How So Many Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Nukes

Edward Curtin

Social psychosis is widespread.  In the words of the British psychiatrist, RD Laing, “The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man.”

He was not referring to raving, drooling, hitting-your-head-against-the-wall lunacy but a taken-for-granted acceptance of a world long teetering on the edge of nuclear extinction, to take the most extreme example, but surely only one of many.  The insouciant acceptance and support of psychotic rulers who promote first-strike nuclear war is very common.  First strike nuclear policy is United States policy.

I recently wrote an article about the dangers of the fourteen US Trident submarines. These subs constantly cruise under the oceans carrying 3,360 nuclear warheads equivalent to 134,400 Hiroshima bombs.

All are on first strike triggers.  And of course these are supplemented by all the land and air based nukes.

My point was not very complicated: now that the United States government has abrogated all nuclear weapons treaties and continues to escalate its war against Russia in Ukraine, we are closer to nuclear annihilation than ever before.

This conclusion is shared by many esteemed thinkers such as the late Daniel Ellsberg who died  on June 16, 2023 and whose 2017 book The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner, makes clear that nuclear war, waged intentionally or by mistake or accident, is very possible. In the months before he died, he warned that this is now especially true with the situation in Ukraine and the U.S. provocations against China.

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal recently addressed the UN Security Council on the danger of U.S. actions in Ukraine and asked:

Will we see another Douma deception, but this time in Zaporizhzhia? Why are we doing this? Why are we tempting nuclear annihilation by flooding Ukraine with advanced weapons and sabotaging negotiations at every turn?

Finian Cunningham has just raised the specter of a thermonuclear catastrophe initiated by a U.S./Ukrainian false flag attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant.

So my article was in no way unusual, except for my concentration on the Trident submarines.

When, against my better judgment, I read some commentators’ responses to my piece at a few websites where my article was posted, I was taken aback when I read the following [all emphases are mine]:

  • Like many other boomers, Edward J Curtin Jr is caught up in ‘nuclear terror’ … whereas on 4chan you see that a large portion of the young generation has come to accept the massive evidence that Hiroshima & Nagasaki were chemically firebombed like Tokyo, and ‘nuclear weapons’ most likely do not exist at all. The 10 alleged ‘nuclear powers’ have had reasons to hoax together, just like the global collusion on ‘covid’ & ‘vaccines’.
  • So, the point is? Subs with nukes have been cruising around the world’s oceans for over 60 years, back to the time when they tried to scare us with the Cuban missile crisis. I was on a fast attack sub during the Vietnam war, friend of mine got boomer duty, which is what they call the ones that carry the missiles. They’re there for show, they aren’t going to use them. Yes, they should be banned internationally, just in case. But as with the Nuremberg trials and principles, that’s not nearly enough. We’re going to need to create our own New World Order
  • This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper
    I vote for the bang!
  • The nuke is exaggerated. Reality is that too many will survive a nuclear WWIII.
    There will still be too many useless eaters and psychos left in the underground bunkers no matter how many nukes we drop. Like Chernobyl it will only develop to paradises for animals, natives and homeless on food stamps, while we the exceptionals will suffer from an underground life for 50 years without seeing natural light . A global virus and for double insurance a coupled vaxx, will be a much more effective tool to clean the filth and double shareholders profit..
  • Dear Ed the sea monsters about as real as nukes.
  • Another one of the “elites” hoaxes.

To hear that there are no nuclear weapons and never were; to learn that some in their embrace of nihilism hope for a nuclear holocaust; to read that nuclear weapons are never going to be used because they only exist for show – well, this at least confirmed my suspicion that many who comment on articles are either bonkers or trolls or both.  Some probably have nothing better to do than inform writers how wrong they are.

It frightened me. It made me wonder how many of the millions of silent ones think similarly or have come to embrace hopelessness as a way of life – the feeling that they have no power because that has been drilled into them from birth.  I have long thought that cultural normality can be understood as the use of one’s freedom to create a prison, a cell in which one can convince oneself that one is safe because the authorities have established a sacred umbrella to protect one from an apocalyptic hard rain that they never think is going to fall.

The Pew Research Center recently surveyed the American public on their sixteen greatest fears.  Nuclear war was not one them.  It was as if nuclear weapons did not exist, as if they have been buried in the cellar of public awareness.

As if Mad Magazine’s  Alfred E. Newman’s motto was the national motto: “What? Me worry?”  No doubt more Americans are aware of the gross public spectacle of Joey Chestnut stuffing his mouth with sixty-five hot dogs in ten minutes than they are of the Biden administration’s insane escalation toward nuclear war in Ukraine.  We live in Guy Debord’s “Society of the Spectacle.”

Although he was writing years ago, Ronald Laing’s words sound ironically prescient today after so many years of endless propaganda, the destruction of human experience resulting in destructive behavior, and the relentless diminishment of human beings to the status of machines:

At this moment in history, we are all caught in the hell of frenetic passivity. We find ourselves threatened by extermination that will be reciprocal, that no one wishes, that everyone fears, that may just happen to us ‘because’ no one knows how to stop it. There is one possibility of doing so if we can understand the structure of this alienation of ourselves from our experience, our experience from our deeds, our deeds from human authorship. Everyone will be carrying out orders. Where do they come from? Always from elsewhere. Is it still possible to reconstitute our destiny out of the hellish and inhuman fatality?

That is the key question now that more than fifty years have elapsed since Laing penned those words in his now classic book, The Politics of Experience (isbn.nu).  He said then, which is exponentially truer today, that “machines are already becoming better at communicating with each other than human beings with each other.”  Talking about deep things has become passé for so many.

If we don’t start worrying and unlove the machines, we are doomed sooner or later.  Sooner is probable.  Nuclear weapons are very real.  They are poised and ready to fly.  If we continue to live in denial of the madness of those who provoke their use while calmly promoting first-strike policies as the U.S. government does, we are worse than fools.  We are suicidal.

As Daniel Ellsberg told us, “Don’t wait ‘till the bombs are actually falling.”  That will be too late.  There is no doubt that before a nuclear war can happen, we must go insane, normally so.

Let’s make the few protest voices in the wilderness the cries of hundreds of millions:

End nuclear weapons now before they end us.

Stop escalating the war in Ukraine now.

Make peace with Russia and China now.

“There is such a thing as being too late,” Martin Luther King, Jr. told us on April 4, 1967, one year to the day before he was assassinated in a U.S. government plot.

“We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence or violent coannihilation.”

Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.


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Categories: Edward Curtin, latest, Ukraine
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Jul 18, 2023 6:35 PM

It it were true that our rulers would never resort to nuclear war to achieve their aims, then how do you explain the politics of escalation against Russia pursued by them since the 2000s? Why do their puppets in the Ukraine insist on continuing the war until Russia is defeated and humiliated, knowing that Russia will employ nuclear weapons (tactical nukes at the beginning) if the Ukraine ever gains the upper hand and tries to enforce their plans?

What I think is that the Ukrainian war is the prelude to the 3rd Word War. It is designed as the last step on the way to “full-spectrum dominance” as layed out in the statements of the “Project for a New American Century” in 1997.

Our rulers think that they must force the issue now, because in a few years China may be too strong for them to defeat. They would happily sacrifice a few billion people for their ultimate goal of World domination.
Because they court nuclear war so flagrantly they probably think they can easily survive it. That makes me suspect that the US have developed a counterweapon against Russian nuclear attacks or have infiltrated the Russian nuclear forces.

Jul 11, 2023 2:44 PM

Ed is a great writer.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 17, 2023 5:02 AM
Reply to  Arnold

When at his best, which is often enough for me!

