This Week in the New Normal #66

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. CBDCs move another step closer
Two days ago it was reported that the Bank of International Settlements and the Bank of England had completed tests on various aspects of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs):
Coindesk reports:
A joint experiment by central banks has tested ways to connect monetary authorities and the private sector to facilitate retail digital currency payments […] The experiment saw the London Innovation hub of the Bank for International Settlements – which groups the world’s central banks – and the Bank of England develop 33 application programming interface (API) functionalities to test more than 30 central bank digital currency (CBDC) use cases, including offline payments.
The experiment – known as “Project Rosalind” – has been running for over a year, and its reportedly successful conclusion means we are “one step closer” to full implementation, according to Bloomberg.
In other CBDC news, a “leaked” draft EU law would ban interest and programmability for any digital Euro, again from CoinDesk.
Does that really mean anything? We’ll have to wait and see, but I doubt it. When the full text is released I’m sure they’ll be all kinds of delightful workarounds in there.
2. Lab leak: The theory that won’t die
Covid’s supposed lab leak “origin” was back in the headlines this week, as US officials revealed the first three people to contract “Covid” were researchers who worked at the Wuhan institute of virology.
First off, and it’s important people understand this: they can have absolutely no way of knowing this. It is made up.
Second, why are they saying it? Why now after three years?
Probably because more and more people are coming around to the idea Covid wasn’t ever a real “pandemic”, or even a real disease, but rather a rebranding of totally normal respiratory diseases endemic all over the world.
That can’t ever be allowed to take hold, and in the event it gains any mainstream traction they will “reveal the truth” or even “punish those responsible” to divert public anger.
In the meantime, they drip-feed evidence to the public to keep their escape path clear. Like a fire exit, “do not block this door”.
“In case of emergency, pretend it came from a lab.”
3. “Reforming” food safety practices to rush through “sustainable” foods
The UK’s Food Standard’s Agency is in the middle of a revision of its labelling and safety procedures that make it easier for “emerging foods” to bring products to market, according to a report in the The Grocer.
Beginning back in February, the UKFSA has been reviewing its practices for products which contain CBD and – perhaps most tellingly – insect protein.
One proposed reform is introducing a “triage system” which would create a [emphasis added]:
“priority lane” for certain applications, most likely based on the government’s policy agenda around bringing sustainable plant-based alternatives to market”
Another proposed change would be switching to the US system, essentially meaning foods are passed until proven unsafe rather, rather than banned until they are proven safe:
This would mean the threshold for what a company needs to demonstrate to establish their product is ‘safe’ might be more aligned to the US standard of ‘reasonably certain of no harm’ rather than the legacy EU precautionary principle which is a higher standard,”
It’s no secret what this “shake-up” is about, it’s about forcing through approval of lab-grown meat, insect burgers and other “new food”.
BONUS: bizarre Gaffe of the week
Here’s Joe Biden – or what’s left of Joe Biden – inexplicably ending a speech about gun control with “God Save the Queen”.
A Queen who is a) not the queen of America and b) dead.
This gaffe has now gone viral after President @JoeBiden said at the end of his speech in Connecticut, “God save the Queen!” Many were baffled because the Queen is dead, and it was not clear why he said, “God save the Queen.”
— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) June 16, 2023
It’s not all bad…
A small win coming out of Idaho this week, where the Washington County (Idaho) Republican Central Committee passed a resolution banning the administration of experimental Covid vaccines. This is not a piece of legislation, and for it to become enforced it has to move up to the state Republican Committee, and then to the legislature. So it’s only one small step on a long path, but it’s also an example of how this fight can be won – from the ground up.
You can read about it in more detail here, and watch the expert testimony presented to the committee here.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the Oscar’s new “diversity rules” or Canada joining the US to bully Mexico into reversing their ban on GM corn.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Physically, emotionally (no fear) and mentally (not scared by “bugs” of any size) healthy people can walk through any L-4 biolab or real Pandemic without a scratch,
BUT those who lack any of the three above cannot. In case of doubt try it out.
Governments who encourage any of the above unhealthy practices should have learn this now. Only Sweden was up to scratch in 2020.
Fauci, Dasrak & co were US funding CCP lab risky experiments and should be prosecuted just for that alone.
Their society wrecking advices like lockdowns & masks as ex-perts can be tried separately.
From the NEW New Normal:
“BRICS Group Expanding Like Never Before | The EU$A has a Rival”
De-dollari$ation is spreading to Africa.
