Quick Take: “Tropical diseases migrating north” is just more climate scare-mongering
Latest fear-porn headlines is another push in transforming climate change into the next covid.

We’ve been writing for a while about how the latest propaganda drive on “climate change” will be primarily about turning it into a public health crisis (see this piece from last week).
…and the media have been in a hurry to prove us right.
Yesterday it was reported by the Mail that “experts” had told the UK Parliament that increased temperatures due to climate change would reach UK shores carried by mosquitoes and ticks:
World’s deadliest diseases are coming to the UK because of climate change: Mosquitos and ticks carrying viruses with death rates of up to 50% will make Britain home, experts warn MPs
The diseases of concern included Zika – the original harmless “pandemic” back in 2016 – as well as Breakbone fever. But the real scaremongering was reserved for Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF).
In this instance, the Daily Mail was outdone in terms of fearmongering by the Daily Record, who reported today:
Deadly virus now ‘highly likely’ to hit UK in new climate change warning
Wales Online contrived to be even less subtle:
Virus which kills one person a second likely to be heading to UK, scientists say
“One person a second”. Uh-huh.
The fear-mongering rather breaks down when you look at what “expert” James Wood – a veterinarian, not a doctor by the way – actually said, essentially revealing that he has no idea if and/or when CCHF would arrive in the UK:
“We don’t know what is going to arrive until it does […] Some tick-borne infections, so Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, are highly likely to spread in the UK through our ticks at some point,”
Still, whether or not CCHF does start killing “one person a second” in the UK, the good news is they started working on a vaccine earlier this year.
In amongst this chaotic nonsense, there is more subtle messaging in the form of public statements from institutions (like this one from Ireland’s public health authority) and elected officials (like Rep. Scott Peters). All of it is designed to sell a message through repetition – like a hypnotist.
“Climate change is a public health issue. Climate change is like Covid but worse.”
Over and over and over and over and over and over again. There will likely be legislation soon. Keep an eye out for that.
Really, this isn’t so much a “quick take” as an update…with a bit of “we told you so” thrown in.
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My contempt for the MSM may be taken for granted…
Interview With A Critical Thinker
“Covid, climate change, virus, contagion are all great big hoaxes!”
“And when did you find all this out?”
“When I realized they are all made up by the same people.”
“Now let me play Devil’s Advocate and ask for some proof.”
“Covid is rebranded flu; climate change is bs; viruses haven’t been isolated; they can’t give one person’s illness to another.”
“Could you elaborate?”
“There was no flu when Covid was around. First they said we were headed for an ice age, now they say we’re going to fry. Not one virus was ever found just sitting there all by itself. Pasteur was a charlatan. Oh, and I saw a poster of a woman on the phone all shook up because an anal swab said she had Climate Change!”
“Well, there you have it. Critical thinking in four easy steps.”
Prince Philip’s ambition to come back as a virus didn’t quite work.
He only made it to the rank of gnat.
This was just a test, a global emergency test agreed in UN in 2006 with almost all countries.
The real reincarnation of Prince Philip will happen later.
Dung Beetle!
Great to see you were already on topic on zika in August 2016.
Also great to see that the comments are still there. I found myself there talking about Jill Stein. —Does anyone remember her?
I certainly forgot about her….
And then I talked about the green deal and how ‘good’ solar and wind could be. It’s a long comment. Pretty naive… Maybe even stupid…
Why mention it?
– Well, apparently I can change.
That gives some hope that other naive and stupid people also can change but maybe need a bit more time.
Humble, fair and, most important of all, hopeful. Brilliant comment. Thank you 🙏
I do not disagree.
Time is running out.
