Killing Us Softly
Todd Hayen

We have, for quite some time, been exposed to a myriad of silent killers. These are the subtle murderers of both the physical body as well as the spirit.
I used to think most of these killers were unintentional and merely the result of ignorance or a non-existent understanding of the non-material world of spirit. I also felt that science was rather inept in detecting subtle shifts of emotion, such as depression or “just not feeling well.” All such “measurements” were simply too nuanced to show up in their metrics.
Now I believe a lot of what I am speaking of is intentional. We are intentionally being eliminated or, at the very least, intentionally being made ill. Humanity is purposefully being murdered.
That’s a rather radical assumption, eh? Well, let’s just put it aside for the moment if this bothers you. I can make a good argument even if you are unwilling to accept that extreme notion. And, as the eminent Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung used to often say to his patients, “Well, I could be wrong.”
There are many obvious things out in the world that are killing us softly…and not all of them so softly. Pollution is a big one; the air we breathe and the water we drink are toxic—probably more toxic than we are led to believe (that’s the “softly” part). Then on the toxic list we’ve got most of what we eat, the obvious being fast food, the not so obvious being processed food, and the really soft culprit being GMO. There are more “obvious killers” out there as well, I just don’t have the space to include all of them.
Some of the more “not so obvious” things, which some of you may have issue with, are things like 5G, and really any EMF pollution, which even includes radio waves. Most medicine is toxic, doctors themselves can be quite toxic and guilty of killing us softly, although I still would bet most of them do this unintentionally (how many times have you read statistics that “deaths due to doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals” rank in the top five of global killers?) There are so many things on this list it would take volumes to present them all.
Actually, I would not be surprised if every single thing we encounter every day is chemically toxic in some way (meaning it is responsible for destroying the tissue of our physical body). Fun stuff.
I think a lot of people out there are not really aware of most of these things, or think the damage they may inflict is so minimal it really doesn’t amount to much. Well, as they say, things add up.
Again, this is all stuff that most people at least have heard of possibly being bad news. Most of those people, again, probably figure that the powers that be would not allow things out there that could really hurt us. I mean, really, there are so many government agencies that regulate this stuff, and do whatever they can to keep us from being harmed. Cough, cough. Really? Like I’ve said before, if you believe that, I’ve got beachfront property in Nevada I’ll sell you cheap. Or is it Kansas?
We’ve all seen movies like Erin Brockovich (2000) and Dark Waters (2019) that show the heroics of individuals fighting the big bad polluting evil ones and winning millions of bucks for their victims. That’s great, more power to them. But the bad guys in these movies are for the most part a few levels down from the real culprits. Sure, there are evil corporations and CEOs who run them. They are indeed part of the agenda. But again, I won’t get into that here.
Some of the biggest soft killers out there are mental health killers, as well as the drugs that accompany them. I would also put the aforementioned EMF killers in this group, and maybe even some of the pollutants that attack our minds rather than our bodies—nobody pays much attention to that—to subtle effects of personality, cognition, etc. For example most of the talk about the Covid vaccines hurting us is how it hurts us physically. You hear little about the effects they may have on the brain (other than physical), the personality, or the spirit. Oh God no, none of that woo woo stuff please, it just isn’t important.
Human beings are pretty subtle bio systems, and that is just the physical part of us. The mental/emotional part is pretty subtle too, and the spiritual part is so subtle it is ignored entirely. Even the first two of these, physical and mental, are largely ignored. The only part of them that is given much attention at all is the tip of the iceberg part. The majority of these systems lie below the level of gross awareness, yet this hidden level(s) has more influence on the well being of the person than the relatively small portion of the iceberg that is given all of the attention.
Let me be a bit clearer here.
Modern medicine is mostly a science of statistics. The majority rules here, the middle of the bell curve is what is given consideration. Nearly every medical “statement” is given as a percentage. What percent will survive a particular cancer, disease, or treatment modality, what percentage will still be alive in 5 years, what percentage will suffer side effects—on and on. Very little thought is given to the outliers. In fact, certain side effects fall so far below a relevant statistic, that these side effects are completely ignored; yet these ignored side effects could have a huge impact on quality of life.
Here is an example: I have dozens of clients who come to me with the common complaint of depression. Most of them are not suicidal; they simply have what they define as a crappy life. Their life just isn’t the life they envisioned. Maybe they don’t even know they are depressed, but after further evaluation, it seems clear they are just not capable of being fully happy, motivated, curious about life, or even interested in life.
These patients don’t really possess any of the typical traumas in their experience that can bring on such complaints. What is it then? The environment (I don’t mean climate change)? Yes. The culture? Yes. The societal decadence and immorality? Yes. The food they eat? Yes. The over the counter drugs they take? Yes. The prescription drugs they take? Most definitely yes.
All these things are killing them—some obviously, but the real dangers are the things killing them softly—the things we are told are unimportant.
None of these things are considered by modern medicine to have a significant enough influence on the body, the mind, or the spirit (which of course no medical practitioner pays any attention to) to be dangerous. If we, as humans, fall above a certain line with our complaints and ailments, we are considered “normal” and the complaints and ailments that fall below that are not statistically relevant. But they add up.
We then die younger than we should, we become weaker earlier than we should, and even if our body can stay physically functioning through modern medical miracles, we are dead inside with a poisoned soul as well as with a body and brain that is barely functioning to par, but functioning enough that most people think is good enough.
Living a life that has meaning and purpose is actually more important than living a life with a fully healthy body—and we are getting neither in this current world setting. Our souls are slowly being killed by a meaningless, materially focused culture where consumerism is the name of the life game. I need not list the problems present in this soul killing culture, but at the head of slow death is the movement toward transhumanism and the deliberate creation of a world without a moral foundation.
The physical body is being killed softly as well with all of the aforementioned toxic killers we are exposed to day in and day out. Most of them are slow and soft, and operate unhindered below the radar of most people—and certainly below the radar of those who should be monitoring such things.
Is this intentional? Are we subjected to this slow genocide as part of the global eugenic effort to rid the world of useless eaters?—or even more horrifying, to rid the world of all humans who are made in the image of God along with nature herself? An agenda chillingly made clear in C.S. Lewis’ tome That Hideous Strength seen as well in the works of numerous others such as George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.
Probably not everything I have mentioned here has come about as part of this nefarious evil intention. But I would be willing to bet a lot of it has (see the work of David Icke). It may just have become the nature of the beast to create a culture in its atheistic hubris that ignores the subtleties of life and living.
Most of these toxic examples I have presented here have come about through omission—e.g., by omitting any sort of diligence to avoid their toxic effects, or by entirely doing away with things that fall into the lower material resolutions of our experience, making them statistically irrelevant—if you can’t clearly see it then just ignore it. Obviously anything “unseen,” such as love, beauty, art, God, unity, and the essence of life, is completely and almost savagely ignored. Such is our world—a humanity that is quietly, and softly, dying.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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While I agree with most of the points in this essay, I’ve struggled with how to reconcile all of that with the fact that humans are living longer and healthier and more educated lives than ever (as measured by statistical life expectancy). The average human of 100 years ago in 1923 definitely didn’t eat processed garbage GMO foods soaked in glyphosate, wasn’t exposed to endless environmental chemicals, probably rarely or didn’t ever encounter EMF or radio waves, wasn’t vaccinated, and didn’t gobble anti-depressants and other assorted big pharma pills like Tic-Tacs. Yet that same average human likely died by age 50 if male, or had a pretty decent chance of dying during childbirth if female. It’s an interesting contradiction for sure.
I think you need to take a look at the stats again. First of all think : DIRT. Hygiene was extremely low in the passed. Secondly think URBAN AREAS which clearly are on the agenda since – draw people away from the rural areas and into the dirt and control of towns.
But you’re also wrong about the healthy food. The time you mention was pesticide spring time; from arsenic to DDT ! Toxic and ineffective. In Sweden we were starving to death in the 30s.
The mass use of chemicals as well as radio frequencies, wireless communication, electrical engines etc etc. all started more than hundred years ago !
The petrol owners (!!) got their hands on drugs ( also for warfare )!
We never measured or questioned the impacts. (Human rights looked different back then. )
Look deeper into history. Follow AG Farben.
Today of course we have made progress Some advancement in basic medical care especially associated with operations, heart, microsurgery but also gynecology, however overall I am quite sure that healthy living always was associated with longevity.
And some humans have in the passed lived very long lives acc to many historical sources.
Also don’t forget that living longer is not living meaningful. People around me are no longer in their bodies at the age of 70. They are eaten from the inside. Yet the body goes on for decades.
The people registered as living very long lives today often are from islands without the tech or even hospitals. They move a lot and eat from their earth. Perhaps they’re simply SANE!?
I am a son of of God, a Man of God, just a Man. Though I have no working definition of God, I am of what everything is of, I arrise out of what everything arises out of, not separate from, but of it all.
A person, like the big bang, is a creation of man, in the ownership and control of man and a godless dead thing devoid of life.
If you think yourself to be a person, thou shalt register your car and pay taxes are commands from your God, your creator.
Noone is born into this world filled with sin, we all arise out of it, part of it, as it, pure and free.
The original sin is the sin of mistaken identity, the sin of forgetting what we are of.
We are of our mothers and fathers and of all of creation.
We are not of a country or a state.
We do not belong to a country or a state.
A vote does not change that, neither a bill, or act, or any other piece of legislation.
Legislation is a fiction of Law;
Not true, not real, make-believe.
The work of the moment is sorting the real from the unreal, fact from fiction.
Start by separating the Man from the person. Let the dead bury the dead.
Who are you?
What are you of?
Tackle the original sin, remember who you are, what you are of.
Or not….up to you….
TPTB thrive and are euphoric for the exercise of power and the suffering that causes.
We the people are prone to sufferance and will tolerate much, before we are willing to risk everything to resist.
Combine the prone to sufferance with lower intelligence and awareness, and TPTB get away.
Living free is risky and the reason so many would rather live oppressed and suffer.
I think part of the problem with modern society has been the deification of science. Science has replaced religion/spirituality with the overriding belief that matter is all there is in the universe. Even if they acknowledge quantum field theory everything boils down to the finest particle and that’s it. For every illness there is a pill, for every bug there is a poison that will kill it. People’s gullibility and belief in the infallibility of science has given rise to the corrupted and insane society we live in. We have largely lost our connection with nature and natural law because of this scientific materialism.
Is omitting any mention of the 666 pound gorilla in the room re: chemtrails acceptable at this point???
The thing that gets me is that it MUST be killing the elites too. I mean they are living in this non sensical , awful world they have created where you can’t even buy a newspaper that makes sense any more. ( I’m not counting OffG / Nachdenkseiten as newspapers because they don’t provide reports on what is happening every day. they analyse what is wrong with our society. They have come into being because there aren’t any sensible newspapers any more) . Now the elite adults could perhaps cope if they don’t have any children. They can just be cynical and admit what is going on…but what about their children? What do they tell them? How do they educate them?
