It is always about the children

Sylvia Shawcross

I hesitated to write this piece for two reasons: I’m not a member of the 2SLGBTQI* community and therefore do not know the experience and most importantly because this whole issue is a terribly divisive issue. Those who would prosper from pain are very good at divide and conquer.

If you ever venture into the vast wasteland of daytime TV or YouTube personal channels you will find so many of the broken people. They may weigh 600 pounds, or they may be lying in the gutter from alcohol addiction, or dancing zombie contortions on city streets or frantic with panic or rage disorders or criminals of many different types.

And if you spend time there you will find an almost I’d say 80% commonality of these humans who have hit rock bottom and beyond. And that would be sexual abuse as children. In almost every single case. There it is.

It has literally come to the point of almost having us believe that sexual abuse of children is the norm and not the exception. Do not spend time there. It is depressing and sad and only occasionally triumphant. So far. There are no medals awarded to those who triumph but there should be. In a victim world, they truly are the victims.

And I just want to ask the community of 2SLGBTQI+ something.

I ask this in understanding that their road has been difficult. They have won some hard-fought battles and have now legislation in law that allows them the same basic rights as all of us. They have fought battles not understood and they battle on. I make no judgment on this as I am not familiar enough with it to know what it is that is being asked of us all now. In my day I have understood that people were people and to each their own.

You do you and I do me and we all live together on a crazy planet doing no harm hopefully.

I understand the over-kill of the pendulum now to normalize things but the danger of course being the pendulum will swing radically to the other side.

And that is not good for anyone. I wish this community some peace. It has a history thousands of years old. It is not new. It has always been with us.

The persecution is not new either. They wore their pink triangles at Auschwitz, were tortured, driven out, murdered, legislated against from time immemorial for simply existing. And in some countries this continues.

It is a history of some significant pain and persecution. We must all remember this backdrop when we see what we think is complete craziness out there.

Why such shenanigans? It is a community likely being taken advantage of as a political weapon of choice to bring division. All cultural revolutions come that way.

And the radicals are pushing the envelope. It is perhaps time for the moderates, the vast majority of the 2SLGBTQI+ community to take charge and in a very vocal way. In the interests of us all. Lest the pendulum swing so far right we all end up in a very bad place. But that is neither here nor there. That is not my question.

If you are a parent there are things that keep you up at night. One of the greatest fears of any parent is their child will be either abducted or sexually abused or both. That’s a visceral fear unlike any other. And in the wasteland of broken adults out there, we can see why that fear is justified. The admonition to children not to take candy from strangers and not allow adults to touch them inappropriately is an ancient teaching. Because it is an ancient fear: the vulnerability of children.

These days in the more modern era of course, that admonition is not because there is a fear their children will become a member of the 2SLGBTQI+ community necessarily but to preserve their innocence until such time they can make these decisions rationally and with the benefit of life experience and adult critical thinking.

As children they have some curiosity, some sexual in nature, but at the end of the day, they are not “that into it.” They have a million other things they want to do and learn. This preoccupation with sex is not a child’s world but the pervasive ethos of adults these days it would appear. Selfish adults.

Children really don’t give that much of a damn at least until puberty but adults apparently want to make them give a damn. The usual form of child abuse these days when adults force their own agendas on children. It is heartbreaking to see.

I was watching the skirmish at a Pride event in Ottawa, Canada outside a Board of Education facility over sex-ed curriculum. I was struck by the in-between. That place between two raucous groups where the commonality lies and it was indeed that both sides cared about the children and were in fact fighting for the children. One side to protect children from growing up with prejudice against what may become their 2SLGBTQI+ choice and the other to protect children from being groomed and exposed to what some might consider pornography.

Why could these two sides not recognize their common ground? Why could they not talk?

As a 2SLGBTQI+ parent or not and anyone who may be a parent, such times are frightening. Parents right now are fighting for the right to have a say over their children’s curriculum and the radical left’s opposition to this may seem fully justified however it is a slippery slope. I’m not so certain all parents and particularly teachers understand that slippery slope.

If you relegate the sexual/gender education to school boards that are then backed up by current government regulation and enforcement you end up not just without parental rights but tyranny. The government changes against your wishes and the mechanisms are now in place to prevent you from protesting what is happening with your child. And as a teacher you will be obliged to teach it even if you disagree. It can happen both ways.

In these situations, parents end up afraid of their own children. We have seen this before in history. It was the children who said the wrong thing in front of the wrong person or who actually turned in their parents to authorities. We’ve seen it in Maoist China, Stalinist Russia, Hitler’s Germany. To make such comparisons at this point in the debate may seem over the top but there are parents out there right now who are afraid of their own children. The very best of what we may have achieved in this country prior to the present madness was the ability to find common ground and compromise and negotiate. We must not lose that.

And if there is one red-line it is children. If there is one place where common ground and compromise matters this is it. And it isn’t so much a matter of religion or spiritual beliefs so much as it is children are not able to protect themselves against adults that would do harm. And it “is” harm to teach graphic sexual education to young children, familiarizing them with the idea and possibly leading them right into harms’s way. And harm’s way is not good.

This is not conflating the 2SLGBTQI+ movement with pedophilia except to suggest that age-inappropriate sexual education can lead to some serious predatory opportunities on innocent children who do not understand that all that sex they’re learning about isn’t always rainbows and sunshine. And the continuous focus on this with children is harmful in ways we will not ever really know until the deeds are done and we have a whole slew of new people on daytime talk shows. Are you celebrating sexual freedom or are you leading children to harm?

With pedophilia when you sexualize children for an adult’s desire it takes away their power and their trust. It takes away their sense of autonomy and safety. For a lifetime. It is a hard row to rehabilitate. Judging from some of the material now being taught to children, it normalizes adults discussing graphic sex with children and in some cases that touching children sexually is okay. Not all of it of course, but enough of it.

Those that may do this rationalize it as a loving act and an education. It is not. Pedophilia is an adult’s wish. It is rationalizing the unthinkable. The pain it causes is horrific. And no, it is not because there is a prejudice against it that is causing the harm, it is simply harmful. No child with their small bodies wants to be hurt and dominated and frightened and used like some kind of tool for gratification. And hurt they are. Little boys and little girls. We see the results.

Someone may be a “minor-attracted” individual but it does not give them any right whatsoever to do such harm. The Pope said there was a special place in heaven for pedophiles. The assumption is they ask for forgiveness. Their need to dominate children is a cross they carry but it is not acceptable under any circumstances to act upon it. We have at least learned this. Try watching daytime TV stories if you doubt this. It is not because these broken adults who were sexually abused as children were stigmatized. It is because they were damaged by selfish human beings who knew better.

I want to ask honestly if the 2SLGBTQI+ community that has fought so hard for their own rights can’t see that they are leading children to harm?Normalizing something they are too young to understand.

I honestly am perhaps naive enough to believe that this is not something this community can agree is okay. Sex education is fine. Teaching biology and the basic understanding of accepting different forms of sexual identity is simple enough. Then move on to other things. There is no need for it to be centerstage ALL the time. Anti-bullying laws are in place and are perfectly adequate to handle these situations without all this furor.

The moderates among you need to seriously become more vocal. Lest you end up all being seen as groomers. That’s what happens. And the pendulum swings.

Sylvia Shawcross lives in Canada. Visit her substack.


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Jul 4, 2023 2:38 PM

Fascinating subject to me as a gay man who came out in the late 80’s at age 18 but who’s finding it increasingly hard to reconcile my belief in human freedom with my sense that freedom is being weaponized for a very top-down agenda that I may have been playing out in my own identity. I can say this for sure: although I felt a strong need to hide it because I knew it was counter to society, being gay felt very natural. It took MUCH LESS than porn to awaken my sexuality at a prepubescent age. Neither of my parents were fans of homosexuality when I was young, though they would turn out to be highly loving and tolerant people who, after adjusting to the idea, kept right on loving me as they had before I came out. Even then, I had a sense that my early protests against a discriminatory world would be co-opted by entrepreneurs who would turn the whole movement into a market. Probably much like my heterosexual counterparts in youth, I experimented with social boundaries, and it may have taken longer than most elderly people would have wished for me to realize that my raucous freedom imposed on the freedom of others, and also that I didn’t need as much attention as i thought i did. I am now well beyond old enough to have had those realizations and wonder frequently about the right balance. While I think many minority impulses are perfectly natural if not widely shared, e.g., dressing up, homosexuality, etc., I am worried about three things in getting the balance right: 1) how to quickly recognize rackets that weaponize tolerance, e.g., tolerating children who experiment but NOT tolerating corporations who exploit them by turning them into a surgical/pharma revenue stream; 2) how to foster a society that doesn’t require consensus on social issues, e.g., gay marriage, pronouns but gives reactionaries and progressives an equal shot at a peaceful society filled with freedom; and 3) how to preserve the maximal public space for truth even when it is triggering of existential though irrational fear. As for the recent emergence of transsexuals, this may be another case where Ted Kaczynski‘s technology society has converged enough pent-up fantasies, enough easy money, and enough technological cheapness to create a market, and so the entrepreneurs are off to the races and those with an anti-population or similar agenda are able to exploit it all.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jul 4, 2023 4:26 AM


The abréviation says it all. Can it be any more dysfunctional? Any more divisive? Any more stupid.