Willem: your honest reflections serve to highlight Binra’s foresight & wisdom,
Regarding operational healthcare systems value, in terms of control,
Including their own minds, with soundproof compartmentalisation,
Via widespread ignorance…
” Thank you for extending this information – of which I had already become aware but is not allowed into mainstream media. The medical front is often completely overlooked by political and cultural perspectives – as if it were neutral, objective and independently verified information – by which populations are ‘medicated’ and patently absurd profits generated from sickness and death – in this case poisoned and provided with a cover story that itself generates more poisonous outcomes. Most news stories are legal documents where the conjecture of false association is given headline – with some plausible deniability hidden at the somewhere, in the small print. ”
Somewhat prophetic, surely: Binra, I and many others had warned of the healthcare weaponisation at the W.H.O. said what, where & when & how the Military indemnified Big Pharma,
From any Liability. At a stroke,
Of a pen… Above any Law.
Human Guinea pigs…
I assure you Willem,
Matters are far worse,
Now, needing exposure.
Depleted Uranium Munitions
A sound start to re-capture
Science & rescue ⚗ Chemistry, Biology
And wrestle with the physics of
M.i.c. Secret Agendas and Experimentation,
including the psychological,
Performed upon Mankind.
With reckless abandon
& immoral purpose.
& every day.
Nothing new,
Fancy some LSD ?
Climate Change is a euphemism for how TPTB discuss We the People that are waking up to their nefarious activities and criminal operations. Us waking up is changing their environment.
We are the Pollution
We are the Drugs
We are the Terrorists
We are the Climate
We are the Virus
All wars have been, and are, wars on We the People of the world.
The sooner that most of us wake up to this fact, and prepare, the sooner we can take back control.
Be prepared that many of the people we love, will not make it.
We ain’t seen nothing yet.
They ain’t seen nothing yet.
Scaring people with a climate Armageddon works through their brains and emotions negatively downward to the cells, thus reducing their natural immunity or putting it inhyper mode (auto-immune problem), a thousand times more than any number of (Gates) mosquitoes.
Be on guard when it comes to ticks … the USofAs can weaponize them faster then they can send HIMARS to the Ukronazis.
They have experience going back to the early 1950s. Lyme’s was one of their first collaborations with high-level Original Nazi (ON) émigré scientists who signed on to help them bring forward the USofAs’ form of Nazism.
The infected ticks can be released simultaneously from hundreds of European bases that are home to USANazi storm troopers.
They will do it. Be careful.
Last I checked, it is the WHO and WEF that are pushing this Agenda onto all nations, and the governments of all nations are complying.
Both the Russians and Americans captured Nazi scientists.
Russia has a long history of human experiments just like the USA. For example:
Scientist Lysenko
Ilya Ivanov conducting animal hybrid experiments monkeys and humans.
Alexander Bogdanov and his vampiric experiments.
Serguei Yudin doing experiments on corpses.
I have heard that the Meltdown at Chernobyl was an experiment gone wrong and not just incompetence as we are lead to believe.
Then there is the Woodpecker Signal that is an attempt to mind control population.
Vladimir Demikhov and the two headed dog.
Poison Development Lab of the Soviet Secret Services
Attempts to animate dead animals with mechanics.
Dogs used as subjects to test poisons.
To name a few.
Is that the Russian form of Nazisum?
Are the KGB, that is now the FSB, Russia Nazi Stormtroopers?
Be careful. No government is going to save anyone.
The worst thing about the Russians is the way they genocided tens of millions of Euroasian aborigines to acquire their empire. And let’s not forget the clever way they turned the word “slave” into “serf”. And what about all the worldwide murderous chaos they have served up for their entire history? Terrible, terrible …
Even worse is that their victims were not “brown” people. Imagine the lack of insight there, Thom.
Ok, I’ll just have to face that everybody is equally as BAD as the USof As. Equally as in equivalence.
What about Lyme’s? Where did that come from? BTW, I’ve heard that Three Mile Island was an attempt to poison John Lennon with radioactive particulate.
What do I need to be careful of? Specifically …
Also, please name one thing the USofAs has done for humanity completely altruistically in the last (I’ll make it say for you) 100 years.
