9/11 Family Denied New Inquest by UK Attorney General, Will Seek Judicial Review

“The Attorney General’s incoherent refusal of our application is a miscarriage of justice and a cruel obstruction of our search for the truth about Geoff’s death.”

The family of Geoff Campbell, a British citizen who died in the September 11 attacks, released the following statement on the 6th of July 2023:

On the 11th of September 2001, our beloved son and brother, Geoff Campbell, was murdered in the destruction of the World Trade Center’s North Tower.

Geoff was just 31 years old, was recently engaged to be married to the love of his life, and was pursuing a promising career as an IT risk analyst.

Ever since, we have been seeking answers to why Geoff died. Through our rigorous research, we have come across abundant and persuasive evidence indicating that the North Tower was destroyed not by the impact of the airplane but by pre-planted explosives and incendiaries.

Therefore, in August 2021, we submitted a 2,500-page application to then-Attorney General Suella Braverman, seeking her authority, under the Coroners Act 1988, to apply to the High Court for a fresh inquest. Geoff’s original inquest in 2013 had reached the conclusion that the impact of the airplane caused the North Tower’s collapse, and it is this finding that we aim to overturn.

Last week, after nearly two years of waiting, we received the very disappointing news that Solicitor General Michael Tomlinson, acting on behalf of Attorney General Victoria Prentis, refused our request for the Attorney General’s authority to apply to the High Court for a fresh inquest.

We are deeply saddened by this decision and appalled by the unlawful and irrational reasoning given by Solicitor General Tomlinson.

The Solicitor General contends that it was “reasonable” for the coroner to rely on the findings of the FBI and the 9/11 Commission. But reasonableness is not the applicable legal test. Rather, it is sufficiency. The coroner at Geoff’s original inquest heard no evidence whatsoever that is capable of supporting the conclusion that the impact of the airplane caused the North Tower’s collapse. Legally speaking, to state a conclusion for which no evidence was considered is the very epitome of “insufficiency of inquiry.”

The Solicitor General also argues that the expert and eyewitness evidence of pre-planted explosives is “unlikely” to yield a different conclusion. Yet the law on this matter is clear: We are not required to prove that a different conclusion is likely in order to be granted a fresh inquest — only that a different conclusion is possible. The refusal of our application on this ground is in direct contravention of the law.

Furthermore, the Solicitor General irrationally claims that the expert and eyewitness evidence of pre-planted explosives would not “make a meaningful difference to the verdict, or shed further light on how the deceased came about his death.” No reasonable decision-maker would make such an illogical statement. Indeed, the expert and eyewitness evidence he refers to directly contradicts the conclusion of the original inquest. Thus, this new evidence would obviously make a meaningful difference to the verdict and would shed further light on how Geoff came about his death.

The Solicitor General also irrationally asserts that assessing whether the Twin Towers collapsed due to pre-planted explosives is “beyond the scope of an inquest.”

In fact, evaluating expert and eyewitness evidence related to the destruction of the Twin Towers is well within the responsibilities and capabilities of any UK coroner, whose task in every case is to examine in a “full, fair and fearless” inquiry all facts and circumstances that may show what caused any given death. This statement by the Solicitor General is unlawful and irrational because it is not within a “reasonable range of responses” to the fresh evidence we presented.

The Attorney General’s incoherent refusal of our application is a miscarriage of justice and a cruel obstruction of our search for the truth about Geoff’s death. Therefore, we will seek judicial review of the Attorney General’s legally deficient decision before the three-month deadline of September 27, 2023.

We ask for the public to support our legal challenge of the Attorney General’s decision as we endeavor to establish, in a court of law, the truth about how Geoff, along with thousands of other innocent souls, met his death on September 11th 2001.

Maureen Campbell
Malcolm Campbell
Matt Campbell
Rob Campbell

Published at the request of the International Centre for 9/11 Justice


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Categories: 9/11, latest, UK
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Jul 11, 2023 6:10 AM

When doubting 9/11 these kind of post-drama legal denials should pull any common sense doubters over to the line.
Similar to the JFK files locked away “legally” till forever.

