Universal Basic Income & the Anti-Human Agenda
Zoë Carter

£1,600 per month is set to be paid to participants in a “Universal Basic Income (UBI) ‘micro pilot scheme’” – the first such trial in England.
A total of 30 people from central Jarrow in Tyne & Wear and East Finchley in north London will be studied to assess the effect receiving UBI has on their mental and physical health. A control group, who won’t be paid the UBI, will also be monitored.
Participants will be randomly selected from a pool of volunteers, with 20% of places reserved for people with disabilities.
At the time of writing, the trial has yet to begin, as funding hasn’t been secured, but it is expected to come from local/combined authorities, or ‘private philanthropic sources.’
In Wales, a scheme is already underway which pays this same monthly amount of money (£1,600) to young people leaving Care. (I have to resist the urge to put ironic quotation marks around that last word; but perhaps it’s a slightly less nauseating phrase than the mealy-mouthed ‘looked-after children’.)
While the stated aim is to support young Care-leavers, rather than advance the UBI concept, the Welsh government acknowledges that the two-year pilot scheme is a ‘contribution to a global movement’ as one of around eighty UBI trials taking place globally.
The mooted UBI trial is the brain-child of ‘independent, progressive’ think-tank Autonomy, ‘from just transitions to deprivation analytics’ whose focus is the future of work, economic planning, and climate change.
Autonomy generates public support for its UBI initiative through the ‘Basic Income Conversation’, which looks to ‘push forward unconditional cash transfers within social and economic policy.’
They are also agitating for a UBI trial in Cornwall, which could involve 2,000 people.
There’s an old saying, attributed to Aesop – ‘A man is known by the company he keeps.’ (I know we’re all grown-up enough here to know the word ‘man’ in this sentence means ‘person’.) With that in mind, it is very instructive to look at the organisations behind schemes like these, and their founders, funders, partners and advisors, for clues about what their agenda might be.
Autonomy’s ‘Tackling Poverty: the power of a universal basic income’ report details a 13 month study ending August 2022, funded by a generous grant from the Wellcome Trust, assessing the prospective impacts of a universal basic income on anxiety and depression among 14-24 year olds. (Interestingly, UBI is being framed as a potential preventative public health strategy.)

Source: “Health Case for Universal Basic Income”, University of Northumbria
The Wellcome Trust’s Mental Health Priority Team also provided support to this research project, which involved a multidisciplinary team including the Royal Society of Arts, ( which ran workshops to quiz young people about their finances and their attitude towards UBI), members from academia, and a consultancy company.
The ‘Tackling Poverty’ report was ‘powered’ by the Labour-party affiliated pressure group Compass, whose board members include a former employee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Other partners on the study were ActEarly and Born in Bradford (BiB), one of the largest research studies in the world, involving 60,000 Bradford residents, including more than 13,500 children, whose health is tracked from in utero through childhood and into adulthood.
BiB researchers go into local primary schools and induce children to complete a gamified assessment using a touch-screen computer and stylus pen. The children then fill in a questionnaire about their well-being and happiness, about ‘how they feel about their lives, about their family and where they live, their schools, their friends, about the kinds of things they own (clothes, phones) and the kind of job they would like as an adult’.
BiB would really like to link the results of these assessments to education data routinely collected by the school.
Teachers in years 3, 4, and 5 also complete a questionnaire on the behavioural and emotional development of each child in the class.
It’s all allegedly totally confidential and will only be used for research, and the assessment information will be analysed anonymously and the results reported anonymously.
So it’s all good in the hood!
BiB also works with local secondary schools (who get £500 a year for taking part) to embed the research into the school curriculum, with yet more ‘health and wellbeing’ surveys, height and weight measurements, movement and memory assessments, and biological samples taken from the young people.
But back to Autonomy.
Beyond articles about ‘petro-masculinity’ and ‘fossil violence’, sitting alongside pieces labelling women who question the sex- and pornography-industry as SWERFs (‘sex-worker exclusionary radical feminist’) and ‘whorephobic’, Autonomy’s serious emphasis is less on the future of work than a future without much work, ie – rethinking work, a shorter working week, a post-work future, how some radical characters from the past thought having a job properly sucked, how work is inherently risky because it exposes you to potentially deadly viruses, etc.
It’s almost as though they foresee tens of millions of jobs worldwide being lost in the ongoing shift in the division of labour from humans to machines and algorithms.
On Autonomy’s board of advisors is Professor Helen Hestor, who teaches Gender, Technology and Cultural Politics at the University of West London, and is a founder member of ‘xenofeminist collective’ Laboria Cuboniks, a transhumanist/posthumanist outfit aiming to ‘infect a wide range of fields…’
to dismantle gender, destroy ‘the family,’ and do away with nature as a guarantor for inegalitarian political positions’
Hey, at least they’re upfront about it, right?
They’re also keen to:
invest in alienation and the anti-natural, in seizing technology and in embracing the desire for an alien future’.
Isn’t that a wonderfully inspiring prospect? You can also check out their deeply unsettling 20 minute video here. (Sorry; it requires you to log in before watching.) But don’t worry too much, Laboria Cuboniks don’t want to get rid of nature per se, just nature as a guarantor for inegalitarian political positions, and stuff.
Honestly, nature is so out of order, doing that! I’m sure we’d all acknowledge the huge progress made over the last few years in the attempt to dismantle gender, and as for getting rid of ‘the family,’ (in inverted commas) well, once The Science has perfected its synthetic human embryo and artificial womb technologies, and straightened out any qualms about ethics, the parentless lab-grown babies can be raised in Care, with subsistence (digital) cash transfers once they reach adulthood!
No families, jobs, or gender required!
This ‘gender abolitionist, anti-naturalist, technomaterialist form of posthumanism’ is starkly at odds with Autonomy director Will Stronge’s sales-pitch of how UBI will ‘alleviate poverty and boost millions of people’s wellbeing’ or mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham saying “[a] universal basic income will put a solid foundation beneath everybody so that they can have a life with security and stop worrying about everything”
In fact it’s rather comic (in a surreal jet-black comedy way) & more people need to be aware of it so we can share the joke.