Great country you’re defending …
As far as I know, Lyme disease was supposedly developed on an island off the East Coast and our own government poisoned the East Coast with it. Are you seriously expecting me to know everything the US government does in secret?
What about the Russian Flu? Do you know where that came from? Russia has had the Black Plague, Cholera Breakouts, Spanish Flu Pandemic. I know for a fact that the Spanish Flu pandemic was created by poison jabs being distributed in 1917 through 1918. That means big pharma was allowed to do the same in Russia.
Poison John Lennon? That is a new one. LIke the Russian defector that was poisoned in the UK by a Russian Product. Wouldn’t surprise me if the the KGB/FSB and CIA share their nefarious ideas with each other. After all the goal is for the world to be Communist.
You need to be careful of assuming that your government isn’t as devious and murderous of any other. If you actually think that your government is on your side, you are delusional.
The only think the USA has done that is virtuous is be an example to the world in the war against tyranny, as evidenced in the American War of Independence to shed the yoke of the English Crown. The Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights do not need to be exclusive to America. All people are We the People and all people have the same inalienable human and civil rights. Regardless of what government says or does.
“Both the Russians and Americans captured Nazi scientists.”
Do you mean they shouldn’t have? If so then the answer is simple. Under normal circumstances, of which war is not one of them, people find they are not as mutually exclusive as the labels they put on each other; luckily so, one might add considering the other circumstances in which they think they are.
On second thought, even in combat, soldiers die more likely accidentally of stray bullets rather than of “aimed bullets”, as this WWII veteran recounts.
Those scientists were seen as spoils of war by both sides. From a military and national strategic perspective it is understandable. That is not to suggest that it was a virtuous endeavor.
From a human perspective, those that harmed others should have been held accountable for their crimes and not given a free pass by the governments. Those that harmed no one, should have been allowed to return to their homes.
That Russia sent soldiers into the Gulags and essentially murdered them, is another subject. The Allies did similar to captured soldiers at the Rheinwiesenlager camps.
War is an atrocity against humanity.
Yes, agreed on that and on the other points. But all the rhetoric about punishing and holding accountable is what perpetuates wars IMO. Who has the moral right to punish, to throw the first stone? No one, at least no one of the involved governments. Take post WWI Germany; the question is: What harm was Germany doing since its birth that Britain, the US, France, Russia, etc weren’t doing or hadn’t done? Nothing, it just happened that from an insufficiently agrarian empire that imported everything, they quickly became auto-sufficient and exporting and acquired colonies because of overproduction resulting from the advances in the means of production, just like Britain, France and Russia did before. So, why punish one and not the others? Why didn’t the winning side instead get back to the root of the problem? It’s because they would have seen the contradiction, under Capitalism, between the reality of what they *had to do* and the narrative of free market, free exchange, and free competition under which Britain and France should have ceded their market place to, and became customers of Germany and probably of the US too. The world is a battlefield, and as Clausewitz said, war is politics by other means, and we might add that politics are the expression of economic interests.
Ironically, post WWI, the US became everything that the “Allies” tried to prevent Germany from becoming. Why did they allow it? Because the US had an edge over the “Allies” which were the debts of war. So, at the end of the day it is might – financial, economic then everything else follows – that punishes, that determines what’s right and what’s wrong. Of course everything is framed with a beautiful narrative but it is the strong that decides. If the people, instead of States were freely to decide, if they were explained the genesis of wars, how they themselves use the same system at a smaller scale and provoke broken businesses/families just like wars provoke losers, I’m sure the majority would opt for the withdrawal from this economic system.
Scientists that did experiments on people, or euthanized, deserve to be judged. I don’t see how that should be a debate.
Germany was a threat to TPTB, in my opinion because Germans were waking up to Central Bank Cartel manipulation. Hitler “kicking out Rothschild” was an act of pacification for popular support. He ended up using the same Cartel to finance the war.