John Manning
John Manning
Jul 9, 2023 10:08 PM

There are many puzzling factors regarding the collapse of WTC1 and WTC2. The collapse of WTC7 has never been addressed by any government investigation. However the factor I find most puzzling is the legal liability issue.
WTC1 and WTC2 were both designed to withstand aeroplane impacts. WTC1 and WTC2 were both built to withstand aeroplane impacts. And yet both failed in this regard.
Despite this and in a country where liability suits are a daily event, no-one has sued the building designers or building constructors.

Jul 9, 2023 10:12 AM


As long as you keep planes in the air and in the space time continuum you make it more difficult to remove Atta and Co from the story. If planes did in fact strike the towers you can’t really prove who was not at the controls. The obvious fact that the “planes” were CGI inserts remove those nonsensical possibilities once and for all. What planes for Christ’s sake ? Where is the genuine footage that captured real crashes ? Where is the wreckage ? Who saw bodies strapped in to airline seats at ground zero ? Who are the witnesses to the alleged collisions ?

Jul 9, 2023 6:59 AM

“Failings” are designed into the psyop so that they can be debated endlessly – giving the pretense of genuine inquiry.

Jul 9, 2023 12:00 AM

Too bad for them that the towers were not destroyed by explosives (or planes or any publicly known device) and they have been misled like countless other marks.

Edward Bernaysauce
Edward Bernaysauce
Jul 8, 2023 10:12 PM

there were no planes

Jul 9, 2023 3:11 AM

and in any case, when is “IS” “IS”, and when is it not “IS”…

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jul 8, 2023 8:07 PM

I really do not understand why these relatives are proceeding with this “legal” exercise. The courts are part of the evil system. It’s worse than wasting one’s energy for nought. By applying to these miscreants, you are giving them your power. What is the point? Are these miscreants about to convict themselves and their owners for such a gigantic crime? If you dig deep, this is what we know for sure. 9/11 was essentially an “inside job” executed by a cabal of global psychopaths for several objectives. To name just a few and certainly not exclusive: * Rip up the US Bill of Rights of its constitution with the “Patriot Act” “ Use it as an excuse to invade and overthrow at least 5 MENA countries starting with Afghanistan and Iraq. * Greatest gold heist in world history. * Terrorize the US population and enrage them so as to * Kick off the “war on terror” * Boost up “the Shrub’s” falling approval ratings * Energize the “greater Israel”project * Leading accomplice and owner of the WTC, Larry Silverstein of “pull it” fame regarding the “collapse of WTC3, made several billion dollars in insurance claims. The bulk of his insurance on the WTC expired on 9/12/2001. Also Silverstein was facing a bill of over a billion dollars for removing the asbestos, which was quickly resolved at no expense to himself by spreading it all over lower Manhattan. On a personal note, I worked for a couple of weeks as a union construction plumber during the construction of WTC2 and transferred to a closer job because I lived in the Bronx and didn’t like the very long subway trip. In very brief, what we know for sure: * Operationally, Cheney was the conductor of this psyops and Rumsfeld played his part,… Read more »

Jul 8, 2023 11:54 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I wasn’t impressed with Dr. Wood’s book “Where Did The Towers Go.” Frankly, it’s a bit disingenuous to posit that directed energy weapons effected the damage – then feign insult at being asked where these weapons might have been located.

At least the nano-thermite advocates were able to say precisely where the explosives had to have been placed to effect the damage.

Messenger Charles
Messenger Charles
Jul 9, 2023 9:34 AM
Reply to  Howard

What nano-thermite was used to ignite and destroy many vehicles two blocks away from WTC 1 & 2?

Jul 9, 2023 4:42 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I agree that the family will achieve nothing but make themselves martyrs (Greek, “witnesses”) to a mass murder which engulfed their relative. But there are sayings by little people who confronted great and rooted evil:

“The blood of the witnesses is the seed of the congregation.”

“You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set ye free”.