It’s no different than the concept of reverse discrimination , it being exclusively for those who discriminate. A vale to hide behind all those …. things.

Do we honestly think that this community has no inclination to discriminate against people who perhaps feel no need to flaunt or celebrate their orientations? Im convinced it’s not even a sexual orientation anymore. Can I even call it that?

Homosexuality has been around since the beginning of humanity. It’s a part of it.

Organized Religion played its ugly role not so long ago. It went both ways.on one hand, a safe harbour to homosexuality that could turn to exploitation and worse and on the other a society aligned to condemned and shame.

Hypocrisy pure and simple. Just like reverse discrimination, this organized movement is full of the same stupidity that makes up the majority of humanity.

Instead of preaching inclusiveness and understanding, compassion, these fools preach the exact opposite as they hide behind their disguises.

It’s these same fools that continue to discriminate on the basis of ones sex and the colour of ones skin.

Halloween is over kiddies. Time to go home.

Jul 4, 2023 3:43 AM

Thanks Sylvia,

Anyone who hasn’t yet, please watch the interview with Jennifer Bilek called Who is Behind the Trans Agenda.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 3, 2023 3:48 PM

From Midnight’s Children

“Children are the vessels into which adults pour their poison.”
– Salman Rushdie –
(Born June 19, 1947)

Jul 3, 2023 3:34 AM

We should take into account it was supposed to be about the right to get married. Was it not?

Jul 3, 2023 1:23 AM

I believe my daughters sex education was provided by the girls around her who were older, seemed like a good system. Now, at 25 as her father, we discuss men and relationships more than ever, I just tell her what was going through my head as a man at her age and what goes through my head as a 50 year old. I want her to have no illusions.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 2, 2023 6:03 PM

The most dangerous places for most children are their homes where 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 boys are sexually abused by fathers, uncles, brothers and some times their grand fathers and mothers.

The second most dangerous place for children is the organised fucking church.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 3, 2023 3:50 AM

What’s the third..crossing the equator or throwing a boomerang upside down?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 3, 2023 3:45 PM

I don’t know Marilyn. Sexuality seems to go back about as far as human history. My guess is sexual “experimentation” is quite NORMAL. The abuse of the definition of normal is the abuse…

Andrew Robinson
Andrew Robinson
Jul 2, 2023 3:20 PM

I was a supply teacher until a few years ago which is a source of joy to many of the children when they show up to class and see a face of supposed authority in front of them who they haven’t seen before- an opportunity to do whatever they please. I can’t remember the number of times I’d hear something along the lines of “Oi, sir! Check this out…(on one of the ubiquitous mobile phones) this something would usually be along the lines of a woman being pleasured by a horse, a graphic gang bang or some pretty sadistic shit. Pornography is so commonplace it hardly passes comment in staff rooms when you raise it as an issue. This is where we’re at. The trans thing is is just one facet, the marketing of sex and sexuality is relentless and directed. I’m a child of the 60’s, why do I find it so shocking but I do

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 2, 2023 4:31 PM

What is really sobering is to realise that the “stiff-upper lip fuddy duddy killjoy Conservatives” actually had a point when they complained about the permissive society. And all that exhilaratingly “subversive” behaviour has turned out to have served a purpose so illiberal and indeed fascistic. Order out of (deliberately created) chaos.

Jul 2, 2023 4:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

So true. 😥

Andrew Robinson
Andrew Robinson
Jul 2, 2023 5:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

yes, so true, I watched a clip of Mary Whitehouse not long ago and found (some) of what she had to say was very prescient,definitely not something I felt at that time which was “who is this reactionary old witch and why doesn’t she shut up”

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 2, 2023 8:14 PM

The BBC filmed a drama called Filth: The Mary Whitehouse Story in 2008 with Julie Walters in the title role. It sported the usual “middle of the road” approach where “both sides” were presented in a typically ham fisted way. The Whitehouse family were depicted as lovable “Ovaltineys” i.e. like totally innocent anachronisms oblivious to the unintentional humour of their campaigns (e.g. the Clean Up National Television spelling out CUNT). The “dark side” of the this contingent was shown by clumsy signalling like a woman coming out her quaint cottage with a black eye.

The “other side” was presented by Hugh Bonneville as Hugh Greene (director general of the BBC – not to be confused with Hughie of Opportunity Knocks). They were the “permissive” lot represented by dialogue like the following:

“Pass the sugar.”
“What’s the magic word?”
“Pass the fucking sugar!”

With all such balancing acts, it wasn’t going to please anyone. Whitehouse herself would have loathed it.

There is a kind of “postmodern” gesture at the end when two journalists come to photo the Whitehouse couple and, after they’ve taken their shots and they’re leaving by the gate with their subjects still smiling blissfully in the background, one stumbles and comes away with an outpouring of expletives. The point is not that people use that language. Of course they do and they always have. It’s that their expletives can now be transmitted totally uncensored on TV. On reflection there’s something quite significant – and smug – about that moment: the triumph of the TV medium over personal privacy.

The real issue here is that the old society, for all its “backwardness” was a living face-to-face society which laid down rules that everyone knew and followed. The new permissiveness was purely negative i.e. it was defined by what it was against rather than what it stood for. As to what it stood for, well – that was sheer permissiveness itself. Tits out, music on, drugs in, wind up, chill out and consume consume consume.

Herbert Hawkins
Herbert Hawkins
Jul 3, 2023 8:54 PM

The media at the time deliberately portrayed Mary Whitehouse as a reactionary old witch that need to shut up, you were mearly a sheep following the script provided at the time, as was I. Looking back it’s was obviously a ploy to smear and silence any criticism of the subversion that the same media was disseminating.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jul 4, 2023 4:39 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I’m pretty sure these “killjoy conservatives” produce the bulk of the trash you’re referring to – or at least the jist of what the article is inferring to.

Jul 2, 2023 4:51 PM

The irony of the situation is that trannyism actually represents the end of sex in every sense: both the sex act as well as sex-as-determined-by-chromosome. The so-called ‘sexual revolution’ ends up by committing suicide.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jul 4, 2023 4:37 AM

Sex is not the problem. Eroticism is interpreted in different ways. It too have been around for a long long time.

The difference is it’s just more redly accessible today as many things are. Everything travels faster now. It spreads easily. This can be interpreted as bad and good.

The horror of wars past and present. Is that any worse? You can also watch that 24/7.

All this forces us to make choices and this is where one can get lost very easily.

I used to say rules are for fools. As I have grown older … and perhaps a bit wiser, I realize that fools need rules.

Jul 5, 2023 8:39 PM

How awfully sad 😞

Jul 2, 2023 3:00 PM

There is no 2SLGBTQI-whatever “community”. The word “community” is now like a used and discarded condom, and almost always refers to a small online demographic of autistic savants and other computer/mobile phone zombies who control the internet discourse.

There are no 2SLGBTQI-whatever “moderates”. The initials stand for a false identity, and an ideology based on extreme behaviour and whatever pleasure and thrills come from it. They are hooked on the illusion of power and free will that comes by bending nature’s designs, and at the same time they are victims of natural ecological processes which restrict reproduction when a species is over-crowded and/or suffering habitat destruction and toxicity from pollution.

Other animals have been observed to have sexual dysfunction/ non-reproductive and abnormal sexual behaviour when under these conditions.

Jul 2, 2023 9:54 AM

That photo really happened. LOL

I was in the town the other day and 33 trannies holding dildos and they came up to children dressed in army go get the gimp outfits and started telling them story’s.

In the real world any normal person who isnt indoctrinated by the MIC alt media would say your off you nut.

Pure bullshit. staged fake photos with nursery times with cross dressed 6.5 white bearded make up male with black man cock.

Only in the indoctrinated by the MIC alt media would someone ever not be able to tell reality from fiction.


Go to your town or city center and see if this trannie thing really happens……….

ANSWER is NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now as you’ve been to the town city center or on the way your see something very perverse. Shocking to me
this new fashion.

Young girls ladys mainly wearing summer outfits like skin tight shortsgym shorts (used to be called cycling shorts in my day) showing camel toe and all sorted made fashionable by kardashians or reality tv stars as normal wear.

Jul 2, 2023 4:53 PM
Reply to  Woowoo

So if these photos are faked or stage, then what’s your evidence?

Jul 2, 2023 5:10 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Going into city’s / towns to see 👁 .
not alt media TV by M..I . C.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 3, 2023 3:03 AM
Reply to  Woowoo

Course photo shoot is fake. The Black lol! is Japanese for the monkeyman.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 2, 2023 9:53 AM

If this to bait babies boys teenagers men both sides of the Atlantic then it’s up to the Parents. Mothers.