As far as the USA’s involvement in either war, that was the desire of the US government and not the people. The sinking of the Lusitania and Pearl Harbor were used to sway public opinion to support American involvement.
That the USA avoided mass destruction was part of the plans by the Central Bank Cartel.
Prior to American ascension, the world was ruled by Europe, and prior to that the Automan Empire, and prior to that Rome. It wasn’t only the last 100 years that set us on this path of tyranny. Not defending or making excuses either. Providing context that history is more than the 20th century.
I agree that the ignorance of people in general, when it comes to how TPTB work is a large part of the reason we are all staring at tyranny.
People need to understand economics to understand how to get out and create parallel systems.
Agreed. Doesn’t matter really which cartels Hitler used to finance his rearmament programa as they all are base on the roughly same principles. And the US is indeed just one part, hopefully the last, in a long chain of hegemons.
We have to agree to disagree about the punishing thing; I still believe that we are feeding future conflicts by following that path which has always been followed in the past, instead of exposing the roots of wars.
The roots of war lay in the compliance of people with government demands.
War is when the government tells you who the enemy of the day is.
Revolution is when we figure out for ourselves who the enemy is.
When there is a victim, as in physical harm to a person, a crime has been committed, and those that committed said crime should suffer consequences. Even if those crimes are committed by government order. Superior Command Legal Doctrine.
How come we are all still alive today then ?
Big pharma. This is the only single reason why human kind is alive today.
Hot water, soap and sewerage systems.
Plumbers have saved more lives than Big pHarmer.
I think you’re being sarcastic, right?
Ehhh perhaps 🤔 .
Mosquito Vectors typically do not occur in natural bodies of water. Their favorite haunts would be storm sewer catch basins, sagging gutters, junk, old tires, bird baths, etc. Don’t let them fool you.
In 1793 we knew nothing about mosquito borne illnesses (or any other diseases for that matter). When people began dying from Yellow Fever in Philadelphia the response was to abandon the sick and get out of dodge. The sick, left entirely alone, were crawling out of their beds and into the streets looking for help where they eventually died.
Slaves were sent in to collect the rotting corpses.
Must have been climate change.
I think this malaria case is a little very old today dont you think.
However, I had dengue myself a couple of days. They say the parasites stay asleep in the liver for the rest of life.
But mosquito born deceases do not usually transmit to others. So? Anyway we can conclude the mosquito deceases are there to stay for big pharma, as the have few products to make them stay away. DEET is one of the only I know of.
Unfortunately, adulticide has been the go to. Just like the other slow the spread programs by the USDA. They never work. Collateral damage is always massive. Government is always looking for ways to justify it’s existence.
Your best defense is DEET, as you suggest. Just don’t get it on plastics. I can’t imagine the damage it does to the human body. As kids Johnson and Johnson 6-12 repellent was the DEET product we used. The label on the glass bottle was made of a special polyester that was not attacked by the DEET. You shook the bottle like it was soy sauce and slathered it on. A 42% concentration. It worked. Once we stopped convulsing we were able to play kick the can without being bother by the mosquitos. (just kidding)
Mosquitoes look for still water in which to lay eggs.
Primary vectors typically breed in man made structures in metropolitan areas. Such natural “Still Waters” that are typically shallow, short lived and unable to support fish are very easy to fill and/or drain. The deadliest typically breed in man made structures. However, the nastiest of the nasty are the tree hole mosquitoes. If you like to hike in the deep woods in the warm season, beware.
Give it a few months:
3 Dead 3 in intensive care from Crimean-Congo Fever (CC) in Swindon, death rates of up to 33% experts warn.
Perhaps when a virus is proved to exist we can all be frightened of them.
Oh, and when they manage to transfer a “disease” from a diseased body to a healthy one we can be frightened of each other.
As it is we no better than chickens fearing a falling sky.
Sad but true….
No matter how many times you repeat these grossly inadequate statements it doesn’t make them true, Ronald. I guess it’s the only distraction you can manage to keep us from discussing our real problem of how to organize to overcome the psychopathic PTB, eh?