Your excellent summary of the Bush/Cheney regime’s aims for their Con-19 conspiracy (which I shall keep in my Diary) is itself a tribute to the thousands of “martyrs” (witnesses) who contributed to unveiling the most arrogant and cold blooded acts of tyranny that was ever inflicted on a cowed and servile people.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 8, 2023 3:51 PM

The number of people that come here to support oppressive government and are willingly offering themselves as disarmed peasants, dominated by fear, is why a criminal event like 9-11 happened, no criminals seeing justice, and a coverup was allowed.

Cowards rule the masses and fuel the tyrants, and make freedom and liberty more difficult for those that refuse to be peasants.

Good job you gutless and nutless wonders!

Jul 8, 2023 11:59 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

When you say “come here,” are you referring to some physical location? or this particular digital location?

More to the point, how does one determine the difference between refusing to be peasants and offering themselves as peasants?

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 10, 2023 2:24 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, this digital location, or the internet in general.

Peasants are those that comply under the guise of collectivism. The idea that somehow their compliance is for the greater good of all, and the reason everyone should do what they do, and comply, so that we can all celebrate our societal acceptance by the mob.

Boba Lazarević
Boba Lazarević
Jul 8, 2023 2:54 PM

So, instead of “full, fair and fearless”, we got “feigned, fraudulent and fucked up”.

Jul 8, 2023 10:46 AM

We are not living in a democracy. These are evil times.

Messenger Charles
Messenger Charles
Jul 9, 2023 9:39 AM
Reply to  Grafter

That’s precisely it! We are living in a demon-ocracy and that’s the problem!!!

“Democracy is indispensable to Socialism.” – V. I. Lenin

“Socialism leads to Communism.” – Karl Marx

“The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communising a nation.” – V. I. Lenin

Jul 8, 2023 8:35 AM

Only $uits get to write (or rewrite) history.

Jul 8, 2023 8:05 AM

many are now aware that the realm of “citizen journalism” has yielded a small but significant result, that being the delaying or even completely foiling the utterly compromised zelenskys plan to blow the z npp

many are also aware of the inroads that are being forged to bring awareness to the masses of the sheer scale of global, child, sex, ritual abuse, trafficking and slavery,

a subject that may yet bring more to their senses

albeit given the subject is receiving the “hellywood” treatment and red herrings/ false myths abound

those who are aware that paedophilia is deeply ingrained in the money, power, occult clan that infect the corridors of power often wonder why conduct so vile and theoretically a minority fetish can be so deeply involved with what is destroying our world,

as in what more is there to it than the act of non consentual sex with a minor? what else occurs?

the occult symbolism and relationship of sodomy to possesion, schizophrenia, initiation, its babylonian roots, its relevance in freemasonry (explains another reason they never tell) and furthermore gives insight into the spirtual dimension of the war we are in,

discussions from a de-programmer of “monarch” victims :


spirit entities come in many forms, from lewis s “eldil” or “elohim”, nuff said

Jul 8, 2023 6:52 AM

It never stops.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 7, 2023 11:55 PM

At least we know it was Osama Bin Laden with a bunch of Afghan mountain farmers, who did it with bone knives who are invisible in the Airport’s security x-ray machine.

Lee Harvey Oswald was also seen fooling around at the place in one of the surveillance cameras.

normon wisdom
normon wisdom
Jul 7, 2023 11:28 PM

never trust a campbell
look at the smirk on the right
talking about damiola taylor on the radio all morning
a new investigation
never trust a khan a cohen or a taylor
did charlton heston look like a taylor in his ape movie

the world is a sick satanic stage and you are being played
bot out

Messenger Charles
Messenger Charles
Jul 9, 2023 9:42 AM
Reply to  normon wisdom

The MacDonald’s will always remember!

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 7, 2023 10:37 PM

Is anyone surprised?
The criminal event of 9-11 will go through history in a similar fashion to the JFK Assassination.
If TPTB get their great reset, likely future generations will not even know either event ever happened.

Jul 7, 2023 11:06 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Covid is the new 9/11

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 7, 2023 11:43 PM
Reply to  Dave

What is the next after the vax-and-virus-who-must-not-to-be-named?