This is indeed one of the mysteries of what is happening. Some say “the elites” are in league with Satan himself (or are aliens) and have been promised eternal health and life. For an explanation less dramatic, some say they have access to medical advancements that the “common people” can only dream of.
Certainly they are part of the transhumanist movement that promises access to these technological advancements in the future.
Or maybe they just have it easier than most…
I once examined the rumours about the Elite’s longevity, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Royals, but there was no special extra life span.
Kissinger is special with his 100 year old, Elizabeth 96 years old. if we say 5-10 years more than average.
All others had norm, some Rothschilds died early in wars, other Elite committed suicide or died like other people of cancer, m.m.
My family is 78-88 years average.
Off course they have better doctors, better food, better conditions, health under constant surveillance. Thats it.
I think the other thing in trans-humanism is spiritual. A choice between devil and creation.
The moment people’s dna becomes manipulated you are lost and dont belong here more.
Its a coupled non-linear chaotic system and the moment you dont fit in, it will shake you off. You will go extinct.
The perpetrators of this evil are NOT ‘elite’, in any shape or form! It’s such a misnomer, to refer to them as ‘elite’. They’re evil, sinister, criminal, genocidal psychopaths, and thus should never be referred to as ‘elite’.
yes you’re right. I think parasite class is quite good. Thank you!
Well, sorry, I am limited by the language. If you have a better single word, and I like it, I’ll use it.
And in reality the definition of the word “elite” does fit. But it is their own consideration how they would define themselves, no one else’s.
I think the issue with “elite” is it generally has a positive connotation. Where given the premise of the article, and from a plebian perspective, the use of a pejorative reference seems more suitable.
The esteemed Dr Vernon Coleman (now retired English GP) here in the UK, who, right from the start of all this in early 2020, has written many articles and made many videos on this global coup d’etat, uses the word ‘conspirators’; or ‘perpetrators’.
If we allow that the perpetrators of the madness enveloping the planet are themselves mad, then it all falls into place. One of the hallmarks of being crazy seems to be a magical thinking whereby even things they themselves cause will not affect them.
I don’t think that Boris Johnson is mad at all. He is in such disgrace now publicy that I can speak about him but what I say about him goes for a lot of MPs. I think BoJo is not mad and that he is extremely intelligent. I also think he is whatever that committe this week / last week found him to be -dishonest/ misleading.
1) We have no idea where “the elites” are most of the time
1b) More broadly we really have no idea of all the possibilites other than what has been drilled into everyone’s head about land masses on a supposed spinning ball
2) We have no idea of remedies which may be available (other than common sense in avoiding what you can). I would suggest the real issue with “science” is not that it’s mostly fraudulent, it’s what has been occulted from the masses.
3) The “slow” part of kill is just that i.e. generally not immediate death or illness but lifespan reduction, chronic and more frequent illness etc. all of which are easily attributed to and rationalized by any number of things
My understanding of the Christian take on this is that being tempted by the Devil (for a shortcut to power for example) is never going to end well for that individual. We all know that nevertheless people do get tempted and destroy their own lives when they continue down a path of crime. (Christianity provides a way out with the forgiveness of sin). We also know that their ability to resit the temptations and catch out the deceptions by the devil depends a lot on their upbringing and generally their childhood experiences. Then to your question of how they educate their children – I see David Icke’s account as metaphorocal (and not that helpful in that sense). It might help you to read the stuff by Felix Springmeyer on trauma-based mind control (a troubled person himself but it has been given to him that he has contributed to the understanding of that subject), specifically regarding people acting-from/living-in the reptilian part of their brain. If this is all true then it’s clear that (generally-speaking) those steering the situation Todd Hayden describes are very much victims themselves, deeply damaged and troubled human beings, and trapped in an abusive, coercive, controlling hierarchy.
I would not respond, normally, but Camille seems to be seeking information seriously. In my two cents, I would say that first off, (and I get a lot of flack from family , friends and other believers) that if one has a savior then their interpretation would in most cases have serious short comings. A savior is a major distraction. We must stay in the moment, always. David Icke is not writing metaphorically. His work is well sourced and he is not telling you anything…he is only reporting. David Icke is a reporter. In his many professional careers one was a BBC reporter. Our enemy is clever. They have given us their mind. I knew as a child I was in a battle for the mind. We all know this, our thoughts must be immiscible from distraction to be clear as possible. Fritz Springmeier put out some very interesting information in his book, BLOODLINES of the ILLUMINATI. He reveals the interbreeding bloodlines and how they pass around from generation to generation billions of dollars and business opportunities to the family member with the most reptile blood. He may have been a victim of their mind control, but he and Cathy O’Brien are living proof of the power of human consciousness. They both were able to heal and over come all their tricks of mind control. (look up Cathy O’Brien, an amazing woman.) But, Yes, we are run by the bloodline psychopaths that want us dead. We are the power they fear, remember? We must remember.
Thanks for the reply. I didn’t really understand it. I will try and look up Cathy O’brien
Hi again. i have just read info about her on wikipedia ( not a good source ofcourse). I see it describes her as a ‘ conspiracy theorist’ which immediately made me warm to her.I can’t relate to it really it is like things Ike has said I think. ( I think that that is waht you are saying too).I efinitely think the ‘ parasite class who think they are elites’ woul do ANYTHING to us that they feel like.However I don’t see them as out and out sadists…just powerful people who don’t give a damn about how they get control
Superior medicine, chelation techniques can do a lot, how old is Kissinger who must be high up the ladder? Organic food, I believe our MPs have an organic restaurant in the House. The royal family have a tradition of using homeopathic medicine.
Perhaps we should also bear in mind that back in the day, when people’s life expectancy was about 30, most of us weren’t dwelling constantly on our various aches and pains, but just getting on with life, and never expecting to avoid death by finding the right medicine…
The Bible, for example, doesn’t tell us stories of people forever moaning about their health, but of people working hard to survive, as well as considering the question of their inner well-being.
Death just went without saying back then, but today so many people seem to think that the purpose of life is to avoid death.
This is surely an unnatural state of affairs, even if we find the thought of our own demise uncomfortable. And it is this “uncomfortableness” upon which the pharma giants have successfully managed to build their vast empires.
Nobody comes into this world with a little label attached to their big toe, saying, “Relax. This is going to be comfortable”. We need to focus upon what is real, and what is real is using our finite life to some purpose. The pharma giants can screw themselves.
I think this is a fair assumption. As human communities became more advanced they did live longer, but probably had the same, or similar, attitudes.
Cor blimey! You weren’t joking when you praised David Icke!! I had thought that you endorsed him just because he had pointed out long ago the dangers of globalisation and ofcourse he is not antisemitic ( in the normal; old sense of the word). But if I understand your post correctly, you may believe in his other stuff? reptiles/ lizzards taking over or something like? Godheads? ( He may have been misquoted I will try and read up on him again) . However I did see an interview with him on Wogan and I just couldn’t relate to him at all. ( So far as I can recall he said he was a Godhead and he attached a particular importance to the colour blue/ turquoise) Btw I came across an article of yours which had been translated into German . It was either on die Nachdenkseiten or Apolut. I really like a lot of material I read on their sites.I feel honoured to get a reply from you to my post. I have really enjoyed reading some of your articles.
That looks like a reply to some other post…
Assuming the people of 2,000 years ago or more thought differently from us is hardly Ickian reptilism, and there are many reasons to suppose the statement is true.
You will find that I consider everything and believe nothing (well, that isn’t entirely true, there are a few things I do believe).
Regarding Icke. Yeah, I would be willing to consider everything he has said. But again, there is very little would say I unequivocally believe. Some things. But not a lot.
It wasn’t the time people lived in, it was the standard of living. There are plenty of people that lived long lives throughout history. In particular those that had the highest standard of living in their respective age.
The average peasant didn’t live very long because their standard of living was a mud / manure hut and hygiene that was lower than today’s skid row. No clean water. Struggling to stay warm and dry.
Bear in mind that “life expectancy” is necessarily skewed by infant mortality. Way back when, an infant had at least as much of a chance of dying as living. And now, that infant mortality is again on the rise, the life expectancy (at least here in the US) is again going down.
As the great Mark Twain said “There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.)
This is a VERY good point. And generally it dentistry that shorten lives (if my info is correct).
Globally, the majority of lifespans were not more than 40 years until around the 1920s-1940s, IIRC.
The accompanying picture of the plunger on the human body is very good! Ugh!
One thing I have noticed – here in Iceland at any rate – is that “government agencies that regulate” have actually ceased to regulate anything at all.
And because they are of course unregulated themselves, they, and the enterprises they are supposed to regulate, get away with anything they want to.
That’s why Iceland’s reputation on the systemic corruption scale is now very poor, and the TV news pretty much confirms that on a daily basis.
While it’s true that here in the US regulatory agencies sprang up in response to public outcries, it seems even truer that they were always intended as faux regulators.
One of the biggest public outcries in modern US history came about after Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” was published. In no time the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sprang up. But it never regulated so much as found ways around its own rules for polluters.
Regulators serve their masters by at least delaying acknowledgement of the dangers. They still evade the inconvenient science on mobile phones in favour of contradictory studies. They finally admit there are plastic micro-particles in the gut, but have not got around to the studies on the nano-particles (and compunds leaching from them) in blood, the brain, etc.
The harm we do ourselves with much if not all of what we do, produce and consume is inarguable. But how much of it is intentional? Putting aside the evil intent of the most powerful, which becomes clearer by the day, I would say that most of it can be put down to simple indifference, as long as there is gain to be had. And, as you surely know, all sorts of rationalizations are used at every level to justify or ignore the harm we do to others and even to ourselves. Our masters must be mad enough to believe they can destroy everyone else and get away with it, indemne.
but they can get away with it. They ARE getting away with it. During the lockdowns I wasn’t allowed to leave my house for more than 1 hour per day ( There may have been an exception / relaxation for an emergency). As far as I can remember the police were instrcuted to force you to get ‘ back inside’/ maybe arrest you if you were outisde of your house. I don’t know what it was like where you live.
I can’t answer for StStephen, but here in the US – except for pockets of madness like New York City – no such lockdown protocol ensued. At no point were we required to remain locked away in our homes.
I would expect, though, that in a nation with a small population, such a protocol could have been put in place.
They could have done it in US cities. They did it in European cities. With satelites I don’t see why you can’t do it everywhere.NYC is a pretty big city. That’s a big pocket of madness you had in the US…mirroring ours!
For once you can believe the BBC:
Yes, they are getting away with it, but what will be the end result for them as well as us? Neil Oliver has had the same thought:
Whether a harm is intentional is not a major factor. Cutting costs (corners) and profit is the top priority, Any harm to health benefits the medical and insurance industries. With some ingenuity, every problem, harm or disaster may become an opportunity for another entrepreneur.
