Skimming Off the Scum

Todd Hayen

Skimming off the scum generally means getting rid of waste. Scraping off from the surface of useful material the rising of impurities and muck. Isn’t that the intention of the New World Order? Wasn’t that Hitler’s intention in Europe in 1933? Hasn’t that been the general intention of all totalitarian governments since the beginning of time?

What a disgusting image, but I believe it is true. In the eyes of the perpetrators, the old and infirm, among others, are the “scum” of the Brave New World being planned and implemented as I write this. Killing them off like weak, useless, and expensive, vermin is the prudent thing to do. Scum. That is all they (we) are to these people. Scum.

In Naomi Wolf’s fabulous book she makes a very pertinent point. Here is a quote from The Bodies of Others:

But to understand what has happened to us, I must ask you to suspend for a while a thought process that investigators call “mirror imaging.” This is when we assume others think as we do. Because most of us are decent people, and not sociopaths or psychopaths, we tend to assume that others are also driven by basic human motivations such as empathy, altruism, and kindness—or even just by the basic notion that other human beings are also deserving of life, self-determination, and dignity.

This “mirror imaging,” though, is more than simply a flaw in analysis—it is a fatal error that leads us to miss important conclusions. For others do not always think as we do.”

Here Wolf points out the reason why we can never say, “oh, they would never do such a thing,” when it is pointed out that we very well may be experiencing an intentional skimming.

There are many lists on the Internet of historical genocides, which is the “intentional killing of people” very often defined as people falling into a “religious or nationalistic” group. The more appropriate word for what we seem to be experiencing today is “democide” which is a bit broader and specifies the killers as “government agents acting in their authoritative capacity.” Whatever the word, it is a fancy term for skimming the scum—and the scum being defined as scum by the skimmer.

Other terms we have heard include “ethnic cleansing.” What we see now has few specifics, and it is one of the reasons many people find it hard to believe that there is an intentional democide going on. If it isn’t for ethnic cleansing or political dissidence, or religious misalignment, then what is it for? A very general “population reduction” as per the (alleged) eugenicists Bill Gates and the likes of Henry Kissinger et al as well as the proclamation of the infamous Georgia Guidestones (now defunct).

This does seem a bit dubious, but maybe if we examine this further we will see more rhyme and reason.

The jab, initially, seemed to target the elderly, or at least the response to “Covid” was aimed in that direction. The elderly were quickly isolated from loved ones, forced into close proximity to each other, and whatever you want to call it, “it” seemed to “spread” quickly among them (germ or terrain, this could be easily explained). These were the first of the population to receive rather lethal treatment with intubation/ventilation, and other known to be deadly drugs such as “Run Death is Near” (Remdesivir) and others.

The vax itself seems to attack a variety of people and demographics. Depending on its method of extinguishing life (clots, brain bleeds, heart attacks, cancers) its victims can fall in a variety of categories, indiscriminately killing or maiming an assortment of people—young, old, rich or poor.

So what gives?

We are also seeing a variety of time-lines: some who succumb right away, some who die after a long list of ailments, some yet to be adversely affected—and certainly the possibility that birth rates will drop radically in the years to come. There has also been a clear impact on immune systems, which means that people jabbed could die, or get sick, from nearly anything and its aetiology could be traced back to the vaccine (admittedly a difficult trace).

I don’t think this skimming the scum was intended to be a quick skim. And I think the definition of “scum” in this case is simply “human.” It is generally a simple population skim—which of course does NOT include a certain percentile of the population (gee, I wonder who?)

The skim we are talking about could indeed take decades. I believe the initial excess mortality we see is temporary. We have to look at this from the perspective of the “long haul.”


This may all become much more obvious. There are more killer drugs on the horizon, more mRNA based vaccines, more boosters for Covid even, and certainly more boogieman diseases yet to be released (needless to say, they don’t have to “release” any “thing” other than fear.)

This killing spree democide may get horribly ugly. “Oh, no,” some might say, “they would not take the chance of becoming too obvious with all that.”

Hmmm…I beg to differ here. In my opinion they run more of a risk of being “found out” letting things calm down the way they have been doing. If they instigate another big fear campaign, they surely will pull back in any straggling sheep who have strayed from the herd. Distractions are their MO.

Those who know me know I have always said they still have more blood to squeeze out of the Covid turnip. I have been a bit silent on this recently lest people really do start believing I am a nut job. My reasoning for believing Covid has more of a run yet to be seen, is that people are conditioned well with the word “Covid.” Although we may think that many NPCs are tired of it and done with it all, that can only apply to the “old Covid.” All they have to do is come up with another variant, and most “sheep types” will be back on the hoof.

Now, as I say above, they may not be playing all this so overtly. The Guidestone Eugenics Credo of population reduction may not be high on the priority list anymore. Getting it started, as they have, may have been number one on the list when all this malarkey started, but once that locomotive has been put into motion, it will do its job in the background. If they reach their 500 million maximum population (that number is more than likely just a metaphor) in 50 years, or even more, that may be just fine.

Some say we are all doomed, not just the jabbed. Well, that could be true, but let’s not go there. Let’s step out into the spring air and breathe in a nice mask-less lung full of it. We have our job to do, let’s try to do it in joy and love.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Jeff the Beast
Jeff the Beast
Jun 16, 2023 1:06 PM

Scum like yourself? Go ahead…you pathetic scrap must end in the garbage dump of history!!!

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Jun 13, 2023 7:56 AM

I keep the faith beyond all appearances, and without being naive, in the fact that the scum always rises to the top, before being skimmed off.

The scum has well and clearly risen to the top and is clearly visible.

The top of the triangle of worldly power which has been constructed by men driven by a deep insecurity, based upon their disconnection from The Source. Vampires who feed off the energy of the ones who they possess and dominate

Surely the invitation for all of us as we move through this dark threshold is to clarify where we still entertain the illusory story which is the story of separation. A story which has been hardwired by the enculturation of materialistic values through the past 300 years or so.. Of course it has been running for much longer than that, but that’s enough for us to go on as we consider the programming and mental slavery of our ancestors through the past several generations.. The strongest beliefs and behavioural patterns we inheritted and have driven us from the unconscious.

Mamma Nature awaits those who are prepared to pause, turn inwards and re-pattern the codes within our DNA.

The ones who are seemingly dominant are soon to be skimmed off from their positions of illusory power.

The ones who have the courage to turn inwards and re-pattern so as to go through the initiation of opening the heart and remembering The Source of all true power and creativity against all the odds, are the ones who will awaken to True Power, which is loving service to all Beings and the planetary Being which birthed us all.

But it’s going to be messy and many millions of people will die in the process. In that process we must die to who we think we are and awaken to our true identity within the soul.. That’s where we’ll find the power which is invincible in the face of the machine.

Jun 12, 2023 10:12 PM

yes, you are all wrong. it is much worse than you think

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Jun 13, 2023 12:23 PM

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Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Jun 11, 2023 7:44 PM
Gordon McRae
Gordon McRae
Jun 11, 2023 8:18 AM

John Ioannidis has done some good work at breaking down some of the excess death statistics and also on the challenge of determining the relevance of various statistics.


jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jun 11, 2023 1:11 AM

apparently it’s just a coincidence that all the fires in Canada started simultaneously !

Jun 11, 2023 6:31 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Source? I am open minded: coincidences happen, but so does planned destruction — for instance the planned destruction of North Stream 2, and the attempted plan to destroy Holland’s farms.

Jun 12, 2023 12:52 PM
Reply to  NickM

Also the many disasters that closed food processing factories, especially in US, over the last 2 years.

Jun 14, 2023 11:31 AM
Reply to  NickM

Source for simultaneous ignition. Excuse the YTuber’s speculative excesses, the satellite data he captured via the nexrad feed documents the conditions at ignition. Notice that natural causes are one of the possible explanations, but nature only acts on this scale via tectonics or solar/meteor storms.

Jun 11, 2023 12:47 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Alberta is investigating. Danielle Smith has made a statement. YouTube has it.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 11, 2023 12:39 AM

The less people we are, the more porridge to us. The less men, the more girls to us.
Thats just the way it is and always will be.

Jun 11, 2023 12:48 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Are you OK?

Jun 11, 2023 12:57 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Uh oh Erik thinks he’s liked enough to not be considered scum and skimmed. He thinks he’s getting more food and sex. What a moron.

Gul Dukat
Gul Dukat
Jun 16, 2023 5:16 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Yeah! You are right. Save the World from Overpopulation. Be the First Hero, kill yourself!
Or like Bill Hicks said to the Merchandise-Advertising-Scumbags: ( https://genius.com/Bill-hicks-on-advertisers-and-marketing-annotated )
“By the way if anyone here is in advertising or marketing…kill yourself. It’s just a little thought; I’m just trying to plant seeds. Maybe one day they’ll take root – I don’t know. You try, you do what you can.

(Kill yourself.)

Seriously though, if you are, do.

Aaah, no really. There’s no rationalisation for what you do and you are Satan’s little helpers. Okay – kill yourself.

Seriously. You are the ruiner of all things good.


No this is not a joke. You’re [going], “There’s going to be a joke coming.” There’s no fucking joke coming. You are Satan’s spawn filling the world with bile and garbage. You are fucked and you are fucking us. Kill yourself. It’s the only way to save your fucking soul. Kill yourself

Planting seeds.

I know all the marketing people are going, “He’s doing a joke…” There’s no joke here whatsoever. Suck a tail-pipe, fucking hang yourself, borrow a gun from a Yank friend – I don’t care how you do it. Rid the world of your evil fucking machinations. (Machi…) Whatever, you know what I mean.

more … The late and great Bill Hicks on “Marketing”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaD8y-CGhMw
@Erik Nielsen Know this speech? “Who wants to fuck has to be nice” !?!?!
You are not “The nice Man”. You are the Attention-Vampirism-Scumbag, Dude!
Thanx for getting vaxxxed an boostered every month new!!!!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jun 10, 2023 10:52 PM

Just to say thanks to Todd and all of the commentators on this piece for a fascinating conversation.

It is very refreshing to have a bit of a good old chat without calling each other idiots.

Maybe we’re getting somewhere?

Jun 10, 2023 10:37 PM

This is when we assume others think as we do. Because most of us are decent people, and not sociopaths or psychopaths, we tend to assume that others are also driven by basic human motivations such as empathy, altruism, and kindness—or even just by the basic notion that other human beings are also deserving of life, self-determination, and dignity.”

This is an incredibly good observation! We think that others think the same way we do.

Most of the time we cannot understand that language is an instrument for eating and drinking and is not for playing cunning tricks! In that case you betray your fellow man. Like a Judas.

Jun 11, 2023 12:58 PM
Reply to  AntiSoof

I’ve never thought people think along “our” lines. For after all we, the thinkers, are heavily outnumbered.

Jun 10, 2023 9:57 PM

I’ve been harping on for the last few years here, that this entire covid op and the Great Reset itself, is a democide plan. Unfortunately, these democides occur frequently and often.

If we examine all the wars in the 20thC, the mass starvation campaigns, the one child policies, the free abortions and all the “vaccination“ campaigns, as first and foremost a profit making exercise AND democides, WHILST gaining ever more control, then these democides achieve multiple objectives, simultaneously.

The public have no idea how many trillions are going to be made: When more than one generation is murdered, “the state“ (privately owned corporate entities) collects all land, property, savings and assets of the deceased.

Democide is how the controllers burst the debt bubbles they create, whilst maintaining complete control.

The psychopathic parasite class view most of humanity as their meal ticket. Similar to how a farmer sees his herd of fattened cattle heading to the slaughterhouse; $$$ signs with zero remorse.

These sociopaths openly show glee in the killing, knowing full well that the injections have always been poisons not preventives: Watch Bill Gates get excited talking about injecting babies.

Or who could forget the repulsive Matt Hancock laughing at “Will Shakespeare” getting his poison jab. He apparently died a year later from the “life saving“ magic juice. Will Shakespeare died, not Hancock, unfortunately.

The controllers are the scum of society, a scourge on humanity. They should be outed, ostracized, shamed for their racketeering, their sociopathy, their conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to defraud the public using a fake “virus”.

This is why it’s integral for those of us who understand the facts, to challenge the validity of the virus theory. Because governments never had any scientific proof whatsoever, of ANY virus, hence all poison injections are not only unnecessary, they are the direct cause of multiple dis-eases.

The cryptocracy can’t afford to have the virus scam exposed, because more poison injections are planned.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jun 11, 2023 1:08 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Females eat their own young we came up with the morning after. Outside It’s not 1915 anymore Sweetness.

Cannon of the Loose Kind
Cannon of the Loose Kind
Jun 11, 2023 9:31 AM
Reply to  Researcher

to challenge the validity of the virus theory

You can challenge the virus theory all you want till the cows come home, but you’ll accomplish absolutely nothing.

First of all, you don’t have the first clue about the virus theory. You’re an imbecile online researcher who know zilch about biology. All you no-virus fanatics have is a semi-fallacious proof that the virology methodology is not entirely legit. You don’t even have a proof that it’s wrong – for that you’d have to propose a substantiated alternative theory – you only have a claim that it might not be fully correct.

In other words, you have complete shit.

Moreover, nobody gives a fuck about your claims, and rightfully so because you propose nothing. You propose no explanation, no alternative theory, complete zero.

So, if you wanna contribute to elucidating the cause of disease, stop running at the mouth about the virus, learn some biology, get a lab, perform some experiments, and come up with something that would challenge what virologists claim. Until then, kindly shut the fuck up, for you’re doing more harm then good.

Why? Because your whining about viruses – as much as your imbecilic self thinks that if it’s somehow ruled that virology is bullshit (who exactly is gonna deliver that ruling?) medical totalitarianism will disappear as if with a stroke of a magic wand – does only one thing. It opens another rift among people, creates another useless false dilemma, or fake binary as they call it here. It will have no effect on the totalitarian appetite of the elites because they can replace the virus with any number of other things that will work just fine (even though the virus is most convenient).

Jun 11, 2023 12:56 PM

Well said. I lost respect for Patrick Henningsen who I still listen to a bit but he always bring MR. No Such Thing As A Virus, Steve Falconer.
Ol’ Steve is a Guru to the Flat Earth Cult.
Patrick says ” virology is a hoax” nearly every episode. I can’t prove shit. But I ain’t preaching shit either .

It is a split in the freedom movement as you say. This is its purpose . Those like ex -junkie Jesse Zurewll who also have fallen into the camp, may or may not be TAINT AGENTS!!!


Jun 11, 2023 1:03 PM

Theirs no pandemic mate.

