The Fatal Error of Sheep

Todd Hayen

I will start this article with an apology to those readers who lack a ense of humour similar to mine, as well as to those lovely big hearted folks who don’t like labeling of any sort (sheep and/or shrew).

Regarding the term “sheep”—I have tried (and am certain I have failed occasionally) to refrain from calling an individual person as “sheep.” It is rather a term I have applied to a group of people with a similar “mindset.” If you feel you fit that mindset, you may, if you wish, call yourself a “sheep.” If you find it offensive, and do not feel you “fit,” then that is fine by me. Do not include yourself in the sheep group.

As for shrews. Well, that’s where the sense of humour comes in. I needed a term other than “those of us on the other side of the divide who believe in freedom and do not believe in the agenda or the power hungry globalists trying to take over the world”…whew…”shrew” is an easier way to get the same point across once the term is defined.

Why shrew? That’s a long story. But it is a term as good as any, and is complimentary to “sheep” as it starts with the same first two letters, and it too is an animal. Turns out shrews can be ferocious, even though very small. So that fits too.

So there you have it. Read this article with these things in mind, as it is full of reference to sheep and shrew.

The fatal error of sheep is not realizing that the people they call “conspiracy theorists” and “science deniers” are not some small fringe group of weirdos and hillbillies as they might imagine. The fact is we are large in number and include many brilliant minds and formidable members in our individual fields of expertise. This is no ragtag band of ne’er do wells.

Although I have no question we are on the RIGHT side of things, I will say that to the people who have to deal with us—that fact is of no real consequence (being right seems to have to affect on them). It seems the sheep love to ignore us, and act as if we don’t exist, regardless of the fact we are right. They can’t be bothered with us; we are only a nuisance to them. That attitude is going to one day bite them really hard in the you know where.

Many sheep have asked me, “How can you be sure you are right and we are wrong?” I have often asked myself the same question. There are many answers, my favorite is simply to say, “we are right because we are right”—which of course is rather flippant. This, however, seems to be a more prudent answer: Shrews are curious and look hard for answers.

Even if the prevailing consensus seems correct, we always seem to want more. We want to actually understand why things are like they are. Maybe we don’t do this with everything we encounter; we certainly do it when facing big sweeping pronouncements and when the powers that be tell us we all have to “do” this or that, like take a vaccine no one has really studied for a virus that no one really knows that much about. We typically go “huh?”

We then dive into it. We go down every rabbit hole we can find. Many of those holes lead to dead ends, but we discover those dead ends for ourselves. We don’t let anyone bar us from access and say, “you don’t want to go down there.” We say, “huh? Why not?” Once we start to feel that our usual sources for information, generally what they call “Main Stream Media,” is not giving us the whole story, we quickly move into some uncharted territory and start digging there. Yes, again, more dead ends but we become accustomed to “dead ends” being par for the course of truly uninhibited discovery.

We create conclusions, assumptions, speculations built on all the information we have gathered, and begin to come up with something we can make a tenable statement of truth about. But it takes a ton of work. And is usually never final, never ironclad. We don’t seem to like things that “appear” ironclad.

Sheep do not do this.

I have not yet met one that does. They often THINK they do, and throw back to me lines they have heard on NPR, or the WP or NYT, or of course the big “authorities” such as the retired Tsar of Science Fauci, POTUS, heads of major hospitals or pharmaceutical companies, et al. They don’t seem to realize their insistence on these sources being accurate is akin to looking to Goebbels to verify the accuracy of a Hitler speech, or referring to Der Stürmer for the truth about Jews. You need, today, to go to a variety of sources before you will come upon an accurate portrayal of social or scientific reality.

Sheep refuse to accept this.

What is odd about this is that we have never been in a culture where the mainstream news is 100% reliable. Sources have always been biased, and to really get a true picture of something, we have always needed to access several sources.

The problem is that as Americans (or Canadians for that matter) it has been drilled into us that freedom, truth, mom and apple pie are the hallmarks of our American culture. Although most of us have been brought up to believe that, it really never has been the truth. Maybe for a millisecond it was back in 1776, but I doubt it. (The tenets here are true, but being told that these are the hallmarks and intentions of the American or Canadian government is not the truth.)

That doesn’t necessarily mean that this culture has been 100% deprived of any integrity for 200 years (well, right now you might be able to say that) it means we have always been independently responsible for seeing through this wall of subterfuge. Unfortunately I think they finally managed to chop off the chicken’s head. Most people out there seem to have lost the capacity to use their brains.

It didn’t used to take all that much to reveal the boll weevils hiding in the cotton. We had competing newspapers that reveled in revealing untruths in a competitor’s pages. This tended to work well with all but the biggest players (Rockefellers, Carnegies, Morgans, etc.), now it doesn’t work at all because all the big news sources are bought. This is pretty obvious, but most sheep-types seem to think an owner of a news source has no power over what they print.


Many imagine some cigar smoking workaholic editor holding onto his anchor of truth uttering with disgust, “they’re not going to stop ME from printing THAT.” I don’t think that ever really existed. I think if anything kept older news sources more honest than today, it was stumbling onto “truth” as a marketable commodity. This no longer seems to be the case.

So what does this have to do with a sheep fatal error? Well, just that, truth is no longer a marketable commodity with major news sources, so we must all look to sources where it still is. Sheep don’t realize that shrews have truth on their side. And they align with truth. They also do not believe we have integrity, or that there are quite a few of us, and that we are very SMART, resourceful, and persistent. Eventually that is going to get them, and in a very hard way.

Truth is like rain water on a roof. It will find its way through if there is a way through. Where that analogy fails is when a roof becomes watertight. Culture and human society can never become “truthtight.” Don’t ask me why, it is just a given. Eventually truth finds its way in, no matter what. It may take a while, but truth will get through. It will prevail.

Shrews may not all know all the truth at any given moment, but they look for it, no matter where it might be hiding, and they find it. When they find it, and show other people where it is, they are widening the hole for more of it to come through, just like the leak in the roof, or the hole in the dam. Eventually the dam will break and the roof will cave in.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Craig C. Capen
Craig C. Capen
Jul 6, 2023 2:10 AM

I think there may be another distinction between sheep and shrews – sheep believe in solutions while shrews believe in tradeoffs. That may be why we keep digging; we are also looking for downsides and better tradeoffs.

Jul 3, 2023 8:39 PM

All that wasted energy bleating about sheep. They are not the authors of the psychopathic evil that is loose in the world– only a non-threatening target.

Also perhaps one is not excluded from sheepdom merely by having knowledge; perhaps action alone buys one a place outside the herd.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 3, 2023 11:32 PM
Reply to  Penelope

We are all sheep in one way or another, and in order to even survive in this physical incarnation we must all be shrews in one way or another as well. Life occurs in the tension of the opposites, in order to make words have meaning that penetrates, there must be some conflict, dissonance, or friction. Tension, then release, is the way of life.

If you believe expressing ideas, even if they don’t suit your current position in your journey, is a waste of energy, just move on to something that does nurture you and/or feeds you in some way. You may think it is a waste of energy, I obviously do not, and there are a few readers I write for that agree. I write other articles as well. Maybe all of them are a waste of energy to you. If so. Just move on.

No, sheep are not the “psychopathic evil” that is creating what we are experiencing, but they are a block on the path of resolution. And THIS article addresses that. There are many other things to write and read about.

Jul 4, 2023 9:46 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Great response!

Jul 3, 2023 12:08 PM

Be as shrewd as serpents, as innocent as Doves.
Jesus, always on the money.

Jul 3, 2023 7:07 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Shrew D

Jul 3, 2023 8:04 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Jesus didn’t dig the money-changers.

Jul 6, 2023 3:16 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

He also did not believe in usury, and declared a Jubilee year (with erasure of debts) because the high priest would not

Jul 3, 2023 8:12 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

His dad was no fan of serpents, and they were both really into calling their followers sheep.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 4, 2023 11:56 AM
Reply to  ZenPriest

I’ve just (approx. 30 mins ago) replied to your post to me of 8.23pm yesterday, 3 July, much further down this article.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 3, 2023 10:38 AM

They gifted everyone in the British Isles a Capt, Kirk Smarties Phone. Lets see with some intelligence partices still left after eating Sheep’s brain for School dinner, (those were the days).
Wise Animals, err…Right…. if you’ve “forked out” more than Fourpence, you’ve been ripped off.
Thx for the memories to Gen. Sheep & the Kal-Owned.

Jul 3, 2023 8:42 AM

it all boils down to indiviadualism (shrew) versus collectivism (sheep)

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 3, 2023 4:16 PM
Reply to  T.S.

Pretty darn accurate.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 2, 2023 9:52 PM

Here’s an interesting glimpse behind the curtain. Look here:


Forbes telling us about those damned anti-vaxxers and their damned lies etc. Now note the name of the writer, Bruce Y Lee, and follow the bottom link to his website. It’s full of goodies. He has a battalion of corporate connections which might be even more impressive than that of super-spook Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed.

“…over two decades of experience in industry and academia developing mathematical and computational modeling, AI, and other computer-aided approaches to assist a wide range of decision makers in health, medicine, and public health. …”

Professor at City University of New York, Lee is also Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Technology and Communication in Health (CATCH) “which aims to develop and implement new technologies and approaches to help decision making and communication in health and public health”.

His titles go on and on. He is also the founder and Executive Director of PHICOR and founder and CEO of Symsilico, “which develops and uses computational methods, models, and tools to help decision-making”.

A sea of names follow including – surprise surprise – the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the World Health Organization. He has authored over 255 and three books.

He’s in with The New York Times, Time, The Guardian, STAT, the HuffPost, and the MIT Technology Review. (Ah MIT – serious biosecurity state stuff!)

And this is where the Nafeez Ahmed connection comes in: Lee “is a regularly sought-after speaker having given numerous invited talks and keynote presentations” and has “regularly appeared on TV, radio, and leading print media such as the New York Times, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, CBS News, Good Morning America, the BBC, AL Jazeera, Businessweek, U.S. News and World Report, Bloomberg News, Reuters, and National Public Radio (NPR). Dr. Lee received his B.A. from Harvard University, M.D. from Harvard Medical School, and M.B.A. from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He completed his internal medicine residency training at the University of California, San Diego.”

I apologise for taking up so much room but it is sobering to actually see the hydra ooze up into sight and to realise the sheer revolting extent of it.

But the really sobering thing is to realise the juxtaposition of the deep state connection with the casual nonchalant Forbes article that mocks the “anti-vaxxers”. And how many would check Lee’s credentials and realise that the guy protecting the reputation of the vaccines is one of the very guys who is a serious insider to the whole pharma-medico scam?

Jul 2, 2023 11:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc


Jul 3, 2023 3:30 AM
Reply to  George Mc


George Mc
George Mc
Jul 3, 2023 3:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc

This part of Bruce Y Lee’s blurb is significant:

“For over two decades, Bruce and his team have been developing and using AI/ computer methods to better understand the complex systems of health. He and his team have authored over 255 scientific publications and led a multitude of projects funded by a wide variety of sponsors that span across a range of disciplines, including epidemic/pandemic preparedness and response, healthcare operations, infectious disease prevention and control, international development, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), nutrition, and physical activity.”

This “better understanding of the systems of health” is pure inversion. Lee is one of the new technocrats whose role is to IMPOSE “health models” I.e. to generate computer simulations of the population density and structure required by the parasite class and to project thoroughly fictitious problems to achieve that vision. Thus the new technocracy will REALISE virtual reality.

Jul 3, 2023 7:03 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Eight billion potential customers! A CEO’s and MBA’s ultimate WET DREAM.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 3, 2023 4:09 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Well yea, doesn’t surprise there’s East Shore Line creatures sea life and our beautiful birds, the coasts. If you don’t want to listen to someone whom long since knew including sharing a personal experience on a ocean liner, sod it. All shore lines are important. Much more than you or me or family’s get a grip man.

Jul 3, 2023 8:20 AM
Reply to  George Mc

If Madonna wants to prosecute the pro-jab people, she over a thousand reserch papers as evidence:mgeo

Jul 2, 2023 9:01 PM

Horses. A better analogy. I think. “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink” (from the fountain of truth). Snake not chicken would suffice in my mind. Only way to kill a snake……and we are dealing with snakes.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 2, 2023 7:15 PM

I’m glad to report that Stewart Lee – covid shilling woke luvvie – has not lost his biting wit. His latest Graud article has him praising the “bravery” and “heroism” of the Just Stop Oil protesters and even thinks that their invasion of that cricket pitch will become as iconic as the Tiananmen square tank man. Well of course the courage of invading a pitch is exactly like the courage of facing an advancing tank! Good one Stew!

Oh wait a minute! Maybe Stew has a point:


Jonathan K X
Jonathan K X
Jul 2, 2023 8:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Tank man” is another BS narrative. The photo was taken the day after the violence had subsided. He just happened to be standing in the right place for the photographer to make it look like he was stepping in front of a moving tank. In fact, the whole Tiananmen Square narrative is BS. The violence had occurred in other (admittedly nearby) places, and the main concern of the majority of the protesters hadn’t been “democracy.” Most of them were expressing their opposition to what they saw as an excess of African students being admitted to Chinese universities. Do a web search for “Tiananmen Square Wikileaks” to see a US intelligence report about the first-hand testimony of the Chilean ambassador and his wife.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 2, 2023 8:23 PM
Reply to  Jonathan K X

Rachel Corrie showed what really happens when anyone stands up to an advancing juggernaut. The IDF mowed her down with an armoured bulldozer. I don’t recall iconic snaps of that one. I do recall our ever so compassionate media refer to her as a “dumbass” and one who “brought it on herself”. I wonder if Stew will mention her in one of his posts?  