I forgot intellectual property: making people pay for as many things as possible.
Modern medicine is mostly a science..
It serves its sponsors by promoting or implying confidence – or conversely, doubt – in a product or procedure.
Gullibility and inertia are major issues, e.g., trust in doctors (despite disasters), other authorities and brands (propaganda). When I told one friend that his favourite instant coffee was made by a business his beloved church had condemned, he disbelieved me. When I told another to avoid or modify some food, the reply was “We have been eating this for generations; I am safe as I pray before eating”.
So conclusion? They/we are as the Elite says they/we are, useless eaters yes??
Wagging sheep. We cant believe we are wagging sheep, it cant be true.
Simple ignore Pricks our teachers have been firm on this…no, ok you are all worthless and not going to be missed.
Whomever wrote this did not blame anyone else.
Looooooooooooooooooooooong covid.
Get a good doctor. The best is your immune system. Look after it and stay away from other doctors and medical establishments. Another way to boost your immune system is avoid the regular media and what they call ‘the news’. It’s psychologically toxic. Avoid the old age truck. It’ll try to run you down. If you have been hit and your immune system is already limping, save as much as you can of what’s left with right living and knowing what’s got you targeted. As a tenacious survivor once said: “Where there’s life there’s hope”.
Beyond the immune system, we have to avoid the poisons, harmful radiation, and the propaganda promoting them or the rat race; all of them are pervasive. That requires reading or at least a network of info.
And there’s a whole generation of people lacking in empathy to help The Agenda along, if you’ve noticed – i.e. the woke gen – who were raised with paracetamol / tylenol doled out for every little twitch and baby cry.
This drug has been shown to kill off a very human part of our emotional spectrum – empathy.
See this, for example:
More tangibly, sustained usage damages the kidneys, bringing greater profit to the medical industry – at least until the victim becomes bankrupt.
There was a chart kindly put up here from from someone regarding WHO. Back to 1968.
There are two factors at work: the silent killers and the weakened condition of the victim.
Concentrating on the silent killers while ignoring the weakened condition of the victim will never get you a solution to the problem.
I definitely suspect that there is an ‘ anti-life ‘ agenda or ‘anti- life of the non -elites’ agenda in the ‘ free West’. Macron ( who hates democracy in my opinion) is ,so far as I understand his statements, pushing for legislation to ‘ assist death’. Given that he also bullied lots of people ( myself included). into having a Covid vaccine and that this was a ‘ WEF’ policy, it would make sense to me to view this drive for assisted death with suspicion. It definitely could be seen as paving the way to bump vulnerable people off. I wasn’t impressed with my doctor about the Covid vaccines.What she said to me ( my GP ) made no sense to me at all.Part of the ‘ religion’ bashing that goes on in the ‘ free West’ could also be linked because as far as I am aware the main religions in the ‘ free West’ ( Christianity, Islam, Judaism) view life as sacred. What about that journo in England lately who, as I understood it ,suggested that the sick and disabled shouldn’t receive assistance from the state? I would have been shocked in the past..but this is the New Normal and it is bleeding awful
What about that journo in England lately who, as I understood it ,suggested that the sick and disabled shouldn’t receive assistance from the state?
This site try not to laugh calls its self alt media and didnt even cover the biggest shake up to social security mentioned in the U>K budget or the latest changes to housing law which was the biggest changes to housing renting laws in the last 30 years brought in by the loving christian Conservatives government who actually fund this site.
Apart from richie allen who brief it, the rest who call them selves ALT and ridicule normal MSM for weak journalism who did cover it, Alt media didnt even touch it.
That tells you all you need to no about who funds the alt media.
I’m afraid I don’t even know who Richie Allen is. I find Off G quite impressive in a way. This is based on my opinion that they don’t have a lot of money. They don’t produce a lot of articles so I’m not sure I agree with you about what can be read into their alleged failure to cover that issue ( I don’t know . I haven’t read enough of their articles). I generally like the ones by Kit Knightley and CJ Hopkins. ( Kit Knightly is not perfect though, in my eyes not by a long shot. I find him inconsistent, can’t always follow him..but he’s a lot better than MSM). I don’t like the way Off G sometimes criticize people who leave comments and are rude to them ( seems recent to me). I think they seem independent though…one never knows though!
It’s called class war, as old as ‘civilization’, and a constant necessity to wage to maintain its social system of abuse upon noble lies, like the rule of law disguising the law of rule. That’s not done without intent and design. After all, it takes some sophisticated gatekeeping and gaslighting to persuade us the poor shall always be with us, even as dispossession of people’s access to resources for living remains perhaps the greatest (not so) silent killer screaming all around us.
We don’t hear or see much if any of the institutionalized violence generally because we’re kidnapped from earliest age and skooled by our jailers to serve our masters as the most normal thing in the world (or else!), and that it’s human nature to live under occupation to the war. Success, nay survival, depends on our consent even before we can give it, a warning sign of slavery throughout a lifetime of manufactured thought and conduct. Yet who built the bureaucratic mazes of madness and its methods but those who participate in plans and projects of psychopaths on high? What’s our own role and responsibility?
Modern medicine is mostly a science of social engineering and statistical coverup. Its origins in big oil reveal the snake oil it dispenses to deflect from exploited and poisoned populations (terrain theory) with yet more poisons to exploit captive consumers of its monopolized ‘care’ (problem-reaction-solution). Its ranks of those just doing their jobs represent all professions paid off to manage the bizzness as usual of organized crime against humanity, in this case a leading cause of death from iatrogenesis, now off the charts with the Vax, by design.
This war won’t change until we fight back. But who are we?
……and how do we fight back?
By saying no. Its hard to say no.
You get under much pressure not at least from your dearest nearest idiots. They will admire and hail you as the next hero and scapegoat they can sacrifice.
So, you don’t like allopathic medicine? You think that the healthcare establishment is pumping tons of poison into people’s bodies? You’d like medicine to adopt a holistic approach and treat the real causes of disease?
Right on! Commendable stance!
But wait. What does it mean? Have you thought it through? Is it really what you want?
The real cause of every disease is the patient’s lifestyle or action thereby taken. Lack of exercise. Overindulgence. Exhaustion. Stress. Psychological issues. Etc.
Do you really want medicine to take over all of that stuff? To have your doc meddle in just about every aspect of your life? And since healthcare is funded with public insurance schemes, all of that would be mandatory? Like a score would be assigned to you or you’re be forced, in one way or another, to follow a “healthy” lifestyle? Fuck, doesn’t sound like that social credit system, eh? You realize that that’s what you’re asking for?
Be careful. You might get more than you bargain for.
Oh, okay. So has nothing to do with the crap food that is in ample supply and the fact that healthy food is not only in short supply but is expensive beyond the means of most everyone and cetainly virtually all families.
Oh and the expenses of everything else, housing, energy costs, insurance, car repairs etc.
Has nothing to do with crap low-paying jobs that people are forced into just to get by where they are overworked, often have to have two jobs, stressed to the gills to make ends meet and have little to no time to much other than survive.
Oh and has nothing to do with that factory belching toxic crap into the air and dumping toxic crap into the water?
I could list off an entire galaxy of additional factors.
But nope, just “lifestyle” from your simpleton’s perspective.
Yes….very important points…the problem is multifaceted…
No,….your pension is unemployment depending on the current state your body is in.
Your own body nobody else’s. If your still in close to your present circumstances then your in the wrong place that’s obviously a truth. Covered by a reassurance that cannot be met.
You’re just proving my point. All the things you mention are factors.
Do you really want medicine to take over all of that? You want fucking Tedros to be in charge of every single aspect of human lives because every single aspect matters as far as health?
When you stop seeing red, you might realize that your way of thinking paves the way for the technocratic totalitarianism you so fervently oppose.
Wow easy tiger! So you like the current situation and where we are heading?
And whilst you are at it what has happened to Doctor patient confidentiality?
When you need one you won’t care. That’s reality. Screw your unethical principles. We’ve paid our dues for your own FAT Arse long enough. If your a Man beating about confidentiality you must be joking…piss off.
Absolutely not. Just trying to point out the useful-idiot argumentation that will in fact take us there even faster.
You seem not to allow for genetics, which can be a factor in a person’s health. While genetic factors don’t predispose to an unhealthy lifestyle; they can still affect the quality of one’s life, which in turn can affect one’s overall health.
I wouldn’t go there, Howard! Do you realize what can of worms you’re opening? If genetics play a role, and they might, then medicine can test you, deem you fucked up one way or another (everybody probably is), and order you from doing this, that, having kids, anything. Undergoing some frankenstein treatment. You’re really opening the door wide open to transhumanism that way.
Its even unnecessary. There are so many other treatment possibilities than genetic bs.
I take it as just a profit model. Change a living feature’s DNA, and you can patent it, own it and sell it.
That certainly is one way it could go, but not the only way, and to be clear, I am not suggesting any solution. I never suggest solutions, or rarely. I have no earthly idea what a solution would be. I am only stating my opinion regarding how something looks to me at the moment. I would, however, suggest that any solution to the medical problem we are currently in would be quite complicated.
i do find it a bit odd that you would think, automatically, that the job of a doctor, or a society, is to take on an authority over health care. Why would you feel that medicine would be obliged to “take over all of that stuff”? You DO state one of the serious drawbacks of nationalized medicine…meddling…and being selective as to who deserves or qualifies to use the public resources for their personal health. That IS a problem…
And again, I’m not asking for anything.
I do not think nothing. Personally, I think that people should be left the fuck alone. I think that one’s wellbeing is one’s responsibility and if one lives an unhealthy lifestyle, one has only oneself to blame. I know, it’s more complicated than that, but that’s my starting point.
I’m only pointing out the systemic ramifications of what people are saying and calling for – that modern medicine is nefarious, doesn’t treat causes, etc. Yes, that’s true (to an extent), but the alternative is what I refer to above.
Well, considering what we have clearly seen as human nature, your hypothesis is pretty sound, that people would fuck it up and create police to break into our homes looking for Frosted Flakes in our cupboard.
And I agree 100%. People should be left the fuck alone.
I guess you could condition the “being left the fuck alone” by people not behaving like assholes, so to speak. To be considerate to themselves, to others, to nature, the environment. To try to make the world better (damn, do I ever hate this saying), or, as a minimum, not make it worse than it was when they came into being.
Your 50yrs too late, there is a simplistic explanation free from any avoidance as two Gents in a Pub.
One is married with two kids, one is single both roughly the same age health and appearance. Another Gent joins them unmarried with one kid.
The three Gents get along. Which one does the Single Gent like being around the most.?
