To Live Forever

Karen Hunt

“Forget the fountain of youth, pal of mine. You can live to be a thousand, and it won’t matter. Mediocrities like you deserve immortality.”
Gary Shteyngart, Super Sad True Love Story

In Leo Tolstoy’s A Confession and Other Religious Writings, he retells an Eastern fable about a traveler who is ‘taken unawares on the steppes by a ferocious beast’ — a beast that we all run from at one time or another. But there is a greater terror, one that is not imagined. Which way to turn?

In order to escape the beast, the traveler hides in an empty well, but at the bottom of the well he sees a dragon with its jaws open, ready to devour him. The poor fellow does not dare to climb out because he is afraid of being eaten by the rapacious beast, neither does he dare drop to the bottom of the well for fear of being eaten by the dragon. So, he seizes hold of a branch of a bush that is growing in the crevices of the well and clings on to it. His arms grow weak, and he knows that he will soon have to resign himself to the death that awaits him on either side.

Yet he still clings on, and while he is holding on to the branch he looks around and sees that two mice, one black and one white, are steadily working their way round the bush he is hanging from, gnawing away at it. Sooner or later, they will eat through it and the branch will snap, and he will fall into the jaws of the dragon. The traveler sees this and knows that he will inevitably perish. But while he is still hanging there, he sees some drops of honey on the leaves of the bush, stretches out his tongue and licks them.

In the same way I am clinging to the tree of life, knowing full well that the dragon of death inevitably awaits me, ready to tear me to pieces, and I cannot understand how I have fallen into this torment. And I try licking the honey that once consoled me, but it no longer gives me pleasure.

The delusion of the joys of life that had formerly stifled my fear of the dragon no longer deceived me. No matter how many times I am told: you cannot understand the meaning of life, do not think about it but live, I cannot do so. Now I cannot help seeing day and night chasing me and leading me to my death. This is all I can see because it is the only truth. All the rest is a lie.

Humanity has gone much further down this path of terror than in Tolstoy’s time. It isn’t any longer about the “meaning of life”. Who cares about that when you can beat death? Living longer means you will be more likely to understand the meaning of life further down the road, right?

Until then, devote your life to looking younger, acting younger, changing your face, your genitals, replacing your internal organs, injecting yourself with umbilical cord blood used in transplanting stem cells to trigger natural healing and regeneration, becoming part machine, uploading your mind to the cloud, floating free without any bodily restraints.

In trying to cheat death, we have forgotten what it means to live. In this essay I focus on three men who take/took three different approaches to life. They are all extreme. Which of these men do you admire more? If you could, which one would you most like to sit down and have a conversation with?

Let’s start with Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, a specialist in “rejuvenation” technology.

Belmonte is employed by a secretive, anti-aging startup called Altos Labs, said to be the best funded biotech start-up to date, with $3 billion invested in January 2022. Its most notable funder is Jeff Bezos. Altos is “Silicon Valley’s latest wild bet on living forever,” according to MIT’s Technology Review.

Last year, Altos Labs wooed Belmonte away from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, where he was a professor in the “gene expression laboratory” and well-respected for his work in embryo development. Belmonte is a star in the health industry. In 2018, he was named one of the most influential people in healthcare by Time magazine. What did he do to earn such praise?

I write about it in my essay, I, Zombie:

While the world was in lockdown and we were being terrorized for our own good, something important was happening in a laboratory at the Primate Biomedical Research Center in Kunming, China. Led by Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, researchers successfully created the first human-monkey chimera embryos in a lab.

Carrying out experiments on human embryos posed ethical dilemmas. After 19 days, developing babies are still blastocysts – a bundle of cells with the potential to grow into a completely formed human being. On the twentieth day, something mysterious happens. That explicable “spark of life” occurs, bridging the gap between blastocyst and human—that spark that every Frankenstein dreams of holding in his own hands and molding to his own will. Experimenting beyond that 20th day posed ethical problems in the West. So, Belmonte did what guys like him always do (guys like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci). He went to China where such ethical questions are not asked.

Researchers injected 25 human stem cells into 132 six-day-old macaque embryos. Ten days later, most of them – 103 – were still developing, using both the monkey and human cells.

At the time, Dr. Ángel Raya, of the Barcelona Regenerative Medicine Centre posed this question to El Pais: “What happens if the stem cells escape and form human neurons in the brain of the animal? Would it have consciousness? And what happens if these stem cells turn into sperm cells?”

Uncomfortable questions which Belmonte assured us will “never happen.” Belmonte made it clear that his only goal was to “solve some biological mysteries” that would help humanity.

Which biological mysteries? Could you please be more specific, Dr. Belmonte?

“We are not going to use monkeys to create human organs inside monkeys,” he said. Rather, his noble calling was to learn the “language” of early human embryo development using this human-monkey model, and then use that to “better understand disease”.

I should add that for since this type of research has been conducted there has been a “14‐day rule”, used in science policy and regulation to limit research on human embryos to a maximum period of 14 days after their creation. But now, advances in embryology and biomedical research have led to suggestions that the 14‐day rule is no longer adequate.

The question is being asked, “should the 14‐day rule be extended and, if so, where should we draw a new line for permissible embryo research?” Of course, for the “good of humanity”, we can guess what their decision will be.

Just as the elites assured the masses that experiments such as gene therapy injections conducted upon them during Covid were for their “health & safety”, Belmonte assures us the same. But it’s never really been about our health and safety. It’s about sacrificing it for the good of the elite.

With this in mind, it wasn’t surprising that despite Belmonte’s claims of wanting to cure diseases, he left the Salk Institute for Altos Labs to “study cellular rejuvenation programming, or in other words, to reverse the aging process.

Since then, Belmonte’s star has risen even higher. Last Friday, Belmonte’s presentation on stem cells in Boston drew such a large crowd of over-excited scientists, young PhD students and postdocs that half the audience had to be ejected by the police. It might see incongruous for scientists to act like groupies at a rave but who can blame them when they are being promised that we are on the brink of discovering the fountain of youth and they might have a chance to be a part of the hype?

As Antonio Regalado described in MIT Technology Review:

“This is almost the ultimate feat for an engineer: the reversal of the life process,” said Haifan Lin, the Yale University cell biologist who is president of the International Society for Stem Research, which organized the meeting.

And that explains the boisterous attendees…. “I apologize if there was a disruption. But take a step back,” he added. “It’s a good sign for this field that there is so much interest. It’s a hot topic. Hotter than we expected.”

Hot topic, indeed. All the rage. The latest trend. So, what are these current experiments that Belmonte is conducting that are causing such a ruckus?

To rejuvenate cells, Belmonte has been exploring a method of resetting the epigenome called ‘reprogramming.’ During his talk, Belmonte raced through examples of how reprogrammed cells become more resilient to stress and damage, and on the whole appear to act younger.

In one experiment, for example, he says his lab gave mice ultra-high doses of the pain-killer acetaminophen that are usually fatal. Yet if the mice are given a reprogramming treatment, which consists of special proteins called Yamanaka factors, half will survive. “We reduce the mortality about 50%, more or less” he says.

He also described experiments where mutant mice were allowed to gobble high-fat food. They became obese, but not if they were given a brief dose of the same reprogramming proteins. Somehow, he said, the procedure can “prevent the increase in the fatty tissue.”

This sounds absolutely ghoulish to me.

Do these scientists lack the wisdom to foresee the horrific result this approach to extending life will have on future generations? Apparently so. They’re making too much money right now to be concerned with long-term consequences. Morality or ethics, and all the uncomfortable thoughts that come along with it, must be pushed aside for the sake of progress.

They justify the millions they are making by saying they are helping humanity when if they paused to really think honestly, they would know it was all a nightmare in the making. So, they stop such thoughts. They become monsters. And all those young, wanna be science students jostling to listen to their idol Belmonte are on the way to becoming monsters too.

If anyone thinks that humans will defeat death by giving in to their basest desires like over-eating or numbing their pain, and then magically editing themselves so they will suffer no consequences for their actions, they are crazy.

How much longer will it be before they start conducting these horrific experiments on humans? How do we know they haven’t already started? Well, they have, actually.

Elon Musk’s Neuralink has announced it will start human trials this year, implanting brain chips in human subjects. Will humans be treated any differently than the animals he tested his product on?

complaint from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine details that one monkey was allegedly found missing some of its fingers and toes “possibly from self-mutilation or some other unspecified trauma.” The monkey was later killed during a “terminal procedure.”

Another monkey had holes drilled in its skull and electrodes implanted into its brain, then allegedly developed a bloody skin infection and had to be euthanized.

In a third instance, a female macaque monkey had electrodes implanted into its brain, then was overcome with vomiting, retching and gasping. Days later, researchers wrote that the animal “appeared to collapse from exhaustion/fatigue” and was subsequently euthanized. An autopsy showed the monkey had suffered from a brain hemorrhage.

In Lab Grown Meat & Babies I write about babies being grown in artificial wombs, monitored by robots. In The Case of the CRISPR Babies and the Scientist Who Made ThemI write about the gene-edited babies in China that set the scientific world on fire, and I ask the question of how many more are there that we don’t know about?

Who gains from all of this?

Not the masses—upon which they intend to experiment like they do on mice, pigs and monkeys. They are convincing us that we are no different from a pig or a mouse. Hey, your children can be free to identify as an animal. They can become part with machines. How cool is that. Our youth are being told they are “trans”. That they can morph into anything. It used to be androgynous, meaning neither male nor female. But they changed the term to trans. It’s no longer something that a very few people identify as, it’s something that everyone is.

More and more parents are raising their babies as gender-freeThey have no idea of why this brainwashing is being pushed on them.

If you tried to tell them, they would respond with automatic words, without even thinking about what those words mean. Words like “conspiracy theory”. This convenient umbrella can be put over anything that goes against the elites’ agenda. No critical thinking is necessary. When someone is accused of following a conspiracy theory, there is no debate. The conversation stops.

What these parents are blind to understanding is that raising children as genderless leads to the justification of using lesser beings to fulfill the needs of higher beings. We are assured we will all be much happier like this. Ordinary, run-of-the-mill humans should be willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

If your children are lucky, they might be chosen to experiment on those lesser humans.

Wolf Reik, leader of Altos’ Cambridge Institute, also spoke during the Boston event [where Belmonte gave his talk] and mentioned the “very beautiful building” Altos occupies there. He showed a photo of workers lined up in an atrium, who he referred to as “many happy people. Happy people in lab coats.”

The masses should be happy to be experimented on. While the brightest minds should be happy to experiment on the masses in exchange for money and a better situation in society.