Jul 2, 2023 1:05 AM

WTF is this expanded version of the old “alphabet soup”, this “2SLGBTQI”? You put an asterisk after your first instance of it, then never followed up with the explanation. Sloppy writing, Sylvia.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Jul 2, 2023 11:25 AM
Reply to  Joshie

typo… the * was supposed to be the +. But who cares really….

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 3, 2023 12:09 AM
Reply to  syl shawcross

Who really cares + – pos/ negative at a Job Centre your positively right. No- one need listen when nothing is coming out.
SO, let’s try instead to get Men squabble over the own appendage and see if we can also insult our friends whom maybe also Jewish as well as American.
Well done.

Jul 1, 2023 11:51 PM

I hate having back to back comments – it’s rather tacky.

Be that as it may, I notice that among all the comments on pedophilia and what-not, no one has yet mentioned one of the most egregious things adults do to children: circumcision. The wanton mutilation of newborn males.

That this inhumane practice is allowed to continue contradicts just about any mealy-mouth concern society expresses for its blessed events.

Jul 2, 2023 1:07 AM
Reply to  Howard

Circumcision’s a great thing. I llke my circumcised dick immensely. And my boys are happy with theirs, too. Keep your smegma to yourself.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 2, 2023 7:48 AM
Reply to  Joshie

If you like it why be soo sensitive does that include circumising girls women or just new born baby boys. Seeing today the whole Science over Medical Practice is fully available Day and Night, including WHO, why not. We don’t in the British Isles, Boys or Girls practice Circumcision.
Thank you

Jul 2, 2023 3:33 PM
Reply to  Joshie

You and your boys never got a chance to see your dicks uncircumcised. And that’s the point: babies aren’t given a choice.

I know someone who chose rather late in life (his 50s) to get circumcised – but that was HIS CHOICE. It wasn’t forced on him.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Jul 3, 2023 3:21 PM
Reply to  Joshie

“i had my boy’s dick tip lopped off so I can get my Jewish “points for style”.”

You agreed to have your kid’s dick mutilated.
Nice Dad.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 2, 2023 7:59 AM
Reply to  Howard

Thank you Howard.

Jul 2, 2023 9:06 PM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks Howard. I have long thought that the trauma resulting from this archaic practice creates a rage within males that goes deep, for their entire lives.

Jul 1, 2023 9:52 PM

Well, today’s the big day in Maryland My Maryland: Pot becomes legal.

Not that that’ll change much. To give just one example: my neighbors in the condo next to mine already smoke pot 24/7. So I don’t know how much more they need.

Oh, I forgot to mention: there’s a little girl, around 3 or 4, living there. So far as I know she’s well treated. But the pot smell comes right through the wall (and there’s also a firewall) into my condo. So just imagine how much “second hand smoke” that toddler is getting.

And you can also imagine how many households have the exact same situation.

I think it’s safe to say when she grows up she’ll be a pot customer just like the rest of her family.

There’s no LGBT going on. But, as the Frida song says, “I know there’s something going on!”

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 1, 2023 10:38 PM
Reply to  Howard

Not into the weed, are ya Howard. Well, that’s freedom man. And so what if the kid grows up and smokes weed. Are you like, from the fifties?

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 2, 2023 9:18 AM

It’s separate from a break outside at work smoking a fag. THINK! If your “Kid” hits addictive level, they will Never be in a worthwhile Company Career and they can forget a Corporation! That means Global, do you understand. That’s gone out period.

Jul 2, 2023 11:29 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Unlike tobacco, weed in itself is not addictive.
However, if someone has an addictive personality, anything can serve as a drug -sex, alcohol, psychopharmaka, risk taking, work, eating. Weed is actually the least harmful.

they will Never be in a worthwhile Company Career and they can forget a Corporation”
Well, they might not like to be wage slaves in the first place. There are many ways to earn a living. Weed can enhance the creativity and lateral thinking.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 3, 2023 12:57 AM
Reply to  Karin

I agree, both science medical can also branch off quietly away from mainstreaming to put it politically, stink holes that they have to deal over without burning their handling over hemp. It’s a ridiculous situation that should never have been implemented to begin with and suffer the implications therein from.

Jul 2, 2023 11:14 AM

Smoking weed as a youngster has been proven to negatively influence the brain chemistry, while the brain is still developing. It can bring about general apathy, anxiety, even paranoia.
However, the older you get, the more beneficial it can be
It is our responsibility to protect our children until they are ready and informed enough to decide for themselves. That’s freedom.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 3, 2023 1:40 AM
Reply to  Karin

A person paranoia behavioural patterns are easily explainable as having a lack of intelligent presence. You may finally become aware of as private social blipping.
In company in the uk …a lack of just being yourself is easier to discern as annoyingly fictional among your Pals.

Jul 2, 2023 1:08 AM
Reply to  Howard

What does this have to do with the subject matter of the article in question? Hey, Facebook is the place to crap on with irrelevant garbage. Why don’t you stick with that?

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 2, 2023 9:41 AM
Reply to  Joshie

It’s US UK site why not Twitter what’s wrong with Facebook?

Jul 2, 2023 3:38 PM
Reply to  Joshie

Shhh! Don’t read the article now. But here’s a clue: “It is always about the children.” Not always about LGBT. So, children being exposed to pot very much falls within the scope of this article.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 2, 2023 8:38 AM
Reply to  Howard

There’s some sort of internal conflict going on over the whole thing, as the more clear part of the plant is being grown for medical marijuana without the addictive qualities. One reason is to clean up the supplement industrial 1900 Ersatz Fem.”Gringos”. Formaldehyde known as “Neo-Mothers across America’s”.

Jul 2, 2023 3:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

You should probably report them to the police like a good citizen, because pot is Satan’s ploy to corrupt young children!

Jul 2, 2023 9:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

I love my weed but exposing a child to clouds of smoke 24/7 can’t be a very good thing. It’s still a drug that effects brain cells…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 3, 2023 2:03 AM
Reply to  Lupa

Hence we are back at the west coast beginning of the 24/7’s , dictorial 1900’s. Fear pornographic whose only facial direction is forever eastward. While reaching up and pulling down their favourite catalogues from Canada.
Whom they’ve 20th Century look for as a convincing argumentive statement.

Frommer Bischkva
Frommer Bischkva
Jul 1, 2023 9:48 PM

You are too kind. Very few LGBT+ people alive today experienced any kind of discrimination, at any point in their lives, for simply being gay. Their movement has simply been taken over by radical crazies and, in a variation on an all-too-common theme, the remaining and increasingly fewer sane ones are too chicken shit, or too caught up in everyday life, to speak out. It’s been a hallmark of the last 20 or so years that you rock the boat and defend sanity only at your own risk, and lately those risks have become unbearable for many (loss of job, friends, and family, being blacklisted, becoming unemployable). That is why, for example, female college athletes continue to humiliate themselves by allowing men into their competitions, and why fat cats like the Williams sisters, who have probably together made close to a billion dollars from tennis, have not uttered a word about this ongoing farce. I wonder how all the ‘ovas and ‘chenkos playing tennis would react if Rafael Nadal showed up at one of their events in a skirt and lipstick.

Jul 1, 2023 11:39 PM

I suspect one reason the “sane ones” as you put it don’t speak out is simply because, not being obsessed with what transexuals and other radicals are doing, they haven’t paid much attention to these trends.

Most people, whatever their orientation, really do mind their own business.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 3, 2023 2:06 AM
Reply to  Howard

For once Howard couldn’t agree more.

Jul 2, 2023 9:16 PM

“taken over by radical crazies” some of whom have been paid to get in there and divide the successful LGB community. We, I speak for many LGB ppl, never wanted the TQ from the get go. And now we have the opportunistic men “self-ID” to mess with women and children.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 1, 2023 9:12 PM

I found out today about a young man who was “transitioning”. I tactfully asked what “the deal” was and he (supposedly transitioning to “she”) told me that he …um she …oh fuck it – he is obviously still a he (and frankly always will be) is undergoing hormone treatment and wants to go the full surgical hog but will have to wait 8 years since there is such a backlog and apparently only one scalpel man in the whole country.

So …. a bit of research and ….

Gender reassignment surgery in Scotland for male-to-female genital surgery costs, on average, around £10-11,000 per patient.

I am informed that “(i)t comes amid a growing public awareness of gender dysphoria in the wake of high-profile celebrity transitions such as Caitlin Jenner – formerly known as Bruce Jenner.”

So … a bit of number estimation and ….

£10,000 per person (at least) for so many that there is an 8 year backlog. Obviously we don’t know how much that is but it’s a fucking lot.

But where will all this money come from? Well ….

The (ex-)son of a work colleague has just had the job done – and apparently is now experiencing ecstasy the likes of which no-one has ever known. The surgery that he underwent had to be paid for by extensive charity exercises by friends and family knocking themselves out.

So let’s just recap on the above in relation to the sad decline of regular services (and try not to vomit):

I muse on the drying up of funds for – you know – actual treatment for actual illnesses, cancelled operations, increasingly remote medical personnel, chemist assistants now taking on the role of doctors, declining support for the elderly and disabled etc.