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 7, 2023 11:49 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Cyber Polygon should be a clue.
Consolidation of food production should not be ignored.
Government sponsored monopolies of utilities will likely play a role.

I could see an event where all grids are collapsed under the pretext of a claimed Cyber Event.

Then as they bring systems back online, only in their 15min / 20min / 30min cities, Must will turn on his Satellite based Internet, “StarLink”, and only people with the mark will be granted access.

Those that did not have wisdom and discernment to prepare, will either crawl to the cities on their knees begging for the mark, or starve to death, or die of exposure.

Jul 8, 2023 8:10 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

that indeed about sums up their wet dream fantasy, some of us however have been preparing for a very long time and are in no confusion as to how far they will push it,
preparation is not solely about food, warmth and shelter

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 8, 2023 3:39 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

We will never crawl or beg on our knees for anything. This is here we stand, this is here we fight, and this is here THEY die!

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 7, 2023 11:46 PM
Reply to  Dave

9/11 was the event that provided a pretext for events that lead to the PLANNEDemic.

The War on Terror
to the War on Viruses.

We are the Terrorists
We are the Virus

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 8, 2023 5:07 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey


The encroachment on rights and freedoms in the West is largely due to the collapse of the Second World, the communist bloc. 911 was just an episode in the process.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 10, 2023 2:27 PM

Explain how the Communist Bloc failing, has resulted in the encroachment of rights, and why that encroachment wouldn’t have happened anyway?

Messenger Charles
Messenger Charles
Jul 9, 2023 9:45 AM
Reply to  Dave

The correct name is Cov-Yid! All four CEOs of the jab manufacturing corporations are from The Tribe! Just a Cohen-cidence!

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 7, 2023 10:12 PM

Was he Killed by the Planes impact or did he die later. So he was a casualty of a terrorist attack on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States of America.
What’s so hard..using common sense.btw, what is the current age of these People.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jul 7, 2023 10:34 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

No planes. This guy, Clive, here to distract from the regular daily distracters ?

Jul 7, 2023 11:40 PM

He is safely ignored.
Believes everything that any newspaper tells him.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jul 8, 2023 12:07 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Sorry wardropper, but you are the distraction here with a few others in the comments.
Because nearly everything you have been told is false, to an extent. Nearly all history, biology.
Where we are ? Not on a globe of given dimensions. The very first question, surely, not answered objectively.

Jul 8, 2023 1:15 AM

How can my agreeing with you that everything we have all been told is false, constitute my being a distraction…?

That sort of logic certainly does distract, but don’t worry; it won’t keep me distracted long enough to yawn…

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 9, 2023 5:09 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I’ve never bought one only been inside British newspapers in Indian ink rolled out in print, sorry. 1965-84.mags: Nationally 73-84. Sorry again.
Never got a penny for it they were truth over singalary achievement., and no as a unseen dictum never invested in currency.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 7, 2023 11:55 PM

I SAW IT, piss off.. you’ll note I was offering an opinion don’t be a judgemental morron. How would you know anything…
This “guy” look yankie dick fuck They are British? So am I British. Talk like a Man or fuck off..

Jul 7, 2023 11:06 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Eat a bag of dicks

Jul 8, 2023 1:31 AM
Reply to  Dave

… children, children … nothing is borne from misdirected ‘anger’.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 9, 2023 5:19 AM
Reply to  Dave

Oh nice..good look at your own inner pornographic evergreen fantasy landing.

Jul 7, 2023 11:19 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

The official cause of the buildings’ ‘collapses’ was office fires.

Jul 7, 2023 8:51 PM

Possibility exists that Campbell was never in the tower that day, and now has a new identity, and is working undercover for MI6 and The Five Eyes.

The Campbells are descendants of the Dukes of Argyll, and related to spooky events throughout history.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 7, 2023 10:35 PM
Reply to  Eyegore

It is really the “Six Eyes”. Can you guess who is the unnamed sixth eye?

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 7, 2023 8:46 PM

FUCK 911.