The big question is: Has Altos (and other research institutions, because it isn’t the only one) gotten any closer to finding the fountain of youth?

As always, nobody knows.

Let’s look next at Bryan Johnson, the middle-aged almost-billionaire spending $2m (£1.6m) a year pursuing immortality.

Johnson experiments on himself, not other people. But he hopes that others will become as obsessed with themselves as he is of himself, to the point where they will buy his insanely expensive products, making him even richer so he can spend more money in pursuit of being younger.

This is how Emma Brocks of The Guardian introduces Bryan Johnson to us:

Johnson has received “plasma infusions” from his 17-year-old son, had “33,537 images of his bowels” taken, and tried experimental treatments previously only tested on mice. But the one I like best, I think, revolves around his meal plan. As a man who made $800m (£646m) from the sale of his company to eBay, he enjoys a diet of “brown sludge” made of pureed vegetables – baby food, in other words. From the photos, these measures certainly seem to be working: the 45-year-old tech entrepreneur looks approximately 43.

It is, of course, a source of reliable entertainment to study how the very wealthy set about ruining their lives. If excess is the quickest and most conventional route to self-destruction, self-denial is the more rewarding approach for the idle observer. There is nothing quite like the spectacle of a man with huge resources failing to grapple with his own mortality and spending what precious time he has left in joyless pursuit of a goal that is doomed to fail.

The biotech CEO may have reduced his biological age by at least 5 years through a rigorous medical program that can cost up to $2 million a year.

Johnson’s 5 a.m.-mornings for example start with two dozen medicines and supplements for all kinds of purported health benefits: lycopene; turmeric, zinc, metformin to prevent bowel polyps, and a small dose of lithium for brain health.

Is this any way to live? If you think so, you can join Johnson and the Rejuvenation Olympics:

We created the Rejuvenation Olympics to be a public leaderboard where validated anti-aging interventions can be posted and shared. If you are interested in seeing how you are trending, please create an account and join the competition!

Now, let’s go back in time to look at Sir Ernest Shackleton, made famous for his Imperial Trans-Atlantic Expedition.

I doubt Shackleton ever aspired to live forever. In fact, he died from a heart attack at 47.

But oh, did he live. “The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

With the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, his team set out to make the first land crossing of Antarctica. “They had to abandon the quest when the expedition ship, the Endurance, was trapped and then holed by sea-ice. From then on it was all about survival. Shackleton somehow managed to get his men to safety, an escape that saw the Anglo-Irish explorer himself take a small lifeboat across ferocious seas to get help”.


Shackleton, Worsley and four others set out in one of the lifeboats, the James Caird, to seek help from a whaling station on South Georgia, more than 800 miles away. For 16 days, they battled monstrous swells and angry winds, baling water out of the boat and beating ice off the sails. “The boat tossed interminably on the big waves under grey, threatening skies,” recorded Shackleton. “Every surge of the sea was an enemy to be watched and circumvented.” Even as they were within touching distance of their goal, the elements hurled their worst at them: “The wind simply shrieked as it tore the tops off the waves,” Shackleton wrote. “Down into valleys, up to tossing heights, straining until her seams opened, swung our little boat.”

Frank Wild, who had been with Shackleton on all his Antarctic expeditions, described him as ‘the most undefeated and unconquerable man I have ever known’; his friend and biographer, Hugh Robert Mill, reflected that ‘his determination always rose highest when most opposed.’  Quite simply, for Shackleton, all things were possible.

Shackleton said, “I do not like to set any limit to the bounds of human endurance.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Shackelton’s journey across the wilderness to seek help, was that he and his companions experienced a spiritual presence, encouraging them to go on and guiding them to safety. Of course, psychologists love to explain away such phenomena as a product of a confused mental state. The spirit is not to be acknowledged.

But Shackleton is not alone in experiencing a guardian angel helping him in times of great distress. In 1966, my family visited an incredible place called the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary in Darmstadt, Germany.

Founder Mother Basilia Schlink told us the story of how during World War II, guardian angels with flaming swords stood around the sisterhood, protecting them from Nazis soldiers. Did they imagine this? I don’t think so.

There are so many mysteries we don’t understand. Those who would seek to overcome death and live longer now, in this life, hate to acknowledge the spiritual realm. Although I have no doubt, they know it exists. Why else would they fear it so much and try to overcome it? These men do not want to face the afterlife and the reckoning it brings.

For Shackleton, being alive meant pushing his physical body and his mental state to the limits. To see how much he could endure. I know those moments when I have given my all and how euphoric it feels. For each person that pinnacle of achievement is different. Not everyone can climb the highest mountain or swim the widest sea, but we all have those moments when we can make the choice to give in to weakness or overcome it and push ourselves to the limit. Those are the moments that make us stronger. Those are the moments when we feel the most alive.

The secret to life isn’t in remaking your physical body. It isn’t in indulging the pleasures of the flesh and then snipping your genes, so you don’t get fat or contract a sexual disease. Nor is it in denying the flesh, eating baby food and obsessively monitoring your bodily functions. Nor is it in making billions of dollars so that you can experiment on lesser humans and try to cheat death before it gets you.

Vampires, like elites, hate that humans live in the light. They kill humans in order to cling to immortality, the deal they made with the devil. But the price they pay is to never see the sunrise and forever live in shadows.

Evil is a point of view. We are immortal. And what we have before us are the rich feasts that conscience cannot appreciate and mortal men cannot know without regret. God kills, and so shall we; indiscriminately He takes the richest and the poorest, and so shall we; for no creatures under God are as we are, none so like Him as ourselves, dark angels not confined to the stinking limits of hell but wandering His earth and all its kingdoms.”
Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice

Yes, Shackleton died of a heart attack at 47. What a waste, we say now. He should have eaten more kale and less beef. Yes, he achieved some remarkable feats. But he probably lived a very unhealthy life. He probably drank whiskey every night.

Actually, now that I think about it, Shackleton Whiskey was inspired by the great explorer himself.

“The Shackleton Whisky is inspired by Sir Ernest Shackleton’s adventurous spirit – he truly believed that it’s in our nature to explore, to reach out into the unknown,” Kenny Nicholson, head of modern spirits at Shackleton Whisky, said. “To commemorate his adventures and celebrate the discovery of Endurance, we’re challenging people to find a bottle of whisky in some of the most remote and off-grid retreats and raise a dram to the great Sir Ernest Shackleton.”

We just can’t escape a dollar sign being attached to everything as the proof of success. A “remote and off-grid retreat” can no doubt be interpreted as a holiday destination of the uber wealthy that costs an arm and a leg to pretend you are doing something daring.

Shackleton would have scoffed at such a challenge. He would have recognized Belmonte’s promises as lies. He would have scratched his head in bafflement at Johnson’s navel-gazing.

Johnson has a Blueprint for you:

Two years and millions were spent developing Blueprint, an algorithm that takes better care of me than I can myself. Now, you can build your Autonomous Self as well.”

Johnson defends his lifestyle by saying that “No matter how eccentric or how extreme outside the norms I’m perceived to be, demonstrating that age can be arrested would change everything.”

Sure, it would change everything. The algorithms of machines controlling your every move, every breath, every bowel movement, every thought in your head.

It is said that we are nearing ‘longevity escape velocity’ — where science can extend your life for more than a year for every year you are alive.

To what end? You can run a little bit further and a little bit longer, but you will run out of steam eventually. And the afterlife, the spiritual realm will still be there…waiting.

Shackleton’s words ring truer to me than ever:

When I look back at those days, I have no doubt that Providence guided us, not only across those snow fields, but across the storm-white sea that separated Elephant Island from our landing place on South Georgia. I know that during that long and racking march of thirty-six hours over the unnamed mountains and glaciers of South Georgia it seemed to me often that we were four, not three. I said nothing to my companions on the point, but afterwards Worsley said to me, “Boss, I had a curious feeling on the march that there was another person with us.” Crean confessed to the same idea. One feels “the dearth of human words, the roughness of mortal speech” in trying to describe things intangible, but a record of our journeys would be incomplete without a reference to a subject very near to our hearts.”

Ernest Shackleton, South

Life is still a mystery, despite Belmonte’s best efforts to capture that spark of life and mold it to his will. Death is still the one thing we can be sure of. Faith is still how we must live, day by day. Humans are amazing and Shackleton was right to say that there are no limits to human endurance. What Shackleton experienced in the wilderness, or Basilea Schlink in Germany, or so many others who have had similar encounters, can never be explained away by the psychologists, the psychiatrists, the scientists, the academics, who want to reduce us all down to bits of flesh that they can pick apart for their own gain.

Will we keep running, caught between our fears and the terror of death? Or will we face our fears and live by faith, one day at a time?

Which approach to life inspires you? Belmonte’s, Johnson’s, or Shackleton’s?

Karen Hunt [aka KH Mesek] is an author and illustrator of 19 children’s books, the YA series Night Angels Chronicles and the science fiction novel, LUMINARIA: Tales of Earth & Oran, Love & Revenge, to be published in August. She recently returned from living in Luxor, Egypt where she started the first boxing club for girls. Having lived and traveled extensively behind the Iron Curtain, she is devoting her time to writing essays related to the loss of freedom in the West. You can read more of her work, or sign up to her newsletter, here. You can’t follow her twitter any longer, as she’s been banned.


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Jul 1, 2023 4:12 PM

What these parents are blind to understanding is that raising children as genderless leads to the justification of using lesser beings to fulfill the needs of higher beings.

Wait, what now? How?

Those who would seek to overcome death and live longer now, in this life, hate to acknowledge the spiritual realm. Although I have no doubt, they know it exists. Why else would they fear it so much and try to overcome it?

What a remarkable piece of anti-logic. So, because people try to extend life, it means they know there is something else, which is supposedly much better than life? By the same token, those who show willful disregard for their own life must just be hurrying up to get to god faster, right? Then how come the religious seem to cling to life just as much as the atheists do? Because your almighty, all-loving master hates everyone who doesn’t respect and embrace the lifelong misery that he, for some reason, decides to impose on them for their own good? Religious people are seriously weird…

uncle pho
uncle pho
Jul 1, 2023 2:12 AM

Brilliant article – clink!

“O man of Shuruppak, son of Ubar – Tutu,
Abandon wealth, scorn possessions, save thyself

On spiritualism

Some workers in the medical establishment are clairvoyants.

As I understand it, their rare abilities are not restricted to humans only.