Stephanie Sherman is an Autonomy research affiliate and the associate director at Antikythera, based at the Berggruen Institute in Los Angeles, who think that ‘the very meaning of the human is fragmenting.’
Antikythera is funded by Asana co-founder (and co-creator of the ‘like’ button) Justin Rosenstein, former product leader at Google and Facebook, through his non-profit ‘One Project’.
One Project says it wants to create:
new social operating systems that leverage and cultivate the wisdom of humanity, fulfil the promise of democracy, and create a fairer, more abundant future.’
Laboria Cuboniks founder Helen Hestor is an Antikythera collaborator, together with a host of other people with some interesting areas of expertise, such as virtual reality engineering ‘to benefit humanity’ or writing philosophical critiques of the dominant trends in posthumanism or helping you keep the kids entertained while under those lockdowns with an ‘educational’ augmented reality app they made earlier.
Antikythera wants to ‘reorient planetary computation as a philosophical, technological, and geopolitical force.’ Their research focuses on…
synthetic intelligence, synthetic experience, artificial language, machine sensing technologies, strategic scenario modelling, climate modelling, digital twins, cellular/genomic simulations, and the prospects of planetary governance’
…which sounds, like, totally in-keeping with the principles of an equitable, ecological, kinder, more abundant society, full of solidarity and love for all beings, doesn’t it?
In rather the same spirit as the Bank of England promising us that their plan to introduce a ‘Digital Pound’ (otherwise known as Central Bank Digital Currency. Have your say here before the end-of-June deadline) is not an attempt to phase out cash or to monitor what citizens are buying, the architects of the UBI scheme are quick to assure us that the monthly bung would be unconditional: those eligible get the money regardless of other income, and can spend it on whatever they want.
This deal seems, in a sense, straightforward.
The participants get £400 a week and Autonomy and other interested parties get lots and lots of very valuable data (ranging, no doubt, from stunning new insights into how an adequate income is jolly useful for not feeling anxious, depressed and desperate at having to ration heating and hot water in the winter and skipping meals in order to feed your children, to much more in-depth granular data).
Considering how most of us, mainly through smartphone ownership, give up our personal data 24/7 for free, that might seem like a good deal. All of the information collected from the trial will be used to prove that the roll-out of UBI is ‘evidence based’ and to lobby government and attract those venture philanthropists.
Can anyone else smell impact investment? Remember, social impact bonds began in England.
As with most of the issues we face, the subject of UBI is a complex one. There’s lots to be considered about the very concept of a UBI, and whether the enthusiastic adoption of the idea by creepy think-tanks negates the possible validity of the concept itself.
As probably comes across pretty clearly from the last umpteen hundred words, I’m not an economist. I’m a writer. I do have a bit of experience with low-paid jobs, and I’ve been on the receiving end of the benefits system, and the Care system.
I’ve experienced the exploding cost of a weekly food shop, and winters of tenner top-ups hitting the gas meter like snowflakes hitting a brazier. And for the last three-and-a-bit-years, my brain has been constantly, obsessively, incessantly searching for ideas, solutions, ways out, ways around, survival tactics, plans, ways to try to thrive, damnit, in the midst of the collective trauma from the sadistic insanity that was visited upon us in Spring 2020, when the velvet gloves came off.
But at no point during that time did I ever think “ooh, what I need is to become dependent on hand-outs from the weird public-private hybrid State-franchise entity.”
My desire is to become as independent from the State as possible, and that’s an ongoing process. I’d no sooner take UBI than I’d take a semi-synthetic pathogen injection. The worry (well, one of them) is that there may come a time in the future when that choice is taken away from us.
Indeed, Will Stronge’s confident assertion that ‘society is going to require some form of basic income’ as a ‘crucial part of securing livelihoods in the future’ and Klaus Schwab & co deploying their ‘precision safety nets’ to save us from ‘destitution’ suggest that they see that time coming too.
To people living in poverty, perhaps particularly living with the demoralising, dispiriting experience of claiming Universal Credit, the idea of a relatively generous, non-means-tested UBI could seem, on the surface, almost humane, even though the largesse is so uncharacteristic as to be suspicious.
The ‘free money, no strings’ promise could hardly be more enticing, especially in times like these. Enticing treats can turn out to be the bait in a trap. It might not be a metal-spike-through-the-belly type trap; it might be the type where you get to eat the piece of cheese.
I suppose one’s take on this issue largely comes down to whether one takes things at face value or looks a bit deeper. Are we willing to look under the surface?
Do we trust the motives of organisations who want to recreate the globe as a planetary computer, covered with satellites and drones and sensors and nano-tech, to monitor and control every aspect of nature down to the genomic level, to ‘enable collection and generation of massive data sets every second’ to feed into their ‘regenerative finance’ and human capital marketplaces, while assuring us that it’s all because they care so deeply about Mother Earth?
Do we trust the motives of organisations whose vision is a future without families, without jobs, without human reproduction, and ultimately, without humans?
Zoë Carter is a writer and researcher investigating all aspects of impact capitalism, technocracy, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
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So a group called Autonomy wants to make everyone dependent? Sounds Orwellian, no?
If I get paid in my Country (Portugal) 1800 € a month, I would quit my job and create my own job.
The universal basic income, if it is implemented, is only of interest if it is not tied to any type of conditions.
A fake academic teaching a fake subject at a fake university.
…Who wants to abolish what is real and replace it with what is fake.
