International Center for 9/11 Justice releases trailer for ‘Peace, War and 9/11’

We at the International Center for 9/11 Justice are thrilled to announce the release of the official trailer for Peace, War and 9/11.

This feature-length documentary, now in post-production and set for release in September 2023, features the late Dr. Graeme MacQueen sharing his final words on 9/11 and the anthrax attacks and his vision of a world without war.

MacQueen was a professor of religious studies and peace studies at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, for 30 years. He then went on to become a prominent scholar and widely respected leader in the 9/11 truth movement from 2006 until his passing in April 2023.

He is best known for his analysis of eyewitness accounts of the World Trade Center’s destruction and for his highly influential 2013 book The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy. Also, in his final months, he was instrumental in forming the new International Center for 9/11 Justice, which launched earlier this week.

MacQueen’s contributions to the 9/11 truth movement are beautifully memorialized in this article by his close colleague, IC911 board member Kevin Ryan.

The film is being co-directed by Ted Walter, the executive director of the Center, and by Rich Heap of Slackjaw Film. Cinematography is by Ryan O’Hara and music is by Andrew Swarbrick. Ted Walter and IC911 board member Marilyn Langlois are executive producers. The film is being distributed by Questar Entertainment.

We hope you enjoy the trailer and share it widely!


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Categories: 9/11, latest, video
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Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Apr 25, 2024 8:25 AM

Thursday April 25, 2024 to April 25, 2023

Graeme MacQueen, All of your Dear Friends, Colleagues and Family mark today the one year of your passing.

“The Power of your Own True Voice Lives On in Each and Every One of us, Here, Now and in The Great Forever” (Tm-c) Excerpts

With Love ❤️
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Jul 23, 2023 9:48 PM

July 25, 2023 to April 25, 2023

Dearest Graeme MacQueen,

On Tuesday July 25, 2023 marks three months.

Graeme, your extraordinary contribution for the Greater Good will live on in the Conscience, Hearts and Souls of each and everyone of us who believe in the power of your true voice…

Graeme, we all miss you so very.much.

With Love,
Carol & Family
Documentary Film Unit

Jun 27, 2023 4:08 PM

I find it interesting that the lie of Saudi terrorist being responsible for 911 continues to be foisted upon the American public. Those who still believe in that coverup will not be convinced otherwise regardless of proof.

The Patriot Act, Department of Homeland Security, the militarization of police departments around the country, bottomless budgets for weaponry (which then gets shipped to other countries, or just left in other countries, and used against us) and the overt softening of our military readiness, has all been intentional. Americans would never be willing to give up the freedoms we lost after 911 had there not been “The first attack against America on American soil in nearly 200 years.”

All the world’s indeed a stage and we are merely players!

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Jun 27, 2023 12:54 AM

JUNE 26. 2023. PART (4)

Graeme’s Deep Respect and Staunch Support for another Powerful and Provocative Authentic VOICE belongs to RICHARD GAGE who has provided over 16 plus years of Brilliant and Empirical Anyalsis and Stunnimg Investigations from the ARCHTECTS & ENGINEERING POV as he continues to sacrifice for the Greater Good

Let us All Remember that Everyone has a VOICE and Everyone has the Right to be HEARD….

Let us Live and Let LIVE….

Take it Easy….Take it E.A.S.Y…
Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy…..(Eagles…Obsessed)

Documentary Film Unit
Carol & Family

Jun 26, 2023 6:42 PM

UTube is doing some visibility tricks “age restricted” – does anyone have an alternate link so I do not have to “log in” (to the monster!) Thx

David Ho
David Ho
Jun 27, 2023 1:06 AM
Reply to  RegretLeft

This must be so that You Tube can track who is watching and sharing the video.

Jun 27, 2023 12:28 PM
Reply to  RegretLeft

It’s also age restricted at their website.
Why should it be ‘age-restricted’ anyway?
I see they are still pushing the ‘planes and terrorists’ official storyline…
which for me is a good enough reason not to watch it.


Jul 5, 2023 8:49 AM
Reply to  Claret

I think the restriction is to protect young eyes/ears from the horror of having to see & hear Cheney.