I am therefore curious to find out if some of the clairvoyants ventured out to abattoirs, mice lab trials or embedded themselves with trophy hunters like Trump Jr or even perhaps recorded / documented their experiences aboard fish trawler’s.

To conclude, I am a self proclaimed tree hugger, with rampant deforestation, any chance my fellow mates have souls?

Jun 30, 2023 12:49 PM

I think “AI” stands for “Arseholes Incorporated”

Jun 30, 2023 12:51 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Or perhaps “Anal Inspection”

Jun 30, 2023 12:44 AM

The first part of the article lifts the rock on the ugly side of science.
I’d never heard of those researchers, or the technology they’re invested in, but clearly they are rockstars in the rejuvenation business.

We need more exposure on this sort of thing,
the Sasquatch in the room being the planetwide human trials involving sometimes toxic doses of mRNA.

{I think the article could have ended covering the 1st topic on its own, the other 2 are just noise}

Jun 29, 2023 10:37 PM

Really good read – enjoyed that!

Jun 29, 2023 10:03 PM

I liked this article and its “spirited” message up to the point where

“guardian angels with flaming swords stood around the sisterhood, protecting them from Nazis soldiers.”

Why them and not the millions of others who perished? Because they were Catholic nuns? Plenty of nuns perished then, from bombs or in concentration camps. Not the right nuns? Sorry, but I can’t take this seriously. Angels with flaming swords are certainly not going to save us from the monsters described in the article. Teaching nuns to box would be a better bet.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 29, 2023 10:29 PM
Reply to  StStephen

It was the sense of feeling this sisterhood had.
Cant you just let them have this spiritual connection in this particular case without going in socialist group thinking mode. “Why only one sisterhood, why not all other sisterhoods”.
The monsters are still there, but you are much better equipped with a spiritual connection than without.

Jul 1, 2023 4:29 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Except that the author implied she was taking it seriously in its literal meaning.

Jun 29, 2023 9:19 PM

Scripture is clear. These people should look up and study out Matthew 6:27 & Luke 12:25 as well as Hebrews 9:27 which essentially teach that there is an appointed time in which everyone will come face to face with death and there’s nothing they, you or I can do about it. Not that I agree with what the elite are doing with their experiments or object to healthier lifestyles but they can do all they want, drink, inject, inhale, transplant, transfuse etc etc.. it won’t change the fact that death will come knocking.

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Jun 29, 2023 7:20 PM

Lookit. There is no such thing as immortality. There is such a thing as life extension. But then you get run over by a truck. So much for immortality.

And btw–you can’t download yourself into a computer. If you could “download” your brain into a computer, it still wouldn’t be you. You would be you. That gunk on the computer would be a bunch of gunk on the computer, even if it had every jot and tittle of your memories and knowledge and habits and reflexes and consciousness in it. In other words, you are you and that computer is that computer–i.e., not you. It’s like twins. Twins can look and act very much alike. But they are not the same person. You cannot be “cloned.” If they could make another human being with all of your consciousness imbedded in it–it still would not be you. And if you died, you would die, no matter how perfect your clone or computer copy was.

Jun 30, 2023 6:33 AM
Reply to  Joe Smith

There is no basis for the claim that consciousness can exist in a computer, whether transferred from a human or not. If it is transferred, will the (conscious) human agree to then be “terminated”? Can he trust the assurance of the version in the computer that it is exactly like him?

Jun 29, 2023 5:04 PM

Here’s a rather long article germane to this article and discussion. Hint: if you look at it, perhaps do as I did: skim it then save it for later to read in full.

Transhumanism and the Philosophy of the Elites – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 29, 2023 4:41 PM

How many hydra heads are there? And how many new ones keep springing up every day and perhaps every hour? Are they even real organisations or just cyber-ghost constructions? The latest to push its way down my throat is CAAD – The Climate Action Against Disinformation, “a growing and unprecedented effort of over 50 organizations committed to addressing one of the largest barriers to addressing climate change: misleading and false content that perpetuates false narratives on our environment and dilutes productive conversations on the climate. Each group contributes to efforts on the policy, communications, and research fronts to hold Big Tech accountable for their role in allowing climate mis/disinformation to spread on their platforms.”

“Big Tech”? Note how this bogey isn’t charged with manufacturing mis/disinformation but merely allowing it! 

“Furthermore, CAAD engages decisionmakers at the national and international level to enforce accountability and bring a political awareness to the problem. From reports on platforms’ inability to mitigate false content, to creating COP Intelligence Units that monitor the most dangerous false narratives perpetuated at the yearly COP climate conferences, CAAD relentlessly pursues accountability and a good faith dialogue around our environment that leads us towards substantive climate solutions.”

So CAAD is a pretty big matter functioning at the highest levels then?

They have also drummed up an open letter which states the following:

“Climate disinformation and misinformation refers to deceptive or misleading content that:

   Undermines the existence or impacts of climate change, the unequivocal human influence on climate change, and the need for corresponding urgent action according to the IPCC scientific consensus and in line with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement;

   Misrepresents scientific data, including by omission or cherry-picking, in order to erode trust in climate science, climate-focused institutions, experts, and solutions; or

   Falsely publicises efforts as supportive of climate goals that in fact contribute to climate warming or contravene the scientific consensus on mitigation or adaptation.”

This “climate science” must be trusted since it presents a view of the unequivocal human influence on climate change (whilst of course quietly presupposing “climate change” as an actual thing). Also note that even efforts publicised as “supportive” of these mysterious goals may be open to doubt – presumably because they may be viewed as “Satanic deceptions” – thus implying that only this cryptic band of climate scientists have the expertise to determine what is a genuine blow against climate change. 

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 29, 2023 4:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The text that first alerted me to the splendid scientific martyrs of CAAD would appear to be a basic climate change propaganda blurb that has been copy/pasted onto various sites, one such being this one:


Note this interesting coda:

“The CAAD coalition also recommends improving transparency around data for better tracking of how disinformation spreads and for the enforcement of penalties for repeat offenders.”

“Repeat offenders”? Police state vocabulary.

Jun 29, 2023 7:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

 “Falsely publicises efforts as supportive of climate goals that in fact contribute to climate warming or contravene the scientific consensus on mitigation or adaptation.”

IMHO, this little remark here would be for those of us who do see there are problems with the earth and nature, ie massive pollution, destruction, etc., but don’t fervently believe that CO2 is the only problem. So while I might say something like yes, there are issues with heating, dying forests, dying oceans, etc, the solution to that isn’t more electric vehicles or solar panels that REQUIRE use of the dreaded fossil fuels to mine the minerals used in constructing such technology. Nor would it be helpful for me to point out that most electric vehicles don’t even manage to negate the carbon footprint generated in constructing said “green vehicles” over their entire useful lives.

For CAAD, my even qualifying the whole climate change narrative by pointing out the fallacy of “renewable energy” would be something they would need to shut down. Quickly too. It might seem “helpful” in that I am at least acknowledging there are problems with our material consumer culture and the health of the earth, but I would be directly contravening “scientific consensus” which tells us that solar is THE answer. No logic needed or wanted in the “scientific consensus of experts” who are only experts in selling out to the highest bidder, logic and reality be damned.

So basically this CAAD organization is one more in a long line to use a lot of really big, kewl sounding words to impart the message that there is only ONE answer and that answer is exactly what our owners have prescribed for us – own nothing, eat nothing, die quickly and save the earth!

Jun 29, 2023 11:27 AM

Anyone with the desire to “live forever” knows nothing about the functioning of the universe, and will be stuck on the wheel of samsara for all eternity.

Will I lie back and laugh as I die 🙂

Jun 29, 2023 5:07 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

No one knows anything “about the functioning of the universe.”

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 29, 2023 7:22 PM
Reply to  Howard

On the contrary…. we literally countless millions of properly-informed Spiritualists around the world know exactly re. ‘the functioning of the universe’. For (as I’ve said quite a few times, when I post on this subject, here on Off-G…) Spiritualism is the one and only ‘religion’ that can absolutely prove what it says.

People who are (as yet…) spiritually-unenlightened have no idea re. the functioning of the [in fact] multi-dimensional cosmos. But the countless millions of properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world do know how the multi-dimensional cosmos operates.
And, however closed-minded many materialists are, when told of the above facts, they will, one day (the eventual day on which they do what is so very incorrectly termed to ‘die’), discover (in a manner that will be impossible for them to deny) that what we Spiritualists said was indeed the truth.

Jun 30, 2023 4:01 PM

Please accept that the idea of a multi-dimensional cosmos is rather old hat. Scientists postulate it all the time. And it makes sense.

Now, I realize the multi-dimensional cosmos you are perhaps talking about would be quite different from what a materialist might envision. But the concept itself is not alien to non-spiritualists.

The bone of contention would necessarily be what drives such a cosmos. One side says Spirit drives it; the other says matter drives it.

FWIW, one of my pet “theories” is that time itself is matter and is created by living things. There can be nothing in a material world (a la Madonna, recently recovered from a near death publicity experience) which is not composed of matter.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 29, 2023 10:35 PM
Reply to  Howard

Probably because yourself dont have a clue yes? A very common mistake among the sheep :-).

Jun 30, 2023 3:52 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Clue, you say? Can I be Colonel Mustard?

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 1, 2023 3:28 PM
Reply to  Howard
Edward Bernaysauce
Edward Bernaysauce
Jun 29, 2023 9:38 AM

It’s Hebbening (or Not !)
I’ll take Shackles any day…
(wait, what ?)

Matt Black
Matt Black
Jun 29, 2023 9:18 AM

Is it Off-G’s policy to quote nihilist/cultic authors?

Kalvin Stardust
Kalvin Stardust
Jun 29, 2023 6:54 AM

Death is something you ignore when you are young, you fear when you are middle aged and you welcome when you are old.

Jun 29, 2023 5:55 AM

Everything this current crop of elites and politicians strive for and want is truly creepy:trans humans, immortality,medicalization of humans.They are voracious in their selfishness and cruelty.All the while spouting and branding everything “ eco and green” but are ultimately against Nature.

Jun 29, 2023 2:22 AM

We can ‘go’ at any time. So live life to the full while you can.Below are two of this life’s unavoidable realities:
So get your God designed immune system up to scratch. It’ll help you live life to the full and give you the incentive to avoid the rotting log pathway to enui.

“All flesh is like grass
and all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
and the flower falls,
but the word of the Lord remains forever.” (1Peter,1:24)

Like a rotten log

half buried in the ground –

my life, which

has not flowered, comes

to this sad end.