Jul 3, 2023 8:23 AM
Reply to  Jonathan K X

NYT admitted as much – in a small inside article.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 2, 2023 1:04 PM

Sheep rarely look up from their grazing. When they do, their eyes are unfocused and the light dumbfounds their senses. They drop their heads back to the idle boredom and grazing…

Jul 2, 2023 4:51 PM

Makes me realize that you have to be human to be bored. Sheep aren’t bored. They’re sheep.

Frankly, bored humans are probably more in danger of becoming sheep than they realize.
There’s no excuse for any human being to be bored on this planet.
It’s a choice.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 2, 2023 5:29 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I’ve been think that one possible proof of a Supreme Being could be that somewhere, way up high, there’s a ” B B B being” that can tolerate boredom in eternity.
Thems be amused eternally by the way the numberless timelings continue to accept the same old shit.
(too convoluted? sorry.)

Jul 2, 2023 11:40 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Perhaps that Being created us precisely so it wouldn’t be bored any more…?

I admit that sometimes I have seriously wondered whether the Almighty could conceivably be lonely, but of course that’s anthropomorphizing a being about whose existence we know very little…

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jul 3, 2023 12:12 PM
Reply to  wardropper

You know more than you think about the existence of our creator, the Universe, God, call it what you will, because you are of it, we are it experiencing itself. The fact that you are extant means that you can know IT in the here and know if you can see past all the false divisions that are placed in front of us. Which, judging by your output on here over the past few years, I’m sure you already do to some degree.

Jul 3, 2023 5:45 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

You may be right up to a point, but I do think a fair amount of modesty is called for when a person hints at ‘knowing God’…

For me, His existence is not in doubt, but “knowing Him”, as a bald statement, seems too close a step to claiming to be somehow on His level, and I’d say the qualifications for that job call for nothing less than Christ’s qualities of self-sacrifice, as well as staggering wisdom, which, as I’m sure you’ll agree, few of us could come within a million miles of daring to claim.

After all, even Christ referred to “My Father in heaven”, and not “My other self”, although we also know that he said, “I and the Father are one”…
These are rather deep mysteries for a page like this.

To take the spiritual core of your comment seriously, however, I’d say we can all aim as high as possible with the talents given us, and just see how far they take us within our allotted time.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 5, 2023 11:08 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Being bald on top I like bald statements! The heavenly Father may well be partly bald too. 🙂

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 6, 2023 12:47 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Which is rather far depending on how far one can see, into the past, and likewise into the future.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 5, 2023 11:05 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Well as God said ‘let Us make man in our image’ then perhaps at least He wasn’t alone.

But when you have a Great Mind one has to do something creative with it otherwise you get bored.

Jul 2, 2023 11:34 AM

If I may, the author seems to have both hand’s firmly on this sheep theme. To the point whereby he’s given this theme an incessant & repetitive pounding & from many angles now. It’s something he returns to again & again & again, like some sort of fascination or remit. He’s written numerous articles about “Sheep & Nazis”. Keeps rogering it silly.

Our controllers would very much appreciate pointing out our differences. It would help add to the numerous other divide & rule thread’s running through our societies.
As someone that claims to have been down many rabbit holes & being a psychotherapist. Feel a tad surprised that other factors of a coercive nature haven’t been considered. I’m not condoning those that obey. Never have.

But we’re all here in this situation due to an accumulation of decisions that extend before our lifetimes.

Though many,pre-2020, spent their entire lives obeying the system. But due to this forced awakening, now find themselves not wishing to be experimented upon and can no longer deny that which many have been saying for decades & decades.

Has everyone missed all inoculations for their entire lives? Never voted or participated within the system of Capital. Always been outliers? protested all exploitative measure’s numerous 1st world Govt have executed over many decades now?

I am curious as to how this “Shrew” like behaviour manifested itself before 2020. Whatever were he & others doing during Austerity? As in the UK successive Govt were culling the disabled & attacking the working class not to mention the illegal invasions etc.

Seems odd that Mr Hayen & OFFG keep returning to this. (Posted 11:34am UK Time)

Jul 2, 2023 5:11 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

If I may add a response here, I think Covid was the quintessential case of “The straw that broke the camel’s back.”

Many – myself included – “allowed” those who were speaking out against the system to withdraw 911 from their grab bag of critique. We kind of made excuses for them – like “they don’t dare or they’ll lose their forum” etc. etc. and so forth.

Their response – or lack of response – to Covid was simply too much; so “we” dropped them and looked around for some other source of information. And now “we” point the finger at those who still “allow” them to hold back their criticism – and call these folks “sheep.”

Jul 2, 2023 5:16 PM
Reply to  Howard

Which is a bit rich, really. And shows how malleable and easily you can turn. Don’t you feel “Tweaked”?

Who do “I” have more in common with a “Sheep” or TPTB? They’ve been manipulated. By whom is the real enemy.

Please look at the time of another response I posted on here. I was typing as you wrote that.wow

Jul 3, 2023 3:30 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

One doesn’t “turn” so much as reach a conscious decision that certain pundits simply have too much “baggage” (or, waxing Ibsen: too many corpses in their cargo) to be of any further value as a source of credible information.

I’m not big on agreement – as in “You must agree with me on every important issue or else I’m dropping you!” But I do expect at least tacit acknowledgement of very obvious occurrences.

Jul 2, 2023 5:35 PM
Reply to  Howard

Believe this thread & another he’s posted will help explain a lot.


Jul 2, 2023 5:13 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Just on this thread I don’t see critical thinking but…. perhaps others should decide.

As he says “We are already seeing a rewrite of history with “presentism” and the “Woke” culture.

Yet, doesn’t extend this thought process to WWII. That seems like reinforcing narratives the victors peddled rather than critically thinking.

911, WMD’s should alone prove that the “rewriting of history” is far from exclusive for the times we currently live in. It’s been an ongoing theme.

And its things like that & the constant sheep thing. That makes him appear as “them” to mine eye’s. Mentioned before that that term is dehumanising. Many are hopelessly brainwashed but others are in fear. Fear of becoming destitute of how they’ll feed their families.

The lifetime, intergenerational lifetimes, of brainwashing & the false identities installed are very difficult to break. Let’s be honest with eachother, if it wasn’t for covid many wouldn’t have “woken up” that was one of the points of it. To assist in bringing Order out of preplanned Chaos.

“I’m a hypocrite, I’ll have a go at you for not knowing something, I found out, 5 minutes ago” Doug Stanhope.

I see it as reinforcing divide and rule.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 2, 2023 11:32 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

I think you into a blind gate. I find the article good, present and going into a touchy necessary feature.
There has always been dumb ordinary people following the crowd being servile to the Elite.
But previously we had authors, artists, engaged people to take out the worst consequences of their low style in open discussions.
Today the MSM and the global media are 100% censured divided into MSM and controlled alternative media.
What is different today is the global majority’s cognitive dissonance about obvious reality.
Therefore the sheep as an extremely dangerous entity become a necessary emergency matter to discuss.
Because there is no entity up to now who has shown ability break their idiocy.. .

Jul 3, 2023 7:02 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I believe our host’s would share your views.

The Overton Window was always controlled. Giving the illusion of subversiveness.

Many people seem to be congratulating themselves for “waking up”. When look what it took for many to finally be honest with themselves & “wake up”.
Western Tyranny isn’t a recent thing. Difference is, now it’s pointing itself directly at Westerner’s. They practiced in other countries.
Many have noticed, whilst many are still in denial.

Whether I like it or not, I still have more in common with a “sheep” than TPTB.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 4, 2023 2:01 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Oh my yes, I agree 100%, I definitely have more in common with a “sheep” than the TPTB. As I have said many times, I believe we are all sheep in some way…some are more sheep than others (can I resist, “some are more equal than others”?)

Seriously, the “sheep” in my opinion are a state of mind, and we are all (at least those of us who are human) capable of putting on any state of mind at any time. But, that said, I do believe for us to be successful in obliterating TPTB we must bring all of our resources together…including the “sheep mind”…we are all brothers and sisters at the core…it is our mindset that is malleable and that can be judged, and thus changed.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 2, 2023 11:34 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

I agree. I’m sure I’m not divulging any secret by saying that this sort of themes attracts the most commentary and produces the most polemics. Voilà.

Jul 3, 2023 7:26 AM

Thus reinforcing division’s & dehumanising the other.
Who does that help?

If someone was walking their dog as they’ve always done, in say a park they’ve always gone to. Then one day they trod on a landmine. Would I blame them or the person who put the landmine there?

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 3, 2023 2:32 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

I’m pretty sure the content above doesn’t reflect the point of view of the people running this platform, or perhaps even the author personal viewpoint, as it doesn’t stand the slightest scrutiny.
There is a fact, however, that in running a business, – despite those who believe in a group controlling everything – one doesn’t always do as they like; the decision of what to publish, or not to (in this case), at what frequency, how to combine subjects, etc. is rather dictated by external circumstances that escape control and stand objectively as an alien power facing one’s freedom to conduct business as one would wish. I taught GMAT Quant for quite a long time (the mathematics section of an exam to study MBA); it went fine until a point where books and fora on the subject start to appear on the web, available for free; that was a blow to my job as people would rather study from a book downloaded online charge-free rather than pay for a traditional course. That forced me to add to my usual introductory class, or as a reply to prospective clients, a part where I advise to avoid studying from the Internet/from books this “complicated subject” for all the reasons that I thought were justified. In truth, I hadn’t the slightest proof what I was saying was true, specially that I myself learned a lot studying on my own. What I was really doing was trying to save my livelihood against an impersonal development no one was to blame for.
The system we live under is condemned to stop in the sense that it is self-contradictory: The development of the forces of production constantly threatens the ways in which the established economy is conducted, as these become obsolete and does destroy them in due time. According to Marx, the most important law of Capital is the Tendential Fall in the Rate of Profit resulting from those contradictions.
comment image
As the figure above shows (US rate of profit – sources: economist Michael Roberts’ article and book The Long Depression), the rate of profit falls tangentially over the decades, as a tendance; the counter-measures shown as increases can’t overcome the larger dwindling tendency and need ever more energy and sacrifice to get that increase, only to decrease again in systemic crises. Like a plane subject to the constant force of gravity that wants to make it crash, in which the pilot needs to effect extra force to make an increase in altitude, and ever more so to obtain the same increase the higher the plane is.
The concrete result is that it becomes increasingly difficult to make businesses profitable and this forces businesspeople to constantly adapt and devise all sorts of strategies which as time passes by become less and less effective.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 3, 2023 4:32 PM

I have to make a correction: The graph above corresponds to world rate of profit as analysed by Michael Roberts and as it appears in this article rather than in the related one I mentioned above.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 10, 2023 4:32 AM

That is an absolute World business model you’ll note that beginning 1963. It’s been Core to a Central Industrial disaster counter Revolution since 1973-4 In league with the World Central Bank., cover of having The Cities issuing a reassurance visa Credit System over riding the debited head of a Family Member.
You’ll may also recall the rush London morning compute beginning into the late 1980’s of whats called the new city professional’s as the European double Dutch In Brussels currencies exchange., into further investing in regional Property marketing.
A ” New approach” I would say so no kidding depending on the Stated Language of who is speaking first by those whom have given the most Labouring effort…. without talking into what’s referenced as speaking double Dutch, wouldn’t you say or not got yet.
Forget what’s broken.,.concentrate what it is you have Broke., A Failure..We are helping,…Open your eyes imo.
Thank you TCR.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 3, 2023 6:06 AM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

It must be december wwII in the US dad we’re are watching Great Escape on Boxing Day.
I swear some Americans are STILL the thickest dummies on the Planet!

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 2, 2023 5:37 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

I was on Boston Common sometime in the early ’80s making as much noise as I was allowed to and still be peaceful in order to express my disgust at the bloody interference of the USofAs in El Salvador. Possibly shrew-like?
I did this in the years that preceded and again, and I did it again two weeks ago.
That’s what I think I can do in peace.
And it’s ironic … I wonder if “Pacifism” was just another low-level psy-op?
I’d do things differently if I could do them again.

Jul 2, 2023 8:38 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

And you respect to you for standing up & having the courage of your convictions. Have Chilean & Uruguayan friends & the stories they tell are…. heinous.

For many this Covid thing is their first time, or so it appears, of disobeying & seeing their Govt as an arm of the enemy. That’s brave as is realising we’re witnessing Democide.

But don’t refer to it as “Shrew”, well to me anyway. As it’s like someone trying to claim that Spirit & repackage it for their own ego. Find that highly dubious & self serving. Pied Piperish,Like a private club with cosy little names. I’m toning down how much I dislike it & the arrogance to rephrase/repackage any rebel spirit some have or that has been awoken, by this or any other “Event”

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 3, 2023 4:47 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Yes Kaczynski2 you are neither sheep or shrew, you seem to be something quite special, above it all, a unique sort of “non-ego” perfect person. That must be nice. Why don’t we see any of your own writing here on OG? You do seem to think that you have it all together, and all figured out with no room for certain offensive (to you) perspectives, accusing certain other writers (me) to be egoistic and part of the “controlled opposition.”