I muse on the fact that up and down the country vast reams of ordinary folks are strenuously engaged in all manner of charity events and novelty engagements probably involving enormous physical strain and, I daresay, downright embarrassment – all for the sake of raising huge sums of dosh to raise funds for genital mutilation for youngsters who have been hypnotised into a state of artificial depression. And – the cherry on the cake! – all this furious activity is being cast as a marvellous well-meaning saintly effort to help out these poor vulnerable unfortunates.

So the collapse of publically funded health service for real ailments is mirrored by the rise in “grass roots” funding for genital mutilation with a smiley compassionate face.

And I think to myself what a wonderful scam. 

Jul 1, 2023 9:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Seriously? You think people would give up surgery needed to save their own child so that someone else’s child can get a new gender? I’m scared of Scotland!

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 1, 2023 10:59 PM
Reply to  Howard

The “beauty” of it is that it’s compartmentalised. The decline in regular i.e. real health care happens over here and is a matter of some mysterious “failure of the system under siege from an unprecedented pandemic” etc. whilst the parents campaigning to “save” their “trans kids” happens over there and is an “ad hoc” matter fuelled of course by relentless “feel good” stories in the ever accommodating media.

And I doubt if Scotland is much different from other places.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 3, 2023 2:29 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Not the Bay City Rollers, it must be tuff on the Clans.

Jul 2, 2023 6:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Those trannies invading the classrooms of young children could be doing some of the hypnotising. Utterly barbaric, as distinct from what adults choose to do.

Jul 1, 2023 9:02 PM

Yes, one of satanism’s main goals is to pervert the minds of the little ones, the younger the better.
That’s why LGBT agendas are primarily directed to children!!!

Jul 1, 2023 9:44 PM
Reply to  Luís

Luis: that’s bs.

Jul 1, 2023 10:13 PM
Reply to  Howard

That’s because you never researched satanism!!!

Jul 1, 2023 11:43 PM
Reply to  Luís

Truth cannot be quantified. Undoubtedly there’s a wealth of data out there backing up claims of satanism. But the sheer quantity of information doesn’t prove or disprove anything.

Jul 2, 2023 12:12 AM
Reply to  Howard

Amigo, satanism exists for millennia, since ancient times… since the world exists.
For example, already in ancient times pagan societies worshipping Baal threw their little children inside a big woven inside a big statue of Baal.
History is filled with records of satanism. And to understand this, you need to know that paganism is directly linked with the occult, the occult being satanism.

Jul 2, 2023 3:20 PM
Reply to  Luís

Satan is an invention of abrahamic religion which is only a recent phenomenon in human history.. “The world” is much bigger than you realise.
“Paganism” is a term created by christian genocidal maniacs to label anyone who did not accept their false god.

You are regurgitating christian brainwashing and a distorted history. I am not sure why this site attracts these type of comments straight out of the Bible Belt.

Jul 2, 2023 3:45 PM
Reply to  Luís

Satanism is quite distinct from godism. Baal and the various other entities children (and others) were sacrificed to were considered gods, not devils.

There is, quite simply, infinitely more blood on God’s hands than on Satan’s.

Jul 2, 2023 5:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

If by ‘God’ you mean ‘Jehovah,’ you’ve got a point.

Jul 2, 2023 9:25 PM
Reply to  Luís

I don’t lump all abrahamic religious ppl together so I would appreciate it if you didn’t lump all pagans together with satanists. There’s a right hand path, a left hand path, a middle way…
And don’t lump all LGB people in with the TQ agenda. Just knock it off.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 1, 2023 8:04 PM

Excellent article Sylvia. I would like to add my take to everything you wrote (which I concur with completely).

Obviously, the whole Woke thing is a psy-op, but I want to deal with the “tranny” aspect of it. First, this comment refers more to the USA than Canada. It is estimated that what was referred to as gay or homosexual people represent about 4% of the total adult population. I would regard that as a significant number. Adult (until the recent madness) trannies have been estimated as 0.4%, a not so significant percentage. What is undeniable is that this “movement” is spearheaded from the top down, i.e. from giant corporations, banks, and .gov. This was certainly not the case with the US civil rights movement which was a grassroots bottom up movement of the 60s. The FBI gunning down MLK was not an example of tough love, though his expansion of his movement to economic justice and ending the Vietnam war was more central to his murder than racial equality. It was a bridge too far for MLK.

Since these uber elitists don’t give a rat’s ass about the wellbeing of trannies, we must look for another powerful motive. A company like AnheuserBusch  has shown itself willing to lose tens of billions of dollars alienating its purchasing base and destroying its brand in order to show “solidarity” with the movement. Since this is in violation of what psychopathic oriented corporations regard as their “fiduciary duty” to their shareholders, something more powerful must have its thumb on the scale. Now their duty is to their “stakeholders” and the Anal Schwab’s ideology. These corporations, such as A-B, need constant access to credit. This is gained from either the TBTF banks or the giant holding companies like Blackrock and Vanguard who control funds greater than the vast majority of countries’ GDP. When given the choice of making a “really stupid” marketing decision or quick death from credit deprivation, they will chose the former. In the end it will not matter, as to BBB first, the current structure must be completely razed.

I wish to make a brief aside regarding same sex marriage. First, a federal law was passed in 1996 banning same sex marriage. Since marriage laws are in the batting zone of the states, this law has no power of enforcement. However, it is being ignored by pseudo federal agencies such as the IRS I believe which is allowing same sex couples to file jointly. I do not regard any law whether federal or state as progress. Government is parasitic and has always been so ever since the strongest and meanest asshole of the tribe decided to make himself boss and collect the bounty of the rest by force. It has no right to get involved in people’s most intimate agreements. Particularly not ones involving no harm to either. When one kills a stranger in his town he is a murderer. When one kills 1000 strangers as a soldier, he is a hero.

But back to Sylvia’s point on the unspeakable evils of pedophilia. Pedophilia is not a natural human development and almost all pedophiles have been sexually abused as children. And though Gallop has never done a poll on this for obvious reasons, by far the highest rate of pedophilia takes place among the very, very rich and politically powerful, and often in the form on incest. This is the primary manner in which they pass on their evil insanity to their next generation of monsters. (Since this is getting way too long, I will finish up by making three claims.)

1) The immediate goal of the “rainbow” movement is to shed violent discord into society, the very old divide and conquer routine going back to Sumer and beyond, and to severely mentally damage children.

2) The next goal is to decriminalize pedophilia and then to make it “natural,” so our overlords can rape the children of their serfs without fear of reprisal.

3) The end goal is the “Build Back Better” society. This will be an amalgam of Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984. Neither were master psychics but were members of the Fabian Socialists and had access to the long term agenda of the “secret societies.” Huxley was Orwell’s French tutor at Eton and inducted him into the “Society.” Probably the most remarkable thing about Huxley’s world was that women no longer birthed children, but rather they were grown in vats, and varying amounts of alcohol were added to the evolving fetuses to reduce their cognitive and physical abilities which put them in precise classes. This is a long term goal of the “movement.”

As a personal belief, I believe our Overlords have a fetish for raping children because they are demonically possessed, and these demons or archons, can partake in their 3D sensory experiences. And these demons get an intense thrill from destroying the minds and innocence of children. Is it any wonder that Jimmy Saville was BFF with the current king and the queen requested that he try to mediate the issues between him and Diana?


Jul 1, 2023 10:10 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I think you may be overstating the case against LGBT.

It appears that Anheuser-Busch grossly underestimated the negative response and is now trying to reverse course. Same with Target. The trouble with Woke is that it’s only widespread in its Media presentation – not in reality.

I disagree also that the “Rainbow” thing is top-down rather than bottom-up. Events like the Stonewall Riots in New York in 1970 (which, admittedly, many in this forum see as a psyop in itself) are certainly bottom-up movements. What’s happened is what happens whenever anything becomes successful: the parasite class uses it to enrich themselves and further whatever agenda they’re pushing at the moment.

I’m not only leery of such binaries as Left-Right, Democratic-Republican; but also such binaries as Bad Guys vs Good Guys, Sheep vs Shrews. If only things were that simple.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 2, 2023 12:24 AM
Reply to  Howard

To keep it short, Howard, as I wrote in my original comment, I don’t think that A-B top management people are that out of touch or stupid. I think they had a financial gun held to their heads. The male gay segment of the population as far as we can tell was 10 times as large as the LGBTetc. prior to the start of the psy-op. I think that the Stonewall movement was organic. Whenever you see a “movement” like this spring up out of nowhere in weeks, you can be sure that it is a deep state globalist psy-op. The grunts in the movement itself is what the CIA would term “useful idiots.” My son teaches a computer related field at New York University and is totally on board though, but so far, no dresses. He has a huge IQ but that doesn’t stop one from being a useful idiot in a psy-op. I don’t think the parasites hopped on board a moving train. I think they engineered it from the start, planned it for at least a decade, got all their ducks in a row, and it has been quite successful. It is like the covid scamdemic. Just name one large corporation, one branch of government, federal, state, or local, or educational institution down to the second grade drag queen story hour that wasn’t loudly on board from the very start. All the bureaucrats and managers got their marching orders.