Jul 10, 2023 3:03 PM

That nukes don’t elicit the fear they once did isn’t entirely owing to their acceptance as almost passe.

It’s like the climate crisis in that it’s simply too big and too remote to worry about. Yes, we’re told by the media that everyone is terrified of The Bomb and The Heat.

But like (I’m sure) most of you, I don’t know a single person who considers either nukes or climate a major threat. I know plenty who were terrified of Covid.

Which points to what might well be humanity’s default position: it’s the “little things” that matter, not the “big things” (until they actually happen).

Jul 10, 2023 9:01 PM
Reply to  Howard

We also used to be shocked that politicians lied to us.

Not any more.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 10, 2023 1:53 PM

Considering how many big lies we have already factually uncovered, and that, IMHO, TPTB are more concerned with their own longevity, and get off on suffering and exercise of their power, I am inclined to believe that they don’t have the ability to actually scorch the entire earth.

Also, if Thermonuclear War, isn’t just a theory, the chances of survival, and the requirements to insure survival, are such that unless you have resources on the level of government, ain’t gonna happen, so why worry about it.

Yes, Thermonuclear War is a THEORY. No one really knows what will happen, when bombs of the magnitude they claim to have, will do when the first EMPs start happening. Imagine that the first ones start going off and the EMPs are so intense that the 90% of the projectiles coming in are rendered inert due to the impact of the EMPs upon all the electronics within.

I also think about all the effort they are expensing to control us, versus just destroying us.
They are primarily narcissists, and as I understand this mind set, killing themselves off would be antithetical.

I do think that they are more than willing to kill of 80% of us, slowly, and as painfully as possible. It is my opinion that war, famine, and pestilence will be their primary attack vectors. A playbook that is as old as time itself.

The only way to proceed in this world is by noncompliance, and shedding fear. If you comply and allow fear, you are already lost.

peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Jul 10, 2023 11:44 AM

“…We are closer to nuclear annihilation than ever before.
This is true. As the pattern of history shows, every empire eventually faces the war it is trying to avoid: but it does not see it coming. Unless the nuclear powers see what fate awaits Armageddon will not be averted. I have been silenced on a number of platforms for saying this. But the truth cannot be changed by denial; paradoxically, only by acceptance.

Human values
Human values
Jul 10, 2023 11:36 AM

The United States, with all its power, being the head of this Empire, the Kingdom of Satan, the world of sin, can do nothing with any of its fake powers. Discover the power behind your empire, and you’ll discover the truth of it. It’s all fake and lies.

The dollar bill that you think is god, is nothing. It is robbery.

It’s a thief. And it lies. And it wages its constant wars against humanity. It hates humanity. It hates God and life. But then again, it has no real power.

The money scam, the greatest of all these modern scams, is behind many of the other scams. You think you can’t do without money, that people aren’t able to survive without this evil money system scam, that this invention that was modern, that was born at one time, would be forever?

Nothing that is born is forever. Nothing that dies is forever.

The historical belief that money, state and capitalism are forever, is absolutely wrong. It’s a false belief. All of it.

You seem so attached to this world, its powers and lies, and you keep on strangling yourself with its narratives. Yet you fail to recognize your state because those in the wrong are never right. Those failing victims of lies believe lies.

It doesn’t matter what lie you believe. All lies are lies. You believe in nuclear war. I’m sure you believe in many other things too.

Why are you trying to scare your readers?

I only see it as an attempt to make followers to your fear-based illusions.

It’s not good.

Luckily, it’s not true, either.

Jul 10, 2023 11:42 AM
Reply to  Human values


Jul 11, 2023 4:46 PM
Reply to  Human values

You need one new law in the states. Each religious group may only appoint the proportion of politicians that corresponds to its share of the population. No one associated with the Freemasons or zionists may become politically active.

Matt Black
Matt Black
Jul 10, 2023 8:22 AM

lol we live on a spinning ball screaming through space at 1.3 million mph

Jul 10, 2023 11:55 AM
Reply to  Matt Black

At 66.6 degrees of tilt. Lol

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 12, 2023 12:47 AM
Reply to  Matt Black

And we’re still getting nowhere fast  :wpds_unamused: 

Jul 10, 2023 6:41 AM

“A global virus and for double insurance a coupled vaxx, will be a much more effective tool [than nukes] to clean the filth [ie, the Low Spenders]] and double shareholders profit..”

Many a true word is spoken in jest.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 10, 2023 2:23 PM
Reply to  NickM

“The fool laughs when no joke was intended”

– Paul Vonharnish –
(March 21, 2023)

Jul 11, 2023 3:57 PM

The “fool” (with a lower case “f”) is indeed a spectacle to behold.

Whereas the “Fool” (with a capital “F”), some would say, is the best humanity can hope for. I agree.

Jul 10, 2023 6:23 AM

There will not be a nuclear war and we have more pressing issues to concern us.

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 10, 2023 11:32 AM
Reply to  Hele

This is very accurate.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 10, 2023 5:53 AM

Oh yes, 1945-73 beginning with little & fat boy. virtually 30 yrs of testing.

Jul 10, 2023 3:36 AM

instant connection


so where are we going?

Snooty Fox in Southport.

lets go….

Still Here.

Its a kind of magic.

The Alzheimers hasn’t hit either of us yet..well maybe a bit…

She is just such a lovely girl to live with…sometimes a wicked sense of humour..

Things could be worse..both her sister and her best school-friend are exhibiting the most strange – almost paranoid behaviour…probably jabbed???

They make my wife (who is still cool) and me feel almost sane…

“So the CIA are coming to get you”…both my wifi – and
burner phone have been hacked”????

Yeh sure fine..they probably hack me too..

But Why The F’ck would The CIA have any interest in you???

“Be Serious”

So she is travelling down from Lancashire To London to stay with us again

Might yet find her a nice Boyfriend.

Though he would have be a Saint.

She can’t stop talking nonstop about complete and utter bollocks.

Especially as we get older, it is important to empathise and support our friends and tell the truth as gently and as slowly as we can. It doesn’t weaken them..it makes them stronger as they gradually connect the pieces….after a 3 year Psycho Attack sponsored by UK Gov tm

STATE OF FEAR (laura dodsworth)

Are the War Criminals in High Places, getting worried yet??

as The Excess Death Rate amongst the jabbed – goes above 40%

according to the Life Insurance Companies – who are very likely to know about these things..cos they have to pay out when these young highly professional jabbed kids drop dead

My kid carried on as normal – doing his job..he got tested but he didn’t get jabbed.. with the CLOTSHOT

Bright and not Daft – 3 kids now


Jul 10, 2023 3:11 AM

I would be ever so much more inclined to take the argument that nukes are a hoax if it came from somewhere other than an essentially Alt-Right forum where virtually EVERYTHING ever done is a proven hoax (sans proof).

Jul 10, 2023 2:21 AM

She blushed, I guess I did too….she quickly sneaked me into her bedroom – shush – my parents and brother are here – be really quiet..and she showed me her record collection….

So we have have got a date then….

