Announcing the International Center for 9/11 Justice

To the 9/11 truth community and the world:
It is with great hope and a deep commitment to achieving truth and justice regarding the events of 9/11 that we are announcing the launch of the International Center for 9/11 Justice.
The Center is a new iteration of the former International Center for 9/11 Studies, founded in 2008 by attorney James Gourley. It is being relaunched in partnership with two other cornerstone organizations of the 9/11 truth movement: the Journal of 9/11 Studies and the 9/11 Consensus Panel.
The goal of the newly formed International Center for 9/11 Justice is to organize, preserve, and present the best 9/11 research of the past two decades, conduct groundbreaking new research, and provide renewed direction, energy, and unity to the worldwide pursuit of 9/11 justice as it moves into its third decade.
As we all know, 9/11 was a turning point in our history. Present-day developments — including perpetual war and colossal military spending, the continued curtailment of civil liberties, far-reaching digital surveillance, and an increasingly propagandistic news media — flow largely from that turning point, which makes getting to the bottom of what happened that day more urgent than ever.
In addition to conducting research and carrying out educational activities, the Center will spearhead all types of initiatives aimed at raising mass public awareness and sparking broad-based demand for justice for the millions of people affected by 9/11.
Chief among those initiatives right now is helping the family of British 9/11 victim Geoff Campbell open a new inquest into his death in the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The Campbell family submitted a petition for a new inquest to the UK attorney general in August 2021 and nearly two years later is still awaiting a determination. If the inquest goes forward, it will be the first ever real government investigation into the events of 9/11.
The Center’s other major initiative in the short term is producing the feature-length documentary Peace, War and 9/11, set for release in September 2023. The documentary features the late Dr. Graeme MacQueen — a widely beloved leader in the 9/11 truth movement who in his final months was instrumental in building the new Center — presenting his analysis of 9/11 and the related 2001 anthrax attacks.
We were moved to form this organization following the passing of eminent 9/11 scholar Dr. David Ray Griffin late last year. As we contemplated where the 9/11 truth movement stood, we had a shared sense that the best evidence of the movement needed to be consolidated, that more potentially game-changing research needed to be undertaken, and that new impetus needed to be instilled in order for the pursuit of 9/11 justice to continue forward.
We invite you to visit the Center’s website at, to subscribe to our email list, and to please make a generous donation or become a monthly giver today so that the Center can take flight. Your generosity will support the research, education, and action needed to catalyze a global 9/11 awakening.
Our dear friend Graeme MacQueen once said:
The story of 9/11 is not over yet. It’s up to us to construct a humane ending to this story — an ending which has justice and truth in it. That’s our job, and let’s do it.”
Onward toward truth and justice,
Ted Walter, Executive Director
James Gourley, Founder
David Chandler, Board Member
Marilyn Langlois, Board Member
Piers Robinson, Board Member
Kevin Ryan, Board Member
Elizabeth Woodworth, Board Member
You can follow IC911Justice on Twitter, subscribe to their newsletter or read about their projects through their website.
If you enjoy OffG's content, please help us make our monthly fund-raising goal and keep the site alive.
For other ways to donate, including direct-transfer bank details click HERE.
Thursday April 25, 2024 to April 25, 2023
Graeme MacQueen, Today marks one year of your passing and we, your friends, colleagues and family miss you more than words can ever say…
“The Power of your Own True Voice Lives On in Each and Every One of us, Here, Now and in The Great Forever”…(tm-c)
With Love ❤️
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit
Thursday April 25, 2024 to April 25, 2023
Graeme MacQueen, all your dear friends, colleagues and family mark one year today of your passing
“The Power of your Own True Voice Lives On in Each and Every One of us, Here, Now, and in The Great Forever” (tm-c)
With Love ❤️
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit
July 25, 2023 to April 25, 2023
Dearest Graeme MacQueen
On Tuesday July 25, 2023 marks three months.
Graeme, your extraordinary contribution for the Greater Good lives on in the Conscience, Hearts and Souls of each and every one of us who believe in the power of your true voice.
Graeme, we all miss you so very much
With Love,
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit
The only research that matters is that of Dr Judy Wood.
The rest is clutching at straws (at best, deliberate smokescreens at worse). Judy Wood has the photographic evidence. Planes or no planes, the buildings were hit with some kind of microwave weapon and turned into dust.