You also seem to have it out for me personally, which I find both odd and creepy. Why is that? Am I the epitome of what you hate the most about humans? A person trying to create his own “private club with cozy little names?” A writer intent on dividing the culture into neat little divisions so it is easier to hate one or the other. Is that really want you think I am intending when I talk about “sheep” or “shrews”? Are you so into “inclusion” theory that you believe it is impossible to point out certain differences in the way one group thinks opposed to another group?

I suppose (and again, just guessing) you are the type that if a group of murderous thieves broke into your house and started threatening you and hurting your family you would just stand by and refuse to see them as different with a different way of dealing with the trauma life has dealt out to them? In my humble opinion, that is analogous to what is happening in the world today.

So that isn’t what you saying? The group of people who sit by idly by with nothing to say when our human way of life is being raped and pillaged can definitely be identified as a “group think”…sure, they are all humans, and if one came to me and asked to be protected, or for shelter, or for food, I would welcome them into my home. But if they tried to hurt me, I would hurt them back.

I am a WRITER…I am NOT a politician, or a judge, or anyone that has any power over anyone. I am an OBSERVER I do not make policy regarding how people should be treated. As I said in my article, I have nothing against an individual human being who chooses to join a group I am calling “sheep” (for convenience sake) (but I guess you missed that) but I DO have issues with a “mind set”…and there is a “sheep” mindset, and a “shrew” mindset. That is all there is to it. Why you try so hard to make this all into something it isn’t is beside me. It isn’t that complicated.

Of course it seems to me that you are the “controlled opposition” attacking me and my writing so vehemently as you do. Of course there are bigger fish to fry than me and my little articles. If this is true, you are wasting your time.

Jul 4, 2023 11:32 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

As I understand it, this is an open forum encouraging debate & for people to offer their perspectives on certain events & articles presented.

That in itself is going to display a spectrum. As many views here prove.

“Accuse the other of which you’re being accused” attributed to Goebbels’s. If you deem myself C/O for not being enamored with your incessant sheep bashing then that is entirely your perogative.

Many can be accused of attempting to clean their conscience of a lifetime of conformity & enabling of our host’s, by
becoming “dissidents”.

So it isn’t beyond the realms of possibility to consider, that now, they conveniently point at the adherents as a way to absolve themselves of a lifetime of conformity & obedience. 2020 has certainly offered that opportunity for many.

Hence, why I ask the questions I do above. One being, how this “Shrew” like behaviour manifested itself BEFORE 2020. Fully understand why it’s better to attack me than answer that.

As for finding me “Creepy” again, that is entirely your perogative. Appears particularly thin skinned. But it really is due to your Sheep bashing & convenient positions taken. It’s not compulsory for me to like or trust you & vice versa.

I’m trying to be understanding & objective. I see you being judgemental.
I find it a tad galling. As I believe you & others were conforming & are busily sheering themselves. To dismiss that previous obedience.

If you see the validity in da Vinci’s apparent observation. That there are 3 classes of people: Those that see. Those that see when shown & those that do not see. Then perhaps the adherents position might make some sense to you. Would add there are those to fearful indoctrinationed & obstinate to “See”. That doesn’t even begin to address the economic situation many are in.

I find the black & white thinking, Freemasonic. It lacks nuance & is an over simplification.

I say again, I’ve still more in common with a “Sheep” than the PTB. But I’ll not be dragged down by them. Nor will I shit on them to elevate myself. You, you do as you wish. I’m not joining you.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 4, 2023 12:01 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Many can be accused of attempting to clean their conscience of a lifetime of conformity & enabling of our host’s, by becoming “dissidents”.

Anyone with a conscience who is willing to break from conformity is agreeable, surely? How can anyone ever be seen to legitimately ‘wake up’ using your reasoning? Or must we all conform to your acceptable version of how to rebel from the norm?

I think your intentions are questionable here, and I agree with you that perhaps you’re a little too conformist yourself. It feels a bit adolescent, tbh, like sneering at someone for not liking the same brand of rock and roll. A2

Jul 4, 2023 12:16 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Then you’ve misunderstood me.

I’m not the one sneering at sheep or using them to elevate myself.

I’m promoting humility & understanding. As otherwise, I believe correctly or incorrectly, we participate in TPTB’s evident further splintering of society. Rather than focusing on WHO did that to them & continues to.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 4, 2023 2:11 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

I disagree that this is what you’re achieving. I think we should steer clear of cod psychoanalysing one another. It’s really not very helpful. A2

Jul 5, 2023 7:47 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Ok, don’t post that long reply to Mr Hayen. As he’ll just emotionally blackmail thee & throw another hissy fit. I’ve proved my points.
We are not the same.Not sure it’s wise to facilitate his theme’s. Especially if he’s unable to accept others take on them.

But I hold to it all.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 4, 2023 4:31 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

You don’t think you are using your argument to elevate yourself? Sure seems that way to me.

When we write, we write from ego, if no ego was involved, we would not write anything. We would just “think” it…not saying that is bad, both approaches have profound purpose and meaning.

No, I do not “sneer at sheep” (to use your words) I sneer at their position in this battle. I admit I do find value in NOT being in the sheep club (most of the time) and find value IN being in the shrew club (most of the time) and yes, if that means I elevate myself as a result, then that is what I do. But I do not see it the way you seem to.

What do you mean by elevate? Being a better person? A better human being? A more powerful person meaning I can wield my shrew power over helpless stupid sheep and then be no different than the powers we all should be engaged fighting? That I am a God power as a shrew and can “judge other men for being inferior”?

Those are a lot of assumptions with very little information to support them. I do think the “mindset” of the “sheep mind” is not “good.” And I do think that the “mindset” of the “shrew mind” is better…only because it is more aligned with truth. And truth is pretty important to me. Any mindset that works against truth to me is a problem, so the sheep mindset is a problem. Maybe it isn’t to you…fine.

I personally see the sheep mindset as the real danger here because it keeps all of us who are fighting for truth away from the real evil’s jugular. We have a harder time getting to that tiny port in the Death Star because it is covered with sheep.

Do I feel “elevated”…I don’t think I “feel” that…maybe I feel good that I am fighting for the right thing. But I am not ashamed of that. I do not feel elevated because I “sneer” at sheep. And quite honestly I do not feel as if that is what I am doing. Yes, I am sneering at what they believe, what they think, and what they do as a result. But not at them as human beings. Maybe at times I do, but I sleep next to a human being that is in that “classification” and I would give her my liver if she needed it. I love her more than life itself. I have a sister I would do the same for. I do not sneer at the people I love, nor at people who are loved by others.

Jul 4, 2023 6:03 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

No, I’m not using this to elevate myself.
I’m responding to something I don’t agree with. I will not read all your articles again but I know if I did, I could easily demonstrate that that term is being brandished not as affectionately as you say here. It’s playground language of the newly awake and it is used to mock & demean. To separate & elevate.

As I’ve outlined, particularly galling if it took this psychological operation to finally make people “See”. Yet, they then keenly adopt belittling language to those that they behaved exactly like pre 2020. Find that very ugly. No humility, humanity. So at times I refuse to offer mine back.

“As I understand it, this is an open forum encouraging debate & for people to offer their perspectives on certain events & articles presented”

If I were to seek to elevate myself. I’d plaster my face name etc here & not only. But many of “us” don’t, as we value our anonymity have people to protect.. & so as to have open debate. I’m far from a social Darwinists or social climber. Our motives & conditioning is not the same.

I used the word sneer in response to the admin using it on me & yes, that is how i view this dehumanising term. I’m very consistent on that and have been. Suggest, agaaaain. You read the 10 Stages of Genocide. No 1, is Classification. No 4, is Dehumanisation.
That is how I see this term & others & why it was encouraged in the “Truth Movement”

I know why I think that which I think. Take umbridge at my ONE use of the word “Sneer”, can understand why you reach for that. But amplify that as you might but it pales into insignificance in comparison to that term you’ve incessantly reached for.

Now that you seem to finally agree. That that term isn’t useful. Let us leave it there.

PS: The admin has called for a cease to certain behaviours, that have perhaps, uncalled for, been exhibited. But he also knows I’m not the only to have deployed the tactics of which he speaks.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 4, 2023 10:10 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

I didn’t “agree” as you say, but so what.

I have a lot more to say, but will not. I think the dead horse has been beaten enough. I believe you are way off in your evaluation of me and even my work (you still don’t seem to understand what I have said in my responses) and think you do need to find a bit more humility in your manner of attack.

You have no idea who I am and what my intentions are, clearly you have missed any clue of that in my articles or responses. I believe you are fighting the wrong enemy.

Jul 4, 2023 11:49 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

“and, yes agree by using those monikers it can be seen to be offensive” You wrote that below. The word “agree” I took as well…. agreement.

If I’m off then instead of coming at me. Answer a question if you will.

How did this “Shrew” behaviour, mindset, selfless self labelling manifest itself BEFORE 2020. BEFORE this phycological operation?

I didn’t make or have made any claims to “know” you.

If you wish to label people “Sheep” as you have. Then this question seems highly relevant.

Also, I’m just responding to you. I’ve tried to finish this a few times.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 5, 2023 1:59 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

I agreed that using the sheep moniker “CAN BE SEEN TO BE OFFENSIVE” I did NOT agree it is “USELESS”

There have always been shrews, critical thinkers, those that do not follow the mainstream just because it is the mainstream, and consensus thinking. Look around you, most readers of OG probably were shrews long before Covid.

I was a partial shrew, there was a lot I did not “buy” shovelled out by the mainstream. But I was not aware of the Agenda before Covid and WEF and WHO’s bullying the world. I saw it in a lot of things, but I was not aware how organized or how deep the cancer ran until now. I was definitely a sheep.

I am not sure why that question is so important to you. You seem to equate calling oneself a shrew as some sort of self aggrandizing move. I do think one group of people can be “Right” and another “Wrong” and the “Right” group could feel good about themselves for believing they are right (or “knowing”). But belittling or dehumanizing the other “wrong” group is not an intention.

It again seems that you focus on that aspect of this argument, and although you of course are allowed your opinion, it seems there is a bit of projection in there (as there is for me as well, I am clearly projecting a ton of crap that doesn’t belong to you onto you…crap that ultimately belongs to me.) This is why this sort of arguing is pointless. We are both battling ourselves, not our points or each other.

I want to end with saying I see your points, and I think you make very good ones. I still, in the end, do not believe your concerns are relevant in the context of my writing for me to stop “dividing” in order to write down my observations. I may stop using “sheep” and instead use “normies” or “NPC” but that isn’t as fun…but maybe would seem less “dehumanizing” to people like you.

Hoping that you are indeed a “brother” in this fight, I will honour and respect you and your thoughts and intentions.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 4, 2023 12:25 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

As I understand it, this is an open forum encouraging debate & for people to offer their perspectives on certain events & articles presented.

Yes, I agree, thank you for reminding me of that, but I feel I have returned to you the same. My take on the above statement is that we are free to criticize what is written and debate on that, but attacking the writer, in my humble opinion, is not productive. You seem to insist on denigrating me personally for my views. Yes, I AM thin skinned. I have a particularly hard time these days with people I believe have similar views to be so caustic.

Otherwise I actually appreciated what you said in your response. I don’t agree, but I appreciate it (I agree with some of it).

I honestly do not believe you see the “spirit” in which I present the idea of sheep and shrew. PRIMARILY it is a writing device, it makes things simpler to write about the situation we are faced with if I can make what I am writing about more black and white. I see it as more humorous than anything else, and when I write something from a more serious perspective without my usual “tongue in cheek” approach, you will notice I avoid those terms.

If I don’t use the terms to describe these mindsets in two words, no point will ever be made and the writing will be apologetic mush. Again, I am writing about “mindsets” NOT individual people. And even then it is not accurate because we all have mixed up mindsets, no one is 100% one thing or another.

You criticize me as a therapist as well (at least that is what is implied). I see a lot of strange behaviour in my practice, and I myself exhibit a lot of strange behaviour in myself during my own therapy (which I have been engaged in for 30 years). We are complicated beings, and believe me, I love everyone of my clients. I do not judge them, but I do note observations about them and what they do and how behave. But at their core, I love them. I love sheep as well…quite literally as some very close people in my life belong in the sheep mindset. I can’t say what they think of me for being a shrew…but I doubt if it is as forgiving as I see them.

Again, I think you take what I write too seriously. And yes, I agree that my using those monikers can be seen to be offensive. But unfortunately all I can say is “so be it”. I have written a lot where I do not use the term “sheep”…I am growing tired of it myself. But I will not stop using shrew because I actually like the term. And besides, the Chinese have invented a new flu in our honour.

Carry on my friend (sorry if that offends you, but I consider all to be MY friend, you don’t have to consider me your friend if you choose not to.) Blessings to all…

Jul 4, 2023 12:37 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I’m but one voice offering it’s perspective. I’ve been harsh, agreed. It’s for the reasons I attempt to outline.

It is worrying to see, or (mis) perceive, language that separates us further get used by those that profess to want our current to tragectory to be averted.

Good day,

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 4, 2023 4:32 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

I agree…I do believe one prime directive of TPTB is to separate and divide us. I will try to keep that in mind more when I write.

