers” for “climate change” and you’ll probably get a more accurate story…
It’s interesting that ecological pollution (air, food, earth, water) by corporations is rarely discussed in the corporate media. What a surprise!
In other news, now they’re going after C.J. Hopkins:
In gas stove ban trivia, while opposing gas stove bans, House conservatives this week wanted to teach pathetic GOP House “Speaker” McCarthy a lesson for failing to keep his recent promises to them. So on Tuesday, June 6, a bunch of them, instead of voting to block rules favoring gas stove ban as they normally would have, voted with Democrats to allow the rule to proceed. This wasn’t a major vote, more procedural, and likely won’t cause permanent harm to gas stove issue, but McCarthy was enraged and canceled all votes for the rest of the week. “Conservatives blockade House floor in latest mutiny against GOP leadershipSpeaker”
Based on our experience in California the problem isn’t so much wildfires as wildfire suppression. We eventually noticed that while Mexico had frequent wildfires they tended to be of relatively small size and duration compared to ours. The difference is that we’d put in place successful suppression efforts which gave us relatively few fires — that is, until the fuel load built up allowing massive, really hot fires to break out. These are actually quite destructive compared to the ‘natural’ wildfires. Fire management polices have changed accordingly but it will take significant time for this to work through the system.
Now, what has climate change got to do with this? Or not? On the West Coast you can see distinct climatic bands — subtropical moisture yields so semi-arid “Mediterranean” which in turn yields to temperate moisture (very roughly). When driving north from Southern California you could see the boundary between ‘dry summers’ and ‘temperate summers’ — along Highway 99 as you went north you were suddenly aware that the summer roadside was now green rather than straw colored, for example. Climate change — or whatever — seems to have shifted this boundary northwards in the last decade or so which has left awathes of central California experiencing Southern California type weather. This can be a problem because they’ve got huge fuel loads up there (and they were not used to massive wildfires) so when they got outbreaks they were really serious. The fire that destroyed Paradise was a warning.
Obviously everything I’ve written needs to be taken as a very broad brush, potentially incorrect, observation of a resident rather than an expert. But I’ve lived in this state for nearly 40 years and experienced numerous wildfires, some a bit up close and personal for comfort. You do get a feel for when things are likely to explode and how they’ll develop (aided by some very clever fuel management policies by county firefighters as well). Wildfires are a nuisance, they’re a bit unusual for the East Coast and it does point to the need for appropriate management policies in what would normally be thought as ‘too wet to burn’. (Canada does have widlfires, though — they’re one of the suppliers of specialist firefighting planes.) For us one of the side effects is that its starting to affect both the availability and cost of home insurance. (Just as hurricane damage is starting to limit insurance options for homeowners in Florida — but that’s another story.)
“Canada does have widlfires, though — they’re one of the suppliers of specialist firefighting planes.”
Similar to private security firms that sell surveillance systems and riot gear equipment require violence in society in order to thrive. Many of these businesses are owned by ex-militia, so maybe it’s not such a great idea to have mandatory service.
This is part of the program to force people into cities.
They are destroying natural habitat to destroy food production.
We ain’t seen nothing yet.
They ain’t seen nothing yet.
Actually, the plan is to buy the farms to restore them to a natural state. The idea is to create physical connections between the existing natural areas. Gene depression (in-breeding) is a major threat in these natural areas. Restoring the “gene flow” is the plan.
I have been to the meetings and participated in the discussions. Oligarchs and the United Nations (through the Wildlife Fund) are major players in the plan. Oligarch and government funded not-for-profits are popping up to implement the plan which is to buy up the farm lands, turn them into permanent conservation easements (legally cannot be farmed again) and then donate them back to the government who will be saddled with the cost of managing them as natural areas into perpetuity (or invasion by China and Russia).
Joe Biden and his minions know that private lands cannot be “taken” through condemnation. Funding not-for-profits is a way of going around the laws. A coordinated effort.
Just like in the movie Signs, “It’s happening”.
Ironically, fire will be an integral part of the management of the resulting natural areas.
Buy stock in indoor air filtration systems now while the price is low.
In California, Utility Companies refused to provide service in the areas that burnt down. This allowed the Insurance companies to deny compensation for rebuilding, forcing people to move to other areas.