It’s a lost battle. There is absolutely no sense to fight it. Can’t be won. Gotta focus on the present, on the future.

Fuck all these red herrings that drain people of energy that’s needed elsewhere.

Jul 7, 2023 11:42 PM

Well you showed up here.

Why isn’t your energy needed elsewhere…?

What you don’t seem to get is that if the past isn’t critically analyzed, both the present and the future will be corrupted by the same people.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 8, 2023 5:03 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Blah blah blah

You’ve been “analyzing” (read: uselessly whining) about 911 for like quarter of a century and what of it? Nobody gives a fuck.

How exactly is gonna “understanding 911” or what some other guy said help in dealing with the present, the future? Give me one example of something tangible.

Jul 8, 2023 7:26 AM


Jul 8, 2023 1:27 PM

Getting people to accept truth rather than propaganda is never outdated or a waste of time.

Hell, some of us are still trying to get people to realize Adam and Eve was a fairy tale.

Why bother? Because it’s better than sitting in front of the TV frittering away our “Golden Years” while the Grim Reaper keeps inching its way toward our easy chair.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 9, 2023 5:35 AM
Reply to  Howard

Shouldn’t you be more concerned about your State driving licences fading away Internatonally home and away as authentication indentations requiring your own US Passports. In case you need reminding again you are approaching a 250th we the Celebration. Not a One Thousand and fifty 2023.

Jul 8, 2023 4:38 PM

Such ignorance.

For the record, I have not been ‘uselessly whining’ about 911, but I most certainly do give a fuck about it, as should anybody worthy of the human race.

Like you, I am not optimistic that the 911 analysts are going to make a dent in the mainstream version of events, but that’s not the same thing as clamming up and not giving a damn.

The point is actually to know a thing or two, even when the people around you find your awareness uncomfortable to be near.

The alternative is just to ‘fit in with society’, like all the mask wearers, multi-jab collectors and other obedient citizens currently flowing over our species like an oil slick.

Roserval Parkun
Roserval Parkun
Jul 8, 2023 5:35 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Gotta focus on the present and the future, man.

You can’t change the past. You’re pianist, right? What happens when you play a sonata a happen to hit the wrong note or two? You don’t blink an eye and keep playing. Same with this stuff. It’s history. The vast majority of people don’t and won’t give a fuck.

Gotta find something they will give a fuck about because you need them to steer the world in less unsavory direction.

The more time and energy you spend whining about a lost battle, the less of it you’ll have to come up with something for the future.

Jul 9, 2023 3:04 AM

You make an interesting point, but there is a difference between a sonata and an evil intervention in human evolution:

I don’t blink an eye and I keep playing, because stopping is embarrassing to everybody, and the audience expects to be entertained by an integrated experience from its competent performers.

But if, while you are playing your heart out, your government is deliberately causing the deaths of countless people because it wants more arms sales and wider control of the world’s population – and especially if someone in your own family perishes in the exercise – then your sublime piano recital can suddenly seem rather trivial in comparison.

Then, you do blink an eye, and you want members of the criminal government responsible – at least those who are still alive – brought to account.

The vast majority of people might give a fuck about a large bucket of ice cream and a lot of other things, but they don’t need my help to find such things.

My main point is that if we don’t deal with the consequences of the past, then the present will be corrupted and the future may not even exist.

Jul 9, 2023 1:50 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Then, you do blink an eye, and you want members of the criminal government responsible – at least those who are still alive – brought to account.

Admit it mate, this never happens. So you are acting in vain. Just admit it. You are asking the same corrupt and controlled authorities and media to bring to account the perpetrators. You people are insane.
RP is right. You keep playing, but you play in another way. You create.
Otherwise you are dancing to their tune, which they set and you are always reacting to.
At some point you have to flip the script. Which is restoring the righteous order since they flipped the script on us.

Jul 9, 2023 9:25 PM
Reply to  zenpriest

Of course it never happens.
You don’t even need to suggest that I admit it.
It goes without saying that it never happens.