Minamoto Yorimasa


Jun 29, 2023 6:25 AM

Two quotes, one half-positive one half-negative, both memorable.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 29, 2023 1:58 AM

A Lin Dinh type of prose? After reading this article twice , I believe it would have been tighter as 3 or 4 separate tales Existentialism , Spiritualism , the Shackleton saga , culminating in the possibility of a living forever piece if one is fully vaccinated/medicated ? An intriguing effort nonetheless , thanks for it .

les online
les online
Jun 29, 2023 1:09 AM

I’m not really sold on the idea of living forever, not even for a couple of hundred years…
There’s ‘work life’ – a few more hundred of years having to work at dull grinding jobs; the government will move pension retirement age further and further into The Future; there’s only so many re-runs of movies on the teevee that a man can take; and i’d be driven insane by the non-stop chatter amongst the oldies of their health complaints, their numerous aches and pains…And i seriously doubt any youngster would want to make love to me (aka: have sex with)…No ! I’ll settle for 120 years, i think it’ll be all boringness after that…

Jun 29, 2023 2:17 AM
Reply to  les online

To me the crux of the matter is how intact your mind is.
A handful of people are pretty much born ‘senile’, while others in their eighties are brilliant and lucid.

The actual number of years doesn’t tell us very much when it comes to human qualities.
The ability to think is surely the most precious of those qualities.

Jun 29, 2023 6:33 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Also, we may find some changes or demands too unsettling. They will only concern us Morlocks, not the Eloi.

Jun 29, 2023 3:26 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes. That’s a good portion of the dilemma.

I suppose those of us who care should just try not to be unsettled so easily.
I believe things like that can be trained, but it’s hard to resist the pressure to give up and ‘fit in’…

When you see the people around you weeping and wringing their hands because they are ‘unsettled’, you don’t have to be unsettled too.

The reverse is also true, as I mentioned in another comment recently:
When the grumpy maths and history teacher, temporarily put in charge of the school camping trip out in the rain-drenched British countryside exclaim, in all seriousness, “Isn’t this fun, children?”, those who are not having any fun at all know very well that they are not having any fun at all.

But they say, “Yaaaay!” anyway.

Even if you keep it to yourself, it’s fine to know when you’re not having any fun, just as you should know when you are not particularly ‘unsettled’, even if most people around you seem to be.

Morlocks and Eloi are two retarded extremes of the same basic creature, but both can learn, if something sparks their brain into an awareness that there is an ‘outside’ to whatever particular box they happen to be in at the time.

Where that spark comes from, I am not wise enough to say, but for now it’s enough to know that it can happen.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 28, 2023 11:45 PM

Disgusting. Stop animal experimentation. We already know what makes us ill, fat and age prematurely. This sacrificial death cult called medicine needs to be brought down.

” Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.” ~ Albert Einstein

Jun 29, 2023 2:23 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The culprits are the ghouls who prop up a system of blackmailing doctors into either prescribing squillions of pills, or risking losing their livelihood.

That sort of pressure is hard to resist – especially when all their colleagues have already sold their souls.
After all, human beings in all walks of life like to think they are part of a solid group – safety in numbers, sort of thing…

Jun 29, 2023 4:11 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Agree absolutely. If scientists wish to experiment on living beings, let them begin with themselves. And if there’s anything left, then perhaps they can move on to some of the “lower” animals.

Jun 28, 2023 11:41 PM

The classic science fiction show Babylon 5 has an episode entitled “Deathwalker”. In this episode it is learned a female researcher known as Deathwalker has developed a method to make humanoid beings immortal. However in order to prolong one person’s life, many others must be murdered.

Jun 28, 2023 9:01 PM
Jun 29, 2023 6:32 AM
Reply to  eman

From your Link:

“Honest EU Commission staffers are being intimidated and terrorised by Von der Leyen … Von der Leyen, corrupt to the core regarding both covid vaccine contracts and her joining in crimes with Belgium and violation of Court Orders, is thought by some at the EU to be under blackmail by foreign powers, and this is related to Von der Leyen’s continuous posturing and promotion of military conflict in Ukraine.”

Matt Black
Matt Black
Jun 29, 2023 9:22 AM
Reply to  eman

Its all about money

lol another ‘cover’ story

Jun 28, 2023 8:15 PM

Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there’s hardly a healthy human left.

And that is why the world must walk away from the wicked wasteful western way of life before it ends all life on earth…

How the West Has Won

What Do You Think Is Worth Fighting For?

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jun 28, 2023 8:10 PM

I found it interesting that the world’s elitist cabal is pushing the goal of physical immortality. At some level in the hierarchy, as they are masters of the black occult, they know full well that the 3D experience is a complex illusion and simulation akin to an ultra advanced VR body suit, and the apparent loss of a physical body simply transfers incoming “sensory” information to the realm of the lower mind, often called the lower astral or 4D, and not being completely drowned out for the 99% by the “5 senses”  Obviously in regards to the glop shot, the upper hierarchy of the elitists have chosen not to tip off many of their fervent followers to this fact, as is obvious from the death of so many “celebrities” with 7 and 8 figure financial wealth who “died suddenly.” If one is aware that one’s consciousness will continue after the apparent loss of the physical body, then the mass of humanity will see a radical diminution of the fear of death. Since the transformation to their dystopia requires the fear level to be boosted to mega levels, this must be prevented. Any form of reality beyond scientism’s claim that nothing exists outside of the material universe is the philosophy promoted. Anything else is ridiculed.

It becomes curious at what level the real PTB tip off their minions. One piece of strong evidence is which politicians chose to attempt to secretly flaunt their own mandates purportedly and ridiculously preventing transmission of the fake virus. Two prime examples are Boris Johnson with his “partygate,” and Gavin Newsom (governor of CA) with his French Laundry partying. (Personally I find little appetizing about eating in an establishment titled the French Laundry, but I guess each to its own). Since these two psychopaths would never endanger their cursed lives deliberately, and neither have the mental acuity to figure out that the scamdemic was fake, higher levels of the Cabal must have tipped them off.

I was raised in a family that believed that the materialist tenets of Scientism were absolute truth, and it took me over 20 years before I started to question it. For those who would like to explore this area, I would suggest two books as a starter. The first is by neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, who came down with a severe illness and lay in a hospital for well over a week. During that period his brain totally flatlined and he would have been pronounced dead but for his family insisting that they keep him on mechanical support. His book centers about his vivid experiences while he was “braindead.” The second is actually a trilogy by the late Robert Monroe, an electrical engineer and highly successful radio executive of the 1950s, who at the age of 43 found himself unexpectedly popping out of his body and floating beneath his bedroom ceiling. His first thought was to wonder who was that man in bed with his wife. For the next 37 years he traveled out-of-body and described these adventures and conclusions in 3 books.



Jun 29, 2023 2:34 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

The idea of immortality sometimes seems to be most appealing to those who have no idea what to do with their lives.

Merely existing – like forever…?
That has to be just another definition of stupidity…

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jun 29, 2023 2:43 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Almost not worth replying to this smug response. For a creative person, immortality in the non-physical is like an endless canvas onto which to project ones creativity. Sorry you don’t fit that description so I guess you are better off dead (in the sense of lights out) after your three score and ten.

Jul 1, 2023 1:35 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

A misunderstanding here: You ought to know by now that I am not a smug person.

Perhaps you would like to re-examine my comment and see what you missed there:

I was talking precisely about those persons who are not creative – quite content with mere existence, yet who still live in lifelong terror of dying – as if they had more to lose than anybody else…

Of course what you say about creative people is absolutely true.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 1, 2023 1:52 AM
Reply to  wardropper

One can interpret your first sentence two very different ways. I will accept that I interpreted it incorrectly and offer an apology for my sharp response.

Jun 29, 2023 7:32 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Immortality – persistent identity and awareness – is a central tenet of the major religions, except those extant in East and South Asia. For the latter religions too, there is the long delay of repeated reincarnation.

Jul 1, 2023 1:52 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I don’t mean organized religion and its various denominations, mgeo.
I’m talking about the information that is available to anybody who approaches the subject of the spirit with healthy scepticism, yet also with an open mind and with critical thinking, regardless of the outward aspects of their faith, belief or philosophy.

I’d say there was in fact a hefty amount of resistance in the western world towards the idea of reincarnation, since that encroaches upon the influence which some institutions like to think belongs only to their priests.

But the good news for the Eastern and Southern Asian religions is that time, for the soul in question, does not remain on a constant scale between death and the next rebirth, so it doesn’t necessarily feel like such a ‘long delay’.

From what I understand, there’s a lot of work involved during that time too – no mindless thumb-twiddling while you wait… but of course it’s too vast a subject for discussion here…

Jun 28, 2023 7:57 PM

This world is a bridge.

Get over it.

Jun 28, 2023 10:56 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Probably for most of us, this world a task.

I believe the secret of life is to be aware of this.
I’m not talking about mankind as a crowd.
I’m talking about each, single, us.

Jun 28, 2023 5:59 PM

One of the saddest things which struck me listening to the audio version of Alfred Lansing’s “Endurance” was that shortly after returning from that miserable adventure a couple of his crew enlisted to fight in WW1 and didn’t last 6 weeks. Everything these elitists touch brings death and destruction; evil bastards all.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 28, 2023 7:57 PM
Reply to  rob2

You go through -30C freezing snow hills, windy storms, walk 50 km in Sahara in +40C heat, survive alone in a little boat on the sea in 90 days, to die of heart attack 54 year old because you got the vaxx for flue.

Jun 28, 2023 10:31 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Oh no! Is that what killed them? Wow.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jun 28, 2023 5:03 PM

No one escapes Judgement day.

Repent, be baptised and filled with the Holy spirit….

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 28, 2023 7:22 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

That’s not what happens after the (hugely misinterpreted) event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’. We do NOT get ‘judged’ by your merely imagined ‘god’. Literally everyone (including animals, birds, etc) survives (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’, and in that spirit body (which is the thing which literally animates our physical body ‘coat’ whilst we’re here on Earth, in each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes; for yes, reincarnation is also a proven spiritual truth of existence), we return to the very real, proven to exist Spirit dimension of this in fact multi-dimensional cosmos.

There is NO ‘judgement day’ in the way in which ‘christians’ have wrongly been told; after we each arrive back in the Spirit dimension, we each go through what’s termed a ‘Life Review’, in which we see literally everything which we said, did, thought, etc, in the lifetime we’ve [at that point] just left, and we ‘judge’ ourselves, in that way, ie, we judge as to whether we did (overall) well or otherwise; we judge as to whether we achieved the specific things which we planned (before coming to Earth, ie, whilst still in Spirit) to achieve. Etc etc.