Yes, it sounds close to the “official” line…on that site.

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Jun 26, 2023 9:14 AM

June 26. 2023

Graeme MacQueen’s delivery in the Doc’s Trailer is Perfection and True to his Own Authentic Canadian Roots and Unique Form of Expression. His Words are off set by the dramatic punctuated music score and razor sharp editing.

Graeme’s octave resonance, vocal tone, diction and cadence rythams are easy on the ears as he intimately draws in the viewer with his gravitas, grace and dignified eloquence.

Graeme’s Words become even more Credible and Powerful because they are so Simply Stated, with No Artifice. No Ego and No Posturing.

Graeme is Expressing Facts and Telling Truths and in doing so the Power of his Own True Voice Resonates Loud and Clear!

From what Graeme shared with me, and despite his sufferring and resilience he was still determined to contribute to this Doc during the near to final phase of his journey on this earth.

God Bless You Graeme MacQueen…

Documentary Film Unit
Carol & Family

Carol & Family
Carol & Family
Jun 26, 2023 8:58 PM

June 26, 2023 – Part (3)

Graeme MacQueen – is a “Canadian” not American

Which would you choose below for your Documentary Feature……

1) Would one prefer a Superficial GI JOE over the top, in your face, I am gonna get you delivery/presentation….?

2) Or would one prefer a delivery/presentation from Graeme MacQueen, A Man Purely Motivated and Driven by Conscience in his Relentless Determination to Seek Justice for All by Exposing these Devastating Criminal Acts against Humanity…?

3) Simply Stated with Humility is Graeme MacQueen

Graeme your Voice Lives On…….

Documentary Film Unit
Carol & Family

Jun 27, 2023 8:48 AM
Reply to  Carol & Family

This another reason the PTB find written words dangerous, and try to promote illiteracy. The reader can interpret and appreciate writing according to personal understanding, and even auto-translate it.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jun 27, 2023 10:05 AM

Hilarious! What the fuck is this?

“Octave resonance” – do you have any idea what an octave is? “Rythams” – what’s that, you mean rhythms?

How long are you gonna keep poking into this 911 shit? Whoever wants to know, knows. Whoever doesn’t, doesn’t give a shit. It’s a lost battle. Get over it and stop trying to fight it. Focus on present, FFS!

Jun 26, 2023 6:20 AM

The finished video had better be a whole lot more interesting than the trailer. Graeme MacQueen’s soporific monotone delivery had me thinking about zombies. If the film’s makers are hoping to attract the interest of anyone not already singing in his choir, they are going to be very disappointed. I note that MacQueen passed in April of this year. Was his narration recorded before or after that event? I can’t tell.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 26, 2023 7:06 AM
Reply to  Chaz

It is not to be numbered among the best conditions of men to taxe or upbraid the dead, for the dead do not bite” – Thomas Kyd

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jun 26, 2023 1:29 PM

“If the dead produces something particularly lame, it’s still particularly lame, regardless of the dead status of the said dead”Roserval Parkund

Jun 26, 2023 8:07 AM
Reply to  Chaz

Is it too much to ask for a bit of compassion towards a man in the late stage of his illness (as you already knew)?
Still of sound mind, and willing to answer the request made by the filmmakers….A very compassionate man, he was.

Jun 27, 2023 3:58 AM
Reply to  Mars

I knew nothing about the man nor his illness.