Cannon on the Loose
Cannon on the Loose
Jun 11, 2023 2:00 PM
Reply to  Koba

There is no pandemic. But that doesn’t mean that the virus theory is wrong, as interesting as the issue is (FYI, I very much share the doubts the no-virus people express, albeit not in their fanatical way).

The point is that all the no-virus people is a small dent in the virology methodology. Nothing else. That’s like FUCKING NOTHING.

And the bottom line is that in regard to the medical totalitarianism that is being foisted on humanity, it DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER. The would-be dictators can use a long line of other things to accomplish the same thing.

So, you wanna spend your life getting to the bottom of what causes the common fucking cold? Be my guest. Get a lab and poke there into some slimy shit for the rest of your days. You can periodically let us know what you’ve come up with.



Jun 12, 2023 3:48 AM

Wrong. On every count. Controls disprove virology. End of story. The scientific method requires the use of controls in experiments. Otherwise they are unpublishable, unverifiable, unreproducible, unscientific nonsense.

I don’t care what rude, psychotic liars who don’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re” think.

I’m only replying to your ignorant rant for the sake of those that are curious to know the truth. The following is for them, not you.


2) Then virologists would have to prove this (as yet unfound) particle is chemically and molecularly unique from any endogenous particle.

3) This can only be achieved through isolation and purification, which is commonly done for numerous microscopic particles such as exosomes, bacteria and proteins.

4) Virologists would then have to prove that this unique, exogenous particle is the sole cause of a disease, through numerous control experiments in animals and humans.

Since NONE of those basic steps, (Koch’s or River’s postulates) have ever been successfully undertaken, billions should at least be informed of this FACT.

The public aren’t aware that there’s zero scientific evidence for either contagion or viruses. They must be made aware, so they can decide for themselves whether to follow instructions from some fraud on tv reading a Department of Defense script, or use their own common sense and deductive reasoning.

The individuals and groups trying to keep the virus scam and the contagion myth alive are highly paid shills. They also claim that if people just vote for X instead of Y they’ll magically attain freedom. The definition of insanity (and stupidity) is repeating the same behavior and expecting a different result.

The controlled opposition virus shills are the pied pipers of Hopium and BS, literally running the clock out, until the cryptocracy manufacture the next faux crisis or pandemic.

That no virus exists is a FACT. It was never anything more than a false claim made by a fraud called Pasteur, who’s since been exposed as a charlatan, liar and plagiarist.

There’s no viral test in existence that has ever been validated, since the tests run by doctors and labs NEVER test for a virus.

Instead, they test for antibodies which are non-specific, and already exist in our blood. In the case of the PCR manufacturing technique, closed door labs look for partial gene sequences that are non-viral and are already exist in the human genome. The so-called viral “tests“ are invalid, generating useless, false statistics.

All viral tests are fraudulent and illegitimate. And easily proven so.

Since there’s no experiment or study proving contagion either, then the claim that any human is capable of spreading illness or disease to another is nothing more than a superstition using fear programming and the repetition of lies. It has no basis either in science or biology.

The campaign to make humans believe that neighbors, families, friends and strangers are disease ridden, contagious, walking germ factories is false and an abomination.

Common symptoms that everyone experiences, called “colds and flus“ are not viral, but the expression of toxins and cellular debris through the muscosal pathways, skin and lungs, usually occurring seasonally, after increased electromagnetic and/or environmental and chemical pollutants.

Toxicology not virology.

These environmental and chemical toxicological assaults aren’t usually serious unless treated incorrectly. IE; iatrogenic murder from the unwarranted use of RX drugs and mechanical ventilation, such as in 2020.

Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Jun 12, 2023 7:59 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You’re either a fucking shill or a mega fucking idiot.

All of what you’re saying is basically true. Whether it’s relevant in biological sense, I don’t know, and I don’t particularly care. It is certainly irrelevant within the realm of medicine because for you to make a case, you’d HAVE TO PROPOSE A VIABLE ALTERNATIVE TO THE VIRAL THEORY, as opposed to endlessly trying to hump virologists’ legs. Get that through your demented head already. NOBODY’S GONNA LISTEN TO YOU.

What’s much more important, however, is that the virus is only one of many possible vehicles the PTB can use to impose totalitarian control over humanity. If, say tomorrow, some authority ruled that viruses don’t exist and that it was a giant error (no such authority exists and if it did it wouldn’t do it), the PTB would turn on a dime and misuse whatever was the next most suitable means, most likely one of the imbecilisms cretins like you propose (in a totally unsubstantiated manner) as an alternative, i.e. “synchronization of annual detox”. Even a stupido like you can probably imagine the various ways in which they could do that. Or they’ll use climate change.

And like that, you’ll be fighting all these vehicles one by one as they keep pulling them, and they’ll happily keep imposing their will.

You have to oppose the concept, the gross abuse of collectivist ideology on the part of the authorities, and, more generally, the consumerist-capitalist civilizational system.

Virus, virology, and all this shit is just about totally irrelevant.

Get this through your head.

I’m completely sick and tired of you no-virus cretins who do nothing but open a rift among well-meaning people by pursuing this idiotic issue. I suspect that quite a number of you are fucking shills employed precisely for this purpose, about a half. The other half are fucking idiots. I don’t know which one you are, you could be either.

Time to call this no-virus bullshit for what it is. It is an interetsing medical issue of ZERO importance in societal terms.

Jun 14, 2023 3:55 PM
Reply to  Loose Cannon

STFU with your faith based medicine! i think it is time to start following people who text and drive and slap them in the face – see you in traffic phktard!

Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Jun 12, 2023 11:44 AM
Reply to  Researcher


Re: Toxins.

Kindly provide an isolated and purified sample of the exact toxin that causes whatever you claim it causes, describe the mechanism using the scientific method, and we’ll talk.

Until then, shut the feck up, for your blather is endlessly less scientific than what virologists have.

Jun 12, 2023 6:56 PM
Reply to  Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Jun 12, 2023 7:17 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Furnish an isolated purified sample of the toxin that causes, say, the flu, explain the mechanism how the disease is induced using a scientifically sound methodology (that would be the exact opposite of your mad croaking), and I’ll kiss your ass.

I’m all ears and in a way you’re preaching to the choir.

What you don’t get is that nobody gives a fuck about your dogmatic fanaticism. You don’t have shit and you’ll convince no one.

All you do is break up the dissent movement and focus people’s energy on a non-issue of no consequence instead of doing something positive.

Shove the stuff about trolling and lying back into your asshole.

Until now, I’ve been thinking that you’re a deluded fanatic, but if you keep going on, I’ll have no choice but to consider you a government shill.

Jun 12, 2023 6:23 PM

No, Jaques you psychotic, pathological lying, Freemasonic shill.

No alternative explanation needs to be supplied to prove fraud.

It’s a LEGAL issue of conspiracy to commit scientific fraud, and conspiracy to commit murder by injection. The published evidence of fraud and conspiracy is overwhelming. It’s in the scientific literature and on government websites and health agencies.

No alternative needs to be provided.

Stop repeating LIES such as this.

Your total lack of legal or scientific knowledge is why you need to fuck off, and stop trolling with your repetition of lies.

There is no such thing as “collectivism“ because there is no consent, implied or otherwise within the general populace.

The rights of individual men and women supersede legal fictions – corporations – “the state”.

Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Jun 12, 2023 6:47 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You’re deluded idiot, period.

Where are you gonna prove the alleged “fraud”? Nobody gives a fuck. Not to mention that you don’t prove nothing.

Don’t you get it you myopic twit? Even if you were 100% right about your claims, which is highly questionable, it would make zero difference. There is no, I repeat NO, authority that gives a shit, that will listen to you, that will somehow intervene and possibly rule in your favor.

The only way how you could achieve anything would be convincing the general public that virology is bullshit, but the only way to do that is to present an alternative, viable, substantiated theory. Otherwise, nobody will listen to you. And they’ll have a point – all you have is a convoluted methodological construct that shows that virology is not 100% legit. You don’t prove them wrong, you prove them not certifiably right. And even if you proved them certifiably wrong, people would still not give a flying fuck in the absence of an alternative.

You’re an endlessly negative person, as are most other no-virus fanatics, and you propose nothing. All you do is oppose. Fuck that. OK, the no-virus side have made their point; it’s time to move on. Present something positive. If you don’t have anything and all you can muster is attack others, then GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Also, it would behoove you to stop using words like murder, fraud, and so on because they have a specific legal meaning, wherewith your uneducated self evidently hasn’t been acquainted.

I’m sick an tired of moronic, paranoid, fanatical, dogmatic idiots of your ilk.

Jun 11, 2023 1:00 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“The controllers are the scum of society, a scourge on humanity. They should be outed, ostracized, shamed for their racketeering, their sociopathy, their conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to defraud the public using a fake “virus”.”
Major fatal error. You just want them outed, isolated and “shamed”. I want them executed. Your plan would leave them Scot free and they enough money to bamboozle enough idiots.

Jun 12, 2023 3:26 AM
Reply to  Koba

I mentioned only step one. Out them first, then put them on trial. After those initial steps, a jury (or a mob) will then decide their ultimate fate.

Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Jun 12, 2023 8:01 AM
Reply to  Researcher

put them on trial

Put who one trial? Where? There is no authority, no court, no venue that will ever deliver the kind of ruling you imagine.

In part because YOU HAVE NO FUCKING EVIDENCE, you dimwit.

Jun 10, 2023 9:53 PM

The concept, “Others do not think as we do”, is a very important one.

Jun 10, 2023 8:49 PM

Where I work (food co-op) about 25% of staff and shoppers are still wearing masks. I think my community would “happily” dive right back into covid mode, no problem. They will be happy to don their masks and social distance, yada, bs, etc. I kept my stance a secret the whole time. Whenever people starting talking about their jabs, boosters, getting covid, etc. I would leave the room, so I never had to engage in a “When did you get the vaccine…” conversation, and no one asked me directly. I can practically feel the underlying eagerness to reengage with the whole drama.

Jun 10, 2023 11:51 PM
Reply to  Lulu

So many loved it. For all manner of reasons.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jun 11, 2023 1:47 AM
Reply to  Lulu

Lulu Rarely do I witness Public facial coverings. Where you Work and it’s been pointed out billions of times, You are NOT a member of the public while at Work!
If you Travelling from Home and commenting as if you are home your a propagandist fibber. These were led by 2019-20 feminist ‘wokies’ on social medium programming platforms inside thankfully not practically outside in the actural encircling Public domains up to the March ’20 coronavirus Act.

Jun 11, 2023 12:58 PM
Reply to  Lulu

We are a testing ground for the military.

Jun 11, 2023 1:04 PM
Reply to  Lulu

Would help if you tell us where this community is. Many people forget or simply don’t know this is a British website. And expect us to accept what is said when in Britain very very few people are masked U anymore. So this must be a Canada USA Ozzie problem.

Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin
Jun 12, 2023 11:33 AM
Reply to  Lulu

Here in North West Wales you only see the odd person wearing a mask. Weirdly, a large proportion of them are young women with coloured hair.

I got asked have I had a vaccine and I (hand on heart) kept saying “yes, loads, hep b, hep c, yellow fever.” It took me a good while to realise they just meant the C19 vaccine! Covid is so far from the public consciousness here, apart from the assessing and unpacking of the house arrest.

j d
j d
Jun 10, 2023 7:40 PM

This energetic difference between the Heart and the heart defines our existence. Rockets into space looks like a phallic, male phenomenon, but it is actually a heart-centred activity, in the lower-case h sense of the word, as are wars between competing interests. Making more and more money, where it occurs to the exclusion of all else, whether practiced by men or women, is a lower-case h heart-centred phenomenon. But connection, spirituality and co-operation, these are Heart with a capital-H centred activities. In the coming years the hounds of hell will be unleashed as the old Demonic Masculine order fights a rear-guard action against the new Demonic Feminine order. The Demonic Masculine exits and then we meet the new boss, same as the old boss, the Demonic Feminine. Nothing gets better – and many things get even worse – because, and this is the crucial bit, the rulership of the world, though shifting from men to women, is still demonic.

Of course, in daily life there are many confusions and grey areas where it will be very hard to see the line between these two things. The Divine Feminine will be present, but she won’t rule for a long time yet, just as the Divine Masculine has always been present but has barely, if ever, held power. There will be no peace until the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine rule together.

On the Earth vibration, all is duality, but it’s not simply the duality of men and women, but that of the Divine and the Demonic. The Divine Masculine, the pure solar energy, seeded ideas into our consciousness around conquest, battle and struggle. But what was intended as the need to wage an inner spiritual war was hijacked by the Demonic side and externalised into mechanised, global warfare which killed millions. The Divine Feminine, the pure lunar principle, birthed into our consciousness the idea of being more reflective and caring for others. But what was intended as the need to incubate and nurture the future, was hijacked by the Demonic and externalised into self-serving, impersonal bureaucracies of ‘care’, like the welfare state, which were willing to lockdown the entire planet if it saved one more life.

If all this plays itself out as I expect then we are just few moves away from a full-on, real-life, female dictator, an embodiment of the Demonic Feminine who will have no reservations about harnessing the full power of an unaccountable state to compel you to do what she determines to be right. Many people, completely convinced by the idea that her ascension must represent the next phase of progress, and so sick of the chaos and fighting of their Pluto Return, will welcome her with open arms. The Divine Feminine would not go anywhere near authoritarianism, but the Demonic Feminine is happy to forcibly silence all who disagree with her. If you want to know what the future looks like think Servalan from Blakes 7, though probably with longer hair. Don’t look for refuge from this in the misguided ideals of the Age of Aquarius either. The Age of Aquarius is the Reign of Saturn, and who ever heard of any kind of freedom and liberty under that planet? The trouble is that the Demonic Feminine will have a kind-of-truth on her side – the truth that democracy is woefully ill-equipped to deal with the situation now facing us. The snag of course, is that her solutions will mean the end of freedom as we have known it.

Of course, it doesn’t have to go like this. We can escape this matrix, if we are willing to look reality in the eye and see progress for the deceit that it is. But one aspect of that deceit, which we cannot avoid, is the bogus idea that men are bad and women are good. Instead, the Divine and the Demonic exist in everyone. The determining factor, the thing that shows what kind of person you really are is not your sex or gender, or for that matter your race or nationality. It is your divinity.”