The Coming Revollution
The Coming Revollution
Jul 4, 2023 5:13 PM
Reply to  Kaczynski2

Kaczynski2, this is a supporting voice I’m offering. I agree it isn’t IMO helpful at this point to keep coming back to the theme of emphasising the differences between those who’ve fallen for the medical theatre and those who haven’t, as if there was no other more pressing subjects to write about.

To be clear, I of course respect the author’s right to express himself however he sees fit, no question about that; this is simply an opinion among others and I’m exercising the right of voicing it.

I wonder when the shrews will start to speak up… criquets.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 4, 2023 10:26 PM

Thank you.

I agree with you to some extent regarding not being of help to keep harping on these “differences” but I keep hearing out there that most people think things are returning to normal when “those that have fallen for the medical theatre” have not learned a single thing. Because of this obvious fact, I believe most of us will be dead within the next 20 years.

So I keep bringing it up.

Yes, most of you are tired of it (well, actually not sure how many of you) and yes, many of you believe there are more important things to write about. But I am a psychologist, and the one thing that confounds me the most about all of this is how easy it has been to get the majority of people in the world to fall for this charade.

I will do my best in the future not to bring this up as often in my articles with Off Guardian. But I may have to withdraw completely (which I am sure many of you will be pleased with). I see this fact (that most of the world is still blinded by this nonsense) to be the true problem in this dilemma.

I am sorry that I may offend people who fall into the classification I have used to describe them (sheep) but I am angry and quite sick to death of having to placate people when I describe an obvious defect in “sheep-thinking” (not the people themselves, but in their THINKING). This way of thinking is killing us, plain and simple. And if a few people are going to be offended because I refuse to pussy foot around the issue, then so be it. I have been accused of falling into the Agenda’s wishes by promoting division amongst us, but maybe it is the Agenda’s wishes to have no one speak out at all about the obvious division. You can speak out against a behaviour in people without creating hate toward the person doing the behaviour. This is what I attempt to do, and I have tried to be very clear of this. But apparently not clear enough.

Again, I will try to avoid this particular issue in future articles, if I even decide to return here.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 5, 2023 1:19 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I think it’s Ok to have respectful disagreement; I don’t see it can be avoided since we are all speaking from different perspectives, specially in an open forum; and I appreciate you engaging with the readership; not many writers dare to do that.

I hope you’ll continue contributing to this site and not be discouraged by disagreement; more so if you are convinced those who disagree with the way some words are used to label individuals are still not getting the meaning you are giving to them and the gist of the whole message, – which some of us may well be missing. In that case I’d make it my task that they get it.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 5, 2023 2:02 PM

I am not discouraged by disagreement. I have no problem with that. I am offended by personal attacks on assumptions (direct or implied) about my personal intentions and my personal character. I believe that sort of discussion has no place on this forum, or anywhere for that matter.

Jul 4, 2023 11:54 PM

I said the same, to the writer “You, you do as you wish. I’ll not be joining you”

Thanks by the way. Even the Admin misrepresented a valid observation. Frankly, none of this is surprising in the least.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 2, 2023 9:05 AM

I am deeply suspicious of news items that suddenly take over the channels e.g. the French riots – and sure enough:


“NETHERLANDS- Whilst you’re distracted by France, the Dutch government is hoping you won’t notice their police brutalising farmers, who are protesting the forced sale of their farms.”

How does the mainstream press deal with this?


“Several hundred farmers and their supporters gathered on a square in The Hague, an AFP journalist said, far less than the 10,000 that organisers the Farmers Defence League had predicted”

Nothing to see here.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 2, 2023 9:30 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Also note this from france24:

“Previous protests against plans to cut livestock numbers and possibly close farms to meet emissions targets have attracted global attention, and the support of former US president Donald Trump.”

Trump again brought in as the poison pellet.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 2, 2023 7:52 AM

Never trust the media especially when it’s in outrage mode. The Telegraph blisters about how Terry Pratchett is the latest author to be appended with warnings about “outmoded attitudes”. It would be easy to fulminate over this. But that’s what they want you to do. Another distraction.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 2, 2023 5:06 AM

Printing presses don’t move neither writers and authors ie 1950 Orwell.?.. and was the last time the a sheep used a typewriter.☺

Jul 2, 2023 2:40 AM

High security contagion facilities/hospitals popping up and prepping for the next plague.
Paranoid parasites or media and medical maggots cashing in?
Evil abounds.

Jul 2, 2023 2:18 AM

The root cause of all the evil is, not so much the ‘money’, or the ‘sheep’ as it is the political-grubs who sell-out, i.e. privatize, for their short-term fix of hopium and the 30 pieces-of-silver. We know that they’re thieves and yet we still accommodate them. Why?
ALL political-maggots who have been instrumental in privatizing public assets should be shot … on sight – because they aid-and-cultivate the parasitic class.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 2, 2023 1:01 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

“The revenge is mine” said the Lord.
Why, because average Joe makes too many mistakes when he hang people in a light post because he thought they were horse thieves.
To be in a situation where you can judge a man, you need to be absolutely sure and know 100% why and what you are doing. Very few of us have this complete knowledge.

les online
les online
Jul 2, 2023 12:17 AM

Whenever i read the local press (Murdoch’s) i count the number of times “Fear” helps make up the headlines (e.g, “the bosses fear”, or “the police fear”, or “the government fears”, or “climate scientists fear”, or “doctors fear”)…Paints a pretty frightening picture of Out There; makes me want to stay holed up in bed all day…
This past week i’ve switched to counting the number of times “Chaos” helps make up headlines – and, i’ll tell you, it’s also pretty chaotic Out There…One place you would not want to live is Russia because, going by the headlines, it’s absolute CHAOS there…
But it’s not just in Russia…If the headlines are to be believed there’s CHAOS everywhere…
The headline about CHAOS on the local railways made me wonder if we were being readied to accept the re-appearance of Benny Mussolini…

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 2, 2023 1:13 PM
Reply to  les online

Well, it fits well into the ideological themes TPB and academia are working with;
Creative chaos, The beauty of chaos, Chaos walking, Chaos theory, the Divine sword of chaos.

Barry Edmiston
Barry Edmiston
Jul 1, 2023 11:53 PM


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 1, 2023 11:28 PM

How can you be sure you are right and we are wrong?

Because I don’t personalise it. Instead, the question should be: “How can you be sure THIS is right and THAT is wrong?”

comment image

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 2, 2023 1:16 PM

Many answers. But I would say: “Because I know and you only believe”.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 2, 2023 1:27 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Which means our dilemma today has been the same for at least centuries.
Conclusion? Dumbness will prevail until we all agree to be vaxxed once a month.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 2, 2023 11:17 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

I’m afraid the first part of your conclusion is a reality.

However, I’d rather die standing up for my freedom than be so hopelessly enslaved as to submit to medicalisation against my will.

I believe many likeminded people will think and act similarly.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 3, 2023 11:05 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

You can count me in.

Jul 3, 2023 3:39 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

So many of the kind of people Goethe describes will go through their entire lives and never have that magical thing we call an “epiphany.” They lived and died thinking themselves free.

And how can we know they weren’t really “free?” Because they never questioned it. Which means they never wondered if life could be different from what they took it to be.

Jul 1, 2023 11:10 PM

Today, Canada Day, I went to Halifax which is near where I live. There I found a coffee shop near the 2 major universities. It was called Glitter, and in huge letters read” A Workers Co op”.
On the door was a sign saying how to social distance, and to wear the best quality respirator you have access to, and medical masks are provided inside. The LGBTxyz flags and the usual things decorated the shop.
As in Stalinist Russia I felt afraid to enter, for the reason that I was wearing Freedom Convoy sweater, and sure as hell would not be covering my face. As in Stalinist Russia I began feeling that others may see my sweater and approach me.
I had an urge to escape.
Am I a shrew, turned sheep?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 1, 2023 11:12 PM
Reply to  Dave

No. All human and natural.reaction.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 2, 2023 5:32 AM
Reply to  Dave

Never been to Stalinist Russia, but I’m fairly familiar with another part of the communist bloc.

The difference between some parts of today’s West, especially Canada, and the former commie world is that the proportion of adherents to the sick commie and the sick woke ideologies and people who could back then and can now see through the bullshit is reverse. Meaning that back then, there was relatively small number of diehard communists while most people quietly suffered and waited for the crap to blow over, while it seems to be opposite with this fucking wokeism-covidism. Note that I’m talking about the grass roots, not the establishment, which makes it much worse, as the nitwits provide a highly fertile soil for the elite pricks to work with.

There is probably a rather long road ahead of us before this damn thing collapses, which it eventually inevitably will. In the meantime, get ready for more of this sick shit.

Jul 2, 2023 11:19 AM

I have a waking nightmare about an army of autistic, ball-less pink haired maniacs torching my farm in 5-10 years

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 2, 2023 12:39 PM
Reply to  Dave

From what you’re saying, I assume that you’re Canadian – kudoz to you for retaining common sense. From what I’m hearing, Canadians have gone completely woke bonkers.

Jul 2, 2023 1:29 PM

The psy ops are strong here still.
20% mask wearing , even in the rain.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 2, 2023 2:09 PM
Reply to  Dave

Nuts! I guess people got too soft. In the Canada I remember, the flu would never stop anybody from normal functioning. There was always somebody sick around and nobody gave two shits.

Hang in there!

Jul 3, 2023 3:41 AM
Reply to  Dave

I just got a message from the hotel booking I made for trip to Vancouver-saying guests must provide proof of vaccination.I will cancel this booking -but FFS.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 3, 2023 4:11 PM
Reply to  hele

I doubt that they’re legally allowed to ask for anything like that. Only the government can impose public health measures. A friggin’ hotel can’t discriminate people based on their medical status. Serve them a notice to shove this up their ass. If they insist, charge them for any extra expenses you might incur.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 2, 2023 1:33 PM
Reply to  Dave

As you may know all nightmares are coming through, because its your senses warning signals about what you cant expect in the forthcoming future.
You deny it with your brain, it cant be true, but your senses never lie.

Jul 3, 2023 12:03 PM
Reply to  Dave

Certainly not very masculine.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 1, 2023 10:48 PM

Half the world is at risk of dengue. Why is there no universal way to prevent it?

This painful, mosquito-borne virus could spread even more if new innovations can’t scale.

Is anyone still buying this?

How about this?:

The Coronavirus Pandemic’s Ongoing Legacy: COVID Orphans

They can flog that stiff as much as they want. It ain’t movin’.

Jul 2, 2023 10:46 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“COVID Orphans”!?

Jul 1, 2023 9:03 PM

Subtly written.
Agree wholeheartedly.
In the past 4 years, I have gone down many rabbit holes.
And I’m glad I did…

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 1, 2023 9:00 PM

It is instinctual to fear the unknown and thus to stay on the old beaten path. Three things can dislodge us from sheepitude into shrewdom. Boredom, suffering, and most importantly, curiosity. Let’s hope we shrews are never tamed.

Jul 1, 2023 8:41 PM

We aren’t animals.

We are Humans.

Some are woke, some are awake.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 1, 2023 10:32 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

We are animals, and we forget that fact at our peril.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 1, 2023 10:51 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Let’s synthetize that: We are animals endowed with self-consciousness.

And everybody’s happy!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 1, 2023 11:14 PM

No one is ever going to call me an animal. Never.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 2, 2023 1:00 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

You’re an animal. It’s not an insult; it’s biology.

Jul 2, 2023 10:24 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

how about mammal then?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 2, 2023 1:42 PM
Reply to  Radha

Im human and man. its as simple as that. Want more?
Created in God’s picture with a duty to acquaint myself with the laws of the universe and the way our earth function.
In addition as master for this our earth I have the commando and duty to steer my ship free of collisions, storms, and shallow water.
To help me through the night I got the most beautiful creature as my assistant to conduct the organising of the more protected areas inside the ship with the children.

No animal can do that.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 2, 2023 1:08 AM

My original post said something similar. Sadly, Nature does not endow all her children equally.

Jul 2, 2023 1:25 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Let’s put it this way:
We can choose to be animals if we wish.
Animals can’t make that choice.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 2, 2023 5:49 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Humans act like animals all the time, at the most basic level of behavior. It’s not that we choose to be animals, it’s that we are animals, at the most fundamental level of our physical existence. We eat, we breathe, we sleep, we shit and piss, we look for comfort. We fight, and mate, and breed, and rear our offspring. Such are the requirements of survival on this world.

Some, a comparative few, can transcend the basest impulses, instincts and drives and choose to be more broadly human, but ultimately, it’s impossible to understand our human nature without accepting the animal side of it.

Jul 3, 2023 10:52 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Cue in…

Bloodhound Gang – The Bad Touch

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 3, 2023 2:10 PM
Reply to  randy

Are we not (hu)Men?

Jul 3, 2023 5:27 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Well, I disagree.
When we act like animals, we have chosen to do so, just as we choose to do most of the things we do in the 21st Century.

A sheep and a wolf, on the other hand, have no choices in the matter of being a victim or a predator.
It’s simply what they are.

And I really don’t see any reason to use the most animal-like of our species to condemn the whole lot of us.

If you were right, we would never have evolved at all, and we’d all be Harvey Weinsteins, Tony Blairs, Myra Hindleys or Maggie Thatchers – all of them psychopathic, opportunistic parasites.