Jun 27, 2023 10:42 AM
Reply to  Chaz

If your longtime friend who recently passed away was referred to as a “zombie” by someone….what do you think you’d say? (Probably something a lot harsher than my response). You did acknowledge that he had just passed away in April….and an illness usually preceeds death. So when you see him in that trailer, he’s ill w/advanced ca. Asking if he had given the interview after he died. Really? Anyway, you don’t need to know that Graeme was a compassionate guy, to know a smidge of charity would be a nice thing to show. He’s not a genius or some of the other hyperbolic comments said about him. And he’d be the first to laugh at that. He was human, after all…. So, if you said you don’t know about him…here’s a glimpse of Graeme, in better days (below). This is right on-point, relating to the Off-G article about peace (war & 9/11)…since that’s his subject in the talk, and the title is “The Challenge to the Peace Movement.” In 2009, after I invited Graeme to Boston, and those plans for his talk there fell through (so we postponed Harvard until 2010), I invited him to a NYC conference instead, and asked if they could include him. There are several parts to this one….the first is only about 10 minutes long. “To inflame a mild republic with the spirit of war is putting all its liberties to the utmost hazard.” – David Dodge Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUISz8Uwh6A Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY9IlDDpvzc Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3Bte5ULPD8 Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCzHeCCDp74&feature=related I was kind of awed when he very quietly/casually mentioned in his presentation that the war plans in Afghanistan were already firmly set-to-go basically. And that was long before any false flag operation played out in NYC. Barrie Zwicker gave a great presentation on a history… Read more »

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Jun 27, 2023 2:12 PM
Reply to  Mars

Thank you

Jun 28, 2023 5:56 AM
Reply to  Mars

If the producers of the video intend it to be primarily a tribute to a prominent figure in the cause and only secondarily hope it will inspire others to become involved, then they are on the right track. On the other hand, if they intend it, above all, to significantly further the cause by being interesting and persuasive, they obviously have to induce people to want to see it (the purpose of a trailer, after all) and shouldn’t blur its focus with a distracting sentimentality.

I based my comment on the trailer alone, asking myself if I’d be inclined to watch the final product. The answer was “no.” My comment wasn’t meant to disparage a beloved person but to draw attention to the person’s role in the trailer, which was a choice made by the producers that seems to me to be a poor one, however much well intended it may have been.

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Jun 28, 2023 12:06 PM
Reply to  Chaz

JUNE 28. 2023

Hi Chaz,

It’s not a video it’s a powerful trailer for their documentary feature

It’s clearly Not intended as a Sentimental Tribute by these gifted Filmmakers

Documentaries are all about CONTENT

Go back to the Trailer, LISTEN carefully to the Content, Graeme’s WORDS and what Graeme is actually saying to the audience,

Write down his words, read them back to yourself if you need to, in order to process and truly understand It’s significant meaning

CORE THEMES of their Trailer’s Content include the following

“Who are the Real Terrorists of 911″…

“Who planted the explosives in all three buildings”…

“Who orchestrated in concert these devasting crimes against Humanity”…

“Who Wanted to go to WAR”…

In sharp contrast to Graeme’s masterful, calm, intimate, deliberate, matter a fact form of expression and delivery combined with the dramatic music score, haunting archival imagery and razor sharp editing is nothing short of MASTERFUL…

The Trailer establishes the Crucial Core Content for this important and timely Documentary Feature

Hope this helps…
Documentary Film Unit
Carol & Family

PS. You will at some point also be able to screen Graeme’s Contribution to our upcoming Documentary Feature which will hit Theatres before Streaming

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Jun 28, 2023 11:09 AM
Reply to  Mars

Thank you Mars

Jun 26, 2023 1:23 PM
Reply to  Chaz

I fear the Media has conditioned far too many people to equate something slick and snappy and full of artifice with quality.

It usually works out that such superficial narrators as the Media gives us haven’t a clue or a concern with what they are presenting. But it does satisfy our lizard brain, which seems to crave constant stimulation.

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Jun 27, 2023 1:04 AM
Reply to  Howard

Yes Howard, those Imposters you reference

“Have joined that long grey line known as American Manhood”

Excerpt in part from the feature film “Scent of a Woman”….

Jun 26, 2023 7:04 PM
Reply to  Chaz

By all means skip the video, and instead pre-order a front row ticket for “Peace, War and 9/11: the Musical!”

You’ll be amazed at how those dry as dust monologues turn into riveting, unforgettable lyrics with finger-snapping, toe-tapping tunes. And the dance sequences by the “Nineteen Lone Nuts” display stunning choreography, capped by the special effects in “Osama’s Cave”.