Yes, the conclusions of a “scientist” that claims a microwave weapon were used and who also cannot explain how a microwave oven works is sound testimony.
Wood is a well-poisoner, injected by the Alphbets to stain and disparage the 9/11 Truth movement.
Gonzogone’s comment is irrefutable evidence that he/she/them is an infiltration agent.
Judy Wood is another layer of limited hangout. It was her assignment to draw attention away from the obvious fact that long available,tried and tested W54 warhead based mini nukes were used to pulverise the towers.
Interesting how a person is able to make a very reasonable statement and negate it in the next sentence.
Absolutely! What we’re seeing is the result of human development thus far, where a myriad of forces act in various directions, some stronger, and therefore more prevalent, than others. The constant looking for a nefarious force imposing its sinister will on humanity – exhibited plentifully among commenters on this forum, probably stemming from their strict religious upbringing with the notion that Satan is out lurking somewhere out there – is pure bullshit. Sure there are entities better capable of exerting force and having greater an influence on the goings-on, but the idea that there is a Central Office of Evil around the corner from the building where fucking Klaus Anal Schwab lives is ridiculous.
Yes the shit that goes down is the cumulative consequence of the shit that has gone down before.
As to “anything regular”, whatever the fuck does “regular” mean? Or “natural”, etc.? Can people do something irregular or unnatural? How? People are not part of nature? There is an authority that certifies things to be “regular” or “irregular”?
Ts ts …
You can only comment on what you know. On what you don’t know, your comments are pointless and are just adding to the circlejerk of ignorance passed off as knowledge- in this case, pseudo-rational materialism.
The existence of psychic entities exerting influence on susceptible human beings through the mind has been described by countless people from non-christian cultures who did not grow up with abrahamic terror (“strict religious upbringing”).
“Regular people” is easy: Just people who are not psychopaths hell-bent on controlling everyone else, via any means necessary. Most people do not become as powerful as Tony Blair, or a Rotshchild, because they are not driven as psycopaths are and do not have that insane intelligence.
The intellligence driving the psychopathic elites is not human or of this planet- which is why many people think of humanity as a virus. The virus is actually the mass technological “progress” imposed by non-human, extra-terresstrial entities operating in the mental/psychic realm. Cities and industrial technology quite palpably do not belong on this planet. There is nothing natural about them.
Cities are human farms- who is really doing the farming and coming up with the tech at such a pace?
A physical reminder: Presently, the U.S & E.U. in denial of all science known to any minor or major ‘trucker’ in the science of Fire & constructional stability… when entering premises… especially in 🇨🇭 Switzerland, with stringent regulations.
81 Steel Columns
2 Seconds Freefall
10 Seconds Flat…
A vertical implosion ?
From a Fire ?
The tallest building in
Switzerland being the
Size of WTC7…
Well, Trump better start improving building standards or disband the C.I.A. …
Because, nobody of sane mind can approve of present procedure, unless,
They are compromised.
Not least, sexually.
81 Steel Columns
2 Seconds Freefall
10 Seconds Flat.
IS, otherwise, IMPOSSIBLE !
A controlled demolition !
Ask any fireman,
What he thinks,
Regarding WTC7
Physics. NOT.
Rocket Science.
Which to this day makes Joe Public in the West
Look like the biggest bunch of Apes on the planet…
The Truth
I am not sure justice can be done. The millions that died in the wars that the neocons unleashed after this false flag cannot be resurrected. The neocons that demanded this false flag are unfortunately now lauded. Their latest target is demonised by those who marched for peace in 2003. The whole truth has not been pursued by the limited hangout movement and some of the most important research is actively suppressed.I am not optimistic but I suppose some acknowledgement of the falsehoods is better than nothing.
Can you back up these nasty libels? I am betting you can’t.
JUNE 14. 2023
For: IC for 91i Justice
To: Ted Walter & the entire Team
In: Honor of Graeme MacQueen
On behalf myself and the Documentary Film Unit we stand in Solidarity with all of you in exposing Truth & Justice for All. I promised Graeme that I would continue to bring to light his body of work containing his trademarked empirical analysis which is nothing short of brilliant!.
Happy to contribute our expertise in the subject matter areas of both the Federal and State’s continued “Obstruction of Justice”, Constitutional, Due Process Violations, Public Corruption and Judical Corruption, Whistle-blower ACT, Rico ACT and The Private Attorney ACT and Documentary Investigations & more.