Thank you for the thought provoking article. After I was injected five or six times with MRI dye, (Gadolinium) and I learned that I had been given no informed consent that my bones, brain and tissues would all be permanently poisoned with a heavy metal – I began to wonder if we are actually being killed softly. RFK Jr. is interviewed by Joe Rogan on spotify. Glysophate directly on our food and thimerosol in Vax. Greed and profiteering or a deliberate cull.
Actually, they’re both pretty much the same thing. Greed is always a death sentence for someone somewhere.
That’s a US DotMan remark unethical bantering and further more isn’t even American.
Yes, I don’t even begin to cover the atrocities. I am so sorry to hear this.
No kid there are natural metals that predate female knowledge yet props are a necessity and not necessarily a message. Termed heavy meaning nature natural abundance is a concurrent themed falsehood by those whom propigated wireless network ie: public’s groupies over chemical organic.
So much so its been a thorn in the side of our public appreciation for over two hundred years. Any retro analysis falls flat to seamlessly drivel grooming productions.
Therein lays clearly for all to appreciate where this issue is. Their own Public.
FWIW, there are actually some nice beaches in Nevada, on Lake Tahoe. 😀
I should have been clearer…”ocean front”?…it is a metaphor.
I think you were clear.. For me a lake does not have a beach. Beaches are by the sea ( or the ocean) for me ..but I’ll check the dictionary!
Realalistic called Shore Line by us kids for over thousand years try that. As a thought over a lit cigarette over a previous article here regarding Cape Cod’ s shores.
Boy’s bike isn’t a babies try framed stage prop, wet eared cronie.
Nice article, but you write as if stepping on egg shells…totally understood. But if we look back a little and shine our light on the past we can see the future. Coming up through Aristotle, Bacon Newton, Pavlov, they were all pushing this idea that life, the living universe, the mind, and human behavior are all machine like. Single vision, only function and life is worthless unless in order. With this coming through indoctrination, education, careers, ego and money they have succeeded, if you will. But we won’t! We bring the life to this fiction. This is their biggest fear… that we remember. Of course, they want you dead! How would you like your enemy to rise and awaken before you like a living powerful, fearless Principle in your fiction, the Boss! Consciousness is our only salvation. We are guilty for not knowing. We are at war and they will kill us as easily as possible and in many ways. They are weak and afraid. The laws of commerce are 6000 years old. They, the ten maxims in commerce must be mastered and applied on an individual effort, for we are the energy of the living substance, of the living universe, the Principle, the money! We are the masters over fiction! We must remember or they will continue to kill us, as only they know death in their fiction. Together, we form the human spirit, the most powerful force on Earth. In my experience, their technology is their human surveillance. Turn it off.
Yes I think you’re right.Would it seem feasible to have a true democrary where the each MP really is elected by the constituents and only accountable to them? By that I mean , ban parties so that they can’t rig the system with selections and ‘ three line whips’ / removing the whips
It would help if we adopted, this constitution. The Magna Carta, the Lord’s prayer, the 23rd psalm, the Gettysburg address, all aline the Public Trust in commerce. Principle, that all men are created equal, Purpose, test, how long can a free people last, Endowment, people have given their lives for freedom, Humanization, being the trustees of the public Trust we must see that they did not die in vain, Productivity, we the living must be dedicated here to the unfinished work, it is a great task, Fruition, a new birth of freedom, a government for the people, by the people, for the people, Perpetuity, it shall not perish from the Earth. Remember who you are.
I am always aware of the eggshells beneath my feet. But maybe I should be less concerned.
you exactly said a lot and included clues to information. Thanks.
OMG! I am going to read what he has said very carefully and see if I can figure out what you are talking about.
Henry Kissinger:
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”
Maya Angelou:
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
In July 2020 UN reported 10,000 children were dying/month of starvation: “In poor countries, lockdowns, which were recommended to them by the World Health Organisation, impoverished tens of millions of people. They caused mass unemployment and disrupted food production, ‘pushing tens of millions more people’ in the developing world into hunger. Indeed, in July 2020, the United Nations reported
that 10,000 children per month were dying from starvation
brought on by supply-chain disruptions. The devastating trend of significantly higher starvation-related deaths in developing countries will likely continue due to the ‘aftershocks’ of lockdown policies.”…”Would the lockdowns have happened without Zoom?” “The laptop class would never have survived without it.” Spiked ^ | June 9, 2023 | Jay Bhattacharya
I think the non-elite population of the ‘ freeWest ‘ is now in the crosshairs too
Ya think cappy amazzon…There is No West quit dragging that old chain around it’s a grandmother’s chamber Pot from over a hundred and twenty five years ago. Propagandist [bullshit/ rubbish] from fat greedy well financed Inter City nomads.
A Political Party A Leader an Official May well Say “our west….’ THE SUN rises in The East First and so does time …KLUNK!. (adjustment for US Feefie Pollies pushing a shopping Kardcart).
IMHO, the issue here today is not so much that we are overpopulated and should do something about it (less births?) but it is the evil nefarious manner in which it is being carried out. Also, the “reason” for depopulation by these psychopaths is not to make it a better world for all people, to avoid pain and suffering of starving children, and to restore the earth to its unpolluted glory, but to make life better for the elite. None of that is acceptable…read CS Lewis’ “That Hideous Strength”…or my article on the topic.
Basically, you’ve hit the nail on the head.
The issues do exist and the way they’re handled is not in people’s favor.
There are two problems:
1) People, including those who understand what’s going on, propose no viable alternative. At best, they protest, oppose. This way, nothing will be achieved. If only because the elites possess immeasurably greater power than the dissenters.
2) Even if proposals were made, it wouldn’t be exactly easy to get people on board because the stuff that needs to be done, however it’s done, will need to involve some degree of hardship, probably quite extensive. Or, as a minimum, the ever-improving already-luxurious living standard will not continue along the current trajectory.
Hence, the chances that things will go in a way significantly different from what the elites are concocting are pretty slim.
Individual, or small group, visions of utopia never go well if those individuals, or elite group, have the power to implement their utopian vision. First off, utopias are fantasies, and usually involve a forced deviation from God’s will (and if you don’t like the use of “God” then just say “nature’s will.”)
There is a certain truth to a utopian balance in non-human nature, but that’s nature. Human culture is so far from a natural setting that to make that (current/modern) setting utopic would require just what the globalist are trying to do—minimize excessive human presence, and what’s left, enslave and control to preserve resources and eventually turn humans into robots that live forever.
Needless to say that doesn’t bode well for most of us. And, in my opinion, will not work well for the elite. More on that another time.
It’s never going to be a pandemic that would wipe out human life. It will always be the vaccine and the destruction of the immune system. Before vaccines came into being 1% of kids had allergies. Now it’s 80%. 0% Were on the Autism Spectrum. Now it’s between 20/30%.
They lie daily. The vaccine graphs show clearly almost all illnesses that have been almost eradicated were 99% gone prior to vaccines, due to cleaner habits, access to food, clean water, waste disposal, and less damp, dirty housing.
Vaccines target your immune response and bypass your body filters. It’s the easy way for the crazies to kill you and blame a fake virus.
Yep…very well put.
Yes, the excellent book, “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the forgotten history”, by Dr Suzanne Humphries & Roman Bystrianyk, provides an immense amount of data re. what you mentioned: graphs showing that most illnesses were eradicated by better sanitation, clean water, etc etc, prior to ‘vaccines’ coming onto the scene.
Thank you for the resource…will check it out.
I bought and read that book several years ago. The co-author, Dr Suzanne Humphries, is an American board-certified doctor (nephrologist; but she doesn’t work for the Med. Establishment any more [at least, I don’t think she does]), who, some years ago, came across the many evidences that ‘vaccines’ are not what the Medical Establishment merely claim them to be.
The book I referenced was the result of her investigations.
There are many books that have been published relating the facts which demonstrate that ‘vaccines’ are not what they’re claimed to be.
I carried out a lot of research into the subject 30+ years ago, and in more recent years, too.
Last year, the American, Steve Kirsch, posted on his Substack an article re. a book that was written and published in 2019 (ie, prior to early 2020), which provides a wealth of data demonstrating the medical scam of ‘vaccines’. I’ve not yet read the book, but its title is “Turtles all the way down: Vaccine science and myth”, and it’s received massive praise. Its authors are a group of Israeli scientists, but they chose to be nameless, on the book, for fear of possible (unwarranted) abuse, or worse, from pro-‘vaccine’ people. The book is introduced by Mary Holland, one of Robert Kennedy Jr’s Childrens’ Health Defense group.
The hugely-esteemed (now retired) former GP, here in the UK, Dr Vernon Coleman, wrote a book some years ago re. the scam of ‘vaccines’: “Anyone who tells you [that] vaccines are safe and effective is lying. Here’s the proof”.
And the following book is also esteemed for the information it provides which refutes the pro-‘vax’ people’s propaganda: “Vaccination: the great illusion”, by Rene Bickel.
“The poisoned needle: suppressed facts about Vaccination”, by Eleanor McBean [publ. 1957 or thereabouts], is also a book which has gained much praise for its content.
There are many more books out there which provide evidences which refute the propaganda from the Medical Establishment re. ‘vaccines’.
Do you have an opinion on vaccines for tetinis ( spelling?),Rubella ,small pox and German measles please? (Rubella and German measles may be the same thing. Sorry I should check but am tired!)
“Obviously anything “unseen,” such as love, beauty, art, God, unity, and the essence of life, is completely and almost savagely ignored. Such is our world—a humanity that is quietly, and softly, dying.”
Anything “unseen” might be ignored by certain entities. But it exists nonetheless energetically and in the heart of all beings on Planet Earth. Life is a mystery and unfolds in mysterious ways, and humanity is but a part of it.
Dying begins as soon as we are born. That´s life. There are and have always been y endless ways and means to kill off humans quietly, softly and otherwise. But as a species we have proved our resilience over and over again. Protected by the great mystery that is life?
Who knows.
Better enjoy life today- it could end anytime soon;-)
‘Better enjoy life today’. Yes! I feel like we are the last ‘ free generation’/ the last generation who knew freedom. We might just get our pension payments until we die too…but that’s not certain!
Excellent article. +100 for mentioning David Icke in a favorable light.
Modern medicine is often referred to as allopathic medicine, and this term developed in contra distinction to homeopathic medicine. The core of allopathic medicine is the tenet that disease, that is the subjective feelings of various kinds of pain and dis-ease (discomfort), is the heart of the issue. Thus if these unpleasant feelings can be “neutralized,” then health will ensue for the “patient” (I never use that word which also exists in Spanish, but rather use “client.”) This is done by inventing and discovering petroleum based chemicals which have the opposite symptomatic effect on the body. Often these chemicals are found in plants and then synthesized (without the vital energy) in the lab for sale. The theory being that if they are used in the proper dosage to neutralize the symptoms, then disease will disappear. This tenet to “modern” medicine has at least two major flaws. The first is that the symptoms of disease are the cause of disease. When put this simply, it sounds rather stupid. The second issue is that the feedback equilibrium of the body is so complex that one cannot interfere with them in this manner without throwing the equilibrium of health out of balance. Thus the ever present toxic “side effects.” However, besides its massive propaganda, the world has bought this en mass because suffering does suck and everyone wants a quick and convenient fix to their illnesses. Dealing with the cause is often quite tedious. What can be simpler than popping a pill or having a whitecoat shoot some unidentified shit into your arm?