Watch this, if you can or dare, then come back here and say that you still think viruses are proven to exist.
Germs Debunk Corona
1. 9/11
2. covid-19 pandemic
3. covid-19 restrictions help fighting climate change
4. alien invasion
we saw the above list on many occasions.
these meant to be predictions or instructions?
Here re some more:
-Soviet prison gulags
-Apollo landings
-Star Wars armament R&D
-Tien An Men Square massacre
-Iraqi WMDs
-Iranian nukes and Israeli no-nukes
-Beirut fertilizer explosion.
These mosquitoes and ticks when they arrive in the U.K. will, inevitably, be subject to abusive and hostile discrimination coupled with attempts to actually kill them. The Country needs to act and act now otherwise it will have to live with the consequences. Additionally, provisions need to be put in place to protect what will an endangered species from the sub zero temperatures which can (occasionally) occur around the Christmas holiday season.
Who would be the best person for this onerous task? Step forward Albert Zijlstra.
Remembering that in astrophysics terms a billion years is the equivalent of a week for everyone else, here is the ideal man of vision. His proposal is to shift the entire planet 3 million miles further away from the sun. No time to debate possible down sides such as inducing an permanent ice age as this is a full blown climate emergency.
So surely he could dedicate a small fraction of his busy schedule to cracking this major and fast developing problem as well.
OT but just as Tedros & the EU told us last week, the UK will bring in an Electronic Travel Visa costing £10 and lasting 2 years. The Qataris will be the Guinea-pigs in October then further ME countries early next year (why the Middle East ??).
It will apply to all non-UK citizens including babies.
No doubt linked to your medical/vaccine records.
“They” continue to tell us what they’re doing.
If there’s a mosquito borne disease to hit the UK its likely to be Dengue. You don’t need to be in the steaming tropics for it to be a problem — I was in Buenos Ares at the end of March and it had become a problem in some suburbs. Its just a matter of the appropriate mosquito becoming established (not all transmit disease but they all appear to be the same if you’re not used to them).
Its not “End Of The World As We Know It” material but its worth keeping an eye on because it creeps up on you. I live in a part of the world where the bloodsucking SoBs don’t live…..but the damn things are trying, if they’re given a chance they’ll establish a population and disease will follow in their wake.
Too true.
“Those who say that one is too small to make a difference have never spent the night with a mosquito” — African proverb.
Its a very funny one.
Tried a dozen times to fool around in a hotel room with a packed newspaper to kill a single mosquito who terrorized the sleep the entire night.
Me too. That’s why I believe in trying to make a difference by feeding this little mosquito called OffG.
I am told most dangerous are the genetically engineered tropical diseases. gene cutting, inserting and self organizing mRNA non vaccine vaccines in all probably will not cure patients of these terrible diseases, but will probably be prescribed because the profits in mRNA vaccines is, I am led to believe, to be at an all time high. The appointed custodian, of the old time vaccines that worked, cannot recall where she hid them so I guess government will need to start a brand new research program.
The set of symptoms called dengue have little to do with a mosquito, and more to do with the living conditions and environment of a certain place. By this it can be predicted that dengue will never hit Europe, because it can’t. A look at the history of it shows it also never has.
Most tropical mosquito born decease cant live and die in the cold. They need hot humidity to feast in their favorite environment.. Foot sweat and arm gas is what attracts them and makes them wild horny.
The “original” pandemic was not Zika, but “swine flu” in 2009. They’ve learned a lot from that one.
The “original pandemic” was Plague (Wikipedia).
“Bring out your dead”. They didn’t have lorries in the streets crying that out through megaphones during Con-19. Asking suburbs full of people to bring out actual dead bodies would have given the game away.
There was also supposedly a swine flu breakout in the late 1970s and they pushed a vax.
Guess what happened to several people that took the vax. GBS.