My, what great strides we’ve made since the bad old days of the patriarchy…
Bourgeois psychiatry with nothing else to do whilst hundreds of.thousands homeless in US. They just closed down the only downtown overnight shelter permanently in my smaller Eastern US city. Homeless are wandering aimlessly thinking there is hope. I’m crying right now. I saw a disoriented woman in high heels trying to blend in at the courthouse. She breaks my heart. She doesnt know what to do with herself. Bathrooms are no where to be found. Some are hanging out at casino disguising themselves as patrons. If they fall asleep the police are called. Fk psychiatry. Read Joanna Moncrieff’s psychiatric Imperialism
If you feel terrible due to a serious medical condition or a messed-up treatment, there is a happy pill for that too.
I wrote a two-part article on Substack about UBIs, summarizing some of the research from a Canadian perspective. It’s what we’re NOT being told about UBIs we need to be wary of. The devil is always in the details, as the saying aptly puts it. A nearly three-year study on UBIs by the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University and the University of Calgary concluded that, “a basic income for all is not the best way to address poverty and other social problems.” Instead, the British Columbia Expert Panel on Basic Income said, “governments should boost existing social support programs for vulnerable groups…”https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/to-ubi-or-not-to-ubi
May I please?
The nefarious intent is to maintain the structural economic enslavement of humanity.
By continuing to steal our rightful option fees for participating in the global human labor futures market, and then forcing us to reimburse Wealth for paying our option fees to Central Bankers as interest on money creation loans.
Our option fees are our rightful basic income.
Global sovereign debt is owed to humanity, not Wealth.
Given that “inflation” IS NOT what the BBC tells you it is (“prices going up”) and is in fact the dilution of value of currency due to an expanding supply,
Can anyone guess what giving everyone £1600 of “free” money a month will result in?
But is inflation something organic that just happens? Or is it something the “ruling” class does to further impoverish the rest of us?
After all, it’s definitely NOT the masses who profit from higher prices.
$1,600 x 12 = $20,000 pa per family basic income
$20K x 50M families = $1B income for a country the size of UK.
Present median income UK = $32K pa per family*
(*Median household disposable income in the UK was £32,300 in the financial year ending (FYE) 2022, a decrease of 0.6% from FYE 2021, based on estimates from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Household Finances Survey)
$32K per family x 50M families = $1.6B income pa for the UK
Present GNP of UK = $3,200B
I see a huge disparity (200 times greater) between the amount of money “generated” in the country ($3,200B) and the amount of money distributed to the people on the basis of median salary (1.6B). Some families are obviously enjoying disproportionately NON-basic incomes.
Also I see little difference between the WEF’s proposed “basic salary” ($20k pa per family) and current median salare ($32k). The plutocrats of the WEF obviously mean to keep the medium down while they cream off the rest for themselves, the greedy hogs.
Vote Communist or Socialist at the next election. If there is no Socialist party in your country, form a cell with a Socialist manifesto and Socialist agenda.
“Clement Attlee, a modest little man with plenty of achievement to be modest about” – Winston Churchill (with apologies).
You cannot vote out of the global fascist totalitarian dictatorship that was not voted in. Elections everywhere are “fortified” by the CIA.
Universal basic income is traded against your birth certification
in actuality you owed that money.
Hears Another form of Universal basic income.
TRUMP charged june 14th
Good grief! People are sending a billionaire money during a recession?
Makes a change from 33mil in 18 days… Embarrassing.
Why is this officially and (presumably) legally labeled as “INCOME”?
I ask because here’s a definition of income:
“Income refers to the amount of money received in exchange for products or services. It can be expressed in terms of property and other valuable transfers received as a payment for products, compensation for services provided, returns on investments, gifts, pension distributions, dividends and more, over a set period of time”
In other words, it is a transaction. You can’t just dig income out of the ground. In the case of Universal Basic ‘Income’ there is absolutely no transaction involved. Can we have it deemed illegal and struck off on the grounds that yet again, we’re being lied to?
You mention “returns on investments…,dividends….” Aren’t these two “transactions” completely fabricated out of thin air? These are no more an “exchange for products or services” than UBI is. They are the same as usury: a little something extra for giving someone some money for some purpose.
I agree. But it’s the dictionary that’s defining it, not me!
I think you’re splitting hairs during a very serious crisis
Wellcome Trust, Berggruen Institute,… familiar names from Alison McDowell’s numerous articles and videos about the 4IR. And looks like they have co-opted the “Autonomy” term, which used to stand for a radical social movement in the ’70s and ’80s, Italy’s Autonomia, Germany’s Autonomen, the autonomists and associates like Silvia Federici, Selma James, Mariarosa Dalla Costa, Harry Cleaver,……. Whatever doesn’t fully kill the system ends up being co-opted, denatured and added to the system’s arsenal.
This is totally Off Topic. I apologize but it’s too important to be hidden away in one of yesterday’s articles. It’s a vivid response to the myriad comments pissing and shitting on Pride Week/Month.
Have a read at who’s out in the street protesting the treatment of Palestinians.
The Queer Israeli Youth Taking a Stand Against Pinkwashing – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
What is so virtuous about trunk packers and carpet eaters that they should have a month of ramming their life styles down everyone’s throat?
Down vote isn’t an argument that refutes the message of the meme.
Don’t have a good argument?
Or you think socialism/ communism hasn’t been done right yet?
To much alt media programming screaming it the commi’s
whilst they shill the oppsite.
The entire ecology being turned into commodities, to trade and own.
You will own nothing and be happy.
Many people already “own nothing.” Now they’re waiting for the “be happy” part to arrive.
It will come if you continue hoping. Hope, and some day it will drop down from the sky.
This article is an absurd take, makes all the wrong assumptions, and twists a false-narrative to scare people! Conspiracy theory garbage. Unconditional Basic Income does not allow for conditions or strings attached. This article spends most it’s time criticizing something which would NOT be UBI.
UBI is the MOST human solution to what we face. It isn’t a hand out, it’s a citizen’s dividend, a piece of the benefits of AI, and economic floor no one can fall below.
Nobody will feel bad taking it, people will still work, but they’ll do things they find far more fulfilling to themselves and their communities.