In other cases the EPA asserted that they found “indian artifacts” and then shut down any efforts to rebuild by declaring the area protected.
In another case in CA, the EPA determined that a tiny fish living in the Aqueduct, purposely built to deliver water to farmers in central CA, was endangered, and turned off the aquaduct or small farmers. Then as those farmers went out of business and sold their property, it was purchased by corporate farmers. Once consolidated, the EPA lifted the assertion so that the corporate interests could do as they wish.
The masses are not capable of seeing these contrived actions.
Saw some of that in the news the other day regarding major insurance companies refusing to provide fire insurance for homes in fire prone areas. This practice was needed a long time ago. More so in coastal areas where beach homes should never have been built. Same for structures built in the floodplains of streams. Whole cities in some cases. Then you have San Francisco.
Good friend who moved to California was complaining to me about a darter species that needs brackish water which forces California to keep letting a minimal flow out of a reservoir into the ocean to maintain the fish’s habitat. I read about that one. A tough call. Only in California. Was the World Wildlife Fund involved at all?
Southern California supplies, what?, 80% of our winter produce. Kind of important. Seems like they are focused on quantity and efficiency over quality. Not saying it is right or wrong.
The real focus should be on the carrying capacity of the Colorado River and it’s reservoirs that are drying up. Sounds like an emergency response to try and conserve water.
The flip flopping on the application of the law does not fully make sense. Sounds like a court case decision was appealed and over turned after it was too late?
Not sure what you mean by “do as they wish”. Maybe the previous land owners were not being or could not be efficient enough with their water consumption. Was the technology too expensive?
You have a link? I find this interesting.
Maybe I should not be so critical of California’s agricultural practices. What you describe almost sounds positive. They are not taking their ag fields out of production (as in the Midwest). They are keeping them while reducing water consumption, it appears.
The back door approach seems to be the problem. Feds can no longer take land through condemnation. Bankrupting unwilling sellers through legislation and then applying the law differently to the new owners is definitely a problem.
The question goes back to why.
It is clear why they are buying up farmland in the Midwest.
Part of the same plan.
That you are attending these meetings is interesting.
Before I retired 11 years ago. My organization was a primary land owner. The plan is not new. I laughed audibly as the plan was unfolded to the group. I was weeks away from retirement. I had a “fuck you” mentality. Serious political burnout. Huge paper maps were unfurled and hand drawn “balloons” connecting existing protected areas were created.
There was a lot of excitement in the air.
I was so glad I was getting the fuck out.
All levels of government were there.
I left the meeting early and was chased out of the door by the organizer who was looking for feedback. I laughed. Then left without comment.
Unfuckingbelievable, I thought.
The organizing not-for-profit, (Chicago Wilderness), failed a few years later but was recently resurrected a couple years ago. “Sustainability” was the push (a United Nations push too).
I encouraged the head of our organization to defund them as part of my exit interview.
They did.
Just like the United Nations, they were too big for their breeches. Trying to assume authority over governmental agencies.
Now you know the foundation of my position: The United Nations needs to be defunded and disbanded. They are the cause of all our problems.
So presumably there would be traces of charcoal going that far back in time in the fosil record.
Yes that is right. There also have been thousands of ice ages as well. The Himalayan mountains are only 47 million years in the making, starting 15 million years after the dinosaur met their demise. A whole lot of climate change has happened over the last billion years. Every day it changes as orbits change, the sun’s output varies, volcanos go off and the tilt of the earth changes. And not to mention the tectonic plates moving, changing ocean and atmospheric currents. The story that carbon being dangerous to life is such bullshit. Every lifeform on the planet is carbon based.
99.9 % of humans have no concept of “Geological” time frames . Manure is the natural outcome of reference to it for political advantage.
Scale is hard to grasp for many. The age of the earth is 4.2 billion years. A really, really long time. Pfizer made in 2022 a profit of 100 billion dollars, that is 100 thousand million dollars. What a staggering transfer of wealth! A similar sum being syphoned from the tax payers of the world into the hands of weapons manufacturers which is being facilitated by a media owned by the same people who own the pharmaceutical companies and weapons manufacturers. The heist continues and the people are clueless that they being pilfered from again.