Frankly, I do not care at all if 25 year old men decide to cut their dicks off or 25 year old women want to cut their breasts off as long as I don’t have to pay for the surgery. It’s a free country /s Or clothe themselves in dresses, pants, togas, jockstraps, or bikinis.

Just leave the children alone.

Jul 2, 2023 3:59 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

First of all, it’s quite a stretch to say something like the Stonewall Riots sprung up out of nowhere. The cops had been harassing the gay bars for years before the patrons had enough. Things happen every bit as much because of the boiler plate mechanism as because the CIA or some such deep state entity decided to set it up.

Being a Wikipedia junkie, I always happen upon unusual things. One such was a similar incident in Germany during (if I recall) the 1930s. It’s no secret that gays have been persecuted since human societies evolved. Nor is it much of a reach to suppose at some point they respond.

As to trannies, cross-dressers and what-not appearing in classrooms, the responsibility lies with school administrators who invite them in. Granted, if they had good sense they wouldn’t accept those invitations. But, unfortunately, people can’t always put the greater good above their personal wishes (oops: did I actually mention the big bad boogie man: “greater good?”)

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 2, 2023 8:35 PM
Reply to  Howard

Well, you misunderstood my meaning about the Stonewall Riots, but it was my fault for not making it clear. I wrote, “I think that the Stonewall movement was organic.” By that I meant it was bottom up, grassroots, not a psy-op. My mistake in writing was to switch in the next sentence to describing the Tranny movement which is so incredibly a top down, major psychological operation very comparable to the scamdemic. So obvious that its like being hit in the face by a 40 pound cold, dead codfish. School administrators are being paid handsomely by the Dept of Ed for bringing in these drag queens to prance around in front of seven year olds.

Jul 2, 2023 3:40 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Sounds like another commenter with reading comprehension issues and terminal paranoia who believes Orwell and Huxley were “Fabians” and wrote those books so as to bring forth the things they are decrying.
It is the same philistine mentality as the one that believes that if a film or work of art/ fiction displays something, it is promoting it as a good thing.

There is a word for this cognitive failure- maybe it is “literalism” ?- and it is championed by “god fearing” bible readers who believe they are reading human history (over and over again).
It is the same mentality that makes people like the Taliban ( and their iudeo-christian predecessors some centuries ago) destroy precious cultural heritage ( that they could never produce with their crude faux culture).

Jul 2, 2023 9:42 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

“the Anal Schwab’s ideology” I love that. I might steal it ;->
I’m down with all you’ve writ here. That last paragraph is big truth. The O-lords with their demons love and crave the energy of children.
Do you know of Bernhard Guenther’s work? Piercing the VeilofReality.com.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 3, 2023 4:35 AM
Reply to  Lupa

No, but I will check him out.

Jul 1, 2023 3:18 PM

The more I experience of our current world the more grateful I am that I grew up in the middle of nowhere with only my horse, dog and nature. At school we learned reading and math. I played with a friend’s little girl recently while the friend cleaned a neighbor’s home. We found caterpillars and built homes for them. We roamed the yard looking for materials and in a blink an hour had passed. To think of this child watching a drag queen, being taught to masterbate or being introduced to sexual materials at her innocent age goes against every molecule of decency in my being. I’ve never cared about what an adult individual chooses for their life if it’s not harming others, but I now speak out boldly against this obvious destruction of our society and its children. We all need to say “ HELL NO!!!” to this garbage.

Jul 1, 2023 12:28 PM

The Bell Curve doesn’t lie.

Normalizing aberrant behavior is their goal and Democrats are are doing it for nothing other than strengthening their political base.

Embracing Evil.

The whole concept began with anti bullying through the teaching of tolerance which has snow balled into the promotion of sexual perversion.

As a reminder of the issue, here is a link to that viral video with the chant most everyone has seen and or heard: https://rumble.com/v2wdpjo-nyc-were-here-were-queer-were-coming-for-your-children.html

If you are not familiar with Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire you should familiarize yourself with him. He started a movement with the documentary, What is a Woman, which has grown into the movement to outlaw the sexual mutilation of minors suffering from gender dysphoria. Those very children (and their parents) being exposed to the concepts of transgenderism has caused this problem to grow.

The bigger problem is Academia. Teaching psychologists and sociologists that transing children with gender dysphoria is the right thing to do if they show signs of being suicidal.

And that is their justification: Stopping suicide.

That opens the door for specialized treatments involving surgery and drugs.

One big cash cow for big pharma and the medical industry. All that money to be made.

Another reason why big pharma is dumping piles of money into colleges and universities.

Follow the money.

The techniques are so advanced they have invented a special robot for doing transing operations at Vanderbilt University. It would be interesting to know how many of these devices are out there. That data could serve as a road map to putting an end to this nonsense.

It’s only been a few months since WHO announced that having sex with a minor should not be considered pedophilia as long as the minor consents to a sexual encounter.

It’s appalling.

The Bell Curve can be applied in so many ways.

Jul 1, 2023 9:04 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Mate, these abominable agendas have nothing to do with ‘reps vs dems’… Trump was considered by LGBT people as the most ‘homosexual president’ due to his support and finance of their agendas.
This is an american problem… being conditioned to mix politics with EVERYTHING.

Jul 2, 2023 6:59 PM
Reply to  Luís

Everything that is happening in the United States is political and always has been.

You may have just discovered it for yourself, but I have been in this country for 66 years and have been paying attention as long as I can remember.

The hard left is desperate to hold power and will do anything to gain and hold it.

Call it conditioning or whatever you want. Division is what they are striving for and this is just another tool they are using.

Our leader is traveling our country telling people that the world is ending because we burn fossil fuels and he is going to save them. Not making this up.

This old man believes the propaganda being fed to him by his cabinet members. He truly thinks this his legacy: Saving the world.

He will never realize that he is just a naked emperor because he is incapable.

This is why his followers will do anything. Lie. Cheat. Steal. Murder. Anything.

They are that deranged.

Al Gore was just back in the media blaming the wildfires in Canada on climate change while restating baseless facts that storms are more frequent and more powerful. Those claims have been proven false but the MSM will not cover those discussions and the scientists refuting those claims. Sound familiar?

We know that is not just an American problem. Don’t we?

All of our troubles stem from the United Nations.



An old discussion.

And an old false conclusion: America is the blame.

Academia is advising the United Nations.

As stated previously, there is an advisory board composed of university presidents pushing these agendas.

And it is not just composed of American university presidents.

More and more people are picking up on the agenda as more and more information leaks out from under the MSM information cap.

We have been talking about those plans for years here on Off-Guardian. These ideas are no longer limited to small “conspiracy groups” like Off-Guardian.

As more and more people catch on the more difficult it is going to be to implement the radical plans.

They are desperate and will do anything to cut us off (no pun intended).

Even it means the drugging and genital mutilation of children.

Jul 5, 2023 6:02 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

66 years and you still haven’t figured out politics is rigged and it doesn’t matter who is in the white house.
RE drugging and genital mutilation of children. why doesnt Daily shill Caller ever mention the sickness called Brit milah…….

Jul 6, 2023 1:18 PM
Reply to  Woowoo


Just send them your money. The Daily Wire needs more support. Better than donating to an individual politician.

Your negativity and inability to see the obvious is on you. So how many years have you been seeing the light?

Personal attacks by those on the left are typical since they can never provide a viable argument.

Voting does matter whether you know it or not.

Politicians are all we have.

Vote. Don’t vote.

But if you do the choice is easy.

Complaining that they are all bad and accepting the current nonsensical tyranny is not a good decision.

Hold your nose. Close your eyes.


Jul 1, 2023 12:09 PM

Why doesn’t anyone say the obvious?

Alphabet soup nonsense is an EVOLUTIONARY DEAD END.

(If you believe in evolution)

And lets be honest, do you want to see the genes on display particularly in the trans movement passed onto offspring?

Do you think that evolves the human animal?

Careful you don’t slip into eugenics, though……

Jul 2, 2023 1:30 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

You assume it is all genetic and none of it is learned. An old argument to justify being perverted. Recruitment through exposure is the issue.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jul 1, 2023 12:04 PM

There’s a reason I’ve always said that fascism is immaturity on steroids. The “my-way-or-the-highway” crisis mentality of fascists can only thrive on secrets and lies. The more we can expose their exploitation for profit, the sooner we can end it. Human trafficking is a $154 billion industry. Victims are divided three ways – for sexual proclivities, organ harvesting and labor. The new film Sound of Freedom is being released on July 4th, the true story of Tim Ballard’s quest to break up this underground world, which includes busting a pedo hotel. Three other documentaries are coming out this year, which also sheds a spotlight on these lowliest of grifters.