There is NO ‘judgement day’ in the way in which [gullible, brainwashed] ‘christians’ have so wrongly been led to ‘believe’; ie, we (as the eternals souls which we each are) do NOT ‘stand in front of a ‘person’ called ‘god’ for ‘judgement’. That scenario was made up, by the evil hierarchy of the ‘christian church’, in order to control its gullible followers.

I never fell for ‘christianity’; our mum used to force myself and my younger sister to go to church with her every Sunday (whilst our then baby brother stayed at home with our dad), from when I was about 7 years old (ie, 57/58 years ago). But I refused to kneel down, in those forced church visits, and well recall giving the vicar my disgusted frowns when he stood in the pulpit, giving his ‘sermon’. And when we all had to traipse past that vicar, when leaving the church, I used to give him such a black look. For even at that tender age, I knew that ‘christianity’ was complete and utter nonsense.

I’m very proud that, just under 29 years ago, I discovered the proven truths of Spiritualism. I’m very proud to be a properly-informed Spiritualist. We are the only ‘religion’ which can absolutely prove what we say. There are 20+ (more than twenty…) different categories of the multi-faceted evidences which absolutely prove that we do all survive (in our immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’.

The mind/consciousness is NOT (as spiritually-unenlightened, materialistic doctors and scientists wrongly assume) ‘a byproduct of physical brain activity’; the mind/consciousness is completely separate from the physical brain. Consciousness operates/manifests through the physical brain, yes, but it is NOT created by the physical brain. Consciousness is what’s termed the fundamental substrate of this multi-dimensional cosmos. Ie, literally everything in the cosmos is consciousness (ie, spiritual energy), vibrating at different frequencies. Energy vibrating at [relatively] low frequencies creates what we term ‘physical matter’; and energy vibrating at immensely high frequencies creates what is termed ‘spirit’; including the immortal spirit body of each of us; for that is the real us, and that is how we, each and every one of us, survives the death of our physical body ‘coat’.
Since I began to learn all this, in 1994, I’ve carried out a very great deal of extensive, scholarly research into all this.

There are many people around the world who are lucky enough to possess the spiritual gift of what’s termed clairvoyant vision. And when they are in the presence of someone who is about to do what’s so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, they see (with their clairvoyant sight) that person’s immortal spirit body literally emerge from the ‘dying’ physical body, and return to the very real Spirit dimension.
Some doctors and nurses around the world also possess clairvoyant vision, and they have witnessed the immortal spirit bodies of ‘dying’ people literally depart from the latter’s ‘dying’ physical body. Some of them – the doctors and nurses who possess clairvoyant sight, and who thus have witnessed this – have gone on record, and documented their experiences of this. Thus they are very aware that the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory, face-value mere appearance.

‘Christians’ have been told a pack of untruths re. what happens at and after ‘death’!!
They’ll all have to face, when they return to the Spirit dimension, that they’d been well and truly duped, hoodwinked, by the vicars, priests, ministers, pastors, etc etc. Because 99.9% of the latter themselves have literally no idea what happens, at and after the wholly illusory event that’s wrongly termed ‘death’.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jun 28, 2023 10:10 PM

I used to believe for several years what you wrote about reincarnation. The late hypnotist and clinical psychologist, Michael Newton, was the most detailed advocate of it. But there were inconsistencies in it which really bothered me, which I won’t go into in this comment, and I came to the understanding that Newton’s depiction of the very pleasant between life interlude was disinformation, but not probably by Newton himself. I now believe, as did the early Christian 4th c. Gnostics as depicted in the Nag Hammadi writings, that reincarnation is a device by a malevolent interdimensional, parasitic force to suck us dry, and we should avoid their recycling center at “death” to continue on into a far more benevolent, spiritual universe.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 29, 2023 7:49 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I own and have read three of Michael Newton’s books (I own approx. 300 books on the survival of ‘death’ truth [my personal library has 1300+ books in it, all bar about 20 being non-fiction, and covering a multitude of different subjects], and have read approx. 1500 volumes on the survival of ‘death’ truth, since 1994).

Well, there’s quite a lot of evidence, in a number of forms, that reincarnation is a spiritual truth of existence. We’re all eternal souls, who have to live many, many different lifetimes, in order to gain experience of literally everything there is to experience – good and bad. In some lifetimes we incarnate as male, in others as female. We live many, many lifetimes in order to evolve, spiritually; to learn from the things which we do (good and bad) in those lifetimes.

I really don’t see how you can consider reincarnation to be ‘a device by a malevolent, interdimensional, parasitic force…’. There are, as I said in my lengthy post yesterday, many multi-faceted evidences which prove that we all survive the death of our physical body, and there exist evidences in several forms that reincarnation is a very real spiritual truth.
After many, many lifetimes (thousands…), we all progress up the spiritual levels. There are said to be seven (or nine… whatever number) of spiritual levels, starting from the one which we all return to [the latter is often referred to as ‘the Summerland’], after the wholly illusory ‘death’. The latter being a transitional event, and not an ending of life.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 29, 2023 12:08 AM

Have you read The Light of Egypt Vols I & II by Thomas H Burgoyne ?
It further elucidates some of the mysteries revolving around what we think is reincarnation.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 29, 2023 7:52 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

No, I’ve not read the books which you mention. Will look it up. As I’ve just said in my reply to el Gallinazo (a few minutes ago), since my spiritual enlightenment began in 1994, I’ve read approx. 1500 [fifteen hundred] books on the survival of ‘death’ truth, and own about 300 on that subject.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 29, 2023 9:55 PM

According to Burgoyne, spirit does not evolve via different species through reincarnation – which was a new idea for me….

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 30, 2023 1:13 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Most spiritually-enlightened people say that the data indicates that species do not ‘transmigrate’; ie, that the Eastern idea of ‘transmigration of souls’ (minerals evolving into vegetables, vegetables into animals, animals into humans, humans into animals, etc etc…) is not the truth.

The majority of spiritually-enlightened people around the world are aware that the data indicates that it’s very probably the case that each species reincarnates back into its own kind; ie, that humans will always reincarnate as another human. So, for eg, the eternal soul that is currently me, Christine, incarnated as many different humans in the past, and will reincarnate in the future as another human, and then another human, etc etc… (until the ‘wheel of reincarnation’ is completed, and the eternal soul remains in the Spirit dimension with no further physical incarnations, and progresses up the different levels of the Spirit realms).
That humans do not (for eg) reincarnate as a dog, or a beetle, or a horse, or a lion. That would be what’s claimed (by some people in the East) as ‘transmigration of souls’. But the very high odds are that that does not happen.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 1, 2023 10:47 PM

Thank you. Yes, that was what Burgoyne wrote also. Previously, I thought that spirit evolves from the “lower” forms to the “higher” forms.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 29, 2023 7:53 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I’ve just posted a short reply to you, but it’s been put into ‘pending’… hope it will be printed.

Jun 29, 2023 7:44 AM

Don’t be so hard on those who differ in beliefs. Some are born with a “spiritual bent”, some achieve (work towards) it, and some have it thrust upon them – to paraphrase Shakespeare.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jun 29, 2023 10:52 AM

God is spirit and you will be judged.
Gullible is believing the lies of Satan & that God doesn’t exist.
This is from a previous Atheist.
Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened unto you…

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 29, 2023 12:50 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

No, it truly does not work like that. You ‘christians’ have been hoodwinked, duped, re. what actually happens at and after the illusion that is wrongly termed ‘death’.
What I summarised in my post of yesterday, further up this page, are NOT “‘the lies of ‘Satan'”. It’s because you have been hoodwinked, duped, by the ‘christian’ falsehoods that you wrongly claimed that.

The Creative Power is what created the multi-dimensional cosmos and all life. That Power is a Mind, an Energy, and not a person.

I’ve been properly spiritually-enlightened for just under 29 years. I’m very proud to be a properly-informed Spiritualist. We are the only ‘religion’ that can absolutely PROVE what we say.

I have less than no desire to be a ‘christian’, I have less than no desire to read the ‘writings’ that are termed the ‘bible’.

We countless millions of properly-informed Spiritualists around the world are the ones who possess the actual spiritual truths. 99.99% of ‘christians’ (and that includes 99.9% of all vicars, priests, ministers, pastors, bishops, ‘popes’, etc etc) have less than no idea that we DO all survive (in our immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’!! That fact is why 99.9% of vicars, priests, ministers, etc etc, do not tell their gullible ‘flocks’ of the actual survival of ‘death’ facts: because they, the vicars, priests, etc, themselves are not informed on those proven facts/truths!

You can keep your ‘christian’ cr*p. I (and countless millions of other properly-informed people around the world) remain in possession of the actual, proven truths of survival of ‘death’ and the many associated spiritual truths of existence, which can only be found by becoming informed on the veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences which PROVE survival to be an absolute fact (including for animals, birds, etc: there exists a multitude of evidences around the world which prove that they, too, survive the death of their physical body in their spirit body form), in the way that I summarised in my lengthy post of yesterday, further up this screen.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 29, 2023 1:00 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

All the ‘christians’ on the planet should take heed of these few words, below…

“Meme – because”, at:


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 29, 2023 11:22 PM

All respect for your spiritual knowledge, but in my humble opinion you should avoid the “we are the only exceptional” theme.
There are too many ideologies out there, which have the weird opinion that only they prevail. This theme is also duly advised in the bible. All the best.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 30, 2023 1:21 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Spiritualism is not an ideology! It truly is the one and only religion that is able to absolutely prove what it states!!

As I’ve mentioned before (in my posts on this subject, here on Off-G), there are 20+ (twenty+) different categories of the multi-faceted evidences which absolutely prove that we do all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’, and also re. the many associated spiritual truths of existence.

I’m merely stating an incontrovertible fact when I say that Spiritualism is the one and only ‘religion’ that is able to absolutely prove what it states! Because it truly is able to absolutely prove what it says (re. survival of physical body ‘death’, etc)!

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 28, 2023 11:59 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Let’s start with the self-appointed elites.

Jun 28, 2023 4:27 PM

“I try licking the honey that once consoled me, but it no longer gives me pleasure.”

I read of a man who suffered first cancer and then depression. He said depression was worse.

Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Jun 28, 2023 4:02 PM

Everyone’s ho hum response to this type of stuff really illustrates how much science/tech have become the belief system. I’m reminded of a point in Neil Postmans excellent “Technopoly” – Postman postulates that the average Westerner is just as credulous as an average peasant in the middle ages – just swap religion/the church with science.