Extract from “From Monarchy Democracy and Beyond. Part 3. By Richard Abbot:

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jun 11, 2023 3:04 AM
Reply to  j d

Rockets into Space are definable as motherships voyages from where they were launched. A total of universal international collaboration. To Twist the termination what constitutes a Man, is robotic Publicly on Earth emblically politically idiotic Fantasy.
Reality practical applications utterly separated from warmongering monolithic ideology.
Big Bertha’s Cities destructive Guns were Mothers that wraught destruction havoc, deathly Payloads. Those beforehand and after mathically term as a calibrated Paid Load. That means everyone pays for it.
One way or another Total European Continental War.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 10, 2023 7:34 PM

I simply stopped talking to friends about covid. There was no point. They were never going to listen to me. My mother (93 years old) continues to put herself forward for the jabs despite knowing what I think and even listening to me with empathy. The trouble is that for every minute I talk to her, there is perhaps a day’s worth of TV propaganda that bludgeons her brain.

At least I don’t see the fucking masks so much though it is interesting that in some places I note that people are automatically spacing themselves out again.

Perhaps there is some kind of subliminal force at work. We had to wear masks at work for a year or two. Then we were permitted to take them off. Lately I have felt a strange “nakedness” without the mask. I never missed it before that. Is there some kind of drip drip drip suggestion going on somewhere? Maybe it’s the 1984 end scenario whereby even the most resistant suddenly experience a collapse and cry into their whisky over Big Brother?

Jun 11, 2023 1:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I have placed many jabbed family members (for my friends didn’t get jabbed for the most part cos they didn’t believe any of it) in a “oh well” category. When they go I have accepted it and been brave enough to say “they were herded sheep no better than the other non family sheep I’d love to see culled”. Major case of tough tit.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 10, 2023 6:58 PM

What we are witnessing is DEMOCIDE.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 7:04 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

I agree.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 10, 2023 6:57 PM

TPTB should not be assumed to be human.
Based on how twisted history is and all the BS taught about the nature of our world, they could easily be some form of artificial organism, machines or Golems.

Even humans that suffer from sociopathy or psychopathy, eventually have a conscience, and expose themselves.

There is nothing new under the sun.
Revelation isn’t an event, it is a cycle.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 7:04 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

I am beginning to think this might be true.

Jun 10, 2023 9:58 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

The striking thing, for me, is that there seems to be an astonishingly sudden increase in the numbers of these humanoids. Which reminds me that there is a story in the Bible about a demon possessing a man, and when asked who he was, replied, “I am Legion”.

Or perhaps they are just refugees from Hell – no room left for them there?

At any rate, this is no Hollywood movie…

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 11, 2023 12:32 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Evil spirit (demon/devil) possession always includes many entities…for some odd reason.

Jun 11, 2023 1:25 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen


Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jun 10, 2023 10:59 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

You may relate to this, they adopt hosts from the power families, apparently.

Jun 11, 2023 12:28 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Try this A.I. is not artificial, it’s like a portal for disembodied entities. https://rumble.com/v2r2s4g-final-days.html?fbclid=IwAR0uCngzxXK1sPNgNJlNJX8PDiqFN23bN8pMYbndPQoXrix72B8vOyrvQPw

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jun 11, 2023 10:20 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

wetiko a real (mind) virus

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jun 10, 2023 6:46 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-06-07. OffG’s Quick Take: Lockdown was NOT a “policy mistake”…It was murder. Time you started to work for PEACE (blog, gab, tweet).

Jun 11, 2023 12:32 AM
Reply to  Paul Prichard
Jun 11, 2023 6:21 AM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

From your blog:

“‘ … all these athletes have suffered heart problems after COVID shots. At the time of initial writing, 28 died. That was not normal, but then, 10 days later, 56 deaths were listed, and the numbers are climbing. Any other real vaccine would have been pulled off the market long before now. … And governments are continuing on and running TV and radio and newspaper ads encouraging people to get their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th shot. …

‘The deaths and severe reactions will continue until so many people die that it becomes obvious the shot is … worse than the virus it is supposed to treat’.

‘These athletes are the canaries in the mine that warn us of imminent danger.”

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 10, 2023 6:30 PM
Jun 10, 2023 6:20 PM

Hi Todd

I enjoy reading what you write, except the references to Hitler and The Nazis. What happened during this period of history is not as simple as many think. My mother grew up in Britain during WW2 and I believed, until later in life, that Hitler was a madman and his evil henchmen murdered 6 million Jews.

I have now learned to be more circumspect about the whole affair. For example, I have come across evidence that supports the view that Hitler was Jewish and was a puppet of the Jewish bankers, a “judas goat” for the German people. Then, Miles Mathis puts forward the view that Hitler and the high ranking Nazis were, in fact, Jewish homosexual actors. Sounds crazy, but is it? Having read several revisionist historians, I am convinced that the 6 million gassed and incinerated Jews is fiction and was logistically impossible.

So it goes. Why did the Germans allow the British to escape at Dunkirk? Did “The Few” really win the Battle of Britain or did the Luftwaffe pull out of the fight when victory was in sight? Why did Hitler over-ride his generals in the east, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?

I do not claim to know the truth and I doubt whether anyone does. The rich and powerful weave their webs and “the victors” write the history books and they don’t tell it as it was. All I can say is that, in my view, comments like “Wasn’t that Hitler’s intention in Europe in 1933?” are suspect. It may, or may not, have been and I would challenge anyone to prove it either way.


Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 8:41 PM
Reply to  Ian

I am curious to know exactly what offends you about my references to Hitler and National Socialism. I am not obsessed with the “conventional historical facts” about all that, and seldom write about it. I do believe, and may be wrong, that Hitler was a totalitarian ruler and believed in the absoluteness of his rule—a true personification of a dictator. Are you arguing that this is not a fact? Are you arguing that Hitler did not write Mein Kampf? A lot of my beliefs about him come from his own writing. As well as the transcripts of the Nuremberg trials.

Also his speeches, are you implying that his speeches were altered in some way? Or that photographs of the Nazi obsessions with power, military might, and eugenics were not real? Or fabricated? Mengele’s work?

I am respectfully curious. Please send links to alternative views of Hitler and Nazism, I truly would like to learn.

However, I again state that my depth of reference to Hitler is relatively simple and not very deep. It does not matter if Hitler killed six million Jews or not for my points about him to be accurate. And even if nothing I have said is true, I can still refer to the popular metaphor and symbology of Hitler as a reference.

Jun 11, 2023 11:31 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Hi Todd

You haven’t offended me at all. Having some interest in many of the aspects of WW2, I have reservations about the use of “the popular metaphor and symbology of Hitler”.

As I said in my post, I am not going to argue any particular point of view because I simply don’t know, and I do not believe many do. What I do know, though, is that the popularly believed version of what happened is as full of holes as the proverbial Swiss cheese, and is probably as close to fact as 19 Arabs with box knives did 9/11!

I have read Mein Kampf more than once and found it somewhat different from the blurb on the cover: the most evil book ever written. Really, there is more hate and vengeance in the Old Testament, which I have also read more than once. As to Hitler having written it, I have read research that says maybe he didn’t.

Regarding Mengele, there are alternative views and who he was and what he did. The testimonies given at the Nuremberg trials are probably not accurate historically either. Confessions were extracted by torture – there is ample evidence of that. The defendants were not allowed proper legal representation and some American lawyers involved even spoke out against what they saw as a miscarriage of justice.

I could go on, like the executions of those sentenced to death. The hangings were done in private and the bodies were allegedly cremated. The ashes were disposed of secretly, so as to “avoid those hanged becoming martyrs”. Were they hanged? Then there was the whole Rudolf Hess story. Hitler’s body was never found. The skull the Soviets had which they claimed was his turned out to be female when subjected to DNA testing.

I’m probably being too judgmental when I expect a site that claims “facts should be sacred” to be more attentive to the facts, or at least the possibility that the “popular metaphor and symbology” is misleading. My apologies.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to engage with me. If you are genuinely interested in some “alternative” reading, I’ll put together something for you. As with the official stories of what happened, one needs to be circumspect when dealing with the alternatives. There are many rabbit holes in The Matrix, as I’m sure you are aware!

King regards

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 12, 2023 6:55 PM
Reply to  Ian

Nice reply, thank you. I have no problem believing that things in Germany during that time in reality deviate from the official record. Considering all we know about manipulation, surely it would be present in that history.

I actually feel that I am relatively aware of this when I write…I try very hard not to make definitive statements about much…and it probably IS true that when I mention Hitler and NS I am falling back on my “conventional” knowledge about that era and the people in it.

I would be VERY interested to read or see any of this “alternative” Hitler stuff…I am a bit of a Nazi “scholar” (at least in interest) so anything that gets closer to the truth is definitely of interest.

I agree about Mein Kampf. I actually did not see it as the “most evil book” ever written. It was a bit whacked, sure, but I was expecting something much more sinister.

Knowing what I know about psychology I would doubt seriously that Hitler would have killed himself. So I am on board with that one.

Anyway…send me info if you can. My email is [email protected]


Jun 11, 2023 12:38 AM
Reply to  Ian

You can say that one name and convey a whole lot of meaning, even if the historical facts are inaccurate. When you say to people NAZI, or Hitler, they know what you mean. I say to people, we now know who among us would have supported Hitler.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 12, 2023 6:58 PM
Reply to  Speedwellian

That is why I say I feel that I can use, as a writer, Hitler and Nazi’s at the very least as a metaphor…even though it might not give justice to the REAL Hitler. There are all kinds of things like this you must just buckle up to as a writer, you can’t explain everything if you want to write an article in less than 10,000 words…

Jun 10, 2023 5:46 PM

Genocide. Interesting. They did it/do it to indigenous peoples who, i am guessing, could/can not possibly understand the concept of genocide, colonialism, empire or enslaving an “other”. This realization took a long time. But all of us now should take heed and realize that leaders are sociopaths within mass culture. We need to eliminate them just as small indigenous tribes would fire or exile tyrants not keeping within their lane. But we keep voting for tyrants to make decisions for us. We need a ramp out of “representative” (bullshit) “republics” and graduate to direct democracy where we decide OUR policies and budget. We have the technology to achieve this in the modern mass culture of the 21st C. When the sociopath leader class gets wealthy and has bigger weapons, they go rogue on us Ordies who just want a decent, moderate paced life with family & friends, like low-tech indigenous peoples did. The continued belief in “leaders”, in essence “parents” to take care of us like children, is a dangerous even species-terminal mindset to abandon. Imho.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 10, 2023 6:31 PM
Reply to  sandy

Direct Democracy is nothing more than mob rules. Two wolves and a lamb deciding what will be for dinner. A lynch mob where the only dissenting voice is the person about to be lynched.

It is a form of collectivism where the individual has no rights unless the mob says so.

Supporting any form of government that does not place the rights and liberties of the individual above the mob, is tyranny, PERIOD. To support such a thing is ignorance of the highest order.

Your Tyrant Social Credit Score just increased.

Jun 10, 2023 7:08 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

You’re ideological idiot score just broke the meter.

Jun 10, 2023 10:04 PM
Reply to  sandy


Jun 11, 2023 4:34 AM
Reply to  sandy

This Frey character is a feeble minded neocon.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 1:35 PM

Obviously you speak from experience.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 1:35 PM
Reply to  sandy

That isn’t an argument that refutes my assertion.
Try harder.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 8:44 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

From what I have read, Ayn Rand was not a real fan of democracy either, although she supposedly abhorred Soviet rule. She said a majority mob of stupid people would make stupid decisions.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jun 10, 2023 9:00 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Maybe stupid decisions are better than evil decisions, all in all. We legalized the weed in the state I live, by mob rule, because the so called representatives would not.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 1:56 PM

Obviously you are ignorant about the 9th and 10th Amendments that never granted the power to government to regulate plants. It is also called NULLIFICATION and primary principle of our Representative Constitutional Republic.

So you want Direct Democracy, unless that mob doesn’t agree with you.

Try harder at proving you are intelligent.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jun 11, 2023 2:24 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Obviously you think you’re smarter than you are. You say the same shit over and over (“try harder”, “you’re not intelligent”, etc.) to everyone and are just a broken record. I didn’t reply to you, stop replying to me smart ass. I’m tired of your shit.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 11, 2023 7:16 PM

Nothing you have said refutes my assertion z because you can’t.
When people make intelligent comments and don’t contradict themselves and don’t ignore history, I will stop saying what I say.

Don’t care how tired you are and if you can’t handle someone replying to your public comments then get off the internet.

Jun 10, 2023 10:09 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

One of the few things I have ever wholeheartedly agreed with her about.

Jun 10, 2023 10:47 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I cannot believe we are going to lock up creative thought towards a social solution with the old tired “majority rule is mob rule” nonsense. This is false binary thinking. The founding fathers devised this current scheme to protect the rights of individuals and society from tyrants like King George. The form of republic, representative governing, is a proven, nail in the coffin failure in the modern era of infinite access to money and authority for a leader class. Do y’all think that those of us who want DD are going to become somehow, collectively, tyrants? Really? The desire to collectively decide large overriding policies like war, poverty, racism, class inequality and equal access to resources for all will be tyrannical on individuals? I’ve said this on the following on these pages many times. Any version of DD is going to protect individual’s freedoms to live life the way they want. You don’t even have to participate if you don’t want, being secure that someone won’t come knocking on your door telling you what to do. The objective of DD is to secure equality for all to access a decent joyous life and to eliminate US foreign empire. Not nitpick behaviors determined by tyrants to be unacceptable. A Public Commons that provides basic services and backstops tragedy without capitalist profit dictating it’s function. And limits to wealth and authority by any person or organization so what’s happening now never happens again. This is all doable. And a first key reason for this is to protect individual’s rights as in the Constitution and should be expanded to bodily autonomy. Libertarians, contrary to what they think, have nothing to lose here except possibly accumulating inordinate wealth. Boo hoo.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jun 10, 2023 11:23 PM
Reply to  sandy

Rock on sandy. Some have a hard time separating the ideals of a constitutional republic with the constitutional construct of a representative government, which is clearly not in consonance with those ideals and never has been. Therefore, they blame it on We the People, i.e., the mob. We let anyone become a politician, as long as they get the votes, but we won’t let everyone be one? We clearly need a new government system, therefore a new constitution. Or maybe two of them, one for those in favor of rule by the wealthy, i.e., oligarchy, and one in favor of freedom.

Jun 11, 2023 5:21 AM

Thanks Albert. And exile the oligarchy with their own Constitution, to Alba where they can beat each other to death until extinction of the class.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 1:54 PM

Since you have all the solutions, why aren’t you already writing the next Declaration of Independence, form of government and constitution?

Also Direct Democracy isn’t new.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 7:45 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Downvote does not refute the assertions made.
You fail at trying.

Jun 11, 2023 4:47 AM
Reply to  sandy

Individual freedom is possible with DD but would need to be guaranteed independent of democracy i.e. the public can vote on all policies but a majority vote for tyrannical policies would be null and void. In other words, democracy cannot put an end to liberty.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 2:00 PM
Reply to  TRT

Since you think you have the answer, why aren’t you writing a book or something similar to educate everyone?