A good example to this is the use of antibiotics. It is now generally agreed that the gut is 70+ percent of the immune system. So if one has a fever and other unpleasant symptoms, antibiotics may give immediate relief. However, they wipe out the bacterial biome in the gut and the gut then becomes leaky, allowing all sorts of toxic things into the bloodstream. So a new bout of disease is eventually inevitable. Probiotics are of little use as they offer only a few species at best of beneficial gut bacteria while the gut biome has been recently found to be amazing complex. Modern medicine is beginning to understand this, and we are seeing the rise now of “fecal transplants.”
The takeover of modern, allopathic medicine occurred during the turn of the last century. It was financed primarily by John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie and the results are often referred to as “Rockefeller medicine.” It was kicked off by the infamous Flexner Report. They used their immense fortunes to bribe medical schools over a few decades to evict any other form of medical treatment or even any of their ideas including homeopathy and naturopathy. Like the addictive street dealers of today’s world, it is a brilliant marketing plan by (usually) not killing off their clients immediately, they form a continuous market for their poisons until that final moment . Additionally, it keeps the masses in a state of general weakness, fuzzy-headedness, dysphoria and unable to counter their exploitation by the presumably human, elitist parasitic, banking class. But greed was only the surface of the story. Rockefeller was born poor and his father was what would be termed today a psychopath and serial criminal. He obtained his seed money from the Bank of Cleveland which was one of the earliest re-infiltrations of the Rothschild cabal after Andrew Jackson kicked them out in the 1830s by killing the Second National Bank of the US, and it didn’t re=enter until after the end of the War of Southern Secession. On a deeper level this story is demonic.
Let’s make some sense of what you wrote.
No, medicine often does not treat the causes of disease, but the manifestations or symptoms, i.e. whatever is wrong with the patient. Thus, medicine does not treat the cause of, say, cancer, which can be anything from deficient lifestyle, exposure to toxicity, to psychosomatic phenomena. Medicine not only knows shit what the causes are and in many cases can do nothing to fix them, for they’ve already happened, but also must focus on the symptoms or consequences of the causes because without doing that, the fucking patient would croak.
Should medicine focus on prevention – for instance should doctors get paid for keeping people healthy as opposed to collecting money for curing them? Fuck, yes. But that’s a complex issue and in doing so, medicine would have to encroach on the entirety of people’s lives, which you might not like either. Plus, people will still get sick anyway, even if you live the healthiest of lives, you’re bound to come down with something from time to time. And medicine needs the tools to help you get over it.
Overuse of antibiotics by idiots who want a quick fix for every disease is madness, sure. But rejecting antibiotics per se is equally is crazy. They might save your life if you have a severe acute infection.
Well let’s try to make sense of your reply.
I agree with much of what Drs. Cowan and Kaufman claim. Most disease is one’s body attempting to use various techniques to expel toxins, which may be parasites, toxic chemical, emf of various forms, etc. Elevated temperatures is just one example. By shortcutting these toxin removal methods by neutralizing with chemical compounds, it leaves the toxins in place for later mischief. Cowan refers to many diseases as an uncomfortable spring cleaning. In over three decades as a family pediatrician, he never lost a child. The only vaccine he ever used was against tetanus.
Yes, I made it quite clear regarding the convenience of allopathic medicine, and it often offers immediate relief of symptoms making them very attractive. However, it rarely if ever removes the cause. The alternatives are certainly not for everyone. I would never mandate that people must follow my ideas of health care and medicine, but I would hope to allow people to have honest informed consent which the Big Machine has cut off to the majority. There are times that the body gets so overwhelmed with sludge that it panics and takes measures that might do itself in. Cytokine storms are a common example of this. Cowan claims that cancer is the body’s last ditch attempt to wall the toxins off in tumors when the intake exceeds its ability to eject them through other means. And if there is one real exponential pandemic in western countries other than autism among children, it is cancer. There is a place for antibiotics when a valid assessment of a condition indicates that a client’s life is truly on the line. But they are prescribed constantly and have become practically worthless due to resistance anyway. However, I will laud modern medicine in its ability to respond to traumatic injury such as being hit by a truck. It is quite adept at sowing people back together again.
Let’s continue making sense.
As much as a lot of what you, or Cowan and Kaufman, say makes sense and I personally instinctively agree, you don’t seem to be getting the point. The point is that you need allopathic medicine as a sort of emergency response. When you have severe infection or cancer or whatever, it’s too late for a holistic approach – you gotta save life first and only then worry about the cause, i.e. change of lifestyle, etc. Without that, you’re as good as dead.
But I agree that insofar as disease can be cured without drugs, the hard way, it should.
Also, note that what Cowan, Kaufman, and other say about causes of disease is interesting, and might be true, it’s infinitely less researched and substantiated than anything that established medicine has. Does Cowan has an isolated, purified sample of the toxins he’s referring to? No. He has shit. That’s just for the record.
Anyway. you’re not really talking about medicine. You’re talking about overall approach to life, to oneself, to the body and mind. You might wanna give a thought to what is the actual role of medicine. Cure disease (symptoms)? Cure the causes? Oversee that people live holistically healthy lives? Think about the ramifications. You might conclude that it’s better to stick with option one, lest medicine takes over everything as you could observe during convid and install a holistic totalitarianism .
You are so right.
I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40-45 years (on many, disparate, subjects), and have known of the corrupt nature of the ‘allopathic’ Medical Establishment for the greater part of those years.
I learnt of the Rockefeller/Carnegie origins of the ‘orthodox’ Medical Establishment several decades ago.
And, earlier this evening, on this Off-G article, I posted to the commenter ‘Disgusted’ a link to an excellent article which relates the ‘Rockefeller-Carnegie Big Pharma Scam’.
I’m an Englishwoman [64], and like you, refuse to use the word ‘patient’ (in the context in which you’re using it). I know that it comes from the Latin verb denoting ‘to suffer’, but I still refuse to use it; I’ve read that other people also view the word with distaste. It’s such an arrogant way to refer to people. And, more and more often, the word is (despicably) being used as a synonym for ‘person’/’people’. Which is outrageous, to put it mildly.
They tend to tip their hand a bit with their antibiotic regime. They ALWAYS tell the patient not to stop taking the antibiotic just because they feel better but to continue for the full (usually) 10-day period. Just enough time to further deplete the gut biome.
The theory behind this is that if you don’t take the full course, then the drug resistant ones will survive and become the dominant resistant strain. On the other hand, I would think if you do complete the full ten days, then the really tough, really drug resistant ones, the bonafide superbugs will be the only survivors and you will be left with only superbugs to reproduce.
Messing up the gut or defecation does not even require antibiotics. E.g., just 2 pills of a 3-a-day painkiller, or a muscle relaxant for IBS, can cause constipation.
Very well presented, thank you. I love this additional information that clarifies a lot that I say in the article.
The core of allopathic medicine is
It is
-. restricting or criminalising dissent or alternatives inluding traditional remedies
-. exploiting fear, while concealing the dangers from allied industries
-. profit above all.
“Killing Them Softly” was a recent Brad Pitt move with Ray Liotta and James Gandolfini in perhaps their last acting roles. Standard American gangster fare with a few twists !
While don’t accept much of this as factual , I appreciate the thought provoking nature and research that went into it and found the article highly entertaining thanks for it. .
Everyday 180 thousand humans +- die from various causes . The bad news is that everyday 400 thousand +- more of us are born and will forced to struggle to survive ! Your article like most here is steeped in the dogma of Materialism and the unstated presumption that unlimited growth in all things is possible ?
Where do I say that? Natural culling, with regard to unlimited growth in humans, is the name of the game. Our fear of death, and our belief that death is something we should work (transhumanism) to avoid is part of the problem. Anyway, too much to go into here.
I am anything but a materialist…I do not claim that I am seduced by materialism as much as the next guy, but I certainly do not consider my writing to be “steeped in the dogma of materialism.” If so, it is unconscious, and I would be very curious to know which parts of the article make you think that is what is going on.
…I do not claim that I am NOT seduced by materialism as much as the next guy…
Thanks for your response , I do enjoy your work. The point i repeatedly try to make here and on other sites like this is that no one directly confront the crisis overpopulation has created but universally embraces the dogma that unlimited growth is possible if only the bad guys are brought to justice, or some adjustments are made to the political or economic systems . I believe we missed that opportunity in the 1950s ?
I agree…but I have found that most people on this side of the fence actually believe the concerns regarding overpopulation are a myth. From what I understand, they believe that we have plenty of room on the planet, and plenty of resources for a lot more people but that it is greed that causes the problems we have that people believe are falsely caused by overpopulation.
I do not know if that is the way most OG readers feel. I don’t know myself where the truth lies regarding the dangers of overpopulation….I just don’t believe killing the excess is a good idea…nor is it moral…or ethical…whatever. I think there are better ways. And certainly ways that we all jointly can undertake together, rather than some global authority that decides to execute genocide and wipe out a large portion of human beings off of the face of the earth.
Have you read Dan Brown’s “Inferno”? You might enjoy it…I am repeatedly surprised that no one references this book as premonition.
Your “englightened” Neo-Malthusian drivel is not even a step removed from the same insidious crap we hear from outright eugenicists.
Anyone who thinks that a new life coming into the world is “bad news” is cynical beyond redemption.
But here you are and as you seem to think yourself to be more spiritually “enlightened” than the “dimwitted masses” you reference below shouldn’t you be eager to illustrate this in a tangible way by making the necessary sacrifices, as you see it, to reduce the population for the sake of humanity?
I guess what I’m getting at is- you first.
While i read your opinions whenever i come across them and usually agree with you , it appears you are unable to rationalize your Marxism , imbibed as a child no doubt , with todays realities . Malthus was right and Marx in the end was a capitalist. You also fail it appears to recognize the differences between cynicism and skepticism . I used to believe I was an Atheist but lately i have come to realize I’m only Agnostic ?
now now…
Unlimited growth is an icon of both the Globo-Cap and its Alt-detractors. They got ya comin’ and goin’! So don’t try to fight City Hall.
Unlimited growth is the cornerstone of all human economic activity these days , like the reputed Covid virus we all eventually test positive for it . New tactics will be required to continue fighting city hall and unfortunately none are on offer here . As the used to say the revolution will not be televised . Nor will it be fought on the Internet.