Jun 28, 2023 3:55 PM

Wonderful article, truly fascinating and illuminating. It sort of fell apart toward the end by injecting perhaps a bit too much hero worship for Sir Shackleton. His accomplishment was monumental – but so was Captain Bligh’s, and few honor him as heroic.

Certainly Shackleton was, of the three presented, by far the most admirable. How ironic though that what saved him was a whaling station.

Which brings into focus the larger issue of humanity’s ill regard for lives other than its own. Kill the whales for commerce; kill the monkeys, mice and other lab animals for science; kill hogs, cattle and poultry for food, elephants for ivory – and so on and on and on.

We humans have established long ago as one of our highest maxims that it’s perfectly okay to use “lesser” animals for the benefit of “higher” animals. Well, the mad scientists consider most of us as “lesser” animals; therefore it would be, by our own standards, perfectly okay to use us as test subjects.

Scientists, particularly biological scientists, are kith and kin to Hannibal Lecter.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jun 28, 2023 7:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

US didn’t necessarily mean The American people December 2019. Global transmission beginning 2000 linked to New York City. The BBC has been the Worlds largest Network of News for 100 years. The Web’s available to PEOPLE.
Me my Mother & Sister were aboard the Queen Elisabeth in Southampton in 1968. My Father Flew.
YOU, are Forever Six Hours Behind you 1923 cloud PeaNut.
Here’s a Red Cent buddy. Hint try the National Geographical Society we may call out as Alliance Atlantic you may call The Atlantic Alliance..whatever.
Furthermore, I’d stick to pre 1944 Time magazine’s before getting your lazy butt to the National Archive’s in Washington DC. Or trip to the Smithsonian Institution and last, I’ve personally been afforded the pleasure of being in the presence of artifact preservation from Titanic. If that does not emotionally move you,, nothing at all will man.

Jun 28, 2023 10:27 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

If I may quote from the movie “Taxi”: Are You Talkin’ To Me?

Jun 28, 2023 9:33 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yeah, technophilia as the death of nature. Artificial I.will prove this if it hasn’t already.

Jun 29, 2023 7:47 AM
Reply to  Howard

The early 20th century saw a demonstration that plants are sentient. When are you giving up all natural food?

Jun 29, 2023 4:26 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I am neither a vegan nor a vegetarian. However, though indeed plants are sentient, it’s a bit vague whether that sentience includes all parts of the plant. After all, many food crops re-grow their fruits and other edible portions.

I am not one of those who believes the Universe, hence what we call Nature, is benevolent. It is cruel and compels everything labeled as “living” to destroy something else in order to survive.

I’ve generally followed my mother’s lead and gone easy on the meat. But lately I’ve been concentrating on eating meat. Because I fear the psychos mean to reduce these beings to fat to use in their fat burning generators – which, as per the documentary “Planet of the Humans,” is a fate far worse than being slaughtered for food.

Jun 28, 2023 3:36 PM

Jeshua conquered death and you can too, if you believe in Him.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 29, 2023 7:59 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Literally everyone survives death (in their eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form. See my lengthy post of yesterday to Paul Watson, a little north of this post.

Surviving the very illusory ‘death’ does NOT depend on ‘believing’ in some nonsensical merely claimed to exist character (‘jesus’, ‘yeshua’, whatever…). Like many other people who think for themselves, I do NOT give away my personal power by ‘following’ some merely claimed to exist person/character. All ‘orthodox’ religions are man-made, in order to control the gullible masses. The actual spiritual truths are the truth, and there are a veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences which prove that they’re true. They do not depend on ‘believing in’/’following’ some claimed person who may or may not have existed.

Jun 29, 2023 9:50 AM

Personal power? Lol. You would have no power if not given by God.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 29, 2023 7:33 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

There is of course a Supreme Creative Intelligence which created the multi-dimensional cosmos and all life. But that Supreme Intelligence is a Mind, an Energy, and not a person.

We are, each and every one of us (including animals, birds, etc) all eternal, immortal spiritual beings: eternal souls; the real us being the immortal spirit body which is the real us: and which is what literally animates the physical body whilst we’re here on Earth, in each of our eternal soul’s many, many different lifetimes.

At the very illusory ‘death’, our immortal spirit body literally emerges from the ‘dying’ physical body, and returns to the Spirit dimension of this multi-dimensional cosmos. People on Earth who possess the spiritual gift of clairvoyant vision, when in the presence of someone who is about to do what’s so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, literally see (with their clairvoyant sight) that person’s spirit body literally depart from the ‘dying’ physical body.

There are also some doctors and nurses around the world who are lucky enough to possess clairvoyant sight, and they, too, when with someone at the time of the latter’s ‘death’, see (with their clairvoyant vision) that person’s immortal spirit body depart from the physical body and return to the Spirit world. Some doctors and nurses who are lucky enough to possess clairvoyant sight have gone on record and documented their experiences, as above. They being some of the literally countless millions of properly-informed people around the world who know that the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its immensely illusory, face-value mere appearance.

Jun 29, 2023 10:23 PM

There are still a couple very crucial unanswered questions. First and foremost, why do such beings as you describe take a physical form at all? You say it’s to keep experiencing one thing after another until they reach a given spiritual plateau. That implies they begin as not much more than demons, without any enlightenment whatsoever. Which means they GET enlightened by these very “shells” they so easily abandon. So who is the vehicle of enlightenment: the spirit or the physical form?

Then, second, comes the age old question which I’m sure spiritualists get all the time: why is there absolutely no sense of anything prior to its current incarnation? And I will caution you that it simply will not cut it to give a pat reply that this spirit DOES retain just such a sense but it chooses not to share it with the current shell. Or the other pre-fabricated answer that SOME super enlightened spirits do allow their shell to glimpse past incarnations.

This “shell” which the “spirit” uses then discards is from all indications the truly wondrous entity – and not the “spirit.”

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 30, 2023 2:02 AM
Reply to  Howard

The real us is (no matter what you want to ‘believe’ to the contrary) the eternal soul/spirit being which we each are; that it’s our immortal spirit body which literally animates our physical body ‘coat’/’shell’ whilst we’re here on Earth (in each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes).

The reason why most (but not all) people are unable to remember (at their conscious level of awareness, in this lifetime) their soul’s previous lifetimes (incarnations) is because, each time a soul comes to Earth (or to other physical planets in the multi-dimensional cosmos… there exists data that many, if not all, souls also experience lives on other physical planets in this multi-dimensional cosmos), it has to go through some sort of ‘amnesia’ process; precisely in order that, whilst in that new lifetime on Earth [or wherever], that soul will not recall (at their Earth-level of consciousness) the very real existence of the Spirit dimension/Spirit world from whence they came, but also in order that that soul will not [consciously] recall any of their many previous lifetimes. This forced amnesia is carried out precisely so that we are able to concentrate on our current Earth-life, and not be ‘hampered’ by memories of the Spirit realms or by memories of previous lifetimes.
For, as many spiritually-enlightened people around the world point out, say, for eg, someone currently on Earth was able to recall some of their eternal soul’s previous lifetimes, and in one or more of those previous lives, they’d done something bad (of whatever nature). Then the conscious awareness of having done something bad in an earlier incarnation would prevent that soul from living their current life in the way they were meant to do. In order to try to achieve in that current lifetime whatever they’d pre-planned, before coming to Earth, the major things which they wanted to achieve in that lifetime.

The data shows that the multi-dimensional cosmos did not have any beginning… that it has literally always existed. And that that is also the case for all the eternal souls which exist. That we are each, every one of us, an eternal soul, that has literally always existed: that there was never a time when each soul did not exist; ie, that there was never a time when souls were ‘born’, in Spirit. That (however it works) all souls have literally always existed, and always will exist.

Souls were NOT ‘demons’ prior to coming to Earth (or wherever else in the multi-dimensional cosmos)!!
The Supreme Creative Power that created the multi-dimensional cosmos and all life (which the majority of Spiritualists, including myself, term ‘the Supreme Creative Power’, or ‘the Supreme Creative Intelligence’, or similar terms, but which ‘christians’ term ‘God’… the irony being that a large percentage of ‘christians’ are totally uninformed re. the actual fact of survival of ‘death’ and the facts re. the actual Afterlife) created the eternal souls, but in some way, they (we!) have still existed for all eternity already, without having been ‘created’ at a specific point in ‘time’. I know that sounds like a contradiction. But the truth is something on those lines.

Many toddlers, and children up to the age of approx. 6 or 7 or so, do have conscious memories of one or more of their previous lifetimes, and conscious memories of the very real existence of the Spirit dimension, from which we all originate. Once they get past those ages, in most cases their conscious memories of the Spirit realm and of some of their previous lives go into their subconscious, and they don’t recall them at their ordinary conscious level.
There are many documented examples, worldwide, of my last seven lines of writing. Re. toddlers and young children having conscious memories of Spirit and of one or more previous incarnations.
Some of these are documented in books. One such is called “The children that time forgot”, by two British authors, Peter & Mary Harrison. That book contains some excellent examples of what I’ve summarised, above.

Another excellent book on that is by two of your fellow Americans, called Dr Wayne Dyer & Dee Garnes: the book being entitled “Memories of Heaven: Childrens’ astounding recollections of the time before they came to Earth”. That book also includes some of the childrens’ memories of previous lives.

And one by another American on the same topic: “Life before life: a scientific investigation of childrens’ memories of previous lives”, by Dr Jim B Tucker (an American psychiatrist; he took over the work re. this subject from the hugely-esteemed [now ‘late’] psychiatrist, Dr Ian Stevenson). They both worked/work at the Univ. of Virginia in your US of A.

There are also some adults who have conscious recollection of one or more previous lifetimes. They’re not so numerous as those of toddlers/young children who still have such memories, but there are documentations of some adults still retaining such memories.

No, it is most definitely not our physical body ‘coat’/’shell’ that is the ‘truly wondrous entity’!! In all truth, Howard, our physical body is ‘dead’ all the time: it merely seems that it’s the physical body that is the thing which is alive, because the real us, ie, our immortal spirit body, is what literally animates our physical body ‘coat’, and thus makes it wrongly seem as if it’s our physical body that is the thing which is alive. When the actual thing that is ‘life’ is each person (and animals, birds, etc)’s immortal spiritual body: that which literally animates our physical body ‘shell’.

Jun 30, 2023 3:15 PM

Children are natural born story tellers. Plus, they are by evolutional design totally self-centered: it’s a survival mechanism. Plus, they cannot separate fact from fiction the way adults can.