Those who own the media and the political class know that, the people, like ducklings, the first thing they see, or hear about anything is permanently imprinted in their brains, and regardless of how ridiculous it is, they will defend it with their lives.
You and I need to have a beer at a local bar. Warms my heart to know that “others” are “out there”.
Such “proof” has been offered in the past , before Climate Change fear porn became a for profit business , and part of the dogma of Materialism , the all encompassing new global religion . It may be buried somewhere on the Internet , but mores likely it could be found in In University libraries
Unfortunately, it’s not a parody…
“Canadian woman becomes first person diagnosed as suffering from ‘climate change’”
November 8, 2021
Can be found elsewhere.
Imagine if doctors could say “You have corporate pollution disease” or “food additive/GMO disease” or “drinking water toxins disease” or “media gaslighting hysteria”, etc.
They’ll be saying that before they say- “vaccine damage”
Or your cancer was caused by background radiation increased by our governments constant testing of nuclear bombs and allowing the construction of Nuclear power stations that ultimately melt down?
To play devil’s advocate: But yet, humans are living longer than ever……….
I’ll bet anything and everything that not one single article cited in this article so much as even mentioned geoengineering (aka climate engineering).
The climate – more particularly nature in general, with or without man’s help – is the scapegoat to distract from the constant spraying and otherwise messing with the weather for human (and usually military) benefit.
So, perhaps climate is indeed part of some globalist agenda – but its primary purpose right now is to take eyes off the skies and return them to the TVs.
BTW, geoengineering has a lot to do with forest fires. Spraying aluminum et al by the millions of tons annually helps ionize – and electrify – the sky, thereby creating the conditions for increased heat lightening. Plus, the same elements are coating the trees, making them much more receptive to fires – and causing them to burn with far greater ferocity.
It’s a vicious cycle which has been kept secret for going on eight decades. But people are beginning to look up and see what’s happening. So it’s scramble time among the perps.
The weakening of the ionosphere and magnetosphere due to the said unilateral geo-engineering – as well as weather experimentation through VLF transmitter arrays – may be contributing to
-. more cosmic rays, UV-B and UV-C
-. contamination by heavy metals, polymers, etc.
-. more solar heat, less rain clouds or rain in some places, or abnormal clouds
-. poor ripening of crops
-. infestation of trees by fungi and lichens.
At the southern edge of the tundra grasslands, some of these changes have been accompanied by more forest fires and a southward expansion of grasslands.
Reinette Senum is a former Mayor of Nevada City, CA
She has been outspoken about the cov-tyranny from day one.
She has just initiated plans for a lawsuit over the geo-engineering. She is passionate about it.
She goes into detail on her substack reinette senum foghorn express.
Geoengineering becomes completely redundant if human populations are held at sustainable levels , and the dogma that unlimited growth is possible is abandoned ?
Yup. Don’t tell anyone though. They’ll think you’re some kinda conspiracy nut…
Engineering Wildfires » Engineering Wildfires | Geoengineering Watch
DEWS (Directed Energy weapons) have been trialed & tested on humans all over the globe, setting fires to make us believe in “climate change” & so called “global warming” as they are now calling it sheeeesh!
Don’t forget manufactured droughts.
Mr Musk will be marketing a nanobot style chip that will indeed manufacture our thoughts /opinions in the near future along with a free for a limited time Twitter account ?
This Greg Reese video suggests the fires were deliberately set by Direct Energy weapons. Perhaps it’ll be blamed on Aliens.
Somehow, the air over New York has turned outrageously bad. Yes, much worse than the usual bad (i grew up there, i know), Air Quality Index in 484, the worst in the world right now. The sky is sickly red. I wonder what’s causing this.
There have been a number of chemical train derailments over the past few months — that’s certainly a possible explanation.
That is apart from the pipeline leaks. MSM helps to distract attention to such disasters abroad.
Given the timing of the arson events to coincide with optimal atmospheric conditions to bring the smoke to the ideal target area, this is pretty obviously a military type
operation. If I could not achieve this outcome with fairly minimal field resource expenditure, I would be a pathetic environmental logistics tech. Low cost, high propaganda value. Only question, from the outside, is why now, and why so early in the fire season. I am aware of the coorelaton between arson driven wildfire and Canadian elections, but the intended target here was clearly US major cities.