Trust me, you’ll be humming those MacQueen comments in the car for the entire drive home. It will be the feel-good hit of the holiday season! 🤗

Jun 26, 2023 2:19 AM

So many years have passed, and despite volumes of evidence – not even one of the actual architects of the worst atrocity, committed on American soil, have been made to account for their murderous deeds … not one. So much for truth and honesty, or justice …
Also, who in the US is responsible for holding the innocent-patsies in Gitmo for 20+ years and for what purpose? How is it possible for us, in the ‘West’ to malign various dictatorships when our own ‘democracies’ can thumb-their-noses’ at the lawless-barbarity of our governments?

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 26, 2023 2:51 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

9-11 is the example that shows me that the Covid fiasco will never see the light of truth amongst the masses. The perpetrators of these crimes can get away with murder and still will be claimed innocent by the very people they murder.

Jun 26, 2023 4:39 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

After spending years on 9/11 in the 2000s, Covid didn’t surprise me even though it was 9/11 on steroids. That experience has taught me not to believe those proclaiming “people are waking up, we’re going to win” as some today are claiming. There are some “waking up” but it is a small percentage of the population.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 26, 2023 4:52 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Right on target. Not one arrest or indictment for mass murder. As George W’ya Bush suggested October 2001, let’s just go shopping… Nothing to see here…

les online
les online
Jun 26, 2023 1:31 AM

In the USA, the implementation of The Patriot Act, which stripped Americans of many rights and strengthened the intrusive control of The State, needed a Pearl Harbour” magnitude event to shock and stampede Americans into embracing the loss of liberties in return for “protections”.

So, how best to shock and stampede the reluctant masses to willingly accepting digital IDs, cashless economies (CBDC), the total surveillance Digital Prison, than with a False Flag Event…A Nuclear False Flag Event !!

War has always been the means by which The State extends and deepens its control over society…

Obsessed With The Zaporizhzhia Power Plant (35.20):

Nuclear False Flag For Zaporozhye NPP:

War. It’s a fight over who’s gonna be The Boss
War. It’s a fight over who’s gonna be Your Boss..

les online
les online
Jun 26, 2023 1:47 AM
Reply to  les online


Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jun 29, 2023 8:03 AM
Reply to  les online

Pffit! Extreme feminists lost it under the Patriot act it’s when Word tells took off in the UK. American on-line women stood out like sore thumbs, >terrorist safe< ballooned out of control, what happened to those Bagpuss dollies. Blimey! Best place to be was at work, it's was around that time I dumped US Fem. mainstream into the history dumpster., closely followed by an even louder Voice The US Male Gobshite! The World The World…blahblah.
Good Heavens,! Hopefully today they all reside in insane asylums., called public radio stations.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Jun 25, 2023 11:40 PM

What moderately informed man or woman on the 9/11 covert false flag/controlled demolitions mass murder operation could miss New York City Police Chief-September 11, 2001 Bernard Kerik sitting right behind Dick Cheney? Kerik is the person then NYC Mayor immediately turned to when a journalist asked Giuliani about “reports of explosions” on that day of immeasurable shame and infamy.

People will vividly remember Kerik shaking his head in the negative and uttering “No explosions” in response to Giuliani, which likely was the reason N.I.S.T. “investigators” never looked for evidence of explosives use – during their 110% bogus “investigation” (coverup)

Jun 26, 2023 8:20 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

On ABC TV, Mayor Giuliani said that
(a) he was at the “on-site HQ for emergency exercises” at 75 Barkley St. with the Police Commissioner, Fire Commissioner and Head of Emergency Management
(b) they were told that WTC was going to collapse
(c) they only got out of the HQ 10-15 min. after the collapse.
Subsequently on several occasions, Giuliani denied being warned of the collapse.
   -Charlie Sheen, 2009

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jun 25, 2023 10:46 PM

“When people say you can’t abolish war, it’s with us forever, I say, well, we haven’t tried very hard yet.” US today is a military dictatorship which exists only by enslavement of US taxpayers from birth, entire political class is fine with it. The only solution is breakup of the US. When we passed a Neutrality Act in 1930s it was of course ignored. FDR promised to keep us out of WWII but he’d already started sending weapons to his UK monarchy pals. Even if we were allowed to vote on Neutrality today, it would be non-binding. Even if it were binding, it would be ignored.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 25, 2023 11:21 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

So the rumours are correct.
Endless wars, all major cities have homeless camps with faeces and drug addicts on the street, 15-20% of the population on food stamps, bottomless public debt.