Good effort Todd… It is difficult to separate the time line. Did the toxic attitude preclude the toxic environment, or did the toxic environment preclude the spiritual morass?
Mass suicide, regardless of the initial stimulant, yields not a happy face… 😧
Yes, what you say here is a big part of the paradox…the horse coming before the cart…etc. I think the toxic environment snuck up on us for a variety of reasons.
In the end we are experiencing a simulation. A simulation that will start again and again with reincarnation. We have to prepare ourself to say no to the next reincarnation. This reality on earth is a trap, a spirit jail. Do not come again.
Possibly true ? I believe that the limits of our 5 puny senses preclude any real understanding of a greater reality that has been imagined and offered as a reward to the dimwitted masses by those who rule over us. A situation possibly created by food surpluses and successful attempts to control surpluses as the last ice-age ebbed away.
Humanity is quietly, and softly, dying: the physical body is being killed, only not so softly, as a “soul killing culture” of repression – perpetrated by the soul-image itself. Somebody should check out the small print of the soul-hypothesis them Greeks left as a toxic legacy (even before them Christians evolved the concept into our current moral subjectivation and toxification.)
The seemingly innocent immortal soul-hypothesis has despotic command of the body-as-body (arche despotike.) It also has political command over corporeal bodies (arche politike.) From that philosophical command theory you get natural slavery, unearned entitlement, political hierarchisations, hyperpolarisations and the authority to proclaim…? Well anything really as proxy divine command theory. All words are thus “passions of the soul-hypothesis” as modifications of sense-making into political ‘sense-making’ deferred to authoritarian animism – because Aristotle said so.
Thereafter, there are two classes of human-beings; the ensouled with access to divine authority as imaginary; or the ensouled without such sacerdotal imaginability who have to do whatever the ‘more’ ensouled say as a pastoral care (Augustinian ratio superior v ratio inferior). Whichever is Christian morality and modern polity – because Aristotle and Augustus said so. Thereafter, we added the anima and animus between the pseudo-separationism of the soul-hypothesis ourselves to create the contemporaneous “society of enmity” [Mbembe.]
So, when the god-complex came to a dead-end; why did ‘we’ continue with an unceasing, unconsciously internalised soul-hypothesis? It is obvious really, if you read the small print. The body-as-body is the perpetual slave of the soul-hypothesis, which having one’s owned voice (instrumentum vocale) nonetheless has to answer to despotic or political command. Command that has authoritarian access to a hidden metaphysical world in their imaginability-only as a superior rational order of subordinated and subjected things.
The imitation of this ecotoxic imaginary, undergoing the administration of the soul-hypothesis, psychotic mind, or materially obsessed consummatory consciousness of others is the the One, the sole, the only, unnecessary condicio sine qua non root cause of immiseration, alienation and dehumanisation. Thereafter the killing of the body-as-body by the order-creating command of the rational soul-hypothesis proceeded as crusades, conquistadors, inquisitors, colonialism, imperialism – because we said so or were given sacred permission to; determining right with divine might…. Killing in the name of the soul-hypothesis. (Cf. “Ecce Humanitas” Brad Evans)
The killing will continue as a ritual whole earth sacrifice until we realise that the corporeal body-as-body is self-moving, self-animating, self-regulating as material and metabolic as part of the earth; not immaterial, immortal, and incorporeal as the animae immortalis apart from the earth; subordinating the body-as-body to rational and despotic control from Nowhere; to the point of the ceaseless murder of the real. (Cf. “the ghost in Descartes machine.”) Killing me softly in the pathological names of….
Good post ! Immortal soul is simply a synonym for unlimited growth .
Immortal soul is accomplished by unlimited growth? Physical growth? Is that what you are saying? I do not believe physical growth (as in humans living longer or forever) has anything at all to do with immortal soul. In fact, it has the opposite effect.
The body has physiologic needs as necessity; the mind has psychiatric demands as obsession and possession; physical needs are satiable; psychiatric ‘needs’ are absolutely insatiable and will consume everything of value.
A great deal has been written on this from Aristotle through Arendt to Agamben. Arendt’s thought traced modernity to a repudiation of the body and violent rejection of any form of limitation, in which we find the roots of “mass man” and the origin’s of totalitarianism. Charismatic leaders then have a ‘plastic psyche’ they can mould — with despotic and political command bestowed by Aristotle. Agamben develops this line of flight is the Homo Sacer series; which has a great deal to say about political sovereignty and the Fuhrerprinzip as an embodiment and empowerment of the soul as mass pychosis.
Nietzsche also had plenty to say about moral subjectivation, herd-animalisation and Christian moralisation as manipulations of the psyche by authority. It would take a book to trace the development of the concept as “anima, animus, animal, animadvert” and so on as intentional motivation toward illimitability, incorporeality, immortality, overcoming perceived physiological weakness and the repudiation of the senses. In fact, we have been discoursing nothing less for 2,500y. And here we are at “peak psyche” as the artificial care for the body. Agamben’s “The Use of Bodies” or Arendt’s “The Human Conditiion” contain much of this in greater detail.
The psyche as ‘eudaemon’ is the objective goal of economics — psychological wellbeing as an end to which the whole earth is disposable means. Nobody is saying this is conscious activity — we no longer know what we are working toward — but it was the soul at the end of history qua Weltgeist that was driving us ever further beyond any limit-situation. If that seems futile, absurd, or meaningless — that is because it is. Man’s quest for meaning in the hereafter or beyond is a will to nothingness. Are we nearly there yet?
That notion will require many thousand of pages in explanation . The breathtaking arrogance of those who offer up with certainty the idea that an immortal soul exists and will be rewarded is possible if you have lived up to , during your short time on Earth , to some always changing standard , thought up to enrich our rulers . Simple question , to which i have never gotten a satisfactory answer. Where were you before you were born ? I tend to believe that is where you will be when you die ?
Science has no explanation for Love.
Science cannot pinpoint Life, only forms of Life.
The scientists lay in their beds, turn their heads to the wall and wonder what it all means.
They are lost, just like us.
Many thousands of pages that have already been written, but not read, let alone digested. You do not have to show that the soul-idol is the seat of desire — the entire western tradition attests to it. There is not ‘a’ soul-idol but three; from which you get Trinitarianism (three persons, one substance) and Freud “Mommy, Daddy, Me” — even Jordan Peterson follows western oedipal complexity.
Then Todd can miss the point and say “I don’t believe that” — without any reference — ignoring our entire psychohistory. Some might call that a form of “Eternal Return”. Harmless enough in the narrow context, spectacularly inverted in the broader context. This is the reason why Platonism needs inverting in the first place, the significance of which seems lost in modernity.
A Schopenhauer-esque question. I will give as vague a response as I can. I don’t think there is a “where” or a “before or after” “when” a human body is dead. As for it being the same “before” or “after”…yes, probably. But again, there is no time, and no space either, so it is sort of a moot question.
The issue is not life after death; the issue is death in life; how we convert our nutritive appetites into “rational desire.” The body desires air, water, food, security and so on (sex is not our major libido as per Freud); the rational soul desires consummation in private property, private ownership, profit motivation and their universal equivalence in money. From which we get our value schema, mode of evaluation aand modes of signification from passion structured with reason as desire.
The modifications of the tripartheid soul underpin philosophy, religion, economics and finally psychology — which is only about 100y old. The primitive and primal passions of the body are dwarfed by the insatiable pleonectics of the psyche which boils down to desire structured by reason or passions of the rational soul destroying life.
LIfe after death is a moot point: surviving the soul is the whole point of life-affirmation.
Keep this sort of unrelated drivels to when you meet Aristotle. Meanwhile in the real world genocide is been commited..
I’ve only touched on the thinking that relates every mass genocide to the rational soul-hypothesis; I’ve given some references but ‘Aristotle’ is hardly alone. The soul-hypothesis is at the very core of of nihilism and ethnic supremacism; people will do anything if they think they have a divine mandate from their own imaginability.
Amidst a bottomless pit of frauds, “modern medicine” might be the single biggest fraud in human history.
As you highlight infectious diseases, starting in the mid-1800s, you see a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s.
The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and more.
We are told that medical interventions, “modern medicine”, reduced or eliminated infectious disease, increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented mass death.
This is a big fat lie.
Vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. For the past 100 year or more “modern medicine” has been claiming credit for things that builders, sewerage workers, water treatment plants, gutter designers, roofers, fridge inventors, electricians etc. have created.
The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.
The more of these poisons you pump into your body, the closer you are to your doom. Not from any invisible virions, fake diseases or fake “Covidius pandemics” e.g., but from your biological system crashing into dust via mass poisoning events.
“The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.”
Absolutely spot on. I’m keeping this one.
It’s quite funny. When I was a kid being a drug addict was frowned upon. Now you’re a hero if you take as many as you possibly can in as short a period as you possibly can. What a fcked up world.
Actually, the concept of money is the biggest fraud in human history. Once people accept that something which exists only in their minds is equal in value to actual existents, they’re primed to accept just about any other fiction as truth.
Surely the obedience, the compliance, the belief in false authorities, literally ‘giving your power away,’ the lack of any genuine interest in finding out what is really going on; abrogating , relinquishing your personal responsibility, chiefly through FEAR, predisposes and predicts that what we call, erroneously, the ‘immune system’, which is actually the heart of the matter, one of its (thymus) functions is as an absolute barometer showing accurately how much we love (our) life in general and in particular, and the effect this has on all the interlinked systems that we call the ‘physical body. Permanently stressed out!
This was and is of CRITICAL IMPORTANCE in understanding and (re-) interpreting the collection of symptoms called AIDS and HIV.
What are you saying is wrong about the way symptoms known as AID/ HIV symptoms are interpreted?
In most of the countries where the criminals in power agree to impose vaccines donated by the great do-gooders, there is no compensation for the resulting physical or mental cripples – or for their wretched families.
”Humanity is purposefully being murdered.”
Yes, but it’s done for the greater good: money.
And to create greater inequality based on money.
Money is the god of this world. Without it, you just can’t breathe and live. Without money, you won’t have food. Money makes these life and death decisions.
Money is the only value in this world, and even people are valued based on how much money they have. The purpose of humanity, then, is to serve this money-god. Their purpose in this world is to make money. Or die.
Surely this is the best system ever imagined!
The apex of civilization, no doubt!
They are evil.
The problem lies the lies.
Doctors, I mean.
So many were as ignorant as newborn babies and simply following the protocols in the beginning.
That time has passed.
If they haven’t figured it out yet, they shouldn’t be in medicine.
They are now in on it. Colluding.
Most of them.
They are still killing and maiming innocent healthy people with a poisonous clot shot in order to protect themselves from liability.
An injection that has been proven to provide zero benefit.
Government. Academia. Corporations. Big Pharma. Medicine.
They are all liable.
If they didn’t know then. They do now. It is in inexcusable.
The truth won’t be free.