Please let us know!
Carol – Documentary Film Unit
Meant “The Private Attorney General ACT”
Correction :
I meant “The Private Attorney General ACT”
To all those interested in Truth & Justice for 911, remember your Fierce Belief System should never be Compromised
The Unconscionable, Depraved and Souless Powers that Be Do Not want Americans who are Critical Thinkers, who are Ojective Anylitical Thinkers, who are Well Informed and Educated Citizens, that is Why they continue to Engage in daily “OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE” through the complicit and corrupted Courts, News Media, Social Media Platforms by Retaliating against your Constitutional Guaranteed Right to Freedom of Speech in order to Silence you.
But KARMA does eventually come to Bite them All in TYKW!!!
B.R.A.V.E. ON…!!!
The obsession with various personas is pure phantasmagoria. Why do you even listen to these shitheads in the first place? Why do you pin your hopes on the likes of Fucker Carlson or anybody else for that matter? Or Epstein? Religious education – you’re looking for a prophet, another Jesus?
The 9/11 Truth movement was infiltrated & de-fanged many years ago. Only takeaway is don’t let it happen again because you guys are running out of chances.
The stern of humanity’s ship is well out the water & the band is playing “Nearer my God to Thee”. You don’t have time to fuck up again.
Excellent news, Justice at last
About time – that Putin has got away with it for far too long!
(Remember Allen Dulles tried to fit up the Rooskies for JFK. BTW Dulles also protected George Adamski, the claimed first alien contactee. The next claimed contactees, Betty and Barney Hill, happened to be U.S. military. I wonder where those alien stories are coming from…. ).
911 changed the entirety of my life.
It’s worth pursuing till the end of time.
So too the fact there is no such thing as a virus…..and the myriad other lies, deceits, frauds and cruelties….
To the Admin (out of topic): May you please write an article about Mikki Willis’ “The Great Awakening” video?
I’m asking you this because many dissidents are interpreting the events since 2020 in a “right wing” code (bias) that not precisely is helping to understand what really happened then and is happening now.
And I’m not saying here that the “left wing” interpretation (bias) is the “correct” one: what I’m saying is that ANY fake binary interpretation leads us far from truth and it make us victims of the “divide and conquer” strategy, as this site always claims.
Thank you.
lol, Willis said he was, “inside the twin towers just before they fell” and helped serve firefighters food and aid during the rescue efforts.
What a “coincidance”!!! (Lol)
Seriously, many who call themselves “dissidents” today are incapable to see beyond their narrow ideological window, and just select among the facts the ones that fit with their bias.
For example, Willis talks about the undeniable examples of government dictatorship in the last century and during the Covid scam, but he scarcely talks about the PRIVATE oligarchic control or support behind those governments.
When he mentions the WEF, he refers to it as a “collectivist” organization, when the fact is that Scwab’s creation is a presidium for the ultra capitalists of this world….
…the same capitalists that decades before promoted neoliberalism (and economic individualism) and that are promoting now the collectivist “Great Reset” and the almost “left” wing “Inclusive Capitalism” movement.
Yes: capitalism / individualism for the upper class and comunism/ collectivism for the lower ones.
Neofeudalism, in one word.
And, about Mao, Hitler and Stalin, he forgets to mention (or he simply ignores) that, according to Anthony Sutton’s works, their “collectivist movements” were all funded in a large extent by the very individualistic oligarchs of Wall Street and Europe, as the today’s tecnocratic China was / is.
Yes, Willis deliberate focuses on MISdirecting his viewership down fake concepts, such as capitalism/communism, when in reality the only real war, or division, has always been between the criminal class of governing bodies and the public and NOT between popular fake enemy narratives such as communism, capitalism, China versus US, Russia versus US, etc:
The Real Human Plight & Misdirecting Propaganda
By ignorantly jumping on the communism-as-the-problem falsehood/lie, that has been actively promoted among the masses by the psychopaths in power, he “coincidentally” only falls for their typical public-misleading propaganda.
Having a smooth-talking virtue-signaling filmmaker calling pompously a biased whitewash of reality “the great awakening” is misdirection and apparent PROPAGANDA in its own right.
But he spreads even more propaganda because his film too worships the genocidal US empire as a “glorious nation.”