This is why the Representative Constitutional Republic requires a 75% majority to even alter the Bill of Rights and why the first 10 Amendments are INALIENABLE RIGHTS.

How exactly is what you are proposing significantly different than a Representative Constructional Republic?

Try harder.

Jun 11, 2023 4:45 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

With direct democracy the public can vote directly on policies. That is the difference. But yes, we would need a democratic media free of oligarchic control to make it viable. Calm down and try harder to respectfully disagree with someone.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 7:45 PM
Reply to  TRT

A Direct Democracy would not recognize INALIENABLE RIGHTS, because in a DD, everything and anything can be voted in or out.

DD is nothing more than a variation of collectivism, PERIOD.

Having an honest press core or media system, would not change what a DD is, or how it works.

That you people think you are smarter than all the men that penned the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and argued the intent in the Federalist Papers, is laughable at best. No wonder Europe is still a cesspool of tyrants and aristocrats.

If you were actually that smart, you could prove it by starting your own nation, with a better form of government. You would at least publish a book about it.

Get busy.

Jun 11, 2023 8:56 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

I specifically stated that with direct democracy you would have to firmly establish safeguards to protect liberty. That would be paramount. So no, voters would not be able to terminate inalienable rights if those safeguards were established. Oligarchy would have a much more difficult time capturing this system than capturing a relatively small number of representatives.

Sadly, we could have a meaningful discussion on this subject if you weren’t so rude and belligerent. I actually don’t have faith in the ‘mob’, particularly after the past three few years, far from it, but I do think a liberty-guided direct democracy would be an improvement over a system that is more susceptible to oligarchic capture leading to tyranny. I think the constitution and bill of rights were brilliant creations for their time and should still serve as inspiration in the fight against today’s totalitarian takeover.

By the way, although I have published a book on a related subject, I don’t believe you need to write one to be allowed an opinion on any subject.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 12, 2023 12:01 AM
Reply to  TRT

Then what you are proposing isn’t a Direct Democracy, because that isn’t how a DD works.

What are you going to protect those liberties with? A constitution that you have already condemned as a current failure?

Who is going to protect those liberties from the democratic mob? How will they be protected?

What world do you live in where the mob (AKA Masses) aren’t already captured by media propaganda and gaslighted by narratives that TPTB want?

We can’t have a conversation because what you are proposing is preposterous. How is what you are proposing any different that what the USA has in it’s Representative Constitutional Republic? If not representatives, then who? You think the mob is going to protect you from the mob?

I am insulted that you and others think you are smarter than the framers of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. I dare anyone to try and pen a better form of government, that recognizes inalienable rights, including the right to bear arms.

If you can’t write anything more inspirational, then what exactly do you think you are doing? Maybe the correct course of action, as the framers explicitly stated many times, is to defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Documents that no one promised would ever stop tyranny without vigilance from We the People.

Never said you have to write a book to have an opinion.

I basically said condemning the Constitution and Bill of Rights as a failure, when it really isn’t, and asserting that you have better ideas, that you should write and book and prove it.

Honestly, if you are smarter than the framers of the USA’s Representative Constitutional Republic, I would be one of the first to buy your book.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 1:52 PM
Reply to  sandy

Mob rule is exactly what a Direct Democracy is and that cannot be refuted because it is an undeniable fact.

The USA’s Representative Constitutional Republic is not a failure. If it was, we would have already lost free speech and our guns, like the rest of the so called Free Western Culture. If we were, or became, a Direct Democracy, the mind controlled zombies, the same ones crying for poison jabs, would easily be manipulated to vote rights away. That people like you cannot see this is sad.

The fact that the USA’s government is as corrupt as the rest of the world is not a refutation of the form of government, it is evidence that We the People have failed at vigilance and holding the guards of government accountable for their corruption and crimes. The very reason we have the First Amendment and the Second Amendment.

That you think a Direct Democracy protects anything is opposite of intelligent. Not to mention that the voting system is corrupt to the core, and that the masses are totally manipulated by MSM and all manner of government psyops. A government that is aligned against individual rights.

The lack of intelligence in your position is only proof that your IQ is the same as your shoe size.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jun 11, 2023 2:28 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Listen to you man, what a piece of work. Insulting everyone you talk to and acting like you know more than anyone else.
Why don’t you try harder not being an asshole.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 11, 2023 7:18 PM

I’m flattered that you think calling me an asshole matters. After over 25 years of marriage to the same woman, you have to try harder than that

History proves that my assertions are at least accurate. Nothing you have said refutes those assertions.

Keep trying.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jun 11, 2023 9:03 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Damn you’re weird. Whatever dude, keep on trolling.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 12, 2023 12:02 AM

Weird is an honorific in today’s clown world.
Calling me weird is not an argument.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jun 10, 2023 5:43 PM

Watched a video of Bill Cooper the other day, from 1999, where he discusses the alien “scam” and how it would be used to scare people into the New World Order. He was a U.S patriot, and predicted a civil war based on freedom. He said what many others have said, there are too many of us that will never give in, that believe in the ideals of the Constitution and will fight to keep them, just as many of us had sworn to defend the Constitution when drafted or enlisting in the military.
Ya, buddy.

Like that ELO song,
“Looks like we’re ridin’ on the same train
Looks as though there’ll be more pain
There’s gonna be a showdown” 

No, we ain’t gonna let these punks win.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jun 10, 2023 5:33 PM

“Wasn’t that Hitler’s intention in Europe in 1933?”

German National Socialism is the product of the Versailles Treaty that broke Germany and put the German people literally on its knees; literally. Besides the astronomical, arbitrary and impossible Reparations imposed on its people, It forbid her to have commercial relations with other countries without the capricious nod of Britain and France. And the Versailles treaty means WWI, and WWI means Britain and France among major actors but chiefly Britain, and Britain means Capitalism.

Criticising German National Socialism, Hitler, its propaganda and war machines, the horrors of WWII without investigating the determinations that brought them about is a methodological errancy.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 10, 2023 6:34 PM

Germany was being destroyed for multiple reasons by TPTB.
Hitler and his cadre where the puppets that carried than plan to fruition.
WW2 also allowed the Balfour Agreement to be fully executed.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 8:56 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

For the record, there is no doubt in my mind that this is true…to an extent…but I still hold to my position that Hitler was not an innocent babe in this whole affair, and that National Socialism was, at its core, a manifestation of psychopathology.

Jun 11, 2023 4:39 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

The Balfour declaration was issued in 1917. The banksters started WW2 for profits, for the fun of a big bloodbath and for an excuse to create Israel. It is possible that Hitler was complicit and controlled by the central banksters.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 1:44 PM

Obviously you don’t know what the Balfour Agreement says.
Never said it wasn’t issued in 1917. I said it wasn’t fully executed until after WW2 when there was enough public support, due to the holocaust, to displace the Palestinians for Israelites.

Try harder.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 7:37 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Down vote does not refute my factual assertion.
Try harder at proving you don’t have down syndrome.

Jun 11, 2023 2:59 PM

I seriously don’t think he was.

Jun 11, 2023 3:19 PM

For more on the Balfour declaration, people should listen to Benjamin Freedman’s 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel (on bitchute). He was an insider, assistant to Bernard Baruch (yesterday’s Soros/Rothschild agent), and he witness the behind-the-scenes intrigues that got America into WW1.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 8:53 PM

Sorry, I don’t agree. I did not write an article on Hitler and his purpose, or reason, to break out of Germany’s bondage, therefore I am not obligated to write a treatise regarding the “reasons” he did what he did.

The “intention” of Hitler was clearly to bring Europe into his rule…that is a true statement regardless of his reasons for doing so.

It is odd to me that you, and some other OG readers, make statements such as “criticizing German National Socialism, Hitler, its propaganda and war machines, the horrors of WWII without investigating the determinations that brought them about is a methodological errancy….” From my own assessment I never criticized anything, I merely stated what I believe to have been Hitler’s intentions in Europe in 1933. And that too is MY opinion, not yours, and unless you are advocating censorship, I believe I have a right to an opinion. (Ironically, I believe my opinion about this topic would be more aligned with yours than you probably think.)

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jun 11, 2023 12:09 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Of course you have the right to your opinion; is there anything in my comment implying the contrary? That doesn’t mean we should agree or that we shouldn’t voice our disagreement; or agreement for that matter.

I’ll try to break it down.

It is IMO reasonable to believe that anyone reading “The ‘intention’ of Hitler was clearly to bring Europe into his rule” can’t help themselves considering it a moral judgement, a negative one, even if you didn’t mean it that way, specially considering the subject and context of the article in which the quote appears; just like the statement “the government locked us down” is a negative moral judgement even though one just means to say something true. And if you say it is not a moral judgement and readers should take it as a true statement and nothing more, then you are asking too much of your readers; you’re asking them to be too detached from reality; to put aside the “humanity” that was the subject of a recent article.

So it is a negative moral judgement; that is a criticism; in any case that’s how it is perceived should we consider the context.

And on stating negative moral judgements, one is – I hope so – always expecting an elaboration on the simple statement even if the subject is a well-known event and even if the main article is on something else; an explanation of how that bad thing happened; a short commentary on it; an attempt at understanding, looking for causes; the author’s point of view. Why? Because we are human beings and we instinctively believe people are good but forced by circumstances and when we hear of tragedies, we feel that we should know more than the simple account of the tragedy. How would you feel if you were told by a neighbour that someone you both know killed their family? wouldn’t you feel that the neighbour should tell you a little more than the tragic fact itself? He killed them? And? Why? How?

That’s why, IMO, stating “The ‘intention’ of Hitler was clearly to bring Europe into his rule” and keep it at that, without feeling the need for any further elaboration or comment thereof sounds odd; reads odd; as if such the statement was self-explanatory; as if it is just the way things are; no need to look for motives; no need to dig deep into History. And the quote by Naomi Wolf seems to indicate – correct me if I’m wrong – that that is your view, to which of course you are perfectly entitled.
RE: Methodological errancy. On negative moral judgements of an existing state of affairs, like the Nazi question during WWII, or like our present situation of humanity, the next reasonable step is to try to find a solution; however, if one is not willing to, is reluctant to, not concerned about, or dismisses the primary causes of that state of affairs, finding it sufficient the realisation and statement of the fact, then the only solution is a simple and forced removal of that situation as if its was the cause of itself. This is called empiricism and that’s how the think-tanks of the system – every single one of them – reason in their analyses of world events: they see negative situations as being the causes of themselves and they force-remove them; that’s how allopathy understands disease: its manifestations (symptoms) are its causes so they remove the symptoms; that’s how our problems are never solved, just fixed temporarily until they appear as new problems, or until the next election.

That’s why I find it odd to bring Hitler in the article and not writing anything more than (paraphrasing) “The ‘intention’ of Hitler was clearly to bring Europe into his rule”.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 12, 2023 7:21 PM

Thank you…VERY well put. I liked very much the way you presented your argument. I can safely say then that you are correct…I was indeed depending on the more “conventional view” of Hitler as a tyrant and a megalomaniac in his attempt to rule Europe under his banner of National Socialism. And I must admit, until proven to me differently, I am in agreement, personally, with that sentiment.

However, that being said, I certainly have room to consider other alternatives regarding Hitler’s intentions. I do not believe, simply due to general principles regarding the lack of objectivity in the historical record, that Hitler and even National Socialism was as it has been depicted by the official record. However, it would take a lot of convincing for me to change my view regarding my broad assessment of Hitler as a psychological person, and NAZISM as a pathological ideology. IMO

Yes, you are correct in saying that due to the context of the article that I am implying it was a “bad thing” for Hitler to want to militarily force Europe under his regime (although he DID give most of the countries he invaded the option to come in peacefully.) However, I do not pass absolute judgment on Hitler in this context. All leaders like him, certainly including the leaders of the Western Alliance, in my mind were corrupt…as well as the money behind them. So I would not exclude Hitler from that label.

Thank you again for your comments.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jun 13, 2023 12:17 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Thank you for your reply. I share the same views.

The more violent, intolerant, disruptive, segregating and expansive a mouvement historically was the more we should try and understand how it came about and what made it what it is so it’s couldn’t happen again.

I don’t know if you speak French but if you do, there is a book called “La Politique Économique et Financière du Docteur Schacht”, 1936, by Maurice de Saint-Jean, which is a doctoral thesis. It traces back to the contextual, intellectual formation and development of the German National Socialism, how it compares to, and it’s view on Liberalism and Communism and the ideologies and mythologies from which it drew, and how that slowly gave the type of regime that took power in 1933.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 13, 2023 1:57 PM

Sadly I do not speak French…I am a typical language ignorant American. That book would be of great interest to me.

If Hitler was indeed the scourge history has made him out to be (and yes, in my humble opinion, I do not think he and the movement that put him in as their leader, were anything but pathological…I believe that the leaders of “free Europe” always had it in their power to squash him and NS. But they didn’t…and what they did do was create an environment that enabled Hitler to do all that he managed to do with relative ease…

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jun 14, 2023 1:07 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Then you might try a combination of Mœller van den Brück’s Germany’s Third Empire (1922) for the intellectual and ideological influences on German NS; J. F. C. Fuller’s The Second World War (1948) in its chapter, Background of the war, for the “quasi-immediate” causes of WWII; and Gabriel Gorodetsky’s The Impact of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact on the Course of Soviet Foreign Policy (2014) for an account of the events and context that provoked German invasion of Russia which precipitated its losing the war.

I don’t think it was as simple as giving Hitler free rein to do what he wanted while the could have smashed him whenever they wanted, because Russia was there too and it was never certain if Britain was its ally and Germany’s enemy or its enemy and Germany’s ally, and that was mutual.

A fact mentioned in history books is that German NS tried to legitimise itself as the wall that was stopping Bolshevism from advancing further West; that was indeed one of assigned roles it was performing already under the Weimar Republic, even as a defeated nation since it was still economically liberal. Under NS, Germany was still justifying its necessary existence using the same argument, however its political and economic doctrine were now openly in contraposition of the Liberal West and it wasn’t a secret that the defeat of Germany was caused by expansive Capitalism and global finance.