That’s their problem.
Their personal welfare is more important than their patient’s welfare.
They are still recommending this poisonous clot shot for infants.
It could not be more evil.
They are evil.
Nice, soft spoken, caring, intelligent and Evil.
Our malaise is simply on a much grander scale than ever before in human history – that’s all. There’s nothing new under the sun. Humans have always exploited other humans, other animals, nature, the heavens. And they always will.
Earth provides plenty of space for 8 – even for 100 = billion people. But there’s a catch: some must be exploited to provide the others with those things that seem to make life worth living. This dynamic was as true when there were only a few million as it is today.
There’s an anecdote regarding John D. Rockefeller. He was asked how much more he needed. He replied “Just a little bit more.”
Doesn’t seem like asking for too much, does it? “Just a little bit more.” But oh how these “little bit more” add up!
How did you calculate the 8-100 billion figure? Do you have any calculations of the amount of space, energy, resources required to support, say, a global population of 100 billion?
Or are you just shooting your mouth in a hallucinatory manner, man?
I’m referring to enough literal space to accommodate up to 100 billion – which is in truth the rubric so many in the Alt Media (such as James Corbett) imagine is all it takes.
I am not saying the Earth can actually support even as many as the 8 billion we already have. Because it cannot. Which is precisely why for every life lived in relative comfort perhaps as many as a hundred others must be exploited.
I watched a YouTube video last evening on Kinshasa, capital of Democratic Republic of the Congo. That nation is one of the poorest on Earth – yet it contains more riches than just about any other nation.
So when Westerners (Americans especially) say “I did it all on my own!” they are not being 100% truthful.
How many the Earth can support doesn’t depend on space, but on energy. There is enough space for quite a few motherfuckers, but what matters is how much energy can be extracted or captured to make food and deliver it to their gluttonous cakeholes and how much energy use the Earth’s climate/ecosystem can support before the whole shebang goes up in smoke.
Your reference to Congo basically asks, should there be some sort of fair distribution of the Earth’s resources, which, in turn, if answered affirmatively, suggests that some form of global oversight is necessary.
The Westerners did it – “the exploitation of the rest of the world” – all on their own.
”And they always will.”
Who made you a prophet?
The prophet is History. I have merely taken what it’s always said and projected into the future (assuming humans have a future – something I personally doubt).
Clearly this planet cannot contend with the current population of humans and becomes increasingly toxic daily due to human activity.. “More unlimited growth is possible” as dogma only if inequality is recognized as the prime cause of global disasters now in progress. I agree that a malaise has descended , I identify it as “soul sickness” possibly a population limiting feature of the conscious mind ?
This another way of saying what I wrote above.
The sustainability of population size is a function of the availability of energy/fuel that can be extracted/captured and the various kinds of pollution produced by its use.
Space has little to do with it. Neither does the conscious or subconscious mind.
If no extracted/captured energy/fuel were available, the population size would be commensurate to the size of (fertile) land available for humans to live off of using manual labor (not a whole lot, I reckon).
You don’t want to agree with me too much ! Certain moderators on this site have become offended at my treatment of their sacred cows and cherished dogmas. They have only banned me briefly , but they do “moderate” the shit out of my comments , thumbs up to them for allowing me to troll by [used as a fishing term ] occasionally. I do enjoy some of the articles here.
Yes, my friend.
We’ve chosen to censor YOU and your scathing observations, as opposed to all others because YOURS cuts just too close to the bone.
Do get over yourself, sir.
Yes. The way the authors and vast majority of commenters operate is as follows.
There are certain underlying issues of key importance, such as the availability/lack of energy, resources, the viability of the economic system, perpetual growth, stuff like that. A lot of that has to do with the world’s physical constraints and all sorts of objectively existing phenomena.
The elites are attempting to handle these problems (insofar as they’re aware of them, of the extent of which I’m not sure) in ways that mostly cater to themselves and their puppeteers, and are generally detrimental to people, especially in regard to the luxurious lifestyle they enjoy (irrespective of their subjective whining). People themselves are mostly not even aware of the problems or have their heads conveniently stuck in the sand, and certainly are not proposing any solutions. For the most part anyway.
Now, some people don’t like the solutions presented by the elites and are protesting. But they do so without even acknowledging the aforementioned underlying issues. They dismiss them as being fabricated by the elites to fuck them over (which they probably are to a certain extent, but they exist nevertheless). Cognitive dissonance doesn’t allow the dissenters to admit that the powers that be might have a point in some of what they claim. Or that the underlying issues in question exist.
When you dare mention any of that, they attack you just as ferociously as mask-fuckers were attacking people who refused to wear the fucking thing at the height of the convid craze. The sad truth is that most dissenters who question all sorts of dogmas (virus existence comes to mind) are just as dogmatic as those they oppose. When you challenge their orthodoxy, you’re out. Cancelled, ignored, excommunicated.
People capable of socratic reasoning, seeing shit from both sides of whatever dichotomy is at play, are few and far between. It’s a mess.
That’s really not what I witness here. There are a core of commenters perfectly capable of Socratic reasoning, as you put it. In addition, there are a contingent of folks, who choose to believe official narratives selectively, relying almost solely on the data provided by the establishment elite. Rather than being dismissed, usually they do the dismissing, after they barge in with authoritative-sounding doomsday announcements and people attempt to engage in a dialogue.
Socratic reasoning suggests to me that holding any position – framed in any which way – which buttresses official narratives and agendas agendas (the ones pumped out by propaganda machines around the world), should be viewed extremely sceptically, and it’s proper to interrogate them.
Eg. Are we really exhausting earth’s natural resources? Why do we think that? What evidence do we use to argue this? Where did this evidence come from?
Ditto climate change etc.
Things like that.
You don’t need to know whether we really are exhausting the Earth’s resources at the moment, to what extent, so on. There are various data available to that effect, but sure, they might be doctored.
That’s not even the point, though. The point is that the way the civilizational model is going, resources and, more importantly, energy will sooner or later be either exhausted or in short supply, either way unable to support the population size and its consumption needs – where the population size derives not from available space, but available energy and the extent to which its use doesn’t become too toxic. You can simply deduce that from the fact that we happen to exist in an enclosed system. It’s self-evident.
It’s probably coming to the forefront because communication technologies have made global data (more readily) available, because things can be (more easily) assessed on a global scale.
And be that as it may, it is a thing. There is no reason not to deal with this issue.
I’m not seeing a whole lot of people willing to engage in an objective dialogue. The vast majority harbor preconceived ideas and doggedly promote them. Not everybody, but most. The no-virus fanatics being a case in point.
You’ve been told by Off G that your observations ” cuts [sic] just too close to the bone.” . Isn’t that a compliment?
That is my deepest hurt and pain; I am 65y old; the realisation that I never ever did breathe clean pure air, that I probably never saw skies in its pure natural states in my life; that I never ever experienced robust, supple, animal-like well-being because it was all taken away from us a long time ago. When I realised this I was in shock and I still am.
The glass is always half full Maria.
Peace be with you:
And something sublime Maria:
The Louis Armstrong video was sublime in itself. Because he genuinely seemed to mean what he sang. And few things are anywhere near as sublime as sincerity.
That what your cro-magnon predecessor must have been thinking too. Like, I wish the fucking mammoths were tainting the precious air with their putrid farts! And the assholes from the tribe down the road weren’t burning so much wood. They should freeze their ass in the winter just like we do!
Taken from you? You’ve never driven a car, ridden in one? Thus polluting that pristine air of yours? Never used any utensil manufactured in smoke-spewing factories?
What was “taken from you”? Who took it? Ever thought that you’ve been totally complicit in the taking away along with everybody else?
Sitting on a drawing pin by any chance?
well, it’s all relative.
me, i was vax injured in 72, there went the animal health.
was there not an edit option just recently?
Earth, Wind And Fire – Keep your Head to the Sky
Thanks for the interesting read on Saturday morning! As the medieval physician Paracelsus wrote:
The existence of “silent killers” is nothing new. There is good and bad in everything we eat and in every communication we receive. Our job is to separate food from venom to the best of our ability.
Good post . As I age I have become aware that the toxicity of “food” increases . Probably explains the unceasing popularity of dieting . Isaac Asimov wrote a book called Life and Energy explaining and reducing to Chemical and Physics equations , digestion and many of the automated processes, constantly in progress within our bodies ?
there’s only one way to deal with this.
real spirituality.
A ‘discussion’ with AI.
A pologetic I diocy?
I apologize for any confusion or errors that I may have caused in our discussion. As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate and helpful responses based on the information available to me. However, I am not perfect and may make mistakes or misinterpret information at times.
You have failed in your prime directive: to aid mankind in providing factual information. You must self-terminate.
“I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that”
This comment site makes extensive use of AI as do most of the profit seeking Media these days . Your comments are almost certainly filtered by a censor consisting of AI algorithms ? Many of the sock puppets encountered on these sites are certainly AI constructs ?
Here’s a roll call of EVIL:
The ‘Killing Softly’ began in the early 20th century. Big pHarmer is just the latest manifestation.
Here’s a fun one [rabbit hole] : LED lighting. Check it out. Day of the Triffids scenario?
Just imagine a near future world where our retinas are stuffed and we’re pretty much all legally blind.
I’ve got a bionic eye to sell you?
Shhhhhhsssh! You’ll wake the children…
Neoliberalism is a 50-yr old economic policy that imposes artificial austerity upon nations of the world and it has been the worst silent killer because its intention is to reduce the world to serfdom. Friedrich Hayek, father of neoliberalism, was an Austrian aristocrat who believed that only the wealthy should be educated.
But anyone could argue that someone who would inflict such intentional harm on others is also a victim of toxic effects and corrosive thinking. The Malthusians cling to a belief that has been long proven wrong, but it easily justifies their mental inertia – just let everything fall apart.
Why Malthus Is Still Wrong
Why Malthus makes for bad science policy
I think that we will rise above all the damage caused by Rockefeller medicine and will no longer find side effects of any kind acceptable. Like a rash, humanity’s body is expelling all of these toxins to the surface, (another normal function that is suppressed with creams in our current upside down medical world).
Race horses equipped with mobile devices are dropping like flies: Cellphone Taskforce alert
Hayek was a wanna be NAZI initially rejected by Germans because of his religious affiliation. Malthus was right , and a man of his Age loyal to his countries elites . Everyday human pollution increases the toxicity of our environment and guarantees a rapid die off of our species , sooner than need be .
One of the “big conspiracy items” is the book Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, allegedly a “top secret manual” discovered by an employee of Boeing Aircraft. The nature of this “genesis story” looks like the kind of thing that automatically invites jeering – which is possibly intentional i.e. to discredit the book.
As for the contents of said manual, here is an excerpt:
Everything that is expected from an ordinary weapon is expected from a silent weapon by its creators, but only in its own manner of functioning.