“21st century Naval Warfare: meet China’s mini Drone Carriers”
Here’s yet another stake through the heart of the lab grown meat vampire; but it probably won’t kill the artificial beast.
Lab-Grown Meat Suffers Significant Setback with Shocking New Scientific Findings – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
the only lab leak worthy of mention is the one involving the research, manufacture and distribution of many billions of doses of a technology that has a mutitude of uses (inc some we have not yet seen)
uses that show clearly that we are in the midst of an evolving situation that has dire consequences for humanity and points toward all parties above a certain “need to know” level being in full complicity and with full coverage across all nations
but still, lets not let that get in the way of (another) good old and very impending blood letting that “sky news” seem so keen to have our support on:
sean bell has assured his place in hell with that one, enjoy the sizzle crispy boy!
because lets not forget:
Russia-Ukraine war live: attacks reported across Ukraine; Putin nuclear weapons threat is ‘real’, says Biden
those pesky nuclear capable f16s might just have something to do with that eh?
so folk, how do we feel about an emp for brekkie?
given ye olde cbdc is about ready to rock n roll and given that the only pictures of charles (not my king) that are exchanging hands in terms of currency are the natty new bog rolls with his ugly face on for sale, (theres a camilla version too im told), it seems likely that things are moving fast
life was so wonderfully dull before the shitfest knocked up a gear
2008 in the New Normal:
“The Bankers Who Stole The World | 2008 Bank Recession”
Drag Queen ?
Perhaps Creepy Joe mean’t his favourite drag queen ?
London city..
This week will be 16th Conservative consecutive mortgage increase in less than 2 years (show biden videos 💤 )
London city.. again…
The Americanization to the UK legal system, no mention of it by alt media.
This is worth the read….
Legal aid sector is collapsing remind folks what happened in 2008 is now happening again but worse as no one who supposedly on the alt news side is mentioning it. .why ?,2023%2012.48pm%20EDT
Joe could have come out with the line “Its good to be the king!”, I suppose.
As for Covid, that party’s moved on. There’s still a fair bit of drum beating but its yesterday’s news. Yes, it was a contagious respiratory illness. just like its relative, the common cold. Its main differentiator from other diseases is its huge level of politicization. Politicians are often detached from reality (witness a US congressman who seems to sincerely believe that China’s infiltrating the US by sending servicemen posing as refugees over the southern border)(Well, the could be, couldn’t they? Where’s the proof that they aren’t?)
Maybe he thinks, or knows, that Charles the Turd, identifies as a woman, AKA dude with tits.
Neil Oliver: The right and natural way of things will prevail, because the universe wants that.
The Myth of Pandemic Preparedness With James Corbett + Dr. David Bell
Mysterious Deletion of Medical Journals
Confidential Pfizer document shows the company observed 1.6 million adverse events covering nearly every organ system
“‘Unheard of’ marine heatwave off UK and Irish coasts poses serious threat
Sustained high temperatures over summer could trigger mass mortality of fish and oysters, say scientists”
“Unheard of”!
No-one has ever “heard of” this kind of heatwave?
No-one has ever even imagined it?
Gosh! That takes me back to the autumn of 2020 and the ITN newsreader’s breathless pronouncement that the pressure on the NHS was “off the scale”. What scale?, I wondered. Is there a scale for pressure on the NHS?
Anyway, back to the boiling oceans and Daniela Schmidt, a “professor of earth sciences”, says,
“As long as we are not dramatically cutting emissions, these heatwaves will continue to destroy our ecosystems. But as this is happening below the surface of the ocean, it will go unnoticed.”
Sounds ever so slightly scripted, don’t you think? And Daniela is clearly annoyed that this is happening “out of sight”. ….or is that an advantage? “You can’t see it but we’ll tell you about it!”
Remember, every other matter is now “incredible”, even in the news or statements by ministers.
I love a good bit of function-stacking in the morning:
How do they deal with the CIA blowing up Nord Steam 2? They ignore it. GMOs? Not worth mentioning either. How do they deal with the UK selling depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine? “Both sides” are doing it. They do seem very worked up about asbestos though – without mentioning the long history of US and UK corporations denying that asbestos was harmful. Curiously, nobody in the MSM seems to promote these corporations paying reparations.