‘Convenient villains’.
A true story.
More than analogous with that other ‘villain’, ‘COVID’.
Sorry, off topic.
One of the chief architects of seven, that’s S. E. V. E. N., lockdowns in Victoria, Brett Sutton, resigns and is given a cushy new government job at the CSIRO.
Of his previous job, as Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, he said: ‘I love the job, I absolutely adore it’
Why wouldn’t he? Control, fame, hero worship, unfettered authority, a very attractive pay package and a trendy five o’clock shadow.
His ilk INFEST this planet.
A revolving door of cunts, the real useless eaters.
… here are the roots:
“The Common Enemy of Humanity Is Man
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”
Club of Rome – The First Global Revolution – 1991
Leading the Public Into Emergency Mode
The initial publication of Leading the Public into Emergency Mode in 2016
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)—My take: 24/7 psy-op and permanent red alertWhereas:The Great Global Warming Swindle – Full Documentary HD
… british documentary by Martin Durkin from 2007
And to it this article:
Flashback: The Great Global Warming Swindle
June 11, 2022
Great video. Shared it everywhere.
My wife recently asked me, in response to an unconscious eye roll when she made a comment about the Quebec fires, “so you don’t believe in climate change either? Figures!” I guess it is the same reason I don’t believe shovelling snow is causing the current escalation of heart attacks amongst 50 year olds, or some other totally inane correlation…
This all reminds me of the days of crazy superstition where a black cat crossing your path was blamed for catching a bad cold. I guess humans have always been superstitious. Only difference is that there was not an agenda among cats to rule the world through fear.
Is Klaus Schwab really a cat? Nah, maybe a lizard. All my cat does is sleep, eat, poop and cuddle.
Are you high?
Michael Parenti noted that the media’s primary role was to “set the tone” I.e. it wasn’t about relaying news but creating an underlying mood. Your wife, like the vast majority of the public, picks up on thart mood. It’s not a reasoned reponse. She has been programmed. They all have.
FWIW, Tom Wolfe presciently (see closing parenthesis below) used this exact term in his 1979 book about the first US astronauts, The Right Stuff. To wit:
It was as if the press in America, for all its vaunted independence, were a great colonial animal, an animal made up of countless clustered organisms responding to a central nervous system. In the late 1950’s (as in the late 1970’s) the animal seemed determined that in all matters of national importance the proper emotion, the seemly sentiment, the fitting moral tone, should be established and should prevail; and all information that muddied the tone and weakened the feeling should simply be thrown down the memory hole.
In a later period this impulse of the animal would take the form of blazing indignation about corruption, abuses of power, and even minor ethical lapses, among public officials; here, in April of 1959, it took the form of a blazing patriotic passion for the seven test pilots who had volunteered to go into space.
In either case, the animal’s fundamental concern remained the same: the public, the populace, the citizenry, must be provided with the correct feelings! One might regard this animal as the consummate hypocritical Victorian gent. Sentiments that one scarcely gives a second thought to in one’s private life are nevertheless insisted upon in all public utterances. (And this grave gent lives on in excellent health.)
I’m sorry your wife has bought the propaganda. Must be quite challenging as a frequent contributor here and someone who is so awake to the agenda! It’s also a testament to the strength of their mind control.
The political and media parasites wallow in fear mongering.
Fear mongering is EXTREMELY profitable, financially, and as a weapon of control.
Terrifying adults is one thing, terrifying children is an act of utter depravity.
Utter depravity is second-nature to these fiends. They rape and sacrifice children in order to acquire their power.
Another poor correlation dominates modern science:
“It’s not about the bacteria, the parasites, the virus, or the spirochetes. It never was! Like mosquitoes to a swamp, it’s about what they are attracted to …a backed-up, stagnant, sewer system. It’s about the condition of your own body’s inner terrain. Clean the lymphatic system.”
Huh, you’ve not met Lucretia….” They call me MRS. Tibbs”
Pragmatically it is certainly true that cats are not considered to be involved in a global conspiracy , but Platonically there is no certainty . The dogma one adheres too is defines truth in this world it seems . Perhaps it has always been so ?
Sounds like a little man splaining is in order………..