Apparently it was no coincidence at all that he was also present in the midst of the ruling class criminal-planned 9/11 crime because he was also “coincidentally” present during the L.A. Riots: Willis “Coincidental” Presence at Major Events
He has visited Israel.
Thanks for your comment, Beatriz. I’ll pass this on to our editors. A2
-see above
Another paid actor to mislead down blind ideological alleys…. “communism”!
The situation is much closer to the definition of “fascism” in case you hadn’t noticed (corporate capital power teaming up with the state to forcefully negate democracy)
Significant as 9/11 was, it hasn’t, and doesn’t really affect most of the world’s population.
The US is not the centre of the Universe, despite the Messianic madness that haunts its corridors of control.
Whoever gives a flying fuck about 911? What idiot thinks that 911 truth and justice will ever be achieved? This quest for finding yet another incontrovertible proof that 911 was a scam is the same mirage as presenting yet another piece of evidence that convid was a scam and proving that a building doesn’t fucking collapse because another structure half a kilometer away is burning is as useless as another explanation that virus is exosome. No authority will ever rule in favor of the supposed Truth, and people in the court of public opinion don’t give a fuck
This a complete waste of energy insofar as somebody thinks that uncovering the Truth will change the course of history. Plausibly, this phantasmagoria is fueled by the perpetrators themselves through a few plants and zillions of useful idiots who naively think that one day justice will be served, the culprits shot at the nearest wall or hanged from the nearest lamppost, and we’ll all live happily ever after. This will never happen, it’s a mirage, fairy tale for idiots.
Use your energy to formulate a vision for the future world, something other than the utterly toxic, both figuratively and literally, consumerist ideology, an antithesis to the liberticidal technocracy that’s encroaching on the world, and promote it.
Look to the future instead of forever poking into some putrid shit from the past.
Sad but so very true…
I’ve realised I’m not really so concerned about justice, what concerns me is mind control and how to see where it’s being used. What drives me absolutely nuts is that 9/11 truthers seem to be stubbornly resistant to seeing the fake binary propaganda strategy employed.
In what sense exactly does it matter? You’re that stupid to need yet another bulletproof piece of information that it was a scam? Hope fucking not! You need confirmation that 911 put the (western) world on a totalitarian trajectory? You can’t fucking see that?
You think that revealing the “truth” will make some authority rule that it was all bullshit, go back in time, punish the perpetrators, change the course of history, and make the world now be what it would have been had 911 not happened? You’re fucking nuts?
What’s with this obsession with dwelling on past events and whining about how you’ve been had? 911 is history. You won’t change that. Look to the future instead, that you can change.
Was it George Orwell who said if we don’t remember our past we’re doomed to repeat it?
I don’t see shutting down discussion & demanding folks move on as being very helpful to anyone but the PTB.
The PTB are very pleased with the state of affairs regarding 911: conflicting groups fighting each other over this or that detail, over these or those alleged culprits, over whether or not there were planes and so on, as if that was *all* that matters and nothing else, – having passed so many years – not perhaps what 911 obviously allowed to justify ever since in world politics and world geopolitics; i.e. its historical significance.
Learning from History doesn’t imply getting stuck on the minutiae of one event if its significance in the larger mouvement of History had already been elucidated.
Agree. Osama Bin Laden did it because of envy toward America with a bunch of mountain goats from ME and funded by Saudi, and Obama killed the bastard.
This is reality and really all there is to it. Now to the transvestites and the cyborg world.
It makes zero difference who did it, how they did it, and why they did it too other than enhancing your experience from jerking off about whatever results this truth commission delivers.
What matters is trying to understand the reasons why this civilization is collapsing and finding a way to deal with these phenomena that provides and alternative to the medico-digital technocratic totalitarianism ushered by whoever pulls anal schwab’s strings.
Dear Loose Cannon
You get it!
Would the bastards be given some of our priceless life energy? No!
I’m so glad someone is taking it soberly!
Are you with 8200, Jacques ?
The J word instantly sends the post into pending.
The reason being because sometimes – just rarely – certain people (who some refer to as ‘cringey idiots’) interchange references to Israel (or maybe even specific units in the Israel Defence Force) with all Jews. What muppets, eh? 😅 Therefore we have to monitor these sorts of things. It’s nothing personal to anyone, just the reality of running a very small indie site like this which deals with some very challenging topics. A2
I only hope running a site like this isn’t forcing Admins into doing too much against their will.