Consequently, whatever they think up, to them, may have actually happened. And they are always the center of their imaginings: it didn’t just happen, they were right there watching it happen, or else it was happening to them.

My personal “theory” is that it’s the introduction of sports into their lives which changes all that and causes them to lose their natural ability to imagine.

Whatever the case, children simply cannot be cited as proof for past lives.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 30, 2023 4:53 PM
Reply to  Howard

You are (very unfortunately) immensely closed-minded, Howard.

If you’d actually read some of the numerous cases (of children all over the world spontaneously recalling past lives), you’d be aware that many of their accounts (and in each case, the toddler/child never varied what they said; they kept to the initial account) have been researched in detail, and found to ‘check out’. Ie, some of the accounts that have been researched in this way have led to its being discovered that the person which the child described having been, in a past life, and where the child had described recalling very specific events and people in that past life, actually had lived, and the related events had taken place. Ie, the toddler/young child had NOT been ‘making it all up’.

There are so many cases (in many countries of the world) which have been researched deeply, in this way. And if you stopped being so closed-minded, and actually carried out some research into this, then you’d take a very different attitude, I can assure you. There are (as I’ve just said) many of these cases that have been looked into, researched, over many decades, and the results demonstrate that the young children are NOT merely fabricating what they say. Categorically, they are NOT making it all up.
Being closed-minded will not enable you to acquire the knowledge of these big truths of existence.

I mentioned a few books in my post to you at 2am this morning, here in the UK (the one which you’ve just responded to).
One of the many cases of a young child recalling a previous life which has been written up into a book is that of James Leininger, an American. He first started having the memories when he was a 2-3 year old child (he’s now somewhere in his 20s). His father was quite a fervent ‘christian’ (somewhere on the ‘christian fundamentalist’ spectrum…), and when he and his wife heard their then young son saying that he recalled being a pilot in the 2nd WW (with very specific details and names being given by the young boy), he, the father, was terrified, for reincarnation was totally against his ‘christian’ beliefs.
However, he carried out a great deal (and I mean a great deal… ) of extensive, in-depth research into what his young son had said, and what he found stunned him. The book is called “Soul survivor”, and is by the parents, James Leininger [and his wife; I can’t recall her name; Andrea?].

And that, the James Leininger case, is merely one of many which have been researched/looked into, around the world.
I mentioned to you in my post of early this morning the now ‘late’ Professor of Psychiatry in the Univ. of Virginia, Prof. Ian Stevenson. He and his colleagues carried out huge amount of research into childrens’ relating of their conscious memories of previous lives. And his successor, Dr Jim Tucker [whom I also mentioned, in my post of early this morning] has also done some of those researches.

You really do need to open your mind, Howard! You’re denying things which have immense amounts of high-quality data to support their veracity!!
As I’ve said to you before, here on Off-G, on this subject, on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, you will indeed discover, in a manner which you will not be able to deny, that survival of physical body death (in our immortal spirit body form) is the very real truth. And then, in that very real Afterlife, you will discover that reincarnation (we, the eternal soul/spirit being that we each are, having past lives, and future lives… after the conclusion of our current lives…) is indeed the truth.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 1, 2023 9:54 AM

Edit: the authors of the book which I mentioned in my post above, “Soul Survivor” (the parents of the then little boy who related his memories of having been a pilot in WW2) are Bruce & Andrea Leininger.

Jul 1, 2023 5:08 PM

Clairvoyance is a fairly well documented phenomenon. However, seeing or knowing of something which happened in the past or which is now happening somewhere – is not the same as the clairvoyant actually having been the person it happened to.

It’s possible there was some connection between the person having the occurrence and the person or child seeing it – something which was not recorded in any “official” document.

Following the old dictum of discarding every other explanation until there’s only one left (so the one left must be the true explanation), I must point out that we are not yet down to only one explanation left.

My mind is indeed closed – closed to anything which we will “find out” only after we die. Isn’t that the old Christian goose step simply refurbished and given a new name?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 1, 2023 8:38 PM
Reply to  Howard

You should research one of the aspects of the reincarnation evidences, that of birthmarks… the now ‘late’ American psychiatrist, Prof. of Psychiatry @ the Univ. of Virginia in your US of A, Prof. Ian Stevenson, either side of 20 years ago (can’t recall which year) wrote and published a book re. the etiology of ‘birthmarks’, with regard to cases (worldwide) which provide huge evidences to support the claim that reincarnation is indeed a spiritual truth of existence.
Ie, that there are many people around the world (some adults, as well as many children) who have conscious memories of one or more previous lives, and they recall [for eg] having, in one such previous lifetime, having been shot. And they have (what humanity terms…) a ‘birthmark’ in two places on their current body: the exact places where a bullet in the recalled previous lifetime would have entered, and exited, that previous physical body (and that is not a case of “little kids seeing some marks on their body, and pretending that they remember having been shot in a past life”. There are many, many high-quality cases, which contain the most amazing, specific details, which (as I mentioned in my earlier post), when investigated by serious researchers (eg. Prof. Ian Stevenson and his earlier colleagues, and those researching the subject now), all ‘check out’, re. the claimed previous life.
For eg, there are children in, say, the US who say they recall having been a man who lived in England, that he had a wife and a large number of children. He gave his specific name, in that earlier lifetime. And that they lived in an area of England which the child specifically named. The little American child then said that one of his many children was killed by a train in a specific year in the 19th century.
Serious investigators began to research this, including that they went to that part of England, and researched the Census records for that period of the 19th century.
They tracked down, in that Census, the family whom the young child in the 20th century had said he recalled having been, in a previous lifetime. And they tracked down newspaper records, and found a report of one of that couple’s children having been killed by getting caught by a passing train…

Many accounts of young childrens’ conscious memories of previous lives contain details every bit as specific as the one which I’ve summarised above.
And when questioned, they never change the details. If an investigator deliberately tries to make them change what they’d said, deliberately misquoting some aspect of what the child had said, the little kid says, “No, that’s not what I said, I said this“. And reiterates the very specific details which they’d been stating, right from the start.
And some of these little kids are just 18-24 months old.

I can’t recall the title of Prof. Ian Stevenson’s book re. birthmarks, in relation to reincarnation cases [he wrote a number of other books on reincarnation, all of which are very highly esteemed; I own one of them], nor have I read it (when I looked it up online approx. 10 years ago, it was priced at something in the region of £100+!).
There are other books and writings on the same subject area, but I’m aware of a lot of the data which it contained. I won’t go into that data, for I’d be here all night, relating it all… (and what point would there be for me to do that, when you’re admittedly closed-minded on this!!). I’ve summarised it very briefly, in my earlier paragraphs in this post.

If you did actually research the subject of young childrens’ memories of previous lives, you’d be stunned.
For (as I said in my post yesterday), it’s most definitely not a case of ‘little kids making up stories’. The many very high-quality reincarnation cases from around the world are the exact opposite of ‘little kids fabricating stories’.

As I’ve said in my posts here on Off-G re. the survival of ‘death’ truth, there are 20+ (twenty+…) different categories of the multi-faceted evidences which provide incontrovertible proof that indeed we do all survive (in our spirit body form…) the wholly illusory ‘death’. Which is a transitional event, and NOT an ending of life/consciousness!

Jul 2, 2023 5:33 PM

I sincerely wish you would stop calling death “illusory.” It is NOT illusory for the body itself – which for most if not all people is themselves.

I once had a “psychic” reading wherein the “psychic” said I’d been stabbed to death in a previous life and that there was an oriental man looking for me to ask my forgiveness.

I don’t know. But I do know I’ve always had a very strong fear of anything sharp. But then again, I’ve always been highly impressionable and generally far more sensitive to my surroundings than those around me.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jun 28, 2023 3:36 PM

By now, we’ve pretty much all learned that alkalinity is the key to a healthy body. Keeping the body at slightly higher levels of alkalinity than acidity will prevent the body from creating brittle bones and teeth, which we used to think was just a result of “natural aging”. The top acid creators are alcohol, animal products, caffeine, environmental toxins, sugar and stress/anger/hate. Basically, the SAD (Standard American Diet).

Just as over-acidity kills oceanic life, so too does it kill the human body. Adding organic RAW greens every day and choosing ozone therapy (NOT intubation!!) as a healing modality help to maintain high levels of oxygen for proper cell function. Cancer cells are caused by a low oxygen (anaerobic) inner terrain.

So if your brain is manufacturing hateful toxic chemicals, it doesn’t matter how much money and tech you pour into achieving long lasting health. Hate negates.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 29, 2023 12:18 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Spot on!

However, curiously, coffee has a slightly alkalising effect according to its PRAL value (potential renal acid load). That is, without sugar and dairy, of course.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jun 29, 2023 1:16 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Of course they would hijack “food is medicine” and distort it mean anything but health:

“The Food is Medicine Agenda”. Get Your One Health Token from the WHO. “Bioengineered Food, Lab-grown Meat and Insects”

“Part of this is a new “food is medicine” agenda, including from the White House, which isn’t nearly as holistic as it sounds. Instead, “food is medicine” is the phrase “being used to campaign, launch programs, change policies and financing, aggregate data, tie the health care industry in with the food supply, and ultimately screen, track and control people through food,” Lynn says.

It’s a smokescreen, under which more people will be ushered into the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC), and similar initiatives so digital food tokens can be implemented. This allows for the tracking and control of people’s food purchases.”

“Once you’re locked into receiving food tokens, you’ve fallen into their trap. Who’s “their”? Lynn has previously described key organizations pulling strings behind the scenes, allowing them to “operate as ghosts without transparency or accountability.” These powerful organizations enjoy unrestricted privileges and layers of immunity, allowing them to exert control over the globe.”

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 28, 2023 3:13 PM

And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

Being stuck in this world for an unnatural amount of time is hell.
Look into infinity without flinching.

Jun 28, 2023 4:11 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

“Unnatural amount of time” is a double edged sword (what isn’t?). Those whose lives are drastically shortened by war, pestilence, famine have also lived an “unnatural amount of time.”

But perhaps that’s the point: for every X-many who die before their time, one of the “elites” gets to live a few seconds longer.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 28, 2023 5:11 PM
Reply to  Howard

I understand your point and agree. I would not be surprised if certain persons of TPTB get some kind of charge from the wonton death of people.

There are also “legends” and “myths” in other books that suggest that early in man’s existence there were those that lived 100s of years, even half a millenia or more.

Based on the history we know, and are taught, we have always had pestilence, war, famine and premature death.

