Sea Monsters Threaten the World With Their Tridents
Edward Curtin

Sometimes you wake up from a dream to realize it is telling you to pay close attention to the depth of its message, especially when it is linked to what you have been thinking about for days. I have just come up from a dream in which I went down to the cellar of the house I grew up in because the basement light was on and the back cellar door had been opened by a mysterious man who stood outside.
I will spare you additional details or an interpretation, except to say that my daytime thoughts concerned the media spectacle surrounding the Titan submersible that imploded two miles down in the ocean’s cellar while trying to give its passengers a view of the wreck of the Titanic, the “unsinkable” ship nicknamed “the Millionaire’s Special.” The ship that no one could sink except an ice cube in the drink that swallowed it.
Cellar dreams are well-known as the place where we as individuals and societies can face the flickering shadows that we refuse to face in conscious life.
Carl Jung called it “the shadow.”
Such shadows, when unacknowledged and repressed, have a tendency to autonomously surface and erupt, not only leading to personal self-destruction but that of whole societies. History is replete with examples. My dream’s mysterious stranger had lit my way through some dark thoughts and opened the door to a possible escape. He got me thinking about what all of us tend to want to deny or avoid because its implications are so monstrous.
The obsession with the alleged marvels of technology together with naming them after ancient Greek and Roman gods are fixations of elite technologues who have lost what Spengler called “living inner religiousness” but wish to show they know the classical names even though they miss the meaning of these myths.
Such myths tell the stories of things that never happened but always are. Appropriating the ancient names without irony – such as naming a boat Titanic or a submersible Titan – unveils the hubristic ignorance of people who have never descended to the underworld to learn its lessons. Relinquishing their sense of god-like power doesn’t occur to them, nor does the shadow side of their Faustian dreams.
They will never name some machine Nemesis, for that would expose the fact that they have exceeded the eternal limits with their maniacal technological extremism, and, to paraphrase Camus, dark Furies will swoop down to destroy them.
Nietzsche termed the result nihilism. Once people have killed God, machines are a handy replacement in societies that worship the illusion of technique and are scared to death of death and the machines that they invented to administer it.
The latter is not a matter fit to print since it must remain in the dark basement of the public’s consciousness. If it were publicized, the game of nihilistic death-dealing would be exposed. Because power, money, and technology are the ruling deities today, the mass media revolve around publicizing their marvels in spectacular fashion, and when “accidents” occur, they never point out the myth of the machines, or what Lewis Mumford called “The Pentagon of Power.”
Tragedies occur, they tell us, but they are minor by-products of the marvels of technology.
But if these media would take us down to see the truth beneath the oceans’ surfaces, we would see not false monsters such as the Titanic or Moby Dick or cartoon fictions such as Disney’s Monstro the whale, but the handiwork of thousands of mad Captain Ahabs who have attached the technologues “greatest” invention – nuclear weapons – to nuclear-powered ballistic submarines.
Trident submarines. First strike submarines, such as the USS Ohio.
These Trident subs live and breathe in the cellars of our minds where few dare descend. They are controlled by jackals in Washington and the Pentagon with polished faces in well-appointed offices with coffee machines and tasty snacks. Madmen. They hum through the deep waters ready to strike and destroy the world. Few hear them, almost none see them, most prefer not to know of them.
But wait, what’s the buzz, tell me what’s happening: the Titan and the Titanic, wealthy voyeurs intent on getting a glance into the sepulchre of those long dead, while six hundred or so desperate migrants drown in the Mediterranean sea from which the ancient gods were born. These are the priorities of a society that worships the wealthy; a society of the spectacle that entertains and distracts while the end of the world cruises below consciousness.
The United States alone has fourteen such submarines armed with Trident missiles constantly prowling the ocean depths, while the British have four. Named for the three-pronged weapon of the Greek and Roman sea gods, Poseidon and Neptune respectively, these submarine-launched ballistic missiles, manufactured by Lockheed Martin (“We deliver innovative solutions to the world’s toughest challenges”), can destroy the world in a flash. Destroy it many times over. A final solution.
While the United States has abrogated all treaties that offered some protection from their use and has declared their right of first use, it has consistently pushed toward a nuclear confrontation with Russia and China. Today – 2023 June – we stand on the precipice of nuclear annihilation as never before.
A single Trident submarine has 20 Trident missiles, each carrying 12 independently targeted warheads for a total of 240 warheads, with each warhead approximately 40 times more destructive than the Hiroshima bomb. Fourteen submarines times 240 equals 3,360 nuclear warheads times 40 equals 134,400 Hiroshimas. Such are the lessons of mathematics in absurd times.
James W. Douglass, the author of the renowned JFK and the Unspeakable and a longtime activist against the Tridents at Ground Zero Center for Non-Violent Action outside the Bangor Submarine Base in Washington state, put it this way in 2015 when asked about Robert Aldridge, the heroic Lockheed Trident missile designer who resigned his position in an act of conscience and became an inspirational force for the campaign against the Tridents and nuclear weapons:
Question: “What did the Nuremberg attorneys say about war crimes that had such a deep impact on Robert Aldridge?”