Yeh but just Shut The F’ck Up…until we are out of here


Jul 10, 2023 1:22 AM

He was a British Soldier and he is still physically fit..about 20 years ago..he came back from some war…and for awhile he was sleeping on a park bench… Our neighbours at the time – both very busy – away a lot of the time……they liked their garden looking really nice… I was very busy too..often working 15 hour days, but always got home to my wife and kids every night… So she asked him to do our garden too..and he did… Look the bloke is ex SAS…and sometimes he can’t get his words out straight – like he has already been to war….and he seriously does not want to do any more war again… He was just trying to walk home..and these kids were seriously winding him – might have thought he was gay…??? Had no idea he was Ex Army… So he got arrested…The kids survived… My wife not only visited him in jail… A couple of years later..he was no longer doing our garden…he got really ill…but was living alone… He told us…that he was going into hospital for an operation… We both instantly volunteered to look after him, when he came out of hospital… My wife is not a nurse, but quickly learn’t to be..dressing his wounds down there. Total angel. That is some of the reasons I love her to bits Some teenage kids get sucked in to join the army, navy or air force for what seemed honorable reasons… Whilst I joined a Gliding Club..learning to fly… I bought my Second Camera and Enlarger from The Ukraine..so feel completely gutted, about what is happennng there now… Some of the most beautiful teenagers in the world – being mass slaughtered..and almost no one gives a sh1t. My Ex is OK..Her family comes from Serbia…so I get… Read more »

Jul 10, 2023 1:17 AM

“A little girl of seventeen in a mental hospital told me she was terrified because the Atom Bomb was inside her. That is a delusion. The statesmen of the world who boast and threaten that they have Doomsday weapons are far more dangerous, and far more estranged from ‘reality’ than many of the people on whom the label ‘psychotic’ is fixed.”
― R.D. Laing, The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness

Jul 10, 2023 7:27 AM
Reply to  draeger

Too true. A friend who acted as Social Worker in a mental health centre told us she learned to think of all people as crazy. Crazy and nice or Crazy and not so nice, people are crazy.

Jul 10, 2023 12:58 AM

I chose to not spend my life worrying and fighting. I let go, the madness will never stop, somebody will always want you on their team, fighting for their cause, anti this, anti that, stop this, stop that, yes yes, I understand…first they came for the socialists etc. But nah, it’s better to be at peace now and not give them your attention, that’s what they want. That’s why they are obsessed with propaganda, they want you screaming with hate or joy at each others throats over their thing, nah, I’m going to do my thing best I can amongst the noise.

Jul 10, 2023 5:02 PM
Reply to  Speedwellian

‘That’s why they are obsessed with propaganda, they want you screaming with hate or joy at each others throats over their thing, nah, I’m going to do my thing best I can amongst the noise.’

Indeed Speedwellian,you are absolutely right….and then having us spending loads of time arguing,debating,discussing,researching and then trying to unravel the enormous lies and fakery/hocus pocus.

‘Fun’ fact : Napalm/fire bombs/incendiary devices were invented in 1942… new technology back then.
The photos of the Dresden fire bombings are very similar to the ‘nuclear’ bombings. imo.

Jul 11, 2023 9:33 AM
Reply to  Claret

From the Vietnam War onwards, adding phosphorus to napalm (Agent Orange?) ensured that victims would continue to burn even if they dived into water.

Jul 9, 2023 11:44 PM

its OK to say Sorry..when you f’cked up and made a mistake…

just tell the truth, with as much details as you can rememeber..

Just Don’t Lie

if you are brave enough to tell the truth..and don’t lie..

You might get as old as me…

There is No EVIL in this world that can Compete

with Truth, Love and Justice

I never thought I would ever be in favour of the Death Penalty,,,not even for


I want to see him in Court First


Jul 10, 2023 6:18 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I truly respect your hatred for Blair.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Jul 9, 2023 11:40 PM

Increasingly desperate and dangerous Nazi 4th Reich mRNA premeditated mass murderers do increasingly desperate and dangerous things, – most especially as legal sledgehammers rapidly approach them across the Earth…

Herein lies the world’s #1 existential moral challenge…

Jul 9, 2023 11:05 PM

My girl and me, were born in the 1950’s…Yes we took the sugar lumps – anti-polio…so I asked her when was the first time you got jabbed..

She said as best as she remebers in was in 2016, when I got run over by a car on the way to my Dance Class…which smashed her leg to bits…

So when back home – my kids and I had to rearrange the furniture a bit,,,and help her get to the toilet..whilst she slowly recovered with a bit of Titanium in her leg – so she could eventually dance again – not professional or anything – more like AC/DC with Ballet and Yoga..

She is the last person I could imagine doing this…getting the syringe out (cos she ain’t trained as a nurse or anything – and neither am I)

She said to me…I have got to stick the needle in..

Why? because the Doctors told me, if I don’t do this..I might die.

She made a full recovery…

None of our family got jabbed during covid…except me.

They extracted my blood, and tested it – as I thought I was about to die…

I said am not allergic to Penicillin

Pump it in…

The Doctors and Nurses saved my Life..and said you can go home with your wife now

They could tell – my best chance of survival was my wife.

I had nursed her back to life..she did the same for me

Still here, and still in love.

Slowly getting better from being covid brainwashed


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 9, 2023 10:39 PM

Why can’t the existence or not of nuclear weapons be debated? Why must every belief we hold be protected at all cost?

Here’s a free to download book by Akio Nakatani, Death Object – Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax. Nakatani is not “bonkers” just for contradicting the nuclear weapons theory.

Miles Mathis also wrote a short report about the fakery that apparently went into the Bikini Islands nuclear bomb tests. http://mileswmathis.com/bikini.pdf

Though I make no claim either way, since I haven’t investigated into this topic enough, can’t people with discerning technical knowledge debate this issue?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 10, 2023 2:19 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

United States Nuclear Tests
July 1945 through September 1992

The above tests displaced the Earth’s magnetosphere and ozone layers as a disastrous consequence. The magnetosphere has not recovered since… Not to worry. >

Time to clean and paint up that hazardous home and property!!! Messy and unkempt houses are bad news in nuclear explosions!!! Be sure to paint your privacy fence and home siding in a high-quality gloss white paint!!! Your neighbors will love your good will and proud citizenship!!! Be sure to protect your loved ones from potential fires, and dust your furniture everyday!!!

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jul 9, 2023 9:35 PM
john hubbard
john hubbard
Jul 9, 2023 9:57 PM

I read that book a couple of years ago, very interesting. The still standing concrete structures in the city centres were a flag to me. It would be easy to carry out complete destruction of a predominantly wooden city with nukes i’m sure, but if the 1940’s concrete a hundred yards from “ground zero” withstands the blast, and the dead are almost exclusively burns victims then nukes weren’t necessarily present.

Edit: Another thing I remember from that book was the argument that with the technology advancements since the 40’s it is a great wonder why no “rogue” nation or individual hasn’t easily made a bomb. Oh, yes of course, that’s what the UN and NATO have doing all these years, policing the world to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Jul 10, 2023 7:51 AM
Reply to  john hubbard

“wonder why no rogue nation or individual hasn’t easily made a bomb.”

Nnations with nuclear weapons: U$A, UK, France, Israel, Russia, China, Pakistan, Korea, Norway; probably Germany. Sweden and Japan; maybe Iran.

Some are rogue nations with a heavy record of colonialist aggression (U$A, UK, France, Israel). The rest are just ordinary nations with a normal mix of aggression and self defence. But all have nukes, all held at bay by MAD.

Nuclear disarmament is a UN priority. So is Bio Lab disarmament.

Anyone remember The Phoney War — how soon it became Real War and how much damage was done before WW2 ended?

Some people may dismiss MAD as a hoax, but I think MAD is one of the factors holding back WW3. Nevertheless, total Nuclear Disarmament is preferable in case some political miscalculation leads to WW3 anyway. A nuclear & biological WW3 would cause even more death and destruction than a conventional WW3.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 20, 2023 9:45 PM
Reply to  NickM

Thats why we are making military laboratory experiments with viruses like hell.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 9, 2023 10:41 PM

Oh! I just mentioned the good professor above…

Jul 9, 2023 8:51 PM

This is scary, especially now that the world gets closer and closer to figuring out that a small group of people in the world operate with (previously) unimaginable power.