Thanks for your sageness, however no need to be concerned just yet. 😉 You’ve been here long enough to know whether you can trust us by now, I suspect. Same formula. Same admins. Same valuable free resource which many people value. Perfect? Not at all. The smartest, most inclusive, most dynamic alt. news forum out there? Arguably. 🤩
Plus some of the best alt. news commentary above the line you’ll find anywhere 👍
Would it be possible for you guys to get Ramzy Baroud to contribute? I believe that would be smart, inclusive, and dynamic. Thanks!
Anyone is welcome here, do you think he’ll be ok with our stance on Covid?
Why not?
Well he seems quite on board with the fake pandemic, that’s all. Do you think he’d feel comfortable publishing here? He’d be an exception if so. A2
Or maybe the references are to the Rotschilds, Goldman Zachs, Kissinger, etc etc etc ad nauseam.
Indeed, Loose Cannon,
Someone commented, give your energy to what you do want and therefore don’t spend energy on what you don’t want.
Do you want something to grow? Then put energy into it. So if you want to improve the world, give it good attention and leave the results of imbeciles for what they are. You don’t change people. If you want to change someone, change yourself. That only puts ‘sod on the dike’!
Unlike 9/11, the perps of the convid scam are identifiable and can potentially be reached. For many, there is no future, and justice or vengeance is all that is left.
The perpetrators surely know this and will have to live the rest of their miserable lives surrounded by bodyguards who they must be 100% sure will not turn. Total control is a real bitch.
Well, the Muslims and Arabs who have paid the highest price with their life, limb, society, civilization and future generations that will never be have asked to know. Notice they are not asking for money that is so important to the YT Americans.
Those WITH the SHOTS call the shots:
From your Link:
“everyone who goes along with The Current Thing receives benefits…. They’re also allowed to keep moving up the organizational pyramid. Such people won’t get kicked out of the “herd,” “pack” or “club.”
A trait which human groups share with our chimpanzee cousins. We must have inherited that social trait from our common pre-chimp ancestors. Therefore, the social-conformist trait must have some survival value.
Survival of the ‘fattest’.
Bank accounts that is.
Survival of the fattest people also. The body instinctively stores fat because its ancestors never knew when their next meal would be. Like my ancient Austin 7 always carried a spare can of fuel when touring because it never knew when the next petrol station would appear. The fattest woman would be the most likely to survive a famine and nourish offspring.
“J’aime des femmes avec des proportions confortables” — Old French saying.
Here’s a disturbing but must-see Mike Adams/David Sorenson interview about satanism. Sorenson claims the real PTB (not the puppets we see) inspired the vampire legend because they avoid sunlight, feast on infants and have extended lifespans. 2 years ago, I would have scoffed at this. Now- I’m like- yes, that explains a lot.
The cleverest device of Satan was to spread the belief that he and God do not exist.
Another vampire parallel is that they need to be invited into your home (see ‘Let the right one in’).Their magic is more powerful if we consent to it. Nobody was forced to have a television….
Satanists are to Luciferians what Islamists are to Western intelligence – fanatics who serve as useful proxy warriors and chaos agents who take the rap when needed and distract from the true driving force .Luciferian symbolism abounds arong 9/11 but where’s the Satanism?
On the subject of the Occult beliefs of the elite, David Rockefeller is often cited as an example of one of them who had no such interests – he was just a materialist. Having just read his ‘Memoirs’, I can say that’s definitely a misdirection. His fascination with Ancient Egypt runs throughout the book. It’s also interesting that Rockefeller admitted he had none of the modern art he financed in MOMA in his home and he preferred the old masters. Modern art is clearly a psyop to destroy notions of order and beauty and promote more chaos (as Frances Stonor Saunders chronicled about who was behind Jackson Pollock although she somewhat obfuscates the motives). They’re mocking people who think this is art.
It’s never about art. It’s about playing the market.
Easy money for greedy, greasy ghouls.
Their self identification with wealth comes to a pathetic, loveless, conclusion as they wither and die.
Cosmic justice has no favourites.
On ‘art’ Edwige:
And here:
So, what yer’ saying is, Jackson’s bollocks ?
Who’d have guessed ?
Imagine, owning one…
Then finding out.
Good channel
Announcing the International Center for 9/11
JusticeObfuscation.Don’t agree. People like Piers Robinson & Kevin Ryan, the late Graeme McQueen, David Griffin, are all well-intentioned but hoodwinked into taking wrong paths.