But it seems quite clear to me that we have indeed evolved since our amoebic distant past, despite the appalling mess which the worst representatives of our species are currently creating around us.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 3, 2023 10:09 PM
Reply to  wardropper

So what do you mean when you say acting like animals?

If a mother nurses her baby, is she acting like an animal? After all, some animals nurse their offspring.

If two people compete for the affection or attention of a potential mate, are they acting like animals? After all, reproduction in the animal world almost universally happens after competition.

Most actions engaged in by animals, whatever the species, are value neutral; they’re simply survival based. Are human beings excused from these behaviors?

If a herd of wildebeest join together to chase off a group of lions in order to protect one of their calves, is this any different from human animals protecting their own offspring?

There are any number of videos available where you can watch animals go out of their way to rescue another animal, either of their own kind, or even from another species, frequently including Man. Why should those animals do that? There are plenty of human beings who never do this, and no small number who do the opposite; namely, who go out of their way to harm other creatures.

Jack the Ripper was a human being, as was St. Francis of Assisi. Both were also animals. All bears are animals, but not all animals are bears. Likewise all human beings are animals, but not all animals are human beings.

I’m not sure why this is even controversial; it’s basic biology

Jul 4, 2023 8:39 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Well argued. But don’t expect an admission that you are right. This is an article of faith.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 4, 2023 2:54 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yeah, you’re right, thanks.

Jul 1, 2023 7:57 PM

“Beware the false profits who come to you in sheep’s suits but inwardly are ravenous wolves of Wall Street.”

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jul 1, 2023 7:48 PM

The dam breaking is exactly why the war against all people by government is escalating.
A bell curve of sorts throughout the cycle of history.
I imagine a major rewrite of history is an important part of their great Reset.

Be prepared that many of the people we love won’t make it.
Enjoy and appreciate everything you can, while you can.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 1, 2023 8:20 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

My sentiments exactly. We are already seeing the rewrite of history with “presentism” and the “woke” culture…

Jan J
Jan J
Jul 2, 2023 8:02 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Todd, have you heard about the “default to truth” hypothesis? On a recent business trip I picked up a book called “talking to strangers” on the airport where this hypothesis is given some considerable “airtime” (it’s an interesting book as well). Anyway, I think it explains why most people are sheep – it’s simply too mentally costly and draining to maintain constant vigilance, so most people just subconsciously assume other parties are telling the truth. It’s basically a part of our human “operating system” for working together in groups, hence not that easy to change.

The interesting question I guess is why some people are more “shrew-like” – what unique experiences or traits unite us? Are we random mental “mutations” from the norm? I guess you as a psychologist could have some insight on this – do you have many “shrew” patients? Or mostly sheep?

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 4, 2023 11:35 PM
Reply to  Jan J

Very good points. About 80% of my clients would fall into the sheep mindset, the rest are shrew-like. When I discover a client as a sheep-like person, I never divulge my “shrew self” and do not see them as inferior in any way. I am curious to know why they believe what they believe, and most would fit in your description.

The shrew clients are desperate to talk to a shrew. They are generally very anxious due to what is going on and feel horribly isolated. They need a lot of support. The sheep-types are generally quite depressed, and can’t see any reason why.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 1, 2023 8:42 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

I think we’re gonna need a bigger memory hole.

Jul 1, 2023 11:13 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

What is the NWO cults ace in the sleeve?
False Flag Nuclear disaster?

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 2, 2023 7:11 PM
Reply to  Dave

Economic collapse followed by pestilence, famine, and war.
The oldest playbook in history.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Jul 1, 2023 7:42 PM

There was no greater film than Broadcast News the document to hostile takeover of the news department. The 1980’s marked the true beginning of the fascist privatization of the Commons. Carter did begin with union-busting, but fascism really began its damage from the 80’s on.

Today, for example, I was surrounded by three otherwise intelligent people (or so I thought) laughing at Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s voice. Imagine being so indoctrinated by PR that you cannot get beyond the presentation of a very important message that they are delivering. Stephen Hawking would never stand a chance.

If the egoism of the global fascists could be subsided by self-reflection, the US could have another Kennedy as president, in repentance of the deliberate murder of its several family members. The US could pick up the pieces of yet another nation smashed to pieces by capitalist degenerates and begin again, ending the nightmarish detour of the past 50 years.

Lies can only go so far before they are involuntarily regurgitated by the global body and we are obviously at this point. We can accept no more. It is now a natural reflex.

Nature always bends toward self-regeneration and renewal. Remember that. WE are Nature and we bend toward healing and balance. Always.

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
Jul 1, 2023 7:01 PM

And the height of ignorance is when it is WILLFUL – all the while posing as intelligence – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-height-of-ignorance-when-it-becomes.html?m=0 – happens to every institution and their members who ASSume they are now the arbiters of truth.
Been there, done that……learned in the last 15-20 years that most of what I knew before was bullshit and propaganda!

Jul 1, 2023 2:50 PM

“How can you be sure you[conspiracy theorist] are right and we are wrong?” “We want to actually understand why things are like they are.”
<=Theory comes from hypothesis that cannot be, or have not yet been, proven wrong. Hypotheses are developed from knowledge, imagination and the occurrence of events or discovery of circumstance which begs for an explanation.
Attempts to understand how the corruption came about, breeds a myriad of hypothesis designed to explain the corruption. hypothesis are assembled and condensed into theories.
Corruption is almost always the result of planning and execution of a plan (a conspiracy) by one or more conspirators. Even if the corruption was planned by but one person, even if that person is the sole benefactor of the corruption, it generally takes more than one (co conspirator) to help that person execute his or her corruption.
Nearly everything a corporation or a partnership or a trust or a NGO or a government does is a plan and nearly all such plans were developed by a team of people (the co conspirators).

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 1, 2023 10:27 PM
Reply to  eman

I’m Spartacus.

Guilty as charged.

Jul 1, 2023 1:07 PM

“we certainly do it when facing big sweeping pronouncements and when the powers that be tell us we all have to “do” this or that, like take a vaccine no one has really studied for a virus that no one really knows that much about.”
You describe me!

Jul 1, 2023 1:01 PM

Sheep aren’t born, they’re employed. Having a job, a family and a mortgage is like having your ankles chained together. There’s nowhere to run.

I just spent a few hours studying the American civil war. As many as 750K people died because Abraham Lincoln was a gangster who wanted to protect his revenue stream. The average citizen was cannon fodder and he knew there was no way his opinions would save his life. If you have roots you can’t run.

Jul 1, 2023 5:27 PM
Reply to  fatalist

The vast majority of people I know (nearly everyone) were Covid true believers, just like they’re true believers with every other mainstream narrative. They didn’t want to run.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 1, 2023 7:20 PM
Reply to  TRT

Oh, how right you are.

Jul 2, 2023 6:39 PM
Reply to  fatalist

I think mortgage comes for the French for “death grip”… or at least it should.

The search for the illusion of security in the form of a “full-time job” (being employed, aka wage slavery), two kids and a spouse leads directly to loss of freedom. This is why the church insists on procreation. If you have kids, you are usually not in a position not to be a sheep unless you’re really rich…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 6, 2023 6:28 AM
Reply to  Ras-Pootin

UK. Work is a… to trudge return to the Job Centre, only a fool balloons of jobs are a working reproductive success. 1980.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 4, 2023 11:37 PM
Reply to  fatalist

Seriously, I would be interested in reading anything about the American Civil war that describes Lincoln as a gangster. Can you supply a link?

Jul 5, 2023 12:53 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

In a spirit of unsheepness I formed my own opinion and chose my own words. I was influenced by the following

 Samuel Johnson on the American founding fathers. “Sir, they are a race of convicts, and ought to be thankful for anything we allow them short of hanging.”

The Founding Scam in (2004) Counterpunch describes a very mafia-like insider trading currency scam involving war issued ‘continentals’..

Lincoln ‘killed’ up to 750K people for his own political advantage (the tariff) . That’s gangsterism.

The denouement of arguably  the most celebrated  American novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ is that the glittering socialite Gatsby was a gangster. That obviously struck a chord with Americans.

The Kennedys had strong Cosa Nostra connections. JFK was shot in the street like a mafia punk.

Joe Biden is an out and out crook.

‘If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged’.

Noam Chomsky

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 6, 2023 7:58 AM
Reply to  fatalist

Mixed rubbish isn’t an opinion it’s Propaganda spin washing machine. Why CW in July 18th Century straight leap frog to 1963, pathetic. And you call it what…”unsheepishness”.
What the hell does that mean, you moron.

Jul 7, 2023 2:53 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

I was simply laying out a few reasons I think the United States is a gangster style operation.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 6, 2023 7:49 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Yea, a federal Unionist she’ll lead you straight to Irish Brigades on both sides, Gettysburg PA.
Historical revisionists are 18,19 hundred worm bait. Go there Todd, weather is beautiful. Orange Sunsets. Large moon nights.

Jul 6, 2023 1:47 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Probably anything by Thomas DiLorenzo but here is a good one to start with:


Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 6, 2023 6:02 PM
Reply to  docloxvio

Thank you…ordered it. Are there any of our institution and heroes left standing???

Jul 8, 2023 12:20 PM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

I am not aware of any, as even the purest among us are human and subject to human faults and weaknesses. I suspect that those who aspire to rule the rest of us are at best, sociopaths, and thus by definition are certainly not the ‘most pure’.

Jul 1, 2023 12:57 PM

In the spirit of jest – just for shits and sheepish giggles – if we really “want to actually understand why things are like they are” – especially if “facing big sweeping pronouncements” – we may at some point want to encounter the scale of the anthropogenic agenda in play right now. Well aware that dynamic systems thinkers and reductive linear thinkers tend to talk past each other; I propose a non-taxing thought experiment:

<<If there are ~8bn humans alive today – how many of them would need to be in the workforce right now to maintain the current anthropogenic agenda of our industrial civilisation? All of them?

Even if the virtual workforce was 8bn, the technological machines we use allow us to amplify the locomotor power of the human body by at least two orders of magnitude (x10 x10 = 100); requiring a virtual workforce 800bn in backbreaking manual labour right now (and always and forever) to support humanity; whichever is approximately eight times all the humans who have ever lived.>>

Even as a rough estimation, allowing for error, the point is that in order to continually exponentiate our consumptogenic demand we need many more humans than the entire humanisation process has ever supported. As half the non-renewable energy and matter used so far has been consumed in the last thirty years; to continue to live as we are right now will require us to draw down the bulk of the remaining non-renewable resources in the next two decades. Then what, go back to human-powered labour?

Absent a small galactically networked economic civilisation: thereafter, the contemporary anthropogenic agenda of our civilisation (the “doing of doing” of everybody on a diurnal basis) is irreducible to any class, category, or moral stratification (neither ‘sheep’ nor ‘shrew’) as it can only ever be considered as a industrial-technical singularity or economic massification at the species-scale. Or as a perpetual anthropogenic production process of industrial-technical daily activity, synergetic of everybody, across the last ~200y. That is some galactically massified superego we’ve got as collectivised power hungry globalists. Ain’t that the ‘truth’ ‘we’ are talking about?

So, if the economic conspiracy theorists have a hard time convincing anybody; spare a thought for the dynamic ecosystems theorists who have absolutely no chance whatsoever of exposing the irreducible supermassive ego-complexity of the singularised anthropogenic agenda that is supporting our continued existence right now. Please be kind to the sheep, especially the ones in eternal hard labour supporting this conversation. Most of them never had any choice.  

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 1, 2023 12:26 PM

The sheep vs. shrew dichotomy is basically another angle to view the collectivist vs. individualist approach to life.

Unlike the essentially economic collectivism in the past, today’s collectivism is an extreme protectionist ideology, under which people a) seek and expect protection from the “establishment” against just about anything and b) force everybody else to conform to patterns imposed by the establishment to that effect.

Just like economic collectivism, which was a road to hell because it killed competition, entrepreneurship, curiosity, will to do anything, the present protectionist collectivism is, or rather will be, a road to hell because it will further atrophy and eliminate whatever devices people have left and will make them completely dependent on the establishment. Eventually, the whole thing will collapse.

“Shrews” are obviously aware of this and refuse to outsource their well-being to the establishment – the collective for all sorts of reasons, the principal one being that this shit makes them fucking wanna puke … 😀 … Well maybe not everybody, but it’s the case with your truly.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 1, 2023 8:53 PM

Strange physical feeling. Very strange sentiment, same here.
Collectivism when it opens its mouth, pour out false and wrong conceptions and sweet greasy words from new speak, can physically make straight people to get the sentiment of puking out of disgust. Its stuff for shrinks to explain.

les online
les online
Jul 2, 2023 2:06 AM

A very shrewd observation, indeed !!

Jul 1, 2023 11:58 AM

Krishnamurti, Kropotkin and curiosity woke me up more than forty years ago. The Sheeple are on a fools errand.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 1, 2023 6:53 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40-45 years (since my late teens/early 20s). All my family members are still ‘asleep’, and all bar a couple of my friends, ditto.
They refuse to listen to/accept anything other than the MSM narrative (whatever the subject matter). More fool them.

Jul 1, 2023 11:19 PM

Well done for being awake for 40-45 years.. very impressive! What’s not impressive, is not being able to wake up a single family member in that time. Maybe they’re all going to heaven anyway so no big deal for them… please spare me the lecture on spiritualism certainties.