I wonder if it’s best to reach some kind of truce before they do something truly crazy (or just crazier than what they’ve done already)

john hubbard
john hubbard
Jul 9, 2023 8:45 PM

I am far away from having actual personal evidence having never seen one or worked in the industry or done the science so I can only use logical arguments:

1) It is unusual that since 1945 no “leader” or “nation” had used these weapons. They have happily played with every other known weapon ever invented as far as I know and nearly 80 years is a long time to resist the temptation.
2) As I said somewhere below in the comments, but it may not show up, the Pacific test sites and the Chernobyl area are teeming with life. Does “fall-out” only affect humans? Also Chernobyl continued to operate for 20 years after the blast, and the other 3 reactors were only closed down at the end of a reasonable lifespan, a fact I only learned recently.
3) If nuclear weapons are “real” in as much as they are really like the scenario we have been given for 50 years or so, then the world “leaders” who have a pretty good life and a pretty powerful control system set up, would not want to come out of their bunkers after the nuclear holocaust and not be able to re-establish their previous position. Therefore, they wouldn’t, and don’t need, to take the risk of using them.

Point 1 and point 2 suggest the non-existance of nukes and point 3 suggests that their use is likely against the interests of the elite who of course own and control all nuclear weapons.

Just my opinion.

Jul 10, 2023 8:21 AM
Reply to  john hubbard

“since 1945 no “leader” or “nation” had used these weapons.”

Conventional bombs or artillery shells loaded with a nuclear poison are routinely used by the U$A and NATZO. Euphemistically called ‘Depleted” Uranium, it is actually Enriched Uranium — enriched with minute traces of Plutonium (literally, the atom from Hell) which is the most poisonous atom ever discovered. Have you seen the horrendous birth defects in Iraq from use of DU by U$A? Have you followed the rise of cancer in Serbia after from DU by NATZO? What do you think will happen to pregnant women in Ukraine now that Britain has sent DU shells to the Kiev regime?. .

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 10, 2023 2:07 PM
Reply to  NickM

Thank you NickM. I replied to Mr. hubbard’s foolish assertions in my post below. Civil populations have no clue as to the toxicities of nuclear irradiation, and are too fucking lazy to investigate…

Jul 9, 2023 8:38 PM

I always love reading Edward Curtin and CJ Hopkins…but you can’t plan your life…sometimes it is a complete bowl of shite…I had already had my tonsils removed at the age of 7..both my Mum and Dad…both had false teeth – why – none of our family have been exposed to a nuclear attack so far as I know..

When I was 8, I was not well. My mum had already lost her Dad to apendicitis soon after www1 – in France..some of the British Soldiers..just stayed in France..trying to recover from The Flu

It was Oldham Royal Infirmary…and I had to put my hand up – and count down from 10-1..It was probably laughing gas – Nitrous oxide..but I didn’t feel a thing, till I woke up minus my appendix . The 15 year old nurses looked like angels from heaven.

My Mum grew up in France as a Peasant Girl with her Dad and Grandmother…

And they dropped dead – and my Mum was pretty much an orphan then

Nicest Mum any Son could ever have…

She was so much like my wife is

We are so lucky not to have done any of this warshit

She says are you coming then???


We both really liked Tony McPhee – Groundhogs – “thank Christ for The Bomb”

and we also liked WOMAD

I think the vast majority of the human race are nice people


Jul 10, 2023 2:30 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You’re a time-wasting, narcissistic fantasist, Tony, but I suppose I’ve got used to you well enough to ignore you entirely from now on…

Be well.

Jul 10, 2023 10:37 AM
Reply to  wardropper

It dawns on you now. Beyond tolerance and forgiveness, one must preserve one’s own sanity first .

Jul 10, 2023 8:59 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Well, I’ll admit it dawned on me a long time ago, but I suspected he needed help.

He doesn’t.

We just need to keep away from him in case he’s contagious.

Jul 10, 2023 10:54 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Give it a rest Tony.

Jul 9, 2023 8:37 PM
Jul 9, 2023 9:05 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Also from the front-line…

Gerasimov gets demoted. One of Prigozhin’s main demands a la ‘coup’. Go figure (I haven’t fully yet)… any suggestions?


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 10, 2023 1:10 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

UK Daily Mail? You can always trust British MSM on Russian news. Why would they lie? They tell the truth…..a truth seen from the City of London. Their truth.

Jul 9, 2023 8:28 PM

Perhaps you refuse to see that many you portray as not caring have gotten to the point where the multiple threats we all face every day are simply overwhelming. Perhaps you refuse to see that our owners have done their best to make that so. Perhaps those you condemn as “not doing enough” have tried in the past and gotten absolutely nowhere. Perhaps “those people” are tired now and have resigned themselves to grieving what’s already been lost and simply attempting to enjoy what little is left without reacting to the fear of something they now KNOW they cannot control. Why blame them instead of those who have orchestrated this idiocy? Why post their comments in some attempt to shame them into actions you never really enumerate beyond the idea that they should get out there and protest to stop the madness? Once again, the blame is all put on the people. Yes, people voted this system into being, but you too are part of that as well. We all are. As to skepticism, why would you find it AT ALL surprising that many simply do not believe in nuclear annihilation? After all the lies and deception, spanning generations, do you think it is simple to now discern what is true and what is not? If one has done the research and can now see through some of the biggest lies, why would you find it surprising that one would now question everything? What really was WWI about? How about WWII? Moon Landing – fake or real? The Gulf of Tonkin? 9/11? WMD? Covid19??? On and on the deception goes with some things being OK to question and others not. Which ones? HOW DO WE REALLY KNOW which were true and which not? Being skeptical of the narrative, particularly the… Read more »

Jul 10, 2023 1:02 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Here, here. I’m pretty much done with the ‘save it’ crowd. I’m not against them, I understand, I hope they find peace in it, make friends and have fun.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 10, 2023 1:25 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

I have been walking around in front of the Parliament day and night the last 10 years with a poster on my back “NO to WAR” and on my front “NO to NATO”, trying to wake up the Police, the peasants on the street and the Parliament MP’s.

So stop the crab that we are not doing something. Last year I even had 5 ballons with me with the wording P E A C E, to show my opinion and secure my voice was being heard.

Jul 10, 2023 2:43 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Erik, the police, the peasants on the street and the MPs don’t know what “NO to WAR” and “NO to NATO” means.

It’s exactly the equivalent of this wonderful Larson cartoon:
comment image

Jul 10, 2023 9:30 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Say not the struggle naught availeth. I know three women who taught their cats not to scratch the good furniture.

First and most important, they made sure the cat heard what they were saying, and understood what they had heard. This is a matter of tone, because cats are extremely susceptible to tone. Cat language makes and distinguishes between 200 meaningful tones.

Secondly, one makes the cat a present of its very own Pilates Mat, where it can scratch and stretch to generate endorphins, “a short-lasting deeply euphoric state following intense exercise”.

Top 10 Cat Songs by The Kiffness:

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 23, 2023 5:17 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Exactly like that. You have aced a likeness.

Jul 9, 2023 8:08 PM

Dr Amos N Wilson:
“It won’t be the dope pusher on the corner, or the pimp on the street that will destroy the planet. No, it will be a man in a lab coat, and a man in a business suit, with his finger on the button, that will destroy us all through nuclear annihilation.”