Then it was uncovered that the outbreak was a total lie.
Sound familiar?
People’s memory are disabling short.
Yes. Let me rephrase. The “swine flu pandemic” was the first attempt of this sort of public health psyop by the current generation of psychpaths. Without the lessons they learned from it, “Covid” would not have been such a success for them.
Zika got nowhere near the coverage of SARS (2003).
When you have to choose between bugs and billionaires, what will you eat?
Eat the rich! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwk0emLPZ5A
Would love to be a fly on the wall when these miscreants discuss how they will fake the next pandemic or disease, if only to see and hear how they think. Might be more scary than enlightening.
Guess the exhausted don’t want Le nino La niña latest Weatherman forecast.
Meanwhile, Big pHarmer sell squillions of anxiety pills and alcohol sales boom.
It’s a win-win for the Corparasites. Again.
“A crisis is an opportunity to make money” — Parasite proverb.
The Zika “virus” scare was another criminal endeavour by the eugenicists.
I remember the scare about the Zika threat and read various exposes about the true causes of Zika sickness and newborn babes with microcephaly as a result of aerial spraying of pesticides against mosquitos in South Amerca, and there were even reports of pesticides being added to drinking water supplies in some areas.
Here’s an interesting article about Zika and the parallel to today’s fake pandemic that just won’t go away:
Study Shows Anti-mosquito Pesticide Pyriproxyfen Link with MicrocephalyBy Claire Robinson and Jonathan Matthews, Global Research
I wouldn’t put it past the government to spray pockets of the developed world with toxic chemicals and then call it a virus infection.
Back in 2015 when snippets of truth were still to be gleaned from MSM, the Independent wrote:
“How the British Government subjected thousands of people to chemical and biological warfare trials during Cold War”
And look at this psychopathic comment where the medical poisoners want to and have aerial vaccinate(d) the unwitting population. Consent is so last century:
“The feasibility of using aerosol vaccines to achieve mass and rapid immunization, especially in developing countries and disaster areas, is being assessed on the basis of current available information. The aerosol mode of vaccine introduction, which best follows the natural route of many infections, may first lead to development of immunity at the portal of entry, and may also induce a more generalized defense. The recommended optimal way of introducing an aerosol vaccine is nasal breathing, which is more suitable for geriatric and pediatric populations, permits use of greater antigen volumes, and allows easier monitoring of results. Technical requirements for ideal aerosol vaccines and delivery systems, possible adverse effects, and cost-effectiveness are other issues addressed. Several thousand human subjects have been aerosol-vaccinated over a period of many years in Russia with live-attenuated strains against many diseases. Extensive field trials in South America with aerosolized live-attenuated measles vaccine have also been successful, and excellent results have been reported with pilot projects employing inactivated or live-attenuated aerosol influenza A vaccine. We conclude that aerosol immunization seems a promising method of vaccination. Although some basic information is still lacking, this method has already been used successfully in large populations and has therefore passed the phase of initial feasibility evaluation.”
“Consent is so last century”.
Indeed. Younger members of my family were surprised when I told them that a Medic is no different from a Lawyer: ie, a professional who sells you his expert opinion. Having paid for it, that opinion becomes your property — to follow or not follow, as you see fit.
What if it is true that these tropical decease really migrate? Then we have a really really problem.
The boy who cried wolf three times and all the villagers ran to assistance to save their sheep. But the fourth time……..When the wolf was real…. and all the villagers turned their thumbs down and didnt show up, no fear,…..
Just saying we have yet a new big big problem among us: The No Fear.
To complete your analogy, you mean all the villagers didn’t present their arms to be injected with a poisonous glop? Oh, the horror!
Your mention of “horror” evoked this tangent, which I can’t resist posting despite its irrelevancy: Colonel Kurtz’ soliloquy in the film “Apocalypse Now” in which the fictitious Kurtz personifies the “mad cruelty” of the Amerikan military mind-set:
Horror… Horror has a face… and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies!