…- Just Us…
Edward Curtin’s latest is an INSTANT CLASSIC.
A parable for the PARASITES. Enjoy:
Ed’s work always prolific, on point a master craftsman.
We have an investigative report to be published at end of the year on COVID MEDICAL HARM & COVERUP it is all ORGANIZED MEDICINE aka ORGANIZED CRIME!!!
I am tired of studying 9/11. While a few details of how it was exactly executed are still a little mirky, their clarification would make little difference, Anyone with a will to know the truth and with an IQ over room temperature knows the truth of who was behind it and why. Basically it was a joint venture between the Mossad, the Neocons, the DoD, the CIA, and the FBI, to cover it up after the fact. We really do not need more information.
Sixty years ago this November, almost triple the time since 9/11, Jack Kennedy was gunned down by mafia hitmen contracted by the CIA to do the deed. (Actually one of the shooters was LBJ’s personal hitman.) We know even more about the JFK hit than 9/11 and where has that gotten us? All the perps, starting with Allen Dulles, have died in bed. The question is what can be done about either atrocity beyond tying up the little money truthers have in endless and meaningless court battles? At least uncovering the truth with the ongoing cv-1984 atrocity has resulted in the average American former sheeple knowing better than to have a white lab coat shoot more poison into their arms and to realize how corrupt and stupid the vast majority of Rockefeller medicine street pusher MD’s are.
Telling the truth has its own power, The more we do it the stronger we get. The PTB know it even if we don’t. They WANT you to shut up, lose hope and move on
Mossad was also central in the various Kennedy hits including Chappaquiddick.
“Basically it was a joint venture between the Mossad, the Neocons, the DoD, the CIA, and the FBI, to cover it up after the fact. We really do not need more information.”
Exactly. There’s ample evidence that multiple insider trading “deals” were made before the buildings even fell. One of many articles: >
Evidence for Informed Trading on the Attacks of September 11
Evidence for Informed Trading on the Attacks of September 11 (
The transactions included all the usual suspects, and all of these executives and staff continued on as if nothing happened. Freedom and Justice for All (who can afford it)…
these events “swung American public opinion in our favor.”
– Netanyahu
Netanyahoo deserves to swing but never will.
May as well open an inquest into the crucifixion of Jesus.
Only those who write history have the ‘authority’ to rewrite it.
Self appointed authority that is.
The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy…and in humans he found many able and willing to do his will..
Maybe Henry Kissinger could be appointed as the executive director. Bush the Minor nominated him for the first government inquiry but he had to decline when he had to make his rolodex public.
A death bed confession from Henry the 9th would put the cat among the vultures.
Fat chance.
By the way, can anyone please tell me where Kissassinger’s neck and shoulders have gone? If they descend much further into his chest cavity he will soon be tongue and grooving his own sphincter.
It does make one wonder if “elitist medicine” which expands life expectancy from 80 to 100 is really worth the price of publicly rotting away. The Queen, the Queen mother, Kissinger, Soros. If a starving coyote found their bodies in the wild, he would have more sense than to eat them, and would just walk away in disgust.
He got a heavy load on his shoulders,
And his neck got chopped off.
After which, a heavy dose of introspection was in order,
And some super glue from Ciba-Geiga’s over the counter range,
Plus some tinfoil, and a few inserts in the coccyx,
With a Neuro-link, good as new…
Rock n’ Roll.
Henry in Musk.
Maybe even,
Cyberspace ?
N.b. ” We will Coup whoever we want ! Deal with it . . . ”
Who said that ?
Elon-gated planning exists.
“it will be the first ever real government investigation into the events of 9/11.”
Oh dear !
I cannot deny the ideal that justice should be had and not denied. Especially when considering all the evidence that clearly indicates that the crime of 9-11 could have only been executed by a fixed frame government entity(s).
That said, there are many events throughout modern history for which justice will forever be denied because the criminal perps control the levers of justice. Many good people within choosing to do nothing and allowing the evil to persist.
I hope you prove me wrong and turn the tables.
As a nominal “truther”, I’m all for 9/11 justice.
But as a proud, if wretched, “blackpill” cynic, I might as well get in early and wonder if this well-intentioned effort will have the same doomed arc as the Reiner Fuellmich project to bring truth and justice to the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic-mongers.