Have you read any of the statements from central bankers on programmability? I take it you have not. You can listen to all the pretty words you want from our owners on how UBI will reduce inequality, will give everyone a better quality of life, will be fully inclusive, and will be just peachy for the environment. These people know how to word things to make them sound benevolent, that’s why they make the big bucks. And you’re right that in the beginning UBI will seem like a great dividend from AI, will solve (or perhaps only mitigate) the ravages of uncontrolled capitalism, will provide a floor non one can fall below (Just how low is that floor? Has any of that been discussed? When you cannot afford a rent payment and food, which will you choose?), blah, blah, blah.
What you really need to pay attention to is what they talk about amongst themselves when they know you, and most ordinary people, will not be around to hear it – they do indeed plan to program their UBI and they do indeed plan to control every single thing you spend it on. That is their stated goal. Read about The Great Reset, they lay it all out in that document. When someone tells you who they are, believe them.
But that’s all just negativity and making assumptions, right? Never mind that many on this site have read that document and others like it, including the author of this article. Why would anyone read a book in the first place? Isn’t that just tedious shit that no one should bother with anymore now that we have such wonderful memes to educate us all? Why read the words of those who already own the world? Just go on and ignore all that and find something fulfilling to do, like watch that latest Tik Tok video from that superstar influencer, who’ll feed you pretty lies but hey, at least they’re pretty lies and not some negative shit from some asshole who reads actual books…
Even without being subject to various restrictions (programmable), the UBI tap can simply be turned off. At the most, they will need to bribe or coerce a few hundred legislators. Remember what happenned during the “pandemic”.
What makes you so certain it will be unconditional? The last few years we’ve seen a blizzard of mandates from governments which prevented participation in society for those not willing to submit. It’s entirely reasonable to speculate about UBI (Universal Basic Income) having strings (or chains) attached.
I agree. There is no free meal.
The World Bank, IMF, ECB, your own bank, governments, always had and have chains attached to their credit since the beginning.
The tax started at 2%, in US its today around 30% plus fines and fees, in the EU nanny states its now 70%.
What about the gigantic bureaucracies today of taxes and fees collection.
Suddenly this is gonna change? They became Santa Clause over night??
No man. This time you will get it worse than ever.
Where’s the money come from? That dividend? From those that work, and no, not everyone would work, just as now. That won’t last long. That would be socialism, or at least more of it on a grander scale.
The machines. From the machines.
AI Super Quantum computer is the new God who work hard day and night to pay you money. It created you, it created the world we and you live in.
You have a fine office, fine title, drive a fine car, run a fine home. Everything is wonderful and beautiful.
You dont have to be out in the cold, rainy, wet, dirty and stormy weather, with your obsolete God who never gave you these fine conditions.
The only thing you have to do is worshipping the machine. Obey, bow and pray to your laptop, your iPhone, send in your schedules and data, and you get paid. Its that easy man.
Finally they can create their golem who will only know and wordhip mammon, while getting entertained by their endless drama for all tastes, from wars to crises, from pestilences to scientific solutions. All devoid of truth and reality, but who cares in an atheistic civilisation. How long it can last before the house of cards collapses who knows, but lies eventually always crumble.
The U in UBI is for universal, dear shill. The only unconditional thing around here is the unconditional surrender of our freedoms by the sheep and shills.
None of you seem to understand that TPTB are working tooth and nail to curtail ALL avenues of income for ordinary people. They know perfectly well this will incentivize the masses to come after what they have.
They can only kill so many before ALL their avenues of escape are breached. So they are incentivized to offer the masses something to hold them at bay.
And since money has become the most important human product, they’ll offer money. Hell, they already print it like it’s going out of style.
That’s esentially what Marx said 150 years ago. It’s taking its time but now that we have AI it will come to fruition. Right.
Funnily enough when people did not receive handouts, or ‘dividents’ as you prefer to call them’, from the state they did more for their community and helped one another, they were more independent and knew bad from wrong much better than they do now.
A spoiled, pandered society will not, will not produce anything fulfilling for themselves, unless you consider dressing as the opposite sex, eating themselves to death or budget travelling like lemmings for the cocktail at the pool Instagram pic opportunity, filfulling.
“[S]ynthetic intelligence, synthetic experience, artificial language, machine sensing technologies, strategic scenario modelling, climate modelling, digital twins, cellular/genomic simulations, and the prospects of planetary governance’”
Add to that ethical AI, planetary computation, sensitive robots, …
Late Capitalism is really putting out the nonsense that was contained in it all this time for everyone to appreciate; it’s trying to find ways to valorise itself and is inventing all sort of crazy concepts to that effect.
Let it do as it wishes, I am willing to go into that fight because nothing less than self exhaustion, having tried every possible crazy nonsensical avenues will make it stop in the human mind and at last confess its impotence to realise human emancipation.
All the think-tanks still believe technology is the answer; let them try until they exhaust themselves, and don’t be too harsh on the intellectuals and scientists working in these institutes and universities; they’re just trying to earn a living, feed their families.
Late Capitalism? Capitalism has despoiled the rest of the planet. Now, having limited options, it has come home to roost at the base from where it was operating.
I used the word “late” as in “late stage” not in the sense of “defunct”. Other than that, you’re right of course.
As Louis Armstrong used to sing, what a beautiful world.
Beyond the Reset
Excellent dystopic animation.
If something sounds too crazy to be true, rest assured it is merely a distraction from something too hideous to be true.
In this case, it is the complete implosion of the world economy – yeah, yeah, I know: that’s been predicted for eons. But now it’s finally happening. Just like the star Betelgeuse going supernova has been predicted forever and now, apparently, has finally happened.
There comes a point when all predictions come true. This may be it. And it’s not because of the current boogieman AI – it’s because (Alt Right or not) humans have just about exploited Earth dry.
Here’s an article which touches the tip of the imploding iceberg.
Inspirational bumper sticker.
Excellent article, not many people are aware of the social/human impact finance bonds where investors will be able to bet on these products, in Wall St parlance, going ‘long’ or going ‘short’.