Excerpt from his lecture during Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars Era in the 1980s.

Jul 9, 2023 8:26 PM
Reply to  turesankara

Very true. Those who are the objects of misplaced trust are the greatest threats…

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 9, 2023 7:58 PM

What a crock. Dude takes my comment and infers I love nukes. Totally missed the point. I’ve been protesting US imperialism for over two decades. Instead of writing this esoteric bullshit trying to show how smart he is, the writer should go get some red paint and protest at the sub bases. Go for it.

Jul 9, 2023 8:29 PM

Don’t take it personally

edward curtin
edward curtin
Jul 9, 2023 8:34 PM

My friend – I never inferred that you love nukes. Rather, I highlighted that you said they were there for show and would never be used. That was your point and mine. Best also to not assume you know what I do or have done at sub bases.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 9, 2023 9:13 PM
Reply to  edward curtin

You neither.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 9, 2023 7:54 PM

It’s all coordinated propaganda!

From a year ago:

New York City’s Emergency Management Department released a 90-second public service announcement Monday featuring empty city streets and sirens going off in the background amid the rare event.

Then the talking heads (Tulsi Gabbard etc) go on Fox News to try and ramp up the fear – all echoed by a legion of mockingbird sock-puppets in social media.

NYC releases PSA for residents in the event of a nuclear attack
July 11, 2022

NYC Emergency Management Department issues Public Service Announcement for nuclear attack
David North
12 July 2022

The release of the public service message can only mean that NYC officials, acting on information they have received from Washington, believe that a nuclear war is now a distinct and even imminent danger. Rather than pulling back from the brink, Biden is escalating the reckless war against Russia. . . .

This leads to the brink of nuclear war with Russia: Tulsi Gabbard
Fox News
Jul 14, 2022

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 19, 2023 11:01 PM

It’s their inflexible script of establishment pseudo-reality. They all figure if they roll it out and figuratively goose step & cleave to it as the relentless sock puppets that they are it will eventually morph into some kind of successful reality. Oh brother. That is my view of NATO and the West in a little nutshell. Familiar, enough?

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 20, 2023 10:09 PM

I have said it before and it seems I have to say it again.

The nuking of NYC has been planned and already advertised more than once, so you better trust your local Government and the PSA.
https://youtu.be/d8kQImYo3Ww Watchmen – New York Destroyed……….for world peace.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 9, 2023 7:52 PM


“Devastating COVID-19 surge in Okinawa exposes lies that the pandemic is over”

Still flogging that deceased quadruped. There are two possibilities here. One is that this stuff is being churned out by unfortunate subordinates chained to a desk and fed a constant stream of coke to keep them from falling asleep through utter boredom. The other is that it’s software generated.


 “There is almost no COVID-19 genomic sequencing done in Okinawa,…”

(OH NO!)

“…and therefore it is unclear which variant or variants are fueling the ongoing wave. The only available data on variants is a June 24 tweet from an unverified source,”

(how convenient!)

“believed to be from a doctor who works in the COVID-19 ward of one of Okinawa’s largest hospitals.”

(Yeah right!)

And I reckon that decades of detailing the minutiae of “lessons to be learned from the recent yadda yadda” with accompanying dialectical jargon probably prepared the readers for this kind of thing:

“The data showed the following as the dominant Omicron subvariants in Okinawa for the week of June 5-12: XBB.1.9.1 (31.1 percent), XBB.1.5 (24.4 percent), XBB.1.16 (15.6 percent) and XBB.2.3 (11.1 percent). According to the most recent nationwide data, the dominant variants in Japan as a whole from June 5-19 were Omicron XBB, XBB.1.5 and XBB.1.16, which collectively accounted for 87 percent of sequenced cases.”  

There’s antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium,And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium,And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium,And iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium, …. 

Jul 9, 2023 8:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Covid has indeed ended.

It’s finally safe to emerge from the Burmese jungle. ‘World War Covid’ has officially ended. Time to once more celebrate life in all its fullness.

For the record, Covid ended at the exact nanosecond that the excessive responsive measures ended (approx. Jan. 2022) . For some, I appreciate, this may still be a harsh reality for another day, a reality yet to be fully revealed… too hard a truth to take at this present moment… perhaps for many years to come…

Nevertheless, let each enjoy their emergence from the costly, track-laying (to nowhere) jungle, whenever that may be and to wherever it may go  🙂 

Jul 9, 2023 8:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Pending comment fwiw

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 9, 2023 7:32 PM

The viral theatre ran out of steam so the Cold War theatre makes a return via Ukraine. Time for a Pearl & Dean intermission?

Jul 9, 2023 7:28 PM

Alex Krainer put forward a similar thesis in his 2018 book “Grand Deception. The Browder Hoax“.

Essentially that it is actually the direct intention of Western Elites to provoke nuclear war via a strategic Russophobia. No insanity intended, or assumed. After all, it’s been war-gamed with the latest AI tools.

We the virtue-signalling (but lacking real virtue) West will, of course, ‘win’. What could go wrong? Only ignorant Philistines will raise doubts. And what do they know anyway? Should they not simply go on their way and try to be more sycophantic to what Silicon Valley next offers …

Russian State TV around a week ago, showed a fairly lengthy segment on how a nuclear Armageddon would likely transpire:

From the likely locations of missile strikes, to the movement of subsequent dust clouds over the northern hemisphere (spreading south) and the subsequent negative changes in global temperature…

Australia btw came out tops in the simulation. First prize, at least temporarily. Though also uncannily reminiscent of the film “On the Beach (1957)” where the nuclear fallout spread slowly southwards…

Of course there’s still time to do something about it, for those (relatively few) sane people still left …

Maybe Syria has has made such a vital first move in banning the wayward BBC … a disgrace to all truly patriotic Brits (myself included)… (its latest sexual predator yet to be revealed as I write)…

Thunderclap Newman – Something In The Air

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 9, 2023 9:08 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

The problem with war gaming is that it still follows the ‘garbage in / garbage out’ rule. The UFA/West apparently war gamed one of their June offensive attacks, trying out all sorts of scenarios to find the optimum one for the desired results. (This isn’t something unusual, apparently this kind of simulation is now routine down to the tactical level.) Anyway, the only problem with this was that the opposition — the Russians — were billed as people with inadequate weapons and training who would run away at the first hint of an offensive. The result was that disaster where the UFA lost a bunch of armored vehicles, including some of their new Leopards.

The only scenario that results in a win with “Global Thermonuclear War” is — as used in the plot for “War Games” years ago — to not play. There isn’t anything that doesn’t result in mass casualties and a destruction of civil society. This was underscored in the 80s when information about England’s civil defense came out which described the official position as “bottle the civilian population up in cities and retire to our strategic bunker in Wiltshire”. People were a bit incensed at the time but obviously they have short memories — after all “It can’t happen here”, surely?

Jul 9, 2023 9:55 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

War Games (1983) is a great film, with its eternal message (similar to ‘Dr. Strangelove (1964)‘ )

… to be ignored at humanity’s peril …

The game of ‘3d Tic-Tac-Toe’ does have its merits over ‘Global Thermonuclear War’. Nobody gets hurt in the process, for starters, and CPU time isn’t unnecessarily wasted in excessively repetitive actions. Perhaps a problem more of the ’80s.

Maybe changing the nature of a game should be integrated into the objective of a game? One for game designers of the future to ponder (assuming that there is one, of course)… which isn’t a given these days  🤔 .

Jul 10, 2023 11:04 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

The BBC is a cancer in our society.