The obvious devil already lurking in the details is the familiar problem, or pitfall, of sorting out the “best research”. It’s a given that the organizers, even if acting in zealous good faith, are determined to establish a bastion of “solid” and “respectable” research in hopes of escaping the usual Establishment overclass-sponsored campaign to smear and discredit the enterprise as just another pathological exercise by dubious Sphere of Deviance truther-rousers.
I can’t see how this project, however laudable, can proceed without either beginning with, or swiftly imposing, administrative “red lines” that reject and exclude ostensibly preposterous “lunatic fringe” research(ers) and analysis.
This, notwithstanding high-minded rhetoric, e.g. “Oh, no, we’re not about to recreate the self-destructive Truther Community internecine warfare– we’re rising above it. And we’re accomplishing this not by attacking unacceptable (non-“best”) perspectives and theories, but by promoting and disseminating the already abundant rigorous research that disproves the fraudulent official/settled narrative.”
If they can reach a threshold, or escape velocity, that leaves the “crazies” (as the administrators deem them) behind, then they will successfully impress and persuade a broad demographic of stolid citizens who already have doubts and misgivings about the official narrative, but are repelled by far-out wacko types.
We’ll see. Good luck! 🤔
Too many invested interests.
what do you define as best 9/11 research? what do you define as “wacko”?
RYAN, HULSEY, GRIFFIN, CURTIN and so many More ALL Exceptional with Courage of Convicrions with FIERCE Belief Systems!!!!
Diverging a little here – Reiner Fuellmich! What the heck happened?
Why has no one in alt media picked this up, or did I miss it?
I don’t believe for a second that he stole millions.
My first thought was “they got to them”.
They fabricated that little spat between Riener and Vivian.
I know there will be lots of thoughts about this, but really, that whole thing was weird.
I have watched some of his recent videos on bitchute. He has initiated a new organization to investigate.
I never considered him a “savior”, but that take down was swift.
And, again, crickets. No one has even come to his defense.
Does anyone have any real knowledge?
Which, I suppose, is the ultimate oxymoron.
He apparently tried, courts rejected it (LOL), he got attention.
which is what he was seeking. How could he have expected to succeed? Was he really that desperate for some semblance of the due process he was trained in? It’s all possible.
Are Niels Harritt and Steven Jones also involved?
Jones was exposed as a total fraud years ago
Oh really, was he 🙄
Who is Steven Jones ?
Where the hell have you been since 2001?
Don’t fall for it … remember that the devils pay handsomely for their troll-brigades.
I don’t live in Europe.
I searched and an aged rocker from Sex Pistols came up and a crazy fuck in Arizona that shot people.
Whatever. Must be a metrosexual Eurocentric thing.
Hell Is Empty… All the Washington Devils Are Here
The horrific – though largely hidden – reality of the U.S.-led NATO pretend wars against terrorism is essentially a war against humanity, Tatiana Obrenovic writes.
Here is an EXCELLENT video on the decades of mindless wastefulness of corporate greed:
Obsolescence Is Created in the Mind
It has become obvious since WWI and especially since WWII (see Truman) that the US is engaged in a war against all humanity. It especially despises its own citizens whom it’s forcing to pay the bills for global genocide. The Bushes for example don’t even try to hide their seething hatred of us. Thus it’d logical that 911 is another example of it. Not a single member of the US political class will stand up for us…”The horrific – though largely hidden – reality of the U.S.-led NATO pretend wars against terrorism is essentially a war against humanity, Tatiana Obrenovic writes.”
Only the US? That is not an accurate statement.
All governments are at war with their people.
Based on history, that is much longer than the USA’s existence, Europe has caused more damage to the world than any others.
Nevertheless, I suspect the most polished masterclasses in learning this art have been taught by American con men ever since TV entered every home.
I still remember the first TV advertisements I ever saw in England as a kid:
They were American.
British actors prepared to regurgitate such garbage scripts could not be found.
But, after ten years, they gave in.
That is not an argument that refutes my assertion.
If the people in England’s broadcasting business were so much better, then why use American advertisers? Did the USA create the BBC?
They are all part of the same casting crew.
Actually, Europe is a continent, not a government. And she said the US is “in a war against all humanity”, which means trying to rule the fucking world. Without getting into who is really behind the US government, that IS an accurate statement which doesn’t preclude other governments “at war with their people”, nor past collective efforts throughout history of the governments of European countries. A peculiar nitpick to a good comment.