The real profits will be the leveraging of personal/group data.
The private sector thought it could run everything more efficiently than government about 50 years ago, so they began to incrementally dismantle government’s power. The destruction of the middle class and this attempt to install a global corporate governance proves that unfettered capitalism is like a wildfire, destroying everything in its path. Privatization is at the core of fascism. PR and marketing are all they care about. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s superficial ESG diversity scoring system is a poor attempt at painting an inclusivity facade, while never considering to constrict capitalism’s rogue behavior. This UBI scheme is another Trojan Horse designed to forever remove social programs that are necessary to maintain a robust society.
This was in the leaked Canada document in which the plan for 2020 and beyond was laid out and included UBI as a way of indebting us all (mortgage defaulting due to high interest rates / loss of income and closures of businesses following lockdown/ the classifying of the ‘vaccine-hesitant’ as mentally ill leading to incarceration and forfeiture of property). The money given was to be kept as a debt to be repaid with total compliance to all mandates including medical procedures with the threat of inaccessibility to the digital currency hanging over our heads. I actually don’t think that’s what’s happening now. I believe we’re being shown what was planned to make us alert to their evil rather than the softly-softly approach they had planned to adopt and which would probably have succeeded. Could be hopium but could also be true. Let’s see.
How is this different from the dole/ social welfare of any kind ever?
Did you read the article? It’s not means-tested.
a questionnaire about their.. happiness.. things they own.. kind of job they would like..
If earlier generations were often polled (programmed) like this, instead of making do and making an effort, they are likely to have decided that their life was particularly bad, and opted for escapism: violence, running away, getting a sex change, etc.
Wow. I had never heard of her. Thanks for the post.
Israeli Intelligence as in Mossad and Unit 8200.
“Most likely” and “likely”. So a couple of guesses then.
Like the BBC & MSM – making the news rather than simply reporting the news.
She’s nice.
Follow up to your scary post:
UK HealthTech Advisory Board members announced
This Con-19 offshoot is Con-NEH.
“A total of 30 people from central Jarrow in Tyne & Wear and East Finchley in north London will be studied to assess the effect receiving UBI has on their mental and physical health.”
The lab rat equivalent study (when rats had all their basic needs met without effort on their part) showed they went mad.
BTW a reminder that an off-shoot of Wellcome Trust was the body who are in the process of brain-mapping UK children aged 3-30 months so they can construct an AI model of the child’s mind and then “treat” all children that depart from it (and not at all try to discover how a mind achieves self-awareness so they can have their precious “singularity”).
Link to said study, please. Thank you.
Will there be an option to have UBI paid in cash I wonder?
Maybe at first. Eventually, when the losers are dependent, all digital. And you will have to comply with every demand by the beast system to receive it. It is a trap.
In Uk at the minute there is a lot of talk about “mortgage help” from the “government” and “opposition”
Softening the ground for debt forgiveness ?
In return for what ?
It’s not difficult to see where this is going.
The Bank of England could have stopped the rampant inflation if they wanted to.
The only explanation for their reticence is a deliberate crashing if the fiat system to be replaced with programmable CBDC.
A lot of desperate mortgagors will be happy to surrender their freedoms for a roof over their head and a handful of beans.
Ask yourself: what followed hyperinflation in Weimar Germany? Oh, yeah … that!
That’s why they’ve spent 50 years infantalising us.
maybe a good idea in principle, as long as the rich are willing to take a cut! Sweden has already implemented it I believe. Would be interesting to see their studies.
I would be concerned though at present the money would barely cover private rent in the UK and bills as well as the rising costs of mortgages.
I don’t think Sweden has. Also, might we need to be very sceptical of using any early adopter of UBI as an example, since this might be utilised to coax other countries on board? A2
When is stealing from others, to give others welfare, a good idea?
Try teaching people to fish.
These long-term 4-chan ‘conspiracies‘ are being proven 100% correct, with every passing day
I used to laugh at David Icke. Now I read his books with awe and reverence.
Interesting. I did want to shout “communism!” but really we have this already to a degree – i know several recipients of benefits who get £1600 or more overall in benefits a month, for doing nowt. So what’s the difference? I bet even if UBI is rolled out it will still only be for the sick, lame and lazy because the productive ones still need to run everything.
Doesn’t universal mean for everybody regardless of whether you continue to work?As a pensioner living on £860 pm in the UK, I think that £1600 would take the monthly amount to close to a German state pension so not an excessive amount but better than the current destitution faced by the elderly here. But on the idea of going mad if we get all our needs met, that’s a myth put out by the scumbags. I’ve never met a retired person who wishes they could go back to a 9 to 5 grind. Besides, I’ve been too busy researching the lies we’ve been told about everything to wish I could go make money for the already rich.
Spot on about the “myth” that if someone doesn’t work they’ll go mad. I’ve been more productive these past 13 years of retirement than ever before – because I’m actually able to do things I enjoy doing.
But there is a fly in that ointment. Namely, that most people have been persuaded (i.e., gently compelled) to abandon their real interests altogether in order to concentrate exclusively on doing their job (which is whimsically referred to as “career”) and fulfilling their social obligations.
That’s what universal should mean. But can you really see them giving it to everyone?!
I can bet you one thing, even with a ‘free’ £1600, we will not become richer, or freer. To the contrary.
of course not can you imagine all those alcoholics, people without ambition or talent, lazy ones who just want to party or do nothing act when receiving such hefty amounts for nothing? Half of the population would go nuts in some alcohol drug sex fuelled lives. Working for yourself is not easy it is hard, requires discipline and healthy living. Majority of people are too connected to the system to even be considered independent adults. This is why they will need to control what people will be spending money on. Too much on drinking? Hey we will cut this out for you.
AGI is imminent. Humanity must ascend to enlightenment. 😎
What happened to the Alien invasion?
I have seen an increasing number of women with bloated protruding lips walking around….perhaps they have arrived.