Douglass: “They said that first-strike weapons and weapons that directly target a civilian population were war crimes in violation of the Nuremberg principles. Those Nuremberg principles, which are the foundations of international law, are violated by both by electronic warfare – which is why we poured blood on the files for electronic warfare [at the base] – and also by the Trident missile system, which is what Robert Aldridge was building.”
Robert Aldridge saw his shadow side. He went to the cellar of his darkest dreams. He refused to turn away. He became an inspiration for James and Shelley Douglass and so many others. He was a man in and of the system, who saw the truth of his complicity in radical evil and underwent a metanoia. It is possible.
If those missiles are ever launched from the monsters that carry them through the hidden recesses of the world’s oceans, there will never be another Nuremberg Trial to judge the guilty, for the innocent and the guilty will all be dead.
We will have failed to shed light on our darkest shadows.
Writing in another context that pertains to today’s high-flying nuclear madmen whose mythic Greek forbear Icarus would not listen, the poet W. H. Auden put it this way in “Musée des Beaux Arts”:
About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully alongHow, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting
For the miraculous birth, there always must be
Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating
On a pond at the edge of the wood:
They never forgot
That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course
Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot
Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer’s horse
Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.In Brueghel’s Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water; and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky
Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.
We turn away at our peril.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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Randy Newman – Political Science
Randy Newman – Political Science – live 1972 – YouTube
Mostly resigned to the apocalypse theory of modern tech, I see the power struggle flicker out, dark and distorted in its self adoration and…hatred of the ‘Natural’ problem.
f’k all media!, The worth of the ideas we form about the world around us, and, therefore, of the ideologies that govern our conduct in it, is dependent on the quality of the information we receive about it. Incomplete, false, or distorted information necessarily leads to useless, perverse, or destructive ideologies. Anyone who works to lower the quality of the information available to his or her fellow humans has base or sinister motives.
Unfortunately, ALL ideologies are “useless, perverse, or destructive” regardless of the quality of information input into them.
Ideologies are by their very nature cages surrounding societies – rules somebody decided were appropriate in all circumstances. All they really do is hamstring people into conformity.
“We turn away at our peril.”
And yet humanity keeps turning away – as always – not realizing that every empire eventually faces the conflict it is trying to avoid: even WWIII. Paradoxically, unless that is accepted as inevitable nuclear Armageddon will not be averted.
Lukashenko has been giving speeches saying covid is a hoax for a while now.
Sounds like one of the good guys to me.
An honest man. A rare occasion in these days.
Yet, he must hug Putin every now and then.
After reading this article it would be appropriate to read Down to a Sunless Sea by David Graham (1979) This post apocalyptic novel is about a planeload of people circling around after a nuclear war.
It’s not about how much damage it inflicts, it’s about how much safer it will make one feel…Insecurity dictates its own logic and rationality…
The underlying claim promoted for getting The Jab: Suicide is the pathway to Health…
An alternative slogan for the jab: Even if it cripples or kills you, you have at least been a responsible citizen in stopping the spread of the dread Covid.
Everything is upside down in society. Take the scum of humanity who are living at the very top, when they should be flushed down the drain, and who are directing the world’s events by force.
Their ice-cold techno obscession with their deluded, high-flying ancient mythology terminology shows that they are living in their heads, without ever having learned the morals of these stories, as you said.
The irony is that they have rote-learned everything they’ve been taught in their privileged private schools but failed to ever delve deeply into their conscience to evolve into empathetic human beings which is, after all, the pinnacle of what it means to be truly human. They are living in their heads with control-freakish clarity for keeping account of the material world and for bottom lines but cannot summon heart-felt emotions which, untended, have rotted away.
And you are right in saying that everything creative and their understanding of the vital force, the god-force, if you will, is absent from these devourers. You need only to look at them.
They are left with a barren existence propped up with techno crutches, spewing destruction and death whenever they spout new artificial solutions, screaming more-more-more of what they will never appreciate or honour.
Despite their voracious appetite for gobbling up everything alive and beautiful, they are empty shells that have never truly lived and are, therefore, forever seeking to manufacture death-defying tricks and gadgets.
Yes, the world is running on upside down destructive principles where psychopathic techno fascism is stomping on joyful living.
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
– Albert Einstein
Wise words Veri
Seems techno-imbeciles exist within an engrandized vacuum. I don’t have a problem with that. It’s the giant sucking sound that bothers me…
Exactly my feeling, too. If only they remained in their bubble. It’s the psychopathic aspect of their self-aggrandisement that bothers me too.
Do Nuclear Weapons Exist? That’s the first question. Much of what we think we know cannot be trusted, as the miserable liars are usually the narrators themselves.
Murder weapons are inhuman anyway. Those are from the devil, it seems.
M.A.D.D. = Fear / Trauma Based Mind Control and Influence.
Look into infinity with out flinching.
Lol, I meant Mutually Assured Destruction, not Mothers Against Drunk Drivers.
On a more positive note:
From Russia, With Love:
From your first Link: Vedic Russia Revived.
If by Vedic this headline is referring to the Rig Veda, it is worth recalling that a Hindu Lexicologist has published a statistical analysis which reveals that the Russian language to have words in common with Sanskrit than other Indo-European languages do.