And the Fraud has got John Harris to do this week’s attack against ‘conspiracy theorists’ (with obligatory sniping at RFK included):
It’s the usual recipe from writers like Harris – he tries to bracket what he thinks may be ‘respectable’ conspiracies (like vaccines and autism) with unrespectable ones (royals are vampires) then blames it all on feelings of powerlessness and insecurity. The implied solutions: elect a Labour government and introduce UBI. Throw in a few fake grass-roots’ protest movements too. What can never ever be considered is that maybe people have seen a large number of conspiracies that turned out to be true and yet the Fraud ignores them. MK Ultra…. Gladio… Mockingbird…. cointelpro…. Operation Chaos…. Northwoods….
The Harris article follows the now tediously familiar formulaic mixing in of Royal vampires, that old “white replacement” stuff and the inevitable linking with the designated hate figures of Trump and Boris. But in amongst that crap you can glimpse some unease:
“Among most politicians and political observers, there is still precious little understanding of all this. They still tend to operate as if the vast majority of voters’ views are much more orthodox: based on a latent leaning either left or right, perhaps tinged with a certain anger about the UK’s problems, but essentially traditional, uncomplicated and understandable.”
Oh the good old days!
“What now pours into many people’s social media feeds and out into the world, by contrast, is surely anything but. Everybody knows somebody who believes in shadowy cabals and covert global plots, and such people seem to form one part of a much wider range of opinions – united by a loathing of the political mainstream and a belief that all our institutions are irredeemably corrupt, commanded by invisible forces and beyond anyone’s control.”
Oh dear can’t have any of that!
Harris is worried about those whose “beliefs are often preceded by much more coherent stuff – about centres of power being hopelessly distant, corporate giants doing as they please and everyday life too often feeling fragile and meaningless.”
Note the “preceded” bit necessary to separate the permissible from the impermissible. And Harris is clearly concerned with those “paranoid conspiracists” who can actually phrase their views in clear logical manner.
His solution?
“Take the first small steps to giving people a bit more security and certainty and the desperate appetite for conspiracy theory might start to die down, taking all those visions of microchips, faked figures and vampires with it.”
With a final bit of mix ‘n match there.
So Harris suggests the resumption of crumbs from the table. It ain’t gonna happen.
And, as usual, no comments on the article allowed.
RFK Jr. has come out unequivocally for Israel. I guess he wants to avoid assassination, break the Kennedy Curse as it were.
Please look forward to Conor Kennedy in the Senate in 2028 and in the White House in 2032. Meanwhile, Bobby Jr. will take up where Uncle Bernie left off sheep dogging reluctant Democrats back in to the Hopey-Changey fold
And back at the ‘On’ Guardian, John Harris and his bosses are getting antsy. No comments allowed – wonder why?!
Incidentally, do you realize that this very website was founded about eight years ago by two commenters, Kit and Kat, who had been banned over at the Graun? I used to comment there myself, and I remember them from BTL comments. That’s why I followed them over here.
Now they do the same over hear ¬!! 😂
‘they’ on everything but not the ‘alt’ media
33, what an interesting number.
All those “conspiracy theories” becoming fact, one by one.
Yet the sheep continue to listen to the MSM for their news.
Yes, right from the start of early 2020 (I’m well aware that nefarious ‘stuff’ has been perpetrated from far longer back than that… I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40-45 years), I provided my family members and friends with a wealth of trustworthy information from honest doctors, scientists, lawyers, funeral directors, embalmers, economists, and even the few [rare…] honest politicians, etc etc., re. what’s really going on. But all of them (apart from two already ‘awake’ friends) chose to ridicule the facts/truths with which I’d provided them, and chose to continue to ‘believe’ what they’re told on their beloved TVs.
Only a couple of days ago, I tried to make my younger sister [62] understand what would happen if, to take just one example, the ’15-minute cities’ threat was achieved, by the evil conspirators. I tried to make her, my sister, aware that if that happened, she and her husband would not be able to see their two daughters and three young grandchildren again, on Earth (for they live further away from them than a 15-min car journey). But she refused to ‘believe’ that; she tried to ‘explain it away’ by saying “Oh no, that’s just something which Boris Johnson said, he meant…”. So she’d ‘believed’ the false MSM ‘explanation’ for the ’15-minute cities’ threat to humanity.
As you so rightly say, the sheep most certainly do continue to follow the MSM for their ‘news’. More fool them.
The lessons are all around, but no one learns until they are ready to seek or ask. Your eagerness to help does not change that.
Yes, you’re right. Unfortunately, that’s exactly the case: that people will not ‘wake up’ until they’re ready to do so.