The Amerifats are not able to handle their own affairs more.

An immediate interference and regime change operation is necessary to make law and order function again, and only a large scale invasion of military British and Chinese troops will be able to handle it.

Jun 27, 2023 3:47 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Considering the EU takes their marching orders (pun intended) from NATO, the IMF, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, the Vatican and the Saudis; and watching NATO troops operating like a bad version of the keystone cops, we Americans could not be less concerned about British or NATO troops than we are at present. Young Chinese men amassing on both our northern and southern borders are cause for concern.

That being said, those of us who own our property, have a garden, take care of our neighbors and vice versa and take pride in who and what we are, will protect ourselves as we always have. Americans’ right to keep and bear arms is much more effective than the EU group hug that has gotten the whole group of countries precisely nowhere except being ruled now by the international community, with no regard for unique cultures or individual countries.

Hilarious reading something like this from an emasculated soy boy. Send in the shock troops. I assure you, they will be shocked.

Carol -Documentary Film U
Carol -Documentary Film U
Jun 25, 2023 7:16 PM

JUNE 26, 2023


Graeme MacQueen’s WORDS again RESONATE so POWERFULLY….
Let us know when this Documentary Feature is Released on Streaming Platforms, Theatrical and/or Licensed for Broadcast etc…

We will also let everyone know when our Documentary Feature is Theatrically Released and then scheduled on Streaming Platforms highlighting Graeme’s Compelling Voice, Body of Work and Fierce Belief System which Lives On in Each and Everyone of us…

We Honor your Soul Graeme, With Love ❤️

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 25, 2023 3:54 PM

When the truth cant be veiled anymore, the majority finally finally knows the truth, it is thus also accepted in public by making a movie to show we are not that bad anyway.
We can admit what happened, we can get absolution 22 years after it happened.

Same with WWII. 20-25 years after 1945 in 1965-1970 we start making Hollywood movies about WWII to show we have grown a pair, until the next war in Jugoslavia, the next war in Iraq, the next war in………you name it.

New films and books on how we really really now regret everything, our passivity, our contribution, sucking the last profits out of our atrocities, our self-righteousness, our self-illusions, our cognitive dissonance at the time it happened.

There is nothing new under the sun..

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jun 26, 2023 4:42 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

“Our passivity?” I’m not passive. The truck drivers in Canada weren’t passive. The 2009-2010 US Tea Party movement that in Nov. 2010 elected 63 Republicans to the US House and gave GOP the majority wasn’t passive. But GOP was enraged at being the majority, was much happier in the minority. Trent Lott told GOP it was “imperative to co-opt” the new people. The Tea Party was successfully co-opted. Andrew Breitbart died at age 43 in 2012 working himself to death to save the US from the Establishment.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 26, 2023 12:20 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

I was talking about the official line, government, msm, corporate, sheep, m.m.
The majority.
Not the sometimes controlled opposition. Yes there was demonstrations against the Iraq war, against the Libya war, revenges and anger over the Syria interference, and also a few who questioned the 9/11 on the day and after.

But the commercial machine run after this concept. 20-25 years after the incident when all the real guilty are safe, its redemption time for making yet another hypocritical buck.

Jun 25, 2023 3:31 PM

The entire purpose of politics is to sugar coat the “real” reasons for going to war. That is, to allow the people to believe there is a good, noble cause behind it.

The banker J. P. Morgan was quoted as saying “There are two reasons a man does something: the good reason and the real reason.”

We can argue the validity of Morgan’s statement till the cows come home. But we cannot deny its at least minimal impact on human societies.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 25, 2023 2:50 PM

9/11 like the crisis’ in Palestine are no longer relevant or profitable causes , superseded by Covid and Ukraine as ” go to crisis’ ” , along with the surprisingly resilient Trump Hysteria virus , in our medias regardless of political bent .