Jonathan K X
Jonathan K X
Jul 9, 2023 6:58 PM

Let me address the author on the off chance that he might abandon his superior judgement and dare to peruse the cesspool of comments from the unwashed masses:

Don’t worry. After your hero RFK Jr. eliminates the scourge of climate change and makes certain that all vaccines are as safe as mothers’ milk, he’ll make sure that all nuclear weapons are completely eliminated from every nation on earth– well, except for Israel, of course.

Jul 9, 2023 10:04 PM
Reply to  Jonathan K X

Thanks for contributing to the cesspool. Curtin is certainly right about one thing (actually he’s right about many things, but back to the point…). He is correct when he says that “many who comment on articles are either bonkers or trolls or both.” Yup, and far too many of the comments on Off Guardian prove this point, both for this article and for many others. Not all, so I do still read them, but I suspect they are not good for my blood pressure. But what do we mean by bonkers? The last few years, in fact the last few decades are enough to make anyone a bit bonkers, if by bonkers we mean prone to be overly suspicious of everyone and ready to believe self-contradictory conspiracy theories. Something more on the comments here on O-G: yes, before you ask, I do realise that some of them are sarcastic. I think I suggested some time ago that people who mean to be sarcastic might indicate it by putting their words in italics or labeling them with “sarc” or something like that, because really it can be hard to tell, and, well, we must admit a lot of people are pretty dumb, plus we tend to read over other people’s comments as fast as we can. I doubt my suggestion will have any impact, just as my suggestions that people try to write in coherent English and refrain from excessive use of profanity also fail to have any effect. But in a way, it’s just my problem. Maybe I should just read the articles and ignore the comments…

Jul 9, 2023 6:55 PM

If y’all want to glimpse the reason for our elites juicing imminent nuclear annihilation, just listen to Michael Hudson, Yves Smith and intelligent, knowledgeable commenters in this paper written by Hudson recently. The Catch 22 of an “optimum position”, that the unregulated (unleashed) financier set has created since the Clinton Admin unleashed the Banksters, has unleashed a race to full spectrum oblivion.


Human values
Human values
Jul 9, 2023 5:59 PM

God told me to fear nothing. That includes you and the ones you serve, the American government, its fear-mongering, its wars, its beliefs.

Your money and presidents and all their satanic powers will never be able to destroy humanity. You think they are all-powerful. They are nothing.

Only God is All-Powerful, and the morons and psychos you think are all-powerful are not.

This world of Sin is coming to an end, and you’re either with it or against it. Everyone has chosen their position. It’s already done in Spirit.

You like to worry and be in fear. It’s your choice. Eventually, you’ll see how much company you’ll have.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 9, 2023 9:14 PM
Reply to  Human values

Dood, be careful … trust in god? He has a pathetic track record vis-a-vis helping humanity. I don’t hold it against him. The Universe is big. I’d only suggest he tone down the hype and stop blame the victims.

Human values
Human values
Jul 10, 2023 11:16 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

Absolute truth can always be trusted.  

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 9, 2023 11:24 PM
Reply to  Human values

Good one. Look again 33 :-D.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 10, 2023 1:58 PM
Reply to  Human values

“If God were any good at solving problems, he would have simply snuffed Adam and Eve for lying to him about why they stole his apples. No more blaming snakes. No need for garden gates. No more Goddamn problems.”
– Paul Vonharnish –

Human values
Human values
Jul 11, 2023 3:38 PM

You’ve got it all twisted up. God is not the problem but the solution to every problem.

For example, when there’s a problem of a lie, the truth is the solution.

The same goes with the problem of evil, God being All-Good is the solution.


John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 19, 2023 11:05 PM
Reply to  Human values

Rooted in the natural laws. Someone or other said that when you jump off a cliff you don’t break the law of gravity you prove it.

Jul 9, 2023 5:40 PM

The will to alienate Humanity from itself, by the 1%, the ruling elite, has escalated by each WW as earth’s population fills occupancy, natural resources are exhausted and human resources become the last profitable exploitation. This is ecocide. We treat these elites as though they are our trusted Parents and we Children. Well folks, childhood period is 2078 years over. And we have moved from living in their spare bedroom to the their locked cellar, until THEY figure out what to do with us. But what WE need to realize is that we can stop obeying, following, even listening to these tottering sociopaths and start becoming self-governing societies of adults designing a future for Humanity without nukes and war, poverty and scarcity, and learning to love ourselves by creating Ecotopia from their now Dystopia. As we see in the hyper negative nihilist narratives cited, the thought that humans can create and design together a Eutopia has been beaten out us since year zero by the Bad Parent Teachers running Earth empires. It is mandatory for their continued control, for us normies to see ourselves as fatally flawed (i.e. original sin?) requiring obedience to the decision making of “exceptionals”, parents as they want to pretend. I remember a modest painting I saw in a downtown San Francisco gallery shortly after Kurt Cobain committed suicide. A man’s body, gun in hand, lay bloody face down on the floor of a room slightly like Matisse’s Red Room. Directly behind his body was a large window showing a brilliant view of a tree and grass filled sunny day left gone to waste. This picture to me is our picture today. Listen to the self-ordained bad-parent overlords and blow your brains out. Or listen to oneself as a manifestation of Universe providing us, Humanity, the… Read more »

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 9, 2023 5:36 PM

Lost in the wash over Ukraine is the years of constant provocation, of finding any and every excuse to ratchet up the pressure on Russia. It seems that we’ve been doing this for so long that its ingrained in our mindset so we may not notice what we’re doing but looked at it objectively its like a form of bullying, we do it because we can and we always have. Anyway, eventually there was a reaction and like all bullies our reaction is to act all surprised and hurt while at the same time loudly proclaiming that we’ll just push the little squirt over and put it back in its place. This hasn’t happened and we’ve been left scrambling for solutions, invariably ones that escalate the situation. What we have done successfully in the West is run a media campaign that, among other things, convinces everyone that before February 2022 everything was sweetness and light in the area, Ukraine was a beacon of democracy and progress etc. Its a snow job — whatever the actual circumstances of the “SMO” (“looks like a war to me”) I personally resent being led around by the nose. We all live in an ocean of propaganda but we don’t need to drink it in. Having created a narrative around Ukraine (“that plucky little country standing up to the big, bullying, bear”) we’re doing the same sort of thing in Asia. China has definitely got too big for its boots so we need to take it down — we need its resources, cheap labor and markets but we have to be running the show for our benefit. Unfortunately China has other ideas so while our propaganda campaign is doing reasonably well (“a dictatorship of automatons that thrives off slave labor and stolen IP”) it keeps… Read more »

Jul 9, 2023 10:08 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Good points.

Jul 9, 2023 5:14 PM

False Flag on Zaporozhye Power Plant Imminent?

a false-flag attack on the Zaporozhye nuclear plant is now being intensively prepped. The Kiev regime has stepped up public warnings that Russian forces have mined the ZNPP and are going to blow it up. Of concern is that Western media are amplifying these claims regardless of the fact that the IAEA inspectors have said they see no evidence that Russia has mined the nuclear station.

“Kiev regime is ordering civilians to evacuate from areas near the ZNPP, while its intelligence and military chiefs are outlining “contingency plans” on how to deal with the fallout from an alleged Russian strike. All this is a tad too theatric, indicating orchestration.”

 Putin might blow up the ZNPP to bolster his frayed authority, his perilous moment. In that event NATO should intervene with troops on the ground in Ukraine, says British Times

–Finian Cunningham:

btw, NATO meeting July 11

Jul 10, 2023 11:14 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The Ukrainian fascists are clutching at straws. The British Times ?? WTF.