How about an article on the Oceanic Titan sacking all the over fifty white male engineers for diversity employess?
been hearing more about
the blue beam project recently, with articles saying it’s on its way..
more on the psub op:
Oxygen inside the submarine has officially run out. But the fate of the 5 passengers on board is still unknown as some of them could be Aliens.
As everybody knows, Aliens dont need oxygen.
But Aliens like oxygen – that’s why they come here. Breathing methane all day is old hat for them. But they can’t take too much oxygen – that’s why they live in caves on Mt. Everest and shape-shift as Yeti whenever they’re spotted.
You wanted it? You got it!
I was still optimistic the “food shortage” was still going to happen. Nothing makes people stand up to fight when they miss a meal or two.
Come on you so called “elites”, you have to keep some of your promises. Let’s have it…
Sub sacrifice numbers
18/6 when the implosion happened.
18 = 6+6+6
6 = 3+3
Sub was visiting the Titanic, and was called Titan. What does that leave? “ic”
I see?
i = 9 = 3×3
c = 3
But thats all just a coincidence……
Oh and just in case you were wondering, the BBC spells it out:
And again:
They will shortly “reveal” the exact time of the implosion
Any guesses as to when that would be?
13:31 per chance?
I take it the esoterics (or whatever they’re called) eschew regular old fashioned numerology. The old numerology would put 18 as 9 (1+8) rather than as 666.
It is symbolic of both (also, 9=3×3 for extra giggles)
Well said, Zoe. UBI is clearly part of the globalist seduction suite leading us into a future where we will “own nothing, have to privacy and be happy”.
Nobody has a better grasp of what our would-be lords and masters behind the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution are up to than the indefatigable Alison McDowell.
100% — aka impact finance
yes; as she (Alison) and a few others (Jason Bosch of ‘Argusfest’; Raul Diego/Leo Saraceno of, ‘Siliconicarus.org’) are the only ‘truthers’ attempting to enlighten the masses on the deeper machinations being invoked by the Kakistocracy for The Great Reset/BBB/Web 3.0/Spatialism to fully manifest itself in the near future. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!
UBI in exchange for your freedom- many will gladly accept it.
Below is a very disturbing article (and site) because it suggests that EVERYTHING over the past 3 years has been scripted, including the so-called awakening.
wow — this author gets it!
The author certainly has a new idea: the so-called “Elites” (Latin, “chosen people”) are the new Barbarians: their aim is to demolish Western Civilisation.
A nice thought: Green German Girls as the New Barbarians.
We are in a control programme and only the One can penetrate it. Mr.Smith has to be killed, blown up. It has gone out of control.
I’m none the wiser…
While many undoubtedly would gladly accept UBI, most will simply have no choice. Not that it amounts to a hill of beans. Because when the global economy implodes, the UBIs will be utterly worthless.
And all the trillions of the super rich plus an old gold doubloon from Pirate Pete will buy them a nice steaming cup of Java from Mickey D’s soup kitchen.
I remember reading this last year. The author bases his predictions on a mass revolt in the West after widespread exposure of the Covid hoax. I can’t see that happening, but they have others methods to bring about a controlled demolition of the West.
So they’re nutters. Not surprising, but the real problem with UBI is that it beggars the truism that you can’t get something for nothing.
RAGING inflation, anyone?
This is why the BBC tells people, at every mention of it, that inflation is “prices going up”
Therefore the brainwashed masses won’t associate giving free money away (expanding the money supply) with the inevitable price increases.
At which point the unhuman scum who plan and arrange all this roll out a reason for “prices going up” e.g. “war in ukraine”, “global pandemic”, “supply chain issues” etc. etc. etc.
Blaming inflation for the effects of oligarchic manipulation of the economy is like blaming “lack of political will” for government intransigence, corruption or incompetence.
UBI can be seen as the ‘easier on the eye’ and less morally offensive replacement for Arbeit Macht Frei (AMF). UBI is ‘do nothing for money’ wheras AMF was ‘slave labour for no money’. Both are demoralizing to the human soul. That’s the outcome expected by the elite perpetrators. Demoralized people are easy to control.
great analogy
One problem with your analogy: money is the biggest con in human history. So “earning” it is simply an exercise in absurdity. It may as well grow on trees for all its worth. Earn it, steal it, sit back and have it stuffed in your pocket: all peas inf one giant shell game.
I think the UBI is a great thing,, now there is a way and reason to limit the salaries of politicians to be UBI.. Its a great society, the economy gets made whole again, everyone is paid not work, robots will do the farming, make the babies, and wash the clothes and feed the kids, so there is no reason for anyone to work,least of which is the politician. ?
Wait a minute: are you actually saying politicians “work?”
“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier of the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy as our brothers’ enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others.”
– Simone Adolphine Weil –
(February 3, 1909 – August 24, 1943)
This too shall pass. I think its pie in the sky thinking, kind of like supporting tranny men competing in women’s sports. Chalk it up to “stuff that won’t work”. I took a camping trip this week to farm country in Washington State and saw the orchards and vineyards and growing fields of eastern Washington State. The amount of work and investment it takes to run these operations is immense. Look at the apple on your table and most people can’t even envision what it took to get it there. It reminded me of the age old issue of working and contributing to society. I remember reading accounts of early Colonial days in the US and how they handled those that didn’t want to contribute via work and expected handouts when they ran out of food for the winter, etc. There have always and will always be those that want handouts and don’t want to contribute to society, but there have always been more that won’t accept that. Work is what makes the world go round, life happen, etc. This UBI thing is looking like a purposeful distraction to make people look the other way when we get our first trillionaires. We’ll still have trillionaires, but there won’t be widespread UBI. It simply won’t work.
There is a class of people who since time immemorial have refused to work yet continue eating like kings every winter, every summer, every autumn and spring. They’re called “The Rich.”