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Jun 28, 2023 2:33 PM

Ain’t no “we” about it. This an “elite” only project that will fail, likely with mass casualties.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 28, 2023 2:28 PM

Brilliant Karen. A man couldnt have written this article better, about men, real men.

Doily Mcmahon
Doily Mcmahon
Jun 28, 2023 3:34 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

God, if only there were male writers who understood men.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 28, 2023 5:55 PM
Reply to  Doily Mcmahon

:-D. The only one I can recall is Jack London, one of my favourites as teenager.
“The Call of the Wild”, “Martin Eden”, “White Fang”. I know Tarzan is bad taste, but they are not that bad for young boys. “Opar’s Jewels”, m.m.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 29, 2023 10:49 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

So you are clicking 6 down votes and run home along the floor panels.
Couldnt you contribute to the civilised world with just an little argument so the world could enjoy your besser wissen?

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 28, 2023 2:13 PM

Korea has just delivered the world’s first robot conductor. Can’t wait to hear its interpretation of the ode to freedom.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 28, 2023 5:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And if we have robot listeners the circle will be complete.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jun 28, 2023 10:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Captian Pugwash
It’s dated 1968 for earthlings. middle class Male dummies can use the earrings. Fav, dictum is an…”Eastern Christmas Cracker, put these in the Wndow lad they’ll sell like hot cakes.”
Pray tell when we can yawn! experience the Rollout…..of this Eastern Turkish delectable tonic cloud fizz bombshell. 200+ Lindquist device?…us five olds cant wait. Cool.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 28, 2023 1:34 PM

Ahh the promise of science extending life, or even ‘to live forever’, haven’t we heard that before? Just like the cities on mars, bases on the moon, carbon neutrality, gene editing, and artificial intelligence, all fantasies that have been peddled and will continue to be so for more decades to come.
The only artificial intelligence is that of the science minions that cheer and swoon over The Science rock star of the day.
False teachers will come to tell them what their itching ears want to hear. And make a fortune in the process.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jun 29, 2023 1:00 AM
Reply to  Geo Martin

US Public’s Science was out of control for three years, as they more typically do by design its seen as speculative opportunist and an increase in their own portfolio. The vast amount of American people have had little or no experience with people from across the Atlantic for a hunderd years.

Jun 28, 2023 1:29 PM

Elon Musk is a beginner at killing monkeys compared to Jonas Salk who killed tens of thousands for his vaccine that didn’t work. This somehow doesn’t stop Salk being a big hero to Compatible Leftists. ‘Survival of the Wisest’ indeed….

P.S. Some commenters have asked on previous threads what Oceangate was all about so FWIW here’s my 2p worth. As usual, it was an op loaded with Occult symbolism. Firstly, the sub was originally called Cyclops so there’s the one-eye symbolism. Ocean-gate suggests a portal and the sub was descending into the abyss which is of course where Satan was confined. Descent into Satan’s realm suggests ‘Dante’s Inferno’ and one of the levels of Hell is ruled by the Titans, ‘Titan’ being the sub’s final name. This may sound far-fetched – but James ‘Mr Titanic’ Cameron made ‘The Abyss’ and whaddya know if Ed Harris’s character in that film isn’t called Virgil and Virgil was Dante’s guide in the Inferno! That’s a coincidence or two too many. Credit to Bazed Lit Analyzer for the Dante insights and ‘The Abyss’ spot. It’s also worth pointing out the 1898 novella ‘Wreck of the Titan’ predicted an 800-foot liner sinking on its maiden Transatlantic voyage by hitting an iceberg. The narrative seems crafted to appeal to left and right – it offered the left a hubristic CEO (Stockton Rush sounds like an Ayn Rand character) and the right can blame his ‘wokeness’. The main take-home is not to attempt to explore places with extreme conditions (like the upper atmosphere or arctic regions) without military oversight. Is this because they care about our safety – or there’s something to hide?

P.P.S. Wjile we’re trying to work out Oceangate and the Wagner whatever-it-was, they’re doing the Karl Rove quote about power and reality. Matt Hancock has redefined lockdown as a tragedy… for him (complete with more of his emoting routine). The big problem with lockdown turns out to be it wasn’t early enough or strict enough…. but they’re going to be really ready next time. This sort of narrative and expectation management is the sole reason for public inquiries (certainly now, probably always).

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jun 28, 2023 3:40 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Jonas Salk, considered a hero today, revealed himself to be part of the eugenicist agenda in his 1972 book, Survival of the Wisest. Here is a thorough breakdown analysis of it. 

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 29, 2023 12:29 AM
Reply to  Edwige

We already know that mainstream medicine regularly “sacrifices” billions of animals as part of their quest to develop products that will build their investors’ wealth.

And Sayer Ji in this article asks: “Has Drug-Driven Medicine Become a Form of Human Sacrifice?” – Sayer Ji Founder of GreenMedInfo

After the past three years, I’m convinced it is.

Jun 29, 2023 6:53 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Sex ritual ITS that simple. everything they do it about the creation or ending of it.

cyclops is a penis entering the ocean yonny on solstice = fertility.
of course they have to have death during the highest point of the year longest day and night.

1 eye= symbolic of the penis.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 28, 2023 1:22 PM

When you no longer have a reason to live then all you have is mere duration.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 28, 2023 1:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Nihilism: when quality is replaced by quantity.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 29, 2023 2:08 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Not by any definition of Nihilism I’m aware of ? As Ayn Rand discovered when mixing Neitzche with John Wayne /Gary Cooper style Libertarianism , the product of that union is nihilism not Objectivism .

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 29, 2023 10:30 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

As I understand it, nihilism is pure emptiness of meaning. And there can be no more precise demonstration of that than the focus on time as pure duration, the soulless ticking of a clock, the faceless procession of seconds, minutes and hours. In one memorable phrase – which I think stems from a native American: “Without spirit we are merely flesh waiting to die”.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 28, 2023 2:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Giorgio Agamben’s “bare life”?

Jun 28, 2023 4:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They gradually take most people’s reason to live over a lifetime. Every time a child says he wants to be such and such when he grows up, he is expressing a part of him that is rather anathema to the “ruling elite.”

They only want people to be what THEY want people to be.

Jun 28, 2023 8:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes George, since “Time was not, because it lay asleep in the infinite bosom of duration” According to the Stanzas of Dzyan.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 28, 2023 1:00 PM

This is one issue on which two utterly opposed minds agree:

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche.

“I care more how humanity lives than how long. Progress, for me, means increasing the goodness and happiness of individual lives. For the species, as for each man, mere longevity seems to me a contemptible idea.” – C S Lewis

Admittedly CSL refers to “how”. But he opposes this to “how long”. And it is clear he refers to the reason for living rather than banal quantity.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 29, 2023 5:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Roots. Wouldnt you be proud of having a grandma being 100 years old? I would be so proud.
The elderly you get, the more you appreciate to have those who are elder than yourself.
Africans, Arab world, Latin cultures knows a lot more about this. Regrets to East and China I dont know enough about this continent.
One more time, our superficial Western world dont make the test.

Jun 28, 2023 12:54 PM

Pseudo-science (‘media science’) will not stop until we have a sub-human chimera sitting in the Oval office.

No… wait…!

Jun 28, 2023 11:13 AM

Death, Life, wars, Corparasites, none of it is as important as the BIG NEWS. Yep: Ryan Seacrest will be the new host of America’s Wheel Of Fortune !! (As reported on Australia’s ABC). Seriously.

Jun 28, 2023 5:09 PM
Reply to  Johnny

That’s because both Johnson and Belmonte turned it down. So that left only Ryan Seacrest.

Jun 28, 2023 11:01 AM

Our body is a vessel that we use to get from here to there. Some vessels drift off. Others are on cue. Yet others do not seem to be fit for purpose. Some are torpedoed. Nature doesn’t care for the simple reason that we all live forever.

Old stuff…

Jun 28, 2023 10:32 AM

Buddha, not Tolstoy, said it first. Zen Story: The Tiger and the Strawberry | End of the Game

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 28, 2023 2:49 PM
Reply to  Jimbobla

The bible is spam??………………………..LOL.

Jun 28, 2023 10:27 AM

How can Life end when science can’t even pinpoint how and when it begins?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 28, 2023 5:18 PM
Reply to  Johnny

When life begins it is supported by an independent other (the mother). So you can argue about whether ‘life begins’ when an egg is fertilised, when a foetus can survive outside the womb or other random arbitrary points. A fertilised egg certainly can’t survive outside the womb and several don’t survive within it (natural levels of very early miscarriages).

When you are at the end of life, you do not have an umbilical cord connecting you to a healthy food supply and life can be determined to have ended when: a) the heart no longer beats; b) breathing has ceased; and c) all brain function has ceased; and no medical interventions will cause any of those three to return.

Of course, that ‘inability to restore vital signs’ is not an exact period of time, merely being a continuum moving from high possibility to progressively lower possibility to effectively zero over a period of time.

It’s fairly safe to say that someone whose body has ceased to function for 24hrs can be safely declared to be dead….

Most of us won’t waste our lives philosophising over minutiae in this field, I have to say.

Jun 28, 2023 10:35 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I think all the nonsense about when life begins and when it ends is one of the biggest drivers of the fear of death.

Perhaps it isn’t so much death per se that people fear as it is what happens to them if they’re not really dead. They’ll either be cremated or buried.

Perhaps that’s why, for eons, the rich have opted for crypts rather than graves?

Jun 29, 2023 8:10 AM
Reply to  Howard

Fears relating to the period before death may dominate:
-. money: paying for treatment or care
-. who will provide the care: lack of hospice
-. how much difficulty care will entail.

Jun 29, 2023 8:04 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Agree. Yet, over centuries, we have the rare reports of people reviving at the wake or funeral, even after the coffin has been closed.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jun 28, 2023 9:49 AM

Nice, meaningful text. Food for thought people desperately need.

To answer the question, “Which approach to life inspires you? Belmonte’s, Johnson’s, or Shackleton’s?”, I say none. They can all kiss my ass.

I have my own way. IMHO, everybody should.

Jun 28, 2023 7:57 PM


Jun 28, 2023 9:24 AM

A few years ago, an Israeli university reported a simpler approach to improving the genetic (telomere) health of middle-aged adults. This involved breathing in oxygen in a pressurised chamber a few times a week. On the other hand,
-. this may become too expensive or prohibited for the masses
-. there is no prospect of fixing our “civilized” unhealthy lifestyles
-. of the hundreds of thousands of substances in use, most are untested for safety; many known to be poisonous (“harmful”) remain in use or have become a permanent part of the environment.