Apologies if my first post comes across as a little cruel and/or arsey. I’m just reacting to your arrogance on being awake and your certainty on what happens when we die. Just made my toes curl and fingers twitchy on the comment button (I’ve never got the toe curl thing until today)

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 2, 2023 10:37 AM
Reply to  HamsterWheel

Like all the literally countless millions of other properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world also are, I’m 100% certain as to what happens to each and every one of us at and after the illusory event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’ precisely because there truly IS absolute, incontrovertible PROOF that what happens is what I’ve said re. that, in my posts on that oh so vital subject. As I’ve 100% correctly stated, there exist 20+ [twenty+] different categories of the multi-faceted evidences re. what takes place for literally everyone, at and after ‘death’. It’s not mere conjecture, it happens to be absolute fact.

And I’m NOT ‘arrogant’ re. being ‘awake’. I’ve simply stated a fact! And re. not being able to ‘wake up’ any of my family members is due to their being despicably closed-minded; they refuse to investigate any of the big areas/subjects which I (and which countless millions of other people around the world also are) am ‘awake’ about. They (my family members and all bar two of my already ‘awake’ friends) simply choose to ‘believe’ all the ‘official narratives’ [whatever the subject], and ‘believe’ everything which they’re ‘told’ on their beloved TVs. When people are closed-minded, no-one will be able to ‘wake them up’. I despise my relatives for being the way they are.
I tried to protect them all from these evil injections, provided them all with a mass of information, prior to and after their ‘roll-out’, but still they all rolled up their sleeves and meekly complied. They’ve all had four ‘jabs’ (and two of my friends have had five…). More fool them.

Jul 2, 2023 11:38 AM

Yes this is the tragedy, that we can’t wake up our family and friends.
So for me, my celebration of being awake is soured by having people i care about still blinded. And even worse them having been multi-jabbed… this is a miserable celebration when I see the damage all around.
The spiritualism stuff you are so sure about is up for debate in my view but the evil of the pLandemic is unequivocal. Evil might also be a debatable word but we agree it’s lies from start to finish and tragically it’s far from finished.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 2, 2023 2:47 PM
Reply to  HamsterWheel

As many people commenting here on Off-G are aware, no matter how many incontrovertible facts and truths we provide to the ‘sheep’/’normies’, they will not ‘wake up’. People won’t be able to ‘wake up’ until they, deep down, are ready to ‘wake up’.

Yes, what’s been taking place worldwide since early 2020 is most definitely ‘lies from start to finish’, and yes, you’re also right when you say ‘tragically, it’s far from finished’.

And that statement of fact (what I said in the last sentence of the first paragraph of this post) applies to ALL ‘controversial’ subjects… so, for eg, people will not ‘wake up’ and accept the in fact PROVEN survival of physical body death truth UNTIL they, deep down inside, are ready to wake up and accept its very real truth.
If you really wanted to become aware of its very real truth, all you’d have to do is to decide to initiate a programme of extensive, in-depth, scholarly research into the veritable wealth (mountain-loads…) of multi-faceted evidences which exist, which absolutely PROVE its truth, and then you, too, would be amongst the literally countless millions of spiritually-enlightened people around the world who know (NOT merely ‘think’, NOT merely ‘claim’) that the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory, face-value mere appearance.

Jul 3, 2023 12:14 PM
Reply to  HamsterWheel

It is not in our hands to ‘wake up’ people. The best we can do is point the way. Whether that person truly awakens is whether they submit to God. Then His grace comes upon you.

Jul 3, 2023 3:51 PM

Let me interject something here, because here is where your appearance of arrogance comes in. You always equate those unawake with being somehow addicted to MSM propaganda and glued to their TVs.

Now that may be the case with your family members. But certainly is not the case with everyone who is “unawake.”

Since I fit your definition of being unawake, it should be quite apparent that I am not addicted to MSM propaganda; nor am I glued to my TV.

I would also venture to say that many other commenters in this forum fit your definition of “unawake.” And clearly they are nothing like your family members.

There is always the potential to be perceived as arrogant when one generalizes – even though it’s very difficult not to.

Jul 1, 2023 11:43 AM

Why so much equivocation, brother?

People who shoot dissidents in the snowy woods, inject their own children with toxins, administer electric shocks to complete strangers, and so and so forth, ad nauseam – why so much concern for their feelings?

I mean, on the one hand: Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do – now there’s a conversation! But in the meantime, these empty vessels threaten to capsize the shop, and drag us all down.

I know too many ‘shrews’ who are frightened to cause a fucking scene over breakfast! the war will not be won this way.

I would suggest zero tolerance for the Lie, and a warrior spirit.

Jul 1, 2023 12:05 PM
Reply to  Will

Because there is nothing subtle about any of it. One day, one finally notices the glaringly obvious, and wonders why it took so long.

That’s why it’s called ‘waking up’.

A cursory glance in the direction of virology, ‘climate change’, Building 7, and so on and so forth, settles it. That’s all it takes. A ten-year-old child can drive a tricycle through any of these narratives . . . and so, we are in the arena of the unwell.

And THAT is the ‘terror of the situation’ (to quote Gurdjieff).

Take 911, for example. The horror was not on account of realising that governments routinely lie, murder their own people, etc. – or even that reality per se, so far as geopolitics go, is not what it seems – it’s none of that! It is the fact that Building 7 pancaked in front of the assembled world’s media, and NO ONE called it.

Speaking personally, I am no longer even interested (generally anyway) in changing anyone’s mind. Let the dead bury the dead. But I will not suffer the Lie to live in my presence – and I don’t give a shit for the consequences.

I am concerned, in short, with my own soul’s survival.

Put another way: I’d share my last sandwich with anyone – but I will fight to the death over this, if need be. I will lose friends, jobs, positions. I don’t care. And I sleep like a fucking baby.

My intention is not to appear as an arrogant cunt. I’m just trying to make a point.

We need to reach down, deep inside, and touch – and RETRIEVE – something molten.

Otherwise we’re done, brother. And we’re probably done, anyway. And we have to somehow find a way to make THAT a source of strength.

No one ever said that it was gonna be easy.

Jul 1, 2023 1:39 PM
Reply to  Will

Bonus point for the Withnail & I quote

Jul 1, 2023 3:46 PM
Reply to  Will

The narrative is not necessarily the thing itself.

For instance, we must all die eventually. Just because the narrative acknowledges this and then twists and turns it into something those behind the narrative can make a profit on – such as transhumanism – doesn’t mean it’s a lie that we’ll one day die.

Same with other things encased in a narrative. Sometimes there really is a kernel of truth lurking somewhere in the narrative.

Sometimes we critically thinking shrews get a little carried away with our own findings to the point of becoming as concrete bound and hubristic as the purveyors of narratives.

It’s admirable to stand one’s ground. But is preserving one’s intellectual integrity always worth torpedoing long standing relationships?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 1, 2023 8:49 PM
Reply to  Howard

I’ve just seen your post to me, timed at 5.08pm UK time, on the Off-G article, ‘To live forever’, of a few days ago. Have just posted a reply (at approx. 8.37pm UK time, today, 1 July). It won’t yet have been printed, of course [unless the posts have just been updated, in the last few minutes!].

Re. your post above. You say “… we must all die eventually”. Well (as you know full well, due to my posts on this subject, on the occasions when they seem appropriate), it’s our physical body ‘coat’ that dies, but not the real us…!
The real us being our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body, which is what literally animates our physical body ‘coat’ whilst we’re here on Earth, in each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes. That spirit body (the real us) literally departs from the physical body at ‘death’ (it has been seen to do so, by many, many people around the world who are lucky enough to possess the spiritual gift of clairvoyant vision; including some nurses and doctors who also possess clairvoyant sight), and it (we) returns to the very real Spirit dimension of this multi-dimensional cosmos, and continues to live, in that Spirit realm.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 2, 2023 5:37 AM

The only question that remains to be answered is how much vodka the clairvoyants drank or what and how much stuff they injected themselves with before having their vision.

Incidentally, do you have an isolated, purified sample of the spirit body, the real yous, that literally departs from the physical body at death? Have you lodged an FOI request with the government if they got some of the stuff?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 2, 2023 10:57 AM

Well, that is such a puerile response that I shouldn’t even deign to reply.

The ‘stuff’ that is very correctly termed ‘spirit’ is (by very definition) not physical. The ‘stuff’ termed spirit (ie, [spiritual] energy, consciousness) is what’s termed the fundamental substrate of literally everything in the multi-dimensional cosmos. Ie, it (spirit/consciousness) is what literally everything (literally everything) in the cosmos is composed of. Spirit/energy does what’s termed vibrate at different frequencies; energy which vibrates at a [relatively] slow frequency creates what we on Earth term ‘physical matter’; and energy which vibrates at a very rapid frequency creates non-physical ‘spirit’; ie, the non-physical Spirit dimension/Spirit world/Spirit realm, and our oh so very real immortal spirit body: which is the real us, and is what literally animates our physical body, whilst we’re here on Earth, in our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes.

At the point of ‘death’, the spirit body literally emerges from the ‘dying’ physical body, and returns to the Spirit dimension. The fact that the spirit body (the animating force) departs from the physical body at ‘death’ is precisely why the physical body becomes motionless at the time of ‘death’; ie, because the thing which animated the physical body has literally left that physical body, hence no further movement [of that physical body] is possible.

It’s really not clever to ridicule the very real Spirit truths of existence. Because, on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, you will (obviously to your extreme surprise and shock) discover that what I’ve said is what takes place at and after that transitional event is what truly does happen.
And then you (and all other closed-minded, uninformed sceptics around the world who also [in their ignorance] ridicule this vital subject) will realise that it was very wrong to ridicule and scoff. That you were ridiculing and scoffing at the biggest, most important, ultimate truth of existence. As a result of your lack of knowledge of the veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences which absolutely PROVE the veracity of what I’ve said on this subject. There exists a plethora of incontrovertible evidences. But one has to carry out extensive, scholarly research, in order to acquire this knowledge. I began researching this subject in 1994 (I’ve been a passionate researcher of many big subjects in life since the tender age of just ten; ie, I’ve been researching for 54+ years, being 64 now).

There are many, many thousands of high-quality, scholarly books on the fact of everyone’s survival of physical body ‘death’, and a large percentage of those have been written by the many properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, coroners, lawyers, etc etc, around the world, who have themselves acquired knowledge of the very real survival of ‘death’ facts and the associated spiritual truths of existence.
I repeat: it really is not clever to ridicule this subject. For it truly is the truth, and one day, you will discover that, in the most undeniable manner possible.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 2, 2023 2:15 PM

So, how much booze did you drink before writing all this? Or you’re high on something else?

Anyways, who were these scholarly books written by? Some guy who’s returned from the dead? How did he do it? Made his dead self vibrate at a lower frequency and thus became a non-dead self?

What’s the approximate frequency of the spirit in Hertz? How can something immaterial (spirit) vibrate? Energy is immaterial? Huh?

Questions, questions!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 2, 2023 3:19 PM

I did not drink any ‘booze’ before writing my earlier post on this.
And I do NOT ‘do drugs’, so QUIT even suggesting that.

There are many, many thousands of high-quality, scholarly books written and published re. the 100% proven fact that we do all survive (in our immortal spirit body form: that being the thing which literally animates our physical body ‘coat’ whilst on Earth) the death of our physical body.
And a large percentage of those books have been written by properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, coroners, lawyers, etc etc.

What I stated in my post to you of approx. 4 hours ago (re. energy being the fundamental substrate of the multi-dimensional cosmos, and that that energy does what’s termed vibrate at different frequencies) happens to be a scientific fact!!
A scientific fact that is known by all properly-informed scientists around the world! So just because you are not informed on it, does not make it untrue.

I provide for you below a representative list of the many, many thousands of high-quality, scholarly books that have been written re. the 100% factual truth that we do all survive the death of our physical body.