The truth is that previous generations had more control of their own lives. They were more self sufficient in virtually every area from health to food security. The ultimate consumer is someone who relies on the state/corporate world for their every need when if they are able to they could take back control of many of these functions. They would subsequently have more agency over their lives and diminished external control and influence. If you take the model of grow your own food, make your own medicines, have a physical and mental fitness routine, walk and bike, pay cash and barter, make do and mend, buy second hand, educate yourself and generate your own power then you are taking back significant control. This may not be achievable for some people but some of these suggestions are achievable for every person. If you just stop and honestly ask yourself the question, “How do I contribute to my own enslavement and how can I change” then things will begin to change…and they will begin to change for all of us.
Covid-19 Lab Leak.
“Revelations” about a leak of Corona Virus SARS-2 around the U$ Fauci-funded Frankenstein Virus Lab in Wuhan have been released — slowly and reluctantly — in order to divert attention from the earlier outbreak of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Stress) around the U$ Military Bio-Weapons Lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland. That earlier SARS outbreak forced the U$ regime to close Fort Detrick and move its Frankenstein Virus research to a Fauci funded Lab in China (because Chinese were supposed to be too stupid to understand White Man’s Magic).
The SARS-2 Corona virus carries a GMO sequence (U$ Patent assigned to Moderna Corp in 2016) that enables the Spike Protein of this former bat virus to attack the endothelial cells of human blood vessels. Severe Acute Respiratory distress is the result of Moderna’s patent Spike Protein GMO, because the lung consists mainly of tiny blood vessels. That spike protein, or its RNA gene sequence, is the main active component of every mRNA Vaxx; hence the global outbreak of cardio-vascular disease and sudden death after mass injection of the global population with this experimental substance — the greatest act of criminal irresponsibility in human history.
There was no lab leak. The media ‘revelations” are clearly a limited hangout operation to divert us from the reality that the SARS virus was deliberately released and, together with the gene therapy injections posing as vaccinations, designed to help the depopulation agenda of the ruling elite control freaks.
Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to study the meticulous research of independent investigators such as Dr David Martin, Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt. Stop believing the lying legacy media and do your own research. The truth will set you free.
Just so long as we believe the virus is absolutely real then? And we’re back to Groundhog Day. This “truth” will certainly not set you free.
The truth will always set one free – just not necessarily on one’s own personal timeline.
“Truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.” — St Augustine
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” — Arthur Schopenhauer
Not sure I want to waste my time, on Virus/No Virus or Lab Leak/No Lab Leak.
Pretty sure if the UN,ICC and WHO were bonifide institutions for our well being, then the Bio-labs mentioned by Russia in Ukraine, and the type of research being carried out by America and China would mean the likes of Dr Hotez doing works ‘for the greater good’ would be in prison and that Pharma crimes in the not to distant past would have resulted in the significant numbers of people in prison/ receiving the death penalty.
The UN, ICC and WHO are corrupted organizations
David Martin is not a waste of your time- he is the best voice against biomedical tryanny with his research on biotech patents and applications (filed in the years before the scamdemic) proving a criminal conspiracy without the need to talk about viruses being real ( more dumb shit for dumb fucks who think that “virus” means “disease”)
Gonzogone, I agree that David Martin’s info is compelling. You comment that some people think “virus” means “disease” is puzzling. No one thinks that: SOME viruses SOMETIMES cause disease in plants, animals & people, depending on several factors.
The great majority of viruses are not pathological and form a part of our evolution.
There is no proof SARS virus exists, admitted by 216 international health agencies in writing in responses to Christine Massey’s FOIs. Martin, Latypova and Watt are pushing a fraud narrative on behalf of RFK Jr and his presidential campaign as well as his new book about Wuhan.
David Martin’s “malleable” reality: the no-virus movement doesn’t exist but imaginary viruses do A presentation to the men and women known an “European Parliament.” Christine Massey, 5/13/23.
Jeffrey, you and Christine seem to reserve your most aggressive attacks against those whose views I would describe as adjacent. E.g. Latypova thinks viruses exist but that they are harmless. Rather than attacking them you should make better arguments to persuade them to your position. Looking thru your posted link to Massey’s website, Latypova does look very reasonable to me and Massey is starting to look “deranged.”
RE: Dr David Martin, Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt
David Martin is the problem, Latypova and Watt don’t think there was ever a there there when it comes to Covid.
Tom, you are misreading Sasha & Katherine, I think.