The easy access to porn on the internet has a way of desensitizing viewers and the thrill of seeking taboo turn-ons has periscopically focused on our most vulnerable. Mature women today do not bode well with domineering partners. The level of perversity of the emotionally immature continues to fester into the most monstrous ways, such as this:

 The Peter Scully case shows that there is a significant global demand for raping and then dismembering vulnerable infants. Scully’s most infamous work was Daisy’s Destruction, where voyeurs paid $10,000 apiece to watch Scully and two other adults torture and rape 18-month old Daisy before killing her in one of the Web’s most “successful” ever snuff movies.”

Ukraine’s Human Organ and Child Prostitution Trafficking Industries: Does Only Russia’s Maria Zakharova Still Care?

Treating children as consenting adults is also practiced in Scientology, as exposed by the excellent Leah Remini series. Children are separated from parents at a very early age and are subjected to auditing sessions with adults, who ask them very invasive questions and in some cases even sleep with them in the same room during the process, which is strange considering how much real estate this “religion” has acquired. They believe that children are adults in small bodies. This is the only way they can justify the easy cult-like manipulation and destruction of undeveloped minds. But we know who the real undeveloped minds are here.

Jul 1, 2023 10:56 AM

One of the shocking things about the photo that heads this article are the smiles on the adults’ faces in the background. They have lost touch with objective reality. The alphabet con is a compliance test, if you accept that, you will accept anything, escalating wars, euthanasia, betrayal, marginalization etc. The people in that photo pass the compliance test, and will accept the mutilation of children and young people at home, and the mutilation of young men in minefields.

Jul 2, 2023 8:36 AM
Reply to  John

Zombification of the 99% is the WEF ‘s main goal; the 1% themselves are also possessed and dehumanized, but they are the chosen ones because they the best impromptu actors on the world stage today. Biden & Harris are outliars.

Jul 1, 2023 10:55 AM

I think you’ve confused two entirely different issues. The struggle of gays and lesbians to not be discriminated (in basic ways eg marriage, pensions benefits of spouse) against was a bottom-up decades long struggle. Gay people would get beaten up in parks etc. in the 1980s in North America.
Being gay or cross dressing has always existed in human history everywhere on the planet and is only about behaviour: who you do what with. It really isn’t anybody else’s business and does not require external interventions.

The trans thing is an agenda forced from the top down with a LOT of money being thrown at it. It is relatively new, started around 2010. That was around the time tv series and movies tried to normalize it. Some famous celebrities with much fanfare announced transitions etc. At the time, I just thought, whatever.

But now looking back I can clearly see that the issue was being pushed through predictive programming into the popular psyche as has been done with terrorism etc.

It has nothing to do with “tolerance”. That NATOstan has been waging war on oil rich Muslim-majority countries for over 30 years now tells you everything you need to know about “tolerance” in NATOstan. That the Garden of Europe is struggling with its neocolonial ambitions after having had to give up its colonies tells you even more about “tolerance” in the “free democratic developed world.”

Changing your gender with drugs or surgery (whose long term health consequences are totally unknown) is an absolutely different issue and has never been something that was widely popular in thousands of years of human history. Most people don’t enjoy having surgery. But in one sense it’s an extension of getting plastic surgery which in most cases is elective.

I have no idea what the purpose of such a top down agenda is. If the idea was “population control” then men having babies would not be splashed on magazine covers. I’m old enough to have had high school biology books that claimed there were two genders. I don’t know if it’s illegal now to say that in high school. I can only imagine that one purpose of the agenda is to have total control over speech. If tomorrow someone says the moon is made of cheese, the earth is square and gravity is an illusion, it will probably be forbidden to question these assertions.

The ridiculousness of having an acronym that is so long most people can’t remember it and moreover changes on a monthly basis already tells you everything you need to know.

I also don’t think the lsdfjksdhfaisdf+++ movement is a unified movement even if the media tries to portray it as such. Most gays of a certain age who came out with much trouble in the 80s and 90s don’t identify with this new version.

Jul 1, 2023 4:17 PM
Reply to  Rita

Most gays of a certain age who came out with much trouble in the 80s and 90s don’t identify with this new version.

That may well be true; but in its day, promoting homosexuality was also a part of the same agenda. It’s the old ‘totalitarian tiptoe’ principle at work.

Jul 1, 2023 8:55 PM
Reply to  Rita

I believe that trans was adopted by LGB because it offered “martyrs,” which in turn brings in money–money to replace the lost contributions that the gay marriage campaign attracted (before it won out). It may also be one more experiment on the human psyche: as in how many will accept this extremity as normal. The truth is that transgender, as an expression of Queer Theory, is not only anti-women, but extremely anti-lesbian, anti-gay, and anti heterosexual. And, of course, it has billionaire backers and possibly Pentagon support.

Jul 2, 2023 3:54 PM
Reply to  Rita

The ridiculousness of having an acronym that is so long most people can’t remember it and moreover changes on a monthly basis already tells you everything you need to know.

Autistic savants and other computerised people have no problem with endless acronyms, it seems.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 1, 2023 10:39 AM

Off topic:

A Telegraph headline that says it all:

“The careers that will survive the AI revolution – and pay the highest salary”

Note how the two – survival and highest salary – are presented as if unconnected. But the bogus “AI revolution” is all about destroying the low paid jobs to make way for the overpaid bloodsuckers.

Jul 1, 2023 10:50 AM
Reply to  George Mc

You can replace the Govenor of the Bank of England with AI.

Jul 1, 2023 12:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

AI stands for “Arseholes Incorporated”

Make it stick.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jul 6, 2023 12:10 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

anal intrusion

Jul 1, 2023 9:43 AM

You’re too kind. And mistaken if you think the homosexual hard core care about children. It’s all about THEMSELVES. For the militant alphabet soupers, children are primarily potential recruits/instruments in their war of revenge against human society and Nature. I do, nevertheless, appreciate many of your sentiments. However, please, though Canadian, do not use the abominable Trudeau’s Woke letters extended even further into abomination by more mad and increasingly madder abbreviations, now prefixed by incomprehensible numbers!

Jul 1, 2023 11:04 AM
Reply to  StStephen

Ding ding

Jul 1, 2023 4:04 PM
Reply to  StStephen

Surely you must see that this alphabetizing of things is simply to remove the humanity from them, thus reducing them to mere objects. In this regard, even though George Carlin videos have been linked in the forum thousands of time, I’d like to add another one – which I think dovetails beautifully with the alphabetizing.

Words That Hide the Truth – George Carlin – YouTube

Jul 9, 2023 1:40 PM
Reply to  Howard

I’m not so sure in this case, because the abbreviated themselves luxuriate in their own alphabet soup. It’s more about self-aggrandizement than de-humanization, I’d say. Lots of letters and and and and, now, a number, soon to multiply, no doubt; I still don’t know what the “2S” means and don’t wish to know! Thus giving it an open-ended, administrative, techno/organizational sort of feel (FBI, CIA, NATO, SUV, 4×4, OUATE12…).

Whereas, what Carlin describes, with his usual genius, is something else: euphemisms used, as he says, to soften meaning or muddy the waters, whether out of prurience, propaganda or marketing. “Gay” itself might be an example; “gender dysphoria” another. An example George, somewhat surprisingly, doesn’t use in his brilliant monologue (perhaps because the Pentagon hadn’t yet coined it) is collateral damage, a term designed to disguise a war crime that has since entered the language and is now used carelessly in all kinds of trivial contexts, becoming banal, its original meaning forgotten.

Jul 9, 2023 2:05 PM
Reply to  StStephen


Jul 1, 2023 9:00 AM

The movement to warp sexuality (identity and behaviour)
– facilitates censorship on the grounds of insensitivity or hatred
– increases the alienation or separation of children from dissenting parents
– normalises pedophilia, as pedos in authority want.

It distracts from
– the lack of treatment (if any) for such mental illness
– the pervasive presence of relevant hormone disruptors
– the lack of extended child care and guidance in the slave economy
– other major crises: economic collapse, environmental destruction, oligarchy (dictatorship and kleptocrcy).
– depopulation through warped sexuality, jabs, etc.

For the medical industry – that will remove a limb it deems esthetically intolerable for the subject – mutilating children is no big stretch.

Jul 1, 2023 8:42 AM

Your rendition of history is a joke.

Infanticide was legal in Ancient Rome, and literally every culture right up to the Victorian age treated children as tiny adults and put them to very hard work. Even today, it’s legal to make your little kid work 12 hour days as a virtual slave long as it’s agricultural work (seriously, look at the labor/labour laws in your country some time and you’ll gasp).

As for adults sexually abusing pre-pubescent children, I’ve worked thousands of cases of this type. And I’d estimate nearly 95% or more of them involved adults who were THEMSELVES sexually abused as children. It truly is a vicious cycle.

The normal LGB people (i.e. those who are attracted to people of the same sex) can go fuck themselves because they’re covering up for these T (trans) sickos (nearly all of whom are men pretending to be women) who just want to legitimize their own sexual abuse by abusing OTHER PEOPLE’S children and not suffer any penalties.