I remember when I was with Special Forces… seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a camp to inoculate some children. We left the camp after we had inoculated the children for polio, and this old man came running after us and he was crying. He couldn’t see. We went back there, and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm. There they were in a pile. A pile of little arms. And I remember… I… I… I cried, I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out; I didn’t know what I wanted to do!
And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it… I never want to forget. And then I realized… like I was shot… like I was shot with a diamond… a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought, my God… the genius of that! The genius! The will to do that! Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure.
And then I realized they were stronger than we, because they could stand that these were not monsters, these were men… trained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love… but they had the strength… the strength… to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men, our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral… and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling… without passion… without judgment… without judgment! Because it’s judgment that defeats us.
What if, what if, what if.
Erik, how do you manage to cross the road? Unacceptable risk.
What if there are Brigade 77 operatives on this board?
One more time for prince Knut: I mean we met swine flue, ebola, zika, corona, and became outraged. A few died and more got side effects.
But it was not genocide yes?
So we are lulled into believe that the same will happen next time, the guy next door get vaxxed, you not, some die and some get wounded and thats it yes?
Then the Big Wolf finally arrives, the WMD virus, and this time you think its the same as the other times.
You are experienced survivor and have No Fear.
But this time its the black death and you refuse the real vaccine that could have saved you.
You died because you had No Fear…………….LOL. That joke is funny man……………………LOL.
All this on top of my Climate Anxiety & Monkey Pox, sheesh!, what a summer it’s going to be. Why don’t they just release the Kraken and be done with it.
First you must feel the long pain. A little torture every day until you are defenceless, emptied for energy to complete passivity and therefore cheap to erase.
From what I’ve seen on my own media roundup it’s not the plague stuff but the drought porn that’s really taking off. The Graud has a typically interminable piece whose mood can be summed up by this:
“Should we all be showering with buckets by our feet to capture the water and reuse? It’s not a bad idea.”
Time to start drinking your piss – though it seems the media may be taking it!
‘Drinking your own piss’
Shades of ‘Dune’ George, the sci fi novel and movie about a desert planet, where the intrepid adventurers wear ‘recycling’ body suits.
Holy shit! Literally.
George, btw
“Primary water” is newly produced by chemical processes within the earth & has never been part of the surface hydrological cycle. Created when conditions are right to allow oxygen to combine with hydrogen, this water is continually being pushed up under great pressure from deep within the earth and finds its way toward the surface where there are fissures or faults. Japanese researchers reported in Science in March 2002 that the earth’s lower mantle may store about five times more water than its surface oceans.
I’ve a large file of sources on primary water, have even visited one of the wells. Here’s just one link:
This is one of those bits that was common knowledge in the middle ages, but buried since.
Given cheap-enough electricity and not-too-low humidity, there are already machines to condense water from the air.
Yes, and isnt it funny that human kind only want to find drinking water all other places than the way God designed it to us.
Do you see any animals, birds, or natives drilling 25 m holes down to the ground water to find drinking water?
And when they test these 25 m deep holes in a scientist’s microscope, these test always shows “our common drinking water” is infected of pesticides, roundup, worms who have swallowed plastic bags, and more, and therefore we have lack of clean water resources and pollution of the environment that you also must pay for.
Mythomaniacs came to my mind.
Its difficult to understand how a person can live with itself being a liar 24/7. Spewing lies out all day long in writing and in speech. A liar addict. A liar lover.
And in the end this person is connected with the snake, the horns, the Liar yes? Becoming extremely discomfortable when they hear truth.
The hero is the only one who can save us. https://youtu.be/cZiAxPXoLs0
Part 1 of all of them
quite funny…:-D
An extravagant lifestyle breaches all of their environmental pledges so why are we listening to these hypocrites?
Just a coincidence this happens to have come out after the UK has had no rainfall (excluding one day of patchy thunderstorms) for about six weeks and temperatures have been in the mid 20s for over a week – and not, say, during last winter when it only stopped raining when it froze.