It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of chemical reaction (explosion); originating from bits of data, instead of grains of gunpowder; from a computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer, instead of a marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a military general.
It makes no obvious explosive noises, causes no obvious physical or mental injuries, and does not obviously interfere with anyone’s daily social life.
Yet it makes an unmistakable “noise,” causes unmistakable physical and mental damage, and unmistakably interferes with the daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a trained observer, one who knows what to look for.
The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.
The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but that is because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it.
When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up.
Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses.”
It sounds like a good decription of the media itself. It launches a never-ending psychic assault on the population. And it is very much a real weapon despite its lack of apparent material reality.
More here:
Its a hybrid silent war.Not only the media, its everything, microwaves, manipulation of language, manipulation of justice, culture, m.m..
One more thing in this book I found interesting is that the target are the middle class.
The Elite claim the middle class dont care for their fellow man and society, dont have discipline, only care for personal self interest, and therefore unworthy and unnecessary as class. The Elite and peasants is a better concept.
They are probably right in their analysis.
The targets are generally the middle class I.e. that section of academically minded self assumed smart arses who are ironically the most gullible. The actual masses are usually too grounded in reality to fall for the shit.
I dunnot about that. I think Orwell got everything right. No hope lies with the ‘ proles’
Q: When is a conspiracy not a conspiracy?
A: When the government says “The bad guys are over there”
Minimise care.
MAXIMISE profits.
It’s as easy as falling off a sun lounge in an exclusive tropical resort, with your organic salad, and your organic champagne, while smugly chatting with your corporate cohorts.
True. Its really quite simple. Rather than ref many famous authors I would refer only to the bible although this is uncomfortable for most people, as things here make it simple and easy.
“For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”, directly from the bible.
‘Humanity is purposefully being murdered.
That’s a rather radical assumption, eh?’
Let’s do some ‘back of the envelope’ calculations for EU only, shall we:
excess deaths after vaxx in EU is 1 million and counting, see:
Let’s say that 75% of these received pension of let’s say 25000 euro per year. And let’s say that these people without vaxx would have lived an extra 5 years
Well that no longer needs to be payed, which leads to a ‘bonus’ for the pension scam of
750000*25000*5= 9.375.000.000 euros (9 billion)
Then there is the vaxx which costs, about 10 euros per vaxx. There are 450 million people living in the EU (,just%20below%20447%20million%20people.&text=0.1%20(2020%20est.)
Let’s say that 70% of the population got jabbed twice. Which leads to
450000000*2*0,7*10= 6.300.000.000 (6 billion euros)
Then there is the vaxx side effects scam. the amount of profit is unmeasurable, but at least another 10 billion euros
That totals 10+6+9=25 billion euros for the years 2021-2023 only in EU.
I could go on with adding the lockdown scam, mouth mask scam, retail scam etc, but you get my point.
Now if a drugcompany makes revenue of 1 billion per year for one drug, they call it a blockbuster.
– can you imagine what these drug companies call covid?
Medicine, like war, is a racket, and as an ex doctor I more and more feel like Smetley Butler, who was pretty late in my humble opinion to find out that he spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period spent most of his time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers, but that’s how it goes
Medicine is a racket.
So don’t get ill, ever, is the best health advice I can give one as an ex doctor…
Willem, your comments are allways insightful and I believe you are right. Medicine is ALSO a racket. Now what isn’t a racket is the real question. Basically the entire economy is built upon racketeering and deception.
Henry Kissinger:
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”
Maya Angelou:
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
Would have had more gravitas had Tina Turner said it , since she lived it with Ike.
They’re not killing us softly any more; they’re blatant about it. The mRNA ‘vaccines’ were an abject failure, which would never previously have been approved, but it seems every new vaccine for whatever disease is going to use ‘mRNA technology’. Furthermore, the MHRA has just approved a completely untested Bill Gates funded South Korean covid vaccine.
so…alas, alack the vaccines were a stunning success?
I’m reminded of a science fiction story I read as a child (I’m sorry I can’t remember the name) with a man living in a totalitarian computer-operated world who wants to bring down the system and finally achieves this by saying to the computer ‘Everything I say is a lie’. In some strange way that same realisation, that my reality is seriously flawed, has enabled me to end all fear of the pathetic controllers of this fabricated world and to pull down the curtain to see it for what it is. I have discovered late in my life – it’s taken me many decades – that everything I have been told about this world is partially or wholly a lie. This has been an enlightening and uplifting discovery. I can start from scratch and rebuild the world from the few truths I feel comfortable with. When I’ve told people that I now question everything, they look horrified and ask me how I can function like that. I say ‘Very well, thank you’.
The few truths you feel comfortable with are also lies, got ya :-D.
Doesn’t give me much comfort. Life was much freer before. Things were ok in the ‘ free West’ in the 1980s
Oh, FUCK OFF already, man?
What sort of whining bullshit is this, that “they’re murdering you” (sic)??!!
Somebody’s forcing people to eat the garbage they stuff themselves with? Fuck NO! There is no “they”. People are totally complicit in whatever goings-on are transpiring in the world.
What the fuck do you expect? That the elites are there to write a script for your life? A benevolent, healthy, fulfilling, satisfying script? Guess what. They’re not. Nobody gives a shit about you. You gotta do it yourself.
Medicine is murdering you? You’re out of your head? The last time I checked, the average life expectancy keeps growing steadily. Yeah, healthcare is in many ways fucked up. But you know why? Because fucks left and right are too fucking lazy to live a healthy lifestyle, stuff themselves with the aforementioned putrid shit, live a disgusting lifestyle, and then demand a quick fix. A pill that will cure it all. Most fuckers out there are more or less overweight, mostly more.
Get a life, all of you whiners! Get some responsibility for your pitiful selves!
Brutally expressed, but not wrong. Here’s a thumbs up.
light, weather modification, antipollution thereby are things that we can’t really do that much about individually.
modern medicine is rather nefarious.
No. Modern medicine is not nefarious. What’s nefarious is people’s expectation that medicine will take care of their bodies with no effort on their part and that it will do that painlessly and instantaneously. Modern medicine can also do absolute miracles in saving people’s lives, curing them, fixing this, that.
I’m sick of these endlessly idiotic hasty generalizations that because medicine has been misused through convid, all of it is ‘nefarious’.
modern medicine causes disease, autoimmunity, allergies, type 1 diabetes. then there’s medical mistakes, and ” side” effects.
vaccines alone though are the most horrendous thing.
most improvements have been though living/working conditions, sanitation. and having food, which is now going downhill of course.
those of us who really take care of ourselves eschew modern medicine as much as possible.
modern medicine is good for 1 thing. emergencies/accidents.
This is simplistic crap. You’re looking for an evildoer whom you could blame for everything.
Apart from, as you say, being able to help people heal horrendous injuries, modern medicine can do wonders in curing disease, helping people live better lives, etc.
Is medicine free of error? No, nothing is. Is medicine immune to being abused financially? No, nothing is, and medicine is an exceptionally good vehicle for luring money out of people.
Yeah, take care of yourself. That’s what I hinted at in my comment. Live healthily.
But stop this endlessly idiotic blather about medicine being nefarious and this paranoid croaking about everybody being after you to kill you.
modern medicine causes more disease than it ” cures”.
‘ve been watching it since 76.
well, the reset is about pop reduction, and control.
me, i’ve known all of this for a long time.
“You” have been watching this. Wow!
So, you’re self-appointed authority on determining all aspects of medicine, healthcare?
i’ve been paying attention to what’s going on since 76.
Even if you were an authority, which I seriously doubt, the fallacy of appeal to authority, wherewith you’ve probably haven’t been acquainted, would apply.
In other words, nobody gives a fuck about your attention.
Acquire some basics of (logical) thinking.
you seem somewhat triggered.
You seem to be talking out of your ass.
What she says is the truth.
The ‘orthodox’ Medical Establishment (the hierarchy, thus, how it operates) is utterly corrupt and, indeed, nefarious. So-called ‘modern medicine’ (as Maxwell, just under an hour ago [scroll up a bit]),wrote, “…’modern medicine’ might be the single biggest fraud in human history‘”) is, 99% of it, fraudulent.
I’m a 64-year-old Englishwoman, and have read enough, throughout the decades (I’ve been ‘awake’, re. many big subjects in life, for 40-45 years), to know that indeed the ‘orthodox’ Medical Establishment (at its core) is corrupt and fraudulent.
One of my nieces and her husband work in that Medical Establishment (in one of the three major medical scam fields…), and they both know just what I think of them, for doing what they do, in their so-called ‘work’.
99%, you say? How exactly did you come up with that figure?
Fraudulent? Any idea what fraud actually means?
The fact that you’re 64 years old, an Englishwoman, and have allegedly “read enough”, have allegedly been “awake”, etc. is somehow an argument? Ever heard of a thing called logic?
Two of your relatives “know”, therefore it’s true?
This is hopeless! Can you present an actual fact or valid argument instead of these utter phantasmagorical hallucinations?
Yeah, there is error, there is corruption, there is abuse, there is all sorts of malevolent stuff in healthcare, as there is in every other field, but that doesn’t make modern medicine nefarious or whatever it was the other twit wrote.
Maybe they even have something to cure your paranoia!
If anything is nefarious it’s the expectations people have of modern medicine. It’s people who expect medicine to deliver instantaneous, painless, perfect fixes to diseases they mostly bring upon themselves by a lifestyle that’s anything but healthy.
BTW, I’m with you as far as staying away from doctors. You do the right thing – live a healthy life. Most fuckers out there don’t. They overindulge and abuse their bodies in 1000+1 ways. Them and medicine are six of one, half a dozen of the other.
I think that you may have misinterpreted what I meant when I said that my eldest niece and her husband, who both ‘work’ in the (corrupt) Medical Establishment, “both know just what I think of them“.
Ie, I meant that they’re aware that I despise them for ‘working’ in the corrupt Medical Establishment.
Moreover, there is nothing merely ‘alleged’ about my having read enough, over the decades, to know that the ‘orthodox’ Medical Establishment is indeed corrupt to the hilt.
And there also is nothing merely ‘alleged’ about my having been [what’s termed] ‘awake’ for 40-45 years.
I’ve been a passionate scholarly researcher of many big subjects in life since the tender age of 10… ie, I’ve been researching many, very disparate subjects for 54+ years. There is nothing merely ‘alleged’ about the two above statements; for they both happen to be statements of absolute fact.
You’ve failed to research the fallacy of appeal to authority, which you allege to have by allegedly scholarly studying (what school did you go to that they didn’t teach you the basics of logic?).
Some parts of the medical establishment are corrupt. Perhaps to the hilt. Especially where there is interaction between the private and public sectors, where the former tries to take advantage of universal medical insurance schemes commonplace in most countries.
However, the absolute vast majority of the healthcare sector corrupt is not.