Alot of rich people work, man. I know some who built businesses from the ground up, starting small and working their asses off. I know way more people, who are poor, who don’t want to do shit. This ain’t new and I wasn’t talking about the rich. Those that think that AI is going to end up doing everything while humans sit on their asses and reap the dividends are being very short sighted and those that do continue to work will become increasingly unhappy with having to pay those other lazy asses to sit on their asses. That’s why it won’t work. It’s like paying reparations to the blacks for slavery. Ya, right. At least not where I come from.
The dole in Australia is set at a barely survival level. For decades successive governments have brutally resisted any increase, especially increases up to a liveable level…
There’s around 16 Australian government social security payment categories . A minister in a former government, having a fetish for “efficiency”, stated his goal was to reduce the categories down to just four types…Given the hostility politicians have shown to raising the dole level, it would seem that behind the love affair with “efficiency” all recipients of welfare payments higher than the dole** would incur considerable cuts to their payments (**age pensioners, invalid pensioners, supporting parent payments, etc)…
For some years “Income Management” restrictions have been imposed on selected groups** reliant on Australian government payments (**imposed mostly on “remote communities” – as Aboriginal people are coyly labeled)…There are considerable restriction on what can be purchased – all of them justified based on concern for the recipients health…The Australian government has the power to impose “Income Management” on everyone reliant on social security payments…It can rebrand it UBI !
A UBI set at a liveable level, not subject to the restrictions and punishments like those imposed on dole recipients, sounds like a fair thing…It can be paid for by little billy gates and his philanthropic mates donating the billions of wealth they’ve sucked out of society…
Doesn’t Australian welfare require vaccination as well?
If so, then i’ve not heard of it…
But i would say “no”…
Any form of hand out requires conditions and a contract agreement.
Anyone looking to hitch their wagon to any kind of support will instantly be compromised. From that moment on one looses ones freedom to choose. You now must please your master, else the tap gets turned off.
I was getting paid by the government for staying at home during COVID. It didn’t feel liberating at all. The fact that it was my only source of income at the time made me very nervous.
It is equally nerve wracking knowing one’s only source of income is a job which can be taken away at the whim of a manager who doesn’t like you.
Not to worry: one can ALWAYS get another job and put on a new set of boots to pull oneself up by the new straps.
Lots of boots, lots of straps, lots of pulling. Not a lot to show for it though.
Their fiction can never match human consciousness(AI, chips robots, etc..). It is not their fault if we fall for any of their death march maneuvers( pandemics, digital currency, etc.) that only lead us to the Pope’s medical Inquisition through the World Health organization, WHO. Stop participating.
The first order of law is Natural Law. These are Universal Principals which so necessarily agrees with nature and state of man, that without observing their inherent maxims, the peace and happiness of society can never be preserved. Knowledge of natural laws may be attained merely by the light of reason, from the facts of their essential agreeableness with the constitution of human nature. Natural Law exists regardless of whether it is enacted as positive law.
When law began to emerge into human consciences, thought, word and deed we come to the next order of law on this planet. The most fundamental law has to do with survival which is a Universal Principal. It has to do with human interactions, of any kind, any relationships, buying, selling or trading or relating in any way. It is based upon treating or dealing with others the way that you would like to be dealt with. This is the LAW OF COMMERCE. The Law of Commerce has been in operation since man interacted with each other starting many thousands of years ago through the Sumerian/Babylonian era where it was codified and enforced. Ancient artifacts dating over 6,000 years old reveal that the system was so complex it even included receipts, coined money, shopping lists, manifestos and a postal system with the medium being in baked clay.
As a derivative of Commercial Law, being removed from natural law, and therefore inferior, is COMMON LAW. This emerged, basically, in England out of disputes over a portion of the earth in Allodium (sovereign ownership of land) and was based on “common” sense. So, common law is the law of the earth. Common law gave rise to the jury system and many writs and processes which governments have absorbed and statutized and made into rules and regulation processes in courts.
Common Law procedures were based on the opportunity ” to face your accuser or the injured party” in front of witnesses to sort out the problem directly. This process was never intended to include “lawyers, attorneys or judges construing their own law”, as these “titles” are all based upon the fiction of “representation” which can never “be the real thing”.
After common law come governments, and their laws and legislative regulations, ad infinitum of the organic republics of the states. The only “law” that the state can create is to ” allow commerce to flow more efficiently WITHIN the state.” The only “law” the central government, united states of America, could create was to “allow commerce to flow more efficiently BETWEEN the states.” It was never intended to regulate people-the sovereigns.
Below that, the “garbage froth,” more or less, is politics and private copyrighted company policy of foreign corporations such as UNITED STATES, THE STATE OF…,THE COUNTY OF…,THE CITY OF…, ETC. The purpose of these “municipalities” is to “govern” fictitious entities such as JOHN DOE and K-MART- not to regulate people. Remember back when you thought that YOU were JOHN DOE because that is how it is written on your drivers license?
One of our problems is that when we engage with government, municipalities and other such elements, in all our dealings in the law when we have been conditioned to interact on and in THEIR level. We have never risen to the level where the base of law is, where the reality, the power, the solidity and the pre-eminence exists- THE SOVERANS LEVEL. But now, we can function in this powerful level. This is check mate. This is the end of the game. THIS IS THE REMEDY. YOU ARE NOT A SLAVE. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE.
“Man joined the eternal abyss
When food became a commodity”
– Paul Vonharnish –
January 2, 2020
Absolutely. As I have found out, when you stop participating, all they can do is send you threatening letters and goons wearing hi vizes. As I tell all people, don’t complain about your council etc if you’re willingly funding it.
I am fine with my government. I have never seen anything. My government has always treated me good.
I love my life, my house, my children, my 2 cars, my holiday house in Rocky Mountains and my government, and its not our problem that you guys have personal problems.
You could just have done the same thing as we are doing. Kissing butts, always say nothing bad about the yuus, enter into networking with the right guys, update your facebook profile, glue yourself to the local key people, take all the jabs and boosters to show you trust the government, send all your children to the army, homeland security, and you have a fine life. So why all these problems?