“The Afterlife Experiments: breakthrough scientific evidence of life after death”, by Professor Gary E Schwartz (Prof. of Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology and Surgery, @ Univ. of Arizona, USA)

“Your eternal self: Science discovers the Afterlife”, by R Craig Hogan

“Faces of the living dead”, by Paul Miller

“Glimpses of eternity”, by Dr Raymond Moody (American psychiatrist)

“The light beyond”, by Dr Raymond Moody (ditto above)

“The art of dying: a journey to elsewhere”, by Dr Peter Fenwick (British psychiatrist)

“The truth in the light”, by Dr Peter Fenwick (ditto above)

“Consciousness beyond life”, by Dr Pim van Lommel (Dutch cardiologist)

“Irreducible Mind”, co-authored by Dr Bruce Greyson (American psychiatrist)

“Death is of vital importance: on life, death, and the Afterlife”, by Dr Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (Swiss-American psychiatrist)

“Evidence of the Afterlife”, by Dr Jeffrey Long (American oncologist)

“Forever ours: a coroner’s tales of life, death, and immortality”, by Dr Janis Amatuzio (American coroner)

“A lawyer presents the evidence for the Afterlife”, by Victor Zammit & Wendy Zammit (he, Victor, is a now-retired, very high-level lawyer in Australia)

“The secret of the soul”, by William Buhlman

“I’m not dead, I’m different”, by Hollister Rand

“The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences”, by P M H Atwater

“Life before life: a scientific investigation of children’s memories of previous lives”, by Dr Jim B Tucker

“Memories of Heaven: children’s astounding recollections of the time before they came to Earth”, by Dr Wayne Dyer & Dee Garnes

“Science and the Afterlife Experience: evidence for the immortality of consciousness”, by Chris Carter

“Science and the Near-Death Experience: how consciousness survives death”, by Chris Carter

“Parting visions”, by Dr Melvin Morse (American paediatrician)

“Closer to the light”, by Dr Melvin Morse (ditto above)

“The airmen who would not die”, by John G Fuller

“The Supreme Adventure”, by Dr Robert Crookall

“You cannot die”, by Ian Currie

“The materialistic wall”, by Bud Carroll

“The children that time forgot”, by Peter & Mary Harrison

“Many mansions”, by Air Chief Marshal Lord Hugh Dowding (an English RAF bloke: a ‘bigwig’ in the 2nd WW, in the Battle of Britain

“Lychgate”, by Air Chief Marshal Lord Hugh Dowding (ditto above)

“Return to tomorrow”, by Dr George Ritchie (American psychiatrist)

“Russell”, by Gwen Byrne

“A life beyond death”, by Gary Williams

“Beyond physicalism: toward reconciliation of science and spirituality”, edited by Edward Kelly & others

“Cosmic cradle: spiritual dimensions of life before birth”, by Elizabeth M Carman & Neil J Carman

“Recollections of death”, by Dr Michael Sabom (American cardiologist)

“Life between life”, by Joel Whitton & Joe Fisher

“You have been here before”, by Dr Edith Fiore

“Embracing eternity”, by Tony Stockwell

“We don’t die”, by Joel Martin & Patricia Romanowski

“Love beyond life”, by Joel Martin & Patricia Romanowski

“Soul survivor”, by Bruce & Andrea Leininger

“Childrens’ past lives”, by Carol Bowman

“Return from Heaven”, by Carol Bowman

“European cases of the reincarnation type”, by Professor Ian Stevenson (American Professor of Psychiatry)

“The Eagle and the Rose”, by Rosemary Altea

“Living images”, by Coral Polge

“Many mansions”, by Gina Cerminara

“Heavenly hugs: comfort, support and hope from the Afterlife”, by Carla Wills-Brandon

“The Big Book of the Soul”, by Ian Lawton

“An introduction to the Soul”, by Ian Lawton

“The wisdom of the Soul”, by Ian Lawton

“Hello from Heaven!”, by Bill Guggenheim & Judy Guggenheim

“The light between us”, by Laura Lynn Jackson

“My proof of survival”, edited by Andrew Honigman

“Beyond death: conditions in the Afterlife”, by Philip Solomon & Professor Hans Holzer

“Mixed blessings – my psychic life”, by Diane Lazarus

“Afterlife encounters”, by Diane Arcangel

“The Ministry of Angels: here and beyond”, by Joy Snell

“50 years a medium”, by Estelle Roberts

“The Great Reality”, by John H Remmers

“Spirit untethered: a psychotherapist’s journey from terminal cancer to seeing the dead”, by Suzanne Grace Maiden

And there are many, many, many more equally high-quality, scholarly books published, as well as those listed above, which also relate the multi-faceted evidences which provide absolute proof that we do all survive (in our eternal, immortal spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’.
And on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, you will discover that to be true, in a way in which you will not be able to deny.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 2, 2023 3:22 PM

I’ve just (3.19pm here in the UK, on 2nd July) posted a reply to you, but it’s gone into ‘pending’. Hopefully it will be published.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 2, 2023 4:33 PM

My reply to you (timed at 3.19pm today) is still in ‘pending’. I’ve sent a query to the Editorial team, to ask why that is so.

In my reply, I included a representative list [I listed approx. 40 titles and their authors] of high-quality, scholarly books that have been published re. the proven fact of everyone’s survival (in our immortal spirit body form) of our physical body ‘coat’. On previous occasions over the past couple of years when I’ve provided a commenter with that list, it has been printed.

I also said, in my reply at 3.19p, that NO, I had not been ‘boozing’ prior to posting, and that I do NOT ‘do drugs’.

I also stated that what I’d said in my earlier post re. energy being the fundamental substrate of the multi-dimensional cosmos, that it, energy, does what’s termed vibrate at different frequencies, happens to be a scientific FACT. It comes under the scientific discipline called Quantum Physics. All proper scientists are aware of that scientific fact…

I provide for you here a shorter representative list of books on the 100% proven fact of survival of ‘death’ (in my post of 3.19pm today – which may or may not be published, later…), I’d listed approx. 40 book-titles and their authors, re. this factual subject).

“The Afterlife Experiments: breakthrough scientific evidence of life after death”, by Professor Gary E Schwartz (Prof. of Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology & Surgery, @ Univ. of Arizona, USA)

“Your eternal self: Science discovers the Afterlife”, by R Craig Hogan

“Glimpses of eternity”, by Dr Raymond Moody (American psychiatrist)

“The art of dying: a journey to elsewhere”, by Dr Peter Fenwick (British psychiatrist)

“Consciousness beyond life”, by Dr Pim van Lommel (Dutch cardiologist)

“Death is of vital importance: life, death, and the Afterlife”, by Dr Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (Swiss-American psychiatrist)

“Evidence of the Afterlife”, by Jeffrey Long (American oncologist)

“Forever ours: a coroner’s tales of life, death, and immortality”, by Dr Janis Amatuzio (American coroner)

“A lawyer presents the evidence for the Afterlife”, by Victor Zammit & Wendy Zammit (Victor is a now-retired, very high-level lawyer in Australia)

There are many, many thousands of very high-quality, scholarly books published which provide the multi-faceted evidences which incontrovertibly PROVE that we do all survive the death of our physical body ‘coat’.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 2, 2023 4:47 PM

I don’t know what you’re high on, but you do appear high as a kite. Doing the whirling dervish thing, maybe?

What’s the frequency in Hertz of the high-frequency spirit? What exactly is vibrating if it’s immaterial?

You do understand that just because some fucker puts down his hallucinations down in a book, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s 100% factually correct, right?

Did you have religious education as a kid? Meaning that they’ve implanted this occultist shit into your subconscious?

And what the fuck does it matter if some substrate continues to exist after you croak? It won’t be you Christine anymore. It will be some vibrating shit.

Anyway, take it easy on the whirling and worry about living this life, not the hallucinatory prospect of vibrating at a higher frequency in the form of some substrate after you kick the bucket.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 2, 2023 5:57 PM

You will get one very huge shock, on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed to ‘die’, for when that day eventually arrives, for you, you truly WILL discover, in the most undeniable manner possible, that you have survived (in your spirit body form) the death of your physical body ‘coat’. And you will then say to yourself words on the lines of “Oh no, that Englishwoman, Christine, on that online forum, on Earth, was stating the very real truths; she wasn’t ‘high’ on anything, she was stating the 100% factual truth, re. everyone’s survival of the immensely illusory event that’s wrongly termed ‘death’. And I subjected her to vile ad hominem abuses, on that forum. Oh, I wish I’d not done that… She was informed on the facts, facts which I was then ignorant of. And thus I chose to [unwarrantedly] abuse her, instead of learning from her knowledge of the biggest truths of existence…”.

As I’ve just said, in the paragraph above, I am NOT ‘high’ on anything; when people have to resort to ad hominem abuses, they’ve lost the argument.
There truly will come a day when you will discover, in the most undeniable manner possible, that you have survived the death of your physical body ‘coat’. In exactly the way in which I stated, in my posts here.

We are all, each and every one of us, an eternal soul (ie, an eternal spirit being), who lives literally forever. Each and every soul lives many, many different lifetimes [thousands], returning to the very real Spirit dimension inbetween each of those lives. The Spirit dimension being our actual place of origin.
And then, after whatever number of lifetimes (incarnations), we come off the ‘wheel of reincarnation’, and we progress up the seven or more different levels of the very real Spirit realms.

I never fell for the ‘christian’ cr*p. However, as of 1994, I first discovered the in fact proven truth of survival of physical body death. I initiated, in that year, an extensive programme of indepth, scholarly research into the subject (as have many millions of other properly-informed people around the world also done). Since 1994, I’ve read 1500+ [fifteen hundred+] high-quality, scholarly books on this vital truth of existence.
And (also as have countless millions of other spiritually-enlightened people around the world also have) I possess literally hundreds of personal proofs that we survive (in our spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’; as countless millions of others around the world also have, I’ve had proven genuine communications from my wrongly-termed ‘dead’/’deceased’ loved ones who now reside in the Spirit dimension. Including communications from my longtime partner, who passed in early 2019. He was 70. He’d ‘disbelieved’ in survival of ‘death’. But he’s discovered that what I told him is indeed the very real truth.

As you, too, will one day discover.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 2, 2023 6:04 PM

How do you know that your partner has discovered it? He’s reduced the high-frequency oscillations of his dead self to come back to life temporarily to reveal his error to you?

This is some batshit fucking crazy stuff you’re peddling, Christine!

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 2, 2023 7:06 PM

I repeat, that on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, you will indeed discover (to your quite obviously huge shock) that you have survived (in your spirit body form) the death of your physical body ‘coat’.

I am NOT “peddling batshit f—ing crazy stuff”. What I’ve stated happens to be the 100% factual, proven truth. As you will one day find out.

People [souls] who now reside in their spirit body in the very real Spirit dimension communicate with their loved ones on Earth via numerous proven-genuine mediums. They’ve done this for thousands of years, did you but know it.
There are multitudes of PROOFS of the genuineness of these literally billions upon billions of communications from souls in Spirit to their loved-ones on Earth, around the world.

One of my many hundreds of personal proofs includes the following: that in 2004, our [wrongly-termed] ‘dead’/’deceased’ dad (he did what’s wrongly termed ‘die’ in 1982) communicated with me through a proven-genuine Spiritualist Church medium and gave me very specific details about the then future marriage of his son (ie, my younger brother). Our dad told me that my brother would marry in the Carribean, and gave me the names of his son’s then future wife and stepdaughter. My dad also told me, in 2004, that my brother’s then future stepdaughter would, some years in the future, wear her hair in plaits.

Well, in 2004 (ie, at the time of that ‘reading’ with that Spiritualist Church medium), my brother was still living with his longtime girlfriend.
However, in 2005 they broke up. In 2007, he took himself to the island of Grenada in the Caribbean for a holiday. On the last day of that holiday, he met a young lady from Trinidad (19 years his junior), and she had a then 3-year-old daughter by a previous relationship. My brother and the lady fell in love. He travelled from here in the UK to Grenada and Trinidad several times over the following few months.
In 2008, they married, on a beach in Grenada. The lady and her young daughter’s names were the names which my dad in Spirit had given me in 2004. And a few years later, my brother’s stepdaughter did indeed start wearing her hair in plaits, in the way in which many Caribbean females do do.
They’ve been living here in the UK ever since, have been married for 15+ years.

My dad in the Spirit dimension was able to tell me, in 2004, the specific details of his son’s then future marriage, wife and stepdaughter because the very real Spirit world exists outside the ‘space-time continuum’ [those last three words being a scientific term…]. And due to that, souls who live in the Spirit dimension are able to see, in advance of Earth-time, ALL events (major and minor, good and bad) that will take place on Earth in what we on Earth term the ‘future’.

I repeat… on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, you will discover that you HAVE survived the death of your physical body.
No matter what you merely ‘think’ to the contrary, at this point in time.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 2, 2023 7:08 PM

Oops, a typo in that post . * Caribbean, and not ‘Carribean’, as I accidentally typed in the first mention I made of that region on Earth, in the above post.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 2, 2023 7:12 PM

Well, at least you got something. Trinidad is good. A large part of my “soul” is Trini. I spent quite some time with Trini guys and especially girls. Was planning to move there, but not sure if that will happen. Canary Islands are more likely.

Anyways, since you’re so well plugged in, can you arrange it for me that my spirit leaves my putrefying body on the special day, my spirit goes right to the spiritual Trinidad, wherever the fuck it is?

Merci d’avance

Jul 2, 2023 6:59 PM

Ros wrote:

You do understand that just because some fucker puts down his hallucinations down in a book, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s 100% factually correct, right?

Neither does it necessarily mean that its 100% factually incorrect either, or based entirely on hallucination. And how do we arrive at the notion that it IS simply based on hallucinations and not something else – so-called “paranormal experiences” for example?

How do you know that spirit, energy, life, consciousness and matter are not just so many different aspects of the same thing? The Ancients used to call it THAT which resolves all the vibrating shit that you referred to, and much more. Maybe THAT’s where most materialists (if not all) and idealists will end up anyway whether they like it or not, or whether we can prove it or not – who knows?

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 2, 2023 8:13 PM
Reply to  CO-

I don’t know and I don’t particularly care.

I don’t know what the Ancients were high on when they were calling something something.

I’m afraid that my normal self has no choice but live through its normality.

I don’t think that I’m overly materialistic. I am aware of non-material issues and that’s fine. I’m experiencing all of that through my material body, as do you and hallucinating Christine, and that’s all there’s to it.

When my self or soul or what-the-fucking-ever goes into the high-vibration mode (read: I’ll have kicked the bucket), my thus dead self will worry about what to do next then.