Basically, “Pride Month” went from being unashamed that you’re gay to openly celebrating mentally ill people who get sexually turned on by hurting children.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 1, 2023 7:50 AM

“anti-bullying laws”

What nonsensical idiocy is that?

The ONLY way for a person to deal with a bully is to find the balls in himself and face the motherfucker. Give the asshole a well-aimed kick in the balls, smash his face in. Sometimes just standing up to the piece of shit is enough, bullies are usually chickenshit cowards. For the bully is not the problem, or a part of the problem only. The main problem is that the ‘victim’ is scared to asset his rights.

No anti-bullying law will protect anybody from anything.

People gotta stop looking for protection, jettison this protectionist ideology where they’re looking to big brother to take care of their shit, and acquire some balls.

As to LGBTQ-transmotherfuckers-whatever, it’s everybody’s prerogative to do whatever they want on an adult consensual basis. Taking their private stuff to the public domain and attempting to indoctrinate others with their aberrant practices is FUCKING SICK, and that’s all there is to it.

Jul 1, 2023 4:19 PM

The new bullying language: Be Kind(or else)

Jul 1, 2023 6:47 AM

Alt media especially this Conservative Christian lot shilling this type of fear porn.
clickbait scary titles.
if you dont want to attend pride then dont.
just like most weekend nights in the town and city’s is awful with drinking drugs
nightclub going out culture. most of us will avoided it like a plague.
if your retarded then i can understand,
however the Conservative Christian lot shilling this type of fear porn in alt media.
GET YOUR CHILDREN OUT THE SCHOOLING SYSTEM then they wont be subjected to what goes on there.

not rocket science and this trans ltgbq lot is the new MIC alt media moslem terrorist psyop.
I dont trust the photos nor the blogs that shill this type of crap.

Jul 1, 2023 6:18 AM

It’s not about lbgqt or terrorists, or viruses or whatever. It’s about how the media creates a mountain out of a molehill for all types of events and that people act accordingly for as long the media continues the hysteria.

As in covid covid covid
Hey, Russia starts aggression
Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine

Jul 1, 2023 5:55 AM

Thank you Sylvia for this piece and off g -(was wondering when this subject would be discussed.)
‘For me the Lgtbq is the new covid being rammed down our throats.For those just not into the recent crop of overwrought activists gunning for all things trans-we are not “progressive” enough or out there creating “safety “ for them and like the unvaccinated -we are not listened to or allowed to and are prevented from speaking.Women-primarily are not listened to-with their concerns about Trans-men accessing female spaces-from sports to washrooms to rape shelters and women’s prisons-to basically stealing awards and endorsements from young women in competition .From John Hopkins removing and erasing lesbians and the L in LGBTQ-and replacing them with “non-men.”some have called it a men’s rights movement From the insanity of having tampons for free in men’s washrooms.And then there is the medical-ization of children.One gender ideanity clinic in the UK has a wait list of 12k for appointments.30 clinics opened in the US in the past decade.
I don’t believe it’s a grass roots movement. I don’t know.It’s mental and it makes me furious.

Jul 1, 2023 10:00 AM
Reply to  Hele

Yes, it’s nothing but another manufactured psychic epidemic.

Jul 1, 2023 4:56 AM

SEPARATE THE “T” FROM “LG”!!! Please, please, please stop associating these pathetic, sicko billionaire backed child abusers with lesbians and gay men. We have absolutely nothing in common with the radical trans ideologues. And, for godsakes, educate yourself about the big tech, big pharmaceutical, big banking, big data interests backing the transgender agenda. The sky is the limit in terms of how much money can be made and how the very nature of humanity can be engineered. As Martin (aka Martine) Rothblatt, trans person and card carrying transhumanist, clearly states as he licks his very wealthy chops “Transgenderism is the on-ramp to transhumanism.” Check out the work of Jennifer Bilek for starters….11th Hour Blog

Jul 1, 2023 2:10 AM

Depravity is never a good thing.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 1, 2023 1:12 AM

Brilliantly conveyed Sylvia. Thank you.

Jul 1, 2023 12:46 AM

I can’t find the exact source of what I reported. I thought it was a result of what’s called tetragametic chimerism.

Jul 1, 2023 12:15 AM

To explain it (also) somewhat biologically: Many in vitro fertilizations take place. According to a study a read this regularly results in hermaphrodites. So I imagine that could be a problem; man and woman in one body.

Jul 1, 2023 12:13 AM

The sooner we all simply study Maoism for a few hours, the sooner this god dam bullshit will be fully understood.
The psychology of totalitarianism book by Desmet is also an important read.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 1, 2023 2:17 AM
Reply to  Dave

And as soon as people accept the fact this is all part of a plan, the sooner the dots will be connected and it all then makes sense.

Jul 1, 2023 11:06 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Struggle Sessions.

Jun 30, 2023 11:45 PM

You are very correct to point out the backlash that will more than likely come to be with all of this constant hype and pushing of the trans agenda. There is always a backlash to any social change, I tend to think that’s part of human nature.

To all of those out there saying “we are coming after your kids” or other such threatening statements, I would remind them that party politics can change on a dime, and that dreaded “other side” could be in power next week, next year, etc. So for those who think all of this spectacle will lead to continued acceptance or progress, best wake up, quickly. When your side is in control all may be fine and good, but you’d best figure out what you might do once the other side gets in and strives to force you comply with their agenda, an agenda you won’t like, particularly when that side says “we’re coming for your kids….”

I asked a vaxxed friend once if Trump had mandated, would her opinion on vaccination be different? She of course said yes. Well, I rest my case. If you don’t want the other side to force you into living under their terms, then quit forcing others to live under yours.

This article also puts into words my own feelings about the blatant exploitation of children being done in the name of “acceptance and tolerance.” The idea that we should sexualize children even more than they already are I find utterly sickening. For God’s sake let them be kids. Let them make up their own minds. We don’t let them make up their own minds on much anymore, could we not at the very least allow them that chance regarding their very being?

Of course, as others point out here, this agenda is being pushed for many, many reasons other than sexuality. It is about control, particularly population control as well as keeping people separated and atomized. And of course good old divide and conquer, our owners love that one as it always works out to their advantage.

Jul 1, 2023 12:15 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

The useful idiots of all social upheavals of history, are always the first lined up and shot when the real Marxists, or whatever, take over.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 1, 2023 1:14 PM
Reply to  Dave


Jul 1, 2023 11:46 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7
Jun 30, 2023 10:59 PM

Sylvia, I can see that you are struggling to be kind and generous to people with various types of (let’s call it) “sexual/gender diversity” and that is very thoughtful of you. You are far more kind than I would be. I would say that those who knowingly and willfully seek to promote sexualisation of young children should be labelled criminals. Tolerance of this harms society — not to mention the individual children who face physical and psychological harm. As for those who choose to call themselves “trans” or similar things, I would suggest that the vast vast majority are either deluded or merely totally self centered and self indulgent. A number of young adults fall into this category, but with time many grow out of it. Sexual identity ceases to be the sole or even the main focal point of their lives. Just as many of those in my generation (I am in my mid 60s) went through a period where we thought promiscuous sex was just fine, but who gradually realised it was, in fact, superficial and prevented the forming of deep bonds with another human being, I think for many/most of today’s “trans” youth, they will change their viewpoints. (Let us just hope and pray they have not mutilated or impaired their bodies before that time!) But in the meantime, in the face of extremist “trans” activism what do the rest of us do? How do we counter this? Sylvia’s approach of kindness and generosity? Or should we take a harder line? Or is there no one approach that will work?

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 30, 2023 10:27 PM

The LGBT acronym already encodes a psyop. LGB is valid. Each letter is meaningful and designates a sexual orientation. The T does not designate any valid sexual orientation. It signifies total caprice. It signifies the void. And it totally negates the LGB. The fabled “Trans” community – a total media fantasy construction – is actively opposed to lesbians, gays and bisexuals since those last three categories are assumed to be denying their true “non-binary nature”.

And note how the media use of LGBT always homes in on the T. The T takes over the entire acronym in the way that a cuckoo throws out the eggs of the original nest. Or, perhaps more appropriately, the way The Thing imitates genuine life forms in that John Carpenter movie.

And just as in that movie, once a creature is imitated by The Thing, the new life form explodes in a thousand new forms – so, once the T takes over, any number of new letters erupt in an ever expanding line.

Jul 1, 2023 6:07 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Corporate, social and political branding of Pride in Canada is over the top.It’s Pride month and schools have to celebrate it and Home Depot and banks have lost their minds -festooned in flags- ffs.It’s grotesque “team”building.I’m sick of it.I really hate the new flag.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jul 1, 2023 12:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

t for trance

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Jun 30, 2023 10:03 PM

When the pendulum swings back it’s going to go all the way to veganism
So prepare to evaluate this attitude towards this movement from that perspective.