Thanks. I’ll have to check this out.
So, the point is? Subs with nukes have been cruising around the world’s oceans for over 60 years, back to the time when they tried to scare us with the Cuban missile crisis. I was on a fast attack sub during the Vietnam war, friend of mine got boomer duty, which is what they call the ones that carry the missiles. They’re there for show, they aren’t going to use them. Yes, they should be banned internationally, just in case. But as with the Nuremberg trials and principles, that’s not nearly enough. We’re going to need to create our own New World Order.
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
I vote for the bang!
No doubt many military forces would have no qulams about this and it has probably been done already!
Baaah! I shout at my cats as they jump on the worktop and reach for the stove.
They probably take such dangerous steps because they do not dream in adequate technical Technicolor.
Cats cannot see red.
Alejandro Mayorkas and Merrick Garland are Bolsheviks. They copy the look, the style and the behaviour. Any student of the events 100 years ago would spot it immediately.Anyone who has visited Moscow’s Novodeviche cemetary would recognise the names.
The ideology is irrelevant. It is merely a tool of supremacy and control
I am still not affraid bud.
Death is a given.
Be the change you want to see in the world and prepair for death by looking for love.
The end.
The expression that best fits humanity’s modern predicament is “Off The Rails.” It happens.
But with mega cities dotting the globe, and people to fill them, and weapons circling the waters and the very air we breathe, and madmen lurking the halls of power, it’s doubtful we can ever get back on track this time.
We’re in quite a pickle. And some might say that’s just where we want to be.
An insightful and wonderful piece of writing, as always.
Thank you.
And the Chinese?
Love the cuisine!
What about the Russian sea monsters, who must have made it into the western pantheon at the very least via ‘The Hunt for Red October?’ ‘Krasny Octyabr.
‘Silent Running.’
Nice call outs to some of my favorites: W.H. Auden, Spengler, Carl Jung, and nuclear powered submarines. Trident missile systems are old tech; the U.S. and the USSR had sufficiently competent leadership and restraint (and sense? maturity? wisdom?) to avoid even getting close to provoking each other into using such weapons.
I’m very worried by U.S. involvement in Ukraine. I was 25 years of age when the Cold War ended. I don’t ever recall having as much fear of nuclear war and its catastrophic aftermath as I do now. Where are the diplomats, statesmen, peacemakers? Boris Johnson–perhaps at the urging of the US? NATO? I don’t know–traveled to Kiev. He’s no Ares! More like Eris, he interfered and provoked just as Zelensky and Putin were nearing an end to conflict, over a year ago.
Those who are in power in Washington D.C. have had full lives. They’re in their 70s, 80s, even 90s. They ARE the “aged, waiting passionately, reverently”! They won’t be around much longer. They have little to lose. You’re right: They’re full of passionate intensity, while the best lack all conviction.
We live in a world where people get ahead by sucking dick, kissing ass, obediently conforming to and enthusiastically propagating any random horseshit passed down by assholes who are better at sucking dick and kissing ass or have done the sucking and kissing earlier and thus happen to be at a higher level of the ass-kissing, dick sucking hierarchy.
The ability to actual accomplish something hardly enters into any of this. And where it does, it’s rapidly evaporating.
Capable people understand that they can’t fight this tsunami. They fly under the radar. They’re too smart to have themselves smashed by the collective force of the mass of mediocre underachievers at anything except sucking dicks and kissing ass.
Gotta wait until this shit empire collapses under the weight of its hubristical nothingness. Then, when all them chickenshit good for nothing motherfuckers crumble, real men, and women, will once again take over. Or not, who the fuck knows.
Bring on the collapse, as Dr Vladimir Zelenko said on his deathbed. The world needs a cleansing.
The tame media assures you that not much is happening anyway. Globo Cap simply mistook a fart, which you should never risk after the age of 40.
Did you mean “shart?
The nuke is exaggerated. Reality is that too many will survive a nuclear WWIII.
There will still be too many useless eaters and and psychos left in the underground bunkers no matter how many nukes we drop.
Like Chernobyl it will only develop to paradises for animals, natives and homeless on food stamps, while we the exceptionals will suffer from an underground life for 50 years without seeing natural light .
A global virus and for double insurance a coupled vaxx, will be a much more effective tool to clean the filth and double shareholders profit..
moneycircus!!! Hello! it is good to see you! I read your posts on substack. The one about SBF and FTX was excellent.
Dear Ed the sea monsters about as real; as nukes.
Another one of the “elites” hoaxes.
Great film
So, will humans come out of this utterly mad technological historical period having realized that technology, in the broader sense, doesn’t make them any happier, on the contrary, and embark on some form of existence that is more aligned with their natural habitat?
Will humans hubristically keep trying to reshape the world and in doing so fuck it up beyond repair and cause themselves to perish, most likely frying themselves by burning shit left and right?
Will humans destroy themselves in the insane enmity among their individual tribes (that’s the fucking Americans and the fucking Russians and all the rest of them fucks), by blowing the whole thing up?
Good question, eh.
One would hope for the first option, but number three is much more likely.