Until then, please spare me this occultist horseshit. For it evidently has nothing with our low-frequency existence anyways.

Jul 2, 2023 9:03 PM

Ros wrote:
When my self or soul or what-the-fucking-ever goes into the high-vibration mode (read: I’ll have kicked the bucket), my thus dead self will worry about what to do next then.

That’s precisely a speculative statement of intent on your part that perhaps affirms the “occultist horseshit” you wish to castigate is it not? Horseshit denied -affirmed.

Jul 2, 2023 7:08 PM

I’m sorry but that is not how it “really” is. The language of a spirit separate from the body is tired and shown to be inadequate by many teachers/philosophers.

The things you are 100% certain of are ideas about death. Nobody survives death in a manner that can confirm anything about it convincingly (if anything individual survives at all), so it is an unknowable unknown, which is very difficult for a busy mind to come to terms with..

Most people’s metaphysics are hopelessly warped by over 1000 years of Abrahamic religion’s misdirection involving the denigration of material reality and the body as evil or lesser, unwanted, corrupt.

The plan for eternal slavery is to set people up for failure and spiritual lobotomy by removing the knowledge that death and resurrection can and should be experienced while still alive.

Those who say they will die first and then rise are in error. If they do not first receive the resurrection while they live, when they die they will receive nothing.
(Passage 72), “Gospel of Philip”- Nag Hammadi scrolls. (This is obviously not a Christian text)

Jul 2, 2023 11:49 PM
Reply to  Ras-Pootin

Nevertheless, St. John’s “Book of Revelation” is an occult Christian text, and it speaks of those who will, or will not, survive the “Second Death”…
Implying that after the bodily death there is a death of the soul that awaits those who have rejected any idea of evolution towards ‘The Good’…
It’s something for spiritually-minded people to contemplate, even if the bulk of mankind thinks it has better things to do right now…

Jul 2, 2023 11:51 PM
Reply to  Ras-Pootin

and, incredibly, my attempt at being helpful has been put in the algorithmic queue for Elvis’s next concert…

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 3, 2023 9:30 AM
Reply to  Ras-Pootin

What I said in my posts of yesterday are the 100% proven, factual truths re. what takes place for everyone at and after the illusory event that’s very wrongly termed ‘death’. Ie, what I said IS “how it really is”.
People who deny that (the ‘teachers/philosophers’ that you mentioned, and all others who oh so wrongly deny it) are people who are materialistic, closed-minded, and uninformed re. the veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences which incontrovertibly PROVE that we do indeed all survive (in our immortal spirit body form…) the death of our physical body ‘coat’.

I’m not going to repeat all that I said to Roserval Parkun yesterday.
The incontrovertible evidences are accessible for everyone, if they chose to carry out the extensive, requisite research into this ultimately-important subject.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 3, 2023 10:36 AM

The incontrovertible evidence of death is the fact that you’re dead. Not moving. Expired. You’ll be former Christine and I’ll be former Roserval.

Will our spirit somehow survive? Certainly not in any material form, in any form perceptible to you or me as we are.

My biggest fear is that you’re right and that our spirits will in fact live on presumably in some form of collective existence and I’ll be exposed to your phantasmagorical hallucinatory drivel for ever and ever.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 3, 2023 9:31 AM
Reply to  Ras-Pootin

P.S. to my reply to you of a minute or two ago.

What I’ve stated re. the fact of survival of ‘death’ are NOT merely ‘ideas’ re. survival (as you wrongly claimed). They truly are 100% proven facts. As you will one day discover.

Jul 3, 2023 12:24 PM

Of course the spirit does not die with the physical body.
It’s what happens after that that’s important. Your maker will judge you for what you’ve done.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 3, 2023 7:00 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Yes, the eternal, immortal soul/spirit body is the real us, and survives the death of our physical body ‘coat’. We return to the very real Spirit dimension of this multi-dimensional cosmos (our actual place of origin).

However, we do NOT get ‘judged’ by our ‘Maker’. The Supreme Creative Mind which created the multi-dimensional cosmos and all life is NOT a person; it’s an energy.
And when we each return to the Spirit realms (after each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes…), we do NOT “stand in front of a person called ‘god’ and get judged”. That’s what ‘christians’ wrongly think.
What does take place, after we return to the Spirit world (the Afterlife), is that we each undergo what’s termed a ‘Life Review’. We judge ourselves, no-one else ‘judges’ us. In the Life Review, we are accompanied by our personal Spirit Guide (we all have at least one [sometimes more than one, depending on what events we’re experiencing, on Earth], from the time of our arrival on Earth, each lifetime), and we [literally] watch/experience a ‘film’ of all the things which we said, did, thought… all the major events, and even some of the [seemingly] ‘minor’ events of the life which we, at that point, will have just left. We ourselves ‘judge’ our most recent lifetime, as to whether we achieved what we’d planned (before coming to Earth) to achieve, how we’d treated people, etc etc. We ourselves judge these things, and we discuss that most recent lifetime with what most people in Spirit (when they communicate re. this bit of the Afterlife, ie, the ‘Life Review’) term a ‘Council of Elders’. Ie, a group (usually said to be numbering between five and nine…) of advanced souls, who act as helpers, to help each soul to ‘judge’ how they’d done, in that lifetime which they’ve [at that point] just left.

We do NOT get ‘judged’ by what you term ‘our Maker’. We do NOT “stand in front of a person called ‘god’ and get judged”. That is what all those who’ve fallen for the control system hoax of ‘christianity’ have wrongly been told… have wrongly been indoctrinated into ‘believing’.
In order to control the very gullible masses.

Jul 3, 2023 8:23 PM

Of all the words one could use to describe me, gullible is not one of them. My search for truth led me to Jesus, it doesn’t matter what you say because I know – and the reason is do is because God revealed himself to me. This has happened to countless others and we are not all ‘gullible masses’ (although many Christians fall into this category).
You on the other hand have fallen for new age nonsense. You’ll be judged when your meat suit expires and there will be a consequence. God is kind, that’s why He built in a way to avoid eternal death which is to repent of all your wrongdoings and submit to Him. I would wish you luck but a true Christian believes in no such thing.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 4, 2023 10:24 AM
Reply to  zenpriest

You have been brainwashed.

What I’ve stated in my posts on this subject, here on Off-G (on the rare occasions when it fits the subjects being talked of, on the forum), are the 100% proven facts of what takes place at and after the very illusory ‘death’, is NOT ‘new age nonsense’.
It is you ‘christians’ around the world who will discover that the Afterlife is not what you’d been ‘told’ it was, by your totally unaware, spiritually-uninformed vicars, priests, ministers, pastors, ‘popes’, etc etc. They (vicars, priests, etc), 99.9% of them, literally have no idea what happens at and after the wholly illusory ‘death’!!!
Which is why they spew out the falsehoods which 99.99% of ‘christians’ around the world have fallen for. You have fallen for false ‘christian’ dogma, as opposed to what are the known, PROVEN facts re. the actual nature of the Afterlife.

And on the eventual day on which you do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’, you will discover that what I’ve said is the absolute truth. There exist literally multitudes of actual proofs for what I’ve stated. And literally countless millions of properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world are also informed on the actual, proven facts re. what takes place for everyone, at and after ‘death’. The Afterlife is how I’ve stated it to be, and NOT what ‘christians’ have been ‘told’, by their spiritually-UNenlightened vicars, priests, ministers, pastors, etc.

Jul 5, 2023 10:35 AM

You have put your belief in the men and women of the world. I put mine in God. We will see who’s right. At least now you no longer have the excuse of not knowing Jesus.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 1, 2023 8:59 PM
Reply to  Will

Amen man. Thats the way!

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Jul 4, 2023 11:41 PM
Reply to  Will

OMG…thank you. I try to be kind, but I have been accused here of being cruel and insensitive. I do think we have a problem.

Jul 1, 2023 10:37 AM

Eventually that is going to get them, and in a very hard way.

No human has ever known truth. We can only approximate it with simple mental models. When a model is no longer useful there are many other approximations to choose from.

In European society, the middle class earns money by working for corporations and governments. A sheep mindset works best for this class. The lower class works for wages or individuals, for which a shrew mindset works better. I now look back with shame on trying to lecture a plumber about politics in the 2000s.

I offer every sheep and every shrew my wishes for blessings, joy and laughter.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 3, 2023 12:07 AM

grass basic colour is green,
water’s cycle is evaporation from the sea to sky, from wind to land, rain to earth, via ground water, lakes, rivers, surplus back to the sea.
Love is the strongest force on earth and in heaven.
All plants, animals and humans, are all living creatures with each singular personality.
All this is truth, known truth.

Paul Cardin
Paul Cardin
Jul 1, 2023 10:05 AM

When this guy’s roof caves in, I fear for his poor, poor, long-suffering friends and family


Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 1, 2023 9:53 AM

I wrote a reply on this forum a while ago called “You’ve got too much time on your hands”

Apologies for repeating but I think it’s relevant.

I am, like Todd, always looking down rabbit holes and questioning EVERYTHING.

I’ve heard the phrase ‘You’ve got too much time on your hands” my whole life because of my “curiosity”

Now I’m retired I do have a lot of my time on my hands and, yes, I do use it to find out what’s going on.

If you do this for a long time you start to see patterns.

LGBT etc- division

Lockdown – getting people used to authoritarianism.

Jabs – compliance and division

Just stop oil – To get the public to demand new, unnecessary laws to shut down ALL protests.

Cashless society – implementation of programmable CBDC

etc. etc.

The majority of people who have a mortgage, family and a boss don’t have the luxury of the time and audacity to question what they’re told to do.

I short

They don’t have enough time on their hands.

Jul 1, 2023 3:38 PM

Please don’t justify their ignorance. I personally worked in engineering, for the oil companies, pulling massive hours and still took time to understand what was really going on while informing my coworkers. It really doesn’t take that much effort to ask questions and be informed.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 1, 2023 6:02 PM
Reply to  NikkiBop

You are absolutely correct but the majority are idiots.

Unfortunately, I found out last week that I am in the majority in France for being a conspiracy theorist.

So, I am officially an idiot.

C’est comme ça

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 2, 2023 2:18 PM

T’es ou en France? C’est vrai qui’il y a une espece de guerre civile?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 2, 2023 8:54 PM

Nouvelle Aquitaine. Non. C’est les “jeunes” Le “looting” est vachement en vogue.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 1, 2023 11:28 PM
Reply to  NikkiBop

Yes, especially with information at our fingertips today.

Jul 3, 2023 8:33 AM
Reply to  NikkiBop

True, it doesn’t take that much time, looking at it a thousand ways does.

Jul 1, 2023 4:01 PM

Of course they don’t have enough time. That’s how the system likes it. That’s why, for example, ‘labor-saving inventions’ never lead to shorter work-weeks, but only to more unemployment: to insure that those who are still working must work longer, and that those who are now unemployed are too busy looking for work.

Jul 1, 2023 5:20 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

That’s an important point, and hardly ever discussed: Where is the Leisure that AI promised us in the 1960s?

As you say, all AU has done is to increase unemployment by eliminating human intervention and use the threat of unemployment to increase working hours. and decrease salaries.

It’s not AI, it’s who owns AI.

Jul 1, 2023 6:27 PM

Even before your retirement you made time because you wanted to learn. I’m not saying time constraints aren’t a factor. They are. But it’s more complicated than that.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 1, 2023 7:24 PM
Reply to  TRT

Yeah but when you have a child that’s it.

Nothing else is more important.

you will do anything to protect your children, including “believing” the nonsense in order to keep a roof over your and your family’s heads.

And the bastards know this.

Jul 2, 2023 6:02 AM

“Nothing else is more important”.

Yet parents will “throw their children into the fire for Melech” (eg, by injecting an insufficiently tested Vaxx; or sending their sons into the Meat Grinder) if the group do it.

Jul 2, 2023 4:19 PM
Reply to  NickM

During Covid it seemed that fitting in with the herd was more important to many parents than protecting their children.

Jul 2, 2023 5:54 AM
Reply to  TRT

Not only more complicated but deeper rooted. Sheep have no timepieces but they conform nonetheless. Because sheep are by instinct herd animals. Group think is an ancient and strong survival tactic, related to the Law of Large Numbers.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 1, 2023 11:28 PM

The majority DO have the time to go down those rabbit holes! They just voluntarily waste their time by watching TV.

Jul 1, 2023 9:12 AM

Yes. Nice rundown.

Jul 1, 2023 9:16 AM
Reply to  StStephen

Oh, and as it happens I’ve always like shrews and was thrilled when once I came across one sniffing out truth with his little trunk on a concrete path.

Thom Crewz
Thom Crewz
Jul 1, 2023 11:00 AM
Reply to  StStephen

They bite hard. I found that out when the 8 year old me thought the shrew I spotted while berry picking might like a cuddle.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jul 1, 2023 9:12 AM

Its only the vaccinated that are suffering “Long Covid”
What more evidence do these people require that they are the victims of the crime of the century.

Paul Cardin
Paul Cardin
Jul 1, 2023 9:55 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Similarly it’s only the injected – whenever, wherever – that are autistic.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 1, 2023 10:05 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Paul. They don’t want evidence. I used to urge people to look at VAERS and yellow cards. They actively choose not to.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 1, 2023 11:28 AM