“You people are insane” is a strange thing to say, when “people like yourself” don’t even recognize when somebody agrees with you…

All I did was outline some priorities of which I have some experience and recommend sticking to them – and not giving up:

Scenario 1) At a concert, I keep playing and don’t blink an eye – even if I make an unintentional mistake. No pianist in his right mind wants to make a mistake, but even in the most competent of hands, small mistakes are going to happen anyway.

Scenario 2) The criminal government doesn’t ‘make a mistake’.
Frankly, it deliberately murders people, and when that is happening right in front of our eyes, surely we can put our recitals temporarily on hold and protest to the best of our ability.

That doesn’t mean we lose sight of our personal goals, or suffer from delusions that our protests are going to force the criminal government into submission.
Some things are done simply so that one can say afterwards, when everything has gone to hell, “Well, I didn’t remain silent”.

Ultimately, as you have often suggested yourself, this impending Dark Age Mk II is not an entirely earthbound matter, and “not giving up” doesn’t mean flogging a dead horse in front of 10 Downing Street.
It means a personal commitment to truth, despite the lack of opportunities to make such a commitment effective in the outer world.

Surely the two scenarios above don’t appear to you to have anything in common…?

Jul 10, 2023 11:30 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I see that we are on the same path. The point being made was how much value is there in going on about some past event, vs letting it go and steering things in a better direction.

I’ll give an example. No one who believes covid was a genuine, real pandemic is going to become a covid denier no matter what evidence I present to them, or argument I use about the ‘pandemic’ itself (i.e. referring to the past event). Their hearts have chosen to believe in authority, not in a lowly punk like me or not in their own minds.

No one is beyond hope. But the only way to do it is by steering others towards the truth. I ran out of ideas about how to do that in the physical, non-spirit world. So I decided to work on people’s spirits, and my own – in doing so I came to the truth of Jesus. So I share Jesus with people even if I do not say His name.

The results speak for themselves. Everyone who knows me can see the peace and love in me compared to how I was. And this has affected them for the better, indeed some are even now coming towards Christ Himself.

I am not demanding you become born-again and spread the gospel. I am saying, you have to create something to steer things in a better direction, rather than picking over the carcasses of the various schemes of satan. Which achieves nothing.

You get me?

Jul 10, 2023 11:33 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I could have made my point simpler. Just imagine you believe in Christ for a minute. He did endlessly lament over the cruelty of the Roman empire which had oppressed the Jews, similar to how we’re oppressed now. He knew that would not work. He worked on the spirit of the Jewish people. Which does work.

Jul 10, 2023 11:33 AM
Reply to  wardropper

He did not*!

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 7, 2023 11:46 PM

The 6 mio story is still a cash cow here 80 years after. So why not.

Jul 8, 2023 1:53 AM

Well, Yes and No. Why? … because it is the past which has so much bearing on the future. The more that is ‘swept-under-the-carpet’ the uglier the place becomes. And, moreover, you don’t need anyone to demonstrate how ‘ugly’ and lawless it has become, internationally.
Perhaps this old quote will remind one of what we’re facing … “We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” – Attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

E-v-e-r-y single ‘little’ [mis]deed the swamp-creatures can brush aside, becomes an almost insurmountable hurdle for the rest of society/humanity to redress.

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 7, 2023 8:41 PM

Yikes, no Mikes?

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 7, 2023 7:28 PM

No surprise, they have a cat they are determined to keep in the bag lest it run WILD if ever out.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jul 7, 2023 6:37 PM

A judicial review before another corrupted establishment figure.
They are all protecting each other, don’t you get it?
These are the same shady group of elites pushing the insidious digital agenda, covid jabs, CC scam etc.
Justice for your son won’t come in this life..

colin buchanan
colin buchanan
Jul 7, 2023 6:29 PM

An extremely important case, well presented

normon wisdom
normon wisdom
Jul 7, 2023 11:37 PM
Reply to  colin buchanan

have you read the case that is
have you registered online
have you heard of b thing and gelatine
odigo messaging
moving urban systems
christopher bollyn
israel arts projects
the dancing mossad truck roof group
oded yinon
zion never sleeps