Jul 10, 2023 6:57 PM
Reply to  Grafter

British Times: Evidence of a propaganda campaign which cd be prep for false flag.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 9, 2023 4:52 PM

RE: The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man.”

The chorus of the song featured prominently in the new Wes Anderson film Asteroid City is “you can’t wake up if you’re not asleep.”

The film/play is set next to a nuclear test site. It is hard to say what the film is about. I couldn’t help wondering if the song was a comment on “woke.”

Jul 9, 2023 4:45 PM

What is to become of us all. The world blunders on and the powerful plot and stratagise, intent on seizing evermore power. Creating greater warheads and salavating over mass distruction. Some days I sit in my garden and listen to the birds sing and watch as Butterfly’s and other insects dart about amongst the flowers, planted to offer them food and sanctuary.Our fragility within this realm, our shear miracle of existence so palpable. Why when this world and our place within it is so fragile would anyone choose to distroy it all. And yet there are those who plot against it. The most worrying thing in this thought provoking piece is in our understanding that there are so many people who just don’t seam to care. They don’t wish to even contemplate the danger we are in. Many will have enthusiastically donned masks, kept themselves in isolation for over two years and had untested substance’s injected into their body for a perceived threat of great magnitude to the human race. And virtue signal to the world how much they care for their fellow humans. Yet happily they now appear to go about their lives and even chear and goad on this escalation into world war and it’s potential loss of life and mass distruction of all. It is becoming clear that even many who began by questioning the official narratives and who began seeing through the fog of propaganda and lies have now reached such a state of alienation. They don’t now actually seam to believe in anything. A post truth where everything becomes conspiracy and everyones voice other then their own is just that of controlled opposition. So nobody can be trusted or understood to be doing their best to voice or draw attention to what we face. Rendering… Read more »

Jul 9, 2023 4:50 PM
Reply to  Kathy

I refer to the above piece by Mr Curtin and intended mass destruction and not mass distraction. Though I am sure some will tell me this escalating of NATO is just a distraction.

Jul 10, 2023 11:28 AM
Reply to  Kathy

Agree entirely. The Covid Scamdemic proved how easily whole populations can be indoctrinated through fear to accept and conform to the agenda of a tiny minority. Acceptance and normalisation was the end result. Now we are dealing with a situation where both these attributes are once again evident only this time we are looking, not at a fake virus, but with a real threat to all who live on this small planet.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 10, 2023 1:52 PM
Reply to  Kathy

Hello Kathy: You stated: “It is becoming clear that even many who began by questioning the official narratives and who began seeing through the fog of propaganda and lies have now reached such a state of alienation. They don’t now actually seam to believe in anything. A post truth where everything becomes conspiracy and everyone’s voice other then their own is just that of controlled opposition. So nobody can be trusted or understood to be doing their best to voice or draw attention to what we face.”

Yes. Well said. The propaganda technique is well established in think tank institutions such as the Rand Corporation. Examples: > https://www.rand.org/topics/ukraine.html

The spin is always coached in “helping” people… by stuffing them with bullshit.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 9, 2023 4:34 PM

All right, enough is enough. We have been “talking it over” for 23 years by now and nothing happens. I choose the violent coannihilation, lets go! (sarc).

Dear Ed, pls be aware that one or more of your references may be sarcastic comments to the situation. As you may know humour is not that bad to overcome a difficult situation.

Everything you read should not be taken literally, neither the trolls and neither the humouristic ones..You have to filter it for what it is.

One more thing: Many front figures in Russian TV have been telling Kremlin that they miss a big punch in the face of US, to show the pervert there is a line. Otherwise the pervert will continue to seek a new bottom.
This dragging out sitting on the fence, wait and see, is seen as weakness and doesnt work with US.
Again we have to neutralize and get rid of any pervert. One way or the other.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 9, 2023 5:54 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

“Dragging out this cyber war in Ukraine and sitting on the fence while at the same time being called a threat to humanity is the role mr Putin has been assigned by the globalized bankster /profiteering faction of the worlds current elites he so wishes to be part of ! He is perhaps the only politician adroit enough to pull it off , Machiavelli’s Prince comes to mind ?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 9, 2023 4:05 PM

Look mommy! Bombs go booooom!!! See the big bombs??? Bombs go booooom!!! Duh…
United States Nuclear Tests
July 1945 through September 1992

United States Nuclear Tests July 1945 through September 1992 (osti.gov)

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 9, 2023 9:22 PM

Thank you.

Jul 9, 2023 3:27 PM

Didn’t Eisenhower say something like that, despite bulldozers plowing mountains of the dead into mass grave trenches before thousands of wide-open eyes, people would eventually claim it never happened.
The passage of time and the death of the generation proves his prescience.
This time ’round, I started to think and feel, and then came to believe, that people have come to think that nuclear war is survivable, and that therfore it is inevitable.
Once I realized that this psychosis is securely embedded in global political policy and strategy, I then accepted its inevitabilty, stopped fearing it, ordered a couple of high-power VHF, IP67, HAM-upgradeable, walkie-talkies and enough IOSAT (potassium iodide) tablets for friends and family to join the afterglow-party and survive for at least a couple of weeks.
You’re right, and put it all so well, except, this time ’round, based on a lifetime of experience, I won’t be writing letters to the editor or my MP, distributing buttons and leaflets, making colourful, striking banners or heading out on the street to try to convince anyone of anything.
Instead, I imagine having survived and trying to figure where to start cleaning up the mess, like the Germans, after Dresden and the Japanese after August, both of whom survived without IOSAT or hi-power, personal walkie-talkies.
When I was in Germany, in 2001, the news reported completion of the restoration of a church, destroyed during WWII, about 60-years later.
Unfortunately, nuclear war will be survived.
When it happens to you?
Remember the Germans and Japanese.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 9, 2023 3:46 PM
Reply to  Matt

There is no such operation as a “Limited” nuclear exchange in terms of human survival. The release of less than seven warheads, even “limited” to certain geographic areas, eventually contaminates Every Living life form on the planet. The radio isotopes would take tens or hundreds of thousands of years to decay to half-life status.
Persons who “believe” these weapons do not exist, are functionally insane and a danger to themselves.

Jul 9, 2023 6:24 PM

The fact they do exist is where you insanity exists I’ve had more than enough of listening to these inhuman soulless war mongering psychopaths

john hubbard
john hubbard
Jul 9, 2023 7:32 PM

Could you explain how it is possible for the pacific islands where nuclear tests were carried out to be teeming with nature? Or the area around Chernobyl. Does this contanination and “fall-out” affect only humans?

Jul 10, 2023 11:31 AM
Reply to  john hubbard

So that makes nuclear annihilation ok in your book does it ?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 10, 2023 1:39 PM
Reply to  john hubbard

Hello john: These “teeming with nature” stories would be much more accurate if the authors would utilize the term: “Teeming with mutations”…
I guess mutilating life is OK, as long as stupid assholes have crumbs to stuff their faces with…

Winney the Pooch
Winney the Pooch
Jul 22, 2023 4:11 PM
Reply to  john hubbard

It has effect only on the human psyche

Jul 9, 2023 4:17 PM
Reply to  Matt


Something you might find of interest, if you are not already aware, is a map of the Village of Braunschweig, 1948, by Bollmann-Bildkarten studio.


If you are unfamiliar with the extraordinary isometric Bollmann-Bildkarten (maps), have a *look at their classic NEW YORK CITY map, prepared for the 1964, NY World’s Fair.

Here’s and excellent intro to the work of B-B.