So, NS Germany thus sandwiched between international capitalist countries and a big socialist one but of another variety (materialist to the contrary the German Socialism that pretended to be a spiritual one) – and being ideologically against both was in an unstable equilibrium. The real problem that everybody knew it will disrupt that equilibrium was the necessity for Germany sooner or later to expand outside its borders. Why? Because it was both highly industrialised and highly populous, – Folk ohne Raum. According to the book I referenced above in the previous comment, there was in 1922 about 20 milion people economically in excess that couldn’t be taken care of by the local economy. This is the same inflexible law of Capital, the same that sent the British, French, the prewar Germany and other nations to find more markets for their products. This contradiction, the initial intention to engage in NS but the necessity to have to break out of the borders was known, for the economically obvious it was (not as an ideology, Lebensraum, one reads out there) to the first ideologues of the GNS, who also knew, considering the Versailles Treaty and their political and ideological opposition to the Liberal West, global capitalism and international banking, and also to Bolshevism that they couldn’t do it without provoking war which indeed occurred about a decade later.

Note that Russia, which was too a NS after the political defeat of Trotsky against Stalin, didn’t have that problem of too small a space wrt to population and industrialisation levels.

On the European front, the often changing relations between the Liberal West led by Britain, the group of countries Germany incorporated, Ied by the latter and Italy, and Russia and the mutual suspicion everyone had about an alliance between the other two, coupled with the necessity Germany had to be left to express its imperialism resulting from its highly developed economy like Britain was enjoying, the German invasion of the Balkans, culminated in the invasion of Russia and the German defeat.

It can be said that the British government was the most paranoid regarding an alliance between Soviet Russia and Germany, (a concept which I believe is still operating to this day: the US obsession with an alliance of a vast land full of resources like Russia, though undeveloped industrially and highly industrialised Germany and France that could help it develop) so that it behaved and events happened as if it was making an alliance with one of them on the back of the other, finally pushing the impetuous Hitler to invade Russia.

Jun 10, 2023 4:44 PM


Civilisation-bound character – that is universal human character as human ethology (holistic character as represented in activity) – can only be determined as derived from holistic human behaviour in actuality and as dynamically ongoing as “anthropogenesis here and now.”

Whichever is way too energetically complex and dynamic to reduce to isolated, independent behaviour; or to personal, singular, or particular activity. Individual activity is thus anthropogenically situated as a performative and constituent of civilisation-bound character. Or as collective universal behaviour. Hence our ethology, our activity, our work.

In a world-constituting economy (Welmarkt) everybody works toward the same end; whichever can be characterised as a world-constituting ethology. WE – who produced this world as participatory embodiments brought forth by our own activity; wholly constituted as a circular self-actualising economic embodiment; located as incorporated within an industrial metabolic process of primary energy-production and primary energy-consumption; the result of which is our energetic embodiment or incorporation in this world along with everything in it as the cumulative and constant dynamic end of productivity of everybody across time (particularly this century.)

That end-production is dynamically presented as individual and collective consummatory behaviour; as a civilisation-bound embodiment present in temporal contemporaneity; and as world-constituting or world-enacting activity of everybody across time to date; consummated as a literal manifestation and technologic edifice in the flesh of the people and as concurrently cast in concrete, ammonia, plastic, and steel; as the prime “pillars of commodification” of civilisation-bound industrial metabolisation of individual and collective Human-Being in actu significatus.

Human-Being is consummated behaviourally as characterised in contemporaneity and is thus an anthropogenic concretisation of excess and waste as an “accursed share.” Whichever is the world-constituting embodiment of the civilisation-bound “Body of Ours” in “mirror imagery” as mimetological of physiological form in concrete configuration and as an actually constructed world brought forth by our collective temporal activity. Whichever is also the cumulative and consummated aim of everybody across history. So: whence the democide; whence the ethics, whence the pathology, whence the psychopaths, whence the “scum?”

When the average commodity lifespan of all our bioaccumulative, earth-transforming, civilisation-bound consumptogenic work is just six months; WE extracted all that energy and engaged in all that energy-transformation as our work just to throw it away; expecting the earth’s sinks to absorb, accommodate, and transform our global waste production as a straight-from-source-to-sink whole earth mismanagement as a species-bound ethico-aesthetics of waste.

Thereafter, the waste production of anthropogenesis in excess as actually existing holistic human-being is our consumptogenesis; whichever is the conditio sine qua non as the singular determinant of who lives and who dies globally. So, if we alone produced the waste collectively: and we alone decide on the right to life-affirmation collectively; then whence the pathology, whence the scum? Hence our ethology, our activity, our work.

Ecce homogeneity: the collective ethico-aesthetic of waste-mismanagement is holistically ours and ours alone; therefore there is no ‘them’ to mimetologically scapegoat. So finally: whence then the scum? All this blame gamification is time consuming when the real work is not yet begun.

Cannon, the Loose Variety
Cannon, the Loose Variety
Jun 10, 2023 5:24 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Holy fuck! This is by far the most convoluted piece of gobbledygook I’ve ever seen in my life. Wild!

You’re too sophisticated for your own good, Bryan. Gotta make it more accessible to us mere earthlings. Everybody is not as way the fuck out there as you are, mahn!

Jun 10, 2023 7:25 PM


Everybody uses the same interpretive method, believe it or not, whichever is basically greek-gobbledygook – not mine. We interpret the world together, not apart; and whatever we do, we do together, not apart; as non-local whole earth interpretation such is the ecology.

Only, we don’t seem to understand the system dynamics as to why we do it as we do; therefore there is no reason for a global economy just a holistic power dynamics that makes no sense, has no meaning, is logically absurd, and still we have no alternative.

I find all this elite blame gaming tedious; the terminology of ‘scum’ and such is getting us nowhere; we are all earthlings an we are all in this together so we would do well to understand our own metaphysics; whichever is none-sense unless we can come to some agreement on an alternative ending to the collective misinterpretation of the earth.

I have been coming here on and off since the start and everyday the same old scapegoating of figmentary personifications of imaginability-only – is nobody else getting bored yet!

Yeah we dunnit to ourselves so we can undunnit if we so choose!


Jun 10, 2023 11:00 PM
Reply to  Bryan

I am pretty well educated and clear thinking, but — honestly — I cannot make sense of the stuff you have written here. You can of course write the way you want to, but if you want to get your points across to others, using a more a logical and clear writing style would be helpful. Or you could take up writing poetry; nothing wrong with that, and people don’t expect to all get the same meaning from poetry.

Jun 11, 2023 7:19 AM
Reply to  mjh

What is not clear to me is how people still envisage the world in personal terms when the anthropogenic activity that we participate in not only creates ourselves as bodies – it creates everybody and everything else all at the same time as a global activity that never ceases.

Surely anybody can see that as we work, rest, play – the rest of the world is also engaged in activity which is non-locally interconnected. If we were all individual, we could only produce a limited amount of work, up to human physical capacities and natural appetites (which is how all previous humans and all physiological lifeforms lived and live.)

Nobody wants to live in semi-subsistence; so we have to create an excess above mere metabolism which is what technology is. We do not just produce a technological excess or surplus energy in some sort of dynamic balance with the environment; we take everything in a mindless rapid development of surplus which also has increasingly negative impacts which actually threaten the ecological infrastructure; but why? Because we can?

There is actually data on this in the degrowth literature. We could have a reasonable economy with between a two thirds or one third reduction in primary energy throughput (depending on location). Beyond a certain level of economic production the excess energy produces no extra benefit (net marginal utility) yet we strive to increase production year on year which is threatening life and literally killing people right now.

So our daily and weekly activity is not singular at all, it is in fact global when considered non-locally and summatively as energy throughput – we are the ones who work to destroy, not them. There is no ‘them’ just a singularity of human activity we embody as our activity. Which is what I describe – biophysical activity as futility and absurdity but which could be made meaningful (with that paradigm shift we keep talking about.)

All this talk misses the point by creating talk of others when anthropogenic activity cannot be reduced from dynamic singularity to individuality. Nothing will change in individualised small talk unless we decide to change the way we think, act, and organise – which is degrowth to biophysical capacities shared equally throughout the entire world.

All it requires is political will, compassion, understanding – not blame and recrimination. FFS: do we actually need more alienation?

Jun 11, 2023 9:43 AM
Reply to  Bryan

De-growth?? And how do you propose we do that? I expect it would involve loss of freedom and rights, and an increase in coercion by governments and/or agencies like the WEF. I agree we tend to want more stuff than we need as individuals. But the reasons vary. For some it is due to greed, for others to try to fill some interior void, caused by any number of things — a traumatic childhood, for example. You decry blaming elites, but they and their self serving power grabbing are surely a big part (not the whole, but a big part) of the cause for much of what has gone wrong in the world, and the past 3 1/2 years have shown that very clearly.
I am making an honest attempt to understand what you are saying and to respond to it. This is probably futile, because you are, I think, too caught up in your own head and your own obscure vocabulary.

Cannon,the Loose Variety
Cannon,the Loose Variety
Jun 11, 2023 12:48 PM
Reply to  mjh

I understand perfectly well what he’s saying, even though his loquacious style kinda gets in the way.

What he’s essentially saying – which coincides with what I’m saying, as are others who don’t live in denial and delusion – is that the ever increasing vicious cycle of extraction, production, consumption, and waste generation, all fueled by an ever increasing burning of fuel, is not sustainable and puts humanity on a collision course with nature. When, I don’t know, but Bryan seems to have specific data on this.

Humanity MUST find a different raison d’etre because the current system cannot indefinitely continue. It hinges on continuously increasing use of energy, but the world doesn’t have that. The cheap energy that put us on the current trajectory over the past 200 years of so is being depleted and it will run out at some point. And even if it replenishes itself, there simply will be a point where there is not enough of it. Perpetual growth in the sense of ever increasing production is nonsense. We’re in an enclosed system. Case closed.

Degrowth or, in other words, finding a way of life not based in continuing growth, the constantly increasing production of new and new (totally useless) shit, is essential. And that would apply even if the aforesaid were wrong. The capitalist consumerist civilization is probably the worst to date, as evidenced by where it’s taken us – to women convinced that they’re men and vice versa and installing/deinstalling body parts to that effect. Ditto all the other total phantasmagoria.

I always think about my grandmother who spent her life working in the field, lived in one room in her house, never flew, hardly ever took the train, lived in sync with nature. Had one set of furniture and dishes her whole life. I still remember the blade of her bread knife, eaten away to about a half its original size by slicing bread day after day. She had a happy calm life, certainly no less happy than people have today, regardless of how many fucking gadgets they amass. I try to live like that too.

I guess people will have to start looking for happiness in places other than outlets of useless horseshit, where they only find it for a few seconds anyway before they start craving some other useles spiece of shit.

If people don’t get this, they’ll go up in smoke/down the drain (select the applicable based on your favorite method of annihilating yourself).

The key now is to do it your, or our, way, that means degrowing while retaining freedom, as opposed to having Klaus Anal Schwab writing the script. That’s the main issue for today and the decades to come. It’s tragic that people don’t understand it and reject the stuff about which all them schwabs and gates’s are basically right just because these guys are no good motherfuckers.

Cannon of the Loose Kind
Cannon of the Loose Kind
Jun 11, 2023 9:37 AM
Reply to  Bryan

Totally agree with you on the “elite blame gaming tedious”. Even if it were true – and I’m sure that there are countless motherfuckers doing, or trying to do, all sorts of nefarious things that can be blamed for – but by putting themselves into a subordinate position people will accomplish absolutely nothing.

Either people propose something constructive, or the elites will do it for them (and the chances are high that people won’t like it).

Jun 12, 2023 7:40 PM

It’s not that the elite aren’t gaming the system — of course they are — it is more that probably everybody that will visit this site already has the highest material level of comfort ever produced. The haves and have nots split roughly 20/80 so even if the difference between the ultra-elite and the demi-elite (for want of better terms) is enormous; the drop off and gulf between the HICs and the LICs is even more enormous. We live in the space age. They subsidise our ‘star trek’ lifestyle whilst living in the bronze age. The average houseowner in the UK is in the 1%; and all some people want to do is moan about being oppressed when we are literally at the material summit of consumerism.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jun 12, 2023 9:29 PM
Reply to  Bryan


Also, if we factor in time; if we consider the dynamics of the system, the impact of everyone of us is equalised, regardless of current levels of consumption or waste, since what’s small eventually becomes big and vice-versa.

Hence, it is not merely a question of redistribution but a matter of a complete withdrawal form the logic of the current mode of production.

The reaction of European and American middle classes hit by an unexpected hurricane which they used to see only on TV hitting faraway countries is being analysed, I’m sure of it.

Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Jun 13, 2023 10:41 AM
Reply to  Bryan

Historically speaking, humans in the global northwest which operates based on the technology-based Christian ideology, which aims to transform the world and use external means (technologies) to deal with the facts of life (understandable to an extent, but gone ballistic) have discovered resources and, more importantly, plentiful sources of cheap (easily extractable) energy that have allowed them to enslave the rest of the world in order to grossly overindulge under the consumerist ideology. In the greedy, gluttonous pursuit of satiation, they’ve also devised a perverse economic/financial system that allows shifting the cost of current production to the future through debt and seemingly creating wealth by drawing it out of thin air through fiat money. This perverse system, which hubristically disregards physical realities is not hitting its limits and collapsing under the weight of the heap of putrid shit it has become.

Northwestern people, despite their beyond-the-imagination privileged status, are conditioned to be getting more and more goodies, to have it better and better still, and they’re whining as things are turning sour. In this regard, it’s true that within the realm of their luxurious lifestyle, they are kept on a short leash – within the scope of their perception, that is.

At the same time, people in other parts of the world have had enough a smell a chance of freeing themselves from the occidental yoke.

What we’re seeing is a natural process of establishing a balance.

Jun 10, 2023 6:20 PM
Reply to  Bryan

big words and thoughts that, me thinks, could be simply reduced to: who dunnit?!? – we dunnit!!!! Big ups for the big words! RGB-Y3 out!!!

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jun 10, 2023 8:40 PM

I believe that’s it. Only we just got the form unfortunately. The content is lacking. We are saying “it’s us” like a 5-year would say “life is hell”.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 10, 2023 6:36 PM
Reply to  Bryan

Is this a fancy word salad way of saying that you think property rights should be destroyed?

Jun 10, 2023 7:27 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey


It’s actually a word salad way of saying the psyche should be destroyed; private property is just an artifact of psychiatric care: no psyche: no property, simples.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 2:06 PM
Reply to  Bryan

That good people work hard and make the currency to have their own land is not evil, is not an attempt to control other people, is not harming others.

Sounds to me that you are just having a tantrum because you think the world owes you something.

Try harder at working.

Jun 12, 2023 8:04 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

The elite everyone keeps banging on about literally invented the currency as fiat — that is speech — because they said so; the currency is created ex nihilo from next to nothing — because they said so; the workers like you and me have to provide actual labour to them in return for the tokens of speech they made by decree — because they said so — therefore everybody works for 90.000 hrs across a lifetime for a mort-gage (death wage) to pay of the compounding interest on their assertive speech — because they said so.