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jun 26, 2023 4:51 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

The “crisis” is permanent, thus ensuring enslavement of US taxpayers from birth to the weapons industry and preventing us from having or enjoying our own country. We’ve already been told US has a few other places lined up for flattening starting with China. “Their blood, our bullets,” US says, smiling.

Jun 26, 2023 8:32 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

Given the history of Nicaragua, Vietnam, Somalia, Iran (who blinked?), Iraq, Syria, etc., you may want to reconsider the mention of China.

Jun 25, 2023 8:44 AM

So nice to see Graeme again!….
The article mentions his anthrax book – which he wrote in 2014.

Jun 25, 2023 12:19 PM
Reply to  Mars

Extremely good book

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jun 25, 2023 8:39 AM

The powers that be care little for justice, unless its their own corrupted idea of justice.
The world is about to take a very dark turn and the sheep are still totally oblivious…

Jun 25, 2023 1:09 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

True, it’s the thicko sheep who will drag us down into the NWO hell, the stupid morons are too brainwashed to see what’s going on right under their nose.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jun 25, 2023 2:28 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

You said it brother.

Jun 25, 2023 5:22 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

I would say the world has already taken a very dark turn, but it’s going to get a lot darker if most remain oblivious.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 26, 2023 12:32 PM
Reply to  TRT

Not only will it be darker than darker. It will get so dark that we cant differ this darkness from black.
So dark is it going to be if the dumb sheeple refuse to wake up and dont do something.
Only the sheep with 1 brain cell can save us and this brain cell is in the middle of a civil war! :-(.

Jun 26, 2023 1:07 PM
Reply to  TRT

You said it, brother . . .

Enron Valhalla 1987, followed by Enron SEC investigation, (conveniently up in smoke,
As solemn resident of WTC7), was the watershed moment for technologies like,
Automated intelligence, Aladdin & the High Auroral Accoustic Research Programming.

The proof of the ‘pudding’ was in the testing and irrefutable:- WTC7 was the Target.
By the way, we just lost another $$$2.3$$$Trillion, nobody knows where it went,
But you can trust our ingenuity, not the science… 😉
2. Seconds Freefall
10 Seconds Flat
1 vertical implosion.
Knock 3 times,
On the ceiling,
Of the BBC,
& Met.Office !
Talk about,
Of the Lambs.

Jun 26, 2023 2:09 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Unfortunately, sheep have never been conspicuous for their ability to wake up on demand and distinguish between their next meal and a slaughterhouse.

Even the Bible makes it quite clear that sheep need a shepherd – and a good one at that.

After all, you don’t go up to a sheep and ask it whether it would like a shepherd.
The question is outside its comprehension.

I hope that doesn’t incite our trolls here to claim I am promoting totalitarianism.
Of course I am not, but as long as we’re talking about sheep here, we can’t expect the same logic to apply to them as to enlightened human beings.

Sheep need guidance – always assuming we’re not going to have them ALL slaughtered this week – and it has become only too clear recently that the percentage of humanity which is not enlightened is extremely high.

That is why the criminals who are literally buying up the world today despise humanity, instead of looking to moral ways of guiding it.
They think we’re all sheep, because we don’t own the slaughterhouse.

Owning a slaughterhouse is actually their definition of an enlightened human being.

Naturally the truth about all this has many grey areas, but it’s probably not too far-fetched to consider that this is in fact a war between sheepish human beings who are too lazy to inform themselves and wolfish human beings who are too lazy to contemplate morality.

In other words, a fundamental laziness rules everywhere, and almost everybody has their blinkers on.

Perhaps we’re down to basics again: At least in some countries, when somebody sees a wolf near their property, they just reach for their gun.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 26, 2023 3:01 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Take it easy boy boy. Go to your home and smoke a cigar, let the other do the hard work for you. If you dont do what I say, you will soon go old and grey.
 https://youtu.be/1x851Wr9dvE .

Jun 26, 2023 7:36 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

What ‘hard work’ did you have in mind…?