The first map produced was of the town of Braunschweig 1948
(Trümmerplan-Nachdruck), which shows the city in ruins with rail tracks laid, used for moving debris, snaking throughout.

Not sure that map can be found online.

There are plenty of sites with the NYC map, below is just one example.

It’s a useful and informative image to behold, something like Surviving Bombardment and Immolation For Dummies, or MELCHIOR FESELEN’s (1495-1538), Historienzyklus: Belagerung der Stadt Alesia durch Julius Caesar und der Kampf gegen Vercingetorix, 



Jul 10, 2023 11:27 AM
Reply to  Matt

Remember what Eisenhower did in Germany.

Jul 9, 2023 2:55 PM

All the corporations, masquerading as the nations mentioned above, don’t make sovereign foreign policy decisions, in my humble opinion.
There are layers and layers of power structures way above each one of them who make those decisions which must be executed, since the UN & the BIS has them all under legal contract.
The old system has reached the end of its useful lifespan, and is being intentionally ‘steered’ towards a state of crisis, as they psychologically “manage” the world’s population through this transition.
The new system will then be offered as the ‘solution’, you only have to look at the list of seventeen UN-SDG’s to see what this new-normal may look like.
This will not manifest when enough people see through the ruse, we do not consent.

Jul 9, 2023 3:22 PM
Reply to  Freecus

Exactly. All these ‘crises’ are being stage-managed to prime us for what’s in store. To heck with the Great Reset — it’s time for the Great Resist!

Jul 9, 2023 2:03 PM

Why do we have the UN, for peace?
It was set up to give power to the security council and the others for show..

The WHO on the other hand, every big nation went along with their bullshit and are cool with them getting more power?

Jul 10, 2023 1:38 PM
Reply to  Rob

‘Health scares’ nicely tap into the masses’ fear and narcissism, so they will gladly hand more and more power to the ‘health authorities’. That’s why when the mark of the beast arrives, it will be linked to our health/safety so the masses will trample over one another to take it.

Jul 9, 2023 1:31 PM

You should start a poll on this site to gather what we readers do think. I believe they have weapons of mass destruction and I believe they are nuclear. I’ve been to a vibrant Hirashima City and visited the museum there . the yearly letters of appeal from the Mayor to the US President to get rid of nukes go totally ignored.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 9, 2023 3:58 PM
Reply to  David

Yes. And no one wishes to confront the ongoing rates of birth defect and cancers enjoyed by civil populations located in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and in numerous locations within Iraq. Depleted Uranium (used in artillery shells during the Gulf war(s)) posses half-life decay rates of hundreds of millions of years.
Persons who deny the dangers of nuclear release are obviously morons, at best.

Jul 10, 2023 11:35 AM

I think they are the ones who believe that hiding under the table will save themselves from nuclear annihilation.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 10, 2023 1:33 PM
Reply to  Grafter

“Progress: We’ve progressed from a generation of experts that graduated from hiding under their desks, to a generation of experts that are hiding behind their desks. Wonderful…”

– Paul Vonharnish –

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 9, 2023 1:04 PM

One thing –possibly even the main thing – that came out of covid was the realisation that the lies of the media could be – and, in the case of covid, were – a lot bigger than anyone previously suspected. And by bigger I mean fundamental, long-lasting, “certified” by any number of bought experts, “validated” all the way across the political spectrum etc. This realisation should prompt every genuine thinker to take a more critical view of all received wisdom as well as that “historical record”.

I am aware that an all-inclusive cynicism (“Everything is fake!”) is self-defeating. But I think a suspicion about all received wisdom is essential. As for “nuclear awareness”, well considering how the mass protests against lockdown were effectively “disappeared” by the media, I don’t see how a mass protest against nuclear weapons would fare any better. (Assuming, that is, that the  rulers would want to “disappear” it.) And if some nutter up there really did want to start nuclear Armageddon, I don’t see how he could be stopped considering how such a confrontation no longer requires the signing up of troops, or the support of mass movements etc. This isn’t defeatism. Just a statement of fact considering the presumption of nuclear war as a genuine threat.

But I have never thought the ones lording it over us were stupid. They would realise that nuclear attack – granted, once again, that the vision of nuclear weapons we have been sold is actually correct – is clearly suicidal for any human considering the possibility. Even if a small group survived, what would their surrounding environment be, granted, yet again, that regular vision of nuke attack.

In short, the spectre of nuclear holocaust is such that nuclear weapons serve no feasible purpose – expect as scare props.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 9, 2023 4:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Unfortunately, Curtin doesn’t do anything in this piece that dispels nuclear weapons as “received wisdom.”

Relevant or not, Hollywood (a crucial center of propaganda) will release this summer a major film all about one of the inventors – Oppenheimer.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 9, 2023 6:56 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Yes I noticed that. And the show goes on. And on.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 9, 2023 11:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Alright Ed, here we go. As you may know the universal rule is to advice all big events beforehand.
So here from Hollywood the nuke and WMD on NYC. https://youtu.be/d8kQImYo3Ww

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 9, 2023 9:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Surrounding environment? Sharing a stovepipe smoothie with Yuval Harari served by a fetching robot 500 meters under Denver … what’s not to like?

Jul 9, 2023 12:40 PM

Thank you for your thoughts. Yes, i am a »boomer« too, and as a child i remember playing in the rubble and the ruins that were left over of my town of birth, whose center burned down in a firestorm similar to the one that destroyed Dresden. Yes, this would not just be regarded as being impossible, but actually unthinkable nowadays. Today, children the age i was then use to not just wear helmets when cycling, but often even when just walking around. But i digress. It is about 25 years ago now, this little episode that came back to me immediately after reading your essay. The old house i was living in at the time had survived WW II with cracks everywhere, but as older neighbours told me, was still standing because of a special way of construction that was necessary for the ground there had still been too wet for a conventional way of building. The gigantic blast of an air mine nearby that they had survived in its basement had made the whole house roll over like a ship at sea, they told me. It remained structurally intact though, but all the younger buildings around it came down. That is the context for what i remember and would like to share. I know, only few people take context into account these days … One day i called the landlord to ask about the cracks in the floor of the balcony that resulted from said events. Recently water was seeping through them in greater amounts, as the neighbours below us had told me. A young lad of a company into sealing cracks in houses showed up to have a look and evaluate what may be done. I showed him the cracks and mentioned where the came from. And… Read more »

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 9, 2023 12:17 PM

I’m too worried about the rising cost of living to worry about nuclear war.

Jul 9, 2023 5:26 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Same here, I’m getting my monthly bill this week & I’m dreading how much it will be 🙁

Joe Smith
Joe Smith
Jul 10, 2023 8:08 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Me, too. Very worried. But it’s easier to write generalizations about nuclear war than to write practical articles giving people advice on how to survive when everything, especially rents, costs to much.

Jul 10, 2023 2:52 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Stop paying your corrupt council. Stop paying for energy which is free.

Jul 10, 2023 2:52 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Or more accurate, it’s already paid for.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Jul 9, 2023 12:09 PM

Whether there are ‘nukes’ or not and whether they would be used for whatever reason (who has the cost benefit analysis of that btw) one point remains a fact “the feeling that they have no power because that has been drilled into them from birth” is in the words of some 80s band more than a feeling. In fact it’s called history.

ursel doran
ursel doran
Jul 9, 2023 7:49 PM

Whether there are nukes or not answered here Sir.

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
Jul 10, 2023 6:41 AM
Reply to  ursel doran

Thank you, however that was a government document/source ( has to be seen as a conflict of interest/contaminated source/prejudicial interested party).