So we probably live with the highest levels of consumer materialism ever created; elsewhere the supermajority of humanity have to work for nothing so that we can have the consumption we have; an inglorious asymmetry imposed by war and then debt; the entire continent of Africa is a net importer of food and is structurally dependent on aid because they said so and issued onerous debt with fucking inhuman conditions that opened up the entire continent for us to consume.

Did you ever hear of Structural Adjustment Plans? The UK and US main export is debt the profits of which pay all our wages; a tertiary or service economy is a parasitoid economy that makes nothing but poverty — because they said so — but we never chose to disagree because of the level of conspicuous comfort we achieved; so now they work because we say so, at least complicitly; so they supply their material resources to us as goods and we give them services in return; services like debt management; and we supply our labour to them that declare the fiat but at least we get some of their goods for free; the entire system consumes the earth as a never ending parasitism that benefits nobody in the long term which precisely is manifest evil as defined as privatio boni privation of the good — because they said so.

Jun 11, 2023 4:42 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Are you saying the central banksters are entitled to their trillions ?

Jun 11, 2023 6:34 AM

No, I’m saying we work to create the banksters trillions; which is a measure and maldistribution of our productivity that would be better if we did not make; and if we only worked to reproduce or self-actualise ourselves biophysically without waste, there would be no scum and no pathology.

Bataille’s “accursed share” is a measure of the waste, excess, and pollution we create which becomes unearned income that is non-productive which is then re-invested in waste, excess, and pollution – not in alleviating poverty and suffering but creating poverty and suffering – which is invested destructively until the greatest part of our energy is destructive futile cycling.

But the banksters never existed apart from our endeavour therefore they are not a separate type; therefore the whole dynamic system is fucked up – overproductive as destructive; but getting rid of the ‘scum’ won’t help unless we downscale human activity to biophysical self-actualisation at much lower levels of complexity as Degrowth.

No permanent growth, no banksters; I’d include wealth redistribution of the excess to actually alleviate poverty, suffering, and the misery of perpetual economic growth; the alternative is the reinvestment of our excess activity in unearned income, rentier economics, war, and ongoing ecological destruction whichever is what we all work for; which is an empty, futile cycling of excess energy up to the limits of the earth as standing resource for our absurd activity when we could feed clothe and provision everybody with less, without the accursed share.

Jun 11, 2023 9:44 AM
Reply to  Bryan

You are at least making a bit more sense here in what you say; I can follow some your logic, even though I don’t agree with it.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 2:11 PM
Reply to  Bryan

You are a Marxist Tyrant, period.
Move to Russia or China or North Korea and enjoy your collectivism.

The Central Bank Cartel is an entity that was created by the English Crown and Rothschild via the Bank of England. It was just an extension of the monarch exerting control over European Economics. The beginning of fractionalized banking. An entity that has turned Free Market Capitalism based on merit and competition into Crony Capitalism based on government sponsored monopolies.

What you suggest has already been proven a total failure by history, many times.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 2:04 PM

Anyone is entitled to make as much money or currency as they desire.
When that is done by virtue, without harming others, and with an open market based on merit.
When the goal isn’t controlling the lives of other people.

The Central Bank Cartel exists because of corruption, and because of dishonest money. Not because regular people own property.

That you conflate the Central Bank Cartel with regular people owning property says more about you than anyone else ever could.

Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Jun 11, 2023 5:36 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

I was gonna inform you that you’re a fucking idiot, but that wouldn’t be entirely accurate. You are a fucking idiot, but let me qualify that.

Within the myopic system of conventional values, roughly reflecting the arrangement that exists in the ‘capitalist’, consumerist society, whatever you wanna call it, your thinking – simplistic as it is – is essentially correct.

Your fucking idiocy consists of the fact that you’re unable to see beyond the bars of the cage implanted in your fucking idiotic mind and consider issues of importance that goes much deeper than any of the shit you babble about.

Honest money, dishonest money. What the fuck is that? Have you given any though to what money actually is? What it represents? Hardly.

Think of this – if you find yourself in the middle of the ocean in a boat filled with money, what will be the worth thereof? The only thing I can think of is wiping your ass when you shit yourself, but you can probably use water for that.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 11, 2023 7:35 PM
Reply to  Loose Cannon

Don’t flatter yourself by assuming you need to inform me of anything. Calling me a fucking idiot isn’t an argument that refutes anything I have asserted.

Capitalism and Consumerism and are different things. Consumerism has been imposed as part of the Crony Capitalist system we are in, by engineered obsolescence of durable goods.

Capitalism that is based in a free market, merit based, with open competition, doesn’t suffer from consumerism because engineered obsolescence of durable goods would cause that business to fail.

What system them is better than Capitalism? What other economic system is merit based and open to the peasant class to find their own success? The opportunity to own their own land?

Your ignorance consists of the idea of collectivism. An ideology of mob rules. Where the desires of the mob crush the individual. Where ignorant masses run everything into the ground. Idiocracy.

That you don’t know what honest money is, only proves you are ignorant as to what fractionalized banking is. This means you don’t understand the fundamentals that have allowed the Central Bank Cartel to exploit the world with a debt based monetary policy, rooted in fractionalized banking. I am well aware of the difference between money and currency. I doubt you do if you don’t even know what honest money is.

If I am in the middle of the ocean with a boat filled with MONEY (NOT CURRENCY AS IN PAPER NOTES), then I am likely a pirate looking for an island to bury my treasure.

I wipe my ass with toilet paper. You should do the same.

Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Jun 11, 2023 11:09 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Capitalism is probably the worst of all systems that have been hitherto invented based on empirical observation.

It has brought humanity to the brink of self-annihilation. The intrinsic problem of “finding the path to your own success” doesn’t have a built-in mechanism that would prevent the system from destroying itself while in pursuit of its objectives, which is exactly what capitalism is conducive to.

You might want to ask yourself what exactly the “success” you’re referring to means.

Amassing more useless pieces of shit? Forcing useless pieces of shit onto others so that you can procure more useless pieces of shit? You call that fucking success? Give me a break, you superficial twit!

Oh yeah, you’re an innocent victim; it’s all been foisted in you by the mechant evildoers. Pathetic!

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 12, 2023 12:26 AM
Reply to  Loose Cannon

Capitalism, as in a free market based on merit and competition, is the most moral and virtuous economic system.

I mow your lawn, as in provide a service, and you pay me. I performed a service that you wanted. I didn’t sit on my butt, and demand the government pay me, or take income from another, for doing nothing.

Some people are so good at servicing their fellows, that they make more than others. They use their mind and work hard and build a business. They produce a product that people see value in buying.

Those that think the person that makes more than others, should be coerced to giving income to others, is just a legal form of thievery via the mortal threat of violence from government.

In a free society, those that become wealthy, have done so by being more effective and efficient at serving the needs or desires of others. When those needs are met, it benefits society.

People that choose to work harder and smarter, to innovate, have the opportunity to become wealthy and to elevate their own living standards. The opportunity to own property and have a home. To have capital.

Any other system just takes all incentive to serve others by stealing everything and giving it away.

What we have today isn’t a free market based on merit and competition, and the reason it isn’t working as it should.

What we have today is a closed market due to government regulations, that stifle competition, and hand mega corporations monopolies.

I appreciate that I had to opportunity to participate in a system where I could at least attain a good standard of living that isn’t dictated by government.

Success to me, is being happy, healthy and debt free. What is it to you?

I agree that materialism is not good. In a free society, it is the individual’s choice to determine what they want or desire.

I never called materialism success and that is your false assumption to justify your position. That people waste money on useless products is their own problem. That there are useless products that persist is because we aren’t in a properly functioning free market based on merit and competition. Or maybe just people that aren’t smart.

I never claimed to be a victim either. Other people are victims of their own decisions and actions, mostly.

If you have a better idea for a merit based economic system, then pen it to paper and share it with the world.

Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Jun 12, 2023 11:34 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

I appreciate that you’ve been able to refrain from obdurately imbecilic instructions about moving to North Korea and being a Marxist tyrant.

In a perfect world, any number of societal systems would work basically fine and provide a framework for sustainable existence where everybody could be more or less content.

Capitalism, your exalted glorification thereof notwithstanding, is a particularly shitty system because what spins its wheels are some of the worst human traits – namely greed, gluttony, narcissism. Likewise, or consequently, capitalism, or its manifestation put into practice by people pursuing happiness by “elevating their living standard” (read: producing and amassing more and more useless shit and thoughtlessly plundering resources in doing so), destroys everything in sight, including itself (!) in the pursuit of its raison d’etre. It’s more complicated than this, sure, but this is the gist.

Capitalism – or the kind of system you describe, whatever fucking -ism you wanna call it – could only function if it had a built-in force keeping greed and gluttony in check. That’s not the case, and it’s probably impossible because people are greedy shitheads intent on overindulging. Hence, the system goes more and more off balance before it collapses, which is what we’re witnessing now.

You operate within a very limited realm. Within your reasoning, you’re essentially correct. The problem is that you can’t see beyond the tip of your nose, let alone the horizon, and envisage some other form of existence.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 12, 2023 3:51 PM
Reply to  Loose Cannon

There is no such thing as perfection within the context of human existence. Expecting everyone, or nearly everyone, to be content, is an unrealistic expectation. Life is suffering, labor, sweat and tears. It is up to the individual to find their happiness, joy and meaning. No one will find meaning when they are handed everything and don’t struggle to achieve.

While people are created equal, and should be viewed equally in the eyes of law, we are not equal when it comes to being smart, innovative, physicality, athleticism, intelligence, aptitude, etc. Therefore there cannot be, in a real or honest system, equal outcomes for people. This is not to suggest that a system cannot be fair, or a level playing field, or caring.

Greed, gluttony, narcissism, ruthlessness, cruelty, have nothing to do with economic systems. Those are traits of humans that lack morals, don’t have good character, and no ethics. When the majority of people are moral, of good character, and ethical, then the economic system reflects those traits because of the humans that make those virtuous choices.

There are no rules, regulations, legislation, or contract, that can keep people of amoral standards, bad character, and unethical behavior, from being criminals or ugly humans. That you think these human traits can be dictated is part of your problem. Being a good person is a choice each of us has to make as an individual.

What you fail at is understanding that because the majority of humans in the world are amoral, of bad character and unethical, that those actions reflect upon all of us. The actions of the “do as thou wilt” humans is creating hell on earth, and makes life harder for everyone. The majority of people have no moral code and do not respect themselves, let alone others.

Despite this limitation, the fact remains that Capitalism still offers more opportunity for the average peasant to achieve a modicum of success. There are many rags to riches stories in capitalism.

If you think the answer is equality of outcome, then move to where collectivism is in full swing. Places like North Korea, China, etc., and enjoy your outcome.

Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Jun 12, 2023 5:08 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

When assess somebody to be a fucking idiot, I’m usually correct.

I won’t even respond to your regurgitation of the standard blah blah blah glorification of capitalism, that’s obviously pointless.

I’ll address one thing – why the fuck do you make any assumptions regarding my personal preferences? I’m trying to argue the issue, you patented dimwit, not to have a pissing contest.

Whether you (or me) like it or not, there are collective aspects of human existence and they need to be addressed.

FYI, I’m a total individualist, probably much more than you, but that doesn’t stop me from considering things OBJECTIVELY. Try it sometime too.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 12, 2023 5:55 PM
Reply to  Loose Cannon

The inability to form a rational argument that refutes my assertions is noted.

Never claimed that there aren’t collective aspects of human existence. That I pointed out how amoral people of poor character, and no ethics, cause harm to all of us, is in point of fact, recognition of a collective aspect of life.

The consideration of a collective aspect of human life, is not the same as collectivism. Collective aspects of human life can be considered, and addressed, without placing the needs of the many causing harm to the individual, or a minority.

I have met many people that think they are an individualist, while at the same time pushing collectivism. For example, my wife’s uncle claims to support free expression, while at the same time condoning government censorship for the “greater good”, as well as believing that “hate speech” should be a crime. Cognitive dissonance is all too common in today’s clown world. People like that cannot accept that living in a free society is risky.

Luck in life is the cumulative effect of making good life choices over time. It is spelled, “Hard Work”. Each person makes their own bed, and gets to sleep in it. Expecting handouts, or that the government will tax someone else to hand stuff to people, is the epitome of collectivism and tyranny.

I apply objectivity and critical thinking to all my life choices. I don’t always succeed and have my vices. If thinking otherwise helps you feel better, then good for you.

Loose Cannon
Loose Cannon
Jun 12, 2023 10:28 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

I don’t know who you’re talking to, but it’s certainly not me. Probably your uncle’s wife.She looks like she’d be a good interlocutor for ya.

Have a nice rest of your life. This is hopeless.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 13, 2023 8:15 PM
Reply to  Loose Cannon

An individual owning something isn’t the cause of the world’s woes. That nefarious honorific belongs only to governments and corporations.

I didn’t say anything about my uncle, or my uncle’s wife.

The only thing hopeless are cowards the fear living in a free society, while simultaneously thinking that they are smarter than the framers of the USA’s Representative Constitutional Republic.

I will have a nice rest of my life. Hopefully you do the same.

Jun 14, 2023 9:15 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

So, how is yer’ uncle’s wife ?

Did he fix her kitchen sink ?

Uncle’s bathroom could be requiring capital.
FYI: ” Capitalism has Failed … ” Christine Lagarde.
Mansion House. 26th May 2014.
Even Oligarchs conceded.
Satoshi Nakamoto 📐 rules,
As a Commodity… ! Get a grip.
Remember this definition,
Was highly considered…
Calculating farmers interests.
Blockchain Distributed ledgers
Could also encompass,
Depleted Uranium Munitions !
But, will they ?
Capitalism is
Levels of Contagion.
Scum to skim… &
Dispose of,
Professionally, not like,
Corporate Capitalist
Cowboys !

Jun 10, 2023 4:43 PM

Anecdotal evidence on Vaxx harm:

The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told | Documentarycomment image.webpDocumentaries

COVID-19 RNA socalled “vaccines” were rolled out under authorization after a much shorter than normal testing period. Millions of people rolled up their sleeves because they were told they were doing their part to end the socalled “pandemic”.