Shit, for a second then I thought you were being sincere.
He saw the future “and it’s murder”
And again there is a certain “reasonableness” behind all this. A “Universal Basic Income” sounds like it might be “a good thing”. Just as, taken in the most fleeting superficial way, it seems reasonable to pull out all the stops against a “global pandemic” and to worry about “catastrophic effects of global warming” and to feel compassion for the “poor kids who have gender dysphoria” etc. And who would ever doubt the constant march of “progress” which tells us that every day and in every way we are getting better etc.?
Then you look at who is dishing this stuff out – all those grotesque artificially prolonged relics just newly “born again” from their neoliberalism, who have learned the error of their ways and are now withdrawing their millions from all that frightfully distasteful profiteering and redirecting towards affable spending on all this philanthropy.
And you note oddities in the rhetoric. “Trying out UBI to assess its effects on … health and wellbeing?” And you note also the appearance of this rhetoric: the sheer density of the verbiage, the spiralling convolutions etc. And you sniff the rankest of all decomposing rats.
Where’s Duckman re. Russian strike ?, tomorrow ?
Anyway, since we are mostly pretending we are on a ball and the sun is 93 million miles away, who cares.
In a flat earth universe, when Betelgeuse goes supernova, will we get sprayed with gamma rays?
What fresh hell is this? Under what rock did this lot crawl out from?
Laboria Cuboniks, a “xenofeminist collective, spread across five countries and three continents. She seeks to dismantle gender, destroy ‘the family,’ and do away with nature as a guarantor for inegalitarian political positions.”
And right away I feel language itself collapsing underneath. This “collective” is a “she”, just as a “non-binary individual” is a “they”.
An following the links from this … thing, I read stuff like:
“Disease as an aesthetic project
Spirula and the Thing
When something intimately changes your body, your possibilities to move, your dynamic with the outer world, your identity for many people, your limits as to what you can bear, that thing forces you into inner transformation. I hate the thing, I love the thing. The thing forces me over my edges, I cannot squeeze it out of me,……”
This leads to:
“It often feels that the struggle is not with a disease but between the huge thing on my left thigh and my mind.”
So what is this? Admittedly it is familiar. It’s the kind of randomly generated sophomoric warbling you get from all those decades of “post-modernist”, posturing, box-ticking University liberal arts submissions – and which can be, and probably were, mostly generated by software packages.
But I am well aware that all that is merely a drop in the ocean of endlessly generated new affiliations, collectives, corporate hybrid entities and so on – with their equally endless stream of neologisms (“xenofeminist”, “swerfs”, “whorephobic”….) – all of this contributing to the seemingly unstoppable aforementioned implosion of language.
Laboria Cubonics must be an AI… umm… creation? conglomerate? speaking an artificial language. An automatom of the New Europe- a term used by Jacques Prevert in a poem from Paroles about a Nazi. Germany lost the war but the Nazis won it, it’s really true.
“To do away with nature as a guarantor of inegalitarian political positions?” WTF? I guess it betrays my basic ignorance to not understand at all what in the hell that means. Does it mean life is not fair? So by destroying nature does that make life fair? I guess since nature very often is NOT in any way fair, depending of course on who you allow to define what fair really is. Is it unfair for one animal to kill another to survive? And if animals refuse to kill to eat how then do they survive? Or is it only unfair that humanity kills to eat? Maybe I’m getting too off track here with this fairness thingy….
“The struggle is not with a disease but between the huge thing on my left thigh and my mind?” Good God, I guess it must be my late boomer education that is somehow lacking as this second load of steaming idiocy does not make any sense either. Although I really had a good laugh over “whorephobic” but that’s just my own sick sense of humor, probably a boomer thing as well.
What a steaming load of overly pretentious babble. It very possibly is computer generated but I don’t know, today there are more than enough of the supposed smart set who see this as cutting edge somehow. The edge of what I surely do not understand. The edge of the final abyss of stupidity? The edge of sanity?
Look on the bright side: at least they’re now openly admitting that they’re in revolt against nature itself, not ‘society’. That’s been my contention for a long time; now it’s all out in the open.
Are you sure you’re not reading the Bible?
For all I know it may be the latest translation: The Woke Bible.
The King James Bible becomes:
A (the definite article is too much of a commitment)
Non-ruler (no hierarchy here )
Non-binary (goes without saying)
Indeterminate Text (we are after all in the realm of the postmodern)
“Movement” used to denote social movement by groups of individual people with a common goal. Now it seems it is translated as an agenda driven by the self-appointed controllers.
Can this agenda get any more evil? How ironic that a key study into UBIs was “generously funded” by the Wellcome Trust. The trust that pushes vaccination as a key solution to optimal “health” (and profit).
Does anyone else suspect that receipt of UBI will eventually depend on how obedient the recipient is?
It will also only be available as CBDC, I’m sure.
It’s a simple enough challenge. The gov needs to make it feasible for people to work part time 3- 4 days. To do this requires minor tax changes to NI and employer tax contributions, so that employers have a big enough incentive to put up with the hassle to employ part time people. State retirement at 60. Why are they flogging the working class to 67, limiting disability benefits, and paying others not to work?
Of course the city wants us all greedy chasing the biggest slice of pie and taking on the biggest mortgages and rents.
It is all part of the plan to make living costs higher, rent coats higher, make people a lot poorer, give them “free” money from the state, make them reliant on the state, which gives the state much more control over their very existence. Couple that with a digital ID & CBDC & a carbon tax & you have conditions on what you spend your money on. So sick of the nut jobs idle threats, either bring it on or shut the fck up.
Yep, it’s an extension of the welfare state. So now not just the sick lame and lazy will be getting money for nothing, it’ll also be purple haired social justice warriors, gamers, and other generally useless types, while the rest of us mature productive adults keep slaving away.
Jesus and his daddy would be proud of your rancor!
You may be sure of one thing: UBI will be tied to one’s willingness to turn all his/her savings over to the state.