Because it is stupid to act like the USA is the only nefarious actor on the world stage of tyranny. Every nation in Europe has played their part in every conflict and event via the collalitions or treaties, or just going along.
USA isn’t the only one giving the nut job dictator in the Ukraine weapons of war to kill and maim and poison the world. China is giving Russia weapons and aid. What about that POS?
The Bank of England, and the Vatican are at least as complicit as any entity in the USA, along with the Central Bank Cartel, and Israhell.
They don’t call it The 5 Eyes (Really 6 Eyes because it included Mossad) for nothing.
The constant BS that the USA is responsible for all the world’s woes is just utter nonsense and playing directly into the hands of TPTB.
Looking for someone to blame, start by looking in the mirror. We are all to blame for being too brain dead to see everything coming decades if not centuries ago.
Who is “acting like the USA is the only nefarious actor on the world stage of tyranny”? That commenter wasn’t. I’m sure she could have gone deeper but that wasn’t her intent. The basic message was the U.S. has been the pre-eminent imperialist nation on the planet since WWI. To argue against that is weak and reeks of weird devils advocate basic shit just to act like you’re “intelligent”, which you seem to think every person on this blog lacks. Like you’re saying anything most of us don’t already know. Whatever, man. Playing into the hands of TPTB my ass,
That is factually not an accurate assessment of the USA prior and after WW1. What foreign nation or land did the USA call a colony?
The British and French are the leaders in the colony category, and have been for several centuries, even into the 20th Century. For example England didn’t let go of the Palestinian colony until after WW2, to fulfill the Balfour Agreement. France was fighting in Vietnam until the late 1950s and early 60s, before leaving their colony, Vietnam.
Then there is all the meddling by England in the Middle East during and after WW1, through WW2. One of the major reasons there is always conflict in the Middle East is because England purposefully set borders through holy land to incite conflict.
Any questions?
I’m going to start calling you Obtuseman.
That isn’t an argument that refutes my assertions.
Calling me names is just deflection.
Questions? Yes.
Why do people, when analyzing situations in/of the world, talk about England and France? Don’t they know that those countries don’t actually exist, but are an illusion created by the, let’s say, the top of the world or the ‘black hand’? This to secretly see the world as property in the background without ordinary people seeing it. So when you talk about those things, it’s better to name names. That’s simpler.
The world is ‘led’, I hear from several sources by a number (300?) very rich very old ‘aristocracy’. So that’s probably where the idiosyncrasies like war or ‘country designations’ come from, I did learn.
If we shouldn’t call those governments England and France, what do we call them then, when we mention their history?
Nothing you said refutes the assertions I made.
I wish you would shut up.
So you are just another tyrant that can’t handle the fact that you aren’t the only one with the freedom of Expression.
Good luck with that.
Waking the brain dead is a tedious and unrewarding labor… The masses enjoy frontal lobe deficiency. Scan the historical record of any hundred year span. Humans are little more than bald and retarded chimpanzees…
The US federal government/military/police/industrial cartel is the enforcement and propaganda arm of the Great Satan and needs to be cut off.
Clever statements about mirrors are extreme whataboutery and essentially cowardice.
Oh look, a self-flagellating Wokeist on Off-G. I call BS. “More damage” is a statement of quantity. So what are your units of measurement. NB: a balance sheet states Assets and Liabilities, here: pluses and minuses.
Or are you telling me suppression by the British of suttee and the Thugs in India was “cultural genocide”?
Funny, Amnesty used to say that “human rights are indivisible”
50 Million
50 million people on the subcontinent perished in famines during the Bankster British rape of that region. A monstrous crime that rivals the genocide in the Americas and the rape of Africa.
What are your thoughts on the Reins of Lenin and Stalin resulting in the starvation and death of 10s of millions of their own people?
What about Mao Zedong and the 10s of millions of Chinese that were starved to death and executed?
Nothing you said refutes any assertion I have made.
If you can’t formulate a rational argument, maybe you are better off not digging your own hole.
I’m simply saying that where the world is today, is the cumulative effect of all known, and unknown, history. It isn’t only because of any single nation or group of elites. It is certainly not the result of anything regular people did.
If you want to blame someone, or something, then the best choices are Government, Banks, and Corporations.
Nobody really cares about “refuting your assertion”.