The Unseen Crisis is a feature-length documentary that provides an intimate, uncensored look into the lives of those who live with the debilitating after-effects of the COVID-19 RNA Vaxx. It examines the issue of Vaxx injury claims in a fresh, honest, and comprehensive manner with expert interviews, whistleblowers’ statements, and government health statistics.  
The patients in the documentary suffered severe reactions to the shot and their health spiraled out of control. When they reached out to the public health system and pharmaceutical companies for help and support, instead of being acknowledged, cared for, and studied; they were ignored, censored, and called “anti-vaxxers” despite having gotten “the shot”. [Medical authorities could not believe it was “the shot” that caused their injuries] These patients are by no means isolated cases. The world is witnessing a growing epidemic of COVID-19 Vaxx injuries that can no longer be ignored. 

Fortunately, a small community of doctors are bravely trying to unravel the mystery of these injuries and how to treat them. They too were shocked to find themselves shut out of the mainstream medical community, simply for practicing what every doctor is trained to do. 

For those suffering in silence, hope begins with having a voice.
The “Unseen Crisis” finally gives them one.

Official Website: https://www.UnseenCrisis.com

Panel Discussion with Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Paul Marik, Brianne Dressen, Angela Wulbrecht, Cindy Drukier, and Jan Jekielek:


Jun 10, 2023 1:48 PM

“All the world’s a stage” and we each have our part to play, as determined by evolutionary forces well beyond our control. Most play at being normal, content citizens of human society.

But a few are “chosen” to play a more sinister part. You will know them by their riches. They are the despoilers, the enemies of life itself. They are the ones whose entire existence is taken over by a mania to destroy.

They “create” things; but their kind of creation is predicated on destruction. They imagine themselves to be in control not only of their own destinies but the destiny of all existence.

But they are just as hopelessly in the grip of the same forces the rest of humanity – of life itself – is. They cannot choose not to destroy. They were created by evolution to be the destroyers; it is their fate. With their dying breath they will attempt one last act of destruction. That’s how complete their grooming is.

Jun 10, 2023 8:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

*They* chose themselves to rule over mankind, they were not chosen by any god. There’s no such thing.

Jun 10, 2023 1:41 PM

“The most powerful influence was exerted neither by individual speeches nor by articles or flyers, posters or flags; it was not achieved by things which one had to absorb by conscious thought or conscious emotions. Instead Nazism permeated the flesh and blood of the people through single words, idioms and sentence structures which were imposed on them in a million repetitions and taken on board mechanically and unconsciously.”

– Victor Klemperer, The Language of the Third Reich

Jun 10, 2023 3:27 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Like “be safe”. I hate hearing that. I always turn it around and ask, “safe from what”? I always get a blank stare back.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jun 10, 2023 5:16 PM
Reply to  NikkiBop

“Stay safe”

I like to use stay strong, or stay skeptical as rejoinders, but I like your comeback too. Will add it to the repertoire.

Jun 11, 2023 11:05 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I lived in south London for a time in the 90’s and sometimes we would say ‘safe’ as an answer to mean ‘good’ 😎 

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 10, 2023 6:38 PM
Reply to  NikkiBop

Sometimes we think too much.
It is a simple way of saying that another wishes you to avoid harm.

The easiest response is “Always”, or maybe just say “I will”, or “Thank you”.

Jun 10, 2023 4:46 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

“The most powerful influence was exerted…
………through single words, idioms and sentence structures”

If those are their most effective tools then we should use the exact same to counter-attack.

Going broken record and give them a million repetitions of our words.

In a battle of sharp tongues we can match our adversary,

Jun 10, 2023 1:25 PM

‘ For others do not always think as we do.’

Most people don’t think at all.

All we have to do is make them think.

Nature helps, since if stupidity doesn’t kill immediately, it certainly hurts which may open some eyes.

Just ask yourself how many would take another booster.
-There is your answer. People are wakening up, and the skimming off won’t work.

It never does.
History is on our side.

Still tragic that humans make the same error over and over again.

Guess most only learn through failure and pain.
So it goes.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 10, 2023 6:41 PM
Reply to  Willem

To make anyone do anything is coercion and rarely works out well.

Like the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water and you cannot make it drink.

I just show people the water and those that are thirsty will drink.

Jun 11, 2023 8:49 AM
Reply to  Willem

States of Emergency, and subsidiary laws ratified by “democratic” legislatures (a) censored dissent and evidience/reports of harm (b) compelled most people to submit to the dangerous (as in Russian roulette) jabs (c) withheld urgent medical treatments (d) took away most of the alternative options. It had little to do with thinking or stupidity.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 10, 2023 1:14 PM

Naomi Wolf:

But to understand what has happened to us, I must ask you to suspend for a while a thought process that investigators call “mirror imaging.” This is when we assume others think as we do. Because most of us are decent people, and not sociopaths or psychopaths, we tend to assume that others are also driven by basic human motivations such as empathy, altruism, and kindness—or even just by the basic notion that other human beings are also deserving of life, self-determination, and dignity.

That’s a pile of delusional crap. The delusion is that “we” (i.e. our tribe) consists of decent, righteous people. The reality was described by William James — and others.

William James:

The plain fact is that men’s minds are built, as has been often said, in water-tight compartments. Religious after a fashion, they yet have many other things in them beside their religion, and unholy entanglements and associations inevitably obtain. The basenesses so commonly charged to religion’s account are thus, almost all of them, not chargeable at all to religion proper, but rather to religion’s wicked practical partner, the spirit of corporate dominion. And the bigotries are most of them in their turn chargeable to religion’s wicked intellectual partner, the spirit of dogmatic dominion, the passion for laying down the law in the form of an absolutely closed-in theoretic system. The ecclesiastical spirit in general is the sum of these two spirits of dominion; and I beseech you never to confound the phenomena of mere tribal or corporate psychology which it presents with those manifestations of the purely interior life which are the exclusive object of our study. The baiting of Jews, the hunting of Albigenses and Waldenses, the stoning of Quakers and ducking of Methodists, the murdering of Mormons and the massacring of Armenians, express much rather that aboriginal human neophobia, that pugnacity of which we all share the vestiges, and that inborn hatred of the alien and of eccentric and non-conforming men as aliens, than they express the positive piety of the various perpetrators. Piety is the mask, the inner force is tribal instinct. You believe as little as I do, in spite of the Christian unction with which the German emperor addressed his troops upon their way to China, that the conduct which he suggested, and in which other Christian armies went beyond them, had anything whatever to do with the interior religious life of those concerned in the performance.

The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature by William James

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jun 10, 2023 5:21 PM

“we tend to assume that others are also driven by basic human motivations such as empathy, altruism, and kindness—or even just by the basic notion that other human beings are also deserving of life, self-determination, and dignity.”

Those motivations aren’t particularly basic. What is basic, is the will to survive; it’s the first law of nature.

Jun 10, 2023 10:52 PM

Hard to go wrong when citing William James!

Jun 10, 2023 10:56 PM
Reply to  mjh

But to say something about Naomi Wolf’s view — the real weakness is in her use of the word “most” when discussing other people and our perception of what motivates them. We cannot really generalise about them. How many people are “good”? Some, yes, but 1%? 10%? 50%? And by good do we mean just not intending to harm others — or do we mean not deluding themselves? Not taking the easiest way out (like agreeing with your colleagues about Covid just to remain friendly with them and to make your life run a bit smoother)? Or do we have some objective standard of goodness/truth by which we assess others? And — folks, remember this! — by which we assess OURSELVES as well.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 10, 2023 11:16 PM
Reply to  mjh

I wouldn’t describe myself as “good” – and I’m certainly not “empathic”! I’m still trying to figure out why I give a damn. I think it’s mainly because I feel offended by all crap – and I find it disturbing that most people just seem to shrug it off.

Jun 10, 2023 12:39 PM

Wasn’t that Hitler’s intention in Europe in 1933?


Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 2:04 PM
Reply to  BuelahMan

So Hitler’s intention was not to bring all of Europe into German control?

Jun 10, 2023 3:20 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

No, that was Uncle Joe Stalins intention not the other fellows.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 10, 2023 6:52 PM
Reply to  Violet

Stalin wanted Europe under German control?

Jun 10, 2023 4:57 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Actually his intention was to stop Bolshevism in its tracks & to destroy masonry and all the secret societies that are behind the nwo. Unfortunately he failed miserably, now look where we are for christs sake.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 10, 2023 6:50 PM
Reply to  Violet

Anyone that reads Mein Kampf, that understands how cults work, can easily categorize the ideals espoused as cultish. I think it is Gnosticism.

Hitler hitched his trailer to an Israelite Marxist before joining the National Socialists.

Hitler did exactly what the Banker Bosses wanted. Knowingly, or not.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jun 11, 2023 9:07 PM
Reply to  Violet

I guess he had some success … look at all the stone constructions that are crumbling.

Jun 10, 2023 5:07 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

See Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony Sutton. Adolph was an intelligence asset/actor employed by the banksters.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jun 10, 2023 6:51 PM
Reply to  Thiekbalj

As others have said
All wars are baker wars
War is a racket.

Jun 11, 2023 3:22 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Yes, people should watch Mike Rivero’s All Wars Are Bankers Wars. Also highly recommend people delve into revisionist history- Ron Unz has tons of info on his site. We have been lied to about everything, including the wars (the lies certainly didn’t start with Vietnam and Iraq).

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 13, 2023 1:59 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Exactly. I think John Reed believed this…

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 13, 2023 1:58 PM
Reply to  Thiekbalj

I would have no problem believing this…

Jun 10, 2023 11:58 AM

Because most of us are decent people

Listen to a well-paid professional rant about blue color workers. I’m sure he thinks of himself as decent.

This goes up and down. Going up, bankers rant about professionals’ holidays and lack of discipline. Going down, the worker rants about beggars who clutter the streets.

This is the “class struggle” which is fought in unbelievably nasty ways. Check the humiliations imposed on the unemployed, supported by a large majority of supposedly decent people.

That these humiliations are moving up in class is only karma. Rather than begging the bankers to stop, professionals should treat workers better.

I don’t think this skimming the scum was intended to be a quick skim.

It all looks carefully planned by people who have a history of success.

Jun 10, 2023 3:58 PM

There was a time when the mantra of the working class was “Tax the Rich!” Ironically, this was said at a time when the rich actually were taxed.

Now the mantra is, as you say, “Get the Homeless out of here!”

Indeed, something has very carefully, over time, turned people’s thinking around.

Jun 10, 2023 6:59 PM
Reply to  Howard

Class is the one thing we are not allowed to talk about. The rich are simply rich due to their stellar work ethic, or familial connections which are not their fault. The poor are cursed, and they deserve what they get. A huge part of this is that vaunted Puritan work ethic in play, also racism which is one of the oldest tools in the book to divide and conquer as well as distract. If only one works hard enough and manages to overcome odds seriously stacked against one, then everyone could be rich…. One of those unconscious messages the West was founded on, one that many of us think is merely trite bullshit, and rightly so, but it has helped drive us to exactly where we are today.

When people used to say Tax the Rich they still read things, books and such instead of depending on some idiotic and facile meme. Reading required using one’s brain actively, not the passive idiocy that passes for knowledge now. People seemed to understand the very basic mathematics of just how the rich got rich as well. Most even knew then that wars were always fought for bankers, not for freedom or democracy. People knew then a lot of it WAS class, but that got drowned out easily when scapegoats were used.

Scapegoating requires no thought, just the repetition of blame, which is simple, easy, learned behavior. Now people bitch about how much the poor are “getting” while they struggle to survive with at least one job, maybe two. They’ll blame the poor instead of those who CREATED the poor and have kept the poor as a cudgel for eons. All part of the plan, the long game if you will. The ultimate distraction from the reality of simple math. And it works. It has worked for generations.

Jun 10, 2023 11:40 AM

no matter which way you turn it around a dog turd is a dog turd and if you keep handling it inevitably the stuff will stick to your hands, then you wipe your face and so on, the rest is history, we should have seen it for what it was and moved on…

so abruptly moving on who else here sees yesterdays take down of the Russian banking system as a mite suspicious?

ready for the “retaliatory” attack on western banking systems? damn that cbdc cant come fast enough..

monday heralds operation “lets start something really big” sorry i mean “air defender”

the worlds largest warship floating off st petersburg has been transfered to “nato control”

and those little darlings at w.h.o are asking for a “practice run” at the new powers they assume they will steal under the IHR amendments…. 2024 is just so too far away

oh i nearly forgot (what with whats going on n all) that a well known doctor (poisoned it seems whilst meeting with cnn “news”) had just called the alert that those lovely jibby jabbies might contain a sleeper toxin that would present as “marburg”, fancy that?

but still, when the levee breaks and ye old noocleer power station goes into meltdown you just know the justified and ancient are up to it again, ot, but have you seen how “young” dolly looks these days, oil of ulay? nah she uses “another brand”

buckle up kids, kansas is going bye byes

comment image

Jun 10, 2023 4:01 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Dolly had better be careful she doesn’t go the way of Joan Rivers.

Jun 10, 2023 11:07 AM

People are conditioned with the word ‘virus’. Covid is merely a variation on a theme.

Jun 10, 2023 10:27 PM
Reply to  Tom


Nicholas Creed
Nicholas Creed
Jun 10, 2023 10:40 AM

Valid points Todd. My friends and I discussed this last night at length. I think we’ll see the dragnet close in as the global digital ID ramps up and after WHO pandemic treaty likely gets ratified. NPCs are so well conditioned from Covid that they’ll fall straight into line. You could tell them about the next simulation (WHO planning now) and point to Event 201 and they will just smile and say it’s a good thing that the WHO prepared for it, and it is lucky that the next scamdemic is coincidently just like the simulation. Nobody can be forcibly woken up. They must to the work themselves.

Hardest things to accept during awakening:

Accepting that everything you thought you knew was false, and that there is innate evil, and that governments colluded to maim and kill on a mass scale.Realising that those same entities are actively continuing to try and depopulate us.Finally letting go of the hopium that we are “going back to normal.”I see most people struggle to make the leap. They default to denying reality. It’s just too much for them.

Tipping point eventually as Zelenko said – only global expanded consciousness will save humanity, when we reach a majority globally that see things as they really are. Last ten minutes of part 5 of Never again is global – powerful. Start at 1hr25min mark and listen to Zelenko:

Clucthing at straws
Clucthing at straws
Jun 10, 2023 11:51 AM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

You are correct. You can’t work it out for them.

But you can be there to answer questions when they get curious.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 12:24 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

Accepting that everything you thought you knew was false, and that there is innate evil, and that governments colluded to maim and kill on a mass scale.Realising that those same entities are actively continuing to try and depopulate us.Finally letting go of the hopium that we are “going back to normal.”I see most people struggle to make the leap. They default to denying reality. It’s just too much for them.