Drought stories are of course starting to appear as well.
I usually email friends & relatives dotted around the globe if I want the real weather report 😉
I did the same back in the spring of 2020 during Covid. That’s how I quickly became a skeptic.
“Droughts only matter when The Experts say they matter.”…(anon)…
“Everything can be weaponised”, said Hoo Flun Gdun…
Oh that link to the vaccine saviour unit was another wondrous trip to The Endless Ocean of Really Big Words:
“The immune response induced by the multiepitope-based vaccine may be composed of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), B cells, and T helper (Th)-cell epitopes. Precursor CD8+ CTL cell (pCTL CD8 +) perceived peptide antigen (Ag) through T-cell receptor (TCR) that is presented MHC-I expressed by virus-infected cells. On the other hand, antigen-presenting cells (APC) ….”
We also have the customary gallery of multi-coloured zig-zagging spiralling coruscating Spirograph sketches. Fig 3 is particularly impressive and features really funky dark grapelike formations a bit similar to those CGI sequences showing Lovecraftian entities spreading across supermarket shelves at the height of The Deadly Pandemic. So the medico-media-entertainment organ will have plenty of back burner material to feed off.
And the LSE has a head start:
“Climate change has been identified as the biggest health threat of the 21st century, with the potential to reverse years of improvements in global health and increase the pressure on health systems. Climate change is linked to human health through multiple and complex pathways.”
Yes I’m sure the pathways of linkage are indeed “multiple and complex” but then theological niceties don’t require enlargement. Indeed that would only detract from their occult power over the minds of the populace. However note the remarkably far reaching prophecy, “biggest health threat of the 21st century”. Not bad considering that we’re barely a quarter into it. Perhaps the most important detail is that bit about “the potential to reverse years of improvements in global health and increase the pressure on health systems”. Now there’s a major spoiler right there. Those pretty effective public health systems and devices we have enjoyed are about to be …. undone.
Ah but we don’t want to give too much of the game away yet. Consider the tight network of carefully maintained anxiety that has haunted us over those previous decades. Consider how it has permeated down through all the channels. Why, I was musing on an old episode of House MD where our irascible all-knowing doctor was dishing out his hard medicine to all the dumbasses who refused to follow “The Science” – even if the latter article hadn’t yet acquired its much deserved capital. Here is a little clip in which, according to one splendid publication in our impartial media, The Badass Doc “had to give a patient a brutal wakeup call about refusing vaccines”:
And just hope that none of the dumbasses reflect on what Laurie actually says … which doesn’t make sense:
“You know another really good business? Teeny tiny baby coffins. You can get them in frog green or fire engine red. Really. The antibodies in yummy mummy only protect the kid for six months, which is why these companies think they can gouge you. They think that you’ll spend whatever they ask to keep your kid alive. Want to change things? Prove them wrong. A few hundred parents like you decide they’d rather let their kid die than cough up forty bucks for a vaccination, believe me, prices will drop really fast.”
If “a few hundred parents like you” decide not to vax – and it is automatically assumed the kids will die – then that will not result in vax prices plummeting but skyrocketing.
But sense isn’t the aim of the pharma shilling media here. They are only dishing up a dramatic script for the delight of the strutting pseudo-rationalists who can echo this gratifyingly supercilious “brutal wakeup call” with no awareness at all that they are the carriers of the real virus – the phony
I am thinking about the HARP geo engineering and try to connect the dots. If nature function as nature does, then global warming alias clima change simply is the weather.
But if the military really can change the weather with these alu-nanos in chemtrails to heavy rain or heavy drought for a longer period, then dangerous planclima begin to give some meaning.
Wall Street manipulation of market behaviour and prices of allocated materials, medicine and equipment to keep up. Same concept as the not-to-be-named virus scam. Any bids?
Bullshit virus theory to prop up the bullshit global warming hypothesis