Please explain.
Sasha Latypova:
“What has transpired in the US and globally in the past 3 years can be most accurately characterized as democide (indiscriminate genocide). Most of it is due to the depraved indifference and sheer stupidity of the millions of the “professionals” and regular citizens who participated in the crime of killing and maiming their friends, family members, neighbors, own children and often themselves…”
I don’t see Latypova and Watt talking much about Covid-19 one way or another, except as the vehicle to launch the Trojan Horse of the jabs.
Martin’s claim that SarsCov-2/Covid-19 was patented before 2020 only matters if it was a real disease, otherwise, it is just computer code in the Patent Office. As others have said there is no evidence of its actual existence in the real world.
Absolutely, Michael. When I hear, “Mistakes were made” (in treatment of the illness & in testing of the ‘vaxx’) I’m not sure if the person is naive or if they’re trying to preserve access to the media, or what. We certainly can’t overcome evil w/o we admit its existence.
Sleepy Joe continues to amuse us… as does Boris the buffoon.
The most extraordinarily benevolent & informative interview. Thoroughly enjoyable, and I promise you will learn something too.
Off topic. In the TV series Black Mirror, half the episodes seem to be predicated on the notion that computer simulations can be like entire worlds populated by entities that can experience themselves as human beings. Hubristic AI propaganda.
That is exactly one of the contending ideas in the arcane science of theoretical physics: that (as in the Matrix) the entire univese including us is a simulation or projection on a screen 13+ billion light-years across.
Many people forget AI = Artificial Intelligence = False Intelligence.
When people speak about simulation and AI they often says they use Tech as a tool.
But they dont.
They think they are smart enough to use AI, the flat screen, smart phone, etc, as a tool.
But they are not.
Its so obvious the machine has taken over their mind. They live the machines illusion.
Thats why I am so happy to be religious. I dont have to live a mental spaghetti life like this. “This life is only a simulation”…………………….LOL.
Artificial Intelleigence? Don’t you mean “Hyper-Robotics”?
Illiterate people who never read and understood allegory and metaphor, don’t have much of a chance of getting anything from intelligent TV either.
Brooker is not promoting those things, just as Orwell was not promoting the stuff he wrote about. Most if not all dystopian writers make it very clear where they stand and those who choose to twist that are either pawns of the NWO wanting to discredit effective NWO critics, or they have some cognitive issue related to trauma.
Managing a farm in the new normal:
From your Link:
“They say that Russia is a technically backward country with no robotics, rockets that miss their target, [planes that do not fly, and tanks that cannot fire]. That’s bullshit.”
Nothing like a Parasdigm Shift with breakfast to start the day off well ?
Ghada Chehade: The Power of Predominant Science )20.52):
Of course it has never been clear why Joe Biden says anything…
I suppose “God Save the Queen” is as good as anything else.
God is probably saving her as we speak…
Wrong man, its all bad! Fixed.
The greatest backers of the dinosaurish neocon gerontocrat called “Joe Biden” are not his fellow octogenarians: they are progressive, hip, modern, latte-sipping millennials who have whales on their T-shirts, Thule carrier boxes on their electric SUVs, believe in “man-made climate change”, are intolerant of discrimination of any kind (even thoughtcrime) and have zero compunction about forcibly denying others individual liberty. Truly ironic.
Translation: Most likely based on the government’s biggest donors.
“Safe and healthy” will become the media’s new mantra, and will be as true as the ‘vaccines’ were safe and effective.
Tru$t the $cience…
Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there’s hardly a healthy human left.
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stamping on a masked human face forever.
COVID-19 = CON JOB-1984
…- Combine the two and in the future I’d imagine we’re all gonna look a lot like Hambagu Suteiki… – Dosed with extra special *Vitamins And Minerals*, and whatnot, of course…
…- Assuming you want to know how the *Sausage* gets made, that is…
(…- *You’re the *Sausage*, in this scenario, btw… – Pleasant dreams… 😉 )
The CBDC move may be the boldest assault yet since what it implies is nothing less than a complete transformation of the entire socio-economic network through a radical overhaul of the way the public conduct transactions. And note how the public have no say in this whatsoever – unless they take drastic action.
Re: introduction of “sustainable” foods, “reasonably certain of no harm” is delicious – if you’ll pardon the expression. “Reasonably” isn’t reasonable. It’s a murky, hopelessly evasive term. And it serves to emphasise that the good old food industry is still upholding that fine Dickensian tradition of planting blocks of metal into loaves to make them heavier.