So so true, and so so sad, and so so frightening. I consider myself a relatively smart, educated, thoughtful, rational person, and this transition for me was very difficult. But while I was making it I kept saying, “there has to be another conclusion, this simply cannot be true…” but every time I would say that, something else would “prove” it WAS true…it is the only thing that makes rational sense…but it is SO radically off from everything I knew, as you say, “everything you thought you knew was false”…this realization is frightening but also awesome at the same time. The puzzle is put together and there is a satisfaction in that…

Nicholas Creed
Nicholas Creed
Jun 10, 2023 12:50 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

It is a lonely and disorientating experience waking up. I was an NPC until March 2020! What I’ve since seen cannot be unseen, unlearned, forgotten, or denied. But that’s what I see people doing – they know what I know but choose to explain it away, or say narrative conversations are out of bounds. It was infuriating. Now I just feel pity. I too clung onto the delusion for a long time that we would get past all this tyranny soon and have our old lives back. Not so. Things are only just warming up (NPCs in a perpetual state of going back to normal in between each brief reprieve granted amidst the intervals of ‘crises’).

I often wonder if the mental strain or trauma that we experience dealing with the reality of our situation is equal to that of NPCs that trick their mind into doublethink and dissonance. The longer they deny reality, I think the harder it will be once they are forced to accept some hard truths.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 2:43 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

Well put…BF Skinner, the famous behaviorist, experimented with pigeons and found that if you gave grain as a reward, then took it away, then gave it again, then took it away, you could train that pigeon to peck the lever until it was dead with no reward.

Same sort of psyop going on here with these “respites” of “going back to normal”…”this won’t last long” they say, not realizing it has been going on their entire lifetime with only periodic eruptions where the government comes in to save them…every time…but the every time that happens a piece of finger is cut off at the knuckle. Soon no fingers will be left…

Jun 10, 2023 4:06 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Only scientists get away with animal cruelty. Let the “ordinary man” beat his dog and he’s arrested and fined. Let the scientist murder countless animals of every description and he’s given a Nobel Prize.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 10, 2023 5:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

In the 1990s, I read of a British so-called ‘scientist’, here in the UK, called Dr Colin Blakemore. He’d done some horrific things to (I think, but can’t recall) puppies; ie, he’d been involved in the evil that’s called vivisection.
I was so enraged at what I read of his actions that I typed out a letter expressing my anger and disgust, and sent it to him (he then worked at either Oxford or Cambridge University, here in the UK – can’t recall which).

Needless to say, I received no reply from him.

One book which relates the horrors of vivisection is ‘The Slaughter of the Innocent’, by [Dr?] Hans Ruesch. I recall reading it, back in the 1990s.

Jun 10, 2023 12:47 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

Thanks for this!
I think they pushed too hard and now the health freedom movement is taking off….
Their technology doesn’t fucking work, so how will they push it further?
They had a good scam with vaccines for decades, because they didn’t push it this hard and so fast. That changed.

Nicholas Creed
Nicholas Creed
Jun 10, 2023 12:54 PM
Reply to  Rob

Transhumanism is the ultimate goal. Convince the serfs that this world is too unsafe and terrible and that we are fragile and mortal. Get them chipped. Upload their consciousness to the cloud (who’s cloud? Some corporation?). Mandatory brain chips possible down the line – sounds insane, I realise.

Anyway, enjoy nature, love, laugh, live! Stay pro-human, we may soon be an endangered species… 🙃 

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 2:47 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

I think what you say is closer to the truth than most things we hear. Transhumanism as a path to control as it applies to the useless eaters, transhumanism as a path to eternal life to those who have the control. Different models of robots…slave robots vs. master robots.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 2:45 PM
Reply to  Rob

The “glass is half full” perspective to what is happening is healthy, and no one should discourage it. But the “glass half empty” perspective is often the most realistic, and this “health freedom movement” just may be part of the agenda to divide us, or just a drop in the bucket that will not effectuate enough change to make a difference.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jun 10, 2023 10:38 AM

Satan’s minions are in the mood for another genocide.
What a world we live in, that Matt Hancock can murder your granny (Midazolam) and the next week be on “I’m a celebrity get me out if here”
What a circus..

Jun 10, 2023 2:27 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

The fat dictator is absolutely not absolved from his crimes against humanity merely because he has stepped down as an MP.
For the avoidance of any doubt – he must answer for those crimes by climbing up the scaffold and taking a life ending drop. And he is not alone, there’s a very long list – so all those people who engineered the “pandemic” and benefited financially can live with this motto: You can run but you can’t hide.

Jun 10, 2023 9:39 AM


I think we conspiract theorists can take credit for the demise of the Georgia Guidestones.Their continued existence durng the worst excesses of convid could have been the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Jun 10, 2023 9:27 AM

Todd should stick to psychotherapy because his knowledge of physical medicine is shaky.

Firstly, “the jab” (ie, RNA Vaxx) did not “initially target the elderly” — it was the Covid-19 virus which did that, because Covid-19 is just one of the many Corona flu viruses, and flu normally kills the old and infirm.

The Moderna Patent spike protein which is the main component of Vaxx was designed to turn a Corona virus that normally attacks bats into a Corona virus that specifically targets humans. Now we find that Vaxx preferentially attacks young healthy bloodvessels, killing youngsters rather than oldsters — but that was hardly the intention of Moderna’s scientists when they invented their patent “furan bindind site”.

Secondly, the Vaxx is not “indiscriminately killing or maiming an assortment of people—young, old, rich or poor.” Unlike Covid-19 and other normal flu viruses, the Vaxx discriminates against the young. This is remarkable: so remarkable that noboby seems to have compared the statistics of young deaths between two groups: the Vaxxed and the Unvaxxed. I bet such a comparison will clearly show the difference between Covid-19 death rates and Vaxx death rates.

Thirdly and lastly, the disease caused by the specific GMO Corona virus which carries Moderna’s patent “furan binding site” on its spike protein is not “Covid” (ie, COrona VIrus Disease in general) but a specific variant of Covid flu namely, “Covid-19” (indistinguishable from normal annual flu except that Covid-19 causes SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Distress) because its Moderna patent spike protein was designed to attack human blood vessels, and lungs are specially full of bloodvessels.

Here is the passage where I stopped reading this article:

“The jab, initially, seemed to target the elderly, or at least the response to “Covid” was aimed in that direction. The elderly were quickly isolated from loved ones, forced into close proximity to each other, and whatever you want to call it, “it” seemed to “spread” quickly among them (germ or terrain, this could be easily explained). These were the first of the population to receive rather lethal treatment with intubation/ventilation, and other known to be deadly drugs such as “Run Death is Near” (Remdesivir) and others.

“The vax itself seems to attack a variety of people and demographics. Depending on its method of extinguishing life (clots, brain bleeds, heart attacks, cancers) its victims can fall in a variety of categories, indiscriminately killing or maiming an assortment of people—young, old, rich or poor.”

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 12:31 PM
Reply to  NickM

Considering your intelligent comment I would think you would be a more careful reader. “The jab, initially SEEMED to target the elderly, or at least the RESPONSE to “Covid” was aimed in the direction.” How does that sentence in any way at all imply that I was saying the jab WAS DEFINITELY aimed at the elderly? I think you have to read a bit more carefully to understand my points. Sure, if you want to disagree, that is fine.

Also, there is not a single reference to academic medicine that would imply I thought I had a more than average understanding of “physical medicine.”

Not sure why I bother to respond to something like this.

Jun 10, 2023 2:41 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

NickM is a hoot as well as knowing all about “physical medicine”. Newsflash: there never was a pandemic in 2020 (Denis Rancourt); your SARS Cov 2 has never been isolated (many statements by public health AKA Sickness authorities): the PCR test of Prof Mullis has been declared by at least two EU courts to be invalid and the corruption in the “cause of death” stats in various countries in the run-up to the jab rollouts is well-documented.

Newsflash 2: the symptoms of “Covid” are similar to those of EMF radiation sickness (La Quinta Columna).

Just go on Telegram as well, and read Dr Mike Yeadon’s open letter to Dr Malone of 2 days back.

Btw, no virus has ever been isolated and Pasteur and Koch were witting or unwitting frauds, unlike Bechamp (Drs Sam and Mark Bailey, Cowan, Lanka, Kaufman, Koehnlein, etc. )

Jun 10, 2023 2:37 PM
Reply to  NickM

“remarkable that nobody seems to have compared the statistics of young deaths between two groups: the Vaxxed and the Unvaxxed.”

So remarkable that Dr.Dhand could not find official data of child deaths beyond 2020. In the video below, Dr.Dhand appeals for anyone to contact him with current data sorted by age and medical history [to my mind the most relevant comparison being young deaths among two matched groups: Vaxxed vs Not Vaxxed].


George Mc
George Mc
Jun 10, 2023 7:26 PM
Reply to  NickM

You are making one hell of a lot of presumptive leaps there. We can’t say that it was “the Covid-19 virus itself” which targetted the elderly since so many had other ailments as well. Indeed, as OffG has said over and over, every covid case and death statistic is worthless due to the …. well, to the same presumptive leaps you make yourself.

You would actually have made far less of a leap in reading the whole article. You were so close to the end anyway.

Jun 10, 2023 10:24 PM
Reply to  NickM

That is to say, íf one does believe in a so called ‘virus’ which I doubt to excist. One can not prove the existence of such ‘virus’.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 10, 2023 9:26 AM

Your target population is anyone delusional enough to believe Government lies about the safety of Covid vaccines, let alone their purported ‘efficacy’.

OK, you don’t have a 100% kill rate, but as that target population was so incredibly high, even 1% kill rate is a cool 50 million dead.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 10, 2023 2:48 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

It’s a start, eh?

Jun 10, 2023 3:03 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

“target population was so incredibly high even 1% kill rate is a cool 50 million dead”

Which is why vaccines, which are meant to target the whole world population, need to be tested for 10-15 years before general release. It was criminal irresponsibility to release RNA Vaxx so soon, even if RNA injection had been a normal vaccine and not a Hail Mary experiment.

Jun 10, 2023 7:27 PM
Reply to  NickM

There is no “vaccine” that is going to make one bit of difference if there is no real novel disease. As stated so many times, the PCR is NOT a test, was never meant to be a diagnostic tool, so any “case” numbers gleaned from it are bullshit, period.

As for the normal testing time of 10-15 years for vaccines, how’s that worked out for some of the less supposedly noxious ones, MMR anyone? The very idea that ANY of these vaccines were ever truly safe or effective should by now be seen for the lie that is. But no, now we’re going to quibble over whether the latest medical miracle is mRNA or not, but we will never discuss if there was ever any need for any of them, mRNA or not.

As for a Hail Mary experiment, the very premise of that whole idiocy is flawed when one takes into account the PCR, what it is and what it is not. If it is not a diagnostic test, then how can it truly determine who had “covid” or not? How can it prove whether there IS a “covid” or not? It cannot, and even that has been openly admitted by those running this scam. Does ANYONE even ask that very basic question anymore? No, the question is not asked and anyone who even begins to ask it is immediately shut down as a raving nut. That right there should be the tell, but that tell has been missed, never to be looked at again.

It’s like a kid’s game of pretend. Pretend it is real. Pretend we needed protection from it. Pretend some of the medical establishment, who NEVER bothered to ask the basic question, truly has our best interests at heart, but mistakes were made, too bad, so sad, never mind all those deaths now. Just go on and believe they’ll for sure get the next one right….

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jun 10, 2023 7:54 AM

I was out for lunch with a group yesterday. All intelligent, professional people earning squillions a year.

All were multi-jabbed.

All had had ‘covid’ at least once, one of them three times.

Despite their obvious intelligence and the many holes in the narrative, they were all seriously still on board with the official version.

We touched on the restaurant we were in being closed for two years.

“Because of covid” They all said together and nodded sagely.

I used to say “No, because of the government’s restrictions ”

But I stopped doing that because nobody was listening and I’d rather enjoy the company.

So I said “Yes, because of covid”

Indeed, the turnip has more to yield !

Jun 10, 2023 8:22 AM

But I stopped doing that because nobody was listening”.

Spot on – all the disciples have absorbed their brainwashing and will not permit facts to upset their beliefs. If they are unable to question why a “safe and effective” drug needs endless replacements, why CV19 is only caught by the “vaccinated”, why so many people became hugely wealthy during the so called “pandemic”, why Boris Johnson is “stepping down” (so he can avoid any further scrutiny when he starts spending his ill gotten gains), why the WHO is demanding new global powers for future “pandemics” despite their last one only achieving a 0.23% global infection fatality rate then they don’t deserve any respect or help.

Jun 10, 2023 9:44 AM
Reply to  MattC

By telling the truth one can shame the devil out of their minds.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Jun 10, 2023 8:53 AM

How do you ‘enjoy’ the company of such people?

It’s a serious question.

I tried to get my friends and acquaintances to question, but they wouldn’t – and these are academics – so I disengaged from them all two and a half years ago. It’s quite clear that none of them have yet questioned anything or done any honest research.

I can’t ignore that.

These people have let me down, let us all down, colluded with the psychopaths and caused serious harm, they’re dangerous and cowardly.

I’ll never forgive them.

Why would I want to be in the company of such people?

Clucthing at straws
Clucthing at straws
Jun 10, 2023 10:05 AM
Reply to  Mark EL

“How do you ‘enjoy’ the company of such people?”

In the recent reign of terror the population was split into two camps.

Those who believed and blamed the non-believers for killing their granny and wanted to see harm come to them.

The other camp, the non-believers, had a hard time of it with restrictions, vilification and, for many, the loss of their livelyhoods.

The non-believers, however, in general did not wish the believers any harm. Quite the opposite, the non-believers tried to steer the believers and let them see the truth.

My two- pennorth was not enough to convince someone that had been duped by the biggest and most expensive advertising campaign in history.

So, I have a choice.

I can piss into the wind or I can relax a bit and enjoy the rest of my life.

Jun 10, 2023 3:10 PM

I find that I can “enjoy the rest of my life” without keeping silent about the harm done by Con-19.

“Tell the Truth and shame the Devil”.

And if the Devil won’t speak to you, so much the better.

Jun 10, 2023 8:16 PM

At this point in time (between the waves of fear mongering brought us courtesy of the WEF et al) you may be right, that these associates of yours don’t mean you/the unvaxxed any harm. Maybe, I’m not sure. But I do think they will turn on you given the next wave. It is hard to live without trusting people, I know, but it is just as hard, even harder, to live knowing you will constantly find yourself opening your mouth and agreeing with lies.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 10, 2023 10:26 AM
Reply to  Mark EL

I totally agree with you.

Since the start of this global coup d’etat in early 2020 (N.B., yes, I’m well aware that nefarious things have been perpetrated on Earth by the ‘Powers-that-should