Jul 1, 2023 12:16 AM

So from one cult to another?
Come on man

Jul 1, 2023 1:21 AM

An absurd extrapolation. Grow up.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 30, 2023 8:35 PM

comment image

Jul 1, 2023 12:21 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Gosh. What a shocker. 😥

Jul 1, 2023 7:00 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

“Brett Blomme was appointed the CEO of Creamy City Foundation, an LGBTQ+ organization which organizes the highly controversial ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ events at public libraries in and around Milwaukee, in June of 2017 and left just before he was elected as a judge.
However, this is not easily accessible information.This is because as the news of Blomme’s arrest for Child Pornography has come out, various online web pages were scrubbed which tied Brett Blomme to Creamy City Foundation. Blomme’s LinkedIn profile has been purged, with only a screenshot confirming his role as CEO of Creamy City Foundation existing.”

Jul 5, 2023 6:08 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey


Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 30, 2023 8:33 PM

comment image

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 30, 2023 11:04 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Replacing one system of brainwashing with another is not the answer.

Children should be taught philosophy and include various religious teachings, and they should be encouraged to think for themselves.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jun 30, 2023 11:58 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

They should. But the plan is to have a docile population that are easy to control.
Home schooling is fine as long as the parents have a functioning brain.

Jul 1, 2023 1:28 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Spot on Veri.

Jul 1, 2023 7:35 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Agree. Teach them the practical and social bases of morals and values.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jul 1, 2023 7:06 PM
Reply to  mgeo

What is the basis of mortality and moral values?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 1, 2023 10:53 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Natural Law.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 2, 2023 7:13 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Where is natural law written to define what is good and what is evil?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 2, 2023 11:12 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Natural Law does not need to be written down – everything written down is man-made.

However, Mark Passio does a decent job on teaching the tenets of Natural Law if you’ve got a couple of days to listen to him here:


Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jul 3, 2023 1:26 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

And when you say written words are just man made, are you also saying you do business for 1,000s or 10,000s of currency without a written agreement or contract?

Don’t you think it is easier to misdirect people in the absence of documentation?

Jul 5, 2023 6:11 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Wow that is some indoctrination.
your god and church is the one world government and commi at it worse.
Remind us non believers what happens when people dont conform to being a believer during the end time.?

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jul 1, 2023 7:13 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The idea of God by itself is not brainwashing.
So what part of teaching religion doesn’t include God?
Isn’t religion the brainwashing part?
Doesn’t it make more sense to teach what it means to be a moral person?

I think people that think they can separate God from what it means to be moral, will just end up brainwashing the next generation.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 1, 2023 10:57 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

I happen to believe there is a creative force, call it God if you like.
However, by teaching children about all the religions they can see that what god is can mean different things to different cultures, and what is morality is also subject to cultural interpretation.

The conclusion to be drawn from that is that those moral interpretations are all wrong because true morality is not relative! Moral relativism is part of the dark agenda – i.e. satanic.

To me, true morality can best be described by Natural Law, as taught by Mark Passio (online videos).

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 2, 2023 7:15 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

So murdering another person could be moral just based on a “different culture”?

True morality isn’t negotiable.
That ideology is the root of evil.

Where are the rules of natural law written to define what is good and what is evil?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 2, 2023 11:14 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

You: “So murdering another person could be moral just based on a “different culture”?”

How did you arrive at this conclusion from my post above?
Do you understand “relativism”? It is moral relativism which is fake morality, is what I said.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jul 3, 2023 1:23 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Understood and making sure we are on the same page in regards to the concept of relativism. As you likely know, their are cultures that for instance wouldn’t consider the murder of an adulterous wife a moral transgression, or sex with minors, or genital mutilation.

Which of these codes would not apply to your “natural law”?

Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.

And when you say written words are just an opinion, are you also saying you do business for 1,000s or 10,000s of currency without a written agreement or contract?

How is natural law different than common law, or any other laws?

Jul 1, 2023 1:08 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

A sort of communism took over back then:

“We don’t have time for religion and other time-wasting ‘artistic’ activities in the 20th Century – we have a ‘modern’ new state to build, based on ‘realism’, with everybody ‘in it together’ and pulling their weight, all in the same direction, ‘for the common good’ ”

Isn’t this fun, kids…?
(The bright young child’s voice quietly muttering, “No” is drowned in the general clamour of “Yaaaay!!!”)

So the teacher’s report on the success of the school camping trip in a typical soggy British deluge states, “Not a single child was less than ecstatic about the trip”…

It’s a simple, and very old formula:
Drown the dissent in lots of crowd noise – preferably with a very powerful amplification system.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jul 3, 2023 1:30 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Down votes say people can’t handle being held accountable to a moral code, in writing that quantifies their standing.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 30, 2023 8:29 PM

You will own nothing and be happy.

We will steal all of your property and possessions.
We will kidnap your children.
We will drug you and mind control you to think you are happy.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jun 30, 2023 8:10 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-06-28. Chromosome had been deleted by jab. Jab severe adverse event rate 1/800. IVM 92% reduction COVID death (blog, gab, tweet).

Jun 30, 2023 9:45 PM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

“Jab severe adverse event rate 1/800.”

Thanks for update. It seems to me that makes the Vaxx more dangerous than the disease.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jun 30, 2023 10:18 PM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

1,25 0/00 is close to norm.
As a rule of thumb all medicine has adverse effects for <1 0/00 of the people in use. It cant fit to every exposed. vulnerable, allergic personnel.

Chromosome deleted? come on.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 30, 2023 11:05 PM
Reply to  Paul Prichard

Chromosomes deleted – might explain the sudden trans explosion, LOL.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jun 30, 2023 8:04 PM

Seems to me, the entire argument for gay rights was that being gay is biological, not a choice. I know I had to analyze that myself and finally decided that yes, it must be biological. So I accepted the gay. Then they added B to the equation. I wondered how having sex with men and women, i.e., bisexual, wasn’t a choice. Can’t convince me on that one that’s it’s not a choice. Then came T, and well, that was it for me. I can’t rationalize at all how that isn’t a choice. And that’s fine, whatever floats your boat. Just stay away from my grandkids. And no special rights for your abnormal choices.
I won’t give legitimacy to Justin Trannydeau’s and Canada’s bs new term. It should be ridiculed, i.e., because it’s ridiculous.
But seriously, the end sounds kind of like those that admonish blacks to take care of their own. Doesn’t really work that way.

Jun 30, 2023 11:02 PM

Good point about gay and lesbian not being the same as bisexual — I also accepted the idea that same sex attraction might be biological, or at least deeply ingrained in the psyche, for some people. But bisexual plus all the other variations do seem to be willful choices.

Jul 1, 2023 10:29 AM

Agree, except that I’ve always believed homosexual behaviour in men and women comes about through nurture, not nature.

Jun 30, 2023 7:56 PM

‘The Pope said there was a special place in heaven for pedophiles.’ If this is true it makes me more convinced that the rumours of the abuse perpetrated in the Vatican is true. I’m sorry to say this, but this article seems to be based on the premise that the harm being done to young people in the name of the alphabet letters is accidental. This is all deliberate if a bit faster than they’d planned. What we need to ask is who the entities are pushing this gender-agenda to the edge of insanity and why they’re doing it.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jun 30, 2023 11:34 PM
Reply to  Jos

If this is true it makes me more convinced that the rumours of the abuse perpetrated in the Vatican is true.

Not just the vatican but across the Western world. In the U.K alone Thatcher’s Govt was accused of covering up the care home abuse scandals of the 70’s & 80’s. Now it’s buried because one person allegedly lied, it’s back to business as usual. Nothing to see here, just a few abused children, move along.

Jun 30, 2023 7:21 PM

It is not possible to reason with these alphabet people. They are insane thinking that they are not a male or female, or the other if they were born the other. That type of insanity is not logical, so asking a logical question will not get you a logical answer from them. This is just a stepping stone in the totalitarian tip toe, with human 2.0 and full blown pedophilia being legal as the end goal(among other things).

Jul 7, 2023 5:29 PM
Reply to  dane

I was at a clients home last week , she is over 12 weeks pregnant, while I was there, she received a phone call from her doctor’s . office to informe her that the results of her Trisomy 21 blood test had comeback negative , very relieved she was as can be imagined, then she asked if on file the gender was available, so her question was ”Is it a boy or a girl” and the nurse answered ”It’s a girl”
It was ironic because leading up to the phone call , we had been discussing this exact crazyness of gender appropriation!

Jun 30, 2023 7:17 PM

Perhaps the reason they have been persecuted in history is because every time they ase accepted it leads to societies downfall. We let them live in peace, they don’t do the same to us. Eventually you get perverts going for children and then you lock up all the mentally unstable people who don’t know what sex they are.

History repeats in a ryming fashion and I see the destuction they are causing, why can’t you. Women can’t have safe spaces or competition any more and children are to be chemically castrated before puperty!

I think there is a reason that god calls it a sin. We can love the poor sinner, but accepting the sin and even affirming it, that’s wrong and evil at the Soddam and Gamorrah level.