New rules for inclusive diversity? Well of course.
*Under the subsections laid out in the Manual To Ensure Everyone Feels Included and Safe, at least 14 out of the 98 crucial categories must be fulfilled.
*Within the first 75 seconds of movie, there must be at least 5 references to Indo-Chinese language variants spanning the time periods as catalogued under paragraph 34 subsection wagadoo.
*There must be no references to men or women unless each is echoed by at least 3 of the 49 accepted non-binary modes.
*There must be at least 8 scenes involving public defecation to assure the newfound category of the chronically diarrhea plagued. Each must be prefaced by a brief song and dance number to reassure the audience.
*All the men must have breasts and all the women phallic bulges to eliminate any sense of binary threat.
*Every shade of skin must be featured and balanced so that the overall outcome is a completely intermediate and indeterminate tone.
*No reference to any event predating 2020 is to be allowed unless it refers to World War 2 which must be mentioned at least twice in the first third.
*Any noise above 60 decibels must be prefaced by a quiet audio warning at least two minutes in advance to give the easily frightened enough time to exit the building.
*Every film must have a half hour interlude where a drag queen will read about interracial oral sex to the under 6’s.
Anyone objecting to any of these rules will be deemed to be full of hate! And a threat to the entire world!
Who can live in such a world? The sheep and the bureaucrats??
I was tempted to say that I expect one day we’ll find a better world, but then this world was already such a beautiful place before merciless greed made its entrance.
I was on the beach today alone, light rain, naked in the sea, no one there.
After the swim I sat down close to the car, still alone, looking at the plants waving in the air, and it stroked me how beautiful our planet is and how little we need to have a joyful moment.
All in the 2-dimensional world is bs; paper, fiat money, flat screens, mountain bikes, reports, statements, whatsoever. Pure and utter bs.
Indeed, wasn’t that circa 4,000 B.C.E.?
“Lab leak” won’t die? Well, you help keep it alive by going out of your way to not contest the very idea of “the virus.” In fact to claim that the question is irrelevant.
Who are you addressing? OffG has questioned the existence of “the virus” plenty of times. In fact, they are an outlier as one of the very few media outlets to ever have, alternative or otherwise.
The most recent item here was Catte Black’s statement a couple of weeks ago that the matter is not all that important. The existence question has not been addressed here since November, when the text of the interview of Stefano Scoglio by Torsten Engelbrecht was posted. Before that it was January 2021, an article by those two as well as Konstantin Demeter. Many articles meanwhile assuming the virus’s existence.
It matters (virus vs no virus debate), but it shouldn’t consume all of OffG’s time. It is up to the reader to explore the matter further and draw their own conclusion. Catte Black was likely referring to the fact that it isn’t too relevant (virus vs no-virus); there is a Great Reset taking place.
Truth be told, the battle is actually more about Virology vs Naturopathy. And we all know which one was suppressed heavily the last couple of years:
…- Re: – CBDC’s – Kit or anyone, your thoughts on why Nigeria’s CB chief just got yanked with the ol’ shepherd’s crook – exeunt stage left?…
…- Also, Re: – Sustainable meat: – Turns out cow in a vat generates something like 25x the CO2 as the organic variety… – Upcoming trouble keeping ‘Teh Narrative’ cobbled together?… – Y’know if you squint *Hard Enough*, you can *Actually* see ‘Utopia’ from here, ‘parently – or so I’m told… 😎 – comments?…
The Idaho story is kind of annoying in that they’re only banning COVID shots when we know that they’re pushing more mRNA shit shots for other issues. WTF idiots or perhaps by design..
…- Much like the UK Covid ‘inquiry’: – “Well it was a rough draft and, sure… – we fucked up, but rest assured… – Lessons *Have* been *Learned*… – Mind if we try a second take?…”
…- ♪RNAld McDonald’s got time for you♪…
…- More Cowbell?… 😉
Looks like they’re addressing, “Genetic Biologic “Vaccine” Platform technology” and “mRNA platform technology shots” and are saying”
“THEREFORE the Counties of Idaho support legislation that halts, recalls, or investigates or creates corporate liability for products that use mRNA, DNA, or any genetic technology for human pharmacological use or consumption.” and
“THEREFORE we the Counties of Idaho support a third party independent forensics audit on all future vaccine products, mRNA, DNA, or genetic vaccine products and modalities.”
So I’m not sure where you’re getting that.